Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 10, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid la advanoe,or wltbia tbree M
If paid after three aad before ill Bentha... S 40
If paid altar the eaplratloa of all noahta... 00
jaOr-ifeear.. B. M. Pbttbbbii.1. A C, Kewa Advertlelng Arau, IT Park Row, eoraer
Reek naa Street, an oar duly aalkorlaed AgeBla
la N.w York City.
Methodlat Kplecopal rhareh Rev. J. 8.
HrMuaniV, Parlor, Sorvlee. every Fehhath
vt loft A. M., and It P. M.
Habbalk gohool at A. M.
Prayer Meetiei every .dlI, at 71 P. M.
Conn aoloa Bervlee, trat Sabbatk of every
aonth, al 10, A. H.
Wl Claarflalil M. K. Chart hRev
IV. poor WiLaoa, Peater. . Preachiog every
alternate Sunday, al I o'olook, P. 11. Sunday
oobool al If, P. M. All ara iarlled 10 alUad.
Praebtleriaa Church Rev. H. B-Botlbb.
Sabbath aerTlcea noraiag and eveaing Sab
bath Sohool at I P. M. Prayer Haotlag n oaoea
iay eveaing.
Haptlat C'harrh. Rot. , Paator.
Sabbath School all P. U. Prayer Meellngerery
YYedeeaday OTaaing.
St. Kranele Churcb Catholic Rer. P
J.Haaainaa Dirlna aart loa al lt A. M, oi
I ha irat. third and fourth Suadeveef aaek Booth
Veapera and Beaodlation of lha Dlaaaad Baereoaaet
at 7 o'clock, P. m. buodny ttbeel .very euaaay
aflarnooa at s o cloak. . -
rtaa or BoLoiae QtuBTBa aaaatoat ooobt.
Pooood M ooday of January.
Third Monday of Maroh.
Fliet Monday af J una.
Poarth Mooday of September.
naa or iolbibb cob-mob rtaaa.
Firat Monday of Jnno.
Hoeond Monday of Novombar.
s rrauo orricBRa.
PruUnl Jvlft Boa. Cbarlal A. Majar, of
Look llavan.
ioiiM Lmm Jmdf Hon. John It. OrrKt, of
ilaaoet'ola Judff Abram Ogdan, Claarlaldt
Vlnoanl B. Holt, Claarfiald. ,
Pftomlary Bli Bloom.
Rigiiur and Ritordtr L. J. Morgaa.
A.triel Afloraay Wn. M. McCulloagh.
fraaaarar Philip DolU.
JV1m-.' Anriraw PantB. Jr.
HtpHif Sktrif Chrlal. J. Keaggy, Olaarfiald.
(Joaaty ojaraayor Samaal F. UcCloakay, Cur-
Ooaala OoaiaiiaaVoaai-a C. W. Kylar, Orahaai.
toa P. U.i Klah JuhnatoB, tiranpiaB I'illa P. 0.j
John Norrll, Sr., Curwanirllla.
Ooaafy Aatfilora William V. Wright, Cloar
Old : Joaoph QlllilaDd, Tliraa Ron.; J.S. Nor-
aia. Wnnrfland.
Coaara Ooroaar J. B. KaJ, Raw Waablngloa.
Jury Coaiaii.aioaara Dr. Jamea P. Burehfield,
UlaarBad, joaapo Aiaaanuar, mauor.
Undtnt 0 Pnb.t fieAoob H I. He
Qoowa, ClMrfleld.
StnUr Wtigkf f Mtatnmt JetM W. Ctrllln,
nffio tvt Lnibtraburg P.
Notarin Pubtie John W. WrifUy, Vfm. Rn
.I.KkiBAfh. Tvry Gordon. Clearflcldi J oner It K,
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Carwenvtll ; J. A. Lirinf-
lon. Da Hon t'tty.
Our Spniat trtnmn ii decidedly tntereitlng to
local point of view, tod profitable reading to
auUitleri vbo want to t money.
"Will )on take wlfrai, eati or oora for tub.
MTlplloo 7" W ire nften irvqeired of In thil way
by Ulter from patrona who rriU at a dlitaana
from Clearflold. -Wa giu aay yf. Tht roiMlpU
of a rrrponrlbla merliant or will owner In tbe
Tletnlty, will answer n jnH u well a tha eaih.
Tn lllluitrate : If any of our patroni will dollrer
af a bng of grain at the ntH of JoMph H. Bnth,
In Cheet tcwunhip, Horoe Palchln, In Oarniida,
Thoinai II. Purey, In (Iraham. Wm. Porter or
Sliaw', In, Lawrtime, or Brown A Beyler'i, at
Hockton, ITbImd townitilp, and forward tbair
rueelti for the btuiouut, we will aredit than on
their aoooout for lb nine. In tlii way all nay
aoon pay what they owe, If they will punuo tbli
Sowing buHkuts at lioilbrun's.
Uoliday poods in nur stores ore be-
lag Drought to the front.
For the finci-t Stationery (.oods, go
Th ('Rtholie church throughout the
world elb:aie4 lat ju .! oi me imrjiyi
Cuaerfllon laat Monda?-
A iiuw kitchen ot contoderuble pro-
1 L I I ..111 I. .......ttnaa at.t. tkaa
)iniuni vmw utcv umii m vwuuhiioh iaa
rtfldfcro of John L)llt. on Cherry ilreet.
. More SherifTs unleo, tlo Trial lint,
mi 01 ainrorif inn eniatr ivgati (.uw art ivi
the January tarn of Cotrt appear In tbli Inn.
Don't forget Kit Parkin's humorous
leotaraln Fia'i Opera Monro on Riturday aren
Ing, Daa. 30th, for tba bentflt of tha Ltonard
Library. " um " r ' "
Puul Weaver, wlnU engaged ot
bravj lifting nt Geo. waarar e. Co.'artora, In tbit
boroogb. a faw dayi ilBria. uprained bia ankta
Will. Carloton on ''The Lightning
hod Ditpenter," to bo fouod on onr Sr.t paftr. la
no of tha bait production, wa bar read for a
long tloia. ' "
iieury DoHb.of litis
ton towatblp, recently alipped and fell, wbUt ear
7&I lavrs of elf broke bii Wg la
two plaoej.
There are ten pontons imprisoned
within lha wnlli of oar eunaty jail. Too najority
cf then ara awaiting trial at tho next tern af
tha Quarter Baaaioni Court.
Beautiful duAigns tor New Years'
a rda oao be lean by calling at tbo KaruiMCA
otBoo. Ma ho your aolaetionp, and tbey will bo
printed to order. Don't w.t intil tho laat day.
W. A. Hagorty taught one of the
pitnary tohooia in tbli borough laat week. MIm
Moora, lha regular tenobar , baring been India-
poled an aeooiut of DIdoh, Mita M. ta at her
poat of duty again thia week.
Rut, Tbos. lia rn hart, lormerlv of
Ihi aooilon, and now a Weald ing Elder of the Da
Uulnoa M. E, Conferoooe, Iowa, wo tt4fUy
loarn.waa raeently thrown fron hla rarrlaga on
tbo prairie nod confidently Injured.
i a -
Rtiv. Clearfluld Park was installed
paitorof tbo Preahyitriaa t'hnroh at UUIrllla.
N. J., on tho 19th u)U It it arldont fron thia
that tba CWarfUld park la netful tf It laut orni
nwntal. What 'i In a ua, aaybow P
aaaaa 1
We call the attention ol our readers,
ruilding In tba aoutbwoatornaootion f tbeoounty.
aad who. Mtn tha aouria of buna areola," way
rod tba eervicea of no nndtrtaker , to lha adror-
iWemtatof Mr. Henderaoa,loiaied la the Ho rough
of Ilurotlde.
George C. and T. W. Moore, iu this
borough, are hepl buiy then liaiea ratping tbo
poga out of tha brogana whiA tbay are diapoaing
to cnalotaerl cheap. Tbelr atoek of geota' furn-
lahlng gooda and ladioa' and abildren'i ahooa hi
bow earn plot a.
T. I). Buoy, the turnilure man at
PrnOeld, U progreivlra la bii lino tf builneee.
abd U twrniog out bandaono and goo! farnituro
at reatonnfala prleoo. He alto poaatoi a Irtt
olaai hear, aad baa added aa undertaker! de
part neat to bia bnalnoaa aatablithaent
Superintendent Mctjuown nhuuld
engage tome atroag-roieed Hader to repeat Will.
Carlrl'ia'i "Lightning Rod Diipenaor" during
tbo aatiion of tha Inaiitnta. It It an ateeileai
produotion, and ao nrtwlieal that half tba rata al
tbo eurrant period hara loaraed It all oicept,
pethapa tba ptoiloal roift,
Mr. John A. Kurtz, of Kaunas, who
waa vliitirg Irienda In Ibia plaoe, he being a
br other of Mra, A.M. Row, oallod to aao na an
Wedaaaday of laat week, In ooapany with Praak
Chat pee lag of tbo Jomnt eSe Mr. Kuril la
n nreeileal printer, and wai but rooently tunnoal
od with I be Augutta (Kenan, sVettf.
