Georor B. Goodlandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY HOHNINO, OCT. , 1179. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. 70S STATE TREASURER, DANIEL 0. BARR, OF AL1.I0USNY OOUNTT. DEMOOEATIO COUNT! TICKET ! for snERtrr, JAMES MAHAKFEY, 0F BELL TOWNSHIP. FOB DISTRICT ATTORNET, J. F. McKEXKICK, OF CI.IABt'IEI.D DOROUUU. TOR JURY COMMISSIONER, : . ANDREW J. JACKSON, OF CLEARFIELD B0R0U01I. Reader, tf too waot to know vbat l going OB In the bulloei, world, Juot read oar advartiiing olimni, the dpeeiaf eoluma IB particular. MAXIMI FOR THE OAV. Ho bu worthy tbe oftee of Preoldeat abould bo wllliug to bold it if counted 1b, or plaeed thor by auj fraud. U. 8. UaaBr. I eoom oarer oave oven reoouBiiea to toe eio vatlns bv tbo einelleit Bid of mine of b perion, however reapoetable Ib print life, who Ban foreror sorry apoo bta brow tbo eiamp oi iraua flnt triumphant Ib American hiatory. No iub eequent aetioo, boworor meritorioua, ean waib away tbo lolterl or tbat raoora. Cbablbb Frabcii AD4BI. I would rathor bare tbo entloreament of a quar- tor of millioB of tho American peopla tbao that of tho Louisiana Returning Board, or of th Con. mlatlon whloh exeludrd tho faota Bad daoldad tbo queltion on B technicality. TbuI. A. IlKBDRICRt. tTndr Ibo forma of law, Katberford B. Hayal hat boon doelarod President of tbo United 8tat. Hia titla reata apoa diafranchiiomeot of lawful votere, tho fall eerlifloatee of tho returning offl eera acting eorTuptly, and tbo deeioion of a ooa- miaiion wbiob baa relueed to Boar eviueooa oi al leged fraud. For tba Brat tiaia aro tha American neouleeun Fronted with tbo fact of B fraudulently elected President. Lot It not bo understood that tho fraud will bo ailently aequtaioed Ib by tbo oountry. Let no boar paea u which too uaurpa tlon ia forgotten. AnDRBat op DauocRaric M. C.'i. One hundred year, of human depravity aoea nulatod and eonoautratad into a eltmax of orlme. Never again Ib Ore hundred yearaahall tbey bare an opportubuy to repeat tbo wroog. Dahirl W. VooRRBaa. DEMOCRATS, ALL GO TO THE POLLS ON TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 4ih, AND CAST YOUR BAL LOT FOR JAS. MAUAFFEY FOR SIIER1FF. TO ELECTION OFFICERS! Let every Judge and Inspector in the county jirocure a copy cf Slieriff Rintz's Election ProclamU' tion, read it carefully, and take a copy of it along to the polls on the day of the election. The Clcrkt, or those expecting to be such, can also gather some business ideas from tli is document. On election day much useless debate and loss of time may be avoided, if the election officers art versed in the duties for which they claim pay. LET EVERY DEMOCRAT IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY GO TO THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE FOR DANIEL O. BARR FOR STATE TREASURER. Road tbo article on our fourth page entitlod "Aggressive Insolonce." That's exactly the name for Radical trans gressions. Democrats, look out lor spurious tickets on election day I That Joint enemy has put out a lot. Read your tickot before handing it to the In apeetor ! Tho Hayes and Sherman families have all got back to Washington again, and a Cabinet meeting is talked of. The Lord be praised for thus restoring the powers that be stolen I ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS I IT IS YOUR DUTY AS FREEMEN TO GO TO THE POLLS ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OP NOVEMBER AND DEPOSIT YOUR BALLOT FOR J. K. McKENRICK FOR D1S TRICT ATTORNEY. One Thino. Settled. The result of the recent elections in Ohio and Iowa shows conclusively to every candid mind that Greenbackism is about clos ed out. They elected several Con gressmen in tho latter State a year ago, and defeated three Democrats in the lormor State ; but this Fall the party, as such, amounted to nothing. Next year it will not bo heard of. Ticket Frauds. Some "moral idea' chap bashad a Greenback ticket print ed and put In circulation, containing the name of Cyrus Gordon, the Radi cal nominee for District Attorney. Dcmocratio Greenbackert will ploase rocollect that their party has no noral nco for that offico; but 11 the Radical Grecnbackers want to vote for him, all right The Democratic branch of that party should take the same privilege, and vote for Mr. McKenrirk. The True Indicator. The popu lar voto given for oar nominoes lor county officers, and the ballots cast by the delegates in Convention, cloarly indicates to every oandid man that the people of Clearfield county, at this time, wanted James MuhafTey lor Sher iff, J. F. McKonrick for District At torney, and Andrew J. Jackson for J ury Commissioner. This fact cannot be disguised, although mon equally as competent and deserving were de feated. DEMOCRATS, SEE TO IT THAT EVERY VOTE IS POLLED FOR OUR CANDIDATE, ANDREW J. JACKSON, FOR JURY COMMIS SIONER. HE IS AN ACTIVE, DESERVING DEMOCRAT, AND WILL MAKE A COMPETENT OFFICER. DEMOCRATS, ALL GO TO TIIK POLLS ON TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 4tb, AND CAST YOVR BAL LOT FOtl JAS. MAUAFFEY FOR SHERIFF. J. . TIIK RING OF 0LD.T1MK DE MOCRACY. In leufiug ovit a copy ol the Con gressional Globe the other day, our eye struck a running debato betwoen (ion- oral Cameron and Governor Biglur, in tho Senate, on the 12th of May, 1858, relating to the tariff and currency questions. To our mind there is so much souul sense in the remarks made by Governor Bigler on IhjS point, which is now agitating the country, that we deem it our duty to reproduce his words, although de livered ovor twenty-one years ago, and tho speaker retired to privato lifo. The G ovor nor among other things said : "1 wish my colleague was sound on another great question tbat underlies all this, and that is the question of cur rency. There is the basis of this fluc tuation and sudden prostration of which my colleague spoke. It is our influlod system ol papei money that begets unguarded expansions and leads men to attempt enterprises without real capital. Suddenly tbo revulsion comes and we are told it is the tariff. I have heard this fallacy over since 1 came into public lite. My honorable colleague is an able and an active agont in an element that underlies all this tariff question. It is secondary. The question of onrrency and money underlies the whole- of it, and over rides it. Your expanded sys tem ol rotten paper money en hancing nominal values, renders the incidental aid of a protective tariff helpless and ineffectual. There is the root of the evil, and whenever it be comes necessary, or my duty, I am ready to discuss it fully." It is no wonder tbat tbo