THE REPUBLICAN. C E E A K KIE L57 PA . WRDNEDAY MOKNISO.NOV. 1J, 1870. Terms of Subscription. if,ald la B wlranoe.or wliln tnree moaths...$J OA ir ...d after .ad before ii Bonine... S 60 i. JftfiBr tnaeaplreuoa or aix neonate.,, t l0 XtMM". 8. M. PBTTtWOtM, A Co., NeW itf AilvartiaiofC Agents, 87 Park How, comer Bilk van r our dul ntnnrtiad A genu 4i N- Yorti City. Hi:i.l(;lUH NOTICUM. Ilettiodlat r.Uopl Churcb Hot. J, H. y.utiuT, I'ertor. Serr.cet terj fUblialb u 101 A.M., end 7 P.M. SUbHb School at 9 A. M. prB,.r Mniiix ry Wednesday, at 71 P. M. Conn anion berrloe.lrat Beubath of ever aDih, at 1" A. M. Wet Clrtrttcld M. 12, t'hurrhRr. T rcoW Wnaoii, Pastor. Preaching every tlteraatc Suodej, at S o'clook, P. M. Sunday School it 2. P. W. All art invited to Attend. preaajterlaa Church Re?, H. R. HoTxan. fitbbth terrioet morning sod arcnini 8eb bftth Uohool at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes lav ereoinK- Bptit Churrii. Rer. , Pi it or. Sabbath HehoolatS P. M. Prayer Met tins every Weitiesdae evening. fit. HranciV Church Catholic Rev, P j.riBta.n-n. Divine service at lUi A. M., on iht Brit, third and fourth .Sundaraof each month; Vespers end Benediction of tbe lileaaed Haerameot ttT o'clock, P. M. Sunday Bohool every under tttrnoon at I o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TIHI OF IOLDIMQ QUART!. I KM! OKI CO FAT. Smind Monday of January. Third Monday of Marofe. Fiist Monday ef June. Fourth Monday ef September. tiki or loLsmej commo pliai. First Monday of June, Keeond Monday of November. rniuo orricEM. Hrtiidtnt Jn'tyt Hon. Cbarlet A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. Aniitant Law Jmtigm Hon. John H. Orvli, of Bsllefontc. Associate Judgtt Abram Of den, Clearfield j Vincent D. Holt. Clearfield. Protkonototy Kit Bloom, Rtaitliv and Rteordir L. J. Morgan. Dutrict itlteraay Was. M. MrOnllongh. ."-dearer Pbillp Doita. Sktrif Andrew Penta, Jr. Otputy Shtn'ff Chriet. J. Kong-, Clearneld. County Sewyor Samuel P. MrCloake, Cnr ecnaville. tn(y Cowvisaionere C. W. Kyler, Orariaia ton P. O.; Eleb Johnston, Grampian Villi P. (.; JuhnNorria, Sr., Curwenat.lle. County Auditor Willises V. Wright, Clear flold ; Joseph till. Hand, Three Rons j J. S. Nor rls, Woodland. Count VorontrJ. B. Keif, New Washington. Jury Uomi$tmr$ Dr. Jatnee P. Burchfleld, Clear fled, Joseph Alfzander, Madera, Snptrinttndtnt of Pnblit School M. L. Mo. Qururn, Clearfield. StaUrof Wiigkt JiVasNree Jeiae W.rarllle, oftira at Lntbernbura; Pa. NoiariM Pvbtie John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra deitaugh, Cyrna Uordoa, Clearfield; Joaepb R. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, CurwenaTille j J. A. Livlng itoDa. Dultola City. Oar Spteial column in decidedly lotereating In a local point of view, and profitable reading to eumidera who want to aave money. vr, OF COURSE 1 "Will you take wheat, oata or com for auh eeriptioo V We are often Inquired of In thii way b; ItUer from patrona who reitde at a dialance turn Clearfield. We again aay yea. The reoelpti of a reiponaible merchant or mill owner In the vicinity, will anawer oa jual aa well aa the eaab. T illluatrate: If any of our patrona will deliver at a bHg of grain at the mill of Joaapb II. Dratb, In Cheat township, Horace Patohio, Id Barnaide, Tbomaa II. Foreey, In flrabam, Wm. Porter or Sbaw'i, In Lawrence, or Brown k Beyler'i, at Bock ton, Union townabip, and forward their melpU for the amount, we will credit them on thrir aceoant for the tame. In thia way all may , aoon pay nbut they owe, If they will pursue tbla aourn. tf. I Go to FlucU's and sod tho BightR. i' m ew Itiitcherintf time, with nil its attend ant horror, la at band. For tfuod overcoats, fine miitn, Rood hiti, and genta' furnish ins, goodi.go to Uirlinger 1 8'iok'i. bov 12Jt. m The price of lumber, it i Hidt linn a-Uaneid thirty per mat. at Titlaborgh, within Ike pat week or two. imp -e 1 Tho Sabbath School Convention of the Huntingdon Presbytety will be bold at Tyrone daring the A rat week of December, .... i . m ' By fur the larcHt and choiceat va litty of ladiea' hata, trimmed nod uotrimmed, to ha had at Fleck' low for aaih only. Court opened for a three weeks cam paign on Monday, at I o'clock, with Judge Orvla presiding, and Meaara. Ogdea and Holt at aaaiat aoti. Kit Perkins, tho humorist, will lec ture la Clearfltl J, on Saturday ev aning, December iMh, under the aaapioaa of the Leonard Library Auwaiion. im Jt will be noticed by the table in thia iaiue, that the ooal ahipmentt of our aounty have nearly doubled tbe peat week over that of the fame week I ait year. . a i 31 p. Vic. Otmmburg has purchased the in ureal of hia partoer, Joa. II. Head, la the Clearfield Co-Operative Agency, and nn baa full eoatrol of tbe eatablianmeat blaaielf. The Division Superintendents of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad met In AHoona one day laat work for the pnrpoae of arranging the W inter time table, which will boob be publiabed. We call the attention of bee keepers to the advertiaement of the Amartrna Btt Journal, In another column of thia paper. All apiarian a rhonld tend for a aample oopy, or, better atill, aubrrrtbe fur It Mr. John N. Garrison, ol Brookvillo, Dapa'y Collecttr of Internal Reveaee for thia d ill r let, itnppid In town ever Ribbaib. He wee on hie regular monthly viilt to make follentloDB from loSaoeoaitia, brewer, eta, A kei? mcin freund ? Ncin, nein I AUocnm Call, Wollen ate tiaaehooner baben ? Ilarrithmrg Tihgraph. Neln, mein rrtand. Kin pony, awl bretael, and aia kaae. 8hippfnirg Chronich. Yab, and aaar kraat too. t r The third Quarterly Meeting of this Coaerinae yar will be bld in tl.e Clearfield M. B. Cbareb n it Saturday and Sunday November l&'b and lfitb. Rev. 8. O Swallow, Prealdiog Kld-r. Ii tftet d to be present. Commanlon aariloea w.ll be held on Sunday moralng. It is honed that the 8usqnohanna and IU tribuierlei will All np with mora water tkaa they now contain before severe Winter amber sett la. Sam1d the stream re ma i a as low aa they are at prcaent, It will oeaae a great deal of tronhle to farmer, aiillera end manafae tarert. About five inches of snow mantled ike earth la this vlelalty laatTburaday aa train g, It falling eoBtinnously during all Wadnea.lay iRht. Tbe thaw alnee, with tbe ratat of Sunday arterneon end evening, bas eoatribnted towardi eking muddy roadi and partially relieving tbe alar famine. Tho President bas issued a procla mation appointing Thursday, November 17th, as t day ef tbankagivleg and prayer throughout the t ailed States. Gov. Uoyt hat also Issued a proclamation, aoQcurriag with the President, and Itet en tbe 37th of Novembers a day of thanks, living la this Commonwealth. Acaaoof highway lobbery occurred a Market street laat Monday, In breed daylight, and lathe preeence of a iiamber of epeetators, ka made little ef no effort ta prevent II. One f tsele Sim'a wards, who had Jnst raet- his paeiin, and who was not In onditlow u Uka tare of t was approached by his "better "alf.