Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 07, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid Ib edranoe.or within three mouth... 12 10
ir paid after IhrM aad before III month,... 1 SO
If paid after tho expiration of aix monbta... I M
Ker-Meeire. 8. M. rTTolLL A Co., H.wa
p.per AdYorllalng AgeoU, IT Park Row, earner
Detkmae Street, ara r duly eathorleed Agonta
la N.w Vork City.
Mrthodlat Kpleoopal Cb.ureli.-ReY. J. 8.
McMt'RRAr, 1'artor. tterrlcea every Babbatb
U III, A. M., and 7 P. .
Sabbath Snbool at A. M.
Pravnr Meeting e.err WedoeeJny, at 7i P. M
Cunimunion Serrlee, Irat Sabbath of erery
oath, at 10, A. n.
ut lloartlcld M. E. f.'hnrch. Rer.
W. Scott WlLBOR, Paator. Preaching erery
altaroaU Runday, at I o'eloftR, P. H. Sunday
School at i, r. M. All ara ia.lted to attend,
Preatij lerlan Church Rev. H. B.
8abhath eervleoa morning and evening Sab
bath Sohool at I P. M Prayer Maatlnf Wednea-
day craning.
Ilaptlat Chuff h. RaT. , Pallor.
Sabbath School at a P. M. Prayar Moating artry
Wednesday evening.
Ht. Fraud.' Church Cathollr Rev. P
J.BRBBtnaR. Divine eervlee et 10j A. M., ob
tba Aral, third and loortbHundeyaof aaeh month
Vaapera and Benediction of lha llleaeed Surement
at 7 o olook, r. M. nunoay conooi every
afternoon at I o'elook.
Reoond Monday of Janaary.
Tbird Monday of March.
Firat Monday af June.
Fourth Monday of Soptambar.
T1RB or B0LD1R, 00BR0H FLBA8.
Flrat Monday of Jane.
Beennd Monday of November.
rtiiLio orrtoBRa.
Pruidtnl JdfUa. Cbarlaa A. Mayer, or
Look Haven.
Aoi.ttM ton .Woe Hob. John II. Orrla, of
JuHytiAhnra Ogdn, Clearfield;
Vlnoent B. Holt. Clearflelil.
WAaaotar-y Kll Bloom.
Rghtr and Rteordrh. J '. Morgan.
Twurtr Philip lott.
Ditlriel AUvrmtfJ. V. McKtnriok.
SktriffJntntt MabetTey.
Deputy 8kriff
Cvty Smntgor Saniul V. MoCloskey, Cur
County CommitiiontfC. W. Kyler, Orahiin.
ton P. 0.; Kleh Johnaton, lirampien Hill P. O.;
Juhn Norris, Hr.( Uurwensviii.
Count Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
fiild ! JuMpfe- Gllliland, Thro Hun ( J. 8. Nor-
County Co-aatr J. B. Nff, New Washington.
Jury Comminiouw Andrew J. Jacnon, Uiear
fled, Wm . . Brown, Cle.rficld.
SujtorinUndtnt of Pubti School M. L. MO
Qaown, Clearfield.
Utahro WiiykH A Mtaturti Jm W. Cirlilt,
offico at Latbenbiirg Pa.
Motariu Publio John W. Wrlgley, Win. H
debaugh, Cynn Oordon, Cleirfield ; Joieh H.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CurweniYillei J- A. Living
tun. Unlloli City.
Our Spaeinl oolamn If decidedly In U roiling In
Itifevl v'nt of lew nd P"1"bl rw-'ng to
outaldsra who want to ti monry.
W ill jou tnke wheat, ot or corn for iuh
crljiiion r M i are ofton Inquired of In thii way
bv letter from jutrom who re.IJa at a titane
fiom Clearfield. W .gain lay yea. The raeaijili
of a rttpnnaiMt uarrhant or mill owner In th
virinlly, will aniwor ui junt w wtll a tho aah.
To lllluitrato! It any of our patrons will dtlivar
ui a bug of grtia at the mill of Joieph II. Ilreth,
In Chert towoihip, Horace Pntobln, In BorniiJe,
Thoinai II. Porcey, in Graham, Wm. Porter or
Shaw'i, tn Lnwrenee, or Brown A Beyler'i, at
Rocktun, Union towoihip, and forward their
receipt! fur the -mount, we will credit them on
thflr icn.nnt for the Mine. In Ibli way all may
toon pay what they owe, If they will purine tbii
eouree. l
ITuve you boooino expert at writing
i m
' Vacation ha ended, and our schools
opened again on Monday morning.
. . m n -- -
A number of rults from up the river,
properly manned, passed tbiej place oa Friday
Inst. '
Tho rainfi and ibawg of last week
caused a large flood la the river, and also some
rafts of timber to go adrift.
Mr. Kicbardu, who was injured bo
triomly a few weeks ago by falliog from one of
tho buildings at the new tannery, la recovering.
Hial & Draper's troupe played eight
times a week six er en Inge and two matinees
fur eight weeks la Pittsburgh, with a crowded
h'juse each evening,
A pleasant leap yoar party was held
at the residence of Prank Pialdiog, K'C.,on New
Year's evening, participated in by young folks
from home and abroad.
The Citizens' Cornet Band visited
the Oonnty Prison on Christmas day and treated
the Inmates thereof to tome elegant ovu It Tbe
prisoners seemed to enjoy It hugely.
. . - tm
The INew Washington M. K. Con
gregation held a Festival on Christmas eve and
night, and cleared abont $110, which will be used
1b purchasing a new library lor tbe Sandy icbool.
Mrn. Dr. Uartswkk slippod and fell,
while decending a pair ol icy stairs at ber bomt
one dey week before latt, and fractured several of
her ribs, bhe is now rapidly recovering from
ber Injuries,
The firm of Lenvy, Mittihell k Co.,
engaged lathe lumbering bosinest, has bea die
solved, Mtssrt. Jamas and John Mi tab ell retir
ing. Tbe aame of tbe firm Is now James L.
Lenvy k Co.
. i Rut) I
Kx-Slienlf ron is now occupies the
western half of tbe brick realienceon Pine street,
aljoioinj that portion oacuplcd by D. W, Mo
Curdy, Kity (Sheriff Mahsfiey has moved Into
tho jatl bailding.
The Kpiscopal and Lutheran Sab
bath Schools were tbe only ones ia this place that
treated tbelr sobolart oa Christmas. The former
bad a tree and (he church decorated on Christ
mas eve, and tht latter held their fttlrtiee oa
Christmas morning.
BRB-AT 111
Iiulit. It. lianmer, a compositor in
tbe Ceelre rawcral at Bellafonte, sojourned
In the vicinity of Clearfield during tbe helidays,
and tailed to see vs. He was bunting afswi-, so
our detlltays. He sawooe too bat aa to whether
he succeeded to capturing it or uii we are But
The Kquitnble Lite Assurance Society
of the United States, now possesses accoraalated
assets, securely Invested, amuBottog to thirty-sii
millions of dollars. The Equitable ts prompt and
reliable, aod its policies art loeonteitaklt after
three years. R. M. UiKnally, Clearfield, Pa , Is
County Agat.
The Supervisor of Census in each
district will receive pay not exceeding $609 with
f 10U additional for clerk hire. The Sopurvltor
will have power to appoint one enumerator of the
tenia for every four thousand Inhabitant!, whose
pay will be $4 a day for a parlud aol exciodlog
thirty days.
m aMa
(juNR, Too I That venerable oldcil
lien of Paao township, Hlc-bard Denver, Sr.,
passed beyond tbe reach of hoaua eveatt ana dey
last a-tck, la kis 03d yar. A large aaeemblage
followrd bis rem at as to the tomb oa tho day of
bis burial. He leaves a large tlrele of relatives
and friends ta saoara ever bis demise.
Mr. Joe Chunet, a gentleman ot the
first Biagailude and well knowa ta Ibis vicinity,
having Visited Clearfield la connection with the
Jennie Carroll troupe at tba opening of Pie's
Opera IliaUfe, and several limes since, It aow
ageat fur Hlal A Draper's Uaelo Tom's Cabin
Company. Joe alwavs travels with good Irvtpet-
. aaf i .
Ui-ih. h, Wallace, of rrinceton Col
Irgai W. Irvla Shaw, or Lafaytlte College; Mist
LUile Hatttwiek, of the Holidaysburg Hemkaary
Miss Kate McMarray, Miss Maggie McCallcugh,
Miss Carrie Tet. of ike Williaeasport Seminary,
and Miss Blanche Flcgal, of the Pittsburgh
Ft inula College, spent tbe vacation durlhg tbe
bvlidajtat their respective bomea ia tbit vteinity,
Tbe absence of the "Kducatkmal
Coleaia" this week Is atlribated la Saparlatead
ant Metjaowa't abaeaae from the eeaaty. Wt
might add ia this eeaneeila thU family tiekaesa
a mat ar over a etch be bat aa eoalrol may
prate I kis react. ing tba tebeets at promptly at
be wevM aiharwiee bava doaa. Dtfwotan aad
t ackers, bawover, will waderstaad thai It la at)
neglect ef duty oa bli part
The DuBoii Courier Bayi that Wm.