Governor, four years previous, vetoed cloven bank bills at one clip. The principles he held then he holds now, and it would have boen fnr better for the country and the people il all had not drilted so fur away from those views. LET EVERY DEMOCRAT IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY GO TO THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE FOR DANIEL O. BARR FOR STATE TREASURER. A Candidate. We notice tbat the editor ol the New York Sun, in casting about for a Presidential candidate, soltles down upon Genoral Han cock as "tho fit and available man." Tho Sun shines unusually bright just now. Senator Vanco of North Caro lina, in alluding to tho Presidential question, says tho general sentiment of North Carolina and of the South is unfavorable to the nomination of Tilden for the Presidency. He thinks tbat prior to tko Ohio election Thurninn was the favorite of the majority of Southern Democrats, but tho defeat of the Democracy in tbatStato has taken Tborman out of the Presidential race. Speaking of the chances of Senator Bayard and General Haneouk for the Democratic nomination, Senator Vance said : "Bayard's opposition to the silvor bill flattened him. Hancock is our man. 1 am heartily tired ol soldiers, and would prefer to soe a civilian in the Exocativa chair, but we need a Union soldier to offset this grand boom. Hancock was a better soldier than Grant, and I favor him because he has shown himself a friend of Constitution al Government and civil liberty in tho South." That "Oboam." The West Chostor Record is the Potroff Butler-II ooton organ, and nobly defends tho bribe takers in the Legislature, as well as Butler, the Radical candidate tor State Treasurer. Thore is something natur al about the deportment of the joumal indicated. It is largely patronised by the Petroff class of bribers and bribe takers; and being published at the home oi Butler and H ioton, tho Chair man of tha Radical Slate Committee, it is no wonder tho editor, although, all bis life "governed by grand moral ideas," has given himself away body and soul, to tho "roosters" and ring slers at Harrisburg, since tho Cameron State Convention. Jt the poor d 1 feels happy while defending a band of rouges, let him bo happy still. "Ho is too cute lor anything." DEMOCRATS, SEE TO IT THAT EVERY VOTE IS POLLED FOR OUR CANDIDATE, ANDREW J. JACRSON, FOR JURY COMMIS SIONER. HE 13 AN ACTIVE, DESERVING DEMOCRAT, AND WILL MAKE A COMPETENT OF F1CER. The Census. Hon. Francis A. Walker, the Superintendent of the ap proaching Census, is making an effort to educate the publie on this question by lurnisbing tha press with "notes upon th office of Enumerator under the Census law," as well as the provis ions of the Act oi Congress, which re lates to the formation of enumeration districts, ete. The reader, by turning to our first pago, will find a lesson, if J studied properly, that will assist him very much when "tbeCensng taker" comes around next June, visiting every family lor the purpose of asking ques tions, so that be can be answered promptly and correctly. Wi Apolooiee. After reading tbo Journal's biography of lawyer Gordon, we feel ashamed of oar effort in not "boosting" bis competitor more vigor ously ; but it's too late now to do that which should have been done last week. Uowover, the voters will do that for os on Tuesday next Attention. A full Democratic vole on Tuesday, November 4th, will con tinue the Bute Treasury in tha bands of the Democrats for two years nor. That is as true as Revelation. Demo crats heed it I The Curwenavill organ has extin guished Governor Hoyt for promoting Cashier Walters, W hep Hit Excel lency will be able to stand tha shock A HARD ROAD. It is a stubborn iucl woll-known to the careful observer that transgressors have a hard rose! to truvvl. With tho execution of McManus, which not long since took place at Sunbury, thisStato, the long bloody episode of tho "Mollie Maguires" may be suid to have ended. These men wuru tho last of a once formidable organization, which hud lor its purpose tbo assassination of the supposed enemies of tho minors. For many years tho oath-bound society do lled law and justice, but it finally loll into pioccB before tho prosecutoin which was certainly as untiring, determined, and porsistont as the organisation whoso destruction was sought The list of mombors committed by these men is a long one. But tho list of ex ecutions of the members of tho gang is also terrible one. The relentlessness ol the prosecution, and the summary hangingof aomany of the conspirators, have finally broken up the strange compact of lawless mon. It has lastod longer than any similar body ol con spirators ovor lasted in this country. Most of the men who have boen hang ed for their crimes havo died accusing othors. McManus was no exception to the genoral rulo. He diod charging upon tboBO who witnessed against him the orimo of which ho had boen con victed. Tho falo ol . these bud men Bbould be a warning to all evil dispos ed persons for generations to come. LET EVERY DEMOCRAT IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY GO TO THE POLLS ON ELECTION DAY AND VOTE FOR DANIEL 0. BARR FOR STATE TREASURER. Honest Monet I Somo of the "hon est monoy" Republicans of the third- term persuasion are bringing into promlnonce President G rant's veto ol the three hundred million inflation bill. They think it will holp the boom. Wbilo they aro considering Grant's financial record they might go back to tbo time when ho packed the Supremo Court of the United Statos with Juj- ticos Strong and Bradley In order tbat tbey might aid in reversing the de cision of tho Court againBt the consti tutionality ol tho legal tondor act Chief Justice ChuBe (who died a Dem ocrat) bad delivered, tbo solemn deci sion of the Supremo Court that Con gress bos "no power andor the Consti tution to make anything but gold and silver a legal tender in payment si debts. Somo powerful moniod inter ests were deeply interested in secur ing a reversal of that docision and Strong and Bradley agreed to assist in overthrowing it if appointed Judges of I the Supreme Court. That was the condition upon which they received their appointments li'om Grant! It was a conspiracy against tho integrity oi the Supremo Court and tho Constitu tion of tho country. It is well enough for the "honest money" Republicans to remember this when they consider Grant's record. Uarrisburg Patriot. ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS I IT IS YOUR DUTY AS FREEMEN TO GO TO THE POLLS ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OF NOVEMBER AND DEPOSIT YOUR BALLOT FOR J. F. McKENRICK FOR DIS TRICT ATTORNEY. The Democratic Ticket. Two tick ots make a full hand this Fall. The one is headed "STATE," and contains the name of our nominee, Daniel 0. Barr, lor State T reasurer, and the other ia hoaded "COUNT Y," and contains tho names ol our nominees for Sheriff, District A Homey and Jury Commissioner, and is printed as follows: STATE: firafe Treasurer, Daniel O. Barr. COUNTY : Sheriff, James MahafTey, District Attorney, J. F. McKonrick, Jury Commissioner, Andrew J. Jackson. This ticket must bo cut in two pieces, and folded so that the words "State" and "County" only appear when hand ing it to the Inspoctor. An Election Board has no right to receive an open ticket from a voter. The Lost Balloon. It ia announe that the dead body of a man was found on the shore of Lako Michigan, on Friday last, noar Miller's Station, Ind., which is believed to be the corpso of Goorg Burr, who accompanied Prof. Wise in his balloon' ascension from St Louis, nearly a month ago. The body was neatly dressed, bat tho ioaturcs wore so discolored and swollen as not to be recognized. Tha collar button was marked "G. B." in monogram, the sleeve buttons "B.," and the linen and underclothes "B." In the pockots were found St. Louis papers ol Sep tember 27, the data of the ascension. Friends of Mr. Burr have been telo graphed for, as thero is no doubt tbat the remain will be tound to be those ot that unfortunate gentleman. Search will b mad for Prof. Wise's body. The balloon waa seen at Miller's Sta tion on th night following the ascen sion, and must have boen wrecked on the lak soon afterward. . A Fraud. A forged and fraudulent lotter, purporting to eome from Mr. Barr's friends, and mailed In a Back. age from Huntingdon, appealing for support on religious grounds, is being published in th Republican papers. It is bardly worth while to deny the charge to sensible people, but lest somo may Imagino thsr is a grain of truth in it, Mr. D. O. Barr aulhoriaea its prompt denial. He is running as a Democrat, aa a citizen who feels com petont to discbarge the dutlea of the offio of Slat Treasurer. No appeal ha gone from him, or by his knowl edge or consent, to any on on account of their particular belie! in anything except the Democratic party. DEMOCRATS, SEE TO IT THAT EVERY VOTE IS POLLED FOR OUR CANDIDATE, ANDREW J. JACKSON, FOR JURY COMMIS SIONER. HE 19 AN ACTIVE, DBSEBVINQ DEMOCRAT, AND WILL HAKE A COMPETENT OF-FICKR. DEMOCRATS, ALL GO TO THE POLLS ON TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 4th, AND CAST YOUR BAL LOT FOR JAS. MAUAFFEY FOR SHERIFF. A itOXSTROC'S ABSURDITY, The lust demand of th Repulicsn party, as expressed by its organs and leaders, is that tho General Govern mont shall protect every citizen in all bis rights in all parts of the Union. This sentiment has boon the central idea of most of tbo oratory that has been omployod to enthuse the Radical masses in the State oampaigns of this your. With few oxooplions all the Radi cal spoakers in Maine, Ohio, Iowa and other Statos whore speaking baa boeu done, have domandod protootion by the Federal Government for each citi zen of evory Stato and Torritory in all his rights. Tho Republican papers, as a rulo, have echoed the same demand in emphatic chorus, and have de nounced, as nndosorving of rospect and unworthy of confidence, the Govern ment that either could not or would not aflord such protection. Wo have heretofore shown tho absurdity ot this clamor, and demonstrated the impossi bility of the central authority becom ing such a protective agency without a coinpleto change in our system. But tho Radical press and stump speakers ol that party still keep up tho ury, U is heard from tho rostrum in Mary land, Now York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, and is becoming louder and more earnest as its utter stupidity and folly bocome more and moro ap parent. It may bo fairly doubted if the men who utter this rhetorical bosb, or the pcoplo who applaud it, really know what it means, or ever seriously think what would be tho result of such a change as would transfer from tho States to the General Government tho duty of protecting each citizen in all his rights protecting lifeund property by watchful care over them and by punishing violalionsof Isw. The means of protection nro courts, officers of tho peace, Jails, penitentiarios, etc. II the General Government is bound to do this protecting, the States and muni cipalities must givo up their courts, must elect or appoint no moro judges, prosecutors, shoriffypolioo officers, con stables or petty magistrates. All these must bo United States officials, and every orime, every invasion of tho rights of poisons or proporty, from murder down to petty larceny, must bo tried by a tribunal of the United States. Is there any community pre pared for such a change as that t But that is not all. Not only tho criminal courts and officers of the peace with the penal institutions must be trasforrod from local Federal jurisdic tion, but the civil courts, tho tribunals dosigncd for tho protection of tho rights of property, must go in the same direction. If tho central authority is to furnish tho protection which the Statos are designed to afford, noarly evory officer, and the appurtenances and appliances ol officers, must be in the control of the General Government We don't believe there is any party that would undertake tnariruoin favor of such a change in direct and specific terms, yet all this is embraced in the current demand of Radical leaders and publicists, the demand for protection of individual rights by tho "strong arm ol the United Statos." It means tbo practical abrogation of Statos, the an nihilation of local government, the ab sorption of the functions of the States and municipalities by the central power, Add to the 104,000 offices now filled by Federal appointee tbo vast army of local offices that this change would place under the aamo control, and we should have such an engine of powor as was never wielded by any single government on earth. It would in crease a hundred told the liability to corruption. It would give us such a centralization of powor, such an engine of oppression aa does not exist on the glob to-day, except perhaps, the em pire of Russia. In providing that the protection of tho ritizon and the vindi cation of bis light should devolve on States, the f rumors of our system made most effectual provisions for tbo pro motion of justice among the people, and lor honesty and economy in tho administration of their affairs. There will never be a Stato tbat