THE ItEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINO, OCT. H, H7. Terms of Subscription, f i,id la adveooe.or wlthia lb re month. ,.tJ W If paid licr tare tad oefor alx bob i hi... t o Ifpaideftartbeeipirattoaof six nonfat.,. I 00 -Messrs. fl. M. PamnaitL A Co.. N.wa- Adrnrtliing Agents, 17 Prk Row, eornw BhmiB Street, are our duly authorised A genu in N-w Vo uity. KULIGIOU8 NOTICCH. Mr! hod lit l-:nUcopiil Churrh Rev. J. 8 jfrMi'RRir, Pastor. Hfrrieti evry Sabbath tt 1U) A. M.. ana 't r. m. (iiibttftth School at V A. H. .'raver Meet ion everv WedoesJay, at 71 P. M Coron union 8orv.cs, drat Sabbath of svery aonth, at K'l a. at. Vet ClearHeid M. E. Church. R.t. W. how Wilson, I'astor. Preaching avary ill era at Sunday, at 0 o'elonk, P. M. tiuolay Hrbool at ai. i. ai. ah ara innua to attend. presl)teriait Church Rev. II. 6. Dotlbr. 8abl,ta services morning and evening tiab nath School at I P. M. I'rayar Moat log Wednaa. larevening- Ilaptlat Church Rev. J. A ALiinan, Fas. tor. hervloea evitry B)iM.ath morning and evening, Itcrnaling, at 10 o'clock A. M., and 71 P. M. Sahbatb bobool att P. M. Prayer Moating avary Woioesday evening. HI. FranctV Church Catholic Rt. P J.Shida. Divine service at 104 A. M., on ihfl first, third and lonrtb Sunday lot cneb month; Vespers and Benediction otthe messed sacrament tt 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday bebool a very Sunday afternoon at o eioea. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tihi or lobmae qhartib bbuioiis court. Sreoai Monday of January. Third Monday of March. First Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of beptemW. tiki or lOLDiae cowhon plkah. First Monday of June. Second Monday of November. rciLio orricing. President Jndgt Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of Luck llavan . Atittant Lorn Judy Hon. John H. Orvts, Pet I. if on to. A facial Judyet Abram Ogdan, Clearfield ) Vincent a. Holt, Clearfield. ProtkoHotaryHW Bloom. Rtgitr and Recorder L, J. Moriran. Viitriet Alton! Wm. M. MoCullough. Treaurr Philip Dolt. Shoriff Andrew Hants, Jr. Deputy Sheriff Christ. J. KtoggJ, Clearfield. Com t if 8urveyor Samoel F. McCloikey, Cur ensvlll. County CommiioMtr$ C. W. Kyler, Ursliaro ton P. 0.; Klah Johnston, Orampiin 1'illi P. O.; Julin Norrii. Sr., Curwrnsvllle County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear field : Jmpb Oilliland, Tbrat Bum ; J. 8. Nor rl, Woodland. County Coroner J. D. Naff, Naw Washington. Jury Uomutifioner Dr. Jn tries P. Burcb field, Clf-erfled, Joseph Aleiander, Madera, Superintendent of I'ttblie School M. L. Mo Qunwn. Claar6eld. Seahmf Weukttdr Meneurt Jesse W.Carlile, ofrce at Luthorburg I'a, Sotarit Public John W. Wrlglay, Wm. Ra debaugb, Cyrm Gordon, Claarflnld Joiepb R. Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwenarilla J. A. Mving ilnna, Dulloia City. Our Special column la daoidedly Intarcrting In a local point of view, and proBtabla reading to euliideri who want to aara money. YI'.OFCOlTHwKt "AVill yc-u taka nheat, oati or corn for tub. icription 1" Wa are often Inquired of tn tbii way bj letter from patrona who rcaido at a diataooa from Clearfield. Wa a (rain say yea. Tha raoelpla of a rfjonaihle march ant or mill owner ta the ilctnlly, will aniwer ua jut aa welt u tba oafb. To illlualrata : If any of our patrona will deliver ui a bug of grain at the mill of Jonepb H. Brath, in Chcit townnhip) Iloraca Patch in, in Burnaide, Tbomaa II. Forflay. In Urabam, Wm. Porter or 8baw'a, in Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'f, at Kockton, lTniuo towmhip, and forward their receipt for the amount. w will credit them on their account for the aaina. In tbla way all may loon pay what they owe, if tbey will purauv tbi euurae. tf. Tbo p'ttir in In prot;r and is just "b mating." There will bo a throe woe kit termor tlmirt In NiTeml er. Lnst SatiifiJny was pay-day nlong the Tirone A Cleartivld KailrnkJ. Jupiter will lend the Marry honU fur tliv balance of Uie jenr 18ID. For cheap Httita and good good, go to Hirlinger and Rook 'a. 14-Jt. John Mofwop is clerking for Mr. Iloraca Patch in, in bi atora, at Burnaide. A valuablo home holonging to U-nrj'i livery atabla died on Friday night. A "brand uplintor" new pasaongor ear baa been attached to the Kip rem train orer onr rd. Tho members oi'tbo Orpheus Hun J had tbttr photograph taken in a group at Brook Till lat week. Wo are informed that a horse bo longing to Jaiepb M. Lucti.of Weil Clearfield, died on Salurdity. Monibers of the hunting party uru required to meet at Moore'iator tbi (Tudaj) arening, Oct. 14(b, at 7 o'clock. A good cow owned hy Thomas Retllj, of thia boroub, ehokod t death on a nleca tf pumktu lut Tbundar nij(b(. Our public HchooU will close this (Tundar) evening for tha bjUncn of thewcrk, In or.lflr that tba pupil mT attend tho Fafr. - - - - - Tho largent and bt-Mt lot of Pittt hels for ladira and gentlemen, at tba loweit price artr tfTered here or an) where ette, nt Fleok'n. Clearfield wua reprcNunted by many of her eiliieni at the Brnokville Fair laet week. The attendance waa lare throughout fit week. mm aw There wore over two bund rod Riir rivora of the luJth Regiment preaent at ibe re union at Brookville laat weak. It wai a niooan. The mail train north wutt two hour late en Friday, arriving here at 1:10 P. M. Tba detention wai canted by an angina off tha trak in the vielblty of Oictola. - - Tho copious ruins of lat week set tied the duil and am rendered traveling much more oom fortable, both for tbota who travel and thote who live along tba way. Omar Mitchell, Kw., gives notice in another column of hit appointment ai Auditor to dUtribut the mtneya ariaing fiou tha aale of the real eatate of Wm. Hblroal, lata of Morrir tnwaihip, deceased. The Kali inrtpection of the Pennsyl vania Railroad will be commenced on tha 2ith lait., beginning on that day with tba Middle Biviiion, and avntinue until the inila line and and all Ita bianobaa ara orar, 1 - - Ourostoomod neighbor, Kx-(iovernor O'X'er, la again able to mote around aiouiy, look lag eonttierably "tha woraa of tba wear." In another fortnight, we haro no doubt , be will be taqaiilof at tba brlek work bj to the number of rdm that are oow In and nnllled. Our Fair opened on Tuesday morn ing with a dollar foot race on Market afreet, from "aeoad to Fonrtb ttreat, batweva Mike MeQaira and Oeorge Oawdrlok. McOuira won the $1 f Cowdrick failed to oome to lima. a We have a hoot on our table, which at raited by M. S. Olaati, of tbhi borongb, bich forihapa la quite a eurioiity and murt ba u$ be appreciated. It It a perfeel knot, and all the baeU we bare tvar teen. ii mm w A man named John ilainos, who drhing a atraal eprlakler at Brookvilla, waa 'arnwn from hia wagoa at that lara oa Taeiday nernooa of laat week and laatantly killed, bii "k kflog brakm. Hia horaaa were frlgbtentd ' a loeoiDotive and became unmanageable. - ' mm The frame-work of tho new tannery M lg op rapidly. Tha main part baa bean 'efl, and tba wlaga of tba loperi true tore will readi for the roof before manv daTa. Several 'tiling hou'ee will ba ereetod la tba vicinity of " tanner;, la ba oaeupled by employee. -a -- A meeting of tho National Christian Tl'eranoe tnioa af Cleat 6 eld waa held la ,h Coirt HoaM sa Tuaada evening ef laat tb, and wai preilded ever by Mr. O. W . Rheeee, amber of lb Kiacatlv Conmltte, the ether tf,ri aeiag abaaut. An Intaraitlaf and aa-K-trlat addreai waa delivered by Re. Mr. A"", af N,w Waabiagtoa. The Cltiaaaa' Com at fiud farDlabad