Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 03, 1879, Image 4

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' 7 "- '!T .
Termi of Subscription.
ff paid Id advaaoe,or within tbrae nootba.,.$l 00
H paid after Imt aad before ill Bombs... t 60
If peld after Ibe expiration af lit nonhta,.. I 00
arMiurt. . M. PneraaaiLL A Co., Jews
paper Adveitletwg A gaols, 17 Park Row, eonier
bka Hrae. er oar duly authorised Ageat
in rt Tor Guy.
Mihodl4Bplsaopal ChurehrUv. J. 8
MrMiT, pMtor. Hervlee overy Shbtb
at 10i A. M.. M ?i r. M.
fUbbatb Hibool at 9 A. M .
Prarer Meetiai every Wbdneedey, at 74 P. M.
Ctao niM tiervtoe, first Sabbath of vary
month, at A. M.
Waal 1'loarfleld N. B. hurch. R
W. si no it WiLooa, Pastor. Preaabtng every
alternate gunday, at o'elok, P. M. ttunday
Hohaol it f. M. All are invite) to eti.n.
!resbtrlau Church Rer. II. fl. Dotl.
Sabbath services morning and evooln; Sab
bath School at I P. M. Prayar Meeting Wadnaa.
day Mailing.
Ilaptlat Church. Rot. . Paalor.
Pabbatb School at P. H. Prayar Moeiiagovcry
Wedoesdey evening.
M. KraiicU Church Catholle Ra. t
J.KiiBiitAii. Divine servloe at 104 A. M., on
the arst, third and foartbSuadeysof eeeh aiootb;
Vespers and Renedietion oftbe Bleseed ttaorament
at 7 o'ekkf 7. M.-Handy School ovary Sunday
afternoon at I o'aloak.
Remind Monday of Jan nary.
Third Monday of Mare.
Vtitt Monday af June.
Puurth Monday beptesnbe.
Tim or 0LPwa) oohmoi nui.
First Monday of Job.
Beeond Monday of Novambar,
roauo omoma.
Prmidtnt Jitfja Hob. Charles A. Mayor, of
Look llavon.
Aitittanl Lam JmJgfUom. John 11. Orrli, af
Be afonte.
iatoeeate Judf Ahraai OgJea, Clearfield j
Vloeent B. Holt. ClearleM..
Protktarym Bloom.
Rtgitttrmnd Weeerder L. 3. Morgan.
IHatriii Atory Wm. M. MoCnllough.
Trtaturtr Philip Dotte.
Sktriff Andrew 1'eoti, Jr.
iJrwiHv Sktriif Christ. J. Kaasny, Clearfield
Commtf Jiaayar Hamae! F. MeOloakay, Cnr-
Cowtf A eafwio C. W. Kylar, Graham
ton P. O.j Blab Johnstow, Grampian V 11 U P. O
Tahm Nori-ia. Sr.. Cnrwensvlll
CVtmfy Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
field t Joseph Olllilena, Three Bum ; J. B. Nor-
ria, weod.aasu
Oommlv CoryrJ. B. Naff. Hew WaablDgton,
Jury feamtfwtaiMraDr. Jama P. Bu re till eld,
Clcarfled, Jaeaph Alaxandar, Madara,
tiup4n4dnt mf PwUi M. L. Ma.
Quawb, OlaariUld.
tUmUro Wwxgku Mmrit W. Carl i la,
oKoa at Latbariburg Pa.
Nttarim rmMi John W.Wriglay, W. Ra-
debaogh, Cyraa tiordoa, Claar(lald Joaeph R.
Irwin, N. R. Arnold, CBrwaaiTillaj J. A. Living-
alono, DaUola City.
Oar Spwiml aoluma li daoidedly taUroatlog fn
B local point of Tlaw, and profitable raading to
auiaidori who want to aavo maaay.
"Will you taha wheat, oata or oortt for lub
acriptloa 7" W ira oftea Inquired of la thil way
by Utlar front palroaa who reaido at a dUtnnca
rrorn Clearflald. Wa again any yoa. Tht rtoalpU
of a rtipootlbla uarchant or a ill la tfaa
vicinity, will am war ui juvt ai wall na tha oaah.
T illluitrala: If any of our patron will delivar
mi n bug of gtain at tha anltl of Joaaph H. Drath,
In townihlp, Horaoo Patcbln, In Baroiida,
Tbomaa H. Forcay, In Or. ham, Wm. Portar or
Shaw'a, In Lawrence, or Brown A Baylor', at
Rock ton, Union townalilp, nad forward their
receipt for the amount, era will credit them on
their acconnt fur the iimi. In tbia way all nay
oun pay what they ewe, IT they will puraue thla
How is your cold ?
Thaikp;iving duy was pleasant out
door! and vti In,
, A fiuo lino of overcoat at Hirlingar
A Hook a. nor-SO It
Dr. J. M. LindBoy,oi' "Blood Search
er" fame, la now a reaident of Ihe city of Altoooa.
Oniooseukers will "boom" in 1880.
There are twenty tboasand eenaua takera M ap-
Tbe County Connniaaionon adjourn
ed oa Saturday, aud will not be in aeiaion before
tbe I lib IniteaU
-; mm - -
A new stae coach had been put on
tl.e robte between Curwtnarillo and DuBol by
tbe proprietor, Mr. Walk. . ' '
. , -m mm i -t
A vast amount of good1 would no
doubt be aocompliihed, if parent would Ttlit the
public aehoola eaeaalonally.
- i mw -
Tho firm ol Odcn & Uorvitt, buU-b-ara,
ha bean diuolveJ. Hoah Oglea will carry
oo the bualnaii at the old etand.
imt I -mm
Jloth the Orpheus and the CitiKotiF
Cornet Baada ware out on Thaokaglrlng after
noon. Tbe aiuale eoanded delightful.
mt a
The month ol February next wilt
have five Sunday, which will aot occur again tn
forty year, according to oar alntaaae.
Dr. Iloichhold, DentiRt, will bo ab-
icat frawl b aflte In Chmrlald from Taeeday,
Oencntber Id tilt Tburaday. Deotuber llih.
Muurico lloOcr, of Una place killed
a Ino do on the mouotaia north of this p!ae
lait Saturday. A. W. Walter alo bad a band
In It capture,
The Ward Holme at Tyrone will ba
offered at publia aala on the iH of Daeember
Belt, by Manuel MoCamant, Aaaigne of Mr.
Mary A. Wcrloa,
The elioolin match advertised to
, oorno off at uantingdoa on w edaeaaey uit war
aeouipM failnre, on acenunt of the aporl aot
putting in an appearaaat.
The front ia being put in the store
teoia of J. o. Urabaai a aew nrici auiiaing oa
6eeond tlreot. It will ha roedy for occupancy
about tbe Irat of neit month.
The Alloona Swn promises to shine
trlgbter and ofteaer tbaa ever la the near fninre.
A daily will be leaned rreaa that offir la annaa
tien with tbt weekly. Saeeeee, af eourao.
Tho sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be abearved la tb Clear! -Id frealtyiertaa
Church neat Sabbath ajoroing. Prayar Beetingi
will be held oa Wedoaeday, Tburaday and Friday
ateniega. m t m
Sheriff Pent advertises a number of
properties fur aala la Ibis teiae of the Karnati
can. The aala will take plae oa Wcdneeday,
December Slat the laat day af Sheriff Paata'a
term of oBc.
A pawenger and second class freight
ageaey baa beea eetatj.-sheJ at Morriadale, en tbe
Morriadalo A Phtlipiburg branrh of tbe Tyrone
A Clearflald Railroad, and R. B. Wigton appoint
ed egat thereat.
mnm- mm
Simmons A Itankins' Alinstrel troupe,
wbit-b gaea na eoterteiaesent UUarlelJ oa
8tarday teoaiag, October lflib, dlibended n few
daya aiace, near Colamba, Ohio, la a Inaaelally
dUorjeatsad aoadltioa.
ii -
Tha County Grange met hi the
AeHTieaa Moeacwm'a Hall, a Taeeday night
mt left wejak aad lewtad eflaer far tho a,
alag lerm. Wo bar hot baan faralihad with
the names of tha new ehVer.
