Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 14, 1880, Image 2

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fa mm' "in .
George B. Goodlasdir, Editor.
Reader, If yoa Waal to haew what li Mint ea
In the haelae world, )et road oaf adrortteiaf
eolem.l, tea 4peotal oelojaa la pemeuler,
IV hi worthT tho offleo of Pridt Bhoold
bo willing to hold it If ounted In, or plued torn
by any frond. It. S. Gaiae.
I eould ooror hare boon reee-aeiled to too olo
ratios by tha imolleel aid of min of a parson,
owtvor rMpootobl la private life, who matt
rorovor oarry apoo Bio Brow ibo aiomp 01 traoa
ftrtt triampbaat Ib Araerloaa hlttorj. Mo nb
oequaat aetioB, koweror ajertterteat, Ml waob
away uo letter, of uu raseru.
Cbablbi Fbabcis Ababs.
I wonld ratbor haeo tbo oadonoBKBt of aquar-
tor of a illloa of tbo Auorieaa pooplo tbaa that
of uo iioolnaoa tletunung Hoard, or ol tne uom.
mlMioa whioh exoiode.1 tho faotl and dooidod
tbo question on a uehnleality.
Under tho formt of law, Rutborferd B. Hotob
ha beoa declared Praaideat of tho Helled Slate.
HI title root apoa diafraaohlremoBt of hewful
voter, tbo falae aortlfleetai of tho rotorBiag oAV
oen aotino oorraptly, oBd the deeutoa of a oon-
niailoa wbioh bee refuted to hear evIdeBO of al-
leged fraud. For the Brit tine are the Amerieaa
people eon fronted with the foot of B freaduMOtry.
eleeled Preildeat. Let It not be BBderalood that
the fraod will bo liootly aequloaeed iB by the
eoontry. Let no hoar peel SB whleB the ererpe
tlea la forf otten.
ApDBtfha or Dbnocbatio at. Co.
On handred yean of bamaB deprarity aoea-
mnlited aad oonoeBtrated into a ellmex of ertme.
Merer agaia In Are handred yean ahall tbey bare
aa opportuaily to repeat the wrong.
DaniblW. voorbbbi.
Anarcby and Blaine rale Maine.
Twins, of course, by nature.
Our outside pages are filled this
week with everything that is good In
tho roading line.
"Tobacco Consumption and Produc
tion" on our first page, and "The Third
Movement" on onr fourth page, should
be road by everybody.
I'm Tide. Grant and Empire is
the drift of the Radical tide just now,
Tho men who are dining and wining
-him are tired of a Republic.
Tns New Senator. Gov. Cobb, ot
Alabama, has appointed Luke Fryor
to the vacant United Statoa Senator
ship caused by the death of Mr. Hus
doners! James A. liar Held, now a
member in tbo House, trora Ohio, has
been elected I'nitcd States Senator
from that Slate to succeed Thurman
in March, 1381.
Look Out. We see it staled that
Bishop "Oil." Haven was the first man
to announce Grant for a third term.
Ho bus sinco died. Babcock, Hclknap,
Borie, Childs A Co. had hotter be on
the lookout.
Conoress. This body met again
last week at Washington, to resume
its duties of "tho long session." The
attendance ot membors is pretty full,
except the Senators and Radical mem
bors from Maine, who are absent for
the purposo ot covering up the oft
rupoated crimes tbey have committed
in the past, and for the purpose ot in
flaming the riotous element in that
Stale. It is all right to count out and
in, in Louisiana, on the part of the
Radicals, but it is a h 11 of a piece of
bnsinoss to do the samo thing in
Declining. The third term and
Empire stock has declined wonderfully
since Grant and his gang turned op at
Philadelphia after bistwo years' tramp
around the world. There was too
much of the emetio in that dose for
sensible people to swallow. Oi those
who took it, two-thirds have thrown
it up, and are now sicker than ever.
The political taffy manufactured by
Babcock, Borie, Childs, Belknap k Co.,
does not sot well on the stomachs of
people who prefer Republio to an
Empire It may work all right with
the next generation, but not now.
Herb We IIayi Them. The Phil
adelphia Commonwealth, in alluding to
the rrcsidontiul question, remarks:
"Tildon a necessity." On the other
hand wo have such men as Babcock,
Borie, Childs A Co., proclaiming the fact
that Grant is "a necessity." now are
those extreme views to be reconciled 1
Our opinion is that there is not a man
living that is a "nocessity" for any
office in this country from President
down to Constable. Thore being thou
anda as well qualified to fill that po
sition as either of those "necessary
gentlemen," no ono shoild become so
royally endowed at once.
IIow is This? We notice that the
managers of the Maryland peniten
tiary lavo, during the past year, sup
ported the prisoners and paid twenty
thousand dollars (920,000) into the
Stale Treasury, Heroin our old Qua
ker Commonwealth, ur penitentiary
officials bavo drawn one bendred thou
sand dollars (1100,000) OUT OF THE
STATE TREASURY, and have drawn
a similar amount out of the several
County Treasuries. Now, why is our
pooitontiary sinking fund, and that
ot Maryland profitable investment
for the tax payers T Can anybody an
swer this business problem T
"Let 'er Be." An up-oountry friend
(from Maine, of course) inquires:
"Why don't yon tell as more about
Maine V Just because the Democrat
in that State are able to takt cars ot
themselves, if they have bait a chanoe.
And it is as much out ol order to poke
our nose into their troubles as it would
oe (or ns to jneddlo with your house
bole! affairs under similar indoor die
turbanoe. When the cilixens of that
fttat begin to disturb ihs Union, we
shall have something to say; but while
they keep the fight in their own house
told ws will keep quiet. Vlow is that
for minding your own business T
According to our annual custom we
republish the names and postoffloe ad
dress of the members of tbs Demo
oratio County Committee of Clearfield
oounty for the oorrenl ysai, aa consti
tuted by the County Convention last
bob. a ewe. mbmbbbi. pearorrioa.
Burarldo B'r. Cherlea B. Patriae-, Baraaide.
OleerSeld Bailtb V. Wlleoa, ClearSeld.
Oarweaar'a F. I. Taoaipaoa, .rllle.
Boalidele Patrlek Dene, Healadele.
LaatkerC'y " Deatel W. II lie, Lamber City.
Nee-berg " lanae Marble, Hard.
N. Waeb's " Dr. A. I). Beoaalt, !f. Weablagtea.
Oeeeola R. A. Campbell, Oaeeole hi I Ik.
WelleeetOB Deo. W. Kalgb, WelUeetOB.
Beeearia T. Daeld Boar, Swa Hope.
Doll Jobb M Reea, Oetead.
Bloom William lie, lore!.
Mogga leeae Belab, Welleoetoa.
Bradford Deslel Hlleboaa. Weodlaad.
Cherlea bebwoa, Lelhtraberg.
Joha Weaver, at. WaehiagtOB.
Bora lido
T ergnaoB
Jeaeph U Broth, N. Waahiagtoa.
F. O. Coadrlot, Freaobvllle.
" Jaoob F. SteiBor, Phillniborg.
A. A. BkMBl, Marroa.
" Joha Hawooaib, Olllloghaet.
Joha A. L. FUgal, Lleb Raa Mllla.
" 0. W. brier, (Iraheauoi.
Ureeaweod Jeba A.Rewlee, Merroa.