Cerley, of that plaae, fell weak before lait and
broke kit wriet.
We loarn that Dan Doberty, of this
oorougn, who at fJi ionodi etrayad awar a lew
with, ago, hae raoortrod bit property, It having
been found Ofer along the Low Urade Kallroad,
between PenfitU and Winterban. Dan tow ra-
Jolcaa thereat and U happy.
The snow fell rapidly during tbe
greater part of the dey on Chrittmai, and tbe
pedntrlani abroad that day were aotauaeroui.
Oa New Year'i day the eun ibone bright all day,
and the weather eoald not have been mora da
tlfhtfal. The Orpbeua boyi were an the treat
and played Mveral'pieoee of their eboloa muila.
Tbe following named porHoua have
beta ideated to aerie aa ofioer of tho Clearfield
Proabyterlaa tlabbath School for the year IS HO :
Superintendent Crroe Gordoi.
Alftaal W. A. linrr.
Heeretary George 0. Moore.
Librarian Uowrd B. HerUwiek.
Trcatnrer 4. Freak Powell.
Wo bave received a circular und
eetalogoe of tba Normal Moeioel Inetltate at
CarweniTilia. Tbe third Urm of ihie Institution
will com m tare on the Brat of Mercb next. Tbe
Inititate was firat organised at E mien ton, Ve
nengo oounty, but tbe location baa beta e hanged
to Curwrnivill, It being mire lultibly and brau
tlfully ittufttad. Prof. McDonald la ett eaoellent
and ooni pet en t initniotor and deierrcs a liberal
ahare of public patronage.
an aB -
Our Humanity. A week ul'o
eontemporary remsrked i "Jhsi bow when the
country mint iter la lovited oat or an eveaieg he
Imiginea It li tbe InUntioa of bis parlahioners
toaurrtptitlooaly Uko podwaisloa af the person
ego end whea he returns home be oonAdeatly e
paots to find Ike bouaa erammed with floor, cakes,
saarege and all torts of toothsome provisions.
Tbe key turns easily la tba look and the house
it as empty aa a granary after wheat haa Jtrook
two dollara a buahel 1 To. a It it that but slight
oeeesion is Beaded to incite the good man to lay the
youngest member of the family over the pattern !
knee and administer some pious correction. Tbe
aching heart thai seeks aoneuletioo la the miaery
of another."
New Mechanical Journal. Wo
have before as tbe the Ant number of tho Black-
mttk nJ Wkutmright, a new Illustrated paper
devoted to tbe Intciesis of Blacksmiths, Wheel
wrights, Carriage and Wegon Maker, Machln
lata, ate. In aise and general appcaraaoe It re
semblfs aomewbtt the ScUntiJle Amtriwn, being
handsomely priated oa fine paper and filled with
engravloga illuitrating the different aubjeoti
treated. We nutiea ertiolas eu "Tempering
Steel SpriBga," "Heating Steel," MSoieBtll.e
Iloraeiboeiog, "Letter from Robert Bonner,"
"King Solomon and the Blaokiui.tot," "Welding
Compounds." "Ohio Horse-Shosri' Convention,"
"Growth of Carriage Baildlag," "Seasoning
Timber and nrnoh other TalaaMa matter of a
practical charade r. A prominent feature la a
Veterinary Department, In which the sabscrlber1
will receive advloe concerning the treatment of
tick hones and cattle free of charge. Tin terms
of subfcrlption have been filed at the low rate of
$1.00 a year, and the publisher announces that
tbe paper w ill be sent ea trial for three months for
26 cents In postage stamps. Address Tht Math
Mile and Wht$twrigkt, No. 80 Bee km an street,
New York.
Col. Sanporo's DkotuK8. Tho ev
ening loittures during the week of 'he Techen'
Institute were the best that has ever been dell.
ered in Clearfield. Ufpeclally d the lectures of
that famous traeallur and humorist. Col. J. P.
Sun ford, deserve notice. Why! as a traveler,
he has visited every land and slims on tbe Globe,
and bt has, what few people possets, the com
bined power of description, aloquence, wisdom,
wit and humor, to tell what be bat experienced
and seen in anch a manner as to captivate tba au
dience and receive hearty expressions of their
appreciation throughout the entire hour and a
half or two hours that be may speak. No one
tires while listening to him. In bis lecture
The Old Times and Tbe New," on Tuesday ev
ening, he gae saeh a vivid description of tbe
ancients and their work that nothing seemed to
be left that then liviug in these modern timet
could claim as the work of their own laventloa j
but after making his comparisons with modern
timet, It maket one proud to be aa American.
"Wanderings In Sunny Lands," delivered on
Wdud. avMBBB,. mn a anaatarsiMe This
restless gentleman hat beta traveling for thirty
years, and there Is probably no man living that
has seta more of tbt world thaa Col. 8anford.
Tht editor of the Wilkes Barre iaodV ap
propriately alludat to tbt carelessness of those
whese duty It It to take oare of the Jury wheel In
this way t "It stems to have become tbe fashion
for a lawyer who bat a client charged with some
serious offense, and against whom the evidence It
formidable, to devote bit whole attention to in
vestigating tbe manner la which the jury wheel
was filled, or the panel drawn, or the bill found
by the grand jury, Aod almost every time he
hits an Irregularity somewhere. The case of tbe
Kemble gang Is only one of a dosen of the kind
that bave lately tome under our notice. Some
times tht jury wheel it not locked and sealed.
Then the Jury Commissioners open tba wheel 1b
tho absence of the Sheriff. Then the key bat not
been at all times aad aoioterruptedly la custody
of the Sheriff Then the Commissioners bave
failed to too are the jury wheel by sealing the
same with tbelr seals. The grand jurors were
not properly sworn, f ktn teas aa arra man tn
tk jury room. The jurors have been Importnned
by outsiders. Or something of this kind bas
transpired. It seems to us that this Is all wroag
If these Irregularities, when proves, are soffleleot
to warrant tbe dissolving of a Court or the quash
lng of aa Indictment and we don't dispute It
then a good deal more care should be taken by
those la authority to see that they are provided
gainst. Every official having anything to do
with the filling of tht jury wheels, the drawing
of juries, tho direction or custody of Jurors, or
having anything whatever to do with Juries,
grand or petit, should bt minutely Instructed at
to their duties, and given to anderstead that If
they fall to perform those duties tojtho letter, they
will have to pay sows sort of a penalty. Tbe
result of their eareleunftu Is coitly to tbe tax
payers. That's bad. The dslejs It secure to
criminals sometimes affords tbtm aa opportunity
for a flual tempo from the elutcfaes el the law.
Thai's worse."
We see It announced that a oharttr for a rail
road has beaa granted, to be aalltd tbt Susque
hanna A Clearfield Railroad Company, startiag
at Keating fitatioa oa the Phllade phla A Srle
Railroad, at the moots, of Sinaemahoning ereek;
thence up tbe Susquehanna river, to tbe mouth
of Morhanaon creek, thence ap that stream about
tea eat let to intersect the Lock Uavoa A Clearfield
Railroad recently chartered. This latter road
starts at Botch creek, on the Bald Bagle Valley j
IbeBoe op Beach creak, through Snow Shoe re
gion to the Moshaneon thence up tht Moshaa
noo to Philipaburg, Centre county. Tbe capital
etoak of the Suquehaaoa A Clearfield Railroad
is 1700,000, fliTV-O r hU'h n" bean sub
scribed by Tbos. A. Scott, for tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad Company. This proposed road will
pas through tbt Moshannvn, Kar'haus aod
Keating coal aod lion regions, the richest
lo mineral weal'b ta tbe State. Iroa was maae
I'm tu red at Karthaus as early as 1MI7, by Peter
A. Karthao, after whom the Township was
named, and again la IB 17-fi by Peter Kltaer, a
a brother of Kx-Goveroor Ritner. The coal, era
and limestone used la the making af iroa was all
incd la sight of tbt furnace, and eoald bare
beta roa to tbe furnace by the forte ef gravity.
The furnace was finally abaadoaeJ far tbe waot
of proper tranvportatloB for the Iron. Tbe only
remains of tbe improve oats made ta bwildlag
this f areata la tht stone dwelling ea tbe hank
of the river, at the meatb of Mosqaite ereek, and
ate accepted by Mr. Karthant. The bridge
across tbe river at tbit puial It Mill standing aad
la a tolerable good condition, being kept la re
pair by tba ooaBtiaa of Centra aad Clear laid.
Tbe Kartbaas estate la Clearfield eoaaty eoaalstt
of ever B.OOO acret of load, which is rich la teal,
re aad limestone, at well is having oa It yet a
Urge amooBt of pine, oak tad hemlock timber.
Mosquito ereek, bb excellent water power, rnns
' trough the eewlre of the estate, and it baa every
facility for tbe aaufactare of Iroa, aa well as
lumber. A large portion ef the land It wtll
suited for farming, aod tbe country arouaJ !
well Improved, having good roads, school beates
and eborebce la dose protimlty. This aetata
front aa tbe proposed aew railroad aad the
eveatof the railroad being baill.of which there
Is ae doubt, It will bo tbe seat re of a large trade
la ee I, tree, aad tarn her.