The Weather on f hanksgiving day,
179, wa perfectly drligbiful eltar, weraa aad
saild. Tb baoha and! pablla eehoal were tloted
all day, while tbe aiorea war alaaad n portion of
the dty. Llttf bnalaaae, rf eoy, wa traasnoted
Cnart alJaraod near froni lOVolock A. M. to
IP. M.
am a mm
The Clearfield Journal says : "Deer
are scare In Clear ten oonaty, ta lb law snoaia
be atrial I y eafrd." And tb at her fallow, the
tt'pmitimw; any i Th boaurs are Isaprefing
the time, a la evidenced by the greet numbar af
deer being killed on the saunatain la tbt ski
lty.M Vho tbell deeld when JecaU disagree f
However, oar eytorteeeea wba hat a aoteai abated
trying tbalr laak eeer In that regloa "pay their
sjoaay"aad ana Uke ihtr ebaton JMWaye-
ewrf Stmmttmrd,
Tb aaaaiMg aaareiiy of gaaaa oh naeaeliaiaa
be attributed l tha heater. A boat tweaty aaer,
te ear kaewMge, bs- ban hllUd la CkargelaJ
eoaaty this laeaon, and thre ar vrel leva
hipj yat it bear (ronV' When wen tbe trar
tare aasasroaB
More now gooda at Hirlinger k
Rook's this wetl.lo be told aiaattoea prioea, 31
mm m m -
"1 am going to Hirlinger A Hook's
for a good orercoet, warn suit, aad good bit
or eato." t - . no-S0lt
For fifty yoara "801101 Liver VilU'
bar brought health and happln li thouaaads
of hone. Ask your druggist for them.
"Father and mother being afflicted
with asthma, two bottles of 'Seller' Cough Syrup
bar given then n new lease af Ufa."
Tho Nkw Kiminotom Family Srw-
im0 Macnmn for sl at J. E. Harder' Uua
Store, Clearflsld, Pa. Oct. 10 6a.
Penplu find out, whon they want to
aav dollars la buying eiotntag, mat tnsy aaa get
tb utoet and best good for tbelr noney at Hir
linger A Rook' nov ll-el.
A t the IUpubucan ofllce is tho placo
to get your Job work dona. Wear fully prepared
to do any Ui art to prlotlng Una, will do It
well, and al the right bind af prioea, tf.
We have now on band several thous
and firat-olaa envelopes, which w will print for
buslnaa nen, or anybody l, at prloe that n
not he rivalled. Call and sea tbem. If.
A. O. Kramer, Kq , has been ap
pointed Auditor by lb Court In distribute pro
ceeds arising fron tbe'rhtriff's aal of Osfaud
ant' real estate la tha ease of O. Blattenborger
v. Jerry O'Brien.
1 1 a m
For two yean 1 have suffered from
talealaa daposita. On bottl of Uerosma re
moved the dapoall, and I aavo enjoyed good
bsaleb for thra yeara, J. II. Cahh.
Prepared by I. K. Thompson, Titasville, Pa.,
and far sale by all druggist In Cloarfiald, and
Josepbl&yler A Sob, Lathersburg. dee-Vlt
mmm m mm
Soe a woman on horseback in another
column, riding aear Spear' Vineyards, with a
bunch af Grape fron which Bpaar'a Port Qrapa
Wioe la made, that is so highly esteemed by tbe
nodical profession for the us of invalids, weakly
persons and tha aged. Sold y E, W. (Irebam,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. jly-16 '71 tf.
. mm a 1 1 r
A Bloom township couple, just mar
ried, took diaaer the other dey, at tb Drau-ker
Hone- They were sink on each other, a Is
aaual with eueh eoeplea. Tbvir eoaversalloo at
the table was a follows t II "Shall I akin yer
a nerlaitr, honey?" She "No, thank yer. dearie,
I bare one already akun." Cures if fiats.
Well, verdant folks should not be upbraided la
a newspaper heeaus a Her they get married two
or three time, Ibey alway know more than when
they first started out. Isn't that o t At. Iast,
w have beard ciperta us words to that effect.
The union Thanksgiving services in
tbe Cleerfleid Presbyterian Church last Tburaday
morning ware well attended, a larger turnout
than usual at ear rice yet there was such room
for more. Rev. Dr. Mc Murray and Rev. II- S.
Butler, of tbia borough, aud Rev R. H. Fletober,
of Loek Haven, took part In tb oxorelie, the
last named gcntlsinan preaching the sermon from
tb ilith vers of tb siiteenth Psalm, which
reads as follows 1 "Tha llneaare fallen unto mo
io ptetraut places; yea, X hare n goodly heri
tage. m t
New Daily Staoe Lime. James L.
Lenvy ha succeeded In having a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfleld.aad will
hereafter rua a daily stage bat ween the two point.
Ills eontraet began with April lit, and tb stag
will leave learfield every morning (eieept Sun
day) at 8 o'clock, making connection with all
train 00 tbe Low Urad Railroad at Pennneld, re
turning after tha laat train the lint araoing.
Paatengers and freight will be carrUd at low rate.
Orders leant any of tb hotel will be attended
How Sad I We learn from the
Pbilipsburg Joernai, of Saturday last, that on
Wednesday aveulng of laat week lb Hour of
John Brlncy, near Birmingham, Huntingdon
county, wa destroyed by fire, and with It perish
ed an infant child Mrs. llrloey bad gone out to
gather som wood preparatory to getting supper
and during her aheeaca tha awas caught fir.
When ah returned the flame bad gained aucb
headway that U wa impossible to gat near tha
building. Tbe two older abildrea were rareaed,
though tby received vr burn Tb babe, a
year old, wa be rued ap, aad not a tram) f Its ,
remains aonld fc discovered In tbe ashes.
Farmers, Look HereI Ly tie will!
give yoa highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Car. BaekwbaaV Hotter, Kggs. Oalons, Apples, '
dried fraiU, and all kinds of produe ll baa
tb largeat and beat eeleeted stock of groosries,
teas, ooffve, molasses, pi, oil Hit, sugar,
qnaanswara, tube, bucket, basket, churn, Ac,
in CUerfleld county. 11 buys bis goods in large
quant Hie from ,maanfentrri and Iret band
for easb, and Uke tb eaves, I eg or all
dlsaaenn.nnd sob is enabled to sell at lowt
prices. He glva ash prices for produoa.and Mils
hi good at tbt lowest prices In the eouuty.
Local Information. In addition to
hi specific dulta a Aseaasar, John D. Miller,
Krq., of tha borough of taw burg, looked up aod
made an Inventory of lb agriaultoral product
of that little honugb, a follows t "Wheat, 40
bebels; Cm, 1,474; Oats, fit ; Rye, 15 ; Book-
wheat, 464 ; Turnips, 1.10 and 44 tons of bay."
Assessor Miller and hi east stent hav com pie tad
their work, and he nade hi return to the County
Commissioner oa tb SAth. If all tb othr Al
ienors latitat him, tb Board will bar ample
time to revise and equalise tb asssssments j but
we imp sot that just n few will hold back not II
tbe Inst day, and nheteb defeat program In tbi
direction, flucl U nkunlly Ihe ais a f make
the many wait for tbem.
ex -
Personal. Many of our readers
will remember ail Faaait I. lleuser, of Cadis,
Ohio, wba visited at tha home of her friend,
Mis Bl-no be Ftgalia this vloHtliy,last8aminart
and whe attracted considerable ettentleo In Social
circle on aeeeuat of bar skillful performance an
tbe piano. Tbe Wheeling (W. Va.) Sun dap
Zewottr, ia a report of a concert given in that
city recently, allude la her as follows i
"Tbe a lection from tbe TVeeefer, played by
Mis Fannie lluer, front Cadii, en tbe piano,
were maiteriul. We never heard firmer touches
aad sueh ryralh, with each deliberate and vigorooa
etpreealon. Ae do'erved, ae wa appianuao
with a vigor that showed genuine appreciation.
Responding she played in a spirit tbat showed
ibe possessed not only enttob mechanical power
of eieention but a proper conception of Ibe po
etry of musio, and bowitahnuld be eipressed ;
end In which lies the whole difference and enerm
betwem that whiob I nade by machine, made
maete, as In tha muaio but, aad that perfor mod
by tie human band ar veloe."
A Day at Clearfield.--Wo clip
from tbe Alloona fWomi, of Saturday Im, the
following t M At tbt solicitation of Mr. W. P. a rnia reprcMelatlrt, together
with a number of gentlemen tf tbia elty, spent
Thanksgiving day at Clearfield. Tha party, sit
ta narabrr, ar'1" tbelr arrival at Clearfield, were
net by Mr. William I. Wallace, who aeeerUd
tbem through the town, pointing out the plaeas of
inttrrt,hesldes giving much valuable lafurtnal ion
re'ative to tha Industrial interest of th place,
Tbe party were then escorted to Ibe residence) of
Mr. Richard Moseop, where a boaateoa repeal
was spread, to wbieh all Aid em pi Justice. In
the evening a party wa givoa at th residence f
fl. L, Reed, to which all wreordlall welcomed,
and, together with a large namher of the young
folks er th place, an ecjoj ebte time wa spent ia
plaaiant amutmnt and Ik tripping of th
llaht fan tea lie' until a toasonablt boar. Th
genilemen ton prising tho party were highly
plaeed with the entertainmaat they received aad
hope for an arly opptrtnnlty to reolproeatt.
Fatal Accident at Tyrone. Wm.