Salleh " Jeme Flyna, Sailh'a MUM.
Boaloa " H. h. Horaiu. ronSold.
Woe ward
Dr. . A. Oreaawell, AaeoBville.
Seorge Beekoadora, Belt Llok,
Conrad Bahor, Now Millport
Clark Brown, ClearSeld.
" D.H.Warnlog.aferrlodelellrnee.
" Martiall. FlyaB.Sraaipiaaililla.
41 Heoiaol Addlemea, Carweafvllle.
" Joha U. Trolell, DoBoia.
Reaboa H. Laborde, Roehtea.
" Jaimea H. Campbell, Boatadale.
ChairmiB, Olearlald, Pi
W. I. Wallacb, Boaretary, ClearSeld.
' LooiCAU Aootemporary in alluding
to the great fraud remarks: "Occa
sionally even the most idiolio oi Re
publican sheets stumbles on an import-
ant truth. One ot this class states
pregnant fact when It asserts that
"minority rule is only submitted to
temporarily in thisoountry for policy's
sake." The policy which indnoed the
majority who votod for Mr. Tilden in
1876 to submit to the inauguration of
his defeated competitor was a patriotic
purpose to save the country from civil
war. Mr. Hayes has labored effectu
ally to prove that the majority made
a mistake in thus quietly yielding to
unexampled wrong. His administra
tion, so far as he has personally dicta
ted or controlled It, has fulfilled the
promise of its criminal inception. Be
gotten in sin, it has brought forth ini
quity. Starting on the plane of fraud
he bas held it to the level ol hypocrisy.
And in so doing he has convinced
thousands ot the honest men who ' fer
policy's sake," and in the interest of
peace and order, submitted to the in.
famy of his induction into a stolen
office, that their patriotio devotion to
their country on that occasion was not
guided by sound reason."
A Keturnino Boarder's Luck.
We see it stated that Gov. Iloyt has
appointed Col. Stanley Woodward Ad-
ditional Law Judge for Luxerne coun
ty. Be is a son of Judge Woodward,
who was at one time President Judge
in this District, afterwards Judge ot
the Supremo Court, and the Demo
cratic nominee for Governor. The
Colonel, like bis lather, was always a
staunch Democrat until last Fall, when
out of "pure personal love for Col. Hoyt"
be electioneered and voted for him
in preference to Senator Dill, the nom
inee of bis own party. What bas just
happened explains the whole matter.
It is the Jonks-Sherman-Wells-Hayes
caso over. Treason sometimes has its
reward otherwise than being shot
The two cases cited an American
Good for Bennett. The editor of
the New York Herald, who is an Irish
man, has this to say about the course
of Charles S. Farnell, the Irish agita
tor, who bas corns to our shores to re
tail the woes of Ireland. The editor
in question remarks ;
The load mtem of Ireland I a Brltlah. not ee
AmerieoB quoattoa. It meat be aaolloreied, If at
all, by the aotloa of the Brltlah Parllaawat. It
la hardly deeeat for Amerleaaa to orgeaiee a era-
1 lor aieiatiDg in wgiaiouoa era foretgB gov
neat. Tho lrlab aaiutioa Bav ot Bee net
be proper eoongh from aa lriah polal of view,
bbi 11 11 boi a at laiag tor uo ABonoaB people
to eollal is.
Parnell's course is just as infamous
aa that of member ot a quarrelsome
family, who ushers into tbs borne of a
peaceful neighbor and retails the short
comings and faults of the members of
bis own family. Who can approva of
such conduct r Remember, Nations
are made up of individuals, and what
ever ia offensive in the one sense is
equally so in the other.
1 . 1
Right. A Democratic exchange re
marks : "II tbs Democratic party is
not cleanhanded, It is no better than
the Republican. If it is not the guar
dian of theballot-lox and the champion
of honest elections, it is" a false pre
tense aud fraud. If It approves In
Maine what it denounces in Louisiana,
it is a hypocrite and cheat. When it
attains power in State, or city, or
country, by trickery, by device, by an
bit that defeats the will of the
electors, it sacrifices its good name
and influence for insubstantial results
that bring no profit and must inevita
bly bring great shame to Its doors.
Yes, and it they behave no better when
tbey got into power than the Radicals
have during the past, this "farse of a
Government," (as a certain Ridgwsr
Convention pronounoed it in 1869,)
ill not last long.
Bbeakiho Down. According to the
version of a eon temporary the Supreme
Court of the United 8tates ia breaking
down. The editor says : "The next
President, whoever be is, will proba
bly have the appointment of firs
Judgos of the United States Supremo
court, 'ins present Court is oomposed
of Waite, Swayna, Miller, 8trong,
Bradley, Hunt and Harlan, Republi
cans, and Clifford and Fiold, Demo
crats. Clifford is 76 years old, and is
fast declining. Bwarne is 75. and
though bale for that time of life, can
not expect in the nature of things to
bold oat much longer. Strong Is
turned ot 7t, and is dailv irrowinif
feeble. Bradley is C8. and neutr to
- . -
retire voluntarily when ba may get
the pension. Hunt is hopelessly bro.
ken down in health by paralysis."
A New Step. The Washington
r, or tbs 8th instsays : The most
important feature of the Senate pro
ceedings yesterday was the Introduc
tion of an amendment by Pendleton to
tba Bayard bill Mr. Pendleton.
PoaMiof s that Ik Vat)ona banks
snail not faM greenbacks as any por
tion or tbelr reeerva, bat must keep
their entire reewTTe In coin.
That is what troubles the Radical
leaders In these latter days. Tbey
murdered a million of their own race
and spent billiona of dollars to make it
solid for themselves through the en
franchisement of the ignorant slaves.
By the illegitimate use of the Army,
they succeeded for a while in robbing
and plundering tbe States In tbs South ;
but tbey bsv all drifted ont of their
bands because of the crimes they com
mitted, which even the ex-slave, ig
norant aa he was, could no longer
overlook for his own personal safety.
Tbe carpet-bagger proved to be as
mean a man as the most debased slave
trader of former days. Below we give
some official statistics takon from tbe
Philadelphia Record, which go to show
the numerical atatus oi the two races
ten years sgo; and as tho new Consus
will be taken this year, tho table oan
be used to compare with the newenunv
oration. Tb Jlecord says:
"In explaining to a correspondent,
recently, why tbe Southern States are
solidly Democratic, and why the color
line is not that of party demarcation,
tbe two or three States wherein tbs
colored population outnumbers the
white were prominently in mind. The
census reports of 1870 divided the col
ored and white population of tbe
Southern States as follows :
,.. lnl.211
... ,(IS7
... SJ,!6
... 0S,7
... S7S,70
... Tll.tSS
.. 414,013
.. M,oa
.. isv.tsr
DalBwere........ ......
Florida ....
Ueort..... ......
North Corolla...
Woet Virginia.. ....
Louialaaa. ,
Mieeieaippl. .........
Booth OaroliBa....
1 !,!
