Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 19, 1879, Image 2

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    She gUpHian.
Gioroi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Reader, If jo Banl to laow what if going OB
Ib tha baalnoao world, Jaat road oar edvertielng
solnmna, tho Special aoiomn In particular.
No tnaa worthv tha offioe of Preeideot ebould
ba willing to hold 11 If oouoted in, or planed there
by any fraud. V. 8. ubabt.
I oould never hara baB reeoneilod la tha ele
vation bv tha amallait aid of mioa of a poraon.
however raapaotabla In prirata life, who muot
forever earry upoo hi brow tha alamp of fraud
Bret triumphant iB American biatory. No eub
eequent action, however nteritorioue, aan waah
away tha lottara of that raoord.
Cbablbb Fbabcii Abasa,
I would ratbar hara tha asdoraainent of aquar
tar of a million of tha Amerioan people thao that
of tha Loniilana Batnroiog Board, or of tha Com
nlasioB which oioluded tha faola and daaidad
tha queation on a teobBienllty.
Taoe. A. HaaDBlcKB.
Undar lha forma of law, Rutherford B. Hayea
baa bean declared Prealdeat of the United Slatee.
Ilia title reata upon diafranohlaement of lawful
votera, the falae eertifioatca of tha returning obY
oera aoting eorruptly, and the daoiaion of n com
miatioB which baa refuaed to henr evidence of al
iased fraud. For tbe firat tine are the American
neoole eonfronted with tha fact of a fraudulently-
elected Pretident. Let it not be underatood that
tbe fraud will ba allenlly aequteeied IB by tbe
eouutry. Let bo hour paaa la wbion ma uaurpa
tlon ia forgotten.
Addbmi or DanocKATto M. O.'a.
One hundred yaara of human depravity ooea-
Biuleted and concentrated into a elimai of crime.
Never again In five hundred yeara ahall they hara
an opportunity tu repeat tne wrong.
Daniel. W. VoonBBBB.
It ia rather noteworthy that the to
tal Republican voto in this Suite is not
equal to tbo total Domocralio vote last
A Good Index. The voto cast for
Kclley and Robinson will exceed that
cast for Cornell about 45,000. That ia
tho Democratic majority in tbo popu
lar vote of tbo Slate.
Funky I Tbe editor ol tbo Tyrono
Jcrald,mt wcck,used a great big Demo
cratic Rooster ; because tho Democrats
of Blair county, elected their candidate
tor Prothonotary, and for a third term
at that.
That's so. The Now York Sun
says : "Tho solid vote of Pennsylvania
for Hancock in tho Dcmocrtitio Na
tional Convention next year would bo
liable to muko an impression on tbe
minda of delegates from more than one
Southern Stato."
Early. Tho editor of the Washing
ton Post bangs out this kind of a flag:
That's a mighty good team.
Radical IloNgsTY. An oxuhango
says: The Roadjnstors will have
i majority ol twenty-five on joint ballot
in the Virginia Legislature. Tho Re
publicans cloctod twenty-lour members
in the cntiro Stato, and nineteen of
them aro Readjustee or Repudiation-
ists. That tells the story so far as tho
Republican party of Virginia is con
cerned. "It J" Slato Treasurer Noyos bad
a Iiittor fight to win the nomination
from ilr. Barr in 1877, but ho stood at
bis precinct poll at Wostport on last
eloction day, and gave Barr an in-
creased majority over Dill. If Barr
could have commanded a few thousand
such men as "Old Square Timber" to
work for him, "it might havo been I1
Philadelphia Timet.
Gold Birds. Tha Philadelphia
Record of Friday says : An order has
been made for tbe translor of 551,000
ounces of gold bullion from tho Now
York assay office to tho Hint in this
city for coinage. The value of tbo
bullion is about 110,250,000, and is
part of that rocently received from
Europe. Tbo Mints will first coin
cagloB and half eagles.
A Poor Show. Potor not "that
Rock" spoken of in Revelation but
Peter Sutton, Greenback candidato for
Stato Treasurer, recoived in Philadel
phia 299 votes, and in tho Stato not
30,000 votes. Tbo rag baby was big
gor at its birth than when it bad at
tained its teens. Poor thing I lis Sutton
death will bo mourned in this State by
Frank Hughes and Honry Carey Baird
witb honest grief. It was no ordinary
humbug, and it should have no ordi-
nary obsequies.
Anotiib Gain. There was a Con
grossional vacancy to bo filled in tbe
12th district of Now York at the last
olection, Smith, Radical, having died
Waldo lluU'hins, Democrat, was eloo-
tod to fill it. It was an important gain
as it gives the Democrats in tho Na
tional Honso of Representatives three
majority over the combined Radical
and Greenback vote. Most of the lat
ter are with the Democrats, but it is a
hotter condition to be independent of
them on a close call.
Tin Official Vote. Following is
tho ofHoial vote received at the office
ol tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth
at Ilarrisburg :
Butler, RepeblleaB..
Barr, Democrat.
o-uttoo. Greenback...
Ricbardaon , Prohibition..
Potior ever Barr-..
Butler over all 7,l
The total vote ia 169,750 less than
last year, 16,984 less than In 1877, and
220,516 less than 1X76 whon tha high
est vote was cast in tha State.
How Tuinus Turn. Eighteen
months ago, Sherman, Hayes & Co.
were wagging Senator Conkling, of
Now York. Thoy kicked his Collector
and Naval officer out of that Port
Now tho former is the Chairman of
the Radical State Committee, and the
latter iB cloctod Governor. There never
was a clearer caso ot the tail wagging
tbe dog than that which has sprung up
between tho Fodoral Administration
and tbe Radical Senator from New
York. ' He did not condescend to make
speech daring the late canvass In
tliat Sulo, but compolled tbe whole
Administration to "boost" and "boom'
for Cornell, who it bad turned out of
an office because he was not an honest
man. Who ever heard of Cornell'i
-conversion f
.. JII.SIo
... .J'
.. 1.11
... i.u,.m
... M"
For the purpose of comparison we
give llievciloeaallort-iovornorin iib,
and that rant, lor Stato Treasurer in
1879, to lur aa the official voto baa
readied na up to goin to, prom :
Governor, I.Sialtf Treaeurer
! r r r
i f i
I I : ?
