THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAHKIKLD, PA. WKPNRHOAY MORNING, DEO. 17, 1171. Terms of Subscription. ft paid In atlYanoi.or within three months. If paid after Ihree ead before ill Boat hi. Ifr-ald afiertfaoeayiretiooof ill nonbu. rMtun. S, M. PirrmibL A Co., paper Advertising Agents, IT Peri How, Vm Street, ere oar duly authorised in S-w York Ciif?'- . 1 .. 1 60 lit war Agents HULIGlOUfl NOT1CRH. . u.iv.ji.i r i i ikuh W t McMi'Rhat, Pastor. Herricd tery Sabbath U t"l a. at , ipv it r Sabbath Hnbool at I A. M. t. Adel W..1...I.. UP U Co wo union Berrloe, first fJabbetb of ovary bub in, m i"i n Wt Clrarlleld M. E. Church rW TT rvUTT Mwri a iaua.aaiB alternate Sunday, t o'alorik, P. M. Bundey Sihool it tk, P. M. All art lot lud to eUaod. Preab)ter1at. Church -.Re. II. B. Ddtlkr. Sabbath eerwlota morning end eveolng Beb bath School ot I P. M. Prayer Meeting WedBW- ler ee,ng. llipllrt Church. Rar. , Potior. AebbatL. ttohool oil P. M. Prayer Mooting etry Wetloesdey evening. Ht. ISraticli' Chnrch Cithollc Rot. P J.PHXKiPiM. Dlvint service at llt A. U., on tho first, third and lourth Suodaysof each Booth; at T o'alook, P. M. bandey Behool oory bun day OFFICIAL OIRfcCTORY. TIM OF BOLDIM QUARTO IIMIOIfl OOUBT. Peoond Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Fust Monday of Juno, fourth Monday of September. tim of ioldir oommom riiii. First Mondoy of J ant, Sooond Monday of Novtmbtr. rOBLiQ orricioa. PfttiHtnl Affye Hon. Charles A. Mayor, of Look Haven. Aitmni taw Stuff-Hon. John H.Orls, of Bellefonte. Aoriat Judge Abrsu Ogden, Cloarflotd f Vincent B Holt, Clearfield. Protlonotary Kit Bloom. Rgittr mud BeordrL. J. Morgan. Dittritt Attorney Win. M. MoCullougb. Trmurr Philip 1)0 tU. fa rt Andrew Pants, Jr. iJeButt SAtr, Christ. J. Keagjry, Clearfield Ornery aV'wyor-Baaool P. lloCloikej, Cor winivllle. CnmmU$tonr9C. W, Kvler, Graham. ton P. O.j Blah JohnatOB, Grampian Hills P. 0.( John Norrla. nr., uurwensvuie Comntg Auditor William V. Wrljbt, Clrar. 0ild ; Jnaaph Ollltland, Thro Rani ; J. S. Nor . ri, Woodland. Cont Corotur3. B. Kaff, Now Waihlnfton. Jury OommiviionT Dr. Jamao P. Borebfleld, Clvardad, Joatph Alatandor, Madera. Smptrinltmdtut Public School H. h. Mo Qnown, Claarflald Sit I tr of Wwiykl A HaurM Jism W.Carl lit, offleo at Lntnwbgrg Pa. Nottrim Pmbli John W.Wrlgloy, Wm. Ra debauj(h, Cyrna Unrdnn, Cloarflold Joarpb R. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Cnrwenavillo J. A. Uvtng tono, buHoil City. Onr Sffrinl eoluma la docldedly inureating la n local point of tIcw, and prnflubla reading to oulfldera who want to aoro money. VIJ, OI'COLttftBI "Will job uko wheat, oali or eorn for nib aaripilon V W art often liiquirod of In thli way by Ictttr from j atrooi who reiiJt at a diatanoo frctn ClearflehL Wt again toy yoa. Tht raottpia of a rarponalllo mtrchant or mill owner In the Tlclnity, will anawtr oa Juft aa well aa tho aaib. To lllluatratai IT any ofoor patron will dellror mt a bag of grain at tht mill of Joatph H. Brttb, In Cheat townihip, Hornet Patobla, In Bnrnaldt, Thomie H. Foroty, la Graham, Wm. Portar or Shaw 'a, in Law rt oca, or Brown A Btyltr'a, at Rooktoo, I'aloa townihip, and forward thtlr roctlpU for tha amount, wt will oradlt than oa their account for the lamt. In tbia way all may oon pay what thty owt, If Ihty will puraut tola ooarat. tf. Tlio County Com mist ionors are in teuton thli wk. The flncAt line oOlippora suitable for Chriitmaa preaenu at Moort a. m m ,Tho country roads aro in a tornhlo ondttion for tramline. The pay car pawed over the Tyrone A Rtearfleld Rllroad Uat Friday. . Imitation 0ualrkin capn at Moore's for 14. Call and tea their Winter ball and oapa. Kit Perkim will lucture in Pie's Optra Nonat atit Saturday tvtaing. Pon't fail to go , John W. Howe, Clerk lor the County Commiiiiobtrt, abot and killed a dot lut Wod nrday. Fivo Lock liaven gentlemen re tnrntd homt tht other day, alter a two wctkt hunt, with lixtoen dttr. The litllo folks only baro one week to look aoiloualy for iht appearaoot of their old patrjo taint, Eaata Clam. - i Holiday printingof all kinds will be scented at tho Rcpi'ilicah offiot on abort not tat and reaaoaabla ttrmi. The RCttta for Kli X'ei kins' lecture aeit Sattrday tvtning art being takoa qoita rapidly at tbt poatoDoa. An application will be presented at the January Term of Conn for a o barter of loeor poration of tho "ilouttdale Cornet Band " - - . . - mo, mm The orders lett at the Journal oftioe la thli p'aco, for vtnlaoa latt weth wera aot Ailed. Tbe "otlttere" all dartrtad tht killen. PoHtmaatur Uaulin has placed a bargUr and Ire proof aaft la tbt oitoOet, In wbieb to keep pottage i tan pa and othir Talaa b!l. nm i e Attention in fulli-d to the advertise nti t ef iht ClearSeld Firt firkk Compaoy la thli paper, whi want abort ttraw tultablo for poeking their waro. The CUaifield County Teachera' Initliattwtil oommtnoo la Pit't Optra linnet, la tbia plaet, ntat Monday, and will remain la tea ion toll! Friday noon. We learn that Muiwrs. Jlarlcy & Deaa. and a number of other log Jubbon, art through chopping, tad art waiting for frttilng wtatbor to "elide" thtlr logi ia i ' Judge Mayer returned to bis home at Lork Harea on Friday trtalng a wteb, fro hla trip to iht Hot Bprlngi, Arkenaaa. We art glad tt Itarn that hit health it mark la proved. e . ' We call the attention of our reader to tbt proiptettaei of llarptr' Bmarmd Barptr't Momtklg Af'ifoaiat, two tltellonl publi tatloaa, to at fttnd aa tho fotrth pigo of thli ptpM' ,m - Air. Harry K. Biler and bride re tamed homo from thtlr wedding tour lett Than day treainf. Tbey wr tbo roelpleatj of a tort aadt by Ut Orpbtai Corntt Band to tbt teen Ing tolltwlng. A dantitf attempt waHmnde to burr lariat May, Park A Ot 'a bank atTloneita,Foret onnty, daring Monday night, tht Stb iaet. Tho thletee faed U get lata tbt if, arthttgb thty broke oft tbt eat tide door. aw - Jacob Donlon, ICoad Kuperviftor of I Kaab towaahip, Oeatra aoaaty, baa J tat torn pitted tht abiimtnti for a aew bridge oerote tbt Moahaaaoa trtek, to tonnett Oatiaola bore ft, tbia onuaty, with tht townahip aforrtald. .- - i James Heed, wbooccupied the bouse tnai wat aarnetJ laat rruay morning, now Urte la poriioa af Iht Ltooatt hen to, at tbo taet end af Market lift at, lately atewplad by Ki Shwlff Ftaat The third term Democratic Pro tbenotary of Rtdital Blair ooaaty spent several days over hen weth beforo Imt. Do just look as tkough bt ootid make It laefotrtb Mat. Wall, Wim" Biewtrttijatt what they otll "tho right saw ia tbo right pteee." a so i We were recently shown a photo graph of tbt members of tho Orphean Comet Band of Cltarfteld. la tbt postttslon of ClAroatt L Barrett, taken by a Broa villa artiel while the aad wot la attaadt not at tbt Jertrtoa Cetniy Pair last I all. It Is so dim thai it gives poor aatlifaeilaw. John G. Hchryver and 8ila llooae, Adaliittrateri of tbe aetata af Arthur Beeae, Into of latere nee township, dtotattd, bete taad apaa rVerdey, Jaaoary II tn, I Ml, at t o'aleow P. M , tor tbo adyewraed tak of taid deoedeat'i real state. Per rortaar deeHt4ieo ef ead porlitaWe wo refer the reader to the advert lie a ant eltt where is this week's Uiua, nnnlna ulr In tmrm t Unnm'i at I3 to 4, It ' J. Bisb Shaw, and Alex. Wallace, of Law re net towaahip, ablpped a lOS-puuad book to Pittiburgb by aiprota, wbloh tbey killed oa tbt mtoatala hut Tkuriday. , Rev. Dr. Geo. P. Hayes, President of tbt Washington and Jehertoo College, will bt tht gott of Dr. A. M. U Hit, while la atttndiaot at tbt Teacbera' Inailtott atit weak. The Pen fit-Id stao, on