17S, 1.1
Total 1,860,4111 4,0I,08
It will be observed that the white
populittion exceeded the colored in
twelve out of fifteen Southern States
ten years ago, and that in the aggre
gate the excess of the white popula
tion was 4,835,725. Since tbe Isst cen
sus it is well known that the tide of
wbito immigration to the Southorn
States bas been greater than ever be
fore, and that of colored emigration
from the Southern States has been lar
ger. It is fairly presumable, there-
lore, that the ratio ol white inbabl
tants to colored in those States has in.
creased considerably ; that the minor!'
ty of about two thousand In Louisiana
was long since overcome, and that
Mississippi and South Carolina are now
tbe only State in which the colored
population outnumbers the white. If
the color line were the line of demar
cation botween political parties in
these two States, and every male citl
sen of legal age should vote, South
Carolina would, ol oourso, be Republi
can ; but Mississippi would bavo been
doubtful, even prior to the exodus ex
citement, fur, in 1870, th colored
males of 21 yean and upward exceed
ed the white males only 5,142, as per
tbo census report This count includ
ed about 6,0u0 foreign-born males of
legal age not naturalized, a fact sign ifi
cant of the white immigration.
In commenting on elections ia the
South tbe majority of tbe white popula
tion in thirteen or fourteen out of the
fifteen Southern States is not taken in
to account by partisan critics. The
superior Intelligence and wealth, which
gave employment to the masses, and
which are regarded as all powerful in
many of tb Northern States, are not
expected to have any effect in more
Southern clime ; and while thousands
of intelligent while men in tb North
give no attention to politics and refuse
to vote, tbe colored people of tbe South,
tbe great proportion ol whom can
neither read nor write, are expected
not only to turn out to a man and vote
at every election, but to pay a poll tax
for the privilege of voting In opposi
tion to those who give them employ
ment and enable them to support their
The Harry White Plan. The
Washington Post appropriately warns
Democratic Congressmen in this Way:
"The greatest danger that besets this
session of Congress is that it may add
another to tho long list oi National
outrages whioh have been perpetrated
nnder the bead of river and harbor ap
propriations. Tbe Republicans, hav
ing no responsibility for legislation, and
being much more than willing that
th Democracy should do unwise
things and make a bad record for tbe
National campaign, will be ready to
vote millions lor tb improvement of
Skedunk creek, Pogne's run, Lamesco
harbor or any other thing or place
where moisture is perceptible or damp
ness permanent. Nothing but a high
sense of publio duty and tb obligation
which each Democrat owe to his par
ty oan prevent the passage of such s
river and Harbor bill as no Democrat
will car to defend on tbe stump next
It Wont Go. Assaulting Gibraltar
with snowballs or popguns would
evince as much sagacity as ths attempt
of Grant organ to bully the rofactory
Gorman Radicals into th support of
"the old man." Tb men who have
alienated themselves from the land of
their birth, tor th purpose of escaping
the rigor of an Empire, are pot going
to be cajoled into an Empire on this
Continent, administered by such cor
rupt men as Babcock, Belknap, Grant
ft Co. Mind that I And it make no
difference what tongue they speak
Irish, Gorman, French, English or any
other tbey want nothing of tbs kind
Solved. Some two weeks ago tb
postmaster at Washington city died ;
and, of course, there was a great rash
of local politicians for the place. The
Groat Fraud was so annoyed by his
"loyal" clients that he actually absent
ed himself for bvaarly a week, and then
gave tb oflio to an Ohio man. This
incensed the locals, who demanded an
explanation lor giving tbla fat oflio to
a Buckeye, while there waa regiment
of true, loyal men In tb Diatriot corn-
patent to fill It, His FraoduLencr
alraply remarked that tb appointee
was a ooasln of Mrs. Hays.
Exactly. Th New York Sua re
marks : "II the fuss in Main is set
tled without bloodshed a w expect
t to be no thanks will be due to th
beliooe Main preachers. Tb Prince
of peso (asm to bass soma psmarka
bl servant in that part oi th country"
Sigiamuod Kautman, a leading Ger
man Republican ol Now York oity, has
Issued an address to the Germans, in
which bs saya, after speaking ol tho
political influence the German element
has obtained sino 1848 :
" Tbe agitation oi tbe third term is
a test of your adberenoe to Republican
principles. Tbe great General of the
war was as faithfully supported m the
fiold by you ss by the native American,
and afterwards when at th polls Gen
eral Grant reaped lb reward oi bis
victories, you csat your ballot aa one
man lor him, and again voted lor him
a second term. Precedent stops here,
and it is not pretended that the quali
ties oi GeneraLGranteilheraaacititen
or soldier so far excel those of Wash
ington as to require a third term to
accentuate them. It is urjod that we
need a strong Government in face of
tbe conclusive answer glyon by tbe
result of the civil war. Tho Govern
ment, as it then existed was strong
enough to defeat a combination which
from political causes, oan nevor obtain
again. It may be tbe political ma
chinists will, with the aid of Southern
dologatee representing no constituents,
re nominate Goneral Grant, but bis
chief olsim to that honor should prove
fatal to its being accorded to bim.
Under any and every form, not movtid
by any pretext however specious, let
uo rrjjuub vuib viuimuon ui lue lunua
mental pnnoiple of Republican Gov
ernment. Let the rulers continue to
ba the people. II we must have a
strong man and a strong Govern
ment, let ns return to Bismarck and
his Iron rule."
Tbe writer evidently wants tbe gen
uine article, If there ia to bo a change
in our form of Government. He pre
fers a master of tbe art of despotism,
instead of the Galena botch, who is
only a theorist in that line of Govern-
ment be so much loves, sinoe bo bas
passed through all tho Empires of
Europe and the East. The Dutchman
is right ; give ns an export who will
surround himself with honest men if
we must have a change.
There are troop Bad arm 1b lb But Hoaa
of Melao, and yet aot s DoBoorot la the land
ralaee a ory of horror. If Melon were a Southern
Slate, whet a bowl there woe Id bo !N.m York
What a stupid man you are 1 The
troops are State soldiers, under the
control of tbe regular constituted
authorities of the Commonwealth of
Maine,who have a right to use thorn at
any time to preserve ths peace. The
damnable inflammatory speeches made
by Blaine and othor smaller Frye load
ers, who were cultivating mobs,
drove tbe State authorities to this end.
Had these men behaved aa becomes
honest citizens, no soldiers would have
been called for on the occasion.
More: The soldiers on guard do
not belong to the Uuited States army,
under command of the Ohio trio Hayes
and the Sherman brothers. The
proper authorities are handling tho
troops, and if tbey commit wrongs
they have no ono to blame lor it but
themselves. It is their own household
affair, and Pennsylvania or no other
State, or even tho Fedoral Govern
ment has no right to meddlo in tho
case, until tbey are requested by the
proper authorities to do so. It hasn't
been nocessary to call in General De
Trobriand yet, nor has a drunken or
fraudulent President boon appealed to.
With these exceptions the present con
dition of affairs in Maine has a prece
dent Can lb meddlusomo men of tbe
irmne, see tbe Uiiiurence in using
State troops, and tb U. 8. Army for
tb purposes of poaoe T
Setting: Fracd to Discover Fraud.
"Lish" Davis' Legislative Committee
appointed to investigate the alleged
overissue of bonds of ex State Treasurer
Bickol,and wbosucceedod after all their
labor in finding that Mr. Giotto) bad
been an honest Treasurer and had made
no over issue, bas been paid on expense
account 18,531.06 and filed voucher tor
11,885.12 more. Of this amount the
board bills of the committee reach near
ly $5,000.00, and the car fare, carriage
and other traveling expenses over 12,.
