he "gtpttHicw. Gioaoi B. Goodlandbr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOHN1NO, DEC. 10, 1ST. Bnnder, If 70a went to know wbnl ! going on la tko boslnese world, jnet rend our hdrertielug oolomne, tbe aneelaf eoluun to portloalor. MAXIMI FOR THE DAY. No moo worthy tbo ofBoo of Preoldeot ekould ho willing to bold it If oouotod Is. cr plneed thoro bj on; freed. 1. 8. 0t. 1-aoald oovor hare keea roeoooilod to tho ele vation be tbo omalleot aid of pint of 0 peraon, bowarer respectable to prlenro lif, wbo anal forever oarrr opoo bio brow tbo atanip of frood first trlnnphaat to Amoriooo bietory. No eon eoqnent action, however naeritorioua, oon woib ownv tbo lottora of tool roeord. CWAOLII FRAIICtl Anana. I wonld rotber bnvn tbo ondoreeineht of aqoar. tor of o oilllioo of tbo Amerienn people thoo thot of tho Lonlstnnn Returning Board, or or uo ton raioeloa obieh eiolnded tbo food ood doeidod tho quoitioo 00 0 toohnlcnlilv. Tool. A. Hrndhicki. Undnr Ibo form! of low, Hutherford B. Hoyoo boo booo doolored Prooldrnt of tbo Uoltnd Slot!. 11 le tltlo reate opoa diefronehierment of lawful votera, tha falia eertlfiontea of tbo returning offl. oera noting corruptly, ood tbo dooiaioo of 0 ton niieeion which boa relneed to hoor ovldeoeo of ol. leged fraud. For tbo Brat tlaio oro tbo Amertoaa people eon fronted with tba fact of h fraudulently. olootod Preeideat. Lot it Bot bo oodoratead tbat tha fraad will bo Bllently aaqutaaood io bj tbo country. Lot no hour pais in wbiob tbo uaurpo. tlon la forgotten. AoDRoai or Dbbocbatio bf . Co. Obo hundred yaan of human depravity acoaw Bulatod aad oonoootrated Into a cliDai of crime. Never again In Arc bundrcd yeara aball they bare an opportunity to repeat tho wrong. Itanmi. W. VoonaiEa. "Crooked Hunkers" Is an old story. See l'ourlh pago. ''Kccoiving Grant," on our fourth pngo, ia good reading. A Blue Lookout. As there is no likelihood of a session ot the Legisla ture this winter, Ilarriaburg hotel keepers look mighty blue. The damnable sycophantic cant in Hayes' Messago on Civil Scrvico Re form is upon tho samo plan that the sow returns to the wallow. "Mark Twain on Babies," and ''Send lor Mother," lonnd on our first page, are too practical to pass ovor, and should bo read by everybody. The Last Sell.A pretty piece of business to sco Democratic papers pub lish the prospectuses of Radical organs. Butlor Herald please copy. Don't lor fret it, "Uncle Jake." On our fourth page will bo found much sound political reading matter, reviewing current events, which the voter yes, and ercn the minor should poruso and study for future I1HO. I' Hates Sherman Ouoans. It seems that Tiayos & Co. have selected Sena tor Morrill, of Vermont, as the mouth piece ol the White House in that body, and Goneral Garfield, of Ohio, is to play tho "crow on tho fence" in tho House for tha same firm on all things pertaining to the currency question. Government "flunkeys" now apolo gise tor Hayes' fool Message They say Kvnrts and Sherman were both away, and bo had just roturned from a Philadelphia dissipation. What) does "tho Government" drink? We wero told that scandal was rendered ex tinct when Grant left. Those "moral ideas" are becoming dreadlully mixed. A Slur The Chicago Timet says: "There was something the matter with Grant when ho was "booming" in that city recently. That may be true ; but he was all right the next day when he got back to Galena. Tho sight of the old tannery straightened him up. The Timet man is evidently a Murphyite, and wants to slur tho third-term cham pion. Grant's "Boomeus." It aoems that Jeff. Davis and Bob Toombs are the only backers Grant has in the South who amount to anything. Lot them "boom." Neither of them aro votera, Their regiment of slaves are ahead of them, and three-tonrths ot that cast will voto lor the Democratic nominee for President. So let Davis and Toombs "boom" on. A NoTciuoi't Dekagoouk. Having known, by reputation, judge Kelly, a Radical Congressman from Philadel. phia for over twonty years, wo sus pected his Into reported interview with Bismarck at Borlin. The lies are so patent that tho Great European Ruler risee and denounces the whole affair as a fraud. Judge Kelly, exactly. Now lot us hear from Kelly, Forney k Co. Stolen I Such ia the exclamation of the Metropolitan journals, when al luding to the premature publication of nayes' Messago. Well, printers will follow copy. ' Was not the last Prcsi deney stolen, too? More: Is not the receiver of atolcn goods just as bad as tho thiol ? Therefore, how ia Hayes any better than tha Washington cor respondent 'of the New Tork Timet, who had tho entree at the White House nd found the Message on the table whilo Ilayos was at Philadelphia on a "host" Political Outbaois. The behav lor of Alderman McMullen and bis gang of roughs, who load the Vaux. Randall gang at tbo Democratic pri mary (1001100 in Philadelphia, the other day, should open the eye of oar Democratic friends not only in the -city, kit throughout the State. Such wickedness ia intolorablo, and all men who support euch creature must be discarded and prevented front partici pating in our State or Federal Con tentions. If ex-Mayor Vaux and Speaker Randall want to tie to such atuff, let them drift. BA RUA IN ED FOR TOO M UCII. Some ruto Radical statesman ton-! coked the idea ol stuffing the '- "f Indiana with negro tramp from the Southern Status, with the intention of making Radical votera out if them, and thereby .cany that Rule next Fall. But it seems thoy undcitook too much. A contemporary says: "Re publican opposition to the negro exo dus has already made itself manifest in Indiana. The men who started the, sebomo did not count all the cost. They seem to have acted on the sup position that it was only necessary to get the negroes into the Slate and the great work of changing its political complexion would be accomplished. They did not provido for such a con tingency as having large numbers of destitute men, womon and children throwD upon their hands at the thresh old of a Northern Winter. But just this is what has happened. The ex perience of Kansas last Spring ia being repeated on a smaller sealo in Indiana at this timo. But the treatment re ceived by the forlorn crowd of colored people at Indianapolis is less generous than was shown to their suffering brethren in Kansas. Tho Republican brethren decline to go into their pock ets or bank accounts to the extent re quired. They want able-bodied color ed men only no women or children, no venerable 'uncles' none bnt those who can at once go to work for com pensation snlHcient to pay their own way. These conditions aro not easy of fulfillment. The negro is gregarious in his habits. Ho doesn't emigrate 'solitary and alone.' When he starts for the promised land, his wile, his chil dren, his mother and mother-in law, and collateral branches of tho family, start with him. They go on tho Ruth and Naomi plan. This is why the ad vance wavo of the exodus that has struck the Indiana Capital has oxcited a feeling of profound disgust in tho Radical mind. Kven Colonel Hollo way, brother-in-law of tho Into O. P. Morton, and Postmaster at Indianapo lis, baa buttoned up bis plethoric pocket, and told the hungry darkies that he can't answer further domands of a pecuniary character, but they may rest content In tho solemn assurance of bis moral support in any extremity." Conwikss. This body, now in ses sion at Washington, is made up of seventy-six Sonatoro (two from eacn State) and two hundred and ninety three members in the House. Politi cally, tho Senate is divided as follows: Demoernli.. ... 41 ... 1.3 ... 