Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 24, 1879, Image 2

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Gsoaos B. Goodlandu, Editor.
Reader, If Tin want le kaow what U geing
la la boilnen world, Joel raad oar adrortiilng
Bolamae, the Spiai snlamB la parueahtr.
ilio. by tba ernalieet aid af raioa af a ptrroa,
however reipeetable to prlrata lifo, who mart
fnrorar aarry apoa hla brow tba etamp of fraad
flrt Irluaipbaal is Araarlaao hlatory. No enb
aaquaal eeltuB, howerar merttorioul, eaa waab
away tha tetter! of that reeord.
Catat-BB Fatucra Ahabb.
I weald ralbar hara tba bdoraoBiaat ofaquar
tar of a ail Mro af tha A Berteaa people tbaa Ibat
of the L-oaitlanu Relaraiog Board, or of tba Cora
rjlaaloB .blob aioladad tba faala and daoidad
- tha qortttoa oa a toahatfatlty.
Taoe. A. tTaaitairKa.
Under rha forml of law, Hutbarford B. Ilayaa
baa baaa daolarad Prelldrot of Ibo United Stelae.
' ll'e tllla rail! apo. diafranebternHHit af lawlal
rotara, tba falta aertiftealre of tha returning offl
aara eeling norraptl.v. obd tba daclaluo ol a etim
mieatoa whiob baa refuted to baar evidence of al
leged fraud. For lha Dm llaia ara tha AtQarlean
people ooofrented with tba fad of a fraodulvBlly
alcolad PreeideBt. I.el It avt ba uBdrraloed tbal
tba fraad will ba allantlj aoquteioed la by tba
ooaatry. Lat no hour pan la which tba uaurpe
ttua la forgotten.
Abbbbsb or Dbuocbatic U . C.'s.
Oaa haodrad yaara of hnmnB depravity aoea
mutated and eoneontrated Into a olimag of orimo.
Never again la flva hundred yearreball they have
aa opportunity to repeat tba wrong.
Hiatal. W. Voorbbbb.
Senator Cameron and llio Sherman
brothers (unclos) will nominuto the
next Radical candidate for President.
Mark that I
Don't foiget to read "Strong Men,"
which will bo found on our fourth
pago ' Hypocrites and Frauds" is a
good articlo too.
Fail-id. Hlaina and his backers did
their level best to deleat Cameron lor
Chairman, but they failed. Now the
''loyal" war goon on.
Head tho ' Coul O.I Horror" on our
first page, "liow Worlds are Born,"
on the same page, is highly scientific,
as isalso " W hat to do in Certain Cases."
"Tho Confederate Brigadiers" are
rather pleased over the worked-up
excitement created at Washington
over tho election of a Chairman of the
Hadical Committee.
The aati-Catneroo mra to tba National Hepob
liese onumitiee beve nailed on General Averill,
of Minnee'ire. for Chairman, and are ooafldont of
eneeeai AVcaaeo.
Yes; but when the voto was taken,
tho General landed ovorboard, and the
other fellow succeeded.
In a Mtw Fislo. We notice that
the notorious lorgoror, Rev. E. D. Win
slow, is in Buenos Ayres, engaged on
tbo Buonos Ayres Herald, and is man
ifesting a great intorest in religious af
fairs. . . A Mftftvn Settle Tha vwmalrja rtf
the oneo briiiiunt but erratio John
Randolph if Roanoke wore removed
litfl week from the forestd of Roanoke,
where thoy wero marked by an uncut
atone, to Richmond, Va., lor interment
in Dolly wood Cemetery.
A Stbaw. Tho election of Senator
Camoron as Chairman of the Radical
National Committee was brought
about by a combination of the Sher
man and Grant forces, a blow which
bits Blaino below the belt and stag
gored Conkling to the rope. The elec
tion of Cameron Is a clear wictory lor
the Shorman brothers, nei ther ol w bom
may be nominated, but they will dic
tate who shall be nominated.
Avoid It. Too Chicago WuKly
Xewi bas been selected by the Third
Termers as the organ to help the
Grunt "boom" along. A II persons op
posed to Grant and a third term should
avoid the Aries. The i.ews in its col
umns are of royal character, and aa
fatal to a Republio as poison to the
human frame. Grantirin means dee
iotism. You that detpise that form ol
government and love liberty, sban
Govirnmint MtacUANnisi. A co-
temporary remarks : ' Tho system of
'dicker' pervalea all ol Mr. Hayes'
transactions. He has just traded Mr.
MuCrary into a Judgeship fur Ramsey
at a War Socrotary. This was some-
' thing of a better bargain than that by
which Stanley Matthews became a
Senator and one that will receive more
commondalion than that which again
brought Zachary Chandler into public
life. The pratice if followed up thro'
two or three torms might make tbe
old man an expert"
Tut CoBvianoa Fixid. The Rad
ical National Committee assembled in
Wssbington on the 17th inat., for the
frarpose of filling several vacancies and
fixing upon a time and place of holding
the next National Convention. The
Chairman of the National Committee
(Senator Chandler) having died, tbe
first business In order was to fill the
vacancy. A ballot was taken and
8enator Don. Cameron, of this 8lste,
' Was elected. Chicsgo was agreed up
on as tbe place, by a Urge vote, and
Wednesday, June 3J, as tho time for
holding tbe sane.
Senator NrLSoN. Hon. Wm. M.
Nolson, State Senator from the XXVI.
District (Susquehanna and Wayne),
spent several days in our town last
wcok. He Is an intelligent and affable
gentleman, and makes an able Repre
sentative. He, in tbe past, served
throe years In the House, and last year
-tbe Democrats put him np lor a Sena
tor in that black Northeast cornor
District, and, to show his personal pop
ularity, we need but elate that bii
msjority was SCO In tbe two counties.
while Coveraor Uoyt carried tbe same
oooDLicsi by 1,089. This ia Loot that
-cannot be denied.
Bo naa worthy tha oflea af Praaidaat Iboold " ""
ho .Ul,, u hold II If -anted la, ar .hand tbar. "'
by aay frand. - D. 4. Obibt. Br" ' "J1 ". "
I aould aorar hara ban rreawiled ta too ale- ha oar. oppowd ,h otoor la ao.
. , . ,, - , . ratal aieltiaoni ol a eotnuoa ooantT. aetaatad
vanna o toe niinn oi.. oi o.i.uo,
The Treasury of the Widows' and
Orphan,' fumlulPoat 117, uf the firand
Army ol the Rcpublip, at 1'ituibuh,
bavin); dwindled down to 1 150 00, the
friend" nfihat Pt hsva undertaken to
replrnUh their ttvasury hy inviting
prominent Umsruls on belli aide) in
the war to deliver a let-lure fur them.
Mi. Will, the Chairman of the Com
mittee, among other, add reused the
Confederate General, Wade Hampton,
who replied aa follows:
CoLi-aaii, B. C November ID, We.
Mr Data Sib: Owiag to tha phyalral disabili
ty aodar which I labor al preiest, I have been
foreed la doeliao all iwvlletloBi la deliver pablie
addretiaii bat tha lavltaiioa job ettond U ao
oorilial aad ao rlgnlucanl that I hall Ire to make
aa eaoeptloa ta in favor. It ratou to rat that
ao aortr raoda ta roatora bnrmeav batwtaa tha
twa aeelfeaa af lha sooBtry aa lately eontrndlBg
In armi eaa ha foobd tbaa to briog Ibo old eol
hy the deelra of reetortng ba.'ratBy as d enltivet
iag peeye among all rlataat. wa iboold mob eoa
the bitter erotioaai feeling which polilieiana ara
focletiag for their awn lellih endl laid at ran
forever. Yoar Invitation bei tbla and ia view, al
I andentend It, aarl I thai! gladly ao-eprrale
aitb yoa la Ihii laudable ahjeet. It will aot be
In my power ta deliver aa addren Jolt Bow, hot
I ibell ba happy to do aa at aone falara tlrae
which will ion yoa.
1 beg yon to eipreaa to tha 0. A. B. my high
epprecatioa of tba honor done lae.and ihanaing
you forlbe bind lermi la which yua have Irani
milled the aetioa of that body, I am,
Very reipeciluhy yoara,
Waob llaartoB,
8. A. Will, Esq.
General Hampton is now one of the
United States Senators from South
Carolina, and one of the ablest men in
that improved body. Tho man that
denies the doctrine laid down in bis
letter is not an American at heart, but
would belp to dissolve the Union, if it
could be none without risking his car
cass in a Bull Run or Shilnb affair.
A New Tuns. Great men are no
better tban small ones when similarly
tested. The recent count of votes in
the Slate of Maino shows conclusively
bow wonderfully circumstances alter
cases. Mrs. Jenks, Sherman A Co. bull
dozed the Returning Board of Louis
iana, Florida and South Carolina in
1876, and compelled thoso Returning
Boards to tally the votes of thoso States
for Hay on, although thero was a ma
jority in each of Ihem for Mr. Tildcn,
Ulaine never opened his mouth, only to
praise the rogues for the crimo they
committed against crime. Now, how
ever, when tho Returning Board in bis
own State, in pursuance of law ami the
precedent established by his own party,
count out a few Radicals, be bowls like
a wild beast. A cotompoary perti
nently remarks: "Mr. Blaine found it
good and rightful to uphold tbe Re
turning Board frauds when they profit
ed himself and his party, and attempt
ed to excuse them on tbe most miser
able of shams. Now, when tbe Con
stitution and tbe laws of his own State
throw out a majority illegally chosen,
he finds it hard to accept the situation,
and rushes about wildly in impotent
rage. Ifinjusticebasbeendoneinany
case it will be easy to prove it. Tbe
cool head and stern will of Governor
Garcelon bave been evidently too much
for the Hotspur of tho United Slates
To Bt Ousted. It is probable that
the Committee On Privileges and Elec
tions of the United States Senate will
vpvie, tuuu etiMii tin uuuuay ruueas Ul
Congress, that William Pitt Kellogg ia
not entitled to represent the State of
Louisiana in tbat body. Kellogg was
elected by the so-called Packard Leg
islature, a spurious body which was
created by the Returning Board vil
lains and corrupt Republican poll ti
oians of Louisiana. Soon afterclucting
Kellogg United States Senator, the
spurious Legislature disbanded, and
Kellogg presented bis fraudulent cre
dentials to tbo Senate, which was then
Republican, and he was admitted as a
Senator from Louia-iana. Judge Spof
ford, Democrat, was duly elected Uni
ted States Senator by tbe legal Legis
lature oi tbe State, and it is boliovod
that tbe committee will recommend
tbat tbe seal be awarded to him. Kel
'"(,'( i mere usurper, and bas no just
or legal right to represent tbe people
of Louisiana in tbe first Legislative
branch of tbe nation.
