Jlalltoads. Pennsylvania Rail road lot v TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH t f1 and after Monday, MAT II, 1BTI, tb. Paaenifr Trelaa will run daily lele.pt Baa davit betwoea Tyrone aad Claarllald. an followa CLKARflELD II AIL. . W. B. Panama, Coadnctor. I,mm SOUTH. LKAVK NORTH. Ciirwawatllla.-a'-tii, r.'a Tyroae......... t M.a.a Rl.trri.w W, " V.aamyro,.... .J4, " Cleert.ld,. Mil. " "uininll it, " Leonard , " rWaUsa I as, Barrett, ........, " Oaeasla,........IS II." Woodland, 4.01, " Bojatoo 10. IT," Bi(lr,.. 4 0, Siiat,,.....IO.JI, Walleoet..B,..... IT, " PUUiiar(,.lt Bio. Hell,. tli, " lltaaaai,...., Ia.18, Ur.hata 4.31, " Blua B.ll 10.17," !MiillpaBurg,...4.15, " WallecaloB,...l0.44, it.ln.r'a..,.-. 3, " mlar.....l0.41, Uo.itoe, I , Woodlaod,.... .Is., Oaooole 4.6, Barrett. ....1 1. 01," Powvlioa, , " Uenaard....... 11.11," ttuanait, .B.I4, " Clearneld,....ll.l." Vaaaau;o,....3i, " Hltervlew......ll.i, " Tyrun. S.M, " Cnrweaarilla,.! I.lla.s CLKAKFIKLD KXPRKSJ. , Conductor. I.KAVK tiol TH. I LKAVB NOHTII. Carweaitllle.. Rivettiew... CWraela. Laiinard Barrett Woodland,.... BlfLr WellMeloa.... Blue Ball,,.. . 'Jrabeia Pbilipetmrg.. Bteiner'o, B-iyutoa, OmooIb,. ....... Vowel ton,.... 8uma.it, Veuio'iyoo,.... Tyrone M HO A. I tig ' I. 4f " a 13 " til - " i " B.li " C 2! ' II. 25 " " til " s.ar " I. 41 " II. 1 J " 7."i " r.2 Mi " Tyrone,...., .MS r. a Vanoooyoo,.,. auiaiiltn.H.w Hawaiian,.... ., 1.01 " .1.17 " .III " ,.A.1 ,IM ..1.41 " ,.8.47 .141 " ,.Si ..U ,. 17 ,.Vli - ,.U30 I ,..:! x Oiaaula, H.,M..n, ,,,, Steiner'l, fhtllp.Durg. Ilreb.ia. Blue Ball Weilaoetoa, Ui(!er ... Wooiti.ad,. . fct.rretl, ... Ueooanl,, Clearllelu RI.ertlew,... 41 Uurweneviiio W.uO PIIIklPSUVHll A MU8IIANK0N IlkANCHKr LB vb loots. LBATB RoaTB a a. I: Mi J 19 ill 111 1:44 TAT 1:51 1:57 1:07 1:11 A. . A. 7:01 7:13 7:0 10:11 7:11 1C:J5 7:11 10:43 7:111 l:4 7:41 10:51 7:55 l':5S S:l 11:01 :!) , ITltto!. Mnrrladale, f'bilipehurf, KieiBrr'i itntun, - Oaoenla, ll'iiihlnlioa, gttrliojr, llnntnUla, MoUaukr, Kffoitriek'a, Kamev. 11:10 . 12:15 :' 11:21 4:1 12:14 4:1' I 10 12:04 4:11 Hi 11:61 I 6. 150 11:14 151 1:15 11:40 14 I: HI 11:16 1:44 S:I5 11:30 l:U 130 11:16 1:10 BALD EAQLR VALLEY BRANCH. Kl. Hall, r. a. K.p A. a p. al. 7.11 8..10 laaraTobi antra l.ll 7.54 7.41 7.11 .7 Hald Kl4 HI 1.30 114 9.55 1.31 10.111 1.46 10 15 Juliaa Mileahurg Hellafonla Mllealturf 7.0.. 14.1 0.M II ill 10.40 iiowara 4.01 1.16 I u 616 141 HJarrira LJIaraa laa TYRUNM BTATIOK. BAITWABa. A.W.I WKMTWAHD. J Paaina Riprral :mil Pillahurub Kip'ia, 1.51 Jubaatowa Exurcaa 8 5lPaulQo Kxprvaa, 8:U p. I Bar Etnraaa 11501 p. a Mail 'train, l:2Way PiaieDgar, 1:U Atlaatio Kxpraaa, 1:51 1 M41I Traia, 6:34 1'bila. Kti.r.rt. :24 Fal Ltna, 7: lliuaa aounaotiuoa oiada by alltraiBaat Tjrroaa and Luek Uarea. 8. I. BLAIR, nvl7'tf. Huparintandant, HTAOI LINKS. A.ataaalenraa CurwrnaTilladnilT fnr Reynolila. Tlll, at I w'oluolt, p. n..airtrlnKal Rrjnoldarillr at 0 uflliiek, p. la. natarninx, ivaraa nayauiua villa daily, at 7 o'clock, a. oa., arrtviag at Cur vanavilU al 11 o'clock, a. Para, aaab aav, (2. A ataaa laavaa CarwaBWlltf dally, at 1 o'clocki p. a., lor UoBola City, arriving al DaBoia Cilj at fl a'cloab, p. aa. Katarniag, laavaa HuDoia at 1 o'clock, a- daily, arriving at CurwcBavillaat II o'clock, aa. faro, aack way, ai.au. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE' DIV18IOM. ' v r1t and altaf MuBday, A a .oat 4th, 1171, V lha paaaaoger traina will rua daily (aaaapt Sunday) between Bad Bank and Driftwood, aa follow! 1 RAHTWARa Day Vail laavaa PttlaWg 115 a.m.; Had Bank ll:lii bligo Janatlon 11:33: Now RatklalMB 11:31 p. tn. Mayarilla 11:60; Troy 1:11 1 Rruobvil a 1:31 1 Fnllar'a !: 1 Roy aoldavilla 1:11 : DuBoia 1:5V 1 Romaait Tunnal l:ll Vaalald l:tli Waodvillo 4:04 Bonoaatta 4:31 t arrivea alDrtrtwood at 6:20. V lTW A RDay Mall Icaraa Drlflwood 11:20 a. m.i HcaaaotU 1:04 1 Woodvilla 1:10: Paulold 1:16; tlaiaaait Taaaal 1:10 ; DaBoia 1:14; hojouldavlll. 1:51 : Fnllar'a 1:10; liruok.ill.l J3 Troy 1:64s Mayavilla 4:14: Now Bothlobcm 4:30 Rligo Janetioa 6:12 1 Rod Uaakt:3ll arrival al Pittabarg al I.OB p. aa. pM- Tba Bayaoldayilla AooOBiBodatloB laavaa Rcvnoldavilla daily at 7:66 a. m.i and arrlvaa al Rod Bank al 10:50 a. as., 1'itiahorrb al 1:30 p. ra. Loavat Pillaburgb at 1:16 p. Bl ; Rod bank al 6:16 p. ra. arriving at HaymWnlln) at i06 p. Cloaa aoBaactloaa aaada with traina oa P. A E Railroad at Dntlaeud, and with traiaa OB lb. Allagbany Vallay Hailmad at Rod Bank. DAVID MtCARUU.Oaol Sup'L A. A. jAOBaoa, flap'! L. U. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bollefoota, Pa t liHIddletawa 16 M Look Haven 1 lol Marietta . Ilk Wlillaaprt,. 1 10 Lanaaater ... . W UuatiBgdoB.. 1 IV PHILADELPHIA 1 to Lewialowa. 1 ! Alloona....... 1 16 M.ryallle,....H.. 4 It JobaalowB. IU C.w.navilla........ 10 PkiHuaaarw. II Oaceola lijTjrone 1 11 UARHIHRIIRD... 4 7llPITTHRIIRO..... Ill ARNOLD WANTS ' Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curweowville, Jan. , 11-tf. Jfew Marble Yard. tombstonesTmonuments, Poiti for Cemetery Lott. A NRV7 MARBLE YARD Call at J. FLA II ART I'll warble Worka. Cboica work aad ba arioaa. Direelly oppo.ite lha Latheraa Cbereb Third ltrr.1. Clearlteld. I'a., Marob 17. IK.I If CENTRAL iState Normal Nchool (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. y. JIA VB, A. M., Principal Tbil 8ebl It at itataBUtBtd,D'rritbr far; baal laamuti fur rraramoaal aad Claiinal bBrtdinft-poua, tatkiai anal toaawilagi nawplfl!; btd by ttuni, vatitti.tad, aad furaipbrd witb a aaaattlat aappljr af pnra watar, f!l aprlrf watrr. Irvatvliaa baalibfbl aad tay af araaaa. ' 8arroaadiaf oaaarr aaiurpaiMal. Traaban aiparMaard, aftakat, aaA aJifa to Ibeir wattt-- ! . r-i ut ' i in mi i p iin, I rat bat lift, bwiroraWlIbaffvfb KipcBM Mbtlarata. ftxj nbu a waab dadaatlaa ta tba-H praparlog to taaab. , , , fttBdrttiadmlttad'aay tlata, " Caanata of imiy pmartbod kj tba Butt, I Modal Pebtiot. I, rraparaiury. Ill, fVaaaa Urjr. lV.ckatia. v . , t . . i afoiuticl iir-B;'1 ' - 1. Atadaaila. II. Caanaantal. III. Malta. It. Art. Tba Kit manurr am) BolaaUfle toort ara Pra faaiaalr aad atadaaU iradaaUnc tbortla ;awlta Htaia Dtplaau. ODDfarrinK lha (.tlowmj arraa poadli-gdagrtaat MaHaraf tba SvSlaaaM. Omd ataa ia tba itbar ooartM raoaita J-araial Cariift aat aa of ibotr aiuinaiaata. iicaad b ib Vmij Tba ProfriilnBl ooartoa ara llbart.1. and art ltt tboreaghaau aat lefarior ta tboaa of aar bail a) legai. Tba Muta rrqairai a blgbar ardar af iIUmb ibip. -' Tba Uaiat danand it. Il la aaa af Um f riait objafU of thii Mhuol ta balp toa-eara it by urni.tiia laUUinant aad efloiant taabri for bar rbl Tt tbtt an U aolieiu aoajn par ana ar (io4 ahtiitt4 an J gwd parpoHa--lba wbodaitmta ta p'iaa tnotr una aal abatr Ul ibu, liudf fill. Ta all aucb II prattbai aid la loplDg thalpewan aad abRlMt opparta. itlaa tat wail paid labor altar laariag aaboL v'ar aalalogaa aad tomi addraaa lha Prinoipii. I BOARD Or f RUBTHB4, TocaaaLaBRi' ractrKM. J. H. BarUo. M. A. B. Boat, Jaae Brawt, I.M.BMfoH.taaiBolObHat.A. K. Kanb, ft. . OooT. O. UipplB, I. P MeOaraiiob, Baa., t btatb raDtraaa. rU.njA, Oa CaMia, Mm. B. L. bMT.abMb, tifa. Jaaaa Marnll. Uoa. Wax Biglar. V. 0. 