Mr. Shaw, proprietor of tba Shaw
Honea, la tbli berougb. bai reetntly bona naking
fonilderabla abawgo and InproronMt In tbo In
Urior of tho hotel. Tbo po.Mion of tbo bar bai
boon changed, and aa yaler and Itacb talooa
petitioned off. A new door lea da fren tba tan
pie roon tat tbo talooa., ta (hat percent ana go
In and ool wlthowt going la tbo bnr-roon.
We are indohtrd to the CorwensviHe
fiwet for I bo lofornntUa thai Iho grain boa ta
hjtlatglag la Mr. Liaiib Wtl, of, Peon lowethip,
Vl dettfTed by Ira oa Monday night or laat
f ek. Mr! Wt11 bad bia (r oropa ttortd theiHn,
ana farntag InpltnanU and other good a, all
f whiob worn aontanod. Tho Ira It Mppooad
to be tbo art! of aa latnadlary at Nr. Wall nan
aoeoant for It la no olbor way.
Moustache cap t Ueilbrua'o. -v
"Whon wise mon apeak lot the mul
lltada give aar." fee "gallara' liver Pllle."
Sold k; all drugg iata.
r . , ( a a m .
Promoted. We notioe ibal Willium
I. Wallaoo, of tkia pleae, kaa haan appelated
Clark la Ika gaaala Conojlltee oa taa Rarl.ioa of
lha Law.. ' '
Another lot of tboes beautiful ltem-
ingtoa Sewing elackiBee, Juat reeolved at liar
dar'a. Thete naekieee keve ao oog-wkeela, Borne,
aor Frlflloa pulleya. Coaja aad examiaelkoia.
; Iter. Bishop Gilmour ot Clovcland,
Obta, kaa ad lha Uraal Qarmaa Remedy, Be.
J.eube Oil, and aadoraaa It highly. Ha wrlfe
about It af l"llowa : I aaa pteeaed to aey that tha
aaa of St. JecobeOil baa baoe.tted aaa greatly, aad
I hara aa kaaltatloa ta raeoaatntnd It la all aa aa
eiavlleat euralif a.
tt'ah is the aigniflcant name of the
proprietor of a Bow alaga raala aetwcea Uar-
weoavilie aou venoie. Airooen me....
Why, you ".pocnay," don't 70a kaow thai
thara la nothing 1b a aana. Walk'a lloa of rlagoa
la ona of Ika faetoet lbat kaa paaaed over Ibal
bloverataant mail routa for forty roar.
An exi-bune says, that on Hallo w-
e'ea, John Holland, of kdenburg, Clarion county,
fell or emu Rcpreta truck, which had been p aoed
In (runt ul hit dMiT by come boya, and ha baa
elaue died Iron tojurte. cualaiued by the fall.
The tai-iayori will hara a aloe bill to pay to the
widow, h coalite of ibe bad boharior of tbo bjya
that traatgroaa tha ardinaaoai of that borough,
lliuiiLY Scientific.- A correspon-
drotef tbo Mifflin town SemUmtl roporta tha dii
eorcry of n aoar Rlebfield, Janlata ooanty.
Tbo celling ll ornanentod with stalactite! eaaeed
by ealearoous water fron the oalelun of liuo
tone. Tba wallt arc corered with tin til ttnlag-
aoitet, neny of which ire in the form of tbo teeth
of aninalt, oaloifled latoerystals, and others iota
obarning beada. The floor la formed of a eLa-
riout eirthen baft. Beroral Ina apeoimena of
petriatrd vegotablec ware fouod In the ctve.
. aaaaaaaaatV "
Sunday, Pecembor 21sf, lft?!, will
bo the tbortatt day of tbo year, bat la it Friday
night wat ibe darkest night 10 dark that the
lamp-llgblor couldn't toe to Ind ibe lamp-potts,
and therefore, pedestrians who wort compelled to
bo out that evootng bad to grope their way at
bait they could la mad, and "dark nan that could
bcrclt.M It wat rory annoying and iaeoorooleat,
and ore ry time tnat ooo pitted a lamp (which
waa dark and Jeioltta aa the grnro) It favorably
Itnprctred then with tbo progrom of lmprorc
ncntt in our town. Why fore wen the to things
. n - m .
Til k Old Stob y rarentt Loafing and
Ckildrtn Zrurorrf. We leara fron the Hunting
don Glob, that oa Monday afternoon, tba let in
ttant, batweta three and four o'clock, tbo house
of Mr. W llliin Bordell. la the Big Valley, about
two and a half nllea below Allcoeillc, wat totally
destroyed by Are, and bii two children perished
la the tlauei. Mri. Bordell bad gone to n near
neighbor's1, tearing tba children ta the house, and
while there taw ber bouao on Art, but before ibe
oonld got home tbo bouao wat n burning naaa and
the children ceuld not bo rescued, it Is not
known how tho Are originated, but U is tupuied
tbo children got lo playing with the flro ia the
Hove, and thui sat Ara to the house.
- - ag. aw
A pRODiuv. The Altoona Tribune is
retpoaeible for the following : ' Walter McCailin,
of CU-arfleld county, a perfect wonder in pre
pon deration of fleah, ten yr of nge anj weigh
ing 125 pounds, paaicd through Tyrone on Tbun
morning, going east. He i lands three fast ia
height and neaurea Ally Inobti around tba
waiit. Hit nuttier who weight probably 105
poundi, ttated that up until be wm eight nnht
old he grew at an ordinary child. About that
tint ha waa thrown out cf a oarrlage, and, al
though not badly hurt, aba thloki his spina wai
tligbtly injured aai accounts for bit un usual
growth In thnt way. Three other children ware
with tha mother of this prodigy, and arc of tho
ordinary tiaa and weight. Thi fatbtr, J met
MoCaalin, Is dead,"
.Bad "Roo8TiR8." Two men ex
hibited In Tyrone reorally, what I bey styled a
beadiest, yet living r cotter, and, eayi tbo Tyrone
Dtwvxrrai, not a few of tha ourioua paid their
ten eontaand took in tbo tight. Afterward! they
opened tbeir ihuw" at Holli layiburg, but) wot
ooo arrested oa the charge of wanton cruelty
and maiming an -mala, and In defeat! of f500
ball were committed to jail to answer at Court.
They giro tbelr aanai at B. f. Ullmoro and O.
W. Price. Tbo front part of tba bead of tha
rooater. Including tho bill and tba eyes, waa aut
off wlthoot injuring lha brain, aad tha mutilated
bead smeared with a preparation ta girt It aa
old appearance. They will thus hara a reason
of re it fron tbo butlaeti, nod when tby aj(eln
obtain tbelr liberty It it hope! thfy may And a
a more commendable occupation.
eereatbaanuel SaSbatb School Convention, under
tha auapitet of the Huntingdon Presbytery not
at T j rone on Tuesday aad W ad n aad ay of last
week, an wa" wall attended, a Tha prooeodlngt
were very Interesting to all present. Tba dele
gate from thil county to far ai wo could learn
warn at follows i
Cteatleld Rer. H. 8. fiatlcr, Mrs. II. 8. But
ler, Mri. 8. 8. Liddell, Mrs. R. H. Shaw.
CarwoatTilla W, N. Dyer, Mrs. Dyor.
lieu I ah Rer. Wn. Oennill, Sup't Thonai
Pruit Hill John 0. Johnaton.
0eola K.r. If. H. Miller, W.J Jachsoa,
8up't. J. R. Canarta. i w is
PcnBeld Miss Altoo E. Bird.
Wlllianigrore S. II. Qill, Ploreaco Caldwell,
8adlo MoQuorrla.
Tboacit Coaventlon will bo held at Hunting
don, Pa., by Invitation from that town, la P-
tmbor,lS8v). J ' t
. j,. aa-raaTAtl aUTMi r j V
Uiuqlers in Chvhch. Giggling is
detoribod ia tbo dictionary at tba not of "laugh
lag with abort oaloboc of breath,' at laughing
idly. Uttering, grinning. It ti illly and cbildiah
enough anywbtre, but la church Hit abtmlnablt)
and yet there it no plaoe where gfggUog It more
oonmoa. It ll aatural in tohool-glrli, but when
mot with In young women of nineteen and twenty
it it unpardonable. It ta frequently a ciaraoter
title of young men with Incipient moustnohea, wbe
think tbey qualify tbcmulvti for manhood by
affecting contempt for tbair olden' revere. Tbey
giggle al anything. If they oateh tbo eye of an
aualatanoo tbey glfg'e If an old woman rites
loo toon fur a hi ma tbey giggle j If a baby erlet
tbey gigg'o f If tcne one drops n book tbey gig
gle; If Ibe plate it banded to tome one who putt
atrthiag In they giggle If tone aaa Bear them
tlnga out and repeata I he rc'pontvt loudly tbey
giggle; If the choir ma kaa a is take they giggle.
