gaitroafls. Pennay I viuiin Railroad a. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH AN and after Monday, NOV. 10, 1879, Ih. J Paooonger Tratoa will ran dally (eaeept Ban deyo) betweea Tyroooead Clearfield, ae fullowi CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVB HOUT1I. LEAVE NORTH, OarlniiTUlt..t.lO, r.M Riverviow...,...!! 30, " Clearfield,...-'.., " Leonard,.... !,, .t.Se( " Woodleud,.......OI, " Biler. 0 0. " Wllo,t.,B, 1.17, BlM.iulU.4 1j, Urebeai 4.31, " Pe.llipee.rf ,, " Stolnor'e, 4..1H, Boynvm,....!.-.. 4.49, - Oraeala, 4. 61, " faw.llon,. ....6 05, Snmmil, .9-l6, 11 Veneooyeev...0..18, V Tyrone, AOS, " Tyrooe,... t-OO.A.a Vaoecoyoo,.... 9.ii, " Summit, 9 90, Powoltea, Iiiu, " Oeoeole,......10 II," Bojnlon 10.17," Kleiner' 10.22, " Philipaburg,-.10 ," Utm.i.... 11.19, Blue Ball 10.87," Walleoele 10.44," Rigler 10.6J, Woodleod 10.80," Brrott,......11.07, Leonard 11.11," Clearfield, ll.l, " Rlervlew......ll.l. 1 0urwooavllle,.ll.40A. CLBAKrIKLD EXPRESS. LEAVE MOUTH. LEAVE S0KTI1. Curwoaevillo.. 8.89 o. a. Tyroae MO r. a. Rlvervleer..... 0 U " Vanoeoyoe,....7.48 " 0l..rl.ia.. 1.47 " Summit lot " Lwaard, t i " fow.ln,....J.17 " Barrett, 0.57 " Oiomla, 1 18 V, Wnidlaad t.l UooUa,-....4 "' Blflar, 0 IH " Sterner' 8..10 ' Wellftoetoa,... (.It " Pbilip.bur...8 41 Blue Ball 6 31 ' Srabam 8.47 " 3rhft, " Blue Ball 8.60 Pbllipaburg.. .H " Wallaoetoo,..0l 8i.iD.r a....... t Hi Bifler 0.10 Baynion 6.J7 " Wiwdlad,......l7 Oaeeola, t.41 " B.rr...........U " Poweltoo, 8 63 " Leonard 10 Summit 7.06 Ulearoald, 0.:il " Vaaeeoo,-.. 7.2J " Biartiew 0.48 Ijrou. 7.40 " Curweairllle 10.00 ' PlIiLIPSBUKO A MOSHANNOM BRANCHES LOATI lOOTfl. r. a. a. a. a. a. 1:I0 1:16 7:00 1:10 7:0.1 114 7:09 2:80 10:10 7:18 1:44 10.16 7:81 1:47 10:43 7:10 1:11 10:48 7:48 1:87 10:61 7:85 :07 10:68 1:01 3:11 11:03 8:00 OTATIOOI. Morri.dala, Pbilipaburg, Bteinor'l Bnyntoa, O.oeola, MoabannoD, Sterling, lloottdale, MeCauley, KeDdriek'a, Harney. A. a. p. a. p. I 11:40 11:16 4):.10 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:10 0:10 11:04 4:0 8:88 11:81 1.87 1:60 11:46 :80 8:46 11:40 1:46 1:40 11:88 1:48 tM 11:30 :.10 8:30 11:13 1:30 BALD BAOLK VALLEY BRANCH.; Hall. Kip p. a. A. a. p. a. a. a. 7.08 8.30 leere Tyrone arrlre t.10 1.66 1.18 I.t7 Bald Ragle ' 6. 55 7.41 8.01 0.30 Julian 1.10 T.05 8.14 0.18 Mileabarg 4.41 43 8.31 10.01 i , Bellefeole 4.16 S.33 8.46 10.18' Mileaburg 4.16 8 Si 0.01 11.40 ' Howard 4.01 0.00 0 41 11.18 arrlre L. H.r.n leare 8.16 6 15 I , TYRON8 STATION. bAlTwAHo., a. a. I waaTwaaD. j Paelle lapreae ' :14 Pltlaburrt Kip'aa, 1.63 Joboatowa Kxpreaa 8:61i'acloe Kxiireaa, 1:18 w . v P.W.I Dar Eipreaa 12:841 r.w Mall Train, 8:17 Way Paaienger, 1:18 Atlantio Ktpreef, 6:31 Mail Train, 6:34 . Phlla. Kspreao, MI Kaat Line, 1:11 Cloee eonneettona made by all traiaa at Tyrono and book Haven, . . , . i 8. S. BLAIR, 1 tajU-if. . vf .. .: fiaporlnuadent. 8TAOI LINE8. A tueloBTae CarweoaTillo dally fnr Reyaolde Title, at 1 o'eloek, p. m., arrit ing at Reyooldaville at o o'efoek, p. m. Hetarama, leevea neyooide- Tille daily, at 7 o'eleob, a. m., arriving at Oar- wenjTille at 12 o ewok, , rare, eaeb way, 12. A atare learee CarwanavHle daily, at 1 o'oloek. p. ., tvr liuUali City, arriving at IiaBula City at 0 o'fllock, p. m. Returning, learee buBole at 7 o'eloek, am., dally, arriving at Oarweaarille at ix O'eraoa, ta. a are, oaea way, 8)l.a. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION, ON and after Mnaday, Aagaat 4tk, 1879, tbe paaaeager tralnl will rna dally (eieept Sunday) betweea Bed Baab and Driftwood, ao followo t - F.ABTW Attn Day Malll.avai Fltllbarg :85a.m.l Red Bank 11:14: bliro Junction 1 1:3 J: New B.lblebem 11:36 p. m. Mayaville 11:50 Troy 1:11 1 Brookvil e IJ5 i fnll.r'i 1:00 ley aeldiville 2:21 ; DaBoi. 1:50 1 Summit Taaael l:l(l Penteld 1:41 1 Weedvllle 4:08 Boneaetto 0:31 1 arrlvee at Driftwood at 0:10. W 1.XT V A R O-Day Hall leavei Driftwood 12:W p. m.i Ucaeaette 1:06; weedvtlle 1:30 Peoleld 1:46; Summit Tunnel 2:10 1 UuBelal li; Heyaoldavlllel:61: fuller'! J: 10: Brookvillel:33 Troy 8:641 Mararill. 4:14. New Betblekem 4:30 Sligo Jaaetiua 6:ll Red Bank 6:30; araiveo M ritnourg at e:w p. a. pf The Beynoldaville Aeeonmedatioa leareo Iteynoideville daily at 7:66 a. aa. aad arhfea at Red Uanb at 10:60 a. a., Pitlabar.h at 1:80 p. m. Ltavea Pituburgb at 2:18 p. Bit Red Baak at 0:86 p. m.; arriving at Iteynoideville at 9:06 p. Cloee ooaaoottoae made wltk train on P. A B Railroad at llhtteood, aad witb traini oa tho Allegbenr Valley Railroad at Red Bank. , . DAVID MoCARUO, Oea'l Bap'L A A. Jaeaaua, Sup't L. U. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bollofonlo, Pa .. ..$5 (6 Hiddleuwa ... $8 90 Marietta... 8 61 Lanoaater.H 8 80 L.Hjk Havea.. , 2 70 . I 60 Willlamlport. Huntingdon 190 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Lewiauwa. .... 8 OO 4 50 Altowaa...M.r..n 1 Maryavllla Cuwenaville Oaeeela HARRI8BIIRO... JohnatownH.H, Pbillpebarg.., Tyrone PITTKBURU , 186 20 , 91 651 4 76 . 1 22 . 8 I MsrtUflBfoitj. , ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs, OarwennUlo, Jaa. 9, '79-t New Marble Yard. TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, ftMlt for Ctmtttry loll. A NRW MARBLE TARD-Call at J. FLA HARTY'fl Marble Work.. Cbolo work and low prioea. Dlreetly oppoaite tbe l.atberaa Churob, Third llreet. ClearOeld, Pa., Marob 27, 1870 tf CENTRAL Mtate Normal Nchool (Eighth formal School District. Lock Haven, Clinton Co.. Pa A. 21. RA UB, A. M.t Principal. Ti.i Bflkftel M ft. prtwamt oenitilutcd, otTn IW ry bMt ueii.UM or rroUuiuftftl nd CUatoal ButirJinfi pTtfttilnai. lAvltlnf iod onraodloni tonnletoly butted k? lUftta. ) ttnlilattd. ftod fMmirhMl mik bouatllnl lupplj f part wfttcr, wii ipnrj Wniirr. Lumiiea bwltbfil ud nj of ftooeag. Garr4iD trmtry Buarptttd. TMbri npirliwM, Betvot, iai 11r their work. DlHtplin, ftrtn katkbd, viforaftni thorMf h KipetuM Bariu, " - Vfiy Mil t tk ddoot(tiB to thorw prtptvrin 10 imom. BuidoiBtt ftdtjiltud ) tin. OBr f tldr prvftimlMd hi tkt BUti I Modl Kok.el. I'. Pnpftratory. 