1 1' i i r; I I rl T,.l I 1: If ! Si t She gcpuMicatt. Gioroi B. GooDLANDia, Editor. CLKARFIELD, Pa. Urader, If yoa want 10 koow what Is oln oa ! the aaslnese world, Jolt roaa oar aovertlelag eolamae, the gpmtal eoluma Is parUoolar. r ' MAXIM! row THE DAY. No iu worth; lbs offloe of Pmldonl ehoakl bo wlllini to bold II If oouated la, or plated Iboro bj aoy frad. V. S. 8.t. X eould neeor bars boea rooooellod to tha els. tia hv tha amalleet aid of asiao of a persoa. koweror reepoelaolo la prlT.lt Me, wba moat forever Barry apoa bit brow tba stamp of fraad (rat triaaipbaat la Aatarieaa klelory. No sob sequeot aeUoa, kowovor meritorioae, eaa waab away tba lottara of thai word. Cbablbi Faucis Adihs. . I mmi ralhar Bare tba aadoraeeaeatoi aqaar. tor of a aalllioD of tba Ataerieeji people tbaa tbal of Ibo Loulilaaa Runrolnr Board, or of tbo Com million ohlob aiolodod ibo faota and dtoldad tba qaoatloa oa a tsoboleality. Taut. A. IlaiDaicia. Under tba form! of law, Kutberrord B. Heyes kai booa doelarod President of Iho Unltod Bulai. Ilia tiUa raata apoa diafranealerajeot of lawfal Totora, tba falaa oertiHeatoa of tbo rotaraio em eara acting oorraptl;, aod tba decision ol a soai xi.iloo hleh baa refused to koaroTidonoo of al- Uiad fraad. for tboarot llaio art tba Amtrieaa M.n fronted with tba feel ofa fraadulaatlT- oleoted President. Lot it aot bo uadantood that tbo fraad will bo silently aoqulaieod la by tba eoaotr J. Lot aa boar pass la wniea too asnrpa tloa U for ottoa. Audbbis or Dbmocbatic M.C.'s. n. hnndrad eeara of human derraelty sflea uUiid nd aooaantralod law a oliaiaa of erlma. N.rer a,ala la Sre haadrod years ihall they bora aa opporunuy tu rapaai ma wreni. Insist. W. Vooawa Douio ouiu uiiatv.1 a-udiug mauoi appear! on our fourth page. Our first page iB tilled with a variety of excellent information tbid week. Four hundred and twenty seven lor Sutton, Grecnbackor. Send tho newa to Indiana! - Mahaffey'a majority (1,275,) is just one vote mora than the whole voto (1,274) oast lor Antos. Not Yirt PoTtNT. The Radicals and Greenbackers combined did not reach 1,800. See voto lor Gordon. AwruLLT Disoouribd. Last year the Greenback voto in this county was 1.198 ; this year it "petera" down to 427. "-- Mahaffov'i voto tallies well from Burnaido borough down to Woodward. " His vote in the formor place is a good lick indocd 1 A Failubc Tho doublo-hoadcd ar rangement made between the Green backers and Radicals to elect Mr. Gordon, District Attorney, did not turn out well. Dicididlt "Cbookid." The Radi cuts fn Rluir county elected a Doruc- cralio Protbonotary, and the Demo crats in Cambria oounty elected a Rad ical Sheriff. So we go I The election of "Jim" Stewart to a third term as Prathonotary of Blair county is no indication that Grant can make tho same landing. "Jim" is a Democrat, and Grant ia not. A glimpse at the election returns will show that there was some very "crooked" voting done in some of the boroughs and townships ; although, in the aggregate, it doea not look so. Hose "Cbookid." We nolic that the city of Altoona gave Stewart, the Democratic nominee, a majority of 510; while Boll, the Radioal candidate for Sheriff, got away with a majority of 230. Shall Potatoes. We advise the friends of Gcnoral Sutton, Col. Ilowitt and Major Smith to look np their friends in this county, or band their cause over to those who can do them the moat good. What Ails Iltwirtf Last year bo pullod out 1,436, and thia year he got away with only 500. Next year it willcomeonlOOO. The Captain had bet ter switch off on some other track, un less he wants to go it alone. A Libibal Concihbion. If every Greenbacker in the county is a sub scriber to tbo Now York Citizen, Bix ler has just 427, or at most 494 ; be cause qnito a number ol those voters who deposited their ballot for Ilowitt ara not subscribers. AasiNTXiisbt. Last year, the Dem ocrats of Clearfield county polled 3,200 votos; this year we "lugged" in only 2,500. In 1876, we raked np 4,220; and in 1880, we will bring 5,000 to the election windows for the Presidential nominee, and have them counted, too. DuoBAciruL. The warfare made upon oar nominee lor District A ttorney, II r. McKonrick, during the canvas wtta disgraceful in tba extreme. We have a number of letters in our pomes ioa, written and sent out by hi ene mies, that will operf tho eyea of sensible people whoo they appear in print . Ratbmi Kvim. Notwithstanding .he vigorous fight mado upon oar nom ineet by tb combined enemy, a glance at the election table will show that neither of them dm seriously affected in the aggregate. Mr. Barr bad 2, . 494, Mr. Mahaffoy 2,549, Mr. McKen rick 2,422, and Mr. Jackaoa 2,432. Mr. MahafTey ran. a bead of hi ticket, which i th reason b bad mora vote .than bil colleague. ' UrTAD it I Although after th eleo Con, wa lay before par reader the ad dress, to be found on our fourth page, issued by th Radical Chairman of CbeUr county the week before the laetien. A belt eorabineUoo of bigotry and slanJer was never conooo ted, aad w waal sensible dm, wosn and children to aet what fool aom great ken. take jtbW neighbors to be. Reader, pern that fanatical g nth I SCOOPED! Yea, that' what the ltailioal vail It, when alluding I" the election; and thoy think that the Lk-mocrats are buried. Dub the unemy ahonht re member that wa don't lay down long at a lime. Tho editor of the l'biladol- phia Timet, in alluding to previous happenings, remarks : " They wore beaten 110,000 in November, 1873, and apparently anowod under beyond dig ging out; but in 1873, they brought a rf-ow.4trj mifori to the city, and and in 1874 they elected a Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, Secretary o( Internal Affair, a Legislature, and a United States Senator ior six years. The same year they elected a Demo cratic District Attorney and Coroner in Republican Philadelphia. In 1875 thoy lost tho Governor j in 1876 they were beaten in both city and State on the Presidency, and in 1877 thoy came up amiling and bagged a Supreme Judge, a State Treasurer, Auditor Gen eral, and three of the best offices in Philadelphia. In 1878 thoy wore over thrown again; in 1870 they have gone under almost out of sight, as they did in 1872, and it is aafe to calculate that they are just ready to bo a little more dangorous than ever in tho near fu ture. The victors who are