r O
s i j f
3301 2742 257 S 2.175
1318U 201 11199 171U3
2093 3007 3(197 3752
2908 3571 2105 3307
3347 3014 2095 2(173
13480 (MOO 8025 4932
3390 37110 3130 3922
3132 0010 21411 4588
7001 7552 0243 0020
3700 3892 2109 24116
3342 2190 3U7 2514
381 408 352 427
220(1 2160 2333 1926
3827 2(159 2710 1770
6400 8178 3388 6023
4032 2205 3030 1939
3207i 1002 2494 1372
2099! 1814 1889 1327
3278 1451 2441 1100
3533 2957 2011 3000
4831 3743 4407 3813
5320 6591 3210 5138
3137 4709 1087 3102
1KIU 420 881 390
4237 6 44 3244i 5281
4211 2054! 2949 2594
107 318 1(19 . 270
4091 4734j 2708 3256
1222 794 829 592
3229 16061 2378 1382
2730 3073 1478 2098
1557 34.80j 8(I8 2722
2140 1944 1570j 1821
1851 1473! 1734; 140G
1974 48981 30131 5304
8714 15518! 6303i 11705
1005 2870: 1251 2803
2040 3914! 2107 3055
0705 4975: 3795 3407
4414 7322; 6735 1M2
4809 3207! 2445 2039
1282 1504! 870 990
3708 44.40i 2001 3022
1760 1744; 1270 1221
2829 0O2I 1371 399
9104) (Hauti 6830 0777
1378 772 087 497
7504 4035 4224 2001
4584 3281 3041 2593
2711 2097 2348 2428
63755 70099 44335 74170
1135 497i 051 240
694 1320j 37() 739
7057 5994 4817 4036
1494 18141 839 1406
2140 3134, 1271 2308
601 430! 442 295
2240 3832; 2157 3258
2128 4253 I4it0 3720
1050 1830! 1130 1727
3035 3482! nn 2579
1020 2175 935 2044
4994 5203 4735 5274
1025 1937 1993 904
590S 47(15 5472 5099
1000 1417 . 1071 1072
0044 6900 J754 445s
297000819.W 221715 280153
297000 221715
22507 58438
Heaver - - -Bedford
Rucks -
Cameron -Carbon
Clinton - -Columbia
Dauphin .
Delaware -I
Fayelte -
Korea t - .
Franklin .
Greene - .
iletl'eraon -
Juniata -
Lancaater -Lawrence
Lehigh - -.
MilHin ...
Potter - -
Snyder -Somerset
.Sullivan -
1 toga - -
Union -
Venanso Warren - -
York - - -
Total -
Poter Sutton, Grccnbackor, received
27,207; William L. Richardson, Pro
hibitionist, 3,219; Scattering, 85.
Beavir "Civilization." The edi
tor of tho Philadelphia Times bits a
No. 1 Btatosman between wind and
wator this way! "Collector Rutan'a
Beaver Argus and Radical related how
it happened that a couple of men in
that part of tbo Stato, who bad not
voted for many years, camo out at the
lust election and voted tho whole Re
publican ticket. They had read in
somo of the newspapers that Jeff. Da
vis was going to rnn for Prcsidont of
tbe United States and there would be
another war, and ever bo many things
which the organs know how to say
with overwhelming effect. It is won
derful tbat these men could have been
held back from doing their Bimple duty
as cittaens so long, since every year
the issue presented by the organs is
tbe same, and there is no more danger
now that Jeff. Davis will run for Pres
ident than there was years ago when
Uoraco Greoley went bis bail. Still
thoro is no law which prevents tho
organs from imposing npon timid peo
ple with big bugaboo stories when
tbey have nothing better to do; it ia a
kind of false pretense which the law
doesn't reach."
Did hot Obit. The recent election
in Virginia recently turned on the
payment, or repudiation, of tho hugo
debt put 011 the tax-payers by tbo car
pet-baggers and Hayes, the de facto,
who knowing that his friends had
stolen tho money, ho went over into
that Stato and made several speeches
advising the negroes to voto to pay
the bonds thus stolen by his confeder
ates in crime. He told the Virginia
negroes that tbiy must voto for pay
ing State debt, they showed their high
rcspocl for the acting President by
going right np to tho ballot-box and
voting tho othor way. Mr. Hayes
should havo considered tho back. action
character of bis advico.
A Domestic Afflictiom. The Phil
adelphia Times says: "After Senator
Conkling gets ex-Naval Officer Cornell
elected to tho Chairmanship of tho
National Republican Committee ho
will then begin to mako the adminis
tration solid in support of ex-Collector
Arthur for United Stales Sonator.
This is piobably all tbat will bo re
quired of tbo presont administration,
unless the favorite son of New York
should conclude to run himself for tbe
Presidency ; in tbat ovenl a great deal
of enterprising 'whooping up' will be
called for, and as Hayes no longor
spells reform with a big R ho would
be equal to all demands."
Ante. Sambo, Before tbe " latrffany means that Grant haa boon sur
lamented" abolished slavery, our bordor
neighbor, Canada, granted tbe colored
man an asylum; but now things have
changod. A cotomporary romarkB
"Canada, the negro's Canaan m the
days of the Underground Railroad, is
the last place In the world to look for
oolor prejudice, but the good people of
Ottawa aro appoaling to the Minister
of Education to find out some way to
make colored parents tako their chil
dren out of the schools and sond them
to a room ospocially sot apart for little
'Bigger..' "
A Tin Strikb. ' The white race
emancipated the colored race in 18C4 ;
the colored race emancipated tbe while
race in 1879," was the inscription on
a transparency borne in a parade of
colored men through the etroeU of
Cambridge the other night. Tbe mean
ing waa tbat by mean, of the negro
voto, Dorvhostor county, Maryland,
which has been steadily Whig while
tbat parly lasted, and Democratic
since, aocidontly went Radical at tbe
late eloction. Henoe tbe colored sa
viours' transparency.
The New York Sun, in alluding to
Senator Davie and bis committee's
fortlicomingreportorhis investigations
of the United Slates Treasury Depart
ment, makes tlx so startling observa
tions :
"They have found millions improp
erly entered, and balaucea forced to
cover up tboeo fraudulent charges. I
Volumes of tbe most important ac
counts are missing and it ia evident
from their connection with the publio
loans that they were purposely car
ried off and deojroyed tohtf.i' villainy.
In somo of the existing books whole
pagos aro torn out, and thoy are other
wise mutilated, and orasuroa visible to
the oye, and otbera to an ordinary
magnifier, may be counted by thou
sands. A II these chargos, this tbievory,
this mutilation and this dostruetion,
relate to tbe most important books and
accounts of the Treasury.
Can anybody believe that such
criminal tampering witb tho records of
tho Treasury, extending only over a
limited period of yours, and all point
ing to intentional fraud and forgory to
cover up excessive issues, counterfeit
ing and stealing, was tho result ol
mere accident? No wonder tho Re
publican leaders sock to solidify tbe
North against the South by a soctional
cruBado, and to ignoro all those mate
rial questions upon the solution of
which tho general prosperity depends.
No wondor thoy cry out for a "strong
man," who will trample tho Constitu
tion under foot, uso the army to crush
out opposition on tho slightost of pre-
toxts, and snbvort the Government to
tbo worst partisan objects. This is
their game to win the olection, to bury
out of sight the iniquities which blot
tbo cureer of the party and of many of
its prominent leaders, and to prevent
the punishment which an indignant
pooplo would administer after a full
Bx or Good Cueer. Wo seo noth
ing in tho result of tho election to dis
courngo Democrats. Tho hoavy Re
publican majority in this Stato ia
wholly due to tho apathy of the Dem
ocrats, and their absence from tbe
polls, and not bocause they have turn
ed Republican. Bucks county does
not stand alone. In solid old North
ampton, where tbe Democratio major
ity reaches nearly 4,000, it fell down
this year to 1,600, and Lehigh 2,500
to 350. Even, in Berks the Democrats
staid at bomo, and her Democratic
majority of 8,000 is reduced to 3,000.
