TUG "CLEARFIELD UEPUBLICAV roauiaaa .rear wamiiniT, it CLEARFIELD, PA. KSTAIILISHKO I ft I (HI. The largeet Circulation f any N(wsp.er la NorlD Central Penue)lv.nla. Terms of Suusoription. if r.iJ ia adraaoa. or within a moatha....A'. If nid aflar I and before month 9 I i.id afttr the .aplrelin. of 0 moutha... 9 If P''4 Bates oi Advertising, f rtnilent idrortllementa, ptr iqoara of 10 Unci or li, 3llmelorl.il tl 0 fur ul iuoi.o,ueoi iniertion ao 4 lininl.trnton' end Uxeoulere' notion.. I .0 i i.rfilori' notice 1 00 Cutinn. and S.Ira; 1 SO lli.iolatlon noticel I 00 p,ofenlonol Cardl, a Hnaa or leu,l jaar... 00 Ueil notice!, ner line 10 VEAK1.Y ADVERTI8EMKNTS. I .Qra 1 00 ) column. !&0 00 1. mural- la 00 column.. TO 00 I ,.rol.. ......... SO 00 1 aolnma 110 10 O. B. OOODLANDF.R, Publisher. Cards. 1 (III PRINTING Of EVERY DK8CRIP oj lion eeelly eueeeted at Ibla offioa. tt w. smTtu, attorney-at-la w, i 1 1 :T J Clearfield, Pa. T J. LINGLE, 1TTOBNET - AT - LAW, 1:11 Phlllpaburff, Centra Co., Pa. y:pd T)OLANDD.SWOOPK, It ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curwroirille, Clearfield count, Pa. oel. S, '78-tf. 0 iSCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLEARFIELD, PA. t-0m In ttia Opera Huua. oclll, T-tf. Q R4 W. BARRETT, AtTORNSYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. January JO. 187. JSRAEL TKST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. ey-OBIee in the Court Houie. JyU.'' HENRY BRETII, (llNTf Ht P. O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE roR BKLL TOWXIlfir. Ma; 8, 178-ly V1 Til. M. McCULLOUGII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKARFIBLD, PA. Dili .-a in Ma.orle building, Second atrcet, op polite the Court Hume. je20.'78-lf. C. ARNOLD, LAW 4 COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWENSVILLE. ,! Clearfield Counts, Penn'a. liy s. J T. BUOCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ap 1677-ly Office In Opera llouta. JAMES MITCHELL, UBALa la Square Timber & Timber Lands, jell'73 CLEARFIELD, PA. T F. SNYDER, Ma ATTORNEY AT LAW, OI.KARFIKI.D, PA. llfilce in Pie'i Opera Ibmae. June 20, '7Stf. VII.MAU 4. WALLACE. ataar r. Wallace. patid l. aanaa. jobs w. wat.i.r. 117ALLACK & KHEBS, I T (Baieeaeora to Wallace A Fielding,) ATTOB.NEY8-AT-LAW, J.nl'77 Clearfield, Pa. rrank Fielding.. W. D. Biler....8. V. Wllaon. JpiELDING, BUGLER Si WILSON, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. f-O-OtiM In Ple't Opera Ilou.e. mebt-tll. TARRY SNYDER, II BARKER AND HAIRDRESSER. Hhop on Market St., oppoiUe Court Honaa. A olaan towal for every eurtomer. Alio dealer la lle.l Hrand. tif Tubarco and Clftare. raoa. g. HuaaAr. ovaoa eoanoa. jJJURRAY k GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. JCtVOmeo la Ple'e Opera llouae, aacond loor. Si.W74 joaara a. h aaALLT. DAMf at, w. cnanr. M cENALLY & McCUKDY ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW, cie.i'Ueid, Pa. AT" Legal bualoeai attanded to promptly wlthj B.telity. Office on Seoond atraat, abore tb. First National Bank. Jin:l:7l G. KllAMER, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Real EiUto and Collection Agent, CLEAHFIF.l.l), PA., Will promptly attend to all legal bnllnaaa ea (raited to bie oar. JaarOOea in Pie'i Opera Hoaaa. Janl '7", J P. McKENRICR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. At) lagal bualooM entra.Ud to bla ear will ra nelve prompt attaotloa. Offiee oppoilta Coaat Honie, la Maennle Balldlng, areond floor. augl4,'78-ly, I) R. E. "M. SCHEURER, UOMOCOPATHI0 PHYSICIAN, OIBea Is rorldenta oa Firet tt. April 14, 1071. Clwlald, Pa. J)R. W. A. MEANS, HIIYsiclAN k SURGEON, DUBOIS CITY, PA. Will Attend profairlonal ealla promptly. anglO'71 )R. T. J. BOXER, rllYSICIAN AND SDRQEON, OOoa Market Stmt, Claarteld. Pa. -0Boe boon i I to 11 a. m., and 1 to p. . JR. J. KAY WIUGLKY, noMCKPATllIO PHYSICIAN, TOfflne adjnlalng tha mldonra af Jamae iy, K.., oa gMond St., Clearfield, Pa. Jalyll,'7 tr. M. II ILLS, ' OfEttJtTirK lE.rTIST, CLEARFIELD, PINN A. VOInet . raslilaaoa, oppoaila Skew llaaea, Jy0.ll7 If 1) K. U. B. VAN TALIS AH, CLEARFIELD, PEJUI'A. OFFICE IN HES1DFNCR, CORNRR OF F1RBT AND PINS iTRKKTd. Offloo koart-Frota It to I P. M. May 11, 1S7I. I) R. J. P. BURCH FIELD, Lata Sargaon of tha 03d Keglmeat. PaanayWaala Velante.ra, baring returned from lha Army, fl.n hii profeulanal lerrloai M IbaaHlaau of Clnrtold eoaaty. a-Profeiiieaal aalla promptly atteaded to. OltM ea Saoesd Itriet, foraaarlyMupl.d by vr. w eo.i. lepra, a. ii CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLANDEK, Editor VOL. 53-WHOLE NO. Cards. TIJtfTICKM' A CONHTA HI. lit PRICM W hart trlntl Imrf nnmrnjr or th FUR DILL, and will tb noaipt f (wtnty. 17ILLIAM M. HEKAY, Justice TT OF TBI I'BACI AMD SmtTKllIII, LtMIIKK CITY. CollMtioni tntul in. monar promptly pftld over. Artlolui of agreement and ddt of oDTayantM BMtljr gxeeuua tnd warrtntM cor not or ba eharfta. Jajj'TI JOHN D.THOMPSON, Juitio of th Pmn Bod RotiTer( CurnerjBVllle, Pb. t&fv Collect torn mad and mooj promptlj pttd or. ibdij (in JAS. B. GRAHAM, dBler In Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, SIlINdLES, LATH, A PICKETS, :10'73 Qlearlleld, Pa, REUBEN HACKMA'N, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, ClearUeld, Penn'a. teavWlll execute lobe in hit Una promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arr4,A7 JOHN A. STADLER, BAKER, Market St., ClearUeld, Pa. Freeh Bread, Hulk, Rolla, Pita and Cakee on hand or made to order. A general aalortment of Confeclionariei, Frulti and Nutl in ilork lea Cream and Or.tera in acion. Holoon nearly uppnitta the Poit'nmee. Prioea moderate. Mrrh 10- '7V WEAVER &. BETTS, DKALBRi IX Real Esta'.o, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LLMBKR OF ALL KINDS. .j-trtfBn- nn Kaam.nd llfMt. Itt rear flf tUftl ruDi of UeorRu Wcbtof A Co. jaoil, '7B-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICB OF TUB PEACE row Ittcalur TotentMp, Oaceola Mill. P. O. All official builnera antraeted to him will bo promptly attended to. mch29, '70. JAMES H. TURNER, JI RTICE OF TUB PEACE, Wallaceton. Pa. drlla b.ia prepared htmielf with all the neoee.ary blank f.,rtna oodrr the i'cniion and Bounty lawi, ai well ai blank Die.li. etc. All legal matiora rnlru.ted to bi oaro will rcceita priinipt attention. May 7tb, WH-tf. JOHN h CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nd Ileal Eatate Aljent, ClearReld. Pa. Offlea on Tblrd itraet, bat. Cherry A Walnut. andbujing land! in Clearfield and adjoining . ami with m An.lofle of over twantv ouuu.i... 1 - yearaaa a furvayor, flatten hlmielf that ha ean render atliraotioo.. i ANDREW HARWICH, Market Htreet, ClearUeld, Pa., AtifrAirrnaaa Ann dbalbu ta JJnrnrss, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and JJorse-Furnishiny Goods. M-AII kiodi of repairing promptly altendid . ... , . -j Ha-.s ll.a.kM. t:urrv lO. eau'ner. iirw,., Coinbi, Ac., alweye on bead and for lele at Ibe loweet oaib price. (March 1W, 187. G. H. HALL, RACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. i r nn hnnri and made to order on abort notion. Pipe! bored on reaaonabia tanna. All work warrantad to render aatiafactfoa, and ! delivered if deiired. my2a:lypd Iivcry Stable. THE underlined begi leara to Intom the