-bo went for hi pockets aad took all the "hakeli" the enald Ind, aHer wbtoh she allcwed Mai to depart la peeea. He doae to, a poorer and ir mm. Tl membom of the Clurfield "rb.i OorMt B..J t.i.l Ml I ! tllitf t.Olof Ud MNMd Il0l -t Ml. olora4). TM kojri rrlrt " mldM In Foeut't r, fwrik 'Hi U nonb.r of tkt f(inlHM. !'' Ik M.ullJ f JilM u fff- Tk Si t Ik. k4 fnmtt Nr. m4 . Ilolau nut tM.lirul illrw uk of nipMl mi m-m. Bonko K'td lb. pmut la u opiof tl.u tmi ,Uri Mek. (io lo Flck' and toe Ilia slgliti. "Carry tho nowa to Marv !' II..allli oJ btpplu.M ra found la nj hi of "Sel ler. Ulrer 1'ilU." Cold wjnlhor here, you want your Wlnttr Bl , , ,k, t,r,tJ ,j qu.lily IL.I ;o M U f Itck't. Gciod Frtb Uyatora only 20 ccnU ft, olld kwuii, nod cot Kal.rrd. Cht.ti- rth.D Urol ! tt LtviDgilon'i Rutauranl. Di au.' f.'i &hunil T. bt. UuT, V ttf koo.i 10 a,.!,; or our CltlKDI, d)d ! UilM liurg, C.Dtr. B.lurd.y, No,, .jej iTnl; lbru jc.ri. m AflbrRD. The rumor that Col. Tom. Soott will reiign tbe Preiideacy of the Pennnyl- tanla Hail road and that ex Preaidwnt Grant will aueeeed him in thai Important position Is denied The Idea la aWJ. What In the world does firaat know about railroading, cave riding lo pal a Mai eara free. A beautiful and perfect rainbow was viaiDia iu uie noriawaatera aby early laat Sunday tnorniog,nd benne the rain and windy weather which followed, for "A rainbow In the morniog, Sailors take warning." A Suicide. Wo learn that Mrs. Eli Lines, redding near Lutberabarg. eommitted aelf dvstrnotloo by cutting her throat lait Sunday morning. She used a butcher knife, severiog the main artery and tbe wind-pipe at one oat, eaui. tng death In a few minutas. She haa been feeble, minded for aeveral years. "You Bet." The Huntingdon Moni tor, of Thnraday laat, sayat "Rev. Dr. McMur- ray.of Clearfield, fortbcrly pasUr of (he M. E. thumb, thia place, Was noticed on our atreeli, l hi i morning. The aaason for taking trJut being over, we Judge that be la around planning for a big bant after wild turkeys, to." How Few I It will be noticed bv our table of elec'Ion returns, that Burnaide la the "banner" township. Fire votera In that Green back vlelalty don't drink. Tbey ere Prohibition iau indeed, in whom, of eounc there la no guile. Clearfield fails to furnlah a single saint of that arbool, although we have a number of enihuilaita on that anliject in our is id it. List of letters remaining unclaimed In the Poatoffloe at Clearfield, for the weak ending November 10, 1979 t , MiaaMattie Anderaon, David Boyer, George Boyer, MIm A Hoe Irrln, Mlsa Eugenia Jaooot, Rtfdolph M. Smith, L C. Rogera, Cheney Saupp, Arrhy SilHcker, J jhn Veale. P. A. (Uilii. P. M. Strangeim ir Town. Our town waa invaded by aome prominent men on Monday last. Among tho distinguished mn on oor streets we notion the facea or Hon. R. M. Spetr, Congres man Fieber and Ei-Benaior Pelrikn,of Hunting don j Ex-Senator Praia, of Look Haven; Sena tor Alexander, of Dalle Ton ta, and x-Congreaa- man Janli, of Hrookville, all of whom are at tending Court and aeem to have an tntertat In aome eliebt who la In trouble. Granur Mektino. We have been requested by the Kiecutlve Cotumittee to atate that tbe ClearSidd Pomona Grange will meet on Tueiday, November ISib, nnd tt will be vary neoeaaary for all Grangers to attend, as there la important btiaineaa to attend to. Olhcera are W be elected for the erttnlig year, and aa this la tbe laat meeting of the )ear it Is very Important that tbe Maaters of every Sub-Grange In tbe county abould make a report of the busineia taosaottd, auob aa prugreai, fitllurea, As., la their Grange, ijov-12-lt. (iooD I Landlord Cardon. ol tho Mansion Houre, on election morning, after vot ing, shouldered his "futee and made for tbe tlrtenweoda." He returned about 7 o'oluok In the evening with one of the finest etaddlea of a yearling doe we aver saw He ia ente In hia per copilot. , and, noticing our gleeful countenance, he at onoe ordered bis man around to our pantry with a good "bunk." It waa lovely. Dr. Hilligot eff the aame kind of a Joke on ua, but we aurpeet tbe deer came to his office without any muicuUr effort further than to mk ttio cha nge Thanka For Marksmen. A shootinfir match will be held at Huntingdon on Wedneaday, Nov., Sftth, to settle the long-mooted question aa to the beat marksmen In Huntingdon and adjoining counties. A handsome rifle valued at 76, la offered as the first priae ; 40 eaih, 2d prlie ; 16 cash, Sd priae f 10 easb, 4th priae. Distance for off-hand ehootera one hundred yards) and one hundred and fifty yards for those preferring lo ahoot with reM. All markamen are cordially Invited to attend. Addraaa all eommuoicatlons to "Tbe Miller Hotel," Huntingdon, Pa., where full particular eaa be obtained. Festival An Thanksgiving Even- imo. The lady in ember a oooneeted with the Clearfield U. K. Church propeae holding a Feftt val in Fie'a Opera llouee on Thankaglting even ing (November 27th), when tbey will aerve choice re ft to omenta of every variety. They will have fiyetera, hot coffee, aandwiebes, cakes, etc., at., ate. Tbey are thankful for tbe generoua patron age bestowed at former Festivale given to aid their church, and tbey hope to make the oocaaion above Darned pleasant to all who favor them with their alt en dance. Now, don't forget tbe Peeiival on the evening of Tbankaglving day t . Answers to Many Correspondents. In reply to numerous in quince from our read- erf, concerning tbe woaderlal qoeJUIai of the Great German Remedy, Sr. JiOa'a Oil, men tioned in oor last laaue, wa would Inform them that the artiale may be obtained from onr retail druggiits.or by their alj. Ask for St. Jacob s Oil, and if tbe dealer does not keep It in stock ha will be able to procaro It in a few dsyi from tbe wholesale boaies. We understand ibal there la already an Immediate demand for the remedy, which la sot to very surprising whan It In n aidarad what it la daily acoompllahtng in tbe way of relief and euros, bordering, In aome loitancea, on the mlraculoua. Canada Sheep. Tho Bellefonto Vtmotrmt eaya that three wecke ago Mr. 1.8. Fraio, of Wilker loaaebip, departed on a abort trip to Canada to purchase a Urge stock of aura Boo Leletiltrt-faifeikeep. On Saturday evening, Os toher 2ilb, be rtturked. He brought baek with him nit.ety-lwo am bp and two rams. One of tbe ram a ia four ytare and tbe other three years of age, tho former weighing three hundred and twenty-five pound a, thoroughbred and Strictly put. Bi me la tuba of laat April weigh one huo dred and forty punde and have wool tea inehea long. Mr. Fraln informa u that be baa already aold ihlity six abeep, end anticipates orders for at lent thirty eight more. Mi.hickortheTeaciierh' Institute. County Superintendent MoO,uown bas aneeeed ed in er g -gleg Pror. McDonald aad lady, who are acw givieg lost root tons at tbe Normal Musi cal Institute, at Curwenaville, to take part In tbe approaching session nf tbe Teachers' Institute. Tbeeterclses will be iaterpersed throughout with choice aelectlona of vocal and Instrumental musle. Prof. McDonald baa met itb great sne eess at Curwrnsvllle, his elass at present number ing forty -oioe popiia. They are both graduatea or the Baxter Me. leal InetHuU, of New York, and Mrs. McDonald ia said to be a very exoellent performer on the piano. Thia will go far to render tbe Initltate a awoceet, and make the pro ceedings plraaaot and interesting to tboan la at tetdanoe. .- ar e- en i - A Narrow Escape. The Philips. barg Jommnt, of Saturday left, eoatalna the fol lowing : ' On Wednesday ecnlog, shortly alter isvea o'clock, as Dr. Sweeney, a resident of New Htovmfleld, Perry county, waa drlviag eat the ClearCeid turnpike In a one-borae top buggy, and hid teached tbe Irat railroad trroaalng a abort distanoa north of Philipsburg, whan tbe local frilgLt northuard, pasaiug at tbe same moment. eausrd his hone to tump around very suddenly, which la connection with the probability ef the step of tbe tank striking one wheel of the buggy, threw It down lb hank with such force as to break It on badly, a lea throwing Mr. Sweeney heavily to the groaad. Ha waa picked up In a eeml-aonacloaa condition, aad brought back to Paaamare'a bote), where apon examination, It waa aeccrtaloed that no bone wetw broken bat that tho eystem waa severely shocked by the forea of the fall. Ac ac culpability aecmc ta eon nee t with Ihia rather ioae accident, it may ha ex plained In ihieuleat Tho night waa dark and atcrmy and a heavy enow storm prevailing at the lima, which ncieaMd the Dicier ta boodle up closely, and belog aeated In a top baggy, with tbe storm driving in his race, and also boiag a uanger In this looality.waa net aware tf hia clean proximity to the railroad arafelng, const quentty did net bear tbe aaual whistle tf the on line as It approached. He drove an uuooueeioui of tbe tomlag train, until be encountered it. Neither tbt tbglntat tr I reman crert aw art nf iha nrproacblng horse and buggy, ind only no tioid the overturning vehicle In the dnrkaeea aa tbe train ruehed by. The bom eeaaped with a few stretchec, hat Iht Hamas i and the buggy warn badly used up by the nocldent. But, npon tbe whole, tt s ft most tvHuaata tawape tf man end beast.