R. Plummer, lather tf W. Soolt Plum mar, eondue
tor on th T. A 0. Rail read, wee Instantly billed
at Tyrone on Tuesday snowing, tha 16 th alt.,
whin engaged la hia dutfen a night watchmen
and pelieeaaan. We glean the following particu
lars af hi d death from Iht Tyront 4erwfaf ef
Tbarsdey last: "While Mr. Plummet was oar
fully oiamialag tb leaks and door ef a Iraia of
freight tar standing a th aiding, tha Union
line uf freights going east, pes) tb tppostts
tr rar'hasl track of tht main Hn. At that mo
ment, th Mall Is press going wast, earn aluag,
and Mr. Phimmer, being arevtnkad by tba aoim
of tb pas lag freight Iraia from boating II, wa
uk oa tbt head by the Kipreea angmt, a it
patttd a nog tba epon track of the aaain line.
Tba aeeident oeenrrad near I o'clock In tbt morn
ing, whtlt It aa yet qnlto dark, and It 1 sup-
poted that Mr. Plummer had lantern an hi irn
aod was tieepod down af laaaiagtrar tiamlnlag
tb ear on lb siding, and isrnod nronnd jasl In
tin la be ttraek by lb beta pee tf tbt pas dag
engine. Tb ) d was slity-fift years tf
age, and wa In th en play ef th Penusylvenl
Retire1 Company toatiaooaely for ft period tf
twtnly. tight years, er fron tb lint Ut read
was earn pi led. Fu Iblrteea yeans f that tlsnt
ha haabeatj net leg ivpuUceasea and aigbt we lei
man at Tyront. H era tb fat bet af twaleo
ehlldrea oa daagbter aad elevea etas three
ef whom art 44. Twa wins wf tbt dec 14
litd tnly a Tew moat be ago, and Milliard F., a son,
wa a Used ia tba faieroad put 4 frtn la
Man-h, 1ST.
The Shaw House haa been furnished
with tew heater th past week.
Senator Wullane loll for Watthmg
ton on Saurday last, to b present at lb opining
tf Cungreas oa Monday.
The saw-mill near J'ennville, owned
by Wilson R. Ucovar, of Hoggs township, was
destroyed by fir 00 Thursday night, Nov. I3ih
Tb loss U covered by insurance.
A li'nvi ir nv t-'iiitfiTiiM friin Tn
dian boy at Uarltile hav already tasted tf ihe
weeta of elvilliatlon. They bar bad lore feet
from wearing tight boot.
Defeated.-We put on two pairol
glasses for th purpose of reading th domestic
pages of the Houtsdale JVew, but It wai a flul,
Boiler tot bard, bad ink, tie. '
Of Couhse. Curwensvillo is always
ahead In the hog lint. According to the fmss,
tbt den I tens of that borough bar slaughtered
som aockduagra" this season.
Three More. It seems that wo aro
to have aauthor three-waeh tern of Court In
January. This, wbilt th County Auditor' set
tlement 1 going on, will mak things lively in
lb Coirl House.
Johnny Hemphill, while parsing
along market street tbts( t uesiiayj morning, was
prostrated by a fik II was oarled Into th Kx
pre ofllce, where medical lid wa summoned aod
proper rastorailres applied. II wai afterVard
removed to hi horn In Rcedville.
1). W. McC'urdy, Knq., has been ap
pointed auditor to make distribution of monies
la Ihe bands o( tht Administrators of Wllllem
Bell, let of Qrsnood township, dand. The
attention of those Interested la called to s notice
published la another ooluma.
From present indications, tho moun
tain will be alive with hunter for the fleet footed
deer during tbe last weak of tb season. A
great number from this place and vicinity are
making preparations to go out for a few day.
The teaeoa clossi on tb lath of this month.
AccidentalShootino.-A lad named
Mays, residing on th hill at of lb borough,
was accidentally shot In the abdomen last Satur
day night. Tb wound I n serious one, and
young Maya Is considered Is rather a erltlonl ton
ditlon at this writing. All effort to find where
the ball lodged have failed.
So it tiota.Tbo Curwensvillo
7Vi any t "A lady In Cnrwtnsvill received a
new bat tb other day, and half tb sci in town
called to le it tba ram day." How, why did
yoa not 111 th whole story T It wa purchased
at Fleck A Co.'s store, Clcai field, where there nre
lota more of tbem.
A Factv-Aii advertisement Inserted
In tb RirvnucAM will reach more readers than
if published la all tba other paper la tha conn-
ty,and tost th advertise! leu than on-balf
In othr worde, an advertlatmcnt published in
our JcurnaJ 1 worth doubl th price of tbat
charged by any other gjibliiher in tb ounty,
It I a fact," - tf.
Closed. It will be observed by a
aotlet la thia tasae, that lb corporation known
a tha Clearfield County Bank, propose Vi m los
It doors and sett I up with its depositors and
stockholders. Tht latter nre, of course responsi
ble, and will set tbat every depositor get his
money as fast aa Mr. Wrigley can settle the ae-
dU of tbt institution. This la right, We
have always had too manr banks In this ptao.
List of lottera remaining unclaimed
in tb Posloffic at Clearfield, for tbe wesk ending
Deaember 1, 1S79 :
William Amlaw, Uei.rg Amlaw, Mary Breslar,
Wilson Orean welt. Miss Emma Hunter, Miss
Bessie Huffman, Ref. J. 8. Johnson, John T.
Jones, J. A. Leonard, Benjamin Myers, Horace
Maeun, W. P. Nerry, Anna Ogdea, Henry Bmales.
P. A. Gaums, P. M. .
Tbo Central Pennsylvania Dental
Association will meet at Huntingdon on V 0
day mornlog, Jaauary Tib, Among tbe names
on the program, wt notice those of Dr. J. L.
R. Heiohhoid ft) Dr. J. M. Stewart, of tbi
place. The) formtr ha had assignsd to bin
"Gold vs. Amalgam for Filling," as a sebjiot for
an easay, aod tbe last named gentlemen will as
pat lata on "The Vm and Abas tf Filling Ma
- is, (
tRooREauj. Tl seems that Br. Amos
Kennard, the Exoelsler Cam -hook inventor and
manufacturer, ha taratd parti Orangsr, and
glvsa his attention to tbt raising tf e!ery. From
tht fample of that product before ns for slso
aad (piality, ha boald be awarded tb champion
ship.. Tbia pat vegetable take a good deal of
patience to cultivate and raise It but from tbe
samples we hart Indulged, Ksnnard be tbe
weed on tbe flank, anyhow.
cou Hon rLUis mien wkkk. .
Court was called at 1 o'clock P. M., on Mouday,
Nor. Z4th, with Hon. B. F. Junkln, President
Judge of tbo Forty-fir it Judlolal District, com
posed of Perry and Juniata ton n ties, and Aseo
tiat Judge Ogden and Holt 00 the bsoch. John
Larrimer and Harry Hemphill wr appoint 1
Aftr calling th list -f Jurors, th Ulal list was
taken op and tb causes disposed of as follow t
F. K. Arnold A Co. va. Jesse W. Carlisle. No.
1511 November Term, 187 If. Assumpsit. Judg
ment in open Court, by oonsent, In far or of Plain -tiffe
for $Vt, with stay 01 eieention for one year.
V. K . Arnold A Co. vs. L B. Carlisle. No. 2 I
March Term, 1877 Asaumpiit. Plaintiffs suffer
a voluntary nonsait,
Robert Taylor vt, Clark Con t al.
No. 184
March Term, 177. Uebt. Iriea.
Pleiatul Iwr tilfi 40.
Verdiot for
John J. Read vs. John A. Millar, Tho. Rowle
and U. Peg" Howlea. No. Str7 March Term,
1977. IjectiuenU Irltd. Verdiot lor Plaintiff.
The premise described in writ to be released on
the oavment of flTfift.14 on or before June 1, 1880.
T J. Boyer va. Riecutera of Jacob Hebeiliog,
(Ilea, mt, 14 June ierm, iiwi. Aanipii.
Bv leave. Plaintiff ebanieeforn ofactiaa to Dbt,
and it wa ordered that Plaintiff pay coits of
Ibis term, and ease continued.
Commonwealth tt nee of Wm. Currv va. lack
son Klnkead at al. Debt. Tried. Verdiot for
flaimifi far S21&.40.
J. R.Martin va. Lydia J. llarner. No. 3B0
June Term. 1877. Kjeeiment. Tried. Verdict
tor Plaintiff for tbe land described in the writ, to
be relented upon payment of S72U.
Samuel Hegerty vs. A. B. Shaw. No. Svl
June Term. lalf. Eleetmenl. Settled,
Jobs Moore T. William Lntber et al Na. le
Bepifwber Term, 177. bjeetment. Coatlnoed.
Bridget Baker . Alltbeny Valley Railroad.