A PolitioalScalawao. We notice
that Mr. Noyes, our Minister to Paris,
is about to take a trip up tbe Nile,
after which he will resign and come
home to participate in the next Presi
dential campaign. Meanwhile the
missions, both at London and Paris,
are left to run themselves. There is
little danger of serious consequences,
however, as tbe missions lor some time
past bave boon purely ornamental,
their only practical use being to afford
pleasant employment for some of our
superfluous statesmen. Noyes is an
Ohio man, and went down to New
Orleans, in 1876, and bolped Mrs.
Pinkston, Mrs. Jenks and Jnbn Sher
man & Co. to bull-dose the Returning
Board, and for this rascally trick be
was made Minister to France by
Hayes. He spends but little time at
his post of duty. His notorious un
(iness for tbe position compells him to
roam over tbe country so as to got the
117,600 salary.
Chiaf Farms. Tbe Stats of Geor
gia, which disputes with Texas the
claim to be considered the most wide
awake Slate in the South, is making a
strong effort through ber immigration
agent, Mr. Fontaine, to induce immi
gration from tbe North and Europe.
Mr. Fontaine bat made arrangements
by which be fan sell colonists farms of
eighty acres, none of which will be
more than one mile from the Macon
and Brunswick railroad, fur two do!
lars per acre, giving them lour years'
time to pay for it. This does not look
as if Northerners ware not wanted In
the South.
Tni Fa A to Goes On. The state
ment of the Commissioner of Pensions
that many Iraodulentelaiins havs been
allowed under tbe present system, and
tbat two hundred thousand claims re
main unsettled, is to losd to a Con
gressional investigation. Between the
delay In settling claims and lbs Dtt
meroua frauds practiced, an immedi
ate re-organutatioa of the bureau seems
to be a necessity.
Ikkochits at Hoax The Atlanta
Constitution remarks: "Victor Hugo
never heard of Emerson until the other
day. Well, if tbla is any sign ol ronius,
there is a man in Rabun county, seven
ty Tears old, who never bear J of either
of them. But if they were revenue
men they srouJJ bsve htrd of him.
Circcuaatauoet are so different thin
H7M r Mia u t ha ppe..
Tbe State Canvarning Hoard of New
York ban decided thai its iuwer does
not extend to an examination of do
fects iu the election returns not up
parent upon their fuoo, and the Chair
man of the State Democratic Slate
Committee did nt m-ek to controvert
the view whic h they took of their
duty. It is olio which had hereliiloru
been generally accepted, but which has
been disregarded in notublu instances
wben the partisanship of an election
board pcrver.ed Its reason. There is
not much profit arguing what the law
really is in the mat lor, as there will bo
no safety in assuming that it will stay
where it is when it does not suit tbe
party that bos the power to change its
ntorprelalion. Wben the seven -by-
eight Supreme Court Electoral Com
mission gave effect to the effort of tbo
Louisiana Returning Board to alter
the returns to count Hayes in, all re
liance upon tbe judiciary to main
tain a stable law, in defiance of vary
ing political exigencies, was gone.
When the trust of the country in the
integrity of tbe decision of its Supreme
Judge is gone the Republic may bo
assumed to be in serious dangor. Its
danger will not como from Us Domoo
racy ; and of this tho action of the
Democrats in tbo Now York Stuto
canvassing board is somo assurance.
The record of the party gives u
further assurance of it; while that ol
the Republican party is so bud that
the vilest and meanest attempts may
be expected from it in the effort to
peqiotuato its power. It would be
quite in tho line of its policy for it to
change the method of selecting tbe
electors in New York to secure tbe
vote of the State for its camliduto. It
would be a good deal decentor way of
delcaling tho will of tho people than
tbe methods adopted to seat Hayes. It
would be a lawful way of cheating the
people; and where they are so unfor
tunate as to bave left open such an
a von ue for thoir betrayal tbey need
not tear their hair it it is taken advan
tage of. Lancaster Intelligencer.
Tit for Tat. The Philadelphia
Press states tbat "Senator Wallace has
indicated a determination to have an
equal sharo in the selection of the Su
pervisors of tbo census in Pennsyl
vania," and that it is also alleged that
a caucus of Democratic Senators bas
determined to reject appointments of
Supervisors it the claims of the Demo
crats are not recognised by tbe ap
pointing power. This is a startling
innovation in tho opinion of the I'reit.
We must bo permitted, bowuvcr, to
remind tbat journal that during the
Presidency of Andrew Johnson the Re
publicans ol tbe Senate adopted a sim
ilar rule which they onfurced moot
rigidly, and the President was then
obliged in making appointments of
Assessors and Collectors of internal
revenue to .divido the offices equally
between his own party and tho Repub
licans. If he failed to do this bis ap
poiotmenls were invariably rejected
Tbe Press argues tbat "these Super
visors ol the census are mere adminis
trative officers concerning whom tbe
Senate has no right to ask any qoes
fitness, to Integrity of character and to
mental and moral qualifications." So,
too, were tbe Assessors and Collectors
ol Internal Revenue "more admininlra
tive officers," but tbe editor oi the
Press never made a word of objection
against tbe rule adopted by the Re
publican Senate in 18CG 7 under which
President Jobnson'aappointments were
rejected or confirmed in political con
A Conceited Remark. The Now
York Sun remarks : Our esteemed oon
temporary, tbe JJerald, reports Gen.
Grant as having made the remark at
tbo house oi the Governor of Nevada
that be sincerely hoped the necessity
for his nomination would not arise.
What conceit I
As if there could arise any circutn
stances which would render it a mat
ter ot necessity tbat one particular in
dividnul should bo elected President of
tbe United States I
More especially is it absurb for Gen.
Grant to think that man himself. In
the long line of Presidents thero has
not been one who has shown less ca
pacity for civil administration than
This remark of Gon. Gram's makes
it very apparent that his brain bas
been turned by the attentions which ho
received while abroad. He would now
be less fit for President than ever, and
the true history of his eight years'
administration shows that he was suf
ficienlly unfit before.
Louisiana. The total vole of tho
lato election in Louisiana was 118,600,
being 43,000 less thsn in 1870. Tbo
falling off in Now Orleans was 20,000,
and in tbe country 23,000. The voto
of Wills was 75,000, and his majority
30,000. Tho vote lor tbe Constitulion
was 67,000 against 27,000. Tbe ma
jority for tbe debt ordinance was 1-1,
000. The reports of violence are un
true. Tbe only disturbance in tbe
State during the lato election was tbe
capture of the ballot-box and ro turns
by a band of men headed by the Re
publican candidate for Lieutenant
Governor, Gillespie, and tho killing of
two men by Hetiego, the Republican
candidate for Sheriff in St. Martin.
Ror ALT!- While Grant and bis
wife, and Freddie anil bis wife, sojourn
ed In Philadelphia, they bad a suit of
five rooms, including private parlor
and dining room In tho Continental,
first floor, fronting on Chestnut street.
Tbey were sumptuously furnished, and
rich with brio a brae, and works of
art, hung with silk ftnd fragrant with
growing flowers, flow different from
a Galena tannery I
A Nice Man. A Washington letter
writer says that tha negro United
Slates Senator, Bruce, of Mississippi,
dresses with scrupulous care and nicety.
(Jn bis spotless linen sparkle diamond
buttons, lilt garmont are of the hand
somest cloth, and meet fashionable cut,
his boots shine with brightness, and
fan bur Is most effectively arranged.
Mori Guts. An exohango says:
In addition to the gifts which were
sent by General Grant to Mr. Chid
in tbe Spring of 1878 lor safe keeping,
eighteen dry-goods boxes are now com
ing across the country, tbe accumula
ted store ol presents whicb the General
wm 'forced to receive' at evory stop
ping pjaoe,"
it a mar, tactics.
Immediately lollowitig the Louisi
ana election a dispatch was sent north
stutiug that in Doha purisli :
Dave ArmrlroBg wat hanged an retard? t It
II, Drews, late poll metier, banged BBdei Sheriff
I'eoh whipped aod atretcliaii, and twenty. Ave
otben rau away flora lha parith. Trrn-tiiia It
o miplrte. The Rtpuhltaatia did ant via.
This appeared in every one ul the
Radical daily papeis of the North us
wull as most of their weeklies. Four
days sfter the duniul camu thai no
hangings hud tuken plure in Delta
parish, no lenorisin exisled, no one
hud run away, the Itcpublicatis all
voted, and the election passed off as
peaceably as in any other section of
tho Slate. But the object bad been
obtained by sending tho dispatch. It
was to misrepresent ; to tire tho North
ern heart. Tho scoundrels who son tit
well know Ibat tho eorrecliiiu and de
nial would not be copied by tho Judi
cal press, It is in this way that the
Northern people are made dupes, and
allow their pasaions to be Inflamed by
apocryphal stories of cruelty and bull
dosing in tbo South. A party that de
pends on such wicked meuns to keep
themselves in power are the word
enemies ot tho country, and are doing
more to injuro lis moral and material
interests than all other causes com
A HgAVr Bill. Congress, within
half an hour tho other day, voted
thirty-three million (133 000,000) dol
lars out of the Treasury in the shape
of bounties. This, altor the Army
bill, is the heaviest burthen strapped
on tho backs of the people. Reader,
think ot ill Tho bounty costs every
soul about tighty cents. The husband
of a family, composed of a wifb and
six children, pays annually, at eighty
contg each, six dollars and forty conts
($(1 40) bounly tax, whether he has
any property or not. As tho cost is
eighty cents per sculp, it is easily
reckoned. About one-third of this huge
bill is a square fraud, gathered in by
hospitable bummers, Quarter .Masters
and a band of attorneys ready to com
mit forgery, or any olbcr crimo, to on
able tbem to get the money out of the
Treasury. Moro: Thero are thou
rands of men drawing bounties who
were novor in an engagement during
tho war.
Wisteun Connubial Enterprise.
