Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 05, 1879, Image 3

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'niL' t m.'i PT.n PA -
Terms or Subscription. i
tn dwiw.or within tbroa B,oaths...fl W
WV-iEtfcrw aad sit "B.hs... S 60
Ld.ltMhe.iptiloDor "IX "onhtl... I 00
rf-MfMrt. 8. M. PiTTrjiQILL at Co., Nw-
KtM" Slrcst. r our duly authorised Agent
is N-
r York CUT.
MfthodM Kfiiwopal Clmrfh-N.HeT. J. S.
o. a.m.. and 7J P.M.
4bbth School at ? A. M.
Pr,T Mtttin X Wodnasiay, at 7 P. M.
cbubiob barv too. Aral Sabbath of avary
West ncirtlHdj M. E. Church. R
w twrr Wil. 1'astor. Praachiaf ovary
.it'.mat Mannar. o'clock, P. M. H. in. lay
fchooi n. ' A" ta,lta u
preib) tcrUM Church Rt. U. 8. IIvtlhii.
,bbi.ib srvlos morning md renin 8ab
bftth St-boal t P. M. Prayor Maottiif VYtdnot
jT ssninj.
fliptUt Churrht Ilav. J. A. Aldrid, Pi
tr Drilff Sabbath murninf and evrntnif.
.iwro.HoMt H oVIork A. M., and 7J P. M.
MMh School at .1 P. M. Prayer Mceting.rery
WwloeiiUj erenlng.
wt. Praiicfn' Church Catholic Ret. P
j.SiaaiBAf-Divine sorvloo at m A. M.t tn
the Bnt, laird and fourth Saadaysof amah tooth)
Vsspsrs tad Itenediotion of tbe JJlsssed tjacramsiit
,7o'eJl, P. M. fcundoy tsohool avery Sunday
ilnrnooa at 'dock, i- '
SrcJid Monday of January.
Tbird Monday of March.
First Monday of Juno,
Fcarth Monday of Saptombor.
tiki or aoLDina ookmom plrab.
First Monday of Jana. ' .
Cfoond Monday of November. ' orririRB.
Wfnf JnJgt lion. Charles A. Mayer, of
Lock Hsron.
I Lots Jdg Hon. John H. Orvls, of
PellMonte. . . r
j4sec... Jud'jtt AWam Ogden, Clearfield f
Violent B, Hull, deems....
ro ( konotary Kit Bloom.
Rtgiifr and fleerdr L. J. Horjran,
iifrtct AMoraey Wm. M. WoCulloU(h.
7ratnrr Philip DolU.
SUriff Andrew Penti, Jr.
Vtum ShtriiT ChrWt. J. KeHT, Clearfield
CuMMly 8r9yor Hamael P. MoCloikey, Oar-
naM.t. r0MMtioreC. W. Kjler, tlraham
ton P. 0.; Klah Johnalon, Oratnpian Villa P. 0.;
Juhn Norria.Kr.. CarnaTille.
(bunty Auditor William V. Wrijjht, Clar
lild ; Joaapb Oltliland, Ttiree Ranif J. 8. Nor-
Hnunt Corow3. B. Neff. New Waahlnrton,
Jury Commit" ontrt Dr. Jatnea P. Burehfield,
ClearflPd, Joneo Aiexnnuar, muer.
Suptrinttndtmt Publit School IS. L. Me
tj'iown, CIcurlMd.
Srahrof Wtujhltd Mtaimrt t Jciie W.Carllle,
at I.uthThiirg Pa.
Nrtarin Public John W. Writer, Win. Rft
lfbaoihp Cyrui Gordon, Clearfield-; Joseph R.
Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curwcnavilloi J. A. Living
done. lu1loia City.
Cur Sprciat column in decidedly intertill of in
i iuca (,oint of viw, and prufitable reading to
ouifiderg ha wont to tare money.
"Will rou tke wheat, oata or ours Tor tub
ifti'tion V M' are often inquired of in thil way
Utter frtat patroni who rcitd at a diitanoo
frum Clearfield. Wo agiin aay yea. Thoreoel(ti
ef a rcrponaltle merchant or in ill owner tn the
vicinity, will anawer ue jut at wtll ai the oaab.
To illlLitrate : If any of our patron will deliver
at a hag of grain at the mill of Joaeph II. Breth,
tn Cbeit towothlp, Iloraoe Patch in, in Barnildo,
Tbomai H. Force?, in Graham, Wu. Porter or
fha'i, in Lawrenoo, or Brown 4 Beyler'i, at
Rockton, tnlun townahip, and forward tholr
teeeipti for lha amount, wt will orodlt then on
their account for the in me. In thla way all may
toon pny what (hey owe, if they will purine thla
num. tf.
Ugb! Squaw Winlur.
0. V. Moore is confined to homo
Id ihii borough with fevere Itinera.
. m 1 -
Oiiio wunt itenublicftn, and flour nd
uoevd II Vtt barrel ihepiH r,R ilejl. ' la l
tluiei come again !
CoM weather la hew, you want your
Winter good i, and ao one haa tbo vartely and
Viliiy that yoa find at Fleck 'a.
The printed twtiraony in tho Cnrtin
YofQa eonteat eooipriiet taa imall and three
Urge olumei, oorering 4,32ft pagea.
'Squaw Winter," which baa been
raging ia tbia region for a week or o, it li "aid,
ill be followed by "Indian Summer.
A good tracking know full in this
rtjion during Sunday ntgtu. loe-oeauumi
item to eome early and plentiful thla leaion.
(iood Fresh OyHtera only 20 eenta
prrquatt, tolli meaaare, and not watered, vneap
trthin meat ! at Livingatoa'a ReaUurant.
Mr. James McLanchlin, propriftor
ef tbe 8t. Charlea Motel, tn thil plaoe, it mnking
repair i about hll pramiett putting op a R
porch, it).
From November Uih to 15th baa
beeD it apart aa a Week of Prayor for young
m aod Young Meo'a ChrUtlan Aatooiationa
Ihrougboot lha world.
if oil "nana out" well on Stump
tTk, the territory at DuBole City will iood be
thoroughly teatad In regard aa to whether they
are oa tho "belt" or Rot.
Ifcnrv lireth. of OrttenJ. Dublishea a
intiee of bis appoint meat as Administrator of
the citato of Mrs. Sophia NefT, late of New
Vatklngtoa borough, deeoaaed.
Itev. M r. Kvana,of Lycoming county,
11 been aaiigoed to the Baptist Ohurchea at
I'bilipihurg and Tyrone, and will probably take
ap hii rtaideaee at Pailip'harg.
A burninit atutnp pile near Curwena-
rllls laat Thuraday tveuing proved to be the
eaeia of the wild and exaggeratrd rumora that tbe
tannery and half of tbo town was burning.
A now paper haa been started at
U lain vl lie, Pa., tbo Brit nuaoer oi wnion ia on
or table. It ia independent by natera as well as
by name. We wlah tbe ldpdt aeeoeas, and
will be glad to note Ms prorpvrliy. ,
James M. Ardory advortisos a Kt of
r'n, stock, and other peraonal proarty, to ue
Hered at public eU at his premiers in Lawrence
towBihlp, oa tbo 20tb of Neroa.ber. For partien
Un tea bills and adverUsemeat, , .
Jjtimbor is on the ground and the
a r... iki.iaw fui r an rl
tllin in ik. i.f Iki aiM-naiPi MnnllMted with
tk itore of George Weaver A Co. They are
uing rsatrt tor fnoreaaine, biliiel,
The horso which wasalulun from Geo.
Airand, of Brady townahip, this exiaaty, aa Toes
ay eight, tho list alt., wo toara from tba Paai
titsoney .;fn'i, was rocovarwd ast Monday night
aettk at Plamville, Indiana county, where tbe
Itief had sold the am mil to a stook -buyer for
Tho Ilouts huirs ptivo banqtwt at
laaArllngtoa ILium, In U-iuUdalo, laat Friday
'ning, ia honor of tho roooal vlatory gained
h ibeat la tbetr BJeetaettt owe. Fartiof woro
p-nt from llnatfbgdoR, Tlellefente, Clearfield,
i other plaeea, end all had i fund time, to
aotklag of the geoi on -per. '
-- m -
' Jatket-Chy" Wilson pavo a street
at UcllefMM week aoforo tae. waea
( ilt'la s-m Marry walked ligki ftp stretched
tm the streot. Ho wat afterwards arrasted
'rtloitiibg the Aot of A i if ably, wbtoh prohlb
w lha Iraising or oirployment of children aader
lf,f Jean of ago to walk aa the tight rope,
ll emt bla fifty do Ha to get out of tbo tcraiw.
l'mo burninff rscs In the upper
in .r ,i, k. ..M.t nr
Mror Fourth and Cherry stroois relied quite
"uUBueat la that vielalty la it Baociay,
"a. The aiore plpa mas throwga too
firtor. Bfcal I V. s.-k a,lil iM.kiM ! lha
kH P'pe Ignited. The fire was dlacovotod la
l"s i!t 4 tatlagulshod with a saaall asBoewt
"iter. . . l
There was moro dovilinent
H ' oor town by tbo txyt oa Friday aight laat
'""."'oa) u,., haf bMB MeBtff r,r ibem
""toUn ea ak aooasteaa. 0Mpo won somoo-
hanged, wagons ran off, paetaoaa of
rt tera ap, Ae , As. Soaw of th boys
"H at this foallffbaan were larg Mongh
ld eteugh to be feea bat their aetloai
(Jo to Klcck'fi and buo the aighU.