Ia lacl, aotbing la loo email or InitgniAoantloar
roit tbair ootlet aad prwdnoe a giggle.
Ora New Census District. We
recently published a Hat of eooaUot which we
then beliavtd ware those oompriting this dletrlct
for the nest eeofn. to be lakaa ta 1 8 St. Tba ttit
then published In the ftirraur.1 wai given ai
It appeared In a nambtr of onr oi oh togas. It
wat, however, be irreet . Tbc Huntingdon Jeof-
tor hat been furnithtd with t eorreet Hal from
aa official tonrca, whlob, with othur lnfuratioa,
we eopyi "Adami, Centre, Clearfield, Clinloa,
Cunberland, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon,
J on lata, Mifflin, Parry, Snyder, Union and York.
Thla district, therefore, tonprlaet foarteea eona
tiee, aad by Ibe ttotfetlci lakea la the list caatnt,
I87t, It nppean that the population of thete
fourteen oouoilei was then 411,133. It Is proba
ble that the r mot to be taken nut year will
tbow thnt their present population It over 40,
Ooe. One dupervitir will have charge of each
dlitr lot, aad tba tetritory will be divided among
person s whoee duty II will bo lo gather the re
quired ttatistiet. Baeb perana will probably
have, on aa average, about three) townthipt In
the rural dlstrleU."
A Huntino Accident. The Tyrone
Ntrmld relaiac the following t "An avoidant hap
pened to Joba Sldllnger, laat Hod ay afteraeea,
by which be tame near losing bit life, bat for
Innately etoaped with three buck abut wnaada la
bit left arm. Mr. BMtlogef aad Tan Llgblnao
aad booa oat oa the mouatala ham ting (ar deer,
and oa the It way homo, wore pace lag through a
doact thicket at wadirbrach, Btdlingcr la froal(
wbca tba hammer of Lighteef'c gua eaaght a
twig, ditebarglng a part of Ibe contents into
Stdllnger't arm. If the charge bad itreek bin
la lha body, he woatd have aadoaateflly hare
booa killed. As It wai, be wt able to walk bane,
a distance of to vera! mi let, wbea Dr. Burbot at-
leaded la droning bit woaadt. He It gettlag
asoag all right, and will perbapa be ready far
aaetber heal la about two weeka. The habit af
carrying a gaa Ibreagb lha bnaeh aad bashet.
with the mettle petaiiog toward a man waiting
la fren', tea'! goner ally apprerao; f tba bet
practical hontert t la the way of gaitlng aj
tootle lor aewtpapert, II aeror tat it la producing
eniltfaotery retaltt. Ona condoning leatvre la
nob aeaea, U the fad that, deer being tee roe,
hoatert matt hare tomcthlag It about it, or tbey
Would toon got oat af araeiiee,'' f ' -
KuU of all kinds at Jleilbran's.
If you want a good pair ol skates
cheap, go to iiarucr t hub store. aeo iv-ii.
a aa B I aTaaa i
"I irave tho cbitd a dose of "Dr. Sol
birt' Cough Syrup," and It waa all right la aa
hour. Sold by druggist! at 16 eeaU per bottle.
Tbomaa Duekott still claims that
bit bank will laat for all Una, aad that it yields
Ibe beat coat la the vicinity af Clearfield. Orders
will be filled oa tight.
The Brady Township Teach era' In
tlltute oonvoned nt Ooal Hill on Saturday,
lth, and Bviwllhitaadiag tbc, lealtmeney af tba
weather. It proved to U No. 1, and wai well at
tended by diraetori and teachers.
aaa -o a
From the Philipsburg Journal, we
learn that tba wife of Mr. Uoorga Mofflt, or De
eatur township, Iblt county . while deteonlinga
pair of elope at the rear cf ber res id on e oa Batur-
day aftaraooB, tho 29th alt, fell and fractured
tbebonea of tht tight arm abort the wrist Joint
On Thanksgiving diiy, in the absence
of tbc teaobon, direcinr aatarod tbo Radakcr
aeboal boaao, ia Brady township, and "slated'
aad Improved the blackboard. Now, if ho will
call again an! take enough patent dtski with
him to furnish the room, tba happiness af the
teacher and scholar a will be ootuplote. M
1 g a
Lust of letters, romuiuing unclaimed
in tht lo tofllceat Clearfield, for tho weak ending
Doocmber I IT t ) ; t ; t , f' J - 1
P. T. Ammerman, Mist Maggie Alexander,
William Brumbaugh, Mlu Clara P. Cooklin, Jack
Eckloy, Mrt. Emma llynn. Mitt Lottie Hummel,
Lou to Noemao, Dan J. Mo Lean, Rugglei Rltacr,
Porelval Rudy, Jamat Sifart, Michael Showers,
Dtvirl R. Shad!, Annie U. Welch, David Wclkcr.
P. A. Gaulin, P. M.
Worldly Wavs. The current ol
human attain it alwayu ia motioa rogardlasa of
personal etiquette. Tho Belief on to
gives a onto la polati "Judge Linn, of William t
port, formerly of Belle fnU Ml President Judge
of this dittrtct for a number of yoara, and by the
way one of the ablest land lawyers In tho Ptate,
wat In town on Monday and Tuesday lest. Hit
Honor lookt well. Wonder what be thinks of hit
old borne, the parson a go, being turned into a
cigar manufactory P"
Good Success. The team of Daniel
Krise, of Uirard township, hauled lo the Ei press
offloc In thit plaoe, on Saturday last, taa deer,
which were hilled in tba "Oreoawoodt"ln Oosbta
and Uirard township, the result of a too days'
hunt. They were ablpped to tba following namei
and placet :
Sii to A. Bttiaer, Harrisburg, weight ..
Three to J H. Friday, Osoola, weight.
One to Rev. I. Heck man, Vll, weight.,
rrtt lbi.
?.n tbi.
I J tba.
Tola' weight-
1,153 Its.
A. A. Graham, attorney at law, of
this boroQgh.bai located at DuBoit for tho prac
tice of bia profession. For the time being, he
aad Bqulre Taylor will occupy the tame offlee.
Purtiet in that locality wanting legal adrlot will
be accommodated promptly by calling upon Mr.
Urabam. . Hi bat tha ability to make a flrtt-clait
lawyer, afad hy itrlct attention tobuilueai aannot
but secure a lucrative practice. Wa ber pack a
liberal show of patronage for AI. In hit new field,
and hope be will g it ber In many duiata aa a re
ward for hit labors.
A Good Lick. The local of the
Bcllefoo'c K'ofnAnea gets tbo local of tbo Demo
crat "where Ibe hair it short,' on this plan.
They are both "guihere," but the former la far
ahead In this care: "The prettiest young lady lo
town baa beta given tba opportunity ta manu
facture for Mr. Ntwtoa Bailey, tbc gushing local
of the Vtntrt Democrat, a pair of slippers, a dressing-gown,
or a purse In which tu carry lilvcr.
Tbli week's Uiue nf that paper extends the in
vitation. We beg to ndd that ajoekin g horat
would likewise be a very appropriate gift for that
youag gentleman."
'The Old and Tho New," "Wander
ings in Sunny Lands," "Character end Manners, "
and tbc "Grand Reading and Music 1 Entertain
ment," will undoubtedly prove to be Ibe most en
joyable eaUrtetamenti ever offered toa C: ear S eld
audieooa. The embody grace, wiidoni, honor and
eloquence, and, tha re fore, mutt prove to be of tba
bigboe4opjyiwa;aB4prcfit. MW ftwloeferdll
a graceful reader, CoLSanford and Dr. II ay a are
(powerful ltotartri, and eeventy-firc eenU, wblob
will aacorc yoa a course ticket for tho entire weak,
could not be in retted to a better adraatage by
any una. (Jet your ticket! at tha Poitofflot now.
The Jury Commissioners. Dr. J. P.
Bare h lie Id and Joeeph Alexander, met last week,
and, la leoorda&ee with tbc order Istaed by tba
Court at the November Term, put the names of
sit hundred person! Into tba wheel ea terra at
jurore during the year 1B80, end after tbc wheel
iu Died, la eoaooetloa with the Sheriff, drew
tba Grand and Traversa Juror a for tht mining
January Court, a list of whleh appears la aootber
column. Tbia meeting completed the labor! of
Dr. BurohAeld hnd Joeeph Alexander, the old
Board of Juty Commliilonara. The new Jury
Commiisionert, Andrew Jaokaoa and Wn. R.