aiaellaat miii for tb aaoailoa. Call and see the new ntoek of cloth ing juif opecad, at Uirlinger A Rook'a. 15-Jt ! - Tho Citizens' Band of this place, bu aeD employed to play for the Fair thia week. . If you have scrofula, don't fail to aaa 'Dr. Liadaey'a Blood Searcher." It oil by alt draggiit. Aeik for "Sellers' Liver Pills." No othera poiseta bair their virtue, 55o. par bni. Sold by all drugiiati. Ladies, did you over? tf you never w Fleck' Coat, for Lallei, yoa abonld at onca, Juii for the mrprlt. -- - - - Board, lodging und Incidentals cost only 93,00 a wrtk at Rcid Initllu!, an eiretlent chool, located at Reidaburg, Clarion county, Pa.; the Principal la Jao. B. Houiaoa, A. M , M. E. i 8ai,t. Lytlo has just received a car load of fin Salt, large aacka. Alio, a oar load of eoarte and American line. Full weight guaran teed, and will be eold at loweet prioe In the eonnty. wp24, 19 If. Timber for Sale. All tho oak, pine, poplar and hemlock limber on 438 acre of land, In Brady townebip, la now offered for ale. Tbl la ooo of tba beat timber lota now la the auirket. See advertisement in tbia tnue. o 15-3t Arm Broken. A little mm of M. S. ilauti, aE-J about Ihrr yean, fell from a chair lart Fridaj ariernun and broka one of hia arm. Tbo fracture teceired prompt end proper treat ment, and the little fallow ia getting along a nicely a can ba tipcetcd. a- aw Horhb for Sale. A resident of ClearOeld borough oflera a dark bay mare for sale. Haa i one of the fasteat walker in tb oonnty and not alow on a trot. Raaioni for aelllog no oa for ibe animal. For further Information apply at araddreaa Ibi uffioa. 16-3t Our Black Uiamonds. It will bo obierved that our coal abipmanta, for the week ending October 4th, reached 4J,3il ) forty-two thousand three hundred and fifty-one ton the largest shipment ever made in cue week from tbia region. The coal and other freight which parsed over the road during that time amonnted lo 1,181 cars, m w- - We have been informed that tho Waterlord tchool haute, In Lawrence towuahip, ba repeatedly been broken open during tb present taim, by some nefarious roughs of that section, and auhnol book and other article destroyed. If this be true, eteps should be taken at once to detect the pur ties nod red res ought at a Court itf justice. List of letters remaining unclaimod in tb PostoffioeatClearfiold, for the wek ending October 13, 187(1 : Lottie M. Harlo, Frank Couteret, C. 8. Cam bridge, Mr. A. M-Drauuker, William Fielding, 3. II. Olll, John W. Uray, Thomas McCarthy, W. W. Peters, i. W. Smith, F. 1). Warren. P. A. Gal'Lin, P. M. mm Simmons & Hunkins' MiniNtrels will give one of Ibeir humorous and plaaaing enter ta I omenta in Pie' Opera House neat Saturday evening. Mr. Lew Simmon waa connected wi'b Ilia celebrated Simmon A Slocum' Minstrels, Tenth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, which was then one of the best, if not th beat ministrel troupe In tha failed State. Oo,ethfun and hear me fine mule. Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has re moved bi maiiical office to the room recently occupied by Buck A Urabam, in Urabam' row He tuakca CHItONIO DISEASES a specialty. CHARUKS VKHY LOW. The njanufacluren having lowered prices, be I prepared to furnish STRICTLY PI' RB MKDICINKti at greatly re duced rates. The afflicted will ba benefited by giving him a call. julyll, '79-tr. It will be observed by a curd pub lished elsewhere tn thia Issue, that Mr Charles II. Halford haa purjhated the blacksmlthing atand of Mr. Kennard, in tbl borough, wher be will carry on tha business ta all It branches. 11 make horse. shoeing a Specialty. Mr. Halford is a reliable and Irst ela mechanic, and all work entrusted to bis care will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to." (J Ire hliu a trial and l.o convinced of what wa sar. The litoiiwAYMAN Locked t'i The fallow who so murderously esoaultcd MattMaj Ui fl'mun, on ihe renCeld roadseveral weak ago, and for wh- ni thv Cowmiisioner offered a re- artl of fifty dollars, wai gobbled up at Laurel- ton, linltta ooun'y, a station oa tha Lewlsburg and Tvrone railroad. Tha offenders name la Datiitl O'llcra, and was lodged a our prison last Saturday night by Cdptalo Thus. E. Clark, of Osceola, to whom lie culprit tn tfftct confessed hi guilt; eicapt that be dvtiie writing Hoff man' name on the back of the check. Aa this ia a ease fur a Court and jury we will nit debate the matter. Railroad Collision A collision occurred a few hundred feet below Philipsburg last Saturday afternoon, between the Local Freight ooming north, and a Morrisdale ooal train going south, ranking in the wracking and piling up of a doaen oar and badly damaging both engine. A bra a era an, named Harry Bell, on tb coal train, waa severely out and bruised about tb bead. The passenger oa tb El press north were transferred to Ilia train used on tbt Houisdale branch and arrived hem shortly after 11 o'clock P. M. Tb wreck wa not cleared away until tarly Sunday lnoroing. Who waa to bUm for tbia destruction of property and risk of life, has not yet leaked out A Water Famine. Tho Lock Haven liemanrmt, of Thurad.y last, sari t The West Branch lower than It bit been la tha memory of tha "oldest inhabitant," and the vari ous tributary streams arc in a tlntlar condition. Tbo long dry epell we have bta having baa not bad lis equal for manv years. A writer tn the i atrial nays there ta a mark on the Mai-Uy rook at llarrloburg, made In 103 nt a low tageof tbe water, which ha not since been reaabed till now. The reservoirs of Lock Haven water works are empty, and Ihe main stream tunning tlironjfh without auy reserve Is nil IDt wa have to rely upon. Fortunately it Is bulitng out, hut another stream ihnl ran Into the reservoir has f4iled. In Uenoio a similar condition prevails, and tb wall in every tU4iter bare weakened greatly In tbair Btlpjilitt. A Larue Potato. Mr. Wm. Me Uarvav.e Lognn townbip farmer, ba laid on our table a put- to of the Peerla variety which ti(;j the t-sf i pnnnd and ton ounce. Mr. Mcllarvey stale that tbe reason the potato didn't grow largor waa boua the ground wa too mall, and tb potato 4ft indicate, from a sun burn on one side, that the soil wa rather scarce. A half doien sunk would be aa many a almost any on would want fur dinner. Altooua Sm. Tb Sun man thinks that hi friend has done a big thing; bul w will show that hi "pongh teighiougb'' Ii a small affair lo comparison with t hone of our friend, Samuel Brown, on thia aid of tli m motalo, who left a lot at oar offlo tha ther day, on of them weighing two pound lght onneat, and another two pound threw ounues. (Jet away with your Blair county "murphTa." We d things op a liiib more eroira over here. - mm a There, is an advertisement in our column lo which wiak much pleasure In re ferring our reiders, beciare believe In it and oaa conscientiously and heartily recommend it. We nfer to Hall's lUlr Renewer. Wa remember many casss In our midst of old and middle aged people who formerly wore gray faalr, or wbuse looks were thin and faded, but who now bevo presentable hiad pi sees, and with no Itltl pride anoonneo to their friend that Iheybavan'ta gray bair In their beads. It 1 a pardonable pride, and the world would ba better of, If there wa more of II, for wba lb aged mak tbem selveo attractive lo other they are more rtaln to win and retain thaeatooan and raapectto which a burthen af ll spnt year entitle thorn. Try Hall' Hair Renewer If age it disease baa thinned or whitened your lock and you will thank ut