No, 27 bcplember Term, 177. Trpass. Con
tinued. Joseph R, MoMnrray vl. John Irvtn A Bros.
AsaauipsK. Tried. Jadgmeal in favorof Plain
tiff, as per peper filed, fer lUBO.lfl.
K, A. Holden vs. John Irvin A Bros. Wo. 94
September Term, 1877. Aampclt. Settled.
Administrator of J. B. Rafferty, deo'd, ve, Jas.
A, Irvia. No. M SepteaUr Term, 1I7. A
anmpilt. Judgment, by content, Ut favor of
Plaintiff for $t,S4fi.7l.
Savacr, Harris, Baeeett A 0 vs. Jba Irvia
A Bros. No. lui nWptemlMr Term, 1877. As
sumpsit. Defendants confess judgment, with
t.r r xtoatiwa antll Jua lat, laat, for
li 4. Hoar a C. va. jona irvta at oro. fie.
14S dep Umber Term, 1877. Austapait. Judg
ment, by consent, im favorof Plaintiff. fer Mt.U
end etet.
Dental McLaagblln at aL vs. Robert Stewart
et al. No. 12 nop tern her Term, 1877. Kjeet
ment. Judgment for Pleialiffs for tba land on
the oavment ol nTO on Mar 1st, 180, and Plain
tiffs ia antra dwell leg bouse before !uth of May,
1880, Ae,
Jamas Port's ait va. Jacob Rioefelt et al. No.
.UI Hen Urn bar Tern. 1877. Aasampstt. Coa-
tinasd lor cause, oa application nnd at toil of
J on e. Boraton vs. Thomas Prk et al. No
861 September Term, 1877. KJectment. Con
tinued by convent.
James P. Stewart, lndorst,va. wtuiam neei
over. Na. 161 September Term, 18TT. Assump
sit. Tried. Vrdit for Plaintiff fur tloS.lf.
Jane P. Rat vs. Wm. L. Dran at al. Nt.
tot September Tern, 1S7T. Kjettnont. Cva
UnueA. Ahnvinuir libt
tlllmart Thomas va. Jaotb Bilger. Rale to
show can by appeal boed not be nritknn off.
Argued and held ander advisement,
jraBTn issiiora noas watt ins.
S. F. MeCloihey and Joha I. Pattareon were
substituted a viewer iaetead or Jame miteaeu
nt , to view road la Bell township,
fien boandary line between Bell aad Ureenwood
townships, to Char! and A. Dongberiy'a.
N. F.ltrden vs. Lawrenee Filbert t al. Con-
men Plea silting ia equity. Smith V. Wilson,
Kaq , wn appointed Maater b. toko leiUmony, At.
Oefar Miteatll, Bi.,tH ip pel a ted Aadittv to
distribute tbe balance In lb hand af Jeeeph M.
Make and Joba 1. McKee, Admiotetrator af
lie a MeKee, deed 1 ateo, to aoeertaia aad re
porl th am tr ameaut ef dower chargeable upon
each tf lb rwvoval piaaae af reed eel nre af said
decedent Mad br tb bet re. At.
H F. Waller, Era,., we appointed A ad i tor to
distrtbato money lath hand of Elijah Athea
feKet, Admialstratar ef Peter Asbealelter, lat tr
Brady towoenlp, diaeaeed.
H, F. Well are. lee.., was appoUted AnAitor to
dletribata balaaet ta tba haade of Kn)ab Aiaea
fetter, Admiatetraler tf Maria AsboaloUaf, bU of
Brady township, deepened.
In tbo aseaw of SmbuI Pewel, ae'd, rnl wa
c ranted to show eaase wfey tba oonfirtaalton abee
lu af tbe aeaonnt of tbt Administrator sboaid
not wt rtvebedV . j
Cowrt aajearaed a Friday, aals) tbo
Maday tf Jaaaary, 118.
The Festival bold in Pin's Opera
House os TbaakigivingtveniDg, andaru nuspt.
a of tht Leal' Aid Bolty of tbt M. I,
Church, wt art pleased lo sett, was s success.
Three!ple amounted tt omalaty odd dollars,
and, afir ptying all ipenei, they bad left n
clear profit of f7l.IT.
H. F. 'Wallace, Ksq., publishes no
tice Is where In this ppr of bis appointment
a Auditor lo distribute monsya In tb bands of
Elijah Ashcofalter, Administrator ef Peler nnd
Maria Aahwfeltor.lal of Brady township, deo'd
and also whoa and where b will attend to tb
unties of inld appointment.
Krmovalv Dr. T. J. Boyer baa re-
moved bis medlenl offlet to tbt room meant ly
oeoupWd by Buok A Grab am, ta Graham's row
II makes CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty
C II AiirjKS VERY LOW. Tb manufacturer
having lowtred prioea, be la prepared to furnish
dueed rates, Tb afflicted will be benefited by
giving him a call. julyl. '79-tf.
Grape Cvlturk and Wine. Mr. A.
Spear, of New Jersey, ona of tbt largest grape
producers In th Bast, commenced, but a few
year ngo,la n small way, to make wine from
currents, blackball, aad other fruits, He atw
tuntrolt largo vineyard, from which his famous
Port 0 rap Win is made, which chemists and
physicians say rival tbfworld for Its beneficial
effects on weakly aad aged persons. For sale by
fi. W. Graham, druggist, Clearfield, Pa.
The Old Lycoming Insurnnce Company
me riret to 10.0 rroau
Or RW MB VILLI, Pi., Oct. Iff, 1870.
Kbr A Biddlb, General Insarnnoa AgeaU,
Clearfield, Pa-: I take pleasure la acknowledging
receipt of Draft from you, for Fourteen Hundred
abd Ninety-two Dollars and fifty eeata($l,4Vl.f ,
being ta full for leas by fire, which oooorred to
my properly on tho Id day of October, 1879, In
the borough of Curwensville, I'n. And I hereby
return to vou mv sinner thank fur lb prom pt
and business-Ilk manner In which yon have
settled nnd adjusted my tvee, and i retonmond to
tbe peoiile ol Clearfield county the old time-tried
ing 1!, reliable and prompt.
Catsaiiks Onarr.
OoL 32, 187B In.
We were exposod lost week, to a
pitiless storm, that wot our feet and stocking!,
and indeed our pertoa nil over. In fact we took
a tracking oo Id, which brought sort throat and
srr symptomsof fever. Tbgood wift asserted
her authority, plunged our ftet into hot water,
wrapped ns In bet blanket, and sent our faithful
ton foraboltltf Aysjr's Cherry Peotoral. It Is
n splendid madltiat pltaaant to lakt, and did
tha job. Weslept soundly through tho night aod
awoh wll lb nx morning. Wt know wt owt
our quick recovery to tbe Pectoral, and shall not
hesitate to recommend It to all who need such a
medicine. 7,lnueann7x) pMibytirian. '
Clearfield Coal Tbadk. State
ment of Coal and other freight nt over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tb week ending Novimber 21, 187V, and
th sams time last year
Fur th week H 80,87ft
Sam time last year , 17,1 12
Increase M.,.. 1,765
Previously during yearM.d. .............. l.OS l.'tt
Sam time last year H. 1, 14 4,8 v
Increase .,.
Total in 1879 M
Same time last ytnr
Increase 204,104
Lumber ., H. 140 ear.
Miscellaneous freights 120 "
Sentence of the Station Kobbers.
Tbomaa Murray nnd Jamee O'neal, who were
arrested for robbing tke ticket ofloe at Philipt-
bnrg, oa th aigbt of November 4th, were
brought before Ibe Bellefonte court, last week, for
trial j but th officers who had charge of tbe
ens, bad all th tvidanot n4sary fur on.vle-
tion, nod lb ihelcTea knowing there wa n aura
ens against tham, pleaded guilty. On Wednes
day they were brought into court for sentence,
when tb tuart imposed ft sentence of three years
and snven moatb upon each of tba criminals.
They bad plead guilty tv twt hrg burglary
nnd robbery ; but tb court Informed them that
aawtenoa would be passed oa only out charge
that tf burglary but warned them tbat if
brought before th oanrt ngaha, they won Id be
cateuoad for robbery. Boon as sentence wa
passed upoa the prisoners, and ae they were
or sealing Jae onweft eeeea Im eboem af tbo
Sheriff, Murray turned toward tha bench, and
addressing Jadga Orris, aaid t "I woalA Haa to
givoyoa about ton yeara." Tba Jadga ordered
th otfioer to bring tba haIf.eentaoad Britain'
back, and tha immediately added tbroa yeers to
hi trm In lb penitentiary, by passing ttattnet
for tht thargt tf larceny. Murray t a young
man, being only eighteen year old, and when bo
gels out of tba penitentiary, bo will no doubt,
make better ore of his tonga.
Hor Bottom, Pa.. Sept. 20, 1877.