1 Kedioale Independent, (Doric, 111.) Tout. ; YS Domoeretle majurity I The House is constituted as follows: Democrat! , 15a Radieala. , 32 Nationala... , , l Total oyj Democratic majority over all..... I Nino Senators and fifty-two mem bens failed to answer at tho opening on Monday, the 1st, but now every seat is taken. The seven vacancies which existed during the extra session have been filled, and tho two sick mem bers from Missouri aro at their post. We like small majorities in our Legis lative bodiea. It kcepa the members in their seals, and breaks up "gadding around," and, morally, is quite visible to the occasional frequenter of Legis lative balls. M ANUPACTURINO CANDIDATES The Washington Post is one of our most vigorous Democratic journals, and tho editor ia engaged just now ia hunting np a Democratic ticket for President, so that when our National Convention moot it will hare nothing to do but to ratify It. Lastly he soys : " We experience no hesitation in saying that we should prefer tho Democratic Presi dential ticket to bo Seymour and Hen dricks above and bolore any combina tion that could be mentioned. Mr. Hendricks stands for Indiana to-day. If he would accept the nomination for Vice President, no one would rise to oppose him. It is only after him that we are in favor of McDonald. AVbat a glorious ticket, though, Seymour and Hendricks wonld mako." Hut-tut. The Philadelphia Bulle tin, one of the Radical organs of tbat "loyal" city, in alluding to current ovonts, breaks out in this way: Tbo prion paid by tho Now Torb Tim,, to the thief wbo otole the President's bteeaage ie aliogod to bore beoo $1,000, which Heme a groat deal nsrtdcring thclsfcriocliy oltho aitraw. The real facts In the csno aro: It is the cheapest doenmont of the kind that ever emanated from tho White House, and looks to us like the Presidency stolen. But, then, wo are astonished at the conduct of Kvarta ant) John Sherman, to allow such a paper to see daylight before it was corrected. We tender our thenke to Hon. W. i. Slenger for valuable public doeumente. In the abape of bound voiumoaoftbe C'oaoreoet'eeof Jfceord. iuorfaffdea t7loee. Fairly doalt with, evidently. But it was never necessary for ns to make an acknowledgement of thia. kind, al though over fifteen years in the print ing basinoss, and twelre of tbat we had "Rada" for Congressmen. This is anothor proof that Domocratio Con gressmen are loss bigoted and broader- minded than those high-toned put-on style loyalists, aliat Radicals. The Army of the Cumberland ia go ing to erect a monument over the groweof "Fighting Jo Hooker." Well, we see nothing to prevent it, unless it would be a lack of cash, We are no worshiper of miscellaneous aionuatante. As long as w cannot complete one tor the "Father ol Onr Country," we had better abandon the baby monument business, or, if that ia what we prefer "to tie to, let db go ahead and employ a lot ot chtselers and erect a monu ment to every "Tom, Dick and Harry" tbat will furnish the cash. Deacon Richard Smith, of the Cin cinnati Gaulle, la a aort of John fEher- man patriot, and be ia telling the inter viewers ot the East that it is exceed ingly doubtful whether Grant could be elected next yoar if put Id nomiotion by the Republican party. It wilt be observed that the "bear" movoment ot Deacon Smith ia more than counter balanced by the "bull" movement of Deacon McKee, of St. Louis, and "the balance of trade" ol the Grant "boom" remain undisturbed. SUCH A DOCUMENT! Of all tho documents that wore ever sent out from the White Houe, rfe'To Hayes' third Issue is the most si lipid. The editor of tbo Philadelphia Times, in alluding to it, says: "It is tho pro siest and loust instructive of nil tho State pajiera ever befuro sent to Con gress as the hhiiiiuI review of the con dition of tha country. It is common placo even to stupidity and full one third ol it is made up ol insincere and borrowed platitudes on Civil Servico Reform. Thero ie uot to be found In it a single original n'liu-gcation or a par agraph that displays the qualities of tho statesman. Its ouly direct recom mendation to Congress of special im portunco is on tho Mormon question, and may be summed up as a pointed demand for more effectual measures to prevent and punish polygamy. Tho several columns devoted to tho defenBo of Civil Service Reform will simply in voke the contempt of tho country. When President Hayes boldly declar ed in favor of a patriotic civil servico policy, ho enlisted tho sympathy and support of tho best mon of all parties in every section ; but when he halted, shuffled and finally falsified bis own professions timo and again, be should content to pass the question in silence, rather than remind the country of its wanton humiliation by reason of his lailhlcssncss to one of the most vital uttributcs of honest administration. Ilo has not only flagrantly violated his pledges to the nation himself, but ho has tolerated tho insolent violation of ovory principle of Civil Sorvico Ro iortn by those wbo hold bis most sa cred trusts. He has mado tbo eleva tion of our civil service a by-word and a reproach a theme of hissing con tempt from ovory politician in the land ; and bis weary platitude on the subject in bis Messago are but need less insult added to injury." Stun Statesmanship. Department Reports of the Federal Government are filled with speculative ideas in stead of undisputed facts. The Cabi net Ministers seem to be moved by the same motives that a young man is when he becamo twenty-one years of age. Uo reflects in a hurried manner, "Shall I go west, to tho oil regions, or South America, and acquire fortune by the timo I am thirty years of ago." That is the problem suggested to his business mind on bis return from Col lege, (ot course he would not go to school), and, after awhile, be take $10,000 from his sire and strike for tho oil region. His business is purely imaginary, just Iiko Hayes' Dopart mum jiepons, anu it takes but six months, or a year at moBt, to put tho 110,000 into a hole in the ground. The young mans businoss experience and luck is In harmony with the states mansbip displayod by the Hayes Cab inet in thoir reports more imaginary than real. hat a "moral idea I" Tbat Dutch Schoolmastxb The Philadelphia Timet man, alluding to a nameless Knode Island incident, re marked : "Just as Congress is about to meet, and Senator Conkling has bis front hair curled ready for some great effort, that awful fellow Linck must turn up again. Linck does this, of course, for no other purposn in the world than to annoy Senator Conk ling with the recollection of other days, but be make a pretext of suing Mr. Spraguo Tor services as her chil dron's tutor. 3lrs. Spragne tells him he -bad bettor apply to her husband, but, as her husband bad the greatest difficulty In distinguishing between a German tutor and a United States Senator, Linck will hardly feel like taking his chancea of being so confus ed again. If, however, Linck is going to turn op regularly at time when he is not at all needed it may be worth while for Senator Conkling to buy him and put him under cover." Still On Living. One of those two noted demagogues, by the name of Chandler, ia still living. Tho Michi gandor the bloodiest of the two is dead ; but tbo noisiest William E of Now Hampshire is blowing off Radi cal gas away out in Utah. The Phila delphia Record, in referring to the liv in Lion, remarks : "Mr. William K. Chandler breaks a silence which has been all too sbort-by an open lctter,fircd all tho way from Salt Lake City, and printed in the Now York Tribune. The key-note ol this eminently Cbandlei ian missive is a summons for 'another earn est, enthusiastic and final ntiugglo to keep the rebels out of control .of the National Government.' He see 138 electoral votes certain against the Re publicans, and wails because Now York and Indiana are likely to be car ried by the 'Confederate Democracy.' Mr. William F,. Chandler is nothing it not noisy." Failino. A Borlin (Piussia) cor respondent of the Now York Exprem tells it In Ibis way : Biamareh'e health ia andoabtedly broke, bot hie temper Increoeoo rapidly oBMlgbto olee! Ibo failure of his phyeicol foree. Yet, the correspondent might have added that "his power ia broken" too. His worst affliction is his defeat Ten year ago all Europe feared him, and at a time, too, when he was only rak ing in firebrands around bis own King dom, as the sequel baa proven. Three yeara ago, failing to elect ''hi manfv'nor Yuhg, John Sherman, James A. Pope, is when bia "health" began WjGarfiold nd Stanley Matthews, each fail, and be ia too proud to admit his defeat, Thoro ia no prominent Euro pean outside of Gormany wbo ha any respect for him, and the vital part of the play is that be knows this fact. Power I power 1 1 power 1 1 J It is about flaring paMIe mooted hla oBcla! attorancre aialoal br. Coraell, it Is tho plain duly of Mr Sherman to send to tLottoaato o requoet to wlrh draw the loiter la which bo o. tamely Beamed Mr. Ooraoll'o Bltoeeo foe a pooilioo of tract gad fa. epeaiibillty Ib tbo oiril eorrieo. Tbie oooreo would, bo homlliadBg, It to true, bat St would bo right oad ao oao who really aadoratandc tho uagnualoalty of loba Sboroooo willdoabt thai kia high moral oonrogo wilt eaoteia bim Bay aaortaoo of pride aad taeliootioa tbat ma bo dleiatad he bit atom aoaeo of doty. Iron II Mr. Coaklief done not olomoad tale bumtllotloa. air. Iboreoaa'a ooBealoaea wiU compel it. Heeiiegtea fipl. The Utter la d d doubtful ; be- cause Mr. Jjnks would certainly "dic tate" otherwise. Sho know that SL.rman ia not the proprietor a oouacv.'rvc. 