Prom tbe movemeats aow going ta Is ear
canty la the shape of railroad p rejects, teal and
Urn .Bteretta there It, lo oar miad, at fatter
field for capital, bra las aad maaealar enterprise
tt be fbaad anywhere oa this Coatiaoat. With la
a year after the reads led lea ted are built ear coal
tbipmeata will raa ap to tot, tot teas per week,
yieldlag mora labor aad predaelng mere eab
par weak tbea the awrreat prodacttaf any two
eaatiee of medium sited popwletioa la the State,
A Bust Timi. This month will be
a lively period with at here. Tht Auditors,
Treasurer aad tbe CemmUsionsn, ire engaged ia
making tbe Annual BelUaoaent, and a three weeks
Court ob hand, betides tba eqaalliatioa of At
seuments, which devolves oa the Commissioners.
A small annual payment made to
the Equitable Lite Asturaaoe Society will keep la
force a Tontine Policy, which will entitle yon to
receive a large tarn of money la task 10 years
hence, If living ; or tho amount ef the Insurance
be It 11,000, or U.OOO, will be paid to your Itgal
rep rtaca tat ires la ease of your death at anytime,
even If It ooour but one day after Insuring. E. M.
Mo K nelly, Clearfield, Pa., la County Agent for
this popular Company. Call at bit office lo
Shaw's Row aad get circulars containing full la
Tbe tit teen th en ana! matting of tba teach era
of Clearfield tounty, which eommenoed la Ple't
Opera House, ia this borough, on Monday, De
cember 13d, and closed Friday, December Snth,
was well attended by teachers aod friends of ed
ucation, aad in point of Interest a'id numbers, sur
passed anything of the kind ever bald In tbe
oonnty. The c (Brers prtiidlog were at fullows :
President M. L. McQuowa.
Vice Preiidrhtt W. S. Luther, Matt. Savage.
Secretaries dadie Morgan, Maggie Poroee.
Recording Secretary A. H. K"Scocraos, etec
J. A. Grrgnry, rotigoed.
Tbt day sessions of the Institute consisted of
lecturer, disousMeus. class drills, bearing reports
of the various schools and committees, etc., which
exercises were Interspersed with muiio by a choir
of singers.
Mist- Harriet B. Swiaeford, of Sunbnry, aa
elocutionist of excellont merit, read a number
of selections at the entertainment on Monday
evening, aod also at tbe sessions of tbe Institute
throughout the week. Everybody tstmed pleased
with ber rtadiag, aba possessing tht gracefulness
uf maoaer and all the qualified Ions that art re
quired of aflrat-clasa elocutionist.
Bealdes Rev. W. II. Dill and Rev. II. S.Uatler,
or CleaHeld, Prof. A. N. Raub, or tht Look
Haven Normal Srbool, County Superintendent
Baker, of Huntingdon county, Col. Sanford, aad
ttev. Dr. Hays, delivered lee l urea before tbe In
stitute during the day sen tons, aud otherwise
eobtributod to mike tbe sect ions interesting and
Tbe lecturti of Col. James P. Han ford on "The
Old Times and The New," on Tuesday evening,
aad "Wanderings ia unay Lands," on Wednes
day evening, -s well as thatef Dr. George P.
Ilayf, President of tho Washington and J effort on
College, Wtfliingt'iti, Pa., were rol intellectual
tree 1 1.
The ubjeot of lr. Hays' le Jlare was "Char
aetcr and Manners." It was highly enjoyed and
appreciated by tbe large audience present. Along
with tht practical bits and good sense, there was
humor enough throughout tbe lecture to make It
enjoyable to all who listened to it. It was pro
oounocd good.
Take the Institute through from Monday till
the close, oa Prlday, it was a grand success,
abounding with Intersil and pro3t to ail in at
tendance. The personal appearance of the teach
ers in attendance, and tht Interest manifested in
the pre frets of eduoatiooal affairs, betokens bet
ter thiols in the future for the instruction of the
youth ef Clearfield countv. We hope for It, aod
will anxiously await tbe result. County Super,
totendsat McQuowa Is deserving of much credit
for the energy displayed la getting a good turn
out of the teachers. The number of teachers
p retent, actually engaged, was two hundred and
ten, bet I Jot some fifteen ex-teaebera, making a
total of two bundrod aod twenty-five. All tbe
teachers ia the county were present, except about
thirteen, three of whom were detained at borne
on account of Illness.
Thirty directors of tbe ciuniy were in attend
ance at the srsslcms of the Institute at different
The meeting of directors la tbt Court Home
on Thursday afternoon was sparsely attended.
Tbe Joint Committee appointed out year ago
to examine text-bouks, bold a meeting on Wednes
day sterling. Only one director, however, was
preioat to represent the views of that portion of
tbe Committee. The Committee was composed
of twelve persons originally seven teachers and
five directors and at their last meeting we un
derstand that but seven members were present.
Three of this no to bar are not now engaged In tbe
school work of the county, tt was found that
tbe number of directors present directors' day
dlJ ftt ! aft, wkUb, will lb atUortfaa.
tied state af the Com mil tee when it made the
report, was the plausible reason for the Superin
tendent asking that no definite aetlea bo taksa
at that time. Had It been pushed through lo
gratify the book agents and tbelr friends, the
meagre representation of directors would have
given Itaa endorsement that agents would have
oitd in making tvtry persoo believe that tacb
aetloa made the report binding. The Superin
tendent's position against a radical aod hasty
change In tbt school text-books of tbe eonnty It
right and proper, tod will receive the approval
of a number of the members of tbe Committee,
as well as tbt tax payers of tbe oounty.
Tbe choir from Cuxwoaev! lie ander the direc
tion ol Prof. McDonald, consisting of Mrs. Mc
Donald, Mist Leldy, Miss MeOloskcy, R. II.
Braioard and John Smith, furnished good mutit
daring eaCh evening's entertainment.
G. W. Weaver, of DuBols, from tbe Committee
on HeeolutloBt, reported tbe following t
Tbe ttachert of Clearfield county, la annual
Institute assembled, do resolve
Plrst. That we fully appreciate the efforts of
our Superintendent to render the Institute inter
esting and instructive, and that tbe synipptby of
the teachers It wild bim in (no wont.
Second. That wt endorse bis course in procure
leg the services of gentlemen of great ability as
lecturers ana intiruotors.
Third. That tbe thanks of the Institute are
due those who furnished the excellent musio for
the evening test ions, and also to those who lad
the singing during tnt nay sessions.
Fourth . That credit is duo thove teachers who
came to the Institute well prepared on the tab'
jeeta assigned them.
Fifth. That we believe tbe Institute Fair to
bavt been a tnccesi ) that eredit is due to those
who took an active part in it, and that such Fairs
should be made a loading factor la educational
Sixth. That our thanks are due Col. J. P.
8 ii ford. Dr. Gee. P. Hays, and Co.Hun't. Baker,
of Huntingdon, far their educational talks before
the Institute, -
Seventh. That we endorse tbe methods of In
struction presented by Prof. Kaub aod others
Eighth. That it would be beneficial to tba
cause uf education lor the teachers, scbolsrs end
patrons of each school district to held a re-uoton
at me close oi int scnooi term.
Ninth. That eredit la doe those directors who
have allowed teachers their time while attending
lastttute, and to loose directors who bave sbowa
their later eat by being present with us.
Tenth. That Civil Government should be
taught la every icbool la tba county.
Eleventh. That tht Value to teachers of the
"Kdaoatiooal Column" la the RarvtLiOA, the
Jommat and tbe Osceola RtvtilU reader It wor
thy of oar hearty support, and that tbe thanks of
the militate are due to Bupertntemient atvyuown
and W. A. Ambrose, for maintaining the aamr,
and to tho publishers of the above papers for l
kindly givtag a portion cf their space to educa
tional items.
Oa snotioa tbe resolutions were talon ap one
by one and adopted.
The tlootiontf officers for ntxtyear resulted in
tbe seleotioB of tbe following named persons, as
reported by the tellers :
Vict President 0. W, Weaver, of Do Bole, and
a tie vote between A. II. Roftncrans, of HoeloB,
aad 8. P. Fisher, of Karthaus.
Hear at arias El ma Reed, of Lawrence, and
Ellea A r dery, of Morris.
Reecidkog Secretary W. 0. Lutbcr, of Brady,
Assistant Rao. Secretary W. R. McCloskey. of
George W. Weaver, from tbe Committee on
Local Inttitates, reported that aa application had
been received for a Local Institute te be held at
DuBolt City, la Sandy towashlp. Oa metloi, It
Wat agreed to bold an Institute at that place tbe
present Winter, and tbt following Committee was
appointed to make arrangements for tht same, vis 1
tt W. Weaver, . W. Nelson, Rote Butler, of
Btody, W. B. Luther, nf Brady, and Allen H. Re
stnereni, of Host on.
The Committee also reported an application fr
a Local Inst I lota to be held at Ulea Hope, la
Becearta township. Ob motion, tbe epplieatlna
was granted aad a Committee appointed.
IB bbmobum.