Dr.. M. M. Fbmnbb. Predofiia, N. H
Dear Sir: After being treated by eminent
phvsieiaos wilbeut benefit, I began to take your
Blood and Liver Remedy aad Nerv Tonic with
your Capitol Bitters, aad tb effect wa wonder
ful. I began lo improve immediately, my strength
and appetite returning, aod tbo paia aad palpi
tation ceased. I aUo bad tainting and disay fit
wblch an cured nnd I have gained tan pound in
weight. I took B-taalf d neo bottles of the
Blood medicine and continued lb Bittrsn year,
and new I feel like ft new man, being more
healthy than ever before.
deol-lt J. P. A. TINULKY.
Dr. Fenntr't Blood and Llvar Remedy and
Nerv Tool may wall be called "Th conquer
ing hero" of th times. It la the medical triumph
of tbe ago.. Whoever ha "tb bloa" should Uk
It for It regulate and restores lb disorders
system that gives rise to tbem. It always ear
BillousniM and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dye
pepsin. Constipation, Headaohaa, Fertr aad
Ague, Sploea Enlargements, Scrofula, Bryslptlaa,
Pimplee, Bloteho aod nil skin Reap t ions and
Blood Disorders t Swlld Limbs unci Dropsy (
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves nod Nervoua De
bility j Restorsa flesh and streaglh when tbe (yt
tarn Is rnaning down or going Into deoline ( onre
Female Weakness and Caroai Rhuenetim, and
rUva Cbroni Bronebitia, nnd all Luog aad
Throat difficulties. It doe tbea things by strik
ing at tb root of disease and removing Its caases.
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Hooey will re
llav any aougb In on boar.
Dr. Fennar'a Uoldn Reltaf ear any pain, ns
Tooth ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headaohe ta Ave
to thirty minutes, and reedl!) relieves Rheuma
tism, Kidney Complaint, Dinrhmn, U,
Dr. Fenner' St. Vila Dana Bpteiit. One
bottle alway oures.
Fur 1 by Hartswiek A Irvln, Druggists,
Clarflld, Pa. aug-S7.lf.
Myriad tf so-called "speeifie" and ' ear1
for Rheumatism hav already been brought he-
fore ibe public, and many af tbem hav Ua a-
4red by Ibo eertillcatet of rersMnUbt anil
prominent eltiaena, wbn hav derived benefit
fron such preparations. There I no doubt tbat
a great many tf Lbe,,Llalmnttn "Oils," tie.,
a wisely advertised and freely reoommsadod 1st
Rbrunatlsm and painful tanplalnta f aalnilar
aaturc, bar genuine nerit nnd will relieve er-
mi type of tbe complaint naatd but when
Rheumatism, Nearalgie, aad kindred disea
hav btoomtchronit aad three tea tarloas rose Its,
yon may rest assured that they will help bat
vry littl. Although not recommended n "ia
fallible," th peculiar quel 111 of St. Jacobs Oil
especially adapted It to tboat ase which may be
"cbroni" nnd whseh have prev lonely withstood
all kaown "specific " as wall aa th prescriptions
af tht best physitiaa.
We would meat lea, as aa etemple, tb cam tf
Mr. A. Hcilmta, Kdlior of tbt Pttrebure; Htpmk
Jteea, who suffered with Rbeamatiem for tw
year. Aftar Taiftly nalag all lb best reom
mended remtdiee and txbnustlng the skill tf
tb most iprlaeed physleinat viibwat tva
temptrary relief, ll reajnlrod only twt bottle tf
St. Jaswba Oil to effect a emmaaesit tart Mr. 0.
Bamal, ft wall known eltliea of Toangstewn,
Ohio, secured for kit wife, wht ftr twelve years
bad beea n constant cafferer fron Neainlgia ia
thf head, the eer vices af Iht a Meet physicians in
tbt toad, bat thay war naabn ta da aaytblag for
bar 1 half ft btltlt af u Jatoht Oil tared her.
Mr. Wm. Relabardt, Elmere, Wis., re peels iht
eate of ft neighbor who fortwaaiy-foar years had
suffered so terribly with Rhswmalnm that, at
tinea, h could hsrdly nov aroand 1 a few hot
Ilea tf St. Jneobs Ol loured bin. "To tap tht
Urn e I, however, Mr. A. Tay level He,
write that hi metber, whe had beea a eoallaaal
uffrer with lb Rkenmelwm far tbt past thirty
rears, ased at bottle tf St. Jacobs Oil and waa
Inmtdiatety relieved of all pain. These art re
sells which truly deoevvt to bo breaght a pnbll
wattetf but tbey am aot aaaopiUas, as will bo
seea by tbe nanxrea ether aerUfteates from ail
part of tht United Slate. It ho nld be tba duty
of eve y one U toll tb all eat lot) af bis coffer lag
irtoadM aad nrntgubatn bo tbi weerfaHyafti
oiea pes pare trea assmtially a tat ton fto of
tffeeat nbottl plaett R wltbla tnereaebaf al
fttreoftt, rich and poor.
Oecar Mitchell, Ksq., will httend to
th dutlw ol hi nypolntnnt a Auditor to dis
tribute funds in tb band of th Administrator
of Isaac McKee, lat of Knot township, deo'd, at
bla office In Clarfltd, on Friday, tbt 19th last.
A Flock of VmuiNa. The New
port Wy-sr of list wk remark t "A few days
sloe a company of flv ladies an tabled at the
lata resident of Nicholas Millar, In Oliver town
ship, Prry tounty, who Bge amounted to
thro hundred and si sty five years, tbt aant
number as tber art day la tbi year. Tb
ladies are all maidsns who hav grown gray tn
maidenhood, and who "hardly ever hope to en
joy Aba V,H wtod n, tut rejolt la ft lift
of alnglt blsssediess. j9by-arn ait listers,
rtspctlvaly . u 1 .
Beck) Brown, aged 80 year.
Tilda Brown, ngad TO year.
Mettle Brown, aged 7 jeers
Jullann Brown, aged TO years.
Lissi Brown, aged IT yeara.
Total .1 -
Can any olher locality earn oat an qoa1 turn
of ftgsd mnidens t
OurKew Hailroad. We seo Hstat-
ed that th Stat Department at Haniaborr, on Fri
day laat granted a charter to the Lock Haven A
Clearfield Railroad Company, In Clinton, 0entr
and Clearfield oooatle. its length will be ebcot
fifty mi aad It will intend from a front an tha
lie or the Bald Eagn Valley Railroad, near te
mouth of Beech rok to a point on th lrn
of tht Tyront A Clearfield Hailroad nt Phi Ups
hur Tbt capital stack U $1,000,000, divided
lata 1,000 shnres of AftO oaoh, Tht Prosldeftt la
George B. Roberts, of Philadelphia, nnd the DU
rectors ire Witter Morris, 9. Parker Sboidridgt,
Edmund Smith, J. N. Bobarry, Strickland Knas
aad John P. Green. Thla tomplstec n rallread
up Beech eroek and aerots tht ntnotaia te th
Mosbannon creek, and than op thai stream to
th Morrltdal mlna.
A Bia DoctTHBNf.' The Cambria
FVeeeioa aays; "By far ths lnrgast single deed
vr filed for reeerd 1ft Cambria tuuaty reached
Recorder Lake' bauds last weak. It Is the deed
given by the State of Peamylvania to th Perin-,
aylvmnjg Raf unaA Compiay ftr the old system af 1
internal impemnt known as tb tubllo ;
worhs,' lb onaldtrattoa tovulved being $7,61)0,-1
000. It4j written 00 b arch went, with here nnd 1
there tllamlftatod letterl, tnd throughout 4 i. play
ing splendid pwmkip, and tb whole Instru
ment ia bomnd ap 1ft a book af thlrtytw nasjre.