pub lla that he la now fully prepar"1 to accommo date all In tha way of fnruiihing lU.aei, Unggiei, Saddlea and Harnoal, on tha iborteit notice and in raaionabla termi. Reildenca on Loeuit Itraet, between Third and Fourth. GEO. W. OKARIIART. ClearUeld, Feb. 4, 1814. WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLKN IIOPK, PKNN'A, T11IB nndrtlfop-l, bavin liud Ibii otb nodi'Di Hotel, In lh ilhfr of Olen Hope, U now prrparvd to BmomtiiodalB all bo oihv obH. My table and bar bail t reppHcd with the bolt tbt market ITorrl! flKOItUK W. D0TTS, Jr. Glen nipe. Pa-, Mirob 26, tS'9-tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, BBALBK IB UENEKAL MERCHANDISE, (.RAHANTON, Pa. Alio, etternive itmnnfirlarer and dealer In Rcjnar Timber aod Hawed Lumber ol all kind. jpf-Qrilm eoliclted and all bill promptly niied. iw)Jin " E. A. BIGLER & CO., ' DIALBBB W SQUARE TIMBER, and manufacturer! of AI L KINlm OP KAWEn i.cmiif.r, l-I'71 CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. S. I. SNYDER, aFV vA I tlAVIIl'Ab n A lvlJJnAlni WtttchuB, Clucka and Jewelry. Orakim'i Bow, Market Strtft, EARKIFJJ, PA. All kind! of repairing la mj line pmmptlj Bt ondfd to. April 2X, 1674. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOUKAGK IIOMR INDUSTRY. THK nnderfltraed, Bavlnf tahliihad b K ar tery on the 'Pike, about halfway betwee Ckarflrld and Carwenerille, ii prtiiared to fnr Dlib all kinde of FHUIT TllKKH, (itaBdard and dwarf,) Kverirreen't Bhrnhhery, lrape V.oet, Uooaeherry, Law (on Bleohrmrry, Htrawberry, and Kaipberry Vinee. Also, Siberian Crab Trere, Uainoe, and early artarlet Rboierb, Ac. Or J en promptly atteodrd to, Addreai, J. D. WRIOIIT, ep29 M-y Curwenatllle, Pa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARD0N & BB0., Ob Market Ft, obi door wret of MaoiloB IIoim. CLRARFIKLD, PA.( Oar arren foment i ro ff lb wort oomnlete rharautcr tor funiiibing the pnblle with Fraab Meala of all kind, and of the very boet quality. WeaJeo deal IB all kindi of A trlenHaral Imple enenti, wbieh we keep oa oibibltien far I be ben efit of the pabho. Call aroand whea la town, and take a look al thing , or addreee ai F. M.CAKDON A BRO. Clearfleld, Pa., Jaly 14, lR7a-tf. ftearHflit Inmtranct .Irtntf.' iAuaa aaaa. cauboll l. aja.LE. KKItn BlltULE, Jlginli, Rrpraeealtba following aadatbarlrftlen Ce'a Companiee. Aearta. Llrrrpool London A alone tl. S. Dr .H.tol l.raemleg oa malaal Aeaib plant.... A,ana,.oe I'bmnla. af Hartford, Conn I.024.0H1 Inloraaoe Co. of North America 1,431.074 North Hrlll'h A Mercantll. II. B. Br. l,7l,ao.1 Kcotll.b Commaralal U.i. Braaab.... 7,l4t Wnt.rtown . ...m Tfll.BIO Trarelera (Life A Arcldeat) 4,S9J.UI Omoa a. Market St., app. Court BatuM, Claar leld. Pa. . Jane 4, Tl-tf. 4 Proprietor. 2,647. A WOXDMFUL WOMAN. lHi; PAMOIW CAItDER OP MAR. ;ahi:t o'm.ill liATON. Hilt IARI.T LIFE IN WASIIINUTON IIOW SUB DI8RF.PL'TED AN ADMINIMTRATION, MADE A PREKIDENT AND OB TAIN r.D SOCIAL RECOONI TION FOR HERSELF Tng EATON MAR. RIAUE IN CIDENTS. From lha Washington Poat, Nor. 10th. . Mrs. Gen. Eaton died last Saturday nt her residence, on Ninth street, niter n briol illness. 1 boutm sue had been failing in health lor some months, it was only within a tew dnys that alarm ing symptoms were developed, and it became, evident that sho could not live long. Fndny evening Dr. Townnond wus called, and pronounced her dan gerouxly ill. For months pant she bos been a great sufl'orer, but until A short lime before her death alio was not deemed in inimcdiuto dungor. She knew that the end was approaching and was not afraid to die. "It is a beautiful world to leave," she said the day before her deuth, looking out into the sunshine; "1 am not afraid to die, but it Is such a beautiful world." It had been a beautiful world to her, and she clung to its last sights and soundo with the strong tonaeity of an organi zation endowed with intense vitality, which has preserved in her strength and vivacity unusual at her ago. Tho complication of disorders from which sho fullered had made it impossible tor her to sleep, except in a silling post ure, and when at lust she lay down on her bed, it was evident that tho final surrender had begun. At tho last all tho vilul forces gave way at onco, and thcro was no prolonged struggle I'p to within ten minutes ol her death sho relnincd full consciousness, neither sight nor hearing wero impaired, and she would respond to tho question, "Do you know me ?" with a slight im putienco in tho nflirmntive, as though wondering why her recognition should be questioned. Tho minister, who was summoned, read and prayed with her, and she expressed her I u i lit in Christ, and her willingness to depart. She repented in n clear, firm voice the hymn "I would not live alway." Dur ing tho Inst night she grow very rest- less, and suid often, "The night is an longl If morning would onlycomor Shi: wati fully conscious of the nef r ap proach of death. In answer to a itug- gestion of something that should be done on the morrow, she answered, "Not to-morrow ; 1 shall bo hero only a litllo whilo to morrow." Tho morn ing sho longed to see came, and hy noon all was over. At ten in mutes past 12, with her hand clasped in those of her grandchildren, M rs. Eulon passed calmly and peacelully away. Tho funeral will be attended from the house, 512 Ninth street northwest, to morrow, and the remains will be interred be sides thoso of her husband, Gon. Katon, at Oalc Hill cemetery. Oa tho family lot there lio buried also her mother, her daughter, Mrs. Randolph, an infant child of tho Inttor, and tho Into Uol. I' red Aiken. Sirs. Eaton is the last member of her own immediate familv. .She leaves one daughter, living in Paris, the Duchess do Samnnyo. Hor only other child was the daughter, Mar garet, who married Dr. Randolph, of Virginia, and who died years ago. Tho only immediate relatives in this city aro hor grandchild, John Ran dolph, and Mrs. Beaumont, who havo cared for Mrs. Eaton through the lat ter years of her life, and with whom sbo was living nt tho time of ber death. Margaret O'Neill Eaton was born on Twentieth street northwest, nearly opposito what is now tho P'ronch Min. ister's residence. While sho was still a child her lather, William O'Neill, a native of New Jersey, and a descend ant of that noblest of ull Irish families, tho O'Neills of Ulster, opened a tavern or boardmg-houso on the corner ol Twentieth and I streets. Ilia hovel was patronized by a gay and reckless class ol guests, members ol t nngress, gentlemen of wealth visiting Washing ton, particularly young Southerners, cflieei'S of the army and navy, and tho upper grade ol departinuiilul clerks. Henry Clay, in his fuslur days, was a continuous truest, and ho wus a fair typcof the occupants. In such sootety mow up tho child Margaret. Her marvelous beauty of lace and form, and her lissom graco ol manner could not fail to be noticed by the gay, wild revellers who made her father's house their home, and they flattered ber without thought and without Btint. surrounded from childhood with such unconventional aasocialions it was im possible that sho should not herself becomu markedly nnconvonlionnl. A laircr bud never ripened into a more perfect blossom. tSho was as brilliant in Intellect as