"Worth their wenrlit. in ,.i.m :..
what 'Sellari; U'er Pilli'.tV aaid to ia. If
7t doBUlfira It, fry 1 V,
A new plank pavement in front of
nrnr HHI WOIIOinr. OR Mkt la
among the Me Improvement!.
'fly far tho luririMi'ruiul i-l.-.i.Lt lV
rlaty of ladieo' Via, trtmned and wirlmmed, to
bo bad at Fleok'a low for cih only.
" "' . " p a eh- , raj tii
i ho urrivnl niihri niirlit. F T lmgUrf 4,M
lion j.D.r.lly being on th. mlo Una.
im m .
Wo woro in error lnt wook in slat
Ins that Jon,. F. Din... ifc n. .k., br.nob, b.d arlo ,tuutatl .
iiMttr.' It w.i , brolher of bil. J. p. bu both
im. jri, aoa doioidi tnc natlrr with tbem.
1 1 . i .
Ask your Druint tor llarosma. It
will do all that la eMmedtW U, and la warranted
to girt atiafaotlon.
E. K. Taoraoii, Titoarme, Pa.
For lale by ejl drugglata in Clearfield and Joa
Seyler A Sea, Lutboroburg. ; J nor-1 Jt
Tho inturior and txlorior ol the
Clearflell depot hero been materially Improrod
tn appearance recantty, by the labort of earpen
tera and painter. Krorythlntt ) ao neat and
trim, that the officlala dotn lolled tboro are aa
proud Dow of their habitat) -a ai tho imall boy
ia of hia flrit pair of bnoti. v r '
ri.KAS Takb Notice ThoRo pcr-
auoa kiag tbo following (Wfrha lelongtog to tbo
Leonard Library, to wit: "Ton Tbooaand a
Yaar," "M.rblo Prophooy "Miatreae of tho
Manae," "Katrlna," and "Daniel Oeronda," will
pleaie return the umi on next Friday Toning to
the Library. W. A. HioRRTr, Librarian.
Quite Convenient.--Wo learn from
lha DuBoia Courter that "Old Prob" rtoog
nlcei DuBola City among hia acqoaiotaneoi and
hereafter the oltlitm of that plaeo will receive
at tba depot rnch morning, at T o'clock A. M.,
a telegraphic aummaryyif the weather aa It la to
be each day. Tho labor of llllng oat and port
log falla on Mr. 0. D. Baiter, tbo operator.
Better Than Foreign Port.
Hpewr'e Port Grape Wine ia better than Imported
Port, and ainoa tba adulteration of tbo latter, It
muat take tta plaoo. It la puie, aod rcully ox
eel lent and health giving. TVoy Tim:
Tba moat aelrot Fifth Avenue familiea of Xew
York ua tbia wine at their evening entertain
ttienta. E. W. Graham, drugtjint, Clearfield, baa
aoine dircet from Mr. Bpeer.
LiHt of letters remaining unclaimed
in the PoatoOloe at Clearfield, for tbe week ending
November S, 187V
Miia Cura ArnolJ, Miaa Ldoiaa Buiaol, IJ
Barto, Mlta Madge Forece, Fraaola Fum, John
H. Bull, S. It. K toker, Louie Leonard, Jai. D.
McKernan, Cyrua OgJea, W. 0. Riofaardioo, D.
W. Pmlth, Mm Annie Walk.
P. A. Gacux, P. M.
The election is progresaing quietly
ai we go to pieaa od Tueadty afternoon, and we
expect to hear a good report from tba Demoerata
In tlili fluunty. We will giro the official county
Vote in tbe next iuue, of tbe Rkpubucax, oud
alio tbo reiuH In lha 8tato. Tbo day dawned
with the ground covered with mow and the
weather very colJ, the tike of which has not been
exparlenood at a Full election f r many a year.
Fatal Accipknt. On Wednesday
afternoon of lut week, a lad named O'Donald,
afted abjrit nine yari, whoaa parenta reatde at
Powelton.on lha Tjrona and Clearfield Railroad,
wat run over hy a freight train at that place,
and injured ao badly h.t deitb enioed tn a few
momenta after the accident. Tbe Pbilipiburg
luurual furnihea further prtioulr, aa 'ol ows :
"Tbe train bad atoppej ttake oa aeveral era of
0al, and In alerting again, tbeiuddcu jolt threw
the onfgrtunate Ud who had mounted the train
while mot Ion let a ao the track, aever.1 of the
eara pairing orerhltn before t could be removed
from hit terrible poitioo. Hit death ia but
another aad warning to thoae who peralit la the
dangerous practice of Jumping oo tbo eara."
Positive There aro num-
eroua remrdioa that core ometiuci aod baoome
truited aa aatful, but m-ne bare ever proved so
effeoloal cured ao many aod auch remarkable
eaies as Dr. Ayer's meiclori.
The Cherry Pvotnral has rcatored great Hum
bera of patients wbo war believed to be hope
lessly affected with consumption.
Ague Cure breaks op ohtlla aai fevrr quickly
nd surely.
' Ayer'S C'loapotmd Eitraef ef Saniparillaeredi
eates aorofula and impurities of the blood,
olcaqats ibo oytUBi and teatoraa It to t tgoroaa
health. By Its timely oae miny tronbleaomo
disorderf that cause a decline of health aro ex
pelled or oared.
Ayer's Pills and their effect are too well
known every whwre to require any oommendatlon
from as hero- ffcroaloo (Pa.) Tim:
Gonb HoME.-Mrs. Sophia NcfT.
well-known and familiarly called "Aunt Sophy"
in tba vicinity of her homo, died at New W'aah
ingten on tbo Slat alt., In tbe seventy-eighth
year of her age. She was tbe widow of Cbrlilian
Neff, who was one of the first settlers in the
neighborhood of where New Washington is now
local fd, baviug settled there about 183ft. Mrs,
NetT retired In her uanal good health on Monday
evening, and on Tueiday morning she was dis
oo vered dead. 8bo lived to a ripe old ago, pass
ing beyond her three sooro years and too, and
was gathered fcovt tiki a shock of oofa fully
ripe for tba herare.? Baa wat greatly esteemed
by all, and ooogbt by all foroounael and advice.
Uer demise will bo mourned by b th old and
yonng. ' '
Importep Stock. Sheriff Pentafaas
recently vbeo aaajiing Inreataienta i blooded
stock, a having pwrehaood in tbo Kast a fine
roll-blooded Alderney bull calf, one year old, aod
lorae Cotawold sheep, which arrived at the sta
tlna In this place during the past week and will
bo taken to his farm in Bridy towntbip. The bull
took the premium at the lata State Fair, and was
shipped from Col. Jutnes Young's Oak Lnne Farm,
near Middletown, Dauphin county. The anima
Is an extra floe one end weight about 800 pounds.
We are glad to loo oor farm en take tumacb intercut
in arrlciltural pirjuits aid sioox-ralsiog, now
that the lumbering buaineaa la becomiog a thing
of tbe past, sod we seo net good teaaoa why
CI pa i field county will not fa tho sear future
become BuUd fr tta good stock and large trope
of grain. ' "' : ' ' '
Another Fiui at Curwenmvillk.
We take tbe following portiooiars of tho deatroa
tlon of Mr, Bd. Potton's property last week,
from tbe Curwensville Time t "At half pait six
o'clock on Wednesday morning Ust tbe people of
Curwensville were startle by the Shrieking of
iba freight engine and the tannery whistles.
Xer)bo'ly knew there was something wrong and
a glance over town sbnwel to the eye donee vol
umea ef smoke ascending skyward from tbo
north end of Filbert street, which proved to ho
tbe dwelling house and shop belonging to B. B.
Paitoa. Tba building was a frame one and was
soon reduced to ashes. Mr. Patton saved nearly
all bis fornitoro and toon. Tho boil ding was in
ured for two in tbo Penni? Ivanla, There was
alio an Insurance of $300 on stock and machinery,
hat thie had been removed to Bridgeport. A brisk
wind woe going at the time of tbe fire but luckily
tbe burned ballding was Isolated and a disastrous
fire was avoWod. . ;-"
A Surprised Physician -A Dying
fefiel Jfeeoecs lhrmyk (AC leroeaitiea o mm
Itvmbl Grmm.8omt weeks ago Or. G , a
eery rep a i able aad widely known physician, liv
ing oa C elroet, was eel la J to attend a very
complicated eaao ef rbeamallsfls. tTpoa arriving
at Ibo be oae ho found a our a boa at forty years
of age, lyiag la a pnatiatod aod serious condi
tion, with his whole frame dangeromly affected
with tbo paioful dlaeaae. He prowrlbed lor the
patient, but the man eon tinted to grow worse,
and oa Bun day evening he was fonnd to be la a
very alarming eoaditla. , The kotos aad elbows
aod larger joints were greatly Inflamed and
bald aot ho moved. It was oaly with extreme
dlf.eoltj' that tho patient could bo tered la bod,
with two aid of three or leer persons. Tba weigh t
of tbe eMbieg was so oppressive that moonskad
to be adopted lo heep It from tbi patient's body.