thought lessly shouting over the annihilation ol tho Democracy, won't pause to con sider the battlea of the future; but the intelligent Republican observers of the mutationi ot patiR j Ponnsyl- vania, will soberly appreciate tho tact that the Democracy is never ao dan gerous as when it juit comes np from one of its deepest dives into what to any other party would bo the slough of despair." Vert Uncertain. Election returns to a certain extent are exceedingly un certain. To illustrate: Take the vote cast for Sheriff in Burnaido borough and Curwonsvillo, and see how Antos' "loyal" friends scalped him. Then turn ovor a leaf and glance at the returns of Lawrence township for District At torney, and boo how McICenriok's Dem ocratic friends gave hiin away for Gor don. We are rathor easily pleased boot matters of this kind, claiming considerable privii,8 ,)f Rnd co cede the same to others, but, alter all, we prefer that voters on both sides should act with a littlo moro consist ency. Again : We are mortifiod at tho visible outrages that are comtnited by unscrupulous members of both par ties during a canvass, on their respec tive candidates, and ara only partly consoled and rendered happy from the fact that the leaders of the minor ity party in this county always do in ject more crime into tho canvass than the majority can possibly accomplish, although the former insist lul ibey are controlled by "a grand moral idea" achodnle in all things. , Becoming "Tbult Loyal." That excessive loyal vicinity, Curwensville, on Tuesday, November 4th, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, gave "Jim" Mahaffey, the Demo cratic nominee for Sheriff, a majority of FOUR votee,wbile Butler, the Cam eron nominee for Stat Treasurer, scooped np a majority of FORTY SEVEN. Mora: Burnslde borough wm a tie on State Treasurer, but nev ertheless "Jim" bad a majority of TWENTY-FOUR over Ante. If the "trooly toil" friend of Mr. Ante are happy under such circumstances, they must rejoioe just a w rojoio. What i thi Mattm ? W notice by our exchange that Mr. George II. Stuart, of Philadelphia, and of Young mon s unnstian Association fame, is President of the Mechanics' National Bank. Th director want to got him out f it, as they say ba lacks capacity, but the good Presbyterian Elder pro poses to stick, and the disagreement that has been fomenting in the Board for some time ha culminated in an ap peal to the stockholders by eight out of the eleven diretors, urging Mr, Stuart's immediate retirement. Is it possible that thi celebrated philatnhropist ha been playing the Gen. Howard game on tha stockholder of the institution ever which he has presided ? In His Glort. Our Radical neigh bor of the Tyrone Herald "busts" out aa follows: With DovAMracy and toeoaaioa avarwbalaad, aad kapabHoaalaai triaaipbaat, tho rataro of tba "araad eld party of hicb Moral Ideaa." la oloar aod aaailaiaiabla. Tba rojal road to ilotory la aaay aao anaoairaotaa, aaa anaoeao aiaH orowa tba ao fttpubltoaa aaadidato for Uu Proii dooa. Just yoa wait I Tba Democrat will do the counting for President in 1880. Mind you, there is a Democratic House and Senate, and II thoy don't adopt your pattern of 1876, wa will b mis taken. Crow on, "moral idea" ven dors I Th 4tb or March, A. D. 1881, will wind up your party affairs. A Tiibibli Wrick th Green back breakdown in thi county. Patriot by tba hundred are bloaching along the political highway from tba Cherry Tree to th Throe Rum, and soroas th county from Iloulidsle to Penfield. However, Chairman Smith ia (till lively. He' a plucky chap. Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler wa not elected Governor of Maasachusett at the last election; but be baa aerved a notice oa all parties that ha will ba a candidate next year, o that th Plymouth Booker may look out lor him. , The veteran Democrat in Lawrence township should bava leather medal toted thara for their consists ooy a narked down In tba voto for Dialriot Attorney. Dirty, Very dirty, work. RtTtTSin aot in W may bear by noit week what wm dona last alection day. , If o, wa will point out tb da oU aa bast w can tnder th eircaia- tance. ' l': ' - --' . . KUA T WE PROPOSE TO DO. In the course ol an' attempt to ro ply to the argument ol The Post in favor of tho constitutional doctrine and right of local aelf government, Re publican newspaper of the Stalwart order inquires what we propose to do "when the local authorities will not protect cltixons in tliu enjoyment of their rights of pemunt and property ?" In roply, wo huv to say that we pio- pose to abide by tho Constitution and laws mado in pursuance thereof. The great mistake which the Republican party has made, and is making, is it deliberate and porsistunt effort to dis tort and pervert, instead of striving to aiucr.d the Constitution. There is no ground for a doubt, no excuse for tho shadow ofa doubt, that as the Coimti tution stands and as we fool euro it will aland it i tho duty of the State to protect its citizens in their rights and to punish violation ol Slate laws. This is satisfactory to the Democratic parly, and we bolieve it is not loan satisfactory to the Radical masse. But it is opposod by many of the load ing statesmen, politicians and organs of that party, the legitimate successors of the Federalist. Thoir constant aim is to centralize in tho Goueral Govern mout tho powers, dulios and rights bo- longing to the States, according to the fundamental law. . . Now, if thoy would goatthoirwork in a lair and manly way, by conceding that the Constitution Is against them. and agitating fur it amendment, they would deserve reopect. We do not think their agitation would be effectual in the direction intended, for so strong is our belief in the populur attachment to local aulf government that we fuol assured the people will never consent to lis surrender, and then a general discussion of tho question, on a pro position to adopt a coiitrr..