0. kalay,a. A Liar Meferojtob, Bm. WILLIAM BldLlft, rtaaidoat Baord af Traataai. 4Li4M MMRRIL, . k . Vroa Praaidaat B. MlLUt MtOOhMTOr. rWrftarr, . TUUMAAVAKfiUy, Traawror. Tiottli1. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cnr of hMood atai. M tvrlui Hthttv ' IXKAKkflKI.D, PA TUT j mi oodiut UoUl , dirlbi tb put Jtar. b ttUrgii H doubl It. (irmM eaptoUj tM th atruUmiii of itra fan b4 f umu. Tb wbnlt bullJlng bka ban rwfaraiabad, anil th proprUtor will fptr io fitiu U nivaUr bttf uu torn tor Ub I wbil MftyitttT with bB. trm 'Maiioi tfofliV Omnlbai nrni le M. tnm lb lplB tb mt1tI tw4 paraw rf tttk IratB. W, O. CARUON, J ill j is-ff-tf . Propnatoi LLEGHENY IlOTEIi- Markat Slraal. Cleardald, P.. Wra. 8. Bradley, fomorly proprtator of Leonard llouee, bavlng loaaod tba Allcghi tba i.ny Hiital, aolloila a obara of publia patrOBaga, Tb bVioee baa baaa thoroughly repaired aad aawly Turniahed, ar.d gueata will Bnd it a ploaaaol atup ping place. The ubla will ba aupplied witb the neet of everything Ib tba market. At Ike bar will ba fuaad tbe Mil wine and liquort. Uoud atabllag attached. Wll. S. BKaDLEY, llay 17, 'il. . Proprietor. SHAW housb, :- (Cor. or Market A Front atreala,) 0LEAKFIELD, PA. Tha Boderaigoed kavlog UkaB eaarga of IbU Botal, woeld reapeotfally aolieit pabiio patroaaga. lekll,'7l. . NEWTON bllAW. JEMPERANCK HOUSE, NEW WASHINQTON, PA. B. D. R0SB, PBOPBIBTOB. lfeala, 15e. Maa and Itoraa oer Bight, $1 01. MaB and to horaai over sight, $1.60. Tba boat of aceomoaodatloBi fur aaaa aad bcait. Oct. 83,'71-tf. .... WASHINGTON HOUSE, NHW W ABIllMUXUN. PA Tbli aew and well I'uraiabed boaaa baa been taken by tbe nnJoralgned. lie fcala oonfldeot ol Being able to render eettafaelioa 10 tboaa wbo nay laror bin with a aalL May , 1171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PniLIPaUIURU, 1'K.NN'A. t ' TaMe alwaya aupplied with tbe beat the market tfforda. The traveling public ia invited to calL Jan.1,'71. ROBERT LOYD. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In M aaonie Rallding, one door north al O. D. VTeteoa'l Drug Store. Paeaage Tieketa to and from Liverpool, Qaeena Inwn, Hlaagow, LondoB, Parli and Copenhagea. Alao, Drafta for aala on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland aad Imperial Bank of London. JAMRS T. LEONARD, Prl't Vf. M. BIIAVr, Caahler. Janl,'77 DREXEL & CO., Ho. U South Third Htreet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will rceaira prompt attan Inn. ,nd all Infurtnitioo- ahairfullj furniahad Ordart aoliotad. April 11-tf. r. k. aaaoLtt. . w. arrolb. t. a. Arnold F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO.', Ilmikerft und ISrokorH, Heyuoldavllle, JclTnraou Co., Pa, MoBey reoelved oa dapoait. Dlaconnta al mo lerate ratca. Eaatern and Foreiga Eiobangi al avi on hand aad oullrctioni promptly made. Reynoldavtlle, Dm II, I874.-Iy Sfntistry. J L. R. HEICIIIIOLD, ' SUHUBON DBNTlaT, Iraduata of lha Peoaaylvaal Collar, of Dental Surgery. Offioe in reaidenoa of Dr. Ililla, oppoaite tbe bbew Houae. mchll, '78-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OUoe la B.nk Building,) ' CwweaUTUlB, ClaarReld t,. Pa. -each xt Te-tf. v - J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OBee ia raaldaaea, Beeond atrael.) Nllroal Ollde Oal adailniil.red (or the pela aia eltractioa of teeth. CUerl.ld, Pa., May 1, 1177-ly. ?Uisf tUanf ous. SIIOENAKINO.1 bareby inform my pa tronf, aad man kind Ib gaaaral, that I bara removed my abovnaking abop to tba roan la uraham'l row, over o. I. Boydsr'i Jaelrr itora. and that I an praparod to do alt blnda of wori ta bit ltna onaapor than ant atbar ibnp la tow a. All work worrmiiwd aa good m aan bo duno aar oberoolM. Puailiralj tbia la tba ebfapm ihop ia Cloarueld. J0d. U. UaEHlNO. Daa. 11, 1878-tf. AATagons FOR SALE. Tba anderalgard baa ea bead, at all ihep la OleareM,r-. ; , y" i -. Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spring- "Wa-ffoas, ani Bagios, For Ball. Wealera wagonl aa well aa thoea atade bra. Any of which will ba eoli cheap for aaab or approved Mearlty. Far lartner larorai aliea, oal I in panoB at ny ahop, or addraaa aae by letter. lllOMAd RKILLY. Oleartold, Pa., April II, U7I If. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory PeBB iownahlp, Claarlcld 0o Pa. BIHIED UUTI BURKED UPI Tba nbatribari bora, at gnat aipoaaa, raballt a aaigbhorbood aoooaaitT, la tba orootioa of a Irtt elKM Wookoa MoBBfaeiorTp witb all lb a atodora lm pro Tata an U aitaobod, and ara praparod la Btaba oil kinda of Clot ha, Caaitmaroi, Batlnatta, Blia bati, Plaanali, Aa. Plaaty of good a oa baad ta apply all oar old and a tboaaaod now aaitontra. WDni wa aaR ta oona aaa aianiao oar iioobi Tbo balloon of CARDING AND FULLING Bill maWa aar aapaolal attantioa. Propor orranganiaDU will bo aaada to rooalro aad dalivar Wool.ieaait oaitomora. All work warraatod aad ioao opoa tbo abortoat aotioo, oad by atriet aitoo Hob to baalaaaa wa bopo to roaliaa a llboral abara of pabiie potroaago. IOAHH) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay tbo higbait Borkat prioa for Wdo aod aoll our aiaaafaotarod good, aa low aa alaallar goodi oaa bo bought ia tba eoaoty, aad obaoorar wa fail to roadar roaaoaablo aatiifaotioa wa eao alwaya bo fooad at bona roady to moka propor aipiaaauan, aitnor ia parioa or oy lottar. JAMBS JOHNSON A HONS, tt Hawiw p. a jrEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would raapntfally aatlfj tba pablia faooraJly tbat bo baa rooiorod hit ttrooory Btoro Iroa. Sbtiw'a Row. to tbo aalldiag forasorly ooaapiad by J. Miloa Kntaar oa Soooad firoot, aoit door ta Blglor'a hardwara ttora, wbora ba Uteada aospiBg a mi uaa ar OROCEKIE H. BAMS, DMKD BBKF and LAHO. 8D4AR8 aad Bt KCPS, f all grade.. TKA8, Breea aid Black. COM-H, Roaalad aod Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, r t cajrA-mn frvmtb, t 1 I .1, ;, All kiadi Ib the aaraet. PICKLBS, in Jan and aarrala, , , SPI0H, la every bra aad variety. i . FAMILY FLOUR, AIX bUWIW oif chackrhs. SOAPS, MATCtlKS, , , PMRD APPLCS, ' - 1 DRIID PRACtllS, H i " i DRIID 0HIRRII8 Coil Oil nl launp CSilazejx Had a gawd aaeortiieal af Ujaa (Mage awaally bapt an a greeery Mafa, whleh ba will