-xTbe doctor aa that hi I aseUtaaea aowlJ ho of
aa avail, aad left the home, tbe members of tbo
family followed him lo the door, weeplag. At
this orltioal hour, a aetghber, poor aod hoabJe
German sheemoker, appotrod to the grlef-senlttea
ones as a avng angel. He had hoard of tbo
detpslr of Ibo family, and aow asked them to try
hii remedy, aad accordingly broogM forth a
bottle of St. yoewo's Oil. As a drowning men
will oatoh at straws, so tba poor wife applied this
remedy she had ao hope, hot would try any
thlag, aa noUor of otj. Tao fieapplisaio
eased tht patient eery murb ( after a few hoara
they aed It ogala, aad, wonder of wonders, the
pa la vaaqalsaed eat I rely t Bvory labseqoent ap
plication Improved taa oofefor, aad la two days
be was ladoed earpriaod for,laslcadaf aoorpso,
ho fbend a uoW mode turn r I
Wo defy competition in caMimeroa.
Two prikoners, pamod Ringgold and
bum garner, broke jail at Uellef.mW laat Bondiy
night. A reward of M) Is oftVed for Ibrm.
Good Fresh Oysters only 20 cents
per quart at Livingston's Beataarani. Svlli
measure I Not watered! Cheaper than meat !
W. 11. Spencer, of the "Old Bark
Store," Curwcnsvjllcio geftfeg in t Jrge stock
of tho WiNiimiajort Boots, manufactured hy J.'
B. Daytoh Co. ' oet 29 U
Johu V. Kramer, of this place, has
thirteen hive of Italian bees Tor sale, lie will
sell them cheap for oash, or trade them for wheat.
See advertisement. ,,
P. F. Mclntire, w ho will be remem
bered ea proprietor of tbo Ward House at Tyrooe
abont ibree years ago, died at Mt. Hope Hospital,
near Baltimore, last Thursday, In tho 86th year
of bis age. Ue has been keeping hotel of late
yoare ia Altoona.
.Neither tho President nor tho Gov
ernor have Issued Thanksgiving proclamations
yet, but the Curwensville TYaiei has fixed tt for
1 hursday, November 37 lb. No donbt Hayes and
Hoyt will concur, Just to ihnw what Influence
that new organ bus oa "tie Government."
i i i
Tho largo M t' run saw mill owned by
Messrs. Yeritine, Jackson A Co., on tbe North
Fork .( teak, near Brook rl Ho, was destroyed hy
Iro tn Tuesday of laat week, Oet. 28th, Tbo
mill, machinery, and all the lumber In the yard
wa dcitro) cL Tho loss ia estimated at $20,000
The stock ol groceries and provisions
la the room occupied by 8. 8. Butters has been
removed to John McGaughey'e grocery, and oon
solldstod with his already large and full store, he
having bought Mr. Bolters out. The latter, wo
Hodersteud, Intends going out of business for the
The Hell's Gap Extension. Tbe
Altoona IfWoaaeeaysj !'Wo are gratified tone
able to aononooe officially that the Bell's Oap
Rillroad Company have accepted tbo subscrip
tions mode hy the people residing along tbo lino
of Ibo proposed extenslno of tbe roadto'Coal
porf, Clearfield county, and have agreed to com
plete the ib mo at aa early a date as possible.
The company ii making arrangements to push
the work as rapidly as the weather will permit.
Tbo terminus of the extension will be at tbe point
named above, loo.. ted opposite the month of
Whinner ran, a tributary of Clearfield creek.
Tbo ballding of tbeextomion will give employ
ment to a large nusbcr of men and make things
lively la that Section of Cambria aad Clenrfield
m mm
residence of A. II. Martioat Ooeola was totally
destroyed by fire early on Wednesday morning of
last week. The fire was developed first on Tues
duy forenoon, and had got under headway to such
an extent that, the household effVoU were removed,
it seeming imposeiMe at tho time to save either
building or contents. The fire was after a good
deal of labor, checked, and supposed to bara
lc n entirely quclcbed. At midnight, it broke out
afre-U, bavin; been smouldering and tbe entire
builaing was consumed. Tho family were at the
heme of a relative, owing to the dampness of tbe
houae. The goods were not replace!, and were
saved. Wo do not know the amount of loss
sustained by Mr. Martin. Tbe bulldlbg was in
fured to the amo-jnt of I'lTft.
Clearfield Coal Trale. State
ment of Coal and other freights scut over tbe
Tyrone A CIvarDcId Division, Pennsy lvania Hail-
road, Tor the week ending Ojto-ier 2ft, 1871, and
tbe same time laat year
For the woek 26 649
Same time laat year 2i,04u
laeroase t,. 13,60v
Previously during year 1,263,6:13
Same time last year.,... l,0sV,&74
I o? rente 202,19
Total lo WO 1.2H0.182
Same time laat year H M 1,073,023
Increaee ,
Lumber . ,
MieeallaiieuuB freights. ,.,. ......
. 216,660
..20ft ears.
Well, That 'W ell. Tbe Punxsu.
Uwney Spirit of tbe 24d alt., soys: ''The oil weU
ai BtufDp creek has reached the tbird sand, and
oil has been reached la small quantities. Up to
the time of going lo press wo have no definite in
formation from tbo well, bat a number of the
stockholders from this place express themselves
as tatiified that there is a bonansa in the Stump
Creek well yet The bole Is down In tbe neigh
borhood of two tbousaod feet." '
LaVriFt.The foot has boon developed that oil
really exists In tho 8. amp creek region. Oil was
reached at a depth of three feet la the third sand
oa Friday, tho Slth olt., tbo contractor, who Is
sa expert In tho oil business, putting It at not
loss than a five barrel well. Thorn is over 1,400
foot of water in tbe hole, and still large quantities
of oil rises to the surface. Tho well will be cased,
and its capacity will be definitely ascertained.
The total depth of (be hole Is 1,67ft. Oil In pay
lug quantities at tbe above place will make
Troutvllle and tbo southwestern portion of Clear
field county "boom."
Worthy of Attention. Wo advise
all ottr reader, whether they own a foot of land
of Rol, to eopply themselves with that treasure of
useful, practical, reliable Information, the dmtrt
con AfHcutturatiit, so earned because started
thirty-eight years ago as at raral Journal, but
now enlarged to em brace a great variety of moat
useful reading for? the Uoaseaold, Children ia
eluded, for the Garden, as well oe tbe Form for
all classes. Eaoh volume gives eome eight hun
dred original Bngrarings, with descriptions ol
labor-saving and labor-helping contrivances, of
plants, fruits, flowers, animals, etc.; Including
many largo and pleasing, as well as to it motive,
pictures for yonog aod old. The constant, sys
tematic exposure of Humbugs and 8wlndling
Schemes by tbe Agrieulturnlitt aro of great value
to every waje, and witt save to most pertoni mooy
timet Its 00 it, ' Altogether, it lo 000 of tho most
valuable, as well as tho cheapest Journals aoy
wbeos to bo found. Tbo oost la oaly ll.ftO a
year, or fur copies for $ft B ingle number fifteen
cents, 8u beer ibo at esse for 1881, and receive
Un rsitof (bis year free, of oand a l-eont stamp
for postage on n specimen copy. Address Orange
J add Company, Publishers, 21ft Broadway, N. Y.
Teachers Institute. Wo notice
hy tho proceedings of the Cameron County
Teachers' Institute, held ac Driftwood, last week,
that one of oor Brady township boys took a
leading part. The report oeye : "Oo Tuaaday,
after a roooss of five minutes, Prof. W. 8. Lather
was Introduced, and spent twenty-fivo mlnutea
on the subject of Drawing. Prof. Lather pro
seated tbe matter la a vtry able meaner, dwell
ing particularly OO light aod shade, Tbo teach
ers gava undivided attention totho Profersor, and
we think this matter of drawing wilt receive
mere attention, at ibo hands of the toaeboro of
Cameron oooaty, la tho future, thaa It haa la tho
past In tho af tern ooo, Prof. Lot her resumed
the subject of Industrial Drawing, and pre sen led
some simple designs, la Illustrating his fahjeot.
He presented tbo matter ably, and the audience
seamed to bo much latervsted."
On Thursday Prof. Luther gara his lues talk,
oa perspective drawing. Tt reporter of tbo
daily Oasstto, says 1 ''He Is aa oat busiest la hie
department, and tbe teachers aro delighted whoa
be given Instructions in this necessary aeeomplleh
ment At the close of the proceedings, the fol
lowing among other resolutions war unanimously
adopted: n v . . t
Rfolrtd. That a vote of thanks bo returned to
II oa, Henry Hooch, Hev. 0. H. Fowler, I. D.,
I.L. D , Prufe. bhoemaker, Riahell and Lolher,
for their iotereoliug aod ioauootive services rea
der! d during the exeroisoe of tbe Inetiluto.
Larub Lumber Fiub, On Monday
mora lag between twelve o'clock aod daylight,
the o too ilvo lumbsr yard irf Munson, Holt A
Co., oa (he kill distant one-half mi In from Mor
rlsdale, woe entirely destroyed by fire. Altbeagb
discovered before the 800000 hod extended ao
yond tho fint pile of I ember la which tho first
Ire was kiadlod, yet tholr being ao help or
meaae at bond fr citlnguiahiag the eome. It
spread rapidly aeeT before daylight tho lag
rows of rateable lumber piles were reduced to a
mass of glowing suabera, Mueson, Hoot Oo'i
stook, eoBslstod of 4,000,000 foot of white pine
boards, about 1,0M feet af hemlock lumber
aad T ft 0,000 shingle, vetoed at aboal M, 000,
oa whiok aa Issuranoa ef tfcO,O0O to la ferae.