No one will say all those Democrats
have becomo Republicans. They sim
ply staid at bomo, not the proper thing
to do, but it was done nevertheless.
Ex-Attorney Gcnoral Dear, in a recent
speech, was frank enough to admit
that the Republicans elected their
ticket becauso the Democrats staid at
homo. This is the history of our de
feat and this tells tho wholo story in a
nut shell. It the Democrats don't go
to tbe polls thoy can't expect to clout
tholr tickot. Doylestown Democrat.
Taking the Census. Tho State is
entitlod to ten Supervisors, and hence,
it will bo dividod into ton districts. It
ia understood that the districts will be
comprisod as follows:
Philadelphia la divided late two Diatriot. lit
and Id.
Tha Sd Diatriot la eompoaed of the followinc
eonntiea : Delaware, Cheater, Montgomery, Berke,
Bunka, LehiinaNorthampton, Monroe and Pike.
Ponrth Diatriot Kohuvlkill, Carboa Lnaerne,
Lackawanna, Colorable, Montour, Northumber
land. fifth Diet'let Laneaator, Torb, Adama, Leba
non, Danpbln, Cumberland, Parr, Juniata,
Mifflin, Bnvdor, Union.
Siith Diatriot Wayne, Suaqaefaanna, Wyom
ing, Bradford, Bulllvaa, Lycoming, Tioga, Potter,
Clinton, Cameron.
Seventh Diatriot Cambria. Blair. Huntingdon.
Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Someraet, Fayette,
V eatmoreland.
Klgblb Diatriot Allegheny.
Ninth Diatriot Indiana. Armatroae-. Butlor.
Venango, Clarion, Jefferoon, Foroit, Slk, Mo
Kean, Centre, Clearfield.
Tenth Dialriet Warren, Erie, Crawford, Mer
cer, Lawrenee, Beaver, Waahington, Ureeno.
The Supervisors are appointed by
tho President, by and witb tho advice
and consent of tho Senato. Tbe Su
pervisor select, enumerators. Thirty
days is tbe longest time allowod any
enumerator to do tbo work assigned ;
honce tbe sub-districts in each county
must bo very small.
Another Vagabond. We notice
that ono Mason O. natch, Secretary
and Treasurer of the Northwestern
Traveling Mon'a Association, and one
of the editors of Northwestorn True
tier, of Chicago, absconded on the 8th
inst., upon tho discovery that he had
forged certain papers by which ho se
cured a largo sum of money fraudu
lently. He also took with him ft con
siderable amount of tbo lunds of tho
Association. Ten thousand dollars will
cover tho amount of the stealings. Tho
next day bis wife received a telegram
from Troy, N. Y,, whither ho was re
ported to havo wandored in, as was
reported, a crazed condition. High
living and losses in grain, gambling
and stock speculations are said to be
at tho bottom of tho trouble." We
suspect tbat a lack ol moral training
in bis boyhood days is at tbe bottom
of it. Gambling is not inherited.
A Happt Family. An exchange
remarks : "Grant's receptions out West
have been a grand harvest fur pick
pockets. A gang of the light-fingered
gentry carried oft" several thousand
dollars in money and watches from
Galona the othor day. 11 0 has been
followed from placo to placo by those
fellows, but it i. not the first time by
rounded by thievcB." Tbo reador, no
doubt, rcmembora tho Credil Mobilicr
job. under bim, the trader-post sales
mado in tbe "green room" of tbo Whito
Uouso, as well as the Belknap busi
ncss all under bis immediato eye.
No other Administration not evon
Hayes', though stolen from Tilden
ovor disgraced the people so outrage
ously as Grant did during his last
Strategy. Wo notice that Governor
Cromwell, of Michigan, will oall ft spe
cial session of the Legislature to fill
the vacanoy in the United State. Sen
ate, caused by the death of Chandlor.
Tbo Governor will be a candidate in
the scrub race, for which Bagley, Bald
win, Conger, Joy and Newberry, aro
entered. Conger Is in fine oondition,
and his friends aro backing him heavily,
In tbe meantime, the Governor has
appointed PernandoC. Boaman,aworn
oat political plug, to the placo, so as to
get rid of the wonderful annoyance
heaped upon him, by the score of loyal
patriot, of that State, who want Zack'a
Tbo Euston Aram appropriately re
marks: Tbo lalo sudden death of Zachariab
Chandler, a Senat 'r of tbe United
States from Michigan, gavo the fcllowa
who indulge in extraordinary lamenta
tions over tho demiso of each promi
nent or notorious man a flno chance to
vent their sooming sorrow. The tolo-
grumB announcing bis deuth also told
us of tho exhibitions of mourning in
Chicago ovor the doath of Mr. Chand
lor. Ab fur tbo doceased, wo bad 110
exalted opinion of bim whilo living,
and we ra not now going to either
praise or censure him. Our purpose is
to allude to the foolish yea, worse
than foolish practice that has since
tho war grown upon tho American
people, of almost idolizing thoir dead.
The time was when only men who bad
shown themselves rcully great or
worthy were tho subjects of especial
sorrow whon called from their spheres
ot public duty. But now note United
States Senator of Iobs than ordinary
ability, whoBo most notod peculiarity
was the languago deemed rather more
forciblo than polito, can "shtirHo off
Ibis mortal coil," without having the
columns ol tho daily press crowdod
with laudatory notices and long jere
miads. Tho American pooplo are given
to making too much fuss over the loss
of very littlo tiuibor. They aro Bhcd
diug tears for what can very easily be
replaced. United States Senators aro
not all statesmen. Tbey aro not all
persons whoso records will bear tbo
closest scrutiny, and those of us who
bow down in sackcloth and ashes overy
timo one ot theso chaps is called to his
reward, show our lack of what is
propor at such a time.
Thin Friendship. The Philadel
phia Times, in alluding to tho latest
caso of th is kind, relates the following :
"The case ol Congressman Voorhis, of
Hackcnsuck, New Jersey, is a painful
illustration of tho flitting of Summer
friends when adversity comes. Ho
was esteemed wealthy, was liberal with
out being extravagant,and friends clus
tered about bim in sunshino like bees
upon tho honeyed flower. He was
chosen to Congress in an adverse dis
trict, and all classes paid bim botnago
as a worthy citizen. It is not charged
that bo deliberately defrauded any one;
but ho borrowed from li is own bunk
without lawful authority, confidently
expecting to pay, and ombatrassments
so accumulated about him that he was
$50,000 short in restoring tho money.