its return trip laat oatnr iay oetning, uroit auwa swiot, on at ouat of tbo roughntat of tht roadi The paaatD gtrt wtrt t mptllod to walk a portion of tht wy- Kli Perkins will lucture in Pio's Optra 11 "tat ntat Saturday evening .for the btntBt ef tht Leoaard Library of C'earfltld. Admlaaloa JJ and 3ft toala, Tlokett fur aalt at Iht poet offot. II i! t. Dr. McMurray.of this borough, programmed It deliver tbo oration at tbt ttlt- bratioaof tha Orat aanlrtraary of sink Ing Spring Lodg-, t. O. of 0. T., nt Tyron tbia Wednesday) vetting. Mitchell Marrthall, of Heedville, cut bis loot MTtrely while tboppiog wood oat dsy last week. Tht ait itrtek between tht great and Keoad loos, and iplit Iht not to tht Instep, mak ing a very poJolul and ngty wound. The Jiu ft ma n't Journal "local" seems to ha a vary greedy am. lit annouaotd week btfera last that ht wtald stock hii tfiot with Traieoa and yet, laat week, ht yells for turkeys (nilng tbt ptaral, aot being rat lifted with one), nod want! bit neighbors to tend them to, too! Suinks Again. Toe Altoona Daily Sum igaia illuminates the atwipaptr Irmaaeat np la tbt Monntala City. It looks as tleao and sbnrp as a aew pin, aad sp pears to atari tut with lots of advertising patronage, Qo on bretbrei and "boom' tbt Democrat i majority la Altoona to Ire hand red hext November. Fox Hound Losrl Daniel M. Do btrty, of this borough, lost a valuaelt fug hoaod on Friday last, and ho will py a liberal reward for bis recovery, or for information In regard to his whereabooti. Tht hound was a black aoi ta, and was last lean to tbt vicinity of Clark Brown' farm, In Lawrence townahip. LiHt of letter remaining unclaiuiod In tht Pottoffloe at Cltarfltld, for tbt wtak ending Dtoembtr 14, 1S79 J H. A. Dnwioa, Miss M. H. Gray, Mrs Catha riaa MeCool, Joseph Nelson, James Redding, Mrs. M. A. 8nyder, Mllloo Wllioo, Mrs. R. M. Watton. P. A. Gaumi, P. M. The boilers for the new tannery, four in number, hat arrived, but will aot bt plaoed In poeltton for tbo present on neeonat of oold weather. Wo learn that tbt greater part of tbt work at tbt tannery will bt suspended notll batter weather sets In, perhaps ontil Spring I very I king Is ander roof and in good ebapt to rest awhile. - 'mi aw Tbeahanty UHud by Leandor Wright, who Is mioiug coal for Tbtd Bbaw,ln Lawrenea townrbip, was destroyed by ft re last Friday morn Ing. It eanght Art from some anknown tautt wbilt Mr. Wright and bis militant wera la tbt hank, and wbtn first notited wm beyond all hope, Sornt "grub" and old slothes were cremated along with tht rest. A Miniater relutes his experience tbui i "1 take pltature In adding tt your telU menials, tbat Imt Tbarmly (Tbanksglving day), not being ahle to praath on aeoount of Rheum atit pains In the sbcaidsr, I bought a bottle of 8L Jaeob Oil, wbiob, alter ating leveral times, r lltvcd mt wonderfully." Da, B. Pick. Rocaetr', ATew York. Skttlkd. The Hollulonte Democrat saytt "Our readers will ttiuembtr tbt dreadful aetldtnt tbt breaking down of a high trestle work oa the Snow Bboa railroad, last fall, by wbieh Wm. Uolt, Eq,loit bis lift. Tbt suit that bad beta brought to recover damages fur tbe killing of Mr. Ilelt was tomprotulied laat weth tht tompany paying to Mrs, Uolt tht sum of l,0M.M It Would Do Good. We see it la ted in some of oar exchange tbat the County Commlislonorr of Lanoaeier eouniy hart decided aot to pay totti la Commonwealth eatet moll pro' 4 Ibat rule, If ndupltd generally, would make proseeotore mort tareful in bringing salts, and many of tht petty easts that art now tarried iaio tho Conrta, and wbiob art prompted by mat lea and rpitt, would be settled without tailing la tbt aid of Judges aad jurori. To Asrensorb I Several Assessors hart applied to ai for blank notitts to servo oa Ux-payers, totting forth tbt amount of property tbey art ttitd with. Tbtie notices will not be required until after tbt County Cfimmlislonsrt havo tqaallstd tht asseismanls, wbtn tht dupli cates will bt returned It the Attessori with a suffieitat number tf blank aetioai to tern oa teob taxaSIt rtildtnl la their reepeolivt distrlet. Tnt blank not lees art fnrnisbad by the lounty tt abaolattly m tbt duplitatt itself. Mil At the Asniifnee'e sale of lumber be longing to Nnihea Carrier, at his mill, a abort dicta not wtst at Reynolds Die, on tbt Low Oradt Railroad, oa tbt 1 1th Instant, tht average prito hid wat $11 per tSoHtand.the highest price being fer elear stuff, aad f t for mill tails. Tbe sale aggregated about $27,000. The Brooh vllle itepuftifcan says tbt tffeot of thit sale hm btta to advaoot tht price tf lumber all along tbe liao of the railroad, and aloe at tho yards at Pittsburgh. Tbo bigbest authority Id Now En glaod, tbe btatt Aasaytr ef Marstcbuattts, alttr a tareful taalysli of Hall's Vegetable Bitilllaa Hair Rr newer eertiled thai it U tbe beat prepara tion for lu lottnded parpostt tbat bai beta tr biblttd for txamlaatioa, that its torstitae&U aro para aad tarefully telttted for eactlltBt quality, aad thai It'ormtaa t a dent preparation for pro moling tht growth of tbt hair nod restoring tht original to lor. Tbia world-renowned preparation li for salt by all druggists. Xtoord, Hd Oak, Tub First. Tbe Burlington Uawk ys, of last week, stated III wtalbtr oast ia this way i 1 Oh, tbt snow, tbt beautiful snow, falling from Ueaven ti earth beiow, tbt white, iaaa Utt, ec ascitis low, kiriol by tht light of tht un s part glo-r, laying la drifts, all in a row, hgbt as tbt motherly winds ootid tow, wetter tbaa water, aad whiter tbaa tow,eolder than lore and warmer tbaa woe, Tarn lib leg sidewalks wherever wt go, mak Ing us tun If we want to or no, tbat vile, abominable, feathery snow, tbt very ft rl of tbe season yea know, the dreariest, everlastlngett who !" The Ashlon family and theatrical troupe gave entertainments oa three nlgbte last week la Pie's Opera House, this plate. Oa Tborsday evening, they played "The Midden Hand on Friday evening "Rip Van Win hie,' and oa Saturday evening, MPeneboo, the Criehet." We think they were But very happily impressed with tht patronage they received during their stay la our idt Bat, then, families of Ibis hind who try to get along without the aid of Bewfpapers don't last lung. Wt havt been told there wm room fer Improvement la all tht parti tbey assumed to perform. Fatal Mini Accident. We are in d'bud to tbt Altoona frit fer tbe partitalan of a fatal aetidtot. that eeeared oa Totsdsr af toraooB af lent weak, by which twa maa aaaad hoary fail of slat Is the Sterling No. S miat, ebewt fear milts abort Oioeele. oa the Ooei raa htaaeb, and smothered to death. Tbey wort dii oevtrtd by tht driver with tbt immense mass pen I hem, aad were aot neetrtbed uatil about I o'clock Wednesday evtalag, la tho tamo posi tion as tbey had been working tnt la tbt act if having drawn his pick for t blow. Oat tf tht OB forte tela men leaves a wlfaaad eae tbild I tht ether wm a aiaglt ata and had only been la this oenalry a few months. The tenet tf tbt atl dent tppttri to bavt been a flaw la tbo eeal or late, Tht aim It operated by R. II. Powell A Oe. Dwelling Housb Bubned. Our titieim were en I tod out bet acta sn and seven e'eletk but Friday morning by the alarm of fire, which wm tatted by tbo naming of a oao-ane a half tttry dwtlliag boast ta tht lot in tbt ram ef tht Clttrfltld Baptist Ckareb, tbt property ef VI ft! Mary MtClellaa, aad eaotapled by J as. It. Reed. Tbt Bra taught la tbt tar ret or reef from a ttovt-plpt which passtd ap three h aad araed so rapidly that aH tforu to nave the betiding were la vale. K very thing wm reeaaved