111. Kltnu- Ury. IV.tfMatitc ANcmrr oivipii a I. iMdtai CttwBflnial. III. Hull. IV. Art. Tko KteaUry ftfid SeloatjAo boim or Pro. foM.on.vl, ftBd iladonu grftydafttlnir tbortiB rtootro But nipioBiat990Brornag tho foilow.Bf oorm Baaint otgreot t mmw oi tbo BoMbom. Urtvd utot Ib tko other oaroBl NeoteB Mortuvl Oortil OBtot f their BtulatBooti. iif nod n; tho FoMoltr loo rrtittaiMi Bovrtwa nr iibrBi, am aro in (horoagbaoM ttot Inferior to Lb we of oar koat oll(fH. Tbe 8uu roqatrM B fclrher ardor of oUImb. ikip. Tbo tiBM diau. it. It lo ooo of Um rir.Mok)oti of Ibli Bobool to kelp toteeoro II by nrnliblag iBtelligoot and ofteionl tOMhora for Ber imeuii. 10 tan B4 K ooiioiu yoaaa aer oai aj (otJ akiliiira ami f ad paiotvthoio wbadtilraU iiirtU)ir liroe aol thott ul onto, a tudont T ail aa4 It proaUoea aid t eooiopiag taoir poeiert and aiaaaaat opporta bmIioi ht weJIofcid labor alter Uaviac echeoi. tor aataJefijo tee torts. aoMroaa tbo friaolpal, HOI ED Or IBUfiTXISi itootntDiaa' raotrtaa. .H.Baiioa. H. D, A H. Beet. JaeobBrowa, A M. Biekford.MolChrirt,A. M. Heok, fc. voot.T. v. iiippto. Kiq.. I P. Mo Comtek, Kn. " ' etTtita TatJtriat. ' mi. A. . eri-k Boa. La tXeffoabaoh, uea. oieeoo erriH. Hea. Wta Blglor. , C. IFhaJoy.B. UlUar MoOonalek. Bm. - wiiAiaiaii KootdakBt Bttard of Traataai. Vto9roeOea4. B. MtLU MoCORll t0L MaoMM, THE, MANSION HOUSE. Oorrf Hmoi4uI Marks Blroetti. LtCAHFIKI.O, PA. j TBI 4 eld ead eavatodloae Hotel ikae, daring the aaet foal-, boea enlarged to doable lu former eepaaltr for tbe eaterutaueat of itraa. inuiUiU. Til hole baltUliig baa beea rofarnUhod aad th proprietor will pore bo palna to reader hi gaoita eomforuble while cujrtog vita am. -rh 'Meoeioa Homo" Omalboi ntna to tad from tha Daaot at tbe arrival Mid departure af eaeb trail. W. 0. CAKDUN, July 11 T 7 -If FroprlelM LLEGHENY HOTEL Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Wlai 9. Brmihr, formorly proprietor of tbe Leonard lloaeo, having kuii the Allegheny Hotel, nlloita ft ahare el pablle patronage, The Hobm bfti beea thoroughly repaired tad aewly furniabed, mod gueete will And it a pleeeaol atop ping pleoe. Tbe table will be aepplled wltb wo beet of everything ia tho market. At tho bar will bo found tht bait winee and liquora. Uood tabling ettaehed. VYM. 8. BRADLEY, May 17, 70. rroprletar. JHAW HOUSK, J (Oor. of Markat A Front itrootf.) CLEARFIKLD, PA. Tha onderoliDod havtoc Ukea oh em of tLli Hotel, would rospootfull; olloltnnbiie patronagt. iodjo, ja. a. kbw iua ellAn. rjiKMPERAXCK HOUSE, 2iSW WAfllllNQTON, PA. Q. D. ROSK, . . Fbopriitoh. Moali, 3ia. Maa and korao over night, it 00. idea and tire boraes oror nigbt, $l.o0. Tho baet of MoomntvrfaMoM fw naa and beatl. Oct. vr-tr. ; - WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WABHINUTON. PA. Thia new and wall fo ml abed hoaao haa been Ukea by tha anderaignod. lie fee la confident ol being able to render aa til foot ion to tboao who may faror bin witb a call. -v May g, 1871. O. W. DAVIS. PropV. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PBILIPSBUUa, PBaVN'A. TabU alwara anDDliod with tho beat tha market afford i. Tho travel in g pablle la Invited to eel I. Jan. 1 ,'76. BOUKHT LOYI. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIKLD, PA. ROOM Iff Masonle Bonding, one door north of 0. D. Wataoo'i Drug 8 tore, Paaaago Ticket a to and from Liverpool. Qooont- town, tilaagow, London, Parla and Copenbagon. Alao. Drafta for aale on tha Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAM KB T. LEONARD, Proa't. W. M. Bn AW, Cathier. Janl.'TT DREXEL & CO., No. 31 ftouth Third Hlreet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will nromnl attaa tlon, and all Information ebeerfully furniahed Order! aolioted. April ll tf. p. a. AaaoLn w. Aaaota. t. b. AaaoLB F. K. ARNOLD &, CO., Bankers and Ilroker, RojnoltiavIIle, lefTenow Co, Pa, Money rtooivod on denoift. DlaoonnU at mo derate rates. Kaatorn and Foreign Rtehangoal waya oa hand and oollrotiona promptly made. neynoiaavuie, uoa. in, iH74.-iy gfntistrjf. HEICIIUOLD, IUHGEON DBHTIBT, 9radaate of theTnnaylrani College of Denial Snrcery. Offiee In roaidenoe of Dr. U illi. onnoelto the Shaw Hooao. mob IS, '7-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, 1 1 (0ee b Bank Balldlng.) - ' CarwanavUIe, Clear Bald Ca Pa. nob 12 "1-iL , f J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, , CLKARFIKLD, PA. (OSeo ta reaidenee, Heeond itroaL) Nltrona Oiido Oat adminlatarod for tho coin- oaa oitraotloa of tooth. CleertSfld. Pa., May S, 18TMy. RiscrtlaQfoui. SROBMAKIVinI hereby lofbra my pa Uont, and mankind la general, that 1 kavo removed my abotmaking ahop to tha roam ia Graham1! row, over S. E. Snydor'a Jewelry at ore, aad that I am piefejod to do all kinds of work ta my lino eheaper than 'any other ahop la towa. AU warn warrmatod aa good aa aea bo doaa anv- where olao. PoaiUvoIv thit la the flheatteet ihon in vioBarneio. jya. ji. iiAnnifiu. Deo. It, 1878-tf. ' Wagons for salE. Tho tmderalgned haa wi kand, at fall ahop In Llearoetii, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, For aala. Woatora wagona aa well aa tkoee mad aora. A ay at wbtefe will bo aoid abeap for eaeb or approved aeeariiy. For farther Inform atioa, call in aortwai at my ahop,oraddreea me by letter. must as naiLaioi. Clearfield, Pa., April IS, 1879-tf. The Bells Bun Woolen Factor j Pana iowaahlp, Clearfield Co, Pa, BURNBD OUT1 Mf im BURNED UPI Tkaaabaeribara have, at groat aipenia,re)aiHa aolghborhood oeoeaaily, la the ereetioa of a Irot olaaa Woolen Maaafaotory, with all the modern ImprovamaBta attaobed, and are prepared to make all kinda of Clotha, Caaaimerea, Batiaotu, Blaav kota, Flannela, Ao. Plenty of gooda oa kand ta supply allow old and a thoaaaaa aawaaatomort, wkom we aak t aome and aiamlaa ear a took. Tko kaalnoaa of CARDING AND FULLING will receive ear oapeeial atleatiea. Proper arrangemoBts will bo made to reooivo and deliver wool, to salt ewstomort. All worh warrmatod aad doaa apoB the akorteat aotloa, aad ky atrial attoa tioa to boelneee we hope to reallao a liberal share af pabllo patroaafo. lONM POUNDS WOOL WANTIDt Wo will may tha hifheat