-..ug amend raent would be fatul to the party ad vocating such a change. But a party that has the courage of itsoonvictionsis always respected, and when the Radi cal centralizalionisla will atop trying to destroy, and begin an effort to amend the organio law, they will bo entitled to a dogroe of consideration that they do not now dosorvo. But the supposition that the local authorities of any State "will not pro tect citizens in the enjoymont ol thoir rights," etc., is not just, and does not accord with the facts. While th right ol porsons and pmporty aro of ten violated in every country on eartL since Cain killed Abel, and while crim inals often escape punishment through defoctive laws or bad administration iu every p., f th Union, and iu all otber countries, it is not truo that there is any section, Slato, or oven country, in this Republic where crimes moot with public approval, and whero the failure to punish criminals is intcn tional. Tbo citizens of every locality have a much greater interest in the enforcemeut of laws and the preserva tion of order in their midst than any- body elso can havo. Their personal safety, their puaoa ot mind, the safety and value of their property, and every thing of value in life, are dependent on the maintenance ot a fair dogrco of domestic tranquility. t;apiiai avoids every place wnoro disorder reigns. Property of evory description, except, perhaps, arms and ammunition, deprociatos rapidly whore th criminal classes are not sternly and effectually repressed. Taxea increase, a sense of insecurity makes life worth less, and the contompt of good citizens in other localities adds to the discom fort of all order-loving people who per mit their vicious noighbora to get, lor atimo,ontop. This state of things brings its own remedy. The inducements to order and regularity ara irresistible. Outraged Justice vindicates itself Crime is put down by a strong and aomotlmea rough hand, and tbe base elomenta of society aro furood into proper subordination. Such baa beon the rule in times past, and such will bo the course of events in tha future, for it i tbe roeult ol natural laws. The transfer of tbe guardianship of personal right to tb authority could b of no avail, even if it oould be law fully and peacefully accomplished. In thi country publio opinion rule. Our statute books are crowded with laws that no one trio to enforce, because they aro opposed by publio sentiment. Juries aro swayed by this power, a has been demonstrated in every State. Verdicts in opposition to law and evi dence are the rule, whore attompts are made to secure conviction against a strong current of publio feeling. A jury in a Federal oourt would just be a likely to bo thus controlled as a jury in a State court. Shall w abandon trial by jury, and aet np military trib unal or the one man power f Or (hall wo depend, In tho future, as we have in the past, on the people to protect thoir own lives, property, liborty, good name, peace and comfort, by making good local laws and doing thoir best to inauro thnir impartial enfrtmomcnt ? iraAiii(ori Post. Heat ano Fdxt. A cotcmporary takes sight in thi way: "lnaskotcb of the late Bonator Chandler, the Tri bune say it wa hi 'misfortune' that, after tbe war, 'he retained all the beat and fury of bis earlier conflicts, though bis party bid pooled off.' Chandler had no more of tba beat and fary of tbo earlier conflict than Blaine, Sher man, the Tribune, or any of tbe rest of the stalwart leader and organ, though th Tribune did cool off considerably in 1872, when it waa tha leading organ in the north of the Confederate Briga dier. Th difference between Chand ler and them is, that be was sinoere in bis sectional rage, while they simulate a rag that they do not feel." In the death of thi man, one of Mrs. Surratt' chief persecutors came to a sudden end, and passed away like tb most ol them have. Pointio. The Philadelphia Record, in it rather romantic way, bit a stal wart "Christian" statesman thi fanny blow: "Senator Conkling'a luck is marvellous. lie got awty from Con- oncbet with aa nnperforatod body and now he get away with tb Adminis tration bide, whole and hearty. lie bear about with him a charmed cheek, before which opposition melt," SCTwgta i i i i AaoTHM or tki 8aii. Th Kadi- sal la Union euoty bare (looted a "mocrwt for 8herih, and the Demo crats at Juniata yaiT Badleal' to tha same office. .Wb "orookad" things do happen f ' "" 1 ' I Clearfield Comity--Official ! Returns, of General Election traTB TtaanpaRB. i liouoniiis AND TOWXSIIII'D. Hnrnilda Borough..,, ClaartMcl I? IIS H Jul IS a Curwonirilla " Iloalaclala " Lumber City H N.bur, .., N.Waablo'a" .... Oaeaola M ..... Hi Wallaooton " .... tloccaria Townihtp., Bull " .... Bloom " .... lioi " .... Brulforil " .... Brady " .... .! 31 1.1 I 37 llarntido " .... 0 Cboit " .... Cortnictou " , Iltoatur .... Karguaon M .... Ulrurd " ... Uoibaa " .... Or.baro Ortaowood " '... 40 2a 1.1 11 6 IS 81 i lit 13 l VI Uulioh " ... Huatua " JordBD " ... Kartbaa " ... Knot Lawrenoo M ... Morria M ... an i.. H in u I'ena " .... Pibo " .... a.odr " ... Uoioo ' ... Woodward 11 .... ToUL .... 1373 437 rietaooratio Majnritlrl.. TtiUEMAN. When Senator Thurman leaves tbe Senate on the 4th of March, 1861, the Democracy will lose one of their great est leaders in that body. But Sena tor Tburman's good counsel and great ability outsido of the Senate will con tinue to bo felt. Tho great Obioan be longs to that class of men who, though dead, yet speak ; but Thurman is not dead, he will be a leader of tho De mocracy still, and the country will have honors for him in tho future. Tho St. Louis Globe, a stalwart sheet, speaks thus of Mr. Thurman "itseemsapity tolosotiim. lie towers so high abovo his f'ollaw-Democrats in all that goes to mako a Senator, that hi departure from the Senate will leave a vacancy on hia side of the House that cannot soon bo filled. Ho has beon tbe loader of bis party in that body for ten year. Ho has soon the insignificant minority of nine, whom bejuined whon he entered the Senate in loou, snail into a controlling ma jority numDering lorty-one. Turough all the years of unavailing opposition be met his opponents with courago ana acuity, tbough not always with conspicuous patriotism, As a minority leaner no nas lew equals, and as a do bator he bus no superior in the Senate.' "Conspicuous patriotism I" We pre. sumo from the flippant manner in which tho Globe editor alludes to mer cantile patriots, ho fuels "free and easy' on that point. In order to let our readers know who he is, wo will "dot down" a fuw things, as follows: In May, 1874, tho editor of tho Globe, (tho leading liadical organ in Missouri), with a score of other rogues, was ar. rested and convicted for defrauding the United States Treasury out of ;iuu,uuu ol internal jeovenuu. J liey were sent to tho penitentiary for three years and fined from 11,000 to 5,000 each. 