It wa b 1 ought here by three eua tod leas, nnd,
aftsr It had haoa ared upon the record by
D puty Latterner, eras taken to tht P. R. R. au
thorities en Wedaeaday morning lost, ander
special charge af Jobs B, Sean lee, Ke, to Al-1
toon a. The dooeunent Is tatoemed of mash value j
by tbe Pennsylvania Hailroad Company." j
A sot bib SiNKz-Tho Philadelphia
Accord saya tb Penney l& in Railroad Com
pany will soon add aastbar line of rails and lies
tolt loog lilt of branch In tb foreclosure ef
tht mortgage of tht bewlsburg, Centre aad
8pruet Creek Railroad Company, whose bonds tt
holds in the sun of 2,e&MuO, In 1877 tbo peo
ple of Penn't rnlley, ooe of tho rlohest valleys of
tbe State, with th aislstaaooof th Pannsylvnaia
Railroad Company, opened the now Insolvent
road fron Lewisburg, oa' tie Northern Central
Railroad, ns frn SprlORjkli.U', in Penn't valley,
a diitanct of foriy-two aH tb tb Intaattoa
in the fature, should business warrant th scheme,
of eitending the lint to Tyrone, 00 tbe meio lino
of tbe Pennsylrania Railroad, tbe entire length
of the road to be eighty-fiur niloi. Beyond tha
tompleted portion there iart about streateea
miles of tht road graded, but, as yet, without
superstructure, Tbt orlgiail object of tb new
tin waa to open op ei tensive ore banks located
in that sectioB of Iht country, hat tbe business of
Iht road thus far ha beta limited lo the tran.
portatlon of agrioaduroi prod act down from
Peon's valley and oarryiag haok tool nnd itore
goods. The Pennsylvania railroad really built
be lin by advaaoiag tb l,00A,Ou0 to th
company and tubing their firat mortgage boada
fur the money so adranood, aad th formtr cor
poration baa held o operating lease of It vr
sine. But th venture tha far has proved un
profitable, o much so that tho unpaid Interest
on Ibe bonds hoe accumulated la nearly th face
value of tho bond themselves. At last tbo
Pennnsylvaaia Rai)roa Company has determined
to foreclose tha mortgage, wip oat tbe capital
stock, which represents only aboat $0,000, and
assume I hd ahetlnt ownership and nanagenoat
of the branch. It will be told nt ib Phlladel
pbia Ricbang by Jane A. Freeman A Co-,
awnlaarere, one i'Mk of Deeimber, nnd, there
Is aa possibility of any oa ateppiag la to tathid
the boodaeidere, lode which they mast ai least
relieve the mortgage of the load It now tarries.
BtoLaa Statioh, Dse. lit, 1179.
Borroa RarunLicaH Dmmr Bin As this Is th
hunting reason, will give yon an account af one
day's exploit In tba mountain : On Saturday,
No. Ud, stiar na, rea ialel Mains, Allen
Mean, John Loder, David Dale, John J. Kylr,
and your corrdspondent, left Ut fiord's eld camp
nt tbe Big Dnm on Moaqnita oreek (bomb fork),
looking lor ibe fleeSaoitd deer. Proceeding
down Ibe track ubb distance, watchmen were
tattooed nt tbo several "eroecings," when eld
Deniel inede n dilve, bat Sid not succeed in bring
inghoy deer to tho ''evoreg.M About eleven
o'clock first blood was drawn by John J. Kyler
wounding n smalt dot, wniok wa soon Secured.
Soon atur tbi, Allen Mains, in fulleningaaoer'i
track, tbet bo bad wounded, aamt oa a lern hear
Inch, and following ft abort distance, found
in near nan gun tnio n nolo utidr a email rook,
tie hesitated, berdly Knowing what to do. He
We nrmd with ngoo donb it-barreled rifle Sod
hatchet. Calling tb dog, a large houad tbat wa
with him on a deer track,, he prepared for buel
nsss. Steppimg olee to ta hole, he sent hi dog
in after Bruin, which atot made hi appearano
by poking hie noee ont from node tbe rock, w ban
Allen gave him a hail jui fader one eye, destroy,
ing tbat organ nnd penetrating the bond. His
bearskin ruataed 00a, aad. fur arun time, mndo
tbiugeUrely. fioers h amn out, ta dog aradt ,
nr l, wai srwio, f MS ft bJun ar hie now, eeett
tbo dog aprawiing aaoui iaau rada distant. Then
Mains gave bim tbe oontefatt of the olher barrel.
tbi tim breaking hi left -shoulder. The boar
and dVg war now an rthear enettla la aameei. I
Mams, wltb empty gun, drew bis hatchet, and
whale the dog and boar wcreeogaged, he hit Bruin
between tbe eyes, wbrteh webachl him down. Nt 1
sooner down then op, aod at it again. Seising
iht dog in tbt deeua-hsg. tb timely an to bet
agam rescued bafj by dret clng Mr. Baar. But
no would not tay 00 war. t.'t then made for Allen, !
knocking the hatcbat from h'.s heme, aad wa
lereed lu retreat, whack- ae did hi good order
(esoept falling over a loo), ibebuntor still loading
as bo ran, aud whan wavtJtag bo gave Brum 1
another ball Just behind too Shoulder. To dog
then fastened on on of Breis's bled leg. Allen
Iwaded again, and tbi tim seal a ball through
lb hear heart. Ibis laded the light, alter
four hails wore shot -Into tt, and knocked down i
twie with n hatchet, ttont of ns wore in bear
ing at the time, but ftone near enough tn partici
pial ar vendor any assist. It was a barde
lought battle, us tb tldne of tho ttruggl
purely Mowed1. Ai'to lam n ei a8 fortunate in
being o well prepared, at else b might have
come out oond in the fight. Hi boarship
weigbeft ftiu peaad. ' Tiier Truly.
A. J. Jaeken. near Ibe Shaw Hooit, ha tht
best assortment ef Picture Fruiae aver brought
to tow a, if net in tbtooenryt Uo aad look at
tfceuL, . . .... nurzo zm.
II yoa hart a picture yea want no, ta a frame.
Uke it to A. J. Jaoksoa, oa Market street, two
doora aattof tbt Shaw House, and he will let
yn bate it cheaper tbaa yoa can buy Ihem any
where elee, Because be nasal tbat naetnee a
pee i elty. . , , aovM Im,
WihtbD. M0.000 14 faat shared hoous. deliv
ered at the railroad, la ear loads of A,0t(, at all
poiet on the Tyront A Ctoarileld, P. A ft., Bald
Kftgle Valley, and PeanayJvanin Rail read 1, for
wkieh I Will pay the highest market price.
v. r. KaAnan,
Oetlff, IfilS-hf. Cltarfltld, Pa.
0a MonnsuM Fan Cnnr. Ditoonnr on 0l
Pntrn. Sewing Maohiato caa aow be purchased
at Merresl'e.iia aad variety store, from ff-t up
ward. All kinds of wif mnohin ronatred
oa tbe abortesi aot ice.
Claarfletd, Pe, July 18, 187T. I
Iomibi Tom Kali. R. N.wiob tib.w km
fall Ml, W Mom Imu4
Wuni (or uit. T. m ttm .1 lo. Horn
Jtri. C.II n r ddr.u tl. .1 Ol..r,.l. P.n-
.' . ' I I
rr Bmdr Tkumand fit rem g
In th. Mil f.w no.tb th.r. .... bM aor.
th fM mift aMI..'. Ctn nM
of lb, Mt k.ntMr f M.pU bo h... mi it.
man tti.a 1,09. cti.1 nr UuouplM. k...M.n
All C.Mb Ctrtf, .MIiim, 4 Bram
bull. ,i.U .1 net, b.M. It ! tt ...'7 bod,
fnb. It It. rHn.'-t. tb h b. Dot
nd It, 1.1 , II jo. k Ctib, .r ,oar
Mil. tb. Croap, .nd y4 ..hi. IIT, do.'t f.ll t.
uy It. tot Um Ht, .14. w CbtM, n.
Hbilob'. f.r.t riHI.r. for C. II. Wat
M, Clt.rl.ld, ri. " ' Kp iO-w tn.
. 1 1 1. , i
U tlrmmf Ptoplt.
D. ki.w tba Ib.r. tf. Uruc I
nr .oana.Blt,, w. a., rru,. b...M tbr,
mm io print l. .tf d hm tkrir d.yl
rlily, nd M.k, llnpiftrlt, Md LI.wV.m
plaint, II,..lioa, CnMlpatloa, and Omot.I
Ubllllr. sbnltUILOB'l VIIALItllR I. .-
aalwd ta ,ar for Ml. b, 0. It. Wattok,, P.. tap Ik aow
Va kar. . tpwd, and pwlilra Cmn for
tarra, liliatfc.rla,t;aBlrr Boain, aao liaa. A.aa,
In HkllLOH'lt ilkTAKIlH MKMbI1T. i.
IbImiw fra. amk .uk battle Um It tf I aa d.
alra kMttb ad rw.rt kraslb. frtM M au. tn
adte k, C. I. W.U.a, ClMlBdd, r..
Juki Itecelved.
Jut Revived by ARNOLD, t
Car Load Nov Bcolis Plter I
' Csr Loud pure Corn, Hy and Oala
Cbop 1
Cur Load Denkeo Pnk I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocoriea, An.!
arShinulea, Bark. li. R. Tick aud
Gruiu will bo takon In ezchanga
Curwensvillo, May 1, 187H.
CLiaft'iaLB, P-, Dm. 9,
Flour, per ewt. .u
Buckwheat Flour, par wtH....M...
Corn Meal, per owt -
Chop, rye, per owt
Chop, mixed, per ewt. ... .........
Bran, per ewt
Wheat, per buahal.