000, 'Lish is an old Legislative roostor
who knows a fat snap when be gets
bold oi one, and nevor neglects to profit
by all his there is in it. Ho is
disreputable politician all bis life be
has been a full-fledged demagogue and
sap-sucker and he and his colleagues
on tbe committee, togotber with tbe
notorious Harry Hubn, its alleged Sec
retary, and It. T. Greaves, tbe Sor.
geant-at-Arms of tbe House, being set
to Investigate a fraud that never had
any existence, have themselves per
petrated upon the people and tbe
Treasury a gross fraud, which Itsoll
should be searchingly Investigated snd
officially exposed.
An, You Poor Snipe I The editor
of the Kennett Square Advance, a local
Radical organ in Cbestor county, is a
littls vigorous in giving a littls warning
He forsee that "tb Republicans pf
Chester county may be obliged to bolt
in tbs next Presidential Convention as,
the dd ia tb last one. They are for
any good man who la put up, but tbey
hate to be gagged, and that by tbe
Camerons. Oi course, it is not much
that on little county can do, bnt let
ua be honest though tbs beavons fall."
That's not so bad on tbe surface. But
pretty soon somebody (and we suspect
it will be a Cameron, too) will want to
know how In thunder th Chester
oounty snip can growl after one
Cbestor Butler was appointed United
States Judge, and another made State
Treasurer all in on year by the
Camorona. Smoke that, Mr. Advanctl
What is ft tbat Cheater oounty men
don't want 1
A Mad Organ. Th Wllkes Barr
Timet, th Radical organ of Luxerne
ooupty,ln alluding to the appointment
of Col. Woodward, lays : "Tb Re
publican of Lusern repudiate the ap
pointment of Col. Woodward; tbey
assures no part of th responsibility
for this appointment ; It Is the act of
GQverp.qrHoytRlon ; personal consid
erationa alon prompt him n giving
preference to a Democrat who happens
to bs his warm personal friends, as
agslnst a Republican wb0 ,M
been bis friend,"
A Bad Development. it turns out
now that those virtuous members of
th Main Legislalur,who refused th
oortiflctte ol th lieturnintr Board be
cause thoy did noteeteem themselves
elected, took thousand dollar bribe
from th Blain party for taking that
high-toned step. Cn of tbem "planked
down" bis 11,000 on his desk and had
It counted anar La en a oni-narml 07.
tear Blain wilt be suo struck before
this thing Is all over.
The Altoona Sun shines on him in
this way: "Mr. Kugono lisle, the
only husband of tho late .. Chandler's
only daughter, was last September
uleotod to tbo State Legislature ot
Maine. He was in Congress fur a
numbor of years, but was dofealud for
tbat position the year before Ed.
Republican. Immediately thereafter
be oausod an announcement to be made
tbat as Executor of tbe immense estate
ol his futher in-law, bis time would be
pro occupied so tbat bis distinguished
presence would necessarily be largely
omitted from Augusta. This was on
the prosumption that thegory-uiiuded
Michigunder bad died and left no sign
or rather a will. This unexpected
document turned up the other day
among a bundle of old papers and his
hopeful son in-law not being mentioned
among the Kxocutors, little Eugene
who bas boen busily engaged in set
tling the estato, has been obliged to
step out of the business and now finds
time to attend the organisation ol the
The Sun man bits bim about right.
Uo is the best specimen of the Ameri
can snob now alive. We measured
him and planted him mentally in our
mind years bolore we saw him, and,
listening to his story before tho late
Potior Investigating Committee, we
were convincod of tbo fact ; and these
last feats of his sre donblo proof.
Smoke This I The editor of the
Cbamborsburg Spirit, in alluding to
tbe "counting in" process, rulers to the
following local case in Franklin county:
"Many yoar) ago, Jaspor E. Brady was
a candidato for the Legislature in this
county, on the Whig ticket Among
tbe ballots oast at tbat election, in this
borough, was one for Jas. E. Brady.
That ballot was thrown out by the
unanimous agreement of the Election
Board, which consisted of two Whigs
and on Democrat. We never beard
any iuss made about it. But now that
a similar thing has been done by the
Governor and Council of Maine, it is
about all that the law-abiding people
of that State can do to keep the stal
wart Republicans from breaking out in
open and bloody rebellion. Tbo writer
of this article was standing near the
tablo when tb Brady vote was thrown
out, and saw it done. He never be
lieved that itought to bavo boen thrown
out But hundreds oi ballots similarly
defective have been thrown out by the
Ropublican Governor and Council in
Maine, in years past, and how any Re
publican in that Slate can mustor im
pudence enough to object to its being
done by a Democratic Governor, is
what puzslos us."
Good Results Tho Trump Act ol
last n inter seems to bavo worked
wonders in tho way of abating the
nnisance along tbe Cumberland Valley
which was formerly a favorite high,
way of the tramping fraternity. Hon.
Diller Luther, State Agent of the Board
of Public Charities, is quite enthusiastic
over the sucooss of what many feared
would be an experimental failure. The
efficiency of tb law ia demonstrated
in tho annovad ats.tement obowitig the
amoante paid tbe Sheriff of Cumber
land county for four months in the
years 1878 and 1879, respectively :
IS7S. 1S7I
SepUober......... ........$ IIS I MM
111 St
Norenbor..IH ...,...
l,T0l 0
. I,M 01
114 M
Total .. 44, 1 01 1 1 4 00
These figures show a balance in favor
of that county in the lour months since
tb passage of tbe law of f 4,668.31, as
compared with the samo months in
theyear preoeding its enactment The
result is just as effective everywhere
The country was being filled with nro
fossional beggars, and nothing but tbe
passsge and enforcement of this law
will diminish ths race.
A Shernan Monument. In Gen
eral Grant's trip through South Caro
lina he observed the blackened chim
ney of a half burnt bouse, and said:
"Tbat is one of General Sherman's
monuments." To this pointed rebuke
ol the Sherman method of making war
be added; "There was on private
house burned by my orders during tbe
war, and that was one where water
was refused to wounded soldiers. Jn
all my campaigns around Richmond
there was not a singlo house burned
except by accident or In violation of
orders." This attack on General Sher
man, the brother ot Grant's principal
rival ior tbo Presidency, has caused
considerable comment in Washington
In criticising Goneral Shorman's course-
Grant Indirectly calls ths attontion of
tb Southern people to tbo opposite
oourse pursued by himself.
Tilden Tells mi Tautn. Mr.
Tideq, says the New York .Sun, does
pot hesitate always He bas very
poajtiv oonviclion about tbe danger
oi a third term, lit spoke like a
patriot when he saidi
"It 1 the duty of every sincere lover
of Republican institutions to do his
utmost to prevent tbe re election of
General Grant For my part," be
continued, "1 will do everything I can
to secure the election of the man who
may ba sgreed upon by the opponents
of ths third term conspiracy aa the
best candidate to unit th conserva
tive elements of all parlies. i a third
term can be conferred, upon Grant, a
fourth and filth will be. In short,
Grsnt's installment in the White
House in 1881 means tb Empire."
Poor Shots. We notice tbat there
was an affair, so-called, near Amhorst
Court House, Virginia, the othor day.