'Healing a PnsMent' Message ia a fraud tbat the admliWsiraiion eg never condone." Exchange. If it if such a benious crime to atoal a Mos- aage, how I it about stealing the Fre idoncy T A anoral lecture ob thi ab ject need not be lost. A JOKE ON 0 KANT. The Grant and then put "flunkeys" every now their "foot in it" while pushing the aloresuid Tor a third term. Tbo Pittsburgh Club Secretary bus developed himself, as well as Grant. Some time ago William T.-Lindsay, Secretary of the Grant Club, mailed to members of the organisation a copy of tho Constitution and By Laws and the lollowing letter: Dbas Him Yon bare been elected a member of eoid club. Induced you will and a piloted copy of ttio Cooatitutlon end Hy-I.awa. There will bo a meotiog of the Club oa Tburedey, tbo loth iuat., el 1:311 P. M. Iljaincai f ur -ja-portonco u ill bo ounaidered. Pleoee ookuuwlodKe no tnoluied portal Ihe receipt of tbia notice aud algnlfy your acceptenco of tenue of nieiatarabip. lly order of William T. Liinoer, Secretory. At tho same time a copy of tho Con. stitutioti and By-Laws were aunt to Gen. Grant at Galona, III. By mis take a copy of the above letter was inclosed this morning. Lindsay ro ceived the following autograph from Gon. Grant : Qaiana, III , Nor. it. To H'WIiam T. lind,ag, Swlarf Oraut Club, Pitl,burgk I Ilaaabmi Tbo (Irani Oluh preamble ta eo pereonal to myaelf tbat I tbinb good taelo ro- Iuiree that I ebould deolkoo metaberrblp, wbiob oa been eo kindly rotcd, but I mey bo aSle to meet aome of Iho mcmbera during my propoaed rlelt to filtaborgh. Very truly, yure, U.B. Ubiut. The preamble spoken of is one which defines tho object of the Club to do all in its power to elect Gen. Grant again to tho Presidency, and in tho By-Laws it is also Indicated that each member shall pay a sum of $10 to tbo Club treasury. The Joke of the matter is apparent when it ie thus seen that tho General was invited to join in doing honor to himself and contribute 910 to help elect himself to the Presidency. Of courso, the whole matter was the rosult of an error and wholly unin tended. Although the great traveller has been the recipient of a million of dol lars from his friends, f 10 will keep him away from a Club. Diplomatic 8NonniRT. The Multi more Gazette says ; The Secretary of Slato, Kvarts, keep on hand a lot of blank congratulatory dispatches which are filled up and eont off to tho Czar of Russia whenever ho escape death at tho hands of an assassin. He sent ono off the other day expressive of the extreme happiness of Mr. Hayes over Alexander's last providential escape. ror one we protest against this toady ism. The pooplo of this country have been taught to hate tyranny and thoy have no love for the horoditary bent wbo claims to have authority from God to onslave and keep in ignotance 85,000,000 of people. The Govern ment of Russia was established as an absoluto Monarchy tempered by as sassinution and it is only through the weapons of the assassin that dissatis faction can bo expressed or a chungo of administration secured, The man who holds newspapers in contempt, who hates school houses, gnd wbo finds his greatest enemy in human intelli gence ia not entitled to the respect of the citizens of the model Republic ot the world, and the Ststo Department in sending its congratulatory telegrams across the sea not only stultifies our Republicanism, but robs the people when it pays tho toll out of the Treasury, Although Dead, He Yet Speak etu, The Cleveland (Ohio) Pf:ii Dealer, In alluding to some Radical facta in relation to "the Government," slate them thus : "The late Zacb Chandler told a friend in Washington last Winter that the election of Hayes cost bim 37,000, and showed a check book with tbo stubs, upon which the item were accounted, to show the truth of this statement. He bad a supreme contempt for the pecuniary meanness of Hayes, and talking to a Chicago Inter-Ocean correspondent be fore Hayes became 'Stalwart,' be saidi 'I am told that be only spends 10,000 a year, and saves 41,000 out of his salary. When you go back to Wash ington, you go and tell Hayes that 1 will fix it so tbat be can save his entire salary. He has been in office one year. He will receive (150,000 if he lives out bis torm. I will give him a chock lor that amount, payable when be will write his resignation as President on tho back ot it. Wheeler will then be President, and this country will then be run as it ought' " - - Still Verdant. "Undo Jake" Zicglor, who has, years ago, had some lun with the boys, makes an exhibit of his verdancy in his last issue of the Butlor Herald by remarking: "Will the Philadelphia timet, or Postmnstor General Koy, inform an anxious pub lic the difference between gambling in lotteries and gambling in stocks? It seems to ns, the prohibition of the use of the mails to broker engaged in lottery dealing, and not lt brokers in stocks is a distinction without a dif forent. We live ia the country and do not presume to understand tb fine distinctions which prevail with those who take it upon themselves to con strue laws, but we always I bought gambling was gambling whether in lotteries, stocks, cards or anything else." "J TariNO to Fit it on -The editor of the Washington Sunday Capital hits several "Christian atatesmcn" thia kind of a lick : " During tbe ceremony of unveilingthe Thomas monument Gov- in turn, stole into the Senate chamber and parted his coat-tails over tb seat of Sonator Tburman, to try bow it would feel. Tom looked a If he were going to Invite tbe chamber out to drink ; Sherman a if he had stolen the chair; Garfield appeared aa if about to apologize for the intrusion ; Stanley Mattbowa alone eat 'grand, gloomy and peculiar, wrapped In the cloak of hie own originality, as if born to great- pooi be would never inherit." Domebtjo XajuTm.'i'h Sew York Sun man hit the celebrated Carpenter, and some other fellows, right between tbe eyes, in thia way : " No wonder that JJr. Carpenter and other like bim r, In dregj (est tb poisoned chalice should be commended to Umir own lip. Tbe Republicans set this Inlaws example of stealing the Presi dency, fhey robbaj j;e' people of three .states of their vol.es. Tbe as- fused to invesvigato the Iniquity. They jtcycenLed forged and Iraudulent certifi cates. Tbey have pensioned on the Treasury, at borne and abroad, all tho scoundrels wbo in any way aided tbo villainy." TNPAHDOSARLK CARELESS- NJiSH." These are soft words ; but they are Just such words a the outo editor ot mo rniiaueipma limes would use whilo crucifying an "old wrong," like Judgo Pearson. Ho oonlinuoa : "It it unortvnate that to able and tttrnly ujiriyht a Judge at Pearton, who nas presided ovor the Dauphin Courts lor thirty yean, was called upon to de cide the technical auestiont raited to quash the Indictments found against Mr. nuuorenu ulbers lor corrupt a liei -talion of Legislators. Had the Indict moots been quashed on technical grounds, by any Judgo whoso reputa tion teat nnt fully ettablithed, there would bo apjin tension in the public mind in regard to the mltcarriaie of justice