she was graceful in movement, and as sparkling in conver sational charms as sho was beautiful in person. Sho was ambitious, and her childish associations stimulated in the young maiden .the determination to enter and reign, aa one born in tho pur ple, in tho mugio circlo of that society upon whose threshold only sho had hitherto stood, gazing at tho glories sho now burned to make wholly her own. Tho task beloro ber was adifll cnlt ono. Society in thoso old days in Washington drew its linos more strictly than it docs now, and the daughter ol a tavern keeper was not deemed the equal of those stately dames and aris tocratic maidens of thofamilios of those gny.frcc-spokcngallants that hadflattor ed the precocious child into unconven tional daring. It may well be bolioved that her daring was ahead ol her com mon sen so. Brilliant as she was in intellect, sbo was neither profound nor comprehensive, and henco cduld neither understand why tho lutliers and brothers wero so friendly, whilo tho mnthors and aistors passed coldly by with stony stares, nor wisely plan tho policy that should lead to sucb soAul recognition from tho women as was gladly accorded by the mon. Ho. ciety in those days, in many parts of tho country, and especially in Wash ington, was a conglomerated problem, requiring lor Its solution the consider ation of fitctors drawn from tho provi ous century. As the race among which it existed was British, so lis manners and its morals wore thoso of Anno and tbo first Goorgo, transplanted to Amer ica. Hero tho prevailing, tono bad become more manly but not less unre fined. Tho grossness had been dissi pated in a drier climate and a freer air, but tho coarseness still remained, ilie vices of a monarchy struggled for ex istence amid tho Institutions of a Ro publio, and, wbilo losing their distinc tive charactor, had not tailed in stamp ing an impress deep on tho new order ol things, Addod to this, the ascetic ism and fanaticism of lha Puritan diluted, it is truo, but still strong, sinewy and subtle bad percolated through society lis prudery aevoia 01 its purity, and without abating its ar rogance bad well mgn lost lu amia CLEARFIELD, PA., bility. Caste ruled with an iron band, none the IcbS hard and cold and un bonding becauso affecting to bido its rigid defining of social lines in the vel vet glove of a professed democratic equality. To sum up, the mon wero coarse, tbo women conventional ; and Ireedom of social action, oxcopt within certain restricted limits, was as abso lutely unknown to the masters as was liberty ol movement to Ibo slaves ol that day. And it was in this socioty at its hardest, hocauso at its commenc ing disintegration thatMargaretO'Neill was born, and with wboso upmost and holiest circle she waged so long, so bittor and so stubborn a conflict. The odds wore all against hor. She was handicapped from tho start. Her tatber was a man ol ordinary lutein gence, of narrow intolloct, and cursed with inclinations that Jod downward instead ot up. Her mother, indood, was cast in a larger and finer mould, a woman of good judgment, of pure instincts, of well-balanced intellect, but whoso early death deprived tho high spirited and wayward Margaret of all the benefits sucb a mother would assuredly buvo conferred on sucb a daughter. That Mrs. O'Neill was not qualified by education for the conflict goes without saying. In this latituda, three-quarters ot a century ago, the ed ucation of women, at its bust, was a misnomer, and Margaret O'Neill was not fortunate enough oven to have at tained that best. Naturally reckless, courageous, way ward,accustomcd from infuncy to the intoxicating atmosphere of admiration, gilted with a personal magnetism that fascinated everything in subjection to ber own sweet will, savo only the envy of hor Bister women at her surpassing personal charms, brilliant bill snpurliciul, vain yet vacil lating, looqiiicktempercd not to wound mid ollund, but too loving and lender hoartcd to crunh or destroy, this child went out into the fiercest ol life's strug gles as much qualified to withstand their buffetings as a lamb to long pre serve life when thrown out to Norland wolves. Born to a splendid misery whoso mngnificonco only tho more manilested its malignancy, she yet horo horsolf with such calmness and fortitude as to rob Kate of half its ter rors. In an ago when scttndul was tho breath of life, and gossip supplied the stead of cultnro,sho did not escape smirching whisper and disparaging censure. It would have boon a mira cle il alio had, on such a stage, amid such scenes and beforosuch actors. By bur beauty and fuscinations alone bud sho reached tho giddy boightson which the wife ol the Secretary of War sal, and rivals, both social and political, sought to pull her down by stabbing ber with sncei s, sharper than stilettos ; by impaling her on imputations which could withstand in those days, and which aro as easy to institute as tbey are hard to disprove. Whatever her sins, thoro can be little doubt that her social success was the immediate cause of the attack upon hor. , Caste wrung its iron knuckles in dismay at tbo spec tacle. Tho daughter of a tavern keeper essaying to play Iho equal of a Sena tor's wile or a Dutch diplomat's lady. Tha tampler upon conventionalities seeking to dispenso social patronago to the great grand-daughter of a Puritan brewor, whose affectation of morals was aa stiff as ber stays : and presum ing to dispute tho precedence ot the niece, four dogrcos removed, of a cav alier cut throat who was sold as a con vict to the Jamos River colony. An heiross downward only with beauty, and whose solo title deeds were a grit, cious manner and an . angle's face, placing herself higher than the mistress of a thousand slaves, or tho fair legatee of a New England rum mill managor. This was the unpardonable sin lor which tbero was no forgiveness horo nor atonement hereafter. They did not forgive her. But pluck and per sistency won at last. 1 bey always do. All things finally como to her who waits. Tbo young girl, afterwards Mrs. Eaton, conquered ; broko down the iron barriers which those twin jailors of Iho daring mind, low birth and iron fortune are always erecting to tiro out genius and courage ; and to her credit, be it said, wore her laurels as gracefully, as courteously, as kindly as if, indeed, sho bad been born in the purple, and they came to her hy tho law of descent. The beauty, which tho friends and enemies of the departed lady alike united in praising, was truly beyond praise ll justified rhapsody. It wus the perfection of form and color and grace, with tho superadded charm of soul. It was of the kind which the old poets culled "i btaute de diable" tho ever charming freshness of youth and apparent innocence, tho dewy fra grance of the morning, tho child like bloom and Mush of radiant and trust ful hope. Thoro aro men to-day in Washington who have about as much poetry or gusli about them as a sweet potato vine has of tho attar ol rose, who nevertheless rave of her beamy, of her "angclio" face, of her"soraphio smile, in those long gone days, in terms as gushing and rhapsodical aa ever young lovers uso. She was a blonde. The aofl Lfray oy, the light nboetnnt t.ir, the perfect contour of faco