Th parties to .he do iforo Beverly
P. Mosby, sop of po. John' g. Mosby,
and a pupil of Ken more School, and
John L. Lea, of Louisiana, a student
of tbe Univorsily. Nine shots were
fired, but nelthor was hurt Tho affair
was then interrupted and both parties
arroeiea, put euDsoquenlly released on
bail. Well, fellows that wil fir nine
shots at each other without drawing
any gore, need not go gupnipg for
doer, qf n fapt any other jtipd pf
Rather Pertinent. Tbe Spring
Sold Republican Inquire i "Isn't Don
Cameron rather orowdlnii ths mourn
er to call hi Hint Convention for
February U, fur fear that the Grant
Doom won't laat till April V
M. W. Atchison, of Pittibunrh. has
been appointee) Judir oi tb United
States District Court.tofllltbevaoanrtv
created by the death of .Indge Ketrhsm.
This case was uppermost in Con
gressional circles at Washington for
several days last week, Messrs. Krcbs
and Murray, of this county, raudo the
chief argument in the rasa. -Tb ed
itor of tbe Philadelphia Times, who
was present, thus states tbo case m a
Washington apodal to tbat journal on
the 8th iuat.:
The argument of tho contested elec
tion case of ex Governor Curlin against
Mr. Yocum began lust evening, was
continued to-night and will be conclud
ed to-morrow wghL ilrr Krcbs, a
prominent member of the Clearfield
bar, opened the caso last evening tor
lb contestant, and duvuted himself to
an exhaustive discussion of the legal
questions arising in and applicable to
tbe contest lie demonstrated that
under tbe undisputed evidence, the dis
tricts ot W oodward township and
Uouudale borough in Clearfield, and
tue township ol bite Deer in I inon,
must be rejected according to the de
cisions of tbe courts, and tbe ruling of
tbe House in tbe Covode-Foslvr, the
Meyers-Mofliit and numerous other
casus. His argument was strictly ton
fined to a presentation of tbo law and
precedents, as established in like cases.
both by judicial and legislative tribu
nals, and it was done with great clear
ness snd ability. Mr. Furst. a mom.
ber of tbe Kellofonta bar, was indis
posed last evening and be did little
more than deliver the Introductory of
ins argument in oenaii of locum. To
night he concluded, and was followed
on the same side by Mr. Murray, of
tbe Clearfield bar. Both presented the
causo ol the silting member as strung;
ly as tho facts and the law allowed
and exhibited careful preparation and
creditable ability. The argument will
be concluded to morrow evening by
Mr. Dlair, of Bollefonto, who will sum
up for Curtin. Besides being an able
and painstaking lawyer, be is a dovot-
ea personal menu ot tho ex-Governor,
although not in political accord with
Dim, and be bas mane the most thor
ough examination of the whole com
plicated facts and law of the caso and
bas the fullest faitb in the justice of
bis clients claim to tho disputed sent
novel classification or illxual
The counsel lor Curtiu claim, and
assume to show conclusively by a fair
reetstement ol the disputed votes as
established by tbo evidence, that he
was elected by a majority thrice
returned for Yocum. They claim.
that, independent of tbo proven elec
tion of Curtin without resort to any
technical exclusion ol polls, the throe
districts for futal violence to law on
part of the election officers, whereby
his majority would be increased to five
or six hundred. As these points are
vital to the issuo tbey are earnestly
disputed by tbe counsel for Yocum,
and the desperation of their causo is
manliest when It is noted that they
attempt to classify illegal votes by the
statement ot soraepartisan who visited
the illegal voters, and who testified
that thuy told him the- bad voted for
Curtin. In olber cases, liko partisans
losiintMj mat illegal voters bsu declar
ed to tnem, colore mo election, their
intention to vote for Curtin, and in
other instances the still more far-fetch
cd and despernto expedient was re
sorted to of proving that tbo illegal
voters were Democrats and then as
suming that they must have voted for
Curtin. As no evidence as to bow a
disputed vote has boen cast but tbat
ot the voter himself can be accepted
bolore any tribunal, either judicial or
legislative, th entire fabric of the tes
timony in bobalf ot locum to classify
tbe illegal votes, falls to the ground as
utterly unworthy of consideration or
credit, xno court bos ever entertained
such an evasion of the easily attaina
ble and only satisfactory evidence as
to bow votes bave been cast, and reck
loss as hav boen partisan legislative
committees, I cannot recall an instance
in which a decision was based on such
a legal or equitable absurdity.
The Curtin-Yocum con tost has a pe
culiar and important feature that is
undisputed by tho briels and artrs
ments on either side. It is admitted
by the tabulated statements ol the
vote as presented by the opposing
counsel, mat tne illegal voles proven
by the record, with their qualifications
aa electors and for whom tbey votod
unexplained by the evidence, numbers
ten or twonty tiraos the majority re
turned for tho sitting member. Tbe
counsel for Yocum show some two
thousand illegal voles which are not
proven to be qualified electors in the
test, and whose votes are left unclassi
fied for either candidate by tbe inves
ligation. Tbo counsel for Curtin show
not less than eight hundred such votes,
while the majority lor Yocnm was but
seventy-nine. It is tb undisputed
law, and as generally just as it is gen
erally accepted, that tbe proof of a
larger number of illegal votes than the
majority ot the certified member, with
out direct proof from the voters them
selves as to how tbey voted, invali
dates the certificate and unseats its
holder. While many other both legal
and equitable erounds for docidintr con
tested elections am often questioned,
it has never been disputed tbat an un
explained illegal vote larger than the
majority returned sets aside th cer
tificate and requires a new election, or
a reslatemont of the vote on well es
tablished legal rules, to decide wbo
bas tb better claim,
Three rules are plainly laid down by
the law to govorn such esses as justice
shall be best subserved, first, to re
state the vote by striking the illegal
vote ol each preoinct Iroin the majori
ty cast in such precinct. That is done
where there Is such evidence of inten
tional fraud on the part of tbe election
board as to justify the belief that all
the fraud should bo chanrcd to the
majority. This was the ruling of tho
rniiaoeipnia court In tbe Gibbona
Sboppard contest, with Judge Ludlow
dissenting, and it qualified Gibbons.
Second, to apportion the illegal voto
pro rata botween the candidates and
restate the votp by euhtrscting it from
ths oount. This I the eauilable rule
where a deliberate purpose to porpe
trate fraud on tho part of the eloction
board is not cloarly provon. On tho
rehearing of the Gibbons-Shoppsrd
caso this rule was applied and Gibbons
was unseated and Sboppard reinstated.
The third rule is to refer lbs eloction
back to the people an obviously Just
remedy when practicable. Under any
of these rule Curlin rould be tbo
Congressman, and one of them must
necessarily be adopted. Taking the
illegal votes from ths majority of tbe
several precincts, would give Curtin a
large majority ; apportioning the ille
gal votes pro rata to tho candidates,
would eloct him by several hundred,
and an anneal to tho people at the
February Mectipp ejonkl'donbtlcss re
turp 'him by sovora) thousand ovor
Yocum. who has attompted to barter
with the Democrats by vnllng with
them against ths Republicans, until he
has lost fh conQdence and respect of
all parties. A report from the com
mittee will b made next week, and It
will cortslnly declare that Yocum's
own oase prove tbat ha bas no lust
olsim U ths seat,
I Jio'arpt. That "red bandei
i-i'-" 'Consul Mosby), official head ia
thought to 'bo in danger. If bhqud
be put out of tlaua m Ohlna, he
Will not be the first man wbo has been
sent adrift bees us he sUred to loll the
truth about th rascalitytrhat Minister
Heward has fostered I hers.