when It bus to wrestle with prominent men; but thodecision of Judge Pearson will be interpreted alike by all sides. H will he understood aa a sub mission to the law that was required to assure its proper judicial administra tion, and it gives no promise to De fendants that technical quibbles can be successfully interposed to prevont their trial. In criminal triuls designed to vindicate the purity of our political system, it ia indispensable that the yhannola of justice shall be froo from taint, and the sanctity of the Jury room cannot bo too jealously maintained. In any viow ol fAe irregularity in tbe grand jury complained tit' in Ibis case, thore must havo been unpardonable careletsnett on the part of tba District Attorney and tho officers in charge. Whether It Was ly accident or design that an iutrudor participated in the deliberations of tbe jury, it would seem that there can bo no reasonable excuse given for tho fatal negligence. It can not bo assumed tbat tho whole twenty three grand jurors were parties to a fraud, yot if any wore, all must have been, or all wore atupidly Ignorant or recklessly indifferent to their grave duties. If a ttudied fraud vas practiced upon the Court, the District Attorney and the lain, by the bold intrusion of tome one into the jury room, how did it escape the notice of the prosecuting officer and of the members of tne jury t It Is possible tbat all was but an innocent accident, but if so, there is a degree ol carelessness about the Dauphin Courts that sadly neods correction, and if it was not an accident, there is a field for judicial in quiry that Judge Pearson will hardly fail to explore in tho most exhaustive munner." The italic! are ours. Yes, "if a studied fraud was practiced upon tho Court." It is possible tbat it was but an " innocent accident," etc We ac cept those humane romaiks, and wo now call upon Judge Pearson and his Dauphin County District Attorney to resign and allow their places to be lilted by other men. Tho next time a lot of bribers and Legislative " roosters " aro indicted, tbe Dauphin County Grand Jury will be made up of not lent thrn thirty or forty men, and the Court and District Attorney will be loo blind to see t hem. MH. HENDRICKS E.XPLAINS. An interviewer of the Cincinnati Enquirer called on tho Vice President elect, tho other day, at Indianapolis, and reports tho following : I mot Governor Hendricks lust night at his hotel, and I opened tbe talk by asking him if he bud seen the state ment in the Washington Star that a prominent lndianiun bad said that ho bad denounced Mr. Tilden in the bit terest terms. " , "Yes," he ammurcd; "I suw the telegraphed statement, which said tbe person was a friend of mine. If bo was, be certainly must have been mis undersloodjforl have novor denounced Mr. Tilden, nor bave I censured him, even. I did not attempt to advise Mr. Tilden as to his course after tbo elec tion in 1876. He decided his course without suggestions from me, and I have no doubt ho thought he was do. ing that which wonld rosult tho best for tbe country. Aa to myself, I bave always thought it fortunate for me tbat I did not till tbo Vice Presidential office. I did not want it, because it would not add ta tbe honors I have bad conferred upon me by my country men, and in a financial way 1 think my profession quite as profltable." "Then you do not ask a nomination as a matter of vindication?" "Oortainly not W hen a party elocta a man to an offtoe it vindicates him, if such a thing is necessary in politics. If he does not or cannot assume the office afterward, that is another matter. At least it is ao in my caso. ' If I ask anything of my countrymen it will be upon my merits." "1 hare seen it stated that if did not get tbe nomination you would throw the weight ot your influence in Indiana against the successful man ?" "That is unjust to me. I shall sup. port any man whom my par ty will nominate. 1 bare no ex clusive claim on any nomination. Tbe people, not aspirants, are the judges in such matters. 1 regard In diana as a Democratic Stato, and would bo disappointed if any nominee of the party should tail to carrv it. At anv rale, be would receive all the assistance 1 could give him. TK YINO TO KILL THE CZA R. EXPLOSIVES FIRED I'HIir.B THE IMPERIAL HAOOAQE TRAIN iONE VAN BLOWN TO riECE ANU SEVEN CAR RIAGES THROWN orr TIE TEAOK TO WAR'S ESCAPE. Moscow, lieeemhey 8 Alter the arrival f the Koine ror last night whilst the second train containing tbo oaggage was on tne way hitber an explosion occorredi- On Wises van was blown to pieces and seven carriage wore tnrown on ine rails but nobody wasiniurod. To.dava donnbatinti nm. ceeded to tbe Kremlin to congratulate Ilia JJujpsty epon his visit to Moscow. Previous to the (emperor's arrival In the ball ot audienoe. th Lord Marshal gav tb deputation the news ot the catastrophe or the previous evening;. Mi hearor appeared for tbe moment tnunaerstrucK nut' immediately alter- wards broke into loud cheers at tbe Emperor's escatie. The Emperor an poared in St. George's hall at noon, and was presented by the municipal authorities with bread and salt, when he sooks as follows i "Gentlemen, 1 am very glad to see you again, remembering tb loral at tachment which yon evinced on the occasion ol the sad evont of April H similar assurances then reached mo from all part of Russia You are al ready acquainted with the events ol yesterday, God preserved me aa well as those traveling with m. Anxious only tbr the welfare of Russia, 1 bave placed myself in tbe bands of Provi dence, but sedilina must be extirpated. I appeal, therefore, to yon and all right-minded people to aid m In th eradication ot tbi evil, which la taken root in Russia. I address myself to parent and nrge them to conduct their children In tbe patba or truth and righteousness), in order (hat tkey may bouooia, not miscreants, but usoj'ul men and good oitlsena,'.1 ' ' 1 ' Tb Emperor' words were received with loud1 cheer. The explosives which destroyed tbe imperial bair;aire train are stated Ls bjv been placed oa Monday evening onder Che raiis aX a point over Which lb Imperial triin would pasa just be lor entering tbe Moscow railway station. The Caar arrived safely, however, at 11 o'clock Monday night, and tb explosion oo- curred on the passage of tho haggago train half an hour afterward. Tne house whence the mine was exploded has been discovered and a search is bo- '" 1r lnu perpetrators, A person wbo was in tho bueifiiue train al the time ot the explosion says the baggage train of lour teen carriages and two locomotives was dispatched half an hour before their carrying the Knipeior, but by a fortunate i-hanco the (,'zar'a train overtook the bsggago train, passed and lelt it some distance behind. Two railway oHIoiuls who were in tho Immediate vicinity were badly injured. Tbe perpetrators doubt less thought the Czar was in the son. i:J 1 The public prosecutor and the Magistruto soon arrived. , Tbo latter discovered In the court-yard of the empty house conceuled under tho snow some wire connected with a but tory placed in an outhouse Irom which the passing trains could easily bo seen. Tbe house was bought in September by a young man, who stated that be was a citizen of Samara. He bud been observed digging in his cellur by his neigiiuors, out He disarmed suspicion by declaring that bis reason for doing so was to obtain sand. From this cel lar was dug a passage-way, in whioh a train of powder was laid connecting with a mine under the railway. 