and chisel ing of feature, the complexion exquts iluly clear and soft, a torm of faultless proportions, whero Ibo external char acteristics of that beauty over which artists raved, to which pools dodicatcd their loveliest versos, which dictated a President to tho United Slates, which triumphed over sagos as passionless as their own abstractions, over warrior, oold and bard as their own swords. Sho inspired the first ot American ly rical pools to write, perhaps, the most beau til u I of all his poems. Some time after Margaret O'Neill becamo Mrs. Timborlako, sho was in Baltimoro, and thoro JCdwnrd Uonto i'inkney saw and admired. Going home ho wroto his 'lloalih, and dedicated it to tho most beautiful woman in America : "I III tale cap ta en. aiade up Of toreliaell alnno, A wnnj.o, of ber gentle eel The eeaming paragna To whom the better .lemaate And kindly itura bare gleet A form an fair, that like the efr, 'Til leaa of earth than Heaven. Of her bright face on. gtaaoa will trAOa A picture ea the brain, And el bar role., ia eaboiag hearta A aound mat lung rarntio : A memory each la mineef bar Be very maeh andean, W hen death la nigh my latert alga WUIaetballf.'a bat ban. AflVetieee era ea thought! ta her, The meeaarae af ber boaie I liar fciiage bare the frangruney Tha frniboeae uf young Sowera. Aud taraly aaiaieai ekaaging .ft Be III bar, ibe epeeara Tha Imag. .f tbemeeliea by luree, Tea id.l ef peat yeara. I tlbd Ibla cep te owe mnda ap "Uf laraiiaaei aleoe, A woman of her gentle Ml The aeemiag paragaa. Her health I And wuald o. earth, there ware Roma mere ef each a fraaaa. That Ilia might be ell poetry Aad wearioeea . .erne I" . Fow American women bava bad a mora eventful career. Living to anj i PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1879. advanced ago, slid was a woman of four generations, and to listen to hor reminiscences was to recall the events and tho characters of a long chapter of Amorican history.' There is a certain resemblance between somo phases of ber career and that of another re markable woman who died not many months ago Madame Bonaparte. Both women lived abroad, and curried there tho prcsligd ol Amorican wo manly beauty. Bo;h wore women of strong personal iolluonce, and scorod many social triumphs, Both bad dur ing a portion of their lives lortnne and brilliant position, and both ended their days in comparative obscurity. But thcro tho parallel ends. They woro their ruo with a difference. Mud amo Bonaparte, bitter, cynical and grasping, preserved hor reputation un tarnished. DuttliG lived also a life barren of love, and of all sweet and tender emotions. In alrong contrast was the lift) of tho woman who, though worsted by adverso fortune, had no special quarrel with futo, and lived bur life out to tbo end with a certain sweet and bravo courage which no diuaster could crush. Her faults were those of a gcnoral nature, and hor many lova ble qualities endeared hor to all who knew ber. Sho died in the city whero sbo was born, and whero the greater portion of ber long lilo was passed. Butter known to a past than to the present generation, still many are lu miliar with tho slender and still graco I'ul figure of a woman whoso luco re tained to tho last traces of great beauty. Her beamy as a girl and matron is a matter of traditon. Thoso who have seen her lately will recall u face, lined and tremulous with age, but still ro utining its spirited, dour cut outline, and solluned and shadowed hy clustering masses of grey hair. With all she kept the vivacity and tho charm of manner which must have been a strong attraction in bordays of conquest. For sbo had her conquests. Perhaps no woman evermore completely hud her own way. The personal reminiscences given below are from Mrs. Eaton's own lips, during tho lust year ot her lilo, when sho recalled vividly, and ap parently without clfort, the events and the people ot her post lite. A natno rf yesterday might escape her, but hor life in Spain and tho Wanlnnton of fifty yearn ago wero vory present re alities. Of the exact date of her birth there is no written record. Sho her self always insisted that sho was two weeks old on the day that Gen. Wash ington died. Mrs. O'Neill was u woman of more than usual strength of character, and remarkably efficient in the practical affairs ot life. Daniol Webster said he had never seen a woman so well pre served and so beautiful at ber ago. Gon. Jackson entertained a great es teem for her, ant) during his Presi denev. when etinuritLa fnrliado that he should call on anyone, a favorite re laxation with bim from the cares ot office was to stroll across the "old fiolda" near Washington to tb. oottago whore Mrs. O'Neill lived in retirement and chat with her son. Mrs. Jackson also, during her residence in Washing ton in 182!, became much attached to Mrs. O'Neill and her daughter, and to Ibis fact was doubtless due something of the zeal with which in later years Gon. Jackson espoused Mrs. Eaton's cause. A portrait of hor mothor, which Mrs. Eaton bos treasured, bIiows tho grave, scdute face of an elderly woman in cap and neckchief, with a quiet brow and mouth, indicative ot more reposo and poiso, and less animation thnn her more brilliant daughter. Margaret O'Neill was the first child. 1 There wero two sons, both ol whom died away from homo, and two other datightors. Mary married Philip Grimes Randolph, who was appointed Consul to Franco under Gen. Jackson, and Georgians married the Rev. French S. Evans, now of this city. One ol Mrs. Eaton's early recollcc. tions, as related by horself, is of tho capture ol Washington and the battle of Bladdnsbiirg. Tho family wero at thattimo living In Georgetown, two doors from tbo house of Mr. Monroe, who bud promised to give them warn, ing in event of danger, in time to make their escape good. For days Mr. O'Neill kept carriage and horses in ready fur flight. It was necessary to keep them bidden, as all horses were plowed into the service. "Whon tho battlo of Hlndensburg came," relates Mrs. Eaton, "M r. Monroo sent us word, as ho had promised tbal ho would do. We fled, leaving dinner on tho table. Some forty Inmilies wont in procossion to Montgomery, mostly women and children, a ithjust men enough for escort. I ronicmhcr how tbo dust blow, and how we cried, and with tho tears streaming down our grimy fuccs what a sorry set nt pooplo we were by tho limo we reached Montgomery, (ion. Daniel Purker, Attorney Genoral, was our guide and oscort. Wo took with us whut wo oould well carry, and whon wo reached Montgomory took refuge In a double log bouse, tho two houeos communi cating by a hallway. From thoro we watched tho fires in Washington tho pnlilin buildings end the rope-walk burning down. The people wero vory muoh excited. All sorts of absurdities wero committed. The woman of tho houso was frantic, continually moving tho fnrnitiiro from ono end of the es tablishment to the other, and back again. My mother said, '.My dear woman, what in tho world are you doing ; cannot I help you f" '(),' sbo said, 'tho British aro coming, and 1 must get this furnituro moved.' Wo stood tbero watching the flames, and wond ering what might be the fato ol our own bnnses. My mother said if all our properly was gone sho did not want to see my falhor again ; sboconld not bear to see him a ruinod man. Wo went back to Washington and found our own homo unmolustod. Gen. Rows was the moat human of British officers. After the While House was burned and the pictures destroyed, he declared there should bo no lurlhor destruction of propony ; that they had beon kindly received, and so they should behave kindly in rctnrn. We were not dis turbed, except by strollors ; but the terror of war was npon ns ; spies in women's clothes bad haunted the town whilo wo were away, and wo still shud dorcd at the sight of a red coat." Oen. Cockl?""