Mr. John M. Holt, a member of tbe above firm,
loot Ib addition lo tho above amount, about
8,oOO worth af Id m bet, whiok ll Insured for
14,000. Aa the greater part f tbo Nam bet was
seasons! aad ready forsbipmeu', the 0w acre aot
only on fee to twoe aoaseut, but alea aX tko
pre pee tire advance that tbo tlslog market so
positively assures, A email frame bo wee belong
lag laJoha Coarlllr, distant about two handred
feet from lha burling lumber, was also destroyed.
As this lumber wu plied at toast 000 aad oae
half alms dietaat from tba mill ll viae doomed
entirely aoouru from aacidouUl fires and acmes
quonttf rtS BufM hy the laooadiar torV
Phitip4brf Jrmml, JVes. let. , . . .
Don't dodge the question I Answer
square, aod go to Flecks.
Don't lorgot it, ladies, that Fleck is
ogent for H- BuUerlok A Co.'s Patierae,
It matters not the ago of suflVrors
from aolds, oenghs, or eroop, "Pr. Sellers' Cough
Byrup" Ii good for all alike. Price 2ft cent
At the Repurlican office is tho plaoe
to get your job work done. Wo aro fully prepared
to do, anything In tho prating line, wUl do it
weli, and at tho right hind of prices. tL
A mooting of the stockholders of
the Clearfield Fire Brick Company Is called for
Thursday, tbe 16th of January next, for tho pur
pose of election of officers for 1880 and the trans
action of other important business.
See a woman on horseback in another
column, riding near Spear's Vineyards, with a
bunch of 0 rapes from which Spoor's Port Grape
Wine is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tbe
medical profession for tho not of Invalids, weakly
persons and the aged. Bold by It. W, Graham,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-l.'7-lf.
e m
8hawl Lobt. On Friday afternoon,
tho ITikof October, In passing over tho turn
pike from Pbilipiburg to Blglsr Stattoa, I lost a
a.tkt UJ K.t.l ikHl T Milt nav
reasonable reward, If tho shawl is left at tho Shaw
House, ii Clearfield, or forwarded to me at rea
flold. oct-29-St Mart Fubrl.kd,
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
to the Republican will reach moro readers than
tf published la all tbo other papers In tbo coun
ty, and oost tbo advertise! leu than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published In
oar jcuroal la worth double the prloe of that
charged by aay other publisher lu tho oonnty.
'It Is a faet If.
Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re
moved his medical office to tbe rooms recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, In Graham's row
Ho makes CHRONIC DISEASES a speclatty.
CHARGES VERY LOW. Tho manufacturer,
having lowered prices, he li prepared to furnish
duced rates. The afflicted will be benefited by
giving him a coll. julyl3, '79-tf.
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy has succeeded In haying a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Penn field, and will
hereafter run a dally stage between tho two points.
Hlseootraet began with April 1st, and the etage
will leave Oearficld every morning (exocpt Sun
day) at 8 o'clock, making connections with all
trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Penn Held, re
turning after the last train the same evening.
Pasooogers and freight will bo carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of tbe hotels will be attended
to. ItUptTOtf
The youth ot both sexes indulged
In that annoying and abominable practice last
Thursday evening, which Is designated by them
as "corn night," of throwing shelled corn against
tho windows of residences nod business places.
There was coougb corn lying abont the streets tbe
next morntng to fatten a dosen Thanksgiving tar
keys. Punishment Inflicted on those who engage In
this rude and contemptible practice of annoying
respectable cltlsens, would, wo think, be a satis
factory and profitable Investment satisfactory
to those inflicting the punishment, and profitable
to those who received it.
Heavy Transactions in Freight.
As indicative of the Immense freight traffic at
present enjoyed by the Pennsylvania Roil Road,
eoye the Altoona TWonms, a few figures officially
obtained will bo to the point 3 On Monday of
tbia week there were delivered to Altoona, over
tho Pittsburg division, one thousand three hun
dred eara. This Includes a number of empty
oars shipped eaU For the twenty-four hours
coding Tuesday at midnight, there were reaelved
in tbe yards in Pittsburgh one tbousaod six hun
dred cars. As will thus be seen, tbo traffic oast
and west reaches nearly Ibreo thousand oars each
The Old Lycoming Inauraiire Company
tha 1- tral to tbe Front
Curwkusvillu, Pa., Oct. 20, 1870.
Knitu A Biodlu, General Insurance Agents,
Clearfield, Pa t I take pleasure In acknowledging
receipt of Draft from you, for Fourteen Hundred
and Ninety-two Dollars and fifty cents, $1,412 50 ,
being in full fur loss by fire, whioh 00c ur red to
my piuperty oa tbe td day ef Otto, U
the borough ef Cwrweeviite, Pa. And I hereby
return to you my sincere thanks fur lbs prom pt
and business-like manner in which you have
settled oud ad joa ted my loss, and I recommend to
tbe people of Clearfield oonnty the old time-tried
ing safe, reliable and prompt.
Catraridr tiRirr.
Oct. 12, 1879 2m.
Yonsosviixu, Pa., May 14, 1878.
Dr. M. M. Fr.Hf.Bn, Fredooia, N. Y.(
Dear Sir t I bad liver 00m plaint and a numb
ness of my limbo aod general debility. Oae
bottle of your Blood oud Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonic greatly bene A tied me.' At tho lime
wrote yoo there wss Bone hi the place aod I
thought I could aot do without it. I have recom
mended It to a number of my friends and they
bare takon It with satisfactory results.
Yerv truty yours, Mai. Wu. A. Mrad.
Dr. Feaaer's Blood and Liver Remedy aad
Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquer
ing hero" Of tho times. It ia tho medico) triumph
of tbe age. Whoever bae "the blues" should take
It. for it regulates aod restore! tbe disordered
system that girea rise to tbem. It always oaros
Biliousnese and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Plmplee, Blotches and all skla Erupt Ions and
Blood Disorrtsrsi 8 welled Limbs and Dropsy
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De
bility ( Restores flesh and streagth whoa the )$
tern is ruaalng down or going Into decline euros
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relievos Cbronie Bronchitis, nod all Lung aod
Throat difficulties. It does these things by strik
ing at tho root of disease and removing its causes.
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Hooey will re
lieve ony cough in one hour.
Dr. Fennsr's Golden Belief cures any pain, as
Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, C tlioor Headache in five
to thirty minutes, and rcsdll) rolii ves Rheuma
tism, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhcea, etc.
Dr. Fenaer's St. Vitus Dance specific. One
bottle always cares.
For sale hy Hartiwlek .k Irvin, Druggists,
Clearfield, Pa. aug-27-tf.
When we look back along tbe vlata of time and
visw tbo many Temperance reforms and crusades,
there Is much that eno fur our sympathy, some
that challenges our admiration and muoh to cheer
ui on in our path of duty. Tbo paat seemi like
m vast battle-Beld wboao warriors have boea bat
tling against a common foe surging to end fro.
Why have tfcey aot conquered it f Ah I it is a
wily fue, and 1 Icar before it is conquered we will
have some bard battles, some tiresome marches,
aod perhaps, eome strategic polata to make. But
it is certain wo can never eonquer the enemy,
never drive It from tbe strongholds, never boeiah
this foul curse from our laud by inactivity. Wo
muat work and watch I Let each ens ho a watch
mao and stand sootiael,
Vte never can he true Temperance reformers
with our strong older tn oar cellars, our home
made wiaei en oor tables, or la oar uopboordo,
with alcohol io medicines to administer to oar
children, or a bottle ol aleobolio camphor lu our
bands. If wo recognise the these things as no
esiary, we will never we able to induce tbe rum
sol lot la feraako hie trade. Need we talk Tem
perance to Ibo inebriate with tbe smell of alcohol
upon os r If wo tell him we lake it for our In
Hrmities.ho will tell US ho Uheo H for hie. All
the onffereaoa there Is, lo In the principle. He
gels wuisay nt the grocery and wo get ours at
the drag store, or from our pbysieieo. We shall
never gain aay decided ad root age ever this foe
oo toog as wo admit Its aeoeaelty ia any form or
under any eiroumataneo. There may be works ot
art where aloohol If aeetaaary but aro tbeae
worhe of art really essential to tholiva,aad
wetVbetag of our people t If they ore awl, lot
them sioa lata eelinea with those "arts, that aro
In it." 1 am firm la tbo belief that tho queetloa
of our eucooes la only a questioa of time i but It
will lavolvu doiag and daring patience
aao perse verautio. If wo ore true to the
seared oaoee which God bu placed ia our hands,
H wo are true to our race, if wo ere to ourselves
ta Sua time, the tool haute will be ever cad the
victory woa. What a glorious iheurht that the
time wilt eome whea aot a wave ol God s pore
air, oa ( "wniain top or a l Hilda, in eity or
plain, shall bo totaled with the pestilential edef
ofaloohuL That dap will surely oomo. True
hearted men are at work. Wemeo ore oooeiat
im their worn with araiers and Ware. God Is
just, and bo will earoly hoed I Weir etrugglee. Tbe
I iai shall yet go forth toot shall break thai terri
ble thraldom of loiemneraoee oud, frieodi. If
we ever get mis roe within tbe Temperance eamp,
we had bettor moke sure work of him. It would
ot a safe to at4 him a arleiouor i I Utah be
bad better ho cieeuled.ood tho way to do that
would be to pooa a law to have ao more mode aod
then eteeoto that lew.