The San Francisco Examiner relates
tho following for a fact : "An Oregon
young man, being snmmai ily forbidden
to enter the promises where his lady
love was confined, loaded his Winches
ter rifle, mounted bis horse, called for
iho Justice of tho Peace, and, accom
panied by him, rodo into tho front
yard whore the girl's father and uncle
were. Ue declared that thev hail
threatened to do him personal injury
and that in the eyes of the law be
would be justified in doing serious ex
ccution with bis rifle in case they at
tempted to interlore with him, and
there, beloro lae gaso of the two
astonished men, with one eye fixed on
ihem and the other on tho fair one by
his side, with one band clutching bis
rifle and the other grasping that uf his
affianced, bo married her and rode
away, with tbe maa;isliale at his hocls.
Dltpetebrl from Anemia. Maiae, ly that the
Demoeretle Uovernor and Coua-iil have onanted
out lha hrpuhliraa mre.iy ia bulb branebea al
!U Ligitlaiura. The Bomber el Krptiblieta mew
ben bat beta eon .ted duwa from vs to e. aad
the lleiaoortla btve been a-iunled uu freul SI
7S. Tbia eeatilrv baa witlmood a Irtlrieidal wtr
How Ions oen It itaod revolulloa of tbla hiad t
Aoaital aY'teaaoe,
Hold on, now I Why did you not
kick up tho same kind of a muss in
187G, when the Returning Boards of
Louiriana and Florida counted Mr.
Tilden out and Hayes in? These
Maino Yankees have evidently taken
that Radical lesson in, and have made
a practical application. "Wbatislood
for tbo goose should be food lor tbe
gander" is an old maxim. If the
Maine Returning Board can assign no
better reason for doing what they did,
their course is damnable and cannot be
defended by any one except by a
knave, or Mrs. Jonka-Pinkston, Sher
man & Co.
Philadelphia ' Boom ess." The
truo inwardness and object of some ol
iho Grant demonstrators was made
manifest on tho occasion of the great
parado on Tuesday, in Philadelphia,
which was, to advertise their wares to
assembled thousand. Diston bad hi
saws, Wilson his sowing machinos,
liuifsnyder bis furniture, Wright bis
mince meat, while others mode a dis
play of their gooda.from a wagon spoke
to preserved meats. No wonder that
staid old Radical organ, the A'orth
American, rebuked thoso sordid fellows
in this wiso : "It is not quite the thing
to turn such a procession as that ol
yestorday into an advertising medium
in such a direct and unblushing man.
ner as was cono by somo loo enter
prising participants "
Eastebn Pkoqbess. Tho vicinity ol
that Yankoy "blarney stone," Ply
mouth Rock, always breeds somothing
now, termed "progress." Several years
ago tho Massachusetts Legislature pass.
ed an Act making women elligible lo
the office of fachool Commiltoo J(Bal
Winter another Act was passed allow.
ing women to voto lor candidates for
School Committee, and on the 9th Inst.
for the first time, womon voted at the
general election for School Committee
men. One of tho tunny incidents that
arose out of the women voting at the
ate election was the fact that no
womon voted lor a female candidato,
but only for mon Jealousy, yoq
A Siibewd Man "An English girl
wants to know how long girls should
bo courted." Ex. Tho Norristown
Herald says; "Our opinion miulit not
bo worth much in suoh matters, but
we thmk a long girl should bo courted
in tho same manner aa short girls are
oourled with operas, carriage rides,
confections, silling up nights, and so
forth. If a young man can't court a
long girl without carrying a step-ladder
when be goes to see her, be should
resign in favor of some one who can."
Riout to the Point. Tbe Cincin
nati Enquirtr burls this kind of a brick
into the WashHigtun camp: "Soma
Democratic statesmen in Washington)
are exceedingly busy about Democratic
candidates for lbs Presidency. If they
would lake care of lhair business In
Washington with prudence and sagao-
ity, the National Democratic Convert
lion would And much less difficulty
lo attending lo its business tban seems
likely to confront it." :
A telegram to Ibe New Ymk Herald
Baya :
Charlotte, N. C, December 17.
Police t Ulcer 11. II. Hill shot und in
Bluntly killed in ibis city to-duy the
tfrealeat desperado, perhup", in Norih
Carolina, a negro named Bob I'hurr.
I'lntrr had shot ami killed another
negro limned Kerr Wall, at a Irolie l iJialrict Democratic in u certainly,
near P.novillo, in this counly, a month i with two others possible. In Oregon
ugn, and boa since that.Unio been aj " huvo tho besl chance to relniu our
fugitive f'ruin justice, with a reward of, present Representative. In l'ennsyl-t-UU by tbe Uovernor, hanging; vuniu, whiUt it is posriblo lor us to lose
over his head. Learning this moi inng one member, wo ought ulto to regain
thill he was secreted in llie house of the Curlin District nud perhaps the
unuiuur negro in thiscily, olliuels weuli
tuitner lor mo purpose ol cnocting bis
arreel. 1 lie luuilivc concealed biiiiacll
under a bed and refused to come out.
In response to a demand thai he sur
render, he swore that he would die
first. The ofliuers began clearing the
bed, and when they hud drawn oil' ihu
inuiiruss, the negro roso through the
rials, pistol in bund, leveled it un officer
Orr and pulled the trigger. Tho oil!
cer caught the weapon, however, and
the huiiimur lull upon bis hand instead
ol on the cap. Pusrr Jorked the piahil
from Orr uud had it leveled on him a
second tune, when 11 1 II tired upon him,
the bull enu ring liis forehead and pen
elruiinir Ibo biuin. While rut-lino-
I liom the shock uf his wound the negro
sought aguin to shoot, but fell before
he was uble to do so, dying almo-l im
mediately. Policeman Hill surrendered
himself' at once to tbo Mhenff, but was
not detained. The deceased was a
terror wherever known,
Seven yeurm'
no lie Killed a AvJ-ji- iruti named
Snesrfl. In I llur-il r . tkie
r , ... . Jeiiw 'U.v i "'m "i',i
and a reward ol Sf L" al that time
offered for liisarrest. lie fled to Union
county, H. C, where ho married and lived
under tho namo ol "Henry Johnson "till
last Christmas, when lie killed his wife
and rutiirnod lo North Carolina. Lost
Summer he was arrested in Lincoln
counly for robbery but oscaned from
jail, shooting the Sheriff through the
bead. His last crime was the murder
at Pinovillo last month, above referred
Tho Philadelphia llulletin, in allud
ing to tho course ol human events in
that city, makes a classicul drive at
Speaker Randull, and bis "pul," alter
this fashion. We dislike to quote (rem
the oneiiry, but when that enemy
straddles the truth, wo have the right
to quote him, though he were a friend,
bocauso the very devil is entitled to
that compliment, Here is wbut bo
gets off :
The Honorable Samuel J. Itandull,
Speaker ol the House ot Represents-1
ember of Cuiiiiress from I
Kress Irom
1 eiinsylvama,
i . ... , ,
dep hot lender pal boa I hat is expressed
easy 10 an nreciuio tne lull
in tnai "Dear mil. Micro is a ma
jesiiu sweetness in the proud humility
lhat bunds from ils National throne in
Washington lo pour llie balm of sym
puihiisiiig consolation into tho car of a
bosom liiend, stricken with the rude,
ungrateful criticism of an unfeeling
world. Tho gushing utterance of a
grateful heart, rejoicing over a pre
cious life spared iii the midst of the
deadly peril of a bar-room fight, basin
il sn eloquence that ought lo become
as immortal as iho words of Lincoln st
Gettysburg. Damon and Pythias, David
and Jonathan, Chang and Kng find
ihmr brighter anti in Hill and
Sam. Wiibsneb backing, what h.rj
ia too gieat to be encountered, what
convention to strong to be stormed,
what law tiro bigh to be defined 7 Tbe
-ailor, tossed uKin the briny deep,
buoya up his couiage amid the fiercest
storms with Ibe assurance that
'-There't a tweet little eherab thtt tin np alufl
it iuk obi iwr mt i,ie ai poor jaea.
And in the wild ray-inus of faction
light in the Fourth ward, while black
jacks crash and pistols flash, the hero
of a hundred riots turns the eye of
ailli up toward Ibe high seat ot dig
nity and power in far off JV'ashington,
and nerves bis arm and steadies bis
finger with the thought tbat
"There! iweet Utile Sammy who lit ap aloft
To look aot for Ibi life ef beer Uili."
Washington, D. C., Deo. 20. "79.
Ol all Iho Jobs likely to bo presented
to congress, tne question or "recipro
cal trade relations" in various coun
tries is likely to be prolific of the most
prolific in lobbying of the worst sort.
First and loreinnnt we will have here
this Winter M. Leon Chaitoau, who is
now being feted in r ranee preparatory
to a deweut upon America, Ho ad
vocatea a so-called reciprocity between
the United Stale and Franco, which,
as ho proposes it. seems to look to the
Intio liiclion of French manufactures
lino Ibis country, al the expense ot
our homo manufactures and without
any equivalent whatever. Mr. Kim
ball, Chaii 'man of our National Board
of Trade, and others, havo spoken bo-
lore tne House Uommilleo ol Com
merce in favor of establishing "recip
rocal trade relations" wilh Canada
Uu claims to represent 10 600 Ameri
can merchants. Tho usual argument
against protection was made by Mr.
IliHlgea, of Baltimore, who believed in
protection for infant industries, but
thought Ibis country bad crown be
yond thai necessity. It is not believ
ed bore lhat any material chances in
the tariff will be made.
The Democratic policy at present
seems to be to make husto slowly in
formulaiing plunks lor the plulform of
18S0. 'There ia a great deal of private
consultation going on umopgsl mem
bers, nnil n constant iiilcrchiiniro ol
opinions, but very lew have openly ex-
Eressea tnemseivcs ss to llio policy to
o pursued, or tho cundidute to be
nominated. All fuar of any disintu
gratiop of llio party in tho South has
passed sway j in fact, it nover had any
substantial basis.