11 oro wires were found behind the wall na per. From tho quantity of clothing found in the huuBu it Is supposed that several persons were engaged in the work. St. I'ETiubiiuaii, Deo. 4. Tbo Czar umved here safely at 2:45 o'clock this afternoon and proceeded to tbe Winter palace in an open sleigh. Great cro ds ui iroops lining me streets cheered bim enthusiastically. Tha yVwirs' Berlin correspondent explains that the Cr.ur'a railway journeys are generally mado with two trains ono lor himsull and suito and tho other for tbo servants and baggage. uiiuerioil bus boon customary to alio' tbe latter train to act as a kind ot eclaireur. On the present journey this oruer somenow uccamo reversed and tho imperial train look tho front oosi lioii. Unaware of this change the as sassins calculated upon tho Czar beinz on tbo second train and exploded their mine accordingly. London, December 4. Tbo Newt' hi. Petersburg dispatch says: "The tunnel containing tbo powder train ran lou loot Irom tbo bouse under neath tho permanent roadway. The first part ot tho tunnel was built of stone. Some persons wbo were stand ing on Iho embankment aa tho ban gago train passed imagined it was the Czar's train, which was tho signal for exploding me mino. London, December 4. Tho corres pondent of the Timet at Berlin discuss ing tho recent attempt on tho Czar' lile says: "There can be no doubt tbat wo huvo hero a repitition of a orimc which has lately become too froquont in Russia, and it is equally certain to what parly the perpetrators belong. Commuted but a day -or so alter tbo l zsr in leniency had commuted the sentence of death passodon tho Nihilist Mirsky. tbe outrage of Monday night cannot but inibua the government with a determined spirit und intensify its resolvo to show no pity on those inca pable of compaesiun." Tho Queen yes terday telogrophed tho Kmperor of Uussia congratulating him on his es- capo Irom assassination. Drtv drfrtisrutfuts. J (ainat purcktuiDf or in toy way Meddling Willi tba following property, low to th potmskn of J. B. Lftbortj), of Wimerburn, tii : On cow, 1 plr , I took itovi, 1 n-rlor hot. I bcdi and beddiojt. 1 burMQ. 1 sink, 1 let ettne ebain, 1 fit cum mon eh air, ai tbe uni belong! 'o ma, and la It ft wilk aafd Labor, on Innn onlj, iubjwt t uy raor at ao- tine. J. W. UOHP, Laih-nbtirg, Pa, Nut. 16, 1ST 9 It. T ICENHE NOTICE. Tha follow In. car- Jj torn hT A lad la th otto of tba Clark of itaUunrtorUurtHlQMaf Clrfleli ontv, tkalr Fatltioni and Bond for Limb mb. at tha Janaarj 8i.loni, agreeably to (b Act of A- renrjij i Jo tm 8. B.fT DnBot. W. leu l8hI(B,.,.M M Mibal Hurly... ..0ola Htnitb llonl'-tstia. John Colantaa ...,.,,.,, " M.Llloordliagtr DnBola. ft RITA DRART. IIHatt m. Pent! , .DBii. Ctrtiflr-d from tb Roeord. KLI BLOOM, Protb't. Ctoarflelt), Pa., W 10, II7B K E. S. HENDERSON," UNDERTAKER aruniiiiiias rinn a. rpUR tabaoriUr now aflVrt la ika aitiiMt of X Burn. id ud finity, on nnpmidad 'PniaiiT. nreTtT ui a hum or uaafteta and Coflm will bo ktpt an bond, and ordrra filled ot ono. . , Mnrrttl$ Mendtd 4ity where. I will fit ri lib tbo float oa wall tu tbo obeaneet nien aMtoaioa io rune rail- au raera toft a4 tbe atoro of Johr O. Corror will roeoiTO BtutaDt attention. For fnrtber partloulara, on.) I on or oddreaa X. B, HBNUKRBON. Do, to, urt-if. TeEGIftTF.RNOTICt3No!leols bero- W by glren that tho foliowiag aocouate bava oeea oiammea ana pasocn ay me, ana remota Sled of roeord ia this obVio for Iho lospeition of heirs, legatoee. creditors, nnd all others interacted, end will be pre earned lo tbo noitOrnhano' Ceart wf Cm. hv'iu Miai, 4e bo held 01 tao uourt noose, In the noroogh of CleorBeld, commencing oa tho ooeond Monday (being tho llib doy) of Joaaary, A. D. ISS0 i Fioal amount of Jamea B. tiraham, Uoardiaa of Kebrooa llialer, tnew Mains), minor belr William ftlnter, dee'd. Final aceouai of John Iloorer, Haecolor of tho eetale of Adorn Snyder, lalo of bierria township, Clearfield oeuety, Pa., dee'd. finel ooeountof Lewie Krbard, Uoordlas of Alloc airlteary, oao of tbe children oad beira or blolleary, late of Jegereoo Co., Pe deo'd. 1'artlel aoaonnt of Wis Brherd, Ooordlaa of kllsebolh MrHonry, ono of tbo children oad betra of ale Ueary, lata of Jcflereon euaaty, rs , uvceeceu. Finel oeooant of Lewie Krbard and Jeonh Arnold, Adminlelratoro of tho eel.ee of Saejerl Burr, oue oi iieoTBcM OQBBtr, fa. sec d. Pertlal account of Joo. II. ood Oee. W. Ocarbart, Blecutora of tbe laat Will cod TratamcBt of Arlam fleerberl, lota of Dradford towmblpi Clenrfteld eouoty, Pa., dee'd, Aoeouat of Alfred SeoSeld, AdoaiBislrotor of Iho create of John eaobrabaod, late of OloorSeld county, Po, died., aa lion by Lncioa Bird nod t-barlee Hobeoker, bopdsmcg. Partial account ol Margaret A. Dickey, Admtnla tralrla of Iho eeieie of Win t pietey, lolo of lieeoorio towaeaip, Clcorflrld Co., l'o, deo'd. L.J. bttiHtlAN, hegirer. Cleeigold, Pa., Dee. IS, lall to. ritBIAL MfcT.-llil of Cores aet iowa a A. Irtolot daauarj Torm of Court, oeoamooc ieg Monday, Jeoeary Ilia, Issl, and cooties, log three weeBCi goo.no Wang htonoAV Jauoabt Urn. Loci Goes, Trwotee, re. Waiarighl A Oo. Aobln Taylor to. W. 0. fjerdoa. Ikomkloc U'Mcatgelrc Jacob bjlrcb Jacob ilolact ro. 8. O. Pitohiu, AJ'r, Paler MelJeorgo es. Jobn W . Uacio A Bros. J. B. Dillon el. al. ' ra. I. Cowan ou al. Tbomae bluebell no. Joba Dulea et. ot. It. B, Uoodloador re. Kramer A Bell William A. Bloom It's re. A. 0. Tetc, Admtals'r w aahtcgtoa at LAa a fa. George llaoger M M oa. H w w eg, ii ii J. It. Ulehe o. W. O. Kelley Wllllem Albert A Broe. to. Tbomae Parks Aadrew Uardaor la. Oartle Reesu ot. al. D. O. lleoaal J. C. Ackard H. B Sbilliogfnrd Joho . Camoaloge c Daniel Miller eo. Joho Ltghteer e. kobort More Powell eo. U. W. Uellehor, Ad r R A. A W. D, Irris Uriah Uey Tgicn ngag-oiiir, Jag. Itg. Illaa tmllcy ra- DvBolo A jrule Ceepet Lelpoldt ra. Ohrtcllen tuhat Po Nat Beak of Oleor'dca. A. Humphrey Oa Bat Beak of Oloor'd oa. Will, em A Wall an Somool Araold, ac e, TO. r. a. Bloom T.J. Borer tb. AUaoorllagetal Il ls Joha P. Irrla Jnba Moore -Bridget Motor Mateora Mi Hoc TO. James A. Bloom TO. Wllllem Leiber ot ol To. Allogboay V.llDe ia. Jacob fi tloerhtrl TO. Jacob tiacfallet. al. Jeakce Port nee of Jeooihaa Iteynton to. Tbomav Partset. al. Ntebolee Veadstcmdl TO. Joha Jamloear Moore Maroonf - - to. Jaeaee Fkroa. leoao Llou ' to. (loo. I). Kirk. Ad'r Itkamer'Dele To. Tbomoo O. tykar B. . g; T. Herd Bobart Browa tu. Adorn Meyer eg. ot. lomool Beaca to. C. H. Heosel kaeai Waters Wl ra. PALM OowoMct ILI BLOOM, Protboaotawp. llfVi'itninawrsiiloi' $np druttstmfiita. D1SMOH1TION NOTICE. Tho poriaor ahlp heretofore oaleilng between M. H. Ogilen end Juhn Dortllt, engnged In tho butcher ing btilnea in Iho borough ot OleergoM, bao tills dae (Dee. let) been dieeolied br mutuol oonaonl, Tbe booke end at-eoonte era tell in Iho hende of M. H. Ogdra, wbo will coolinoo tbo buelooea ot the old etepd oa Sooend afreet, ooarlv oppoello be M. R. Church. M. K. OODKN, JNO.DOKYITT, Oleorteld, fa., Deo. Id, l' tt. AlIHTOHK NOTICul.-to tbo Court of Common Piece of ClearSold Co.. Pa. Pi. Fa., No. ITS, Kept. Term, IS7S. 0. Blottenberger eo, Jerry Q'Brlen, . Tho ehdereigoed Auditor, eppolale by the Court to distribute tbo proeeoda arieiog from Ihe hherig'e rolo of Oefenilool'e real eetale, hereby giioe notice Ibet bo will ettend to tho dntiee of bia oppolntment ol bl oSico In LloarDeltl, on WKUNKSIMY, DKCKMIIKB 17TII, S7li at ! o'clock P. M., when nad where ell pnrtiea ioler I oilarf m.r all.eS. A ll. KHAMKH. Auditor. Oleerflel.t, Pa., lloo. JJ, ls7 It. CI.GAIIKItCLD COUNTY BO, N k. The banking Srm knows al the CleorSeld Couaty Bank baa been dlsiolred by mutual ooneent, end the bank Ie lo go loto greduai HqolJatloo. Wo are reipenrible for the deblc, ood will pay them Tbo oessts will bo under control of Jobn W. Wriglcr eicluilrely, at tho backioff house, end nod will be collected by bim. JAMKrJ T. LEONARD, J AM US B. OHAHAM, WILLIAM PuBTKll, . WILLIAM A. WALLACK, OLOKIIK L KEKU. Cleorleld, Pa, Dee. a, 1I7 K. AUDI Toil' NOTICR.-Ie Ibo Orphans' Court or Clearfield oouoly. In t ho mat tor al tbo acute or lioao MoKoo, lele ot Kbox Iowa abin, Clearfield county. Pa., deo'd. The undcreigced Auditor, appointed by tha Court to diatrlbete the balance of money lo tbo hende of Jamas M MoKoe and Jobn I. MoKoe, Admlnlalralore of aai-l deceased, to ood among iho portion outitled thereto, and to asoertaia cod report tbe amount ol widow'c dower, chergaoblc under each of tho pleoee of tbo real orlato of eoid decedent, occept-d by the eereral beirc at the ral uetloo fixed In the portltioo of acid aetata, will meet the partlec Intvreeted lor Ihe purpoeo of bic appointment on FKUMY, DKCt'MHKK ItlTIl, IS7U, el I o'elook P. M , when nnd wboro oil par tlec Interrstcd may attend. OSCAR MITCIIKLI., Auditor. Clearfield, Pa., Deo. 3d, 18! 