for Jour advice Patt Hnndh Nrt, WtUthura, M'vf Viffinim, . - Slow but Good. Tho last Grand Jary was a vary alow aa, but practically did aiuek goad and made lorn vary sensible recom mendations, chief of which was asking tb County Commissioner la purchase tbe Second atreat toll bridge acroaa the river at thia plaeo, nod the bridge at Lumber City. Tblt, tbo Ceunly Commlaioar should do Just as toon aa they have (bat muah money aa hand which Is not seeded for other purpoaa. After the ara purchased bit ta more loll brldg remain la the eounty. Tho Market street bridge across tbo river at this place, and tbo ana aver Claarflald creak, an tbe taropike from thia borough ta Phil Iptburg. Tbe, toe, should bo made free Just aa ioa at possible. This thing of aur people pay log annually hundreds of thousands of dollars af read Ui and then have ta pay toll for part ing over a brldg located aa a public read la a burlesque an alvilltattea. Wa hope tbe soil Grand Jury will posHse enough of the spirit af progress to recommend the parcbaa af two bridges indicated. Wa have paid eat ugh do let at all go toll-free Is this free eonatry. We have now on hand several thous and flnt-olaaa envelop, which wo will print for bust nasi moo, or anybody else, at prices that an not ba rivalled. Call and an tbota. tf. At tho IUpuulican ollico is tho place to get your job work don. We are fully prepared to do anything In tho printing Una, will do tt well, and at the right kind of prloaa. tf. Remember that Lytic is County gnt fur LorrHlard' Tobacco, end can sell them at factory price. They are the best tobacow in market. Try thorn. tf. "lis said There I a nothing In writing so bard aa beginning And nothing in life so easy aa tinning. But it' a great deal caster to step into Flack' and are their new goods. .. a A hat-king cough, itching of the nose, grinding of tbo teeth, a tuning or crying out when asleep, are caused by worms. K. K. TUomp son's Sweet Worm Powder .1 a sure cure and pleasant to tak. o-l-Jt e i See a woman on hornebuck in another column, riding near Hpocr'a Vlnsyards, with a bunch of 0 rapes from which P peer's Port Grape Wine It mad, that ia so bigbly esteemed by tb medical profession for the uae of invalids, weakly persons and Ibe aged. Sold hy K. W. Urabam, Druia, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-IS '7 tf. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted In the Rkpi iLican will reach more reader than if published In all the other papers la the coon ly,and ooat tba advertise! less than one-half In other words, an advertisement published tn our Jcurnal I worth double tbe prioe of that charged by any other publisher In tbe county, 'It 1 a fact." tr. New Daily Staue Line. James L, Leavy has succeeded in havtDg a dally mail at tab- lithed between Clearfield and Pennfleld.and wilt hereafter run a daily tinge between the two points. His contract began with April 1st, and the stage will leave Uearfield every morning (cicept Sun day) at 1 o'clock, making connections with all train on the Low Urade Railroad it Pennfield, re turning after the laat train the tame evening. Pataengeraand froight will be carried at low rates. Orders left at any of tbe hotels will be attended to, 10apr7W-tr TIIEMMlVKHMtiN" RANCJE. We havs been handed the following letter tn regard to the "Sovereign" Rtngefor publication. Thia Range can be seen at tbe store of lb Clearfield Co-Operative Agency : WiLtiAN aUuov. Oet. 4th, 1879. Joa II. Rkau, ManoER or thr Co-Ocriiativr AflKNcr Dear Sir 1 h "Sovereign" Range, ma J by tba Canh Stove Company, of Cleve land, Ohio, that I bought through your agency, give U.c most perfect saiislaotion. In fifty -five minutes altar w touched the first match to the fire, w had a lof of bread baked in lb most perfect manner. I have tetted lb Rmge, and am convinced ibat il require eonaldefbl less tuei to worn it up to Its roll capacity than a A. 8 cook of tba "Susquehanna,'' or oiher similar stove. Tbe Range ia tb earletl regulated and suaceptlblo of doing the moat varied cooking at the same time of aiy stove I ever tnw, and be sides its great usefulness and satisfaction in its wotking, it 1 an ornamnt to b nroud or in aov kitchen. I believe if those in want of a stove were acquainted with tbe superior qualiil- oi the "Sovereign," tbey would purchase no other. tfespecttulty yours, Lius. J. Rintreit. THR (HlPIIFlH ntWIVCj TRIP TO IlllOOkt II, Mi. Tbe member! of ihe Orpheus Cornet Banl, of tbta place, twenty In number, who visited tha Jfflenion County Fair, held at Brookvllle lait week, returned home oa Friday ovening with a new feather In their cap, and they now bland ready to vote the Brook rill puople nsw laurel for tb grand old ebaplet tbey have worn ao long, which entities them to be called one of the molt hoapitablo town that the State can boast of. Words, Ibe boyt lay, fail to convey any adequate Idea of tha generous and noble hospitality with which (bey were greeted and entertained during their tay. "Yon bad to be thsr." tby say In It, at It and about It, Then you'd wonder bow w dona without It. "Just tbe most splendid people it was our hap py lot ever to meet j ladies and gentlemen who each knew their place, and Just how to fill It." "Roquata!" said one, to answer to tls question "you hare just namod It" Bright a lbs ladies who gave them ; Beauiiful. brilliant and fair At the bands that miuie them. Aa the heart that welcomed us there. We hope the example set by out neighbors of Brookvllle will nut be lost upon our youg friends tt the Orphtue; and that doing good always doubles the pleasure of the act by dirUIng It with others. Wo feel aure the remembrance ol this cxourilun if rngraven upon Ihoir memories ai among tbo bright spots of life, and Lcanily join tbem In the wish of "Long live the Brook villians !" Hi KM Till', PATHIH OP Til B Itb- I'UBUCAM PAH I V. A, N. Cole ia Ihs veteran editor of the Qeneaee alley Free Piess. He is the man who first call cd a convention In the State of New York lo form the Republican party, tn 1M. He writes : WRLI.aVll.LR. N. Y., Jan. 17, IM77. Dr. M. M. Frnkrh, Fredonia. N. Y., Dear Sin Several mainbare of my lainily having use of our Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve jooie, and taiined a w areef its emuaey, I de sire to purchase directly or you. 1 am in toll i- gently convinced of the value of your Peoples' Herniate, pen a me ny express on nii aoien bottles of the Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Ionic. Krpecttully ac, 8 it A. N. COLR. Dr. Feaner'a Blood and Lirer Remedy and Nerve Toole may well be called "The conquer' log hero" of the timea. It la the madloal triumph of the age. Whoever baa "tbe bluet" should take it for it regulate and restore i tb disordered system that give ris to tbem. It always aura Biliousness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Ileadaehet, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas Pimple, Blotches and all skin Krupiiona and Blood Disorders t Swelled Limbs and Dropsy j Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nsrvoul De bility; Restores flesh and strength when the. teiS It rut.nlng down or going into decline ( cures Female Weak neat and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieve Cbronio Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat diffisuliici. It doea these things by strik ing at tbs root of disease and removing it causes. Dr. Feuncr's Improved Cough Honey will re lieve any cough tn one hour. Dr. Fenner't Uolden Hell! cure any pain, aa