Brown, with Joba W. llowa aa Clerk, will attome
the rcspooalbllitiei of the office at the oatamanio
mcnt of tht new year.
a - e
Clearfield Coal Trade. State-
meat of Coal aad other freight tent over the
Tyrone A CI earl aid Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the weekending November 19, 1879, aad
tha tame time laat year t -
For tho week.....'.
H 2u,63l
Same time laat year.......
Increase.,....... .. ..- ' 1,946
Prevloasly daring year l,4,ltl
Same time latt year Ul,08
Total In 1879 JL M
Same time laat year..
; A4,
............ 1,46,6M
.m 10,59
Lumber ....,.... m.m.. 1 1 cars.
Miscellancoui frcigbtt...M U- "
Gdnninu Accident. On the moru-
log of the 16ih alt., Mattri. Warren Bummarioo,
A. J. Quigley aad U. R. Cad went into the
mountain! of Tonngwonao'l orcek It hunt dear.
While watching Mr. Cedy mtnntcd a stamp for
a fair view. Resting the 'ball or hit gua oa the
itniap ha placed the palm of hit right hand ever
the inutile, laid the middle of Ibe left forearm
aortrtt bit hand, aad while to leaning, the gua
a lipped oi Ike etump, tba hammer ttrlkiag with
force enough to dieobarge. j The hall patted
through the right haad, tba through the thick
mute lea of tbc left forearm aed it reek Ibe fact
about the middle of tbc leR cheek bbne.hnd
Anally patted through bit bat Hit erttt attracted
hit eompeolooi, wbe assisted bin lo hit bone,
about Ibree ml las dlsteet where hit wounds were
dreitod by a pbysiclaa. -Cfatoa Democrat.
Execution op Tract. Andy Tracy's
otto waa to ally ditpoaed af at enetbport, He
Keaa county, e a Tbaraday latt. Dee. 4th. H
wat led la tht teeffotd at 1.40. At Ml tba Sheriff
cat tht rope, and Traey'i body wantdowa through
lha trap, and a horrible cento Wat proa sated.
Tba kaet aalteeed aad be fell heavily on the
tone loor. Tracy wat lifted ap through tbc
opening by the Sheriff, aad the rallgloaa cere-
noalct were continued. A now rope wat rooufed ,
aad Tracy, at l.ed, wat dropped lata eternity,
Ho uttered no word after the fall. Tracy had
aothlag tc eey aa tba teoffold. Oar reader! arc
familiar with tba cause that led ta Ibe execution
of tbli man. Oa Ibe Ufa af September bt AV
llberatelj ibal aad killed bit eon it a, Mary Reiily,
beeauae aha waald aot narry bin la oppetltloa
ta tba laws ef tbo Catholic ehnrch aa the subject
of narrUgt. Tbc numerous attempt! hp nave the
life cf Ibe unfortunate naa hare been frequently
wrtttea aad all wort of So avail.
A Deer Fight. The Philinubnrcr
Mrwar of Saturday laat eon taint taa foiiowiag
aeeoaat of aa eaeoenter with a deer, whleh we
pa hi lib at a aenpetoieoj pleat ta tht bear Agbt
published latt week.-"On Monday ef last week
Joba 8. Boggi towatblp, Clearfield
eeaety, in eempaay with three ef hit boys, ttarttd
oml for a door buat. Era long tbey ttartcd a
Ant bach fron tbo thicket, wbea one oi the yeeagtr
Vaoarharta, le rated hit rifle, bat only broke a fere
leg and tba dear toa tie wed ta run followed by
the haatera,. Aflat a emaee af fear nllea tha
party aame ap ta the wounded back, wbea Mr.
Qeerbeerl, tha eUer, gave bin aaothor tbot,
bringing the noble aaimal la tba greaad, whoa
the eld naa aad hit earn Sanaa! laid bold af the
door, end neither aaa havlag a large halfc ar
haiehet al bead, a aannea paekci-bnifc wat
te bat I luted by Mr. Q earner t, U cut Ibe victim 't
throat, bat al tht first plunge ef the lain tM
deer apranf to hit feel aad pinned Samuel agalait
a kg. It waa Aha aid maa't lorn bow ta grasp
the deer aad draw bin at from bit toa, wbea the
back aaec mora attempted la,! bela too
weak, he aad tha aid beater rolled do wa lha kill
together, la which Utpc Samaal tatae la the reecae,
aad with a well-aimed emu, anal a ball tale the
heed af the door which elooed the eoateeC The!
baek weighed I6 peeadi. Tha latlewlngday
tba can patty faoaacded la tbeotiaj an'UMr,
fiat deer ." f
Don't fail to see lioilbrun's babies.
Christmas goods for the old and
. aaa. ana n.UVvanaa'a
Heilhrun will receive a fine lot of
fancy goodi next week.
The finoat stock of Wax Dolls in
Clearfield, at Hcilbran'i.
Look at it f look at It. Vanilla.
Vanilla Caramels at Hcilbrua'i,
The best place to get Cftristmas
pretcnu u at UauMa a. oeciotu
If you want an Organ or Piano of
too best make, go to uauiin t. dcoioti.
, This way lor bargain! in Gonte' fit in
thing goods at 11 ir linger 4 Rook't. dec U-i!t.
If you want Bluir'scolebrated Pencil
Tablatt from 4 to A crate go to Uaunn I.
A new invoice of Boys' clothing just
received and cbeap at utritoger m tvoux t.
dee 10 St,
A large) stock of lato styles and
cheap overcoat t at 11 It linger m nook t.
dee 10 It.
A large and beautiful variety of
Ltdtot' and Qeote' tllk heron left, at T. A. fleck's.
, fr det 10 It,
Stony Creek Cassimera and Ken
tncky Jeant at old prieta, al T. A. Flee t A Oo'i.
j doe 10-1.
Anything you want in Books, Sta
tionary, alutlo, or fancy Uoods, will be found at
aaulin'a. dcolOtf.
Tho larircHt anRortmcnt of Ladies'
Fan aver ottered lo the county, ara new to be tern
at T. A. Fleck A Co'l. deelO-St.
Twelve new pieces ot Ladies' coat
ing In all grndei of Matlem and Bearer cloths,
at T. A. Fleck'!. drtlO-3U
Filling up for the Ilollklays, with
every thing pleating and useful, at T. A. Fleck, A
Co't. die If -St.
For two years I havo suffered from
ealculout dtpotltt. Ont bottle af Baroema re
moved tha depot. t, and I aave enjoyed good
health for three yean, J. H. Ctta.
Prepared by E. K. Thompton, Tituivlllt, Pa,
and for talc by all druggliti in Clearfield, and
Joseph Soylar A Son, Lotherabarg. dcel-St
A Fact. Anadvertisemcntlnsortod
la Ibe RaruaLicaa will reach more rcadcra than
If publlabcd la all the other papers la the coun
ty, and aott tba advcrtiicf taaa thaa one-half
la other wordt, an advertiaemeat published in Jcurnal j worth double tha price of that
ohai4; ly any other publisher ia the county.
"It U a fact." tf.
Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re
moved bli medical office to the roona recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, in Ora han't row
He makes CHRONIC It IS EASES a specialty.
CHARGES VERY LOW. The manufacturers
baring lowered prices, be la prepared to furnish
dueed ratet. The afflicted will be benefited by
giving him a call. JulylS, '79-tf.
New Daily Stage Link. James L.
Leafy hat tucceeded ia baring a dally mall eatab-
llahcd between Clearfield and Ptanficld, and will
hereafter rue a daily attge between the two point a.
Hi contract began with April 1st, and the stage
wilt leave llearfleld every motnlog (except Sun
day) at A o'clock, making roaaeetloai with all
tralm on tbc Low Grade Railroad at Peanfleld, re
turning after the last traia the tame evening.
Patteagertand freight will be carried at low ratea.
Orders left at toy of tbc hotels will be attended
Kahmkhh, Look Here I Lytlo will
give you highest uiirktt prioet for Wheat, Oeta,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onloni, Applet,
dried fruits, and all kladi of produce, he hat
the largest and bett itlected ttock of groceries,
teas, coffees, mole tot, ipjecc, all tall, to gar,
queen t ware, tubt, buckett, basket!, ehurat, Ac.,
ia Clearfield county. He buytbis gooJs la large
quantities from manufacturer and Ant banda
for cash, and taket tba advantage of all
dtaeountt,aod to he It enabled to tell at lowest
prices. He givet cash prioet for produoo,and telli
bii goods nt the lowest prioet la the county.
a tfpt-14-79-tf
The Wllliamaport Sun Is rofponslble for the
following good points, useful ta all taxpeyere.