Bye, per bushel ,.
to St
I 90
1 SO
1 65
1 40
1 90
1 86
Oats, per bushel
Corn, oars, par bushel..,. M.M
Huokwneat, per buibel.....
Potatoes, per bushel
Apple, par buabel ....
llama, per pouud
Shoulder, per pound
S Ob
lS Dried Heel, per puuna
Chickens, per pair
h utter, per pound
bgo pr don. hi
Halt, tier each, largo
Coal Oil, per gallon ,
Lard, per pound
Dried Apple, per pound.
Dried Peaches, per pound
Beana, per bushel m
1 AO
HORNER F0WLRR. On Thanksgiving day
November 17ih, 1870, by Rev. Wm. M. Burob
field, Mr. John Horner nad Mim Lul!a Fowler,
both of DuBoia, Clearflald eoaaty, Pa.
MORGAN 8MELKKR. At Iris, Pa., en
Sunday, Not. iCth, 1H7V, by Ksv. P. M. Govern,
Mr. L. J. More-an. Kewisler and Recorder of
Clearfield aouoiy, Pa,, and Miss K. E. Smelktr,
ef Mi Ik in aouniy, Pa.
ill h & eaeatiiio of I aa stockholder of
lb Clearfield Fire Briok Company held at the
office of the Compuoe. in Clearfield, on Tltura
day. tha Iflth dny or January, lrM, at iwo
0 clock P. M., for the purpoee or electing bffloers
fur tbe ens in a? yaar, aad voting upoa tho ques
tion or Increaaing the stock of aid Company.
By order of tut Board of Directore.
Attest 1 WM. BIIALKR, President.
O. W. Sutra, Storatary.
Clearfield, Pa., Not. , IflTO 2m.
Rule of Court I
John Hipp
In tbt Court of Common
Pleas of Clearfield Co., Pa,
Nt. 119, Kept. T. UTtf.
Bject merit.
Adam Pittariogtoft
And now. Oct. Otb, 170. n motion of M or ray
A Ooeetea. A Horn v for Plaintiff, arul I nrant-
ed for Defendant to appear aod plead to the at
ttfej ev before the flrat Monday of February. 1880,
aaid Rate to bo oublisbed lo one newspaper of
ooonty aixty day Iwfore said day. Tb premises
for are described as follows: nee.innmg ui
th mouth of tb run at th bead tf Fisher' rip
piss, Iheno by public rood to a corner of the
Joac Marble's field thence aloog Markle's line te
Roland a line, tbeooe to lowereoroerof A. Kern s
p 10 pert 7, thence oa line running Rest to the
oreek, and along tbo bank of creek to tbo place
of befinniag.oontainlogooe hundred and twenty
Hi fig acres, situate To Chest towasatp, Oienr-
fioideoaufy. I'eno'a. By the Court, J. II. O.
Cert toed from tha Record at ciearnetd tnis 20
day of Dec., 1879. ELI BLOOM,
dco.vst. rrotnononry.
' Rule of Court 1
R. C. Hamilton
In th Court of Com
mon Pleas of Clear
field county, Pn.
Isaac Covert, Jr.,
with ontieotoM. Mcllugb,
as lerrt tenant.
Now. Not. STtb, 1879. on motion of Murray A
Qurdon. Attorney for I directed that
n rule be granted aod Defendant to nppear and
plead to tbe action on or before fbe flret Monday
of Februnry, I H8t), said rule to be published in ou
newspaper of said county for Ou days prior to said
day. ihe premises sued for and described In
writ are as follows: All tbat eertaia niece or land
situate In the town of Ruutbarger, Brady town-
in. tJiea-UeM eounty, re., bounded and do-
eoribed as follows) On tbe east by Main street,
on tbe south by lot of John France, on the weat
by na alley, aod on tbe north by nn alley, bsleg
generally hnown aa let 'IN o. 4 in plan of said
town. BytnoCoort, u.w.j.
Certified from tbe Rooard nt Clearfield, this Id
day ef December, 1979 II Ll BLOOM,
Clearflald, tree. , rroio y.
Wholesale dt Retail Dealer in
County Agont for
Th.a noda boucht for CAM! la largo rata,
and .old at aimoat alt, prle...
JAM na n. 1.1 ILK,
Claariald, Fk. Jan 13, 1.711-1,.
James L Leavy.
II a ring pnrehaeod the ntlrt atooh of Fred.
flackolt, bWTehy gives notice that he has moved
tote tbf room lately ooonpled by Reed A Hearty,
on 8onond Mrtet, where bo It prepared to offer to
tbt pukllt
of the latest Improved pattens, at low price.
Qu Fixtures and Tinware.
Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, mat Fitting, aad
Repairing Pump a ' ape tally. AU
work warrajrted.
Aaythlng In my Ho will ho ordered special If
doeued. JA8. L LKAVY,
Clearfled. Pa., January 1, 11 79-tf.
dpOIHffT PRfrCtAMATTnil.
Wnnneia, Ron. C. A. XAT8R, President
Judge af lb Court af Common Pleat af
toe twenty-ana kiumeiai uietriot, empod at
the matia of CUaraotd, Centre aad CHatsa
aad Uo.aan Oaaun aad Hem. Vimbitt B.
Holt, A ate Judge ef Clearfield oounty
hav ItavoA tbelr precept, to see directed, far tht
boldtac tf t Court tf Commta Plea. Ornkaat'
Oourt, Court of Quarter Session, 0nrt of Oyer
aad Termtaor, aad Vmmr er Htaaraliall Dellv-
err. at tbe Court Hens ni Clearfield, la aad for tbt
eoantv of Clearfield, commencing on the otrontl
atemany, tat ivta aay ai ksaatwary lawau.
aad to ooatinnt three weeks.
VOTICI IB, therefore, hereby given, to tbt
Oerencr, Jaotivaa af th Peooe, and Ceeeuklea,
m nnd tor coin unty of Clearfield, to apnear ia
their provr person s, wita taetr Record, Rolls,
inaaimttoa. miamtaatioat, aad athtr Hemem-
braaoee, to do lhaee things which to their oRcea.
aad ta their k halt, partem to otflont.
By aa Atl tf Assembly, paaece) th flth day af
May, A. D. IM4, it is made tho duty of the Ja.
Iteee af tbe Peat of tb several o unties af tbi
Commonweal!!, to r era to lb Clerk tf tba
Court of Uuarter Session of th respect iv
count lee, all two reeognisaace ealered Into before
tbem by aay aerson or pareoas charged with tbo
temmiesiea or aay crime, eieept aucb onset as
may nteaaeo oeiere a kiwetsot or ta reeee, wa
dr aitlng laws, nt least tea days before tba
ommnomnt or th teaslou 01 tht Court
wbtth tbey are mad iwaooie rerewetiveiy ,and
la all asee where any reccigaiaaaees are catered
lata lee tbaa tea day before thejaesmeneemoat
of tbe seecaoa to whib lky ana made reearna
ble, tbe aaid Jaetice are teretura tht eame ia
tbo aneat manner at If tasd aot bad wot been
OIVIK aadtr my bead al CUarfleld. UI Id
slay of Doocmeor, ta tbt yaar of omr Lord, nam
Uoaaaac ttgai aaadreel aad evoaty-ate.
deel te ARDRBVT FbNTlJr SberiC
T)EFJ FOR RA LB. Thirteen hive.
i .!,.. Hiu rhirh I will mII eh!.
eeab, or oscbang for wheat. For further
farm at ion call oa or address tn unirtna
Nor .T9 tf. ClearfieM
, Pa.
AIJTIONAll do ream nre herebv
r wanred
M BKIUII p-.v w. ,mm, mm,
islon ol
l Wit wun mm ou loon amy, euojroi hit
nt any lima. J. W. RE1TBR,
karinaua, Pa., ffov. i, liTV-it
11 AWN LAN1M FOR AI.E-In Uaatoa
fd Pine towaahips, Clarflld county. -eJf-Reaagnahla
time given lor part of purehaae rT"
money. Priooa fffi.Ofi to $19.00 per aort.Tr
Minera's reservea. u. nir,i
Penfleld, Pa.
ar WiLi.a.08 A Knt,
FepU 10, Clearflald, Pa,
rirrr-Two man MonraLT.
Beg journal
ai.50 a J..r BinioJ. 0o,jr, lltf.
Thomas G. Newman & Son,
tit aad W4 Wait M.alioa SI, CUICAQO.
A. U. IliiU, A,.nl, Claultld, Pa.
Cbenpor tLuut -vr at the atora of
and bent iclccied Btock of
G' Furnishing Hoods,
Ttiat. die avar r)nma tn Invn Alan
all the new noveltiog in .
oil aoihts tor riRKtmr -
Driving Boots and Shoes.
Rubber Boots 4 Shoes.
Give ui a call and kee if we don't
soil cheaper than anybody else.
(ir.frt C. BWOHF,
OUarlalJ. Pa, .pt 91, 17-Im.