He was arrested, and tbe man who had
thousands of Summer flaltorcrs could
not command $10,000 security. Alter
a day of snrveillanco in his bouse un
der tbo care of a United States Mar
shal, tho umount ot bail was reduced
to $0,000, and his father and brother
were then ablo to save him Horn the
ignominy of a prison. Such Is life I"
Tho bank officer did not steal tho cash
out of the vaults of tho bank, but ho
abstracted $50,000 worth ol'collntterals,
belonging to tho patrons of the bank,
took thorn over to Now York, recoived
tho cash on them, with which he de
feated the Democratic nominee, with
the hope, no doubt, of reaching Con
gross to servo bis party and in the end
rcstoro the stolen securitios.
Still roa Horses and Doos. It p-
pears that Grant's trip around the
world has not improved his tasto or
morals. A Washington Post reporter
tuned up at Galena, III., Grant's old
homo, about tho time the General and
retinue did, and he remarks : "1 have
observed," romarkod Mr. Washburne,
as bo sat in Gen. Grant's parlor, at
Galena, tho other day, "I haveobserved
an increasing interest on tbo part of
many of our ablest leaders, as to tho
personnel of out tickot lor 1 880." Tho
Gcnoral smoked on, a whiff or two,
then slowly removed his cigar from his
lips, and calmly eyed the wreathing
clould that floated over his head. Turn
ing bis eye towaid his friend and
neighbor, tbe man who was first his
illustrious patron, and afterwards hi
favorite protogo, tho General remarked
tbat be had a couple of Arabian (tal
lions near Washington, that bo wanted
to bring to Illinois, and ho left a dog
with Gen. Boalo that ho would like to
have at his Galena residence. The
cigar was replacod, and tho Bmoking
went on, whilo Mr. Washburne dis
coursed ol tho weather and crops."
How He Got Him to Acckit. Of
tbe lato Senator Chandlor, it is related
by the Toledo Blade, that when ho be
came Secretary of tho Interior he de
sired that ft cortain position in the
Department should bo filled by a law
yer from tho West whose fitness was
undoubted. Tho lawyer refused the
appointmunt on the ground that he
could not afford tho pecuniary sacrifice
imposed by his withdrawal from his
business. "What sum will mako you
good ?" asked Mr. Chandler. "Not
loss than $5,000 t year," answered the
lawyer, "Yon sball have it," said tho
Secretary; and during his occupancy
of tho ofllc.o the lawyer cvory year re
ceived a check to that amount, paid
from Mr. Chandler's own pocket."
This is given out to havo "groenies"
believo that the dead leader paid the
$5,000 extra out of his ownpockot;
but tbe facts aro that he drew out of
the United States Treasury $5,000
more than tho salary allowod by law,
and banded over to the eolobrated
blood-letting Chandlor for Radical cam
paign funds.
Fearvullt Solid. The Bradford
Argus remarks : Tho Radicals affect
to be bitterly opposed toGroonbackism
and to any candidate for office who
support, such principles, yet we find
that in our neighboring county of Col-
unibia tbey repudiate to a great extent
thoir own candidato and supported
Knt,an vowod Green backor.and thoro
by defeated Smith tbe Democratio
nominoo by a small majority. This
we suppose was done to protect them
selves and the North from an Invasion
of the "Solid South."
"Civiliiation." An exchange re
mark. : " Wong Ching Foo ia an edu
cated Chinaman, who is said to bavo
undertaken to bring about ft rovolu
tlon in tbe Flowery Kingdom. Fail
ing, as many patriot, have done, from
tbe premature explosion of bis mouth,
he fled to this country and sought rof
ugo in Chicago. A few days ago plot
was discovered among the othor Chi
nos, in tbat city to abduct Wong
Ching Foo that he might bs sent back
to China to be beheaded." ,
Bun. Butler has been interviewed,
and notwithstanding he is stitleriiig a
repulse charged with about 12,000 ma
jority fur the other fellow, be is as
happy as a clam at high tide, and says
he is well in both hculth and spirits.
What an impressible old froo hooter be
is, to be sure I He ia still open for an-
tther campaign, and lias enough tight
lull in Him to make the blue bloods ol
Beacon Hill squirm, and to teach the
pooplo ol the Old lluy Slato tbat hu is
neitner aeau nor siconing. Jin latest
point is to lay Congress theim
pel tun t tact tbat M atwuchusetU has
nevor had a Republican form pt gov
ernment simply thpjinyeamiiee uf it
tho shadow only, not tho substance.
I bat she bus eleven members of ton-
grots where alio ii only entitled to
eight. Tbat by an educational quali
fication at least 150,000 voters are dis
franchised, and yet thoy are cluimed
making up ineir Congressional repro
Think of ill This sanctified luhd of bak
od beans, codlb-h and "culcbah" the
homo of sly drinks and wilchv-isms
the resling-placo ol the nest egg of the
bird ol liberty not itcpublican in form
o government 1 uno uunureu ami miy
v "" ''iiiinr years ago at Des Moins, in the
by an educational qualification by ajBum0 state. At Burlincton. speakinc
pooplo who have been foremost in
forcing tbo ballots of tho gross, ignor
ant negro upon other people I The
samo kind ot votes that yoked Penn
sylvania to the Radical chariot 1 Oh,
yo hypocrites I lietjaniin must be
fooling. But it seens not. Ho do
claros it bis purpose to bring it before
Congress and to ventilate tbo matter.
Go on Benjamin. rVadu in! And so
say wc all i Loch Haven Democrat.
Radical Government. It is well
known that there is a class of political
oconomists who save at the spigot and
allow the bungholo to bo open all the
timo. Hero is a Radical case in point :
Revelations have just been mado which
go to show that whilo tho revenue de
partment has been bunting "moon
shine whiskuy" in tho mountains of
North Carolina, extensive frauds have
passod unnoticed at the Now Custom
House, and the Government has boon
defrauded to tho amount of ubout
$300,000 by the smuggling of vost-"
ments and church ornaments. Church
regalia is tree from duty, and this gen
oral hoad, statuary, toxtilo fabrics,
jewelry, books, and a variety of manu
factured metal goods, often lavishly
ornamented with jewels, bavo been
undervalued. Tho "clergymen's oaths"
bavo been so manipulated and forged,
that tbo Catholic clergymen aro re
lieved of all complicity in the matter
Tho whole performance implicates a
number of officials, and is said to one
of tho best laid schemes that ever de
frauded tho Government.
Departed Glokv. The holiday
robbory and earpot-hag rule in tho
Southern States at one time was a
"grand moral idea-' affair. A cotom
porary, in alluding to those days, re
marks: "Numerous ex Senators und
ex-Congressmen, of thocarptbag and
negro era, aro now cotnlortably quar
tered as night watchmen in public
buildings, in various parts of tho coun
try. As they Bit and ponder through
the long, still hours of night, thoro is
nothing in tbe past that seems to thorn
so inscrutibly mysterious, so Itko a
wild dream of a fevered brain, as the
fuel thut thuir numcs aro in the Con.
grcssional Directory and the Record."