Novor hadasewaad woman R heetof opprtsjallp
ror notion t sever aou aay grade el intellectual
belagi a holier oaoee never was a band of work
ers bound together with a holier tie. If i a tem
pt ranee was sw moro, rf In a moment of time H
mold be said "It Is Belched," what a about would
go op. It woald echo aad re echo from aoatt
neat Oo ooutlaeot. Every aailou and klnodou
would oweM too net Bern. It would reverberate
from shorn to shore, and frau polo to nets, All
tho Earth's lewabliROts woald catch tbe aled re
ive io. aad ouven would know that a lle aurut
had booo ean ik Hated from tho oarth. .
Good goods at fair prices, at Flock's.
Good goods at fuir prices, at Flock's.
' Flock soils bettor goods at lower
prices than any store aoy where,
Fleck soils bettor goods' at lowor
prleot than aoy store aay where
We defy competition In oashmeres.
Go to Fleck's, and you arv autff lobo
satisfied with your purebaios. o 39 tt
Go to Fleck's, and you aro sure to be
satisfied with your purchases. a-10-4t
Don't forget it, ladies, that Fleck is
agent for K. Buiteriok A Co.'s Patterns.
Don't dodge tho quostiout Answor
square, and go to Fleck's.
If yoa want a nioo, rich trimmed
hat, leave your order nt Flock's. -
If you want a nice, rich trimmed
bat, leave your order at Flock's.
Come to Fleck's! Go to Flock's I
Come to Flock's, it Is better than ashow.
Come to Flock's! Go to Fleck's!
Come to Fleck's, It Is better tkaa a show.
Cold wonther is here, you want your
Winter goods, and so one has the variety and
quality that you find at Fleck's.
Tho New Remington Family Sew-
iho Micnmu for solo at J, B. Herder's Gun
Store, Clearfield, Pa. Oct. SMra.
By far the largest and choicest va
riety of ladies' beta, trimmed and un trimmed, to
bo had at F lech's low for cash only.
Wo have now on harfd sovoral thous
and first-class envelopes, which we will print for
business men, or anybody else, at prioos that nan-
not be r I railed. Call and sou them. tf.
.Remember that Lytlo is County
Agent for Lorr 11 lard's Tobacco, and obb southern
at factory prices. They aro the best tobacoea tn
market Try them. If.
Salt. Lytlo has just received a car
load of fine Salt, large sacks. Also, a car load of
coarse and American fine. Full weights guaraa-;
trod, and will bo told at lowest prices In tbe
county. 0p24, TO tf.
Below will be found a corrected list of tbo As
sessors for 1S80. Tho Commissioners appointed
Frank Gobs, In the room of John Holt, for Wal
lace ton, and filled the vacancies of Assistants lo
Uoutidale, Greenwood, Huston, Lawrenoo and
The list Is as follows t
Burnilde borough Sheff Carson, Burn side.
Asiiitanta, D. 11. Davis and J. L. Allison.
Clearfield borough John I Patterson, Clear
field. AliUlants, F M. Canton and A. J. Jackaou.
Curwensville borough Isaac Norr.s, Curwens
ville. AisisUnts, J. hi. Krataar aod N. E. Arnold.
Houtsdale borough James Word, lloutsdale.
Art i tao'', Patrick Dunn and James M Shaw.
Lumber City borough-J. B Ferguson, Lumber
City. A ui Hants, J. 11. tlile end J. P. Farewell.
Ncwburg borough J. D. Miller, Uurd. Aaaist
anti, J. II. Worrell and Joseph lUney,
New Waahiegtoa Thomas Mabutfey, New
Washington. Assistants, James Ualluber and
J. L. Cook.
Osceola borough P. 0. Helms, Osceola Mills.
Asiiatants, Geo. E. Jones and H. C. Perk.
Walleccton borough Preok Goes, WallaooUu.
Asiiatants, T. M. Hull and Jas. U. Tamer.
llecoaria townrbtp Lemuel Root, Hagerty's X
Roada. Assistants, Joan McUoy end VYia. Lord.
Bell township Godfrey Weaver, Troutvllle.
Aaaiatanta, Robert Mahalfey and Jacob Campbell.
Bloom township Sidney Smith, Forest. As
sliianu, Henry Reams and Vt m. L. Woods.
Boggs township H. E. Hhimel, Wallaoeton.
A an Hants, Barton Merrill and Isaao Wiser.
Bradford townahip J. 11. Pierce, Williams
grove. Daniel Stewart and Joseph Winery.
Brady town! hip J. P. Oswald, Luthersburg.
A nil tents, G. H. Wmgert, and J. U. Heyler.
Bnrnside township T. W. Thompson, Patch.
invilie. Assistant?, Win. Hewitt and A. W.
Chest township E. A. Stevens, MoPhersoa.
A Miilen l, L. Williauisaad A. Fralty.
Cerlngton townsnip A. Conoway, Prenchville .
Assistants, J. J. Pickard oud Chas. UarthoU
Decatur towoahip Nathao Kephart, Osceola
M Ills. Assistants, Jesse Goes and Elijah Recce, Jr.
Ferguaoa townahip Goo. Williomi, Marroo.
Aa.MBle, John O. Prgila And aCaveb Sieaw.
Girard townahip Daniel Krlso, Uilliagbam.
Asaistants, Ira D t hope aod Isaao Smith.
Goiheo townahip K. G. Shaw, Lick Run
Mills. Assistants, John San key and John Mar
re y.
- Graham township Amos H abler. Grab am to B.
Assistants, U. II. Evans and Daniel Curley.
Greenwood township David Loo, Bower. As
sistants, N. Freeman and J. Q,. A.Johnston.
Golicb townahip O. K. McDonald, Smith's
Milla. Assistants, John Beyer aod Ed. Miller.
Huston towoahip J. B. H-witt, Peofield. As
sistant J. U. K line and David Ty nr.
Jordan towoahip Reuben Btraw, Anson vllte.
Asaiataots, J. G. Williams and John Swan.
Kartbaus township Godfrey Fisher, Salt Lick.
Assistants, U. MoCleikey and D. B. M tinea.
Knox township John Alexander, New Mill
port. Assistants, Peter Owens and Sam'l Snjdar,
Lawrence towns hip James 8. Read, Clearfield.
Assistants, Gee. H. Hall aad Lever Flegol.
Morris township Jomes L. Stewart, Kyler
town. Assistants, Wm. Waring and A. Ralston.
Peon township ltiobard Daaver, Gram plan
Hills, Assistants, Geo. 0. Passmoro and John
Pike township John McCluro, Curweaivllle.
Assistants, Isaao Caldwell and Wm M. Bloom.
Handy towoahip John Lankard, Jefferson
Lloe. Aasisiaots, G. B. McClellan and J. A.
Union townahip Wm. Welly, Rookton. As
sistants, Chas. Brown and L A. Dresiler.
Woodward township Joseph Alexander, Ma
dera. Assistants, Hi U. Bough maa and Geo. A.
Waktbo. 500,000 14-feet shaved hoops', deliv
ered at tho railroad, In car loads of ft,00, at all
points oa the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A B., Bald
Eagle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for 1 will pay tbe highest market price.
J. F. Enaubh,
Oetlfi, 1878-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
0ns Hvndrud Pan Crh. Discount a Old
Pmcua. Kewlni Machines can now boporcbaaed
at Merrell's tin and variety store, from up
wards. All hinds of oewing machines repaired
on too snonoM nonce.
Clearfield, Fa., July 18, 137".
BuueiRR Fon 8lb R. Newton Shew keeps a
full supply of Fredooia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sale. To be een at the Hhaw Houao
yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania, aay i-u.
'it4 Uundrtd Thoutand Strong.
In the past few months there have been more
than frO0,000 bottles of r-hlioh's Cure sold "ut
of the vast number of people who hate used It,
moro than I, own oases of Consumption novo boon
cured. All CouicliB. Croup, Asthma, and Bron
chitis, yield at once, benoe it Is that every body
speaks in Its praise. To thoee who have not
u-ed it, lot aa aay, If you hove a Cough, or your
child the Croup, and you value life don't fail to
try it. ror urns ueuK, am r unesi, uae
Hblloh's Porous Plaster. For call by U. D. Wat
sou, Clearfield, Pa. ep-10 eow-fim.
4T Strang People.
Do you know that there aro strange people la
our community, wo nay strange beeauee thoy
seem to pre let to suffer andpoaa their days mis
erably, made so by DlspepfU, and Liver Com
plaint, ladigeelfon, Oonstlpotloo, and General
Debility, when B II I LOM'8 V IT A LI EE R la guar
anteed to euro tbem. For sale by C. D. Watooa,
Clearfield, Pa. sep-10 sow 8m.
We have a speedy and positive Cure for Ca
tarrh, Dlpbthoria,CoBker mouth, and Head Ache,
Injector free with each bottle. Hie it If you de
sire health aad sweet breath. Price 00 eu. For
sola by O. D. Wnuua, Clearfield, Pa.
op lO-'Iv-oew-Om.