market ariee for Woo aad aollowr maaafaolarod gooda ao low aealmllar goods oaa beboaght In tkeeoaoty, aad whenever we fail to reader reasonable aatlafaetlea we oaa always bo found at komo ready to matta proper eiplaaattoa, either la poraon or by latter. JAMBS JOHNSON A SONS, eprtHAtf Ttnt P. O JEMOYALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald respoetnlly aotlfy tho pablle goaerally that ha haa removed bla Oroeory 6 to re from B haw's Row, to tbo haildiag formerly oaeapted by J. Mi lee Krataar, oa fioeead street, aetl door to Btglsr'e hardware store, where h tstenda keeping a fall Una of GnOCKBIEM. BAMS, DRIIO BBBF aad LARD. SUGARS aad 81 BOPS, of all gradeo. TEAS, Oreoa and Blank. COriB, Routed aad Qreoa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjjrjrKD rnviTM, .. AU blada hi Ibo marbet.' ' i ' . PI0RLB8, la Jaro aad barreli. i t e fi . SPICBS, la every term aad variety. , FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIND OP CRACKGRB. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, . DRIED PEACHES, , " DRIED CHERRIES Coal Oil tad XeU&p Ciimasyt. Aad a toad aeaartmaat ef tbeee tklaaa aaaally kept I a ireMry oOera, wklek be WIU eiekaaf. Oec markatlag at ta. market arteea. WliloaJ K aaaA e eateapay aa nay etaat eew. Plaaao oall tad oao kit ooaok aad Jrd(e oar ' OIR MoOADSBIT. a. t, Itfaa. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARKIELD, PA. WSDNRdDAT HORNING, DEO. 3. 1179. , For tha CLBiariatD RarcBurAN. TUB BATTLE OP LIFR. Tbe youlh who roaekoi Biaubood'e ptioia With Llfe'e bright ikr ao radiant o or hits. Bom bat tbo peaaefal data of Time. And aottho bkUle-alrifa before hiia. Dot for oarh oaa awalta a bottle, r' Fought through tha koartof Life' long dr, Anld Ibo dia of Are-arm retllo Aod dep Toioed oanDfna' bry. On OTory aide tbe foo oppoeea Bui whoa kli eoborta yioid la flight, A garland of tka feireit meea Await Ibo hero ia the fight. Bat ho who mealy boner patten, la hope IaIlVi batiie-priie to gain, And ho who, tin id, aLrtaka aad fa liar., Will have Iho pittyiog aoora of mea. Than lot mtAi ana In Vlrtue'a alght .! -j f With kettle oeepi.oa, at re a g and hrlgkt,- " 0e furtb l ooaaer for the tight r. aor hi j tot nia awera grow ruaty. But ne'er kla wrapoaa ley aafdo Colli Llfe i baitla-koura are o'er.' And then beyond the aurgiag tide uono mi ana peace iorovrmvre. pBKriBLB, Pi.. Nor. IT, 1179. A CHEERFUL' OUTLOOK. HIE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ALL RIRIITl'P T1 THE PRIUIENT TIMK. . NO MORE TROlIILE TO DE APPREHENDED IN NEW YORK THE BOOTH WILL SOLIDLY SUPPORT THE DEMO- . CRAT10 NOMINEE ORANT't DOOM IN Till SOUTH A , MERE BUNCOMBE. Proa tbe Weebinftoo Poet. ''1 nee no reason why Democrats should bo iWpondcnt bocauno num ber oi Btatca went Republican at tbe recent elections," aaid Congressman Van II. Manning, ol Missiasippl, to a Post reporter yesterday. "So iar as that is concerned, I ice more cause for the Democrats to express jubilation than any other omotion, aa tbe results of the recent'contcsla indicate clearly that tho party will eloct a President noxt year, and the control of tbe Gov ernment will then pass finally and de cisively into its hands." "Well, as to your grounds for such confidonco." "Ob, I beliovo, in tbe first place," said he, "that Ohio will come to us next year, for in such s largo voting population the floating vote, which in that Stalo docides elections, is neces sarily volatilo, and tbo tact that bem ocrats are going to olect their Presi dent will have a tendency to induce it to gravitate in our direction. We can, howpvor.gotalong without it, although its aid would be quito acceptable. 'ew lork and Indiana aro tbe only States that aro absolutely necessary for us to carry, and I think they can be marked down as Bafo." "Thoro in, then, in your opinion, no doubt that the Domocrats will carry Iew xork next year f . .. 4 4 iw v. None wbatovor. Tho.Tilden-Tam- many Kilkonny cat fight that has boen going on in that Stalo for so many years, and been the cause of so many of our troubles, is now effectually eliminated from politics up there, and both ol tbe tactions are prevented from doing any lurtbor barm. Doth have bad their laces pretty badly scratched, Tilden by beingkilled asa Presidential candidate, and Kelly by tbe loss of tbe city and county offices of Now York." "Who of tbe prominent gentlemen named in connection with the Demo cratic nomination would be most ac ceptable to tbe South 7" ' "The South will be solid for the nominee ol tbe Democratio Conven tion, whoever he may be. Of course, we have certain preferences, but will cbeorfully acquiesce in tbo decision of tbe Convention, We have a great re spect for Mr. Bayard, although bis op position te tbe Silver Bill lost him friends with us.' Hancock would gain an enthusiastic support from the Sontb, for he has shown himself in favor of eonstitutional government down there. Ilondricks, asplcndid statesman, wonld command our adberonco, of course. We have a high respect for Gov. Seymour, regarding bim as s very puro and able man. Any of these would, I think, carry New York and Indiana, the great result aimed at ; any ot them would be certain ol tho nnited and earnest support of tho 'solid South. "The gonora) impression, however, appears to obtain that it would be bet ter for tbe intoxosta of tbe Democratic party that the candidate should come from Now York V "I do not think so meanly of New York Domocrats as to believe that tbey would refuse to support any candidate oi the party from any State in tbe Union. And, furthar, to say that tbe candidate must come from New York looks to me like a confession of weak ness. The entire powor and strength of the Democratio party is not cen tralised in New York. Tho oandidate bas for the last twelve years bcon taken from that Htate, snd the party bas always fared disastrously." "Mr. Tilden was olected," suggested The rost. ,-! ) ' "Yes, but not inaugurated and in stalled into office. I boliove a Western man would be tha boat cboia of tka party., ilut really, it is little early to be discussing the Presidential situ ation. I am of the) impression that names now prominent before the coun try will be obliterated, and that others will opribg up. in their place. This coming session ot Congress may have something to do witb that matter, and may possibly change very materially the aopect of affairs." "What of tbsoomingtussioif Will it bo of the same exciting character as the last r ' "Some of the same questions will undoubtedly be discussed. I think the country is witb tbs Democrats in tbe stand take' thorn ak irlntsr, although some people affect to see a rebuke in lbs recent elections. That is not a fact, however. I think tbe great mass of the people aro very well satisfied with theaotion of the Demo crats. I know what my oonstlluenta expect of me. Tbat is, tbs best use of lb mean I save at baud to pro- I tndts three great interests rigid and exacting economy in the administra tion of affairs, tho obliteration of Na tional hanks, allowing lb Government to issue greenbacks . in place of their note), and thus doing away with priv ileged classes,and free ooinag ef silver. 1 think tbe first named absolutely es sential li the party hopos to continue to power." , "If the Republican should nominate Grant, woald be1 be) likely to develop sny strength In th South T It is con fidently claimed by tome of tbe mana gers of tbat party tlmt several South ern b'tatos will bo oarried fur bim." "That is, 1 suppose, an endeavor to help along his 'boom.' Nobody but politicians who have some end to gain by it would make such craiy asser tions, and no suuo man oubl to pay any attention to tulk of that kind. Bo far as tbe Southern negro is concern ed and in Mississippi there aro vory tew whilo Itcpublicaiiien'ho.aUiuld at soon vote for a toad or a iK k as for a man, if be wasassured that tbe object in question nas a good liupubitcau. So no particular candidate Is necessary to influence their choice. Tbe negroes of tbo South would vote for the devil with as much cbeorlulnoss as for Grant, if Hit Satnnio Majesty wus run ning on tbe Republican ticket." STATE RIGHTS IM COLORADO. Tbe broadest Stales Rights proposi tion tbnt has for many dayt como under our notico has just emanated from one James Delford, tbe Republi can Congressman from tbe State of Colorado. Colorado fuels toward the Indians located within ber boundaries, much as the Kcnrneyites ieel toward the Chinese. If tho Hon. Mr. Belford's utterances are to be accepted aa faithfully index ing ber sentiments on the subject, she is empbatio in ber determination tbat tho rod mon referred to "must go ;'' peacefully and with tbe assent of tbe federal government 'if possible, but "they mutt go." Tbo people of Colorado banker after the gold and silver that lurk within tho valleys included in the 12,000,000 aero reservation now occu pied by the aborigines in that State. And though they came into possesion of tho 12,000,000 acres through a bar gain with tbe then owner of them under which they coded to tbe aaid owner other lands ovon more valuablo, Colorado teems determined tbat tbey sball be yielded up at tbe point of the bayonot to the onward march of Colo rado civilisation. Mr. Red field, pre. sumodly voicing the sentiments of the Stato Bays : ' "For one, I deny the right of the Government to quarter in our midst those cut-throats and assassins, and keep tbem there against our protest. 1 deny its right to withhold one filth of our territory from our occupation. I deny tbe wisdom or justice ol that policy which quarters these people In our midst and tnon demoa us any con trnl of them." Concluding, ho writes : "Let us first make our appeal to Congress, and tailing in thai, we will choose our own course. I think Gov ernor Pitkin's course has boon a wise one. V ben the Government fails to act justly by us it will be time enough to call on bim. If thit isn't tbe most ultra doctrine of State's Rights, the doctrine of nulli fication of a clearly constitutional na tional edict, then we fall to understand tbe language; and coming as it does from a Stato Counted iu the Republi can column in Presidential estimate, and scarcely out of its swaddling clotbeo as a Stato, it is, to say the least, most rcmarkablo enunciation. Yot it is accepted and commented upon as a mattor of course, and frequently witb more or less qualified approval by tbe Republican press of the country, which would Hand horrified at tho present ment of any thing half so fiercely defiant of national authority emanating from south of Mason and Dixon's line. If Mississippi or Georgia or any other Southern Slate wero to to express her-1 self upon any real or supposed griev ance against tbo United States, wbat an awakoning would follow among tbe Noithorn stalwarts I Tbe Blaines, and tho Conklinga, and the Shermans, and Calico Fosters, scenting the carnage from afur off a habit tbey acquired in tbo lato war would nock to some eentral point, and memorialize upon a "revived rebellion" and "the necessity for a solid Norib to crush out treason j" or at tbe least, monopolise the eloctrio wires and tho columns of their organs with gory pronunciamcnlot of that order of construction. TEMPEST IS A TEA POT. Mr.Blaine's cohort of visiting stales men have retired from the Capital of bit adopted Stale. They marched up the bill and down again. Tbey came breathing threatening and slaughter; they Ictt at meek as lambs and as harmless asdoves. They bad ooncoctcd a cock and bull story, about the pur pose of the Democratio State officials to count out the Republican legislators, and flaunted red rag nntil editor ial turkey cocks all over the country swelled nnd strutted and almost buret with rage. And now, that Govornor Garcclon bos quietly told thorn be pro poses todo nothing, and never proposed to do anything in tbo matter, of tbe count, except wbat th law ot Ui Stale prescribe aa, his du,ty,ttles pack up their traps and go home. This i the whole story ot tbo '"plot" which had set the Maine politician and their Republican friondt elsewhere by tbe ears, and in tbe outcome it haa uo significance whatever txcept to BhOW the con ntry what a at of owv. artls as well a