will surren der the rights wbiob belong to il un der the fundamental law, and there will never be a party tbat will daro to put into its platform the demand that the mechanism ol local government, shall be handed over to th Federal authorities. The rhetorical gush which elicits applauses in tho hustings will bo detostcd as tbo most odious of political heresies when put into the orucibla of common sense, and mad to exhibit its logical Inevitable products. Washing ton Post. ATTENTION, DEMOCRATS I IT IS YOUR DUTY AS FREEMEN TO GO TO THE POLLS ON TnE FIRST TUESDAY OF NOVEMBER AND DEPOSIT YOUR BALLOT FOR J. F. McKENRICK FOR DIS TRICT ATTORNEY. The Wat Thet Did it. Every Ohio man in office, and their name ia legion, from Hayes down, went home to work and vote for their ticket. John Sherman with th money power, and it includes more than the array of Na tianal Banks, worked and lavished money lor the cause, and to further Sherman's chances for th Presidency. Monoy from every available sou roe was pourod out like water. The low average assessment of ten dollars apiece from each office-holder would yield over a million dollars ol a cor ruption fund. Don't Need Them. W don't need the electoral vote ol Ohio, In th Pres idential election next year, as the Buckeyes have not cast a Democratic electoral vote for twenty -seven years, and bene th Republicans only bold their own so far. The same Stato voted for Hayes in 1870, and yet he he was defeated by Samuel J. Tildon, th Demootatie President-elect Mr. Pierre Lorillard baa purchased th Kentucky filly, Sly Dance, by War Danco, and oolt Mistake, by Waver- ley, both twoyear-olds, to add to his airing at Newmarket Th price is reported to be 18,000 for th filly and 110.000 for tb colt ALARMED, ANYHOW. It is becoming more evident every duy that the Radical leaders aro be coming alurmud al the huge fraud thoy perpetrated on the people in 1870. 1 he r-hlladclphia Timet, in alluding to this crime, says : "Mr. Smalley, oue of the most reliable ol newspaper corres pondents, bus furnished the New Yoik TVitunewitb the report of a recent In torvlow with President Ilkyes, on the possible attempt of a. Democratic Sen ate and nouso to count in tbo Demo cratic candidate lor President against tho vote of tho people. It is a subject well worthy the consideration tint only of Prosidont Hayes, but also of the pa triotic men of all parties ; but there are few who can aocept the President's assumption that puhlio opinion will prevont tho Donioerats from adopting such a desperate moans of success. It will be remembered that just that vory thing was done in' the case ol Tilden and Hayes, when thore was more than twenty majority of tho Electoral College in favor of th can didate who was fraudulently defeated, and that public opinion, while it pro foundly doplorud the fraud, was pow erless to prevent it. Had it been ar rostod in 1870, its repetition would have beon impossible in 1880, or at any time duing the present generation at least; but having been consummated in the face of a popular majority in Louisiana that would have been fully lorty thousand In a poll as large as that ot Pennsylvania, and having been acquiesced Id by the country, what is to hinder alike or eveuagreator lraud in 1880? The fact that Hayes ac cepted a Presidential titlo on the votos of Louisiana, South Carolina and Flor ida, and employed his earliest official authority to declare the electoral re turns of these Stales fraudulently, by surrendering tho control of them to tbo Dcmocratio Governors who ran on the same ticket with Tilden, is simply bis own indisputable testimony to the fraudulent returns by which be was made President; and suc-b a record to confront him, how is he to resist Dem ocratic frauds in 1880 if they shall be perpetrated under the color of law as made by the precedents ol 1876 f If Now York, or Indiana, cr both, shall reverse the voto of the people and cer tify their fraud as the true return, as did the Florida and Louisiana elec toral thloves, who is to stay a Dcmo cratio Senate and House from thus counting tho vote and dclaring their candidates elected ? Is it not about timo that honest men of both parties should begin to call fraud by Its right name, and that they should unite in some political method to make future electoral frauds impossible and to make tho heroes of fraud infamous?" Indian Affairs. Forsq u ureoutrago and theplunderingof the Federal Treas ury, wo scarcely know who are most to blame tbo Washington Depart ment, tho Indians, or the Agents. It may be a combination. It seems tbat the dispatch of Indian Agont Meeker, notifying the Department that ho was in danger of bis life, lay in tho Indian Bureau about forty hours before any nntir-e WOO giwn it fnrthlU' tHaav-- reading. Meantime the head of both Departments concorned in Indian man agement were cavorting over the West It doesn't require a large collection of such facts as tboso to make up an ugly record. Tho expenses of the Ute war to dalo amount to about 1200,000. Wbat the total cost ol '.'punishing" the murderers of Thornburg and Mcoker will be is hidden in the bosom ot the future If it costs as much to thrash these red devils as il did to demolish tbo Modocs, tbo drain on tbo National Treasury will be more than two mill ion dollars. The red wards of the Na tion are costly luxuries, and the Indian Burea ia a costly and unnecessary pieco ol furniture. The Ik ii an Captives Sate. Sec retary Schura received a tologram on tb 25th Inst, from Special Agent Adams, wbich was brought from the White river agency to Rawlins by relay ol couriers, and ia dated White river agency, October 24. He an nounces that Mrs. Meeker and Miss Josephine Meeker, Mrs. Price and tho two children hare been surrendered and aro now in General Merritt's camp. They say that tbey were well treated by the Indians, and the impression is that had it not been for Ouray's orders they would all have boen massacred. Upon receiving tb telegram Secretary Schurz at once went to tho Prosidont and read to him the gratifying intelli gence of the surrender of the captive. Ho then viaitod General Sherman and had a long conference with him as to th importance of preventing any basty action on the part of our troops, tho tenor of Agent Adams' telegram being tbat be was hopeful of speedily terminating the hostile attitude of tho Utes and carrying out in detail the in- BtruotionB of tha Intarior IlopHrtment. Inteuritt and Plccr. The Pott villo Chronicle says: "Mr. Barr is a gentleman who bos been Identified with the managomont of financial mat ters during bis entire business life and his reputation lor strict integrity and pluck among his immediate neighbors is a guarantee that the financial affairs of the Commonwealth will be in safer hands when placed in Lis keeping than if thoy should be committed to the candidal of th Treasury Ring who ar making a desperate effort to rein state themselves in power and plunder at Harrisburg. Prkttt Near Cleaned Out. Th Democrats, at the recent municipal election In Baltimore, nearly oleaned out the Radicals and Greenbackera. Tb vote stood : Latiobe, Democrat, 25,793; Hooper, Radical, 19,830, and Mattbiot, Greenbacker, 95. Th Dem ocrats eloctcd twonty-sevon out of thir ty Councilmen a gain of two over last year. Next year w presume they will elect all ol them. Jobs R Hitler, of tba OlaartoU Cilian, baa beea olaolod Cbalraea of Ibo Uraoabaeh Ooaaif 0o Illoa oV'f "( JleroW. . Yes, and be has nsvai voted nor paid a cent of tax into th County Treasury. 