! seemaUihave morited and received the principal aharo ot blame and dislike. Mrs. Katon re membored how tbe British officers, In a party, slopped at Sutor's hotel, ind how Mrs. Suler prepared a dinnor for them. Sheexpressed herself very freely in regard to iho wanton destruction of nronertv. "firm. Rons is nnt en hail " she said, "but aa for Cock burn, if I could I would putaepiderin his coffee. Indeed, lam not sure but I would poison him If be sat at my table." "Madam," said Cock burn, passing np his cup of coffee, "will you oblltte me by tasting this ooffes boforo 1 drink it. 1 am lieo. Uockburn. " As Margaret O'Neill grew to wo REPUBLICAN, manhood, Bbo was odticatod at Mrs. Uuyward's seminary, ill Georgetown, and allcrwards finished at Mr. Kirke's school, in Washington. Sho went to dancing school at Ibo old Union hotel in Georgetown, and ono of tho little triumphs ot her girlhood was her bo ing crowned by Mrs. Madison, the President's wife, at one ot tho dancing parties, as the prettiest girl and beat dancer in tho room. When sbo came homo from school she was not quite fifteen, and it wus not long beloro tbo first lover appeared, In tho person of a tapt. Koot, who was an am to den. McCoomb. There was also a Copt. Bolton, from Baltimore. Much rivalry seoms to havo ensued, and a duel was imminent, hut was prevented, She would have eloped with Capt. Koot, and, indeed, with tho traditionul bundle in her hand and her loot on the win dow-sill was about leaving her room whon sho accidentally knocked a flower pot out of tbo window, and tho nmse brought ber lather into tho room. Mra. Eaton has related how she look a swoet, girlish revenge the next day In crushing with hor dainty foot tho offending flowor pot ; how her father took hor to Mow l orK ana put her under tho caro of Gov. Do Witt Clin ton, in Madam Nuu's school, whero Julia Dickinson, tbo daughter of Gov. Dickinson, of Now Jorsey, was ber dearest school friond ; of how severe Gov. Clinton was, and bow afraid of him and unhappy she was. She so won on tho hourt of tho teacher, however, that she was permitted, in tho pres ence of others, to seo her lovor, who had. followed her. Tho pretty exiled girl was very homo-sick, and finally wroto ber father that if ho would lei hor como home, neither "Boot" nor branch should tako her away from him again ; which pretty punning on tho mime of her lover, mid no doubt also a longing to have bis favorilo daughter at home, bad tho desiied ef fect. "My father camo and took me home. Gov. Clinton told him ho might as well ; that I was in lovo, and it was of no uso tor mo to star, especially since Mudam Nau bad allowed mo to roccivo visits." So sho camo homo, and thoso who rcmombor bur girlhood describe herns being a bright, vivacious girl ot raro beauty, and, as sbo lias said of herself, "tho wildest girl that ever woro out a mothers patience. But not wilfully bad only thought less." Leaning out of tho parlor window one day, she saw Mr. Timberlake, who was a Purser in tho navy, riding by. Ho saw her also, and it seems to havo been a caso of love at first sight, for he asked ber of her father, and they spcodily became ongaged and wero married within a low weeks from tbo time of their first mocting. The mar riage ceremony was performed by tho Rev. Mr. Balch, of Georgetown, and not least among those raado happy hy the wedding was the mother, who frankly confessed that sho felt rid ot a great responsibility when sho gave her daughter to the keeping of the young Dusiianu. ibo newiy-marrieil couple went immediately to a furnished bouse in the first Ward, whero they continu ed to rosido, though they still spent much time at tho O'lSeill's. Mr. Tim berlake was ft vory handsome man, an affeclionato husband, and the five years of thoir married lifo were happy ones. J hree childron wero born to them: William, who died in infancy, and two daughters, Virginia and Mar garet. At ono time Purser Timbcr luko was ordered on tho United States vessel Shock to Havana, his wilo and children during his absence remaining with hor parents. It was daring this time that Major Eaton first became an inmate of tho houso. The O'Neill tavern was still headquarters for Con gressmen, and when Major Eaton came lo tbo Senato from Tennessee in 1818 ho went thoro, and continued to board with them every winter for ten years. It was during this time that first con nected his namo with Mrs. Timbcr luko'a. When, lator, her husband was ordered to the Mediterranean on tbo United States ship Constitution, she still remained at her father's. Sho was, howevor, about to go to her hus band, and had made all preparations, when thoro camo the sudden news of his death. One ol Iho last acts of bis lilo was to writo his wilo a long letter inclosing money and bearing tho in scription noli me tangcrc. Mrs. Tim burlako and her father went to Boston to rcccivo certain relics which wero sent homo, and would havo gono to bring homo his remains if it hud been possiblo at the limo for them to do so. Mr. Timborluko died on board the Con stitution, al Port Muhono, ot asthma. It was currently reported at tbo time that in a fit of melancholy ho commit ted suicido. Ho died in 1828. Soon after, Major Eulon and Mrs. Timber lake, whose names had already been coupled by the gossip ol the hour, wero married. Tho ceremony was per formed hv Rov. Dr. Ryland, in 1829. Genoral Jackson advised tho marriugo, when Major Eaton consulted him in regard to it Of Major Eaton's early lilo litllo is known, and perhaps lilllo would havo been known of hiinscll but fur bis union with a woman who seems to have bren pursued hy detraction. Ho had a natural genius for politics, and becamo ono ol the most adroit political managers of tho day. Ho was a man ol flno presonco and ready repartee, with a manner that won him the ad miration of the Queen of Spain, and a scholarship that commandod the re spool of bis compeers. A recent biog rapher has said that hp was lucking in moral elements. Bo that as it may, hs was an attractive man, and by the often reiterated testimony of bis wife, "the kindest man and the best bus band that ever lived." His appoint ment to tho Cabinet from the Senate was a mailer ot personal friendship. General Jackson bad made up his mind to have a Cabinot officer from Tennos soe, and Major Katon was the man se lected. Mrs Eaton's father and mother wore much pleased with her second marriage, which was a brilliant one. With only hor wit and her' beaut v. with no special advantago of birth or position, she bad attained the position of a Senator's wife, and a few weeks later, by the appointment of Major Eaton as Secretary of War, sho