The following minute was made la memory to
tht teachers wbe died during the past year t
Whbsris,-ob tht tea of the adjaanrnmtnt of
ear Inetltate the sad inaliigoee of tbe death ef
oar fatlsw.teaobtr, . sr. bpachhab, af H re fa am
lewnehtp, hit reached ut, tBeralore
Rttd, That la bit death, we have lost aa
efficient teacher, a eealoaa worker, aad a beloved
friend. Oar arm path tea are with hit parents and
relatives tn their sad afflctton ) thai a eopy ef
tbeee tsoiatioert ae tent ta an frteads aad re
corded la the minutes ef tbt Inetltate.
rW, That In Ike deatbe ef Mitt M.eoit
Mtuna, at Chest ereek, aad Onantan Faun
wnkt af Lumbar City, which occurred daring
the year af lt70, tba teachers' proleetioa bas sus
tained a great lose, aod wt feel that a veld has
been created tn our ranks. We tender ear sym
pathies to the bereaved relatival aad frteads es
tbe eieeeaeea.
The proceeding! of the Institute will be peb
Hi bed Ib pamphlet farm, aad therefore ear rend.
an will bare te bo eonteat with tbit abtiraet ef
the icing i of ear edacaiers.
Our January Term of Court will
commence next Monkey, to continue for three
consecutive wet'is.
The Gottysburgifmicroommenoos
the new year with a suit of aloe aew type. Tke
subscribers are evidently pay log up the eld
The Newport Ledger oi last week
contained twenty-three marriage notices, twelve
of which were dated on Christmas. Hurrah fur
Parry tounty I
In and Out. Sheriff Pent aban
doned the prison oa Monday last, and Sheriff
elect Mahtflty took poisetston of tht happy fam
ily contained la the cells, and he will, no doubt,
tot tba) Jul Hoe la Jont to all of them-tea la Bom
ber. a ef -
Another Gone. Karthaus town-
hip h at lost ent or it most enterprising and up
right citlteos In the death of Lorens Htrtllne,
who expired at hit home on Sunday last, aged
some teveaty oJd years.
aa mm i
CLKAariHUi, Pa., Deo. S6, 1670.
Mb. EniTon : Whereas, we bave teen with ex
treme regret the discourtesy ei leaded to cur able
instruotor, Prof. Kaub, by tbt Daily Citittn, we
tnttr our protest against this eondoot for it doct
not gain the favor of TfaUUtas.
mt a sw
Still Open. The County Commifl-
alonert bave made no Cabinet appointments for
this year, except that of Mr. John Owens, nf Pike
township, for Mercantile Appraiser. This It a
good k lection. Mr. Owens Is honest, competent
and worthy of this mark of confidence imposed
In him by bit party friends. Bt It a Democrat
without guile.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Postoffloe at Clearfield, for the week tnding
Janaary t, 1880 le
cheries Anderson, Mrs. Utile Bloom, Ltwit H.
Bogner, David Brown, Thomas Campbell, Jamtt
A. Garoo, J, G. Jones, Jamtt Johnson, William
MoAlarney, Mrs. Bailie Pool (2), L. W. Btull,
L. W. ghoof. P. A. Gaulim, P. M.
im s an
Not Posted. The organ that put
Sheriff-elect Mahaffcy ia prison and on duty last
week was not posted. The jtr$t day la not the
time, as the Constitution makes It the first Mon
day of January after their election. Tho first
day of tbt yeir might come oa Sunday, and hence
the Constitution makers adopted theret Monday
to put county off! cars -elect in place.
bb-- m
Pnnpny and Riiepmattsm. Dropai
ctl and Rbeumatio persons find tbe use of Spear's
Port Grape Wine, of New Jersey, and the Wine
Bitters, of an Incalculable benefit. Their purity
and valuable properties bava given them n wide
reputation among phyrlcieoi throughout this
country aod Europe. This wiaa took tbe highest
premium at the late Centennial. For sale by E.
W. Graham, druggist, Clearfield, Pa,
Grange Meeting. We bavo been
requested te stata that tht Clearfield Pomona
Grange will meet la Clearfield, on Tuesday, the
12 d day of January, A. D. 1 S0, at S o'clock, P. M.
All Fourth Degree members are requested to
atleod. A number of questions will be submitted
for debate ; such at tbt Philosophy of Agricul
ture, Co-operation, Ac. These are subjects In
which all are interacted, and should take part.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mnssrs. Rial
A Draper's dramatic troupe, wbloh hat been
greeted with large and appreciative and lances
wbtrartr thoy have appeared, will play la Ple't
Opera House, Clearfield, tw3 nights next week
Monday and Tuesday, January 12th and ISib.
They make n specially of "Uncle Tom's Cabin ;
or, Life Ammg the Lowly," from Mrs. 6 to we' a
famous novel. They have a lot of genuine negroes
from tbe Southern plantations to take part in the
play, and alt who can do so should witness their
singing and the other attractive features of this
DuBois New Dam. Tho DuBois
Courier says that a party consisting of members
of tbe Goal Exchange aod Chamber of Commerce
of tbe city of Pittsburgh, members of the City
Councils, members of Congrats, United States
Engineers, and others, to the number of over
twenty arrived at Dubois on tbe afternoon
of Dec, 23d. and devoted the day to in examina
tion or the DuBoit dam. After a thorough ex
amination they met at the residence of John Du
Bois, and after a number of short speeches,
adopted reanlwtlvate appraviag the uum af Itl
eonstruellen, and recommended that dims like it
bt eon true ted In the Allegheny and Munoagahela
A Mark or Merit. A vory pleas
ant affair occurred at tbe reside noo of our towns
man, W. W. Belts, on New Years Eve, upon
which occasion Cyrus Oordon, Esq., wm pro
tented with a handsome and substantially bound
Bible, from tbe teachers aod adult member of
the Clearfield Pretbyteriaa Sabbath school, as a
taken of tbelr appreeietloa of hit services as Su
perintendent, ha baring tarred faithfully aod well
in that eapaolty for five years, and hat been re
elected to serve the ensuing year. The Bible tt
the Oxford S. 8. teachers' edition, neatly bound
in flexible covers, and Is Inscribed In gilt letters
ai follows : ""yrus Gordon) From bis Sabbath
School Friends. December J5lh, 1979" Rev.
II. 9. Butler made the presentation speech.
This week bos been appointed by
the Evangelical Alliance as the week of prayar.
It It being observed in this place by holding
union services every evening daring tbe week.
On Sunday and Monday evenings tervlses were
held In tbe M. E. Church, and the programme for
tbe remainder of tbe week hat been determined
as follows t
Tuesday Tldptlst oburcb. Subject t Confession
of Sins.
Wednesday Baptist church. Subject t The
Church of Christ i May it be Revived.
Thursday Lutheran church. Subject : Chris
tian Education Families and Schools.
Friday Lutheran church. Subject i Nations
and Rulers) Peace and Religious Liberty.
Saturday Presbyterian church. Subject :
Home and Foreign Missions j The Universal Out
pourings of the Holy Spirit.
m mmt
At the meeting of the Town Council, Jan. (tth,
1880, tho following resolution were adopted :
AetoIW, That tbt Town Council of tbt Bor
ough of Clearfield esteem It at due to the late da
teased Tbumai Kxillt, that they should express
their regard for tbe many mar its of hit character,
as an honorable aad efficient member among tbem.
For many years a eitisen of the borough, be bas
earned for himself and Isft t bis family tbe name
of an npright and useful man. To bia family, we
offer our eioeere condolence, and assure tbem that
tbe loss ie not only tuetr's, but that a host of
friends wih miss the plsasaat, jovial face of Taos.
Xetolenf , That these resolutions be entered on
the books of the Uouacil, published in the papers
of tbe borough, and a copy tent the tbe family of
the deceased. A. B. Snaw,
II. B. Van Valxan,
T. J. Dot a a.
Gnonoo Taunt,
Groiob W. HnauM,
Attest i Council.
J. Fkauk Pew ill, Clerk.
-... - aBl m
MiuKniToh! Have your oorrestxindentt ex
hausted their to ejects, and subjugated the beonle
of the oounty also, that we bave no more letters la
your paper r
The buslnesi pulse of Huston Is beating health
fully. We nrt. Geo. K. Williams, J. K. Pataam
a Co., W. L. Parker, Harley A Deaa, John Ar
dell, Michael SalliriMl and Hiram Woodward are
log'ng extensively on Laurel run nnd Mountain
run. Tho Woodward saw-mill near this place,
operated by Joeepn Wilbelm of SC Marys, Elk
ty, ia unniag eomuatiy. jr. tj. uowmaa
has established a new shingle mill on Laurel run,
aad is new shipping shingles from tbe depot In
this plane. Tba mill of Craig A Son, and the
tfienrherd mill, at winieraarn, nav stopped lor
the Winter) but the men employed by lb eat firms
have work la tbt woods.
The ballasts as libit sb menu af this niece are
ooiag a prosperoas easiness.
The educational pule of tbe townthlp Is at a
staad still. The schools are having a vueation.
the Graded School In this place having Ibree
weens and the emsr tonoois two weete. lha
Normal Literary Society, which tt aa adjanet of
the H igh School ia this place, bat adjourned unti 1
tba eohoola Vgm.
