Kaitroads. lennMylvanIllnilroad TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH f1 an after Monday, MAT H, W, the Vf aileor.r Tr.ln. will run d.lly t,iffe?t Bun da..) batweea Tyrone and Clearn.ld, M follow. CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. 6. Plommbb, Conductor. LEAVB SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CorwoneTille,, River, iow Cl.arl.ld, Leonard,.. B.rr.ll , Woodlead...... Bnl.r... ..1.10, r.a ,.lll, " .1.40, .., ..IS, " .4.01, " ..4 OK, Tyrone,.-.... Vaaaooyoe, .. Sutntnit . Powelton,.... OMeola,...., Boj nton, Bleiner'., Phtlipibarg, Qraaatn Blue Ball,..., n'allaa.toB.. (if ler Woodland.... Barrett, Leonard,... Clearn.ld, ... Rlverviow... .n,A. .!, " 60, n 00, 10 II," .10.17," 10.2J, 10 16, ' 10.J8, 10.S7, 10.44, 10.61, 10.60," 11.07, 11.12," .11.10," 11.16, Wallae.ton,.., ..4.17, Bin Ball .. 4 IS, " tiranam. ..4 a I, ,.4., " Phllipibarc. .. Burner. Boynton, Oioeola, Powolloa,. ... Summit, Vnmeoyoo,.... Tyrone ,.4. an, " .e.4, " .4.61, .Mi, .lit, ,.., " ..4 00, Curwenivillo,. ll.4ttl.ll CLEARFIELD KXPRRSS. , Conduetor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. CurwoniTlllo.. Rlranriaw...w Cl.artld...H. 6.90 a. Tjron 7.10 p. av Venaooyoo 7.4a " Summit 1.06 " Powelton, 1.17 " 0.oeol, 818 " Uoynlon, 8.34 Htettoer'i, 0 00 " Phllipmurf ... 41 ' Graham 8.47 " Ulu Ball 8.66 Wallaeotoa,...ltli Bigier 0.10 " Woodl.ad, 0.17 ' Barrett, 016 " Leonard 30 " CLarBeld .S8 Hi'.m.w 0 48 Curw.ni.ille 11)00 6 89 " 6 47 " 153 67 " " 111 0.16 " Leonard Barrett, . Woodlaad,... Blgl.r Wellaoeton,.. Blue Bill,... . II Qrahera Pnilipiliure;. Stetner'a, BlTOtOO, Oien.la, Pow.llon,... J.JJ " M0 " .13 U7 41 " 0.63 " J.05 ' J.JJ 8umo.lt, , Vaoiooyoe,... Tyrone, 7.46 PIIILIl'8BUIta A MO81IANN0N BRANCHES lbavb .octb. LaaTt bortb. 1. M. A. It. A. M. RTATIom. A. H. P. a. P. M, J:u Morriidala. HI0 1:16 7:00 Pbilip.bonr,, 12:16 4 0 1 l 7:03 Slelaer'l 11:11 4:14 1:14 7:00 Boynton, 11:14 4:18 1:30 10:30 7:18 Oioeola, 0:10 11:04 4:01 1:44 10:36 7:31 Mmbannoi, 8.66 11:61 167 1:47 10:43 7:30 Sterling, 8:60 11:16 3:60 J:61 '10:48 7:46 llootldala, 1:46 11:40 1:46 1:67 10:63 7:66 MoCauley, 8:10 11:36 8:46 1:07 10:68 8:01 Kendriek 'i, 8:36 11:30 1:30 3:11 11:03 8:00 U.m.y. 8:30 11:16 1:30 BALD EAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. El. Mall. P. M. A. a. 7.08 8.30 laara Tyrone Mall, p. a-. Eip. A. v. 7.66 7.41 7.06 43 8.33 13 110 6.16 arrlre 8.10 7.13 8.47 8.01 0.80 8.14 1.66 31 10.03 8.46 10.16 Bald Eagle 6.68 6.10 4.46 4.86 4.16 4.11 leeTe 8.16 Julian Mileiburg Bellefonte Mileaburg 118 10.40 llowara 4I I LIS arrive L. llaren TYRONE STATION BA.TWl.D. A. M. PaoiDe Eipr.il 8:n Johnilown Eiprcll 8:61 p. M. WBHTWARO. J PIMiburith Kipifc 1.63 l'aollio Kin.rK, 8:18 Day Kipreu Mall Train, Atlantifl Kipraif, Phila. Bxpre.l, 11:60 8:28 il 11:24 P.M. Way PaflteDaor, 1:16 Mail Train, 8:34 Vail Line, 7:08 Cloae oonneattoni made by all train! at Tyrone and Look liaven. 8. S. BLAIR, myl7-tf. Superintendent. STAGE LINES. A itagetearei Curwentrilledaily for Roynoldf . Title, at 1 o'eloek, p.m.,arririogat Reynoldiville at o'clock, p. m. Returning, loarai Keynolde Tille dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur- wenirille at 12 o'clock, m. Fare, eacb way, i. A etaae leave! CnrweBivllle dally, at 1 o'sloob . m.. tor UuBola Citr. arriving at DuBoil City at fl o'olook, p. in. Returning, leavei UuBoli at T o'olook, a. m., daily, arriving at Caraeaivilleat II o'clock, m. rare, aacn way, Bi.ou. Allegheny Valley Railroad. . LOW GRADE DIVISION. AN and after Monday. Augmt 4th, 1870, B-HMMtlMlni will mo dajlv (exeeot Sunday) between fid Bank and Driftwood, al lollowa i EAHTWARDDay Mall leavei Plllikurg :66 a. in. I Red Bank 11:15) Sligo Joootlon 11:33 New BethlrboB 11:36 p. l Mayivllla 11:60 1 Troy 1:12 Brook ril e 1:36 I Fuller'! 1:00 Rey noldiville 3:11 : DuBoial:5Ii Summit Tunnel 1:18) Penleldl:41 Weedvllle 4:06) Beneaotte 4:31 1 arrive! at umtwooa at a:iv. Vt I JtT W A KO. Day Mail leavei Driftwood 11:20 p. as.; Benoiette 1:06 ( Weedvllle 1:80; Penleld 1:48; Summit Tnnnel 1:18 1 DuBoil 1:15; Reynoldiville 2:61; Fullar'i3:l0; Brookvllle8:33; Trov :64i Maiivllle 4:14: New Betbllhem 4:30 ; Sligo Junction 6:13; Red Bank 8:30 1 arrival at filtiburg at 1.00 p. m. Tbe ReyBoldarille AoeotntaodatloB leave! Reynoldiville daily at 7:66 a. to. and arrival at Red Bank al 10:60 a. m.. Pituburib at 1:30 p. m. Leave! Pitlibnrgh at 2:16 p. m ; Red Bank at 6:66 p. m.; arriving at rteynoluivllle at v:ue p. m. Cloia eoBnaetloBi Btade with Iralai on P. A 1 Railroad at Drifteood, and with train! on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAHOO, Uib'I Bop't. A. A. Jloaioa, Sup't L. U. Dlv. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bollofonte, Pa ....! 06 Lock Uaven 1 70 Willlaminort....... I 0 Uuntingdon .M 1 80 Lewiitown. S 00 Maryivlll 4 60 Cawenivillo 20 Oneole 05 HAKKIKBI'Rll... 4 76 Mlddletnwn 16 00 Marietta. t 66 Laneaater.. 6 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 Do Altoona 1 86 Jobnitown.. I 86 PhiliDibure 6 Tyrone 1 12 PITTHBI1RI) 1 It jMistcllatuous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Ourwenivllle, Jan. , '78-tf. Jfew Marble Yard. tombstonesTmonuments, Fottt for Crmrtrry Lot. A NEW MARRLE YARD Call at J. FLA I1ARTV8 Marble Work.. Choloe work and low nrioee. Direotly opposite tba Latheraa Church, Third ilreeU Ulear&eld, re., Marob 37, lH7y-u CENTRAL NUttc Normal School. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Ilavcn, Clinton Co., Pa. A. If, RA UB, A. Al., Principal. Tbii School at pTSMat eomtltitod, offtri th wtj btt foeuttiM tor frorunoBai ut tiuiotvi leorniBC. BttUdlan vpMiOnt. Uvtllnc Ki)d tonmoillouf I eonnliitvlj bomtod hf ftoaoj. wll rtntilftUd, ond fttrnlrbed with s bovBtifnl iDppljr tf para wfttor. Wit WpTXPg WftMT. Looktieo b,ltbrl ud ttmj of mmom. Bnrroniid.Bf teraorv aiarpuwd. TcMbort oiporicnootL IBcleRt, ood ftliro to Uirtr work. DlMtpliBO, Inn bat klid, oniTora ud tboroagh. KtptrBMO -Bodrt. Vfty otati ft wool. dedti4iB to thooo praporiog to tnwk. SMduiU tdnitld bbt tin. Uoarttt of Hudy prateribed hj too Butt I. Ho4.il ffltiooi. ii. rroporotorj. Hi. Jtioraoa Urjr. IV. Self ntiAo. A dj truer cofrnb: t. Aotdtnlo. II. ComaiareloL III. Muilo. IV. Art, Tho Rlpaontarr mnd AflloBtlfla onBtvo aro Pro ftfiiootl, ood atydenli gradBalinft thorolB rolv nlato UiploarBB, ounfvMTiBg tbo lollon-inf oorrao poBdtndvnrtt MittN of ibn HcUoqm. Ilrod ualrt in tb other oourMi roanirt hoTnal Certifi of tbclr atta.BBioBU. iiitBod hv tbo Fealtv. Tho Profotaioal eoariet ara HberBl, tod aro la tboroaibnoM aol ioforlor to thoM of oar boot oollrcoi. Tbo 8tto raqairot a itjbor order of eHltoo- rbtp, Tbo ttnot dotoRod tt. it if one of tho prino objoott of thli ochool to htlp to Moar tt by lurntilttnK iBteihuent and enioltnt Macieri ntr bor trboole. To tbio oad II onUeiU jomnf por oobi ol good abilillea and good parpoieo thoea vbo deuro to Improvo thtir lime and their tal bu, ai fttadfflU. To all fucb It prom lie aid ia develop log their powort and ahaodaal opporta aitiM tor wollpaid labor alter Uarioi; tobool. For oatalogua aad termi addroej tbo Inaripal. BOARD OF TRDBTBKSi ITOCiaoLDBM TBVBTIBI. J. H. Birtoa, U. D., A. B. Boot. Jaob Browa, B.M. bickfnrd,b.oinIChrlrt,A. N. Kiub, B.tl. Cwk, T. 0. Hipp to. Keq., K. P. MoOorialrk, Km)., W. W. MBftllB A. HUBV. tTATB TRrtTBBI. SUea. A. O. Cartla, Uoa. U. L. Dlrffenbuli, ra.Jowo Merrill. Uoa. Wta. Biglor, J. U. 0. Whaltr.a. Millar MeOonalolt. Biq. WILLIAM BIOLSR, Pratfdtat Board of TnutooB. JKS8I MHRKIL, Via PrMidaat. 