Carpot-bng rulo was a lar worse scourgo
upon the South, than either tho rebell
ion or the yellow fever. Tho millions
of millions of debts which thoy entailed
upon unborn generations, is a burthen
so groat that the proporty-boldors are
almost reduced to slavery laboring
all tho timo to pay the debts entailed
upon the Statea by the knaves indi
"Civilization!" An exchange says:
In Talbot county, Maryland, resides a
nogro who voted the Democratic ticket
on tho 4th inrt., and having done that
worthy act went to his homo and
sought rest in his domicile. But whilo
he slept the sloep of the just somo of
his Republican neighbors invaded bis
table, in tho dark hours of tho gloomy
night, and wreaked their venganoo on
tho Democratio negro by maiming his
mule in a crnel, borriblo, barbarous
manner. Is this ft Nation? And, if
so, where is the strong arm of Federal
power ? Aro non-partisan mules, mules
that have kept aloof from political
turmoil, to be deprived of their tails,
robbed of their oars, and havo thoir
innocent noses slashed off bocause thoir
masters dare to voto for Democratic
candidates? West Chester Record
please copy.
Rascally Tricks. The Radicals of
Now York are at tho old gamo they
became so proficient at in Horida and
Louisiana during the Presidential
count, of tampering with tho returns.
Closo on the hocls of tho election and
for ecvoral days thorcaftorall the New
York journals of both parties admitted
that the Democratic Stato Ticket with
tho oxecption ol CorncM was elected.
Still there was a suspicions holding
back or returns in strong Radical coun
ties, and now Inoraosed Radical major!
ties aro rolling in, which have evidently
been "doctored" so as to elect all the
candidates of that party. The Demo.
crats of that State hold that tho first
returns elected their candidate and if
tho returns now are mado to show the
npposito it is tbe result of deliberate
Still in TnotiiLE Major Macus A
Rono, ot the Seventh cavalry, who was
tried at Chicago last Winter for cow
ardice in the Custer fight, and who
bad previously been suspended on ac
count ol his conduct toward Mrs. Bell,
wife of an officer of bis regiment, is
again in trouble. General Sturgis
charges him with conduot unbecoming
an officer and a gentleman. The spe
cification, aro, first, grossly Indocent
conduct in the presence of Mrs. Farn
Bhaw, wife of the post-trader ; second,
drunkonncssbofurocnlistedmon; third
ongaging in disgraceful quarrels at the
club room. General Terry haa detailed
a Court Martial, to sit at Fort Mead,
November 24tb, to try Reno.
Washington letter to the Baltimore
Sun: "A northern Democratic mem
bor stale, tbat he proposes at an early
day in tho next session to introduce ft
bill bringing back tbe salary of tbe
President of tbe United States to $25,
000 per annum, to take effect March
4, 1881. lie says that his detormina
lion is to push tha hill vigorously for
its psssago, and he doe. not think un
dcr the circumstances either party In
Congress will bo so rash as to make
any opposition of consequence to It.
The denial comes now of the state
ment mado somo days ago that Gen
eral Mierman had written to a friend
in t'bicugo to the effect that when
(iunt-rul Grunt arrived in that city ho
bad "un important message which ho
would there deliver to the people ol
tho United Slates. Naturally surmise
had arisen us to what "mesmigo" this
unofficial person could now have to
deliver to the ooplo. It had been sug
gested, however, tluit tho message to
bo delivered at Chicago would be
simply tho declension of a third term
nomination. If this coniuclure had
boon verified, such au action on Gen
eral Grant's part, in the laco of the
act tbat he has, according to tbo view ot
some, but to any "yes" to socuro the
nomination and probably his election,
it would bavo raised bim lar btghorin
tho estimation of thoso whoso esteem
is must valuablo than any olber deed
of bis wholo life. W'hntovor may bo
tbe personal opinions of Generul G rant,
however, when or wherever expressed,
it is to ho hoped be will not indulge in
expressions similar to those expressed
by him in his speech at Burlington,
.0WB) 0II Tuesday, and in his speech a
to tbo pupils of tho schools, ho said
1 believo that if there ever is another
var in this country it will be one of
ignorunco vs. intelltgciico. 1 think
that war will bo one of ignorance and
superstition combined against cduca
tlon ami intelligence." lite fact la
there ulways has existed strife between
intelligence and ignorance it is a law
ol tho world's progress. Therefore,
unless the iteration of those words by
General Grant is meant to ho tho first
nolo of a now issue to bo raised on be
halt or tho "stalwarts, they seem a
mere meaningless collection of phrasos.
It was certainly very loose talk for a
person of General Grant's well-known
discretion. When attempting to give
a political turn to such a matter, the
question comes up as to buw and
where to draw tho lino. What is ig
norance und what is intelligence in the
final analysts? there is an ignor
ance of history and civilization, such
as is manileslcd by tho voodoo wor
shiping negroes in Louisiana, and an
ignoranco of moral obligations, like
that of tho Oneida socialists, and of
tbe distinction botween meum and
tuum, such as that manifested by somo
of tho county officers 111 tho Mute in
which General Grant spoko, where
sovcral County Treasurers have of
luto years been in default, "lntcll"
genco" at Washington lately pretend,
ed to direct "ignoranco" in Southside
Virginia to voto ftr the debt-paying
candidates, but the shrewdness ot local
wire pullers waa able to control the
voters created by Washington "intelli
gence,"'to tho injury and shame of tho
stale. Intelligence ot the sort which
can expect to be serviceable to the
country and this day and generation
ought not to lapso into such errors of
judgment as all this implies. Jo go
no f 'urt her, the impolicy ol such speeches
must be obvious tu every one. Evon if
thoy do nothing else, ihcy let ia a
flood ol light upon the vitul weaknesses
ot the "strong men upon whom sun
dry politicians seemed disposed to pin
their faith. Gonoral, Giant in bis last
annual message confessed ignorance of
politics as an excuse lor blunders ol
his administration, alleging that bis
time hud mostly been spent in bar
racks. If, therefore, tho lines between
ignoranco and Intelligence had been
drawn very closely bo might bavo
been shut out from ever being a can
didute for tbe high office to which ho
finally attained. But tho fear is that
the intimations in such speeches as
here retcrred to have ft sectarian or
oruaading bearing about tham. Haiti
more Sun.
General G runt sentcntiously remark
ed in his speech at Burlington, Iowa,
that tbo noxt war in this country
would bo botwoen ignorance and in
tolligenco. A diagram should always
be sent along with grave utterancos ot
this character. By tho way, it was at
Des Moines, Iowa, that Grant declar
ed war on the Calholio Church. Can
it be possible that his vacuo remarks
at Burlington wcro aimed at the samo
target ? It strikes as that it would bo
well for this peripatetic dead-beat to
stop talking about war lor season.
Baltimore Gazette.
