gUUroad. Pennsylvania Ilallroad TYRONg CLEARFIELD BBA.NCU ft ud after atoaiiey, NOV. It, 1879, the Vy Punier Tralee will run daily (aicept Baa U71I HtHl TyreaeaBd Uloarteld, m rollowi CLEARFIELD MAIL. LBAVB SOUTH. I LEAVB NORTH. Garwenirllla,.-l.II, ra. Tyrone,.- t.OO.A.a Rieerrlow ,.1 .10, " Vanaeoyoe,.... t.M, " Oleerl.ld 1.40, ' Summit 10, Leonard,.- lit, 11 Poweltoa 1" M, " Barrett, " OHMla,...IO II," Woodland 4.01, Bojuton 10.17," Bigler,.. 4 Ox, Steiner1 10.31,, Pk.hpibarg.IO. IS," Bla. illl,.....4 IS, (ireeein IB.ta," Urate ...4.JI, " niu.B.II,....IOH7," Phtllpiburf,...4.l, " We1lec,tos,.,.10.4e, iteioer'a .! S, " Bigler 10.41," Boyotoo, 4.40, " WooJIand, 10.49," Ouiaola 4.52, 11.07," Pow.hoa,. ....04, " Leonard ..11.11," rlummlt, 15, " Cleerleld,...U.lV, " VaneooyM,..I.J4, " Rieervlew.,...! 1.14, 11 Tyrone,..........!.!!, " Curweoaeille,.11.40a.a CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. J j LEAVB H1HITH. LEAVE NORTli Ourweaeailre. MO A. m. Tyrone m-,7.10 a. m. Rieerview....H 1 19 M Vaneeoyoo,....T.4S " Cleerleld... 1.47 guamlt 1.0. " Leonerd a 6 " Poweluea,. 4 17 ", i7 " Oeeeole,........! II " Woudlaad,.... 0.01 " Boynlon,.. 8.34 " Bigler 4 HI " Sleiner'a, (.10 " Wallnoelon,... 4.16 " Philip. burg ...I.4J Blaa Ball, 6.31 Orahem 1.47 " Oraharn t '25 " Blue Ball 1.61 Puilipibarg.. .M Wellaaetoa,...t .01 Bta.o.r a, 4 S3 Bigler 9.10 Bujotoe, ...... (.47 " Woodland,.... HIT " Oeoe.ila, 4 4! " Barrall, . li Powelton .4S " Leonard, 1 .10 " burnout, 7.05 " Cloerfteld,. 9.11 " Venaaoyov, 7.24 " Ki.errlow 9.44 Tyrou 7.(5 Curwenirllle 10.00 " PIIILIPSBURU A MOSIIANNON BRANCHES LB4VS IOUTS. P. H. A. M. A. M. 1:00 1:16 7:00 1:19 Ml J Ml 7:09 1:30 10:10 7:l 1:44 7:11 1:47 10:4.1 7:19 1:61 l:4l 7:46 1:67 10:61 7:66 1:07 1(1:18 8:01 .1:11 11:03 :U tears Roars. TATIOal. Morriadal,, Phillpaborg, Bleiaer'a BoyntDo, Oeoeola, Moahannoa, Sterling, llnuttdala, MrCauloy, Kendriok'a, Ramey. . a. a. p. m. p. . . 11:10 13:11 4:10 11:11 4:34 11:14 4:1 1:10 11:04 4:01 0.66 11:61 167 t:60 11:46 1:60 1:15 11:40 1:45 8:111 11:36 3:46 8:15 11:30 3:10 8:3t 11:16 1:30 BALD IAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. Kl. Hall. Mall. Ep. r. a. a. a. p. M. 7.09 1.10 lear, Tyrone arrlre 4.10 1 11 8.47 Bald Eagle 6.63 S.ul 9.30 . Julias l.lll 8.14 9.66 allleebarg 4 46 1.31 10.03 Ilell.fonla 4.16 1.46 10.16 Mileaburg 4.16 9.08 10.40 Howard 4.01 141 11.11 arrlre L. Ilaraa laara 8.16 TYRONE STATION. PaeiBa Eiproia ' 8:14 1 PUlbura;h Bip'aa, 1.61 Johnil.ian Kipreea 1:31 1 Paeina Kipraaa, 1:11 RAITWAaD. A.H.I WB.TWARO. . . P.. Day Kipreea 11:51 P.M. Mall Train, 8:37 Way P.aaenger, 1:16 Atlanlie Kxpreaa, 6:51 1 Mail Train, 6:14 Pbila. Kaproil, 1:131 Kail Liaa, 7:01 Oloaa ounnootlona made by ell traina at Tyrone ana L.nai uaraa. . B. i. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Snparintandaat, 8TAOI LINER. A ataeolaavaa Curwenaville dally for Raynolda. villa, at I o'eioek, p. m. , arrit iog at Rrynoldirllle at 6 o'Horik, p. na. Returning, leaeee Raynolda. Tina dally, at r e'elooa, a. an., arriving at Cur. weniville at 11 a'oloek, at. Para, aaeh way, tl. A Itaga laaTaa Carwaoayllla daily, at 1 a'elook, p. n., tor uuttoui ty'ity, arriving at lluMola CHy at 4 o'eloek, p. D. Rataralai. laavaa UuBoll at t e'elaek, a. ai dally, arriringat CorwaaaTillaat ii a-alooi, ai. rara, aaoh way, il.av. Allegheny Valley Ballrond. LOW GRADE DIVISION.' and altar Monday. Animl 41b. 1879. V tha pauankar traina will raa dally (aieapt BaadayJ katwaan Bad Baak and DrUlwaud, aa lollowa t KASTWABO.Dy Mail laarai Pltlibnrf 0:55 a. at.l Had Hank 11:15: Hiiro JnaaUoa ll:.1J Now Bathlabom 11:36 p. B. Mayiyilla 11:50 1 Troy 1:11: Brooarll'a 1:35 I rallar'a !: 1 Ray oldirilla 1:11 1 DaBoia 1:39 1 Sanailt Taaaal 1:10: Panleld 1:41 1 Waadtllla 4:0i Banaiatta :3I arnraa at Urmood at 6:10. WBRTWARDDay Mail laaraf Driftwood 11:20 p. x. Banaiatta 1:06 p Waadrilla 1:10; PanDald 1:41: Rumrnll Tunnal 3:10 : DuBoUl JS; RayaoldaTllla3:63: Pullar'alilO: Broakrillat:3; Troy 3:54; Uayarilla 4:14: Naw Batklabam4:.10 ; SI. o Jnoatlon 6:11 1 Rod Baak t:3t arriraa at rutiaarg at 8:00 a. 4r Tba Rrynoldavllla Aosotanadatloa laavaa Rayooldivilla daily at 7i66 a. and arrival at Rad Bank at 19:60 a. PiltaaiW at 1:80 p. m. Laarn Pitubarb at 1:11 p. ai i Had Baak at 1:11 p. w. arrivtag at Rayaaidavtlla at 9:05 p. a. Cloaa eoaaaatlona aiada witk traina on P. A I Railroad at Urtllaood, aad wllb traina oa tba Allagbany Vallay Hailroad at Had Bank. DAVID McOAHUO, Oaa'l Snp'U A. A. JAOkaoa, Nnp't In U. Div. FARE FItOM CLEARFIELD, TO Ballafanta, Pa tl Look llavan 1 Mlddlalowa.... 1 to Marlatta. ....,., til Laaaaatar ....... tit PHILADELPHIA 190 Altaaaa 1 II Johavtown... 1 16 Wllllaaiiport...... I HaaUagJon ........ 1 LawiatowaH .....M I MryiTUI............ 4 Cawaaivllla Oaeaola nAHKIKBIIKIl... 4 Pblllpabarg. ........ II Tyrona ... I II PITTKBURO I II jMiSffltnufous. ARNOLD WANTS Shinglo Bolts & Saw Logs. Carwanarllla, Jan. I, '78 ll. Vew Marble Yard. tombstonesTmonuments, Poitn for Ctmtttrn loll. A NEW MARBI.B TARD-CaH at 1. FLA n ARTY '4 Marbla Korka. Cbolaa work and low priaaa. Dlraetly oppoila tta Latbaraa Cbarak, Third airaal. Claarlald, Pa., March 17, 1871 tf CENTRAL State Normal (School. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Fa. A. H: ItA VB, A. M., Principal. Till Stkool ai al araiaatatrartltatad; awarttaa vary boat faailitkaa for PrafaiaioBal aad t'laalaal raarnlng. Baildiarj tDMloaj. lavltlaa aad aammadlm. aeaplrtaly kaatad ay alaara, wall vaatllatad, aad faralrbad with a bonatilaiaapply af para watar, Loaatiaa kaahbrWI and aaay af aeaaak Rurmaadlog aaaaary anaarpaaaad. , Taaabara aipartaaaad, anrbjBl, and allva ta tbatr wark,- a Diaaipllaa, Irm balklad. aa)rra.aad Iboraagb. Kinanaaa amawrata. Fflr aaaU a waak dadoatlaa ta than praparlni tolaaab. StadantradaiHtav any tlaia. Couraa af atady prvaaribad ny Ida Statat 1. Modal "abial. 1 '. Prarjaratary. 