Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 04, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid It advance, or within three mouth... IS t
If paid after tbrM ud before fix month... t 60
It paid after tbe eipiretloa of til uonbu... I
Miuri. I. M. PlTTMaiLL A Co., JTaW-
paper Ad-artieing Agent, 17 Perk Row, comer
batsmen Btreet, ar our duly eataeriied Agent
io Naw York City.
Methodist Enleoonnl ChurchRv. J. 8,
M. Mt RiT. Pastor. Tory fiebbath
it 101 A. M.( end Ti P. M.
Babhuth School et 9 A. M.
Praver Meotio erery Wed need it. at TI P. M.
Communion Bervioe, first Sabbath nf erery
tomb, i 10 -A. a.
West Clearl-eld M, E. .iurrh.--.Kv.
W. Bcott Wixror, Pastor. Preaching every
alternate Sunday, at oolonk, P. M. Sunday
Bohool at li, r. M. All an lovlted to atload.
Preebyterlan ChurchRev. II. 8. Dbtirr.
Sabbath service morning and erening Bab
baih School at I P. M. -Prayer Moating Wednee.
day evening.
llaptlst Church Rev. , Pastor.
Kibbetfa SeiiooletS P.M. Prayer Meeting every
Wedueadey evening.
Mt. Francis' ChurchCatholic Rot. P
J.BeRRinAR. Divine service at 10i A. M., on
tha flrst, third and fonrtb Sunday! of aab month
Voepers and Bonediottoa of tha ttleeoed Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Bunday Bohool every bunday
afternoon at o ciooa.
tiui or ioLDiao qi'.iter irmioh oourv.
Hecoad Monday of January.
Third Monday of March .
Firtt Monday af J una.
Fourth Monday af September.
tub or aoLSiKO coanon FLRA.
First Monday of June,
Hooond Monday of NoTambar.
pdilio ornciaa.
Pruidtni Jtdoa Hoi. Charles A. Mayor, of
Lock liar on .
Amalaal Law Judga Hon. John H. Orvl. of
AiaH Judgaa Abram Of don, Clearfield
Vincent 11. Holt, Ciearneia.
Vototarlli Bloom.
R,git and Rttordarli. J. Morgan.
TYeataret Philip Dotte.
Dittriet Attorn J. V. McKenrtok.
Skvriff James Mahaffoy. - 1
Deputy Sheriff
County Sumy or flam nal F. MoCloikay, Cur
iiWmn-C. W. Kyler, Graham
ton P. O.; Blah Johnston, Grampian Hilli P. 0.;
Commitaioutra' tWr jonn w. liowe.
ink NAFvla. flr.. Curwensvtlle.
County Auditor William V. WrigM, Cloar
flotd ; Joseph Oilliland, Thraa Hun j J. o. or
! WnnrlUnd.
Count w Vormnar3. B. Naff, Naw Washington.
Jury Cumwtiaaionara AndrewJ. Jackson, Ulcer
Bed, Win. R. Brown, Clearlleld.
Smparintandrmt Public SoieoUU. L. Mo Plaarfiflld.
Haalaraf Wrigkf d Hanaurta Jeeee W.CarlUe,
office at Lutbersourg ra.
Notarim Public John W. Wi-lgley, Wm. Ra
debaugh, Cyrni Gordon, Clearfield i Joseph R,
Irwin, N. B. Arnold, CurwoniTlUt ; J. A. Living
itono, DulJoli City.
Oar Sptial ooluinn la daoldwlly InUraiting In
a local point of Ttow, and profitable reading to
outalderi who want to aavauoney.
"Will you Uka whokt, oaU or ecrB for lub
critlun f" Wa aro often inquirtd of la this way
by Uttar from patrons who rosldo at a diitanoa
from Clesrfleld. Wa again say yes. Tho reeelpti
of a rofponstbla merchant or will own In too
Tloinlty, will answer as Ju-t aa woll as the oesh.
To Ullustrale : If any of oar patrons will deliver
at a big of grain at the mill of Joieph H. Bretb,
In Chest townahlp, Boraoe Pntohln, In Bnrnsida,
Thomas II. Foroey, in Graham, Wm. Porter or
Bhaw'i, tn Lawrenoa, or Drown A Bayler's, at
Rock ton, Union township, and forward their
receipt for the amount, we will eradlt them on
their account for the same. In this way all may
aeon pay what they owe, if they will punoe this
eonree. tf.
All vcrti sure and otbora will boar
In mind that all artioles inlended for poblloetlon
la this peper must be hooded la, not ir ia
Tuesday, at ff A. M. Don't forget It t I
There will only be one wcok of
Coart In March.
- - - N
The Mail train was one bonr late on
Tuesday nooa, caused by the deep enow.
The Win tor is almrwt pant and the
harvest of tba Ott company is aeartng iu enu
mm i
Clover flood is Helling at S6 50 per
bushel la Clesroeld, end Timotbj seed at J.
The increase in daylight is getting
aultt perceptible, aa Is also tba decrease ia gai
Pr. Hills and lieoreo Weaver havo
both rctOTered from Ibeir illness eo mneh as to be
able to be out In fine weather.
The last quarterly meeting ot tbin
Conrerenoe year will ae neid tn ma vieerneia m
B. Church next Beodey, February 8th.
A brakomen on the Local Kreiirht
had one of his hands badly lojered at Bna Ball
on Monday afternoon, while aoupling ears.
The present fall ot snow will be used
nigbt and day by timber hanUri. This will enable
a Urge quantity of limber to be put oo the t Ivor
This month begins and ends woll,
having a Bunday at each end and three la (be
middle. This occurs but once tn twenty-eight
Ex-Congressman Jenks, of Brook
Till, was In attoadaaoa at Coart all last week,
baring been engtged ae eoumel la a number of
This kind of woatbor Is very trying
to freit trees. The mild weather of toe p ast few
weeks caused the bode of apple trees to swell con
siderable. . - mm a -da
The fine display of vakntines at the
PostoBce Book Store reminds as that fit. VaUa-
tlne's day Is looming np la (hi distance. Saturday,
February 14th, Is lb time.
The Leonard Graded School will
have a graduating clasc af Bra the aiming
Spriog. Tbe Commencement exercises will take
place tha latter part af March. '
Uov. K. J. Gray, A. M., President ot
the Willlamcport Diakimoa Seminary, delivered
two able aermom la tba M. 1- Church tn this
place last Sunday morning aad evening.
i mm mm
. MrK. Catharine Carr, of Lawrence
township, died In tba 7tn year of bar age, in
stead of the 9H at publlibed la this paper last
week. We republish tba notice of bar death as
m o mm -
If g. h. didn't aee his shadow on
Monday last. It wae oa eceeuat af a lack of
avoirdupois In his Porcine Majeity'sfotmte titer
- ecpt tba reya af light. "Old Sol" done bis doty
that day, shinning naaatlfally.
TbeAltoona Weekly Call, made up
from tha matter appearing In tha Daily, has
. made tte appearance oa oar table. It La neat aad
full of Interesting reading. Wa wish it abundant
prosperity, B B. flelaes Is editor aad manager.
A chango occurred recently in the
firm of Blgler, Young A Reed, inunders and ma
ehinlate,af this place Qcorge S. Young has re
tired from tba Irm, bis latere having been pur
chaead by Meciri. Bigler A Reed
The Rxeuatora ol the estate of John
Bebourtob, lata af Brexly towoeblp,weaaead, will
afftt a number of tract ef land for sale no Mon
day, March 1ft, tbe particulars of wbl"h can be
bad by referring to the advertlemnt la another
column. Thii property Is all embraced la tbe
Stump creek ell territory.
- 1 mt hi
The Punxsulawney Spirit, of the
324 R,sayst 'A tew days aiaee n cheek wee
prreenied for pay men', at Maboalag Bank ahiee
was lseue April Mtb, I71. It was tented by
tbe Coaler of Mahoning Bank le R. A. Theeap
ee, af ladiaaa." It has bee almost eight years
fatting crowed.
lie. Hiles C. Partloe baa been en
gaged by tha publishers af the Altoana Mmtmif
friaeae ta report tbe daily praccodiags af tbe
Caairal Peeasylvaala CoaTereaee for that Jeaiaa I,
Tba tWeeier erin be rtrnlsbad daHy daring the
ecetea of Conference: to lobicrlbers Ibroaghoat
tba accede af that body Ut Sfteea aaata.
Don't forget to vuit Tanbor 'sColuin
bai Clock, wbieb will be em asbibiUon tn tba
amet etewa ream la Pia'i Open Howea aa There-
day af this woe It it tea feet high, It fact
wide, weighs 1,5 PS poeadi, and la lei 4 ta hare
more bcvibj Bnree aa4 ImporUat dial ladlea
tionraa4 naadarfnl meebaaiiea, tba a any ether
iltne-f'efr ffpf isjfftjtd -
Thora will be a meeting at the Coart
House knClearfleld, on Thantday evening, Febru
ary fta, 1880, for tha purpoae of organising a
Relief Committee ta solielt aid far the starving :
people of Ireland. Mart Citiibhs. 1
' Snow. Tim heart oi our lumber-:
men were made glad on Tuesday morning by a I
fall of ill Inches of "the beautiful snow," with
tattering prospects for more. The g. h. has re
deemed hie reputation ae a weather progoostlea. ,
ttr tble time, provided the avid weather and now
bold oat for sg weeks.
Fob Sport. Throe full growu rata
at one Caleb wes accomplished oa Monday eren
tng, by an employe of tbleoSot, la tba cellar of
hi residence. The means need were a piece of
roasted aheaae aad a wire trap,opeoed at one and.
Timet Three boars. It wasn't a eery good time
lor rats, either.
Lost Lost, on Monday morning,
February Id, some where between Broadway
school house, In Ferguson township, and Our
wens villa, a ladlet' brown waterproof clraalar,
with eaue. Any one Indiag and Mural a g the
tame ta this oAm, or Harry Hemphill, or will
give Information concerning lu whereabouts, will
be lllwrally rewarded.