Tooth-acbe, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache In fiv to thirty minutes, and readily relit vss Rheurn Usui, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhisa, eta. Dr. Peonar' M. Vilu Dance Specilic. One bottle always cures. For eal hy llartswlck A Irvln, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. aug-27-if. COAL OIL POIt KINDLING. Why person over twelve yrars of ag ut tola explosive articlo to kindle Ires with Is amatlng. There tajuat aa much sense In giving a loaded six shooter to a child for a plaything. The pistol might go of and kill someone, but It would not barn tbe hou down. Coal oil eans, when tbey go off, generally bora and kill. Curwentvilla furnisbea the laat victim in the ooal oil kindling line. Tha TVate of Saturday tayt i "The screams of a female voice oa Thomp son street, nt ll:3f last Thursday morning, at tracted the attention of everybody on tbo street, and in a few moments Thompson street was orowd ed with people, hurrying toward tbe residence of the fiaws editor from whence tbe screams eame. Everybody was spurred to great exertions when cries, '0 she's burned to death' were beard along tbe street. A JYwta reporter wa early oa the ground and gathered Information, as follows: 'Miss Llsiie Cox, aged twenty year, a young Udy pupil at the Normal Musical Institute, liv ing with Prof. McDonald, bad returned from her morning Uasont, and la starting a fire la the kitchen stove, attempted to hurry II op by using ooal oil, pouring It Into tho store from la aau. No fire had bean In tbe stove linen morning but a llngerisg spark was there, and tbe ell eaa, being about half fall, It exploded, leading the contents ef the eaa all over Miss Col and tbe aide of the kitchen. Tbe poor girl etunoe fled for tbo opea air end throw herself apoo tbe wt gran, screaming la heartrending shriek that h was burning to death. Mrs. Rreinard nt oaoe screamed for help, which brought Mr. H. W. Spsboor to tba spot, and he nt once pulled off his coat aad wrapped up tbo burning girl. Mr. K. E. 6egnr next followed aad threw s piece of carpet over her, and then water wm poured ever bar, and her poor suffer lag body waa carried geatly lata tbe house. Dr. Maxwell wa promptly oa tbe grouad, and administered soothing salves to Ibe burned parts, Her hands, arms, shoulders aad baek ware terribly burned, liar hands were burned stiff, and her arms aad btt a mass of tiiiliag flesh. As eye witness date ri not the scene aa heartrending. Tbo poor girl ImpUred help while her body was covered with flames stM ae one wlthia reach. Loving haads are mi sit tar ing to her wants aad we are hopeful that she may sot he crippled for life. The bouae waa lightly burned la the kitehea. A few dollar will replace tbo damage. Mies Cox It a vary poor girl, hut Intelligent end retpocuble, and ua studying mails with the Intention af teach ing tha aa ma for a livelihood. Sba will feel keenly this great loss ef the as af her beads ihoald she reoever. Tha sympathy af tbo com. menity is extended toward the suffering girl. Let this be a waning loelt sot to us seal ell Is say way about the house, or Is build log Ires. Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent ovsr tbs Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tho week ending October 4, 18T9, and tbe same time last year i COAL. For the week Same lime last year Increase ,.. Previously during year..., Same titu laat year Increase Total In IB7D , Same time last Jer , Increase TORS. 42,fil H 8(t,70l , - 11,070 i,i.ta.(no , 000,832 - 171,7fifi l,'Ti,Bl . H VWl.Ooii , 13,328 otiii rmtanTs, Lumber Jdtfcnn. Miscellaneous freight 171 " , Whole number lor week 3,lh3 " l.l.TTKH FHOM IIUTON. A rxTAL icctorxr. A sad and fatal accident occurred on Tuesday at Winteiburn, on tbe Low Urade Railroad, three miles west of this niece. Httrrv Wd in, a vuuna waa from Wiliietnsport, wa employed by Oeu. Craig A Son In cook during their lumbering operations the coming Winter. Matter not bing arranged tor wiisn to eutnineooe eooiing, ne brcan Decline: lor on Tuesday morning. A few hour afterward, on of the men on the Job shouted to bim to get out of the way of a falling tree, and W ilton, losing hi presence of mind, ran under Ihe tree, w blub fell on him and crushed bim to Oraib. Hia body was horribly mangled, the bowel protruding. Dr. J. 11. Kline, ol thit place wt sent for, and Wilton's body was sewed up and prepared for burial. On Tuesday altornooa, the youug man wa buried In the fenueld graveyard. jiahrv, pKRriRLn, Pa., Oct. 11, 1879, LETTER PKOM A KHANGEH. Editor RRptinucAR : In Imitation of a plea Ing custom of tbe nnelent Israelites, who, after bavins lamercd ineir Oerveat. Oeid a Harvest fat Id anHaowlfitgnioDt of Divine favor, tbe Pomona Uraoxeot Ufeerleld I'ouaty resolved to bold a Harvest Home, and extended an earnaat invitation to all who are thnnkiuii for lb bies Inga bestowed by a bountiful Providence, It ba been tb desire of those who have Inaugurated tbia movemeot that it should be n general in gathering of the people. As axpootcd a move meut of this tort ha grtatly promoted the social culture of our people, aad the benefits deri ved are simply incalculable. At tha meeting of Aug. 20th last, Mr. David Wilton, of Erie couoly, ad vanced sound views in regard to the educational and social agricultural topics of tbe day, which bowed practical knowledge of these matters, a nd gave evidence of hi baviog the good of the oo on try at heart. Hv. Edwards called attention to ine tact that all are dependent upon agriculture, and proved very conclusively mat it i a mittaxe mat a oountry I dependent upon tb eille it may con tain ; but, on tba eontraryeitl! mutt depend entirely upon the country. 1 be Dleaaurei of the day were greatly tnnanond by the musics) cheerfully ditcourtod by th Cill en' Bund, of Clearfield, who promptly accepted iba invitation lo take part in making the day enjoyable to all. TOilr music was well-reoelved, and they have the warmest thank of an appro- j eiatlve audience. The Martial band In attendance also blavd several piece which attracted quite a crowd. The order of the day teemed to be "eat, drink, and , be merry ;" andevery thing accorded to tbia, even to th member of the band, who would not play for the U ranger withou pay, but who knpptued to he present and very comfortably I partook of n free dinner. CouuirrXK. I s I M PT. COURT PROCEEDING. tiiiho Court called on Mondav, Oct. 7th. 1879. at 2 o'clock P. M., wiih Judges Or vis, Ogden and Holt on tb Bench. John Larriiner and Harry Hemph 111 were ap pointed Tipstaves for the weak. COM II OB rLRAS. Beyer, Uuyer A Co. vs. Fred Ratney et a1. No. 304 Juns Term, la7A. Set. Fa, aur. Meoh. Lien. Jury aworn. Plaintiffs suffer non suit. Beyer, Guyer A Co. va. Henry Liveright at al. No. 307 Juna Term, 1 878. bV-l. Fa. aur Mecb. Lien. Settled and diroontlnued. Beyer. Uuyer A Co. va. T. R BNndy et al. No. 311 June Term, 18'fl. Settled and diicon-inued. County National Usnk of Clearfield vs. Semoel Conoway. No, 3ti June Term, 1870. Assumpsit. Settled. j County Natinnat Bunk of Clearfield v. Hiram I Woodward, No. it "3 June Term. 18711. Assump sit. He tiled. Andrew Oardner vs. Curtis Reams, No. 09 September Term, 170. Kjectment. Continued , tor cause, on application of Defendant, T, V. lieima vs. uaniei tta at a l. Wo. zua September Term, 180. Assumpsit. Settled and, discontinued. II. 11. rlhillinxford vt. R. 11. Powell. No. V1 I September Term, IS7fl. Trespass. Continued at costs of Plaintiff. I Buck-Rye Kngine