The eeeiai paise or tbe eommunit throbs
warmly. The Christ mas festivities paased ofi
pleasantly. A Cbrltmaa tree waa Bad ia each of
iho two thurehee. Tbe Methodist ehoreh hold a
Sociable oa Saturday evenings, onoo la two
weeks. The ether batarday evenings are oe ca
bled by the Presbyterian church with a Festival,
void ta Corvell'a Hall. Tbe nntlta ef (hose fettl
pais have paid the debt of tbe Prea by tartan
Tba moral pttlteor tbe community beats feebly.
Christmas was celebrated in part, by a free fight,
in which one noted nugellat vanquished a half
a duaea "small fry, one ef the latter getting
bis nose eat too re at the bridge.
A protracted meoMag it In progress la tbe
meiBodist church, conducted oy :ne paster, Rev.
A. B. Hoovob, and tbe morels of the eommaaiiy
mav ba alavated there.
fee ttrteus aeeideatt have happened lately,
Joseph K. Doufherty, while working on W. V
Bowman's thtaglt mill, ent bit foot eavarely aad
haa alnee been en ah la te worh. lemea vol la baa,
while laiterteieadtan some work la iba woods ob
Mountain ran, wm struck by a log which was
running iewn the bill, aad bit leg was aaaiy
ornabed. lit. J. H. Kline, of this plan, and Dr.
W, A. Meaas, ef Jan'rlols, were tumsaoeod, tad It
is hoped Urrb4urdeBan's le
Ucmgujf broken la two
d thf ihayjured man s leg may be saved,
"Sellers' Liver rills" aro working
more real rood la one year tbaa all ether propri
etary medicine. Twenty-five cent per box.
At the iiapuuLiCAN office is the place
to get yoor Job work done. We ore fully prepared
to do anything In tbe printing Una, will do It
well, nnd at tke right kind of prloet. tf.
Why is E. K. Thompson's Barosma
considered tbe best known remedy for liver end
kidney di teases ? Beoausc be has thousands of
testimonials from those who bavt been ourtd by
Uking It.
Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Tltusville, Pa.
and for salt by all druggist la Clearfield, and
Joseph Beyltr A Son, Lutbersburg, "Jai-T-lt
A Fact. An aavortisomentinscvtod
la the Rbi-dbmcab will reach more reader tbaa
If published lo all the other papers la tbe oonn
ty, and tost the advertise! lest tbaa one-half
In other words, aa advert 1k men t published in
our Jcnrnal tt worth double tbt price of that
charged by any ether publisher in tba county.
"It It a fet." tf.
Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re
moved bis medical office to the rooms recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, In Graham row
He make CHRONIC DISEASES n specialty.
CHARGES VERY. LOW, The mnnurtaturere
having lowered prices, he Is prepared to furnish
duoed rates. The afflicted will be bene D ted by
giving bim a tall. July 2.1. '70-f.
bT. e !
A CAItl),
Ui, Editor: Let us, through your columns,
express our kind appreciation and thanks to tbe
donors of numerous eifts during tbt reoent Christ
mas season. Thoy were given in such n way that
we could not know who gave them. But all who
took part in the same will know that our grati
tude is extended, and the gifts ara appreciated.
We ar gratified, also, with tbe value of tbe jifti,
being useful aad filling aa important place ia
any parson's family. Jno. F. Gudbili.
Luthsrsburg, Pa-, Jan. 3d, 1880.
i mm 9 mm
Exposition of 1876. Wandering
through the United States teetioa or this truly
wonderful Exhibition, bypar-ornamenttd and
uver-displayed m tbt most tf it la, I oame open
an elegant glass ease, whose modesty waa tht
more conspicuous from its neighbors' finery, sur
mounted by tht motto Digit Prrtmia and dis
playing, In neat packs gee, the medical prepara
tions of tbt house ' Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
I wm awartof the world-wide reputation of this
eminent firm, for the character and quality of
their goods, aiid rein an. ber well their-agents In
London, Messrs. Newberry, la St. Paul's Church
yard. Having a leisure hour, I determined to
titmice the contents of this ease, myself, nnd I
wm surprised to tee tbe delicate perfection to
which they have brought their household remedies.
I wm chagrined at tbe reflection that, while we
hart at bomt tho most ihiliful and, pre eminently,
the best physicians ia the world, these Yankee
doctor! distance ut to far In the line of popular
mcdioine for family etc. They bavo the sharp
ness lo take advantage of tbe high scientific dis
coveries' among ut and pills and potions
M palatable as they are salutary. I wa told by
n leading droggitt in Philadelphia, that Dr.
Ayer'a manufactory wat tbe largest in America,
giving employment to bnndrodi. I must go to
Lowell and see It.oa my way home. Cvrreroaa
etc n tk London ( Eng.) Telegraph.
Nrtw BBTtiLBHBK, Pa., July 12, 18cJ.
Dr. M M. FariMnn, Predonie, N. V.,
Dear Sir : About two years ago f tied an
eruption of tba skin and swelling of my upper
lip and both lept. I could not wr a boot for
nine months. 1 also had a bad cough for fifteen
years. I begaa tbe use of your Blood and Liver
Remedy and Nerve Tonic with your Salt Kheum
Ointment aod Cough Honey in February iMt. I
Improved so fast that I oommcneed work tbe first
of March Tbe cure Is complete, no trace either
of the cough, eruption or swelling remains.
Your truly, J. M. ttKY U.K.
Dr. Fenner't Blood nnd Liver Remedy and
Ntrvt Tooit may well be called "Tbe conquer
ing hero" of the times. It It the medical triumph
of tbe age. Whoever bw "the blues" should take
It. for It regulates and restores tbe disordered
system that give rise to thorn. It always cure
Biliousness and Livir Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Scrofula, BryslpclM,
Pimples, Blotobct and nil akin Eruptions and
Blood Ditorder Swelled Limb and Dropsy
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nsrvet and Nervous De
bility j Restore flesh and strength when tbe sys
tem Is ruLning down or going into decline ; cure
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relltvM Chronic Dronefcltts, nnd all Lang and
Throat diffiouhie. It doe Iheie things by strik
ing at tke root of disease and removing Ut causes.
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any cough Ib oot boar. Try a sample bottle
at tea cents.
Dr. Fennir't Golden Relief euro any pain, at
Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Ueadacbo ta five
to thirty minutes, and reidily relieves Rbeuma
tltm, Kidney Complaint, Diarboaa, etc.
Dr. Fenner't HU Vitut Dance 8 peart o. One
bottle always core.
For sal by Hartswiek A Irvin, Druggist,
ClearSeld, Pa, aug-27tf.
Ci.avBi.Aitn, November 1, 18Tg.
Editor ' rYacAfer am Erit," LVvtand, Ohio.
Obntlbiiaii : Allow me, a to old reader of
your valued journal, herewith to tend you a few
iinep, which please insert In your next issue. I
will voutb ror their truth, and know by their
publication a great deal of good will bo acoom
plished. Having been a reader of your piper for
many years, 1 hope you wtll kindly grant my re
quest. For twelve years I had suffered, from time to
time, terribly with Rheumatism, te such aa ex
teat that I wa unable lo move about and lost
the use of my limb. I tried everything recom
mended to effect a tare, eon suited some of the
most prominent physicians, and expended large
sums of money, hoping to find relief, but without
any success. Glanotng over the columns of tbe
many cure tbl remedy bad eflected. Having
been disappointed o many times, I lost all faith
in any remedy, the St. Jacob's Oil included, until
I sw one day that It had cured a well known
oltiaen with whom I am acquainted- Other
partiM fully endorsed the value and wonderful
power of tbe Oil, telling me that it had cored
them of different ailments la a very short time.
This brought me to a conclusion. I said to my
self, "Sobweiter, fify oenta won't break you " so
I went to my druggist, Mr. Book, bought a bottle
of the Oil, and must now confess thai tbe result
wm truly wonderful. 1 esed it every two hours,
and found relief immediately upon the first ap
plication, and tbe pain ceased entirely after a few
more applications. Fearing a new attack, I re
mained tn bed and continued to aaa the remedy
every three hour. All pain having left me, I
arose from bed aod walked down slain without
any trouble.
Since that time 1 bava been able te lotiow my
occupation and feel no pains or Inconvenience,
however d I rag ratable the oh an gee of the weather
mav be. Kevin thnrooahlv tested the St.
Jacobs Oil, I can conscientiously recommend It
to all afflicted with Rheumatism, filty cents tt
a small expense when the service for so trilling
an outlay ara eon Hatred, ll l was one mooaana
miles away from all human habitation, I should,
nevertheless, procure this remedy aad hoop it
always in my bouaa. Lorit Smwuxan,
Cor. Marvin and Centre Bit., J lev land, U.
NnwiMTfta, Dm. 29,1870.
Mn, KniroB t Please allow me a small space
la tbe oolamn of your valuable paper, in which
to tell the people of our oounty how things are
prngraestng in too upper end.