8. MILLAR VeOOnMICK, BemUrr. THOMAS YAHDLKV, Troanrar. Uok Haraa, rob.,T IyI, fjal flvrrtlsfmrnts. "God Save the Commonwealth I" Election Proclamation, TT!1!HV S. by ail Art of .tie Oeiioral Amni. M blr of the CoDitnonwealtb of PenrrTlvapia entitled "An Aot to rrgulmte tbe ttenerat blevtiua within thia Cotomooweallbr It If en joined anoa the bberiff of tbo oereral oouoliei to giro puulio sutioo of aacb clootioo, the plaoea where to bo held, and tho officers to bo elected, Turn iron a. I. ANDHKW PKNTZ. Jr.. Hivh iS her iff of Clearfield eouotjr, do hereby giro fub. lie Notice to tbo lectori of tho eounty of Clear fleH, that a general elrotlnn will bo held ob TraanAr roLLowma tub First Mown at or No- vbhbbr fboinK tbo 4th dar of tbo montb), at the eroral election diitrioti io aaid eouoty.at which tima aod plaoo tho qaalifled voton will toU For obo perron for State Treaiaror of too Com- nattwaaltb of Penntjlraaia. For one pereoa for HherltT of Clearfield ooaotr. For on pertoa for liiitriot Attorney or uuarneij eonntj. For ono penon for Jury CommlwioDor of Clear- Held eounty. Tho elector? of tho ooaoty of CloarAold will tako notice that tbo laid oleotioa will bo held at tho follow log placet, rii : Iturmide borough at tho pubMo school hooso ia laid borough. Clearfield borons!., at tbo Coraniisioner office, in the Court House. Curweosvillo borough, at the house of Samuel Way, eornor of Siato aod Walnut streets, la said borough. llouttdalo borough, at the pubtio bouts of Win. Psrker, in said borough. Lumber City bomunh, at tho publio school Douse in said borougl.- f. burg borough, at the school bouie, in said boroujrh. Htw U'abiogton borough, at tbe publio school houre, Id said borough. Orcaola borough, at tbe publio house of Milo iioyi, in saia boroun. Wallace too borough, at the publio school hooso In said borouifh. Beocaria tuwosbip, at the Union Hotel, In Glen Ho,,.. ltell towoKhip, at the boase of Robert MahafTey. Ulooo town hip, at tho bouse of the lata James Bloom, or. hi'tt township, at tin houre of Edward Albert lira J Turd lownsbip, attbe house of Jacob Pierce. Urady towt.ihip. at tbe public bouse of W imam Scbwein, Jr.. In Lutheriburg, Burnside towsbip, at Young's school houis. Chest township, at the public sohool house near oimoa ttorabougb s. Cofington township, at tho sehaol house In Mu I son burg. Leoa ur township, at Centre sohool home. Ferguson township, at the bousa of John Ureg ory .formerly occupied by Tnoi. Robinson, (Broad way.) Uirord township, at Congress Hill school house. Uoiben township, at the publio school house at ShawsTllle. Oraham township, at the bouse of the late Jacob Uubler. Oreenwood township, at tbo public bouse of I Il..l;k. i. i 1 U ulich township, at the public school bouse, ia Janesville. Huston township, at the house of tbo late Jesse ttiison. Jordan township, at the public sohool house, tn a neon vi ue. Knoi township at Turkey Hill school house. Kartbaus township, at Bridgrn's icbool bouse. la-awrenvo township, at tbe Arbitration room, 1b the Court House, 1n the borough u( Clearfield. Morrts township, at the house formerly occupied by Thomas Kyler. Penn township, at the hotel formerly kept by n. vi. Anderson. Pike township, at the township school house ii the boroujrh of Curwenuville. ranily town-hip, at the public sohool bouse la me mwn ui uuuon. I'nlon township, al the house of D. K. Dru baker. Woodward township, at the public school home iniueiownoi uoutivme. AN ACT regulating the mode of Toting at ell elections in tbe several Bounties of this Cora monwealih, approrcd the 3utb dny of March, A. v. lone, vis : Sbction 1. St it tmntltd by the Senate and Houpeof Representatives of the Commonwealth of 1'ennsylvaiha in tieneral Assembly met, and it Is hereby enacted by authority of the samo, That the quaii bed voters ol tho several eounties of this Commonwealth, at all genera), township, borough and special elections, are herebv heroalter author ised aod required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, sev erally olaesitied as follows : Una lioket shall em brace the names of all judges of en arts voted for, end to to labeled, outside, "Judiciary one ticket shall embrace the Lames of the Htate ofleeri voted for. and bo labeled, "Htate r oe ticket shall em. brace tho names of all eoanty officers voted for, including office of eenator, member aod members ,r tnii ii vawn.fur.,aqdunnihtrtir ronm. if voted for, aod be labeled, "county one ticket ball embraee tbe Dames of all towiship officers voted for, and be labeled, "to wo ship " one tteket shall embracer tbo names of all boroogh officers voted for, and be labeled, 'boroogh " and eaeb elasa sball be deposited la separate ballot coles. When the Polls tire) to be Kept Open A further supplement to the act regulating elections la (bis VommoBwealtb, approved January 30, and Februer U, A. U. 1874: Sao. . At all elections hereafter held nder the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at seven o'olook, a. m., and elosed at seven o clock, p. n. Appointment of Judaea ii Inspectors Sic. 6. In all election districts where a vacancy eilsts by reason of tho disqualiflcatioo of tbe officers or otherwise in an election board here to fora appointed, or where any new distriot shall be formed, tbo Judoa or Judges of tbe Court of Com mnn Pleas of tbo proper eounty shall, ten days before ear ceneral or special election, appoint competent persons to fill said vacancies, and to conduct ino election in saia new a lit riots, and tn tbe appointment of inspectors In any election district both sball not be of the same political party, and tbe judge of elections sball In all oases be of tbe political party having tbe majority of votes la said district as nearly as tho said judge or jode-ee can aeeertain tbe fact, and In eaee of the disagreement of the judges as o the selection of inspectors tbe political majority ef the judges snau seieet ono oi saia inspeetore, sad ina minor ity indge er judjres shall select the other. Sao. . Wheaever there shall be a vacancy In an eleelloa board on the morning of an election, said vaestioy sball be filled in conformity with ousting laws. Duties of Election Officers. Sic. 8. At the opening of tho polls at ell elec tions It sball be tbe du'y of tbe judges of election for their respective districts to designate one of the inspectors, whose duty it sball be to have in enrtody the reeislry of voters, and to make the entries therein required by law, and It sball be the duty of the other of the said Inspectors to receive ana Dumber tne ballots presented at said election. Sue. 9. Alt elections by theeitens shall bo by ballot i every ballot voted sball be numbered In the order In which It shall be received, and the nurobrr recorded by the clerks on .he list of voters opposite tbe name of tbe elector from whom re ocivd. Aod any voter voting two or more tick et!, tbe several tickets so voted shall eaeb be numbered with the number corresponding wilh tbe number to the name of the voter. Any elec tor may write bis name upon hie ticket or cause the same to be written thereon, and attended by n eitisrn or tbe district. In add it tan to the oath do prescribed by law to betaken and subsaribed by election officers, they shall severally be sworn or affirmed not to disclose bow any elector shall bare voted, ualett required to do so as witnesses tn a Judical proeeeJing. All fudges, Inspectors, clerks and overseers ef any election held under this act shall, before entering upon their duties, be duly sworn or affirmed in tbe presence of eann otner. ino juage enan oa sworn by tne minority inspector, tr there sball be snob minority inspector, and in ca-e there she'l be no mloority Inspector then by a justice of tbe peace or alder- aa, and the laapeataro, evereeareand elerk aball be sworn by the judge. Cert I float of snoh swear ing or affirming sball be duly made outand sign ed by tbo officers so sworn, and attested by tbe officer who administered the oath. If any jndge er minority inspector refusee or fails to swear the officers of election in tbe manner required b tbis sot, or If any officer of election shall act witbnot being first duly sworn, or if any officer of election shall sign the farm of aath without being duly sworn, or if any judge or minority inspector shell eertlty that any officer wee swore when be was not. sball be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tbe officer or officers se offending shall be flood not oieeedlng one thousand dollars or imprisonment not eieeeding one year or both nt tbe discretion or us ueurt. Noa-Re gist creel Voters. Bsc. IS. On tbe day of eleelloa any person whose name eball not appear on tbe registry of voters, and wno claims tne rigni to vote at said sleet