eaaaaaga par BiarBauag aa vaa wariei pnaaa. Win ail far eaab aa tkaaply aa aay atbar aaa. PVaaaa Ball aad aae hi. toeh aad ladra fo ywwnaai. Mc8ADBHT. CVaartaM, Jaa. , lltl. THE REPUBLICAN. C'LKAKHKLD, l'A. WIDMKHDAV MURNINU, NOV. 6, 1IT. CLEABtXG THE DEMOCRATIC ATMUHl'UKKE. Tba oollue ul ' ibe Ohio idea" b lika lilting a heavy handicap Irum a ruce horau thut carried too much tluad wcii'bl tu win, even il' bis natural anrvtl and bottom wuro equal to ilioac of bi coin oti torn. Tbia opportunu check in Ubio makes It rraaonably cerluiu that in tbe great l'reaidcniial race the Iluinocruuc parly will not lie handicapped either with an inna'.iou candidate or an inUaliuu plutlui in. it ia common to aay tbatatorma elear the atmosphere. When the air is loaded with noisome vapors and heavy loiri dun tbe clear litrht ol beaven the ovcrahudowinir blackness of a violent tbundergust, although il may seem to Increase tue dopreMing sense ol su Hot-anon lor the momeiii, is tbe harbinger ot returning clear ness, transparency, easy respiration and bracing almuepbeno coudttions. In Ibis respect tbe physical world is a type of tbe moral and tbo political. In the records of religious exKrience the numiior ot men who: like Uunyan and the illustrious St. Augustine, have been transformed into eminent auinta by an overwhelming sense of their own excesses, Is beyond computation. To be sure, it is ODly noble natures Ibat can thus proui by tueir errors, and tins is as true ol ohurchep, ol gov orn incuts and of political parties, as il is ot Individual men. ibe heavy culuin'itics brought upon ihe Calboliu (J !i u run liy the V rolestanl Uelormaiion were tbe means ot lis own puribca tion, because the Church had witbin itsell tbe seeds ol a vigorous spiritual irjuvciialion. franco was not destroy, ed by the wild orgies ot its first revo lution, as Buike and others predicted it would Do, Dot derived new energy even from tbo bloody Hcign of Terror, and soon becomo tbe conqueror ol I'.u rune, because the nation was strong and acquired a new sense of its power Dy tue vioienco and excossoswnicb at tended its emancipation from ibe vices and oppression ot the ancien regime. It is only baso or erlele natures ihut sink and wilt under the chasliscmeni ot their fullies. Strong and sound na luros natures in which there are no ble qualities worth saving rise vic torious ovor their own mistakes and gather now energy by tho rebound. Wo do not doubt thut tho Demo cratio party possesses this power ol rccuporution, and that H has yet a rcal part to act in Iho political lileol ibe country. In spile of the financial heresies which it has fostered since the return of peace, the Democratic party represents some fundamental princi ples whot-0 preservation is csscntiul to tiiu jiei (tuiuiiy ui uur tree iiinuiuuons. It comprises one-halt ol tho votlni' citizens of tbo United Status, anil thero would be a reason to despuii of tho Republic if so largo a part ot our people had lost Iho sense of patriot ism and public virtue. We believe nothing ot the kind. .Ye believethat iho average Democrat Is as moral and well meaning as tho avorauo He. publican. In recent years tho party UBS not had lair ploy, owins to ncriN of bad leadership and "perils from luise uretnren. saddled wild repudia tion in tbo West and bound to the cor rupt carcass of Tammany in the Kast, il Las been its misfortune to carry "a burden to sink a navy." Repudiation is dead and Tammany is committing suicide; and when the Democratic party has no longer these two mill stones hanging enough to keep its head above water and swim ashore. With good leadership and wiser coun sels it may have as great a career in the future as it formerly had in tbe past. A party which has so illustrious a history, a party which has so much genuine sympathy with tho sons of toil wbo lorra tbe mass ol tho Amor! can people, a party which, in spite ol its aoDorations and nagrnni deviations from principle, is still tbe main bul wark 01 popular rights against usurp ing power, cannot bo destroyed by its own blunders unless it porsittls in them. It resembles an ancient lamily, wbieb, after having prudontly managed its etutes through successive generations, comes at last to bave a foolish and prodigal heir, Thespendtbrittinberi lor ol a great name and great posses sions may bring himscll into all sorts ot dimctiltics and distress, and trans mit bis own embarrassments to his im mediate successors : but as he is only the temporary possessor of an entailed estate ibe pride ol tbe family name ia not extinguished, though dimmed, and the tamo ol an honored lineago wil assist the next boir through his Iroub lea. nuob Is tbo ancient and time bonorcd Democratic party, a party long illustrious in tbe history of the country ; a party wbicb never flinched or faltered in maintaining tbe high bearing of tbe Nation against jealous loreign rowers; wbicb originated. proclaimed and defended the Monroe doctrine ; which acquired every square mile ol now territory which is ol any real value ; which brought us Louisiana and tbe vast region westot the Missis sippi, brought ns Florida, brought us iexas, brought ns Ualilornia, and ea tablishod our title to Oregon. Leaving out Alaska, tbe comparatively worth less acquisition of Prosidont Johnson, ibe Democratic party quadrupled the original area ol the United Mates be tween tho inauguration of Jefferson and: tha close ot tba administration of Polk. A party which has this rec ord must always huld'a great and bon- ored plaoe in our history. Moreover, it was tho Xicmocralio parly that stormed and beat back tbe tide of rampant Know iN'otliir giim and kepi open tbo doors of tbe liepublio to emi grants by insuring them equal rights witb native aniens, its position on tho cuirency question might add to Ibis catuloguo ul event as it had been forfeited in recent years, and it is to ibe credit ol the Democratic parly mat it has been the principal champion in thi. country, of free commerce and adversary ol bigb protective larins- A party wbicb has such a history will ba found to poaseat graal tenacity ot life. Even its eopperhcadism during ibe war did not ruin It, but only pros trated it, fork tew years. Its allianoe witb inflationists msrely noovebes but cannot kill iL With its rich inberitance of proud NaUooal reoullectiuna the Democratic party has irrepressible powers of rejuvenation, and only long Sersisicnco in blunders can ever (lis ain it. ; Its went defeat In Ohio wil proba bly cure it of inflation insanity, and the Meld will ba clear tor a roorganiaa lieu of the party under leader wbo will bo lalthtul to its principles and mnko it tho worthy beir of IIS llliu- irious history. Divorced