knave the people are who stole the Presidency in 1876. It was quite a trifle to tbem then, tbat two Slates were counted as they hsd not voted, Ibatth majority oi their voters wore disfranchised, that their electoral and popular majority ol the whole country were thwarted in thoir decision and that for the first timo in our na tional experience fraud became trium phant. It was a good joke to them ; it was an aooidont of legal forms and they bold tho law that permitted it, and not themselves who abnscd tbe law, responsible lor lb fraud. Dow qnickly thoy are aroused to serious- noss, to iadigoatlon and to "revolution- ary" disposition when tbe Intimation it made to try on them, in tingle State tbo system tbey applied to th wkol Nation T Tbo poisoned chalice commended to their lips seem to b quite another compound than when thoy mixed th ingredients, TCxcnimje. Straw, rto. Col. Uolloway, of In dianapolit, aays that it wouldn't sur prist bim ia the least II Hayes should be nominated and rs-loted. Colonel Uolloway I a brother-in-law of tbe late Senator Mortoa and ia reoogniaed everywhere a a shrewd and Intelligent politician. Wbeti th not is ealled to mind tbat Colon! Uolloway is the Postmaster at Indianapolis, by tbo grao of Alay, hi singular oondiUoa will b appreciated. total THE REPUBLICAN PARTY VIS-' QUALIFIED. " In a tew simple unimpassionod re marks, saysth Washington Pott, Sen ator llayard has furnished an unan swerable reason why tbe Republican party ought to bo relieved from all re sponsibility tor tbo governing ot thi Republic Tbe Senator' words have the tremendous force of undeniable truth that sweeps away every vostigo ot claim set up by Republican leaders regarding their alleged right to domi nate in National affairs. "Tbe lbpib lican pariy," remains Mr. Bayard, "should bo disqualified on aooount ot sectionalism. A man who hates ono part of the country U not fit to be President over all of it." Tbo most prominent characteristic of tbo Radical organisation is sectional ism. It bus retained power thus far and hopes to bold dominion in the fu ture only by oxciting soctional animos ity. Hut for this ibe olection ol 1876 would not have loft the Presidency with in stealing range of th conspirators. hvory device that devilish ingenuity could suggest has been employed to keop alive in "tho loyal boart of tbe rortb ' the passion, the hatred, the malico ongendorod by four yoars of rratnoidul strife. Evory incident or calumny of the war time tbat could be used to fan iqto flames the dying spark of hate bas bcon touched, improved upon, and brought out dur ing every campaign since tbe war ended. liattlo -fields, graveyards and prisons have been explored, fact has been ex hausted, and fancy has been given fre est range ; an ounce of truth bas been made to oover a mountain of lies; every criminal in the South bas boon held up to the NoitU as. a typo ol Southoru. character ;t every crime in the South has' been presented at indi eating the average morals and refine ment ot tbe Southern people. Out rage mills, supported by money paid from the common tunl, have been put in motion, to grind, out sickening stories of crimes that never happened. Hatred, malice, and detraction havo done tboir utmost to inflame tbo pat slons of tbe Northern masses, and ar ray thorn in bitter, vindictive antagon ism against the South and all thia that Radical party may rulo. Now, we state as an incontroverli bio fact, that ibis spiritand policy lend directly and strongly to the destruc tion of all that it valuable in Republi can government, li ine liuuical pro gramme succeeds, Ibo North will bold tbe Presidency and ull offices of tho hxecutive department by a tenure based on sectional animosity, and tho Southern StaKs will be nearer tho positions of conquered provinces than tbey will bo to that equality of rank and rights which the Federal charter guarantees to each and every member of tbo family Slates. Such a mock Republic might endure tor a time. We saw something like it during Grant's administration, lint there con be no permanent government bore that docs not reel on tbe consent of the governed There will be no Poland, no Ireland on this continent. Tbe North cannot be aolidifittd against the South for tbo purpose of enthroning hatred as tbe regnant influence in National affairs. By artfully working on tbe fears ol tbe ignorant, by exhuming and parad ing the skeleton of secession, by rat tling all the mouldy bono in tbe grave yard of buried years, th Radical lead er may muster a following, for a time. But the common seneo of tbe people, their inherent love of justioe, and, above all, those great industrial and commercial interest that bind the section together, will oventually re tire to oblivion tbe apostle ol bate, and bring to tbe front those statesmen, whose patriotism it broad enough to embrace all section, of our common country. We bclivo tbe bloody -thirt has won its last victory. It was flapped with dia bolical dexterity In New York by tho great campaigners of tho Radical party. Kvarts, Sherman, Blaine, and a hundred other' evangelists of the gospel of hate,sbrieked hideons horror into the ears of tho populace, but the people didn't cnre perceptibly. New York know that thia country cannot afford to intlulgo in soctional strife. The business men of .New York feol that this wretched policy haa gona quite far enongh. They know tbat it bas only been kept op for th most baso and sordid political orfffs, and tbey demand achango. Tbo party of the future must be a National party. The statesmen ot tbe future must have a broad-gnage patri otism. Th man who ia to be elected to tbe Presidency in 1880 will not be one who will bate any part of tho Ro public, or any portion of our penpl bo must be one who will not only teo ogniae tho equal rights of all the States, but will believe that all the Stales, and all ibeir poople, are devoted to tho honor and glory of th Republic, to the development of our immeasurable resources, to such unity of heart and purpose as sball best fulfill our high destiny. Th waatewnal ItejnitlttCBII party bas no such