Instead of losins slreiiifth there, wo
shall certainly gain. Il is possible that
we may lose one Representative in
Tennessee, and one in North Carolina ;
hut we will certainly gain also two in
etonn uuroiina, one in Missouri, one
in Aianama, and one in Tvxaa Die
iricls. all rf whicb are surely Demo
eralio, and which wero lost thrnnnh
peer confidence on our part in 1878.
i iim win reaxo a net gain in tbe Mouth
in tbe Forty -seventh Congress of those
members Irom the South. Wo shall
also vs in at least three in Now York
in Districts which were carried by the
Republicans in 1878, owing to lix-al
dissensions in that Stale. A" ftn exam
ple, take tho District in which Waldo
llutchins. Democrat, was elected in
November. 1H74. Tho District alrnnir.
ly Democratic, was carried hy the Re
publicans in 1878 by upwards ol 2.000
majority, ilutchiiis, Democrat, in No
vember laal, had upwards of 3 000 ma
jority, In Now Jersey we will proba
bly gain one in the Jorsoy City Dis
trict, which hsd alwavs given from
5,000 lo 7,000 Democrstio msjorily;
but was lust by a split in the p..i,
and the running of four candidates. In
lbs New Kuglaud Stales wa bave the
chance of a gain of two In Connecticut,
In Districts carried by the Democrats
irevious lo 188 1 of one in New
Hampshire, and ol one in Masaaehu-
seitej whilst (here (a no rtaatioslils
bsnce ul any lose in tbat section. In
the West, lha probabilities are a loss
uf one In Minneoota, and ol three, per
haps, in Ohio, by lha re-disiricUng of
ibat Bisu by lb Republicans; whiki
on lbs other haod, we bave every hope
lives and ni
the I bird district ul
.., .....,.. ri!hll 0 ii,o war, anil take wind oui
tcs erduy on a charge .,1 shooting! , , .,hhol Mn T ,
another mar, in . pol, icul brawl say.: t, 11weterwilh B feW ,xe ' tion.
Dear Bill, I rejoice that your Itle are earnest in their encomiums Lf the
spared, though in peril. ! distinguished Pennsj Ivanla General,
It Is not easy to anureciala the lull ; S... l u .... o ..
of uuining one cettiunly in a Demo
cratic stronghold in lllnmis, now rep
resented hy a Republican (iroctihackcr,
ami, pet Imps, if one in Chicago
a gain of two, perhaps three,
in Indiana, in tho new Ditriol
lorine.l by the luM Lfgiflntiiro of thai
Stale; with a fighting chance, fur one
iinireiii Wisconsin and in one Michigan.
On lite l'ucillo toast, llm receiiti ilcc
linns ilc ininrkiiatcd that IbereVas one
r-Jgnicenin District, with u poamhuity
eisewnuro. 1 -i
uut leaving remote possibilities out
of the queslion, and considering what
muy bo styled the reliable Democratic
Hi.lricis, and viewini' the wbolu in
tho light of the elections of 1870, 1877,
1878 and 187'J, it seems lhal nothing
but a sweeping tidal wave, ol which
uvei. thu preliminary ground swell has
noi ueoli visible, cuu revent us liom
having a majority of 14 iu the nexl
House, with al least Ti Plan lets, which
may be classed as doubtful, to draw on
for an increase. It is a fncl of univer
sal knowledge with politicians that
tnu Democratic majorily in tho Forty
sixin oongress wus reduced to Us
present limits by dissensions lit homo,
und by over-confidence I lie latter be
ing tho chief cause. Whilst promi
nent Democrats wero predicting a ma
jorily ol from 30 to 40 in the House,
the writer was leal lol Hint the Repub
licans might succeed Irom the cause
labovo stated. Appeuls were mad" in
heal up local qtiarn la, but llie invaria
ble answers were, "We shall have the
House by a large majority ; what dif
ference will this one District mako?"
Siit.h over confidence lost us several
Districts in the South, notably that of
Mr. Waddoll, of North Carolina, who,
in a District which gavo him 7,000 ma
jority, wad beaten by a weak candidate,
because be did not even canvass his
District, nor, i.i fact, make any ar
rangement to get out the vote. Thou
sands of Democrats in his District
staid away from tho polls, believing
that bis election was certain. This
will not bo the csso in 1880, which is
likely to wimess the holiest political
fight over waged in Ibis country. The
Democratic parly is warned not to re
peat the folly o! I88. 1 bave always
noticed that ihey (Kill more votes when
not over confident.
On I ho prospective parly nomina
lions lor I'rerident and Vice President
there is yet no crystulizuiion of opin
ion. The Southern members run be
classed in this respect as active or pat
sire. Tbe latter say that Ihey are did
posed to let tho North take llie matter
,i f ,i. ,. ' , ,i,. ,
solely in hand, whilst the former think
that if thev cast their vnl fur linn.
,.,!, :, ' ,i ,i .....
,., i, u .i,i ,i .,..
v.,rll, ,i,i, .:,:, r uiii , ,i,
.... l, u - ... , .....
"u for uu V.OUIU cait-y every oouin-
,,rn bv in(.,cnse,l mnioHiie.
thOMO liconlo have luith thut. when
elected, ho would certainly tuko his
Tbo Louisiana and Texus members
are very anient in their support ol
Hancock, and qunto extracts Irom his
orders und official letters whilst Com
mander of tho Military District in 18G7
and 18f!8, to show that his civil admin
istration of affairs In their Slates en
titles him to be considered one of llio
greatest men the country has produc
ed. There is somo talk tbat tbe Mas
sachusetls delegation will present the
name of Judge Josiah G. Abbott ol
that Btaw, a thor candidate Tbe
ileluatoatrom MassachusotiH wero ap
pointed previous lo the Novembei lo0
lions, and wire then uiinosed to he
favorable lo the nomination of Mr.
lilden. Now, il is said, tbey are di
Colonel McClure, of the Philadelphia
7YMf, has be-n spending some lime
here, acting as editorial correspondent
for his journal. Ho will return hero
alter the holidays with his wile, the
niece of Miss Rebecca Grots, of Phila-,
delphia, who, It is well known, inspired
the character of ' Rebecca" in Walter
Scott's novel of "Ivanhoe "
A distinguished delegation of ladies
and gentlemen were note last week
from Philadelphia, with the purpose of
procuring the gilt of condemnod can
non, with which to erect a statue of
General Meade in Falrinount Park.
Washington is very gsy this Win
tor, und promises to bo still moro so
after tho holiday season. In fact, love
making, legislation, political intrigue,
and everything elso, promises to bo "a
little more so" sflcr our law-makers
return from the embraces of their con
stituents. James Yeccb, a prominent lawyer
and Republican, of Allegheny oonnty,
died on Tuesday morning, Dec. 10th,
aged 71 years. lie was iho author uf
a "History ot Mason and Dixon's Lino."
2lw giflrfrtlsrinfnu.
CAUTION. Ml pertoni ara hereby wan-ad
aaai-tt mrddlina or ia ibv WtV inlrrfor.
Ivi with the follt'wlna oerrnnal sroner v. now la
the poiintloB of N. II. Maine, of Bradford twp.,
..i un ui ve-rrer-oiu meet mare ant oaa mar
te.r-eld hay Hellion. The forra-iiaa preprrtv
beli-nat to ra-, aod II tllnw-d lo rrmala in tba
potarteinn of taid NT. II M.inea an luaa only,
lahjeet to my order at any lima.
, I. M. MA1KE8.
Orabamtoa, Dre. J4, 1H7S It
AWC.SKV.' KOTItli. To UhoB It
May toitfartti Tlia ulr-rsWn-d. havlntr
tiaea aiipotDtft Aawir,aoa for Ibt b-offtt ofarodt
lor hjr Jai. II. (Iribaai.of ClarA-U bornqKb, all
rterfiwiif, lharaiora, bavinc eUltat agtintt hiia will
preront tbtra lo aa for Battlement, and thuia In
dehtod to tba Mid 3ralia ara raquirod to aattlo
aad ajfatta pajfiaaat lo na.
A H H 1 1 h V W. 1,KK.
Clenrfiild, Pa., Dm. H, H;b ti Ai-lf,tiri.
J b aTirati that tftalM
tbaetiateef TH0M H HKILLY. Utaf rieariVd
Isunitigh, tlearhaid euumy, Paan'a., deeaori,
' vuij uranism id ina nnaorlf 04 , a
IValffUlSaa Inrlatlllalll laB allt akaitatlaB BBIlll L
tinnadiAta pay meat, and tban olatna ir
dttoaodi afHinat tbo aaina will pra0Dt tbata
pnparlj autbantloKted far aaltlament without
delay. PKI VR A. (1AUL1N,
Oarfl.ld. Vm Deo. II, 1fT9 (It.
James Zj. Lscavy.
Iltvlnc SBrehtiad lha antira aluok af frti.
Steleil, arrek; el Tea anllrf lhal aa See ajoved
lata lha maa lalal.v eaaanlrd at Meed A Hittrlj.
aa rlarend alratt, share he la areperad to oler la
af lha la tret Irepreved f literal, al law frleea.
Qai fiitijrfi'and Tinware,
Rnatnl, lpaala(, Waahln(. Oil riulei
a. aad
Heuslrisg fiiaipa s anreiallv. A4
raotpa s antei
werk Warraaled.
Aavlhlaa la mi Has win aa ardarnd aaaalal If
Saairad. J AA. L LRAVV.
Olearsad, Pa., Jaaamr 1, 1ST tf.
- Jinn :(U'frtl$rmfnts.
Short Slraw Wanted I
1)i:H0N8 Living thoit (In
pii-klne purpuiet, VBB Otnl
I'tl.'t for
il tale for it hy ap-
iilvimaT "t the onfe of
T II K -.AHHP'!.! rlllR IIH
CltitotM, fa., lire. If, W II.
K ro.
AN I-I.l'.t TION NOTICI--. Tht n
FIKI.II will It. held at the H.nblof lliiu-e on
TI Ki-IMY, JANI AllV LIT II. Istiu, belwrea
tie bouri of 1 and 4 u'elnrb P. M.
W M (ill AW, Ca.hler.
ClrarHrld. I'., I). Jl, IST'J .It. .
It b'rrby aivrn tl-at Leoeri of Alniinii-
titnon nn l
eilaleol HA M I KL OA I.UW KM,,
Itle of I'ika lap., ClearSeld et.untv. Pa , dao'd,
bavlna bi-ao duly arir.trd to tin undtriif ned . all
ptrtonl inilelili'd to ttid rtttle will pirate mtke
Immediate paymrnt. and Ihoee having eleimt or
demtnda trawiatt tha eauie will preieat them
properly autbeolinate-l tor rrttlrmrnt without
delay. JOHN T. HAD Kit IV,
' Admlniilralor.