Oscar Mitchell, Ksq., publishes no
tice la this Issue of bis appointment as Auditor
to distribute funds In tbe bands or the AJulnis
trator of John VanUrabrant, deceased, lata of
Ilnstua township, and alio to dlrtrlbute proaeedi
arising from tbe real citato or Wm. 8. Diokuy,
lata f Beccaria township, deceased.
i mmu 1
Lmt of lotters remaining unclaimed
In the PoitoAoe at Clearfield, fur tbe week endtag
February I, ISM t
JameeH. Blyler, J. 11. Hullng, William Hill,
Clement H. LinvUle, Lydla May, Miu Bertie
Smith, Miss Joiie Trade.
P. A. Oaulir, P. M.
mm S
A sallow complexion, a languid,
spiritless state ef mind, and aa eabaaeted debili
tated condition of the body, ts always rsmedled
by taking Berosma, and Dandelion aad Man
drake Pills.
Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Tltasvllle, Pa.,
and for sale by all druggists In Clearlleld, and
Joseph fleyler A Son, Lutheraburg. feb-4-St j
Many of our citiiona are applying to1
Agent McKnalty for policies In the Equitable
Life Anorance Society of tbe D. 8, The policial
of this company are free from arduoni conditions
and technicalities, and payment ot them caned e
difutd on tbe part of the Society after they ;
have been In force) three years. We know ef no :
other company that make Its policies imvniitt. !
Weakly Persons Wine. Old and
In Qrni periens need some mild tonlo or gentle
stimulant, especially In warm weatber. The '
wine made at Spoor's Monat Proipcet Vineyard i, j
In New Jersey, called 8 peer 'i Port Grape Wine, j
li ureJ in the AtlinUe States ee tbe beit tpnle
wine known, and is regarded as pure, and is very
popular among physicians. For sale by E. W.
Graham, druggist, Clearfield, Pa.
CubioubCaseop Starvation. Mm.
Harriet Breon, who resided a few miles east of j
Aaroniburg, Centre county, died from pure
starvation io tbe midit of plenty. BcTcralyetn ago
she Brit experienced some little difficulty in swal
lowing, but did not feel eny perceptible change
uniil three months ago, when tha taking of any
kind of food was done only with great effort.
Within the last few weeks she could swallow
nothing at all, nut even milk. Her attending
pbyiloiaa made a post-mortem examination and
proved bis liagnoiii to bare been correct strict
ure of tbe SMophagm of a canceroui nature.
If you wibh to sond your children
to a good school tha coming Spring, we would re
spectfully call your attention to the advertisement
of Prof. Youngman In this paper. He will open a
school for Instruction In tha common and higher
English branches and also In tbe elaielc. The
tuition Is Died at very reasonable prloes, A
Normal elaas will alio be formed In connection
with tbe tohool Prof. Youngman has been in our
mid it and id entiled with tba Clear Bo Id schools
fur icTeral yean, and stands high as a lobular
and Initrnotor. Any information desired can be
bad by call lag apoa falm or addressing him at
Masonic. Tbe officers of Cluurtiuld
Ledge, No. Ill, A. Y. M for 1880, installed by
the District Deputy Grand Meiter, Harrieoa T.
Beard i ley, of Look Uaren, on Monday evening,
January Jfltta. Wa are Iniebted to the Journal
for a Hit of them as follows:
W. M. William H. Dill.
Senior W.A. tiuiniburg.
JuoiorWH T. King.
Secretary. Wm. Kedebauxh.
Treaiurer. D. W, McConly.
Senior D. Ell Bloom.
Junior D.J. P. Wynn.
Pur.Edward A. Bigler.
Sealer M. C.-W. I. Curley.
Junior M C -W. II Hall.
Chapiaia.- A. C. TaU.
Tyler. Thomas Robins.
-" mw
'Jubt Fifty V earn Aao." On Satur
day evening January 81st, 1880, tbe reii
denca of Mr. and Mrs. David Tyler, at Tyler
Station, on the Low Grade Railroad, In Huston
township, wae Invaded by a aumber of relatives
and neighbor?, for tbe purpoae cf congratulating
tbem on their Uolden Wedding day. Our reporter,
who was on tha spot, eoaeaeses that be was so
overcome with real enjoyment that ha hesitates
ta tell all be knows. But be refers to tboea In
tbe past, who nave partook of the hospitalities of
of the Tyler homestead, for proof of what occurred.
He arsrs that David Tyler, Esq., aad wife, ware
Just as bappy last Saturday sight as they were
flfty years ago, though not quite so young.
The colossal bronze statue of Victory
blob stands In the Park, at Lowell, before tbe
tomb of the I ret soldiers that fell In the raTO lo
tion, le a lasting aad beautiful tribute of art.
It Is eoc of tb ret objects tough t by strangers
vislttag anr lister city, which indeed many visit,
purposely to see this elegant object ef art. It
was obtained from the King of Bavaria by Dr. J.
0. Ayer, to whom his Majesty wa especially
graalous In acknowledgment of what his remedies
era rrpoted to have done for tha suffering sick,
It was donated by the Doctor to tha City of
Lowell at a permanent and speaking emblem of
the victories both of Science and Arms. Hagtn-
lea (Md.) Yece.
Improving It. An exchange. Htutcs
that n general oveibsaling of the Pennsylvania
Canal aad Its branches era going on. On the
Juniata above Doncannon tbey are rebuilding
the under part and trunk of tha Jefferson neque
daet with posts, a very expensive job. Tbe
aquedeet at Mabontonge, on tba Bosqaehana,
opposite Oeorgetowo, ta being thoroughly over
hauled. A new aqueduct at M'Kee'a Half Falls,
Snydnr eoanty, alio a aew one at Muddy run.
above Milton. Aboat thirty men are employed
aa a aew oatlet lock at Loyelsoek. The Bald
Ragle f!anal le ta ha deepened between Loeh
Haven aad Bald Eagle dam, a distaaoa of three
miles. Ia fact tbey are improving tba canal at
all points.
Homicide at Hodtzdai Tho Phil.
Ipiburg Joumml of Saturday last, January list.
reports the follow lag? 'On Tuesday night
two French mia, residing at ar near Sterling
Mlaea, Hnitadala, met and fell into a diiput In
regard to a law salt axtstlog between tboea,
whan one, named Fertiar, stabbed tha ether,
(noma not given) front which death eaieed on
Thursday morning. Ferrtcr had escaped tba
officers up ta thia time. He eaa'l speak English
and la slightly lame."
We since Icera that tbe murdered man's name
Is Mania Label It. An Inquest was held and a
verdict waa renderea that La boll I nam ta hit
death by stabs lafliciod by Frank Farrier. Far
rier I 6fty year of age j Mm In one lag j walks
with a eano i has gray whicker and heir j bald
oa tup ef heed, and email. He made bis escape,
and waat west on a train on Wednesdey evening.
He bought n ticket for Pittsburgh. There Is an
fleer on hi track, aad b will be eaptared, per
haps, ere this appeer la prlat.
Tut New Kaii.road
-Kef erring to
the Susquehanna aad Clearfield railroad,
I, the Phil-
adelphia Tim, of tbe I4th,aays: "Engineer ere
bow locating a aew railroad la Clin too county,
to be celled the Soquebaana aad CI ear el 4 rail
road. Tble road will start from Keating Stat lea,
en the Philadelphia end Erie railroad at the jaae-
tloa af tbe Slanemabealng creek with the Weet
Branch of tbe Susquehanna rlvsr, and then pre
ceea np tba West II reach, lapping the long fa
mens berths u coal lei da, taid te eo oleic tbe
laest elos af bltamtaau eaal, Iran are, Are elcy
aad limestone la Pennsylvania. It is Intended
that i he road shall be continued beyond Eart
hen. It will erect the river at that point aad
proceed up the Moshannoa creek a ditto aee ef
tea miles, opening ap ether leld af mineral aad
eesaeef tbe flneet timber lands In tbe State. Tbe
engineer corps are under tbe char re af Mr. I
Walsh, of Leek Havea, and have already made
good progress. The charter members are officers
ef tbe Philadelphia aad Erie nil road and Fena
ylvaala railroad wee take awe quarter ef tbe
Rack, while prominent stockholder of tha Phila
delphia ird Erie take fee ef tbe hamm-e.
A beacon in distress la "Dr. Sellers'
Cough Syrup," tba most eBcaolous remedy for
coughs, aold, and whooping cough. Frlca 19c.
m em - - -
Oil at Stump Creek! Iloforo go
ing, I wlllpurobaia a warm suit of clothing, at
the aid prices, at Uirllngar A Book's, fob ft It.
Office Work. Will. A-JIagorty,
Esq., who was eppoiatad ta audit tha Pro thou o
tary's and RegliterA Recorder! accounts for tb
aarrent year, gives the MI owing, as the result of
hi labor i
Total numbcrD. 8. B'a entered... attft
Total number Soramoae leeued..., a.,...-) ISS
Total number Traosoripts entered. .., , U4
Total number Appeals entered i. n ao
Total a aw bar Kjeclmeots brought 40
Total auvberHubpanatin Divorce Issued,,, ll
Total number Judgment Uouds entered II
Total aumber Capiasee iaeued 6
Total number Certlorarlas ieeaed...MM T
Total aumber Amioable aoliooa 4
Total euuUi lUplerlns lrond ltl
Total aumber Aa'.. Fa. Bur. Mortgage a
Total number Bel. b'a. Bar. Ueeognleaaoe.,. I
Total number Petitions ..,.w 4
Tutal number Bills la E-iuiiyM.... b
Total auuiber Meibanics' Liem- 42
Total nuubsr Trttns. from 0. Court I
Total number actluui bnught... 1,0H6
raxtnd Fct-s 1,31)0 16
a in i it ran ao KE:oitiau'B orrttit.