- Call at lltrlingor tt Rook't nad sot? their large stjek of trnnki and raliiea. bov IS St Dr, Hills, of this borough, bai a lot of honey and bars which be will wllat reasonable rates. Call and Interview him about them. People find out, when they want to aavt dullara In buying clothing, that they eaa get tbe uioet and beat goods for their money at Htr- Ilnger A Rook's nov 13-t IIEE4 AI HONEY. Ilitnev, in small boxes, per pound 20 cants. Pure Italian Ueca, In American Hives, in tbe beet condition lor Wintering... 10 AO Black Doea, in American Htvea T 00 For sale by A. M. Uilla, Clearfiild, Pa., who Is also agent for the Amiriean fee Joarna I, the btit bee Journal In the world, lie will furnish It at $1 par year. nov-lS-At Clears'ikld Coal Trade. .State- meat of Coal and other freights cent over the Tyrol A Clearfield Division, Pennaylvanln Rail road, for the week ending Noremer 1, 1879, and the same lime last year i OOAIm Fur the work . Same liuie laat year.. tou a, 41,t4 22,Ui - 1,14 PrevLi'uely during year , S! ituie laat year liu'ree'C Total iu ih'.C Same time last year... r.... (noreuse I,3S9,1S l,ua,02il SIMM l,HM.T2fl , l,ew,uo 2;i4,t)oa oTnan raatouTt. Luiuher - H.IStloars. MifceiUneoua treigbu " An Old Propiiecit. As Christmas oomea thia year on a Tan rainy, tbe following quotation from an aaaient M3. in tbt British Museum la pertinent for publication at the out set of Winter aa A prophecy of coming erenta the approaching year. Let our readera take no tice and sec If what la contained ia the following lioea prorea correct : If Xmaa day on Thuiaday be, A wiuiy Wmler ye aeo; ( Windy weather In each week, And bard teuipesta, airong and thick; 1'tie Hummer aaall be good and dry, Corn aud beaata aball multiply , Tual year U good tor Uude .o till ; K iugi and Pnuoee abll die by ikill j It' a child born luat day tie, It lb all hiippen right well lor he i Of deeds bo ehall be good and liable, J W iiM of epeccn and raiouabie, Who thai day goei thieving about, He be puuuued witbwut douut; Aud it atokueai iliat day iMtide, li ehall quiokly from Ihea glide. ' Wortut op Attention Wo adviso all oitr reader, wbetber the; uffa a foot of land or not, toaupply themaelvas with .hat treeeure of useful, practical, reliable lafurmation, the Aaieri eua AjritmHmratitt, co named beoauae started tbirty-eigbt years ago as a rural Journal, but now enlarged to embrace a great variety of most useful reading for the Uuuseaold, Children in cluded, fur the Gardes, as well aa the Farm fur all elaaaea. Each volume givea aomo eight hun dred original Eogravings, with deieriutioos ol labor-saving and iabor-hvlplug eoatrlvanoes, ol p Iau if, fruit a, ftowera, eoiinaJa, etc., Including many large and pleating, aa well ai Inatructivc, ploturca tor young nod old. Too constant, ays leiaaiio cxpoiurc or Huubuga and bwiudliog Scbeuiss by the AgrituUnrniiU are of great value to every out, and will aave to moat paraona many times Ita ooat. Altogether, It la one of the moat valuable, aa well aa the cheapest Juornala any where to be found. Tbe coit la only ll.&O a year, or fuur eoplei for i. Single number fifteen ecnte. Subaonbe at once for 1&8I, and receive the reitof lb U year free, or send a 3-cent stamp for pottage on a specimen copy. Addreea Orange Judd Company, Publliberi, 24& Broadway, N. Y. af an New Agents at Work. A corres pondent at Bigler station writes us that the sta tion building at tbat place waa broken into by thieves on Wednesday night of last week. The money drawer waa broken tpen and rifled of a small amount of change; boxes of goods In tbe warerooin were broken opsn, and three boses of notions, belonging to L. M. Coutilet, of Frenob ville, were entirely emptied; packages were torn open and their contents strewn about the floor. The thieves (or at least two of them), giving their name as Tbomaa Murray and James O'Ncll, and hailing from Elmlra, N. Y., were arreeted about I a'olook .on Tburaday morning, nt Caoaola, oo map ia ton. Tbey were searched when goods simi lar to those contained la tbe boxes broken open at Bigler were found vn their paraona, and also 12 or lo In money. The prisoners were taken before Kiquirc Orliimnn, at Philipsburg, and by him committed to tbe Bcllefontc Jail, for break lota aod robbing tut ticket office at tbat place on Tneadsy night. After p'undering Bigler station on Wednesday night, the next in order was Wal lace ton depot, then the depot and a store at Blua Ball. Tbey aaemed to be clearing tblnga up nicely but the telrgraph brought them to a halt. If Centre oouniy does not send them up, they will get s taste of Clsarfleld tonnty Juatloa that will teach them a lesson. Still Wrong. We have been doing our best for several weeks peat to furnish our readers with a correct Hit of the names of Assess ors aod their asilitaots for IShO, but having re lied upon oihcra for tbe chief informntlon, we find the Hit very "crooked." There waa no vacancy In Peon township. Tbe Election Board Issued notices to Wm. Freeman and Peter Pifer, but failed to return thr names to the Protbonotary hcaoe, tbe teeming blunder made by the County Commissioners, in appoint ing Mosarc. Paasmorc and Pants, beeanac they auppoied from tbe appearance of tbe record that there wai a vacancy In that townabip. The aame atatc of faeta exist In Huston, aad the appoint ment, of Messrs. at lint and Tyler, as Aeeiatama, void baaauie Meisri. B. Broun and II. U. Pearsall held the certificates from the Election Board. We team also tbat John Pioard, Esq.., Is the Asaeasor In Covington, Instead of A, Coaoway, who known tbat ha waa not elected and baa handed tba Duplicate over to Eaquirs Pioard. Christian Drown and Joha J. Pitard arc tbe As aiataiita for the aame towoabip. More i D.vid Turner la tbe Aasenor elect In Wallaoeloa, and the appointment of Mr. Goas Is void. Sad and Fatal Accident. Wo Uaro l rum the Punxsntawney tipirtt of Thursday last, that Mrs, Mary J. Davis, an estimable lady, aad wi'a tf llliam Davis, Kq , Post maj tar at Pu&xsutawncy, met with an accident on Saturday morning, Nov. 1st, whioh term lea ted ladvatb tbe following Wednesday. She bed goat on an errand to the ertond floor of the atable, and, alepping on a loose board, It tipped aad precipitated her to tbe ground floor below, diateoet of about tuelva feet, inflicting tojuriec which resulted fatal ly aa above stated. She being la the sixty-third year tf her age, tbt nocldent waa mere serious than It would base been lo a young person. The writer waa well acquainted with tbadeeeaaed, and always regarded her with mueu esteem, and her children now grown tt womanhood aad man hood, proves hat tt have been n vromaa of nobla traits of character. Iu referring ta her ' death, the Spirit coacladas aa follows : "Mrs. Davie waa born In Huntingdon county, this State, la IftlT, and waa oonarejueatly la her aixtyHbird year. Ia 1837 ebe waa married, aad during the aame year, la company with her hue band, removed to tbia pltvee, tbeo but a hamlet in tbeloreat. During her long lite in PuaxsaUwaey, embracing a period of foriy-two years, ebe has been universally wvefl nnd recpeeted aa a faith' fui wile aad mother, a kiad aad benevolent neigh bor. In ber draih tba Baptiet Church, to wbieb ebe haa been a life long adherent, leaeaone of iu moil lait bf el aad devoted members. The be reaved family bate tba sympathies or a largo host of fneads la their aad bereavement." Hunawat Accident. AI. Logan, accompanied by his wife, waa return log home laat Sunday evening In a buggy from avlilttobis father's la Lawrence towaabip, and while coming dawn tbe abort and ateep hill this side of tbi "Ooodrelle bridge," within a short distance of tbt railroad crossing, hie horse started on ueh n brisk run that he tould not tontrtl It. When crossing the railroad, tho horse fell flown, tbe buggy upset, and tbt aeeapaole were thrown to tbt ground. Tbt fall nf tba horse broke tbe harneea, which got up devoid of everythlBgbuttbc bridle, nnd itarUi off ngaln badly frightened. Prethtnotary Bloom aad wife, wbt were torn fort ably ccated In a boggy, a abort distance In advance tf tbe runaway, nd were tlic coming townrda town, were eoasld-rably surprised to find Mr. Logan's horse ti-ylngte get Into thr baggy, which was already loaded to Ita elm oft capaelty. (Mr. B. weighing a littles over tut hundred pounds). The no away htrtt teUided with Mr. Bloom's buggy, suddenly overt a ruing It nnd throwing himself aod wife out ta the side tf tbe road next to tbi river hi baggy being very badly bRiban. Mr. BUom1 mart, a sxaae tbe vehlclt upset, stopped, aad thus p revetted aay farther damage la that di reel lot. Tbey hoard at aeisc In their rear and had at ware lag that aaytblac animal had happened. None of the perrons who leek nn tedlvn part la Ibis tee react were harmed, otherwise than being slightly jarred and badly frightened. It wax ml race lees tbat nt beajea wart broke. Mr. Bleom'a mart waa hitched In to Mr. Leg a us buggr ana the ladiea b roc get homo, Tbt miihip oocard IA ht evening about dusk . fiood goods at lair prices, at Flock's. Good goods at fair prices, at Flock's. .Don't dodge tho question ! Answer square, and go to Flecks, , -, ial Fleck aeils better goods at lower prices than any store anywhere, Fleck soils better goods at lower prices than any store anywhere Don't forget it. ladies, that Fleck is agent (or U. Buueriok A Ca.'a Pslicrnx. We defy competition in cashmeres. - T. A. FLECK A CO. Wo defy competition in cashmeres. T- A. FLECK A CO. Don't dodgo the question ! Answer aquarc, and go to Fleck's. If you want a nice, rich trimmed hat, leave your order at Flock's, If you want a nice, rich trimmed bat, leave your order at Flask a. Go to Fleck's, and you aro sure to be satisfied with your purchases. o 2V-4t (io to Flock's, and you are sure to bo satuficd with your purebaaes. t-2-4t Don't lorget it, ladies, that Fleck is agent tor . Uutterick A t'o. s fatterna. Come to Flock's! (io to Fleck's! Coma lo Fleck's, It Is better than a show. Cold weather is here, you want your Winter goods, and no one nas tnc variety ana quality that you find at Fleck's. 'Is there a man with soul so dead," who hath Buffered the miseries of a cough or cold, yet neglected to try ''Sellers' Cough Syrup ?' Good Fresh Oysters only 20 cents par quart at Livingston a Restaurant evil measure ! Not watered ! Cheaper than meat ! Tho New Kkmington Familt Sew- iro Macntaa for salo at J. B. Herder's Gun Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct. 29 flra. By far the largest and choicest va riety of ladiea' bats, trimmed and unt rimmed, to be bad nt Vlaok'c low for easb only. it matters not tbo age of suflVrers from colds, ooughs, or oroup, "Dr. 6eIJers' Cough Sym;;" la good for all alike. Price 25 eonta. W. 11. Sponcer, of the "Old Bark Store," Curwenavillc, la getting In a large stock of tbt Williamiport Boots, manufactured by J. S. Dayton A Co. oet 29-2t .Remember that Lytle is County Agent for Lorrillard'a Tobacco, and can sell them at factory prices. They arc the beat tobuooea market TrjT them. tf. We have now on hand several thous and flret-eleea enveiopea, which wt will print for boalntaa men, or anybody else, at prices that an not ho rivalled. Call and see them. tf. Salt .Lytic has just rocoived a car load of fine Bait, large saoka. Alat, a oar load of eoarae aod American fine. Full weights guaraa teed, and will bo aold at lowest prloee la the connty. tnp24, 79 tf. Ask your Driiggint for Ilarosma. t will do all tbat is ol aimed fur It, and la warranted to give satisfaction. E. K. TnonrsoN, Tltusville, Pa. For sale by all druggists la Clearfield and Jos. Seyler A Son, Lutbersburg, nov-l-2t See & woman on horseback in'another column, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a bunab of O rapes from which Spear's Port Grape Wine Is made, that la so highly esteemed by the medical profession fol the use of Invalids, weakly percons and the aged. Sold by E. W. Graham, Druggiil, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-lfl '79 tf. Shawl Lost. On Friday aUornoon, the I7tb of Uetober, In passing over the turn pika from Philipsburg to Bigler 8tation, I loot a bright red medium plaid shawl. I will pay a reasonable reward, if tbe shawlia leftat the Shaw House, in Clearfield, tr forwarded to ma at Pea field. otit-W-ffl - M.av FaaeaAiir.. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted la the RaF-utLican will reach more readers than if published In nil the other papers la the coun ty, and ooat tho adrertlsei lesa thaa one-half In other words, aa advertisement published in our Journal Is worth double the price of tbat charged by any other publisher in the county, It la a feet." tf. corn NOT DO WITHOUT II." Yomosvii.tB, Pa., May 14, 1878. Da. M. M. Fbnhbr, Fredonia, N. V., Dear Sir: I bad liver complaint nnd a numb nose of ay llmbe and general debility. One bottle of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic greatly benebtted me. At the lime I wrote you there wss none in the place and I thought I could not do without It I have recom mended It to a number or my irionna ana tbey have taken It with aaiiTe9iry resulte. erv truly jours, ant. nn. a. mrap. nor..-2t Dr. Fanner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquer ing hero" of tbe limes. It la tbe medical triumph of the age. Whoever baa "tbe bloea" should take it for It rrgulatoc and leatorei the dlaordercd system that gives rise to them. It always eurca Biliousness: and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Surofule, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all akin Eruptions and Blood Disorders j Swelled Limbs and Dropsy j Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De bility) Restores flesh and strength when tho its. torn la ruining down or going into decline j eurea Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Cbronlo Bronchitis, aod all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does theet things by strik ing at tbt root of dlaease and removing Ita causes. Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Honsy will re lieve any eoagh In one boor. Dr. runner s Golden Heiiei eurea any pain, aa Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Colic tr Headache ia Ave to thirty minutes, and readilj relic vea Rheuma tism, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhosa, etc. Dr, Fcnner'a St Vitua Danoe Hpcclfle. One bottle alwaya cures For talt by llartswiek A Irvla, Druggists, C lee rSeld. Pa. aug-27-tf. RAILROAD A CL'11) RUT. A frightful accident occurred oa the main tine of the Pennsylvania Railroad, about half-put two o'clock laat Friday morn lag, reaaltiag la the terrible wrechlog of freight care, the lorn ef Ufa and considerable property. Tho accident occurred on the mountain, near Klttaoalng Point. Tbe AHoona ilomuia TiHum gives tbe following par tlealara I "The trato waa the one kaowa as the third Union line, and was due at AHoona ia the neigh borhood of 1 A. M. The conductor of the train waa Mr. Bernnrd Kearney. When It arrived at a point a little beyond Allegrippni, about eeven milaa west of tbia city, where aa average dewa grade tf ninety-six feet to the miltbegios, the train parted, anppoaed It be caused by the break ing of a coupling. Tbe first taction tontl need en its way aad the rear pertloa, afttr vanning a abort diataooc, was stopped. Tht 'red light' be ing 'down' at Iha black office at tht 'point,' Con ductor Kearney alopped the first section, entered the oflet and inquired what ht was held for. He waa informed tbat tbt train waa broken, where upon ha went tutsldc agala for tbe purpose or re queuing Engl aest Ed. McCanncll it move tn with the front sectloa, la order to get, tut or tbo way. Tbe train had moved but a short dl it ante when the roar ccstiea rani thundering down Iht steep gradt at the rait of more than a mile a minute, and attack tht forward tare with terrific force, about tweaty ears, comprlalag portions ef both aeettane, being hurled aver the steep em beak meat lata a deep ravlat at the right aldt tf tbt track, tearing Bp tht ratltaad letagrapa poles for A dletaatt tf twt hen dred feet, end throwing tbt dtbrie tt great distance, Tba oobUbU tf tht tars, ooasUtlag of meat, applet, malt, barley, oata, aad march iodise aad produce gecerally. were littered aver tbt lido tf tht hill ia aa lode- sorihahle wast, and asany of iha care were broken IC piooaa. 1 wt breiemca, J. C. Ctvh and Joha A. McDowell, uht wort making their Aral trip tver tht road, were burled la the ruiaa, Tbe Utter waa token tat dead, aad tba former's la Juries It is feared will prove ratal. "Now, than, aa tt tbt direct eeuec of tbe fear rut collision! It aaeaas that whan tht traia arp crated and after It had htea stopped, the flagaaaa, a man tf experience, went hack along the track to flag a traia that waa following and it warn It of danger. While tht flagman aa thaa engaged R It escorted that Ceeh rvutaUd McDowell ta 'Uht eC a couple tf braaea, and Iba latter, at I tompraheadtag what lAe eirewmstaaeee weald he, compiled. TbtA aJmoe ImmadsaUly tba train alaaced forward, aod the iaaiperleaoed araktmta wett aaablt to aback tie awift memenicm, and whta tht cell i slot took pleat both aire daahed Iter the embankment' Come to Fleck's I Go to Fleck's! Come to Fleck's, It Is bettevtkaa a show. . At the Kepubucan office is the place to get your Job work dona. Weare fully prepared tt do anything ta the printing line, wUI do tt wall, aad at tbo right kind of prices. tf. Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re moved his medical oflioo to the rooms recently occupied by Buck A Graham, la Grabam'e row He makes CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty. CHARGES VERY LOW. Tbo manufacturers bnving lowered prloee, ho la prepared to furnish j STRICTLY PI RK MSDICINES at greatly re dueed rates. The afflicted will ht benefited by giving him a ealL juy2, '79-tf, New Daily Stage Line. Jamoa L. Leavy baa succeeded in having a dally mail eetab- llshed between Clearfield and Pen nil eld, and will hereafter run a daily stage between the two points. His contract began with April let, and the stsgc will leave Dear 6 eld every morning (except Run day) at (I o'clock, making connection a with all trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfleld, re turning after the last train tbo aame evening. Pasaengeraand freight will be carried at low ratca. Orders left at any of the hotels will be attended iBapr7V-tr The Old Lycoming; Insurance Company the Html to the Front. Cubu , Oct. 20, 1879. Kbrh A Biltnt.K, General Insurance Agents, Clearfield, Pa : I lake pleasure in acknowledging receipt of Draft from you, fr Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-two Dollars and fifty eeDta($l,4v2 60 , being ia full for loal by fire, which occurred to my properly on tht 2d day or Ootober, 1870, in the borough or Curwenaville, Pa. And I hereby return to you my sincere tbankc Tor tba prom pt and business-like manner ia which you have aettled and adjusted my Uaa, aod I recommend to the people of Clearfield cmnty the old time-tried LYCOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, aa be ing sale, reliable aod prompt. Cam a ri jib Gmrr. Oct tt, 1879 tin. tarried. WILSONTYSON. At tbe offlet of tbo officiating Justire, In Banks township, Indiana county, oa Hon dev. Uotobrr ztitb, lUiv.hy Jamea L. Smith, Dr. Cbarlee A. Wiism, of Troutvilic, Clearfield county, and Mill Alice Tyson, of Big Run, Jefierson Bounty, Pa, HOLMRS-ROniSOV.-At tba M. S. Person age In West Clearfield, on Thursday eveolng, Nov fl'h, 1879, by Rev W. S. Wii,m, Mr W. Bsnks llolmea aad lliis Lucy Roblsen, both of Clearfield, Pa. ROB FUNS FRAMPT0N At Lewisvllle, (Rower Pst office) in Bell township, on Mondev, October 2Ub, 1879, by Rev. I. Kdwurds, Mr. John M. Rohliios and Mill Annie M. F rain p ton, boinot benisviMs, viearneia ouunty, r. Ml SEAL- WILLIAMS At the resident of the bride's parents, on Thursday, Octohrr SOib. 1879, hy Rev. Samuel Mi lef, Mr. IsanC MeNtal and Miss Julia A. Willieme, both of Jordan township. PllOCU-GERIIARD-Io Trontville. Brady tnworblp, en Sunday, November 9th, 1879, by Rev. John Wolbacb, Mr. Jacob 0. Shoob and Miss Cora Gerhard, all of Troaiville. ClcirBcld ouunty, Pa. CLEARFIELD MASKETS. CLBAanixo, Pa. Nov. 11, 1879. Flour, per ewt. , , 14 Hnokw&eat riour, per cut to Cora Meal, per ewt 2 00 Chop, rye, per ewt , 1 65 Chop, mixed, per ewt . 1 fit) Itran, per ewt no Wheat, per bushel I 40 Rye, per bushel So Oata, per bushel 45 Corn, ears, per bushel So Buckwheat, per busbel 11 6 Potatoes, per bushel..., 35 A pples, per busbel 25 llama, per pound II Shoulder, per pound 9 Dried Beef, per pound. . 17 Chickens, par pair 40 Butter, per pound 20 Egg, per doaen n, 16 Salt, per sack, large... . 2 Oo Cal Oil, per gallon 16 Lard, per pound H Dried Apples, per pound. ..,.,. a Dried Peaches, per pound A Uuaua, per bushel ... 1 61 PEODUCE MARKET REPORT. PntMniLrau, November 10. Wheat flour ta dull, with prices In favor ol nuverc. The trana aoliona were 1,000 barrels, Inolodiag Miuaeeota extra family, at t6 2t(mt1i Pennsylvania d. do. at Sn.r0to6.76 i western do. do. at $S 60fco 7.00, and patent and other high grades at 7 25 (oB.26. Rye flour is dull at S-VoM. Cora Meal quiet ana unchengrd ; we quote ata.i.ia. Grain beat ta la Vetler requeot ; .090 bush. ela were tahen, ooniHiog of rejected at fll.33fi) 1.34; red at II I.30, mixed at BI.X6, and amber $l.2, and No. 2 red. elevator, at $1 16($ 1.57. At the onea board, first call, there were no transactions. Rye ta dull at fiAOVOe. Corn la firm but very quiet. Salea of 0,000 bushels, la- oluding mixed and yellow at 68(di,59c. At tbe open board, oral can, there were no transections. Oata are dell and weak. Satee of 6,0ft0 bushels, Including mixed at 4li42io, and white nt m (g)4&e. Whisky la firm i 60 barrels western Iron-bound were diipoted of a l 11. Chicioo, November 10 Flour quiet and weak. Wheat unsettled and generally hlghor, No. 2 red winter, 11.19! ; No. 2 Chicago si.ring. for easb and November ; ll.Hjl for Deoraibor.SI 16, for Januaryi No. I do, $103: rejected, foe. Corn easier, st 42!r4!o. for eaahj avi(g,9ic. f-r Deoeinhrrt 4ie. fur May f rejected, S7jc. Oata steady and Arm, at I2e. for teabt 12. for Ueceoiheri Sn. (or May rejected, S.f(aIc. Rye easier, at 7 Ic barley easier, at 8uo Pork tn good; ahedc higher; tO-fft 10 loreieb I $. 