Lumhrr Cily, Ta , Dee. 14, Isle Si,
CAUTION. All pertoae ara hereby warned
aftiiiil i-urrbaiiiigur la any way meddling
wilh tbe following perioaal property, Bow ia
Hie porirteloa ol Capitis Hpanaf le, of Urahim
towuthlp, via i Twn Kay mam, tees about Sre
fari oi l one bit a little while au tba left hind
loot, and tbeeiler hat mmewhiie on both bind
feet The loreg-iing property beluoga to ma and
it allowed to nmtiB in the p'itw-i,loa of eild
Sptntgle on loot only, ini-jt-rt l- n-v irler at
any time. 0 L. HCHOONOVKIt
K.lertown, llro. 31th. lS7tl.xt.
fi-rtlOISTAW .
t "ST
TN THIS tj,T of Cfini!T"f t i.. li
fur llinruiiBltir
inl rtM'ii for I t.ii,Bj, Vi.r iif ii- ilf.n .ft. ra un
aHilBHs.-.t latUlllH-w tt' )iHil.j stiii! in IU illo Hfwl ni rat
for irtstiiliilf.-f t I riH ilca) J i ui.'nl inn A ihiirt lira
tMily U rtxiiiiimj 10 iii'.lft wrn of Uudy.
fc.naIUhl. ItKllviiiual limtnn !!. Klud-oli cq
Ct)ir M an tlitw. N Tn-i . f or rtrvuU i
.vddrr I. Ill t r A M.N. IMlKabiirtrh.
-ll,.fl-. K-.kk-i'l'ir, i...u-littl l.y Hnr
U"; rinlwl In L-..I.... 4'MI rai. 'i Urn lar-fftM wtV k
on the aviniift pttMiahl. A wmlc lor tanker.
nlllYMBliSl, tHlallMtwl lUa-U atnl prUl'llfnJ HCVUOtaamlUaj
1'tH, BjUaOlt, .i Sltf, .-.Mata.!,
V7-.i ' -i-ri I- r f te-ry
- -n II- -
Till, iut.wrilter nutr ofl-n lo tbe elllietti tf
PumtlJe lid vieinitT, n anpr .vlit
p.-cllty. Hvreahtr klndi of CMkMa and
Coffl frill bn kept on huo l, and ordtn Allot at
oDce, j
Fuufrala Anywhere, j
I will fnrMab lha fUeit aa wett t tha ehr-aneir
nicin atv,rs,ifa io iimT4's- All ww -n toft at
iha toa or Jouk C Con n an will rci nrmpf
aonilos. for fnrthcr art,nUtt Bill nn or
d'1rMi K. 8. HKNDEHSO.N,
I)Mi 10, 1-rJf.
Interesting to Buyers !
Flannels. Blankets,
Cloths, Cassimeres,
AND all Rixnsor
Winter Dry Goods.
Which ha will tall ehaap for oath HaadMoia
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
: Coats d Dolmans
la Block aid Made to Order.
Elmira Boots and Shoes.
B Be alhtn ( th.j bib llie brtt.
daort Wr.l af Pi.loSoe, CLKAHFIKLP, PA.
Be.IA. '7 If.
SherilTs Sale,
T)y virtaaof wriUof Vditii Krp ami iud
11 obi oi too coon oi uommoa flaaa of Clear
Bold eountv, and to mo directad, there will
ba aipoaed to poblfe aalo, at tba Court Houce,
ib ibo Boroagn oi vi ear Beta, ob
Thu rid ay. January IAth,lMW,
Allo'o'ock, p, V ,the fol.owiBjr deaeribr. re I
attata, to witi
A oertain traot of land iltuUa la Lawraoaa
iownihiu, Cleartield eountr. I'eao'a. bnunilail aad
rleaohbad aa follnwi . Oa tbo a-m br Itnde of
Uver Hrfalaod R. MaaaoD.oa Ibe watt br land
( R. MoMiip, oa tbo toaib be land of A. L.
Ogdee, aud on tba north hj land of Mrs, Og laa,
rotilaiamg ooa baadrt4 and f-rty eifht aom.
mora ar loa, with abaat atnety aora at .!, and
navieg inerta a ( taj ornbard. and ale tuinf
ibera a created a lanra tilanli b iai. lanrti bank
bara, and olbar aatbuillmge. tklvd. uhan ia
looutiua aad to ba auld aa tha proportf of Jo ho,
Alto, br wr.t of Jurl Waia,tba hIubIo ml
ii ate, tu nit;
All tbat aarula lot or ai(o of fronnd la tba
boro4tli ol Clearfield, biitindrid on tho wait bv
Fuurih atreot, oa ihovaat bt Uwtni' road, aadoa
tna aortb by iu ul Jaaiot r, Leonard at. al..
it lo ing Si aarea taora nr let., and bvln tbero
oBrrveteit a lane frame boatr, aita.ll atahlt, aad
olberoBt boklitniti.
Ala . alt thaa rertaia tei l.ti of rond la tha
b)n0h of Ulrarfteld, Clearfield 0 anty, P..
hoandrd nn tbo earl by F.-arth ttraet, oa iha wel
by lot of lartt beir, ia lha anrtb kt Chrry
alrert, aad on lha roo'b t-y an alley, aud hnawa
aa luU No. KAand Ut. ard baring thorann araot
rd a lar-te tannery, with biiileroo-rlnaa, ta.
Al., ad ihit oitaia lit of (riiutt I In the a .ma
hormtab. b-und-donthooaat by Kourtb airat, ua
Iba Wart hy lot IT7. sMaaatb ity fTainni
treat, and en tba anrth by aa alley, aad kneao
in plan of aaid borough aa lot No. lit. aai !,.
ion iberea eteotad a bt-aia-bitueo, turb-ibd,
aal other out-boililini'.
A I i, all ibat at bar tut nf fount In an me bor
nof b, boan dad ibo wrat by Kuurtb ttraat. aa
ibe aaal by a atrai-t, oa Iho aor.b by aa ailer,
and on lha anotfa by lot H 43, and bnnwn In
i laa af aaid bnrou(h l -l No. 41, and haviag
tbcreoa trailed a lrata dwallln't houo two ato
naa high, isjall liable and othor out buiidmr.!,
Alao, all that other lot of gruuud in tho nan
borough, bonnded on the fast hy piiaith it'et,
oa tbe watt by an' alley, and tb-- aenb by lot No.
Ssi, and oa tbe aouth by lot No, XT, and known la of taid borough at lot No. 2. aod harlag
thereon arartrd a lialso bouae two Moriee high, a
iraall atahio aud other out baltding.
Aleo, ietnaOl'a tfltarert la tbe fn I lowing lot
illuato In tha burongB of Oltmr fluid, tilea bald
0'ianly, Pa., tba nno biundad on tha aatt by
ruarth atreet, sB tba wee fcy aa alley, oa tba
ftn rib by lot No. tl, and ob iba eoatb ay lot .No.
31, aad kewa in plan of eald b irough aa lol Nox
H. ao d barioi thereon araolrd a frame bouw i a
toriea bib, a aaiall Btablf aa t otaa m'juild
tBga. A au, all OkkndaBt-s latrreat la tha following
Jtacribrd lot to iba fata-i Ioro4b. botio ltd nn tha
a at by Kuurtb Ureal, oa iba woet by aa allay, "a
iba Mb by airart. and an the anth b nt No.
va, ana haown In aald bitr..agb aa lot N. Jl. and
aa tag tbereoa aronlo I a frem h . two atarlai
high, a itabla and otbr oa'
A'B'i, all Ualeadaat'a tatareet In that otiWa
lot af ground ia latsa b'irough, on tbo
eaal by Punrih ilieet, nn tho wat by lot No. 175.
an iba artb by aa alley, aac on tbo aoulb bv
Cherry irri, and H"B In pUn f Wi tml
aalol No. I Stl. aarlm eraun aratHai a Ursa lwo.
iB'y (itaia boua,
Ai, ail thai it rtaia lot Id mi bdnub Vton
4ed an Ibe amtb by Cberrv atroet. nn tha ...rth
by aa aNy, ob tbo aeil by let Ni. HB, an4 oa
iba west by lot No, IM, and koo-a in plat af
aid borough aa lot Nn. 7i. No bailding.
Alao, all that other lot la at Be borooeh. avian.
dad tauth hr Cborrt at reel, innh b aa aiu
oaat by lot No. 1 7 a, aad weet by lot No. U9, and
anowa ia piaa 91 la I a borougH at lot No. A4. No
Alao, ooa olbar lot la ant boraeb. bdnsi. U.l
aoulb V Cbarry atraot.aarth hy aa alloy, aaM by
lot ho. 144, aad oaat by ao allay, and kuowa la
plaa of aaid bomafbaelat No. TV. karlaa tharo.
aa araoted a fraaia boat, two atorioi btgb,
wall atabla and otbar aaibatldingi, -
Alao, a lot ar pieoa of grvaad In L.wrrnee
lewBibip, Claarfleld oowBty, Pa., boaodrd aa iba
aae by uwoao' rwad, on iba aouth and weet hy
load ol Robert Uwona, aad tba orth by load of
Jaanoa Haora, aoataiatag flea aerae, aaora or laaa,
all toawo. 8 it if d lahea la eiaeinioa, an t W ba
m4 aa tba propenj ol MoraHra Btiirfc.
Taaaa or laii,Tha oriaa at aoia ai wbinb
tht )rapart lb alt ba atrtwt of aiwat laa paid alt be
tiaia wi aaio, or ibob
tbar arranaeaiaatt u
will ba approved, etaerwlte Iba iirupenr will ba
Im pal ap aad aald una at iha eiaeata
BSB rt at lat paraoB ta whoa waa ilrnea of,
aad wha, la atee of dtleleaej al aaeh n ..It,
aoall aula rrd la. lama, tad I. . t.K.
will ue Innal ba praeeaiod IB UeMt far aoaBnaa-
ti aalees law awtH-e la actual I r red m ta.
Sberlf aNURBW Pltlll.Jr' '
SaBBlrr'a Omrioa.
i . . I
Clears Ha, l'a, Ilea. U, lira.
Irwarui, I
ilftr Ui'trtisrmfntfl.
Dlsieill IITIIIN NIITII i;. - The ptr-Ber-blp
b-rtolora ekiiiiog l.atwern St. H.