Number Deedi Recorded- nil
Number Airignmenie S
Number MortKBgee A3
Number AitroeuonU and Powers of Attorney - JtW
Number Miscellaneous papere r ' 14
Number Wilis rcordad..M.. .....,.- , 11
Number Lotters of Administration granted,. S3
Tax due tbe 0ouaiOBreaUbM..MH
Death of Mrs Dr. Kirk. We tako
the following In regard to Mri, Klrk'l death
from the Bellefonte rKufcAeian, of Friday laat t
"It Is oar painful duty this week to announce
tha death or Mr. Dr. Kirk, of this place, wife of
Dr. K. I. Kirk, who expired at the family reil
denoe en Monday morning last, about leven
o'clock, after a abort but palnlui illness, leaving
a devoted husband and two boys to mourn her
untimely take off. Mr. Kirk's maiden name was
Barrett, tba oldest daughter of James 0. Barrett,
Ksq., now if MUlerstown, Perry county, and she
was a naloa of Judge Ueorge R. Barrett, of Cloar
dald, and a lister ef Qcorge R. Barrett, Kiq., of
this place. Sb was a pleasant, cultivated lady
devoted to her homo duties, and the Idol of her
husband and child rea, who are plunged Into the
very ebysi of grief for ber loss. She was a deli
cate little woman, frail in body, but strong In
purpose, hope and lore for her family. Her death
1 a great calamity to ber home elrcle, and Is
widely regretted by the community. She was
still joung, and life bad for her many pleasant
duties and enjoymeat. Two handsome aod la
telligent little boy are left to mourn the lots of
a mother's tender lore and care, and ber husband
alio can truly say, "8 be was one among ten
thousand end altogether lovely ." Mild mannerod,
oourteoui, considerate and charitable, she we a
sIdccm christian end bad many friend who ap
preciated her highly. Her death Is a Iocs to the
community. Tho funeral took place on Wednes
day, and was attended by a numerous following.
It may be proper to slate that her tittle bbc
dead born, whs burled with her "
. mm d
More Kxperience. Tbe Somorcot
Vtmocrai relates the following looal incident :
"One of Brothers Valley's honest and Industrious
farmer cam to Berlin one day recently and em
barked In the can for Pittsburgh. Arriving at
Garrett be changed oar to the B. A 0. Railroad
for the city, and had not traveled far until he
round a very pleasant acqualntaaee In a pre
poisfslag looking man who sat In the icat In front
of him, Tbey traveled together for sometime
commenting on the country and lurroundlngi.
when after pasing Into a station in aa adjoining
county, a man entered the car and presented a
Railroad freight bill for t40 to our Brothers Val
ley friend's traveling cotop anion. Tbe man arose
and pulled out of bis pocket a band full of
twenty dollar gold pieces, and saying that wa
tbe only money he bed with him, disliked very
teach to pay It out for freight. Thli was done In
tha presence of the Sonirriet Count! an and the
turning to h im asked him If be would not
falm forty dollar In bill nntil he got to
PltUburgh and take two of the twenty dollar
gold piece to bold ne aeourity ; that be would pay
i fifty cant for his ktndneas when they arrived
In tbe city. If be woald do ao. Our country
friend bit at tha bait very readily, and taking
two of the bright shiner banded aver the forty
dullare la Unci Sam's easreocy. fiown ejter thle
the man with ao mncb gold loose about his per
son made an excuse to go Into tha smoking car,
and watching hi chance slipped upon the plat
form at the next ttatlon. Since tha tramactlon
he ba not bean scan by tb farmer from Brothers
Valley although ba (the farmer) has mad n dill
gent saaroh. The reason I that tha two treaty
dollar gold pleocf prove to be worthiest counter
faita, and that this little experience ha cost a
very good man and honest aitlten just forty dol
DnrnoiT, Mich., Jan. 10, 1878.
Dn. M. M. Fihnrr, Kredonta, N. Y.,
Dear Sir i Pleaae seed ma one bottle of year
Dtood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, aad
four bottles of your Improved Cough Honey. I
find them tbe best re medic I have ever tried.
Nothing helped our ehttdreo when ihey were re
covering from whooping Congh ae Cough lleney,
and as for cold it certainly curei them very
quickly, Wa can not da without your excellent
remedies In our family, ae tbey always help us
wnen we are la paia. baeioeod nnu bj. xoars
Dr., Fanner's Blood aad Liver Remedy aad
Nerve Toole may well be called "The conquer
ing hero" of tba times. It w the medical triumph
or tbe age. Whoever has "tbe bluet ' should take
for It regulates and restores the disordered
system that give rise to tbem. It always cures
Biliousoeaa aad Llrcr Complaint, Jaundice, Dyi-
pepiia, Comtipation, Headaches, Fever aad
Ague, Spleen Enlargement, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimple, Blotcbea aad all skin Eruption and
Blood Disorder j Swelled Limb and Drop iy
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De
bility ; Restore flesh and strength when the sys
tern Is running down or going Into decline cure
Female Weakness and Cbroni Rheumatism, and
relieve Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung aad
Throat difficulties. It doee.theae things by strik
ing at tbe root of disease and removing It eaaeee.
Dr. Fennar's Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any cough In one hour. Try a sample bottle
at ten cents.
Dr. Fanner a Qoldsn Relief cures any pain, aa
Tootb-aoba, Neuralgia, CuHoer Headache In live
thirty minute, aad readll) relieve Rheuma
tism, Kidney Complaint, Dlarbeea, etc.
Dr. Fenner'a 8u Vitnt Dance flpeolflo. One
bottle always cures.
For sal by li arts wick A Irvio, DruMl'ls,
Clear9eld, Pa. aog-27-tf.
Rev. F. W. Bucbhela, Waseca, Minn., aed tha
St. Jacob Oil la tb eaee of a lady or bit con
gregation who bad bean bed -ridden with rheu
matism for seven taa year. She need St, Jacob
Oil for three day, and was able to leave ber bed.
Mr. R. Rchaeffer, No. II Brown ttreet, Alle
gheny City, Pa., bad the rheumatism for eight
year, andhad mad erery known medicine with
out relief. A elogle bottle of 8U JacoS Oil eared
Gee tar A. Hellman, Esq., Editor af tb Pitta
aurgb ifeip BfmMim, suffered with rheumatism
tor twe year, aad lay many n night uaabla to
sleep en account of terrible pains. Twe bottl
of 81 Jacob Oil eared him.
Mr. F. WUke, Lafayette, lad, reports a eaee
where a maa suffered so badly with rheumatism
that be could net move. Ills legs were swollen.
aad ba bad the mast terrible paias. Twelve hour
after tb first application of tbe St. Jacob Oil
the pain war goo and tb swelling bad diap
pearcA. Mr, Henry BcharTar, Milleraburg, Ohle, wae
cured af rheumatism in the hips.
Mr. F. R. Witt, Cleaveland, Ohio, rheumatism
In the leg. Cured after three applications.
Mr. Henry Leer, Patriot, Ohio, bad such pain
In bit eboulder that be eoald not move. St.
Jecobt Oil cured him after a few applications
Mr. Vrena Ougelman, aged SD yean, living In
Rochester, N. Y rheumatism U legsj could not
walk, l ead bottle af St. Jacob Oil and felt, ae
she ncatrtt. Ilka new-barn. . I
Christian Uaaoi, Raq., Yoeagitewu, Ohio, t
full of joy ever the wonderful cure of hit wire by
9u Jacob Oil. rr twelve loag year she bad
suffered with neuralgia la the bead, aad often
had tha moat terrible palaa. Half a kettle of St.
Jacob Oil eared ber entirely.
Mr. Wm. Reiahardt, Elmore, Wis., report ai
follows : St Jacob Oil Is really a waadarful
remedy, for I eonld meatiaa deiens ef e
where 14 bat pre red IU magical lafleeaee. One
case In parttealar I will state t I kaow a maa wbe
hat suffered with rheumatism for tbe tut twinty
four year, aad ef late be eonld hardly men
areaod. After using A few bottle ef St. Jacob
Oil, he wa eaUftly eared.
B. 0 las, Esq., South Adams, Maetaebnaetas,
write i Allow ma to Inform paw new mawb goad
at. Jacob Oil bat dan to thii mighborhwa A
women bad tb rheematiam e badly that ebe
ooald net even attend to bet wait. Three) apptl
eatloat of St. Jacob 00 eared bet. Her jny
teemed in bare no bnnnd.
rniao wnaa
Court called on Monday, January iTtb, 1881,
at I o'clock P. If., with Judge Orvis, Ogdea and
Helton the Baa eh. Wm. Oweas and Benjamin
Dal were appointed TlpiUrae. ,
con hob mia.
The trial Hit was taken np aad lb following
disposition made ef the earns thereon, to wit t
EHae Bailey vt, John PnEol and Sidney Ful
ler. No, Ml January Term, HIT. Aetumnait.
Tried. Verdict lor Plaintiff for $0,080.10.
Caspar LlpMdt ts. Christian Tubba. No. Ill
January Term, 1810. Ejectment. Triad. Ver
dict fee Plaintiff fcr land described In writ, to be
relented upon the payment ef 01AO an the Id of
February, 18R0.
County National Hank vs. A. Humphrey. No,
018 January Term, 1I7T. Assumpsit. Continued
at ooatef Defendant.
Oouaty National Bant vs. William A. Wallace.
No. ft 14 January Term, 1177. Assumpsit. Con
tlnusd. N. I. Arnold to use of Samuel Arnold v. Fred
8. Bloom. No. 48 Mai eh Term, 18TT. Appeal
from Judgment or Jo it ice. Tried. Verdlet for
T. J.Boyer Ti. A tram Heberling, surviving Ex
ecutoraf Jaoob Heberling, deceased. June
Term, 1977. Debt. Tried. Verdict for Defendant.
John P. Irrla r. Jams A. Bloom. No. 188
Jun Term, 177. Aiantnpsft, Continued.
John Moor vt. Wm. Luther and Amos Heniel.
No. So September Term, 1877. PJeetmoot. Con
tinued for cauee on application and at oot of
Bridget Baker t al. vs. Tb Allegheny Valley
Railroad Company. Ne, 17 September Term, '77,
Trespass. Tried. After tba Plaintiff 't evidence
cloaed, n compulsory eon rail wa ordered by the
Coart, rtaintiff ' counsel then moved to tab off
the nee tl, which motion was overruled.