CoLLuvroa'a Warrahts. We have areparod
a form, aod have oa band a large quantity, of
loan "uoiteetero raee, wnioa Rave ooea ap
proved by tbo highest legal authority tn tko
Courts of tbie oounty. At Tmnty Cewts per
dote si we will mall any number te the Collector
ordering tbem. A Collector, whea compelled la
odvurtiso property, must pact op no lees tbacj
three aoileee in tbo most public places ia hie
borough or townahip. tf.
Wartbii. Delivered at Iho Rail Road
100,000 20 lueb ehavod in in glee,
10,aiN t4.noh sawed shingles.
10,0(10 feet of pine hoards. . .
eOo.OitO 14 feel shoved boopo.
ft.OAO railroad ties. 1
ftti.SOSfeotof wood hemlock hoards.
For which I will pay tbo highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at aay point OB the
lyrouo iiearDeid KaiireM.
t. f. stBAUia.
Cwarfield, Fa Out 10, IKS if. .. .
Nervou Debility.
Vital Weakauwa sr lrprceuloa i a weak
oxhaualod fool inc. m eoeecv or oounwoi tba re-
sult of moBto.1 over-work, ladturrotlassa ar
exrroaoo. er tome dralo upon the evstem is al
ways aurod hy Humphrey's Hmepaihtc 0poulac
No. 28, It eonos up aad iavigeratoe the system.
dispels the gloom and deepuadeney, Imparta
aireugiu at.4 energy, step toe urate BUS re
Juvouotes tbo entire man. Been used twenty
rears with perfect suoeoss bv thoaaoods. Bold bv
deero. Price, $1 per single viol, or li per
package of five vials and $2 via) of powder. Seat
ay men oa rooetpt or price,
Addreee Mumphroye Homimpotkic
neairiM Lorn pony, it roituu vt n, V.
C. D. Watooa, Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
sept, II, IITI 1y,
J nut Received
Just Received by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Hcotla Ptastort
Car Load pur Corn, Kyi And Oats
Lliop i
Car Load Doakoo Sail 1
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Grooerios, &o.I
Bknrliinulos, liurK. it. it. lies ana
Grain will be taken In exohange, ..
Curwensville, May 1, 1878.
HAGKUTY RIBMNO On Toos.lay, Octo
ber 28th. 1870. by Rev. William Gemmlll, Mr
Howard llagerty and Mlas Lisaio Ribltng, both
of lloutsdale, Vlenrfiold county, ra.
ARTHURS WALL. At tho M. M. Partonsge
In Lumber City, on Wedncaday, October UiU,
ISTO, by Rev. I. Edwards, Mr Perry Arlhars
and Miss Hannah K. Wall, both of Pennvllle,
Clear field county, Pa. ,
ROSS BATCH BLOR. At the I -co card House
tn Clenrfield. on Wedaoedav. October 2tb, 1H7W,
by Rev. Wm. II. Dill, Mr. Lewis A. Ross, of
Woodland, uiearleld county, and at us Jennie
Hate he I or, af rbllipsburg, centre county.
Nfyi.-U !. Wa.hlnil... bona ah, trail
d.nlj, on Tu.xlaj. Oilober 3 III, Iklu, Kupbi.
M.r, rallot or CbrlalUn u, .(.a or J"". ,
nootbl and 13 daja.
CI.AKK-At Mnuallna, Iowa, oa Tbur.d.j
Boralna. Ootobw 13d. IdJV. of .omltllo. ol tb. Kamual Cl.rh, aa. .f Vorto. ft.d Eaafa.l
Clark, af Carwaoiiula, thla oouoif, ! tba liu
,aar of bla a,,.
CLRAitriBi.D, Pa Nor. 4, 187V.
Flour, ner cwt. 84 0t
Buckwheat Floor, per ewU. ...... I 01
Corn Meal, per ewt - 1 00
Chop, rye, per cwt 1
Chop, mixed, per owt . 1 n
riran, per ewt
Wheat, per bushel I 40
Bye, per bushel &
Oats, per bushel 4ft
Corn, ears, per buabel 30
Buckwheat, per bushel H, oa
Potatoes, per bushel 3&
Apples, per bushel 4
Hams, ner pouod H
Shoulder, per pound hm V
Dried Beat, per pound 17
Chickens, per pair . u
cutter, per pound .... "
Eggs, per dosen ....., 10
Salt, per sack, large 1 Of
Coal Oil. per cellos 1ft
Lard, per pound U
Dried Apples, par pound 6
Dried Peaohes, per pound ...........
Boons, per bushel f &n
Puii.inRi.pnfA, Novemlwr 2. Breadstuff ore
asain tendiog upwarda uader favorable advices.
Hour is quiet but Drmsr; sale or j,ivu oorreis,
Inoludiog Minneeata eilra family, at $8ft(cu7;
Pennivlvania da. do., at 16 16(h) 7 i Weatern do.
do., at $7(nj7 60, and patent and other high
gradee, at sti ftns.
Kye flour Is steady at so.
Corn meal no tales.
The wheat market is a little more active and
2a ner bushel hirhcr. Sale of 1. 000 bushels, lo -
oludiog rejected, at 81.1ft f'ttl.SO : rod, at 11.27 ;
suiber, at 91 3V(a,t 40, and no, z reu, elevator, at
81 40. Kye Is unchanged. Corn Is In bolter de
mand and bicher. Sales of ft.ODO buahela mixed
and ycjlow. at 64 o OaU are quiet and steadr.
Vales or 4,ut0 buebeli, including oiuea, iui$
42o. and white at 43fi,4fto.
Whisky is firm. Sales of weitsra at ft II.
Chicago. Novotobcr S. Floor steadr and un-
chanieeil. Wheat active, firm and higher. No. 2
red winter, 81 10 ; No. 2 Chicago spring, 81 Ifi
for eah November $1 IB for December; No S
do. $1 OOf'fcl oft I rejected, Biro. Cora strong and
higher; 440 tor ca-h and November: 10 Jo for
December; 4Ke for May reiected, BSic Oan
in good demand and a shade hifhe-) tor
oaab ,32Jo for December) Ao tor May ; rejected,
J7jo. Rye firmer; T4fV74). Barley firmer at
Hftc. Pork moderately active and higher 80 Sft
(a0 40 for November ; go 4 Ma oo lor Uecemoer.
Lard fairly active, and a ahade higher. Bulk
meats steadr and in fair demand: shoulders,
$A 7ft; short rib, 8ft 4& ; ih"rt 60. Whisky
steady and unchanged. JTlaxeted, si 4l(ju 41
Timothy, 82 Wa,l 4ft.
T) EGA FOR BATE. Thirteen hires of
JJ Italian Been which I will sell cheap for
cash, or oiebange for wheat. For further In
formation call oa or address tbo undersigned. 1
Nov ft, TO-tf. CleorteM, Ps.
Notice lo herebv aiven that Letters of Ad
ministration da ftoai'i ron oo tho estate of LYDIA
HOWLING, lata of Lawrence twp, Clearfield Co.,
Pa . deceased, havim boon duly granted to tbe
uuderslgued, all poroouo indebUd to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and those
having claims or demands against the same will
preeenl them properly authenticated for eetUo-
ment without delay. aakuw u. iaii,
Administrator D- B. N,
Clearfield, Pa., Oet. 8, 1970-ot.
m mm
THE reati.TlT.nL llro.d Coap.ny will
ol.f al l'abll. BU., It tba iararal Halloo.
tsdloaled balow, on
Thursday, Nov. 13th, 1879,
Coani,BlB, at IA .'olwib A If ., tb, follow!,,
daaahbad artiola. a, daat,oatl, anlaM tha
own.ra or eoDiixnaaa pa; eltargci Md ramov.
tb, MM bator, tb, day ol mi, i
Dnerijitivn o Good., (.Va.ty.M.
1 Raft fttova Jane P. Carry
I Haft Hop, H'b.
I boi rafliof tool, C. Nool,
t box. M tohaoM M. QrllTay.
1 bbl liquor. 1 hi d. ..M.(Jau. W. Laa.
II in ihallara, 1 kdl. tllaral VI. B. Raad.
1 iron rail Fred Baohalt.
1 lawin, marhin, CI. C. Pai.mor.
3 paper parhag. II. B. Rpaekmaa.
1 boat ...T. M. Cbrlill,.
Cotl r,p,, bo,f raft itor.. pfeg toola..J. H. Darob.
wood.. India. al,n M no., nionm.
Bala rop. - J. W. 11.11.
Bal, rop, .J. W. Caopb.ll.
Bal, rop,..,. , T.J. Campkxll.
Bal, ropo, bal, rart tool, J. W. Campi.ll,
Bal, rope, bala raft toot, .,bT. J. Camph.ll.
um maroaaDOlN J.uaiawan.
Bal, rop,...H...,H..mM .C. FraakboaMT.
Bala rop, D. J. FarguioB,
Bal. ropa, hal, tool. Ja.. L. QurraaB.
Boi aiodlola, W, W. Manh.
Kaft ttova J. II. Norria.
C.ntbonk, bala tool, ..K. L. Fasnaor.,
Bal, raft tool, Jha A.
llundl,, at,, ,ua.ri aod ron. 4. B. Rnad,
Kaft rtara, b r. bfrola A ropa..L,vi Saadarlaad.