ios, shall produce at least obo qualified voter ef tbe district as s witness to the residence of tbe eUiaant la tbe district In which he claims to be a voter for the period of at kssl two months immediately preceding said election, which wit- Bess shall be swom or affirmed, and ssb-eribe a written, er partly written and partly prlnt'd effl rftvlt to tbe facts stated by him, which affidavit shall define clearly where lbs residence Is of the person to claiming to be a oter, and tbe person so claiming the right to vote shell alto take and ssbscrib a written, or partly written and partly printed affidavit, stating to the best of bis know). edge and belief wbeo aad where be was bom t that be baa been a em ten or the United Btetes for one month, sod of the Commonwealth of Peaasy.vao.ai that be nas resided In tbe Com monwealth ono year, or if formerly n qualified elector or native-born eitlsen thereof, and has removed therefrom and returned, that he has re sided therein sis months Beit preceding said elec tion i that be has resided in the dlttrlet In which he el aim to be s voter for tho period of at least two months Immediately preceding said election ; that be baa not moved Into the district for the purpose of voting therein ; that he baa, If twenty twe sears of ago or np wards, paid s Stale ar eennty tal wtthia two yearn, whieh was esseeeed at least twe ssontha and paid at least one month before the eleotion. The said affidavit shall alee cuts when and where tbe Ui el a load to be paid by the affiant was assessed, and wbea and wharo aad to whom psid, sad tbe tai receipt therefor sball bs produced for eaamloatioe) lakes tbe affiant shall state In bis affidavit that It has been lost of deetroyed, or that be never resolved any, and. If anataralieed eitlsen, shall also elate when, where sad by what ooart ho vac oatoralised aad hall also produce his eertlfioato of aatsrallsetloa , far sxamlnattsn; hnt If tho pertoa se claiming the right te sots shall take and sabserlbe aa afl-1 davit that hs Is n native bora eitlsen ef lb raited Ptates, ar If bore elsewhere shall state I tbo fact In his affidavit, and shall produce evi dence that be has bees, naturalised, or Is entitled 1 I rflnl jaflt'trtiiStmrntg. to eltltsnsblp by reason of bis father's naturali sation, and sball further state in his affidavit that bets at tbo time of making the affidavit of the are of twenty-one and under twenty-two years) that he has been a citiien of the United Stales j one tnoalb ; that he has resided in tbe State one : year ; or. if a native-boiu citiien of tbe Sute, aod , mDord therefrom anl returned, that he has re- sided therein sis lownihs nest preceding said election, and ia the election district two mouth iminedUlcly preceding su-b election, be shall be entitled to vote, although he ehall not have paid tasea. Tbe said atUuawt of all persons making such clsims aod the eftilevlle of the witnesses to their rsHdeuoe shall be pneervod by the elooiiim board, and at ibe close of the eleotion they shall be enclosed with tbe list of voters, tally Utt, end other papers required by law to be filed by V return judge witn the pruthonolery, and shall re main on file therewith in tbe proihonotary's office, subject to eiatnination as other election paper are. If the elective officers sball find that the applicant possesses all tbe legal qualiHoatioos of a voier be sball be permitted to vote, and his name shall be added to the list oT taxable by the election officers, the word "tax" being added where tbe olalmant claims to vote on tax, and the word "age" where he claims to rote on age, the same words botng added by tbe clerks in each caee reipectively on the lists of persons voting at sucn ejection. Cballcuge of Registered Voters. 8ko. II. It shall be lawful for any qualified eltisen of the district, notwithstanding tbe name of tbe proposed voter is contained oo tbe list ef re idee t Uxables, to challenge tbo vote of such persons, whereupon the same proof of tbe right oi suurage as bow requimi oy law shall be pub licly made, aad acted on by the election board. and tbo vote admitted or rejected according to ine eviaeoca. nrvry pereon Claiming 10 be a aainreiitea eitiaen snati oo required to produce nis naturalisation eertmoate at tbo election be fore voting, except where he has been for five years eonaeoutively a voter Is the district lu winch be oners bis vote, and on the vote of snoh person being received It shall be the duty of the eleotion cim.ters to write or sump on such cert cate Ihe word "voted," with the day, montb and year, ana u any eicuioa otnoer or ouiuers aball isoeive a seooud vote on the same day by virtue oi me same eeruua e, exoept where suns are en titled to vote because of tbe naturaliaation of their fa'bers, they and the person who bU oiler such acounu vote tueu be auilty o a uindeutean' or. aud oa conviction thereof fined or luun oned, or both, at Ibe discretion of tbe court, but tbe fine shall nut exceed five huttdrdd dullars in each esse, uor tbe imprisonment one year. Tbe iikc puniibmcut snail be inhiotod on coo viol ion oi tbeunioers ol election wno snail neglect or re fuse to make er eauie to be made tbe endorse ment required as aforesaid on said naturalisation eertifloaite. Neglect of Duty of Kief t Ion O Hirers. Sr.c. II. If sny election officer shall refuse or nee I tot to require such proof of the risrht of sunrage as is described by this law, or tbe laws to which Ibis is s supplement, from any person oflcring to vote whose name is not on the list ol assessed voters, or whose rijrnt to vote is cbal lenged by any qualified voter present, and sball admit such person to Yto without requiring such proof, every person so offending shall, upon oon viotlea, bo suilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be sentenced for every such offence to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to undergo an Imprisonment not more then one year, or botb, at ine aisareuoo oi the I'ourL Canvass of the Votes by the Court. 8 sc. 13. As won as the polls shall close the of. fleers of the election shall proceed to count all the votes east for each candidate voted for, and make cut a full return of the same la triplicate, with a return sheet In addition, in all of which tbe rotes received by each candidate sball h s-iv en after his or ber name, first in word and again in ngures, and shall be siirncd bv all of aa d of ficers, and certified by overseers if snv. or if nut so certified the overseers and any otboer refusing to sign or certify, or either of them, shall write upon esch of tbe return bis or their reasons for not signing or certifying them. Tht vote as too as counferf akall alto Or publicly and fully declared from the leiHtfow (a (Ae eitisen prt$ft, and a One ataUmenl thoteing A eofs received fry truh candidal ihntl be made amd tigned by fA eiVcd'oe oKefr as soon as Iht eofs is cotinfeW, ad lA tamt ahull b immediately potted up on the door of Me eecfioa Aohsc far information of tht pubiic. The triplicate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes and be sealed ia the presence of the officers, and one envelop with the unsealed return sheet given to the judg-, which shnll contain on Ht of voters, tally-paper, and oaths of officers, and another of said envelopes sball be given to the minority innpecior. aii juigea living within twelve miles of the Prothonotary's office, or within twenty-four mites, if their residence be in a town, village or city on the line of railroad leading to the county seat, shall hero re two o clock, post meridian, of tbe day after tbe flection, and all other Judges shall before twelve o clock meridian of the second day after tbe eleotion, deliver said return, together with return sheet, to the Pro thonotary of the Court of Common Piece of the eounty, which said return sheet shall be filed, and the day and hour of filing marked thereon, and shall be preserved by the Prot ho notary for publij inspection. At 12 o'clock on the said second day following any eleotion, tbe Protbonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas sball present the said re tarns to tbe said court ; la counties where