from infla tion, punoedlrpra Tammany, tbe Dem ocratic party may, even next year, present formidable front to its politi cal adversaries. A Goo 8sd Org. Th Kaahvill American, one af ttte ablest of South ern Democratic newspapers, ia speak ing of Bonator flayard'aoandidacy for tb Pmsirtency, says : "Ho fcoth in herit and has learned, and has been surrounded by all that can make a man leara tatesmansbip, indepen dence, purity and nobility of character. Many men prefer nthor candidate!, and many, for reasons ol various kinds, op poa Mr. Bayard ; but it can fairly be said of bim that Ls has tho profound respect which virtu win ol all men, and tb deep grttitod of tb South and of the Iriends of tree Gov ernment for hi great services." STATU SQrEJtKla.XTY. AN INTER ESTlpd CASE UEFnni TUB St- PUEMKCoraT ISTIIEl'NION A, L-RAUtlRf The Supreme Court at Washington, on the 21xt nil., took up tho case of the state ot Tennessoe, vs. Jus, III. unvis, uponadivision of opinion in the United Htatea Circuit Court for tho Middle District ot Tennessee. Argument was commenced by 11. J. Lea lor Plaintiff and continued by Assistant Atlornny Uencral nmilb lor DeletuianL mis case arises out of tbo indictment in a Tennessee Statu Court of the Vvirxo nut, James M. Davis, a Deputy Collec tor tit Internal Kevenue.tnr the murder of James U. lluynos, a citizen ol ien ncsHce. On Ihe xiuhot August. 178, Davis filed his petition lor certiorari in tho U. 8. Circuit Court lor the Middlo District of Tennessee, alleging, among other things, that "the killing was done in Selfdefcnso, to save bis own life, and tbat at the time the act tor which bo wa indicted waa com mitted, be wa anofllcorot tho United States, to wit, a Deputy Collector of Inlornal Revenue, and was engaged in the discharge of big official duties." upon the return ot tbe corlioruri tue Slate of Tennessco, by ils Attorney Uencral, moved that the case be re manded to tbe otute Court in which tho indictment was found. The mo tion was beard before Hon. John Bax lur, Circuit Judge, and Hon. Conally K. Trigg, District Judge, presiding. Tbo Judges were divided In opinion upon tbo lollowing questions, which they havo ordered certified to this Court lor adjudication: Kirst. is an indictment ot a revenue olncur found in a Stato Court forlhu murder, under the facta alleged in the petition lor ro moval in this case, removable to this Court, under section six hundred and lorty threo of the revised statuiod ol tbo United States T second. Jt re movable from the Slate Court, is there any mode and manner of procedure in the trial prescribed by the act ol Con gress? Third. And if not, can a trial nt guilt or innocence of the Defendant he bad in ihe United States Circuit Court? Tbe main quusiiun to bo dis cussed is, in iho words of Attorney General Devena' brief, substantially iho same as that which has fur over balk a century been debated in Con gress and belnro the country, vir., whether the United Suites Constitu tion is a frame ot the Government created by the people and acting di reutly from and upon the individual, or is merely a compact or league ol sovereign Mates, ihoso who in sist that tbo general Government Is purely Icilerul and not national in its character, are logically compelled to deny Ihe right to remove any causu from the Stale to the Federal Court and to declare tbo act ol 1780, section 20, unconstitutional, because if any right of removal exists it must extend alike to civil and criminal cases, and tho extent to which, as well as the time and manner in which it shall bo exer cised (whenever Federal laws or their execution is concerned), is a question of expediency and not of power.'' i bo Attorney General ol lenncssco. on behalf of iho Slate, maintains: First, thut the words "criminal prose cution" in section (143 of the revised statutes havo reference to acta of reve nue ofllcnrs therein declared to be offenses, and not to prosecutions fur murder, wbicb Is not an ctTenso by tho revised statutes, except il is on the high seas, etc. Second, that it Con- gress intended by said section to re move trials from the State to the Fed eral Courts, tho act is unconstitutional. There is neither an express nor an im plied power io the Constitution giving to Fodoral courts jurisdiction of crimes which are offenses alone against the State. Third, if said aociion were constitutional the United States Cir cuit Courts could not try a caso of murder, becnu-ic they bavo no common law jurisdiction in criminal cases, and because Congress has not by legislative act made murder a crime or affixed a punishment, except innrder upon the bigb sous, in tbe District of Columbia and in forts, arsonali and dock-yards. TUE IHDIAN OUTItltEAK. It appears that the present uprising among ihe Utes is the culmination ol a annua of outrageous proceedings on lb part of tho Indian JJurcau precise ly ou a par with previous transactions with other tribes. 1 be Ulee origin ally owned about one-fourth of tlio territory of Colorado, their lands being situutcd in tho exiremo western por tion of tbo Territory. All wont well till 1871, at tho time of Hi erase of ibe Man Juan mines. Tbe miners then proceeded to encroach by degrees on the Indian land till tbey bad virtually possessed themselves ot about one third' ol it, in the southern portion. Soon after this Lcadville was estab lished and mpidly grew. The Utes protoaiod against these incursions but lor several years were unable to se cure tho car of the Government, ily lb treaty of 1873 the United Slates promised to pay them $000,000 lor the laud appropriated in annual install. mentsol 130,000 and at the same time guaranteed them in the most solemn langungo Irom all liirther depredations. This treaty resulted as most ol tho others. Up to this time the ntes bave not received a dollar on account of this steal and aa to tho second part of the treaty it has boen systematically dia regarded by the invasion ot miners, till today the Ute territory is literally overrun with white mon. The While River Agency is in tbe norlborn part ol tbo Dialo and Mr. Meeker, tbo In dian Agont al tbut point, has gone on endeavoring to enlorce tha Indians to etata ot civilisation which they do not want and In the attempt has suc ceeded in letting in a lot ol white settlers to till the ii h land. As is usual fn dealing witb the red skins, endurance has at last ceased to bo a vinne. They construed tho presence of Thornhurgh's troops Into an effort on the part of tho Government to seize their territory by force aflor promising to pay lor it under treaty. I'liray, the Chief tho tribe, is a man of much greater intelligence than the rest, lie was educated in a Mexican monastry, speaks