found herself placed among the ladies of the Cabinet. Placed, hut not recognized. Slander, like death, loves a shining mark, and all tbo rumors which had slumbered and slept, and which Gen oral Jackson had hoped were utterly silenced by tbe marriage which be ad vised, broke forth anew, so soon as tbe parties wore elovated to one of tho highest positions under the Govern menu As the wife of Senator Kaion, Mrs. Lalboan, tho wife ot the Vict President, and tbe wives of the Cabi net Ministers had called upon her. But to hor admission tnto tho highest social circle of the Capital there was a decided demurrer, The ladies refused to call upon ber. During the first months ol Jaeksone Administration tho uncompromising President thought of litllo olso than ways and means by which ha might silvnco tho calum niators of Mrs. Katon. lie demanded and ohtainod from ovory man to whom could be traced any insinuation against hor a strict apology. J ho question cl hor character was discussed in Cabi net councils, and beloro ono meeting appeared Ihe pastor ol his own church, tlioir dilloronce ol opinion in tins mat ter resulting it. tho future ruin attend anco ol Iho General. Mrs. Eaton be came a disturbing element in politics. Probably no other American woman has over bad so much influence over political events. Her future biogra pher, at this period of her caroer, will Hud himself compelled to write Ameri can history. Sho is part and parcel of tho record ot two Administrations ; ac tively present during one, and a strong primary canso 01 the other. JSlr. van Iiuren owed his nomination toGonoral Jaskson, and there is littlo doubt that bis strongest claim lo tho friendship oi General Jackson was bis cordial recog nition of and marked attention to Mra. Eaton. General Jackson was in a po sition to name his successor, and a let ter written by Daniel Webster in 1830, to a personal friend, Bays: "Mr. Van liuron lias evidontly, at this moment, quite the lead in inlluenco and import ance. JIo controls all the pages on tho hack stairs, and flutters what seems to bo at present tbe Aaron's serpent among the President's desires a settled purpose of making out the lady, ot whom so much has been said, a porson of reputation. It is odd onough, but too ovidunt to bo doubted, that the consequence of this dispute in tho social and lushionuble world Is pro ducing great political effects, and may very probably determine wbo shall bo successor to.tbo present Chief Magis trate. Iho Cabinot had bocomo di vided into two opposing factions, and tho lino of division stretched down through both Houses of Congress, and extended through the entire country. On Mrs. Eaton's side wero the Presi dent, Sccrotary of State, Secretary of VY ar and tbe 1 ostmaster General ; op- possing her were tho Vice President, tbo Secretary ot tho JiaVy and Attor ney General. The bitter feeling en gendered ran so high that Genoral Jackson threatened to dissolve his Cab inet unless harmony could be secured. A temporary peace ensued, but a year later tho Cabinot was dissolved, and the President appointed Major Eaton Governor of Florida. General Jack son's championship ol Mrs. Katon, tho letters ho wroto in ber behalf, tho test of executive favor which ho mudo her recognition or non rocognilion, are matters ot history. 1 bcro is still in oxistonco a voluminous correspondence between the President and tho Rev. Dr. Ely, of Philadelphia, on this sub ject. Gcnoral Jackson might have controlled public opinion, so lar as the men woro concerned. Il was the la dies who wero merciless and utterly unmanageable. Alter Mr. Van Buren, tho smoothest and most polite of men, came to Washington, ho seems to have fallen at once into the role or si age manager of this social drama. More than onco ho set the scenes for success, only to have bis plans frustrated by the determined opposition. Primo Ministor of tbe Nation and accomplish ed diplomat though he wa-vebe was un able to control the decisions of society. Tho annals of that day gave graphic descriptions of balls in which Mrs. Ea ton's prosence in a cotillion was suffi cient to break it up, and of suppers at which tho honor of being conducted to the head of the tablo by a foreign Min ister did prevent her Irom boiug lcilly ignored by the ladies present. It is an old story that is told ol Mrs. lluy gens, the wifo of tho Ministor of Hot land, whom Mr. Van Buren had per sonally entreated to consent lo be in troduced to tho "accomplished and lovely Mrs. Eaton." At a hall and supper, given by the Russian Ministor, both ladies were present, and Madame Hiiygcns evaded all advances from the side until supper was announced. Sho was then "Informed by Baron Krude nor, tho Russian Minister, that Mr. r.aton would conduct her to the table. Sho declined and remonstrated, but in the meantime Mr. Eaton had advanced and offered his arm. Sho at first objected, but to relievo him from bis embarrassment walked with him lo tho table, whore she found Mrs. Eaton seated at tho tablo, besido an empty chair for horself. Mrs. Huygcns had no alternative but to become an instru ment of iho intrigue or decline taking supper. Sho chose tbe lattor, and, taking ber husband s arm, withdrew from the room." It is saitl that whilo tho company were appalled at so crushing an insult, Mrs. Katon, lifting ncr glass to ner oyo, sent allcr the re treating form of tho Minister's wifo the exclamation. "What an elegant carriago sho has I" The remark was so thoroughly in keeping with the aplomb and high-spirited audacity winch characterized Mrs. Katon that it is no doubt authentic. She would not down atono'e bidding, and ihrnuiih all Iho stormy scenes ot thai period of ncr career, tbe ono thing she believed in was her own splcnJid rieht ol way. and sho had, as f'acinnting women al ways have, always a following of poo pie who behoved in hCr. At another time a grand dinnor was given in the Kast room of tho White House, on which occasion Mrs. Katon was con ducted to tbe tablo hy Mr. Vaughan, the lirilish Minister, and placed beside the Presidont, who paid her marked attentions. But to no avail. These were the social conditions which Mr. Van Buren found when he came to the National Capitol, and oulof those war ring elements he wrought his own po litical fortunes and his Presidential future. As tho discordant Cabinet vir tually went to pieces, be became the principal and confidential adviser of tho President. Mrs. Katon enjoy od bor lile in Florida; it was a quiet, peaceful episode; and on the expira tion of his office Genoral Eaton was appointed Minister to Spain, an office winch no tilled lor thirteen years. Of all the periods of her eventful caroer, probably Mrs. Eaton's life abroad was most brilliant. All hor life she looked back to it and of it with pride and pleasure, and in memory still lived in her "Chateaux en Espagne." She was greatly admired, and ber social con. quests are among the brilliant tradi tions of Madrid. Her memory in la ter lile, while vivid in reenrd to nor sons and events, often confused dates. "Tbe Infanta of Spain, tbe Princess Christina, is dead," sitid a friend to ber when tho sister of Mercedes died last Spring. "Ah, yes; I remembor," replied Mrs. Eaton, "she was a beantitul child. Everybody loved tbo Infanta. But Isabella was very disagreeable," Her attention Doing callod to the fact that tbe deceased Princesa was only eighteen years old, while ho so journ in Spain dated back some forty years, one proceeded to reminiscence, of the Spanish Queen, and the two children, Isabella and Christina, for TEEM3-$2 per annum in Advance. NEW SEIUES-VOL. 20, NO. 45 there was an Infanta Christina at that timo also. Mrs. Kalon always spoke of hor life abroad as being very doligbttul. Willi a husband loving and indulicnt, with her children with ber, in allluent cir cu instances, and a position ol honor, sho bad tho essential clomcnts of hap piness. At one lime during their resi dctice in Madrid, during the war in Spuin, their house wus fuirly besciged Tbey wero compelled to remain close ly indoors, not daring lo open doors or windows lor leer of shots. 