Democratic GosricL.-Scnatorftuyard
of Delaware, was Invited by the
Democrats of Newark, Now Jersey, to
go over tboro on the 8th of January,
and help thum to celebrate Gen. Jack
aon's victory of Hew Orloans. tie
was unablo to attend, but ho sent ihe
Committee a true lmocrjitlo letter,
from which wo clip this paragraph :
Keohoeoofaa, whether lathe beaate or aa;
other place of publio trait, whether la publle or
private life, aauet do a Biea'a pert to prove that
pellikel dot one) bo performed b Aiaerloan
elliMna lo aa hi(b, auedtaet and feilhr.l a epirit
a lauujrh eeeb were a prir eouoelllnr to B
mnneroh aad earrouadod bt all tbe pride and
atete of a OoverBmeat arbitrary aad llnilleeo la
II pwer. Vol w Barer fail apoo ear eoeeaton
lo deneoooe any aot, oxoeutlro, LegiiUiir or
Judicial, whioh exerrlees power aot delegated or
tbe Conalitutloa aad Uwa Tola we tb old
feith and praotieo of tbe Ireajeererle parte, ooder
wbita for more tbeu aerent ara thtij edraleia
tered the affaire of the I'aioa with boaor, pros
perity BBd peeoe, aad thry will do to asela o
ooa ea ear oouatrymoa rooniae tbe feet Ihut
we Hand onoe mure in Ihe anoieal pathway f
tb Conatitatioa. Lot a prore that we do, sad
thet the aueroaa of our party at the polla ueko
a return lo Oooatilotioael bwnda la erery de
partment of the Government, aad tbe lebordia.
lion of erery official, high and low, to tbe npirit
end letter of tbo ooiy aupnm lew of the lead.
Let aa make our party tbe roeogoiiad egouey for
bin rat admiaiatratioa aod wiae oeoaomioa, end
tbe ooaeaqaeet BdeeBeemeat aad boaor af ear
eallie pooplo.
What nublo truths. Did anybody
ever say it better? While our Rulers
respect "Constitutional boundaries,"
our country will onioy peace. Ireedom
and prosperity. But it this law is
violated by rulers, or pooplo ; we invite
revolution, oppression and wrongs
which will so debauch us, that in
twenty your afterwards John China
man will come along and devour ua. or A Chaplain Colonel. The
Pittsburgh Gazette, of tho 2d, gives the
following: "Tho notorious James
Uounk, alia Col. Bates, Murphy
Courtney, 4c, better known horo
about as the Chaplain Colonel, was
brought beforo Judge liailcy on Satur
day to receive sentence upon the
various charges to which he bad plead
cd guilty. The largo and appreciative
audience present was doomed to dis
appointment; be merely submitted tbo
following loiter :
To Hon. Jokm Baiirg t
I'leaa tlno in place of ant pronl re-
, irena me. i am eerry lor the poall
wbiah I am plaoed for tho Srl time In
I bar taken ae- b clapa aa to hare tb artiole
returned to the owner whom I borrowed tbem of
una aid not rturs there. Thet I the b-iat I a a
ao. 0 ravroilol to a, and wheterer wiy aeo-
tenee mi, h I I n ...v. t, . . .
I hare eufterr-d a fw rata Buffer both lo mind'
aaa ooay.
Your Respectfully,
J. IfoewK.
His Honor gave tbe document a re
spectful perusal, but said it was out of
tbo question to comply with tbo pris
oner's request, as tbe law specified tho
nature of the punishment to be inflicted
ior oorluin offences. He then pro.
Coedcd to lay the sentences upon the
self-confessed rako until they amounted
to threo years In the Workhouse. Exit
Colonel llouwk. We'll see you
New Year s Day, 1883.
Condensed Truth. The editor of
the Washington Herald takes a noted
demagogue right between the eves in
this way : Mr. John W. Forney in his
Progress, calls General Grant "tbe real
savior of the Republic." Whether this
is mere senility or the coarseness of
interested flattery, does not specially
concorn us ; but, coming just after the
1 bomas ceremonies, with its crowd ol
Generals most gorgeous, and ol officers
eliminiebjiiir, in mwmbovo ate tho revi
of rank is descended, it doe afford us
a text for a much needed discourse on
the inequality wilb which patriotism
is rewarded in tbia world, and for a
protest against the flagrant lie that
this Republio bas been savod by any
or all its Generals. When "tbe Repub
lio" get where only one man can save
it, it will no longer be worth saving.
All that is worth saving in this nation,
as distinguished from othor nations, do-
peuds, and always will depend, upon
tbe intelligence and patriotism ot tb
people ; when those fail, all is lost.
Lcedinff Demoorata are andeol.led ekil In J.
eooet eeuini their steto Uoareatloa. Tbe bold
more of tbe Repobliceaa ia ealliaf thlr Coarea.
tloa 10 early ba taken the Demnoreta hr aor.
prl, and tbey will ha forard to do oonaldaraulo
eaneeei; beforo they ua Aeoide bdob an alea
n - mmr moramaat I - MrirfMewper
We suppose that somo othor fellows.
outside of tbo Democratic party, are
still more surprised at tbe orders of
the Chairman of the Radical National
Committee and tho "boss" of tho Slate
Committee; but then, tho Bulletin and
its) supportor are not thin-ekinaod,
and they will do anything that Sena
tor Cameron orders them to do. "Uncle
Tom" was never a more abjoot slave
to his master than tho Radical leaders
in this State are to Senator Cameron
and bia father. The latter issues the
orders, and the former executes them.
The Radical slaves are as wholly un
der their control as slaves were for
merly under the control of their mas-
Queer. The New York ' sars
A friend of Goneral Grant's deems it
necessary to write a icltor from Phil
adelphia, explaining that although
some oi tne most notorions or the den-
redstors on the publio Treasury made
their appearance at the Grant ban
quets, yet Gon, Grant would have pre-
irrru mat toey snouni not nave come.
I hen why were they invited f
This explanation will not do. It can
not be accepted. Mr. Childs knows
Grsnt's tastes his likes and his dis
likes, and ho would not have sent an
invitation to anyone without beins:
sure that Grant would be glad to tee
Then, again, Bubeock, on of the
worst ot the whole lot, not contont
with being in the General's company
in Philadelphia, met him at the donnt
in Washington and accompanied him
to the house ol (ten. Illaino.
Birds ol a feather flock toirethor :
Grant, Robeson and Raboock.
An Ecumenical Council of tbe -Meth
odist Episcopal Church has been fin
ally agreed tipqr, and the committee
Appointed by the Genoral Conlorence
at llaltimore in May, 1876, is summoned
to meet In Cincinnati on tbe 6th of
May next, lo prepare the call or tbe
great ecclesiastical assembly, in whioh
every recognised Mothodist orgauia-,
tioa is to be roprecjontpd. Then are'
upward of 30,000,00(1 MothodisU In
different parts of the world, and It Is
proposed to harmonise and, as far as
practicable, unify tb various branches
of this colossal religions body. On of
tb principal ttihjecta to bo dlsoussod
is th preparation of a uniform order
of servioes, in recognition of tb tend
ency to increased formality in wor-
t"1 of theeewated-ie Melee Senator here ro
om w) aoeept oeau oa aooeaat flboarMedo
eteioa of the Soprani Qoort At aeb. deoiatoa
her btea. Mattered at raael a fly elwller oaeet
IS Vt ojute aa always teoooed, three Beat e -
pn two eonow. jteoieM eea.