'Within thrco months altor, Grant remitted tbo fine and pardoned tho wholo crow, and dismissed tho United Slates Attornov at St. Louis who convicted them, although he had telegraphed to him whon the parties wore arrested, "Let no guilty man es cape." "Deacon" McKoe, of the Globe, waa one ol tbe flock. "Conspicuous patriotism, indeed f Evipxntlt Bosb. A correspondent sent a dispatch from Philadelphia to tbe New York Sun one day last week, slating that the Presidency of the Pennsylvania .Railroad Company will be tondorod Gcnoral Grant immedi ately upon his reaching Philadelphia, and if he signifies hi willingness to accept tho position bo will be unani mously elected. Tbe dispatch further states that the proposed cliango is owing to the fact that Colonel Thomas A. Soott is incapable of performing his sotive duties, on account of physical weakness. Inquiries have been made at the odli-o of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, in Philadelphia, for the purpose of ascertaining tbo truth con- corning tbe matter, anil it appears that tho whole report is a pure fabri cation. Colonel Scott is said to bo in bettor health than be has been for sev eral years, and he attend to all hi duties daily. He bas no intention, whatever, of resigning. The fuct is that tho Colonel, wjtb the rest of the chief officers of tho road, passed over the line last woek from Now York to St. Louis, on their regular unnnal in spection tour, nnd President Scott held out as well a any of them, Tbe cor respondent who manufactured that lie evidently draws lively on bis own Imagination. 8till UanAPPT. The result in New York convinces ovon tbo most saga cious loaders of tlie llepublican party that tbe Democratic party, united and working In harmony, can carry that State easily in the National contest noxtyoar. This is why thoy contem plate tbe November elections with liisgust, Tho only point lor which they strov they failed to make. They car nothing for galna in Republican Statos. Such gain are of no practical account Tboy understand that they baven't a ghost of a chance to eloot a Presidont, with the Southern State, and Now York and Indiana against them. If they bad all the voles in all the other States, and even if tbe Dem ocratic party wor doad in all othor Statos, their case would be hnpelom against a solid array ot 18S Electoral vote. That is the cause of liadical disgruntlemenL Tbal is why thoy can't be bappy over their gains in Iowa, Pennsylvania and otber Stale where gain don't count. Til Boom Quistioh. The Phila delphia Timet, la alluding to this do meetio subject, says: Aa tbe indications ara pretty strong that th holiday will come along before the next Prosi denlial election, perhaps il might be , fair thing for th Presidential boom to keep (till a little while and give tba holiday boom a chance. ' II the mind ol man must oontinue to be both ered about boom, it I only a matter of right thai it abould b allowed aa pj rriety pi bnoma a poaaibl. i lield November 4th, 1870. aiaralur arroas'r. Juar coamaaioaau. I. I'll 3l:i I' I! II 114 M 45 lu 14 II 0 4 II IS It So s 41 lull 1ISI 91'. 31 IS "I 1:1 til 13; H as i ao: ! 6 4r, IS II 131 0 14111 3. 3.1 1 If Hi 'I !!. 71 l is; n 4" . 1j nil ii. i:i lot -Ml 17 IS 41 lo 90 13 S 10 i: ! 13 3S "" II. lal in SU ei S31 03 81 "l 1.11 11 13 17 lll.l 37 S3 u! l 43! is I4I Its 1, II ! IS 14411 1174. H2MJe U43I 1374; I374 list U7t riJAXfCSGlVJXO. PROCLAMATION or Till riltSIIlK.1T. The following proclamation was is sued by the President: At nurccurrcnceof the season which the dovsut habit of religious people bas in ado ai occasion for giving thank to Almighty God and humbly invoking llis continued favor has the maleiiul prosperity enjoyed by our wholo coun try been more conspicuous, more man ifold or more universal. During the year almost unbrcken peace with all foreign nations, the general prevalence ol domestio tranquility, the supremacy and security of our great institutions of civil aud religious freedom, have gladdened tho hearts of our people and confirmed their attachment to their Government, which the courage and wisdom of our allocators so fitly train ed, and the wisdom and courago of ihuirdescendanls to tirmly maintained, to bo tho habitation of liberty and jus tico to succeeding generations. Now, thoreforn I, Kutberford B. Hay eg, President .if tbe United States, do appoint Thursday, tbe 27th day of iiovomncr, install, as a Uay ol Na tional thanksgiving and prayer; and 1 earnestly recuin uend that, withdraw ing themselves from secular cures and labors, the people of the United Slates do meet together on tbut day in their respective places of worship, there to give thanks and pruiso to Almighty God for his mercies, and to devoutly beseech tlioir continuance, lu witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my band and caused tbo seal of the United Slates to bo alllxed. Seal. Done at the City of Washing ton this third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and aeveittv-iiine. and ol tbe independence of the United States the one hundred and fourth. .ItnTn;nan li. Ha res. By tne (.'resident .- William M. Evahts, Secretary of State. proclamation or tik ooyraNoa. Governor Iloyt bus issued tho fol lowing Thanksgiving proclamation A proclamation. In dovout recognition of the God of nlatea who has ordorcd peace, health and abundant prosperity to the peo ple, I, Henry M. Jloyt, Governor of Pennsylvania, do appoint Thursday. the BTth of November next, in pursu ance 01 me recommendation ol tho President of Iho United Slates, as a day upon which the good people ol this Commonwealth, laying aside all scoularoccupations, may meet together in reverent thanksiivinif lor mercies received and prayer for a continuance ol divine lavor. Given under my hand and tho great seal ol tho Slato at Hurrisburg, this Tlh day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and sovonty-nine, and of the Commonwealth the one hundred and fourth, Ur.NP.rM.HovT. By tho Governor; M. 8. Quat, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. Rroator W.llaoi., la bla aooaob at tba Acadia; of alalia oa rlatardaj Bulit, aaid, rahrrlaf to tba Bootbora Buloat "Tba ailld aad atrong for. oranaat