Har, opoaad BD. bi tka .tor. rooa latatr wuniti
k. Waarar A JSott. , oa BoaoBd k lara Bad
wall aalaottd alMk of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
Wblek win difoM of al mbbobbM. ntai
lor raak. Br aiokMfa lor aoaatr, , redoea.
CV.arl.ld. Pa., Jan. ,. 1878 1.
Cheap Cash Store.
ClearQeld, Pa., '
Oomprlelnf Dress floods of th vary latest stylss,
toaststiag in part af uasamoroe, Heaoaester
Faacie, Alpacas, and nil meaner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Barb as Crelon. Mohair Lester. Plaid, fire
UingriamB, Ureas Faaeiee of tbo very lei est
sly let, and as hap aa they taa he told
la tht market.
CeatUtl af Oleraa fhr Ueata, Ladle aad
Misaee. Heta ar mi Made, nu rrinre
ltees, Faaty Dree Button. Ladle'
Tie of nil hde and styles, Cuts
aad CoUere. Eibbaa af all hied and
qaaliile. Ate ria laderwear, Trimmiae;, etc.
Queeniware, Hardware, Tinware,
Car pe In, Oil Clothe,
Whlak vtll t. Mid ak.l.aala ar ratU. Will taka
Country Produce
la Ctchakfk br UmU at Market rrkea.
i ' wm. j. uurrxR.
CkerlelJ. r.. ft. t, Ut IC
?l Vl
055 Va '
a2s Irs V I
fS"1 lis
Dor1 r
P tin J i
" 83 B r r
c O iia ! i
as ,51 1
w a pis !
s c h t
-3 5 S5 t
i5 ?.co 5j f
a E 9- U i
D 1 r t
s i if
1216 Chestnut Street.
Pbllad.lpkla, 0l. 11, 187-3b.
Fall and Winter Stylco,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Hlack and Cnlored Canlimorf, Brocade Drcsa Goodn, Plain firm Oooda,
Now Shawlri, J.adica' Coata, lied Flaiinclk.OrnyFlannols, Flaid Flanuela,
Hivy Blao Mannole, Waterprooh and Ladies' Cloiha, alt colon, ..
Caasl mores, Men's and Boya' Wear, Drcfs Gingbama, Calicoea and
Muslin,. Our atock waa never bolter. Our Ladies' Skirts are beautiful.
m 3
jMLiaLimery usoocls,
' A complete Stock at our usual Bargain..
riumoi, Flowore, Winjre, OBlrith Tips, all kinds of Fancy Wlnff". and Blrdi,
Now Drocado Velveie and Silks, Satins, Black and Colored Silks, Black
and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Gloves, Lisle Gloves, Silk Fringe,
Buttons, Laces, Corsets, Embroideries, Edging,, Infcrtings,
LinoB Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Germantown Tarns, Zephyr,
and Fonoy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Underwear, Ladies
Gent's and Children's Iloao. Wo don't intend to have any store in
Clearfield county brat ns in anything style, prices, quantity,
"quality, or selling.. Give us a cull and see for yourself.
Oil Cloth,
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
S b mattMaBBkmBfcej'a7 I
t l . kvfc, .1
VI 1 I liil J
v II iikh I
Iff Tl J9
Iff J S 1
fl Ir irjit 9t
T-Sna for nitatraUd ClKmlar aud T licet. liberal Tmns te Ik Tml.-SJO; ,
Don't buy until you have een the lightest running machine In
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MlDDLKVOW.t, CONH, lid Mm. 1W aa4 SOI Waksak A.mb tUICAlw, 1IX.
ex xv x js n."X" xs. 3S dr. .
All kinds of Caskets and Coffins kept on band, and furnished te erder en
short notice, including the finest as
taetured. Our
oonFM pniieiiriviin
Is the beat In use, and will be furnished
in any part of the county. Call at
your orders at Troutman's Furniture
Oft 1.79 ly.'
$tw gkflirrttsrmrutfl.
Prices of Shingles,
Curw.n.Till., Jaa. I, TS-tf.
Th Dderslmd will Mil tt privet sal ell
tfcet treat or parcel of tend site ate In Defittnr
township, Clearflell eoentj, Pe,, within ft abort
distance of th Tjrroo A CIsrAel1 K. K., end
adjoining lead of Robert Hudson tnd otners,
Md known m tbe Jeeob B. ticerhert lot. Th
eoid Irtvct eontelninf 0 ncres more or less, with
two eelne of Tleble onl thereon, be ebont M
teres leord, and I tb hey to lore body of
ooal obont being deTelopml. Will bo sold low end
oftoa set; Urmia rot pnrtleolers, oppiv lo
Cleerfleid, Pw, July 1J, UI4.
A Specialty.
Tbe undersigned, being thankful (or pant favors,
would rospMlIully iofora th sitisena of C .aor
ta Id end vicintiy that be has p ere be ad tbe shop
In Clearfield boroegh reeebj ooeepM by iesn
Manners, sitnaten on oeoat street, tn me rearoi
Ueo. Wfaver ti Co.' stor, wbr by strict end
elose attention to buslne, h hope to tocvlr a
large soar oi pnoue puromge.
ffr-VriM roasouMe And all werk goarenteod.
Cloorflold, r., Oet H, iart l.
Tito sjstderelgood offers for snlealllbe ploe,ah,
plar and hem leek limber on 411 oere of land
in Cleerfleid tout. Portte oonoultlag tbe
o atlae of the eounty, will end It In BreHy
tea ash id, ndjotning tn 011 township
Iia, and knwa as trust No. 14.14. Tbtu
1 1 tabes will be held onea for sale aatil tbe
1H of Doeeniler neat, tor farther parti lire
Mfp'7 i or anar,
October !, 1871 if. ClearBeld, Pa.
rpD AT w11-keoa am pert y slleat oa Ibe beak
Carwn.rllU, ClMrfl.U bbI,, P. , M.upi.4 k,
tk. Ul. BKNJAMIM HAHThllOKN, bm'4, (
a. ttont lor aala. It mbi.Ib, bbob.
Thirteen Acres,
I'foa wklak la hnM b Sua i.a atnr h.aa
! STARLI. a.a ika .
raiiaiaga, Baa aits a ri.uwinu
fUlMTAlM tt nn srSIHO WATRR. Tall
la b far, Sailraila part, far b prlrata r..l
ar. Tka,rarl, ltM rtand M PR1VATI
HAtiB, m MBMBBkle uraa. Is. (ankw w.
arsMilaa la ralMi.B la H, .all al tk. BraaikM,
Bf arl7 t. tka aad.t.l.o.d la p.rioa at k, IMur.
AiNm, iat Ike Ualia.
ClMltalS, Fa., avt li, lITH-lf.
Clearfield, Pa.
IMPURE!) I d MAlf.TAll.EcJ s
Improvements September, 1878' v.
Hsrlnrf rtxtsra for the aemsni ot sf '
prograsslve af. uow offer to Um rti '
Important Improvements.
NotiriOnlmding tlia TICTOIl haa long t
IhoiiMT of aay BiBckiDO ia Uia market-fkat
Bviiporttd by a heat of Toluntr witaeawk wt
now confidently claim for it (raaUr
aiuir.Ucity, a vor'trrful wdoctioa of
553, friction. Bod aitoethn a Jtart Com'
linnlioaqf iteirai ifijoMtu. tat aala
by UerchanU &ad others.
well nt the shoup.Bt that can bo inrj
when required. Funerals attended
my office, on Second street, or leave
Store, adjoining tho Foslofflee.
ClesrSeld, Pa. .
Jlfm dvrrtisrmnttjt.
f (MM) BCIHHKIJ. (leori Wearer 4 Co.
J. want Ave tbouiand buhl of OATS, sow.
and will pay eaifa or produoo.
u;arneu, l'a., Aug. is, i87V-tr.
TXECliTHIX' HOTICE. Nolle U here
AJ fcT givn that Letters Testamentary oa
tba estate of JOHN BYKRS, late of New Waeh
lORtoa, CI ear Br Id oounty. Peon 'a., deeoaaod,
baring Wen duly granted to Ib onderslgned, all
riersons indebted lo said estate will please make
m mediate payment, aod tboee having elalm or
demands against th inns will presoal tbeoi
properly auihatieaied for sett leaf nt wit beat
New Wasbingtoa, Pa,, Od. , ISTS fti
If you want to see tbe finest Stock of
Ready-Made Clothing
If you want to Buy tha best Fitting
If yon want tbe most Eeliably Hade
If you want to buy it tbt lowest Oaib.
Prioes, (o to ;' . ..V.
If ou want to see the best assortment of
If yon want to tee a nice leleotioa of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ;
i a ' "
If you want to buy a
If you want io t the worth of your
, Monty, don't fail to go to
om. tn, u; it.
y I A A a