John W. Ma ttern and Samuel Miller vi. Jacob
8. Miller. No. 131 September Term, 1877. Eject
ment. Continued at cost of Defendant,
James Port to nse ts. Jacob Rlnefelt and W. R.
Dickenson. No. 161 September Term, 1877. As
sumpsit, Continued at cost of Defendant.
Jona. Boy n ton vt. Thomas Parke and tbe Clear
field Fire Brick Works. No. X5S September T crm,
1877. Not reached.
Nicholas Van da vender, by his next friend John
R. Keel, vs. John Jamison. No. 720 Sep tens ber
Term, 1877. Appeal from judgment of Justice.
Settled, and coils paid.
Moore A Murphy vi. Jamet Flyun. No. 148
January Term, 1878. Aatumptit. Settled and
truck off the list.
1 1 tee Lines ts. George C. Kirk, Administrator
or Joseph Postletbwalt, deceased. Ne. 30 Janu
ary Term. 1878. Assumpsit, Tried. Verdict for
Plaintiff for 11163.
Ithamer Dal ra. Thomas 0. Kyter. No. 448
January Term, 1878. Ejectment, Not reached,
B, R. Rom ts. J. T- Hurd. No. ftflO January
Term, 1878. Afsumpait. Nat reached,
Robert Brown ts. Adam Moyar. No. 101 March
Term, 1878. Trespass. Continued.
Samuel Bono TS. 0. II. Denial. No. 71 June
Term, 1878. Assumpsit. Not reached.
Thomaa Watson and Wife ti. F. A L. M. Coud
relt. No. 1S8 June Term, 1878. Replevin. Con
tinued. George B. Good lander vs. Kramer A Bell. No.
17 June Term, 1874. Troupers, cutting and carry.
Ingaway timber. Contlnuedatooitof Defendants.
Commonwealth vs. Washington Kline, No. 19
Jnna Sessions, 1810. Motion for naw trial. Rut
discharged, and sentenced suspended.
George B. Good lander vs. Kramer A Bell. No,
311 March Term.1874. Motion for new trial. Kola
discharged, and judgment entered on verdlot.
. Maya navmarly ra, Henry Wallace. No.
832 January Term, 1877. Motion for a aewtrfal.
Rule discharged, and judgment entered on verdict,
J. Reed v. Jesse Dlggina. No. 474 June Term,
1876. Motion for hew trial. Rule discharged,
and judgment entered on verdict.
Petition of tb appointment of viewers te laj
oat public road from near George Diokey's, in
Greenwood township, to Intersect n township
road near Jaoob Freid line's. In Bell township, p re
lented, and 8. F. McOloskey, D, W. Logan and
James A. Moore appointed viewers.
Petition presto ted, asking for tbe appointment
of Tiewera to reeato and i up ply road from Mat-
tkiae Halllban't, In Greenwood townahlp, to Fred
Crocs', ia Ferguson township. Read, and Qcorge
Beyert. Jebn Bell and Tbomaa W. Moore ap
pointed viewers.
ret it ion presented iot ine appointment oi view
er ta riew and lay oat a public road from tb In
terim tie a of Clearfield and William atreeU in
Weet ClearSeld, south: to the river road. IUi,
and A. H. Gullch, Bemud I. Burge and John L.
Cuttle appointed viewer. '
Report of viewer, laying oat a publl road from
a point at ar near where the public road, leading
from Langdon'i Mlll,l Intersected by Brush run,
to n point nt er near the Indiana county line.
Con Armed af ai.
Report of vie were to vacate aad supply a pablie
road in Goaban townahlp, between Lick run
bridge and a point near Matt. Tata's farm. Con
firmed af .
Report af viewers lay log oat a public road from
tbe township road at or near tiaardrants, to at or
near Haywood Clark's, In the town of Dubois, In
Bendy township. Confirmed ni al.
Keportei viewer refusing ta Taenia ma por
tion of tha public road between the boundary line
of Bell aad Greenwood town ships, to Charles and
Andrew Daugherty'e. Filed end confirmed ni
Report of viewer to ley out n public road In
Chest township, from eaet corner of land of John
Fishel aad adjoining land af John Penuingten,
ta pablie road leading from Waatover to New-
burg, Filed and confirmed at si.
Report of Tie were to lay out a private road In
Sandy township, leading from residence ef John
Orerdorf, In Brady township, to public road lead
ing from DuBota to the Cream Hill turnplka,near
Elijah Aibenfelter's. Filed and confirmed mt ai.
Report wf viewers, refusing to Vacate road
lending from Isaac Thomas's to Peter Sbugarts,
In Bloom township.
Report of viewers to lay out a public read lead
ing from a er near tbe Una of BUM Line'-aad
Joseph Beyler't, Jr., on road leading from Tho.
Line's to John Bailey't, to a point at er near
Beyler' school house. Filed and confirmed
Report of viewers, laying ont a public road
leading from Home Camp aohool bouse, In TJnlen
town ship, to Intertcet tha road now loading from
Walkeravlll to Wintcrburn, at a point near the
Huston township line. Filed and confirmed ai ti.
Report of viewers, laying out a public road
leading from tba mouth of Laurel rua In Bell
townahlp, to public road near Frederick Rupert a.
Filed nnd confirmed ni.mi.
Report of vieweri, reflating that portion of pub-
lie road leading from W. B. BhofTiand intersect
ing tbe Iloutadate aad Madera road at Alexan
der' run bridge, and laying out a new road from
near W. B. Shoff to intersect tbe Uontidale and
Madera read at Madera school bouse, riled and
confirmed ni ai.
Reportof viewer, laying eat a public read
leading from Henry Hetlbrun't by Wm. Clark's
place, at or near where tbe eld Helper road con
nect with tha same, in Pena township, to a point
In the nld Punxsutawney road at or near where
Wa . Rewlee aad Jane MoCulIeegh's 1 luo aroeset
tb came, In Bell township. Viled nnd con Armed
mi mi.
Report of viewer, laying ont a public road in
Woodward township, from month of Alexander'
tha Madera grist mill. ' Piled nnd an
firmed t. .
Report of viewers, refusing to vacate public
road leading from tha bridge across Wilaon't rua
at Newbarg, up taid ran to a point en road lead
from Jama McKeebaa'i to McO array's road near
Patterson' eeboel house. Filed and con Armed
Reportof viewers, laying out a public road from
near Henry Place', en Erie turnpike, to public I
read leading from H. Eiekol's to Ridge road, tn
Bloom township. Filed and confirmed ai if.
Reportof Tiewera, vacating public road from
Susquehanna road aear J. F. Lee's, ia Bell town
ship, to tbe Indiann county, line, at Jamet Mar-
tie's, and making a private road ont of tame.
Filed and dec Armed a if.
Report of Tteweri,vacatlng nnd making private
road ef public road, leading from Suiqaehaana
road at Rlnebart Metier', in Bell townahlp, to
the Indiana eouaty lint. Filed and confirmed ni at.
Report of rlewera, refusing to vacate road lead
ing fremWblakey run to Andrew Dougherty's, la
Bell towaehlp. Filed aod eon firmed ni si.
Report ef viewers, laying out a public road In
Lawrence township, from Erie turnpike te pablie
read along the ricer, nt corner af late John Reed.
Confirmed abeotately.-'
Report af Tiewera, hying cut a pubil read from
aear Bailie Bowman's, In Knox township, to Inter
sect pablie road near Thomaa B am plan's, In Wood
ward township. Ooafimead abaelatolyt
Report ef viewers, haying eat a pablie read
lead lag from pablie road en laud af McClnra A
Yobe, aad Intersecting pnbll read an land af
Adam Yea, ta Brady township. Confirmed ab
solutely. . - ' ucbrbbu ouartrbv
The following applications rot betel licence were
granted on Monday, the 0tb n)Ui Wm. Cerley,
DaBcic i George H. Weedia, Francis 0oeptr,JohB
Celemaa.lloatedalei William Smith, Woodward
townabln. -
Write of rewerr Acreeae were eroerea to ae ie-
sued fori! porta to twrv as Grand Jurers and
48 persons te serve as Petit Jerori at tbe fut
commencing en the third Mend ay ef March, nnd
outlawing en week.
Coart d loomed Saturday, January list.
lf you want a good pair of skates
aheap, go to Harder 'i fran store. dee 10-lL
Your liver io W of order and you
know It to take "SccVrs' Llrar P11U.M Bold by
all druggist.
More new gooJs at Hirlingor &
Rook's this week, and ty are closing out over
coats at bargelai. fob 4 JU
Another lot of thone beautiful Rem
ington Seeing MaeblnK, Just received at liar
dar't. That machine htve no cog-wheels, earn,
nor Friction pulwy. (om and axamln tbem.
' efce a vfuutUi Wolark In nrirt tar.
eeluma, riding near Speer't Vloejarda, with n
bunch of G repe from whloh Bpeer's Port Grape
Wine U mad, that I to highly sitae mad by the
medical profession for the use of Invalids, weakly
persons and lb aged. Sold by B. W. Graham,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. j1yvl-'T tf.
A Fact. An advortiRemouUnHortod
In the RarrjaucAR will reach mora reader than
If published la all the other paper In the eoan
ty, and noat tha ad vert l se i lest that one-half
In other words, an advertisement published In
our jcurnal Is worth double tba pries of that
oharged bv any other publisher In the county,
"It la a fact," 1 if.
Important Notice to the Public.
I take pleasure In certifying that my taw mill,
which waa burned en the Utu or November last,
waa lnsnred with KKMl A 1UDDLX, SteLo
Central Agents of tbe A v Ron A i irr Iniuuarcr
Co., of Cincinnati, and that tbey have promptly
settled and paid my Iceland I would recommend
tho Aurora and its Agen- as reliable parties to
insure with. 'Vilboh R. Hour en,
Jan. IS, 18SO-41 i Clearfield, Pa.
Removal. Dr. T, J. Uoyer bus ro-
moved bis medical offloe o the rooms recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, io Graham's row
He make CHRONIC JftEASBS n specialty.