tour languages fluently and live in a white frame bouso. In a spirit of conciliation he favored tbe treaty of 1H73, which has born scandal ously broken, and baa ever since then, in spit of tbis tact, endeavored to lead hi tribe into th secret of agriculture and to preserve peace w lib tho Gov ernment, out bo must now fall in line Contrary to the general idea, th Utes have always been, up to tb present time, the (rionds and allies of the whitos. Tbey did not opon fir on tho whiles wben tbey broke inlolhsir min ing regions in 171 as did Hitting Hull wben tbry invaded tbe Mack Hills ; but repealed outrages and breaches ot solemn treaties bav borno the same fruit tbey did with the Neg Poroca, another irtendly tribe, who did not re volt till thoir tilled lands, guaranteed them by treaty, wore Invaded. The war promise to b extensive and cost ly to th Oovernment. Tbey always are. Mr. Schnrx Is hurrying bom to take lb helm. McCrary ia directing affairs from duplicate dispatches of tho situation sont to him in Iowa, and the frosidont and General of tb Army ara both away en junkets, the latter bowling because b baa not army anongh to do picket duty on the irontier. The bowl should be directed in this case, a in most others of a simi lar nature, against the rascals wbo make treaties only to break thorn. uammort uaiait. A starved tramp said he was so thin that wben he bad a pain b oouldn't tell whether It was a ilomach-acbeor a back-aohs. rnoDucTioxs qf-aqmcul TUIIE1N THE CENSUS. Tho agricultural schedule annexed to the Act ot IKill which ia alao mado a purl ol tho Act ot March 3. 187. pioviding for the Tenth Census, ro quiies a report of the chief productions of Bgiiciilture "during ihe year ending june ist. Now, thore Is nodistinctagricutural year which ends on the tlrsl of June, and there is reason to beliovo that tho statistics of agriculture from 1850 to isiu, in regard tu many ol ihopro- AVj.t,.vvubi aeed portions of two dill'or erit crops, inasmuch a tho enumera tion was protracted through three, tour, and oven five months. Ily Iho Act approved March 3, 1879, it ia provided that tho Tenth Ccnus ahull he tuken und completed during iho month of June, 1880. Thia pro visi'in gruaily roduces iho liability to error which has boen noted. Aa the enumeration commence on the first of Juno and closes on or be. fore tho thirtieth, all the crops wbicb are gathered once a year will lallpretiy clearly on ono dido or ihe other of tho dividing lino. , Thus the cotton crop reported in tbo census win oe that ol 1879, galhorod in th Full ol that year.' while the wool clip or "wool crop" will be that of tbe Spring of 1880 except in por tions of Calitbinia und Texas, where coin a run and a Hprmg crop are secured. For certain of tho productions of agriculture, uowevcr, there la no harvest, in tho usual sense of thai term ; but the product is gathered week by week, or day by day, us il matures milk, butter, cheese, meat fall into this class. In view of the requirements of iho law, and -of the great importance of aueuiaiu stuiisiictti information rela tive to agriculture, il is deemed to be highly desirable thut funnels should prepare themselves in advance to give Ibu information with promptnesa and accuracy. It is urgently recommend ed, therefore, thatagrieullurul journuls and tbe officers Of agricultural societies and clubs give publicity to this an nouncement and thai all persona en gaged in agriculture wbo suull receive this circular, or ahull seo it in public prints, make notes Irom time to tune of tha quantities und values of their several crops gathered, and the num her of acres of land planted, in order that their Blatemcnu, when mule to Iho onunicrutuis, muy bo of the high est possible value. To remove any doubts that muy arise concerning the crops to bo re turned in tho census, tho following lublo presents the suveral crops spe cifically mentioned in the agricultural schedulo, arrange' accordingly as they fall into the calendar year 1370, or that ol 1SS0, or are to be returned for the twelve months beginning June 1, loiU, and closing May 31, 1880. PROPtCTIONS OP AnRlCULTURK DUIUNCl HIS VSAR 1.NMSI1 JUNE 1, 18S0. I. 0 Iht crop of tht tttltmiar year 1179. Wbcal... Aortal. Aoi. ituthal. Aorra. fiuibula. Acret. .iuthata. A or' a. Buabfla. Auret. limb ell. A ore. Uuibali. Duaheli. Hraall fruit ..... liar Clotir fl 4W. liram ScDtl lltpa,.,M II amp.,. KIbk. FlaxM-ad Veloe ot pro luela,lollarl, Aorel. Tone. duabela. Buahlle. Aeraa Pouoda. Aar.8. Tonr. Aurea. foaoda. Corn Oata U.rlj... Duck- h?t. ... Paaa mod NeaDl.. Rio Aarei. Hun d li, Aorta. Houndi. Aflrei. BalsH. Acrca. ButbaU, Arrai. Valtaa of ftr duoia.tttilUrt. Aorta. Vtlua of pro duia,dol)atra TubaMAO. Cottuta... PutatoM. Hoelieli. No. of airea. Cda of ..I. P'daof 6..0.J Acrea. Il'a'd of loser Oal. of ainle'a Aorel. P'tla cf aagar. Oal. elaaola'a R.aa.. Sagar Uaa..,.. Orakarda Sorhuai V.oryM. . !"" Poaod.. Oalloaa. aa,.! ' weeoe. . ' I Pouada. 111. pi. III. 0'Jy.VJ.... l,l,.il., I, 1ST- sie ol, IB9H, I AflrM Batter.... Poaod.. '" J v.lae af ora- Care... ... P.iaodl .laraaae. I Joele.dollara. Mtk aoid tiellool. iVeleoolfureatproduete, Value of anlaaala eleaib-! doll.n leieo, aunera. ivalae ol Home Meae- T faelurea, doilara. FRANCIS A. WALKKft, buueiinteouoai 01 Ueaeui. . Kienl ia Calif orala aod Taiea, aa aotad la the leal or iBiiarlia.a. THE DECISION. It may as wolf be admitted openly and al once that tbo Supreme Court decision upon responsibility for tho riot losses rusts upon a powerlul and compact argument, it is knit liko chain mail. One will search in vain for a weak spot at any point of con nection in the discussion. The argu ment is clour also. Any man cupuble ol lollowing a line ol thought can readily seo every ohiect aimed at bv the learned Judge. Thoro ia nothing mine aocurneniio contuse the ordinary mind: not even ohslruso law learning, although tbo caso no doubt furnished an ample field for tho display of that. Conceding tho fact that thero Is such a statute as ibatof 18-11, and conced ing the facts upon which tho Court proceeded, and these were facta pro vided by sworn testimony and appeal ed to by Counsel lor the Plaintiff, and it is bard to roach any other conclusion than tbat of th decision. Since tho decision waa rendered it appears thai not a lew lawyers and tbnughtlul lay men havo all along bold tbat opinion, There ia a dispute as to whether or not the decision covers the case of the railway properly as to whether the company did or did not commit such improper acts as to cause the destruction of its rolling stock and buildings. Ths Court rays that the question of Improper conduct is a nice ono, and in Ibis Instance has not been