3 lor Deermbari $111,671 (g 1 0.00 lor January. Laid In lair dmnd aud higher; flfl 4JJ(ij8l 5 Tor easb i 96 in(,un or lor December ; oA58.67t fur January. Bulk meats moderately aonve aud hirberi shoo Mere, 1 7A; abort riba, $6 40 short clear sides, $5.46. n bisky steady and unchanged. Spectatt. WiHTun 660,000 14 feet shaved boons, deliv ered at the railroad, la ear loado or S.Outi, at all points oa tbe Tyrone A t'leartteld, P. A Bald haele Valley, and Pennsylvania Rallroada. for which I wiU pay the highest market price. j. r. unman, Octlfi, 1876-tr. . Clearfield, Pa. Out II tj aim to Pea Cixr. DiaootraT ear Old PaicBa. Sewing Mat hioea can now be purchased at Merrell'a tin and variety atore, from S-16 up wards. All Binusor sewing machines repaired oo tbe shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877. Bcaeiae Fob Bali. R. Newton Shaw keens a full cupply of Fredonia Doggieo nnd Platform Wegnne for eala. To bo seen at the Shaw llnust yard. Call on or addreea him at Clearfield Penn aylvanln. may U-tf. df Vlother$ tVrirf. The pride of a Mother, the lift and Joy of a home, aro bet children, heaoe ber grief wbea sick ness enters and takes tbem away Take warning tbea, that you are running a terrible risk, if tbey have a Cough, Croup or Whoopiag Cough, which lead to Consumption, if you do not attend ta It at onee. HHILOli d CONSLMPT1UN CIKE is guaranteed to cure tbem. Price 10 eta., 60 eta. and $1.00. For lame Bank, Side cr Cheat, uc Hbilob'a Poroua Plaster. Prioe 26 cents. Sold by C. D. Wataoa, Clearfield, Pa. lepU-cow. Xms leVtf l moc' Keawat f. J. G. Starker, a prominent and Influential ctt- laea tf lona City, save t MI have had tbt Dva peps.a, and Liver Complaint fur aeveral yeara, and have need every remedy I toe Id hear tf, without any relief whatever, until I caw your Hbilob'a Vita User advertised la ttr paper, and waa p"Miis te trv it. i am nappy to state that It baa entirely eared me. tt it certainly the beat remedy I ever knew of. Price 76veata. For sale bj 0. D, Wataoa, Clearflsld, Pa. eepl7-Bm-eow. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvel ous Cure for Catarrh, DipLlherle, Canker mouth, and Heaitanht. With eah bottle Is an ingenious oasal Injector for the more caoocasful treatment of the complaint, without extra charge, Price 1. ..i. k 4i n a.iHn "iu.aii Pa. aeptIT, 179 6m tow. CoLLtrroR'a WABBAsta. We bavt prepared a form, and have oa hand a large quantity, tf blank "Collector's Salea," whioh have beea ap proved hy tbo higbeat legal authority In the Courli tf thia county. At TWary Cents per doaen we will mall any number to tbe Collector ordering them. A Collector, whan compelled tt advertise property, must post ap ae at as 'he.a three notieea In tbt moat public places tn hia borough tr township. " tf. WaitTta. Delivered at the Rail Road. lOO.ti'f 20 Inch shaved shingles. lot.attfl SS-lnrb aawad ibloglee. 1 00,00 C feet of aiw boards. e ,o.e U-feH shaved hoops. s.ttoe railroad tts. 50,1'S feet of good hemlock boards. For which i will pay tht highest market price, delivered at Olearflald, or at aay aolat ta the Tyrone A Clear ft eld Railrtd. 1 J. r. a bam aw. Clearfield, Pa, Out. 14, U7I if. , Nerroiift Debility, Vital Weak acta tr Dearwaaua i a weak exhausted feetinat. no energy nt courage l the re sen or meatai avwr-warei. inwsaeirwisaww wr eicaaaoa. or aomo drata aewa tba tyatcm te ei wayc tared by Hampbrey't Umapalbte Speeifir No. 2ft. It toaec uu and luvt arataa tht system, diapela the gloom aad dcapoadoaey, Imparts sireee-in ai4 eaerrr, stops taa araia aau re- Juvoaatoa the aatiro ma a. bean aaed twenty yeara wtlb perfect aauoees oy laousaoos. avia oy dee'erc. Prlea, 91 pr single vial, or 9 per package tf five viala and tl vial of powder. Boat by mail aa receipt nf pvtea. Addreea Mumphrtya Hnvpathk Med k law Cetapaay, Ivt eitoa at, a. I. C. p. Wntata. Ageat, Clearfield, Pa. 9 sept IS, lltMrr Juttt Received. Just KcoAived by ARNOLD, at CUKWE.NSVILLE Car Load Nova Scotia Dastorl Car Load pure Corn, Hye and Oata Chop I Car Load Deaken Salt 1 Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Goods, Groeories,&i.! Attf-Shinyleu, Dark. It. K Ties aud Gruio will be takon in exchange. Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878. h White Sewing Machine Can be bought at lowest prioex from ALEX- PATTERSON, Woodland, Pa. It Is equal, tf not superior to any first claaa Seaiag Macblue in tut market. Circulars sent on application. Woodland, Pa., Oot 29, IS. 9 6m. S REWARD-Eatray Cow.-Tbt under signed oflere Ibis sum for Information tbat will lead to tbe rooovary of a HKU UUW, weigh ing about 400 pounds, large broad horns, a email teat between tbe two left onea. The cow atrayed from my homo ia Covington township, about the 1st of July last. Call in peroo or address ma by Icttfar at Frenchvltle, Pa. Oct. 211, 1H79 3t. F. F. CO 11) MKT, JU APMINIMTR ATORM NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that Lcttera of Ad ministration off toots now on the estate of LVD1A DOWLING.Istt of Lawrence two, Clearfield Co., Pa , deceased, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all paraona indebted to aaid aetata will please makt immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the samt will present tbem properly authenticated for settle ment without delay. AARON C.TATE, Administrator li. Jf. ft. Clearfield, Pa., Oet. A, 1879-6t. AI)MINIHTRATORej NOTICK-Notice is hsreby givea that Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of S Pill A NEFP, late nf New Washington, Clearfield county, Pa, dee'd, bavins, been duly t ran ted to tba undersigned, all persona indebted t aaid estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or demaoda agaiaat tbe aame will present them properly authenticated for settlement without deity. HS.NKY HKET1I, Administrator. Ottsad, Pa, Nov. 6, 1H79 6t NOTICE TOroC:KHOM)ER. There will bo a meetlna of tat stockholders of the Clearfield Fire Brick Company held at( tht (Ret nf the Tompanv. In Clearfield, on Tbura day. tha I nil. day of January, 1HHO. at two o'clock P. M., for tha purpose of electing officers for tU en so toe year, and voting upon ibo quea- i tioa of Increasing the stock of said Company. By order of the Boart or It t rectors. Attest: WM. BIGLER, President O. W. Sutra. Secretary. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 6, 1879 t. THE LAKCEHT, OLDEST AND BEST riFTT-Twe raona uonrnLr. I.SO Jr B.Bilo Copy, lOc. Thomas G. Newman & Son, 71 md 674 Wert Midlioa St, CHICAQO. A. M. IIUU, Aftnl, Clotrleld, tn. BLACKSMITHING. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. The undersigned, being thankful for past favors, wonld respectfully inform tbo citiaena of Clear field and vicinity tbat he haa purchased tbe abop in Clearfield borouirb recently occupied by Amos Kennard, aituated on I ocust street, in the rear of Geo. Weaver A Co.'a store, where by strlot aod cloee attention to buaineaa, be hopea to receive a large share of public patronage-. r-Prices reasonable and all work guaranteed. CUAH. II. UALrURD. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 15, 179 1m. ilOIJRT PHOCI. AM ATION. Wnenaaa, J Hon. C. A. MAYER, Prssideat Judge of the Court of Common Plees of be twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of tbe counties of Clearfield, Centra and Clinton, and Hon, At bam Oopbb and Hon. Viactsv B. Holt, Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have Issued their precept, ft o me directed, for tbe holding of a Court of Common Pleas, at the Court Hons, at Clear field, in and for the county nf Clearfield, com mono its? on the pKCi'NU MONUAt, THb mi ll DAY OF NOVUM II BR, 1b7v, and continuing tnree wee a a. NOTICE ia therefore hereby givej to Jurors and witnesses, la aod for said county of C'earfleld to be and appear n their proper persona, at 10 o clock a. aa. or aata aay, to oo tnoee tninga which in their behalf pertain, to bo done. GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, tbia 2 2d day or Uetober, in tba year or oar Lorn one thousand efgat hundred and sevraty.ntne- ANDUDW FEN IZ.Jr Sheriff. oet 22 to. A New Book. ORDERS JT01I' T.IKE.V AUilllO iipw work tb, eolr oo. of t. kind i..ni4. Th. Hlhl. all. Iutlf of coHiiiy mua .owiisnii tjniccr," ny w. n Mi.rlt, lq., of Iho H illl.m.port (P..) Bur. CoDttis. .11 Ibo Aet, .od deliloni In rol.tio. lo tho Tartan, oou.l, ood town, hip offlo... Il ft oonulol. bind book for .lootton oflnora, .ad irotl. lb. tat law. fully, av.ry ouoer aad toa payor will buy oao. It ooatalfl. ,0d pogoi, a.atly prial.d, booad la oloth aod gold, aad .old aod Kid at $1 por roluioo. From lloa. Joba J. Motigor, Miahr of tbo CvD.litullooal t'oorontioo of IttTS.J t karo oiaaiiaod and aaod tbi. work by W. R. fllrrly, Kiq.of tha Wllllanipiirt liar, onlltlad "Tho Hlitila and Holloa of Tuwnablp Officer,, " and kavo fonad It of arrat aarriM to ai.. Aaa fuida to Iho rarioua uffloara for wboat il if ia tcailcd, it naat proro ior.laallo. Joua J. Maliena. For agenott. and t.raif apply with llatnn to W R. 1IIKKI.V, ao.5-31. Wlllianiporl, I'a. TUBV 1.IHT Iiit of iba naain of Juror. oj drafts for Norrmbcr Tain. A. 1. lB7tf,roa- uirnelna oa Iho 2d Monday (lata , aad to eoo- tiBua tbrt. wrobat at-oaa wbik 17ru. 8 f Lanabarry, Bradford 'It Rotwortb, Woodward. Alrl LlTinjialnB, 11 I W C Moor.r, Ureen wooj nil tarrlok, Lawrna, Leoaard alllaf, Ubaal, Ja. bavldion, Chrat, Fraok lluab, baoattir, Uft A K.phart. D.ratar -intia Codor. Knox, T Watrbraaa, Hoatidar. R A llipplo, Cur'Kllla, U W Cainpball, Brll, Ino F O.ftald, Urady, Jaaiaa Mmom, Boaaa. O D Hor.dl.Uoft, Clf'd, Jaa Rnbarta, Woodward, Jarnaa Prr. ficoraria. Joah flrafllua, Bradford, Alal Franco, w.ltaaaloo Rd Waannor, tlMatnr, Wra 11,'lrh.l. Kartbaoa. H Wbilraida, Jr Bmo.rla, Ana UT.aron, llootadaia. W T Wll., F.rgtianB, J A Rowlaa, Urronwood, F A Floatlag, Oloarlrld, lloa llnlmau, Woodward Joha Kaon, Morria, J L Man", Baraalda Ip , Joha W Molt, Brll, A McKraaia, Wodward, Frank W llley, Cloaraald Kalh.B Uoara, Murrif, T C liariari.y, Law'aeo, Jo. R8book,Uhat, Tataa waaal4rn. Loal.B Pottar, L City, I W II Handford. n.,k I MoDowall. Bradford, Orana Tburaloa.Jordaa Joba tlunlap, Pibo, U..I0 Haa, BradfTd, Thna M Molloo. H.ll. M floppy,, Zaa Bailoy, Bloom, John (i oo tyaar, Brady, F llotlnp.trr, llMvarla, Allow Mltoholl, CI :'d, J K Mradoraoa.Wood'd, Jaoob ralaiar, Bradford, 2Mb Fultoa, Bradford, II V llaroaiol, (Irahaia, Frad Babor, Chart, H.nry Hoaaia, Blooaj, J Wacooar, Barnalda tp II Dallaia, Bradford, Kira Hoot, Boraalda Bor II. a l Wolab, Lawreaoa, T W H.WHihill, (alrla n.l,.r, Blooai, U M Tbonoaon. Brady. Jno M llaator, Baoaarla Ji.ha Habar, Hall, Wat Lalhor, Woodward, II 0 Hhaffoar, Lawraaaa, i O Whliablll, Clf'd, Aaatia Carry, Choat, Adam nalkar, Ifcaalur. Jaa Carry. Cbrat. itio.'. iMwia, woo.rrd, R Nottlotoa, Urady, A H IJbafar, Baraalda W rpRIAL I.I rT. Mrt of Caatrt ial .owa for X trial at Nora aibar Trrai ef Cuart, eatnaiaBa. lo, Moaday, NavaaaBtr l.ik, 1,,S, aa. toatiaa. iag Ibrea wookat aacoaa waai, but. 17ta. Mltobrll MoMurray Tl. JK.JR 0 .or hart at al 1 W Pailoriaauax ra. W II Hlmrr ROT boaipa' a at al n J w Boll at al Joha Booth aa, Marriadaia Coal Co Cora lb, bob ef M Uoaa v. Aakay at al I Freak Hntd a, Jeae DifalB. Andrew Oerdaef a. Cartla Koeaaa at al fa. Jaavea Kr ta. U.oi.l Millar v.. Joba Llhtaer Ta. Hoberl Here Pawall ra. U W Ualleber, Adn'r ta. t'ri.b Lloyd Ta. Do Bon 4 rallrr Tf. Cbriohaa Tabb, TB. liari. Koee at al Ta. Jeaoa Kirk Jr tartiror TB, A llaraph'ey a. Wi lleia A Wallae. Ta. Frad Baeeaa . Wolf, AMliaae a V rlonaal. i O Aakard B H JobB M Camartoa. IIIIII line Kliaa Broiler UipolaH A k Martia llrwry KraBer Ce M Bank ef Clf 'd t e w Job. Irrla Bra'l Tata WBBB, BT. 14,a, r t A r Bold Oo I ta. 1 W Carllle tb. L B Carlila Robert Taylot I Tf. U Uaae.H Mcfh.reon tb. Jekw A Miller at al TJ Beyer TB. A lleaerllof et al Kl'l Ceta'ib.ttaeaf W Carry ra. J Kiekado et al 1 K Mania tb. Lydla I II. raw tt.aoel Magotty ra. A a bhaw Joba Meet. ra. W Lataer el al .ridget Baaer ra A V Haitread Co Jua K MaMarray Ta. Joha lrrla . Rro'. H A Heldoa ra. " O Malpor at al adea'rf Ta. Jajaea A Irtla rJnydar.llal'aUaaat.tlaTt. J ,ha lrrla A Bra', U J Hoar A Ce Ta. " " U HaUeghll. ' ra. R i glawart Jaeeai fort bob ef tb Jaaab Riaefall at al J.aaBoyaua Ta. Tbeaaaa Farka at al J ft Bieeert, ,aj,raa, ta. n Waetorar Jama P Hal, tb. W L Uraaa et it ELI BLOOM, rr,.!.. Dee journal grir Atfi'FrtisemmtiS. T)i: POR lAf.B.ft-TMrtaeR hlr.a of J) Ilellea Beea (bleb I will aril ah.ap for eaab, or eaebanga lor woaat. ror rurttiar IB' foraiatloa eall a. or addraaa tbe and.rata;ned. J.F. KKAMKH. Not t, 1 tf. Claartald, Pa. 11 A IIM I.ANOa fOH BALK. Ia IIu.Iob ard PlnetoWBihlpa,Clearlleldooanty. jffc Kaaaoaable tlateatran lor part of iraroneM aaouay. Prloa. Id Oil te flll.M par acre. fZ Minora', reaerrea. l. Bliti', Areai, Paulloid, Pa. erWiLL.oa A Kaaaa, III, lotV-tf. Clrarield, Pa, Public Vendue I npUlillK will be .ipoied le publle aale at tbe X raaidoaoe of the andorilgned la Lawrvooa towBahlp.Bear CBrwoaarille, all e'clook p. m.,on Thl RSDAV, NOVEMBER 10, U'D, Tbe following peroonal propaHy, le wit : Two frrab milch eowa. 1 bead of beef eallla, I fat bog, I aboat, 10 turkey., 40 ebiokena, 10 guinea, Uu buahala of oata, auu boauel. or oern, io bu.bola of baekwbeat, 10 baabela ol rye, tf lone of bay, a lot of eoralodder, 2 arapa of neoa. Tbe forego. inc artiolea will be aold for ea.b. Tbe following will be aold on time I Two boreal. I tan buaar. 1 alalab. 1 mowar. I ui ale., I aela douhle harneii, I Bat lingle baraaaa, pluwa, harrowa, .able ebals, Back yoke, grain eradle, dinner bell, boiat j.ok. rida, I puiap.lalk ,e feet long, and many other arliola too tadlona to IBanlion. JAH.B Al, AltUKHl Ulaarlrld, Pa., Nor. 1, 1870 II. GEO. WEAVER & CO,, SECOND STRKF.T. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have epened Bp, la the itore roou lately oreuplad by Wearer A Uatta,oa Seeond atreet, a large and well aelerud itoek of Dry-Goods Groceries, BOOTH AND SHOES, Qt'EENSWAHK, WOOD A WILLOW WARS, HATH AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which tbey will diapeae of al reaeonabla ratea tor Been, or oienaago lor eoBatrj produao. (I EO R OK WEAVER A CO. Cla.rfi.ld. Pa Jaa. . I87IK. PUBLIC SALE -or- THR Penoirlranli Railroad Company will ofer at Publie gala, at tba B'Trral atatlona tedieaied below, oa Thursday, Nov. 13thf 1379, Commencing at Id o'clock A M., tbe tolloulng deacribed article), aa designated, anlesa the owners or consigners pay cbargea and remort we same aeiore toe aay ol aale t Vtttription of Good. Cgnn. BOUTIDALK. I Waft Ftore ......Jaa P. Curry I fcnft Rone U'm Di.i. I boa raiting tools ....... C. Mot). 2 boise M tobacco ........M. Griffey. I hhl liquor, 1 keg do G?,,, W. Lane. CLBAttFIBLD. 11 Cora ehellfps. IS IAU ltinB V a o.. J 1 ' ! ..Fred Pocket.. 