Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 24, 1879, Image 3

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    . .,"
.t.t '
Terms of Subscription.
If paid la wltnin tnree v
If paid after Ibree Hd before ill Bumh. 1 M
If paid after lie eapiretloa of ill nionbte... I M
)lln. 8. at. Pittihoill 1 Co., Newe
i,arr Aavetlielnf .AeuU, It Park Kw, Werner
Wekaion Street, ere our dolr antaorined Afoala
la N-w York Cite.
Mrthodlet F..lepal Cbareh Rev. J. 8.
MrMiinnaT, l'eetor Hervieee eeerv Sabbetk
.1 10) A. M , and T P. H.
F.hb.lh Hohool H A. M.
Praver Meeting every WedneedaT, t It r. M.
Coino union Bervlee, Ural rSabbetb of everj
mmth. It Ila A M.
Went Clearlifld M. E. ChBreh Rev.
W. frcoTT WlLeua. Plitw. Preatbinf every
alurneto Snndej. at I o'clonk, P. M.
Kebool al JJ, P. M. All an Invited to atUnd.
Prob)MrUn ChurchRev. II. B. BotiBB.
8bbotk MTll B0nlD and l 8b-
batb dcbool it t P. at Praver Mooting vVodnee
tav eveaing.
Ilaptlet Church. Rot. , Pootor.
Sabnalb bcbool all P. M. Frayer Meeliaa every
Wedoeedey evening.
Ht. franc le' Church Catholic .Rev. P
J.bBaainan Divine eetvloe at 10J A. M.( oa
tbe Irat, third and tonrtbtendeyaof eenb month;
Ve.per.and Uenadlotlon of two Wound rjaeraaienl
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday 8choil every Sunday
efteraooa at I o'olook. '
timb or boldibb noAnvna SBMione oerjav.
Second Monday or January.
Third Monday of March.
Fliat Monday af June.
Fourth Monday of September.
Tins or bolbim ceaaoB rLiaa.
Pint Monday of June.
Heermd Monday or NoTonbar.
public OrriOBBB
Prtnim My Iton. Cbarlel A. Mayor, of
Look Haven .
AJ.MI Awe, Juifllo. Jobn'H. Orvii, of
Aooejole Judgt Abran Ogdoo, Claarlald
Vlncont U. Holt. Clearlield.
rVolaoaelarw III Bloom.
f,oi.lranrf fteeorderL. J. Morgan.
Iri.frief Allarwejl Wn. M. BtrtCallougb.
JV...r.r Philip lolta.
Shtrif Andrew Pent., Jr.
Utfil) Sktriff Chrlat. J. Keeggv, filearll.ld.
c3,nt iferweyor Rntnuel P. McCloakey, Cur-
"o'lntw Oa..'.,foeere C. V. Kjtar. Grebam
tnn P. 0.: Klah Ji.hnalon, Oramplaa I'llla P. ().;
John Norrli. Kr.. Carwen.vlll.
Coe.ry Awrfflore Wtlllata V. Wrlybl. Clear-
Mdi Jmaph Uillilaad, Thraa Hon.; J. 8. Nor
rle. Woodland.
(,' Coroner J. B. Nof, New Weehlngton.
Jury Core.etoere Ilr. Jemna P. BorcHold,
Clearled, Joeeph Aloiandor, Madera. o "aWio ieaoole M. L. Mo.
Qnown, 0loar6eld e
Wero MeiM t Mimnnt Jeaaa W.Carllla,
onlea at Laiborehorg Pa.
Jfolarlae P.Kio JohB W. Wrlgley, Wa. Ra
debaarbi Cyrna Onrdna, Cloarneld) Joaepk B.
Iria,N. R. Arnold, Curwenaillo J. A. Liring
atona, Unlloia City.
flor column la decidedly Intareatlng In
a local point of eiew, aad protrablo reeding to
outildera nho want to aavo money.
Ilea, OF counsel
"Hill yon teae wboat,oate or eoro for lub
aeriplion T" We are often Inquired of In tbla way
by Utter from patrooa who reaide at a di.lanca
from ClcardeU. We again nay yea. The reooipla
of a rerponallilo merchant or will owner In tbo
Ticinllj, will anawer na Jut aa well aa the eaab.
To lllluilrato: If any of our Bntrone will deliver
at a bug of grain at tbo mill of Joaepb U. Brotb,
In fh,.t townrbip, Horace Palcbla, In Burnaido,
Thonaa II. Forcey, In Orabam, Win. Porter or
Shan't, In Lawrence, or Drown Seyler'a, at
Kiwhton, l o Ion townililp, and forward thltr
ftlpta ror Ilia amount, wo will oradlt them on
their account ror the eatne. In tbil way all may
aaon pay what they owe, If they will puraua thla
Good bye 1879 1
Welcome USUI
WetlniMsday. Friday and Saturday
ot tbil mtfk art ' Rmbtr dVi."
"Eli Perk 1 lib" wua tbo guoHt of tbo
Idtr.Drl Uaa duriDR hli iujr "itiroim.
11 I B
Tbo Curwoimville Cornet liund now
pgm a lt of lnitrumU,t a eoil of
INow buv a dik.rv far 1880, make
ooii Baw raaitlutloiii, and m bav I'too yua will
tin of fcjlh '
sW mi -
Sovoral cases of Bear let Icror, of a
triovii naturt, prvaili aiaan tba aillrea la
tbii Wroi-gb.
i m m
Ki'gistorand JU-eorder L. J. Morgan
ibia rao-txl into lha bouM on Ploe itmt vaoatad
tb; Oeor 8. Youm-
- - , Bf a-
John A. Urwrory, ex-County Su-
er.DUadeat, bu beta chstao ma of Iht faaulty of
th- Lock llavaa Normal School,
Alks Helen Bjwol,of Pittsburgh, who
hat beoo f Isiting In Clearfield for eereral wee Hi
pait relumed home last Thimdey.
County Treasurer Dutu visited AI
I ooo a laal woek oa prlrate baeinoas. He owns
some raluable land in that vletoUy.
us a
No Republican will be irwued next
week, bat the office will be open for all kiadi
of buflnesa "alleo ." Nnw.doo't forget It !
in. Bf t aB
A number vf our young folks aie at
home from Culleges and Hemiaanoe, enjoying tbe
boh lay vocation wlh their parents and Men da.
Our l oruuiih ot bools cltwed on Fri
day lael fr a .acalkno of Iwe aoeka, abicb tbe
joangatero are one rnj'iylni ta tbe fullest eitcat.
. in -wb aajBa
The upuuI Iftttivuit-a will bo observed
y tbe several fUlibalb achoola la thla place. We
are net tof .rtao't oe to what tbe e feral tea will be.
Kind roudi-r.n and paironswe tend it
$ i be conap I men t a or the seasoo, and wish yoa
all "A M-rrj Ohrlatmat and a Happy Mew Year.'
A few altds and skighs were visible
eo ear etreeti eo Motrin?, the oleet and enow
tbat fell the eight pntlooi rendf ring eloigbleg
tsletable good la spots.
Don't fad to attond the lectures to
be delivered by Col. Banferd ea this (Tuesday)
and te-morrow eveaing, an! that of Rev. Dr.
tleo- P- Hays oa Thuradav eveniag.
Tbe annual meeting for the election
of directors for tbe Onubiy Notloaol Bank will
ho held at the banhteg bourn la UU tvoruagb ea
Tneaday, January ISih, between the boars el ono
end four o clock P. M.
The Lewinburg, Centre k Hpruco
Creek Hail road was parebaied by atrieklaod
Knssss for $0,oS for tbe Pennayleania Railroad,
iWbleb willae doubt soon eitonl tmm Hpriagl
.TtilU, Centra eoaaty, te Tymne.
isei a
Win. W. Cams and J. A. Bollingor,
Ptk feraner resideaU af Clsarfield, bold positions
st preosmt under tho Peaasylvanla Railroad Com
pany at Tjrcna. The frrmer offelates as Tsrd
MiaUr and tbe latter ae B Agent.
There M on exhibition at the Inali-
tote Kipoitiilon, a small tbree-eirnerrd file Im
bedded io a pleo of wood ukea from a piao tree
eiity foot from tbe betl ea. How lung It ha
aeen etirkioe, there, le a quettlea for scion 1 1 its ,
Tho paascnxur dpot at Hed Bank,
the jonetloS or the Low tirade Divittea with tbe
Allrghoay Valley Ratttvad,weO leatroyod by fire
ea 1 aee Jay agbtof last week. The Ire Is sap
poeed to have eaogbt ham tho heating apparalai.