defined. Hut from what is thereupon added It is difficult to see wherein tho Court will admit proof ot euub im proper conduct as will defeat the eom puny'a claim. Tfio drift of tho argu ment on that point ia to ibow that the company was in the performance of legul duty when It took tho steps wuicn culminated In tho riot. There is very little comfort to bo had from tho decision by any one who grieves at lbs lUea ul having to pay tbe com pany'a losses. ' It goes against tbe grain to conies so frankly as tbia. And yet this is not to surrender the case wholly. Judges must interpret law as they find It. 1 bey have no right to change it in either leltor r spirit. Tbey must in terpret tacts as presented to them. In this event tbey have done so. But years alter lues facts were living, throbbing, terrible realities, it ia im possible to understand thorn exactly a they wore at the beginning im possible to judges silling In the calm of the sanctuary of justice. And It remain .true that the riot bur was exceptional, that tbo dangerous crowd here in th memorable July day wa technically a mob, it was in fact, and ia purposo a body of insurgent. A Court may not bt allowed by th rule of law to recognise tb ornwd a such, but tbo legislature, which Is tree to act upon mor liberal rales, wnnot fsil to recognise it whether it iiKoreat will allow it to acknowledge o much or not.' But It is useless to discuss thi sub ject. All thalthcitixensof the county can ao now is to set ineir Heads to gether and determine what is best undor the circumstances. Tbe oirenm- stances ar not cbeorfut ; at tb samo Urns tbey ar not orashing. This county can and will do anything that exacting lusucs ma demand. iutt turgh Telegraph. EYARTS ON REPUBLICANISM AND HlailTEOUSXEXS. It Is next door to tho Impossible for any member ot tho present abnormal Administration to muke a public speech without a nauseating display of cunt lha aickly, simple whine of affected true goodness. Considering all tho circumstances onnnncletl with the birth of the Administration, and seeing how its life has fulfilled the promise ol do Ignoble and criminal in ception, its assumption of a pious air is not only in moat execrable taste, but calculate J to provoke Ihe just indigna V.ir. if tbu-e who bave any sense ot " tho eternal fitness of things." One need not be exceptionally good or cx tremely fastidious to resent systematic hypocrisy. 'The most recent exhibition of this canting snivel win the peroration of air. r.varts now ion apoccbot lues, day evonmg, October 2It, In which he urged his hearers to support the Conkling-Tammany-Beocber alliance in order to " put the Government in the bands of those who love peace and pursue righteousness." If tbo ltepub iicun party bad lovod poac as much as it loved public plunder, it would not have pushed tho Nation to the vorgo of civil war, a war that would have raged in every hamlet in the United Slates, in order to bring in by crime, through the sewers ami sluiceways ot fruuilg tbo Administration, of which Mr. hvurts is a conspicuous nurL 11 that party desired peace it would not permit ils leaders to be forever ringing the changes on Iho war that ended half a generation ago. and continually louring open the wounds of aeclionul strile. Less than a week ago, and on tbe very spot where Mr. brarts stood Republican leader made threats of civil war, and bis bidcons menaco was choired by tho misguided, deluded men who applauded Mr. Kvurls. Thero Is no danger ol war, lor tho patriotism of Ibe musses may be relied on to avert such a calamity, uut tbe leading men and prominent journala of the liepub lioan party havo not hesitated to "keen the war teeling alive" as a part of their settled policy, nor have ihoy shown any resistance to trampling on the Constitution and invading the rights of Stales, with a view to provoking rdeentment in order to luruish a pre text fur further aggressions. But it appeurs that this parly not only loves peace, provided it can bave peace and plunder at tho same time, but it "will pursue righteousness." Tbis party that, after levelling and rollicking in tho very voluptuousness of unsurpassable corruption under Grant, stole Ihe le facto tille to four years more of license stolo it by the vulgar villainies ot felons this party, with this record," nill pursue righteous ness I'' Well, if .'tlighleousness knows what is good lor her she will got out of tho way wh'in she sees that crowd "puruiing." Reriously, however, Mr. Kvr.rls oulil tit know that such cant is inadmissible, lie ought to have somo respect lor those things whicb good men revere. He should bave so much decent regard tor the opinions and feelings ot a largo and most ro spoctablc iortion of tho community, as would prevent bim from giving them needless offence. Does Mr. Kvarts propose that tho Whiskey King thieves shall bo in the van when thut solemn march towards righteousness begins T Aro the Car pel bagdespoilors, the pious scoundrels who slolo iho soldiers' gruvc-slono funds, tbo Indian Bureau rascals who stole tho funds while the women and chiUlrcn died of hunger and cold, tho Bclknujw, tho Robeson ar all those to join in thspursuit ? Ar thcVii-iting statesmen to join hands with the Louis iana and Florida Returning Hoards, and go forth on the march, while tbo Administration cheers them on witb sacred psalmody 1 Will Mr. Kvarts commission tbe Shanghai Consulate scoundrels now in high fuvor in his Department to act as pioneers in that grand pursuit of righteousness T Will Chandler and Kellogg and Orlh be delegated to serve as Chaplains for tbe expedition, so tbat Parson Beecber may not bo interrupted in bis suppli cationi for the success of tbe Kelly detection 1 Does Mr. Evsrts think he can make capital by whining about righteousness, while be is advoculing the election ol'a man whose fitness for office he has denied, while he is train ing under tho lead ot a man whom ho despises, and sanctioning an alliance which his very soul abhors ? ll'n'A ingtcn Pott. WHY DIXON WaS killed. WHAT TWO PROMINENT CITIZENS SAT ABOUT IT. Amoug tho gentlemen scaled in the rotunda at Willard'a, last night, were Judge Harris and (Jen. Nat. Harris, of Mississippi. They are two ol the most influential citicens of that Bints. For many years tbe Judge presided over tbe Vickaburg Circuit, and his political opinions are tempered with judicial moderation. His brother, (ien. Nat. Harris, commanded tha fighting Mis sissippi bhgiido under stonewall Jack son, and is a favorite among the people of his State. The Poit took a seat beside the two gentlemen and intro duced tho subject of the killing of uupiain mxon, in xaxoo county. Saul the Judge: "Ihcre Is an entire misan