of tha law bas aopnlanlod that of tha baaaaat aad eoortl aad jorloa aow aoaooaafullj oops wltb arista." Tha nanaar la which thoy sona wiib It waa ladloatod by Ibo proaiot aaiiolital of Iba Chiaboln mordcrara by tba jary, aod tba kind of aoprtroaoy that tha law baa, waa abowa by the aaaaiilnalioa ol Dlioa beoaaaa bo oboia to op. rtoaa tbo Diaioormila part and by Ibo oamplato failoro of tha aothoriiim to Uka aoy aoticw of tba eriata. If r. Wallaea did not dara to allo-la to rilhar of tbaaa BOIorioaa oaart. at7aaVata OmUMin, AW li. Tsis la n.oa. Nallbrr did Mr. Wallaea allada to Iba tpurdar of Calls ia Pbiladrlpbia, aad tba failure of Iba aalbnrl'kea to puoiih aoybody fr Itf to Ibo arqoltlal of Hoik tbo other day by a realileer jary, nor to the roleeae oa bail of tba nan who killed Tram. a. Then ara a (rest ajany fail area of ooorta and Joilea loeopo loeneiirally with crime, eras la tbia latllode, to which allailoa aoftht bo made, if oaa did not know that, la aplla of aa oosaaional fails re, Kiverniaeot by law ia atill more luoeenfel, oa the whole, thao gnraramcQt br fores. HiladtluH-.Tfrnu. Xw.iik. . . That'a a mighty good homo illustra tion mado by tbo Ti'mr man. The "moral idea" vender of tbe Jiulletin make a great fuss ovor an occasional murder committed in the State of Mis sissippi, wben half a dozen of the samo class of crime have been com- mitted in Philadelphia within the same time j yet be doos not howl over tho angodlinoss of "loyal" (!) Philadelphia. In his estimation, a murdor committed in ilisslaalppl is a horrid orime. 'f hi ia a foci. But if the same offence U oommittcd In Philadelphia, It Is only a joke. What a "moral Indea I" ''My Mabylako." The Republican carry but seven counties in Maryland, and in but thro of them ar the ma jorities over 100. Tha pemocratlo ma jority in the State, outside of Balti more city, la over 10,000. Th major ity in the city was over 12,000, mak ing the majority in the State over 22,- 000. Tbe Radicals in this Stale crow ovor . their majority. Tb same pro- portion-JCQ.QQO jn Maryland, to 760,- 000 in Pennsylvania would mak th Democratic majority In Maryland 80,- 000, So that the tide In the Koystone Slate doc not roll so very high for the Radicals after all. In other words, a aisjority of 22,000 in th former Slate i better than 90,000 In the latter. 4 aewaarraTaxBwaywnBaaf W expected to be able to give our reader th official result of the State election in thi issue, but have failed ao far to get it.' The election on th Stf.1 ticket ba ion by default to tb tope of about (0,000. W will publish tb official vote by counties past week. PHILADELPHIA LETTER. ruiLAon.i'iiu, Nov. 8, 1879. There wore throe committee In this city to look alter the interest of the Democratic paity durinir tho recent cunvasa they wcro tho city commit tee, of which George Mctiuwau is Chairman, and knowa as the lingular; the County Committee, Vaux Chair man, and known. as tho Independents, and a Campaign Com mil tee, appointed ny t no Horticultural Hall mass meet ing, which placed the Democrutio city ticket in tho field, and of which Sam'l H. Marshall was Chairman. 1 vory nMis.Wv expected crcat re- suits from th Chairmen of tho last two named Committee, as thoy wcro called into existence because of tho do- feclion, as- tbey alleged, ol Mr. Mo Gowao's Committee, and to day 1 went to the t'rotnonolary office to ace how their respective precincts votod as compared with last year, wben, ao- cording to the statements of the Kun-dall-Vuux Independents, the election was given to the Republicans because of tho truuebery of the Kegulnrs. Tho following is the result:. Cbairmao Vaui'a dlviiiaa. (b. f. e.) 1S7S Vota oaat far Hill Hi 17 Voto oaat lor Barr ... S3 1S78 lloyl'a uajority...H....H.....M S ISJS Bullar'a majority- .. 4B Cbalrmaa Hanball'a dlrlilon. (b. I. a.) IS78-Vo tail for Dill Jd I87S Llill'a aiaJorltj.. I 1: Voto oait (or Barr 47 18711 Bullar'a majorliy li At this vote 1 concluded that Mr. McGowan a division had cast an al most unanimous vote for Butler lor Stuto Treasurer, but the official figures uisappoinieo me. I hey are: Chairman loeQowan'a divialoa. tb- f. ) 1 S7a Vola eaat for I) ill Mi 1S7S Ma only for Hill. 07 1819 Voto caatTor Barr 126 181V Uarr'a major!!.. , 4 Those official figure seem to ind cale that, to use a mild term, the Ran dall growlers have grossly misrepre sented things. As Speaker Randall has been the most outspoken in the tirades against the regular organisa tion ot tbo Dcmocralio party in this city and State, 1 thought, ot courao, tbe Speaker's election division would give a good account of itself, and I concluded to lake a look at it, and this was tho rcBult: Speaker Raadall'a divialoa. (b. f. 0 ) 18)8 Vole oaat for Dill ; SS 1878 Majority for Dill . t ISill Vote eaet fr Barr H....H 4W lfc7 Majority for Iluller 14 Those are facts that have a bad look about them. Tbey seem to attest that Randall, Vaux and Marshall aro grossly incompetent to be placed in command, and that Mr. Barr'a only friends were tbo Regulars tbo "old guard" of Do mocritcy, ns Senator Wallaco calls thorn. Tbe next move of tbe Randall Vaux Independents is to run two complete ticKuts next reuruarv, and thercbv cause the Democrats to lose all their election officers and division assessors. 1 speak by tho card when I say, that: When Randall confined bis la bors to his Congressional district, with the aid ot your corresjiondent, he in creased bis majority Irom 2,500 to 6,400, but tho year he grew too big for bis district he succeeded in giving ttrani a itepuuncan majority ol 1J7, TiH in tho Slato. B. A O MOKE BLOOD LETTISG. Tbe stalwart Michiguudur Cband ler was lor many years literally tbe off set to Jeff. Davis, exoopt in pluck. He was always abusing Davis in the Senate Chamber, when Jeff, was away off at Montgomery, Alabama, or Rich mond, Virginia. Chandler considered himself, personally, the equal of any ot "the Confederate Brigadiera" in tb vt iiuguvioatiiiig ton tne John Covodo plan), but he uever manifested pluck enough to shoulder a muskot, or buckle on a sword, and crow the Poto mac to search for any of the aforesaid "rebels," although they wore annoying tbe vicinity ol Washington for over four years. Chandler waa the most "clean heeled" demagogue that has pranced up and down on the political stago in this conntry for the past fifty