Well, th Sonator indicated art far
more thin-skioned than Hays was
when he was counted in. He is still
Tho election of De Golrer Garfield
as ihe successor of Mr. Tburmun in
tho Sonata forces into bold relief a
most significant coincidence.
Garfield was ono of the bribed mem
bers of the House, caught with Credit
Mobilicr scrip in his pocket, issiHid by
the I'acino Kailroml Hini. To Mr.
Thurman, on the other bund, belongs
tbo special credit ol having curried
through the only law by which tbese
rich and overgrown corporations ar
called to account.
'Ibeso corporations lurnished the
money in Ohio to boat Thurman, and
the returns from twenty eonntica,
hitherto regarded by both psrlies as
close, provo conclusively that thcyfol
lowed Oske Ames's advice In putting
tbe cash whoro it would do most good,
and that their efforts wore diruvtod,
first of all, to tho Legislature, if the
othor counties of the State had done
nearly as well for them as this disputed
ground, Foster's majority over Kwing
would have run up to sevenly-flvo
Those great monopolies and riugs
have now secured an open advocate
on the floor of the Senate, whoso voto
and whose voice they can always com
mand. New York Sun.
Tho State Board of Agriculture will
. nioel in llarrisburz on tho 28 1 h ol
January. "Wboat,''"Tho mostcconoinl-
I Karm Fence." ''Fertility of the
i arm, "Stock Kalsing, "r arm runoes
and Ways from a legal standpoint,"
"Adornment of Farm Houses," "In
vestments in Land for Kcnling," "Tho
most profitable Crop tomccood Corn,"
and "Applo Growing," nro among the
subjects assigned for essays and dis
cussion. The printers ot Altoona are making
arrangements to proporly obscrvo tho
birthday of tho printer and l'hiloso.
phor, Benjamin Franklin, which oo
curs on Saturday, the 17 th inst.
Sfw gtUMrtistmrnts.
rjiloutrTAO "
T!l TH IH ! of 0mtt-rr tie, B Ihw rrHt-hstr
llimM, the prtwii.c ilYiaiNMl la fr Ih 'iuRtilr
trtvLoed niun ft.- I nsltinM iiur liiNiituili.ii tiff-ti tin
urrwi fnrllnirw to vounr ntwi ntlUrili tptsl tiitin
IbroliUliihut rraciid'sl Mu:.t-i. A ih.irt tliutj
only ! reqi.tiM, In riMijlHe tl,s vur-t of flinty.
KifeSDoPM lixiit. IiKilijiluii! iiiKtrifiiuii MiidcntB ckb
tnwr at tiiy Hum. Nn v. ,ti..,. .,r clrvulin
dttrMi i. ii rr hum. Hiu,bHnr.h.
sjT-Ulifl lioMtk ltif llJlf. .ll,ll-l. ,l l.y Hnjref
4 Knar..; prinn-1 It. -.!. int n r(t. I., wo,k
"1lh" CU,B,, !'. ' A wik lor tack on,
railrOtW, UitltKiea in, u tlni Ttlt-1.1 main.
Filet; a.i, MtuKi- iir,-, "
Here opened up, lo the lor room letely oecnpied
by Woofer A Hrtla, on Second atreet, a larc end
well aolrcted itooh of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
Weire tbey wiU dirpoee of at rraaonekle relea
ror reea, or eiehaafe lor oooBtry predne.
Cleert.ld, Pa Jaa. S. ISlS-tf.
Cheaper than ever si tU store ol
G. C. & T. W. MOORE,
RfMIM Mta, 1, pliers OFERA HOUSE,
We hve Just received tho larrrpnt
and best selected stock of
t: Furnishing hk
Thst has ever come to town. Alto,
all the new novelties in
DriviM Boots and Shoos.
Rubber Boots & Shoes.
flivs bs call snd see if we don't
sell cheaper than anybody else.
c.t-o. c. MIX HIP,
Tom H . IMiMim;,
ClrertelJ, Pa , Sept, it, 1179 Jre.
Cheap Qash Store.
Clearfield, Pa.,
(toaipritiag DrtM Gwi( of tk vry Ultrt tlt,
miiihii IB pftrt vmtttmmnt, M.ntihitr
FMeiei. AlfftMt, ftnd all Mttnar of
Fancy Dress Goods,
8ofc u Cratani, Laittrf. PlilJt, Prtii
UiDithtvmi. Wri KimIm of tbt v-try UtMl
it j Is, ftnd H thp m Ih-y mh I Kbit!
ia U.i mtrkV
OoniiitiKf of Olnfw fcr (lsBtf, LsHIsm d
Mi MM. Hon r UI ihidM, Hilk rrlnjt-t,
I.MM, Fry DrM BitoM, Lull-i
TIN til ftlfjM Mt It), Cflt
4 Collin, HtfeUM f ftll ktndi m4
qlit.M. Maria Uidtrwtir, Trias la ua, .
Queemware, Hardware, Tinw&i
CarpetftaOtl Cloth
Wllea wIN be eeU on.leeok) or retail. WlU
Country Produce
la Kisksac far Csoels at Merit at Prlree,
wm. i. Borria,
f le-arfMs, Pa., Kerrt. t, IrtTH tf.
Uw JMvfrtittmfBtn.
AtmlUKKKB)' NOTICK. .To Whom It
Slay Concern Tne oBderelfnod, aailof
teen eiipolntrd Aaal(uoe for tbe aeoelt of eredi
loia I.J Jaa. II. Urelum, et Cle.rl.IJ aeroob, all
pertona, therefore, eerie eleima n;etnet bim will
prcent tbrm to a for uimnl, aad tboae la.
dollrd to tbe eatd ;rbem are rrqalred lo aelll
aad Slab pare eel a ae.
KliWARn . BlflLER,
Cl.arl.ld, fV, !. id, IllS tf ) AmIiboos.
tt . . . .... . .
rif r.
BlIRNrtlflR, PINN'A.
Till eeswrlhor aew oSrn lo Ike eltlm of
boraoide aad eleleltr, aa aaprerlded
Mlelly. Ilereeller all bind of Oeabeta aod
Coffl, will be kept oa hood, aad ardor tiled at
euee. ...
funerals 1ttrndd . nyteArr.
I will furaleh tb 8net wll u th eheapewc
article dtdioited to luaarel All order left at
the atore of Joue C Coansa will reettr prompt
atieaUoa. For farther parttoelera, eell oa or
ad.lrraa t. . II KNDKHSON.
Ilei IS, H7Mf
; Jt '- -
James Xa Leavy,
llittntf 'arhid tb ntin Hock W Tr4.
Stwkatt, btirtby () ootln that ba hat botH
Into tlit Intel- Mwopled by Rn1 1 Kairtrty,
en Knnil ttrt. he tl prp.rt4 to altr U
tha pablto
llf.'JTJ'O ..
of th ltt luiprored patlerna, at low prleeo.
Gaa Fixtures and Tinware,
Koolln(, 8ponllr,f, iMambin;, Oa FlUIni, aad
Hepeirlag l'ump a penalty. All
work warrant.
Anylhini ia ray line will be ordered ap.plel If
Miro.1. JAS. L LKAVV,
Oleerfled. Pe., Jonaery 1, lS79-lf.