from the beast, oaoept owe hedtlaad. A hitebea attached wm tore away to la mob tbt beat. A pretty "stif" brceae wat brawl eg at tbo llmo la i be dlrettwa tf bull flags a car by, bat fortaaaUly tbo Ire wm eon Sued to tbo booso where It origin aitd. Tht bocae destroyed wm ewe of tbo eldest Ib the borough . The seta to property wat triftitg j bat Mr. stead has beta pat to eeaaiderablo la eeavealeaet. Owing to tbt sterol ty ef water aad tbt wind which provallt at this stereo ef (he yam, tbo grease 4 taatito) iboaM bo tierelsod ia regard to Ira, la eaaaa oaatagvatlea hi ttarted, baro aVsolutely mtkimf to tweak or tabdao U. "Sellers' Uver Pills" stand unrivaled la tht U tiled States for wring bHloutoesi, sink haadaoho, At. ii i e a If you want to make any person a present of a pair or i Upper oa Christum, go to Moon's and examine their I'oek. It Keen vour family wo 1 1 Au.mlied with "Belters Cough Syrup," ate It la time, yoa will avert bronehlaland pulmonary iffeitleui. Twtnty- Iva etnti, Tbe Clearfield County Teachers In stitute has grown lo bo a permioent organ! tat Ion, existitg la oar towa aaaaally for ont weak. There fore, rtadiog, yoa should gift It yoar prtstoot aad patroeagt next week. , A phonograph baa been on exbl bltion In tht vacant s tote-room tn Second street ia tbt Old WrstofB Hotel building, for tht past ftw days. Tbt aysttrlu ff tbia "talking ma ohiao," like those of other taking macbiurt ia this vicinity, is dlfflonlt to explain latiifaotorlly. It is next to suicide to live on In pain and misery wbtn Ibertli remedy for all who suffer with kidney and It very tu a plaint, Barosma, Bacha, Bathaobt, Liver and Kldoty Cure for salt by druggists. Preps red by E. K. Thump sod, Tltnivillt, Pa., and for salt by til druggists la Cltarfteld, and JottpbBeyltr A Boo, Lutheraburg. dec-17 -J I A Letter addressed to ''Miss Tillie LaaJis, Chest P. 0., Clearfield county, Pa," without a stamp affiled, wai found on tho street recently and left at tht post office tn tblt place A Ittter addressed to "Miss Mary Tanty, II oats delt, Pa.," is btld at tht Cltarfltld postofflto for waat of luSeitot postage. It having beta dropped la tht let I tr-bo i with a ont-tent itjmp oa It. II km oval. Dr. T. J. Boyor baa re moved his medical office to tbt rooms recently oocupied by Buck A Graham, In Orabim row Ht makes CHRONIC DISEASES a specially. CHARQRS VERY LOW. Tht manufacturers having lowered prices, ht Is prepared to furnish STRICTLY PUKE MEDICINES at greatly re duced rate. The afflicted will be btntfltod by giving Mia a call. julyJ3, '79-tf. Wo notice by the Kittunning papers that tbe popular lecturer, Colonel Banford, ia to deliver bit lecture, "Paris la War Tiats," beforo tht Teachers' Institute of Armstrong Bounty In tbat borough. Thli will bt tht fvnttk tim tbat ht bn lto'.urtd In that pi see. Sloot bit first ltoturt there, tht aupiriatendtnt, it setmr, eaa not pleait tht people unlets Col.tUufurd Is called each year. Poj.nltr rentiment runs high on Mr. Banford. New Daily Stage Line. James L. Lonvy bat succeeded In bavlog a daily mail estab lished bttwtca Clearfield and Pet nil Id, and will hereafter rua a daily slags between the two polnti. Ill contract began with April 1st, and tht atagt will leave UearOtld every moining (eicept Sun day) at S o'clock, making connections with all trains tb tbt Low Oradt Railroad at Pen n fluid, re luming after tht last train tht stmt trening. Pa sengers and freight will be carried at low rates. Ordtrs left at any of tbe botali will be attended lBapr7Vll Farmer", Look Hire! Lytle will give you higbeit market prices for W heat, Oatl, Cora, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onioos, Apples, dried fruits, and all kinds of produoe lit has tbt largest and best selected stock of groceries, teas, tonVes, molasiei, spices, oil salt, sugar, queens ware, tubs, buckets, basktts, churns, At., in ClearflelJ eouniy. lie buys his goods io large quamities from manufacturer! and Irst hands fur ossb, end takes tbt advantage of all discounts, and so ha it anabltd to sell at lowest prices. Ht gives oaao prices for prodncs.end sells bis goods at the lowest prices la the county. sept-14-70-tf 'CLEARiriELD Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over tht Tyront A Clcarfleld Divlsioo, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tho weekending Decern tit r 0, 1879. and tht satna time Imt year : coal. For tbe week - dame time last year ,. TORI. .... 34,347 XB,6ft ... 7,06V .I,45M86 ...l.m.Mo Increase PraHnssfy dnring yonr, Stmt time Imt year , locroast ...... Total IB 1870............... Same tint last year,......, SnS,050 ... l,4VS.0;iS l.aiM-t ............. m,7w Iooreaoa....M.M era a ranoart. Limber....... n Misotllaneoui freig hls.M.... .,t..lSl ears. ,..M...lvf " Institute Lectures. The following It tbt program mt for each tvtning of tbt Intu itu atxt week : Monday ATrentfto -Grand Overture, Prof. Mo Donald and Choir; Address or Welcomt. Rev. Wa. II, Dill, A. M. Weleomt Bong, Anait Irain, Delta Irwin and Jennie Mead; Reading Enter tainment, Mill Harrltt B.Swinrf&rd. Pabt I. '-Palaurof Seville," 'Asleep at lbs Switch," "Pent to Ueaven," The Last Uyma," 'Curfew Must & at Ring Tonight." Mastt. Speeub Little Butler Mead. Part II. A Medley or Melodies, "Mother aod Poet, "Oo&t with a Handsomer Maa," "My Lambs," "Tho Bellt,N"King of Denaarh't Ride," Little Ooldea Hair." During the evening tht llttlt ladles from Liok Run school, who delighted tbt audience imt year, will ting a aong with viol la accompaniment Prof. McDonald's tbolr will also render some tboioo music. Tho entertainment la free. Tmmdof ferat- "The Old and the New," by Col. J. P Saaford. HWnrsdoB Sttmimf "Wanderlngl la Bunny Lands," by Col. J. P. Banford fAaredey Xeeat'ay. "Character and Manoert," by Rev. O P. Usys, D. D. An Old Settler Gone. Samuel Caldwatl died at hit rttidenot In Pike township, three miles loath of tbt borough ef Carweosvlilt, oa Monday, tbe Stb Init, la tbt B7tb year of bit age. The Carwtnsvlllt riaes speaks tff hla m foilowsi "Mr. Caldwtll wm a native of Centre ooaaty. He taut to and located oa tbo pi coo ef of land, where ht dltd.wlib his parts U ia 179ft, nearly a quarter of a ttatury btfero Cltarflt Id ooanty wm wTg-aaiaed. He was ont of tbt first settlers of what la bow Pikt toweship which wt betlttt with Lawrence wire tbo tnly townships ia Ctatra eeuoiy, embraced bywbatltatw knowa as Cltarfltld totnty. Ut It tbt last member of the old original Caldwtll family, whose descendants trt now b umbered by tho hundreds and who art Mattered all over the eouaty. lit rati.y largt family most of whom are living, ue wm an en argeiie, tflterprislag aad hard-working maa, bootst and aprlfbt la hit dialings with bis fellow aea. Ilia remalni wire latarred Ib McCiart's graveyard oa Taetday aftornoot, follow ed by a large number tf relatives, friends nad otlghbora. Of fht old original seUleri there aro but ltfr Mrs. Rewles aad Benjamin Blecm." ELI FENklait at TUB OPERA IIOIJHB. Tht Lonaard Library maoagtrt of thli plaet wort fortuaats la Wing ablt to stoaro tbat kamor- ouileatarer "ill Ptrkias( Melt Hit D.Laodon), of Iftw York. Ht km a pltasaal look It g fate. It abeat dO yean of ago. aad those w ha go to tht Pie's Opera Hon to ot Batarday areolae Dot. 10th. wllleajoy aa ovtniag of mirth aad eevjoy moat so Idea e bo had la this section. His lot- tart will bo "Tht Philosophy of Fob," and "His tory of tho PtrklM Family." Wt append a ftw aot I tat af tbe press t From the Qtlaoy (Til.) Herald) til Perkins delivered bti second itetnre la QaiBty at tbt Opera House last