8 It 1880. Harper'. Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Tbii popular poriodieal ti or a ml neatly o journal for tba boubold. Jfvor Nuabor foraiabM tbo latent Inforntttiun in regard to faabiooa im dram and oroaineal, tha Dcwost and moat approtad pal term, witb deiAiip tl ort. e let darned from aulhebtlo and original onroeii while tu titorien, Puvmi, and Kiieya on .Social and Domoftlo Tuple, giv rarietj to Ita cola mo l. Tb folumtl of tb affaeor begin wltb tha Aral Number for January oftaob year. Whan no tin ii mentioned, it will bo undent uod thiU tb cub oribcr wlihei to com men oo wiih tb number sell alter tha rooeipt of order, HARPERs"PEEIODIOALS. HARPER'S M AOAKtNE, Ooo jrr f. 00 HARPER'S WEF.KlV, 4 90 HARPER'S BAZAR, " M 4 01 ThaTHHKR nbur-namod puhllitationOfOna Year 10 00 Any TWO above-named, Oo Year ? ft HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Oo VaJtr... I 60 Poetag Free to all aabaertber 1 ibo i'nltotl Stat or Canada. Tho Annual Vltna of Harprr'i Baur, (a neat cloth binding, will be aent by mall, poetaga paid, or br etprtti, frrouf etpeme (pruvided the freight does not txtjood on duliar per -o'uajtj), for fT.UO eech. A eompltt Hit, eomprlring Twel Votunva, aent on raovtpt of oaah at the raw of $6,lj per tot an, freight at oxpena f pnrohnMr. Cloth Catea for ech rtilame, no it able ft-r bibd Ifif, will bo tent by mail, panpaid, on topipt of $1.VH each. Remittanoai ihoultl b nad by Pu.tuffli: afoney Order or Draft, lo tioid ahane of lo. Mawapapera are not i ipy ibli ndrertiio nt wltbout th etrM order of 11 Antra A o roth ante Ad.irfii HARPER A CROTUF HS.New York Uee. 10 m WONDER OF WONDERS GREAT HOLIDAY STIOHS ANT OP THE FOLLOW 1NQ OOOIiS FOR PRKSENTS ! MUSICAL GOODS. P1AN08, OR0AN". VIOLINS. UKIME, ACCOIIDKON, , COKCSRT UAKMONICA8, BOOKS. DICTI0NAItg, UUTORlitl, I.IURARY, HCTION, r ADVKNTt'RKS. TRAVELS, AO. FANCY GOODS. Ml'BIC ROLLS, AITUUKAPH ALBlrSIS, URKSSIN8 0KK8, PUOTOUHAI'H ALBUMS, Handkerchief & Glove Boxes. JAPANESE flOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Come one, come alL aad aoo for yourselroe. Dt.n't fatl to eoll. I ana sure voa can find vbot roa want. , , r. A. O.tl LIN lie. io, ; tr. TllHV 1.IBT...LI.I of tho name, of Jurora f r grown ror Jenuer, Term, A. 11. IflHO, com. caeaelng oa tbo ti otondaf (ISlb), and to cms. tinno three fcrkc I angag juauaa. Jaa train. Clccrteld, J 0 Mr era, ' 1 II llurarl, Orahanj, Sbb'I Wiibarew, Jordan A Arderr Carwenerltle, uonrnd tlaker, knoi, Tolnert Ogden, Lnw'aao W UeW.lt, Heocoito. John Black, Bell, ft K Hloon e Joho Uet, Morrlo. II Hnrloiaa, Vo.es, J n gblrev, Uraufurd, Jas M Spencer jr, Pike Jooo W Corp, Brady, Jeace W Carhale, ' itohort Uweoe, Pike. .4 Posllelbe.it, Send;, Daeid Hoover, ' K B Kaalr. Borneilelp Refai l.incsej, Cheat, I J W mil, Wondorard, I Hoodereoo, ... H.ib'l alcttareejr 1 taArnaaa jraoae -tot trnng, lira air. Joe Shaw, Cleerflcld, Itlecrge Test, DecalBr, Ilarrr at ilia, " Jubc Marks, M P bwaae, Car'ivllla. 0 l Rrlao. Uirard. Jcrrr Irwlo, HolBdele,ileleh Jorr. " P J McCclioogh, tVea D Bargee, Grobaei, Mieaaei uuner, ueeeoia, joo vrty, ttreeawood, lice Bineigli,WallacoleB Jeaee Kr.ur, Hueb Mnlleo, llaccarlteJU I Sc,rllcg, OnHxl), rlghf, Cocrail Uiuter. JaeSpatiele Jno Utiwersot, Hnaton, Angne Miller, Bell. . Waa Stopboos.ir, Kort'c J W Campbell, " Jas a Head, Lewronoe, L Deootog, j jonnson " Jonn Rotbroch, Bogga, Oaa'l tiineal, " D llltchioga, Btodlord, llocrge A'd.rr. Morris, nioaoiaa rallaaor, " R 0 Breoaef, J OoTid W H.,1, p,,,, J B Ureal Sin Ir. . aoesBoeiall Ir, Bred;, Kroctoe Lather, - llenrr ninler, Lorn 'I Brrre. Bornsldet J 1 Cloaeer, Union, J I reoplce, M HollepoWr, H Wilklni. Woaderard. Joo 0 Mitchell jr, " rrm Heccltcn, uaect, Wei Ktose, CotIobIoo. Jne M Cheer. JnkB t.iw I it Jpo Bflrl, enaeoasB rraees In teacg, Wra nor. T It Pnllerton, 0 (eorf'd ' Pool While. Cheat, II t Rlgler, Olcarlield. P Hawedr. 0 J U Uilo Loaober Cnj, E L Ooolkroih. L CUT. Gilbert Toner. Mewharg, llorrg K rouse, Oecoela, Joe F Bonner, M l al;ore, " Tleaoihe Leo. Bell. TUWoodwaHjr.Haat'a R CaldwolL K co.. John J Rend. UwaMec. ioo uongoonr or, aaeoa. Home, Leooerd Krler, atonic, W B Dcelaer. Joo L Wllooa, Bradford Jaa Vldoailro. Peon. Mark Krler, I'hrtet Borhet, Dredr. mek'd Uoornrir, roan, u 4 ircaiep, ribc. Uel BloOie. - Joho W Koalk, " flee W N.ie T W Foracworta, Plko, J M breeder, Uolooj, D ticreana, Bomside if Wea Ilutieo. o r retcrasan. Wood d, Pour Brailler. V 'Joe 0 ItUglal eairaeea li anas go wnBg.Mrg aat. W J Elena. Barnclde nor Morris Dealap, Qrnkaaj P B Meaa. J P Irwla, Cleargold. J B Jenklac, Cor'crlllo, OT McOmehea.arooaw'd Klch d Jane, Hoatadale, i.ooc loorp, Joo Belter, Eorlhoao, L McOrookea, Boon, Thoe W, there w Jr, Kooi A J fllllch, Uvronco. w a aaeoiooigio, M Cowoa. Beooorlo, Uoeehtak Place. Blcoea. JeOeo Jaotee, li.ggi. Vontol TMnip, Bradfcfd Jooch 0 regie, - ' Jao B Jjetle, Jen Iloorer, Morrta, too FolUner, - ' Ak Peeraa, Wll W a TeTtef. Oloa C Book, t L oTeOeor, Bmdjr, J.hn Poctor, ' . l RoaBa, ., John Uertiele, " ol 8 Bheocn, Pong, Wai Dale, Pico. D I Brgbeher, Union, Wea Rhletdc, Weodwer P HcokeaaorrBn'alnel '.. I I A MeCmoOeo, Pergaeea Rata, iv drntlsfinrtits. CAUTION. AH peroone ore hereby warned egel-el meddling or In eny way lourter. ieg wila the following perennel proper'T. now in tbe pooaooeioe of i. P, Otiflmen, 01 Woodward tnwmkip, rnJl Ono ronS alallion. una black geldiog, and two eele of borneee, ae tbe aome be longe tu oa, aad Ie left woe eotd Coffaioo on lean oole, auldoct 10 our order ot any liuie. Hi A A. FLYNX Hu.l'b't ttyllc, Pa., Nor. St, lt7 II. AIIDITOH'S HOTICR. lo the Orphans' Court of CleaiSeld ooonly. In tbo metier ol tbo eetale of Peior Aabeofeltor nnd hteria Aabonfeller, late of Hreily towooMp, dee'd. me unaeriignea AU'liti-r, apLoioiea oy me litHit.r, apLtiiwaa oy inai - - ' . r " " "'"are ibo -...l-.b.lanoe. In : " twf '"rI !?"rbo"Bl' "d rn ,b.r.. Idmlnialralor anionf thai" M, .a in ic.v.i,or .nd ta iberHo.wt.1 ntterd to lb. & ,A M "P"7 nod Cal.t. Court to sietrlbula I tbe hande of Ihe A boiro legally eotitled tberee duliea ol ale eppoiatmeot ot Ibo officio of Wallaco A Krebe, In llir borouuk of Olearleld. on TIIIIHS- DAY. DKL'b'MliKH jITU ihtu, at I .'oia,, p. M-. wneo aim wnero au parties tnteraa'cl mar ettend. II. V. WALLACK. auditor. .lUlasrield, Fa, Deo. J, 1: at, . A l lITIR' NOTICE, In tb Orphan' lo tha k attar V. Court of ClrarBeld rounty. la tha matter ol tntaioi Hiiiiai townafaip, dee'd, BtU, la i of llrnwood Tb undertirood Auditor, appointed by the vouri to en a a mitrioutioq or th balance in tn haBda of rramptoo Boll nod Z. L. Hoorar, Ad- minlatratora of aaid doeodent to and among tba parti legally entitled thereto, borehy giv not mo (bat no will attoud to th dutloa ol bia ap noinimrnt at the vOioo of MoKnallv MoCurdfi in ib borouyb of O leer field, on FRIDAY, tb iVtb day of DECEMBER, th7. at ID o'elook A. . D. W. MoCl'RDY, Audit. Clcarflold, Pa , lloo. Id, UTW-Jt. Interesting to Buyers! H.A.Kratzer HAS A LAIIOK A.-1HOH TMt.NT OF , El::!;:::, Cloths, Cassimeres, AND AI.1. KINDS OP Winter Dry Goods, Whioh b will tl oheap formub. Ilaadaomo Carpels and Oi! Cloths. Ladies' Coats Dolmans In PtiKk and Maitr to Order. KfCHARDSON'fl CKLKHIUTKD Elmini' Boots and Shoes. Boj no otberc i the; aro tko lieet FRKNPII AND AMERICAN fAI.c" SKINS, KIP AND SULK L'ATHKH.AT KKASONaULIi KAlKi. HEMKMI1K11 TIIK PI.At'lt: - H. A. KRATZER, I dour. Welt of Pmlnffiec, CLXARFIELD, PA Do.Jlt. '; tf. Cathartic Pills Combine tha rlioiot CHthnrtlo prin. in niotllriiM, ta pruiirtiiua ndnritily iU jtistetl to nwcurft aclivlt, crinintv, jiu.1 uniformity of eflVct. Tli't-y nrr llt- t- -nil of yani of careful utiuly anil irai t n! pnriinent, ant) art tlio nimt ellf. tni: n rn. ttly yot tliroriml fr eliiw atM-a, . . il?ran(tem nt of tlie gtoinai h. liv r. im.l ltow?la, wliu h rroiilm pnunt an.l nl. . tun trratment AvEit a are Ht !iiii Hb. Slirablo to Kit a claw of liaiwttN. Ti.