Wten tad Jnha Don-lit, ongtgr-l in Iho hut. atr
ial bniiue.a In lb bmaugli.ol ClrarSi-l I. bat thli
lis. (Ilea. Stl) bti-n diitol-ed br mutual ountent.
'flit boost and arrnunla ate Irft in tbe bttelt of
M. S Ofdrn. who will roTitinuo lha I uiiiimm II
Ibe aid rt end oa Reeend tlreet, boarlv nppoilte
the M. K. Churrb. M. 1. tlllliKV.
CirarCilJ, Pa , Dor. 3,1, HJe-ll.
Ri:;iTI.Hl KOTll'K.-Nolla. ( hrt
by (tivao ibat tba I'd owiuit aeon unit bava
bmva ai.ininH and ibvmfi1 hy u,. and rnmam
fiiad of rtourd to tbia olDoa fur tba luiiaitluo uf
holra, Is-gi !, trodi'ortatid alUlhara latorr.tad,
and will be presented lo lha nail Urfibmia Cuarl
uf CltarAold euunt-. to ba held ac tha C'rtirt
Hdumi, in tho birou(h of Clc.rntd, cnramnoin4
oi. tba fMrcuod M"B Ujt Ibulm iba 1 3i b dajrj vl
l.utF, A. l lH- '
Final aaeount of J. If. I'.mU at 1 M. V- I'vnO.
Adiuinlaira or ol ibr a.lHia ul leaiah J. l'nt.
rata of ny twp., VltarBald Cn l4m d.y
Final acenunt uf Jatnaa U. (Irahaai. Ituardian ol
He.iecKj Itinier, uow Malm), mmor bi-ir ot
William ItinUr, dwi'd.
hti aux-ouut of Jnho Jloovar, Eneutor of (be
tttnool Adiin bojder, lata of Morri totTOwhij',
tlatield eouoly, !'., dao'd- ', 1
Filial acowuot of Itwiti Krbard, Guardiio of AI'ci
iUlla't.rjr, una tba obikraa aud bttint of
Mallenij, Utaol JcffftrMo Co., i'a, dao'd.
Partial ateoaot of UU KibaH, OdardiaD f
ialiBstbatb alclianrjr, ouo ol ina childreq (pud
bain ol - McUtBrjr. lata f aU9rvii ouwai;,
l'a , di-ccaacd.
Final aaa-jttoi uf Lawia Krbard aod Jaotb Arnoltf,
Adsaiiiiflraiuri ol tba itisN uf baiiiucl burr,
Ula of Claarutid euuutr, l'ai., dc'd.
Fallial umcjoiit 0f Juo. II. and Ueo. VV. Ilfarbart
Lxrttttvr oi tba lat Will and TUiurnt ol
Adtm Otarbjit, Ula ol Uraifiid twnrbii,
Clt-arflcld eoaoiy, l'a.. dao'd,
Aocomit of A Hiad Coo aid, Administrator of tba
acuta of Jiibl Vabiab'.dr it ul tJ.aarBfid
oiiuDlrt l' dio'd.a aa lileu by Luctab JJird
and CbrlM Hot uolitr, boodtoieo.
Partial Werjiiret A. Uioltej, Adtuinii
traim ul' ibe ratals ! Wtn. l Dtaftajr, lata ol
licrnfai ts liBbli. (Iratbrld Cu.. l'a , tlwo'd,
L.J. AlUhUAN. iinrm-ar.
Clai0d, Pa., Das Jfl, ln;9 to.
X trial at January Ttid ol
Uif aVl dwwD fitl
Court, ronimartc
iK AiunIiiy, January ll'ib,
IMf, faRd euntiaa
log i urea waKi
8Coo Wbi-.k Miiudat JitVAur Writ,
Levi Ooa, Trust, . Weinrijtht A Co.
Itobin Tut lor va. W. C i'srdua.
IhouibioaA al'Mubigalva. Jaeob liircb
Jacob t) el net , vb, H. 0. Paiobin, Al'r.
Peter Mclieor-;f va. JoIiti W. Darn A Hi
J. U Dillm et. nl- ti. KCuwenet. al.
Thooiai Mitchell ra. John 1'i 1m et, al.
ii. B. Uoodlanilvr va. Kramer A Urll
V i Mian, A. 11 loom KiVra. A. ii. Tate, Adminii r
na'biiigtnD ttat lsAa are. Ueorge Hanger
" f Bj, St St
" " " a. "
J. D. llicka ra W. 0. KfUt-y
Willtaiu Albert A Ilroi. a. 1'lioiuea Pa'kl
Audrr Uardorr a. C'uriii Haiuaet, al.
I) C. Ileuaal va. Wi.irl Miller
J. C Aokird ra J.,bn Ltcluurr
II. 11. blii-hrjitftiH va. l(.,bt.rl II. re I'owell
Ji.lin it. L'uuia.t'.gfi t(. W. tiwll.lier, Ad r
K A. A W. It. Inin ra. I'rlab Ll jd '
Thivd Wbkk Il1.a1.4r, Jax. 2tfiB.
ElliiRioiiey va. Dullula A PulW
Carper va. Chriili. Tutb
Ou Nat lUnkurCloar'dra. A. lluioihrir
Co NatHaiibuf Clear'dva. Wi.iiH A
ii el AruolJ, Ate, ra. r. S. Uloma
T.J. Il ver
ri, Allabfriiugatal Lx ra
John P. I'vin
Jf hn Muoro
Hridgtt Ilakrr
Matlera A JMilUr
J 4 tH es- Pott UH Of
Jonailiao ltovntn
va. Jaiuea a. rtl min
va. Vnli4U) Luther et al
ri. AliQgliony V. tl K Co
l. JfMot S Uearliart
rt, Jacob Hinotelt al. al.
a. l -xmita Park at. al.
Nicbclaa va. JuhnJatniam
Moore A Almpbey v. Jamei
I sou Liooi ra. Orni. c. Kirk, Ai'r
1'haiuer Uate va. V. kyle.r
K. ti Hn-a J, 1. Hard
h"bert Broan va. Ailaw .Mujer rt. al.
Katnuil Heooa ta. (.'. ii. lIi-muL
Tbontaa V. afta A Wife va. F A L. M. Coudritt
KL1 liLOOM. Proihoootary.
TUNV I INT. Li.t of tha mm-, of juror
drawn for January Torn. A. 1 IHtifl.eom.
uteneing on tbo 2d Monday I Sib ). and ta oon
tinna tlirea weaka 1
OR (Mi
Jtf Irwio. CloirSel'l,
J C Myert,
A Arderv Curwenivtlle,
(I W ItaWait, U'tKaris,
Jobs Hlack, Li-ll,
II t Hantaan, Uoggi,
J II Kbirey, BranfunJ,
Jaenb W Corp, Brady,
JetM W Carhelo. '
J H llnmel. Orabam,
Sam'i Wubcrow, 'wrdan
Conrad 1 1 at air, Knoi,
Tolbvrt Ogdva, Law ana
1 K 11 loom "
f'.hn Lev I, Morrta,
Jai M hpenoar jr. Pike
Hobart Owooi. P"ka.
Pmt let h wait, Sandy,
R H Kanty, BuriirllatD Oavid Hnnver. "
Kofai Linsiaey, Cheit, J W a, ill. Woodward,
Rob't MtUarry H f Handeraon, '
Ju Bbaw, Claarfieid,
llarrv Mills "
M FOa.ii, CorVlUe.
fieorga Toat, Dacati,
Il KrUe, Uirard, 41
l-Ub Jury,
Wat B Barater. Orahata
nasi ftjiira,
Jerry Irwin, Uonttdale,
Y 4 MeCul oagb, "
Mtobael Uuffevaftatila,
tleo Kmetgb.WallaffatOb
Hugh Mullen, Berearia,
J W Wnabi,
Jai Hiianstle
lo Carry, lirecnwond,
Jeaea Ke'U-r.
I B No lint:. Oulrrh.
Conrad U inter,
I'-a Howoram, ha ton.
Angui Milter. Rett,
Wa rtopben,jr, Kart'e
J W Ca
J M JohnooB
la e Knail, l.awreoee,
L Uoautaai,
Jea Hot brock, Bngga,
baa'l eiinoal, '
l llttrbiof. Hiadford,
AnoeBootallJr, Hrtdy
raatu La tbar,
UvBry Uioter, "
teui'i Dyere, Buraaidol
Jno C Mitobell Jr. '
VYa. llaaaiton, L'hnt,
-Via Kiuie, Covington,
Joo 6 Uriel,
iaiia A dery, Morrit,
nicnoiaj runmer. "
ti 0 Brenoer, 4
Uavirl W Hoyt. Penn,
J B Kvana Hn lr.
J B Clow Mr, (Jaina,
J I fooplei, "
M Hollopatar, " -II
H ilkina. Woodward.
Jno H Cbaaa,
John torn,
rnAVBMB ivaaaa ?o aoc, lum r.
D R Follrrton. ClearPd ('no I White. Ph..t
II Biglar, Clearfield, j f lawyer, Ureeawood,
J II Lntnber City, WUWoodwar.ljr.HuKl't.
a u vBomroiD, u unv, in Laidwell, Knox,
Gilbert Tour. Newburg,
John J Read, Lawranea
narry n. ruuea, uioaoia,
Jno Benaar, "
M b Myora,
TiiaoibT Lea. Bell.
Jno Uoutfhany ar,
Va. Moai. Morrii.
Lennard Kyler, Morrii,
Joo L Wiiioa, Bradford
" n iroviney,
Inn Widanira, Pann,
Mark Knar,
Cbrlat Burbot. Brady,
Joba W Kaaia,
ilea W Nolder
1) Uorman, Rraaida tp
Wat llulien, "
Joba K Huiibt
Hieh'd lanvarr, PeaH,
n si wuaiap 1'tka,
'.a I BInom, "
r W r'ara-worth, Pike,
I M Uraeaar, Union,
II r Prtaratau, Wowd d,
alar RrJ ey, .
Ja C lliaCfC'tsa.
w J Kima. Barraida
J Irwtn. Cloartle'd.
Merrill Dun tap, Urahni
J R Jfbkii.a. Curivilla,
W MnCraxkoB 'Oroenw'd
Itmbd Jay, Huatilale,
W A MHlonigto,
M Cowvp, Boiioarfa,
t. baa Tborp,
H10 it iier, Hartbiui,
L MoCravkea, Knog,
J ii -ah. Lawrenrr,
Iftanh Craiilr. '
Heifklah I'iaos. Bloom.