What the law ft oa thcae poiaii wo know aot)
but the paragraph! arc to full ef common acntc
that wa reproduce than for lha bine fit of our
readers : At every term of Court speculation ta
Indulged In aa to "who peyi tbc coils" la actions
at law. Tha following will giro the desired la
fermatien :
Ia the following oases the county la at liable
lo com
1. If the grand jury return a bill "Ignoramut"
ia a caac oilier .bap ftlony, and order the prose
cutor to pay the costs, and the prosecutor having
beea tootaoeod lo pay tbem, It committed, aad
then diaoharged according to law, without having
paid them, the couety la aot liable to par coats.
1. Nor is tbc county liable if n bill be found
"a true bill, and Ibe Defendant bavlog been
tried and acquitted. and ordered be ibe petit
jury to pay tutrn, ana it committed and dta-
ebarged according tc us, tne tottt not be tag
3. Nor If the Defendant la acquitted aad the
proeeeeior It ordered by tbo petit jury to pay the
ooata, who, after being sentenced by the Court lo
nay theva. It committed and discharged accord
ing to law, the eoata being unpaid.
4. Where a De 'en dent Indicted for a misde
meanor ie acquitted by a petit Jury, and the Jury
doei not determine wbeibor the the
prosecutor, or the Defendant thall pay taa eottt
of preeeeution, aa they are reqaired te da by tbc
Act of Sib of December, 18o4, the eoet ara act
to be paid by tba county.
ft. Where) na Indict ment hat been returned a
true bill." the nroeecntinc attorney cannot enter
a nefaroaefwi without tbo eootent of the Court
and charge the county wlib the eottt of the pro to-
Ia the following eases the eoun'y It liable lo
pay the eottt :
1. Where a Defendant It convicted br a Jury
and It legally discharged without baring paid
the 0"eti.
1. Wbea a ease ef turetr of the aeaee the
Oourtdiretett tbc ounty to pay the coils. t
j. when ta erand jury ignore a bill aad di
rect the eooetj lo pay tho coats, and wbea the
petit Jury acquit the Dofendant and direct Ibe
county to pay the costs.
4. In ease of felony, wbn tht grand jury if.
Bore the bill, and whan tbc Defendant ia acquitted
oj tow pu jory.
ft. In nil catet where lb Defendant It found
guilty aad teateneed to pay a fine and eottt of
pTOtecutton, or give security to pay ibe tame
within ten dayt tt go la jail, and Defendant goei
lo Jail and comai out under Ibe Insolvent act,
the county la liable.
The Looaard Library maaagara cf thla place
were fortuaate in being able to tccare lbat hamcr
ami lecturer "Ell Peikiat" (Mtlri)It D. London),
af New York. He bai a pleaaant looklog
about 4A yean ef age, and I bote who goto I he
Ple'i Opera House od Saturday evening, Deo.
tOtb, will enjoy aa even lag af mirth and enjoy
ment teldem to be bad la tbli aatlloa. Hla lee-
tare will ba "Tba Philosophy of Fun," aad "Hit
lory of tha Perkins Family." We append a ftw
aettcau ef tbc prove i .
From the Qulaey (lit.) Herald
Hi Perk tea delivered bis tceond snotnrt la
Qalney at tba Opera llouee laat night, under the
auspice! of the Oem City Bailee at Collar, at
tracting the largest aad looee of the tea ma, end aa
audleaoe efear moat cultured people. Tbo Rer
Dr. Anderson Introdaoed the ipeaker. The let
turer divided bit time between the Philosophy of
Fua, and the Perk int Family. Hii talk wat
biielr fattructtve and enterteleint. The audi
eaoebept Mr. Pcrkiat talking for aim oat two
a euro, aad wat Bono highly delighted.
Prom tke Nawberg (N.T.) Joaraal.
A large audience wat at the Opera llnwie latt
Bight to bear Ktl Perktat' "lllitory ar Ike Per
hiaeeo." and ta laugh ai hit talk oa "Tbo Pal
letopby of Fua." These) who were thara laughed
and leached, and that It the blrbeet compliment
wa can pay the kotarar. Hit "Philosophy ef
ran' it cepacia iry nra, ana pmvet want very
few people can aadertlaad tbat Ibero ta
even la aaa tea te. Mil to doiag a good work la
bia miatioa of making people happy t and if be
ever comet te New burg agaaa be will ntkc throe
tinea at naay people laugh aa be did laet Bight
(Fran the Newell (Iowa) Mirror.
Finer arnta Snaaoa. Tuecday evening MRll
Perhlna" delivered bli Aral I e lure thia teatn In
Ibe M. I. Church of Newest. Tbahwaaa wat Altad
with people who had come for a laugh, and tber
got It. Mr. Perkins kept the house la a roar of
laughter daring the en lire evening of bit Uciare,
relating tbeoddillet of "Tb Portias feral I j" ta
hitawa ialmltaWe ttyw. Tbeae waa weat wiH
aevor eoaeelo aoagratalatetbemeelvce, aad thate
f he Clayed al home will have eternal eaete far
regret The lecture waa a lueeoet Inancially and
qtaerwlte. Oar people eoa'd act do boitortbaa
(a ewgage athare Iron aneef the amy af popular
laerarera u enuriaia aa fron lime to time through
tba Winter. Now that the tee it brahea, It will
be a aomparatlvcly aaty natter It procure full
Admlet.ce, II aad 8ft eeatt, Tltkett ar tew
aa eale at tkc Peitolct.
Toys of all kinds And alt prices at
0 tllbmn't.
The New Beminuton Family Sew-
io Mica it a for tale at J, B. Herder1! Gua
Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct. M-flm.
Wa have now on band several thous
and first-clati envelope, which wa will print tor
busl Dsti men, or anybody else, at f riots that itaa
aot be rlraJlod, Call and tec thtm. tf.
At the Republican office is the plaoe
to gat your job work done. We are fully prepared
la do anything la the printing line, will do It
well, and at the right kind of prices. tf.
See a woman on horseback in another
column, riding aar 8 peer 'i Vineyards, with a
beans of Grapct from which P peer's Port Grape
Wine la made, tbat It to highly esteemed by the
medltil profettioB for tho ueeof lava) Id t, weakly
ptrioai aad lha agd Bold by K. W. Grab am,
Dragglst, Clearfield, Pa. jly-IA '79-tf.
Tha Old I.yeomlng1 Inauraiiee Conpauy
tlia Hi at lo lha l- rtiut. .
Ctmwaniviti.B, Pa., Oot. 20, 1879.
KtHB A Biddli, General Inauraiiee Agents,
Clearfield, Pa : I take pleaaure (a aokoowUdging
receipt of Draft from you, for Fourteen Hundred
and .Ninety-two Dolltrt and fifty eentii$l,4V3 AO ,
being ia full tor lots by Arc, which oceurrud to
my property oa the 3d day of October, 1879, la
the borough of Curweniville, Pa. And I hereby
retura to yoa my sincere tbaaki for Hit prom pt
aad buiineta-like manner In which you have
tettlad and ad Jut ted my Ion, and I recommend to
the people of Clearfield euunty the old time-tried
ing safe, reliable and prompt. .
.) . - Catbabiib G a rr,
OcL 11, 1879 1m.
Hor BoTToa, Pa.. Sept. 50, 1TT.T
Da. M. M. Fa MKB. Frcdoaia, N. V.,
DearBir: After being treated by etui Dent
physicians without benefit, I began to take your
Blood and Ltvar Rtnaody aed Nerve Tonic with
your Capitol Bitten, abd the effect waa wonder
ful. I began ti improve immediately, my tlrengih
and appetite returning, and the pain and palpi
tation coated. I alio hadlainUug and ditty fitt
which art cured and I have gained ten pounds In
weight, I took one-half d'tea bottles af the
Blood medioine and continued the Bitiert a year,
and eow I fool like a new man, bring more
healthy than over before, '
d.c l .t J. P. A. TINGLEV.
Dr. Fenner't Blood aod Liver Remedy and
Ntrvc Tonic may wall be called "Tha conquer
ing hero" of tba llmti. It it the medical triatnpb
ar iht age Whoever bat "the bldea" ihoold take
it for it rcgulutai and reitorot Ibt ditordertd
yitam that gives rise lo them. It alwaya curat
Biiioaibota and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyt
ptptla, Coaatipetloa, lleadachet, Ferer aad
Ague, Spleca Bnlarjtmeata,8orofula,Rryilpilat,
Pi mp let, Blotohei and all tkia Eruptions tad
Blood Disorders ; 8 welled Limbs and Dropty
Slerpletineii, Impaired Ncrvci and Nerrooi De
bility) Reetoret Aeth and itrength whan theija
tern U ruining down or going Into decline caret
Female Weak neat and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relit vee Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. ,lt doet these tblngt by link
ing at tht root of disease and removing ill can tel.
Dr. Fenner't Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any cough In otic hour. Try a sample bottle
at Un cents.
Dr. Fenner't Golden Relief cures any pain, at
Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Utadaoba in Ave
to thirty minutes, and rcadll relit vet Rheuma
tism, Kidney Complaint, Diarhwa, etc.