- u t ireotly on tlia dit(lv ami aimiiiiiiuiUA firoceaeci, and retoro n'nlitr lu-niiliv m -ion. Their oxt?nalvo r iilivHii 'Htt) in their prm-tico, ami by all rtrillr.il m i ri., la one of the many jmmi of iln tr nv.. m safe, aura .noil (wrfwilv rttlinblt iitri:.ii uiMlirine. Bt?iuK cdr!i,Hi,Hulrtl of th (r. wntratotl TirttUMi of purely rctirtablr ul tancoa, they are naithety friw Intni -alt-mol, or any injuria ma pnMrtiia, end cm Im aUiuiuiaitrtHi to childrvu MltU jKri-c n.ui t . Avrn'i Pilli are an rffm-liinl rnrt f.-r Conatipntlon or i'oatlvt no, iMlfteo. tlon, lygrp?paln, I, oh tf ANHte, Koul Btomaoh and) Hreuth, UittKliwaN, llr(Wh, Lou of Momory, MintlmH. lililouanoaa, .Inundlcr, Klinumatiam, I'.ruptiona anfl hkin IinaeH. lrrfay. Tu mora. Monti. N en ml a; in, Villc, llrlpea. Dlinvrrhaii, lHopnttryf (mill, l'ilfflt, Olaonlrra of the Liver, mt.i mi nthor dirvtw rmultinir from a iI!m M tate of Uio tlfHesUva apAnitiia. . . ; Ai a Dinner Pill tltvy liare no n.;al. While fpMiWtt in ih.'ir a-lion, tbeae are th nitmt thonuitfb and warching cai)i::r Uc that can 1 euii'lnypd, anil nvor n'vt? pain nl tlw tMfU nre inilanml, ami then their inflitenre. ia healing. Thy atimu late the appetite and dilative organ; thrv operate to pur If v and enrirh the blood, and Impart rwnewetl health and vigor to the whole ayiteui, Prtpartd by Or. J. C. Aytr & Co., PmettMd Mai Analytical ( beanie, Lowell, Matt, oi it avu. muoeim iTSBTvaan Sheriff's Sale. By rlrto f nadry wrlta of Lemri Faeia It tued oat f the Court of Commaa Pla of Clear field eouaty, and t directed, there will b ipoaed to public tale, at tk Court Hon, ia ta borough f Clar&td. aa Uednaaay, Ueccmbrr 3Ut, IH19, At 1 o'elnek P. M., tha tolluwiDf dewibed real lUt. to wit : A nrtala iwo-etory rVam bo I Id in ( or dwell inn 18it lelgWilh tt and rtilaji aaitartMaat thereto, alt aet la th borb at OfOeola. Clear field oontjr, Pa., bonnded and driorihed ai fol low! : Oa tb aorth by lot No. of M nibaa- ao Lead and Ia tuber Co., at ay M No. !, loath byHeroqd avean, anil weal by lot No 418, beta .0 fiet front a aaid aenae, and feet iip. Ber(J, takea la cseoaiioa and ta b aeld ae the property of C. W. Jlmler. Taaaa or 8Li.-Tb prie or aata at wbleh th property aball be (track off aaaat be paid at tb tin of tela, areuebethar arrufeacau ad a will b appro red, atharwia th property will b iBjavdiatelypnt ap aad a Id aaaia al th Bpat and riik of lb proa ta wboa. It wa itraak off, aad wae. ta aif dloiaoy at oah rtale, aball aak ftaod th aaia, end ia a taalaa will tb Ld he prwaeated la Coart for toaanaaiioa aals tb tnoay t aetaallt paid to tb Sheriff, ANDKkW bNTZ, jr., Baaairr'a Orrira, I bbeHff. Clearleld, Pa., Dee. 3, :t. SheriiT's Sale. 1)T elrtoo of coadrr writi ef Pea. JCr., Ireoed I out of the Cow 11 of Oooaoaoo Pleae of Clear. eld Co., aad to Me directed, thoro ejlll bo ea paced to nni.Uo aale. at tha Coart House. In t!ia burnn.k of paaarlleld,, oa n eftiieednT, Docccabcr aiet, INTO, At 1 o'clock, P. II, Ika follewaig deaaikod real oetcte, to with A aertaln lot of growad altoou la Horn, dale boroogh, Cleerlleld eoaoly, pa konnded end deeorieed aa follewet Ueiioalag at a poet ot tko eoaiec.it comer of Honneh etnot and Pine el ley, aeaik 10 degrees ond M miaaloe weel 11 loot to n poet II fort Irons oenlro lino Ol ibo Moehnnnoo Branch Railroad i tkoooo along snld railroad and II feet trace coolro II foot, aaoro or leec, toe poet thooao aorth II degreea oad H -icaiee earl oof feel to coat aide ef Hannnh el reel, taeooo north 1 dogrooc weel o ,ol abeng aaid aoalb sldo K lannak atreet lo o pool - - R..,a.Bn, ... ..... ib roe gen oral plaa af said noroogh no lot No. , nnd kee ing thereon erected o two-ctorj freeao hooee 10 bj 1 J feet, Pelaed , lahaa la oaeenttoa end as he aold os tao proportr ef W, J. Sherbaogh. Also, a ear lain lot of oroand al.a.f. ! u ,. dole borooch. Olocrlold oonutv. P. . ei . ooraor tot oo Ibo ocmor of llaonek and Briibla , wanoco co loo aorta 07 Hannah atreet, be tkoeonik, and by brick keildlnge Moagiog to Caeaoroa oa too oaat. boloo 14 feci r. .. ae feet dee wltb a two-Morn fraaa e.k. i-eiwaw ecweioo, weiog 10 an ft loot. Also, two late ot hand In tan boeoo.h - tl.-.. aaie, i-iearaeia oaanle, ra.. ae no kia hi. . 0.0 and IDS. lolnlng nad rroaUag o MoAleet ctreVt; about 300 feet, aad ruanlog hock log feet to Pino ollee. Bonodod k; Kallroo4 on tao aorth, Mo. moor eireet oa ibo want, rtna altar 00 Use eaet aad AVa alter oa Ibo oonlb, containing one hall cere of I'eend. wiih a large deable-htlek koioe II kg 0 feel, two elorloe kieh. M.I.I. ..J ..k.' oat owlldiogi tkorooa erected. Belaed ukea ea e..,,, cod to no eeld ae tkn propane , ,.. Wateboaaa aad Tboeeaa Walehoaaa. . AIM. tbeee two eortal. Im.i. . 1 . Lawrenaotomaklp.Cloara.ld oonntr. Po,. kaowa I. Ibophan of th.ro.. af V ChJielVi TlS Hlckok euaot. wed b 0U.1 -ZV T: by ta-foM alWr, oaet br le toot alter oa.dbVZ tatog gg fMI frM M bU.1. rJ.tT.'d".g u p.Md Ma. Oe, Z k";. "I?. iberoog ornote a erje fraooe ekerok MMlng ajloa, aad to aa eokt an Uae iwoieca.iaaiooineneceUM.ua 1. l. ... Boil .nie..!. mi ia as n on can I Ii ' a"gauoa af woot Clear 'iftciinr aAiit- ir" fcgofr o e IT Aha, moorialn traot of load iltuat ) Dtggint. til1, WrMitlward tunokblp, Olcarlield Oouoty, pa hnundrd and deibed a follow ii oB n,, ,lftL by aa alley, toaita tiy llaimati afreet, west hT pro perty of lleorg Reblnana, eaat I y prupert H. II (tabdirn, M bilng Aw l-el front hd 160 (,,( Utbfp, and having thera irouiod Iwa iUr fraui h'HIt lltltl ft. H4 aed, 1ak Id Von and t n hM ae tb property r 'lhamai in-y. A'ao, a errlain Iraot of luiiti iltaata ia W-J. ward twp., CI ea rile 1 1 Oo , Pa., buRled aat Vy land of P. A A. tlyao, aoyth by laoJi of Jooi noynttiR, wt by aeia. Berth by land of lUrd Richard and Joha 1 hiilpa, oontaiaing bio arei usare or leae. and hat in of attaint IB ! bUHrOBOIBD, UotCCUlurie Alio, a certaia traytt of land Uuat U Karl, koue lewt.ahlp. Clear R eld (tuuaty, Pa., bouadd and dertvt a foUawat lleginnlng at a b ichor i (siroer wllitM4 y btekury (euplia A.b . j atwuip ; i hauoe eout-b by otbor 'aoil of Jaa. Kite atKiuloO psfohoatoa pi a marked l,t eorneri thano weel by aiU pieo or land and land of J R. Ulliiland. porcbaa to line of J.R. (tilhiand land; tbeooe nurta by aaid land abunt ft pernbe lo lino of land of Uiraai Ruingardnor j theac aat by taltl laol nt land ol Jaiuea Uaiel. par. ohta to hickory and plow of beginning, e..Biain li.g UO acre, l are or wbiob ia o tea, red, hav. I u it iherroa tr-ted a frame hon and Ing barn, with a young beving ore I. aid, Maed, taken in aatcntioo and to be eoid a tb property nt Joba Ji. Uiobaola, with not ire lo Jb C.'.Michar. tart tenant TitarS Sal - The pried or un at whlvk th property ahall b triHik off mutt be paid at (lie l iioe of enle, or auok other arrangement, mad aa will bo appro red. otberwiae tbo property will bo lintndiatly put up aud aold attain at tb aa pn and rik of tUo peraoo to whoia It in truck If, aud wbu, ta oao of deAcioBuy at auun r !, ahall aak good tb uo, and ta no inata.no will th Deed be presented ia Conrt le-r ooollraalioB unlf tb money ( actually paid to the btirnff, AMJKKW PUNXZ.Jr., SniNiry'i Orrtca, I S bar iff. Ofearftaltt PH Don. 3d. 1&7M. , ... Sheriff's Sale. BY virtu of writ ef , laaed out of th Court o( Cotninua Plea of Clear, field eounty, aod lo na directed, tbr will b txpod to FllUhlC 8AI.B, at th tert Huie, la the borough of CUarfUid, ou Uctlueaday, Oectmbrr Slat, H?u, At 1 o'clceb, P. M., th fallowing dewrlbej real eitate, to wit i The following property al'uiU in BurniM Wwr.ahip, ClearUold oouicty, Pa.bouaJtd emit by land f Tiioniaa Mitobell, auulh by laud of HiJdle, waat by land of Uargtaaa ailate, urlb by land of Jewe liuitt'd, enulainiiig S4tl acre, more or Wet, with about 90 aorea cleared aad uadr iutpruve meat, and bavlog thereon rted a Iwo-atory fraui bnuae, large bank bara aad otbar neoeavery tuthHi'diDgt. wiik orchard aed gool well of water, beiaed, takh iaaeefuiton aad to be aold u tbe pnipegty of V. U. Uoekenberry, with notice to David lteed, 1) an til JJcCraoke and Janet titer diod, tcrr tanaot. A Uo, tb fullowiBg real eiUt tit a ate In