us ill j .I v. (;'.-, 5JJ! m 1 ! it I ." :!, 1 i 4 , :. mi 1 -'I - 'i tl us f ; s i "'A i f : I SRotri. 1 THE MANSION HOUSE Cornerof benoodnnd Market Street., lI.fcAKI'lEl.n, PA. Tilt) aid eed eommodlone Hold hai, during lit pt year, bees enlnraed It double lu former eapaolly for tho entertainment of etren ran aad fueela. Tke wbola building ba been refurnlikod, and Iba proprietor will Bpar. Bo alii U raadar ktl gueeu .omfortabl. wblla uylar. with bim. dr-The Manaloa Bona." Omulkoe raaa la ud from Iba Oapol oa lha arrltel and departure af eeeh train. W. 0. CAR DON, Jul; IMMf Proprietor LLEGnENY-HOTF.lj-Mark.t Mntt, Clearfield, Pa, Wm II ft rail la . fnnmiiU MMmlaiM t-t eka Leonard ll'-yit, having leased tb Allegheny Hotel, solrAi. ft share of public patronage, The House haa been thoroughly rip tired and newly furnished, and gueeta will And It ft pleasant slop ping plana. Tbe labia will be supplied with th beet of everything la tha market. At tbt bar will bt found tbe nest wines and liquora. Oood eianiing attacneu. n n. o. unnvui , 41. y 17, '7fl. Proprietor SUAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front street,) CLEARFIELD. PA. The undersigned baring taken charge of tbta Hotel, would respectfully solicit nublio patronage. rjiJSMPKUANCfi HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. II. D. ROSE, pMOPftllTOR, Msals, Of. Man and borao over night, It 00 Man and two borsea over night. $1.60. Tha boat of accommodations fur man and beast. WASHINGTON HOUSE. TT NEW WASHINGTON. PA. Tblt saw and wall furnished house baa baen taken by tha nodaraignad. 11a faala oonfidant ol batog abla to randar aatiafaotlon to thoaa who nay tvi aim wnp m aaii, Maj 8, U7I. 0. W. DAVI8, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala, rUILIl'SllURcl. PENN'A. Tabla alwaya aappllad witb tha beat tha markat auuru. . up u-aTOHDg pUDMO I. IDTIiaa 10 Oail, )aa l,'7. ROBKHT LOYD. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. T 00M In Maaoole Buildloit. ona door north of lVli.ll. Wataon'a Drug Htoro. Paiaata Tlokata to aad from Liverpool, Qnaana. Iowa. UlavKuw. London. Paria and Conenhaaen. Alio, Draft, for aala on tha Royal Bank of Ireland ana imperial uanK or London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pret't. W. M. BHAW, Caihier. Janl,'7r DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Htrcet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by nail will recaire prompt attan tlon, and all information abaerfully furnlbed UnJtri aoliotoO. April 11 -tf. P. K. iRMOLD. . V, A MOLD. J. B. ARNOLD "F.K.ARNOLD & CO.. ItaiikcrH mid ItrokerH, ReynoMavllIc, Jeflrinon Co., Pa, Honor reealved on denoaft. Diioounta at mo derate rate.. Ka.tern and Foraiitn Exchange al. war. on nana ana oonrotione promptly made. HeTnoldBTllle, Dee. It, 1874. -ly Jirntistrj. J L. R. nKICIIHOLD, 'iCKIIEM DENTIIT, ffradnata of the Penn.ylranlt of Dental Bnritery. Offioa la midenoe of Dr. II illi, oppoeite the ebaw liouae. mobls, '7a-tf. DR. E.M. THOMPSON, (OOoe la Bank Balldlnc) CarwenmMe, Clearflold Cu, Pa. auk II 'T-t. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (OSna In resldanee, Beeond atraat.) Kitrona Oxide Oaa admlatitered for lha pain aa extraction of teeth. Clearteld, Pa., May 1, ftUsrfUatifous. SHOEMAKING-I hereby Inform my pa tron, and mankind ia general, that I hare removed my eboemakina; Ibop to tba room la Graham' row, orer el. I. Snyder'e Je.elry atore, and tbat I am prepared t do all kinda of work ia my Una obeeper than any other ebop in town. All work warranted ae good aa ean be dona any. where ale. tble ia tbeehrapeit ibop In ClearaalJ. JOS. II. DEKK1NO. Dee. 11, 187S-IT. Wagons for salE. The nnderitgned kai on hand, at b!a ihap tn Clearield, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spring Wagons, aal Buggios, For lala. Waitern wagone af well aa tboea made here. Any af whteh will be acid ebeap for efb or approrwl aeeority. For farther information, eall ia peraon at my abop,oraddreM ma by letter. 