Co. vs Geo. W, Horn et al. No. 1 tto jHnuary Terra, 1H77. Assumpsit. Var- dint lor Plaintiff fnr Sl.Ia it). Eliaa Smilcr vs. John DuBois at al. No. Zdl I Janua-y Term, 1877. Assumpsit, Continued all coils of De'eoifants. Hamual Snyder va. Nutter, Davis A Co. No I 2M January Term, 17 7" Debt. Verdict lor Plaintiff fur $'tfi3.3ll. Frank Brothers A Co. va. James Kerr A Co. No. 278 January Term, 1877 H.tdH. Caspar Liepoidt va. Christian lubh. No. 818 January Term, 1877- Ejroiment. Continued on explication and etoostso Plaintiff and peremp'ory order made tor mat at November leim, l7. Mays A Ilamerly va. Henry Wallace. No IVi January Term, IH7T. Sol Fa. aur. Mecb. Lien. Verdict for 1'iaintifl for SflfaJl. J. B. Ellis vs. R. Hunts. No. 3N4 Januarr Term, 1877. Replevin. Verdict for Plaintiff for I2UC.77. QtTAUTSU REBBIORS SOAO HAITI DB, The pstttion of citisens of Bradford township, for a public road from barn of M.L. Wilson to river road on farm ef Archibald Shaw in said township. Read, and James Muehell. John U. Stewart and J. H. Wilton appointed viewer. K. L. Miller, J. W. Sba Her and Simon Crovener ppoioted viewers to vacate Joad leading from month of Laurel run to Fred Rupert, in Bell township. K, L. Miller, Simon Crovener and William Mabaffcy were appointed viewer to vacate and make a private road out ol public rotd, from Susquehanna road, near J. F. Lew's, in Bell town snip to th Indiana county line, near Jams Martin's. K..U Mliler, 8. A. McUbae and 0. Rupert were appointed viewer to vacate rtad leading from mouth of Whiskey run to An irtw Dough erty' in Bell township. K. L. Mdler, Robert Mnbaffey and Thmar McUhe were appointed viewer to taeate road trout bridge, near New burg, running up H iiaon run and intersecting township road, uoar James McKeeban'a in Jordan towosmp. U. L. Miller, J. W. Hhaller and R. Wetael were appointed viewer to vacate aud mak a private roadol tbe public road leading from Susquebaniia rued, baar hhmubart Wei mis, in Bell tnwutbip, to ihe Indiana oouaiy line. ORI'HARS COt'RT. Oscar Milchell, Esq., waa aj painted Auditor to dittribu'e the mouey ariaing from the tale ot thereat eMate ol William tinnuel, deceased. D W. MoCurdy, K-q.. waa appoia ed Auditor to distribute money in the handt of Frampton Bell and '.. L. Hoover, Adtuiaistratort ol Wm. Bell, dcoeared. An order wa granted for tbe aale of real estate of Jerome Bumgardner, lateol Hoaudala borough, deceased, for payment of debts. HoVXHBKR COLRT. It ws ordered that th next trm of Court shall eomuieuee on the second Monday of No vember aud continue lor three eon tecu live week. and that writ el Venlte Facia be issued lor ibirty-iix perron to erv as Jurors for each ot taid weeks. Court adjourned oa Thursday, October 9tb, until tbe 28ih instant. Specials. Three Thousand Wanted. I.OOO lluahelRof good, clenn Wheat. i.inms HiiRiieiuergowi clean stye, 1,000 llunhela ol good, cleau (lata, To be delivered at Porter's mill, In Lawrence twnshlp, for which the highest cash price will be paid by Wa. Poanca. UeerfieUI, I'a., Sept. I, 1879 41 Watrb. 600,000 14 -feet shaved hoops, deliv ered at tb railroad, In car load of 8,000, at all Eointa on tb Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A E-, Bald agle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroad, for which I will pay tb highest market prise, w, r. hramir, OcUJ, 1878 tf. Clearfield, Pa. Oaa Hnnnunn Pas Crrt. Disoocrt on Ot.n Pricu. Hewing Maeblnes can now be purchased at aiorreii a tin ana variety store, rrom ax ap warde, AM hinds of sewing snacbinea repaired on the shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877. Bosoms Fon Sals. R. Newton Shaw keens a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagons for sal To he seen el the Shaw Honae yard. Vail en or address kirn at Clearfield Penn sylvan la, may ll-tf. af Wol her'9 Griff. Tb tirlri of a Moiber. tha life sod tov af a home, are her children, hence her grief when sick ness enter und take tbem away Tak warning then, that ynu are running a terrible risk, If tbey nave a lougn, ureup or n booping uougn, waton lead to Consumption, If you do not attend ta tt at one. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE 1 guaranteed to aura tbem. Prioe 10 et.. 60 at. and l. oo. ror lam Hack, aids er Cbeet, us Shitoh' Porous Plaster. Prioe SI aenta. Sold by 0. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa. seplf-eow. The Jlrsl f Ever Hntm Of. 3. 0. Rtarhcy, a arominent and Influential clt- Ilea of Iowa City, say t MI bars bad th Dys pepsia, and Liver Complaint fur evrsl r. and have need every remedy t eould bear of, without any relief whatever, until I aaw your Shilob'a Vita I iter advertised In oar paper, and wae persuaded to try It. I am happy t state that It ba entlretv cured me. It la eerUtnlv tha beat remedy I ever knew of." Price T cents. For sal bf u. v. watsoa, Clearfield, Pa, epl7-fim-aow. BHILOH'S CATARRH RRMRDT. A marvel i Cur for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Cankar mouth. aad Headache. With each bottle la aa ingenious natal injector for the more successful treatment of th complaint, without extra charge, Price ov cents, tor sue ny u, v. vtataen, ciearleld. Pa- oeptIT, 1179-lm-aow. Cm .rro Wariut. W have prepared a form, and bav on band a large quantity, of blank "Collector's Bier "uioa nave been ap proved by ihe highest legal authority In the Courts of this county. At Tmnty Vtntt per dosen we will mall any aumuer to tbe Uniieetor ordering them. A Collector, when oom pel ltd to advertise nropertv, must post up not less 'ban three notices in ihe most public places In bis borough or township. ii. Wartru. Delivered at the Rail Road. lOD.IIDH 2A Inch shaved shingles. 110,000 24-Inch sawed shingles. 100,0110 leet of pine boarda. M):,uiiu 14-feet shared soups. ft.OUO railroad tie. 611,0110 feet of good bemlnsk boards. For whiub I will pay th highest market price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the Tyrone A Clearfield Rtilroid. ' J. F. Khahkr. ClcartUld, Pa., Oct. 10, 1878 tf. Just ltecol vrtl Just Hoonived hy ARNOLD, at CURWKJNSVILI.E: Car Load Novo Scotia Plaster 1 Car Load pure Corn, Ityo and Outs Chop I Cur Load Dealion Suit 1 ('ar Load of Clioico Family Flour 1 Cor Load Dry (roods, (imcorion, &A aVqrShinulefi, liork I(. K. Ties and Grain will be taken En exchange Curwensvillc, May 1, 1878. JtfervouN lability. Vital vVeakncaa or Dvpresalou t a weak sxhausted feehnir, no energy ur couraii i tb re sult of nieuLul over-work, Indlacretloui or exreaaea, or some draio upon tb system is al ways cured by llamphrey's Homwpatliio Specific No. 28. It tones up and Invigorates th lyitcm, dispels the gloom and deiuondanoy, imperii strength aud energy, ticp th drain and re juvenate tba entire man. Been used twenty year who perfect success by thousands. Sold by dea'tr. Prta, SI per sin. Tie via.1, or 0 par package of fit vial and vial of powder. Sent by tuail on receipt of price. Address Humphreys llomcrpathlc Mcdlrlue Company, Kit Fuiton St., N, Y. C. D. Watson, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. se,t. 18, 187B-ly. SHANA FELT ARTHURS -Atthe residence of tbe bride's parents, on Tuesdar, October 1st, t7, by Rev. I, Edwards, John T. Shenalelt, of Clarion, Pa., and Mis Arminta Arthurs, of Lum ber City, Claarflald county, Pa, MAPON RI'BLY. On Tuesday, September 30ih, 1879, by Rev. (J. W. Stroup, Mr. Robert R. Maaon and Miss Sadie A. Rubly, all of K art haul township, Clearfield eounty, Pa. CLEARFIELD MASKETS. Clrarpikld, Pa. Oct. 14, 