Bight, ander the act piece of tht Uem City Bail nasi College, at- tract lag tbe largettaudfeaetif the saasoa.and aa eedleaee of ear aott call trad people. The Rot . Ur. Anderaon tntrodoeed lac tpaaker. Tbo leo- taror divided ble time between ibe Pbllotnpby of ran, aaq ine rerkint rtmtiy, it n talk wm highly taitruetire and tnt-malaiog.1 Tbs tadi aaee kept Mr, Perkim talking fur almost two boars, and went home highly delighted. From the Veabtrg If. Y.) Journal.) A largt aadiewoe wai at Iht Opera llnuso last night to hear Bli Perk las' "History ef tbe Per kiuset," and to langb at ble talk e ' The Pal- loeopby ef Fat." these who werw there laughed and laughed, and that it tbt highest com pi i meal we eaa pay me weiarer. tin "raiieorby ef Fan" Is cepacia I ly rib, and provee what ery few people eaa aaderit andthat I bare it teoto evea ia nonsense. Bit ii doleg a gned work In bia mission ef making people happy j aad if ho ever comae to Newberg eg it ht wtd mike three timti at many pee pie laagh as be did laat night. From tht Newell (lewe) Mirror.) Ftu errno Baaie. Taseday tvewlag "Hi Perk las" delivered his Irst lentarothii toasoa Ib the M. B. Chtrtb of Newell. The boaeo wm filled wiib people who had come fer a laagh, and they got It. Mr. Perkim kept tbe boaeo la a rear ef laugh tor Bering the cadre testing of hit lettare, routing the oddiiiet ef "Tb Perblat Ftmliy ' ib an ewa ia BHabia ityio. Tbeee wae treat will never eeaeoie oongr ate late lata salves, aad these who stayed tt boate will nave eternal oaatt far regret Tbt leetert wm a cueotte finaooially aad otbeiwito Oar poopio oea0 not cm bet i or tbaa ettgage etbat Iroa amiag the army of poaalar hposurrrt to oatertala an trum Uao to time tbrvagb sttaier. aew iaaa lae ao w Breton, n win be a ootnparaiiTely amy aauar lo p rata re full Adalaleo, tl aad Ift teats. - Tlektto art aew ot tale at tat Peittaoa. For the finest Stationery Goods, go touaaiiaa. atttvti. If you want a good pair ot skates heap, go to 11 order 'a dun a tore. dm 1 tf. The best place to get Christmas presents IS at Usui la a. teciuii. If you want an Organ or Piano of Iht but make, go to utulin a. aatiott. This way lor bargains in Gents' furn iihing goods at Uirllogtr A Rook's, dot 10 It. If you want Blair's celebrated Pencil Tablet rroni 4 to S eents go tt Uauiin I. doe! 01 f. A new Invoice ot Boys' clothing just received and cheap at 11 ir linger A nooks. dee 10 tt. A lare stock of late styles and obtap oTtrooati at II ir linger a Rooks. dot 10 It. A large and beautiful variety of Ladies' and Uinta1 silk ktrebltrs, at T. A. Pleok'i, dot M 3t. Stony Creek Cass i inert and Ken tucky Jeans at old prltts at T. A. Flee t A Co'l. dot 10-8. Anything you want In Books. Sta tionery, Music, or Fnaey Uoods, will bt found at Gaul in 'i. deelOtf. Tbo largest assortment of Ladies' Fori ever offend ia tbt conn ty, art now to be seen at T. A. Fleck A Co't. dee 10- St. Twelve now pieces ot Ladies' coat ing Ib nil grades of Matltsw aa4 Beaver cloths, at T. A. Fleck's. drolO-JL Filling up for the Hollidays, with every thing pleating and Bieful, at T. A. Fleck, A Co 'a, dec 10-Jt. The New Remington Family Sew- ixq M acrihb for salt at J. B. Uarder'a Ouo Store, Clear 11 el J, Pa. Oct. M Cm. Wo bavo now on hand several thous and Aril-el us envelopes, which wt will print for businect men, or anybody also, at prion that wa Bot bt rivalled. Call and see them. tf. Another lot of tbopo beautiful Rem IngtoB Sewing Machiott, Jost received at liar- dtrs. Those m whines hart no cog wheels, etas, nor Frlotloa pulltyt. Cotni and txaainttbta. deo. 10-if. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding ntar Speer'i Viooyardi. with a bunch ef Grapes from which 6 peer's Port Grape Witt It made, that la so highly esteemed by tbe medical profession for tbt nstof Invtlids, weakly periont and tbt aged. Sold by K. W. (Ira ham, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-ll 'TO tf. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted la tht Rtrutttcai will reach more readers than if published la all tbe other papers Ib tho Boun ty, and oost the advertisei lest tbaa one-half la other wordi, aa advertisement published ta our Jfurnal li worth doullt tbt print of tbat charged by any ether publitber la the county. "It Ii a fact." tr. The Old Lycoming; Insurance Company tno Pirat to iuo rroui. , . CcnwxHaviLt.a, Pi., Ott. SO, 1879. Kane. A Bidi)l, General Insaraioe Agents, Clear fleld, Pa I take pleasure to acknowledging reofipt of Draft from yon, for Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-two Dollars and fifty oenls(tl,4V2 &0 , being ib full for lost by Are, wbieb occurred to my property on tbe Zd day of October, IR'9, la tbe boruugb of Curwensville, Pn. And I hereby return to you my sincere thanks for iht proa pt and busintss-likt manner In which yoa have settled and ad j cited tn loss, and I recommend to Ibe people of Clearfield county the old time-tried LYCOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, as be ing safe, reliable and prompt. Catrabixb Qaarr. Oct. 23, 1879-lm. TEACH KRH' INHTITl'TK. To titptopl of OIarfild county and vfetaify ; In order to accommodate those from a distance, who may desire to retura home on tbt night train, I havt arranged ta open tht even ing r the inatitatoat 7:10 P. M. Tbt Conn Home bell will be rung each evening at 7 o'clock, at which timt tht Opera House will be opened and the door teeners at I heir place to receive the ticket! of atlminioa. Cunstablt McCleilan and bit staff hart been engaged for the week to ee tbat no unruly boys and others are allowed to congregate In tht itairway and ball, to aonoy or disturb those who may wish ttaitond. Tbe day cessions Ibis yew promise to be especially in ters ting. I, therefore, eitend a cordial invita tion tu all to attend. As the audicaoc ea Monday even Ins; will bt Urge, children, ia trder to gaia admittance, ibonld bo tooompanled by their ptrtnti. Polite nod attentive nsbtn will he prtstnt tt each aossion to see tbat tbe proper eour.csie are eattuded to til who attend. Ktrptcifuily, M. L McQoown, County buptrlnlendcnt. A TRUE lit-: AH KTOnY. GtJLicn Tow a a in, Deo. 10, 1879. G. B. GooDLARPitn, Esq. Dtar Sir t In last weeh't lisut yoa had a remirlablt ttory of aa adventure with a bear, wbieh wm nothing to one wbiob my friend, John Flynn, hd a few days tinea. It will bt well It ebserve tbat I any one double the truth of this story, that titer had bet ter keep out of Jteh's way (at least I ntver doubted ii) Jack is a great heater, as perhaps you may know, nd one day, besoming weary with the tbeee, be my dwn ta rest and Sion fell asleep. He doet Bot know how long ht bad t'ept, wbta bt wm awikentd by somt-t' ing rub bing iti oold nose against his. and wbtn bt open ed his eyet, there was t big black bear standing over kin. Now, I know joe expect at lo tell yon that hit blood wm frota in hit veins; thnt be wis rooted lo tht sptt with terror, Ac. But I inna't till yoa anything of tbe kind, heeause 1 ta telling yoa tbt truth, and becuuer bis blood didn't free so, and bt wasn't rooted. Jack isn't that kind of a man. Bravery lane name for bia He Just lay ai ill and began to think i be didn't get up and ilo-h round, and eventually kill the bear like Ibe hero of a dime novel, fio, be lay still and tried to make believe he was dead But tbt btar wai el moat cunning is Jack, so after turning hia over two or throe times and filling w get even a great nut or aim, nil bearihlp roa eluded to retire a abort distance, hide and waieh bit man. As soon as ht wm gone, Jiek opened nis eyes ana looRCd