111. Klaaaa Ury. IV. alantifla. , , . . AajrjRct oaniHlr ( r I. Aoadaala. IL Csaaaretal. IIL IV. Art. Tba BlaaanUry and Solaallla aaoraa ara Pro. faaalaaal, aad aladaau gradaallag taarala raaalva Btata Dlploaaa,aonfarrlag taa followiag aorraa. poadiag dagraaa i Maatar af tba Rolaaoaa. Urad aatai la tba olhar aoaraaa raaalva ftovaal Oartit. aatai af Ibalv altaiaoMata. algnad by tba Paaalty. Tba Pralaatioal aoaraaa ara libaral, aad ara ia taoroagbaaaa Bat iafariov la tbaaa ar aar aaat aolkgaa. Taa BUU rvajairaa hi (bar ardar af attiaaa fhlp. Tha llaaa daaaad it. It la ana af tba ansa objooU f Uta aakaul la balp la aaawra H by furnlibilg latolllgaal and taaaban fbr kar arbaall, T. tb.4 aid II anlialta yaang par. aoaiof gwlibtllttra and giod parpoaa ihMa wba la tnMaa tkala tlaa aad taarr aata, aa atadaau. Ta all aaab It aaaaUaa alA i aavaiopiag laavaawan aaa aaaadVaal apparta. aJtlai far wall paid labor artar laavlag aobaoL far aalalagwa and uraaa addraaa tha Priaalpal. ... 0A1D OF TECBTEaB: tvacsaotaaaa Tlvaraat. 1. B Bartaa, 14. Da A. H. Boat, iaaob Brawl, t. M. Blaklurd.Baaaal Cbrlat, A. N. Haak, R It Mt.I. C HIWa. 1, I P 14aOavala,.a , W. W. kaakla, JOUR A. ROBB. Kmmrmi fH.a. A, 0. artla, Hon. H. L. Dlrfaabuk, aa. Jaaaa Marrlll, II oa. Ha Blalar. J. 0. 0. WanJaj.H. MUlat MaOoralah, R" WILLIAM BIOl.IR, . Praatdaai Dmrd tf Traataaa. JaVUlMIRRIL. Mll.Uai knauarv TalUMA f ARaVUttV tank tlavaa, f aMt-JjM, $otru. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornttrnf HeoBlaDti Markat StrMti, ntFARtVIICI I), PA TBMld tW oiuiiodiuni Uoul fetu, 4urla tha put yr( beta aUrfttt t tionbltlu lurtBr paolt7 fvr lb atarttUamvat of atrsa. frt aad rqmU. Ttt wbolt baj bM rtfaraiibtll.a4 the aroarUWr will apart aa tUf U raodir hi g aatti ?cimJorvbla wkllt iuyli with bla. tVrTb 'kaaalaa !!" Oaalbot rmai ta aodfrooi tat Dtpoloa ta arrlTal aad dapanart ( etveb trala. W. C. OAKUON. July M il. it Propriatat LLEGEENY UOTEL Market Htrwet. tlearsld, P. " wn. 8. Brati lay, formorl prapTlatnr of tba Laoaard Uubm, bavtnif taatati tha Allegheny Dotal, folletti a abara of publta patroaaga, Tba llntjM baa baaa thoroafrbly rap i rad and aawly -farntabad. and gamta m ill lad it a plaaaant atop. ptng plaoa. Tba labia will ba auppliad with tba ben of avarytbiag la tba marktt. At tba bar will ba footod tbo batt vlnai and llquora. Ovod itaMing attaobod. WM, 8. BKAULKY, May IT. ';. Frvpriator. SHAW UOTJSE, ( Ma-k.t A Proat llraala,) CLEARFIKLD, PA. Tha andanlgnad having lakaa aharga of thii Uotal, would raapaatfnlly aollalt nubile patronaga. ivoa, 10. lt.AWlUA 8UAW rpEMPERANCE HOUSE, MBIT WASIlINaTOIf, PA. H. D. ROSE, , . PaoptilToa. M.alr, 16a. Man and hor.a ovar night, $1 01. Man aad two boraaa uvar night, $1.10. Tba baal of aaoommodatloBj fi Ban and haul, OoU 23,'7.l(. WASHINGTON UOU8B, If NKV7 WARIIINnTnM Dl Tbla naw and wall fnrnlihad hoara haa baaa lakaa by tha andanlgnad. 11a faala at haing abla ta raadaraatiafaaliaa to thoaa who Bay favor hia with a oall. May I, 1171. J. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOTD HOUSE, Mala Btraat, PMILIPHBURU. PKNN'A Tahla alwaya auppliad with tha bait tha markal aaoraa. i na travaung pabllo la Invltad to oalL )aa.l.'7t. ROBERT LOYD. lanbs. County National Bank, 0P CLEARFIELD. PA. 'It- I) 0OM In Maaonle Balldlng, ana door north al It. P tl U . ' . I. u. AW - ' - " ft '..v... Paaian Tinker. Ia bmA twmm t.lnn.i n ...K..W, uiawg, ran. ana voponnagan. Alio, Draft! for aale an tha Royal Baak of Iraland Dana oi ionlon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Praa't W. M. 8IIAW, Caahiar. , Janl,'7T DREXEL & CO.. Ho. 34 Houtli Third Slraet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application ny Ball will raaalva proanl attaa tlon, and all tnformatioa abMrfull r.wmUi.mA Ordara aoliotad. April 11-tX v. a. A RiOLD. a. w. Aaaoin. J. l.AaJoi.n F. K.ARNOLD 4. CO.. Rankem and Broker-., Kcynomavlllo, .errtraoa Co., Fa, Money raeelvaal oa dapoaiu. Dlaoonnta at no vvraio rawa. Aaaura and roraign Kiohaagaal waya oa baad and aollaetiona promptly nada. Hayaoldavllla, Daa. II, U74..y Stntlstrji. j L. r. nEiciiuoiiP,; 'sUMGBON DENTIST, flradaata af lha PaoaTl'aria rlu-. f D.nt.l Hnrgary. OffloainraaidanoaofDr. Hllla.oppofita iiumw. mfloia, rn-u. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Octet Ik Bank Balldlag.) tarweDavUro, Clearfield Ca., Pa. Bah II "74 tf. ' J.M.STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. . (Offloa la raaidaaoa, Soaoad itraat.) Kltroaa Oilda Oaa admlalalarad for tha aala- aaa extraotioa of taath. tla.rH.ld, Pa., May 1, UtareUanroua. SHOKMAklNaI hereby Infena ay pa. Iroaa, and raaaklnd la aanaraL thai I h. raaiovad aty aboaaiabiog abap ta the rwoa la oraaaoi a row, ovar o. i. onyoar'a Jewelry Bore, and thai I ara pivparerf to da all klnda of work in By Haa ebeaper thaa aay other oaup la towa. All work warraatad aa goud aa aaa ba doaa any. where alaa. Pueitlraly tbia la tha cheapen ibop laClearuald. JOS. U. DKKKINO. Dee. II, 1871-tf. Wagons - FOR SALE. The andenigaed haa oa head, at hie ehep In Ckarlald, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, For nh). Wirtera wagou arw.M aa thoaa Bade hare. Any of wblrh will he aold aheap for aaih or approved aeaarily. : For farther inform attaa, oall ia peraoa at By ahop, or addraaa ma by latter. IHOXAj REILLY. Cla.rl.ld, Pa., April 11, lull If. The Bell's Ran Woolen Factory Pana Wwajhlp. Olaartald Co., Pa. BU R If BO OUT! aw Nat - BURNED UPI The aabaeri bora have, at great eipenaa, rebalya neighborhood aeoaaalty, la the ereatiaa of a Irat- alaaa noolea Manalaotory, with all the Bodora iBprovomeati atuehed, aad are prepared to Bake ail ktnaa oi uiotae, vaaatBarea, Batieetta, Blaa. hela, Flannala, Aa. Plenty af gooda as head la apply all oar old and a thoaeaad aaw anatoaaara, whoa wa aak to eoBo and aiaaiiaa ear atoak. Tho boalaeu of CARDINQ AND FULLINO will roeelve ear aapaolal attentlea. Proper arrangement! will be Bade to reeeive and deliver Wool, to aoit eaatomera. All work warranted .ad done apoa the ibortelt notion, and by atriet attaa tioa ta ballaeea wa hope to reeltee a liberal ahara ai paono patronage. lUMKI POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay lha hlghaat market prion for Woo id aall ear Baaafaetarad aoedi aa law aa alnllar gooda aaa be beaght la Ibeoeaety, aad wheaevar we rail to reader raaaoaahM aatlafaetlea wa aaa alwaya ha foand al homo ready ta naha proper ,M,.we, vi.u.i person or oy letaar. "an JUHHSUH A SONS, R EM OVAL I JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald rarpaettally aotlfy the pablla generally thai he hea removed bla ereeery Sura froa Shan't Raw, la the baildiag formerly ooeapled hy J. Mllaa Krataer, oa Seoead Ureal, Bail door to B.iler'i hardware Mora, where ha tatandi keeping a nil Una af G It O C E II I E H. HAHS, DRIED BEEF aad LARD. SDOARS aad 81 RDPg, of aU gradaa. TEAS, vraea and Blaek. C0FFII, Routed aad Ones. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJJTJITED FRVIT8, All kladt la the market. FICKLIfl, m Jan aad hairala. SPICKS, la avarf form aad variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIBDfl OP Cll ACKERM. SOAPS, MATCH, DRIED APPLaW, ' DRIED FIAOBI9, ' DRIED CBERRIEI Coil Oil ml ' lainip ddmaiyi. Aad a food aaaeHmaat of thoaa Ihlaga aaaally hopt la a granary avera, whleh ha wul eaokaage for aarhatUg at ta market prleaa. Wia am h, oaak aa a4eely aa aay ethet ana. Plaaaa tail aaA aaa hla Meeh aad Jadga for yemreetL tJ , . J0M KoSArjaniT. Olaarlald. Jaa. t, lira. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAIIKIELI), PA. WBDNRSDAT, 1179 RECEIVING OftA-IT. From tha Pltteburb I'oit.J UooMts (numntimut pronounooj bummer) Well, you hoar tbat Gon- eril Grant u coming? Democrat Yon, I huitr that eom fiiidee hut rYeen tent tb arraniro nbont lilt ovation in tun oitv. D. We think of unking tome Pom- ocruU to attaint bow would toti like to take part? D. For niytoli 1 will tay, if yoa winb to invite mo, wbat Punch Mid to tbe man who wtw going to gA mar. ried. ,:; : ft. What did Punch tay T D. "Don't." ' l U. Anil why would you not Join in an ovation to urnni? D. Why and for wbat would you aak me to do him honor T B. Well, because he it a great Gon era!, and vruabod tbe Rebellion, and because he wan tho Prtwideut of tbe United States. 1), I deny that he it a groat Gen eral, or tbat be had any large part in urunuing me Heuoiuon. Mat was cbicfly done by others, and not under hit diroctioD. At lor hie Presidency, it waa a national calamity a carnival for tbieret and plunderer and favor ites and 1 shall suroly do nothing to make It pomible for such a shameless rulo to be renewed. B. But don't you think tbat w should show honor and respect to oufjrei., nd givinf( MoCandlc. credit lor great men? D. 1 have no respect for General Grant, his talenla nor his achieve ments. Ho is entitled to none, llo never eould nor never did plan bis campaigns with a skill and judgment which mark great Generals. He sacri 4ded hit. men without profit, without pity and; without remorse, lie ia a prodigy of " luck " alone pure, un. uiixbu, imperial "luck. lue man who wint largely on tho fastest horse, is as much entitled to popular honor for his luck as Grant is. The honors he has received were mostly arranged lor, and hit progresses show tba most amaaing and most undeserved alien Hons those who gave thorn will wondor at their folly before many years. B. But don't you think he should be honored at a civil ruler 7 D. Ho did the office of President no honor he had no talont nor train ing for it. He did not prize it as an exalted trust, but as paying a bettor salary than the office of "General," and as an opportunity to provide lor bis relatives and favorites. A Demo crat before the war, and not sympa thizing with tbe objects of the fanat ical and malignant promoters of it, he fought in it without the motives of those who sot him on. And he ruled as President in tbe same spirit His Presidency was a sort of contract with .Radicalism which be filled as tbey ordered him, taking care that It proved a good "job" for hia boon companions, and bit "cousins and hia ancles and his aunts." For such ser vices he is not entitled to the fulsome flatter' and abasing adulation that be hat already received, and rhat you are now again preparing for him. B. And won't the Democrats lake part in the honors to Grant here, at all? D. 1 do not think that any Demo crat who baa any self. rospect can take pat in the degrading business. "Honor to whom honor is duo" from those who feel the weight of the indebtedness. But as no Democrat can look upon Grant's political practices (principles be bus none), as deserving of those tributes, how can tbey shout in tho senseless crowd of his flatterers f B. But how can jtou set up jour own ideas of Grant's merits as against the myriads that greet him, and feast bim, and think that he is not honored enough? D. I bavo told you already that it is invincible luck tbat has made Grant's great reputation. How can von say that be should be honored for great wisdom, or learning, or attractive personal or social qualities 1 We do not remember anything that be taught or said except the one dogged phrase about fighting on one ill chosen line 'all snmmor." He has the sturdy stomach and heavy brain of a good irenober-man, who caw-"stay" with bis tipple and his prog. Like Joey Uagnlotk, he is "tough and hearty,' and a little "sly" withal. But no speech ol hia ever enlightened anybody; no witiclsm of hit ever set hia jolly com panions "in a roar." In short he haa no social graces hia "luck" has failed him here but he la courted all tho more, it would seem, from the very atiscHct of attractive qualities.. d. But how do you account for the unusnal court that ia paid to Grant both at home and abroad, and tbe still innroaaing honors that art boa to wed upon him? D. Tbe history of the human race for all time aboundt In similar in stances ot popular delusion, this ia only one like many others. In less than five years from now tbo people tbat now outvie each other in abject worship of this, their dull idol, will be ashamed of tboir lolly j even now it is tbe comparatively few that take lead ing parts in those parades and orgies, than can conceive why they take place. W hen you compare Grant the General, Grant tht Civil Bulor, Grant the Ad- alaled, with the 'Other Generals and Statesmen, who have reaped the world t applauao, yoa cannot but be amazed at tbe result. But while placa- rjunters and parasites shall live in the world, such astounding scenes ss these " honors to Grant " may and will be witnessed. B.