years. J bore is not a man left in any party to tuke bis place. Ho was a man who arose in the midst of tho public distrcaa, which prevailed wbilo th Peace Commission wa In session at Washington, in tho winter of 1861, and declared that he waa ready to strike the enemies of bis country, and there could be no pcac until there was "some blood-lotting." He, and thoso of his low-degree, broko op the Conference, and war was the result ; and not one out of ten of that class of demagogues over crossed the Potomac to "bang Jeff. Davis on a aour apple trco," or to keep tbo "rebels" out of Washington. Personally, and in hi public caroer, hi conduct waa out rageous ; and yet he floated success- muy ior many year on a current which ebbed and flowed at th com manda of men "controlled by grand moral ideas." We hope that such men as John Covode and Zacb. Chandler will never com to the surface here after. Their deportmont ia a disgrace even to moderate civilisation, Buckkti 8i!Anp.NXes. A oonlem porary momarka j The Ohio man ia alway breaking out in a now spot. His latest achievement Is told by a Cin cinnati paper. A millionaire who lived in the vicinity ol tbalclly was growing old and at last concluded to make his wilf. So ho sent lor a distinguished mwycr and askod him to draw up the document, telling him that bo pro posed to make him the executor. Tbe millionaire then asked for the lawyer'a bill ; the lawyer naturally replied that under the circumstance he should ahargo nothing, though he finally took a nominal foe of twonty five dollars for a service which ordinarily would have brought bim five hundred dollar. The millionaire died, but whon tha will cam to no read th nam at hia aon appeared where that of the distin guished lawyor had stood. Tbeorafty old fellow had foolod him into believ ing that he was to ba txooutor and thus get hi will drawn np for next to nothing, and then he bad copied th document word for word, except a to tho nam of the executor. Lovely. Loyal Philadelphia, thro1 hor repeaters, peraonatora, ate., baa rolled np nearly 30,000 majority for "the Government." How It waa don is leaking out by degree, A large, unmbor of repeater and briber have boea arroaled line tbe eleotioa. On fellow, named John McKensey, hoi been convicted of voting the Radical ticket at EIGHT different polling places in that city on election day. Thar ar score of tb aam olaaa ot fellows there who did the same thing. Th country pemoorat will no doubt ask: "Why aro not the men tent to tbe penitentiary f" Tb Mayor and all hi policemen, aod th Court and Jnty are In tbo band oi lb Radical raangera,whonrpetrau theaterim. and are all controlled by "grand aaoraj ideaa I" TJenro th failur to. ctrovtct PERILS OF THE DEEP. A STEAMSHIP COLLIDES WITH A SAII.INII SHIP TIIIUTV L1VM M)8T I I'lllLAUXLPBIA, Nov. 9. Tho steam ship "Champion," Capt. H. W. Lock wood, of the New York and Charles ton Lino, which sailed from her pier in New York at 6 o'clock on Thursday evening, collided with the iron ship "Lady Octavia," Capt. James Johnston, near the entrance of Delaware Bay, at 3 o'clock on Friday morning. The "Champion" sank immediately, and ol her passongor and crow thirty are missing and euppait'd to be lost. The "Lady Octavia" was bound from Itio Janeiro to .New York, nnd tbu Champion from New York to Charles- ton. It was moonlight whon they col lided, and the officers in charge of tbe Uutavia saw tbe "Champion ten minutes beforo I hoy struck, the Champion went down in four minutes from tbo time ol the collision, and only twenty four on I of the fllty-eiglit souls that sho had on board were savod. Those were taken aboard the "Octa via," which then put back toward the break water, tier bow was mucn sha'. tored, and she owed bor escape from a title like that ot tbe "Champion" to a water-tight compartment at that end of the vessel aud to tbe fact that she was a much newer and stronger ship than the other. Shortly alter the col lision tbe Captain of tho "Octavia," James Johnston, who was asleep in his cabin when the ships struck, bailed a a baric ana translori ed to it loo rot me "Champion V passengers and two of the crew. When be bailed the bark, bo says he waa ignorant of tha damage done to his ship, and thought he had belter seice the opportunity to try and insure the safely of the people. Be fore tbe transfer was made, however, he discovered that there was r.o danger ot tbe "Octavia's" going down, but as the four passengers and two seamen desired to go at once to New York, hither tho hailed bark was bound, they wore permitted to do so. The Captain is unable to giva tho names of the lour passengers, and he cannot even tell tbe name of the bark. Ho read ber name when the vessels approached, but alter wards forgot it. Iho "Octavia, with ber own crew of twenty-four persons and the re maining eighteen of tho rescued, left the breakwater before daylight yester day morning, being towed up the rivor by tho tug "fioiioer. About one o'clock, when opposite Green street wbarl, the "Uctavia landed these eighteen persons (all wero of tho Lhampinn s crew), for the purpose of having them sent to New York, for which place they started on tbe 1:40 train. Crowds of people along the wharves, having heard ot the collision and expecting the arrivul of the "Oc tavia some time duiitig tbo allernoon, watched her as Bbe passed up the river, and when tbe eighteen saved persons were landed tbey lound some ditnciilly in passing through tho curious assent blage. TESTIMONY FROM EX EM Y. THE Tho Cincinnati Commercial, one of tho Radical organs of Ohio, in alluding to the recent canvass in that State, euys : "Wo aro novor more impressed wilh tbo wonderful vitality and rugged power ol the Democratic party than in the days of its defeat. The surprise is not, in the oleclion of Tuesday last that the Democrats, burdened aa they were, suffered defeat, but that thoy were ablo to exhibit such strength of resolution. Surely there never waa more unkindness shown a party in preparing it for combat. The issues rrmw wwful, yol under these circum stances such that It ought to be a matter of surprise that there is a Dem ocratic vote to each Ohio lownBbip- the old party comes out grim as an army of veterans, and fights to tbe bittor end in the spirit of the soldiers of Russia, of whom it is said it is not sufficient to kill them, they