J ne timet are br lab toning up. I he people are
hauling tbelr limber aa fast aa pnsnlblr. Every
body is at work, for w allow no loafing in our
It f nntbinc like It used to be. If we
have STood hauHna, there will be more timber put
into Cheat track at thla point then ever before.
Good prospects for good times.
The boys are all lively. Tbe town wm awakened
recently from It slumber at the sound of some
body trumpet (not ttabrtel s) pealing forlb tbe
notes mat n great ball wm to be uem acrosa w ii
son ran on Christmas night. They had a won
derful tarneot. There would bave been six couple
from down tbe ereei and six from up tbe creeb
and nine from New Washington If they had come j
but tbe raited, re we bad to net the old stoch
gathered ap and they are good enough when wa
can I an better. I Ha old tiddler was on hts high
borse war ntgnt. lie t a vary moral mam.
Take warning, eld man I and den't lead yoar
tamtlr ait rev.
Our old merchant nss a good stock on bane and
is doing a good business, telling cheaper than
ever. CaJI aad examine.
Our voting merchant baa a good supply also.
lit bat ant tbelf full, nnd plenty ef room for
Now, that the hall I over. It wm ealy a dollar
a eon pie. There being four couples, af eoars,
the reeetpte were four dollurc. rifty eeata went
te tbe fiddler, leaving three dollar aad fifty cent
clear. Good onouifb I We will bava another
hall toon, but wa will git a better manager. Let
J epe-ak. W will. Kick go on, e'd Peter
Thomas re In, and wo wtll have a good time. 1
can get four enuplt down from New Waakingtoa
I doa t hardly know. Well, Pap, wt eaa try tt-
We ean make three or dollars. He will play
far t again for fifty eeatt- We certainly eaa
boat the Uenaell daaoe yet. I wea't allow none
of that hard slock ta torn here again. Well
yon tbonldn't My that. If wa ran'! get no other,
we will bava lo get tbem or we won I make any
thing. The fiddler Mys he will plav again for
the same priee, and will tahe bis wool lemur
along te make H a luceee. By golly ! we will
try It again. Bat there i a ant ber thing that wa
will bave te welch. Tbe Spring election will
coon be bore. We will have ur owe Council
nod Barge, Wa will 4m away with the Dog
law and mane a Hog law. And w wtll tieea eai
me) far Srbool Dlreolort tnd Ceas table, aad ran
the borough earteltee,
i am taklag ap to muck rom Ib yourvalaab1
eolomet. I wtll aow hleie, by remaining
Yonra, hespeetfully, J, D. PetLoooo.
If you want a good pair oi skates
obcap, go to Hewer s nun store. net sv-u.
mt mm mm
The New Kbmington Family Sew-
imq Macuiks for u at J. B. Harder' Gun
Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct lO-fia.
Tho lurgest assortment of Ladies'
Fun evtr offered In the oounty, are now to be seen
at T. A. Fleck Go's. dec II St.
Twelve now pieces ot Ladies' coat
ing in all grades ot aiatitsst ana ueaver uoioi,
at T. A. Fleck'. dee 10-it.
And I pray do Lord take mo. till I
trltd "Killers' Cough Syrup," an' 1' neber
toughed since. How't dat for high, boas. '
Another lot of those, beautilul Ucm
Ington Sowing Machines, just received, at Har
der'. These niaohinoi bavt no cog-wheels, earns,
nor Friction pulleys. Come aod txamlntthtm.
Wo bavo now on bund several thous
and flrst-clM envelopes, which we will print for
business men, or anybody else, at price that oan
not bt rivalled. Call and see tbtm. tf.
The Assessments. Tho Assessors
from all tbe district except Woodward have
mad their return to tho Commissioners. As thin
township hns become nearly ns populous is sum
of the count le, the At'tiror bas no stoull j'b on
At Work. Tho County Auditors
organized on Monday last, for the purpoM of
making the annual settlement. Tho Board con
sists of William V. Wright, of Clearfield, Joaepb
Gllllland, of Karthaus, and J. 8. Norris, of Brad
ford. A. W. Walters, Esq., was elected Auditors'
Clerk, aod Ibt Board 1 naw down to solid work.
See a woman on horseback in another
column, riding near 8 peer' Vineyards, with n
bunch of Grape from which 8 peer's Port Grape
Wine ta made, that ia so highly esteemed by tbe
medical profession for tbt use of invalids, weakly
per ions und tbt aged. Bold by E. W. Graham,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-lfi '70-tf.
New Da'-'Y Stage Line. James L.
Lenvy ha succeeded to haying dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield nnd PcnnfleliLand will
hereafter run a daily stage between the two points.
His contract began with April lt, and tbe stage
will leave learfieht every morning (except Bun-!
day) at S o'clock, making connections witk all ;
trains on tbe Low Grade Railroad at Pennfield, re-1
turning after tbe last train tho same evening, j
Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates.
Ordsrs left at any of the hotels will be attended
to. 10apr7V-tf
The New Depot. Tho Altoona Sun
says: 'Arrangement are being maut to com.
menca tht traction of a large depot building on
tbt sit of thi old structure, at Tyrone, and It is
generally holier rd that th material will be brick,
with perhtpa atooe trimming. Tht otst will
probably range from $10,000 to $15,000, It U
supposed that the building will be much larger
than the old one, with tbe different oflleials quar
tered all under tbe aame roof ; this, however, ta
merely conjectured, aa tbe plans arc scarcely com
pleted yet, and are not likely to be made publio
by thi officials having them ta charge."
Farmers, Look Here! Lytlo will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oat,
Corn, Buckwheat, Bolter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, aod all kinds of produce. II bat
tbe largest tnd best selected stock of groceries,
tear, coffees, molaaiet, spices, oil salt, sugar,
queen a ware, tubs, buckets, bankets, oho ror, A.,
In ClearQeld county. He buys bis goods la large
quanlitlos from manufacturer and first hands
for cash, and takes the advantage of all
discounts, and so he la enabled to tell at lowest
prlcM. He give easb prices for produot.and tell
bia good at the lowest prices in tht county.
The Old I.ytomlnse Itiauranre Company
tun a u-ai to i ue trout.
Or aw a villi, Pa., Oct. 20, 1870.
Kann A Bidplb. General Inauranoe Agents,
Clearfield, Pa.: I take pleasure In acknowledging
reeeint of Draft from vou. for Fourteen Hundred
and Ninety-two Dollars and fifty cental ),4Vl.60),
being ia full for loss by fire, which occurred to
my property on the 2d day of October, 1870, in
the borough of Curwensville, Pa. And I hereby
return to you my sincere thank for th prom pt
and business-like manner ia which you have
settled and adjusted my loss, aud I recommend to
the people of Clearfield enunty tne oia time-inea
ing safe, reliable and prompt.
Catbabixb Garr.
Oct 22, 1870 2m.
Clearfield Coal Trade. Stoto-
maat of Coal nnd other freight sent over th
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, forth week tnding December 20, 1879, and
th tamt time iMtyear r
For th week -
Sam time last year
Previously during year..
Same time tact year
I no roast
Total In 1S70
Same time last ytar
Increase .
....... 804,040
otbbb raa io hts.
Mincellanaons freights
, 13 cars.
1B0 "
A. J. Jackaon. near tbe Shaw Hons, bit tbe
hast assortment of Picture Frames ever brought
to town. If not In the county. Go and look at
them. not 20 2 m.
If vou hart a cloture tub want pu' Ib a frame,
take It to A. J. Jackson, on Markot street, two
doors last of the Shan House, and be will let
yon bavt It cheaper tbaa you ean buy them any.
where else, bcctuM hi make that hut i net a
tpecitlty. nov2o-2m.
Waktbd. 400,000 14-feet shaved hoops, deliv
ered at the railroad, lb car loads of 8,00ft, ut all
oinu oa the Tyrone a Clearfield, P. A K., Bald
Cadle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroad, for
which I will pay the highest market price.
J. r. tlRAMBR,
OctIO, 1878 tf. Clearfield, Pa.
Own nrannxp Pxa Cxir. Discoi wt on Old
Pricb. Hewing Machines can now be purchased
at MerreH's tin and variety store, from $36 up
wards. AH kinds of sewing machines repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa,, July 18, 1877.
Biioaint Fob 8a lb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a
nil supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for aalt. To be seen at the Shaw House
yard. Call on or nddres him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania, may it-u.
riff Mtundrtd Thousand Strong
In lha nasi few months there bavt been more
than 400,000 bottle of r-hi lob's Cure sold Out
of the VMt number of people who have need it,
mure than 2,000 oases of consumption nave oeen
Mired. All Conahs. Croup, Asthma, and Bron-
ehitts. vteld at onoe. hence it Is that every body
speaks tn tU praise, io tnose wno nave boi
utrd It. let ut sav. If von have a Cough, or your
ohild the Croup, nod yon value life don't fail la
try it. For Lame Back, side or Cheat, use
Sliilob's Porous Plaster. For mIo by O. D. W at
aon, Clarfleld, Pa, rp-10 eow-fim.
tM Strange People.