-But If you wonl take Dart in those tributes why would you prevent others from doing so f D. I do not aspire to ba aa apostle of tha "proprieties," bat I cannot a. ways withhold my notions ol decency and good manners. Let "nine bonest neighbors shout" for this princo of bood-liuck. I only hops that no man who calls himself a Democrat will aid in these humiliating tbows. And I hope that tbo Kingston who ara carry- ing oa this disgoating hire worship will not dan to propose to pay tho ex penses out of tho Oily Treasury, " CROOKED " BANKERS. Tbe Pittsburgh Telegraph taya: It lookt very much at present at though the officers of tho Kirot Nationul Bank of Butler were about to got into trou ble of a highly disagreeable nature. On Saturday Informations were filed in the United Suites Court against Chkrles MuCandlees, late President of the iusolveol bank, Alex Mitchell, the Cashier, Charles Duffy, Louis Stoin, Thomas Stebley, W. JI. 11. Riddle, directors ; and Thomas Itobinton, Ksq Hon. John M. Urcer, Alton Wilton, and William G. Btouguton, Ksq., who aro implicated In the misappropriation of the fundi of tbo bank. Warrants were issued 'lor tbeir arrest and tbey will be lukcn into custody to day. These in formations wcro filed by order ot the Solicitor of tbo Treasury on evidence procured by a special agent. Tbe speoiflo chargos in tbo informations are' at follows : Charles McCandlus, Wil liam Stoughton, Allen Wilson, Charles Duffy, W. II. a. Kiddle, Louis Stein, and Thomas Stebloy, directors of the bank, aro accused of discounting a note ot Alex. Mitchell endorsod by Charles McCandleas for 10,500, when they knew both of the parties were insnlvont, Tho same persons are also accused ot discounting a note of Thomas Rob inson, endorsed by John M. Greer, when they wore both known to be in solvent. Groer and Kobinsoo are in eluded in this information as aiders and abettors. Alex. Mitchell, Cashier of tbe hank. has throe charges against him. First, Making a fitlao entry on tbe books, stating tbat Charles MuCandlesss bad deposited oil certificates lor 6,000 bar- tbe value of this oil on discount when no collateral was really deposited Second, Discounting a nolo of J. M Greer and giving bim credit for 1,500 barrels of oil, when in reality he had doposilod only 1,000 berrols. Third, Perjury in swearing to false- statements of the condition of the bunk to the Comptroller of the Troatury. Charles Duffy and William G. Stoughton are charged with perjury, swearing tbey owned $1,000 worth of stock whon thoy wcro elected diroo tors In 1878-70, they not having that amount of slock. Allen Wilson is accused of ember.zlo. meni, in convening to bis own use 1,000 barrels of potroleum belonging to tho bank, of which Wilson was then a director. All these defendants are persons of good position. Charles MuCandloss is a member of tbe bar, was Stalo Sen ator, Judge ot Butler county under the now Constitution, and was ap pointed Supreme Judge of Arizona by Grant, and held the position for a year. Messrs. Puffy, Stein and Stebley are wr-ll-tn-dn men-hitnu '.V. H. H. Kid dle was formorly District Attorney of the county, Stoughton usod to bo a wealthy oil man, Wilson was once Prothonotary of Butler oounty, Hon. J. M. Groer is now State Senator from Butler and Armstrong counties, Tbnm- Kobtnsoo was a muinber of tbe Legislitturo wbo voted for th " Ton Million Steal " ou the tonnage tat r peal bill, and Alex. Mitchell is a young fellow who knew nothing about bu.4 nets and was made Cashier because he would do wbat he was told. THIRD TERMJSM. The principle involved in ttie elec tion of Gen. Grant for the third term to the Presidency is an important one, and ws believe if bo should be nomi nated by tbe Kcpublicana at their can didate in 1880 and accept the nomina tion very considerable opposition will bo manifested against him where it is least expected. The Democratic party need only appeal to the intelligentand earnest voters of our country to awaken in tbeir minds a just appro bonsion of tbe danger whicb must at tend upon the re-electing of a man lor the third lime to be Chief Magistrate of the nation. There aro enough of worthy flicn bolter qualified for tbe high oftioo of President than Gon. Grant, and wo aro greatly mistaken if the Judical clique who bark tbo Gon eral and who will, if possible, force his nomination, can elect him. The great dishonesty, incapacity, and inefficiency displayed by the men appointed to of flee by Gen, Grant, while- he was an : I . - . . .ir, . . .T incumnent oi mo nnite House-, are not forgotten by tbe people, and the knowledge of this fact will not be likely to improve bis chances for re. election a third tlmo. Under Grant, as President, fraud was practiced in all departments of tbe Government and tho sums of money filched from tho national treasury wore of gigantio di mensions. Moreover, it is notorious that Grant did not wisely selttet tht fittest men for office but instead filled important and responsible positions with his kinsmen, and with corrupt ana noisy lladical politicians. All tho above faults of Gen. Grant's eight years administration of the Gov ernmcnt will be held up to tbe pub lie gaze in such a manner that the most facile Republican editorial pen cannot possibly satisfactorily explain them away. Embarrassing revelations will bo made criminating Grant at which even tht glib tongue of the most brazen Republican stump speak or will falter. Tho