1 sew in mauthtna Il n D. 2 paper package... II. B. Fpackmaa. i ooat .T.M. rnawBNavn.i.a. Coll rope, box, raft store, pVg tools. J. H. Ruroh. "ve..aerBa any aeiM ojD,, RON DIOOOJ, Bale rope j, w. Belt. Ilele rone J Mr .i..ii Belc rope, T. J. OanphtlL Halt rope, naie raft toola J. W. Osmpiel). Hale rope, bale rait tools ..T. J. Campbell. Bo I urrbendiM... I a. i pe 0. Frankbouser. Italia moat. D. J. aVei-ariiuin Bale rope, bale tools.. Hoi medicine ..Je. L. Gnraiaa. YY. W. Mr.b. J. II. In orris. ....... K L. I'ersBiore. Hail stove Canthook, bale tools- Bale rail tools Jobn A. Hylt-ti -, eaRr. lgU njpej j, n, rD(taOJ. Han stove, beg r. tools A ropc.Lcvi Sunderland. I ilwill aw .1 j r-" eonn nwan, or. leter J W Ta........ t begs seed ...... A. C. Wiihaisi B " -ooll Tt,ot. J YoiiB. By order of JOHN RRILl.Y, Sept. Traaspoiiatton. r. R. H. Altoona, Pa., Oct. 22, l7tl 3l HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM NO. TlinKR, OPKR HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLESALE RBTAIL DEALER Iff DRY GOODS, Comprising Dress Goods of the very latest titles, tHBiaiiaR H patn ui varnnwrar, aeeacaesier Faaeiea, Alpaeaa, aad all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Such aa C rotors, Mohair Lusters, Pleids, Dress Miniroems, vrest ranaiea or tnt Wtry latest st; toe, and as cheat ac they taa ht told ta tbia aaarket. NOTIONS, Consisting of O lores ht Geate, Ladlec aad MiNec II oca a r all ehedec, Hilk Fringea. Lacee, Faaey Dress Butteaa Ladiea' - Tire tt all shades aad at Ties, Oeffc aad Coilara, Kibbeaa of all kada and iualitiea. Jderiat Underwear, TriaaBtiaga. ale. BOOT8 AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Qaeensirare, Hardware, Tinware, Carpet. Oil Cloth, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., ; ' Which .III be eel whoH-eare or retail. Will Uka Country Produce ' " la Eacbaaf. Sat Onai at Hai ' ci.. wu.i. Borrsa. Oaela, Pa., tapt. , laJTt U. - ?F-3 V. ac- s - i-i "r-5 S-5 V. . J Ins m OCr ft aftor IPW H8 O tin J . 2'eOTrw?J I 'J s r its i & ! ft ?!- -a 3 r? K f t: 5-j I n 3 9 il I' 8 ? g S " r I 5 ! 6 -T3 at t W S li Ikf 5tlUUaurou. PHILADELPHIA. F. T. HOWELL & CO., .Tf PORTiHS DEJILERB IJf 1216 Chestnut Street. Pblladrlpbia, Oat Si, UTD-.'.m. T. A. FLLCK. NEW. NEW. NEW. Fall and Winter Styles, AT THE ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORE OF T. A. FLECK & CO., 1 CLEAR r Black and Coloreil (."iihIiiiidiph, lirotaiie Dn-mi (ioodn, Plain Croh. Goods, Now Slut wis, l.aUiea' Coata, Bed Flannclri, lirns' FlunntI, Klaid Flunntla, Navy llluo HanncU, U'otorproola and l.adifa' Clollia, all colora, Cnealmero., Mon'a and Boy.' Wear, linn Glnghamg, Cull coca and Mntlina. Our atock waa never bolter. Our Ludiea' Slcirta aro b.autiful. Millinery Goods, A. complete (Stock ut our uhuiiI ISargaliiri. Plitmci, Flowers, AViiiK", Ostrich Tipa. all kinds of Fancy W Infra and Birds, New Brocado Velvets and Silks, Suiina, Block and Colored Silks, Black and Colored fSilk Vclvot, Kid Gloves, I.itlo Gloves, Silk Fringo, Buttons, Laces, Corsots, Embroideries, Edging., Inscrtinga, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Linon llandkercliiofs, Ladies' Ties. KibbonB, Germontown Yarns, Zepbyri and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Cliildren'a Underwear, Ladiea,' Gent'a and Children's Ilo.e. Wa don't intend to bare any storo in PlAnvA,.lH nmintv hont. Haiti anvl hinrr atvln rtrroa nnantitv quality, or ecllinfj. Give ns Oil Cloths Ottoinaii", CARPETS, T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - Market St., - Ilia KJmM iiy jLin - fl LAV'S? Send fof Bloatrated Circulir and Frioaa. Liberal Termt to the Trade. IK Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in ; the World, tho Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, MIDDLKIOWN, CO-NK sui4 Not 1U aa.4 Ql Waeesh Aetuava, CUICAU, UI. JAMES L. aiAHKET STRKET, ( I.RARPIP.I.n, PEMN'A. AH kind, of Casket, and Coflin. kent on hand, and iurniaheil In nrrler nn short notice, Including tho finest aa incturca. uur - - conpszi xiixiaszixi-rzirt. Is the best In use. and will bo furnirhed in anv Part of the count V. Cull at your order, at Trnuiman'. Furniture oet 1,79-iy.' J&tix g.di'trtlsfmfuts. A UN OLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Carwenarllle, Jaa. VfB-tf, pOK SALE. Tbe antleralavea' will rail at private aale all tbat traot or pare) of land aitaale lo laeatur lowaahip, Clearfi.14 aooatr, Fa wtthia a abort 4litaaoa of tbe Tyrone 4 Cleerlial I 11. 11., end e.ijiiintn. landa of Hubert lluilaoa and ateora, Bad hooea aa lae Jarob B. Orartiivrt lot. Tbo laid traot oriotaiain, SO arree more or le.a, wllb two veina of valuable ooal thereon, baa about 311 aerea cleared, aad la tbe krv to a large b(4j of eoal about being dcvel'ipod. Will be ruld low and BpoB ear termi. Vor partlpulera, ap,lv lo I'A v til ii. aitKrlri. Cleartald, Pa., Julv II, UTS. TIMBER FOR SALE. Tht nndertvljrnrd offers fnr aale all tbr nine, oak, ao'tlar and hemlook tlmhsr tn 411 acres nf land to Ctearfff (dental?. PaMlee eonoitlilng the map er atlas of the eoaiity, will And it ia Hrmiy r township, adJnleiBK the Hell ttwaehip line, and known as traot No. 4H TbiiTV timber will ae held opra tot sale natil theM, 1st of Itsemi-er aext. Per fort ber aarUealare apply to or address. HKU. B. tlUUl'LANDKR, OjtoWr II, W3 i. ClearAeld, Pa. OLBCtTANtr . IU THPt Bit nfOMatretTe eid la Iheae )fe e fceed tlmra, tbe prnii drnisntl Is fcar Ihoreuifcl ireiDeil men for tioainre. Our IttiCnrion eft. re ua BurptMstvd laoiiidM to jnuns; au1 aiutitte at-d wee. 9m eutNin fraHfWI t-Mtt sti A snort lint trtlr ta rwoiiliM lo rtmilrik tt course ef studr, VspebSMlixlil. i)4tMsl tr-tmrlrnn. Mtrft-aiseea) Cater et an tlmp No, K,r elnalet aiwr- i. 111 rr hush, rii..tMrh. 1 hi It s Itotikhcvfilnt. iiil.ii.lil Ij ll4uit arm; prlnirt tn n. on. ,.p fmrRwea mm in Kir-m-e pni'itshi'i. a utk fur kuk.r I'tiee, ai.v u, pai((i- fit tn.ii. Oct ,TS la. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE -IN TIIKw ol Curwcnsville ! THAT w.ll.Ue.e rroperlyalteelaerj iba beak ef the HoaaaebenBa river, la the aereaih of ('rw.aarU!. I'Ih.II u..,. a i k tk HKSJAMIN HARTKIIOKN, deed, U now eneren ror aale. enetete. about i Thirteen Acres, ' Dpua wbiah Ib areete. a In. twa itery frame DWELLIMi IIOISE, flTAHLR, an. Ike Bter.rarv ant kailrliaaa, sad alea a rk0WlM eulslraI pare ai'MMI WATEfl . This " very eeaiieoio araperte t.r . B,l,.le real' 7" '" la-ew efcred at PHIVATR . w reaeeeaanle uraaa. Far tenher la- I. r.l.tioe ta it. eall at tbe .reteliM, ar apply la tba Baderelned la pereea tr Vy letter ""rrI . ItlKITItAL W. SMITH. Attorney for tae llelra. Cleartald, Pa, lopl Id, in. tr. Borough SJttwrlianronj. A. U. KiiP.- I ELL), HA, GOODS. a calf and see for yoursolf. Rugs Ktc. Clearfield, Pa. Sept 1,79 1 simplicity! superiority n implified; u maintaineU; Improvements September, 1878' nerlMr reirard for tbe demand of progrossire bujc, we now offer to tbe World U.e J WITH axraaAL Important Improvoments. Kotwilbstandiaig (Ua VICTOR hot long been tic itr of toy machine iu tbo market a fact jiported by a boat of Toluntccr witnantua era cow confidently claim for it greater aimplirity, a wonderful reduction ol '-V friction, aud altogether liart Cm hination cf btt'uaU QualitUa, For tela by Merchant and other. LEAVY, well a. tbo cheapest that can be maun. when reauired. Funnmla attr.mlr.rl mv office, on Sernnit arroet nr Ikbtr Store, adjoining the Poaioffice. JAS. Ii. LEAVY, Clearfiold, Pa. ' gtw'frtlgfm-ntg. f OOO BimilP.lJI.Orr,a Weaver . Ce. ej, want five tboueand buakela of OATS, sow, and will pay eaab or prodnoe. CleardelJ, I'a., Aug. II, lllt-tf. IJIXm-UTrllX' NOTICR. Netlee la here. J by alven that Lrltere Tratamcnurr ob I Iha relate of JOHN BYKHS, late of Kew Waaa in,lon, ClrarArld oounty, Prnn'a., deeeared. I harln. been duly framed lo tbe underlined, ail t peraooa indrbted lo aaid eatata will pleaae make i immediate paymant, and tboae bavin, elaima er j ilemaade aireinat tha aama will preienl tbem j properly autbenliratrd for orttloraent wltboai j di'lay. MARGARET M. BYERH, Kieeatrll. Xcw WaaMnftua, I'a., Oet. J, IS79-6te If you want to see the finest Stock of "Ready-Made Clothing IS CLKARFIKI.D, UO TO GUINZDURG'S. If you want to Buy the best Fitting Clothing; If you wont tha most Reliably Hade ttnmiuuitittjri.tiuuutun tt If you want to bny at the lowest Cash fnoes, go to UU1NZ1.URC'M. If ou want to see the best aswrtswrttof hr nrmrnTn If you want to tee a nioi selection of Gents Fornishing Ws; " If yon wtvnt to bny s -1 ' FINE HAT oraGOOD UMBEELLA, ' oraTHUJIKorVALISE, , If you want to get the w,Vth f yonr ) ' Money, float M to go to' wrotfrk rrtiLcoafiavderwli,J. Oet. ! Ul.f. ' " . VCTOR nrmn tJUI5 V