Dr. Fenner't St. Vitus Dance Hpeciflc. One
bottle alwaya cures. r liJJ
For tale by Hartswiok A Irvin, Druggittt,
Clear 3 eld, Pa. aug-17-tf.
A. J. Jack ton, near lha Phew House, baa the
beit actor t ment of Picture Frames ever brought
tc town, if not in the county. Go and look at
tbem. aovSfiatm.
If yon have a picture yoa want pa iaa frame,
take it to A. J. Jerk eon, on Market street, two
deort eaat of the iSbaw llouee, and he will lot
you bare it eb caper than you eao buy them any
where else, because be inahea tbat huinesa a
ecialty. aovXff-3m.
Wahtbh. 600,000 14-feetahaved boont, deliv
ered at Ihe railroad, In car loads of S,0ti0, at all
points on ttio Tyrone a Clearfield, V, g., Bald
kaclo Valley, and Pennsrlvnnia Railroada. for
which I will pay the highest market price.
J. p. H ham aa,
Octlo, Uu - .. . Clearfield, Pa.
Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1S77.
Boeaiaa Fob Sal. R. Kawtoa Bkaw kaana a
full aupply of Frodonia Buggiaa and Flatfona
wagooa for aala. To aa aaaa at tba bnaw Hoaaa
yard. Call on or addraa, klm at Claarflald Pana-
alTaola. anaj 13-tf.
.f .Vothrr'B tirUf.
Tba prida of a Molk.r, tba Ufa and Jot af a
boraa, ara kar eblldran, banea k.r grief .ban aiek
naaa anUra and takaa tbaa away Taka warning
tbaa, tbat yoa ara ruaoina a trrrlbla ri.k, if tbr
kara a Causb, Creun or Wboopleg Conak, wkirk
load to Con. amotion, if yoa do oot aitrnd ta It
aoaraBtnd ta aara tbn. Pri(a 10 ata., afl ala,
and 1 1. do Fur lama Hark, 8ila or, aaa
Hbtlofa'a Poroaa Plaatar. Prira 2. aaeta. Hold
by C. O. Wataon, Claarl.ld, Pa. aaplt-aow.
The neU I t rtr Hnrte or.
J. ft. Bt.rbay, a Bromiaant and Influratlal oit-
laao of Iowa City, aaya : "! hara kad tba Dya.
pepata, ana Llrar vomptatat for aararal vaara.
and baaa aaad ...ry r.tndy I ooald of.
witkout any raliaf whatarar, aatil I aaw roar
6kllok'a Vltallaar adrartiaad la oar papar, and
waa paraoadod to try It . lata kappy to auta
that ll kaa entirely eurad ara. It la eartaiolyh.
boat ramrdy I avar koaw of." Priea T6 aeata. Vor
aala by 0. I). Wataoa, Clearfield, Pa.
ia Care for Catarrh. bipLtheria, Canker aaoath,
aod Headaeha. With aaek bottle la an tngaaloaa
naial lajeator for tho mora Buooeaefal traalm.ot
of tka eoaiplalBt, without axtra .barge, Priea
ao aanla. ror aala ay u. v. wataon, uioarn.ld,
ra. aaptl7, l7 liia-enw.
WaaTBP. Delivered at tha Rail Road. "
100, noa It laah ahared aklnglao.
I'lO.OIill 14-look aawed ahingl.a.
If 0,000 feet of plna koarda.
aoo.ooa H.faet abated aao pa. .
6,000 railroad tiaa.
to.ooa tr of good kauloek koarda.
For wkich I will pay tha kiabaat aaarket arlee,
dallrerod at Olearltrld, or at aoy Boiot an lha
lyroaa viaamald Hailraad.
J. F. Kaiara.
Ckarllrld, Pa., Oot. II,
CoLkBcroa'a Wanna ra Wa bar. prepared
a form, and on band a large quantity, of
Bl.BB "UOHaoter a Bale.,' wstna Bare aaaa aa.
proved by tha bigbaat Irga) authority ill tba
Conrtr af Ihlf oouaty. At rafy Cora per
dona wa will nail any ssmetr to in. coiiaator
ordering tbem. A Oolleetor, when aoaipelled te
advertiaa proaortr, laaat poai op Bat taaa tbaa
tkree aotieea la Ibe moat publio place, In bia
ooroaga wrtowaaBip.' ti.
Juit ,tecelved.
Juat RoeMveJi tiy ARNOLD,
Car Load Nora Acoiia Plaalort
Car Load pura Corn, Rya and Oata
Chop I s -.
Car Load Peak en Suit I
('ar Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Drj Gooda, Groccriea, 4c!
aWShinelea, Bark. K. R. Tiea and
Grain will ba taken In axohang.
uurwenivtllo, May l, IV IS.
... Ct.aAariai.B, Pa, Baa, I,
Floar, T ewt
Buokwhaal Floor, par aw,
Oora Moai, parawt.,.H.....,Hann ,
Chop, rye, par owl..,., ,. ...
Chop, nixed, par ewt.,.,............
Rraa, par ewt
Wheat, per kwahel...
Rye, pa baakel..M..MM ....
Oata, par koakel H
Cora, aara, par baahfti ,
Raokwhaal, pt W..
Pautooa, par baahel...............
Applea,par boaaal.... Hn.,
liana, per peand
Bhoaldor, par peaad.V., . ,
Dried Heat, par pea ...m
Chiokaaa, par palr.-HM. w
Batter, par peaad .....M....M '
Kaga, pr doaaa.....H....M....H.
Bali, par aaek, large...,..
Coal OU, par g.ll.a. ...
Lard, par poand
Dried Applaa, per poaad n.
Dried PraakM, per poBad ,immi,
Baeuaa, par bo. bai
M u
1 a.
1 Ot
1 1t
I Oa
t to
BEORR-GLASOOW At tb. reeldeaoe of
Ibe krida'a nolh.r, oa Tharad.y, Nov. 17th, tl;0,
by R.v D. U. Oanpball, Mt.i.t. Sar,al adl
aaa aaaaly, aad Miae Tiilla ltaagaw, af kaol
Wwaablp, L'laarlald aeaaiy, Pa,
ITLMA'-HOHIAt N.w Waabltgloa,
ea Wadaaaday, Ilea, ti, IITI, hy f, W. B.t.l.l,
K-q., air. doba Kllllaa aad Mia. faaay llalaa,
beta ef Cbral towaahip, Cleaigald aeaaiy, Pa.
PrPKn-Fl'LT0? -0a Tharad.y, Oaeanker
4lk, IOT,kyR.T.M.8aaaglvr, Mr.Joka F. Piper,
a( Blair aeaaiy, aad lla Klla A , daagktar af
R.. A. I.Faltoa, fernrrly af Woodland, Cbrar
loM oaejaty, Pa.
KILKKR OOUOnNOI'R.-O. Teaatev. De.
etnaer, Id, l7l, ky Rev. Wn. M. Baroklald, Mr.
Ckarlae J Kllaer aad Mia, Olartiea A. Uaaghaear,
Wtkef Baady lowaakip, OleerOold aaaaty, Pa.
Ojta HranaeD Pan Cimt. Disoovar oa Ot.n
Puirne Sewing Maebiaea oaa new bopureh
at Merrell'i Ha and rariety store, from 8-16 up-
T.r.l. All bi.,1. i.r'iaa.lH. a..l.ln.a ..t..J
BLOOM-In Jordan townakla, aa Halardar,
Noramkar IJd. 1B7W, Ktta, daagbtar of Loraaao
and Margaral Bloom, agod i jaara, I aonlka and
trur .&vtx$mtntt.
will be B meeting of I DC stockholders of
the Clearfield rire urick company aeio ai toe
office of Ibe Uompanv. in DtHtMa, on tuuiw
day, tha inth day of January, I WHO, at two
o'elook P. My for the purpose of electing officers
for the ensuing year, and voting upon tbo quet
tloa of Increasing the stock of said Company.
By ardor of tbc Board or Directors.
Kjttit: WM. 11II1LKK, Prcsideot.
0. W. Buivb, Secretary.
ClaarAelJ, Pa., Nee. ft, lH79-2m.
Ejectment Notice I
! John Hlppt
In ibe Court of Common
Pleas of Clearfield Co., Pa.
No. 119, Kept. T. IN7V.
Adam Pltterlogtoa
And now. Oot. 9th. 179. on motioa of Murray
A Gordon, Attorney a for Plaintiff, a rule ia grant
ed for Defendant to appear aod plead to the ac
tion or before the firat Monday of February, IB 80,
aaid Bulc In bw published In na newspaper of
county tixtydayebeforeaaidday. The promltct
sued for are detcrlhed at follow! : Beginning at
the mouth of the run at the head ef Fisher's rip
Slei, thanoo by public road te a corner of the
on at Mirklc't field thanoo along Markle'a line to
Roland't line, thence to lower corner of A. Kcra't
property, thence ou line running Best to Ibe
creek, aod along the hank of errek to tba place
oi bfrtinntnf.eontainlnaoac but urea ana twenty-
six (120) acres, illuate In Cbest township, Clear-
Acid onuutr. Penn'n. Br the Oonrt. J. H. O.