CHARGES VERY L,W. ,Jhe manufacturers
having lowered priee,ne li prepared to furnish
duced rate. The afflcted will be benefited by
giving Mine call. ! july33, '79-tf.
Joint Inhtituts. A Joint Instituto
of Clearfield, Cambria an! Indiana countiaa will
ba held at Cherry troe, Indiana county, Pa., open
ing Thursday erening, Febaary tlth, cl osier,
Febuary Slat. A programme ef excellent topics
for di scuiilon has been prepared. One feature of
the Institute will bo a Qusrj Box. Tha Superin
tendent of the three eoutlia named are expected
to be present, alio Ml ins Jane H. Leonard and
Fanny L. Ells, or the Inliana State Normal
School. '
i mm O nu i '
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy baa succeeded in bavg a daily mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Penntlcld, and will
hereafter run a dally itege be I ween tho two point.
Ulseontract began with April 1st, and tbe stag
will leave tlearfield fvery morning (except Holi
day) nt 8 o'clock, naking connections with all
traina on the Low Oram Railroad at Pennfield, re
turning after the last train tbe same evening.
Passengers and freight rill be carried at low rale.
Orders left at any or tha hotel will be attended
to, ' t -. 16pr7-tr
Farm ebb. Look 1erb 1 Ijytlo will
give you highest market frieee for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Bvtto, Kgge, Onion, Apple,
dried fruits, and all kils of produce. lie ha
the largest and beit releited stock of groceries,
teas, coffee, molasses, fpioes, ail salt, sugar,
queeaavare, tubs, bucttu, baskets, chums, Ae.,
in Clearfield county, la buys his goods In large
quantities from manuuc:orers and first bands
for cash, and takes the advantage ef all
discounts, end eo he la asabled to sell at lowest
prices. He gives oath plies for produoe,andtelit
his goods at the lowest )ioes la tba county,
Clearpiild Co. Trade. Htato-
ment of Coal aad other) freight tent over tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Dlvlfon, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tba week endjbg Jan. 24, 1880, and
the tam time last year
For tbe week
Sam time last year ,
Previously during year
Same time last year. .,....
Increase .......V
Total In 1880
Same time last ya-.H...H 8a,e78
i..-U...... 61JMI
arte a rnBienra.
Lumber 4 .............. .
Miscellaneous frelgHt...
.....1 1 2 oars.
170 "
TwrvaLR, Jan. 27 lb, 1880.
In, RnrraucAU Allow me space In your
paper to Inrorm ta people of Ulearneia county,
and the whole weld, that oil wae struck at the
test well en Stump Seek yeeterday, January 2nth.
The excitement is -unntng Bign at tne present
time. Everybody I tailing ail. And what
make tb exeitemen still greater ia the tact that
Mr. Scott from tb Mrauford Oil Territory naa
been In this vicltfy for the laat tbree weeks
prospecting. He oared Mr. Reiter, the heaviest
stock holder ef tbe ampaoy,n,iwu lor nie inter
est f but the offer tee reinied. Ae eooo as Mr.
Scott learned that ni bad been found, (and be
an denbt knows, forbe wae at tbe well every day
inee he eame bare he leeeed forty acres of land
from Char lee Kora, nd bought tbe Weaver farm,
on which tbe teat wJ was put dcwn,forl(t,000.
The Charles Weave farm was also bought by
him i nnd Israel aia aold bis little Urea of
twenty acres (If s arm It can bo oalisd) to Mr.
Scott for 116,000. The seen Scott represented a
wealthy oil firm In Bradford, for wlileh plaoe be
started to f to day, to chip hie eogiae aod tools.
as be bas obligated meteeii to put down una (fell
witLla ninety days I'oe data of lease on the
forty acres which he teased from Korb. No man
a an or dare say any xwre that the Ktuiap creek
oil well Is a humbug. f No, it is a reality a cer
tainty beyond n doubi, and all thoaa who de not
believe It, eaa eome Sd see for themselvea.
Now, I cannot relrjin from eaying something
about our little viige. It ia rotated oa tbe
Luthenburg nnd Pihicutownoy turnpike, and,
as twe first sett lore Are principally Germans, It
got tbe name of "(irmaay." No wonder that
our honorable poiltmiter at Luthenburg says,
when be seee the ni I coming from Troutville.
"Ttaerc come the s)til from Germany." But
enough of this. Troltvill wa named after Mr.
Troutwine, a Germs), whe located here come
time In 1830, and altered ap the farm oa which
Troutville Is boilt. (fie tovn le pleasantly sita
aled, nnd I about ett nnd on-half mile from
the ell well. It ecu blue fear atorei, two hotels,
one drug itore, tbree l hoc ehupi, and a Joitlee of
the Peace, wbo diep4ses taw with dispatch, and,
If need be, will maketbe twain ore. Ret idee all
these, there are ne rte then eight ihingle mills
ithia a radius sf the miles, whick are ail doing
a good business. Oejag to tbe bad roads, bow
ever, tbey cannot gi as many ibingU t the
market ae they woul btlab, or ae many as are de
manded but as iooirs sledding eoiaea all tbi
ill he remedied. I
A son of Jacob Heath, aged fourteen year,
had one of his legs brhen to day at the Aurand
school, while wrestling with another boy. Dre.
Lydiok and Wilson wc called, who redneed the
tracture. Tbe boy le ding as well as can be ex
pected under tha eirouteiaaeee. U.S. L.
- Nawcnu, Jan. 18th, 1880.
' Mr. Entvon :' Please illov me a small space
in tbe columns ot you valuable paper. Tbt
letter ts not like Mr. Petfood'. It n from New-
burg, nnd not from Chesitownahip, aa he woo Id
like the people ef tbiehelnily to think. But
"tnat is too lb ia." l eepni see inrougo a none
wall, bat I eaa eee ue Mr. Feelgood Hvee la
Newbarg borough. Ouf as this Is aot intended
as reply te him, I ml say ne more about bis
W net 1 w untta lo tall Lb neopw wnat we
are doing tn thia aid of tha county, to I will
A we have bad to hauling yet, our lumber
men lock, ae tbe alt saying Is, "duwi tn tb
month.' If our tlmwrHeee not net a market
in the Spring, w mil bare bard times here nex t
Still ecmebedy't trdxfet touoded tlrougb the
misty air, and I wa formed there wae to be
another dance, not acMi Wlloon ran, but up tbe
creek a abort distend from Nowburf. Hun-en,
boys I here we ge, ready to trip tra light fan-
laattc loe. Untni mrja, ana brtn your gins
along also. There new not many wke get there,!
think. Tbe receipts 4 the evening as near a I
can toll, were ae folloet t Ac we hac nosupper, It
waa enlv tbe email sdi of tweatvAve cent per
oouula i aod if voa hadno latlv ufaeo eente. Aa
there were only tx Wlples preimr, tne receipts
were $1.60, one-third wfaiub wai to the fiddler,
liatinc al clear. 1
ThiBis are warmlik ap 1 Cheat township
aboat the eleetlon. A the six eeudldatea whe
are ran a leg for CoUttehb, bad the foerteaa whe
are runniaa for Sao" lit. r, will all be elected, It
will earwrlBO ma. ot i wou'd "whooe 'er up.
Tbe maa who gets tie mut vote will win, ne we
have no Returning Boards (er alebs either) ia
this section.
Bet I pretty nea-' fegot to sar a few words
eeuoeralng the earpetatef tbe borough, lie I
going te farming, Mite; given up tbe eaw and
the hatchet and Uk S unto himself an eld an end
grabbing bee. He 4 gnng te supply starving
Karaite with eorn e look wheel cakes durtae
the aext Winter Slaw rales, having rented a
ton-acre geld aloe a ee etc a.
Our 'Squire le touting dowa his aose, because
ba Is blamed for wiling n letter. Of eouee he
didn't de it. t
We Trill also ebatrt blacksmiths In the Spring.
Tbe blacksmith aa wen In at tbe "Barefooted
Ho aero" will move i car tow a.
If some eT tb fon of Uwa woald beep their
fences ap, tba hog wotld not tear their apple
and peiate aoiav oca nnd destroy tea oeoteati
Lheraol. '
Tbe side wa the efme boroneh are In bad ean-
d it tea, eepeeiaUy U la (router the hoUl aad
bleekemltb shop, f
At 1 have said t(nod deal, 1 win now ate.
The New Remieoton Family Sew-
ii Macmaa for sal at J. 1. Herder's Una
Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct 10-fim.
We have now on band several thous
and flrst-elaa envelopes, which we will print for
business men, or anybody else, at price that can
not be rivalled. Call and them. tf.
At the Republican office in tbe place
to get your Job work done. We are fully prepared
to do anything In the printing Una, will do It
will, and at the right kind of price. tf.
Special 9,
WARTUb. 800,000 14-faet shaved hoops, deliv
ered at the railroad, la car loads of O.Ouu, at all
ScAnt. d the Tyrone A Clearfield, r. A E., UaJd
agle Vairey, and' rav- 5U.rrad, for
wbtoh I Will pay tba big beat market price.
d. r. naawaa,
Ootid, 1878-tf. Clearfield, Pa,
ft an Ut'HDRRp Pan Cbrt. Disoourt or Old
Paicna. Sewing Machinal can now be purchased
at Merreli's tin and variety store, from MS up
wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
on tne shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1677.
fire Hundrtd Thousand Slronr
In the past few months there have been more
than 0011,000 bottles ef t-hiloh's Cure sold Cat
of the vast number or people wbo have used it,
more than x.uuu cases ot Luuiumption nave been
cured. All Couibs, Crcup, Atthma, and ilron
ohitli, yield at once, hence it li I bat every body
speake la ite praise. To those who have not
ued it, let us say, if yon bsve a Cough, or your
child the Croup, and you value Hie don't tall to
try It. For Lame Back, aide or t'heit, use
Builoh'a Porous Plaster. Fur sale by C. D. Wat
son, Clearflttld, Pa. sep-10 eow-Om.