gronni nta, toil itDC per' feetlv quiet to watch ibe bear, which poked his Beaa up every few mine tee to see- If Jack moved. Tben (be mtautet increased te five, and after awhtlt to ten. Tbaa Jack concluded to make a move, aod the next tint tht hear'l btad disto- peered, be up tad took to bis heels, aod would undoubtedly have eioaped, bat, an fortunately, bolero be had gone many rods he stepped on a dry twig, aad tbat started the maddest bear after him yu ever saw or beard tf. He gal aad oa Jack so rapidly tbat be barely reached a swamp and climbed a small trts.whea the bear arrived at lit root Tbea at sat dowa and looked at Jack, and Jack swears be winked tt hia as aneb as te say t "Tbt next trick Is mine, old fellow.1 Then he got up and walked off with the air of a bear iheiwaa dtsgasted with the whole tblog and wm going to uko a walk of a couple of allot or so. Bet he only went bebind a t amp tf bushes, aad every alnute or two Jack would tea bia pohe his bead from babied tht Ibicktst ones, in tea If bo wat ooaiog dowa, wbiob ha bad bo 1b Untloa af doing tbat Is, be had no thought el lettiag tba bear late tbt tecrel wbea bt ltd. Ht wailed uatil Iht btar got a fit tie tereteee aad dida't poke hit btad round ae often j then be look off bit cost, buttoned It tnd proceeded te fill It wlib boaibi end liavei, aattl It looked Boar enough like himself to deceive a boar. Tbe a be waited for the bear te lake another leek, tot Bp the Image ai securely la tht braachet m be could, lid quietly down, nnditruok ont enot more for liberty aad life. Ht would havt gained both, and my itery would have ended right bore, If flick Is lorlunc hadn't aafortunaiely deeerted hla again. Just tbea a gast of wiad came along and blew the image dowa with a crash loud oaoBgh to startle tbe bear, which pounced on It, tore it open, discovered the shoal, ead "piled" after Jack a adder tkaa ever. Thit time Jack made for a "clearing," where there were ao trees lo climb, aad lae bom being elate to bis heels, be bad to craw) late a hollow tug that be discovered lying neer the beak of a daa. Tbe bear would have followed him tf tht bolt had beta bg caoagh bat it sui t i ao the oaiaal preeeeded to rcii the leg into the dam with the diabolical i a tea Men of drowning my poor friead eat, or drowaltg blot altogether. As soea as he got the log ieu the wa-er, bt plaoed his fort paws aa the end that Jack bad crawled in at i sank II below the surface, and talmly awaited Ibe1 resell. He dida't hart Iweg te wail, feria a few memeatt ho had tbt graliteatloa ef eeeieg Jaok'e head ttitaiag awtaf tbcothar cad. Then be left aad went lar the bead bat he bad ae more tbaa got tbat and of tbo long wader water wbea Jack'i leel itaok oat ef tbe cod Ik as tha bear bed just itiu Well, tha bear kept poor Jack rattling ap aad dowa that lag lev fifteen or twaaly miBales and taoa, atewearieeed, be iwam ashore, prba-1 biy io think what wm best to do eeiL While I Use beer am ciudyiag,J.ek traertod oat of the I leg aad towa a view at tbe cttaetiua, taktag tare to keep tbo log be twee a himself aad brain. Jaeb toand ho wm near too cbate of ibe dam aad i the cam at rauciag streag (award it. Bo stick-1 tag aw bat la a. ead ot the tog aad giving It I (tbe i-g, act ike ket) a gentle peek, te toad it la i tbe term l, be quietly walebed tbe result With bit head jett aoova water. Fern lately, toe bear wet weleblag tbe lag too eletely to outer re htm, and lertuaaiely a etertcd te beid ike Wg ofi, wkea the toner passed over the daa. Tbea i wm data's tbaate. Ue meoe the meet of li, by I swimming ashore and atealiag quietly away. Ut aiOa'i area p ia tell tee Bear that be kad loetod him again, but he made his way a fast as ke could ia -tUp" Miraa'i camp, tuM kw story (or at muek of it ao be tkougbt tbey Wule ba- uiTe), drank glees at milk (ae Seyt), al lecien a crowd, a-d tuned beta la search t tba btar. Tbey touad blm Bear where Jack kad faisea ta top dead) aad Jaok't gun lying alt.ig tdo empty f Aa eaawiaallcB thawed that kt matt ki pieced the muniewf Uegaa la kli mouth, koked tba trigger wita kU btad-teet, and Mvwa at the lop at bu keaat. Dnvea to aaadaoso ai bolt aaaated oo oiieo, ko died ky kit ewa feet, t WfrrvtW)lW, WW, p. It. At tbe Keporlican office Is tbe place to get yoar Job work done, Wt aro folly prepared to do anything In tho printing lint, will dolt will, and at tbo right kind of pried. tf. That the propoi tor good sleigh lag daring tbo holidays aro aot Just u flilltring at prtstat at tbey might bo, ia trnt bat Ihea wa may have plealy ef snow and ise ytt btfort tbt Winter loin. Tbtrtforo, doa't fret. PR. MflTPsl ENIMiHHlCMRNT OP rfcfcH'B FOH r GHAFbHINU. Tht following, from tbt etltbrated Dr. 11 ott tf Ntw York, ipanat woadtrt for Mr. Spear's efforts to raise tka Oporto Grpe la New Jersty t fil Mamma Avanua, N. Y., April 11, 187s. Ui. ALrntn Krai a. Dear Sir i The visit notch 1 wide last yesr to your Vineyards, wine press aod vaults at Pasaaie, N. J., sail' find mt thoroughly that tha wlnnt manufactured by yoa are pure and unadulterated, and the very best that taa ht ofltrtd It tbt public fur medicinal uses. Aatlng npoa my favorallt Imprtssloai at Iht timt, I havt slnse reoom minded tbt Port Wine ; mort particularly io my practice, and am latltfied, wlib marked benefit to my patients. There tan be no better proof to tht doubting mind, as lo tbt Wins being mads of the fluid Oportt Grape, than a vltit to ihi acrii of land ouvered with the vine bearing tbe luxuriant fruit. Wishing you lutein ia your praiiiworlby tnttr pirn, I reaaln respecfully yours, ALKX. B. MOTT, M.D., Prof, of Sirgery, Uellevue lluipital Medical College, Ac, Ac Fur salt by H. W. Graham, druggist, Clearfield, Pa. ANOTHER TOWN HEARD PROM. Bern, N. Y., July, 51, 187ft. Da. M. M. Fknirb, Fiedoala, N. V., Dew Sir I have alwayi been tppoted tt patent mediointa, but I bad beaa aa invalid, being a Dec ted wuh ditllnesi and fainting flu eauied by biliouioeit, deranged itoioeob and bowels and Impaired nerves for several years. I doctored a great deal but mt lift they grew worse. I havt taken seven bottles nf your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nervt Tonic, and btve not bad one since I began its use, I am happy to say tbat I feel fully reaiored oy your eseeilaot medicine, wteh recommend en evtrv oceaai' a. If a jslem is out of order it appears to bavt the power io restore it lo health, and that Is what is wanted. very truly, Deo 17 It 0BED U. CUASB. Dr. Fanner's Blood and Liver Remedy sod Nerve Tools may well be eaILd "The conquer ing hero" of tbt time. It li tha medical triumph of the age. Wbotvtr baa "tbt bluet" should take It for it regulates tnd rtstorti the disordered system that gives rise to them. Ii always euro Biliousness and Liver Complaint, Jaundioo, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Iloadaibta, Ftrtr tnd A gut, Spltet Bolargtmintt, Scrofula, 8 rye t pales, Pimptet, Blotches and all skin Eruptions aad Blood Disorders Swelled Limbs aod Dropsy j Sleep lessntss, Impaired Nerve aod Ntrvous De bility) Restores flesh and strength wbea thesji tcm Is rut n ing down or going into decline caret Female Weak aim and Cbronit Rbiumatlsm, and rtlltvti Cbrotie Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does then things by strik ing at tbe root of disease and removing iti eaasta Dr. Feoaer's Improved Cough Honey will re lieve any cough la ont boar. Try a samplt bottlt at tin cents. Dr. Footer's Goldsa Relief eurts any pain, as Teoth-aoht, Neuralgia, Colic or Ueedaeba ia Bra thirty minutes, Bad readily rotitvet Rheuma- Uim, Ktdasy Complaint, Diarhma, eU. Dr. Fanner's St. Vitus Dance Bpiolflc. Oat bottlt always earm. For salt by Hartswlek A Irvln, Druggists, Clearaeld. Pa. aug-IT-lf. Specials. A. J. Jackson, near Ibe Sbaw House, hm tbo best assortment of Picture F nines ever brought to towa, If not la tho ooanty. Go and look at them. no v lift 2m. If yon havt a picture yoa want pu Ib a framt, takt it to A. J. Jackaon,on Market it reel, I vo deori emt r-f the Bhaw Houae, and he will let you bnvt it cheaper than you eaa buy tbea any wbtn tlst, heeause he makes Ibat bnilntss a specialty. novl6-3m, Waktio. 