must be knocked down alter they aro dead Now wo are able to rcjoioo that this surprising host was discomfited, beaten a few per cent, in a prodigious vote, aud we know under tbe gloom of their defeat there may be disappointment and resentment, but never discourage ment On tho next occasion they will turn out again with lull ranks." "You bet !" PaiSllllNTIALCoNTlatlaNCIIS. Tho rocont failure otRoprcsontativeCharlcs U. Voorhis, of tho Fifth district ol New Jersey, renders It necessary that he should devote his undivided atten tion Lereaflor to bis business. lie bas, therefore, decided to resign bis scat in Congress. Mr. Voorhis was elected last year, as a Republican, from a dis trict usually reliably Domoc ratio, as tbe result ofa split in the latter party, a man by the name of Potter, who ran as the Independent Dcmocralio and Greenback candidato, receiving enough votca to defeat Demarcat, the rcgulai nomine. The vote in detail was: Voorhis, 10,893; Demarest, 10,089 ; Poller, 3,208. With tbe Democrats of the district united upan ono candidato there ia no sort of doubt about their carrying it. This will b the case in the present instance, and the Demo eratio majority in the House will be increased one. Tho now Jersey dele gallon now stands; Republicans, four; Democrats three. The change will give tbe odd niomber to tbo Democrats and give thoin the control of nineteen State in the House. When Mr. God- love S. Orth i ousted from, and Mr. Mctabo is put into th teat ot the Ninth Indiana diatrlot, tbe Democrats will add Indiana to their list, and will have twenty States. Then thoy will bo prepared for all Presidential con tingencica. FOR 1880. THE DIMOCaATIO VYaAMID. 203 Texaa 8 Florida 4 Georgia 11 Indiana.. 15 Virginia ..11 M iaaourt . 15 .10 ..6 ... ...8 Alabama . Arkanaaa , . Dalawar . . Maryland.. . Louisiana . . . Kentucky , , . . Connecticut , . Mississippi . . , . New Jewey , , , New York North Caroiiaa , , Sooth Carolina . . . Tonneaae .9 , t& . 10 .7 , ia West Virginia. , 6 A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT. Magnanimity. We notice that A. a Abel, of tb Baltimore Sun, and Mr. George W. Child, of Philadelphia, bava each given $500 to th tnnda for th relief orth children of the lata General Hood, of New Orleans. aaa-oV- Bora SrrTLiD. A contemporary re- mark that N, orem.be t fraats bava wiped, aa(, tin rwiiow tver and the atraanlwrak party. WHO CAN CARRY A'KW YORK. Tho Now York iS'wn is sorry to any that it doos not think t hat. the prospoi-t is very brilliant of a "ro-union of lho scattered force of the Democratic party in Near York" in time to bo available at the next Presidential elec tion The Suh eoos dimly, "Sen tiered forces" tbut cluot nil but ono of llicir candidates may safely he permitted to scatter a little when they foci like it. It they arosoerTeclivo when sculturcil, we need not fear much that they will be impotent in the Presidential elec tion. Why the Sun should dospair of Ihcir 'union then, we ao r.ol at aw understand. In only one possible con tingency can such union luil to be reached ; and that is in the eveut of the persistence of Mr. Tildeu in his Presidential candidacy. That ho will do so wo cannot conceive. He would not so surely court defeat for himself and his parly. We aro confident tbut Mr. Tilden will not longer be a candi date, and we are certain that if bo should be, ho would utterly fail of mukingevun a respectable show toward securing tho nomination. A largo por tion of the party waa very hostile to his nomination prior to tho Now York election, though not perhaps the major ity. To these ore now added every Democrat who is unprejudiced and in telligent enough lo recognir.o lho obvious fact that Gov. Robinson was dofeatod because he waa considered lo be Mr. Tildon's representative, and that his election would be equivalent to a declaration ol New York in favor of Mr. Tilden's Presidential aspirations. In view ol the result no one can safely say that Mr. Tilden tun carry Now York if be is nominated ; and that con sideration alone places him out of tho pale ot candidates in lho mind of every Democrat who loves bis party bettor than any mini. .ono such will be willing lo risk tbo party's success lor tho suko of gratifying Mr. Tilden's ambition. Thero ia also another class of men whom this New York result loses to Mr. Tilden. It is thoso who have bad ' supreme laith in his power of control-1 ling untoward circumstances and ofl wresting from thetn victory. Mr. Til-1 den's admitted smartness has gained bim many adherents who are not at-! tached to him by any dtronger lie, and i who ill lull off from him now that his wonted shrewdness bus manifestly failed him. To Mr. Tildun it may still bo left lo select the Democratic candidate; but thai is lho fullest extent ot hia power. Wo have pointed out tho man whom circumstances btive made, in our judg ment, the obvious choice for the party to make if it would win. There are others who may be aa strong; but there is no one but Mr. Potter who has already had tbe good fortune to be able to demonstrate his ability to carry New York. o havo named him for the nomina tion, solely because of our conviction of hia strength, and not to imilute tho diligenco of lho early worm, as our contemporary, the Philadelphia Times, kindly suggests. The record ol the Intelligencer justifies no one iu suspect ing that it acts under such prompting. Wo claim littlo credit for naming a man who has carried Now York as ono whom wo might fairly trust to carry it again. Tbe Reading Engle muxes the same suggestion ; the liar risburg Patriot luniks il will do ; and the obvious force ot it cannot on any hand bo gainsaid. It does not come from a journal of Tilden proclivities as me Junes intimates; nor again from one that has beon anti Tilden ; but il comoe from an organ of lho party that rato iu welfare before that of any man or set ot mon ; and which, in de votion of its principles, would offer to saennce upon the Democratic altar its cost Irictid as brmly us Abraham offered up his son. Lancanter Intelli gencer. THE LATE GREESBA CK PARTY. Last year the Greenback parly polled 2,759 votes in Colorado ; this year it lost seventy five por cent, of thoso. Last your in Connecticut it cast 8, 314 votos ; thia year the party has not been hoard from there. Last year in Iowa it fused with tho Democrats, and