people will begin seriously to question the propriety of having a "strong man" at Washington when an honest statesman of approved record would answer far bettor ; they will alto notico bow third termism and centralization must finally result in tba overthrow of our freo Institutions; suoh reasonings will convince tbom that the snrcst method of arresting the downfall of oar system of Govern ment will be to vote with the Demo- ctatio party and in this way decisively relievo the Ropublio from great dan gers. The Republican party cannot forevor rido into power merely by claiming paramount "loyalty" and by bowling homilies over tbs horror of secession. The taxpayers oflbls coun try, North sod South, now dosirs an able, patriotic, and honest dminittrs lion of poblio affairs, and as Grant failed to achieve this, when President, tbey will not support him in 1880, but ill give tbeir full and cordial support to the Democratic party confiding in It aa most worthy to wield tbo affair of tbo nation especially II its rresidon-i tial candidate be one of those trusted and tried Democ ratio loaders whoso Tory names are rebuke to political venality, robbery and wreag. ForA Qatrttt. i AS TO QBAtirs PURPOSES. The future of Gun. Grant ia a sub jeot of curious "peculation to tbe gon- oral public and of profound anxiety to all lections hud faotiont oi the Repub lican parly. Tbo-third term advo cates, whoso most conspicuous leaders are tbe men most closely Iduuliflud with all that was diegraoel'ul and de grading in Granl'a administration, are doing all in tbeir power to popularize bis candidacy, and they scout the idea tbat he will accept any business offer or engagement tout will interturo with tbeir politlcul scheme. The backers of Sherman and Blaine naturally lake a very different view of tbo matter. Opposed as thoy are to each olbor on other points, tbey are agreed upou lbs iuiKliuy of Gen. Grunt remaining in the political field, and are exceedingly desirous tltut be should bo provided with an occupa tion that will furnish him permanent employment and a good income. L this cannot be done in any business enterprise, tbey desire to bavo Con gress pana an act creating the office ol Captain-General of the army and ben stowing it on Grant with a lite tenure and abundant emoluments. This is the unselfish generosity of meu wbo bavo an obstacle to gut rid of and the people's pockets to raid on for the pur pose of accomplishing that desirable object There is slill anolber class of lie- publicans who, trom honorable mo tives, bavo a strong wish to keep Gen. Grant out of political strife. They; are Ms friendt, not bis old political cronies, but the best of Gram's social friends, among who may be named Messrs. Borie and Cbilds, of Philadelphia. These gontiemen see nothing for Grant to gain by Presidential candidacy, while thoy indulge a fear tbat be may injure bis fume and go into history as, a mau wbo permitted himself to be ruin ed by over woening ambition. Tbey do- tiro tho Genorul toaccopt the Presiden cy of tbe Duriun Canal Co., believing that his connection with that magnifi cent schema will filly round out his career, giving him additional glory and nbundant means. Will Grant take the canal Presi dency ? Or will he rcjoct tbat and let bis Presidential scheme be so clearly understood tbat there shall be no further question about it? We bclicvo be is not yet ready to decide, and will give no decision till hia return from tbe West Indies next April. That Gen. Grant wants to bo re elooted is as cer tain as it is tbat he wanted a third term bclore hia last term expired. Every friend or acquaintance ot tbe ex President knows that, in 1874, tbe Presidential itch was fearfully eruptive on the Executive cuticle. Tbe Presi dent did not hesitate then to intimate in bia trisnda tbat be thoegbl another teini duo bim, because be bad given up the best life position in the country to accept the Presidency. He is full ol the same jslea now, and his ambition has been fircoT to go beyond tho Futbcr of bis Country in gathering honors.. If Grant thinks tbe Presidency is within bis reach be will not bold back his hand. There will be no organization of tbe canal company effected until spring. Gen. Grant will bavo tbs refusal oi the place until that time. He proposes to return from the West Indies through the South. It is a part of bis policy to keep ap the reception business as long as possible. Ho will a series of receptions in tbe South in order to test tho boom in tbst section. By the titno he gels through that series of welcomes, he will bo prepared to say whether be will start on a race for the Whito House or link bis fortunes to the canal project. Until tbat time Gen. Grant may ba regarded as prospecting for the Whito House, but having no purpose of becoming tho Radical nominee unless he shall be satisfied that tbe nomination carries a strong assuajpce of election. Wanhington 1'ost. - . TUB BRIBERS SECURE AN- OTUER LEASE. As we bad anticipated, tha Indict ment pending against Kemble and bis conledorates iu bribery, perjury and corruption porpetratcd last winter in the efforts to pass tho Riot bill, was quashed by ths court ol Dauphin county on Wednesdsy last on the merest technicality. An array of soma fifteen of the ablest lawyers in ths State were oh hand to delend tbs in dicted rascals and it waa not long be fore tbey found a weak point in ths preliminary proceedings to quibble, la ths beginning the old judge showed a determined spirit not to bo moved Irom ths regular course of justice by their sophistical arguments, but in tbe end he was bulldosed into quashing the indictment. It was dons on lbs technical plea tbalas tho record showed but twenty-throe gland Jurors sworn evidence bad been adduced to show that twenty-four bad been swora al though Ibis failed to bo noted 0 tbe record. This is the second fiasco of tho prosecution, and In view of ths char acter of tbo defendants in the suit, Iheir pecuniary ability, political