Huliday excursion ticket will be
oold Sy the PeBBSylvanla Railroad aad Ha
hranobos eo U a ember S4th, lath, Wto, Hit,
tH7f, and Janaary lit, 1SIW. T.aheU will be
good from day of oale aotll S4 af JaoMary, in
r loot re (
The old blacksmith shop recently
tare ted by Nr. Charles II. Ualford, eo the Loavy
prtperiy, to tba to albert prt of this borough,
lao beoo lero dowo, oad a stable ir A. Oaioa.
burg baa beeo tee-otrwe'ed with tbo lumber
. 1 aiaatrl i i .
A meeting of tbe Hible Suhool Con-
veau.eo, of Ibo CWarloM Baptist AsoetolMfl,
will bo hold at Aaaoaville, aommeorflng eo tbe
third Tooaday of Janaary, lfi, at f e'etesh P.
M. Kri.ois of tbe aaoaa are eardUlly lovited t
Head. .
John T ilagvjrty. of Lumber City,
bas teeo duly aaa i64 as Admloairalef af the
estate or tUrnae! Caldwoil. lata ef Pike aowoahlp.
aaeaeeawwL All havlag any booloeaa te traasoet
with the estate af aM dreedeat will pleaao take
aetlas. ' A tattoo appears olsowhere to this Isiaa.
The fineat line of aliiiperi I'ilable fur
Ohriitmaa BroaeaU at Moara'i .
Tbe awrct ot perfect henllfTiB "ill
earlably fnond by thoie who take "Hollora' Lleer
T.awt Hun day wih Ilia shortcut day,
and Baa-daylight la aa Ibolaaroaaa. Aad- -"Ai
the dayo begin to lengthen,
Tha oold begina la atrengibaa."
Mr. (irorue 8. Young now occupies
bit bow brick re.ldeaeo OB the river beaob at tba
woat oad of Piaa fireet, adjoining that of Mr.
Wa. 0. Diglor, E.q.
A (it)or7sgNn Opp. The Inalitute
! oMWdod. . Mora Ibaai doable iha Bomber of
tencherl reported oa Monday than oeor earac te
Hbo her-iro oa that day.
Niw Po8TMahtkr8. Wenoliuo that
William McQbee baa bean appointed Poetoaaaier
at Cheat porloffioe, la Bell townibln, and L. M
Condriet at Pronehvlllo, In Convlngtoo towoablp.
One of New York'a prominent chem-
lata, Mr. Albert 0. Dang. (I Bowery, aayi: ' St.
Jacoba Oil cured B well known Bacllonaar, and
many other promlnoot altlaeai of Rheuaiatiaa.
It I a reliable ronody."
ArieiuN(K8. The Ansigncuti ol Jus.
B. tlrabaat, 1-. publlab a aotiee la tbio laaua
of aia to hla dabtora aril eredttore. Meaire.
Big ler and Lee have aoeumed a reaponaibla pool
tioa ; but their ability and Integrity li aqualte
tbe telk.
a 1 0
Charley Kuiienstoin, son of Isaac
L. Reiieniteln, at one time a merchant In tbla
plana, Hopped la toWB over Sunday with
the boya cf kia youtb. Charley la agent for a
New York Irm, dealing olclaiively In gentle
nea'a nock-wear.
Tbo HurriHburg papera apeuk very
biblr of Col. HtBforJ'i Itolura, "Tba Old bod
Tbo No," "hich bo diltvorod in tbat oil Uit
KrUay oven.BK. Col. Saaford tiU lactaia In
Pit'. Optra IIomo thU (Tudy) too in ft, aad
to-morrow retting
- f m -
No paper will be ifSHUod from the
KiriaLic.R off oo nntil alter tbo holid.yi. Oar
nott Inuo, tbcreforo, will ba dat-d Joauarjr Tib,
1880, and tbo adltloa will n tba largoat (oovoatT
ono fulroi) afar luuad ta tbato baob-woodi.
Tbli ii oqoal to tbat of an; other two papou
tbe -ounljr.
nam OM
The KxpoHilion being held in one
of tbo ttoro rooni on tbo trei Hoor of tbo Opora
IIuao( ia euaaoetioa with tba Toaohor'i
Ititt, aoatainoa vorjr Soo dlrpUj of botanloal
and goological ipoeltuoni, booidM ojr oartuoi
tiro wort by of aoiiao, and abooU bo "taboa la"
by otory ttaubor.
We have buen requotited to state
that tba aoolomnlaiad Cbrutuai traat te ba
g iron by tbo Pivtbytoriaa Sabhalb School of thla
plica, bai bora poitpoood. It aeomi to bo Im'
ponlblo to bao aay aDlortaiaiaoat thio woek, oa
aeeoont of tbo Toaebt-rV Ioiltluto being in mm ion
of try ovroing and bolaoM oogMgoaonta.
ShvitOut. We havebuun irqiiosted
to Hato tha', by a reiolution of tba tyohuol Board
of FtDO towniliip. ibo Library Aooooiotioa ol
old towoohip baa been doprlvod of tho privilojto
of bnldiDg tbrir meUDgi la tbo Sohool Hoi a,
and, inoooorqacnoo tharoof.all literary aiorelaaa
in thdUtrit aro ponded Tor tbo proooat,
Thev Want tiik Heht. Wo learn
from tbo Rnrittt tbil "llffti. fiefwind, Whito
4 Co. horo reeeired an order front Ibo Bootoa
nd Albany Rilrod to abip eighty oari of ooal
per day, in addition to tbelr regular trade."
That "tbe Clearfield region" obttini Ua niw and
iaereuing ordr bevauioof (bo ot col loot qaiUiy
of coal mined hero.
"KM IVrkins" tlulivoied hia talk on
"The lbiloopby of Fun and Tba Perkine Faini
j " o Pie'a Optra llouee lat Batarday oTcotng,
aoeordiog U annouaoement, and waa greeted by
a good audience, both in numbers and rerpeoU
bility. Hia leeture abounded in mirth from be
ginning to end, and, ao far aa ws wore able to as
oertainyall pieeatwero welt pleased with the en
List of leU era remaining unclaimed
in the PoetofBee at Clearfield, for the week ending
December S3, 179 i
Mies Jeanio Beyer, Mai Die), Walloeo Froak,
Jerro mk, UiM M. K. irf, Semael H. Gill,
W. II. Ilendoraon, Laclala Kritter, W. B. Logon,
J. P. Loehwood, Edward March, Miff lliaa Me
Clinsey, Oeerge Stlfrldge.
P. A. tiAtiua, P. M.
'A Curiosity 8hop." Tbe exhibits
dlapiayed to atoro room No. 2, Io Vie' Opera
llouee, formerly aeeuplod by Mr. fiob.osa, bnt
now filled by tbo teachers aad patrons of the la
alituta wltb drawings, paintings, penmaDsblp,
ote., Is a good place for old and yeaog to epead
ao hour or two. The talrnt and educational
fee i urea displayed by our teachers on this ocoa
aion art worth contemplating; while grouped.
Dead. Tba relatives and personal
friend of E arnb Drauckcr ceoit, relict of Joba
Booti, formerly of Freeport, Armstrong ooevctj
were atari led on Friday last la learn of bar death
at ber home la Pittsburgh, fche waa In tbeAfty
first year of her age. Th remains were brought
ta Lnihoribarg for burial. Mrs. Scott was a all
tor ta Mrs. P legal, of Lawronee township, and
Mrs. Daniel Qoodlaoder, of Lathe rahnrg.
aaae 1 i
An exchango speaks our sentiments
eiactly wbaa It s ys tba auiianoa of ebildren
running to the postofflee three or four time a
day for the family or other mall matter should
be abated. No aooaer la school not tbaa there Is
a gear ral stampede far Iba postoffet by moat of.
the oblldroo, and for upwards af half an hour
tbe poatoffiae oftVlals are annoyed by all kinds ef
quer lions. Parents should loilrnot their children
In thla merer.
Serious Accident. We learn from
the Indiana imt-mi that Mr. Charles R Kiag,
of Cherry tree, Indiana eoaaty, met with a serious
accidrat while felling Iroca in Ibat vicinity oo
Saturday, November 29tb. A large standing
tree whieb he had beeo chopping began to fH
and a limb became detached ood fell upon him,
breaking two b-ae of his leg and mtihiag his
foot In a Wrible wanner. A brother of Ibis B0
fortanale mas was killed several years ago uo ler
almost the ssme elroumatooes.
Eye Inji skd, A painful and rather
serious accident befell Wil lam Augbenbaogh, of
tbia borough, last T hurt Jay, while oseletiag to
remove the household gwd ef araj B. i
ITom Bis former roatdenoo to tbe new. While lead '
lag tbe wagon at the old resldestee, Aaghonbaugh
lipped, aad in falling collided with an Iron hook,
need for banging a lower banket or bird oage oa.
lacerating tho 111 of bis left aye and came near
destroying tbe usefuineea ef that ergaa. It
la thought the ball of the eye la not eerioaaly lo
J or J. '
bb . a
Awful Accident. Mrs. Kliaabeth
Hill, of this borough, waa burned to death ea
Thuraday nigh. Decern bet 19tb,nder tho fol
lowing painful elrenmstanees ; Her hnabaad, hav
ing returned home about It o'clock, retired lo
bed, aod Mrs. Hill, finding lbs ell la the lantern
very low, proceeded le fill It. By some means
the oil was spilt and her olotbea eaogbt fire.