11 will prove a modal re former, we hav no doubt. Hi ray will make everything ahina. A voto lor Daniel O. Barr ia a rot for tha honest management of the Stat Treasury, uncontrolled by rings of publie plunder. Keep tb organiza tion solid for 188ft. MEMPHIS A FREEPOItT AGAIN. The Into Iroata has closed out tho yellow lever at strickcu Memphis, leun. lit Ilrst sUamer that has londed al tbat port since the 24th of July lost, stopped on Friday, on her way from St. l.oun to New Orleans. The following telegrams was sent to the Governor on Friday last : To Hon. A. S. Marks, Governor, Nashville : The epidemic was doelarod ended this day. The us inns will be broken up on Monday morning. I tfiank your Excellency, ou bohulf of the people ot Memphis, lor material asHislunco rendered and for further aid jtcm.soc) if i,e(.VSte.' ' tt'o have suf ficient funds to carry us through, and will not be compelled to draw on you lor any. D. T. Porter, President Taxing Dis't Up to noon only one case of yellow fever was reported Alfred Beventa. Two deaths had ocoured viz., Will iam Johnson (colored), at Buntyn sta tion, and Joseph Shea, at the oily hos pital. The following ia tbo official an nouncement of tha hoard of Hoallh declaring tbe epidemic ended : Owing to the fall ol temperature within the past three days, there hav ing boen two good frosts, with a pros pect of a continuation oi cold weather, the Board ot Health hereby declare tne epiuomio ot 18711 at an end, and announces that thore is little danger to be apprehended from yellow fever by absonteos or other persons coming into tne city, provided the instructions published on September 28 bavo boen complied with in regard to the venti lation of bouses, bedding, clothing, etc. Il takes this occasion to advise the peoplo on their return to avoid infected places. There are a few coses ol yel low fever yet in the oily and a low cases may yet develop : but by ordi nary prudence there is no danger of toe disease now spreading from tbe source. By order of tha Board of Health. J. Cuandler, M. D., Secretary. CAMERON'S BARGAIN. Mr. Samuel Butler's nomination for State Treasurer waa tbe dosing trans action in tho arrangements connected with the election ol tho Hon. J. D. Cameron for a second time to the United States Senate. Butler was nominated and elected to the Legislature as an anti-Cameron men by the Republicans ol Chester oonnty. When tbe Legis lature met bo took an active and ap parently sinoere part in tho councils of tho anti-Cameron Republican mem bom. Ho became the possessor of their secrets, and whon tbe time arrivod he went into the Cumoron caucus and moved that the nomination of Cameron be made unanimous. As a roward lor this service be has received tbe Re publican nomination for State Treas urer. Thero were other Republicans before the State Convention for this nomination with whom Butler could not bo compared on the score of party service. But Senator Cameron insist ed on paying off his debt of gratitude and Butler received tba nomination, though many delegates went off mak ing fists in their pockets. Itreniainsto be seen whether the people will ratify Ibis last ol the Cameron bargains in the election of Samuel Butler to the office of State Tressurer. Philadelphia Commonwealth. The sainted Butler who voted lor Cameron and Petroff I An Examplr. The Wilkes Barre Leader curtly status tbe case in this way : "In Ohio thero are at least throe 'soft money' Republicans to every one 'hard mtnoy' Democrat The only consistent 'hard money' Republican that has sat in Congress from tbat State for a number ot years ia General Garfield. Yet tho 'soft money' Repub licans did not voto against Foster, as tho 'hard money' Democrats did against Ewing. Tbe explanation ot this is that Republicans aro not nearly so apt to permit themselves to be lured away from tbeir party allegiance by the un satisfactory position of a candidate upon an incidental issue. Democrat should b abl to learn a lesson from this. Republicans regard tho success of their parly as the first essential, and wisely depend upon tb loture to sat isfactorily deliver all differences in their ranks that are not immediately incident to the contest in band. Tbe Democrats would havo been securely entrenched in power in all tbo Statea and in tho Nation long ago, bad they followed th same rule." It wns a tight squeeze, but the col ored brother was worried through in Cincinnati, anJ Mr. Geo. W. Williams will bo tbo first ol his race to sit in the Obio Legislature. It was evidently a bitter pill lor many of the pale taoea to vote lor the sable candidate, but the storm was big enough to sweep him in. Th average Republican majority in tbe city was about 3,000, but Will, isms' was cut down to 886. Enough is as good as a (oast, however, and Obio has a colored Representative. o Laat tveBlag, Ooloaol Ilootoo itarteS for tbo vevtora eeetton .f tbo Slate, aa la, we araraaio, la PitMburgh, to-oa?. Ha was aoaonponioS bv BarUB D. kraaa, of tbo ffeeara. Wa atark a Allrguaaf'e Hejorltf for Butler a thoaaaBd, aot wltbetaadlng Mr. Barr't eirealar to tba Mpaw boldera." H'eet Clmur Rr4. We wonder how much cash this trio took to Allegheny county, or is their hugo personal presence a sufficient guarantoe to the verdant Pittsburghera to raiss tbat thousand ? Egotism enough to make a mule tick. Wa Street tbo attoalMMe of tba roaaot I tbo aSV dreea of CbalnaaB Ilootoo, to be loan aa ear rat paga.--Jf'aNtiiffaVa tfoae. Wa publish It too, as a novelty. For bigotry and fanaticism it baa not been equaled in tbia Bute sine tb days of crazy Joo Barker, "Mayor of Pitts burgh " Hooton has evidontly adopt ed the Kearney Kalloch idea of states manship Revolution and Commun ism. Ohio. Tbe official vote for Govern or in Ohio is as follows : Vollar, Repablleaa SSS.tSl Ewiag, Dnaoeral .,.. 