Burn id towoahlp, Clearfield o?uity, I., bouoded weft aad aorth by Burqaeheona rlrer, mat by land of Edward King'a eitate, lou'h by land f Viorrnt Toakiaa, n tain log 21 arrea, nur or ., all cleared, and bating thercoa arenUiJ a iwo etory fmm boua. fraa bara and sarpea ter rbep. Baised. taken ie xeeuliaB and to b old aa the property of Juho King. A!ao, all tbat certain traet or pice of taad alt nat in iMorria towctblp, Clearfirld oounty Pa., bounded and described ai follow ; HrginDlog at a stake; tbenoe north 87 degree waat 0u perch by land of W. Albert A llmttiera to ttooei; tbeooe 'ill by ram land aoutb 3 degre wen 176 pr. sfaea lo tb plaoe of tv-g inning, (Hiataioing AS cre nod 6 perghei, wita attout fcft tore aleared, ml haeipg iIitcud retd a log houae, log kern t aud outbuildiogf. Alao, another p!e of land ia tani townvhlp, bo added and deaoribee. a follow : Beginning at a whit oak on land of Daniel B. Well, J. Davi ndJanee Potter; thoace north by Potter's and TbtJtaaa Wilaon' land 119 perohea to a white oak ; thenoe aootb 42 degree eaet Ad perobe to uue ; tbeno -lung 8ut road euaib 10 degreea wet it purohe ta .tone ; tbeaoe weet along Jao. Uavii' bo 80 perchea to plaecof beginning, oo. Uioing t aeree aod 28 per e be, all o leered, ttd having t hereon retd a Ira me boose, frame bara, aod other outbuilding, beised, taken in execu tion aud to b auld a fb proper tt of A lira n U. fierce. Also, tbr following real elat iltuate la th village of Franklin, Hull townitilp, Clearfield rnotaly, Pa : Two towti lota fronting 1X0 ieet ea River Btrfft, and running book 1 7 feel U land el K. IVIchalTey.boiiBtled jt by Kiver trtwt,aoath by an alley, west by land of H. MehaSeytaol north by land of K MefamTey, and having ibere eo ereoted a Iwo-atory frame houae, witb kitcbea attaebed, well BaUbed, fraiae stl! and ailier on i build I tagf AUo, anoibor piece of land lituet In Bell townabip, bounded et by Cheat ereek. north by Horquebanua rii er, wat and eutk ky Ian 1 of P. H. Miller, eoouiaiag acre, al re or lea, all cleared, and ao huiidiogi. Alao, tbe oaeuTtdirlde'l half interest tn th ftl. In wing tract of land ia Bell townthin. Ctearrteld oounty, Pa., bouoded oa tke aortk by traet No. e,t, on me am oy u. a ratter surer, oa tbe ouibbylaodof K h. Miller and 8 V. MeCloaker, and oa tbe west by bud of K. L. Jdiltvr, J. U. Beatty, and otbers, onUioiaa 7tift earee. more or leas, aud having thereon ereeted aa eld boa. Alao, another trnet of land situate iw Ball two.. bounded and described aa follows: Kait by land of K. C. Thoaipaoa,aoath by land of McUe and Mfamney, west Dy tana ( Lojraa aad Mebafler. Berth by land ef Bell aad Irvia, containing 4u ere aor or Uu, with abont 7k ae ea lwtrMl and under Inproreaient, tb baUoee ia timber land e.ilh wieuskiBdseftimber.bariaetbereniMi created a log boue aad a log atable. Keiaed, taken ia eieatioa and to bt fuid ai tbe property ol Uarid W. Logan. Alio, th following deaerlbed ml eatal sltuat la Covington townnbip, Clcarfirld oounty. Pa, bounded bv lands ef Celertiae Triooar ea thaeaJi and aoutb, on tbewaet by lead of L, M.Cuudriet, aed oa tbe north by anise, eoataintng 3u nore, more or lets, being tbe aaute plee f land eonrey ed to Francis BrBQll by tho will of bia father, Pater Breaeell, with thereon erected a log dwell tag hoaae, twe aorie higb, a black mitb shop, a double bank -barn of 1 ogt.aod other outbuilding. All of the land la cleared, and a bearing orchard ob it treited, taken ia icouiioB and to be sold as tb property of F . 1. Broaoell. AUo. a certain let or bieoa of aruund la th vil lag of Wait Clear Held, La wren e towaeblp, Clearfleld eouoty, Pa., bounded oath at br lot- of Kb. Biglar, oa th west by let No. U, oa th eoaia ny utearaaia tract, anj on tb aevtb b u alley, and kaowa la plan ef aaid village, aa tot No. ir. aaviBg tbcreoa ereeted a two alarv bun kaae. Seised , taken tn exccBtloa and to be aold aa the proporty of James Uastoa. Also, a certain traet of land situate la, IWelar tewnvhip, Clearfleld oouaty Pa., bonnded eaat by land of Bliaa Kephart, west by land of Joaathan Mjnion, eon in ny land er Aaron walker, and aorth by land of Andrew Kephart, aonteioiar lot acres, nor er )i, abont U aeret cleared, baring thereon erected a frame hu,nn eld log house, "K vara anu eninntiatnga. Belted, utea fa ea ff ufi on and to be reld aethe property of Michael Walker. 77 A lo, t b fallowing real tMnt lllaat ta Belt towaahlp. Cleerflcld eoentr. Pa., boaadad etitke land ef Joba Hoaa, aoa'h by publb) roatU waat by Oeerge Meek ley, and nvth by public road. aoa. iMnT I aeT, or ar tee a, and baelae thciwon creeled a lwe.try frame house, small shoe shop, -nn mux, (in. i tii age. Deisc'i, (en in ven lion nnd to hvtoid as tb property of W. II. hot. Also, ft of groan la th boreogh f Kew Wahinnt"n, Clearfleld eoautr. Pa.. boomlMl fin a by Main street, wait by lot of Joseph H. MuMur-ay, north by aa oiler, east by Keeond street, being 14 Hi feel, baviag Uareea ereeted iwo-siory iram ewe I Ilea aouaa and frame labia. Also, another lot la eabi biroueh. bounded aorth by Maia street, cant by an aliey, eouib and wen oy lane oi j. H. ;mBtnea. eentaiaine acre, end baring thereon a a umber ef bearing fiait trees. AIM, lite estate ia tot ef ground In ealtl tar eugh, bounded aorth ISO feet by Main atreet, east 100 feet by heeend itreet, aeetk by Cum mlnge. and west by au alley, having there, erected e small dwelling huaee, and large frame table, betted, Ukea ia eieewtioa and U be told ea the proprrty of James hi. Buaa. Alan, Ibe following real tat ellnatc la ItcecaHa toe n bin. Clearfield mant Ia ...jI cd oa th aet by land ef Samuel liagerty aad Stewart Cowca, west by land of Jaa. aad Heorge Orhelt, seyih br lad of Waliaoe A llo,.kias, containing If acres, more or lose, tbe same be ing partly unttailaia with a larte rein af hii.ml. sou coal, wiih about 4 aore c eared, nnd har ing increon erectee) a two story frame bouse, a frame stable, aad neoesrary aatbalblinga. Bctsed, takea In eiccutioa aad Ie be sold u tha neotkc ef Jama U. (Jill. Ala, all that certain niece er traet mf U.J eU. Bate ta Decatur townahin. CleerBaM u. boa a tied en the east by land of J. Kill, ea tbe nor ib by land ef Michael Walker, oa the ao.tb and wt by hind f Jonathaa Boyatoa,enBtaia lag aboat 43 aarea, with abec 3? aeraa er4, aad hating tbercun erected a hewed qm hvee -tgti, r mi aara an taer cut aukldtags, with a guod areknrd ef hulo frail treea. beiied, Uksn In I ecu tlon ad ta be sold aa the propriy-wf Adam Walker. Alto, a certain traet af land liluats la Choi I tnwaabip, Clearfleld eonnty, Pa., begtaning at an old hemlock corner) tkeare by Ined of John McCord and ol ' traet liae lit pervbea, mre t !, lo hemlock tbene by land of McUarrcy couth drgrece west lit perohes, more er less, le maple : thence by land ef Joba MeCetly estate Berth 4fl degree weet ITb perrhee, mere er lees, t pst t thence by arlgiael line north degree eeit lit perehee te beginning, (see la tbe oftce of the Beeerder af UHt, Deed Book B," page Mf end eeaiaining wrM, raor er teas, bo I M aaree cleared, be tag thereoe ereeted a leg hones and a log bara. beised, take la ci cutlea and la be toll aa tba property ef Ucurgt U. BtOully and A. i WcClly, urr teaaab AW tbe fel lowing real eetate ckteate In Bern rid Uwnsbip. Cleave Id emnty, Pa bounded east, aewth aad aorth by led af Oeerge Patebia, end weet br Ihe KeeejecbanM rtvr, vonlsiaieg TI aeree, mere er lee, with ebeni aaree cleertd, aad baring tbereea erected a Water aawmill aed impraremeau. Melaed. tmkm la eie-ati- and te be setd aa tho prepewtf J George Levelee. tnawa er 9ilb. Tb prie r cam at which the prepart shall ha stmek af meet be paid al th lime ef Bale, er web ether arraagemeaia made aa will he approved, elkerwiMtk proper ly will be Immediately aal wp and eld agai el the eipeuec and risk ef th ptn le whom if was atrnek el, aad ke, in baa ef dsflctbac aj each re-eele, shall make gbod tb , a Inataaew will the One) be prweearM ia Oevtl fee eenflrmatiea a a leec tb may to aetaall paid e tee tUceif. AX lift It W PKNTaV Jr. Saaairr'a Omoa, I Bhettf. Certtd, r Iee. d, IITt.