Hearing her wild screams, Mr. Hill Jumped up
from his bed end seised his wife, took her out oo
the back porob, where be stripped her of tbo
burning garments, and tbea eeaieted bar U bed.
Tbe uafortaoBtc womaa died tbe Ball morning
from br Injerle. IfouHdmf iVetee.
, m o aw i i i
A Tkrhiiim Fall. A young mar
ried man Beard George Richard, residing la the
"hlofh-bouie," ta Rest Clearfield, Bear tbe lower
briirf, aad whe was e pi eyed ea a earpeaier ot
the oew laaaery heildlngs, met wlih en a n forte
aate aod rather strives mishap oo Tuesday fore
boob af leal week. He waa working at the roof
of one ef tbe haildiags, wbeo be aeel dentally
It II to the frotea gronad below, a distance of
about thirty foot, alighUag ea hla head end
aboBidtis. Both ef bla arms were severely free
tared oad he waa hurt Internally, havtag had
several hemorrhages. Ho aee Immediately car
ried to hie hoeae, where o pbyeaeiao gave his lo-
Jertee the eewery at (cation, aod his reeovery Is
probable, although tbe revolt ef the accident aao
act yet be deter mi Bed.
T Ron R Depot Hi o.p,rd. The pas
eoager depot aad baggage bwiidiog at Tyroo
were dnetreyed by Ire early eo Thwrvday mora-
lag la it It la ihoagbt tbe fire caught lo one of
i be partltloae from tbe largo healer to the geotlo-
mon'e waitiog room, aad had g4ioed loch o start
before dlscnveved that eetbleg ciald bedootc save
too bollding. Moat of the Nraitare. ticket, etc
of the ticket eaUco were saved, bet evcrythlag Ib
ether portiems of the botldtog was deetrnyed, ta
eluding all tbe bowks, paperf, foraltore, etc., he
MBgiog to tbe efloee cf the BaperlaieO'icat aad
otbet cAeers cf the Tyreoe Oivleieo of tbe Peoa
sylvaala Railroad. Tbe Ispresi eslco Ii now
oeed te traaeoet the wetteees cf tbe de
parteweat, while that or the cite cB mmi I being
ntleoded te at the Ward Reese. Too Word Uoc
parlors are being aeed oe woRtog rwcejis. Pro-
perattoes for o oew depot ate already wall coder
ay. '
Tbe report of the Firnt National
lleah or ClearialJ apae.ra la another oelama.
imitation seal-akin (taps at Moore's
ror tC. Call and aee Ibolr Winter bate and eapl.
m e ee.
I.ytlo makes quite a display of fancy
eandlea for the kolldaya. II meeel one a moulk
water la took la at hia ahow-wlndow.
Tins War FobCubapFurnitcre!
Say, look btrol AMer )u lava ginoall arouod
town, luoking up good and ebeap furalture, and
ld tbat iha other dealers ma "Juit out," go to
Andy Jiekaon, on Merket atrtet, a llltlo way
Eaat of tba Ebaw Homo, fle bai Ibo boat ai-
ortmont orar brongbt to iba ooonty at one tin
and for pleturaa a rd fmtnei ba eaanot ho botL
J net eail io and aao fur youraclf. .
Our now Jury Coinmlusioncr, Jack
ma. U braneblng out anow la tho I am It are buti
do it, keep log oa band a full aupply of every thing
ia thai liae at prioea tbat aaonot foil to give gen-
ral latlafaetion. Wo advlaa our frlonda. who ara
In aotd of any thing In bli line, to aall oa bin,
after flailing all other at urea af tba klad la town.
and learning tbat tbeyjuat oold tho loat of Ibolr
Tory abeap furniture, and yon will And that
Andy hai Juat tome toft at a abide lower in prioe
than aold by any other auuae la tba county.
Drop la en him and hla floe assortment of 1
plot area. In room aoroaa tbe afreet from Moaeop'a
Death or Ma. Tbomat
Reilly died at bit borne In thia borough oa Tues
day eveaing of lail week, la tho 64th year of hia
ag. lie waa aa ladaatrloua men, a good ettlion,
reliable la kualnoai, and an oxoolleot mecbanlo,
being black am ith by occupation. A wife and
ton ebildren four girli and alt boya ara loft to
iogrn tba death of o huaband and father. Tho
family are left in comfortable elroumatanooa, ha
hating o life Inauranoa policy of $i.909 in tba
Mutual Company of New York, beatdoa eooaldor-
elite other properly, raal ettete and peraonal. Ilia
funeral took plaoo oa Tbaraday aftorneio, tbo
remains being taken to the Oalhnlle Church
where lerfioos were held.
A Terrihlr Death. In Williams
port, oo the evening of tbe 15th loat., while Dr.
Joba 8. Crawford, acoompaniod by Dr. J. Burrall
waa In tho act of driving across the track of tbe
Poiladelpbia and Erie railroad at Woodward
lane, the carriage was struck by a shifting train
and literally dcmolUbed. Dr. Craford waa
thrown under tba wheela ud both feet wore out
off above the anhles and his left arm waa savored
below tbe elbow. He alio snttalned terrible
gtsbes In the head, and death Is aoppuicd to
have beeo Instantaneous. Dr. Crawford waa
about seventy-two years of ago, and one of the
ol loot and most eminent practitioners ef tbe eity
He as a'so known throughout tbe Stale His
terrtbla death has beoo a aetata shotk to bis
A QtTKfiTroN For Teachers. Wo
give the following example as a eae o modern
education. Having been ao eje witness, we
know when of we write i A model young lawyer,
twenty-three years of aga, a ta oil tog on tbe ehady
aide of the at reel lo tbe dug-dyi, ealls to a trav
eler, aged alaly-five yeare,oa tbe other side. "Hollo
Tim, corns over here; I wont to see yoa on some
business I " Tbe sgod man toddled across tbe
afreet to intervltw the youtb. Wtnt the conroc-
pet ion was we did not learn, nor does it make
any difference. But whoso duty was It under the
guiee of good manor rs to have croned the street f
That is tbe problem. More: Tbe lad went
through a High School, a College, and a law office
Behold Ibo rudeneae Such are tbe frequeat Via
plays t-f modern education. Why cannot euoh
rodenri be cured 7
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight! sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tho week endiog December 13, 1879, and
the aarne time last year i
Pur tbo week
Soma time loot year..
, 27,1W8
Previously during year..
Some time laat year
Inoraaat .... ,
Total In 1879
Same time last yeerM
,.i,4W m
.. 273.709
. l,24fl,422
Ioeraaae ... - tM0
ov wan raaiaova.
Lumber ... 1 4fi ears.
Mtsoellaaeoos freigbU...... U7 '
Week op Prater. In order that
the peopio may better prepare their mtnds with
matter for eihortatloB sod petition for tbe M Week
of Prayer," tba Erangelioal Alliance has given
timely notice of tbo topics suggested :
' "Sunday, January 4 Sermon en the "Fulness
of Christ 'a SalvotloB."
Monday, Janaary Thanksgiving Tor tbe
bloailngs of tbe past year and prayer for their
Tnesday January 6 Confession of sin and hu
miliation before 'God. '
Wednesday, January T Prayer for tbe church
of Christ, iti ministers, Ms growih in giaee and
its enlargement, aad for revivals of religion
throughout our country.
Thursday, January I Prayer for Christian
education i for tbo family aad InatitutioBs of
learning f for Sunday schools and Chris1 Ian aiso
Friday, January 9 Prayer for nations, rulers
and people j for peace aad religious liberty.
Saturday, January 10 Prayer for Home aod
Foreign Misaitasj for the outpouring of the
Spirit upon all flsth oad the eon torsi oa of the
Xns Institute. Tho Institute now
lo svsaioo la tbe Opera Hvuie is one of ihc beat
and meat successful overbold la Clearfield. Tbe
number of leeebera eo'clicd on Monday afternoon,
waa one hundred mcie than was ever preaeat at
any laat itute ever before held ia tbeeounty. There
are one hundred and seventy-fits name of teach-1
ars carolled thia year. Tbe 0ere House waa
never Jammed like It wai ob Monday evening. '
It was perfectly awful At least one tbooaaad
persons toned silting and steading room, while
bond red were turned away early in the evening,
enable to gain aimitiance onder any circum
stances whatever. The exercises ef the eveaing ;
were pleasant nnd interesting throughout) but
tbe performance of ibo pupils of Lick Run
School deserve special mtnitua. The eon ga of
lbs ibree little girls Aeoie Irwin, Helen Irwio
aod Jennie Mead wera rendered with good effect
and was cBihaslaailcly received by tbe audience
TbB orailowe f tt-tUt U.ed, tMut ia
years old, two or Henry Mead, of Lawrence
township, were well-deli-ered aod ''acre just too
cute Tor anything." Rer, Wm. H. Dili, of thla
plant, delivered the address cf welcome, whieb
was ably done aad appreprlate la the occasion.