111,131 Stewart, Prohibllioaiet 4,14a Pur, NiU.nal..... ....,.. I,1!S Tntal rate aaft S7.4T Voetera aaajorlty area Ealag., 11,11 Uickenlooper'a majority over Rio is 15,678. Tbo Domooratio vote ia 49,000 greater than last year. Oh I Horror 1 1 Yes, it la to 1 11 Th Radicals of Louisiana, hav nom inated a "Confederate Brigadier" for Governor. Isn't it awful I This ia making treason odloaa with a vso- geasa. Well, they may aa well be utilized in tbia way aa to mak them Attorney and Poetmaater Generals. - Tb Sunday Capital hoists the nam ol Samuel J. Tilden, ol New Yrk, lor President and Frank H. Hard, of Ohio, lor Vic President In 1880. Th Radical Majority in Obio ever Kwlng. I 17,129. THAT ' REBEL" ADDRESS. It waa announced by the "grand moral idea" organ Boon after tbe crea tion of tha creature, tbat Hooton, the Chairman of the Radical State Com mittee, was conducting the campaign without "keeping a bottle in hia office. '" It Hooton was not drunk when be is sued his address, some other fellow wrote jt. A more bigoted, fanatical proclamation has never been put in print even during the war. It is "rebel" all through, and we publish it as a novelty, to show to our read ers thut if there is no battle on hand, something like a fool must have been around wben tbe documont below was begotten. Read, in part wbat tbe raving bigot says : To the people of Pennsylvania: Tbe Solid South only requires the aid oi a few Northern Slates to reverse tbe verdict ol tbe war ; to indemnify unrepentant traitors for losses inourred in rebellion against lb nation'a life ; to deatroy the publie credit by blun dering tbo National Treasury, and to blast tbe restored prosperity of tb people by repealing lb financial and protective legislation to which we owe the revival ot business. Does this overstate tbo danger to wbich our country is at this moment exposed f The unrestrained rulo of the rebel Dem ocracy means ruin. Tbe leaders oi this dangerous coalition will never hesitate to carry outthescberaos if tbe power to carry them out can in any way be grasped. Romeinbur Ibis : Auy man who, on tho night wben tbe wbolo North was shouting over the surrender of Lee, had predicted that in fourtoon years tho Democratic parly would be in the majority in the Unitod States Senate and House of Representatives and tbat this Domooratio majority in each bouse would be composed of two rebel oil! -con to one Nort horn Democrat; tbat the rebel general in second command under Lee at Appomattox would be a Senator fiom Georgia ; that tho Post master General and the Vice President of the Southern Confederacy would bo in tbe House, with more than a hun dred rebel veterans making laws to govern and to punish their conquerors tbo man then making such a pre diction would have boen believed to be on tho road to a mad house. And yet what would have boen considered in sane raving in 1805 is disgraceful his tory In lH.y. Witb ibis tact in re- memberance, who will dare to mark a limit to Southern arrozanceund Demo cratic cringing r Will the salutary laws protecting industry, will tbe pub lio credit, will the Nation's honor bo maintained and defended by tho malig nant enemies of them all t Shall our heroes continue on tbe pension rolls, or will they bo forced to retire in favor of. tbe veterans or tbo rebel armies? A Rebel-Democratic restoration in ibis country means thai the "lost cause" bas been regained, and no sane man can doubt this no honest man can deny it. The safety cf our country demands tho eternal exclusion from powor ot that party in which every unrepentant rebel finds a congenial borne and a hearty welcome, and finds it there because ho remains in his sins, and for that reason only. vt e are admonished by the rebel Democrats and their brevet assistants that State issues alone enter into the present campaign. Tbe Republicans have nothing to avoid in even a barnh review of tbeir record since 1860 in the conduct of Slate affairs But State affairs must wait. A mighty National issue confronts us. Political murder has cemented the South into a solid mass lor whoevor tbe rebel Democracy nominate hereafter on a National vickbi. Knongn ol tno norm is to bo brought to follow the lead ot those assassins. And the combination of murder on tb on part and fraud and bribery on the other ia ou trial before the great tribunal ol tbe great Ameri can people. On this august tribnnal Pennsylvania's voico must make a profound impression. Her voice Strug gles for utterance, and it cannot be stifled. Pennsylvania can only speak in tho returns of th election of No vember 4, and then the verdict of bor people will be recorded whether the rebel Democrats will it or not ; and while tbe clamor lor silence on Nation al issues, lorced on by crimes at wbich unman nature elands aghast, the whole country anxiously awaits to hear from us, because these returns will signify our position on National issues and on these alone. A Sensible View. A writer iu the Utica (N. Y.) Herald asserts thai our dairymen should seek to bring about an increased American demand for choose. It appears that tho present capacity ol American dairies is greatly in excess oi me nome and loreign de mand, and tbat this condition of affairs has been brought about owing to tbo exaggerated opinions entertained re garding the need of the British public. The Herald writer urges upon dairy men that domestic consumption of cheose can bo encouragod only by "a radical cbango in tho size of our cbocse and the price at which it is sold to tbe masses al borne. lie points out tbat a family of the ordinary sizo cannot purchase a cheese weighing from forty to sixty pounds, aa it is pretty euro to mold belore halt consumed, and ad vises putting in the market five and ten-pound full cream cheeses. Sarcastic. A Democratic exchange hurla this brick at th enemy : "In New York, at Republican meetings, it is customary to bsng portraits of Grant and Cornell on tb Hands from whence the great spoakers hurl their thunderbolts. It is observed that whilo crowds of jiersons stand about tbe pictures like calves wailing at the pa tare bars on Sunday morning to be salted, tho picture of Cornell hangs like a rusty mail in monumental mock ery (Shakespeare 27 14)." o) a Poor Fool. That celebrated Shen andoah Valley racer and Red River expeditionist, Gen. Banks, predicts another war close at band. Tha Gen erals prophecies were never half so in jurious to the publio credit as his gen eralship. In 1854, this asm dema gogue