influ ence, and reckless character, the pub- lio will not be slow to believe that the introduction of the twenty-fourth man, or Inlet-toper on ths grand jury was, to uao a lobby term, a " set np job." Else, where was tho o (floor ap pointed to guard tha rights snd inter ests of the Commonwealth tbat he was so alorelict as to not watch ths In cipient Hops in ths prosecution, and allow the enemy to invade the temple of justice and finally thwart iu pur pose T This may seem a harsh judg ment but in tbo light ol wbat bas transpired ws, along with lbs mass of the people ol tbe State, ran corns to no other conclusion. Tbs Slato cuts a sorry figure in tho hands ol such so officer. In bs language of old Judge Jerry Blaek; "Tho poor Com moo wealth standa liks ths naked man on ths front page ol a Dutch Almanac, with everybody poking sticks st him." Danville Intelligencer. (Solid, or Cootas I It Is now pretty well settled that such "solid" men In tho South as Col. Akorman, wbo waa Attorney General), Co). Mosby, Gon. LongsUeet, and, probably, lbs Confed erate Brigadier now serving as Po-t-mtster General, and meo of that data aro for Grant) bat o real "solid" Soatherner will support bim 00 snjr account. " Civilization !" An exchange re marks : " A apodal dispatch of a re cent dato from UaUvia, Ohio, states that the excitement over tbe attempt ed lynching of WilliunH Allen there, last May, is being revived by the proa eeulion of lbs alleged lynchers. Al len had elnped with Mrs. Atchloy, wife of l barlesAtcbley. Tbey were over taken at Cincinnati, and on the night of their return to Batavia, Allen was taken from his bed, carried to Ibo rail road brulgo, and ' with a rope lied around bis neck and to tbe railing, was thrown off. Tho rope broke and Al- leu fell 30 feet to the rocks below. Several duys ago Allen returned from tht west with John T. Morris, a Spring field doloctive, and has" been hunting np evidence concerning those engaged in attempting to bang bim. A tew days ago Charles Atchloy, the husband, wbo was tbe causa ot the trouble, John Moore, D. L. Mabamand F ruder iuk Duvine were arrested, charged with assault with intent to murder Allen.' Morris says a person implicated bas confessed and be has the names of 34 participants in the riot and banging, whom he will have arrested and in dieted. Mrs. Atchley never returned to her husband after bcr elopement, but bos lived with ber uncle. She has a suit pending against hor husband for alimony." West Chester Record ploase copy. This affair did not bap pen in Mississippi, but in a loyal high toned Commonwealth. Sous DirraakNca. Don Piatt, an Ohio man, remarks in hit Capital that "(Jul field, the gentle and gifted Gar field, is drifting into tbe United States Senate. He will fill Thurman's shoes, but whether tho hat will fit is further along." Don must have some doubts about tbe size of Garfield's bead. Aa Garfield, while Chairman of a Com mitte of tho House, was in tho habit of taking 15,000 fees from pavement and whisky rings, it is no wonder his hoad is so much smaller than Thur man's: No bribe of this kind bas ever been traced to Hie Senator'! door, although he ha never been ordained as a clergyman. Not So Bad After All Notwith standing tbe Republican success in Ohio, the Democrats carried cloven of the twenty Congressional districts of tho Slate."' Tbey even regained one Republican district, the Sixteenth, which gave a Republican majority of 1,234 in 1878, and a Democratic ma jority of 433 this year. Thcirgain was even greater in Foster's own district, ths Eighth, the Democratic msjorily there being 6,382 against 1,255 last year. Unless, thoreforo, the Rcpubli can Legislature gerrymanders tbe State, tbe Democrats are sure to secure a majority of ths Congressional dele gation In 18R0. - A "Crooked" Case. Samuel J Nell, of Washington county, died in 1870, leaving considerable property, which his wife claimed, as he was an illegitimate child. The act of 18.13 provides that ia tbe absence of known competent heirs lbs estate goes to the widow. Mrs. Thompson, mother of the doooasud, claims the property un der tbe act ol 1855, whicb says that illegilimato children shall bt known by tbe name of their mother, and that tbey aball bars capacity to inborit Irom each other. Tbe auditor ap pointed decided in favor of the mother, and the wife appealed. Elaborate,, Indeed. Tbo astro nomical I'rolessor Proctor deals in big figures. He says tbo earth ia now 500,000,000 years old, and that in 2,600,000,000 years it will be " in ex- trems old age." This lost is doubtless a true remark. After giving us these huge arithmetical computations he caps lbs climax of colossal numbers by the discouraging statement that "these periods of enormous duration ol time sink into insignificance before tbe history of the solar system as a whole, A gentleman writes to tho Chicago Timet to say that he can prove that Bob IngcrtoU's lecture on tbe Mistakes of Moses is flat plagiaram. Tbat will do no good. Bob will turn around and prove to the satisfaction of ths people wbo believe in him tbat there never waa any such person as Moses, and that the book which purports to have been written by bim was really writ ten by son in law of Confucius and circulated in China at a novel 20,000 years before Moses was born. " All on Board Lost. The schooner nattie Johnson, of Buffalo, New York, which left Milwauko, on the ICtb of Novomber, with 26,000 bushels of wheat and crew of eight persons, is conceded to have been lost on Lake Michigan, on the night of tho 19lh. The vessel has been foundered or burned op, as no trace of it can be found, nor a soul left to tell the tale Washington scribblers are all writ ing to the provincial papers to say tbat the winter at the Capital promises to be very gay, It alisttys docs, but there can be no gay winter in Wash ington without big lobby and tbe lobby promises to be small this session A Colt Worth Ha vino. An ex- cbango remarks : Mrs Elizabeth