Jama Jamarn, Bofafi,
Uaoiel Trarno, Bradford
alaoob Wiiliauis), -W
8 Taylor.
I Joo II L)iie, "
Olio 0 fcWefe, -
J L WtMver, Brady,
J ba P.. tier,
Q K Kaams "
Joba l a.liiK
P M Horkeobf ry Bu'iide
A McCrwclian, Pargaatm.
i-ro Hoover, llorrif,
Ete ru timer, M
h Koaroe,
M u bl ia. Pvna,
m Dla. I'Lko.
n It U.uiMker, Untoa,
Wta Shiai.U, Woodward
W U MvolT, t
Sheriff's Salo. n
D; virtue nf eaadrv wrlu af Amri Facial ii
ued uutef the Coert of Coninsnn Plaaa of Clear-
Brld eounlv, and le Bra direned, ihrra will be
e.nmed In pwliHe lale, at the Overt IIbm, la lha
nnruufB ni Claaraeld, ea
O rduiit-.y. Urccmber 3 lit, iniu,
Al 1 o'r!t P. Bt , lha lolljwin, drMrlh.d real
ailata, to wll :
A rrrUlnlwn-ttore frame bull.tleg or dwallin,
ivti, wun rot and eurtiuge appartanaal
ihrreto, liiniie in ibe bornnab a' Oierwle. Clear
nrld etiuolv, l'a,honnHrd and drteriLad a. f,i.
low. : (I, the north bv lot No. of M ub.a-
bob l aad Lambar Co., aaal hr l"l No. 4 1 .
anutb by Htoand avenue, aad weal be lol Nn 4IH.
beian l) 'eel front oa ewd ava .Be, and lit fret
derp. Srltal, takra la eieoBiioa and ta be lold
t. tha fropeili af C. W. Ilartlef.
Tim. or 811.1 Tba nrloe ar turn .1 .ki.L.
the prupeit, ihall be euaak af mail be paid at
' er eaea Bar arraaaeaianlt
Bade tt will be approved, etberwlie the prupern
will ba Iraaiedlalal, pat a, and anld aaata at
lha aipenta and run of Ue perfia le whom il
wee etraek af, aad wbe, la aaaa a daSaiane; al
aaek re tail, thtll ie aoad tht eaat. .nd la
Ba laitaaea will Ue ba prateatad ia Oearl
far K,aaraiili aalex tha raonev le artaaJle
paid to iha ANUKKW rMNta, Jr.,
airr, Uerica, I Kberllf
. Oleaiheld. !'.. lira. ,!;.
SherilT's Sale.
BY vlrlae of tandrj wrlta af I'.a 1".
eat of ibe Cuerl of 1'eum.t .
end Ca , and toreodtreoud. ihM. win h...
la .
bWIi- lale, ai lha Carl lloune, la Ibe borouih
af ClearSeld, aa
W educadar, Usrsaiber lat, IHTtt.
At 1 a'eleek. P M, lha fella wil, d.rnlWd reel
A erntla lot af (ronnd eitaate la Uoaii "orouih, Cleeraold a.iaai,, l'a, boandad
ad deieritied i. follewi- U'ii.eie( tl a Boat
at iba toulheait anrner af ll.natb itrrat aad
Plaa tlkr, aoaik la drtrtee and
O leat to B po.t IA Irrt Irora orr,. re Ilea af the
oibaanoa llraaeh Railroad I aloea .aid
niinita ana At rret ireei eealre II feel, aire or
..... ,u a p.a.1, larnna etriB II dtererl and Kl
.... aide or H.aaeb
ureal i iheoee north TIJ dearea, weal 10 Iret
abB, raid eaatb aide af atraai bIM
and plana .1 beiieniBS, aad known la Ibe ea
aral plaa af .aid horoe(b aa lol No. , and bar.
ia, Ihereea erre'.rd a Iwo atore fr.aia hoeit 111
t . l1" ' '"" waoSBia I at be
,h pr..P.,ij i w, anafuaaiih
A'ao, a treat af I. ad .li.,t, j, Wead.
ward tap., Cleirtel I tb.. I'a b-anded wi h.
laadivl P. t A fl,...n.,k b, ll. JTd...'
""rnl.-a. wett br fait, Bonb br Itad f i.
Rli'b.rd aad J.-bn I kUiij, cbuIbIbb Ma aeraT
a.ia ar le. i,d baMi., aba.i da ..M'
1". a lao in, Irtaaa boaaa aad tea bara ib.ra
aa areeied. Belied, tat., i. . ... . .
Iba .old al lha arooori. .r n.JZ . ... Si
. - - . -.. n. vataa
mtnaaia, wiaaavora,
aVIaa, a atrlBls Iraal sf 1. j aila,la as Kelt.
Uw artrrrtifirmfiita.
baa- tawtiaalti, TI'rlJ a inaty. i' , tMuadH
and iltjM( I'. i r-!I i IL ginuliif a a hi korv
n-irntrr wKaas.t-l 17 liiakory aappliag and nak . atb byotlior aa i. f j p.,,.,,
aHoutftt pon'boa to a piaa laarkad f-ronrnari
thent-e weal by said pitce of lend and Und of J
It liiliilanj, panliii to llr.a uf J K. t.iHilat.,) ,
l4tli iht-B'a north b aaid land aboejt n jirtnb,
li )( lot -1 ol IliraiD llutugaidneri tbaoof
rail by aid laol aad land (il Jauiea Uitel. ir.
obai 10 btebory aod ptaoa wf bogianlng, anal Bio
log 1 10 Huttif, 4it aoroi vt whmb la 0 eared, bav
in, iberritii ir'otti a fratue bnuae and lug bain
otih a y.un bearing otobanl. Htittd, laden in,o and ti lo t il I ai the properly of Ji,o
U. M to Lea la, with aotiea to Jaeob C. Jdiehaeli
ter tenant '
Alf a oertalo lit of groaad aliaata la lliuti.
dlo bxrousth, ClearOeM r-unty, Pa , Uing
corner lul 011 the e rner of Hannah and Urial.m
ilrerif, bounded wn t ha n ttlh by lUortah itreet.lir
llritiiio Mreet on ta wat, Ity Railroad at,rirat't'a
ibeeiiu'h, and by bri k buiiilingi belonging i,
Camermi on iha aaai, Iselng St I eat froat and 43
fret deep with a lw-etrr frsiaa elnra-huasa
ibcreun ereetatd, Wlarg 14 by it foal.
Al', la-n li.ti of Uud In tha borougH of lluou.
d.i'e, Clrarflald county. Pa , boing lot! No.'a Is
and 3V1. Joining and fronting on Mo A leer street,
at tout !MMr teei, nnd r .toning hark 16 fort to Pino
a lev. Bounded by Hellmad on lie) Bortb. ale
Alter it real on tba wen, Pine altar 00 to east,
and Ala all. y on Iba aouib, ratalBlng one-ball
arro of gtound. with a large dullo-briek buna,
42 by 40 tat 1, tao attr.ea bigh, ilahie and other
out luiMipgi tbereoa erteteil. Hoi ted, Ubr-n ta
t-jecotioD, attd lt hei.dd aa the properly t H m.
w a tub man aod Hiouia Watcbtaan.
AI(Otll.(ufincartaia traal of land lituatein
r.awteirPt luwu'lHp Ci4rfl tld eouuty, Pa.,a.a
m the (.Im. ni iUuU,wnt,( We.l Cit34.lleld aa
Nu.' IfO andUl buundeil.ii fullonn On tbeiuutb by
Nu-huls mett, wool by Kal trt-at, oa tha OfriB
ly 2tf l....t Mey,.t by 16 uut alley 1 taid lota
i-t-iiigntt !tt frnt on Mvhila atrovt, and lU fet
tlttp,aiiu bain jr Ui lit wide at tba bwk,,g
bs,rtHQ ereoioj a large Iratao rhiirrh building.
Soiw-d. takfo in fiutiuo, and to ba anld aa tbo
pp pwtj l the M U Congragatl nf Weet clear,
An, aoerlaln tract af load a.tuate ia blggiai
Tille, W oodward towMtnti, Clrarflold oounty. Pa.,
boundrd m lollowe: On tliaaortb
by an all-v. ouiJ l.y lUiinah elreet, west r.y
property of tiiurgu ll-biuion, eaat typropertror
.t. II. Ufhorn, l-l beiof aa t frual .htt lAo r
I deep, and having (berren erected a two-atury
j '"" --" iei. am in, taken in aarra-
1 t un and to tt r--ld ai tbo propwrij af Tbutnua
SI H.-J.
TftKMa or Salb. Tho prioe or auia at whicb
tba prupariy rbll be itruok off muil bo paid at
tbo nine ul ante, or auoti other arrangemaau aaada
aa will ba appruvod. otherwiea tbo properly will
ha iiumediateiy put up and aoid asaia al tbe ea
penna and ri-kt uf tbo poraun to whom it waa
truck oil, and whn, in eavea of deficiency at auchi
ro-rala, eh ail oaaka good tha aaina, and to no.
iniUooe will tba beod be preaentod ia Cuuri for
ooabrmatiua a.eii the aioiit-y ta actually paid to
vhutibariff. AXOliKW PhNIZ.Jr
hiiaiiirr'a Orricat, I gHsrilf.
Clee- ield. Pa. Deo. 1J, UTH. f .
SherilTs Sale.
1)T virtna of writ! ol V. V, lined
1 uut of the Court of Conine. Plea, of Clear
h.ld euuoty. and to ma direele4, there will ba
ejpoted to Plllll.IC SAI.K, al Ibe Conn ll-.u.o,
n ihr buru,h of Clearlield. on
Wednnday, Drctaiber 3lit, IHTII.
At I o'eluek, P. M., Iba, deierioed real
etlalr, to w.t :
Tha foli.wln( ir,.p.rtr tllualt in BurnilJe
towi.ilil., l.lra.lleidouuclj, Pa , boan led ea.t hy
ltn.ii.f lbi.uiae al ilcbtll, auuih bj land of Hi Idle,
ae.t br la.d of liurriutn r.ttte, o-irlb by Ua I of HulloB, e.-Biaiuli,, lltlaeree, mote or lei.,
el.q euuut UU aural cleared aud auaer improve
ment, and baiin, tlirrtuo vreetej a two e-'arv
Ir.uit h..u.e, Lrv bank barn aud olbar neoel-ary
utl.tiildiiiK, with urcbard aod .ool w.ll of
aal.r. bv.ied, ttkeh ine.reution eed to tieaold.