oandidate. Tbs National Democratio party possesses not only tbe man but tbe principles which the occasion demands. Centre Democrat. Another Cable. Th new French cable which bas been successfully landed at-ftorth Eastham (Capo Cod), Massachusetts, is tho fourth between A merics and Europe. Rinoe tbit cable hat been laid tho price for dispatches by tbe English line bat been reduced from toventy five cents to twelve cent a word, which makes telegraphic com manicatioB botwoen tbe two continents very cheap. Tho new Krench cable company bat a capital of eight million dollars which can be increased to ten millions. It Is claimed (hat thia cablo which waa manufactured in England it in all respects the best ocean tele graph that has yet been laid. Tbe new cable stretches frsm Brest in Franc to Bt. Pierre on tbe Island of Miquelon,near Newfoundland, North Kaslbam. Another cable it to b laid by lb aame company from Brest to Land' End in England, - Noxt year the oompany will lay now line from Land' End to St. Pierre, and tha havo two line botween Europe and the United 8tats. After teveral years of threatening and uncertainty England and Ireland bavt Bottled dowa aad agrd to ba troubl. It will beain oa or about the holidays. UL ysses r. THE INTENTION TO MAKE ORANT KINO MADE PUIII.1C. The ovation which it now being given to Grant Is only a rehearsal to teach tbe people bow to do the honors of hii coronation in 1H8R, should be, next year, bo elected to a third term, or in 1R80, if he should be nominated by the next Republican National Con vention. The people may as well set it down now that this i tbe intention of Grant's triendB, bolb-in America snd E .U.jy. ' Development during hi reception at Chicago provo iL The Govornor ol our own Commonwealth, telegraphing to Chicago hi tribute to Grant, after speaking ot tbe third term, goes on to assure bim tbat, "In 188S, tixty millions mil bid him God-speed to the fulfillment of a porfect career. And Judgo Bradwell, ot Chicago, shaking him by the band, said : " Ife'tt put a crown ou your hoad next year, General." These are not idle words. Thoy aro not meaningless phrases. They aro serious utterances. Giving them out just now is only untimely. Reaching tbs Presidency bas been understood until now to bo tho high est civil position to which an American can attain. But there it now some thing beyond "tho fulfillment of a perfect career." That meant reaching a throne I Tbe Chicago Judgo ia not willing to wait until 1885 ; but, In 1880, will -'put a crown" on tbo bead of Grant. Tboao two men Iloyt and Brain well have only committed ao indis- rtetion in making publio- too soon tbe secret, Bottled purpose to have a King in America, and that King to he U. S. Grant. Beaver Star. , Danoerous Deviltbt. An ex cbango says : A number of medical students in Indianapolis recently un dertook to make a victim oi a profes sional "resurrectionist." Thov told bim they had secured a bod' and asked bim to remove It from its biding place. Tbe supposed corpse in the bag was a live medical student. Tbe students pointed out the spot where the bag was concealed, and tbo man throw tho bag over bis shoulder and set out fur the college. Tbe corpse, with no knowl edge of his whereabouts, straightened out just as bit bearer was crossing the canal. With rare presence of mind tho victim of the joke heaved his burden over tbe bridge into the water and calmly walked on and bad not tho com panions of the unfortunate fellow rush ed to tbe rescue there would have boen a real cops, at tbo result of tbo joke. Tns Transoresbor's Fate. Jaoob and Albert J. lluntiingor, tbe Potts ville bankers, who have served tbe greater part ol their sentence of two years in tbe Berks county jail, were released on tbe 22d ult. Tbey were sentenced in January, 1878, to a term oi two years' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 1500 and costs and to restore to Thomas K. Korns, a depositor in their bank, (24,000. A commutation pardon was granted by tbe Governor, but the counsel for Kerns objected, as they bad so Tar failed to comply witb that part of tho sentence in which tbey were orderod to make restitution. They filed bond, however, to present their petmou at the next term of Court for the benefit ol the insolvent law, and wero released. They were immedi ately re-arrested on a process from Scbylkill county, and gave bail tor appearance there. i e , m ' ' Wanted A Minister I My Dear : Oh I by the way, it you learn ol any one witb energy, tearful interest in the conversion of souls, attractive in preaching, great hearted, unselfish, merry, in fuct, holy, let me know. Paul wa much the kind of a man we need. Wo want a man who know all about the enemy, ha some capacity for working mira cles, ia ready to be stoned, can leacb the women, interest the children, make Princes tremble, confound tbe Jews, convert Kings, pick up sticks, earn bis own living, go through fire and water for the good of others witb no expecta tion that thoy will interest themsolvcs in bim, and, in general, lead a forlorn bop of despondent followers." Saib ner'l "Brie a-Brae." No Moaa in 11 it's. Tbe Radicals are making fools of themselves pretty generally over Grant for a third term ; but hero and there a man it picked up who has not loet bis head. Among thcae is lion. Jobn D. Durrooe, Super intendent of publio printing, an old Indiana politician, lie said to an in terviewer a few day since : 'I don't take any stock wbatovor in the,Grant movement. Grant Ant been tried twice, and kit administration Uft an odioul reputation. There it nothing in him which calls upon the pooplo to cnange an ibeir traditions on tbe sub ject ol a third term. Ia4 week tbe itepublioetns were re joicing all over the land but they havo rooeived two sever blow ainoe. Eliza Pirrkston ba killed ber husband, and it turn out tbat tbe Democrats have olected a negro to the Legislature in Yaaoo county, Jalisiasippi. No lie publican orator can atand up against tbit sort of thing. Mint Sickles, tbe only child of (ion. Daniel E. Sickles, lata United States Minister to Spain, hat eloped with an Englishman named McCarthy, the pair having fled to London. Mia Sickles is about twenty -aiz year of ag and highly accomplished. McCarthy is said to have a wifo living. Tbe Gen eral recently wont to England, found the ooupl and aued their arrest, but on what charge 1 not known. Send an Amorican girt to Italy to tody and ber own papa will not know' her when she gets to be a prima donna. Mis Julia Wbeelock, of Boston, haa loarned to warble, and tbey call ber Giulia Valda. Orvil Grant went to Chicago to join in paying honors to hit distinguished brother, but ho looked to uncouth and shabby tbat tome of Gen. Grant' ad mirer induoed bin to leave town, in iiiavea aai i ' The New Orleans Picayune say: "Ol Bull play upon a violin wbioh is S16 ysara old.