Tbe reading ef Miss Blwaford was good. Prof.
McDonald aad ebolr, of Cerweosvtlle, furolahcd
leuiie for tbo oo lor talo moot, aod will for all tbe
eesaloai of the loat It ote, 6 cowrie ten dent Mo
Qeowo bos oaoao to feel elated over tho loeeess
of his efforts te have a good lostltato. Tbe ad
mission oo Monday eveaing waa free, and we
trnst that the attendance at the evening lest area
the balance of the week will be lergely atten ded
Tbe admission (ee each evcBlag will bo thirty -five
Boon, R. T.,, H. 1871.
Da. M. M. Frodoola, N. Y
Dear Sir t I have alwejs been oppoced to
patent medicinci. hot I had beeo aa tavolid,
being a Heeled with dlsslnee and fainting It
caused by billoasacee, derengfd stomach aad
trawele end impaired nerves rr eevcral year, i
d'.etored a great deal bnt still they grow worse.
1 have taken Seven bottles of yonr Blood
and Liver Remedy aad Nerve Tooie, cod have
act bad one etooc I began Its eee. I em happy
to say that I feel fully reolered by year eaeeiieai
medicine, which 1 reoemojaad on every oeeasln
If a ayaiem le oatcf order it eppears to have the
power to resiere It te health, and that Is what la
wonted. cry truly, ,
Dec lT Jt ' OUKD 0. CHA8K.
Dr. Fencer's Blood aad' Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tools may well he called "Tho conquer
ing hero" of tbo timet. It 11 ibetBedteal trlamph
or the age. Whoever has "the blacs" should take
H for it regulates oad res teres tho disordered
syioaao that gives rice to them. It always enree
Billooaaeao ood Liver Complete., Joan dice, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Headache. Fever aad
Agoe, Spleen Kelargemeete, Borofela, Rrysipelee,
han pies, Biotcbee and oil ckia Krapttona aad
Blood Disorders ( B welled Limbs and Dm pay
Sleeplecsnoes, Impaired Nerves ood Nervous De
bility I Restores gosh oad strength wbeo tbe sjs
tern le ratnlBg dowo or got eg tote deeltee j care
Female Weaboess aad Ckreoie Rhenmatlim, and
relievec Cbrooia Brenehitls, oad all Lung aad
Throat dlSeuliias. It duos theeethioga by strik
ing at the root of disease sad removing lis ceases
Dr, Feaacf'a Improved Co ugh Hooey Will re
lieve aay coogh la coc hoar. Try o sample bottle
at loo cento.
Dr. Fenecr'a Geldeo Relief ceres cay pain, as
Teetb-ecbe, Necreigta. (Minor Ueavdaehc ia Ive
to thlny niooloa,nnd rcadll) relic eee Rbeoma
llam, Kidney Oemplaiat, DlorhoM, etc.
Dr. Frooer's St. Yilos Denoa Spoello. One
bet tie always tores.
Fef oale by Partssitek A Into. Dreg gists,
CioowlcU, Pa - ' oe 2f et
John McGaughey has a largo stock
f Cbrlnmas outs and eaodlai. Oo and sea them,
The best placo to get Chritdmaa
prssenti la at Gaulla'i. declOtf.
(.enuine anal akin caps at Mooro'a,
at $13 to 4. tiH
For tho finest Stationery Goods, go
to Uaalia's. doolOlf.
If you want a good pair ot skates
heap, go ta 11 order's (Ua itora. dot lMf,
If you want an Organ or Piano of
the best make, g ta uauiio a. aeciwu.
This way ior bargains in (.onts' furn-
lahlug goods ot Hirlltiger A Rook's, dee U-St.
If you want Blair's celebrated Pencil
Tahl is from 4 to 6 cent go to Ouulin's.
A large and beautiful variety of
Ladies' and (tents' sill Borcoieia, ai I. A. risen s.
doe tO-St
Stony Creek Cassimers and Ken
tacky Jean at old prices, at T. A. Fleo i A Co's.
dee IC S.
Anything you want in Books, Rio
llonery, Musio, or Faoey Goods, will be found at
Qaolln's. : deolfllf.
Tbo largcHt ussortmont of Ladies'
Fur ever offered la tbe eoaaty, are new to be aeon
at T. A. Fleck A Cu'a. doc 10-at.
Twelvo new pieces ot L ft dies' coat
ing In all grades of Matleaae and Beaver cloths,
at T. A. Fleok'a. dee 10. at
Filling up for tho ilollidays, with
every thing pleasing and aaefut, at T. A. Fleck, A
Co's. dee lMt.
If you want to make any person a
present of a pair of slippers on Christines, go to
Moore's and examine their stock. 2t
Tho New Remington Family Sew-
iwu Mi cm n for oale at J. B. Herder's Gun
Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct. 29-flm.
We bftvo now on band several thous
and first class envelopes, which we will print for
bualnesi men, or anybody else, at prioea that .ma
out be rivalled. Coll and as them. tf.
Happy homes and smilling laces are
invariably tbo result of wiao parents constantly
keeping "Sellers Coagh Symp" oa hand. Price
twenty-five cent. ,
At tho Rkpurlican ottioo is tho plnre
to get yonr Job work dooe. We are folly prepared
to do anything In tbe printing line, will do it
well, and at the right kind of prices. tf.
Another lot of thoce bi-aut'tiil Rem
Insjtoa Bowing Machine. Just reclved at Her
der's. These machines have no cog wheela, cams,
nor FrictlnS pulleys. Come and sxaminsthera.
dec. 10-tf.
Seen woman on norm, hack in another
onlutnn, riding near Ppeer's Vineyerda, with a
buneb ef Grapee from wblcb fpeer's Port Grape
Wine Is made, lhat Is so highly esteemed by tbe
medical profestloo for the use of invalid, weakly
person end tbe aged. Sold by E. W. Orabam,
Draggle., Clearfield, Pa. Jly-lfi '79-tf.
A Fact. An advertisement Insorlod
to the RflrraLiraa will reach more readers than
if publlsbed In all tba other papers In the ooon
ty, nnd eoal tbe odvertlaei lees tbaa one-half
In other words, ao advertlsrmeot published io
our Journal ta worth double tbe price of that
ebargod by any other publisher in tbeeounty.
'It Is a facia tf.
It Ib next to suicide to live on in
pain and mi aery when there ia remedy for all who
auffer wltb kidney and livery complaint, Baroama.
bochu, Backacbo, Liver and Kidney Cure for
sale by druggiats.
Prepared by R. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa.,
and for sale by all druggists Io Clearfield, and
Joseph Seyler A Soa, Luthereburg. dee-lT Jt
Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re
moved bis medical office to tbe rooms reoentty
occupied by Buck A Graham, lo Graham's row
He make CHRONIO DIB BASKS n specialty.
CHARGRS VERT LOW. The manufacturer
having lowered prima, be la prepared to furnllh
doeed rales. The afflicted will bo benefited by
giving him a call. Joly22, '79-tf.
New Daily Staoe Line. Jamea L.
Loavy baa succeeded io having a dally mall estab
llahed between Clearfield and Peonfleld.and will
hereafter ruo a dally stage betweeo the two points.
Hi contract began with April lit, and the stage
will leave Ueerfleld every morning (except Sun
day) at I o'clock, making connections with all
trains oo the Low Grade Railroad at Pen n field, re
turning after tbe last tralo the same evening.
Peasongerssnd freight will be carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of tbe hotel a will be at ten Jed
to. Ifiapr79-lf
The Principal aod teaobera ef tbe different de
partments or the Leonard Graded Sohool send
for poblloatieo tbo names of all the pap lis who
bare alien Jed every day of school siaoe the
opening ef tbe term t
high eciioote.
"A" Oraoc Annie Wurrvl.
"B" Grade John Kenoard.
'C" Grade Jenuia Sbaw, Emma Worrel, Re
land Wright.
DH Grade Annie Wright, Willie Heffsr.
'E" Grade George MeUiellan.
P" Grnde Rduh SurcbfleH,
nuoa no. 4o. aav.oa, tbacbbm.
A" Grade Sulla A Id re J, lUtxrt Wfeltahill,
Joba Taj lor.