600,000 14 fret shaved boons, dell v- trtd at tht railroad, lo ear loads of 8,000, at all Eoints on tht Tyrone A Clear Held, P. A It., Bald agio Valley, and Penosylvnnia Railroads, for wmcn i will pay tno nigneat market price. .j. r. ksisss, Octlft. laVMf. Clearfield, Pa. On a lltiBnaaB Pbb Cbnt. Disoocnr on Olb Pbicbi. Bowing Mar bines ena now be purchnaed at Merrell'i tin and variety a to re, from tib up ward!. All kinds of sewing machine! renal red on ine inerteit aotioe. Cltarfltld, Pa July IB, 1877. Bueeiat Fob Salb. R. Ntwten Shaw keeni a full tupply ef F radon ia Butties and Platform Wagons far sale. To be seen at tbe Hbaw House T yard. Call on or address bia at Clearfield Penn- lylvaaia. may II-tf. fit MMundnd Thousand Strong Ib the put few months then have beta more than tlHI.Oltfl bottles of e-hi lob' Cure told "at of tht vast number of people who hart used It, more tnaa i.uuv eases ot consumption nave boon cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma, and llron- ebltls, yieUl at enoe. benoc it is Ibet every body speaks In Ut praise, lo loose wbo bavo hut eed It, let ut lay, it you hive a Couch, or Tour child the Croup, and yon value lile oWi tail te try It. For turn Back, sidt or Cbnt, nee fibiloh's Porous flatter. For laltby C. D. Wat son, Uliarfleld, Pa. trp-10-eow-fla. f Strang Peoplr. Do yoa know (hat there trt strange people la Our community, wo my n rings became tbey seem to prefer le sutler tnd pess ibetr davs mis erably, made so 1 y DispepsU, and Liver Com plaint, Indigestion. Constipation, and Ueneral betiility. when Hll ILO rt d VI TALI ZhH It guar. an teed lo cure thaw. Fur mle by O. D. Wnisua, ClcarbelJ, Pa. sep-10 cow fta. We havo a speedy and positive Care for Ca tarrh, Uluhtheria.Cankrr aoulh, and Head Ache. In BlilLOir CATARRH R KM BUY. A aasal Injveiot free with ceoh bottle, tee it If yoa do ire belt i h tnd swtet breath. Pries fl etl. For salt by CD. Watson, Clearfield, Pa. sep 10-';9-tow-Ca. Wswtib. Delivered at tbe Rail Read. lOO.noo 2ft inflb shaved shinglm. I'lu.nuS tl-ineb sawed shingles. H'O.Oiifi feetef ploc boards. l0 ,uiic u-feet sbaTtd hoops. ft.OOn railroad tiea. i,0l0 feel of good hemlock boards. For which I will pay the highest market price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any point oa tht Tyrone A Cltarfltld Railroad. J. F. Kbambb. Clearfield, Pa, Out. I, 1117ft tf. CoLLBrron'i WanaaxTi. Wt have prepared a form, and have oa hand a large quantity, ef blank "OeUector'l Balm," wbiob have been ap proved by the high sit legal authority In iht Courts of law county. At Tweefy tVafe per doien wt will mail any number to l He Collector ordering them. A Collector, wbea compelled to advertise property, must post up not lest b-a three notion in tht most publit plates ta his borough or towaship. tf. J nut Received. JiM Retired by ARNOLD, at U U K V K W 3 V 1 L, L K Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster 1 Car Load pure Corn, Itye and Oats whop i Car Load Peak on Snlt 1 Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry oods, Groceries, An.! afca-Shitu'leo, Bark. K. It. Ties and Gruin wilt be taken In exchange. Curwensville, Mny 1, I87H. PBODOCfl MARKET EEPOET. atLaDBMniA, Daaaabar ll.Braadatan, ar. bald Irmly, flour aad Maul Plour la In fair JaajaaJ with lalt-a of l.lno barr.1,. Inoladlnf MtnnaaoU aatra fainItT, at M.r6fjar.3B i Paea- ylraaia do. do. at M IIKfli! 171 .atara do. do. 97.35(e9T.Tt,aBdpataBtandotber bigb grada, at AIM ,!). barrala Mortal atraal, tias, kgypt, Ht. Varnoa, Caaadaa and Fraab- lor. p. i. nya Boar I, a oaay at to..,. Cora MalNotbing dolnt;. QralBWIrit ia la Mar daoaand aad klcbar, wlib aalM af S AM buahala, laaludiaa; rajaoiad at ! I rad at II Mrajl.tat aalxralll aad N. t rod, alavawr, at ll td naw Baudiuoi at i .i, mt aaiBM. it), ta wauud at . for Po.nayl.anla. Cora I, ia good daoaand aal Irai. Daloa at II.Ho, iaeTiidlDg old mti.4 and yallow, at (!) la, and aaw da. do at ndyaj. At tb. .paa award, Irat aalf, ao aaJa,. Oata aro la toady rawoaat. aalea of .,' I ka.bala, laoludiag ii, at 4. a, and wbita a. M(o)la HhlakT tl Iraa. wltb aalaa ut U k.rraf. u fl.l. Cauiso,I)oaBibn li Floor ataady. Wbaat aaaMiwd, fanrlak aid apaaM at run, aad kigBur, aad alaaW at priaaat No. I rad wi.tar, ll.lli R.. I ChM.go aprl.g, l lo,a far nab ( ti mt. far ln.wa.ri ai Ivia lar daau.rri I JJa for tekraary , No. 1 do., rdjMud via. Vmrm Beaaitlrd aad ganaraliy lowar aad upaa.d atroeg aad bigoor aad aioaad at inald. priMa 4lia)lli In .aab I alia for daauaryl anator Foataaryi 47 a bid lor May i layraud, data. Uai, dall aad a (had. low.r t 111, far aaah t 4(a,.ta Mr iao.r lor daaaary I lnio fur r.braaryi 4B,, M May. ay. araaar at ifc. Barl.y Iraaar at ltd UraMad hag, atdtfab It. Park tlraaa and ai.arr I til 7, for k , la M bid M Jaaaary 111 73t for FaBruarl i 114 aabad for Maroa. Urd atrong nnd higher! 17.70 for aaah i 17. Hi bid tor Jasa.ry df.alt bidlsr Pabraora. Uelk fllaal. Ira, I abado bi.oori ahaMldMa. 14 41,! abortrib, Mlt at.rl alaar, Hall. ago, tgnaooia. . VVbiaby aioady. A, ib. .Iwa Whr.l audaratalr aatlr. aad kigaart tl.ui lar daaaary II. lit lar teeraary. voru jy. . O.U t. b.. I Pora bbm!II.A. law... Its ii r. J....... Id arf lw reonary. bur Beery II. tt kt i.mtuf, 17.71 tor February CLEARFIELD M ASSETS, Flour, wf ewt.,.. IS II. &uokwb.t Flour. b.r owH Cor. p.r .t.....H.. Chop, rjr., p.r.wt Chop, mlA, p.r. wt Hru, pw t WbMt, pw buab.l Ht., pw bn,b.l..,H U.t,, per-buahal i Corn, mi., p.r buab.l Buk.b..t, o.r buab.l Houtoaa, par buabd Applat, pur, par pound , Bboulj.r, p.r pound. ...H,H. lri.d U..1, par pound Cbtrkeaa. p.r pair Uuttrr, p.r pound Krsa. p.r duaeb t ta I ot 1 tt 1 u 1 10 1 li to 4b li It 40 40 ir 40 16 14 Ball, par lack, l.rg. Coal Uil, par allon L.rd, par pound iJnad Appl.,, par pound..., I 00 li 10 6 e una rraanea, par pouud... Uaana, pur buabal Slarrira. LAADunnni runnia urmB uwt- snip, oa Bunaay, hot. awid, mit, j hut. . m. u l ... if t .t toansblp, and Mist Laura hV Fvroty, of Bradford u aiu t. towniuip, viearueiu vuuj, TUBBS In Glenn Hope, this eountv, on Saturday, Dee. flih, 1879, Harry Lion, sua of Philip aod Adametta Tubbi, aged I years. TOZRR In Ntwburr borough, ea Sunday. Dm. 14th, 1U79, Boluaun Tuisr, ia iht 78th ytar of bis igo. CALDWELL At bli homt In Pikt townihip, ta Monday, Dm. mb, 18:9, Samuel C'aJdwell, t god 80 years aad '4 days. flj TO QOCi Pr 84 D(,B' Bamples worth Iret. Addrsaa Stinaon A Co. rwiiland, ajatiit. ltel7,';9-ly. Short Straw Wanted I PERSONS hiving ibort itraw, raiublt for picking purposes, eaa find salt for it by ap plying at ibe office of TUB ( Lt AHFIRLD FIItB BRICK CO. Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 17, 1X79 fit. a week la your VUl) outfit free. Ad. owb towa. Term tnd $5 Address U.Ualletfl Company, fort, and, Mi lJeol7, 7V ly. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties CurwunaTlU., Pa. Jaa. 0, '71-tf. .ADJOURNED Orphans Court Sale! Taluable Ileal Estate IN LA W RENTE TOWNSHIP. IS porsnnnoe of tn order of i he Orphani' Court of Clearfield county, the underiignrd Ad uiinistralors of the rsta'a of ARTHUR HKK.