1 HOMAd REILLY. Clearteld. Pa., April 33, ISll-tf. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factor; Ford townafalp, Claarflald Co., Pa. BURNED OUT1 BDT POT BURNED UPI ThaaabMribara bava, at fraatoipanaa.rabvllta aalgbborhood naoaaaity, in lha araetlon of a ftnt olaaa Woolaa Manafaotory, with all tha anodarn Improramanta attaobad, and ara prop trad to maka all kinda of Cloths, Caaaimaraa, Satiaatti. Blaa kata, Flannala, Ac Plenty of goodi oa band to anpply all oar old and a thoaaand now euatouara. whoa wa aak to oonoo and azanlna oar atook. Tba Miainaaa of CARDIMO AND PULLINO will raealTa oh ayUl attaatloa. Pro par arrangeoMnta will ba nado to raeaiva and dalivar Wool, to aoit oujtomara. AH work warranted and Vaa upon tba ibortaat notion, and by atrlot attoa tloa to bualoaaa wa bopa to raallao a llboral ibara af puhlio patronag 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED) Wa will pay Ua hlgbott aarkol nrUa for Woo and aall our naaafaoturaA gooda aa low aa alnllar gooda oaa bo bought la tha eoaaty, and wbono-sar wa fail to randar raaooaablo aatlafaotioa wa taa alwayi ba foand at bono raady to aka propar axplaaaktoa. altbor la paraoa or by lattor. JAME8 JOHNSON A B0N8, a-HiAtf ftownf P. A REMOVAL 1 JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald raapootfally notify (ha pabllo ganarally tba4 h baa raasotad bia Oraaory Btora from tfbaw'a Row, to iba bnlldiag feraorly oeoapiad by J. Miloa Krataar, on 8aoon0 atraot, aasl door to Btglor'a hardwara atora, wbara ha Intonda kaapiag a fall Haa of II O C K II I E H. HAMS, DRIED BEIP and LARD. 8U0ARB and 8f RDPB, af all gmdoe. TBAB, ra and Blaek. OOFFRt, RaaetH ud Oman. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJMKB FRVIT8, AU kind. In lha market PICKLES, In Jan and barrel.. SPICES, In er.ry form and rarlety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIRIM OP CRACKER. BOAPS, HATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PIACniS, DRIED CHERRIES Coal Oil and Lump CUsumti. Ab4 rd aaaarUiaal af tkaaa thlaga naaally kept la a (roeery avara, wbltk a. will axahange ter aaarkaUag al lha niarhM pritea. Will aal far aaah aa ekeaely aa aay atkar an. Flewaa aafl and ee hla ttaak aad iadg. tor JOHI McOAOOHET. ahk, Jab I, leT. SUiSttllnntous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Curwouei Ilia, Jan. V, 'IS. If. GEO. WEAVER & COn 8BC0ND BTRKKT. ...CLEARFIELD, PA., I nTB Putd up. Id the store roon lata); occupied 1 bT A Belts, on Beeond street, ft large and woll aeleeted itook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ql'EENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE HATH AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4c. Whleh they will dlipoeo of at reaaonalile ratae tor caao, or exrnaage tor country produe. OEOIinEWKAVXRACO. Clearfield, Pa.. Jan. I. IHTR-lf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agroraMo tjresjing, ulikh U at once lianulew and rlToctual, for scrving llio hair. It rosloroi. Milli the gloss and freBluiris of youth, faded or ftrsiy, light, and rrd hair, to a rich brown, or dorp Mack, as may be desired. By its u lliin hair Is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It clieekf fulling of tho hair immediately, and onuses n new grow Hi In all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, It imparls vitality and strength, and renders It pliable. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most If not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. Aa a Dressing for Ladies' Hair. The Vioon is Incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed tn its excellence. raspAan it Dr. J. C. ATER S CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemist. BOLD BT ALL DRUOOISTfl EVERYWHERE. CENTRAL Mate Normal Nchool. (Eighth formal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. iV. BA UB, A. AI.t Principal Tbts 8ohool ai at nroaaetoonatltatad. offers tho rary boat faoilitiat for frofoaaional and Olaaloal learning. Buildings tmaaiofl, inviting and oonmodioni i oonplttoly bet tad by a team, wall ventilated, and furnlrhtd with a bountiful aupply of para water, It aprirg water. booatioa baaitblal ana ey oraoMBt. Surrounding aoeoary nninrpaaaed. Teaobars aiparieneed. efficient, and aliva to thalr work. Diaeiplino, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Eipanaoa moderata. Ffty aants a weak dadaatien to thooa preparing to teaob. Slndeatf admlttad any Una. Coonet of atudy praaoribod by tho Sutai I. Modal Hrhool. If. Fraparatory. 111. K lumen- Ury. IV. Boiaat.a. adjomct cooasa: I. Aoadamla. It. Commarotal. III. llusio. IV. Art. Tba ftenantary aad Setaatlfta ooarao are Pro- faaaionat, and atudaota gradaaling tbarala raoalva Btato liploaaa,aonfarring tho following aorrea pondiog dagraaa t Mai tar of tha Satenoea. Urad uataa ia lha other oouraea raooiva Normal Cortifi- too of their attainment!, aignad by tba raoulty. Tho Profaainal eoaraas ara liberal, aad ara la thoroaghneaa not Inferior to tboaa of oar boat i it-gee, Tho Stata requiroi a biahor ardor of tl titan - abip. Tbo tlaaaa damand It. It is ana of tho prima ob)oeta of tail aohool to balp to aaaars It by furniibtog Intelligent and affleiaol Uaobara for bar arhoola. To this sod it aoltotta young par aona of good abilities and good pnrpoees tboaa wbo daaira to improve their time and thair tai anu, aa atudenta. To all snob it prom Uaa aid ia developing their powera and abundant opporta aitiea for wall paid labor alter leaving aehool. ror oataiogua ana termi aaaren tne rrineipat. BOARD OP TRUSTEES t STOCK n OLD bm' tkusths. J. H. Bar too. U. A. H. But. Jnonb Brnwa, 8. II. Biokford, Samuel Chriat, A, N. Haub, R.U. Oooa.T. 0. Hippie, Enq.( E. P MeOormlck, Kfq., W. W. Rankin, JOUN A. KOBB, ff Hon. A, 0. Cortin, Hon. II. L. Dlrffonbaob, Oen. Jaaaa Merrill, Hob. Wm Bigter. J. G. 0. Wba)y,8. alillar McOonniek, K.q. WlbLlAH dKILKH, Praiident Board of Trvataos. JEribB MKKRIL, Viae PreeidenL B. MILLAR MeCORMIOff, fiamtary. THOMAS YAKDLEY, Traatarar. Look Ilaven, feb.(T-1j, NEW AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room Mo. 4, fit't Optra Hoiat), CiurC.14, Pa. Karpaaonrtantly at kaa4 8U8AR, COPHI, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT,! SPICES, SOAP, OeMd aad DrUd Pralta, TehaM Clgan, Can. Ilea, Cldar Vinegar, Bettor, Egge, Ae. AUO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, Ac, AB .f wUak wll ha aald akaap for auk er b axakMf far .outty piwdM. JOHPJF. KRAMER. CWtali, ar. M, Sftv g,flifrtlsfiurnt. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION ur vaa - . CLKAKFiEIdD COUNTY TO aa UBLU AT CLEARFIELD, Tuiaday, Wcdneaday, Tkurutay I'rlilay October 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1879. OFFICERS: Pmbiipkht-JOUN trMITU. Hat RBTART Al. M. "ow, Tmsaicukb Joua afeUAfanar. Extern va Com'tbr IbaacM Staqb. Ki.ihra Davib, 1ic CAtnwBLL, NATBANiri. Ribhil and Lsashkb 1BNMIMU. RI'LES AND REUULTI0N8. Family Tioketa $1 OA ainxle admimoa Tiokata 2i Children nndar tan yaara old whan aooom paoied by pt rente or guardian, froa, and under tbat age not admitted unlrei aooom panted by their parenla or gutrdian Every perioa wiantog to be enrolled as a mem' bar of tba Society, upon tba navmeot of ona dol lar to tha Traaaurer, will raoalva a eertifloate of mem hen hip containing tho name of tbo appli cant. Every perion ao enrolled aa a member, ahall, on tha presentation ol aurh eartifloa'o, reoeiva a ticket wbiob will limit biiutulf, wife, and chil dren under eighteen yaara of age, during the fair. Life ucinhera of lha (Society will reoeive a aimllar ticket. All peraona muat bo provided with tiokata elgn ed by ailbar the Preeident or Chairman of the Kteoutive tomroittee, to obtain admiiaion. They win oe mrnunou ay tne Treasurer or beeraiary, or at the offloe on tba ground . Peraona noting aa jndgea are expaeted to become members of the Society. Persona from otheroountieaoan brcome member! by com pi ring with above rulea. Ladiea oan become member by the payment of fifty ocoli. Exblbitnra muit have their annimala and arti- clea enured on the Secretary 'i buok on, or be lore tba eaoodd day of tbo Pair, at 11 e'elook, and alt animate and artioiea, except horaea for nleaiura and for tha trotting premium, tnut ba brought witmn ine eneioaure aa early aa Jz o clock ui Wednesday morning. All peraona enterinc ani mail and ariiclea for exhibition muat procure oarda from the Secretary with tba number and elasa upon it, attach tha same to the animal or article previoua to being placed upon tha ground. Hay and rtraw will bo lurniahed gratia for animnli en tered for premium a, aad grain will be furnished at oak for tnotta who aeairett. purchase. Ho borea ah all re entered or allowed a premium unlet ha li free from diaeiae. llorae will be re ceived until noon on T bund ay, but muat bava been entered previously. All peraona wbo Intend to exhibit buraaa, cattle, sheep or awioe, or wbo intend to offer atook for sale on tha ground, are requested U notify the Brcro'ary of auch lu ten don oa. or before the elxtb day of October, and leave with him ft list and full description of the aatne. The number and otnaa, and tha number In the olaaa, with the name of the article will appear on tbaoard attached, but the name of the exhibitor will not appear. Premiums and Diplomas will be natd on and after the Art. Monday alter the Fair, and ujtil the first day in December, 1879, after which all moneyed premiums unclaimed will be eon aider ed aa a donation to the Socirly. Tbo office ra of tha boeiely and members ol the Committee of Ar rangement muat wear a badge designating their office. A aeleet polio force will be,in oonelant attendance lor tha prexervatlon.ot order and the protection of property. The Trotting Course I level, wall graded and one-half of a mile in circuit. Ampie arrange ment will be made for the ooavenitmce and com fort of vi si tore. Instructions to Judgea No animal or article on exhibition for a premium to receive an award tn mora than one olaaa. Tuia doea not embrace horer red for the trotting premium. Judgea are expressly required not to award premiums to over-fed animal. No premiums ara to be award ed to bulls, cowa or be iters, which aball appear to have been fattened, only in tha class of fat cat