B" Grade Mand Powell, Li is Cniler,
Cuoitoey Batter, Riaie bbielvr, Wngbt Bigler,
A. R. Wrigat, Merrill ill, Uuriihal Smith,
Charlie Kos.
Boom bo. 8 cabbib riectuiv, TBicasB.
MA" Grade Jeoole Bridge, Ua Lewis.
"U" Grade Mary Coudnet, Harry 6blnftr,
MoBtgomeiy Murray, Iraio Kramer.
aoua mo. 2 HaiTia nuoua, tbacubii.
A" Grade Laura Buudric, Miaaie Lanich,
Lola Sowhe, Irene Treutman, Mary Uoudrie, Paul
Tate, Harry Uerey, Willie Banner, Paul Larimer,
Ray Speck man.
B" Giade Mary Herbert, Bertie Moore, Mary
Caldwell, Bdie Young, Theodore King.
Urade Millie Bradley, Annie Hennlaecy,
Loan Uulniborg, Cheney Huron field, Jamea Hut-
tec, Davie Beckett.
auoo no. 1 babbl H'uauaoa, tbacubb.
"A" Grade Klla Kramer, Clara MaCalieagh,
Maud Bogga, Clara Miller.
' B" Grade Oacar Kiaob. Charlie Klocb, CUr-
eaec Stewart.
"D" Grade Ida Button.
Santa Claos Is wonderfully popular now. His
.me Is lo Ihc months cf oil the Utile folks (
soadry Sjaeer epistles are indited le him, beaoeeb
lag o remembranoo In the shaps of o dell, n rock
ing horse, o trumpet, or some aueh deal red tor
As particularly appropriate ot this lime, we copy
(rem an nohMage o folly history of Seoto Claus,
as follows :
''Possessed of beuodlessa resooroes is Santa
Ciena, lo the belief of cblltboed; a aharming
variety af mysterious gifts Is ot his diaposal and
more lhao that, he bas lbs aovlablc reputation
of liking to make tbe little people bappy. Never
was o saint mure eitenslvsly popular.
MTbebltory of fanta Claae o Serious mix-
tare of troth ond fable gees far be eh Into the
anoint time Cooler ice age a efclld woe horn lo
Aslo elisor who received the same of Nlehohu.
Ills parents were wealthy aad of high raoh ( aod
deslriog to express their gratitude lo God for
the birth ot Ibolr sob, they resolved to educate
him for tho Christian priesthood. Tbe child was
sober aad thoughtful, oad while yet yonag both
hie parents died, aad he iaherlud their great
wealth. He eooeidered the riches o sacred trust
be fed tbe hungry, he e lei hed the desittate, aad
performed all hinds of good deeds as ceo ret iy as
poos ib to. As a priest bo was greatly beloved j
as n blthop bo coatinued his beeevelenoe after
his death tho Cbareh canonised him, aad he be
came caaof the greatest efpalroo boIbU, ociBg
re verm aw tee aeiper i mm prt mm fiwwmwr
of the week, oad ai tbo et peel a I patron aoiot ef
little child roc, who were taught to believe lhat
their good gift come from him. Salot Nieholae
waa the name given him hy the moaks, and this
was tern l liar I y encaged tw Bceto Nle'leue ood
fioelly elrwped down to BenU 'Class, who lo stilt
rep refected as retaialag his old ha bite cf oecrel
tooaeveleocc aod acmleg duwa the chimney ot
sight, laden wltb Christmas proreau for ahlldrea.
A pleooant act lea R la to them, eoOer the cover
of when that charm lag cm rosy coocerotng the
dooore of gifts is kept op, thwega huio eyeo ood
care aad salads are heea, aad fleet a C.oo Is
asoolly very welt) bow a to Ihem as a mash more
ojwdeto ojcraooago tbaa old St. Hlebelns. Rat
tho obildrta oojoy the bam lees pro tec so, Ibo
yet ene.t llliaj of stoekias, aod tbe bovliy
Waco Chriatsnas us.1
It will ho no i if-od hv rvfureiice to
oar new adverilaomsota, that P, A. tiaulis and
Mre. Reilly, baf bean appointed t xmtere af tba
estate of Thomas Reilly, deeeaaed.
Fox Hound Loat I Daniel M. Ho
berty, of ibis bomugb, M a valuable Tot hound
oa Friday laat, aad ba will pay a liberal reward
for his reeovery, er for Informatloo lo regard to
bis whereabouts. The hound was a black and
tan, and was last seeo le the vieiaity of Clark
Brown's farm, la Lawrence township.
Farmers, Look Uehi f Lytlo will
give yon highest market price for V boat, Gate,
Coro, Buckwheat. Buller, Eggs, Oniona, Apples,
umd iVfliU.BDd all kinds of prodnee. he has
tbe largsst and beat selected stock of g rosaries,
leas, oolTees, molasses, spioss. oil salt, sugar,
queeosware, tubs, buckets, bai bets, chornr, Ae.,
io Clearfield eouuty. He buys bis goods la Urge
quantities from manufacturers and first hands
for cash, aad lakes the advantage of oil
discounts, and so he la enabled to sell ot lowest
prices. He gives oath prices for prwduootand sells
bit gooda at the lowest prices In the county.
Tbt Old Lycoming Insurance Comnauy
the Mrat to tbe frout.
CtinwitBavifci.B, Pa., Oct. 20, lBTD.
Kona A Uioulk, tlennal Iii.uraAoe Agunts,
C UarOel J, Pa : I take pleaauro lo acknowledging
receipt of Draft from you, lor Fourteen Hundred
and Ntnety.two Dollars and Ally oents(Sl,4Vl .0 ,
boiog io lull fur loss by fire, which occurred to
my properly on the 2d day or October, ISTU, B
tho borough of Curwensville, Pa. And I hereby
return lo you my ainoere thanki for tbe prom pt
and bui new-like maoner to which you bavo
settled and adjueted m loas, and ( reeommeod to
the people of Clearfield O' unty the old time-tried
ing sale, reliable and prompt.
Catuarixb (Ik a re.
Oct 11, 1ST 9 I in. '
K J- Jackano, viear ibo Flyw Hoeae. bu the
beat assortment of v "amea ever brought
to town. If not In tV
Oo nnd look at
V oov2A 2m.
If yoo have a picture yon want pu In a frauie,
Uke it to A. J. Jackson, oo Market aircet, two
doors east f tbo Hhaw House, and ho will let
yoo haro It obeaper than you can buy tbeiu any
whore else, bcoauee be make tbat burinoes a
specialty. oo30 2m.
Waktbo. iflO.000 14-feet shaved hoopi, deliv
ered at the railroad, In ear loada of M.Viit), at all
Eoiota oa the Tyrone A Clearlield, P. A e., Bald
agio Valley, and I'eoney IvoiHa Railroad, lor
wbtoh I will pay tbe highest market prioe.
J. P. K a ua a,
Octlfi, IS78-tf. Clearfield, Fa.
Oaa Hi nnaan Pan Obht. Disouttnr or Old
Pnira. Sewing Me hineaeao now be purchased
ot Werrell's tin and variety a lore, from S-Hi up
warda. All kinda uf sewing machines repaired
on the fburtevt noline.
Clearfield, Pa., July IS. 1177.
Bdooibs Fob 8 lb. K. Newtoa Sbaw keeps a
full supply of Fredonia Buggiee ond Platform
Wagona for aale. To be aeon at tbe Shaw llonac
yard. Call oa er addreas blm at Clearfield Peoa
aylvaola. atay 13-tf.
f Mother' Uritf.
The pride ef a Mother, tbe life end Joy of a
home, ere nor children, nenee ner gnei worn erm
neaa enter and takes tht-m away Take warning
ibcn, lhat you sre ruoomt a WnMe rlik, if thev
have a Cough. Croup or n boopiog cougn, wnicn
Irad to C')ti"imtt'tn, If vou ilo nit arund to It
at once. blill.UU t. lUflMMn iu idhi i
gunranteed te euro them. Price 10 d., 60 el,
r-d $1.00 For lama Back, bi-le or Cheat, ere
Kbiluh's Pomus Plaater. Price 3 eeo. Sold
by C. D. Wateoo. Clearfield, P. , sepl7-eow.
The Bent i kxrr Knew Of,
J. (i. Sttrkey, a prominent and Influential ell-
(ten of Iowa City, says i l have bnd the Djs
Denaia. aod Liver Coiuotaiot fair several
and have used every remedy I could bear of,
without any relief whatever, until I saw your
Shilob'e Vitaliier advertised ta our paper, and
was persuaded to try It. I am bsppy to aiate
th.t it has eoiirely cured me. It ia certainly tho
beat retard v I ever knew ol " Prir 76 tenia, For
aale bj C. D. Watson, Clearfield, P.
aeyi j-om-eow.
ous Cure fur Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Headache. Wltb raoh bottle la an ingenious
oafal injector for the more eoreeeaful treatment
of Iho com plain t, without extra rharge, Prioe
no cents, ror saie iy v. v. -ue1"! twarntm,
P. aeptl7, 1"79 Urn cow.
Wawtbo. Delivered at the Rail Road.