1 be United States being noutral in the matter tboir bouse becamo a rem go for all parties, and lor weeks soldiers or both sides came to them. Provisions grew vory scarce in tho city, tho country people not daring to bring anything in. "Wo should have fared badly, but tbo Quoen sent us provisions from bor own palaco, said Mrs. Katon, and she recounts a dinnor parly given by tbo Queen to General Kspartoro, jnat after bo bad won a battle lor tho Spanish arms and was in high favor at court. 11 was on this occasion that Mrs. Ka ton was first formally received in the palace. A Spanish court dinnor was a lengthy and laborious eei oniony, and Mrs. Katon, not focling very strong at that timo, was somewhat reluctant to go. "I kept hoping that my dress would not come from Paris," she says, 'but it did como, a beautilul pale blue velvet, and it was mado so small that I could only wear it by tho old fashion way of fastening my corset lace to tbe bed-post and walking" away from it. This feat of physical self torturo would be hardly worth recording but lor the fact that later in tho day, in conse- quenco of the light lacing, she fainted away and had to leave tbo dinner ta blo. It was an innovation. No one olso had ever been known to faint away at a royal dinner party. The barriers of Spanish etiquette had nevor been so far carried away as to allow any one to h avo tho table before the Queen rose. "It cannot be done, said tbo ladies in waiting; "such thing was never heard of." 'But it must be done," said General Eaton, "my wife is ill and must go homo." And bo himself spoke to the Queen, and was granted permission to rotire. So annoyed was be by tha in nocent cause ol this confusion that he took a knifo and cut tbo blue velvet to pieces, and tho use to which its remnants came at last was to be re modeled into a May-day costumo for one of Mrs. Eaton's littlo grandsons. Onto again on that eventful day, Spanish court etiquette was shaken to its foundations, and this timo it was General Katon wbo achieved that re sult. As tbey were making tho grand tour of tbo roams, tbe ermine mantle worn by the Queen slipped from her shoulders and tell to the floor. Thoro it lay. No ono attempted to pick it up. Tho official whose special prerog ative it was to restore tbe fallen man tle to tbo Queen's shoulders, acorns not to have been on dock, and Goner il Eaton, with tbe ready and sensible po liteness of an American gentleman, re placed it, and received a gracious ac knowledgement of bis courtesy from tho Queen. Altorward ono of tbe la dies of tbo court told Mrs. Eaton that such an occurrence had never been known before. 'But the Queen was very fond of tjouoral r.alon, ehe said ; "and invari ably added 'be was tho best man and tbo kindest husband that ever lived. ' She dcsciibcd tho palaco, and how, on their arrival, Ihoy wore conducted irom one room to another, and saw nothing of the Quoen until the doors of tho great drawing room flew open and disclosed her standing in ber state robes, in each room was a band of music, and a fountain of perfumed wa ter playing, and among tbe flowers were hung cages of singing birds, dif ferent birds in each room. The bull fights, the popular fetes, tho brilliant progress of tho royal carriage to the Cortes all these momories of tbe Spanish capital were vividly recalled by her to the latest period of her lilo. Isabella, eveu at that early ago, sho describes as being extremely plain, disngrceablo in manner and disposi tion, and very unpopular. But the inlanta was lovely and lovable, a beau tiful little girl : and tbo pet and prido of tho Spanish populace. Mrs. Eaton's two children, Virginia and Margaret Timberlake, wero with ber, and Virginia's beauty was a mat tor of universal remark. "Kiss the little Americana," said the Queen lo hor daughters when tho American Minister's family were making their adieux, "for nothing so beautiful was overseen in Spain before, or over will be again." Isabella drew back haughtily, but tho Infanta, with ber usual swoet noss, kissed hor. Tbe "Littlo Ameri cana" camo back to Washington, and grew up to bo ono of tho most beauti lul women in America. Sho was a proud, haughty woman. Philip Bar ton Key, handsome, dissolute and reck less, was a lover of hers. Their mar riage the mother opposed on the ground of bis dissipation. "Perhaps I should havo let thoso two, who loved each other so well it was adoration be married," she said long years alter it was all over aflor Barton Key bad fallen by the hand of an avenging hus band, and Virginia Timberlako was ni me. Kampayn, tho wile ol a rrench Duke "but how could I when he was so dissipated f 1 havo seen him, whon visiting my daughter, go to tbo side board and take a class of brandy at a draught and then another." Several elopements were planned and Irus trateo. lira, r.aton must have lived over again some ol the experioncoe of her own parents regarding horself. Un one occasion, when he called at' tbo house to soe her, ber mother sent word down that Virginia was aick and be could not see ber. Flinging tbo door wide open, he sot spurs lo his horse and rode up the stairs into the room whore1 she lay sick. Ho was deter mined to csrry ber away with bim, and the girl, inlatuated and reck lessly in lovo, would have gone with mm. Ilut, al last tho affair was bro ken off, and after a brilliant bellship in Washington, Virginia Timberlake mar ried M. Da Sampayo, a member of the French legation, and baa been for many years a happy wife and mother. One of her daughters was a few years ago married to a son oi the cider Roths child. She was a haughty and digni fied woman, and tbe beauty which seems to bare been a family inheri tance, won ber a fame thronizhout this country and Europe. To ber eldor aaognier, Margaret, wbo became tbo wife ot Dr. Randolph, of Virginia, chief clerk in the War Department under General Katon, Mra. Eaton was tenderly attached, and was never weary of talking of her aweetnesa of disposition. 