Certified from the Record at Clearfield thit Id
day of Dec, 1879. KLI BLOOM,
dooJl-gt, Prntboaotary.
Ejectment Notice 1
R. C. Hamilton ) In the Co urt of Cum
vs. I mon Pleat of Clear-
Iaac Covert. Jr., field county, Pa.
wlib notice to M. MMIuph, No.42J, Jon.T., 1S7.
at terre tenant. J Kjtctmeot.
Now, Nut. 27th, 179. oa motion of Murray A
Gordon, Attorney! for Plaintiff, it it directed that
a rule be granted and Defendant tc appear aad
plead to the aoiloa on or before tho firit Monday
of February, 1H80, laid rule to bo published in one
newspaper of raid oouoty for fill davi nrier to laid
day. 1 ha premises sued for aod described in
writ are at follows: All tbat certain piece of land
tl'uatc In the town of Rumbarger, Brady town
ship, Cloa-field county, Pa., bounded and de
scribed at followt: On the ratt by Mtln street,
ea the south by lot of John France, oa the west
by an alley, and oa the north by aa alley, being
generally known at lot No. 4 in plan of aaid
town. By the Court. B. F. J.
Certified from the Record at Clearfield, thia Id
day of December, 1879. ELI BLOOM,
Ultarfiold, Oec. 3, 1870 Ht. Froth y.
Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
County Agent for
There gooda bought for CASH la large Iota,
and aold at almoat olty priooa.
JAM Ko 11. 1.1 TLB,
Cloarlald, Pa., June 11, l7S-ly.
, 1SSO. . .
Ilnrpor'a Itlnctzlne.
"Studying Ibe subject objectively and from tbc
educational pointof view Becking to provide that
which, taken altogether, wilt be ot the most eer
v ice to the larger nutnoer I long ago oonoloded
that. If 1 could have but one work for a public
library, I would Select a complete tot of Unrptr't
JJamlklw," JBARLBt fBAaJia ABA HI, air.
Iu contend are contributed by tbe moat emi
nent authon aad artists of Burnt and Amerioa,
while the long cipericaeeof Its puhliiheri hat
made tbem tnorougniy conversant wun tnenetiree
of the public, which tbtf will spare aa effort in
The volumes of Ihe Magmui bogia with the
7 urn tier Tor June and December ul eaob year.
When no lime la tpeeified, ll will be understood
that the tubicribar winhe IjO begin with tbe cor
real Number.
HARPER S MAOAZINII, Ona Veer. ..,.14 00
HARPER'd WKEKLY, M a " ......... 4 00
HARPER'S BAZAR, " ' " d 00
Tbe THREBebove-oemeJ publlotttons.One
ear.. -....iwcw
Asy TWO aWre-aamed, Oat Year.M f 00
Postage Free te all subscriber In the Ualted
States or Canadb.
A Com d! etc set of llARi'na'a
prislng 60 Volume!, la ueat elolb blading, will be
tent by express, rreigat aieipenee oi purcnaaer,
oa receipt of $2.36 per volume. Single volumes,
by mail, postpaid, $3.00. Cloth cues, for bind
ing, SS ceata, by mail, postpaid. - .
Kcmlttaocct thould he made hy PiutolTioe
Moaiy Order or Draft, to avoid ehanee of lest.
Rewsitepert are aot to copy thit advertitemc at
without tht expresa order of 11 AUf art A IlaeTBuat.
Address TJARP8R A BROTHERS, Yew York.
James ! Leavy,
Ilavlnc; norohated tbc entire ttock of Fr-d.
Baflkett. faercbr filet notice tkat ke bat BneveaJ
Into tbe room lately oeenpled by Reed A Hagerty J
en Second ttreet, where ne It prepared to offer to 1
the public .
of (he lalrtt Improved patterns, at low nrlee.
Qas Fixtures and Tinware.
RocSng, 8pontlnff, Plnniklnc, Oat Pitt In e, and
Kepa.rina; I' u rapt n tpectalty. A 11
work warranted.
Anytbini In mi line will be order-id tneelal If
dcatrcd. JA9. L L8AVY,
i Proprietor.
Oloerled, Pn.( Jtwuary 1, lgTl-tf.
WnnaiAa, Hoi. 0. A. MATIR. Pretidaat
ladffe ef the Conrt ef Com men Piece ef
tbe Twenty-lfth Jndlcial Dlatrlct, eompoaed ef
tke eovjatici ef Clearleld, Centre and Cliaieo
and Hon. Ann m Onnan and Hon. Vtncaur B.
Hotv. Aatoelatc Jtdaet ef Clearfleld eenntr
bare Ittned tbelr nreeeptale me directed for tbe
holding of a Court ef Com en Pleat, Orpbant'
uoort, uoan ei gaarior netaiena, uonrt of Oyer
nnd Teraiiner, nnd Conrt ef Oeaeral Jail Deliv
ery, at tbe tenrt Honae nt Clearleld, In nnd for tbc
eounty ef Clear He Id, eemaaeneinf on tho awroHtf
MoHday.tbc Km day nf January, I He It,
and to eoatinne three iveekt.
MOTICI IS, therefore, kerekv ilren. to Ihe
Coroner, Joatieet of the Pence, end Contublea,
in and for taid ernaty ef Clearleld, te appear In
their proper percana. with their Recerda, Relit,
inanlaltlont, Kiaainatlina, nnd ether Hemeat.
hmaoee, to de thaee thtnet which to their oAeea.
nnd in their behalf, peruke te he done.
nr nn Act or Aeeeantly, paateoj tbe Ith lay of
May, A. D. Ink It ia eiade tbe dntr nf the inc
tleec of tbe Peace of the teveral eouBtlet of thit
Oeen mon wealth, to rotor to the Clerk of the
Coorl of Quarter fteealonc f the retpeettve
a ant let, an tne recoriiitaoocc enter e4 miu beiore
the by any peraon or pereewc ekar(al with the
eovnaiiailan of any crime, except cnoh cacac aa
nay ho ceded before n Juatlee oi the Peace, n
der en latinf tawt, at leoat ten dayt before the
ewweaaweeineel nf thf eaasion ( the Conrt to
wbteh tbey arc made reiornablereapcctlvely,and
In all tntee where cay toco gat tan tec are ante red
inte latt than ton dayt before tneeeeVjB.eaeea.ea!
of the ceeviwa te which they arc mode reta roo
kie, the aaid olaalieec are te retam the cocje In
tbe came manner at If aaid net hnd net keen
tJlVIN coder toy hand Clearleld, Ult 9d
ay of lerniber, In the year of ewr Lord, one
ehameMd tight bend red end teventy-aine.
rfceJ-to ANUR1W PKNTl,) Shertft 1
$rw AvtxtlttmtnH.
TEEt FOR SALB.Tblrteco blvai of
Jj Itdita Beea which I will trU cheap for
caab, or exchange (or wncnt. ror lunner ia
formation call oa or add re at tbe andtraiuned.
Nor l,79-t. Clearfield, Pa,
1 a"d Ptno tow a ships, Clearfield eounty. -Reasonable
timo riven for part of purehaae
money. Prioet IS 00 lo 819.00 per acre.
Mlncra'i re tarred.
L. BIRD, Agent,
Panfleld, Pa.
or Wallacu A Knxaa.
Clearfield, Pa,
Sept. 10, lbTV-tf.
h Whits hk Machine
Can bo bourbt nt lowttt price from ALEX
PATTKRSON, Woodland, Pa. It laequal, If not
tupcrior to any first data Sewiog Machine in the
market uircumn icni on application.
Woodland, Pa., OcL ZVt 1819 flm.
rirrr-Twe rAoaa uerui,r.
l.SO a Jtar; Sample Copy, lOc.
Thomas G. Newman & Son,
Oil aad 74 Waal Madlaoa Bt., CUICAOO.
A. M. Hi If, Agent, Cloarlald, Pa.
Cheaper than ever at the More of
G. C. & T. W. MOOHE,
We have just received tbe largenl
and beat delected ntock or
bis' ' Furnishing . G::i:
That baa ever come to town,
all the new noveltie in
Driving Boots and Shoes.
Rubber Boots & Shoes.
(iivo tia a call and tee if we dnn'l
cll ebenper than anybody elao, '
'" C:FO. C. MftORI?,
ClaarHrU. Pa , Erpt. II, 1170-Jm.
Have opened op. In tbe ttore room lately oeenpled
by Weaver A Bettt.oa Heeond ttreet, n large and
wan teiemea naom ot
Dry - Goods Groceries,
i 1
... . . I
, . 1
Whlrk lliaj will aiepoe. of at rvaaoaabl. fatal
for rh, or exrlianga for oouatry produce.