Do von know that there ire ttrangt people in
our eommualty, we eay strange necaute .nnj
seem to prefer to suffer and pass their days mis
ablv. made ao bv D letiep-i i, and Liver Com
plaint, Indigettlon, Unimtipetton, anil uenerai
Debility, when Hill LOil'S VITALIZKRIe guar
anteed to cor them. For sale by 0. D. Walaon,
Clearfield, Pa. twp-10 em.
We have a speedv and positive Cure for Ca
terrh. Dinhtheria.Canker mouth, and Head Aehe,
Inirrtor fra with Meb bottle. Una it tf you Ge
nre heal I h and sweet breath. Prio 0 tt. For
sal by 0. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa.
aep-ie- jw-eow-om.
Wawtbr. Delivered at tba Rail Road.
100,000 2fl lac h shaved shingle.
I'lO.ltiiS 14-Inch sawed shingles.
mti.OOe feat of pine boards.
400,0)10 14-feet shaved hoops.
4,000 railroad ttes.
40,000 feet of good hemlock board.
Pne which I wtll nav lb hiahest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or M any point on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Kallroad.
Clearfield, Pa, Oct. Id, 187011.
CnLLBcroa'a WaanaiTa. We haea prrpared
a form, and hare ob band a larie aoantil;, of
blank "Oellretor'a Sale.," whleh bava been ap b. (be bl.boa! trial aelborit. Ill Iba
Conrta of Ihia oountr. At fwNfv V-ttt per
doaea wa will mail any nastier to Iba Cnlleetur
ordering thong. A Oolleelor, when eompella'l t,
adrartiaa property, B.aal poet op not leaa Ih.a
threw nolieae la iba aiott pnblie pleoee In bil
borowgb ar townabip. tf.
Just Received.
Just Keoxlved by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia Fluster t
Car Load pur Corn, Rys and On Is
Car Load Denken Suit I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Dry Goods, (Jrocenes, 4c. I
.barShinRles, Bark. K. It. Ties and
Grain will k taken In exchange.
Curwensville, May 1, 1878.
Ton a.
.. 42,010
- 27,110
.... 1,5W,772
, J80,Si0
... 1.A7M82
of the brtds, ob Thuredy, Janaary 1st, 1880, by
Rev. John Woibub, Mr. Jacob Trtttbart and
Miss Ltssie Henosmao, of Hndroa towaabip,
JffrvB oounty, Pa.
MacNEIL M.MAT!!. At the ret ideas of
the bride's father, December list, IS70, by Hev.
E. P. Foresmao. John MaeNeiL of Sprinalleld,
0 and Maggie, daughter of John MoMath, Eq.,
of Clearfield, Pa.
BDVQl'D li L'VnWV II if T At ik.HiUanM
of tbe bride io Logan, Mifflin oounty, December
25th, I87W, by Bar. S. G. Shannon, Hev. G. G.
Benser, of Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska,
formerly of this eoaaty, and Miss Julia F. Men
danball. WDV U..L'VI mail IJ.....f iV.k.U.'.
pi re Die us i euriaey , ueoeiuoer t.iin, ioif,
Rev, Samuel Miles, Mr. Howard M. Fry, of Bo
siua lownsoip, ana juiu Daren u. notvee, oi
December 14th. 1N70. bv Rev. F. Adams. Mr. T.
ll.lllndman end Mil Hot nummary, both of
uien Hope, U learn Id county, fa.
BARR NEVLINrt. On Thursday, December
l7tb,lH70, by Rev. F. A jams, Mr. Elliba Barr
and Miss May Nevllng, bolh of JaoMvtll,
(Smith Mill Poiteffloe), Clearfield oounty, Pa.
RIDGE SHANK. At the residence of Owen
Austin, at Jo I Ian Furnace, en Thursday, Deeeta-
ber "11th. lbTt, by the Rev. B. B. Ueoshey, of
Son bury. Iter, w. A. Ridge, ol iUfleviIle, Centre
oounty, and Mr. Annie K Shank, of Julian, Cen
tre oounty.
LOrDKR GRIlillKL. At the Shnw H-mse,
tn Cieartli'ld, on Monday, Dejember 'lid. l7Vt,
by Jamee Kerr, Esq., Mr. Amos Leader, nf ttoggi
townstitp.and Miss Margaret Grlebel, of PennolJ,
Huston tuwnship, Cleat field oounty. Pa,
ZAItTMAN DUNLAP. At DuBois, en Tues
day, December 2:td, 187.', by Rev. Win. M, Burob
field, Mr, Alva Lewis Z art man, of Brady town
ship, Clearfield county, aod Miss Little Dunlap,
of Nesbit, Susquehanna eonnty, Pa.
BCHUCKER-WBBKR. In Troulrlllt. oa
Thursday, December 2atb, 1879, by Rev. John
noibacb, Mr. William BohuoKcr and Hits Liouita
Susanna Weber, all of Brady township, Clsarflald
county, Pa.
BENNETT SOX MAN. At Curwaasvllle, oa
Thursday, December 14th, 1870, by Hev. George
trend y, Mr. John Uennett. of rite townabip.
Clearfield Munty, and Mia Sadie C. Seaman, of
Armstrong oounty, Pa,
TROY FRAZIER In Clearfield, on Thurs
day, Dee. 1Mb," 1870, by Rev. 11. S. Rutler, Mr.
KLOcb G. Troy aod Miss Kebeeoa J. Fracier, all
ef Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa.
II0OVER-GUAHAM. At the bom of th
bride, on Thursday, December 2.11b, 1879, by
Hev. J. t. Brown, Mr. 'I. Hoover, of Woodland,
Bradford to-vmbip, and Mis Mary E. Graham,
of Grabamtvn, Graham township t Clearfield
oounty, Pa.
SPACKMAN.Ia Graham township, on Satur
day, December 1 th, 1870, James F. r! packman,
aged aa yean and io day.
ADAMS. At bar home In Mlletburg, Centre
county, on th I8tb dy of October, 1870, Lissio
W, Adams, wif of Wm. Adams, and daughter ef
James S. Foster, of Clearfield Bridge, Cletriicld
county, Pa., In the 26tb year of her age.
TUBB8. In Glen Hope, on Saturday, Decem
ber 30th, 18T0, George A brain, too of Philip and
Adametta lutix, aged years, r months ana 13
23 days.
DRAUCKER At tb reiidmocof br son-la-
law, Mr. Wm. Drinker, in Allegheny City, Pa., on
Thursday, December I8th, 1879, Mrs. Sarah Soott,
oldest daughter of the late Isaac Draucker, of
Brady towaabip, Clearfield county. Pa., aged 40
years, 0 months and 0 day.
111LB. In Lumber City, efter a lingering pros
tration from paralysis, on Sunday, December 21st,
iny, tionn r. tine, aged v years, mootot ana
I days.
MERHKLL. Near MorriiJnl-.CIearSeld coun
ty, Pa., on Monday, December 22J, 1870,ofobol.
era iaftua, Lata Josepine, infant daughter of I.
G.and Maggie Merrell, a red 3 months and 21
S';iILAPPIG. In Big Run borough, Jeffer
son oounty, Pa., on Monday, December 22d, 17(1,
Samuel fctuhlappig, former! ot Brady township,
Clearfield oounty, !'. aged 79 yura, 11 months
and 2 days.
HAAO.-Noar Trootvllle, on Thursday, De.
2jtb, 1870, of diphtheria, Louisa, daughter of
Frederick and Solomo Huf, aged 13 years, 8
months and 11 days.
II A AG. Near Trout vi He, cn'ThureJay, Deo.
26th. 170. of diphtheria, William, son of Fred
erick and Salome Htag, aged 4 year, fi month
and 4 days.
CLa.aniLD, Pi, Jaa. K,
Flow, per ewt.-..
IS 75
1 00
1 DO
1 40
uckwheat i luar, ii,r ewt
Cora Meal, par ewt -
Chop, rye, per ewt.... '
unop. Billed, per ewt
Hran, per ewt
Wheat, per boahel H
1 lo
Kre, per Da.B.1
Oata, p.r buahel
CorB, eari, per bmliel
Buckwheat, perbaabel
Potatoee, per ...
Applea, per BuaB.l
llama, bar pound
Hhoulil.r, per pound
imen fleet, per pouBa..
Chlokena, per pair.M..M,.......
Butter, per pound m...m.m.,..
Kane, per doaen M -.
i oo
1 60
Salt, par aaeh, large .......
Coal Oil, per gallon '
Lard, par pound
liried Apple,, per pound ............
Dried Peaohea, per pound
Banna, par buahel
tfw gutrtrtiSfmrats.
Her opened up, In tb store room lately occupied
by Weaver A Betts,on Second street, a large and
well selected stock of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
U00T8 AND 8II0B3,
Which they will diipos of at rcMonaMe rate
for eiLch, or exchange lor country produce.
Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 9, 1878-tf.
Cheap Cash Store.
Clearfield, Pa.,
Compriainn Dress Oood nf the verr lateat ll,
aenaietinit In part af Oeihmerep, Maocaaitar
Panel, Alpaca, and all aaannar of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Sank aa C rat on a, Mohair Loiteri. Plaid, Dree
tlinjthaaif, Urea Paneiea of tbe eery lateat
etilea, and aa eheap at they ean b sold
la tbli market.