-iH. late of Lawrenot townthip, deoeased, will efler at public salt, at the Court House, la tba bor ough or Cltarfteld, Pa., oo Saturday, January 17, 1880, At I o'clock P. M., tbe following described Real Kstate, to wit: That valuable farm and homestead, situate la Lawrence tnwmblp, bounded and described at followi i Beginning at a post at toner nf Hoe of Ueorge Butlor; tbenoe north Ire degree! west twelve ptrsbos to a red oak ) Ihenos north twenty eight degree cast lorty-oina perches ta a ben lock near the bank of Clearfield creti, aad Bear mouth or run) Ifaenoa couth thirty two degree west forty -t we perobet to a white oak near tha Cltarfltld Bridge road ( tbeooe north eighty-two degrees west forty -seven perches to a post in line of lane i tbenoe aonth by lands of Samuel Tate 'a heirs forty-sevea degrees well two hood red and twenty seven perches te a dead hem look close beside its public road leading frum William A. Head's saw-mill ta Amos Road's blacksmith shop thence by lands of Aaron 0. Tata, the course of said road being south, thirty digram east fifty-four pcrtbec te a pas', or stone, ia said road on lino of the Peter Martin tract ; Ibeaoa north flfty-ftvoand tot-balf degree emt two hundred tnd twenty-four and mea-tenth perches to tbe place of beginning, CONTAINING! 100 ACRES Andallownnet. Thli Is ont of tb aost desirable and bft inpeAtt forme in the eouolT. KIUU TY ACRKS ARB CLKARKD, fenced, and ander a good state of eultWetion, having thereon ariottd o large TwoStory Dwelling and a large BANK BARN, to gether with a spring house, corn -crib, end oeoeeeery euttmiiaings, ae wen at a LAKGK OUC1IAKD of bearing fruit treei of t very descrip tion, and a will tf good water. Term and Conditions t One belt of Ibe porohate mofaty mnsl be paid nn eonflrmatlon of the sals, and the balance ia two euaj annual payments, teenrtd by bond and aortgagt on tbi nremitM. For further information, inquire on the prOoil set, or or John O S bryver, at Clearfield, or biles lUrtr, Pbiliptburg. 'OIIN t) HON KYVKK, BILA8 KKH.-K. Adm'riof Relate ef Arthur Ret re, de-Vd. Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 17, 1879 tL f0 a wn-k. lift a day at homt eerily readt V Cosily outfit fret. Addre.s Trnt A Co., ugutta, Maine decl7,'79 ly - VrTICRTflFirilCKIlll.l)KKll. Tn.ra ll will he a meailnc of in. atorkbiildara of ib. t'laarfl.ld Fir. Briek Company Bald ai tb. fjlc nf lb. rnmnanr. if) Cl.arH.ld. nn Thura. 4.j. the I5lh day of January. at two a'.lnek V. M tor tb. p.rpwaa af alacti.ff onVoara fnr tt. anauln, T,.r, and Totini .pna ib. auva. tion nf tnaraaala, th. atook ! raid Company. Uy ordar of tb. Uaar I or UiraRtora. WM. DIULKR, Prarldant. O. W. Ahiti, RaeraUry. Claarlald, P., Not. , 1171 3n. Ejectment Notice I John ftlppi 1 In iba Court of fommoa vs. . Pltasof Clearfield Co., Pa. Adaa Pitttrlngloa No. 119, Sept T. U7W. J hjectaent. And now, Oct. fi'h, 17. oo mot ion of Mnrray A Gordon, Atfrneyi for Plaintiff, a roll is grant ed for lierVodiint to appear and ptea.l t the ac tion or bt-forttbt Bret H indi; ot Pebruary, 18 HO, said Rule to be published In one Bwpaper of eouniy sijty day be fore said dsy. The premises sued for are deserlhodas follows: Itetinning at tbe aeuih of the run at the bead of Fisher! rip riles, th-nee hv nubile road to a corner of the Jonas Marhlei field thtoee nlotg Markle'c line to Kolaod a linn, tbenoe to lower corner of A. Kern ; property, thehce on Hoc running Kail to tht1 treed, and along tbe bank of creek to the place of berinnlng.oonlatnlngona hundred and twenty six ( I Xfl) acres, situate In Chest township, Clear field eouniy. Penn'a. By the Court, J. M. 0. Certified frnn the Record Bt Clearfield this Si day of Dec., 18,9. KLI BLOOM, deal-fit. Preibonotnry. Ejectment Notice ! R. 0. Healltoa 1 In theOearlef Com- Bioa Plraa of Clear- Isaac Covert, Jr., wlthaoiioatoM. alellugh, aa terrt tenant. flel.l eountr, Pa. N..4J5.J...T , H7 Pjootiaant. Mow, Not, 17th, 1879, on antkoa of fifarrar A (eerdon, Allorneyifer Plaint if, it li directed tbat a rule be granted and Dnfemlant to ann-ar and plead to the actlna on or before tbt first Mondav of February, ISM, Mid rule to be published in cue newspapir ol raitl county for tn days prior te said day. 1 be preateet turd for aod aertrlhtd In writ are as follows i All that certain piece of land auntie in ine town or nuiabarger, Brady town chip, Clta-fleld ooanty, Pa., boaaded and de ttiibed as fellows: On the east br hi a In street. on tbe south hy lo of Job a France, on tbe west ay aa eiiey. and ea tbe aerth by an allay, being generally knowa at lot No. 4 la plaa of said town. By Iht Court. B. T. J. Certified frea tbe Record at Clearfield, this 3d day ef December, 179. KLI BLOOM, Clearfield, Hot. S, l7fi St. Pro thy REMOVAL! James Li. Leavy, Flaring parah.aad tba .ntlra atoek af Fred. Maebetl, hereby giro, antlr. that be kaa aaeTed lata tka meat lately eoeeiil.d ky Reed A Hamrty, ea geonnd atraal, wkora ka U prap.ied va alar U uie paoua COOK ST0ES. UEJTIJfO AJfD PARLOR STOVES, of tbt la test la proved pattirai, al low prices. HOUSE FDENISHIN0 GOODS, Qai Fiiturei and Tinware, Reolog, apouting, Plumbing, Oaa Fitting, aad R.pelrteg Panp. a apaoially. All . wark warraated. Anytklng Ib ay liaa will be wderea) eMrial II da.ired. JAL k LIAVY. Pmprl.t.r. FRtD. lACkkTT, Agaai. Olaarlal, Pa., Juaary 1, 1171 If. $w t!trtstmtns. T)KE1 FOR ALB. TblrUan bin, tt X llalla. Bm wbiob I will tall abaap for can, or .t.nung. r wnani. ror rurtnar m formallou Mil oa or adilraaa lb. andmlcnad. 1.1. KRAMKH. Not I, TO'tf. Clanrtald, Pa. I7IAHM I. A HIM" FOR RAI.B-I. Uuaton ' .'d Pin. townablpf, CLnrflald oounlT. Jf KanaMnbl. tla irlTan for pari of purabtM onar. PrUM 10.00 to f 10.00 par nr.. Mlaara', raMrrad. u. B1HU, Aftai, Panflald, Ha. ar Wall.c. h Kaiaa, Fapk 10, ltra-lf. Cltartald, Pa, h Wilts hiii Machine Can be boo ah t at lowest prices from ALEX PATTKRSUN, Woodland, Pa. It is equal, If aot superior to any firt elms Sewing Machine ia tho market, circulars seat oa application. Woodland, Pa., Oat. 19, UIW flm. THE LARGEST, (H.DKaT AND DENT. nrrT-Twe rsoaa noitTKLr. I. SO a ymrt Simplt Copy, IOt. Thomas G. Newman & Son, ill and 974 W..I Hadlioa PI., CIUCAOQ. A. U. Ul'l,, Afunt, Claarlald, r.. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Cheaper, than ever (I tbe ilore ol G.C.& T.W.MOORE, ROOM No. 1, PIK'S UPF.RA IIOI'HE We have Just received tba largest and bent aolocted stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND That has ever come to town, all the new novcltici in Aleo, HECKWEAR. SOLE AGENTS FOR PEBKIICS' Driving Boots and Shoes. Rubber Boots & Shoes. (ive ua a call and nee if we don't ell cheaper than anybody cleo, . c. HnoRR, TIIN H.MIHIHU. Cl.arS.U, P., Sfpl. 14, ll7 lm. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND flTRKKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Bar. evened np, ta the Mora reow lately oeeupled ky Wearer A B.lta, on Seannd alreet, a large and wen aererieu aioea 01 Dry - Goods Groceries, BOOTS AND SII0K8, Ql'EKNSWARR, WOOD A WILLOW WARI HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Whiek they will dltpoet af al rraeonaUa rata, for ar alehaage lor country produoe. QBOROB WIAVBR A 00 Claarlold, Pa, Jaa. 1, 1171-Bf. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM NO. Til R UK. OPERA HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLESALE RETAIL DIALIlt 15 DRY GOODS, Cnmprlilag Prill Ooots oflhs fry tetsst etyln, , ooBsietibK lo part of Caih nerer, Maae heeler Fajseiri, Alpacas, eat) til .setter of Fancy Dress Goods, Snob aa Croteae, Mokalr Leit.ra, Plal.i, Draea Ulegbema, Draea Penalra e( the rmr l.leet alylea, aad aa .beep aa leey ana no aot 4 ta tkia aiarkat. NOTIONS, Consisting nf Qlatet for Oeets, Laillei aad Ulsiea. Hoto tf all shirles, Hilk tringo, baeee, rieoj urect Mttieet. baotet' TleieittMl ebarlee act stvlte. Cuffs AU Ce laTi, Hiobont of all liads aal ualltlet, Merino Uoderwear, Trtmalegs, tto. BOOT8 AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Queeniware, Hardware, Tinware, Carpela, Oil Clothe, VIAImIm paper, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., ' . Wblcb win be laid wh.laaalt at retell. WiS late Country Produce hi Ear haaa; Air Owed, at Market Frkea. wm. i. nopria. Cloarlald, ra., wept, at, lar tr. Tl A MEI lTJA jj ac?s Us 2 M V 1 lit Av or .if r N.H3 fl 6.. lig S stI-S -It 583 B s?V3 f ama O a. a H O-S 1 1 ' III f ! - " s5 n5p If !. Sr eg I E r 1 - ff 5 " n . ar . - ! ? 1 H W inisnllanronf. PniLADELPHIA. F. T. HOWELL & CO., I.VPOnTERS It DaVJIERM IA" 1216 Chestnut . Street. . PbilaJalpbla, Oot , 1171 8m. T. A. FLECK. NEW, NEW, NEW. Fall and Winter Styles, AT THE ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORE OF T. A. FLECK & CO., 1 CLEAR Black and Colored Canhmcrrn, Brocade Drrea Goodd, Daln Eren Goodd, New Shawls, l.adiea' Coala, Red Flannela, brny Klutinela, Haid Klannela, Navy Blue rlunncla, Watorprnofa and Ladifu' Cloilia, all colon, Caaimerca, Men'a and Bora' Wear, Drcn Gingliama, Calicoea and Mutlini. Our alock wai nerer bolter. Oar Lodiei' Skim are beautiful. Millinery Goods, A complete Stock at our usual Bargain. &9 Plumei, Klowera, 'Winja. Oitrich Tipa. Aaw Brocade Velveta and Bilka, sauna, Black: ana Lolurca biika, uiacK and Colored Bilk Velvet, Kid Glovca, Liile Glovca, Hilk Fringe, Bullona, Lacea, Cortota, Embroidvriea, Edging,, Inacrtings, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen ITandkerchiofi', Ladiea' Tiea, and Funcy Yarna, Ladiea,' bent a and Children a bndcrwear, L,adive, Gent'a and Children'! nous. Wa don'l intond to have any itore in Clearfield county beat na In anything aiyle, pricea, quantity, quality, or selling. Give na a call and aeo for yourself. on ciotii-, pad PT7TQ Ottomans Vi.XJT iJ 1 O, T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - Market St., II I Hlwl II B U II th.p. 11 - pBStnd for IU nitrated Circular and Prlcaa. Liberal Tenna to tba Trade. -ma. Don't buy until you have teen the lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR 8EWINC MACHINE COMPANY, MIDUI.ariUWX, CONW, and Hue. la aad SOt Wafeaoh Areaae, CHIUAOv. 1U. MILES R. BEERS, AGENT, JAMES L. TJ JST I TE: 3El"X"JV.3QL3e!3Ft. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, FEXIt'A. All kinds of Catkets and Coffins kept on hand, and (urniabad to order ou ahort notice, including tba fineal as well aotured. Utir oonzan rrmaanviin Is the beat In ose, and will be fnrnirbed when required. Fanerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leare your orders at Troulman's Furniture Store, adjoining the Poslnffice. JAS. L. LKAVY, octl.TO lw.' - ClearBeld, Pa. Srw S.dvtrtisrmrnts. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, . BIIAVED AND 8AWKD. Carwenarille, Jaa. . 'TS tf. F 'OR SALE. Tbo oodmlraod will tell at orirati aalt all that tract or paroel of land situate lu Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., wtthlo a ibort dlsUncc of tbe Tyrone Clearfleli R. R.t and adjoining laadt of Robert Hndtoa and otoert, aad knowo as tbo Jaoob B. eearhert lot. The tald tract containing aoree more or leeo, wltb two ttlni ef rilueble eeal tbereoo, kaa about 10 fterei eltared, and la tbo bey to o lerjrt body of oeai about being developed. Will bo told low aad upon easy terms, for particulars, apply to DAVID I. kRKDfl. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1.71. BLACKSMITHING. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty., Tbt underfilled, being thankful for past favon, would respectfully Inform tbe tit 1 teas ef Clear field and Tieioiiy that be has pare bared tbe shop in Clearfield borough recently occupied by Awi Kentard, situated oo eowtt street, In the rear of See. Weaver si Co.'i store, where by sUlit and close ttttntlon e baiiaeit, be bopet to rectlrt a large share tf public patronage. t-Prleci reaaeoablo and dl work guaranteed. CHA H. hULPOKD. Clearfield, Pa., Ott lb UTt la. TIMBER FOR SALE. Ta. emdertlgwed offer, for lalealllaa plaa, eaa, poplar an. brmleek timBer ea 4IS eeraa ef lead ia ClearB-.ld anaBly. Pardee eeaaBltlag the maaJ er aiiMOl iBeaa.aiy, win aea 11 ia area, taeaabip, BdJ..lBiB tk. 1.11 tewaakip Uao, anal anaea aa trnet He. 1434 TblaaVw a limber will be koM epea Inr aala aaiil lb L IH of Doormlm Bait, for lertber ajertleelan epply ta ar addraaa, UKO B. OOCDlAHriliR. . October tt, l7t-it. Ckarleld, Pa. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE -IN THE Eorougli of toralls! THAT well-kno.n ,np.rty rltaalo aa tao beak al Ike neeeeebaeaa liter, an Ike kere.,k of!.. CleeraelJ Bnty, Pa , eweapie. ky Ibe tat. klNjAMIlf HARTSHORN, dead, la aew eterM lor eala. It eeeuiee a boat Thirteen Acres, Cpoa wkleh la areeted a taa tweeu.ry Ira an. AA DWELLIXG DOtSE, ill!1 T TAIR, and tka aeeMaarr eat. baUdlafa, aad ales a PLOWINaJ FOUNTAIN af aera BPRINO WATER, Tbia la a ear iry daalrabl. araperte for a artTete real. eVaea. T baarepertr i.Bnef.aad at PRIVATE SALS, aa I arm.. Per, tw. fcmalrna la reloilea la M, eall al tka BrembaaB, or apply ta tbe aaderelMMI la perena ar ay letter. UUHITHAL W. SMITH, Atterwel fct lb Hetra. Claartald, Pa, Sept. 14, ItTt it SJlirrtlinroni. A. II. UILL3. F1EL.1J, PA, i30 all kind of Fancy Wlnpa and Birda, Ribbons, Germnrtown Tarna, Zepbyri Ruga, Xtc. Clearfield, Pa. SepLl, -; ly SIMPLICITY OUPERIORITTni iMPLIPlEDi O MAINTAINEll Improvements September, 1878' Barinr reirar4 nr tnt ietuaM of -O prtbgreeitre ae, wa aew offer to Ute WotM Important Improvement. Kotwithatandiac tka V1CTOU baa long beaa of any machina in the market a feet jiporUd by a boat of Tolunteer witcaaaoa wa now confidently claim for it greater aimplicitr, a wonderful redncUom of friction, an altogether a ilar. Com liaafioa0ZuIraM Qualiliw. For aula by Uerchaata and otbera. - - CLEARFIELD, PA. LEAVY, as tba cbeapeat tbat eaa be mans,- grig gtfli'trHsfmrnts. P OOO BUNHELB. Oeorte Weaeer A Ce. aj, waal Sra tbooaa-d beabala af OATS, bow, aad will pay eaak or prodnee. ClearSeli, la, Aef. It, UTt tf. CLEARPIELD COUNTY BANK Tka baakia, Brm knowa aa tba ClearAeld Cnaaty Bank baa keen dlaaolrad ky mataal eanaeat, and Iba bank la to (a lata (radaai lloUaliee. We are rerpeaiible for tbe debt., bad will pay thaai. Tha eeeei, will ka nader eoatral af Joba W. Wrlclee eioraeirely, at tba kaakia( keaie, tad and will keoolletted by km. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, JAMK8 B. ARAUAM, WILLIAM PuRTKR, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, OKORIII L.BEED. Cleerteld, Pa , Daa. a, ISIS tf. If yon want to tee tha finest Stock of Ready-Made Clothing IN CLEAR PI ELD, GOTO GUmZBURG'S. If yon want to Buy tha beat Fittioj Clothing; If yoa want tha moat EeUably Made , n!muiiituiiummit'' ITyou want to boy at tba loweatCask Pricea, go to J,; '"- i U I IVZ BURG'S. If ou want to see tha best aMortfnant of m nmnnrn UliUlMlli ; NEW VICTOR nnvn dUId If yoa want to aee a nice salaotioa of Gents' Fnrnishing Goods; If yoa want to hoy a FDI E HAT or a GOOD UMBiUlLAk or a TBUEI or VALISE, If yon want to cat the wertk of your ;;. "Money, dotal (ai) to go te WE8TSRN HOTKLOOBNIUlClearaaid.ra. Oat. la, itrt u.