UlaartaM, Pa., J... 0, I87-If.
i -
Cheap Cash Store.
Clearfield, Pa.,
Conprtalng Dretc Qooda of the rory latetl etyltc,
ronelatiag la ptrt of Caakmeret, Mancheeler
Fact let, Alpaoaa. nnd nil manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Fuck m Cretona. Mohair Luitcrt, Plalda. Dreat
lllngbamt, Droac Panelet ef the very leieet
atlee, and aa cheep at tbey can be etd
In tbit market.
Con tli ting ef Aleve for Genie, Lnellec aad
Mteiea. Hce ef all tkadee, Hilb rrlngee,
Lnret, Fanny Drote Rnttont. Lndtea'
Tiee el all tbadee and atylet, refft
end Co'lara, Ribbant of all hmdt and
qaalit tee. Marine Underwear, Trlmminga, etc.
Qaeeniwara, Hardware, Tinware,
Carpel. Oil Clotlin,
Whkk win a. aaM wkal..ale ar retail. WIU take
Country Produce
la Eirkaaf. tar Claaaa at Narkat Prleaa.
. wm. i. Borria.
Cleara.14, PaM , t, I8T tfc .
Beg journal
O " 5 -1
n t a .1
ac-s f rs Y i
irfi I;?
-aCEsa 5 s-
c3 2 hi
ms cd tojo Jy)
$? aj Ss A-a
ifo b ia r
p ia ro a ft
0?2 r oj 5a j I
s r Ji'
r?fart3- (
Us!? .sS ;
s - S i , '
j s? fa f
Ir o ;P I
n 5 J?
S fg S I
-I i W "a f
i " ra f
a s
CL ea "m I
- S I
F. f. HOWELL & CO.,
1216 Chestnut Street. '
PkllaJelpkla, Oot II, H79-3ia.
Fall and Winter Stylos,
I T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Clack and Colored Cat.linicrf, Brocade I)re (r'nodd, Plain Prea Gtioda,
New Khatvl, l.adie.' Ceo I a, lied l'lunnela.trru' Klannvla, I''laid Fluntiela,
Navy Dlae Vlanncla, Waterproofs and Lailii-o' Clothe, all eolora,
Cansiraerea, Men'a and Boys' Wear, Srcvs Ginghams, Calicoes and
Muslins. Our Block was never bolter. Our Larties' Sltirte are beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
A vniuplete Ntook nt oar uniioI targ,aliii..
Pltimos, Klowera, WinKs. Ostn'ch Tips, all kinds of Fnney Wlnps and Birda,
Now Brocade Velvets and Silks, Satins, Black and Colored Silks, Black
and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Gloves, Lislo Gloves, Silk Fringe,
Buttons, Laces, Corsets, Kmbroiderles, Edging,, Inicrtings,
Linen Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Tios, Ribbons, Gcrmontown Tama, Zephyr,
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children'i Underwear, Ladies,'
Gent'e and Children's IToko. We don't intend to have any store in .
Clearfield eounty beat us in anything style, prices, quantity,
quality, or selling. Give us a call and sco for yourself.
on cloth-., pad
Ottoman, Will
Graham's Building, - Market St.
-fTaaiT r
tr-Send for Illaatnited Circular and Prioee, tiboral Terma to lha Trade. -bV
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
Ml HULK-TO WK. CONK, tM Km. ID aael SOI Yabufc CailiiOv, ILh
..Vir--- a... I W
; " . ' i . " '
All kinds of Caskets and Coffins kept on hand, and furnished to order on
short notice, including tho finest as well as tho cheapest that can be mantt-
faclured. Our '
oonpaii pitEBBitvEn
Is tho best In use, and will be furniahed when required. Funerals attended
in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leare
your ortlora at Troutmnn'a Furniture Store, adjoining tho Postoffiee.
. oct 1,79-1y.' . - Cloarfleld, Pa.
Prices of Shingles,
Curwanavlllo, Jaa. I, ' I
Tba anderaliliaii will aell at rrlrata aal. all
tkat traot or rare.) ef land aitaate In Deeatar
townablp, Clearfield eonnty, la., within a abort
aiatanoe or toe ryroao m clearnoH K. R., aod
adlolBiBf land, of Robert Hudeoa and otn.ra.
Bad knowB aa tbe Jacob B. Oaarkart Int. The
aaid traot oontaiaiBR SO aorea nor. or l.a, witb
Iwe aeioa of valaable ooal tkereea, baa about SO
aorea oleared, aad la tba kev to a larc. kodr of
ooal about being developed. Will be aold law and
apoa oeay lam.. For partieolaro, apply to
Cleartlald, Pa, Jaly It, 1070.
. A Specialty.
The nderilgntil.belnf thanttral for pant farora,
woe Id respectfully In form tkc eltitant ef Clear
leld and vicinity tbat be kaa p urt bared the abop
in Clearleld borough rooently occupied hy A not
K canard, tit unfed un I oontl atreet, in tbc rear of
Ueo. Weaver A Co. 'a ttoro, where by ttrict nnd
eloao attention to boaineta, be hopaa to receive a
large tha re ef public patronage.
ajrPrlee renaoneble and all work fwaraoteeiJ.
aenrflrld, Pa , Oct. II, 1BTV let.
The nnderaigncd effert for tale alt the pine, oak,
poplar and ben look timber en 411 eere ef land
In CleartTeld connty. Panlrt eonaulting tha map
er ntlaa of ibe ooanty, will Ind ll in Brady l
townabtii, aaljotning the Hell tnwnrhipA.
line, and known aa tract No. MM ThUltydZ
timber will ho b-ld open for tale antil the JL.
let ef lcermrer next. For further partlmUra
apply to or add ma,
tilSCI, v. tUlUlMiANIIKH.
Oetoher II. HJI-tf. C War 6. Id, Pa.
Borougli of Curwcnsville !
THAT well-hnowa troperty tliaare on the hank
of the Sntquekanna river, In the horouRh of
Carweotvilte. ClearltelJ eonnty, Pa , ooenpied by
tbe late RENalAMIN 1IARTHI10RN, tWd, It
now ofwred for tele. It coataknt about
Thirteen Acres,
I'paa wblrk 1, ereetea a iaa l.o etory frane
aSii fTABI.I, aad tba aaMaary eat.
iinLl balhilBse, aad alee a RLOWINti
VlltNTAIH af para IPRIKQ WATRR. Tkia
la a very deelroble araaarly for a private reef
4.BOO. Tkapreaarty la aaw atered at PRIVATI
BALK, aa r.eoaaata lama. Par fanber la.
fernalwa la reletlea I. M, Mil al too aranlaea,
or apply la tkeaaderelBaed ia peraoa erby letter.
Aitaraey rot Ibe H.Ira.
Clearleld, Pa, lapt It, ll;o.u.
A. H. BILL'.
1 Jj J. O,
- Clearfield, Pa.
Batit. 1, '7 lv
Improvements September, 1878'
Davlnir roprd tT the demand m J
prof receive tje, wo now offer to lite World
TITH aavxBAi.
Important Improvements.
Kotwithataniiicg tho VICTOR aaa long bean
ie peer of auy maciiino ia tho market a fact
imported byahoatof Tolnntoatrwitneaaea ara
sow eoofiuentlr cuna for it greater
simplicity, a vondorful reduction of
friction, and nllo-jethcr a Kan Com
ViMtionof Iktiralilt Qualities. For salt
1'T UarcbAnta end otliera.
m rwil nilKtli-i ii. nr...... a
I O want fire tbonaand buabcil of OA TP, tew,
I an,rflll a.n ...V. av. KM,I
ClenrfleU, Pa,, Aag. II, 187V-tf. ,
TI11X' KOTICF.-Koilr. la korr.
j y i
that Lrlt.ra TratameBlarr oa
tbe aetata of JOHN BYKHS, late of New Waak
ibittao, Clearneld aonoly, Pobb'b., daoaaaad,
baring beea daly y ranted to the anderalgDod , all
peraone indrbled to aaid aetata will p!ea naka
innediata parneat, and thore havlag altna ar
denaode agaioat tba aatoe wall pre.e.1 tben
properly aulbantlratl for aettlentot wlikaol
. Rleautria. .
Nrer Waaklngloa, Pa., Ort. , ISft Ste
If you want to tee the finest Stock of
Ready-Made Clothing
If you want to Buy the best Fitting
If you want the most Eeliablj Itade
If you want to buy at the lowat Cakh
Prioes, go to , . ;
If vou want to tee tho best assortment of
' CH(6;
If you want to tee a nice selection of
Gents' Furnishing Goods;
If you want to buy a
If you want to get the torth of your
I Money, don't all to go to
Oat. to, ill. tf.