1679. Flour, per cwt $2 8i Buckwheat Klour, per cwt 3 oo Corn Meal, per cwt - , 1 60 Chop, rye, per cwt 1 40 Chop, mised, per owl 1 10 Bran, per cwt 1 90 Wbeat, per bushel 1 90 Rye, per busbel 10 Oat, per bushel 86 Corn, ears, per bushel 40 liuokwbeat, per bushel oo Potato), per bushel th Apples, per buanel o Hams. ur pound II Shoulder, per pound mmm 7 nrtcd ileal, per pouna io Chickens, per pair , , 40 Butter, per pound 20 fcnas, per dosen 10 81 1, per sack, large 2 On Coal Oil, per gallou Lard, per pouud ; I" Dried Applet, per pound " Dried Peaches, per pound S Beans, per bushel 1 60 CAUTION. Whereae my wife, Lucy Briel, has left my bed and hoard without Just cause ir piovi ration, I hereby warn all persons not to trust or harbor her on my account as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting. 4. a. unir.b, Fronobvllle, Oct. 16, ?9-lt. E X ECt'TOR'H NOTICE. Notice I hr. J by eivtn that letter Testamentary on the estat of ANGUS M. U1LL, late of Bradford township., Clearfield county, Peon a., dee'd , having been duly granted to th undersigned, all perton indebted lo said estate will pleat mak immediate payment, and those having claim or demands against the earn will present them properly authenticated for settlement without d.lay. SAMlb'L U. MILL, Jtxeoutor Williamsgrore, Pa., Sept. 10, 1879-fit. D IVORCK NOTICE To Common Pleas Court of Clearfield eounlv Pa. Joseph Interewioi 1 No. 3A June T , '79 alias sub. Stir. Margaret Interewioi I Dlvoree. To M traartt SnUrtmet rttpnndtnt : You are bereh? notified to appear In ih atd Owurt at Clearneld.oa tbe 2nd Monday of January, 1880, to show cause If any ynu have, why n divorce from Joieph Interewica the petitioner ahould not be granted to antwer complaint contained ia the po tion asking for such a decree. A. lENTZJr , Sheriff, Sheriff's oUca, Clearfield Pa , OoL It, 1879. AUDITOR'! NO TICK. In Ihs Orphans' Court wf Clearfield eounty, Pa. In tbe matter of tbe estate of William Shimel, late of Murria township, dee J. Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by aald Court to distribute th monevs anting from the aale of tbe real tai of William bblmel, late of Morris township, Clearfield eouatr, dec d, te and among tbe parties legally entitled thereto, hereby gives nonce, that be will meet toe panic inter ested at hi office In Plearfleld. on FKID Y, the Slit DAY of OCTOBER, 1879 at I o'clock P. M., wben and where all parlies Interested may at- lnu. UMAO MlllillbUU. Auditor Clearfield, Pa., Oct 16th, IIT9 SU TIMBER FOR SALE. Th undersigned cfTer for sale all tbe pin, oak, poplar and hemlock timber on 411 acre of land in CleariTeld county. Partial oonaulting tb map or atlae of tha county, will find it in Brady township, a Ij ining tha Bell township tXf line, and known as trv No. I4M TbisaStV timber will be held open for sal until tb ' 1st of December next. For further particular apply to or address. tIKO. D. UUUirtiAfltlhli. Oiloher 16, 179-11. Clearfield, Pa. BLACKSMITHING. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. Tb undersigned, being thankful for past favor, would respeerlully Inform the c it i tent of Clear field and vicinity that he hat purchased th shop in Clearfield borough recently oaeupled by Ame Kennard, situated on oeuat street, in the rear of Geo. Weaver A Co.' attire, where by strict and close attention to business, b hope to receive a large h"r or public patronage. Prices reasonable and all work guaranteed. CUAS. H. UALFOHD. Clearfield, Pa, Oat. 1ft, lti 1m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE 01' Vaualilc Ileal Estate. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, Ihe undersigned, Ad mmlstrator of tbe ee.aie of David Bell, late of Greenwood township, will offer at public sals at BsIlvUle, lp laid township, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TII, 179, tbe following described Real Estate, to wit : IOT NO. 1, Situate tn Greenwood township, A bounded and described as follows t On the north by land of said estate, as tba south by the SusQuehanna river and land of David Mitchell. on the east by land of Frampton Bell, and on the west by land of David Mitchell, beta the horn. tead Lot of said estate, contain log about ' TWO HUNDRED ACRES. IOT NO. S, Rounded on the north by lends of J Irvlns and Newcomer, on the south by Lot No. I. and lands of David Mitchell, on tb east by Frampton Bell's land, and on the west by A. W. Newcomer, containing TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ACRES, being all limber land, having thereon a consider able amount of white oak, white pine, aad ben look timber. LOT NO. S, flltuifd In Bell township, and about three mil from tbo river, houaded oa (be aortb by land ef R. C. Thompsoa, oo the south by Irvin A Thompson, on ibe east by the same, aad on the west by Rsed, Wavr A Belts, containing TWO HUNDRED ACBKS, befog nil limbered with pin, oak ant hemlock, and would mak a vary good farm. IOT NO. 4,8lttedla Oreeowooi townkip, J bounded aa tbe north by lands of D. MoCrausM, an the south by Jacob Freyer, oa the east by Bell and Stephenson, and en the west by Jacob Uraff survey, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRE, abont tweaiy acres of which Is cleared. Parties desiring ta xmin these lands will he assisted In doing so by sailing upon either er the Raderaigned, TERM OF SALS. "V NX-THIRD of the rare base money must be V7 paid down, ONR THIRD en the first day ef Jeuu, IMS, and the heiane aa the first day af June, 1M, tb laat two payments to be with In lereal, and te be et cured by bond and mortgage on tbe premise. Any person purehentng either ef the above Lots, and aot complying with th above, will he liable la any lest sustained by a re sale. The Administrator reeerv the right te "wpt er reject any nue an eiu. F. I. THOMPSON, THOB. W.MOOKK, Curwensvtlle, Oct U-79-lt Administrator. TytKlslE KOH RENT. A two-story brick XX. houto on Pine street, east of tha i'reabyierlan Church. Three rooms oms up f,BB table. Ice I r further 1 a J and three dowa stair. A good itab houae. aud cardan attached. For f uartloular. applv to J. B. ORAIIAM, April 30, 1H7V tf. Clearfield, Pa. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SUA VED AND SAWiiD.' Curwtnsville, Jaa. 9, '7 8 -If. Al)3IINIHTRAT01tfl rVOTICE- Notle i hereby given that Letter of Administra tion on Ihe tal of FRKDKHICK SHAFFER, late of Sandy township, Clearfield oounty, Peon's, dvoeated, having been duly granted to the under signed, all perton Indebted to taid estat will please mak immediate payment, and those hav ing claims or demands against ibe same will present ibem properly authenticated for settle- meat wlibout delay. OKORliR C. KIRK, Administrator. Lutberaburg, Pa., Sept. 3d, 1879-01, SALE. The underlined will sell at tirlvate sal all that tract or parcel of land altuate In Decatur township, Clearfield oounty, I'a., within a short distance of the Tyrone A Clear ft eH R. R., and adjoining lands of Robert Hudson and otucrt, and known as the Jacob U. (i ear hart loL The said tract oontalning 00 acres mure or leal, with two veins of valuable ooal thereon, baa about 30 acrea cleared, and is tbs key to n large body of coal about being developed. Will be sold low and upon easy terms. For particulars, apply to DAVID L. KHKBS. Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 1876. Re-Union of Trade. rTlHK oodersigned wishing to Inform the pnhllo a inat ne opened a COMMISSION STORE At the old stand in Troutvllle, Clearfield eounty, Pa., oa tbe 18th inst., with a full stock of DRY GOO DM, GROCERIES, NOTIONH, lloota, Hhoea, Etc In fact everything to be found In a first-class store. all of which I am determined to sell nt tbe lowest oath prices. FARMERS AND LUMBERMEN Will find it to their advantage to do their dealing with me, as the bisbett prices will be paid fur Grain, Shingles, or Produce of any kind. Part or one-half cash will bs paid. Trading for entogi or Lumber or any kind a specialty, aim, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Harms mad arrangements with Ratters mar oh ants to sell goods furnished me, therefore call and see, as I will be enabled to sell cheaper than tbe ebeapest. J. W. CARLILK, Troulville, fa., sept. 74, '7V-ly. Agent. GEO. WEAVER & GO, RRCOND BTRRET. CLEARFIELD, PA., If ar, open.d op, In th. tlor. room l.trlr occupied b, W,.,.r A oo Second street. . lerce and well a,leetd rtook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, DOOTS AND SHOES, QUKKNSWARE, WOOD Ji WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they wilt dlnpoae of at reason all rat for rrb, or azebaag for country produce. OEORGE WEAVER A 00. Clearfield. Pa., Jan. 9. IA7ft-tf. HOFFER'S . Cheap Cash Store. ROOM NO. THREE, OPIiHA IOlmB, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Comprising Dress Goods of tbs very latest "t vtes, consisting In part of Cashmeres, Manchester . Fancies, A 1 psoas, and nil manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Sunb as Cretons, Mohair Lustsrs, Plaids, Dress Uingbami, Ureas Fancies of tbe very latest tylee, and as cheap as they can be sold In this market. NOTIONS, Consisting of Gloves for Gents, Ladies at.d Misfes. Hse or all ehades, Mlk Fringes, Laces, Fancy Drese Button Ladles' Ties ot all sha les and styles, Cult and Co'larn, Ribbena of all kinds and qualities. Merino 1'ndarwear, Trimmings, etc. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Queensware, Hardware, Tinware, CnrpcK OUCIoIIim, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc, Wblrh will be Mid wb.ol.Mle or retail. Will tike Country Produce III ExrlMiiffe for Cioml. at Market l'rlroe, WM. J. HOFFKR. C'lrarBeld, Pa., l. 31, 1H10 tr. Fi.omt. fj:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, ft oom No. 4, Plc'a Opera IIobh, ClnrfleU, Pa. KeepaeoeataallT oa haad 911(1 A R, corrKE, TEAS, snuA, COAL OIL, BY R UP, SALT, PICKS, SOAP, Canaed aad Dried Fralta, ToheoM, Clga-,, Caa dlu, Old Vta,fr, tatter, I,,a, A,. ALKO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Ileal, Chop, Feed, do., All of walek will a. aeld eaaa, for aatk r Is noBBB,. ror ooaair, JOHN r. KRAMER. CUarialt Ref . II, IIT4.-U. m IMsfl niTHll t:iJtnnrra Weaver A Co. 3a want five thousand bushels of 0AT3, sow, SHU win pmj wmmu fiiuuun. Clearflsli, P, Aug. II, 187V If. ADMINIHTRATORR NOTICR. Notice Is hereby given thai Let ten of Ad ministration da boats aoa on I be estate of LfDlA DOWLlNG,lteof Lawrence twp, Clearfield Co., Pa . deceased, bavins: been duly granted ta th undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will pleas make Immediate payment, and those baetng.c.laims or demands against to same win present tbem properly authenticated, for settle ment without delay. AARON 0. TATK, Administrator D. B. N. Clearfield, Pa., Ool. A, 187-flt. UniTOH'h NOTICE In the matter of astste of I In tbe Orphans' Court T. W. Fleming, deo'd- of Clearfield Co., Pa. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court, to make distribution ot tbe balance re maining in tbe hand of Z. MoNaul and J. R. Irvin, Administrator C. T. A of aaid deceased, aiuougthe parties legally entitled thereto, hereby give noiiee that he will set for the purpose of bis appntnimauT.atlbeomeeoi aicnnaiiy meuuray, U Clearfield, on TUESDAY, the 2Mb DAY of OCTOBER, A. D. ISt9, nt 10 o'olook A. M. W. A. HAGERTY, Auditor. Claarleld, Pa, Oot. Sib, 187U 3L ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE REAL ESTATE ! T Y virtu of an order of Ih Orphan's Court of J) UlearDeld oounty, the snbsorioer will sen at Public Bale, on the promises, at 2 o'clock P. M., Monday Oct. 27, 1879, A certain plc of land situate ta Bloom town ship, Clearfield eounty, Pa , bounded north by Brie turnpike, east hy turnpike and lend of John felisillb, couth by land of Jobrs Bos ilk, and weat by land of Z. MoNaul, contain tog 16 ACRE4 AND 45 PKRCHKS, and allowance, being all cleared and under a good , atat of cultivation, having a good spring aud young orchard thereon. TKRMH. One-third at eonlrmation of sal, and tbe balance In two equal annual paymenti, with Intersil, secured by bond and mortcage. A. C. TATK. Adm'r D, B. N. of Lydia Dowling, Deo'd. Clearfield, Fa., Uot. T REPORT of Ui condition of the COUNTY IV NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, at Clcar- belri, In the Stale of Pennsylvania, at th eloae of business, October 2d, luiD. Rtsocacis. Loans and discount $173.7.10 oft Overdraft 1,278 7 U. B. Bonds lo secure circulation 76,000 00 Judgments 17,611 II 11. n. Bonds on band M d0 oo Other itocks, bonds, mid mortgafoi.H 2,196 47 llue from approved reaervM a;nte...M 17.WI9 VH Du from otber National Banks 2,27 2t Du from Stat Bank and banker... 4.S3I 34 Reel esuu, furniture, and Ditures.... l.ft'i-1 33 Current eipenses and taxes paid; 1.2S6 88 Checks and ether cash items 4bJl VT B ills of other banka 2,K0 OJ Fractional currency .including nickels 162 IB Specie, including gold treasury ear llfloatea M 1,170 17 Legal-tender not 8,rJ35 00 Redemption fund with 17. H. Treat urer, o percent, of circulation . 2,S76 10 f:',l6ta 76 LUBtUTiea. Capital stcck paid la - Surplus fund Undivided profit Nailonal Bank note outstanding ndivtdual deposits subject to obeck. Ill, not Demand certincate of deposit 22,237 1ft t;MM63 T6 Stt of PenntylianU, CHtarfitld County, S3 : 1. W. M. tobaw, C'asoier of to noove nameo Bank, do avlemnly swear ibat the above state moot is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. W. M. bit An , Cashier. Subscribed and swum to before me thit 6tb da of Oat , 1879. JOHN W. WRIULEY, N. P. Correct A tteit: J. T. LKuNAR , JAH, ALEXANDER, U. L. UbKL), October 6, 1879. Directors. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE 'Valuable Real Estate! T) Y virtue of as order of the Orphans' Court of J UlearBeld oonnty, to me directed, there will be et posed to Public Hale, at the Court House, In the borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1879, The following described two pieces ef land sltusls In Lawrenoe township, within two miles from th Court House, and wall adapted to agriculture: No. I. Bounded north bv land of Geo. elioh and others, east by land of William j jifht Biglor, south and west by other land of Jj2 P. bmith' estate, containing ONE HUN1RII AC It EM, Being well watered and covered with valuable timber. No 8. Beuoded north by the above described place of land, a att by John Powell et. al., souih by tbe eusqaenanne river, nod weat by tbe pub lic road leading from the (loodfetlow bridge to Mcl'heraon's saw mill, eon tain ing KM Acres and 9T Pcrche, and having about Are acre cleared, a small dwelling bouse and a good saw mill erected thereon, with eioellent water power for an kind of mauufaoturing purposes, eioepttng and re serving tn ground on wnion in nern stand, bounded by the two township roads, the run from the oroharJ, the race aod creek. I KK mm. One-third nt confirmation of sale and the balance lo two equal enunel paymsnls, with interest, secured by bond aud mortgage. AARON J. TATK, Adm'r ef P. Smith. Clearfield, Pa., Oet 8tb 1H79 4t, ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OF UEAL ESTAT K, IN LAWRRNCB TOWNSHIP. By virtue of an order Issued out of tbt Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, Pa., the under- 1 sifned Administrators of the estate of ARTIH R HKKHK, late of Lawrence township, dceas-d. will tell at public sale, at the Court lloue, In Clearfield, on Saturday, November M, 170, thai valuable farm and homeatead, situated In said township, bounded and described aa follow : Beginning at a post at corner of line of Morge Butler, tbuno north five degree west twelve per ches to a red oak tbeuoe north tweniy-eight de grees east lorty-alne perch to n hemlock, near the hank of ClearOeld oreek, and nearmnuikof run : thence south thirty-two degrees west forty two perches to white oak near the t'learflsld bridge road; thence north aigbty-two dogr-wi wi forty-seven psicbea to a post in line ol lane ; thence south by lends of Samuel Tale' heir for-t-tii degrv vrttt 1HO haibdrd and twenty seven pefebe to a dead hemlock close by the aide of tbe puhli road leading from Wdj. A. Rad' sawmill lo Amos Read's blacksmith shop ; thence iiv lanns Ol Aaron u. late, tb course or said read being south, thirty degrees east fifty -four perches, to post, or ilea in taid road on line of lb Plr Martin tract t then north flftv-fivo and one-balf degree east two hundred and twen ty- four and seven ULth perch 10 the place of beginning, Containing; One Hundred Acraa ar.d allowance. Tbia la on ef tba best ttnprotod farme in tbe oounty. a 1 till 1. air KB ere cleared, fenced, and under a good atat of cultivation, baring thereon erected a large two-storr dwelling and u large RANK BARN, to gether with a pring house, norn-erlb, and tbe other necestsry cot-buildings, a well as a large orchard of frutt tree of III kinds, 2JP snd n well of eioellent water. '" Terms and Condition. One half of the nnrehas money must be oald oa confirmation of Bale, and th balano ia two equal annual pat msmta, secured by bond and mort gage on tha premise. For furtti-r information inquire on Ihe premises, or of John 0. Schrver, at Clrarleld, or fjllat Reese, Philipsburg. JUHN U. MJIIHl YKR, fILAS RKRSB, Administrators. Clearfield, Pa., Oet. 6th, IA79 4t, J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale a Eot&il Dealer in CrocorioSp Til R LAHflEPT anil BKRT PKI.KCTKD STOCK IN Till COl'NTV. COFFER, TRA, 81'UAIt, SYROP. MEATS, FIHII, SALT, on, QUEENSWARK, Tt'BS aad BITKETS, DHIKU FRUITS CAHNRD 000 IIP, SPICKS, srtooiirs, FLOUR, riRD. County Agent for LOHILLjIRD'a TOHJCCOS, Then fool arasht for CASH I l.rf. I.U, Mi Mil al alaiMl all ,rire. JAMRR H. LTTLI, Cleartel4, Pk, Jaa. II, Itrs-ljr. $100,000 00 9.000 00 6,705 66,900 00 tlUrrllnuroui T. A. FLBCK. NEW. NEW. NEW. Fall and Winter Styles, AT THE ONE PRICE T. A; FLECK & CO., 1 CLEARFIELD, PA. I XyiEUEl&& fiUck and (Jolore'l CuBhrnere-. locHiJe Drrsa Goodn, Plain rrob Goods, ... 1 .- .-!. I't 1- M .. L'lni.r.oL L'l.i.l fLn....!. JNOW Mia win, J.ndlt'tt tonm, r iiiina-m,uruj r innm-io, s ishh.i", Navy BIuu Hunncln, Watorjiroofs and Lttdies' Cloths, all colors), raiBimoro, Mon'a and Boyi' Wear, Drees Gmnoms, GuIIcooa and Muslins. Our stock was never bollor. Our Ladies' Skirts aro beautiful. Millinery Goods, A. cnmplotc Stock ut our usunl HarKnlns. fih I'lumcs, Klowcra, WinK", OHlrich Tip", all kinds of Fiincy Vln) and Birds, Now Brocade Velvet" and Silks, Satins, Blsck and Colored Silks, Black and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Glovos, Lialo Gloves, Silk Fringo, Buttons, Laces, Corsots, Embroideries, Edging,, Iniortings, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen Ilttndkorolnef., t,adioa' Tie., Ribbons, Germantown V.rlll, Zepbyrl and Funcy Yarns, LadieH,' Gent's ond Children's Underwear, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's IIoo. Wo don't inlond to have any storo in C'carfield county beat us in anything stylo, prices, quantity, quality, or selling. Give us a call and seo for yourself. Oil Cloths, Ottomans, CARPETS, T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - Market St., v m FT ?f fl'tars- fj -nsTSM.' T3JLV .1 aw ii gV.vaasK rt5end for IUaatratecl Circular nd rrices. Liberal Term to tha Trade. -t Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, MIDDI.ElOtTX, COKR., ssad No. 1V9 smd 01 W'abevatk Avenue. CUJCACK, 1LU JAMES L. MARKET STREET, tl EARflEl.!), PENN'A. AM kinds of Carkots and CofQni kept on hand, and furnished to order on short notice, including tho finest as well as tho cheapest that can be manu factured. Our oonraa FnxussxiTrxm. Is the best In use, and will be furniehed wben requirod. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leave your ordors at Troulman's Furniture ijtore, adjoining the Postnffice. .IAS. L. LKAVY, oct 1,79-ly.' Clearfiold, Pa. FOR SALE BY THE CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY, Clearfield, Penn'a, Farm Bolls, CUTTING BOXES, Furniture of all kinds, SEED DRILLS, Knitting Machines, or any other article manufac tured can be fur nished at short notioe. HH.rnror cuu t tiii. Co-trpf raSlvc Ascncy, Vltartttld, Va. grut giflffrtlsfmrntj. PROPERTY FIR" I1KNT. " Hra. Jeha B. B.lf.rlT. of Pie, tow.ahlii. offer, fnr rent a dwelling bona, aad elore room, ettnat. in Ih. village of IVnn.ille. fTT Tor fnrtberlBfonaatloa apfl, to, or ad! I'l"1! inn, Mra. 1. B. BAFFRRTT. al. 1.1,' Uramnlaa Hill,. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE -IN TUB- Sotoiij. oljititisif! THAT wall-kaow. ,roPnlr rila.te m lae nana of lae Snaa-i.o.naa ,ler, la lb. bwoaitb of vHrwen..iii., ui.ara.u onant,, Fa , eoooni.d b. th. 1.1. BKNJAM1M HAHTKIIOHN, deed, I, Thirteen Acres. t',oa wblth I, emled lae lo. frame DWELLING 1101SE, BTABLB, and iba njaeeonrT n. balldlasa, aad alM a FI.OWINO FOI NIAIH .f nn BFRINO WATRR. TkU ia a er dlrabl. ,rapwt, for a ,ri,al. n.1 d.BM. Uaow.I.mlalPRIVATI BALK, a reeMwebl. Imai. Par farther in. hrmatlaa la nliiioa I. It, rail al iba arwnlne, or a, pij is ta. anamifnna te htmb ar br letter. UUHXTHAI. W. SMITH. Attorao, for lae Balm. viearaeia, ra., ge,t. id, i7l-tf. KUSffUaofons. A. M. HILLS. DRY GOODS STORE OF GOODS, r Td liTia tr llngit, Etc. Clearfield, Pa. 1, 7 tj SIMPLICITY 3 OUPEHIORITT ni SIMPLIFIED a O MAlNTAlNEUs Improvements September, 1878' Having recard tr tbe demand of firtigrsaaiTe att. we now offer to tie World tbe wTim savanab Important Improvements KotvithsUmdiog tho VICTOR has long been tbo peer of any machine in tho market a fact aupportrd hy a lioet of volunteer witneaaeawa now confidently claim for it greater aimplicity, a wonderful reduction of ' - friction, aul altogether a Hart Com linailonof Det'trakle Qualities. For aala by Merchants end othera, LEAVY, Cliamlerlin Stump Puller, . CONKLIN WAQON, Watertown Spring Wagons, MONITOE COEN SHELLER, Hampton Dish Washers, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, Pumps of all kinds. PLATFORM SCALES, Blauchard Churn, ETC., ETC., ETC., tx 3kai'trlistmtnts. NEW FIRM Aftl) NEW GOODS! Xtoom ITo. 1, rit's Optra Sonsi, CLEARFIELD, PA. TIIK andariliBad ker. Ja.1 eaed a full Ilea af Qrne.rl.e, aaek aa TSAS, COFFRM.SnOARS.BTBtlFS.flPlCSg, DBIRD FRtllT, CANNRD FRUIT, ALSO, flMOKINO AND CIIBWINli TOBACCO, CIUARH, QtlKKNSWARB, (I I, ASH. WARE, TJNWARB, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARK. BROOMS, STO. Flour, Fool and Chop of all kinds, whtrk w. will aril al I.WMl Brim for M.k, ar x..n. fa. wrodnoa ar t rata. H.H.X IHAAC MABELS. Claarflald, Fa., Bo, I. M. I ITi-lf. if VICTOR Inl L 1 Aa,u.( 17, ISJK lf.