A Remarkable: Fact. The Now
York World lecontly contained an odi-
torilo artical referring to the lato elec
tion which gave tbo following bit of
personal history of - the Republican
oandidnte for Governor: Alonzo B
Cornell ownod a cotton plantation In
Georgia in 18C0, and on January 28tb
of tbat year stood by ohewing an
clevon inch cigar whilo four strong
negro slaves (recaptured runaways and
his property) were cut to pieces at the
whipping post. Tbe only remark on
that occasion of the Republican candi
date lor the Governorship of the Statu
of New York in 1879 was, 'You must
kill George, but merely cripplo theother
throe.' George left ft wife and three
children, and the oldest son, now
man of thirty, Robort Diossy, stumped
Now York for Robinson.
A Solid Shot. The Ilarrisburg
Patriot mado a tonstriko when in treat
ing Socrctary Kvarts' recent eloquent
plea lor equal suffrage it proposed tho
following amendment to tho Constltn
lion of tho United States ;
Abtk-lb IS. All eltlaoaa of the United Statea,
neltva and nalurallied.aball have the right tu vote
at the eleetioa for ropreeenlatlre ia Coagreee and
the arnotntment ot eleotora for Preaident and
Viea Preaidenl without any teat ae to awBera hit
of properly, and Bone but native or aataralfaed
eliitena of the United statea ahall hare lha right
10 vuie at aucn eieottoaa, any law ol aay stale to
tne contrary nolwituitendiog
The only Stale in tho Union where
manhood suffrage is nut already equal
under tbe law aro the Statoa of Rhode
Island and New Hampshire where ft
proporty qualification is exacted of
foreigners, and tbe proposed amend
ment would moot their caso exactly.
Chandler vice Another. The Ba)
timore Gazette remarks : If the Re
publican party wants a man absolutely
without conscious to succeed, the lato
Zach Chandlor as Chairman ef tho
National RcpublicauCommittc it should
sond at once an invitation to Wm. E.
Chandlor, of Now Hampshire He is
in nowiso related to tbo lalo Zachariah,
but when it comes to stealing States,
blowing up political minos and organ
izing ourages tbore is no more compar
ison between Bill and any othor living
Republican than there is between a Ro
man Kmpcrorandaring tailed monkey
It is now asserted that tbe'late Zach
ariah Chandler was haunted by the
fear that he would die by the band of
an assassin. Ho was compelled to
use stimulants on this account.
It cost Uncle Sam the handsome
sum of $17,000,000 last year to trans
port the mails, and next year $18,000,.
000 la asked fur by Second Assistant
Postmaster General Brady.
Moody and Sankey closed their
labor, in Cleveland, Ohio, last Wodne.
day night. Mr. Moody loft for Chicago
and Mr. Sankey for hi. home in Peon,
Two men died recently, only a few
hours apart, both suddenly away from
home. One bad served his country, as
ho supposed, faithfully, on its blood lest
battle fields from Bull Run to Atlanta,
anil ucyoliu 10 me ttca ; ne jusny euru-
ed the familiar name among his coun
trymen "rioiiTiNo Joe Hooker.
Tho other, served bis party the par
ty ol sectional hate, hypocrisy and vil
lainy, bravely, by tho hot uso of Iiib
very bad mouth and worse brain, in
tho party caucus and in tho balls of
fraud and usurpation of power ; he too,
earned a common epithet among those
tamiliur witb bis habits, it was"l)HUNK
en 7.ACB. (.'handler." One retired
from active Borvice when tbat service
needed bravo men, no more, to culti
vate tho arts ol pcaco and encourage
friendly relations between tho late
civil enemies; the other retired too,
but because the people of Michigan, at
their return of reason bad no uso for a
representative blackguard, ranter and
inciter to ilnmestio strife; from which
obscurity bo was called by ft drunken
president, the mend ot the whisky
thieves, to ornament bis ruby Cabinet,
whore he was frequently in his best
trim to show off what brandy will do
for a true Kopulmcan statesman, lluv-
ng thus become "stalwart 111 defense
of .Republican peculators and ring
thieves, be aguln demonstrated bis
superiority in crying for "blood let
ting," while whisky oozed from bis
pores, and the Itepublican party, onco
more Decomo the party ol sectional
hate, had need lor his services. Chiefly
instrumental in screening the wbisky
thioves whose principal was Gram
himself, ho was tbe most eminently fit
tool to Meal the ljesxdencu for Hayes,
which he did accordingly, as tbo whole
country knows. For this service to
his party of Iraud and treason, be was
rewarded with tbe "stalwart" leader
ship, malqrt bis drinking habit, which
in a Republican statesman, is esteemed
a great virtue.
And for this he has earned a tablet
and perhaps a monumont in the tern
plo of tho Republican party, such as
never a Christian or a true hero has
won, but only monsters in human
shapo like Tamerlane, Nero, Warren
Ilatttings, Lord Rawdon, Tecnmseh
and McNiel. For this almost every
Republican newspaper in tbo land is
filled witb praise ot him, and Popo
Haven must duly 'sanctity" him, and
his mumbling puppets repeat tbo sac
rilege, in all corners of the North.
For this, all bis crimes, treasons, strut
egems, and thells, must be buriod witb
his carcass, and only bis service to tbe
Republican god Fraud, be kept in
grateful remembrance.
On the other band, tho soldier, tho
good citizen, tho patriot whose course
was not bounded by the miserable cir-
cumterenco or party success, must be
laid away in his tomb, witlt hut a pass-
ng notteo, a ingiu rccuaiion 01 wncroj
ho was born, whoro ho longbt and
where ba died, without even so much
as a regret that he is gone. This is
hot tha Republican press reward
"Fighting Joo Honker" lor his serv
ices to the Union. This contrast OL'ttih
admonishes us of tbe double, deep dyed
treason of the Republican parly, which
prefers the demagogue, thief and swin
dler to tbe patriot and honest man;
the sharp speculator in the wars of
tho country, to the soldier who periled
nis me tor tne cause 00 oeueveu was
just ; the trickster and common drunk
ard to tbe square-dealing and temper
ate man.
It follows, moreover, that when the
Republican editor or stump speaker or
street-ranter says he loves the "Union
soldior," you may aptly apply to him
the text of a Christian apostle, via :
"if a man say he loves God, but hatoth
his brother, he is (a thief and) a liar
arid the truth is not in bim."
This is true of tho Sherman Repub
licans of Ohio, who defeated Generals
Kwing and Rice; it ia truo of the Re
publican editors who can find but little
space to speak well of "Fighting Joe
Hooker," whilo they devolo columns
to stalwart Zach. Chandler; it is true
in general of tbe Republican party of
today, which hardly ever rewards
"Union soldiers" lor whom it prolcsses
to havo a particular love and guar
dianship. iVilliamsport Sun.
not'to UAXG.