00,000 2ft f cob shaved h ingle. 24-lneh sawed abiogles.
I nil, nit. feet of pine boerde.
6fli,UiiB 14-feet ohAvod hoops.
S Otm raiirood ttes. , . .
60,11,1) feet of good hemlock hoards.
For which I will pay the highest market price.
delivered at Clearfield, or al nay point oo the
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
I. . a OA emu.
Clearfield, Pa Oct. lfi, 1171 tf.
Coi.tBCTon'a Wibbabtb. We have preparci
a form, and bavo on band a large Quantity, of
blank "Collator '-a Bales," which have been ap
profed by Ibo highest legal authority In tbe
Courts of this county. At Tm$ tVefe per
duten we will mail any number to the Collector
ordering them. A Collector, wbeo compelled te
adverliae property, mult poat tip not leas hB
three nolle io the moat public placea io bis
borough or township. tf.
Just Itecklvkl.
Just Revived by ARNOLD, at
Cur Load Nova Scotia Fluster !
Cur Load pure Corn, hye and Oats
Chop 1
tar Load Deakcn bull I
Car Load of Choice Funiily Flour I
Cor Loud Dry lood, (vroceries, At'.!
taTnliinuIes, liuik. It. Ji. 'lies ana
Grain will be taken In exchange.
C urwensville, May 1, IW7.
CtaaariBi.n, Pa Doe. Si,
Flnar, ner ewt.
$i 71
1 oa
1 so
I 411
Hueawheet rlnnr. ner ewt H...
Cura Meal, ior ewt , '
Chop, rye, perowt....H...Mam.,.H.
Chi'., miied. 'Or ewt .
Hraa, per owl
Wheat, per buohel....H.
Hto, per ba.bol
1 S3
Uala, per buahd HH...
Cora, oara, par nu.bel,..
aoawhoet, tier an. bai
Put. toee, per baahel
Atiiilea, per buabel
Heme, per pound H ...
HhouMer, per poanil HH .Mm
Uhea ueel, par pounl
Cblekeae, pr petr..H
Hutltr, per pouna
KeK., per diiaen
oall, per eaeh, large,,, H
I to
v;uai uu, per Raiioa
Lard, par nunnd m,
lril Applea, per pound.
Dried 1'eeebee, per pound
ateaoa, par buab.l ,.-.
PniLanaLrnts. Dee. a her 2. The anfbvoraWs
weo'h-r has flatwnv Sfata all deparlFnents.
Vinna rl U u iutl. but enrhacrd.
,ee ef lat.eoo '.'- f'1L ng Mlnoeaota eitra
faieli a-. ti..7ts7ntoJ5n! So li do. do. at
10 J; sivriilytig m t (41. h, sd pat-
ent WCBMrhiah credes at MI t0.
Rye uiur Is steady at ffo.Stl. Cornmeal is
no let.
UraiB Wheat is feaellve, but cssler, wl'h
les cf 4.0H0 hcabela, Inclodlnr relented, et
Sl.aTi red at Si. oil am her at 1 6M(fc1 64. aod
No. 1 red, elevator, al ft 03! (op l ana bb.j
red, eleveter, at 11.631. At the open board mere
were no iranttaetlona.
Ryots nofhtnged,
Coro Is io fair request and atsady.
Bales cf 10 .una hoahel. Including old mixed
and yellow at elfMJ cents, and new do. do. at
u?4)fii)fli eoota fur steamer ond ssil, afloat and
ia elevntor.
Oats are dull. Rales cf 1,000 bnhel, I net ad
ing mised ct V cents, end 49(y5ii cenU.
Whisky Is dull. Boles f weetcrn at 11.16.
Chic oo, December 12 Floor sleadv. Wheat
atrong aad higher l P". I red winter- Pi B l fo.
2 Chicago spriag.ll Hi for oath) f l.llfrcj, III
for Jmnearv 1 1 XsKfb I for February . Ho.
1 do., fil 141 t releeteo. OS eenta.
Cora steady aad la fair demand t n)(t41(
eeats for eaah 40 eer-ta far January j 41 eer.l
for Febraary . 4fi aeata for Hay, n-Jeel.d, li
Oats atcoir aad lo fair demaad t 14 f sen's for
oah; l&ceoU bid for January 1 i eeots for
Rye stronger at TftlCM Cents.
Barlev iraner at 87 (.1.8 ecata.
Pork strong aad higher i 111 If for cab
$11 13feia.1A rr Jaaaaryt llSt)t)lfiS6 fer
lebruery J fcia.63(jli.a6 for Maroh.
Lard atrong aad Bigheri T.46fnr eeh $7,&
7 .1?! for JaBcaryi $7 Itiftf 7421 for Febroery i
7 TCfwT.T;i for MareB.
Bulk meat atrong aod higher ; tbnolders, M It;
h"rt rib, H.i short rib, fOft short eleer,
tS A6.
Wbiikyln fslrdMoaad end Uwer j ai u.
Dressed bog, ,.(b),
HKII.IV. ta Cle.rfl.U bvn(ti. aa Teealt
aeealaa, Uenerener l.tB, II;,. Tb.rae. HMIIJI
aged I. 7ear, II rBoalh. anl II dara.
COTT. Al B,,b, at th. reel lenee ef ber
daachler, n fild.,, Deeenihar l,lb, l7l 9 .rah
Uraaeker Be-U, Icrtaerl, al Vr.dr lowe.olp. tbil
eeunle, la Ibo II.I eer ar Bar ae.
Jlrw Adrrrtlsrmrnti.
K fL eor) far da, al berate MeaaplHwortb
V'- iU Si Irn
Aanre. Stlna a Ca.,
fjlllead. Meaia.
(deelT;, Ij
T.l s week. (II B aa, at aeaaa ealrf raa4a
0 I 4 Ooaile aalbl Iraa, Aee'ie.o T.aa ta., Ualaa. Idael7,'7l I.
Srw drrrtlsrinmts.
KTa.HR HOTICKTbo follow lo
J tone bare filed le tbo pimm or tne t,iera oi
roartof Uuarter Heeeioas Ol tiearnem eonn-y,
ibolr Petitions aad Bonds for tbe
January Seasons, agreeably to tbe Act of As
sembly :
otki. iicinaa.
ba B. Bsrr. ' -DuBols.
W. L. Niebolsoo "
Wllliaia Corky M
H. H. Noteatlno
A J. Draiicker
Midbael Hurley
John Coleman
Jaeob Lanli "
UeornH.Woodin m......
Francis Coonr M
Nicholas J. Welsb....N. llouiid'e, Woodward Iwp.
W. W. Mnnh Ibrtvj twp.
M, Klinordllngei- .. DuBols.
Elliott M. Penta DuBule.
William Weld a Baooarlatwp.
Certified from tba Record.
KM HLOriM.Protb'y.
Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 10, IS79 St.
REPORT of the condition of the COUNTY
lieid. In tbe Htatoof Pennsylvania, at the oloee
ofbualBea,Daoember Itth, I7(.
Loans and discount .$IW7.THfl 2j
Overdrwtt M
U. B. Uonda to secure circulation...... -Ts.(-0v uo
luinroti X3.2II o
Other stoeks, bonds, and mort giiffvt... S,n4 47
Due from approved reserve agents... e,.vr si
Due from other National Banks. .,... 1,415 24
One from State Banks and bankers... 7,H 72
Heal aeute. furoilure, and Bstaroa.... I .&J4 21
Current expenses ami taxee paid 3,M 61
Checks aad other cash items 1V1 fifi
Hills or other banks X Oi
Fraollooal currency. innludlng nickels U7 fid
Specie, Including go Id Ireaeury cer-
i neat et .,.
Legal-tender note 00
Kodemption fund with IJ.H. Tioae
arer, o percent, oi circulation
.... 3,574 SO
S?VOt& 41
Capital "look paid ia..... .ftflM' OO
Hurplu. fund MHO 00
Undivided profits St fl
National Bank notee ouUtaoding AT.V09 S"
Individual deposits eubjoot to chock... lHVi 41
Ueiuand rerlinoatos oi depoau
Ttmo4enifleateoldvpoiU m.. I,u u
Due tw other INaUooel Vnk$.., ,vio ei
Due to Bute Banks oad beaker 1,770 S2
ItTM'ft 41
Slnt af Ptnntyitania, CUarfitfd Cvutig, AW:
1. n . M. ftlieW, laattier ol tne anovc oameu
Bank, do ecletuuiy swear ibai the above auteinect
is true to ttto beat ol my kouwle'ige and belief.