was willing under certain contin gencies "to let lb Union Slid." 11 hates the Union, just as much now as hs did then. He ia more of dema gogue than a patriot and he will di in that faith. A Democratic Viotott. Besides giving a majority of nearly six thous and for Mayor Latrobs th Democrat ol Baltimore elect twenty-seven out oi thirty members of the City Council. Th victory is so overwhelming tbat th Republicans bar not been abl to orawl out of tbeir ruins and lift fee ble cry of "fraud." Calioo Proht. ThsMeadvlll Re porter aays : On of th student at th college in thi eity admits having received ten dollar for going to Yoongstown, Ohio, to vote for Foster. If this was tb ruling pnoo, tb victory most hav knocked th profits on a great many yard of calico into cocked hat A Hravt Discount. Tb Green back Tot ia Ohio last year waa S8, 323 ; this year it drop t 1,10. FRA UDVLENT NA TVRAL1ZA 'HON. Tba unlr abuao eowplaiaad of (under Ibo Fed oral elaeiioa lal) la tbe arraat of aaea lor at. loBtptiog ta vole on nataraliaatioa papers Illegal ly oblaioad during tba eaiairal of fraud ia IS'S N'trriHn Utnttd. About 9.500 persons who were nat uralized in ISM. in the city ot New York, voted at the election held there in 1H7G. Undor the operation ol '.be Federal election laws as manipulated by John I. Davonport, only 1,240 such persons voted in 1878. In othor worods. 8.000 voters, nearly all Dem ocrats, wcro deprived ot the right of siitl rage in tbut city. Tbo result waa a cam o! two V.ongreKsro'n lor tne so called Republican party of equal rights and an bonest ballot Was this an honest ballot ? Our es teemed contemporary says the papers wore illegal. If this be so then their owners had no right to vote. But who should judge ot tbeir legality T Tbe federal election law says tbo federal Supervisors shall count, scrutinize and canvass all tbe voles : also that thev as well as the United Slates Marshals and Deputy Marshals, may arrest without process any porson wbo in tbeir opinion offers or is about to offer an illegal vote. And from tbo decis ion ol these partisan Federal officials thero is no appeal. If our esteemed contemporary csros to know anything about tb naturali zation papers of 1868, it might dis cover thai a teal oaae noma months bo fore the election in 1878 Judge Blatcb ford decided tbe naturalization papers of 1808 to be legally issued. Thus are federal election officers made su parior to the judges of tbe Stale Court. Is not this just cause of com plaint 7 Our esteemed contemporary might also know that ol tbe three cr four hundred persons arrested before voting on election day, 1H78, not one was de tained more than twenty-lour hours, some were discharged immediately on promising not to attempt to vote, and not one of them baa ever been brought to trial for any violation of any elec tion law, thus providing thai no charge con id ne maintained against tbem. Is not this just causo of com plaint tAorrulown Defender. Senator Wade Hampton has Writ- tona letter to a friend in which he ssys that the present aspect of politics appears to him to suggest the nomination of Bayard and McDon ald as the Democratic ticket for 1880. The Baltimore .S'un (Ind.) declares that the municipal election which oc curred in Baltimore on Wednesday last was one ol the fuirest ever held in thut city. Urn ttofrtlstmrnts. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Betail Dealer in GrocorioS, TUB LAHUGHTand BKST SELECTED STOCK IN THBCOUMV. COFFEE, TRA, SUGAR, SYRUr. MEATS, FISH. QUEENSWARE, TUBS and BUCKETS, DRIKD FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, OILS, County Agent for LORILLRD'S TOBACCOS, Tbaee miJt. Bu molt I. i bboj sold at alnoat eltj prleoa. ' J A el KB H. LTTLB, ClaarSold, Pa., June II, 1878-Ij. JURY 1.IHT.Li.t of tba meaa of Jarora drawa for November Terai. A. D. 1879, ooaj tuoBoiag aa tbo Id aloadaj (Ittb), aad to oaa tiaue tbrea weeka : riBBT WBBK lOTS. H O Brown, LawroBoe. M Kroner, Carwaaaritle Clarb Browa. Lawroaoa. Joaopb Worb, Bell, ABSrow BIIB, Brad;, Warroa Bell, FergaeoB, A dim Yoat, Bradjn laaaa Moore, Feraaaoa. Joo A Fraeonaa, Pobb, Jne n Hllo. rorgaona, A I Be;atoa,ClearSald, Wat Orabaai, Lawreaaa, Abb Yauag, Jordaa, Coorad Bloom, Kbob, L D Weld, Booearia, A S Martla, Ooeeota, Moaoa Owona, Deeatar, Wat M Potter, Bradr, Wai Beat, Pike, Joba B. 0nral, Uaiea. AaSrew Sbooe. Oirari. Joo Bont, Lewreoee, M ftnaofle, Beoeorla. O H Wooden, UoBtadale Joo M Cbaao, Jr., Boggo, 8 B Deulap, Woodward, Johu Rraaa, Brad, SIbiob Head, " Ell Haraua, Aaatin Beatr. Ball. Cbaa DIokenaoB, Oaoeola Joba Pontoa, Lawronee, r 8. Wataea. " Jao C StoreBB, 8ollob, Jaoob Brubaker, Morris, Adaaa Brata, A. Waab'a. tlOBMB WBBK 1TTB. 8 P Laniberry, Bradford Alea Llviag.tna, M Eli Carrina, Lawreuea, B Roeworta, Woodward . W C Hoover, QreoBweoJ Looaard Miloa, Cheat, Freak Bulb, Dooatur, Joba Coder, Knox, T Watcbaaa, lloatadale Jaa Davideoa, Cheat, Ueo A Kepharr, Deeatar u o Uoodfellow, Clf'd, Jaa Roberta, Woodward, J. me. Try, Beeearia, Joah Mrattue, Bradford, E A Hirsla, Car'etille. U W Caiapbell, Bell, Joe E Otwald, Brad, Janea Meeao. Booaa. Ale rraaeo.WellaoetoB Rd Wafoaor, Dooatur, War H.lrhel. Kartuaaa. 6 Whiteildo, jr Beooiria, And Uleejoa, lloolidale. John W Moil, Bell, W T WIUt, roraoaoa, J A Rowloe, Ureeawond, A MeKeBiio, Wodward, Freak WHIef, ClaarSeM N.lh.a Boaea, Morria, T C DeriBooy, Law'aoa, R A rienloo, ClaarSeld. flea Holaiau, Woodward Joha Koob, Morria, J L Met, Baraalda IB., Joe R Shook, Ckoat, tsias wbbk tars. Laetea Patter, L Citj, R HeDowell, Bradford. W U Haadford, Oiooola. Oraago Tharetoa.Jordaa John Daolap, Pike, M J Sloppy, ClearSald, Zao Railey, BIoobj, John Keotyaar, Brady, II. rid Boo, Bradford, Thoa U MeUoo. Bell. J K Heodoreoa.Wood'd, Jaook Polaaar, Bradford, r Hollnpeter, Ueeoarla, Alloa Mlioholl, Clt'd. laoa roltoa, Bradford, H P Hoamel, Urakaaa, Fred Baker, Cheat, Henry KeaaM, Bloona. Kara Root, Baroaido War Uea'l weleh. Lewreaee. T W HoapkUl, J Wanoaar, Buraelda ip B Dellaaa, Bradford, Jaa M Uaalor, Booearia t alvla Bilger, BwoBl, U M Thoataaaa, Brady, Jobs Baker, Boll, Adam Walker, Deeatar. wai Luther, Woodward, H C Rbaffaer, Lawroaoa, J 0 Wblttklll, Clf'd, Auttia Carry, Chert, A H Shaffer, Bura.ldo Jaa Curry,, Klcb'd Lewie, WooJ'rd, B NetlletoB, Brady, ADMINISTRATORS' SALE 0F- ItEAL ESTATE, lit LAWRBNCB TOWNSHIP. Bv virtue of aa ardor ImmJ mmt r k. r- pkaae Court of OlearSald foaaty, Pa., th. node eiguod Adaialelraeera of loo eetete of ARTHUR RKKHK. 