Colt, widow ol Col. Bamuel Colt, the re volver man, gave a grand party in Harttord on the 27th .ult., in honor of the twenty first birthday of her only son snd child, Cad well Colt, i'oung Colt will come into immediate posses sion of about 12,000,000. Mr. Hayes, remembering the little turn Grant did him in 1817, by putting a garrison In Washington, tt is re ported will estsblisb a garrison of six companies at tbe Arsenal in South Washington, to be on hand, ii neces sary, in 1881. J. M. Wieting, wbo Was tbe Green back csndidste for Lieutenant Gov ernor of New York, ssys ho suspects ht was defeated becaaso bis friends forgot to vote for him, and wa "reck on" he Is about right Wo learn from Secretary Hcburs that tba tout- tiambso ol Indians in tbs Unitud States al this lime, or all ages snd sexes, to 151,000. We are io favor of reducing ths Indian race to 10,000 men. Secretary McCrary will bs again nominated for United Stales Clreolt Jodgo next week, and as sooa as bo is confirmed Ex Senator Ramsey's name will go Into tbo Senate for Secretary ol War. ffliSffUnnroui. 4 ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail-Road Ties Cvirwen.rllle, Pa, Jaa. V, T" tf , JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTllEfM9 AND Improved Spring Beds. MARKET 8TKKKT, HEAR P. 0. The udtrtlfotsd kef 1mt to tafom tbttlti uqi of Clerftlil, and tha pub lie fenvrsvllj, that ht hftf on h.nd Miurtment of PuroiUr, raoh tvt WiiBHt, ChMtnul tod Pintd ChMber suiim, rarior Duiiai, nftcnning bimdiioi Ctuir, UW and 4ati' R-iy Chairl, tht far Wattd DiBtaf aad Parlor Chain, Oaat ttoatiaatJ WiDdior Chain, Clotbti Hart. Sup and Kxta lofl Laddtri. llat Raok Uraahas. it MOULDING AND PICT (J HI FRAMES, ousting OIumb, ChroB'ja, At., wfclab oaI4 ilutilt for Uvhday protwnU. - 7 'Jonif TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. rilHK onrlitrtiftncdwUhliig to Inform tbt blle X that bt tBtd a COMMIHMOK HTORK At tbt old iUdJ ia TrotttvLHt, Cltarfltld ooaaty. Pa., oi tbt lath hut., with a full nock of 1RV GOOIM, CHOCKHIUA, NOTION, jjloott, HhotM, lac, la fet Terj thing to ba found m a Int-olata flora, all of which i am deitrmiotd to tall at tht toa-Mt eab prieoa. PARMfSKH ARO IXMBEHMEN Will nod it to their tdvaatagt to Jo tbtir dtaling with tot, aa tbt bightft price, will b p. id fur drain. ESbinglei, or Product of an? hind. Ptrt or ono-btlf each mill bt paid. Trading for oiiinsfitt or LaNBioeroi muj aiaui a fptoiauj. Aito, agin i"r Singer Sewing Machines. Baring madt trraDgrttDtnti with Eastern Btr abanta to atll gotd furniabtd m; tbertfora tall and tea, as I will bt tnablod ta tell tbeaptr than uit raaapML j. vi. VAnblljK, TruuUilU, P.t S-jL JI, 'TV Ij. . Agent, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL ITaa opened, In ft bo tiding on Marktt trot, an tht old WeMern llotol lot, appoeiio tbt Cowl Ubom la Clearfield. a Tin and Shoot-Iron Man factory and Storo, where will bt fonad at all tioaoa a inn una of house FTCHisniira goods, Storos, Hirdvatre. Etc llomt H poo tine aad all klnda of lob work. rmlr- ing, Aa., dona on abort notit and at roaaonabla roiea. Aim, agent mr tat) Singer Sewing Machine. A rapptj of Meehlnen, with Needlea, Ac, a Taraat. atrtatlT tajtb or eunntrv oimwlaoa. A aereoi pttreaagt touoiiaa. U. a., Suprrin ten dent Clearfield, April 16, l87Mf. Wheeler & Wilson F&mUy Sowing- jMacUao No. 8. .re m i.rroTi o jr. Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Running. At the Paris Exposition, 1878, Wheeler & Wilson received the only , - . ... . uranu rriaa awnraeq ror sewing Machines. Over 80 com petilors. Remt of the Ameriatn Institute of New lorkontne II heeler H ioit Machine " Ws do not besitats to deolara It the best Saurian ArrAavarus in the World." Tha 4 .nil N. . U. .....!.... are t iperlallT reeommeadait for rWIOUSIAKKKg' awn lAiufiu are. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bunk, CURWENSVILLE. PA. WHEELER 4 WILSON MT'Q CO., 1338 (Jbestunt St., Philadelphia. April S, IHt-.m. PORT GRAPE WINE Taad la taa principal Churebea fir Commni narpoeee. Szoellont forXimlies oad Woolly arsons IU ULS anngea. Hf.r'f.K. .... -jiij .SPEER'S PORT' GRAPl! WINE f rOt'N VtUR OLD. ... rhla Celekeatea Kallaa Wlaa fa mate from Ike Jaloe af Ibe Opart. Drape, raited la tht veantv. it, laraiaaam ' Tonio and Strengthening Properties are anearpaeeeS ny aay ether Natlr Win. Be. tag tbe para jaiea at inn Urepe. proeuaea aader Mr. rlpeeraowe peraeael aaperailtoa, Its partly and teaaiaeaee, ftra waaraalaael. Tbe yoeBgaet abll, aaay partake af iu seeeroaa ajalattea,-aS tan weaken taaalid ana II t adeaalasa.1 It u partlralarly benetriel la tba eg en aad deuilita lad, aad eaited ta tbe varleaa allaieale that af reet tbe weaker art. ft la la every raapeet A IUK TO BE RKLIKDON. SPEER'S p. j.sninuiY, TaeF.J. SHXSRT la s Wlaa af Sanerler Caereefer, and peruke, ef Ibe roldan 'Saalltlaa af tha wrap. free, wbteb tl ta made, far Partly. Bleaeeee, riater aaa MalleMal neaeiliea, It will be bead eaaseeUed. SPEER'S -P. J.DRATsTDT, Till BRANDTabmdaaaxl.aledlelblaeaaBtrr. belaf tar aaaeriot far madmal parpoeaa.. it IS A PURS dletlttellM free, lha arena aad eaataiaa rateable median! prepertlea. It ana a deUeete leror, ataller ta the! af Ike rape, freer wkiak Hi la dletttwd. aad Is la (re,! aaar amatf tret alias tambaear tea aval the atemarara af Strata Srilll, i reeeala . J., It eewtb aark af aaek battle, SOU) ST X. "W. flATTAM 'alp it, lira-l. !T IW err, T s at" llft q.9 fes 'ai c ft 9nr (Svn &.wtlfrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, rahllahed every Wedaeaday ay G. B. GOODLANDER, CaVBAHflBLO, FA Hit tht Larsjeat ClrealsUsa af any paper la Nertkweetera Peajfaylraala. Tba large and constantly lnoreasing circulation of the Retcblioas. ail i renders it Valuable to business ', men as a medium thro' whiuh to roach ths public. Terms or Bubscription : If paid in advanoe, " , "T" . 12 00 It paid after three montha, . 