.a Ibe .rti(rr.y rf . M. Ilociteoberrv,,
n itk-e to tiid lleed, fJai.1.1 MoOrtrkea andl
Jamte Ht.vaoaoa, larre tioantt.
Alto, tba Mlewing real a.ttta tltaate in Ham
tide lowoiMp, Clet.fii-I.l euunl.v, l'a., bounda.l
we.t aed aorlli by Sau)Uebtiina river, tjtwuj ba
Uud f t:.lwrd hinn'i estate, aoa h br fctnt oif
Vin.-rnt ionkiul, rotilainii., XI acraa, aaora a.
let., all eli-artd. and haviuji Uienua araetad a
two ttorj frtma boute, frame bara iai oarpea
ter .hop. 8tiad, talti-n in iteeatiijB aad lo be
uld at tba properly ot ioha King.
Alan, all that eartt-a trao'. nr pie af liol ail
uate In Murrie towoabip, tneirlleld euuoty Pi.,
ounded end .le.ortbe.1 aa fl.owl t BL-tioalntf
a alike; ibrnoe Dortn 81 drKre a welt nil ptrcbt.
by land l' tt. Albert A Urotuart to itonei; ttaiort
t ill by raise laodi aoutb S doKreei wett 7fl par
ctiei lo the place al b-xiauiu,, ooettiaine a.
acre. und pen-bet, alia atHml ill eorei,
end ba. in, ihrtou ararlad a io boute. k.a hara.
end uutuuiidioga.
Alio, another plana of laud in aama o.n.l,ln
nouudrd tnd doaonbid at lellewa : He.iooln ml
a white oak on landt of Uaoiel B Weill, J. Dane
tna jaoiei rotrer ; tneaee north by Putlar't and
Tnoaiae ttilttui'i Uad US nareh.a to . .k.i.
oak ; llieaee aoaih It drareel tUHd M nerehet to
Hone. I thvuoe -looe Stale road aoulb 10 dermal
we,t It lieroliee lo .timet ; theene wett alona Jbo.' liaeav peri.-bie la plaee ol orKinaiu, ooa
Uiuiac art aorat and 2ti peiehea, all oleared, aod
batioa th.reua erectud a Irauua bouae, Irene barn,.
.B.1 ..lliar oulboi dioga. ba.ied, lakea lo axeoa-'
hob and to be aoid aa tba property or Al.reut !)
Alio, lb, folnwin, reel eittte iltuit .a rira
lllie Ol Praoklln, Hell townabip, blnrStPt
eooaly. Pa i Two Iowa lot. froatin. It foot M
kitai Blriei. and raoain, back llf,fc,, u .
ol K. aaal by Rivrrtlraelaoatk
by an allry, waat by ol H. Ma.r.aod
north by l.nd of a. Uehaley. ad har.o, ih.w.
oa arreted a Iwa-alory frata. k. wllh kllfbM1
alttthed, well Bal.bed. trar,a alible anj other
I, "ki " '" "' In Bell
lt.wa.blp. bia,i.l f-t by CbM rml, north by
.u.o.ieo.nna rivw. .. KMt , oa f
""''S aorta, rajre or l, .11
elttred, aad la huiidinai.
Alto, the one aadiriJed half intoreit in tbe fol.
lowing treat of land in Bill townabip, Claart.ld
enaoty, P, bounded OB tbe norW tiy l,.0 No.
Mil, oa tba ...t by C. Kratior lorr ,. ob Iba
aoaih l,y land al I L Miller ard I.I. MoClotkey.
-tnd oa tbe weal by land of K L. Millar, I 0
Uaalty and atben. aoauioing Jul aorel, more ar
It.l, aod baviog Ibereoo erroii-1 aa old houaa.
Alto, aaolber Iraot nf land aliaata Ib Bill two.,
boundod and deieritied a. follow.: K ill by laud
ol K. C. Tbompaoa, Booth hy Uod of Mctlaa and
Mrhefley, weet l,y land of Ug.a and MehiSrv
attb by land of B.ll and, o inlaiaing ,ait.
aor.1 mora ar lata, wilh about Ii al:ai alaara-l
and aeder linprorcmeat, Iba balinoa la timber
mod alih varuiuiliodiul limber, baring Iktrtoo,
eieoied a log bouie aod a log tubla. rjaiaod
ttkra In atou.loa aad u ba eold ai lbapropaaw
ol llavtd W. Log.a.
Alan, Iba f .l'owlr,, ileearlbed oral aalale ikax.
la ro..Bton toaathip, CleaiSeld aowoty, P
luudrd by land, ol l'a atliaa Trlponv oa laattul
end euvtb.oa tbo wett by land or L. M OoadnaL
ed ao lha aorta by mat, B-taiaiaiog SB aeret.
ae.a or l.., beiag toe anme piooa of laud
rdto 'r.ot Br .aoeli by lha .Ul W til lather.
I e rr Bionoell, with tberton armed a log dwell
.10 bouaa, tw. atoriea bigh, a bUobaaila tbap.a
ooob.a h.ak-baraol log. il -UBtr
All ol ib. l.nd I, .ri. aad a btir.a, or. bird
oail. btlaed. taken to .i-culioa aid to beao.e)
tl tba proporty ol f l Uroooail.
Alio, arailaln lot or pieoa of, round ia tbe vll
age a Wrtl, Lewraoee tow.ahip,
Utiilleld eoaniy, Pa , bounded oa the eaat by hM
"f in Biglor, oa tbo wen by lot No. la, oa tba
.oath by Cl.ararldiliaal.ani oa the aatUby aa
til. y, md knows In plan or aaid village ae lot No. oa ereeted a two atory frame
buo.e. 8tiied , lakra ia exrealloB aad tu ba Bold'
ai tho properly af Jatse. Uanoa.
Alto, ibe feltnwln, real ealalB lilaete In ft.m
towoabip. OI..,Wo , p. , '
.arge Mvekmy. aad Bank by etiatali. r.,4, I Mre, mora ar rata ...I k...
trerteJ a two..t.r, !,.. ho. 1M,
tiabla and o.tb,IIJgt. 8.lKll, Mn , .,f"
"". ao.d at tba property of VT. H. Ron..
Aha. a lot or groond In tba .r K..
Watbinrton, CiearSidd eoantr. P. i-a.
-u.ib by M.ia a, wail by lot ol J..,pk R.
M -Mur..y. nor.h by . ,11,,, Mlt b
.trrel.beiog IIIUI2B feel. ha. log tbereoa ereolrs
a tw.i.ttory fr.rt. d. riling boata aad trenra
Alao, another lot In ho....!. j.i
aunh by M.ia llraet. aa by aa alltr, aoaikatnl
w. .... ,., . vumminiia, oontaiaiag ob.
rra. tad bavion tbereoa a .o.h . -
fiail trera.
Alao, life e.lal, lol of areuad la laid bor.
oogb, b.ondrd aoith l:s feel by Ma.B etreel,
eatt im (eel by r.tond un), a b, CuB.
"log-, aad wt.l by aa alley, k.vieg Ibarraa
rrroird a .mill da.llio, ko.t tn-l l.rg. frame
.. io too m eBoeatioa aad lobe told
ta the 1-ropcr.y ol Jamil M. Uona.
Alio, the fulltwio. r.l I.
Beruaria tawathip, ClearOeld rnanty, Pa., koaod
ea oa laa aeil by land of Kamuel lltgariy aad
T.""" -. weal by land .,f i. and lleorge, nor.h by l.nd of vrl.oa 4 llopkiaa, ISA arraa, more or leta, Ibe aama ba
ll's partly ondeilild wiik a Urge tela afbitaml
Bou. on.l, wilh al..ut da aorea e'eentd. aad bar.
ing Iberenn erertrd a two atory frame keote a
Ittma itabla, aad Baeetesry Htiaed.
taken ia eierotlon and ta be Bold aa Ibe properly
al Jtmrt C Al III. ' ' '
Alio, a oerltta Irtot of land alteila le oimI
town.hip, Clearlield aoanty. Pa, begtanleg alia
.i toeor. ay land ar dona
MeLo.d and aid Uioi Hat IIS xatlota.
lete. ta kemlook tboBee by Uad of Mellervey
toulb IB drgrrea wett lit ptrrhee, more ar let.,
to mtple - thaaea by land al Joba MeCally eatete
nnnh 49 drgnrai wrat IK prr-bet. aiaea ar liaa,
lopo.ti Iheoee bf orieiaal liaa ham k A
ra.t lllperobeilo beginning, lie, la ibe oa
of the Haenrder baeda, ttoad Dank R," page
3I and 3, eanialnlng lJ enrol, more ar leaa.
about -IS aorei eleara-l, having ereelod a
log booit and a log bara. ri. Iird. tahea la aia-
euiina and ta ar add a. tha proptny of taeoro
... aoi.aiiy ana a. u, HoCally, terra ueeak
Alao. tba fallowieB real aaUte altaala la Iter.-
aide town. bin, Chtaritaid B-aalv. Pt- b.aaabel
oatl, toatk and nlnh by land of Ueeige Ha.ok-a.
and watt by tba Ke.iiurheuia river, eiatiiatag
iS arraa, more or to. a. with ahaat S aeree rleaca.
Bad bating tharaaa eraeleel a water aawm.llaad
prevemeBtl. fteiatd. tahea ta eat. all. a at I
io at .oi. aa tba aaoamrty of lleoria Ljotelece.
Tiaai OB SilB The ariee ar earn al wbleb
tba oaooelty ahtll be uraok eg matt be peid al
aba lima af aelt, aw each atbef arraageaMaaj
made aa will be approved, ethtreleatbt proper
ly will ba Immedlalaly put ap and a.14 agate al
tkeeipraie aad lUk ol tba pereea le whom tt
was ttraat .a, aad aba, la aata af SeSeleaey al
eaak re-tele, eball make geatl tbe aama, aad la
aaa. will tba flood ba aeeeealed la Coan
far BosBraiBtloa aalaea tbe mosey It aeaeelly
peid lo tke Bltnf. ANUSSW PttNTI, Jr.
Saaairr'l Ornea, I Bbena.
Olaarfaid. Pa, bat. Id, ISIS. 1