prehension of this whole mailer in the minds of the Northern people. Tbis was not a contest between the Demo cratic and Republican parties, or be tween any political parlies. It was not a quosiiou ol tree franchise, either. It was an attempt on tho part of the people to put down the bull-docer and eupptess lawlessnesa and disorder. Dixon and his confederates were kick ed out of th Democratic party ; tbey wore repudiated by it because tbey treltevwa to tha rulw ol Ihe ebot-gun and tbe revolver. In 1876 Dixon led the bull dozers, and bis acts brought censure upon tbo people of our btnte This year be claimed to bav rendered valuable services to tho party, and de manded, as bis reward tho nomination for Sheriff, The people refused to rooognir.o bis services, and, as I have said, repudiated him ana his loliowera. U then sought to organic th ne groes and array them against tbe whiles. In short, to impose upon the people the evils from whicb tbey had freed themselves. This was a retro grade movement, and It involved the social aod business Interests of the people. Tbey were contending for tbuse interest. "Dixon was a man of unquestiona ble courage," said Hen. Harris," "and waa tar more dangorous, because of tbat as a loader of th nogroas than lb carpet baggers. He was blood up to the olnows, tie had Killed nve or six mon." ."What wa the difficulty between Dixon and Barksdale f" "Barksdale," replied Judge Harris, "is a candidal for obanoery olerk, aad is a Domoofat, who desired law and order to prevail, bo had denounced Dixon. This led to th difficulty. Barksdal i on of th moat promi nent and popular cilitcnaof th coun ty. He is engaged in businee in Vaxoo, ba property thar and want peace and qulol, and amicable relations between tb two race to prevail, He, too, ia a brav man and knew tb risk be ran In denouncing Dixon." (Ien. Harris repeated what lb Judge had laid to th effect that tbi Contest waa waged by th law-observing por tion ol the population against tb I les class; that aa a rule lb properly holder whose all was at HaL were opposed to Dixon, because h wai con stantly engaged in torn lawless notion, and, in addition to keeping th aovnty itirred up brought reproach upon It irom aDroaa. USffltfllUOUJ. ARNOLD WANTS ! 5,000 Rail Road Ties Carwea.villa, Pa. Jaa. t, H-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALIR IV FURNITURE, MATTHIASES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 6TRKKf, NIAR P.O. The BBSerilgBed bea leave la lafona Ibe etti iibi of Clearfield, ana tbe pabiie generallv, thai aa bai aa Bead a Aae eieorleaeat af FurDitara. aaaa ai Walaat, Caeataat aaa Palate Cbaaabet Bailee, I'.rlor Soil.., Reeliaia aa giteaaio Caaire, Ladies' an Ueala' Beet Claire, the Pet foretell UiaiB aad Harlot Caairl, Cane Seat. aad Wiadaor Chair., Clotbei Bare, Sup and Kitea aloa Laddera, Hal Raeka, Scrobbiof Braabea, A. MOULDING AND PIL'TURI FRAMES. aakin( Ulaaaee, Chrom.a, Ao., wbleb would a litalile far Holidat areeeatl. 4-' JOHN TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. THB ndtMi!(5ni wlnhlag to Inform tb pnMlr tbat bi npnd COMHISIOK ftTORB At tb old iUn4 il Troatvillu, CUa.r0.l4 itj, oa tbo lath iDtt, witb a rail tok U DRY COODK, GNOCEKIE, NOTION M. .toot, tthotM, etc.. In fuel everything to bo foaod ib Irit-olwiittoro. oil of wblab I on dotomtort to wll ot tbe kwt oob priooo. PAKMeftH AND LUMBERMEN Will Ui it to tbelr odroolofo todotbolrdooUni witb no, m tbo hlbot pnoci will b poid fui Qroia, bbioglei, or Produoo of on? kia4. Wr or oot balf OMb will bo pid, Troding To Sbliijfioi or LuatWrof onj kiwi o rpoeiolt). Alto, ogont for Singer Sewing Machines. Hon of narjf iron genet, ti witb Ktitm nr ebanU to aoll gnoda furaiabod mo, thottforo on! I and aro, M I will bo oooblod to aoll eheopor than tbo rbooput. J. W. CAKUI.B, Troutvillo. Po., Sept ft, '79-ly. Agoat. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hot openrd, la a building oa Market atroot, oa tbo old Welters Hutel lot, nppoaito the Court Heaee ia ClearBold.o Tie and rihoot lroa Maaa factory aad Store, whore will bo fooad at oil tine a foil line of nousE rrairisnnra goods, Stoves, Hardware Etc Bnaoo 8 pott ting aad all blade of job work, ropa-lr-iag, Ae., done oa abort aotioo aod at ro aaaa able ratal, Alao, ageat for tho Singer Sewing Machine. A eapply of Merbiaee, witb Needle., Ao at wave oa band. Teroaa, itrietlv eaab ar eoaBtrt Bredaae. A ibara of patraaaf enllaltld. U. a. MBKKKLL, 'Huperiateadeat. Clearleld, April II, IITT-lf. Wheeler 8c Wilson Family Sowing Hacliiai No. 8. . ji'tii ijrmjrTiojt'. Straight Needle, Silant, Easy Running, At the Paris Exposition, 1878, Wheeler & Wilson received tho only uraiia rrise a women lor searing Maohinos. Ovor 80 com petitors. Report of the American Institute of New l- I. . L ,1.1 -, . .. . - i or oninen newr a n iison aiacmne : " Wa do not hesitate to dmlara li nit bsst fiiwisn Apparatus in thi Wobld. Tbi Na. I aad No. ? MaeBfaelarlai; Macblae. ara .apeelallt teeaataiaadad lot jHORaf AIMS' aad TAILORS' ara. H. B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank, CURWENSVILLE. PA. WHEELER & WILSON MT'Q CO., Ubestnnt St., i" toladelphia. April t, 1811-lak PORT GRAPE WINE (Joed la tM priaelpal Charehei for Coou-amUa , parpoooo. Exoolleat for Ze&dios aniWe&l? n . J . A m r ' J 1 1 SPEER'S PORT CRAPE WINE I FOUR 1'E.fKS OLU. Thi. Olekntod Native Wrae It aaada ftoaj Ibe jwlea af Iba Opart (trap, raiee la Ihla Coaotj. lie lavelaable Tonic and Strengthening Properties ara aaiartjalaeal ev aay otter Native Wise. e ti tk. para awo f aba elrepa, pmdaead aadir Mr. Spear 'l ewa aeraoaal aaperviaiaa, Ua perllv and aaeaiarBeei ara fweraaleed. Tba voaataal eblla eaa partake af Ita xeaeraol qaollttee, aad Iba waakeat iavalld aaa li aa advaatat;e, Il II partlntiari. keaeloial ea the a(e aad debilita ted, aad leiled la tbe varioae ailajoate that af. fVat the weaker ear. ft la la averv raapeal A SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, Tk. P J smebbt t. wi i a i Cbaraeiar, aad parubai af Ibe folde a.aaiitlai al tba stapa freat wbiib II li atada. For faMtr, klabaaee, flevev aad atadielaal lrorttai, H wHI ba faaad aaaaaallad. SPEER'S P.J.BRAUDY, TkH ANkTeeaaeweBjvtvaMlBtUaaaaatn. bela lar aaaevier far ajadiaal aarpaiaa. IT II A FUR! diaUHatlaa fraai Ihewraaeead aaulal valBable aaediaal prapertlel. It he. a delleats tav.r, ttalbar to tbal af Ibe avapae fraaj wbieb k kl ellatlllad, aad a) la sraal sater aeaoai Ittt elaae faaaUiea. PaatbM aae aiawalafa af ALFHID IMIt, laiaaea N. i, ta eve. Iks eerh af aaak bwkua, SOLD ST & V. CXISaitf. 'alt II, HT It. ik - J e bo I i JT?' 9 I t9nr irn SflrfrtKfmnit. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllaaed ..art Wedaaadar bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLICARFIBLII, A Haa tke Laryeel Cfcrrvlatlea af aay paper aa Nartkwaatara Pawaayltaala. Tb largu and constantly increasing circulation of tb . Bkfdbuoan, randert it valuable tobuainea men as a medium tbro' which to reach tb public Turn or Subscription : If paid in advano, ... 12 00 If paid after three month, . 2 60 If paid alter aix months, . . S 00 When papers ar lent oulaide of the county payment must be in advano. ADVERTISING: To lines, or loss, S times, . f 1 60 Each subsequent Insertion, 60 Administrator' Noticos, . 2 50 KxecBtors' Notices 2 60 Auditors' Notices 2 50 Caution and Kittray, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notios, . . , 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notice, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADYEltTISEMKNTSs One square, 10 lines, . . . f 8 00 Two squares 15 00 Three sqnares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . , , 60 00 On ball column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 BLANKS. W bav always on band a larg stock of blank ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, BUBPCKNAS, EXECUTIONS, ' ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., Ao., tc. rr-r. j :-- JOB PRINTING. W aro prepared to do all kinda of PRINTING such a CAKD3, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, o., Ac., IN THB BEST 8TTLK, AND ON BBASONA.BLB TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Ooo. H. Goodlander, Cleutekt, ClenrtrtJ Coialy, pa. pisffllantous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Carweaavtlle, Pa., Jaa. , "TS if. MONKV Til I.OAN.0a li.tolaia la. proved fatal propertt, by Ibe Mataal Life laaaraaaa Oeaapaa of New Verb, aa I rat aru ,.e, ia SSBM fraaa tl.StX ap. Par fallber Is foravalioa apply la Ik. aadtnifaad. I ll mil, w. SMITH. Cl.arl.ld Pa., Vat Jtk, Il7l tf. ABankthatNcrer Breaks: Try My Cool. A aw nuitin -" ! uniiMi Ol lDrOI- log Iho nunoroot oBuoro, Ibol hit oosl booh Il tM Wiotor orroifroitiU Ml 7, oat thtvt tl will bo oporoted io tbo tioatmor m voll m Win tor. I el.. Ik I (mtoUo Best Coal in tbe Market, to! will 00M H for oofh, or to oioboop for low, loosl, grootrioo, olo. Lrgo ooalroota will bo aoavdo ot ft vor woll prott. For foil port mo I n aoil oa wo t porcttft. rooidiftg ia eao of tiroAoai 'i uppor huuBOi. or oddrot no thruugb Uo port umoo. Ordoro loft at tbo po.lQieo wil recti to pr-mpt attooii'iD. TII'.N. A. PCCKKlT. Cliarnold, Fa., Jaa. 4, W9 tL U. CORK LB. GILICH, UcCOBKLK & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market mrcet, CleaVflrld, Pa. Wa maftofootaro all kind! of Farahar for 0baa,toro DioiDK Roona, Llbrarioo aad Uolla. If yom wool Furnitoro of 017 kied, dm't bay ontil 70a too cor atock. DNDEItXAKING Ib all III braacbai, proajptly attooded ta. OI'ILCH, McCOHKLI t CO. Cla.rl.U, Pa., Feb. I, '71. READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS A STATIONERY Market KU, Clearteld, (at lb Pool Office.) T11K mBdortigaod bogg Iooto to anaoaooo to tbo e.tiieaa of Cloarflold aod rkiotty, tbat a ha tttod ap a roooa aad baa Jait rotorood from tbo oitj witk a largo ataoaat of raiding attor, oon lilting ia part of Bibles and Miicellaneom Books, Blank, Account aad Paoi Boobi of onry do- toriptloD ; Ppr aod Eorolopoi, Froarh preiiod 1 nd piaiDi Pom and Poaoila ; lllonk Ugal : Papon, DooJl, llortgageif Jntlgmont. Bsoaip Uoa aod Pruuiaorv aoto; WbiU aud rrcb- ; oat Brief, Logo) Cop, Koeord Cop. aad Bill Cop, lbI Mono, fur oitbor Piooo, klolo or Violio, woitantlj oa baod. A 07 booki or itatioBar? loiired tkat I pa 07 aot bavo oa boad.will bo ordorcd 07 Irit oxproai, aad oold at wholoialo or reutl : to teit aatoniora. I will alao koop poriodiool Utoratoro, toeb ao Uagailaai, Nowipaporo, Ar. P. A. UAUMN. Cloarao(4. Maj T, 1161-tf A NEW DEPARTURE LCTIIERSBCCG. Horearier, goodi will bo oold tor CASH 0017, - nr ia oarbaago for prod 000. No booki will bo , . bopt in tbo futoro. All old aoeoaata a. nit bo ' otttlod. Tboo wbo eaaaol oaih ftp, will ploaoo c baad oTor tboir aotai aod CLOSE THE REC0ED. t BBi detormiaod to atU aj goodi at oub . prieoo, aad at diaooant far bolow tbat Ofor offorod is tbii Tt(dait7. Tbo dlooowat I allow at? ooitoasera. will mokothon rich Ib twntj joariif ' th7 follow B17 adieo aad bay tboir goods trout bm. I will fhj ab for wboat, 00U aod el ovor- ' wed. DAN IK I OOODLANDltK. LotborakMrg. Jaaoary IT, 1KT7. HARTSWICK & 1RW1N5 SKC0HD BTR1IT, CLEARFIELD, PA.,' DIALIRI IU I PURE DRUGS!! CHEMICALS! i PAINTS, OII, DYE STUFF t VAamsBxs, BRl'BHKS, IANCT 800DS, ! TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KIHDB, PUSS WINES AND 1IQCOMS far edtelBal paraaaaa. Traaaaa, Sappartan, Sebaal h.h aad Btatloa- erj, aaa ail txaar artlelaa anallj lowad la a Ire Btwta, VHTSICIANS' FRKRCKIPTtONS CARI FVLLT COMPODNDIII. H.Tia. a laraa aarieaaa la tba baelaeei tbat aaa f ita ealtre aat- i. A. HARTSWICK, JOHS F. IRWIN. OMr.l4. amaKw IS, IStl. JJARD TIME8 RAVI NO 1XFICT IN FRENCH VILLE I ' aware tbat ibere are aoa fmon a mat wm r" . BBI BIBB BWarB IB.I IB. ooBjplaial af "bard tlaaeo" 1. well Blab aaivnaal. Hal I aa to ailaated aaw tbat I ..a eall.fi ika aa prota eoarhaalv.lr Ika "bard llea" will aat efeet Ibaee waa bat Ibait aaa fma aa, aad all mj pau.aa iball be iaIUaud lata la. ie ttl af HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bat. -..l. k . .t.. UL.M. aaU Ib tba lower lad af tba eeaatt wbirb I aril .iow.i. law ralaa rraai ai V aaaaiBiatB atore ia alllLHOaililiaa ... a - . k. a,..i aad, ta wall aaaa aallm aad lappl; tbiat a ita Dry Goodg of all Kinds, Saab as Cletbe, I.Uaelti, CaaalBoree, Maallaa aaeieiaaa, Leaaa, brlUiace, Caliaaaa, TriBBIaw. Rtbbesa. Uaa, Raato-tiada OValkiaw. Baala aad 8baee. Mala aad Oape all af Iba beat aeterlal and Bade toordn- eae, oooia, uievae, Mlttaaa, baoaa, sianoa.,'. OROCIRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Cofee, Tea, Safer, RUe, Molaawa, Fill, " Park, Llaaeed Oil, I lab Oil, Cerbea Oil. Hardwara, Qaaewaaara, Tlawars, Caatlare, PI." aad Flaw CaaUafa, Nalll, Salhea, Cora Calll m, Cidet rraaeea, aad all biadl af A I. a. ferr.aae.jr, Pal.u, Varalab, 01 aaa, aad a eaew. aaiartaiaal af statlaaer;, GOOD FLOUR, Of dttWawt araaaa. alwara aa kaad, aad will sM al tba ieweet aaaeibla If am. 1. B. w.m. . u ..... a ... af.JUIeae' aaevmia a aieBieiaoe, imjmv aeletter! aad Neataad'1 Blllen. 1Mb Maada af Waal waatad far wliea ie priee wiM be ,aM. la.etnid aa bead sale at ika lawaat aurbaa prtaa. -a , a. a...llu aad Oarwearrllk blfbeal aas rat Alee, Tbraaaia, Meebaaaa. aaa- Call aad eea fat teetaetvee. Tea will'1 ataritblaf aaa.ll kept la a retell atore. L. If. OOUPntaa. rreavUll t. ., AaaK U, life.