A feat.
Interesting to Buyers !
) VlW.leiUVV
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Winter Dry Goodsy.
Which h will tell ehaap for aih. Huh) ion a.
Carpels and Oil ClolhSi
Ladies' Coats :i E;l:::;,
ia 0toK twr mm re urtrr.
Elmira Boots and Shoes.
Ba; bo olber: Ikej ate tho bnt.
1 door. Wait af Po.tofflor, CLEARFIELD, PA.
Boris, '7-tt
SheriiTs Sale.
"I j rlrtoa of write of tWi'iioai Arooaoa I event
1 oot of tbo Ooart of Common Plea of Ceer
Sld ooonty, aad lo mo direeted, tborr will!
be eipoeed to poblleaele, at tho Ooart Ana
lo the boroaitb of ClearSeld, oa
Tharaday, January ISth.lHHrSt.
At 1 o'elork, P. M , the followi derwlbed raael
atete, to wit:
A eerlein tree! of lend altuote In Lowroaee
townehip, ClearSeld eonoty, Peao-a, beuodod aaudl
deacrinrd aa followa : Oa tbo eoot by lendoeo
Lorer Flreel aod R. Moeenn. oa the wt be l
of R. Iteaaop, oa the ooatb by loom e A. L.
Ofdea, aod en the north by lend, ot abo. Ufhrni,
eenteininf nne baadred and nmj elfht eoiror,
wore or leu, with eboot ninety aotee eleerad.ead
baring teereoaa ood orchard, aad lo baring
Iharooa eroetrd a lerire plana, hoaar, larjte bonk
bore, and other entbuildina. Seined, taken ia
teealloa and to bo aold ao the proporly af Joha
Alao, by writ of Fleet t'uiu, Ike fullooin. real
estate, to wit :
All Ihe! erlaia let or niece of around la th
borough ol CleerheM, buonded oa tho wool by
fouilh Mrrel, ob the eeet by Owen reed, end oa
tb north by lot ol Jamo T. Leonard ea. el.. boo.
tailing aerea, mere or lest, and baring thero
oo ereoted a large frame boa, a amell table, aad .
oiner oeK DBiiainga.
Alao. ell Iboee eertaia two tola of otobbJ !
borongh of ClearSeld, ClearSeld eoanty, V,.
bounded oa tbe out by Fourth atreet, ea theweelt
by let of Leery 'o beira, on tbo aortb by Skarryr
trrl, end on the aonlb by aa alley, ajej.haowoi
n low No. 17S end I7S, aad baring ibaeeoa artel,,
ed a lerge tannery, wilb boilera, engine. Aw.
Alio, ell that oertein let of grooad in the
borough, bounded on tbe earl he Fourth atreet. u,
Ihe well by let No. lit, on tha aoate by Weleuu
treat, and oa the Bona, by aa. alky, aad k&owoi
in plea of eaid borough, a lot. Nw. ITS, aad heav
ing thereon ereoted a beaa-houM, berk-abodes,
end other ont-buihiinge.
Alao, all thet other lut of grtmnd la eeaio hor
rrcgh, hounded ea th well by Ho.irlk atroet, em
ik oaat by a .treat, oe th. aorta by am alley,
and oa the enutlL by lot No. 43, end hnoww ia
r-laa of said borough ee lot No. 44, eod heeeeg
taereoa erooled a frame dwellieg kneee two. era.
rtoi high, amell eleble ood olber oal balldlage.
Alle, all the. other lot of greead la tbo aemo
borough, buoodod oo tho oe.1 bj Fourth atreet.
ea the weat by aa alley, and the aortk by lot No.
zj, ana oa to route by lot Ho. 17, and known Is
plea of raid boroogh a. lot No. IS, aad a leg
thereoa erected a heme houae twa eterloa hieb. a
mall rteble aad athn out balldiap.
Alio, DrfeadaBla later! la Ibe fellowlna lot.
altuote In Ibe borough of ClearSeld, CI.e-l.ld.
ooanty, Pa., the ana bounded oa Ibo aeat by
rnurth alreel, on Ihe wee! by ea alley, ea Ihe,
north by lot No. it, aad oa ibo aouth by lot ho..
3S, and known In plea of ald borough a lot No..
16. ad balng(hreonereoldframbu,lwe
atorlea bigk, a amell atable aad tkr OBlballdj.
Alao, all Ilrfendaal' latereet In the IbJhwrag
deeerihed lot la tbe .erne borough, b.aajifeSoa lha
eeal by Fourth atreet, oa Ik wrat by aa alley, oa
Ibe Berth by afreet, end oa aba Booth by lol No.
lo. ead knooa la aid borough a IM Mo. 14, ae
bat ing tbereoB ereetoi a fraaM hooea, two .tail
high, a ataU aad other owtoBirdioga.
Alio, aU Defouilaat ' latereet in that oertela
lot of ground in eeme borough, bounded OB tb
eeal by Fourth alreel, oa Ihe weat by lol No. I7,
oa Ik aorlh by an alloy, nd on til Booth by
Cherry trt, end knowa ia plaa of Mid boroogh
aa lol No. Ian, berlag 'hereoa created a lar g two-.
try from boaeo.
Alee, ell I hat eerie la lol la earn boreegh boas
ded ea the eoolk by Cherry elreel, oa Ibo lenk
by an alley, oa tbe oaat by lot No. IM, aad oa
the weet by lol No. IS4. nod boown la i.l.o .t
eld borough ae lot No. 174. No kuMingh
Alao, all that othor lot la MBM koe
drd aouth by Cherry atreet, aorlh bg ea. alley,
aot by rot No. ITS, aad woet by lot (to. t, and .
bn.e-o la plea of eald borough aa U Ma. IS4. He .
Aleo, on. olber lol la mm koreagh, kMaleeT
r ' i. P""' k' " M, kr
.-. ..... m. weoa ay oa alley, aaa Boown la .
plea of aaid ko.augb a. 11 No. lot, berleg laoro
ea erooled a freiae, koure, tw etorte kigk, a -anil
Ittkl aa. Mhar aatkoildlagt.
Aleo, a lot ar pieee or ground la Lewrewaa .
l.h,p, CleorSeld eawBly, P- beoodod oa Ik .
by Oweaa' road, oo the aealk aad weet by
lead of Robert Owen, aad tbo Berth kg lead ol
Jeme Moore, aoatelaiag Sre eeree. eeero ee Uee.
II eleared. Weaed lakea ia oioeattoae mad la ke loid
a tha property el Matdfca shark,
Tiaxa op 8t.a.Th aatee ae aaa al wtlehe
tbe propony alutl t b atruok ef mM b paid at tho
time ol eel, oi aaok .who arreageauale mete aa .
will ' Vfrored, etherwtae th property will Sou
ivmrdiaialy pot ap aad oold agora at the oipeaeeo
and ttek af tho ponoa to whom II wo etrejek eSi,
ad wke, la eeee of delete? at Mat eo-eelei.
eheil moke good Ike eaaee, aad t ao laataao.
wdl tho Deed ao preaoBlad la CoaM lor aoaarmee
tloa unleet Dm money la aetoelly peid la two.
Shaill. ANDREW FKRlZ, Jr.,
bibipo'b Orrico, I SboruTl
Cleart.ld, H., Ilea 14, HTf.