Subicrilird and sworn to befnre me tbl 2 Id day
of D-e, 1079. JOHN W. WKitlLKY, N- r.
Correct A Ileal : ). T. LKGAAH ),
A. B. MliAW,
December 21, 1679. Directors.
T tSPOMT of tbe o-indiilm of tho FIRST
I V tllTIlVH II 4 kJ tf -a" !-!.. .K. 1.1 al flu,.
no wrinminu unl.nUi v.-. "...a, .
fl.l.i U tr Hiktsanf Pf.nnarlva.nla. at the C 080
boaioesr, December 12th, lt;9:
Tcenaand diieouots ..llfiO M Si
Orerdnfte l.WS 60
I'. S. Bnnda to secure eiroolation IftO.otm no
Other ttonks. bond-, and m ricfea.. ft.497 II
One trom approvnd reoer' agents... i
Due from ot her Natlmal Bank 3,472 OK
Due from State Bank and bankera... M7 M
Real eat ate, furnitur-, and fixtures... 1 2i0 fifl
Current expenses end taxea paid 2,At2 119
Ch-eke and other cah Items ,4' 74
Rills of other Books 3""
Frartionol !u-reney, including niokels 22S 211
Specie, icoluding gold treasury car-
ttdealea i,""
Ugal tender note S.Sfifi 00
Redemploio fund with II. S Treaa-
orsr, a per cent, of circulation v-uv vv
Capital atonk paid Is ......... -.
Rurplu, funil
tlOr,000 00
,. at.ntiu oa
.. 6.10.1 ji
,. so too On
. OS ill 7rl
,. 24,a 00
. SK.SOO 00
l.oes I,
,. 7,71177
Ilndlffld.d pmnia
Nnilnnal Hank notoa outaianline....
Indiridual drpnaita anjeet tnnbeok.
Uem.nd eerlileatee of depoatl H
Time eerllfiaatea of drpoait
Une to other Piellnnal U.naa
Due to State Banka aad banker..
ejtivui as
ola 0 r.n.v'e(a, 0 CTeorfe'd,
t. WILLIAM n. DILL. Caeblor of the abnro
aaoi'd bank, do eovmnlr awear tbal the above
aiatetnent la Iraa lo the peat t.r my Rnowii(o
and belief. WM. H. PILL, Caeblor.
Subeeribed and aworn lo before mo thla lid
da? of DeVr, 1870. WM. RADKBAIlllll. N. r.
CoaaBCT-Atteet! JONA. BtlYMUM,
Ota. it. Hi). Director..
At HAUL1NS, Cl.arH.ltl, Fa.
Hniidkercliii'f & Clove Boxes.
Com. .no, aeata all, and aoa fur eourlelrea.
Run'! fail to aall. 'I ara aera ym ean And wbat
;ea waaL
r. A. tt A L LIN,
Dea. II, tt-lf.
Orpha us Court Sale !
Vnl uublo Itcnl KHtntc
IN purfnanoe of an order of the Orphans' Conrl
of Clearfield eoonly, the onderatgned Ad
ministrators of the estate of A KTIHIK hlvKsK,
late of Lawrecrc lnwDblt, deto4ed, will flirt
at poblie sale, al the Oocrt Ho aao, to (bettor
oogh ef Clearfield, Pa., oo
Saturday, January 17, 1880.
At 1 o'eloeh P. M., lbs following dsaeribed Real
aUtaio, io wu:
That ralaable farm aod hnmerteaJ, sitcale In
t.awrenoe lownahip, bonoded and desnrlhJ
fiillnws t He-ginning at a poat at eoner of lloe of
Oeor go Betlert ibeaed awrtb Ire degrees west
twelve perehes to a red oak thence north twenty
etght degree eat forty-oImo perchee t a brm
lona near ihc ban or VIoarBeld creek, aad aeer
month of roo thence soath thirty two degreea
wool fart? two perebee to a while cah orar the
Clearfield liriilge ruod ( Ibenee ourrh eighty two
degrees wet forty -eeveo perrhts to a poat la lioe
if lane llienec tvnith by lands cf Hamuel
Tate's heir forly-seveo drgrrca wcat two hendrod
and twenty -eeeen pare be te dead brm look
eloee beside Ihc public road lead log from William
A. need a eaw mill to Anoa KeaJ a blackamith
shop t hew re by hands ef Aaron 0. Tate, tbe
eeurae of eaid road being soaih, thirty degree
w.t fifty. foar percbea te a peat, or atone, la aatd
roan eo it oe ol tbe Fetor Mart la tract
tbeeee north fifty -fire cad one half degrees eatt
we bondred and tweet finr and oaten tenth
perobra to the place or brg-ontng,
And clluwartee. J hta ! one ol Ueiouatoeairable
and beet tmpreved farma In the county. HIWII
1Y ACHId AHU CI.BHKD, fenced, aad onder
a go4 tat oi eaitieaiioa, having
Two8lrr iJercllinif
sod a large BANK BARN, lo
get bee with o spriog bouse, ee re -crib, enl bo
oeccassry oatbeildtnga, as well aa a jSO",
LAIiGK OlifllAUU i J
of bear lag fralt trees of et ery desorip- jFi3
t.on, and a well el good waier. aMaewBwk,
Ttrtnn ond 4 ondiHom I
One hall ol lb parebaee aMM.ev mat he paid
nn oonlrmatho ol the sale, ood tbe balance la
two earnl onnool payments, seeorod by bead ood
mortgage ea the brrmiacs.
For ten ber tnformatiea, laqutre on Iha pre ml
eee, or of Jeae 0 Hrbryver, at Clcerfield . or ttlea
fUcoe. rhtlieaboeg. 'UHN ti PCHHVVKK,
tlUAH Khke
Aitm'raof ttstaie of Art her Keisc, dee'd,
CleaHeld, Po., Dee. IT, HfMi,
gtw 3iflr'rtisfmrttt$.
Ann . week la joar own tnwa. Term, and ii
OUI) oult free. AddroatH-UallatatConipaaj,
Fortiand, Maln - Ideall.'fO If..
TtBU FOR AI.E. Thlrleea hire, af
J) Italian Been wuiob I will aell abeap for
o.ah, or aaohanfa for wheat. For further la
ter nation oall oa or addree. the underaltned.
No. I, "71 tf. Clearleld, Pa.
a' d Pina townihiii, Cloerfi.ld oounty. sffr
R.aaonabla tirao airea lor part of purebaae
atone;. Frlo.a 10 00 lo 110.00 per aera. 2C
Minora', reeemrl, L. BIRO,,
r.Dllold, Ha.
urWALl-ann Knana.
FepL 10, H70-tf. Clr.r8.ld, Pa,
The lite Sowing Uacio
Can be Irousilit at lowest prioes from AI.KX.
1'ATTRKSOS. Woodland. Pa. It isetiual.lf not
superior to any Irit class 8ewing Maohtne ia the
marvel Circulars cent no application.
Woodland, Pa., Oot. IV, laltr fim.
ThTOTlCB Tt S ri)CKIKH.IlK. There
l will boa meet leg of tne stockholders of
iho Clearfield Fire Briek Coionaey held at, the
rffioe of the Comnanv. In Clearfield, on Ihum-
day.tho l&ih doy of daiiuary. lnwi, at two
o'eloeh P. M., for tbe purpoaa ol eleetieg i.flioera
for tbe eoaning year, and voting epon too ojuee-ti-n
of lncrealog llie stock or raid Couipaor,
Uv order of tbe Jloar I of Director-.
Atteat: WM. UKILKH, I'rcatdent.
C. w. Kuiti, HeoreUry.
ClearleU, Pa , Nov. a, 1870 2m.
Cheaper than ever al Hie store of
G. C. & T. W. MOORE,
Wo Iihvo juat received tho largest
and best selected stock of
That has ever come to town,
all the new novelties in
Driving Boots and Shoes.
Rubber Boots & Shoes.
Give us call and soo if we don't
sell cheaper than anybody else,
(IK). C. MfHIRR,
TtlM W. mOOHB,
Cleard.U, Ta., 8eiL 14, lKO-Jm.
Ilera opened np, in the atoro roon lately neenpletl
he Weaeer A Iletta.oB SeeoBa atreet, a larg. and
wall aalertad Btnek nf
Dry - Goods Groceries,
Which they will of at reeannablc rates
for cub, or eicbange lor country produce.
Clearfield. Pa., Jan. f. ltUA-tf.
Cheap CashStore.
Clearlield. Pa.,
Compriaing Dress flood of Ihe very latent tylco,
con iatmg In part of Ceabmere, Maaebealcr
Fancies, Alpaca, aad all manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
orb as Oratons, Mnfcalr Lea tore, PtaiJa, Dross
Uingbems, Drece Faaeies of tbo very leteet
at lee, end as cheap aa Ihey can be cold
io this market.