there is no resident r resident Judse, tbe Assteii Judges shall perform the duties imposed upon tbe Court of Common Pleas, which shall convuae for iw pvaiiv , iu iw.uiu) mb)uvdu vj kup rrv thonoUry shall be opened by said court, and com puted ny sucn or tt officers, and such sworn as sisiants as Ibe court shall appjint, in tbe presenoe of tbo Jud(e or Judges of aaid court, and tbe returns certified and certificates of election issued under the seal of ibe court, as Is now required to be dons by lbs return judges, and the vote as so oom puted and certified sball be open to the publio, or In easeef complaint of a qualified elector under oath ohareiosT palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly spociijiog the alleged mistake ir iraud, or where fraud or mistake is apparent on the return, the court sball examine the return. and It In tbe Judgment of the court It shall be necessary to a just return said court shall Issue summary proeess as eisat tbe eleotion officers and overseers if any, of the election district eom- ptaloed or, to bnog them forthwith into court, with all election pupers to their possession, and u painabic mistake or Tread sball bs d soovsred, it shall, apon sueh bearing as may be deemed aeoeesary to enlighten tbe court, and be corrected by the court, and so certified t but allegations of peipamc iraua or mistake sball be decided by the eaid oonrt within three day after tho day the returns are nrougnt toto court lor computation. and tbe ssid inquiry sh"ll be directed only lo palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not be deemed a Judicial jurisdiction to eonolude any eootest now or hereafter to be provided by law, aod the other of said triplicate returns shall be placed In the bos and sealed no with the ballot. Nothing in this aet shall require Ihe returns of election oi Borough or township officers to be made to the court as directed in thl section, but ail tbe returns of tbs election of township and borough offl -srs to be enclosed In n waled cover, directed to tbe Protbonotary of the Court or Com mon Pleas of the proper county, and shall by some ose of tbem be delivered into bis office witnia tbrec days after every such election and filed therein, la counties where there are three or more judges or said court, learned in the law at least to Judges sball sit to compute and cer tlfy returns, unlets nnavoidably prevented. If a.iy oi tne satd ladses she himself be a Mnrll. date for any office at anr election he shall nni ait with tbe court or act in counting tbo returns of w "tenon, ana in such ease tbe other judges, if any, shall act. and if in anv oourttv their aholl be no jndge qualified to bold tho said oonrt under me proriaiun oi tbis aet present and able to sot, then and in every such owe. the register of wiha. the aberiff and county commissioners ol tbe proper ouw in .alii do m,oa oonfinui a uoaru, who, or a majority of whom shall have and exercise all tbs powers, and perform all tbe duties vested le or required to be performed by tbe court of com mob please or sucn county, hy and under the pro vis loos of this section; but oons of tbo said officers shall aet as a member of such Board when him self a candidate for any offloc at tho eleotion, tbe returns of which the said Hoard Is required te ooooi anaer tne provisions oi mis sectlen. ban, I. lo all elections hereafter tbe cert i late of naturalisation if ceo sine, shall bo conclusive evidenoe of the facts mentioned therein, and where tbe person ottering to vote claims the right on tbe payment ef tea, the receipt ef act. tax, if signed by tbe proper officer, shall be the evidence thereof If sack person does not produce such re ceipt, then tbe payment of tbe tax may be proves by tbe oath of sueh person, or other evidence tatieg when, where and to whom snob tax was paid. Notice is further hereby Riven, That all persons exoept Juttioes of the Peace, who shall hold an office or appointment of trust under ut government or tbe Uuited ntates. er of this mate, or or any incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall bs employed a it jer ine legislative, Kxeeuiive or Judicial de partments ol this titate or of tho United States, or any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, or of tbe Hut Legislature, or of tbs summon or select council of any city er commissioner ef any incorporated dittrlet, are by law incapable Of holdioe sr si srelsing, at the same time, tbe office or appoint ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election oi wie commonweal ia. Of selection Offlf eru. In ease the person who shnll have received the second blithest number or votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day ol election, then Ibe penon wno euen nave reeeirea tne seeioou nignest num ber of vote for Judge at the next preceding elec tion, shall aet aa lopetor In his nlace i and In sass Ihe persna who shall have received the high est number of rotes for laapeetnr shall not attend, tns person elected judge, hall snnomt aa lnoe- tor tn hi placet aud ia ease tbe perns elected ledge hall not attend, then the inspector who re ceived too highest number or votes, sball appoint a juuge in bis place ; or tt any vacancy shall oon- tl nue iu tbe Board for the space of one hour after ine time nsetj ny law lor tbe opening oi tbo elec tion, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, presrntat tbe plaoo of eleotion, sball se Met noe out or their nninber to fill such vacancy. Also, that where a Jndge. by sickness or ana voidable accident, le unable to attend each meet lug of Judges, then the cert ilia ate or return eball be taken eberge of by one ef tbe Inspector or eisrks or the election or the district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said Jndgs en able to attend. Election Hoard Oaths "Tbs inspectors, Jndgs and eisrks required by law to hold township aad general sleatisos shall tako andaabseribs tbs several tBtks and afnrma- tiene required by tbe ICtb, IVth and list sections of the aot of Id day of Joly, IBM, "Aa act relat ing to tho elections of this Common weal in, which oaths er affirmations shall be prepared or admin istered la the manner prescribed In ths llth and ltd sections of said act, and la addition to ths powsr eon Tarred by tbs ltn section sf said act. tbs judge er either ef the Impeoters shall have power to administer the oaths prescribed by said est te any elerk ef a genera), special or township elect 'en. Tbs following bell ae Ihe form of tbe oath sr ffirssatlua as be taken by each Inspector, vis: I (A. B.l go that I will duly attend ts ths ensuing election durisg tbo eontiananes thereof 1 grpl dffrtlsrmtttts. as an Inspector, and that I will not receive any ticket or vote from any prrson other than eueh as I firmly believe to be, according lo tbe pro visions of tbe Constitution and tin laws of this Commonwealth, entitled to a vote at uh election, without requiring such evidence of Ihe right to j voU as Is directed by law, nor will I vexaliously i delay or reluse tt receive any vole from any per- son who I -ball btdievo to bs entit.od to a vole as aioreaaio, anu iu. win nu. uihiuii now elector shall have voted, unless required to do s es a witness in a Judteisl proceeding, but that I Hill in all things truly and impart lull and faith fully perform my duty therein, to the beit of tuy juilgmeot and ahility, and that 1 aw not di rectly or indirectly, iateretted in any but or waiter oa tbe result of this election." The following sball be the oath or affirmation of each judge, vis; 2 Ki. b 1 do that C'mit as Judge duly attend the ensuing election during tbe oouiltiuauae thereof, and laitblujiy aiiitt inn Inspectors In eairyiog on the same, that I will not give my ouusent that any vote or ticket shall be received from any person or than such as I firmly believe to be, according to tbe provis ions of tho Constitution and the law of tliis Commonwealth, entitled tn vote at such election, without requiring such evidence of the right to vote as Is directed hy law, and that I will use my best endeavors to prevent any fraud, d eoelt or abuse in earryiog on tbe same by citisens