the two parties to gether cast 125,000 votes, from which subtracting the 75,000 Democratic votos, left the Greenback strength at 50,000 ; this year, with tbo total vote in tho Slate increased 45,000 votos only, which i equivalent to a loss of 15,000 or 20,000. No comparison can bo bad between the vote ol thispartyin Massachusetts in 1878 and 1879 on account of the Butler Dcmocralio vote being entirely mixed in with the total voto that (ion. Butler recoivod. Last year in Mississippi it polled 12, 000 votes ; this year it has only been hoard from in that Statu in a scatter ing way. Last year in New York it polled 75,000 vote; this year lose than 10 000. Last year in Ohio it polled 88,000 votes j this yoar about 11,000. Last year in Pennsylvania il polled 81,000 votes ; this year some 15,000. Last year in Wisconsin it polled 30,000 votes ; this year none at all. Tho qnestion is, what has become of tho Greenback party f We think il is dead. Somktiiinu von Schoolmasters. Tbo Philadelphia Record, in dilating upon educational aflairs, breaks out in this barbotous manner: "Tbo diffl. oulty with regard to tho teaching of cngiish grammar in the public schools, a subject over which tho New York Board of Education hasjust been wrang ling, is that English i very nearly a grammarlos tongue The pedagoguos have fasUned npon th English speak ing raco a so-called grammar which is made op of the Latin nomenclature. Theetructure ol the language Itself doe not call lor any such rigmarole as i taught in th acboola. The public school abound in pupils who can fairly recite vorbatism this or that grammar from cover to cover, without being able to indite correctly a simple lotter. The mummery of parsing is gone over witb little other result than to deaden whatever lingual talont the child way bava bad at th outsot. The on who will break down tl,n ridiculous nvetavouaot teacbiagso called English grammar in the publio schools. and aubalitul therefore the ways of reason and common senso, 'should de serv well of bis oountry." 8onaUr Blaine fa acousod by the Boston Globe of boldly conniving at the purchaae of vote during th last cam paign in Mains. Her i a lott k ent to on Heals : "S every man in your district, and find out how bo is going to vol. II he is a Republican and weak kneed see what will strength en him. II he is a Democrat or Groan, backer aeo what will Mueo bin to vou wltti m Mak np a .tatoment ol lue amount of monaw orkink :u need Ibr all expense, and forward al one. "JOnj"iarotttno.Orlraolni hi eorreapondenoe a tram II. li rmmbr Mallin0. " -i A Spanish iimverb Buys that "lho road to by-and-by leads lo the town ol Nevor." In this country lho snug pf tho Sweet By-and by has led to tho mud liolu of "Hardly Kver,'' and it ia to ho earnestly hoped that it will stick there. A penny famine is upon us. Tho Philadelphia Mini has all it can do to meet ihedoninml for pennies made upon it. An order for 100,00(1 was roccivod from San Francisco on Saturday last. A maiden lady at Peoria, who bad been dumb for a year, recently recov ered rW speech whila L'Odig out after a aeiiltlcfull of coal. Tho moral is as obvious as tho example is timely. Col. Ingersoll rocnivt's on an average ono ill-written, ungrammatical poslul card a day, challenging him to discuss religion with some country minister. Mrs. Nullio G runt Sitrtoris and her husband will sail for this country in a low weeks. lfiu Adi'trtistnunts. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale at Botttil Dealer in Groceries, ! TIIK LAKIIKKTand MUST HKLKCIRD STOCK IN f lib' COUNTY. . COFFER, TEA, SUGAR. SYRUP. MEATS, ritui, SALT, OILh, QUEENS WARE, TV US aad BUrKKTS, DRIfcl) FRUITS, CANNED UOODX, SPICKS, BROOM8, FLOUR, FHKll. County Agent for M.oittr.L.miM Ton.u vos, Tbaaa e-ooda booa-hl for CAHU la larfe lula. ! " ""0" Jt'""- JAMES II. LYTLR. ClearleM, Pa.. Jnoo 15, l"7S-lj. REMOVAL ! James Lcavy 11 vine purhied tb otlr itook of Frtxt. Sao I. pit, hereby giiM nolle that l hai mor-t into tli room Uttly oceupied bj HeW A Uairtrtj, on Savinnd trt, wber It It pr.rctt to wtfr la tb friibl.e COOK ST0ES. iiu.iTi.ru vi.ro PARLOR STOVES, of tb Iftleat Improved pattern, t low prle. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing. Rpoutlnn, Plumbing, Qu Fitting, and Repairing 1'umpt ft pialtj. All work warranted. Anything tu my lino will b ordered ipenlal If deiiroi. JAS. I. LEA VV, Proprietor. FRED. BACK IS TT, Agent. Clearfted, Pv, Janunr; 1, 1870-tf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR REST0RIN0 GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agmealile divailng, whlrli la at once harmleas and effectual, for jin Mirvlnit the Imlr. It reatorea, with tin gli.t a ami freabnef of youth, failed or (tray, lifilit, and ml hair, to a rlrb brown, or dii-ji lihtck, aa may be dcalml. Ily Ita use thin hair Is thickened, and boldness eftere though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new irmwili hi all cases where tin glands are not ilccay.d; while to kraihy, weak, or o hi-rwlte ditciucd hair, It imparls vitality and strength, and millers It pliable. The Vioon cleanses tbe scalp, cur, anil prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by Us cooling atimulallng, and soothing properties, it heals moil If not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, kewping It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and h.-iir arc impassible. Aa a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, The Vioon Is incomparable. It Is color loss, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It Imparts an agreeiiblo and lasting perfume, and as an article for tb toilet it is economical and unsurpassed lu Its excellence. raxTAuo st Dr. J. C. ATER & CO, LowcD, Mass, PraoUoal aad Analytical Chemist. SOLD BT ALL DUITOOIBTB KVTtRTTVTiKRX. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Cheaper than ever at tbo store ol G. C. & T. W. MOORE, too Nts. I, PllJ'a OPERA HOWS, We have just rccoived the largest and best sclcetctl slock of BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, caps, Qents F.::::1.::: kk Tbal hat ever com to town. Also, all th new novelties in HECKWEAR. 80I.I AOENTS OR PIHKIR8' Driving Boots and Shoes. Rubber Boots & Shoes. Give n a call and M if w don't sell oheaptr tbaa anybody U, fiito. c. rawoRR. TOM W. Moons ClaartalJ. Ft, Seait, It, 1I7 a. V