JAOOUSON, the sea kino murderer,
It is very probable, dependent npon
the prisoner', acceptancy ol the Kxoo
ntivo clemency, that United StatcB
Marshal Kerns will be spared Iho task
of executing lsaao Jacobson, tbe ring
leader of tho "watch" who killed the
mate of the Sea King, and who was
oondemned to be banged on January
30th, 1880. The other prisonors were
arraignod for manslaughter, and were
sentenced to tho Albany Penitentiary
after Jacobson was condemned. The
President Judge, the District Judgo
and District Attornoy Valentine inter
ested tbomselves at once to secure tho
commutation of Jaoobson's aentonco to
imprisonment at hard labor for life, or
not less than eighteen years, and
united in a petition to that effect.
President Hayes, with no loss prompt
itude, granted their request, and yes
terday United Slates District Attorney
Valentine recoived ft large document
bearing tho signatures uf President
Hayes and Secretary Kvarts and the
broad seal of the Repuhlio with its big
eagle, resembling that on the obverse
sideofthenew Dlund dollars. Tbodocu
mom recites that the sentence is com
muted to eighteen yoars imprisonmont
with bard labor in tho Kastern Peni
tentiary, on condition of serving tbat
time, Jacobson will bo brought into
Court to day to ascortain bis willing
noss to accept clemency upon this stip
ulation. "It would be-a curious note
if he should refuse," Mr. Valentine
said, as ho folded up the parchment;
"eighteen years muko a long timo in
prison." 'l'ho Court records show only
one caso of capital punishment in the
jurisdiction ot the United States Court
lor this district in filly years past a
case which dwells in tho memory ol
lb oso fond of recounting old time
ovonts, when tho city was a moro trifle
compared with its dimensions. Tho
prisoner was James Moran, and tbe
event was in 18J7, the charges being
murdor and piracy. Moran and ft
Spanish sailor slew tho Captain, Tbos.
S. Smith, and took possession of the
schooner William Wirt. Tbe mate and
the rest of tbe crew managed to over
power the mutineers, killing tbe Span
iard in the encounter. Moran waa
tried and convicted before Judges
Baldwin and Hopkinson, and when be
was hanged old residents can remem
ber the gala day, witb all tho features
of a country fair, which surrounded
the Busb Hill gallows, in tho open air,
when tho mutineer was swung on. In
tboso days executions were held in
publio in the mistaken delusion that
tbey would have a moral effect. The
scones on this occasion and when Por
ter, the mail robber, was banged, dis
proved this Illusion. Another inter
esling case, from which, however, Jack
Ketch was cheated of his victim, was
in 1842. The Amorican emigrant ship,
William Brown, had foundered olf
Newfoundland by striking an iooburg.
Over thirty passengers perished by the
sinking of the vessel. The prisoner on
this occasion, William Holmes, it was
alleged at the trial, threw ovorboard
fourteen of the passongor. In order to
save the remainder, there not being
food and water enough for all bands.
It was shown In his favor that Holmes
behavod with galanlry during tho
wreck, lie was ably dolonded, and
though convicted was reoommendod
to moroy so strongly tbat hi. aentenoe
wai reduced to six months' Imprison
ment. Philadelphia Times.
Few Doenis bavo been moro gener
ally admired or paraphrased in the va
rious tongues of earth than that com
mencing with tbo lines :
Mary bad a little Umb,
I. a flecre waa whilo aa enow,
And everywhere that Mary wvot,
Tha lamb waa aura to go.
' Well, tho story is now current at
tbe National Capital tbat tbe distin
guished fciocrelary of State, wlmn re
cently in a jocular crowd ol bis friends,
was desired to conuense into prune
theso immortal verses. Urgently so
liciled, Mr. Krarts yielded and wrote
as billows:
"Marr. a female judgod to bo ol tbe
race of man, whose family namo is un-
known, whether ot native or foreign
birth, ol lolly or lowly lineage, and
whose appearance, manners and mon-
tul cultivation is involved in the most
profound myslory, which probubly
never will be fully ascertained, unless
through tbe most profound researches
of a historian admirably trained in bis
profession, who shall devote tho ablest
efforts of bis life to tho investigation
ol the subject, uninfluenced by either
passion or prejudice, ar.d having oniy
in view the sacred truth, at the same
timo being utterly regardless of the
plaudit, or censures of the world, we
are inlormed by ono who, it has been
stated, at one time while living in tbat
part of tho United Statea known as
Massachusetts, whoso fishermon have
frequently been involved in difficulties
with tho authorities of Her Majesty
Queen Victoria, tjueen of Great Ilrituin
and hmpress of the Indies, whoso do
mains extend over a largo share of tho
habitable globe, thereby endangering
peaco which should so happily exist
between nations of the same blood and
language, had an infant sheep, of
which there are many millions ol vari
ous stuck, and qualities now in our
country, constantly adding wealth und
prosperity to our Jvepubhc and en
abling us to bo entirely independent of
all other nations for our supply ol
wool, now ample lur tho uso ol lacto
nes already busily employed, and lor
those which ere lonif will bo construct
ed in all parts of our land, working
both by water and steam power, and
in whatever direction said Mary trav
eled, tins animal, wbuso tlecoo was
snow-white, oven as tho lofty moun
lain regions in tho silent solitudes of
eternal winter, as tho ethereal vapors
which oil iioal over an autumnal sky
"darkly, deeply, beautifully blue," or
as the lacteal fluid, covered with
masses of delicate troth, found it
the buckets of the fair dairy-maid
whether meandering through the
meadows in midsummer, gathering up
the luscious strawberry, strolling in
the woodland paths in search (it wild
flowers, visiting the church with her
uncles, cousins and aunts to listen to
tho inspired words which came from
the lips of the minister of the sanctu
ary, or when retiring to her blisslul
couch to seek rest and enjoy sweet ro
1 pose aller the tares of tho day, in fact
'everywhere that Mary went' this
youthful sheep, influenced, doubtless
by that alleclion whicb is so conspicu
ously manifested by tho lower animals
in their amociaiiun with human beings,
was ever observed to accompany her
It is stated that when the pause in
tbe sentence came, the Secretary, who
bad read it without an inspiration, re
sumed his solid diplomatic counto
nance, and all mirthlulnoss bad de
parted from that once happy com-
The Ilarrisburg Patriot gives porti
nent details in this way: An import
ant election will bo held in Louisiana
on the 2d of December. Stato officers
and members of tbo Legislature will
oe cuoscn, and the peoplo will voto on
ft now Constitution. A. tho Legisla
ture to be chosen may be authorized to
ohooso electors for President, this elec
tion in .Louisiana may have a most im
portant bearing on the national contest
of 1880. It has been Buggostcd, there-
lore, that tbe Uopublicans send Blaine,
Conkling and some more of their pop
ular orators to Louisiana in order to
recover the State from the Democrats.
Conkling might consider it beneath his
dignity 10 mako stump speeches on a
lovei with tne understandings ot the
colored voters of Louisiana, but Blaine
would be in bis element. Tho former
method of the Republican, in Louisi
ana during tho good reconstruction
days of Grant was to set np State
governments with tbe bayonet, and
when this was not feasible, tha votes of
the majority were eUaced bv the manin-
ulalions of Returning Boaidg. But the
troops are withdrawn and the Return
inii Hoard maohinerv has been smashed
To obtain political powor in Louiaiana,
tho Republicans will tberolore be
obliged to return to tbo popular and
regular methods in vogue in the rest
01 mo states.