quail fled to vote, or other, aud I will make a true and perfect return of the said election, end that I will not disclose bow any elector sball have voted unless required to do so as wiinesi la a Judicial proceeding and will In all things truly, impar tially and lailhfuliy perform my duty re specting the same, to the boat of my judgment and ability, and that I am not direotly or indi rectly interested ia aay bet or wager us tho re sult of this election. Taj following shall be the form of oath or affirmation to be taken by each elerk, via : "I (A. Ii 1 do that I will impartially and truly write down the name of each elector who sball vote at tbe earning election which sball bo given me ia charge, and also the name of the town ship, ward or district wherein snob elect ir re sides, and will roo-ird tbe namtar of bis bltot on the liil of voters opposite to his name, and carelully and truly write down the number of bis ballot on the list of roier opposite to his nam, aud carefully aud truly write down tue number of votes that aball be given lor eacb caudidate at tbe election, a olwn aa bis aftine sbitll be read to ine by thelnapeoiors thereof, i.nd ia all thing truly aud faithfully perforin my duty roapectmg the same, to the beat oi my judgtueut aud auiliy ; ibat I am not directly or in li.eotly intereatol in anv bet or wager on the remit of thia election, and that 1 will not ducloae bow any eleotor shall have voted, unless required to do so as a w ituess in ajudioUI prooevdiug. Coiistltutloiial Provisions, Special attention is hereby directed to tbi Eighth Article of tbe New Conntitution : BictioS 1, Every male eitisen twenty-one years oi age, possessing tne lo.iowing qualifica tions, shall be entitled to vote at all elections : '.! lie shnll have been n eitlsen of the t'nl ted Slates al least one montb. Stroud lie aball have resided In theState on year (or, if having previoualy been a qualified elector or native-born citiien of lbs State, he hall bare removed therefrom and returned, then six months), immediately preceding tbe election. 7AiroJ He shall have resided in tbe election district where be shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding tbe election. Fourth If twenty-two years of are or onwards he shall bars paid within two years a State or County tax,, wnob sball have been asseaaed at I eat two munths and paid one month before the election. Sac. 4. All elections by tho cit liens shall be by ballot. Every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded by ths election ufiioers on Ihe Hat of voters, opposite tbe name of tbe elector who (ire ten 1 1 the ballot. Any elector may write bis name open bis ticket, or cause the same to be written thereon, aod attested by a eitisen of the district. The election otttoers sball be sworn or s filmed not tod i acinic how eoy elector shall have voted, unless rrqulred to do so as witnesses in a Judicial proceeding. dec b. Elector aball in a'l caaee, exaept trea son, felony, and breach or surety of the peace, bs prlvilegod from arrest during ttiulr at'endanoe on elections and in going to and returning tncretrom. 8 wo. fi. Whenever any of the qualitled elector Of ibi Lominwn wealth eball be in actual military service, under a rcquiiitioa from the President of the butted Slates, or by the authority of this Commonweal' b, such electors may cieroise tbe right of snurnge is all elections by the eitiseni under such regulations, es If they were present at their usual puce oi e'eeunn. 8 EC. 7. All laws regulating the holding of else tions by the citisens, or for the registration of electors, shall be uniform throughout the State, but no elector sball be deprived of the privilege oi voting by reseon ol bis name aot beiug regis tered. Sr.c, 8. Any person who shall give or promiae, or offer to give to any elector, any money, re ward, or other valuable consideration for his role at an election, or for withholding the same, or who sball give or promise to give such considera tion to any person or party for ucb elevler who shall reoeiro or agree to receive for himself or f.ir another, any money, reward, or other valuable consideration fur his vote at an cotton, or for withholding tbe same, shall thereby forfeit tbe right to vote at such election, aod a-y elector whose right to vote shall be challenged for each eauss before the election offloers, sha'l L. 1 a. ..... .an L..e ,L. .... . the challenge Is untrue before bis vote shnll be received. Sec. 9. Aoy person who shall, while a eandt date for office, be guilty of bribery, fraud, or will ful vlolstion of any election law. shall bs forever disqualified from holding any office of trust or pruttt in tbis Commonwealth, and any person coo victed of willful violation of tbe election laws sball, in addltioa to any penalties provided by law, oo ueirivca oi tne right oi sun rage absolutely ler us term 01 tour years. Bkc. 13. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence br reason of bis absence, while employed In tbe servioc, of either civil or military, of this State or tbe United ntates, nor while ongagod In the navi gation of the waters of tbs Htate or the Uelted States, or en the high seas, nor while n student of any Institution of learning, nor while kept tn aay Poor House, or other Asylums, at public ex pense, nor white confined In public prison. Bbc. 14. Ulstrict election boards sball consist of a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen anneal y hy tbe chisens. Each elector shall have tbe right te vote for the judge and one iospector, ana seen inspector snau appoiot one clerk. The first oloction board lorauy new district shall bo elected, and vacancies tn election -board filled, aa provided by law. Election officer shall be privileged from arrest upon days of e 10 1 Ion, while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrantor a court of record or Jndge thereof, for an eleotion fraud, for felony. or for wanton breach of tbapsaoe. In cities. they may claim exemption from jury duty during ibelr terme oi service. Sao. It. No person shall bs qualified to serve as an election oincer wno snau bold, er shall with in two months have bold, any office, or appoint point, or employment In or under tbe Uovern ment of the United Htatea, er of this Htate, er of any city or Souuty, or of aoy municipal board, commission, or trust ia any city, save enly Jns- uoea oi me peace anti aiuerman, notaries public, and persons in Ihe militia service of the biate ; nor aball any election officer be elligible lo any civil office to be filled at an election at whirh be hall serve, save only to such subordinate, m unlet pal, or local officers, below tbe grade of the eity or eo u n If officers, as shall be designated by gca- rai laws. GIVEN under my hand and set I. nt ClearfinlJ, Penn'a, this 7lh day or October, In the year L.B.J of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aod sersnty-nlne, and of tbe Independence ui me unites ntates tne ooe hfin trci and lourtb. ANDKKVy pKNTZ, Jr., Hherltf. ptsrcUatuous. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTItlLSHI.W, AND Improved Spring Bods, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Ths undersigned begs leave to Inform the old- sens or Clearfield, and tho public generally, that he has an band a fins assortment of Furniture. secb as Walnut, C has tout and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Unites, Keclinlng and Extension Chairs, Ladiee and Gents' Easy Chairs, tbe l'er (orated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane Beat and Windsor Chairs, Clothes Bars, Btep and Exten sion Ladders, Hat Ranks, Sombblng Brushes, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooking Glasses, Chromos, Ae., whloh would suitable for Holiday presents. eoie'Tl JOHN TROUTMAN. REMOVAL ! James Is. Lcavy, Having purchased the entire aiock of Fred flack ett, hereby gives notics that ho has moved Into the room lately occupied by Roed A Hairerty, on Second street, where he Is prepared to offer tn in puulio COOK ST0ES, PAHLOlt STOVES, of the latest Improvsd patterns, at low prions. HOUSE FDRNISHIN0 GOODS, Gas Fiitares and Tinware, Roeflnf, ffpnatlng, Plnmbln,;, Qal FJUIni, and H.p.Ulaf rump, a lp.el.Itj. all work varraaud. AnythlBR Ib air liaa will We ordered meftlal If dailrad. JAB. L. I. HAW, Pmnrietar. JHRD. flACKKTTi Aest. Olaarled, Pa, Janaar, 1, 1171 If. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARKIELD, PA. WKDNKSDAV MOKNINO.OCr. 21, 1179. Condudtd from first aje. and calumny buuiJ upon nu Irom ovory wlioro ? At wIioho door doc thia lie ? Wo lmvo nut had llio con trolling powur of bolu brandies of llie I.enUluturo tor iwuntoun yoara. Il lion at tho door of tbo Kcpublican party now, as it baa for novorileun yearn, la this narunt corruption to uccuinulnlo in Htulo wboro purity, juntlco, nnd upnghtnon" uprin upon la- noouxly trom tho soil r Homo ol you Kupulilienna nay it will he tho sumo H tho Dutmicruu aro iu powur. I ut. torly and ubaolutely deny llio truth of any uoh asxoriion. Corruption una contumely and biasing reproach come from continued posm'ssion in power. t urn out tue corrupt, una lot thoso who uro out huve a Icuho of powur un til lliey, too, become, a by-word and a reproach to tbo Commonwealth ; and when they do, exoromo your power and turn them out, and put aomo 'ono elso in. Tbo doctrine of change ia a doctrine that belongs to tbia people. It can only bo exorcmeu by tbo people tnornsolvoK. it can bv done whon tuoy oomo from tbo bottom, and not from tho top. From tho top to the bottoui tbo chungo never comes. A government Irom tho bottom, and you cun apply the chungo to the olUcora of your town ship, of your county, or of your Stuto. .Noon 1 apeak, ui oneluHton. ol our cimUiilale wo havo to Juv hero a gentleman recognized as a life long Democrat, ot pure and upright char acter, and snot lens reputation, and well calculated for tho position of State Treasurer, lie is a man In whom thero is is no guile, a gentleman Irom tho western part of tho Stato, not nom inated by rings, or money powor, or corrupt combination, but tho choice of a Democralio convention coming directly Irom the poople, and nominat ing a candiduto ol tho pooplo. Ho Is against tho candidate who is tho out growth of pollution and corrupt alli ances, and nominated to perpetuate tho powor of thouo about whom I have spokon to you. n bich ol tboso will you choose, gentlemen ? There must be a reform in ho Btato, as well as ro- lorm in local and county organizations. is not this tho proper place, to bogin ? Now, fcllow-citir.ens, I have tulked longer than I intended when I camo to yon, but I beg you torcmomborono tboiight, and that is tbo ono with which 1 aet out, that this country can only huve its market in tho natural field. Pennsylvania' natural market tor her products Is In the great south. Hut wo cannot secure that market un til tho people of the South have ob tained what is so necessary to their welfare ; that is, a government for tho whole pcoplo, the houtb as well as tbo North, itomemhering this nuturul murkut, and that tho govornniont is of: tho people, by the pcoplo and lor tho pooplo ; that the Federal' iovern ment demands a purt ol your rights trom you : that in its ramilicutions local government is to bo taken from you and that tbo Stato must bo made sub servient to il when von have rocog nixed those things, and brought them to hoar upon your financial affairs and legislative matters in tbo Stale, as you do county affairs, then you will once moro becomoalivo to your wrongs, and bo ablo to givo yourselt that incentive that will aid to tho restoration ot good government. (Applause.) TUE COM ISO CJiSAR. Thero is about tbuUrant movomcnt a certain uir of defiance nnd arrogance, as though it was destined lu plucu the neck ol tho Democracy under tbo yoke and csluulisti tho Kepublicaus in permanent empire. 1 horo is, uowcror. no mln whose candidacy inspires less uneasiness iu the Democratic mind than U. S. Grant, and our only tear is that whon the clacquo subsides bis weakness will become painlully on parent tn tho Kcpublican managers. no was tno uiignt upon tne Kcpubli can party and brought it from over whelming majority down to its pres ent minority, as a short review of Ibo facts will show. When (i rant came into ofllco the liepublicans bad a ma jorily in Congress of 103. There wore lis Kepublicans Irom tho .Northern status and 07 Democrats. Tbo in faruios of his Administrations, tho rings and pools which formed under every department ot Ins government and wlncu enjoyed his continued pro toction, lost to tbo Republican party its majority, and in the tidal-wave year guvo to tbo Doraocrala a majority of 81. It is truo that tbis was in part due to tho overthrow ol the carpet bag governments in tbo Southern States, but tbis took place in spite ol Grant's efforts to uphold them. Kton bis bayonets failed to pin thorn upon the Southern people and his lust oflicial act was to withdraw tho troops Irom tho support of the carpet baggers in South Carolina and Louisiana. That which was called "llayos' Southern policy" was eiinoly tho completion of tbe movement which Urant had begun and which bad Indeed boon forced on him. His efforts to keep that filthy horde in powor in tho South bud lost him tho support of tho strongest Ho publicun Slates of tho North. Let tho idea root itself in tbp Northern mind that Grant, should ho bo relurn od to powor, would attempt again to prop up tho rotten liepubhcan power in tbo South and his defeat in tho Northern Stales would bo cortain When tho third-torm movement iiegan, in iai4, tho wiso Heads ol tho Kcpub lican party foresaw a deleat for tbo party. JfulGrant a third-iermors, thon as now, woro "booming" and tho wiser heads were bowlod down, In Now York. l)ix. who had boon oluotod in 1872 by a Republican majority nt 01, iNO votes, was renominated In 1H74 upon a platform with a plunk which indorsed Grant's Administration. Il was inserted in spite of tho advioe and onlreaty ot tho men who were again poworluss in the lato Saratoga Con vention, which Cohkling ruled. I hi consequence was that Mix was deleat ed by a majority of 00,317 a loss to tho ltcpublicuns ot 101,000 volus, from which thoy have novorrecoverod. Tbe same issue was made in Pennsylvania and there the Republicans suffured a loss ol lilo.UOU volus in JK71. Ohio, which wont Jtopublicun in IH7U by 34,2AR, wont Democratic in 1874 by 17,202 a loss to llio Kepublicans ol over 61,(100 votes. In Indiana the Re publican majority of 21,000 was limt and baa never boon regained. JSew Jersey and Connecticut woro converted ii to Democratic Slatos by tbo threat of a third term for Grant. 'I'll esc (acts cannot entirely escape tbo memories of tho Republican loader, for it was owing to them that the third term movement failed, and Grant wont abroad to separate bimsell from poli tics for a season. Ho has now return ed fresh from hobnobbing with princos and potentates. 1 1 is imperialistic ten dencies have not been weakoned and ha longs lor Irresponsible power moro than over. All know that bis pretense ot declining the nomination ia a hum bug and that bis tour around tho world was lor the purpose ol returning in triumph to tako possession again. Hut tho strong ions ot the country la against changing our form of govern ment and does not want "a strong hand at the helm." Should Grant get the nomination ho will be treated to a crushing defeat. Everything, thoro tore, which helps on the Grant boom is a ronl service to the country. The boom only connta for the nomination after that comos tho election. Haiti mnrf Gairttf. hotels THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second end Market Hlreet. ( LEAIU'IHI.I), PA THJs etd aad eomwoiluoi Hotel has, daring the past veer, been enlarged to doubl Us (rnirr oapaolty fur the entertainment jf stran Bert anil e nests. 