1.1. .1 I . ki. j . . . . u , p, WU I I, , will aeU at aaklla eala. al Ik. f... u- i ClaarSeld, aa ' Saturday. Nsvcaabar lei. 1 at vol that valuable lara aad BoBjeetead, eltaatee) la J Ikn.hl. kJ J . . . , B.,iaanf aa a port at eoraer of lino of Doorae Belief , Iheaoo Berth Ire dofreoa aeS twelve aer ekea to a rod oak laoaoo aertk Iwoaly-olght do ' .vrir-aioe woreaea ia a Boealoeh Boar n bank of OlearSald erook, aad Bear auraib of -- whij-im oegrvoo wool rorty- Iwo aorokoa to abile oak Bear the ClearSald bridge roadi Ikaaea aorta eighty-two degree! we.t forty eovea peroboa ta a poet la llaeel lane: Ibeaee aoalk by iaoda af Haarael Tate'a helra for ty.eoroa degrooa weal twa haadred aad twoaty. oorea perehea to a dead km loch oleea by tkaiida of tho paella road leediBg free, Wai. A. Head . Mwalll la Aaioa Read'! hlaahaealib .boa . Ik.. by lead! af A area C. Tata, Ibo oearao of aald road betag, thirty degrooo oaal Sfly (Bar percbea to a poet, or oloao la aald road aa he. of tho Peter U .. . ,k w .... - --a--. - iwv uroa aaa twoa ty tour aad aavaa-toctb perches la tba Blaoa of Coatalalua- Oa Haadrad im. aad ellewaaaa, Tbia la oaa af tba boot laarovod fan. h. in,. lad aeaaty. RltealTY A0RR8 ara r TfTta a good I llllT,,"',,,,,''"''',"''Rb.reoa J 11 farootod a large Iwo-etorv dwelltag - oqi aa.aa. A H n. to. -f--e n mi, aaa tho el her aeeoeeary eat-balldtnge, aa wall aa a large orebard af frail tree, of all kladi, aaa a well oi onaoiioal. water. Tanas ad CaadKlaaa. a"l,,f m'T "aol be paid . : - io aa Moo ta two 7 - , i-naev oaieraeue laealre aa Ibo preaiaaa, or af Joba a. Bobrvrr b Olearteld. srrJilat Roaeo, Pbili. JOBal. RO&Btr'iR, SILAS RBRSBJ, OvarlaU, Pa., Got. lib, Un iO1"- Su Jtvtttltmtnt. IAK !! WK AI.B.I, HmUi aad Pine tooblpe, ClearnaMcounlr. f Haaoonable tiae siren tor part of parebeie 3C Booejr. Prtoar el) til to tiS.OS per aere.P Minora'! raearred. L. BIRD, Afti" Ponlleld, Pa, srWAWaoa Kaaaa, oil. 10, ISJIMf. Clearaeld, p., ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE Valuable Real Estate! IY vlrloa of m ftrdtr of th Orphiaa' Conrt of Xm ClitrbaJd mudIj, to tlirtMUt). thuro will b ipoitui to Public .), at tba Coirt lluum, la tb borough of ClttrflvM, oo Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1879, ffho following dMrib4 two ploou of itmd ittntt In .Uwr&eo tovnibip, within iwo all froa iav Court llouM. and wiJ tcUptod to ft(iifliltar t No I. Bounct.d aortb by laad of Gto. ftaliefa ond other., out by bod of WUItoaP BifUr, tooth aod wort by othor load of TL P. timitb'i otftlo, ooDUlainf ONB HJNI)RRD ACltbM, Bel f woll watorod and oevorod with ralooblc timhor. No 9 Badod oortb by tho abort duuribod Bioo or laad, oaat by Joba Powell ot. al., toath by th hataooaoaa rivor, aad wt by th pah. llo road ItaUmg from th Uoodhllow bridg to MoPboraoa'a U,oataiaiDg toe Arm and t P err be, and having about It aorot leared, a amall dwelling hoii and a good aaw anil orootod tbaroon, with eioolloot wtr power for any bind of natiufaotoring pui-pawi, oxoepting and re. erring tbe ground oa which tbe bern etaodi. boauded by the tw towaiblp roarii, tbe ran from tbe orchard, tbe raoe and ereek. TtiRMH.-One-thlrd at eoafinaeiioB of aalo and the tela no la tw equal aooaat payment., with latereat, eecured by bond and Mortgage. AAHos c. rjTic. Adra'rufP. flaitb. CleartUld, Pa., Oti. Ufa, 18711 t. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. BOOM NO. THREE, OPERA ROUSE. Clearfield, Pa., WHOLESALE A RKTAIL DEALER IN DKY GOODS, OoDpriaing Dreaa Oooda of the very Meat Ijlea, eon lining ia part of Ceihmerof. Mane bailer Faociti,, Alpaeaa. aad all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Such aa Cfetona, Mob air Lufter, Plaida, Drew Hinghatai, Dreee Faneloe f th very lateet it j lei, and aa cheap aa they a b oold ia tbia Market. NOTIONS, Conatatiug nf tilore for Gentf, Led lea and SiHee. Ho of all aba-lee, Silk Vrina;u. Lecea, Fanoy Drett Bat too a. Ladlea' Tiea or all ehade and at y lee, Cuffa and Collare, Klbbena of all kinda and qualitiea. Merino Uadenrear. Trim annua, ate. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Queeneware, Hardware, Tinware, Carpets, Oil Cloths WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Wbich will bo rola waoleeale ot retail. Wil take Country Produce la Exchaufa fur Goads si Market Prlcea, fX. J. UOrFER. ClearDeU, Pa., HodU ft, tf. W..1 - 1-1 aw. parsapahlia I (i ronipnuml of tlio vlrtum of ami-Mf-arill. fttUlinxin, manlrakf, yellow tlork, with tit totlnl of poueh ami trou, all nowfirful blood making, lilood-ctaanatng, aa4 Hf euataiatng Hfinimita. It ia (ha tHirmt, aait, ami in evnry way tha moot nffarttul elu-ratfr mr (ii riiif known or available to the pnMic. Tha arien.-f oi lntHtioino ami cbemietrv bavo nftvr roiltirod ao valuable a mimlr. nor on.i mi j-nu-nt to cum all dianao nwultlng from liminrw Monti. It rurw Horofula, ami all arroinloiia ilitttxaaM, Kryeipola. Hoea. or Ht, AnUiuny'e Klro, I'iniplva and Fnr.grulM, Iuattiloa, Blot-hoa, Bolla. Ttiinora, Tettfr, Humor, Halt RhoMntv' Kfiilil-UfM,-!, If Ini-worm. I'lccra, &orv Kl.tMimt.tU.ii, MfriMirlal Dlaemot-, Virnm ru! (t;!:,, KtMimle Vtmknflue and Irreffit-- -lnritles Imimllrr, A Her Mono of the Mvrr, OyHprtila. KuihcImUoii. anil t.rnrrul Drhlllty, Y.y il.4 pvtiri iiing an.t i l. anni f tf ffualltWa It pine- oMt tin foul rorruptimk whirh 4'oi.fnMiiiir.iM tho, anil raimo Ucrmtifrff itviif mill ilH!ay. U MtmnlotM aiwl onlivena rl' vt'Ht ( -tion. It tma.M.Ub nergr and f-fnumli. U iv-itorwi and prmfrr health. It itiriiwK new lift am) vigor throughout tha w 'mlf svntem. No aufffifir from any iliaeauw wM.-ii n, tai from Impurity of thtt blood ed I i ; r, w ho will give Avia'a Sarbap ahilla h t;ir thill. Rttmemlmr, tl earlier tbo t tli aj seedier the cum. It rtvfim liaa horn fnrntahed to phyololani vnrvwh.rt; and tlW, recogniaing i'tn aupo rior (i.:.litl, adiuinieter It In that practice. For nwarly forty yeara Atbr'i Aamaia ftm . ha ltrn widely upwd, and It bow poa the tonrtdftnee of nilliona of people who havo oxpeiiantMHl benefit. Iron Itf nar-vliouai-urative TlrtoM. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr fc Co. Practical and Analytleal rboenlete, Lowell, Mau. aLD ar all Datiootert marwnn. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Cheaper than aver at tba ators of G.C.&T.W. MOORE, ROOM Mm 1, PIK-a OPERA HOL'BB, Wa hava just rsMivad tha largest and best selected stock of boots a shoes. Hats, caps, . AND t t I That has aver come to town. Also, all tha new novelties In HECKlEAR. OLE AOKNTfl rOR RERUNS' fT. '. ar"iryr; Fail- sir .TrrFTti Driving Boots and Shoes. Rubber Boots & Shoes. Oive oa a oall and see if wa don't sell cheaper than anybody else. 00. C. aarvoail!. rust w.SKXiaai. Wvart.U, Fa, vbI. U, 1ST la.