160 If paid after til months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of tbs oounty payment mustbs in advance, ADVERTISING: Ttn lines, or less, 3 times, II 50 60 t 60 2 60 2 50 1 60 2 60 Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Notices, ' , Eiecstors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . , Cautions and Estrays, . . Dissolution Notices, . . Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, . 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . $8 00 Two squares, . . Three squares, . , One fourth column, One half column, . One column, 15 00 20 00 60 00 70 00 120 00 HliA.MtN. Ws hare always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, - 8UBP(ENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, io., Ac, 4o. JOB PRINTING. Ws ars prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING BUCll AS POSTERS, ...fROGRAUMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, , CIRCULARS, " " Jto.,Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK . WILL RECEIVE -ROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. 11. 0tdlandr, aeartrld, IBiSftnaofouj. arnocd ays CASH or TRADE. Carwanarllla, Pa., Jan. I, '71-tr. MOMJV TO LIMN (la lial claaa la. pro.ed farm property, by tbe Mateal tile luiaranee Oumpaay ef Kew Verb, ea Irai awn., is eaae from SI, tut ap. Per farther la. formation apply ta tbe uadaretrned. HI HXTMAL W. BMITII. Claarlald Pa., May Ilk, ll7D tf. A Bank that Never Breaks. Try My Conl. Tba anderilgned adupta tbla method ef Inform, leg tbe aumeniue ensenmera, tbat hla eool bank ll not a Winter arraapamaal oaly, bal thai II will be operated io tbe Summer aa wall aa Win. tar. I alnim that t bare tba Beist Coal in the Market, aad will aall It tor eaab, or la eichaBge for lour, read, (roeariea, eta. Large oootroMe will be made al a Tery email prolt. por fall pertlaaleri aall aa me ia peraoa. realdlag ia oaa of Urabam'a anpar honaoa, or addraaa nae through the poet, otloe. Ordera left at Iba poatoSiae will rareire prompt BtleBltua, TIMM. A. Dl'CKF.IT. Leraeld, Pa., Jan. i, llfl-tf. GCLICH, MeCOBKLE & C0.'S FlfltNITURE ROOMS, Market StrMt, ClrarOeld. Pa. W, maaufafiteM .11 kl.. -I B..t. ... Obambera, Dining Kooma, Ubrarlel aad Hall.. If yon waot Furniture af hiA a...', i antil yon aae oar ateek. ' In all Iti branohaa, promptly attended to. QUILCH, McCOKKLK A CO. Clearlold, Pa., rob. I, II. ,.; . READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market RU, Clearfield, (at tht Pool OSire.) TI1K tegi leava to ennoaace to - tbe eltiaaaa of Claarlald and rleialty, tbat be baa Sued ap a room and bal jaat returned from tbe alty with a large nmoaot nf reading amlter, eonaiating ia pari of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Peaa Boaha af d. eoriptioa Paper aad Knaelepea, Preneb preaaed and plain Pana and Pencilei bleak Legal Paper., Deede, Mortgage. Judgment, Kiouip ttoa and Promiaarv aotee; White and Pareb. meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cap, Sheet Mnaio, for either Piaao. Plate ar Violin. eoaalaatly oa bead. Aay booha or atatloaary amy aoi nnro oa band, will be ordere4 by tret eipreea, and aold at wboleaale or retail la anil aoatomera. I will alao keep periodioal 11 .... . l ii , .. ' ' ii.i,,,w. mm ai.gsiiaee, naw.panara, o. .... T. JI. UAt.'Lirt. neonate, nay 7. 1 SB-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IV LETUER8BIJRG. Herm(W. ttUOtia will Lm svalJ A i or ia for piwtww. No booki will b kept io lb futartj. All 14 hhbiU bo it b ettlcd. TboM who etnoot ma, will iliut bMid fiTr thir ioUb b4 CLOSE THE BECOED. - ...... .1, .urn hi aeii my good! at eaah v..vmw, Bu s. m unuwii ,ar aeiow tnal aaar olered In thil alainlty. Tbe diaeoaat I allow my enalomwre, will make them rich ia twenty mm if tb.y rollow my adrlea and buy tbeir gooda from .1 I K.H n.. .W . l . . . , - - i i 1 wuw vai. .ou ciorar ")' KAMKL (lOODI.AMlKlt. LatkaralMirg. Jaaaary IT, ISf7. HARTS WICK & IRWIN, SECOSD STRCtT, CLEARFIELD, P.A., SEALERS IH PUKE DRUGS! CHEMICALSI PAINTS, OllaS, DYE STUFF YARN I8HBS, ' BRUSHES, - rsRroyiRr, . lAKCr WOODS, TOILET ART1CLKS, Or ALL KINDS, PURS WINES AND ZlQVORS far maaUelnnl parpaeaa. Traiaae, Sapportara, Rekaal Baaka aad ll.tioa- ooor anieiee aaaally foaad ha a Drag Store. Vl'LLi COMPOUNDED. Haling a (arte aa- C" "amoaa may aaa gi.e retire aaa faMtoa. t 0. HARTSWICK, JOHN P. IKWIN. rWtt.ld. rNommkaa l. lata. JJARD TIME8 HAVS MO IPPSCt IN FRENCHVILLEI I M ftWftr thftl llhSt SIM Saramm. . . Il-.l- hH Io blkMt. and 1 km alao ...m. iL .v. Bat I S. Ban rilaalm, ak-m 1 - " -V, 7?T' Itila(at atf Okmrnal iBKaam" la ..It -l-L. - I . . " - - a eat, buihj uif fornor kid provo mmIbiIv)- Ust harJ Iibsm" will sot ofMt htM who euj lb .it -oW. tnm Ud all BT BmixoBI hall Vt Intll.l Ui. il. i fttM of - flOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have eeoda aunak mm .1 .k . vt.. taaU la tha kwer end mt tk t kn II..??-nXv 'y mammalb Mora la MULSONIIIJRU. .w. r ..1 . a ready u wait apoa aallara aad tapply Ikam wllb Dry Goods of Ml Ilnds Snob a, Clolba, gatlaetta, Caaaimeraa, Maallna unaa, LiHi, unuiaga, CaUeoea, ..laga, atieoaaa, kaea, RaadV-madaClolbin. tlmmlm i.J di. tt... j Oapa all of lha beet maUrlal aad Bade ta order ttaae, hhi, Ulerea, Mltuna, Laaea, Rlbbeaa, e OROCRRIU OF ALL KINDS. Oafaa, lea, Sugar, Kloe, Moleeeee, riab. Sail Pork, Liaeeed Oil, Flak Oil, Car boa Oil., veawnga, rin.i aad Haw Callage, Malta, Rplkaa, 0ra CalUaa tore. Older Praaeea,aaid all klada af Aiea. rairamei,, ralata, TarnUk. Qmaa, aad a feaaral eaaenmawt af lutlmarf, QOOD FLOUIt, Of dlSereal btaaaa, alwaya aa kaad, aad erlil be aald al tba Uweat peeaiblo Igaraa. I. H. K.Cmm-a bird Mb ea, yayne-e Mao.leea eaUUer a ud Uaotaad'a Siraera. MSS peaada af Waal wasted Par wbbsb the hlgbaat priea will ba paid. Cleeeraeed aa baad aad far aala at tha hemeet aarkat arte. Alan, Agent Per BtrntUarllle aad Cnmnarllbi Tbr-bleg Maeklaea. mm. Can aad am roe yowraah-oe. Tea will lad rarytklwf aewally kept la a retail Marw. L. at. SOCDRIIT. rreaebrllle P. 0., Aagael It, I fit. . .. ... . j