'During ber residence abroad both Dr. Randolph and his wife died, leaving four children. Id 1858 General Eaton died, and halt for tbe second time A widow, Mra. Katon returned to Washington to undertake the car and education, of her grand children, lu affluent clronmstanoos, and tbo possessor of muoh real estate in this city, she spared no trouble or exponso in their education. The style in which sbo lived after her return Irom Spain, the sumptuouanesa of bor toilots, and hor groat beauty, which oven at sixty was alill remarkable, are matters ot tradition in Washington. "I havo novur seen any one so beau tiful," saya an old resident ; "and when sbo drove out id a carriago with four horses and liveried servants, there was nothing In Washington to compare with her cquipuge, nut even the Presi dent's own. She was very gay and fond of display." - Mi's. Eaton in enrly life united with tho Foundry Methodist church, and was held in tho highest estimation by tho members of thai congregution. That church was poor when sho joined it. Methodism was not then a popu lar creed, and those who professed it encountered obstacles and trials in the adherence tb their faith which they do not meet now. Mrs. Katon was not a consistent mem bur, so far aa obedience lo the discipline was concerned. That excellent code ot regulation fur the government ofa religious body strictly lorbids "the putting on of gold and costly apparel," but she was i.otod for the elegance and sumptunusness of ber dress. The discipline forbids dancing, and she, passionately fond of that amusement, pursued it with zeal and pleasure. But she was voty liberal, not alone to Iho church aa an organi zation, but lo individuals, and ber charity with those Of her own "house hold m luith more than covered suua triflinir sins as fondness fur dancing and good clothes. Of Mrs. Ea ton's charities, profuse, unostentatious, whole-souled, tbo rocord would fill many volumes. Hoi was a tonder heart and it kept her purse-strings al ways loosened. For years she was the Lady Bountiful of hor neighbor hood, and her sympathies were never appealed to in vain. Ncr did she wait to bo called upon for aid. Her benevolence was ot that broad, doep, active kind tbat sought occasion for its exercise. It was a custom with her to bunt up cases of suffering, and many bus been tbe chcerloss hearth that bor luel has transformed lo light and warmth and comfort; many tho empty larder that ber open-handod-ncss has filled ; many the ill clad form that garments from her have clothed. Nor was it in cases of material suffer ing alone tbat ber presence consoled and her kindness relieved. She assist ed the straggling to riso, and pointed out the way of succor when no more earthly consolation availed. Many were tbo converts whom this ambitious woman, this queen of socioty, this arbitress of political destinies, has brought to the altar of the Foundry church when she found all other offorts at relief wero vain, and that the dis ease required the Great Physician's prescription. It would bo both unkind and impolitic to montion names, but thcro are many prominent citizens of Washington to day, happy and well-to-do, whom the generous kindness of Mrs. Katon raised from tho gloom of poverty and ignorance to tbe radianco ofa happy affluence. Among tbo teachers whom Mrs. Katon engaged for ber grandchildren was one Antonio Bucbignani, wbo gave lessons in dancing and deport ment. He is still remembered in this city as an exceeding handsome man. lie served lor a time aa Librarian of Congress. Mrs. Katon not only em ployed bim for ber own children, bat by tbe prestige of her patronage she made him the fashion, aided him pe cuniarily, and took him to live in her lamily. With an infatuation to which ber subsequent misfortune might be traced, sho married him, a boy not twenty-one, and lived with him tivo yeara. They removed to New York, whore she established bim in business. In spile of a marriage contract which had secured her property to herself, ho finally got it all, personal and real es tate, into his own bands, and eloped with the grand daughter, Emily iian dolph. Tboy wont to Europe. Mrs. Katon procured an immediate divorce, and returned to ber old home in this city, whero sbo has ever since resided. Broken in health and in spirits, she was for a long time sadly changed. During these last years of ber lile she" has, however, regained much of her animation, and any one who haa met ber of late years must have mar velled at the wonderful elasticity of spirit and tho brave cheerfulness with which sbe lived out tho twilight of A onco brilliant life. Sbe talked brill iantly and well, and bad many remi niscences of the notable people of tbe past. General Jackson was ber hero, as well he might be. Mrs. Jackson sbo describes as a " large, portly woman with a sweot benevolent faco, wbo always insisted on having pray ers." When she came here she received in her parlors, and tho open handed hospitality of the Her mitage was transferred to Wash ington. Mrs. Eaton describes a visit to the Hermitage ; bow tbe many serv ants wero cared for as though they were children, and tbe proverbial hos pitality of the bouso. Gen. Jackson's inconsolable grief after the death of bis wilo is well known. Missed from the dinner tablo one day by bis guesls, Mrs. f.aton was finally sent to seek him, and found him in the garden where his wife was buried. In a passion of grief he had thrown himself down on tho tomb. Of his characteristic bate of affectation, she relates an in stance. A mong Ibe guests at A dinnor party, at tbo Hermitage, was A judge of the court of Teni,cseo, with A wife whoso head had been quite turned hy a season in Washington. Present also was a brother of the lady's, wbo had beon a tailor, which fact was carefully ignored. Tbo lady's airs and graces grew Insufferable, and finally General Jackson pricked the bubble ot ber pride hy saying to tbe brother, "lou know I really never bad a comfortable coat nn my back sinco you quit tailoring.'' Mrs. .baton remembered with all the warmth of a generona nature tha friends who bad stood by ber in tho old days. As sho felt herself failing, and the present slipping from ber grasp, she clung moro closely to hor past. On last Decoration Day she went to the cemetery at Oak Hill to put flowers on the graves of her dead. Not having been at the cemetery for some timo, and some new monuments having been erected, her recollection ot the locality was little confused, "O, have I lost my graves V she ex claimed, "how I am failing, it was nevor so before that I oould not find my dead." Sbe put the flowers on the graves, touching thctn with tender and tremulous bsnds, and going back again, aflor she had turned to go, to lay more roses down close and heavy over the grave of her dead daughter, with such caressing touches as one would shield Another from the cold. She talked of her dead, calling them by name talking to them aa though tbey could indeed bear ber. "It is the last lime. I shall never come here again till 1 come to atay," she said. "H is A beautiful place to rest in at last" She talked of ber coming "to stay" as though death were "only A moment from this room into tbe next," And A certain sunny courage and cheerlnlncee which was characteristic through life, did not desert ber At the but. Hit fortune never made ber bitter. W ben costly pleasures were no longer possi ble, she contented herself with simpler ones, and because tbe romance of life had gone by for herself, the did not lose A keen and vivid interest In the good fortune of others. a am m The history ol the world tells ns that Immoral means will ever Intercept good ends.