I drill aod pj...H JnhB riwao. Sr.
I ,...J. W. Thomppoa
I bail aaad A. 0. William.
Bi tool! Thoa. 4. Yo.Df .
ar ordar ol
Bopl. TraaaparUtloa, f. R. R.
Altooaa, Pa., Oat. il, 1871 1L
rpHIAL l.lfcT. Ll.t of Co... Ml dowa for
X n' at HnttaMT T.ria of Oo.rt, oomm.n.
hi, Moaday, N..,aib,r ltb, 171, aod aoallaa
in, tart, WMkat
riMT wiik, aovaMaaa lira.
Kaptiart A BalUy rt. Moabaaaon L A L C.
biaiB.I ll.jr.rIT blr, Cyrn Jaffrl., at al
Jaeob U,lnt T,. BC Patcbin, Adn'r.
CbriMlaa Uy at al a Paal Darlla, m al
va. H Artbar at al
va. (Ih K rsrn.r at al
Tf. J A I MoKw.n
ti. i W O.tIi A Bro't
Tl. I Oawaa A t T.ybif
ti, Joba Ullloa atal .
T. Kraai.r A Ball
a. laaa. Tbampaoa ar
n. Wa II Hlra.r
. anau A Uuk.f
0 B (loodlaad.r
Wm WtoT.r
Patar Me(l.rga
U.llu, A M.Parlaad
Tbouaa Mitaball
a B Uoadlaodar
W A BlMm, lliM'r
J W to w
Joba W U.tii
J 14 Hlo.i
Tfc w u a.iiy
aca wbki, rot. ITra.
Mllcb-n HoMarny n. JRAJR U.arbarl ,1 al
I W Paitamu u mm n. W H Hlaaar
ROT howipr a at al Ta. J W Ball at al
Joba Baalb .a. H.rriKlal. C.
Cia'tb, ar. of bl Haa, tl. Da. id A.hay M al
J Praak I
.1. d.aa Uiggia,
.a. Cartla Ha, at al
Ta. Jama, R".
ti. Millar
Tl. Job, Llgbtaw
Ta. H.bni Uar, P.w.H
nil Oallahar, Ada'
ti. Ilri.b Lloyd
ra. D.ll.l A fallar
,. Cbrlalta. Tabbi
Ta. liana m al
Aadraw Uardarr
I, A.aigaM
D O U.BKl.
J 0 Aobard
H H rlbllli.gford
Joba M Cammiagl
K A A W D It. id
Ilia, MalMT
A H Mama
Hry Krlaw
C. tt Bank ( Clf d
Ta, Jaana Klrh Jr larlror
Ta. A llBaipbr.y
Ta, Wt Ham A WallaM
Ta. trad I Bwaa ,
J,ba IrTia A Bra'a
V I Aro.M AC. Ta. 1 W Cariiw
Tl. t B Carlll.
Roaart Taytw
Job. I HMd
Th 0 CmA R tUPbaflM
Ta. A Mllhar at al
T J ll.yar
TB. A Uabarllag M al li't
Csa'tb, BM.f W Carry ti. 1 Klakad al al
J H Mania
Ta. Lydl. J Haraar
Ta. A B llkaw
Ta, Wa Laibt at al
Tl A V C
Ta. Joba Ir.ia A BrVi
I.bmI Hart,
Joba Moar.
Brldgal BabBt
Jol M MoM.rray
A II.IM Ta. - .
0 llalpar .1 dda'n ti. Jam., A Ir.ia
Haydar.Har'iBaaalAOBTa. J iha Ir.ia A Rra'a
II J Hu.r AC, Ta, - M
U MaUaghlla nil Rlnrart
Jama, P.rt IM ... JaMb Rlaaall at al
J... R.J BU. ti. Tboaaa Para. M al
J t Bi.wart, aadaraa. ra, Wa Waalovar
J,BM,PMaw llWalllrwMal
BLI BLOOM, PratbrnMUry.
tw &vtrtHmtnii.
The White Imi Mm
Can bo boutht at lowest prices from ALKX.
PATTKR80N, Woodland, Pn. It Is equal, If not
anporlor to any first close Bowing Machine lu tha
market u ire tars aval on appuoatioa.
Woodland, Pa., Got. 20, U7il 0m.
if8 BUWARD-Entrar C'ow.-Ths uader
5 alined offers Ihie sum for Information that
will d so ibevo,ory of a HICH COW, weigh
ing about 400 pounds, large broad horns, a amui
teat between the two left ones. The oow strayed
from my home ia Covington township, about the
1st or July last, tail in peraoa or aauress mo y
letter at Frenrhrllle, Pa.
Oct 20, U7V St. P. F. COriJHIKT, JR.
X KCUTRIX MOTICK.-Notlee Is hare-
'j bv ulven that letters Testamentary ea
the estate uf JOHN BYKR8, late of Now Wash
ington, Clear Bald oounty, Penn a., deceased,
having been duly granted to the undersigned, all
J tor sons indebted to laid estate will please make
mmedleto payment, and thoae having claims or
demands against tba same will present tbem
pmneriy authenticated lor settlement wtmout
New Washington, Pa., Oct. 20, 1870-Otv
IVORCB NOTICE -Io Common pleat
Court of Clearfield- county Pa.
Joseph Interewics 1 No. .11 Juno T , 70
tb. r win rail iur
Margaret Interewiei) Divorce.
To Aferanrel fere vies reeoondcal YoU are
hereby notified to appear In lha ald Court at
Clearlieldon the 2nd Monday of January, IHhO, to
show co uae If any you have, why a divorce from
Joseph Interewics the petitioner should not be
granted to answer complaint contained in toe po
tion asking for snob a decree.
A. 1 KNTI Jr., Sheriff.
Hherifi's office. Clearfield Pa., Oct. 1ft, 1S7J).
A Specialty.
The undersigned, being thankful for past favors,
would respectfully Inform the citisens ef Clear
field aod vlcioiiy that be has purchased tbo shop
In Clearfield borough recently occupied by Amos
Kennord, situated on nonet street, io the roar of
Goo. Weaver A Co.'e store, where by strict and
close attention to business, he hopes to receive a
large share of public patronage.
jfidrPriees reasonable and all work guaranteed.
Clearfield, Pa , Oat. 1ft, Ib7-Sm.
Bob. C. A. MAYKH, President Judge of
tbe Coo it of Common Pleas of 'ho twenty-fifth
Judicial District, composed of the counties of
Clearfield, Centre and Clinton, and Hon, Abrah
On nan and Hon. Viuciht D. Holy, Associate
Judges of C tea i field county, have Issued therr
precept, to me direeled, for tba hoi i log of a Court
of Com moo Pleas, at tbo Court llouaa. at Clear
field, in and for tbe oonnty of Clearfield, com
mencing oa tbo SECOND MONDAY, TUN 10TH
DAY OF NO V KM B ICR, lo7V, and eontinoing
three weeks.
NOTICE la therefore herebv civet to juroraand
witnesses, in and for said county of G'oarfield to
bo and anncer In their proper persons, at 10
o'clock A.M. of said day, to do thoe things
which tn tbetr benair pertain to ito done.
GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, this 22d
day of October, lo the year ol our Jjorn one
thousand olght hundred and seventy-nine.
ANDRDW PKNT.,jr., (Sheriff.
oet 11 te.
Hat. opaaad ap, la tha ator. rooa lalaly Mapl.d
by WTar A Belli, oa Bmad itraat, a larg, aad
wall aalaatl, took of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
Which they will dispose of at reasonable ratoe
for k or oirhange lor country produce.
Clearfield, Pa Jaa. 9, 1071 tf.
Vauablc Ileal Estate.
Ill ,.r..aaoa af aa ordar af lb. Orpbaa,' Cart
of Clwrfl.ld rwaoly, tha uadar.i.n.d. Ad
ministrator of tha Hata m David Bell, lata of
Orwaawood towBihlp, will olfr at aabllo aal, at
Ball.llla, Ii laid t.waakla, aa
Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 1879,
Ui, followlag daacrllxd Btal Xilat,, t, wit :
IOT NO. I, Sltaata la UrMawood townihip,
J boasdad awd dMerlbvd a. follawi t Oa ib,
aoilb by laad af .aid Mtatr, WB tb. Math by tb.
SaaaBabaoaa rl.r aad laad f Mltcball,
aa tn. .t by laad of Franptaa B.ll, Bad on tba
wait by laad of Da.ld Mltoball, balag tbi boaa.
trad Lot.faaid aataa,atail.g aasat
IOT NO. t, Roaadad aa th. airtk by l.od, ,f
i Ir.lai aad Mawaar,.B tb. Math by Lm
N. I. aad laad, f Mtwh.ll, a ta. aaat
by Fraapt. Bril'i laad, aad oa tha writ by A.
W. N.wooaw, ..atalalBg
balng all llabw lanA, tharna a ..idr
ahl. aaaaet af wbiu oak. whit, ataa, aad baa
IOT MO, I, Bltaabad ta Ball twwaiblp, aad
J aboat tkraa alia, fraa tb. rlrw, baaadad
ob lb, aarib by laad af R. C. ThaapieB, aa tb,
aulb by Ir.ia A Tboapioa, aa tb, aast by tb.
aaaa, aad .0 th. by KmA, Waarar A Batta,
bring all tlabarad with ,1a, ,ah aad balb,
and woald aaaa a Tory good fara.