Constating af Olore for Oent, Ladle aad
Bliacaa. Iio an snauea1, mn riin,
Laeea, faae Dram Button, tallies'
Tie el all hala and atylae, Caff
nd Co Man, Hkbbeoa of all kindi and
11 1 tits, ale rkii Underwear, Trlmojloji, ate
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Carpetf. OH Cloth,
Wblob will ba aold wh.l.aala ar null. Will take
Country Produce
la Eitbauge for Canals at Market Prlraa.
wm. j. norriR,'
Clrarlrlal. Pa., Vpt. I, ItrtH lf.
1216 Chestnut Street.
Philadelphia, Oat II, Il7l-9ni.
Fall ' arid' Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Black uuil Colored CaHhnien-H, lirmiulo Di-vm O'oodo, I'lain Dre (iood,
Now Shawln, Lndio' CobIk, lied Klumifl,(.ray Flannel", Klald l'lunnela,
Nuvy iiluo Flannels, WatnrnrnolH nnd Ladle,' Clotlm, nil colora,
CaisinioroB, lion's and Hoys' Wear, llrcsn (linnhanru, Calicotl and
Muslins. Our stock was rover tetter. Our Ladies' Skirts are beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
A complete Mock lit our usual Bargains.
Plumos, Flowers, Winf,'!, Ostrich Tips, all kinds of Fancy Wing and Birds,
New Brocade. Velvets and Silks, Satin, I'.lnck and Colored Silks, Black
nnd Colored Silk Volvet, Kid Glovos, Lielo Gloves, Silk Fringo,
Buttons, Laces, Corsets, Kmbroidcrics, Kdgingo, Inserting,
Linen Handkerchiefs, Lndics' Tics, IJibbonn, Gcrmantown Yarns, Zephyrs
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Undorwear, Ladies,'
Gent's and Children a Jloeo. We
Clearfield county beat ns in
quality, or selling. Uive us
OH Clot lis,
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
XJ TSf X 33 XV"1" A 3H 3E1. ,
All kinds of Caskets and Collins kept on hand, and furnished to order on
short notice, including tho finest as well as tho cheapest that can be manu
factured. Our
oonrsE FRZisaunvEin
Is the best In use, and will be furnished when required. . Funerals attended
in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leave
your orders at Troutman's Forniture Store, adjoining the Postofllco.
octl,79-1v.' Clearfield, Pa.
gur fli'trtismfuts.
BEES) VOU BALE. ThirlMn blrel of
lieliaa Km wblob I will aell eheap for
oaah, or eicbenge for wbeat. For fouber In
formation eall on or adilraaa the nnderriitned.
J. t. KHAUKll,
NoTt.Tftr. Cl.ern.m, 1'e.
Prices of Shingles.
Corwen.rlll., Jaa. I, '7S U.
IT A KM LAN lr FOR PAI.K. In Uaitoa
aod Pine townahipa, Clearfield oounty.
Keaaonable time gWen lor part of porehaie zljfr
mney. Prloea la.0 to 110.00 per Bore. 1
Mloere'i marred. L. BIRD. Ageat,
Penlleld, Pa.
orWALL.caA KRRna,
EepL 10, Claardeld, Pa,
h White kin? Machina
Oefl be bntirht at lowoat prieee from ALEX.
PATTERSON, Woodl.nct, Pa. Il ia equal, If out
roperier to enr flrat-elaaa Sewing Maebina ia tbe
market. Clreolera aeat oa appllealioa.
Woodland, Pa., Uet. XV, ISIV-noi.
will he a meeting of Ine atorkholdera of
the Clearleld Fir. Brlok Company hold at' tbe
oflice of the Companr, in Clearfield, on Thlira. Mill day af January. IHWI, at two
o'olook P. M., for the pnrpoae of electing officer!
for tbe anioing year, and roting upon Iba quea
Uon of the (took of laid Compear.
By order of the Hoard or llirwolnra.
Atleit: WU. UIULKII, Praiideat.
0. W. Sutra, Seeretarr.
Clearfield, l'a , Nor. a, lS7H-Jm.
Tha underlined will sell at private lale all
that tract or nrl af land litaat in Deeatnr
township, Clearfield eoontv, l'a., within a abort
diUne of the Tyrone a Clearflel l K. R., and
aljoiDiDf land of llobert Undeoa and otnerst,
and known a th Jacob D. Uearhart lot. The
aid traet eontaining 00 acre mora or lea, with
tw Tain of valuable eoal t hereon, na aoout
aere altered, and I the key to a larir body of
eoal about being developed. Will be aold low aad
i pua eaay term, for particular, apply m
Clearfield, Pa., July IJ, Wit.
Horse-Shoeing gr-ie
A Specialty.
Th undersigned, being thankfol for past (.ear,
would reKpeotrully inform th eitisen of Clear
fluid aad vlolnifv that he has rtnrrhaped the sbon
in Clearfield hnroutb rocanlly aeupled by Arno
Kennard, eltuated oa I oeutt street, In the rear of
Oeo, Weaver A Co.' store, where by strint and
close attention to business, be hopes to rciv a
large share of public patronage.
fltprPriee reasonable and ail work guaranteed.
g.ll anil II A I LIU ll
vilAn, is. imiif vnci
CloartrlJ, Pa., Oel. 1ft, IH7S Im.
The undersigned affer for sale all tbe pine, oak,
uoplar and hp ui look timber on 411 aere ef land
m Clearfield ooanty. I'artls consulting tk map
or atlas of theooaaty, will nnd it In Brady
township, adljolaiag th Bell township aiC
Una, and known as tract Ne. H U Thli(r-J,
tliaber will ha held cpea for sale natil in
1st ef lieeemWr Beit, for farther particular
apply to or address,
turn, o. uuviMinnifniai
October IS, im-lf. Clearfield, Pa.
E:r:.:l :i Curwensville !
fTH AT well-known roper ty situate on the bank
X of tba Bueauebanna river, la lb horoagh af
Cerwansvlll. ClearlelJ eoanty, Pa., emepied by
tbe late BKNJAM1N HAHTHIIORN, deed, 1
now ofler-ft for aale. It eontaia about
Thirteen Acres,
Upon which I erected a fin twa-Mory free
STABLE, and tha aeoeoaare anl
bRlldlaga, aad alia a PI.OWINO
tolMAIN af rare SPRINO WATER. Tbl,
ia a vary doiirable pronarty for a nrl.ata real.
drnee. The property la Bow olared at PRIVATE
SALE, a, reaaonabla terma. Par further In-
fc,rmetlea IB relatioa la ll, eall at tha premlaaa,
ar aply ta the aaderlgnd In peraon ar by letter.
Attorney for Iba Heirs.
Clearleld, Pa lept. Id, 11711.
don't intend to have any store in
anything stylo, prices, quantity,
n cull and seo lor yourseu.
Clearfield, Pa.
Sept 1, T ljr
dt f) A a week la yoar own town. Terma a&d 15
?0) outfit free. Addreee II Ilallet A Company,
Portland, Maine. dooUIO-ly.
ArYQ a week. IIS day at bona aaaily made,
aj I u Coatly outfit free. Addreia True A Co.,
Augmta, Maine, deelT,'7V ly.
f OOO BtmllEI.B. Oeorge Wearer A Co.
J, want flra tbouaand bnakela af OATS, Bow,
aad will pay eaab or produoo.
Cearuald, Pa, A eg. IS, 187-tf.
banking firm knows aa tba Clearfield County
Bank haa been dlaeulred by mutual eouient, and
tba bank la to go into gradual liquWatloa. Wa
ara reipeniible for the debte, and will pay them.
Tha areata will bo under control ef Jobn W.
Wrigley eiclaitrely, at tha banking houaa, and
and will beeolloeted by bim.
Clearleld, Pa, Dae.S, 17 tf.
T1CENNE NOTICE.-The following tier
J tone have filed la th office of the Clerk ef
the Court of Waartar Session of Clearfield oonaly,
their Petitions a&d Bonds far Llense(at the
Janaary Bastion, agreeably to tha Aet of Al
terably :
Jobn S. Barr- -DuBois.
W. L. Nicholson "
William Cerley ,
8. R. NoteitiD....
A. J. Draitoksr
Michael Hurley
Wm. Smith
John Coleman .,
IH Orcein.
Jaooh Lents a.,..- M
Franrt Cooper
Nicholas J. VUh....N. lleutid'e, Woodward twp.
W. W. Mario , Brady twp.
Poster Daris Uurn side borouah
Thorn a M. F limit Bradford twp
M, Klinordlinger DuBot.
Elliott M. lVnti DoBols.
William Wld Beaearia twu.
Certified from th Record.
KM BLOOM, Proth'y.
ClrarfMJ, VnH Dee. 10, 1879 It,
If you want to see the finest Stock of
Ready-Made Clothing
If you want to Buy the best Fitting
If you want the most Beliably Made
If you want to buy at the loweet Cash
f noes, go to
If too want to tee the best assortment of
' MI;
If yon want to tee a niot selection of
Gents Furnishing Goods ;
If you want to buy a
If you want to get the worth of your
Money, don't fail to go to
Oat. I, llTI-lf.