I Stranrt People.
Do von know-that there are strange people In
our community, we say strange because they
eeern to prefer to suffer and pass their days mis
erably, made so by Diipepsit, and Liver Com-
plelnt, indigestion, uonilipation, and uenerel
bebilitv. whenSUlLOH'S VlTALI.KRIs t uar
en teed to cure tbem. For sale by C. D. Watson,
Clearfield, Pa. sep-10-aow-0u.
We hare a ipecdv nd positive Cure for Ca
tarrh, Diphtheria.Cankcr mouth, aad Head Ache,
Injector free with each bottle. Ilea It if you de
sire health and sweet breath. PrloeaOcts. For
sale by C. D. Watson, Cloaifleld, Pa.
BuaoiR For Balr. R. Newton Shew keens a
full suddIv of Fredonin Due irlei and Platform
w Aeons lor sale, t o ne aeen at me dobw nouae
yard. Call oa or address blm at Clearfield Penn
sylvania. , may ll-tf.
CoLtarroa't Warrants. We have prepared
a form, and have on hand n large quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales," which beve been ap
proved by the highest legal authority tea tbe
Courts of thia county. At Tunnty Venf par
doaen we will mall any number to toe collector
ordering them. A Collector, when coiopellod te
advertise property, must post up not le fbn
tbree notice in tn moat puntte pucee in mi
borough or township. tf.
Wartbd. Delivered at tha Rail Road.
100.000 20-loch shared ebiniries.
100, 000 24-lncn eaued shingles.
I0O.OU0 leetof pine board. t
600,0110 14-feet ibavod hoops.
6,000 railroad ties.
&O,0o0 feet of good hemlock board.
For which I will pay the highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Kail road.
J. r. &RAMRR.
Clearfield, Pa, Oct. 16, 1878-tf.
Just lto?eIvkd.
JiiRt Rocived by AKNOLI), at
Car Load Nova Scotia rlanter!
Car Load pure Corn. Rye and Oats
Chop !
Cur Load JJ oaken bull I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocorios, Ac!
fobhingles. JJark. it. li, lies ana
Grain will be tukon In exchange.
CurwoDsvilIe, May 1, la 9.
ri.iA.n.Ln. P.. F.b.
3, 1519,
flour, ptr ewt.
Baok.bMt Floor, p.rewt
Cora p.r .wt
Chop, rj., p.rewt
Chop, nii.4, p.r out .........
Bra, pr awt M
Wb..t, par bttsbal
Rjr., pr bnib.l
O.t,, par bu.b.1
Corn, .ra, pr bnsh.1
Bankwb..l, p.r ba.b.1 '
PoUto.1, per bubl....
M to
t ,0
, 00
1 80
1 .0
i eo
1 n
appi.,. p uanl
Hboalti.r, par pouod
Drlml B..l p.r pound
Cbtokaoa, p.r p.irM.....M.M
Hotter, per pound
Kjra:., p.r M.
1 01)
1 to
6.11, per Mek, l.r,....HH..
Uuai UD, par ,.lloo
L.rd, p.r ponod
Dried ApplM, pw pound...
Drtml P.Mh.a, per pound..
Banna, per bu.b.l
Mc OHK PATCH IN. Oa Wednesder, Janu
ary 28ib, 1880. by Rev, A. Donaldson, D. D of
E denr idare. Mr. William aicitDce, oi vneenowu-
ahip, and Miss Fanale Patch in, at, all
of Clear&eld county, Pa.
BATES LUTIC. On Toesday, January 1.1th,
1R80, by Rev. J. Punch, nt the residence of tbe
officiating minister, Mr. F. C. Rate, el Clearfield
eounty, Pa., and Miu Martha Late, of Cambria
county, Pa.
8th, 1M0, by Rev. J. K. Drmereit, at tbe
real denoe of the bride, Ronton Dulley, Rq., to
Mre. Ella 8. Ueindcl, ailof tlettyaburg, Pa. .No
WOODS RMKAD. At the reilJenoe or D.
W. Horn, ia Chest townshlp.on Sunday, January
26th, 1-B0, by J. P. Fry, q Mr. F. M. Woods
and Miss Catharine J. Kmead, both of Clearfield
eoanty, Pa.
R1H1IRL SOLIDAY. On Tuesday, January
27tb, 180, by Rev. J. Dean, Mr. Alfred H.
Riihel and Miss Inns Soli day, both of Brady
tow ai hip, Clear Held county, Pa.
RE0K WBUKR In Luthenburc. on Kun-
day, February lit 1880, by Rsv. J. 1. Ofadhlll,
Mr. a. HecR and Hi as Mary weber, au or
Rrady towaabip, Clearlleld county, Pa. .
KIRK. On Monday morning, January 20tb,
180, at tbe lemily residenne, near Relic ontc, Pa.,
Mrs. Henrietta Klisebeth Kirk, wife of Dr. R L.
Kirk, aged 17 years.
CARR -In Lawrenoa township, oa Tueedev,
January 10th, 10, Mrt. Cathariue 1 'err, widow
of Aaabal Uarr, ta the 74 in year ot nor age.
DOUBLES Near PenftVId, In Huston town
ship, oa tb of January, 1880, 1 re dirioh Doubles,
aged IU0 years.
The deceased was a native of Belgium, aad
rattled Brit in Elk county, apoa his arrival in
thia country, and sfierwards near PonSeld this
county. A correspondent informs as. that he
could see, hear, talk and walk np to within a few
day of his death. He we temperate lie the
trio teat seaea ef tbe term. U died a be
lived piaaeful and happy.
"flit tJvfHlflf.ttfut. ,
AiaRF.fff KOTICIC To Whom It
Mav Cemeera I The undersigned, having
been appointed Aiilgneei for tbe benefit of credi
tors by Jas. R. Graham, of CleerReld bornugh, all
persons, therefore, having claims against blm will
preaent Ibem to us for settlement, aad those In
debted to tbe said 'Jraham are reqelrcd to settle
and mak payment to w. ,
Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 14, 187t tf J AsMgneea.
Hotloe I herobT xivett that Letter of Ad-
mioiitratlon nn lh estate of JOHN P. II ILK,
lata of Lumber Oitv beroncb, Clearlleld county,
Pa . deceased, her in been dulv err anted to the
undersigned, all persons Indebted to said est ale
will pleaee make Immediate payment, ana inee
having claims or aeon an as egainii mo Die wm
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment without dsley. MARTHA A. HILK,
urwirt niuiv.
Lumber City, Ta , Jan. 18 St.
ta harahv aivin that Letters of Adminis
tration on tbe estate or cam i mu cii-iw iuu,
latanf Pike twa.. Clear! eld eeantr, I'a, dee d,
having been duly granted to tne nnaemgnea, an
rierenos Indebted to eaid estate win piiasc iwaae
mmediato payment, and those having claims ar a vain at the umi will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
delay. vun a, nnunnn,
Umber City, Pa., De. 14, 1879 6t. ,
-s. TTI i W All M-ufia bm hairatiV kkfApJ
I ! I. . wa aaildlin
V PRs V , -' -
with tb following prrsna.l properlr, now in
the poeeeeetoa of AIIRAM A. BLOOM, of Pike
tawmbip, ne i On derh bay horea, facts of bar
on a, one saddle, 1 plow, 1 harrow. Tbe ahove
BAmed property belongs to me and Is left with
said A b re id A . Bloom oa toaa anly, subject to my
wu f ill nnu
ortter at any time. ,,"v'v"
CarwaatvUle, fa., Jan. ii, lacv-H.
ft Al'TIOM All pereons ere hereby warned
j aaaiwet araddllng or la any way to tar far
ing with the following personal property, now In
i be noiMsslna efKDwARDNUPP and J 081 AH
a iDDOWrtON, ef Brady towaabip, Ti i The
one-hall tutereel In end to a steam ootier, eniaa.
abiagle mill, belting aod Ittarm thereto belong
lae and now in cbarce of the abcTC named par-
tlei. Tbi property ha been leased to tbem, end
i allowed te remain In the noeeeeeton ef taid
Nupp and Widdowioo on loan otly, inMert m
my order n any time, P. R. RYRNK,
Troutville, January 31, 111 3f.
$tX JUwtiSfttHUtS.
ft weak ift your own t.irn. Tarna wid tt
outtt frM. Addrua H. B.UM A Oenpany,
Portland, II .Ink dMlf,'?-!,.
t71 . Hk. t:i J; t don. ..,11, bimI..
V ( It OoallT luttt frM. Trn. 0..,
Auiuat. U.lna. IdMir.'TH lj.
C " Tft 5 OH P" dI a Sample, worth
aJ"J v CiU it fn.. AddrM. blltnun 0o.,
rurtl.od, ntnlnfc dael7,'i l7.
ryEt'M K)H AI.B.ThlrlM. bin, of
I) lull.. Be.l wbleb I UI Mil .heap for
Mih, or .aoh.nir. for wbaet. Vor furtbor tn-
roranllM wll n or nddrM tb. und.rtitned.
Not l.Htl , Clwrl.ld, Pe.
Prices of Shingles,
SHAVED AND SAWKD., Ju. 0, 'T-lf.
I.1AMM I.AMW Kill AI.U. In lloilou
.nd Pin. town.brpi, Olenrdeld oo.nty.
llenaonhble time Klfen for part of porch.,
non.,. Price 10 00 to $10.00 par tun. x
tllom'i r.a.rr.d. L. BIKD, A.ant,
Penfield, l'n.
.r M'alho. A Knubr.
Fepl. 10, UTll-li rlr.rfield, P.,
$400 for$250 I
T1IK und.nlfii.d .ill aell Lot with n n.
rit.1,1. nnd other outluiidiDiti tboreoo erected
fur Mill worth (UIO. bilu.uln KnitClwlield.
V.rletf Store, Cl.irU.ld, Tt
January II, 1180-tf.