Thore is no reason to doubt thai the
Republican orators Irom the north
would bo hospitably received in Louia
iana. Tbe colored voters-would gather
in immense throngs to tho meotings of
tsiaino. llis efforts to excilo prejudice
of race for tbe purpose of securing a
party triuiupn might not bo in irood
laste, but in inakmir tbom ho oould
demonstrate that the utmost freedom
ol speech prevails in Louisiana, a fact
which isstrenuously denied bythostitl
wart organs. As it is allogod that tho
present ntate government is in many
respects little better than the Kellogg
usurpation, tins would artord good
nciu lor the cloquenco of Itiaino.
though in NowYork questions ol State
policy wore mado juhordinuto to the
National issue in tbo contest against
Gov. Robinson. But circumslancos
alter oaaca. Wilts, the Democratic
candidate for Governor of l.ouiniaua, is
1110 present lieutenant Governor, and
be could bo hold responsible fur all the
errors of tho administration cf Gov.
Nicholls. No beltur opportunity for
Blaine could be presented than the
election in Jiouisiana. It be should
slump the State and tho Republicans
should elect tbeir ticket, be would put
L! ... . r
uunseii dj a long stride in advance of
all competitors tor tho Republican
nomination in 1880. Tho people of
uuuiBinna win mane 11 a point to secure
iur tne great leader 01 tbo stalwarts
tbe utmost freedom ol speech in his
stumping tour. II he fails to convince
thorn he will have tbe satisfaction of
demonstrating to the country that tho
assertions about tho Louisiana ball-
dozing nro utterly unworthy of be
lief. Blaine should go to Louisiana by
fho ancient ex-Gov. Dennison, ol
Ohio, Is of tbe opinion that the Sena
torial shoes worn by Judgo Tbnrman
are' Just about his fit and tbat he would
like to encase bis feet in tbom when
the Judge porfuree must cast them
Senator Book thinks that Bayard ia
now tho mot prominent candidate for
the. Democratio Presidential nomina
tion, though ho personally favors Gen
eral Hancock.
1 be vonorablo Dr. Wick Pierce,
tbe latbor of Mothodism in Georgia,
oioa at bia home In Sparta, G., last
Monday a week, in tbe 95th year of his
Gen. Grant i. assuming the oatn
ftrchal, and speaks of bis countrymen
aa -my people."
Scuube Mad. Tho Washington cor
respondent of tho Baltimore .Sun says
that Secretary Schuri was the only
member ol the Cabinet who look 110
notice ot un invitation extended bun
to r-peak in New York. As bespoke
in Ohiornd elsewbero, tho correspond,
out says, tho real cause of bis indiffer.
once may bo looked lur iu tbo bitter
personal animosity which subsists bo
twoen bim and Senator Conkling, and
which dates back to the time ot the
French arms investigation. Republi-
cans here say thoy have no boubt Mr.
Scburz would ret uso to support either
Mr. LonkluiL' or Ueneral Urant. and
and that if either one of them is nom
inated by tbo Itepublican Convention,
and Mr. Bayard receives tbo Demo
cratio nomination, bo will aupport the
Henry Ward Boccher, since tho Mrs.
Tilton episode, frequently takes occa
sion to express bis disbelief in tbe ex
istence of a bell. On Sunday last be
said : "If I thought that ft God stood
at tho door wbere men go out of life to
stxke them down to an eternal bell,
my soul would cry out, ' Let there be
no God I' "
A correspondent of tho Chicago
Times accuses Grant of bud manners.
When tho "greatest General of the
age" wants anything at the table be
never, ur at least hardly ever, asks fur
it but simply points tbe slow, uner
ring index finger of his right hand at
it as it bo would say, "Gimmo some o'
R ATM IE Fine. Distinctions iu crime
are almost as thin as some that prevail
in society . A man charged witb ob
taining money under falso pretences
in court the olber day remarked tbat,
although ho might be a swindler, bo
was not a tbiel.
That's So. Tbo Detroit Free Press
suys : "hrcry lady who goes to the
theatre has a pcrlect right to wear a
high hut. The peoplo behind her
should havo secured tho seat in front.
II they did not, she is not to blame."
The National Christian Tcmporunou
Union closed ilssession at Fort Wayne,
Ind ,un Saturday last. Gov. St. John,
ol Kansas, was elected President fur
the ensuing year, and Francis Murphy
First Vice President.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Gilmour, of Cleve
land, ()., has ordered a collection in all
the Catholic churches of his diocese,
the first Sunday of Advent, for tho
Buffcrers in the famine threatened dis
tricts of Ireland.
Fifty is tho youth of old ago; forty
tho old ago of youth. So says Victor
There is a divinity which shapes tbo
end of a bee-Bbarp view it as yon
Item adi'fftiuuts.
Wholesale it Retail Dealer in
County Agent foe
Theaa goode bought fa CASH" la tarfe Iota,
and eo!d at almost oity fatoea.
Claartald, Pa., Jaao 13, IMS lj.
James Ia. Lcavy,
lUrlng pvrebiMHl tht ntir itoak of tri..
Shekel!, hrb gitM aotlea that kt bft nsvud.
Into tit roen Uuiy Mean. id by RmJ A HKrt,.
oi Smtnndj itrtct, whtr nt li prepared to offer to
tht publio
ot the latest improved pttt.r&evat lo prlee.
Gas Fixture and Tinware.
Roaflnx, Rpautlnn;, Peanbine;, Qaa Fitting, an4
Hepniriasj Parana a aneelattj. All
wora warranted.
Anything In my liaa will be ordered rpeelal IT
denrel. JA8. L LKAVT,
Clearled, Pa., Janoarjr I, H7t If.
all A a t
V Haa kaa la aametau
f "aa by the nubile
I r em twenty ynare
aad la tha baa preparation
aver Invented far HXSTOIt
It aamollea Una teiral
tend auael aalaa? to thai kalf
laaula wltkeHBt atalalaf tha
ekla. It IU faeareeaaa and
tktakaai tha (rawIk er tha
hair, pre Taut Iu blanreiLaa
Bod raMlaf oaT, a4 Una
atbut baluhkhs.
It aana ItrKaar. Krai.
liana Bad Pa 4 mar. Aa a
Am DRKHMI NO It la vary
aWtrmhla, !! tha kale
allkeaj aoftaaaa whlrh all
Bdaelra, II kaapa th keael
aleaa,, awaat newt keetUhy.
i i
nit 1
will ekauaaj lha hoar, to a mtoWN at
BLACK at eUeerallM. Belti. la one
prepamUea It la aaelly arpllael. ata.
Brodneae a paiaieaaal eolar tkat will
aat waah air.
I'llH AlltD II K
laid br ail Dealeri aa Nedkbia.