- Aooordiag to tradition Mr. Boll AoaiMoead giving faravrell ooribfrt when hfs Bddls was nw ARNOLD WANTS ! 5,000 Rail Road Ties Corweaaville, Pa. Jaa. 9, -Jt-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALBB IN FURNITURE, 1?I ATT II EISIHKM, .w Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STRBKT, NBAR P. O. The BBderila'Qod beta leare to Inform Ibo ottl. too a of Cloaraeld, and tha pub lie (renerellT, tbat be bn oa hand a one aaoortnteai of Furnfinre, anflh aa Walnut, Cheatnut and Painted Chamber Bui tea, Parlor Sultoa, Reclining and Ki tenet oa Cbaira. I.ediea' and UeaU' Keay Chalra, tho For foreted Diaiag and Parlor Cbaira, Cane ftata aad tttnuior Ubeira, uiottiea it era, tjtep ana mien Ion Laddero, Hat Rtuka, Scrubbing liruabea, At MOULDING AND PICTURI FRAMES, ouking tiiaeaee, Caroiaoe, io.. which woald e lit a,tle for Hultdaty fireaenti. rBtaniP'TX eli'tin TKUIJTIWrtW. Re-Union of Trade. rfMIR aadenlgned wlitilng to Inform tbe public a inei oe ojienoa a COMMIMMO STOKB At tbe old atend la TroutvlUe, Clearfield count j, Fa., oa ibo i Bib ioat., with a lull itook of lRY GOOD, GKUCIHIES, KOTlONM, . lloota, Hhoca, Etc., In faet everything to be found ia a flrit-elaea itore, all of wbieh I aiu determined to veil at tbo low eel eaah prloee. Will Had it to their advantage la do their dealing with me. aa tho highest prioaa will be paid for Qraia, Shin glee, or Produoa of anj kind. Part or one half eaah will bo paid. Trailing for Sblnglea or Lu miter of any kind a aneelalty. A 10, agoai tor Singer Sewing Machines. Hariae made arrangement! with Kaatcra mer chant! to eel I gooda furnlabod ma. therefore oall and aeo, aa I will be enabled to fell cheaper than the eaeapcat, J. W. CAHbll.K, Troutrille, Pa,, Bopt. li, '7-1t. Ageot. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Ilaa opened, la a baildina oa Market treat, oa tha old Woetera Hotel lot, oppoaito tha Court llooee in L'LcorOald.a Tin and btioot-lroa Menu factory end Store, where will ho found at all timei a fall Una of house FTOisnnra goods, Stores, nirlware, Eto. Hoaeo Spouting and all kinda of Job work, repair ing, Ao., dona an abort notice and at reaaonabla ratoa. Alao, agent for tha Singer Sewing Machine. A supply af Maehlnee, with Needlee, Ae4 at waya oa band. Torma, atriotlj eaah or eoantry produoe. .bare of patrona e eolirited. O. B. MERRELL, tiuncrieteaditat. Cl.ar8.ld, April IS. lSTT If. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing Machine No. 8. . .VS II' i.WEA'TIO.V. Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Running, At (he Paris Exposition, 1878, Wheeler & Wilson received tho only ursnd l'nie awarded lor cowing Machines. Ovor 80 com petitors. Report of the American Institute of it'ie lorkontne nheeterd: ll Mon tuactone: " We do not hesitate to deolore it THE BEST StWINII APPARATUS IN TIIE World." The No. 6 and No. 7 Meaofecturlna Maehlaee are eapeelally reoemmeuded fo SHOEMAKERS' aad TAILORS era. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank. CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELER & WILSON li'F'O CO., 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April 1, 1819 0m. PORT GRAPE WINE Uae4 la tbo prlaetptl Cb ore aea for CmmaalbB parpoeeo. Excellent forXiies eViWtakly tt ... A " SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE f rot k re.f.; old. Thia C.lrhrated Nailre Wia. la mad. from lae jaiea of the Oporte Drape, raieed la this unaoty. it. Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are aaeurpeoeea by any other N.tlve Wlaa. Be. tn the pare Juioo of the U rape, preduoed under Mr. Spear', owa peraoaal eeparvletna, IU pnrlty and coaulaeaooe are gaaranued. Tho youoeel eon. may pertauo el lie geaereae aeetllloe, aad th. iaealid aeo it to adreatae. It U particularly beneficial ta the aged aad debilita ted, aad auited to tbe rariooa allmeate tbat af fret the weaker er-v. II ie la ovary reopeel A Wink TO US RKLIKD ON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, The P.J. RIIKRRT lo a Win. ef Superior laereeior, aau partaaea or too golden ojaeJilieo ol the grape from wbieh It le made. Per Parity, Rlehaeee, riever aad Medielwal Preperllea, ll whI ho feead aaaaeellod. SPEER'S P J BRATJUY. Tali BRiMDYeUafcanrlreMlalaUueaotry, Mag Iar eu porter for mod ieel pure tea. IT IS A PURI dletlllatlea rrooa the grape aad sooXaeao eaioakl. edoaal preparole. tl haa a delleeu flavor, ehalhtr le loaa ef the a rupee from wale It le eHeitlted, aad a) fa groat raoar aeaoag ret-ataai faeaaNao. Sao thai the otmtoro of AtPSEO SPUES, rojoaio. J- U ever Iho eert or aash hettta, sols ST a. vr. qzazau. , it, itr.i. d yrs- .9 Pa nr Ono gtflrcrtttfmnit. THE REPUBLICAN, rebltibea eer Wedneedaj bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEARFIELD, PA, Haa Ik Larfoet t'lreulatlu af sur paper ia P.aaiiylTanla. Tbe large and constantly increasing circulation of tho Republican, render it vafuable tobuslness men as a tnodium thro' which to roach the publio. Terms or Sudsckiption i If paid in advanoe, ... 12 00 If paid after three tnontlii, , 2 60 If paid aftur six mouths, . . 3 00 When papera ar gent outside of the txmuty payment mum be In advanoe. ADVKRTI3INO: Ten lines, or less, 8 time, f 1 60 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 1 60 3 60 Each aubtequent intertion, Administrator' Notices, , Executors' Notices, . . . . Auditors' Notices, .... Cautions and Estrayt, . . , Dissolution Notices, . . Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, Special noticea, per line, . . , 6 00 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One squaro, 10 linos, . , . 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One half column 70 00 On column, 120 00 II LA MiS. We have always on band a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, 8UBPOCNA3, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'8 BLANKS, 4c, Ao., ko. JOR PRINTING, W art prepared to do all kind of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, etO., kO., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE fROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. R. Goodlander, Ciferflekl, GetrfeM CeatrtT. Pi. laisftiunfous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE, Carwonarllla, I'a., Jan. t, Tft-tf. OHEY TO I.OAK.-O. .0I. . proved (arm property, ar Ibe Mutual Liu tmura ureooe Conipaay nf New York, on Oral aauM. Rte, la aama Iron 11,000 op. For farther la- foriuallva apply to tbe anneroignoa. ULRXTHAL VT. SMITH. 0l.er8.ld Pa., May ttA, ISTO-lf. , ABaiiklliatNeterEreaks. Try My Coal. Tbe undersigned adupta thia method of Inform. Ing tbo nuuieroua eon vim era, tbet hia ooal bank ia not a Winter arranjrrment only, hut that li will bo operated In ibo Hummer aa well aa Win. tor. I claim that I havo tha Best Coal in the Market, and will aall It for aaab, or la einbaoge for 8ur, roe!, groceries), etc. Large eon t recta will be made at a rery email proBt. For full part ieetare oall on ma la peraon, reaiding ia one of Uraham'a upper boueea, or addreaa me through tbe poat oflioo. Ordere loft nt tbe poitoffiee will reroire prumpt attention.. TIMh. A. DUCK KIT. viearoeia, re., Jan. o, isiv tr. OULIta. B. M'COBILI. . BBILIBOB. (ill.HH, McCOMLE & (O.'S FURNITURE ROOMS. " Merttel Ml eel, Clearfield. Pa. Wo Baaaraotar all kind, of Baralture f..r Obnmbere, llldinif Roome, Librariea aad Hella. If joa weat farailare of any kind, aWt hay oatil yua ee. our atoeh. UNDERTAKING In ell it, branches, promptly attended to. OI'ILCII, McCORKLEACO. Cl.arB.ld, Pa,, Feb. 8, '78. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS f STATIONERY Marktt BU, ClearOeld, (at tha Poet OnVe.) TIIE aoderalgaed beii leare to anaooaoo te the eitiaeae of Clearfield and Tteioity, that be haa tiled up a room and ha, jaat returned from th. city with a Iar. amount ef roedia matter, oonaiallnf la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Bleak, Aooount aad Pan Be.he of mere do. eoriplion Paper and KnveleaM. rreaeh proceed end plain; Peaa and Peaelle; bleak Legal Paperi, Deeda, Mortferoef Judgment, Kxemp. tioa and Promiearv aoteef White aad Parch- t Brief. Lea-el lap, Heoord Cap. aad Bill Cab. Sheet Musio, lor either Piaao, alula or Vlolia, eoaateatly oa bead. Any hooka ar otetioaery deaired that I may Dot have oa hand, will be ordered oy tret oipreaa, aad eold at wboieeale or null ult oaelomero. I wiU alee eoea aerioetleel llteratare, euoa ae Mafailaea, New.papera, Ae. r. A. UAtLIH. Clearfield. Mey T, 1888-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IN LCTIIECSBICC. BaroafUr, aoode will bo Mid for CASH onlr. or in eicbaoffo fur arodoeo. Mo books will bo k-pt la tho futara. All old aeeonntl mint bo nettled. Tboea who eon not esuk p, tiill ploaee haad orer their notee and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am deUrmlBad to aall bt aoodj at mab prioee, aad at a dioeonnt far below tbat ever offered la thie vicinity. Tbo dieeouat I allow m eaetomere, will make tbem riefc ia twealj year If taej loiiow my acute aod bay their food frm mo. I will pay earfa for wheat, oete and el rer ead. DANIEL UOOII.ANDkR. Latherfbarf, Joauary 17, 1877. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, BKCONO STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN rUHB DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OlIJS, DYE STUFF VAHKISBBS, BAIT8USS, PERTCMEET, , rANCT 800DS. TOILET ART1CLKS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WISES AND 1IQUOSS far madiolaal yaapeeeo. Traeeee,, Seheol Book, aad StaUoa. ory, aad all other ertieleo aaaally toaad ia a Drag Stare. PHYSICIANS' pRERCr.IPTIOtiS CASK PULLT COMPOUNDED. He vie, a largo aa perleaee la the bueiaeae they oaa give oatire aai- ufaetloa. e. hArtswick. JOHN P. IKWIN. Clearteld. Dafforahov IS. 1ST4. JJARD T1ME8 BAVI M0 EFPECT IN FRENCH YILLE I I am aware that there are .erne perena a Itrtl. hard ae, aad 1 am alao eware thai the eomplalat of "hard liaeee, le well aigh aaiveraaL Bat I am ee oitaaled aow thai I eea eatiafy the former aad prove eoarlnalvely that "hard tlmea" will aot effeet thoee who hay their gooda from me, aad all my patroaa lhall ho Initiated late the oe- oral or HOW TO AVOID HARD TIME8 t hare geode eaougk U aap,.ly aH the lahehi taau la the tower aad of the Moaty whieh 1 aell at eiroeding low ratee from my mammoth atvre ta MULSONUIIRII, I oaa alweya he feaad ready to wall apoa oallere aad oaptly them with Drj Goods of all Kinds, Sank ae Clothe, BaUaatte, Caaaimoree, hte.Ho Delaiaae, Llaaa, DrUliage, Caliew, Trlmmiage, Rlhboae, Laea, Ready-made Clothing, Boole aad Baoee, HaU aad Cap. all of the beet neurit aad made to order Heee, Boeka, Ulovee, killeaa, LeMl, R.hheaa,Ae 8R0CERIE8 OP ALL KIND!. Oofee, Tea, Ragao, Rlee,, Flak, (ell Perk, Liaeeed OU, flak Oil, Garaea OIL Hardware, daaoaewara, Tlawara, Caatiage, Plow, aad Plow Caetiage, Nalla, Splhee, Cora Cultiva te,., Cider Prooae,,aad all hinda af Aiee. Perfaaaovj, Palate, Varalih, Olaaa, aad a geaeral af Butloaory, GOOD FLOUR, Of dlfere.t hraoda, alway. ea head, aad will ho told at the lew eat peaaihie figaroo. J. B. M-Clala'a Medlelaee, J.yaa'a Modteleoe Hoehettar't aad Heotaad'a Blltere. 99 peuadi af Waad waatad far whit Ike klgkaot priea win ho peaa. CWvereeed a head atid far aeie at iho leweot marhot pnee. A aro, AgaeA tar BAeaatoavllee ead Oarereaavllle Tkreeklaf Haeaao. aHvOetl aad eoefov yooarooleoo. TeawUltad over;lhi.g aaaally koet la a eaoail aeava. L. at. OOODRIKt. PraarAviner. 0 , Aegarl II, 10TO.