IOT NO. 4, Sltaaladla Oraw..d Uwaiblp,
i boandad aa tba worth by laodi of D.
MoCraohMi, .a tb. Math by Jaob Frar.r, ,a
ta. aaat by Ball aad BtaphaaM, aad a tb.
wait by Jaab Otaf aanaj, ..yaiaiag ,
abral twwaty aana f wkwk ll riaatwd. '
Parllas dmlrln, t aiaalaa tarn ktadl will b.
antiiaa la d.l.g by aalltag rpoa allbar ( lb
OKE TRtRD af Ox aarakaaa Iwr) aaat b.
paid d.wa, ONR TMIHDni lb. tratday.f
J.aa, 1MB, aod lha balaaa aatkatm day af
Jaa., lull, to, laat two pTBiau 1. to wila la.
lamt, aad to ba anrad by toad aad awraar.
im th praaiiM,. Aay botbob parawaBla, aithw
at lha ahoT. Iaii, aad a.t aoaiptyiB, with tha
aho.B, will h llahl. I. a.y U. alalaed hy a
aal. Th, Adailalrtrat.ri mmi th, rihl ta
aorpl ar rajMt aa, ai.d alt hM.
Carweaillll, Oet ll-Tt 14 AdlalMrtor.
Ln-ig V
5?s 2 W X I
Dor -35- jfl
lis h ?
? 0 lis ' .I
f 3. tfa-; !
i. S ? sS ;
2 (b s f ;
9 B P I- !
i a w
S r
s: ' ' It
1. A. FLECK.
Fall and Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Ulaok and Colored CmlnnorcB, lltocudr. Drew Ooodn, Plain Pron Goo1,
NowSlinwIn, Jmdiea' Conta, Kcd
... .1 t. II'..
JaVV JllliO rilinilOIB, 1 Bjiurprmna
CB"lmero, Mon'n Btid Jioyd' iVour, JJrcn uin(rnmi, uncuea mna
Mutlin. Our stock wai neer bolter. Our Lodie,' Sklrtg rn beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
Ji complete IS took nt our iimuiiI ISitrgalnr,.
Plumes, I'loweri, Wlntji, Ostrich Tipn.
w Jjrofauo Tivwiuiiu ui..u., ...
and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Glovog, Lisle Gloves, Silk Fnngo,
Buttons, Laoes, Coriots, Kmbroidories, Edging,, Iniertinga,
Linen Handkercliloft, Ladies' Tiea,
nnd Fnncy Yarns, Ladies, Went ana uimuron a underwear, Aauiea,
Gent's and Children's Hone. We don't intend to have any atore in
Clearfield oounty beat us in anything stylo, prices, quantity,
quality, or soiling. Givo as a call and see for yourself.
Oil ClotllM,
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
t i. ! l Mrf
p&:n3 for Illiulratcd Circular and Trice. Liberal Termi to th Tradt-a
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MIDULKTOWX, CONH, and No. Ill and SOI Anau, CUJCAOo, IU.
AM kinds of Cackets and Coffins kept on hand, and furnished to order ou
ahort notice, including tho fineot as well as tho cheapest that can be manu
factured. Our
oonPBH pjiBamnviiri
Is the beat in use, and will bo furnifhed wbon required. Funerals attended
in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leave
your ordora at Troulman's Furniture
octl.TO lj.' '
1216 Chestnut Street.
Phtladclfibla, Oat 2J, 1879-8m.
Prices of Shingles,
Cwvwsosvillv, Jm. , 'T8-tf.
poll SALK.
Tha n4antnacl will aall as private aal all
that traat or paroal of laad sltaata la Deoalur
towasbip, Clarfild tvuintv, Pa within a short
distaooa af tha lyrona Claaf6.ll R. and
atljoialnf laads of Hobart Hudsoa and etoors,
aad hnowa as tha Jaeob B. (J ear b art lot. Tb
said traol oonLaiatcK 60 acrvs mora or lass, with
two valas of valuabla eoal tharaon, has about SO
anras ttUaraxl. url lat lha ts ft lAra) bud of
aoal a'rout balag dvlud. Will bo sold low aad
apoa sasj tarms, ror parttenlars, apply to
VA 1U L. K KKllDi
Claarflsld, fa., July IS, 1B78,
Th. .Bflr,lrail aff.n for lalaalltha ,Ib, ,ah,
iplar and h.ralooh timber aa 411 aorai of laad
ia Claarffald ooaaly. l-artlei eoniBltln. Ih aaap
or atliaof thoooBBty, will find It la Brady
towaahlp, adjolalng th. Bell lown.hi, c?
llao, and kaowa a traet Ko. 14.14. Thli7
tiathrt will ha hold ovaa fur aal, aatll tha
11 of,r aett. For farthar Mrtlealirt
apply ts ar addrw.1.
Octolxr It, 1!7 1(. Claarlald, Pa.
IM Till" aitr frfftwMtt.prt'? si d la thtwa frv-hf4
Umm, tho prmlng ttetiii. ht rn IharMtftalf
tralal Bten fut Laainm. thir litkliluilna oflt-r wa
OnrpMWSl fcHltilw lo JOinm ttitd aiisMla at4 Bias,
tayrobulalns: s I'rMllt kl rilmnllf.o A hurt lino
only U rtMiilid In pos4tie Ui tmrm f Misaly,
kitwasssjllvhl 1rt"ilTklul InMrtiHlnn. Hittdnala ma
oaiar at any tint, hn TR-iU'ir. lar tinwla-a
Mrtts I. rr A M!S. Plltliinrai.
AW-lt.ri H.-,hkn-,, ,-, faUihr4 tr Harper
A Un.; prluiH (h(i4't 1 U lain vo'k
oa tba SririMW put.nt4i.J. A ri fM tahPVV
rail read, latititHw m n nixl friinitl accsMibtaaiai
Hwa,S3.1Hf, .trt;t j
--IH TflB
Borough tf Curwensville !
3'HATwell.tewwa property illaal. n Ika haak
af Iba BBeao.banae, la lha horoanh of
rw.airlll.. ClMr.IJ eMaly, Pa , Mtod hy
Ih. lal. BENJAMIN HAHTKIIOKN, dead, ti
wow .Send for aal. It swaiaia, a.t
Thirteen Acres,
Cpoa wblah It araatad a Saa twe.ll.ry fr
Si!' S STABI.B, and tha eeaemrT ant.
tn '""ITi aA .' FIXIWINS
rl a f,ry dMlrail ,rrly tar a rwii
a)..e.. Taeprep.rlyWiMweleradalr'KlVATft
BALK, oa raa.on.bla taraii. Far farther la. la nlaiioa la it, eall at th, ar.lm,
ar apply I th. e.d,rlraed la panew ar br lener.
Attoreey far th, Uiira.
CleitrSaM, Pa., Seat. Id, HII tf.
I-InniicU.Hrny riiinnon, riiu rwnneia,
I. ..J I &,la' r-lnlK. all
ciiiu unuiri v. .... "t
all kind of Fnncy Wlnjra and Birds,
Ribbons, Germantown Tarns, Zephyrs
Clearfield, Pa.
S.pU 1, 79 ly
Improvements September, 1878'
BTln rmrll for tha lanaad ol -
rwgr..lva ai;.. wa now offar te tba World
irrra aarcajiL
Important Improvements.
KotTriUialaniUng the VICTOK hu long bote,
tho pert of any machine lu the market a fact
uprwrtcit hy a hoat of ToluntMr witneaaea ws
now oonficlf ntly claim for it greater
simplicitr, a wonderful redaction of
-. friction, and altogether a Jiart Cbm.
Mnad'oit of Jk'irablt Qualities. For lale
Store, adjoining the Postoffice.
, JAS. -li. LEA V 1,
Clearfield, P.
gciv g,ayertigfmrnt,
r OOO Bi:tIIE1.8.Gorca Waavar A Co.
J) want Ivo thouaaad bushalf of OATH, w,
and will pay eash or produco. '
ClaarflslJ, l'a Aug. II, 187 tf.
HllfJIlE FOR RENTA tw.-ttory briea
hon. an Pin. Itraat, aait af tb . .
I'r.b,trian Charrh. Thraa rooma ap f11,
and tbn. dowa tair. A ;ood auhla, tea l.a'l
hnwM, BBd fardaa atlaehl. For farther IS
partlenlara, apply t J. B. 8HAIIAM,
April in, 1ST tf. Cl.arl.ld, Pa.
Mra, Joha B. Ralarty, of Paw towaahlp,
olTen for rant a dwelling hauaa aad ator
room, litual, la tba Tilla,, ,f PcaaTill. fI
For fBrthwi.lorniatloa apply t. r d. I'I'I
droal, Mra. J. B. RAFFKRTT,
oc JS. ri lf. Uraaipiaa Hill.
If jou want to tee the finest Stook of
Hcady-Madc Clothing
If jou want to Buy the best Fitting
i Clothing;
If yoa want the most Boliably Mads
nj uujyy.umtmmnumtmfn!
If you want to boy it the lowest Cast
Prices, go to '
If ou want to tee the best assortment af
If yoa want to tee a nios selection of
Gents' Furnisliing Goods ;
; . If you want to bay a 3 ','
or a TBUKK YillSE, y
u yoa want to get ue wort! or you
Money, don't tail to go te
IM. IS, lllt-tf.