The undcrilrned elTRri for sale all the pine, oak,
rioplar and hemlock timber en 41S acres of land
n Clearfield count v. Partlee eonsuliloa the map
r atlas of the oouaty, will find It in Brady
townihip, adjoining the Bell township
line, and known aa tract No. AH Thi-I
timber will be held open fur sale nntil the 1mm
let of Deoetnher next. For further particulars
apply to or address,
Oolohcr Ift, 1879-U, Clearlleld, Pa.
banking firm known as the Clearfield County
Bank bae been dissolved by mutual consent, end
the bank is to go Into gradual liquidation. We
are responsible for the debte, and will pay them.
The aieets will be order control or John W.
WrirlT CRcluilvelr, at the banking houee. and
and will ba collected by him.
Clearfluld, Pa, Icc.8, 1S79-tf.
ITXiatlTOIlM' KOriCC NotlceUhere
J by given that Lettera Testamentary on the
eiute of RICHARD DANVKH, Sr.. lata el Peon
townihip, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., deceased, hav
ing been duly granted to the undenigned, nil
persons inueniea io said estate will please make
immediate payment, and those haviug claimi or
demand against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
delay. R. DANVKIt, Jr..
Grampian Hills, Uo. 7, I8H0.6U
X FA:UTOHH NOTICl Notice is bere-
j by riven that Letters Testamentary on
tbe estate of THOMAS RLILLY, lateof Clearfield
borough, Clearfield county, Peon 'a., deceased,
having been duly granted to tbe undersigned , all
periune indebted lo said aetata will please make
immediate payment, and those having claims er,
dsmaods against tba same will present them
properly authenticate for settlement without
delay. 1'Kl IK A. UAUL1N,
Clceruclil, Pa., Dec. 24, 1879-Ot.
NOTICE I III VOR C fw Iq tbe Com toon
Pleas Court of CleerReld eounty.
Christian Bear ) No. 228 January Term, 18S0.
vs. I
Addie Bear. ) Bubpcena flur. Divcrte.
,Tha undersigned Commlaaioaer, appolated by
tbe Court to tube testimony io the alove stated
case, hereby fives notice that ba will atiend to
hie duties at tbe office of Israel Test, ftq , In
Uleameld, fa., Ott SAIUKUAI, rnurlU A K I,
21HT, 1HKR, at 10 o'clock A.M.. when and where
all parties may attend. PRANK O. HARRIS,
jan28-4t J Commissioner.
-TOTlCli IN DIVORCEIn the Coart or
jy Common Pleas of Clearfield eounty.
Joseph Iaterewici ) No. 220 Sept. T., 1879.
;.) 8u1
Margaret laterewfet. ) Subpnna in Divorce.
The undersigned Commissioner, appointed by
tba said Court to take tee ti motor In the above
case, and report the same to tbe said Court, will
itaatlto in dutiaa ef hie apoalatmanl at his
office, in Clearfield, on FRIDAY, ffiBRUARY
U fll, 1880, at 2 o'clock P. M., at whloh Urn
aad place all partite lo teres ted may attend.
jan38-3t Commissioner.
ot Common Plea of Clearfield count v.
Clara Carpenter, by her) No. i0 Sept. T., 1679.
next belt mend, va.
Leonard Carpenter, j Subpoena Bur. Divorce.
To Leonard Garpamtor, aeeev-aaaaed reepoadeaf :
Sin : Vou are hereby notified to appear in eaid
Court on or before TUB THIRD. MONDAY IN
MARCH NKXT, and show cause why a divorce
from the bonds of matrimony should not be de
creod in tbe above case.
Clearfield, Pa., Jen. 28. 1SH0-4L
The undenigned will cell at private sale all
that tract or parcel or land situate In Decatur
townihip, Clearfield county, Pa., within a short
diiUnoe or tbe Tyrone A Clearnell R. R., and
adjoining lands of Robert Hudson and olnert,
and known as tha Jacob B. Uearhart loL Tha
eaid tract containing 00 ncrcs more or leas, with
two veins of valuable coal thereon, has about 10
acres cleared, and la tb key to n larrc ImhIt of
coal about being developed. Will be aold low ana
upon eaey terms, ror particulars, apply to
DAViV i. svnnUH.
Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 1870.
$1.?0 Kew nrd!
Twill par ONU lll'MHKI) IX)1,I,AHH
1 for the arraet aad conviction of the party, er
parlies, who set Are to apd burned my nam on
tbe night of tbe 1th of Hcplembcr, IHlrJ, In
Coviopttun townihip.
I will also pay KlrTT IMiLLAKB for the
arrest and conv lotion of the partiee who aaaaulted
mydwelliot knnae on the Night of the l(Mb of
NuTcmuer, and breaalng in the wmucwe
of the eame. I believe It to be my duty, ne n law-
abiding eiliien, te make thia effort to bring tboea
to justice who have ao b ighly offended mv neigh
bors and myself i l PKTKK tlARNIKR
Preaohville.'Pa., January 81, laHO-lt.
A Specialty.
The nnderslgned, being thankful for past fa tots,
would respectfully inform tbe eitiaeae ef Clear
Held and vicinity that he has purchased tbe ihop
in Clearfield borouib rcccnllr occorivd T Amos
Kennerd, situated on I oewt -tract, In the rear of
Ueo. Wearer A Co. store, where by strict and
close attention to business, he hopes te receive a
large share of public patronage.
JMJ Price reasonable and all work guaranteed
ottin.n. nifurviitui
ClcArfielil, Pa., Oct. U, 1879 Im.
Turnpike Road Companies
Commonwealth Of Pcnn'a.
In pursuance ef the Act of Jna If, l7f, the
lienor ueuorai win uxpoeo eo pn an ou hot
oh anil' Kiohange, tn the city of Philadelphia, oa
TrKHHAY, the 24TH day of KKPRUA RY. ItthO,
at II o'clock M., 10,816 shares ef Turnpike Read
Stocks, eow owaed by the Commonwealth, among
which are HI sharee of Armstrong aod Clearfield.
Tbe eertifloatec for all tbeee stocks cannot be
found, but the Interest of the Commonwealth will
be aold. The purcbaeer nil be entitled to the
me aumber of votes as the ori final owaer.
Terms, 10 per cent, on day of sale, the balanoe
nltbia thirty days to the State Treasurer, when a
transfer win m given.
1en28.8t.1 Auditor Weaet al
OTICK TO ll-.lHt
In the matter ef th
) la the Orphans Court
estate of loha Hancock,
dec need.
VorileexfleiJ county, ra.
To tbe heirs, legal representatives, and the
a lia eee of the heirs, er ef any of tbem, ef John
llanccek, late ef rike townahlp, L'lee-neM, re.,
deceased. Via r Mr. Mary Hancock (widow),
(J, B. Hancock, J. K Hancock, I. W. Hancock,
Jeha Hancock and Smith V. Wilaett, bie tluar
dian nd htrm. Marcaret Ann Pea mo re and Her
ray Paietnor. her husband, Mary Bell Pallingtca
and A. It- raningtoo, ner nni&aua, iiennaa ma
Pherson aud John II. McPhersen, ber husband,
Oilve Breton and H- V. Breton, ber husband,
Huaea Ktantnn and William Stanton, ber huehand
11 a aah McPberecn nnd Jhn U. MoPhereon, ber
husbend, whe claims te be alienee of Wary Bell
riillingtott end A. I., rullington, her buabend,
end John If. MoPhersea. alienee f flaean Rten
tnn and Wm. b tan toe, her husband. TA Kl NO
TICE that, in pursuance of a writ of partition to
me directed. I will, ea W It DN KB DA Y, the liTH
DAY OP KI1RI AhY, IRS0, hot 1 an laqueetof
parti lien nnd Ta (nation of the real act ate late of
John jlaeoee, lata ai rise tow a snip, viearueie
county, Pa., deocaaed. The I a quest will aeeemble
at the lata reeidanee ef said Jeha Maaaerk, dee d,
In Pike townihip, eouoty and State alcreeeid, at
10 o'etoeh A. M.ejf taid dev.
Snaairr Or rice, I JA8. 1
Clearfield.aB.J'Ift St.
jab. RAitArrsi,
1216 Chestnut Street.
Philadelphia, Oct 11, Wf-la. ,
All kind, of CaskeU tntl Coffins kept on band, and (urnisboil to order on
ahort notice, including tlio finest as well as tbo cheapest that can be ranriu
fnotured. Our
oonrsm pitEsiinvim
Is the Lest In use, and will be furuithed when required. Funoruls attended
in any part of the count v. Call at my oflico, on Second street, or leave
your orders at Trnntman's Furniture
oct 1,79-lj.'
Fall and Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Black and Colored CanhmereH, Brocade Dress Goods, Plain Drets Goods,
New Shawls, Ladies' Coats, Red Flannels, Gray Flnnnols, Flaid Flannels,
Nary Blue Flunnels, Waterproofs and Ladies' Cloths, all colors,
CasBimeros, Hen's and Boys' Wear, Press Ginghams, Calicoes and
Muslins. Our stock was never bolter. Our Ladies' Skirts aro beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
, A complete Ntock nt our usual liargntns.
ritimcs, Flowers, 'Winns, Ostrich Tips, all kinds of Fancy Wings and Birds,
Now Rrocado Velvets and Silks, Satins, Black and Colored bilks, Black
nnd Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Cl lov es, Lisle Gloves, Silk Fringe,
Buttons, Laces, Corsets, Kmbroideries, Kdgingi, Inscrtings,
Linen Ilandkcrcbiefs, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Gerraantown Varna, Zephyrs
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children'! Undorwear, Ladies,'
Gent's and Children's note. We don't intend to have any store in
uiearnoia county Deal us in anyining siyie, prices, quantity,
quality, or Belling. Give ns a call and seo for yourself.
Oil Cloths,
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
$ftv- g,flwrtlsrmrtttn.
&0OO ntrIIEI.SV-Oeerfe Wearer A C.
, want It. thogeud burtiela of OATS, sow,
ud will p., eaah or prodww.
Cleun.ll, I'L, A.,. II, isri-tr.
:I Curwensvills !