Cenalallng of Glove for (lent, Ladleo and
Misiee. Hope of nil ahadee, Hilh Fringe,
Lanes, Fancy Dress Da (tees, LaHlea'
Ties at all ebatlca aa1 itrlea, CotTs
aad Cellars, Htbbcns of all b.eea end
ejualitiea. Merino t'nderovat, Trimmioga, ate,
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Whirl .III na anlrl WBoUeat, retail. Will tale
Country Produce
l Elckaaf a Iter QaaaU al MnrkaA Prkee,
wu. j. noiraa.
. lieartl.M, Pa, ttfU tt, lerrUV
sc? : Irs r
1 H S SfJ I'.;.
3 ia a Sts if
0.52 r . 5 : !
c . O a h : I
-1 1 o fcag
z a r - (
ii! r! ;i
J s h l
"litI J" I
3 " r .
i: i I
1216 Chestnut Street.
Philadelphia, Oct ii, ISTB-Jm.
. .
T. A. 1 LECK.
Fall and Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Week and Olorod Cunlimeifri, Brncatln l)n Hoot)", 1'lnin Dra Goods,
New Sltawls, Ladies' ;oals, lird Kliiimcls.t.ritj- Klnnmil, Klsid Plannels,
Navy Blue rlunncls, Wmorproofa and Ladirs' Cloths, all i-tilurs,
Caeslmtros, Mon's nnd Hoys' Wear, Drcrs Gtnclioms, Culicoos and
Muslins. Our stock was never bolter. Our Ladies' Skirts ara beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
A. complete Stock nt our uniial ICargnluH.
Plumes, Klowors, Win(S. Oslrith lips, all kinds of Fnncy Wines and Birds,
Xew Brocade Velvets and Silks, Hat in 8, thick and Colored Silks, Ulack
and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Gloves, Lielo G lores, Silk Frlngo,
Buttons, Laces, Corsets, JCmbroidetics, Kdgings, Insertings,
Linen Handkerchief, Ladies' Tioa, Ribbons, Germortown Tarns, ZepliTri
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Underwear, Lndies,'
Gent's and Children's llo'O. Wo don't intend to have any store in
ICni B UMU V Uliuruil B IIUPU. 1
C'enrfiold county beat un in
j.lilaa ao anlllnr i 1 i tr A
Oil ClotliH,
Graham's Building, - Market St., -
R; r'-.'.?.'tl
1 1 f'5' i litefc
w Lawaia
pfStu 3 for Ultulrated Circular and Frico. Liberal Term, to lb. Trade,
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MIDDUCTOWM, CON", aod Koa, 1U n4 01 WatMaak Av.ane. CUlMOw IU.
XJ" ySf X 3S HL "I" jV. 3SC 3ES jei. p
All kintls of Carkots and Co (Tin. kept on hand, and furnished to order Oil
ahort notice, including tho finest as well as tho clieapcat that can ba manu
factured. Our '
oonpsa zn.x:aSziri.Trxin.
Is tho best In use, and will be furniehed when required. Funerals ntlonded
in any part or the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leave
your orders at Trout man's Furniture Store, adjoining the Post office.
oct 1.7fl-1.' Clesrfielrl, Pa.
lru Sflrcrtlsrincnte.
Prices of Shingles.
Carwen.eiHe, Jen. V, '7H-tf.
poll SALE.
The underilKned will aell at private aala all
tbat tract or barrel 0f iand attaate tn Deeatnr
townahip, Cleerfivld anuMe, Pa., witbln a abort
di.unee ol Ibe Trrtina A ClearlleM R. h., and
adlointna land, of Robert Iludann and otnrr..
aad known aa tbe Jaeob D. Uearfaarl loL The I
aald Iraot eootatnlag 60 aerca mure or le.a, wlrh j
two vein, of valuelile anal thereon, baa about SO J
aerea cleered. and la tbe kev to a tare ndv of i
eoal about being develuped. Will ha eiild low aad
upua aeey tertae. ror parlienlar,, aprtv to
Oharteld, Pa. Jolj II, ISIS.
A Specialty.
Tbe anderlnd,lelas; thankful for naat furors,
woo Id reapeotfull; to fur tbe eUlsens cf CleaT
Held and iciai tbat be bas narrhased the akup
in Chsatacld borough revni ocevnted hy Awa
Keaacrd, alleated na ' ccael aired, la Ihe rear of
Geo. Weaver Co.'s stcrt, where by atrial aad
close attention to baslnees, be hope te rereWe a
are; mare i panne paironag.
dr Prices reaaeacbic anl all wnrk fuarantwd.
CteerfcVId, Fa ., O a 1ft, I Bit in
th. , at. . . f . - .-t. . at . i. . a.
a wew www. . r raj new e air ' a- II'. ,( ibwbj piBtg, VB1BI ,
eplar end b-a.leb timber 111 aer s cf Iaa4
iaCtcarffeMoeeatT, Parties ecnealilfte. tbe snap
ar ajtiBiR ui inn weai.y, will nnej n nrenj
tnnnahirt, felj italof. the Hell Icwaafatp
line, nnJ know a aa tr.e Na. 14 H fhU0jufr
t ie ber win ae held enrn fr sale anill ibe
Irt ef Deeemhe nail. ITut farther partrrnlttr.
apply le er addres.
Oeteber 1ft, HTO tl. CkrtUld, Pa.
kcuIi d Curwsnsville !
THAT w.ll lno.a rrp.rtj itlaata aa the bank
af Iba rtaaa,aabanaa rlvar, la la. komaak ef
Cerwea.ville. L'leerleld annntf. Pa . eeeped bv
Iba tela BKNJAMIM II AR1BHOR N, deed, I.
anw nSered ler aele. It Mtaleiaa about
Thirteen Acres,
Unon whieb Is creeled n iac iwa sre fraaae
hi!) T "TABLK, Bnd Iba neaeanrv am
aaanamagaA bnlldiaga, aad alio a H.OWINU
roLMAlNat B.r.6PRlN(J WATIR, TbU
I. a varv d.,lrebla praparte ior a private root
deaee. Tba pr.penj I, sow olored at PRIVATK
ALL oa rea..nble terra. Per further la.
fbrraetloa la relotlna t. It, eell at tba preealoe.
er eppre iw ,na waaweiffwe. in ae ky uMler,
AtWraer foe la. ta.Ua.
viaanaia, ra, awpv , iBii-tr.
A. M. lllLI.S.' '
W wu iih..iiu iu iiu utij n"iv (
anytliing style, pricen. quantity,
na aa 1 1 Anil BAA fos. mirainlf
Clearfield, Pa.
Sept. I, '71 Ij
implifieo; D maintaineU
Improvements September, 1878'
Tfsvlnf retard fir Ibe demand of .0
Important Improvements.
KotiritltBtasding h. 1CT0R hai long been
tbe pa-r cf any mnchirjo iu tLo market a fact
supported by ft host cf rnluntoer witueenca-r.
nonr coEUiIrntly claim fcr it prcatcr
limplicit, a wonilerrul mluction of
f.-lc'.loa, na l r.::o-cl!ter a tan Qwt.
b.nalMCJ i:.ra-'d uaiuitt. s or sni.
ty llerclianU r nd olbars.
fuv drrrlisrmrul.
ee (KIO nt!IICL8.-aeorte Werver A Ca.
tie. want Are taouoend buahela at OATS, Baw,
anil will pay aeab nr pmdnee.
C:.erelJ, Pa. A of l, lS7-tr,
banhiaa Srnt knawc aa tbe rtearteld Coantv
lJank haa been dii.olved by nntual eaoirnt, and
the bank la to go Into gradual liqul Jelloa. Wa
ara re,pemible fnr tbe drbta, and will pay Ibrtn.
The e,,eta will ba uad.r control of Juba W.
Wrig'e. eicltt.lvelv, at Iha banking bonra, aad
and will becolleatej by hnn.
1 I.I. I AM PurtTKR,
wii.i.iabj a. Wallace,
' ' OKOIKIK h. RKKD. -
t'let(c ll, ta , V,k i, 18?v if.
If you want to ee Ihe finest Stock of
Ready-Made Clothing
If you want to Euy the beet Fitting
If yon want the most Eeliably Hade
If you want to buy at the loweetCaab.
Fricee, go to
If vou want to see the best assortment of
m nmnnrn
If yon want to tea a nice aelectioa of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ;
If you want to ty a
If you want to get the worth of your
Money, don't fail to go to
WtHTRK koT kL OOH b , CiaaraVeM,
M. ta, lai.r.
DU lit
ST S).
- L.-I
tl 1
! t
i '