1 hs whole bmldinir baa beta rsfurnlsbed, and the proprietor will spare no I ptns Ut render bis guests sumlortaiiie while uyiqK with bin. MrTbe 'Mansion Iloose" Omnibus runs te and from tho Depot oa ths arrival and de par tor or eaoh train. W. C. CAltlKN, July U 77-tf Prophet. MiKGUEXir HOTEL Market Htreet. t'learflrM, IV, Win, P. Bradley, foriniirly proprietor of the Leonard Hue, having leased the Allegheny Hotel, sulioiu a share of publio patronage. The ll'iuse has been thoroughly repaired and newly ftirulshed, and gucsta will find it a pleatiant stop ping plaoe. The tahle will be supplied with the best of everything in the market. At the bar will be found the nest wines and liquors. Good stabling attached. WM. H. liUADLKY, May 17, '14. Proprietor. SUAW HOUSE, (Oor. ef Market 4 Front Itreet!,) CLKAliriKLD, PA. The uailerBigTied baring takea ebarjre ef tbl, lintel, would respectfully eollcit public patroD.(e. fab,'78. l. NEW TON BIIAW. rjiKMPERANCE HOUSE, ' NEW WASHINGTON, PA. ' II. D. 1IOSK, . . P.oiaiBTon. Meat, 25e. Man anil bora, orer night, $1 00, Alan anut.o horioa or.r night, ll.&u. Tho lM.t of aceomtnoq.Uoni for oiao and brut. Ool. 2a,'781f. WASHINGTON HOUSK, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. Thia aew and wtll rurntihed huu. ha. bn taken Uj the underiigned. 11. foela confident ol b.ing able to render i.tiafactioo to tlioi. who maj favor him wilh a eall. May 8, I8VS. (i. VT. IMVlrl, Prop'r. OYD HOUSE, Mail Htreet, PHILIJ'SUi; K, PKNN'A. Table always supplied with the best the market aards. t be traveiinir puimo ts invited to eelU jao.l,7. HOIIEUT LOYl). County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. I ) OOM In Masonio Ilulldfng, ono door north of 1VG. U, Watson's Vrug more. Passage Tickets to and from Llrerpool, Queena- town, (Hascow. London. Paris and Copenhagen. Also, Drafts for sale on the Royal llank of Ireland and Imperial llink of London. J AM KB T. lal-iUNAKU. KrOS't. W. M. HIIAW, Cashier. Janl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Houtli Third Htreet, Philadelphia ff.l.VKIltS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application be mall will receive prompt atten tlon, and all Inform. lion cheerfully furnilhod Urderl aollctrd. April II -If. f. a. AR.oLn. . a. w. ir.old. i. b. anaoLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hunker and IfirokerN, Rcynoldsvlllc, arfltraon Co., Pa, Money received on deposit. Discounts at tu o- derite rates. hatern and foreign Kicbangs al ways on bund and collections promptly made. Heynoliliville, Deo I A, 1874. -ly J. L. R. HEICIIUOM), I U II (1 E () N DKNTIHT, Graduate nf tbe Penney I rani Collcee of Dental Biirfrery. Office In residence of Dr. Hills, opposite ine ttoaw itouse. nnble, 70-11. DR. (Office In Bank Building,) CurwcDBVllle, ('leal-Held (o Pa mch 12 'J-tf. J. M. J3TKWAIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD. PA (Office Id residence, Second street.) Nitrons Oxide Oas administered for the pain ess extrantlon of teeth. Clearfield, Pa., May 1. W7-ty. 0"Oi:MAKI!.GI hereby Inform my pa O Irons, aud mankind in general, that I bare removed ny ebomakinr shop to the room lo Urabatn's row, over 8. I. Snyder's lewelrr store. and that I an piepared to do all kinds of work in my line ebeaper than any other shop In town AH work warranted as good as aan be done any. where else. Positively this Is the cheapest shop in uiearueiu. jus. 11, ufiUijunii. Deo. II, 1878-tf. Wagons for salE. The nndetslfrnrd has on hand, at hli shop Id Wear Bold, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spring: Wagons, an4 Buggies, For sale. Western wagons as well as those made here. Anv of whieh will be sold eheap for eaxb or approved security. For further Inform alioo, eall in person at mj shop, or address me by letter. 1IIOMA4 K HILLY, Clearfield, Pa., April 23, WB-tf. The Roll's Run Woolen Factor y Penn town chip, Clearfield Co., Pa. n II R If E U OUT! BURNED UP1 The subscribers have, t great expense, rebel It a neighborhood neoosaity, in the erection of a first elasa Woolon Man a factory, with all the modern Improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Cassimerea, Hatinetts, blan kets, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods oa hand to supply all our old and a thousand new ouitoroers, whom we aia to oome ana examine oar stock The business of CARDIltO AND PULLING will receive oar especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive aad deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict a tun ti to business we hope te realise a liberal eh are 01 pun no patronage. ItMMrO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods ae low as similar goods csn be bought in the ooonty, and whenever we tail to render reasonable satisfaction we ean always be found at home ready to make proper evpieneTion, eitner 10 person or oy letter. JAMKH JOMNHON A SONS, r. Mi' n..wr P t JEMOVAIil JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respeet fully notify the publle generally that he has removed his tirooery Store from Shaw's Row, to the building formerly occupied by 1. Miles Kratser, oa Heeoad street. Best door to Blgler'a hardware store, where he Inlands Keeping a run una ot U It i: It I H. HAMS, DHIKO DKKTinJ LARD. 8IIOARS aod S RUTH, of all fr.il... THAU, Oreea and lllaok. COFFER, Roailaa aad (Ireea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjtMEn rntiTS, All klarli la the ai.rk.l. P1CSI.CS, lo Jan aad barrel!. HFICCB, lo erery fbrra aod variety. FAMILY FLOUR ALL KIND) OK CR At'KICRM. SOAPS, HATCHES, URIKD APPLES, DRIED PIACIIR9, DR1KD CIIKRRIIB Cool Oil snd Limp Cliim&oys. Aad a ff'ied aaeortraeat af taoft. ihlnae aeaallt kept la a ffroeery ,tera, walek ke will eichaafe for asarkotintt: a tbe market prleea. Will Ml far aaih aa .keenly M aay etber IH Plow eall aod Me kla ataek aad ladxa for yeareelf. junn KoBAuuiiir. Ote.rl.rd. Jan. 1. 1ITI. . E. M. THOMPSON, msrrllanroug. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curwtnivlllo, Pa. Jan. I, '71-lf. Full Your Ktuiiins! FOR HAI.E HY TIIK Co-Operative Agency, CLEAItriKLTt, l'EXN'A. Jul; Smb. 187 tr. Re-Union of Trade. 111IR VDilertlKn.d within- to lororm tbe puMle tbat bo opened a COMMINXIOK HTORB At tbe old it. ad la TrootvilU, Clearfield eoauty, Pa., ob tbe I Alb loil., with a full ataek of inv ;ooim, ghocuiiiex, notionm. lliiota, hoca, Etc.. In faot everyihlng to bo fouod iB a flrit-elaeMtort, all of ttbich I aui dolortulord to Mil et lb. Iaw.it ca.h prious. I'AHMIIItn ADO l.UMIIIiKMKN Will find It lo Ihilr ml .lunge to do tb.lr d.allna with me. ai the hlrhrst orioel will be paid for Or.io. tihinglei, or 1'rodure of aoy kind. Pert or one b.lf oa.h will b. paid. Trading for Dhtnal.! or Lumber ol .ny kind a rpeoiaity. aio, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Hanne made arrangements with Kestcra mer chants to sell goads furnished me, therefore call and see, as I will be enabled to soli cheaper than theebcapest. " J. W. CAKL1LK, Troutt ille, Pa., Sept. l.'TQ-ly. Agent. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERHELL lias oiened. In a buildinc oa Market itreet, on the old Western Hotel lot, opposite the Court lleuse in ClearQold.a Tia and Sheet-Iron Menu factory and Store, where will be found at all times a lull line ol HOUSE FTOlTISlIINa GOODS, Stoves. Hardware, Etc. House Snouting end all kinds of job work, repair ing, Ac, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Also, agt-ot for the Singer Sewing Machine. A .apply of Mnobinei, with Needle.. Ao.. al Termi, itrlrtly e,ib o country prodo.ee. A ibareol patronage loliclted. 0. B. MKItnKI.L, Buprrioteodeot. Cleerfiild, April 39, lS77-lf. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing Hachiao No. 8. : ii i . i K.rTio.n'. Straight Needle, Silant, Easy Running, At the rails Exposi(Ion,18"8, Wheelor A Wilson roceivod tho only Grnnd Priao awnrded for Sowing Macbinoa. Ovor R(l com polilorn. Report of the A mtricmt' Institute of Xetc Yorkonthe Whcehrif- Wilson Machine: " We do not hcnilato to declare it mi! niHT Sewinci Apparatus in tiu World." Tbe No. S aod No. ? Manufaetnrlnir MMbio.i are enperiellr reoonneaded for rlllOKMAKKKB' aod TAILUHS'.r.. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank, CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELER & WILSON MT'Q 00., 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April i, 18! (to. FORT GRAPE WINE Teed In tbe principal Churches fur Communion purposes. Esc:llont forLaiios ani Wcaldy jroragas ana wio atocu SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I torn rv.iHs oi.it, TUi Celebnted Nall.a Wi.. . mtj, inm th. Jaioa of lb. Oporta Grap.. railed lo thia Ooaoty. Iu lovala.ble Tonio and Strengthening Propertle are anr.rp.nrd by .ay .th.r Nallra Wlea. Ra. tng tbe pur.jnie.of Ib. Ur.pa. prodneed aoder nr. pprar . did penoaal lupemiiun, it! parity and frnuioce.il are ati.ranteed. Tti. youORe.t ohild m.y p.rt.k. .f it. eeneroal qa.litlM, and Ibe weaken lavilid ale It u advanlafe. It Ll p.rtirularly ben.Hol.1 to th. a.d and drblllla t.d, aad .ailed I. Ib. ..rioui ilm.Bt. Ihel af frel In. w..ber w. It le la every reipeot A WINKTUIIS KKLIKDON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, The P. J. 81IRIIRT le a Wine ef fldi..rlAr Charaeier, and partakes of tbo golden qualities ot Ihe grape Trom which It Ii made, for VnrUy, Rlehoess, Vlaror and Medicinal Properties, it will be found nexeelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY, This BRANlTstandsanrlvaltMllBthliamiBi. being ler anpeHor for Medical perposas. IT Iff A PURR dfstlllatloi from ihetreneand oonUiue talasble Hrdleai properties. It has a delloaU Barer, eiesilar tw that af tka grapes from which k Is distilled, and U In great rarer among Irst-elaat faniliee. Pee that tht ilgnatnre nf ALPRKD flPRKfL Passat N. J., it over tbe tork of eaob bottle. SOLD BY S. UT. OXLaSAlC. y Id, 1H ly. ajPlRSr J.tf &nt n drMtKtmfnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publl.bod aver, Wednaadaj bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLGAKFIKM), PA., llaa the I.arct C'lrtalitlon of auy paper lu Northweetern P.nue) Iranla. The large nd oonalunlly inoreaaing circulation of tbo Republican, renders it valuable to buninea mon aa inudiuru thro' which to reach the public Termh or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . f 2 00 if paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 When pupon are sunt outside of tbe county payment mum be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or lean, 8 times, . 1150 Each aiibneqiient insertion, 50 Admini.lrator' Kotices, : 2 60 Executors' Notices 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Eatrays, . . . 160 Dissolution Notices, . . 2 BO Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Specinl notices, por line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One squuro, 10 linos, . . . $3 00 Two squares, 15 00 Tliroo squurcs 20 00 One fourth column, .... 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 HLAMif,. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. BUMMONS, - SUBPCENAS, . - EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, io., 4c , io. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AH POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, a 4o., Ac, IN TUE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS HY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. eo. B. ttoodlander, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. Uisfrllanrous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwanartlle, Pa.t Jan. 9, '78 tf. wiokhy to loanOb twdsss i. MU" imuj..., I1.IUII LI 14) Juiuranee Outupany nf New York, on Int aiort W, ii sums trum $1 ,000 op. Fur farther ia. formation aplj to toe unnrrsirneti. Ill HATH A L, W. BMITII. Clearfield ?a., Uy lib, IbTS-tf. ABankthatNcvcr Breaks. Try 31 y Coal. Tbe oo tier lr nad adopts this snethotl of infora. Ing tbe d time roue oi d insert, tbat his eoal bink is aot a Winter arraotjeiiieot only, hot that tt will be operated id lbs Bummer as well as win ter. I claim tbat I have the Best Coal in tne Market, and will sell It for easb, or la exchange for flow, feed, groceries, ete. Large eootraetf will be made at a very small profit. For full part ion It re oat I ob me iB persoi, residing la one ef ti rah tie's upper bouses, or address me ihrongli the pott office. Orders left at tbe postofhoe will receive prompt attention. Tllttt. A. DlCKKrT. Cltarfield. Pa., Jan. 4, 1879-tf. r. aoLtcB. n. n'cotKLi. d. naiLiiri. GIL1CII, McCOBKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Btrcct, Clearflcld, Pa. Wa BiaBuraotare all hlodl of Further, for Oh.aiber., Aiaiog Hooni, Librarl.1 aad llilli. If yoa e-.Dt Furaitur. .f anj kiail, d"B't bar aatil ;un m our iloea. It.r.' 1 ,i,1 X - Kirn UNMEUTAKIIVC Tn all 111 branch... promptly atl.ndvd la. OI'II.CH, KeCOKKLS A CO. ClearBeld, Pa., Feb. a, '18. READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS STATIONERY' . Market St., Clearfield, (nt the Poet ttfllre.) TUB onderslgtied begs Icare to an noun o to the eitiacos of Cleerfield and rloinitjr, tbat be has fitted op a room and has just returned from the eity with a large amount of reeding matter, consisting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of erery de scription Paper aod Eoeelepes, French pressed end plain; Pens and Pencils blank Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages Judgment, Eieu-p-tion aod Promisary not; Wbiu and Parch most brier, Legal Cap, keeord Cap. and llill Cap. Sheet Muno, lur eituor Piano, Flute or ViuliQ, eonstaotlj on hand. Aay books or stationery desired that I ma; not hare on band, aril) be ordered ijy tret eipress, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Megaslnoa, Newipeiiers, Ao. P. A. OaI LIN. Clearfield, May 7, IMMf A NEW DEPARTURE a Ll Tilt RSItl CG. Hereafter, goods will be sold for CAR II only, or in eicbaoge for produce. No books will be kept in tbe future. All old accounts must be settled. Those who eannol easb ip, will please hand orer their Botes and CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to sell my goods at cash prices, and at a discount far below that over offered tn this vicinity. The discount I allow my customers, will make tbem rich in twenty years If they follow my advice and buy their goods from me. I will pay easb for wheat, oats and eloTer seed. DANIEL UOODLANDKK. Lntherslturg. January 17, 1177. HARTSWICK & IRWINS SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA.,' DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, 01I.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES ANV LIQUORS for edtitBal pflrpoeel. Tru.iol, Snppurterl, Sohool Houkl and 8latluB ary, and all etber arltolei email fuaed Ib a bra. Store. PHYSICIANS' PIIKSCRIPTIONS CARE FI LLY COMPOUNUKD. HaTiaa a brae et. perl.ae. la tb. bailn.ii th .aa fir. .atir. Mt. Uraetlua. 1. O. DARTSWICK. JOHN K. IRWIN nral. fiwiHiti-. M. 1KT4 JJARD TIMES IIAVB NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I ara aware thai thrr. ate m.u. mm... - mile hard la pliii., aad I am U.aaratbat Ib. eorailainl or "bird tln.i" Ii wall alia aalTerial. But 1 aa .eailaated id. tr.it I ... lili.fj tb. forraar and prove eonrlu.lvel Ibal Mbard tinee" will not affeat tbon wbo buj tb.ir Roodi from aie, and all mj patroai eball h. laltlated lata Ibe se cret af HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t have aoodi nouab to nri.li all tb. Inbibl. taau la tbe lower ead ef tbe eeaat. wbleb I itll at exoeedinft low rate, from my mammoth itnre la MIILSONHURt), where I eea alw.ei b. foand read, to wait apoa .alien aad .apple tbem with Dry Goods of all kinds Hub a. Clothi, Sella.!!., Caulm.r.1, Maillal uelelnai, Lima, Drllllafi, Calieoel, TrlmmiBfa, Ribboaa, Laea, Readj.made Clotbioa. Boot! and Shoei. ll.ti ud Capi all of Ihe hen material and m vl. to order Hole, Soeki, UIotoi, Uilleai, Laeea, RiblioBi,. OROCRRIES Of ALL RINDS. Coffee, T.a, Sutar, Rice, Motafiei, Piib, Silt fort, Ltaieed Oil, Flib Oil, C.raoa Oil. H.rdwara. Q.Mniwara. Tinware. Caitinai, Plea aad Plow Ciltln,., Nalll, Snlhil, Cera Cwltltw Ura, Cider Pranei, and all kladi af Am. Perfnmerj, Palnll, Varnlib, Olail, aad a fee.rel uiertm.nt of SUtleaer, GOOD FLOUR, Of dir.rent brandi, alwaj. .a h.nd, aad will be mi U the low.it peiiible Bfarea. J. II. MeClala'l Medlelael, J.ye.'l Mldlelai! Haeuiter'i aad Hooiead'i Blttara. IMI aoaed. of W..I we.ud for wbleb thl hl.b.it arlee will be paid. Clorerieed ea bead and for .ai. at Iba leweM market prlee. Alee. Aaent for Slratloa.lllo aad Carweanlll. TbrMblag Miehl.M. rtvCall and M.for raari.li. Yoa win eferytbiag alaallj kepi la a reUll Mora. L. M. COlTBRlBi. Prenohtllle t. 0., A., ..I II, I'M.