TIIAT well-known property altuat on the banh
of the Suaqnebanna river, la tbe boroujrh of
Curwensville, ClearttelJ eounty, Pa , occupied by
the late bh'NJAMlN HAKTtillORN, dee'd, te
aow offered for sale. It contain about
.Thirteen Acres,
Upon which I erected a fine two-story frame
uwellim; iioise,
8TABLK, nd th. bmsmmtt "'
baildiag,, ud .la. a H.0WIN9
ia a ,.ry daairahl. profMrt, for prlraw ml
drnee. The propty ia now .1 PR1VATK
8AH, .. rausaahl. trae. tn further In
bnaui.. la relation t. It, .all M th. praalaM,
.r appi, te tb. aadaralfned in pNoa or hy letter.
Attorney for th. lltlra.
Cl.arfl.ltl. P., Sept Sd.J7-t. ,
Notice of Inquisition.
T. Wtllleat Caldwell, J.e. D. Oaldwell, Ilalah
T. Caldwell, Rebeeea Jaaa Caldwell, llaaoah
Caldwell, Anna M. Straw and Hiram Straw, her
hoiband, Kliaabeth Stranf and Thome. Btrong,
h.r huaband, Maariett. Biooaa aod Peter Bloom,
her haabaad, Martha MoClura and Mlltn. Ma
Clara, her hatband. Alao, tho following araad
ehiidraa ot haaiael Caldw.ll, dae'd : Childrea of
Jeieph C.lellhi eoa, aad .f Hannah Mo
Craiitbt aad Maar, A. Andarao., hii dauf htara,
to Witt Peter A. Caldwell, Nenoy Jan. Long
and Aaroa Long, her, Martha Jao.
Norrt. aad Janea Norria, her hoiband, Aana
Uibaoa and William B. tlibaon, her hoiband,
JobB MeCreight, Mar, llelorj and Albert llelory,
ber huaband, Martha McCandlau aad William
MoCendleu, h.r huihund, Kdith Uieueker and
Pranh Dmuoher, h.r buiband, Mar, Attletnan
and Robert Attlmau, ber haibaad, TAKE
NOT H'K that al aa Orphana' Coart held at Clear
Aeld, ia and for Clearlleld ooenlr, aa JaquaU
wa. awarded for the parpoee of nailing partitin.
.1 V----1 1..-
townihip, deo'd, and la purauaaeo af laid order
of Court I will hold aa imiuiaition oa of
eaid, on Til I H.-llAr, the MTH DAY
of PIHKliAKY, ISIS, at 1 o'eloek P. M., .1
which time and plana all who ate iatereited may
attend if tbey Me proper. JAS. MAUAl'PRY,
Saaairr'a Orrn a, 1 fherlff.
ClMTteld, Jaa. IS, 18H, It, J "
EngineeringMitiing Journal
Mining, Mettallurey, Engineering,
and Qeneral Sciences
RICHARD P. nOTnWRI,T.,C l.,al.E,
WILLIAM H. WAHL, Ph.D., Depaittnent of
Pro rase en Ecleao aad tba Arts.
It Is an acoepted antherity on all qneetlon re
laliog to the great inininit indaetries of the cow a
try. It I the oldest pebileetton of It class in
America, thoroughly lad'pendont being of the
trade and not ta It, otwapies a Jest and impartial
position, which eatablaa it te adrlee and teach
wlthoat fear er fever. It deeoies much apnea te
qaeationa bearing upnn aeononioal snanagesnent
of en I nee, aud from time to time illustrate th
more important Im pro foments in mining machin
ery aad engineering methods. Special attention
Is giren te rf I labia mining news from all parte of
the conatry, which is gathered by an efflXenl corps
of eorraapoo dents in every oectlon end from an at
tended exchange list. The metal aad ore markets
aad gold,ailver,aod mleeellanecas stock ire repflf.
ted and commented upon weekly by etperlenced
financiers, weo are unbiased by private interest,
and upon these metier It I are pled as n relia
ble euide and aa tailing tuatraeter. (live otati.
tics er prodaMioa of eaal aad Iron, aad ef ear
greet gold, silvan end ether ataes. lei eeiautile
notee ere aa epltoeaa of tb lata reeeanhee. Ite
trade r pa rte lull, and tla editorial cagacloM and
eossprebeasire. ltaajiy the wideet circulation
end iraMeet infleaaee of any JouraeJ ef lu elae
1 la the World) It pelrneeed reader eomprlsiag
tn most eelpct eaa laiejiigani mrn m every
8nb scrfpt Icn, 4 fry yeef a idratce j M coats
a eingi ocpy.
Advertising retas on aipMiMn.
Adreee, THR CofllSTlFIO PfH. 09.;
P U. Bnt 44M, ti Peru Place, We Yer,
Store, adjoining the Posloffice.
Clearfield, Pa.
Clearfield, Pa.
Sept 1, 'T'lT
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
CarweMTllle, Pa. Jan. I, l-tf.
Tb Wtits li hk
Can be booght at lowest prices from ALRX.
PATTERSON, Woodland, Pa. It is ao nal, if not
auperior te any Ant-elaas Sewing Machine ia the
market Oirculare cent on application.
Woodland, Pa., OcU M, U;9 -tm.
Triennial Assessment!
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe Commission
er of Clearneld eouoty will meet the; tax
payer at tea following named place, far tba
fnrpeee of hearing aod determining appeals on tbe
riennlal Asseesment for 1880. The time tor
hearing appeal will be between the hoar of
o'clock A. H. aod 4 o'clock P. M. of each day.
Tbe appeal will be held for
Curwensville borough, nt tbe election bones, en
Friday, February 0th.
Pike township, at the eleetlon boose la Car
wenaville, en Batarday, February 7th.
Uoshen towaabip, at tb election house, oa
Monday, February tin. (
eirard, it Cons: re a Ilill school bouse, oft Tues
day, February lath.
Kirtbaas,at the houee ef Joseph Rupley, oa
Wednesday, February llth.
Corlagtea township, nt the pablie house of
John Mulson,OB Thuraday, February 13th.
(Jraham townahlp, at the election bouse, an
Friday, February 13th.
Bradford the hone of Jaoob Pearee,
on Saturday, February 14th,
Rogge township, at the house of Edward Al
bert, on lloaday, February lAih.
Wei lacai oa boreogh, nt the hotel la ald bor
ough, on Tueeday, February 1Kb.
Morris towaabip, at tbe house ef Mr. Risen
bower, In Kylertcun, en Wad need ay, Feb, I Kit.
Decatur township, bt tba houee ef Richard
Hogbes, on Thursday, February Ifltb.
Osceola borough, at Uoyt'e hotel la atid nor
oath, on Friday, February ScHh.
Woodward towaehlp, at lh. hoaea af Thaaiu
Ueadereoo, o. Moaday, Pebrvary 25d.
Uollah towaihlp, at tha hotel la Jeaarrlll., ea
Tueeday, P.brnary Mtb.
fiaMari. lawaabip, at th. hotel of Vraah Detl.
is Ul.a llopa, oa Wadaaaday, r.hraaq Jila.
Jordan towaabip, at the hotel t. AaatmrUla, M
Tbareday, P.hraary loth.
Knot townihip, al Terk.jr Hill aakwl hmm,
oa Friday, Fahraary 17th. i
F.rgaao. towaihlp, at lh. raaldma. f Jeaph
Moore, oa Saturday, February IDth. f .
l.amber City boraagh, al la. hoaa. f 1
Qaapy, a Moaday, Maroh let. ,
Newbarg borough, at tbo howea ef leaxM.rhl,
ia aaid boraagh, a. Taeeday, Mueh Id.
CheM towodiip, at Horaoaagb a aeanl hiaH,
oa Wadeenlay, Mareh Id.
NcwWeablagtoa boreagh, at the hoaea af H . D.
Rom la aaid brroagh, eo Thanday, Mareh U.
B.ra' Veuag'l eohoelboaM, u
Frulay, Maroh lib.
Barniid. boreagh, al th. hoaae af Farter Dm
rle I. Mid bomtgb, m ftot.rd.y, Mareh tlh.
1M1 tawaahlo, at ta. hoaaa t R.bert Ma
aanoy, ea Moaday, Mareh Sth.
ttraaawoM lawaabip, al the hotel af fleer g. D.
MeCrMke. la Bellrllle, .a TMlday, M.nh Sth. M. M. FlTna'akeial ia Paaa.
eille, o. Wadaeaday, Mareh 10th.
towaabip, at tb. aleello hooM,
Tharaday, Mareh llth.
Brad, tawaihlp. at William lobwaai "a boat! ia
Latheribarc, eo Friday, Mareh llth.
faady towaabip, al ta. alaettaa ha(M la
Dab-oil, oa Satarday, Mareh lllb.
UaiM lowaahip, at the .hN'tw. how. ll eteet
tra, ee Moaday, Mareh lelb.
Haato lewaihla, at lha paklle haaea nH Jaaua
toodehl I. Peatald, ea, Mareh ISlh.
ClearSeld horangh, al tha Cemmleelo.en' Of
tee t. Mid horewgh, m Wedaeeday, Mareh Mtb. towaihlp, at the Oenmlaetoaer.' Of Cleart.ld, oa Ihanday, Marah leth.
KotlM U alao hereby jl... la Ova ASSET-SOM
af the aererel boroogha and lowoabipa, thai tht
b. preeeet with lh. BMrd M OoaamlMioawa ee. -the
day .f Appeal, ut their reipeetire dietrlele,.
ae well a. all , ereoea wbe may fael laxvalM.
A ge.erat Appeal will h. held l the Oumtnie
Honor.' OSloe, la Cl.ari.ld, U lh 1X1. Still'
aad tilth daye .f March .nar he ao
appeal will a. haard. Th. Aaaew.r. ar. re
qaltad ba air. ee.h tatahl. a wrltlaa er prlatoil
a.tto. f th. kiarf aad ment af proper,, he er
aba la aioaeiod. aa Na.t tn day. lieore tbe day C
Atteali ' Coawludowert.
J.a. W. Maws, Clerk.
Cetrtftaanmay Omrl, I
Cl.eianeia, P.., Jaa. I,, !. J