tle the ob eet of the (Society being to have su perior animals of thia deecriptlon for breeding. Fat Catlle 'The jndgea on fat eattlo will give particular attention to the anlmnla eubmitted for examination. It is believed all other thing be ing equal, the beat eattlo have the greatest weight over lha smallest tuperficea. The judges will require all this elasa to be weighed, and will take measures to give the BUperfiotaof each and pub lish tba result witb tba report. They will also, before awarding any premiums require the man ner and cost ol feeding, aa required by the regu lations of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and he may show several eattlo in one class, premiums will be award ed in aeeordanne witb the merit of tbo animal. The Superintendent will take every precaution in his power fr the aafety of a took and article on exhibition, after their arrival aad arrange ment on the ground, bat the Society will not ba responslb'e for any lot or damage thai nay oo ear. Exhibitor will ba required to giva peraon al attention to tha animal and article, and at the otoe of the Fair to attend to their removal, Any aitiele not ennmerUd in tha elaaaae plac ed on exhibition, if worthy of aotioe, will be Buli my rewarded. All the article mav be entered free of eharce. except horses for pleasure, or fur tho trotting premiums. Any information deal red ean ba obtaiaed by addressing any of tba officers. PREMIUM LIHT. Class 1 Open to all breeds and com petitors. Beit bnll three years old and upward own ed in eounty.. $8 00 Recond best 4 t Best bull between 3 and 1 year old- 00 Second twH... 8 Q Bast bull between 1 and 1 years old I "0 Seeond beet 3 00 Besteow owned in eonnly HH, 00 Beeond beat- H -M 4 00 Class 2 Grade cattle owned in count. Besteow for milk and batter .$8 00 Best heifer, I yeara old t Ofl Best beifar, X year old t 00 Bast heifer, 1 year old 3 00 Best calf andar 1 year old- 2 00 Class 3 Fat cattle. Beat fat bullock, 00 w or heifer.. $6 10 Class 4 Thorough bred horses. Open to all. Beef stallion, any bread 00 Beeond best S ftO Beat mare and eolt..... , H I 00 Class 6 Family, draught d farm horses. single family horeo Hf2 00 Best sr etched carriage horse 8 00 Best gelding or mar for work H 4 00 For tba team of two borsea that pulls tbe heaviest load on a stone-boat, a diataoce of two feet or mora & 00 Tha exhibitor will be required to prod use a statement from at least three reaponaible neigh bors,a to working qualities, of draught bortea, to entitle bim to premiums In this elaaa. Beat 1-year old oolt , .tl 00 Beet eolt under I yeara 9 00 Beatl-year old eolt 4 00 Class 6 Trotting horses owned in county. Beat tin, 8 In a. In single harness, parse.! 100 00 First borea $7 00. Beeond bora 26 00 Entrance fee, 10 par eant af puree, and at lout even en trie mutt be made, and flva borsea start. The entrance muat accompany tb nomination. Horses that win in Ibis elasa cannot eompete in elate T. Class 7 Trotting horses owned and raited in countv. Beat 1 in 8. la baraesi, port H., ...I'tO 06 First bora H...M ?24 OS Second bora..., la 00 Third bona M 10 M Entranoa fee. If per eant. of para, aad at ImmI alt eatrlea meat be made and tear borsea to atari. Entrance fee muat accompany nuniuttloa. Class 8 Trotting celts, not otter four years out. owned tn county. Best 1 ia 8, la bamras, para .10 00 Firethorae n .., IS 00 Second horse. , 10 SO Third bora H. I Entrance, 10 per aent. of puree, and at leaat fire entries muat no made and lour nnree to atari. Entrance fee moat accompany nomination. Class 9 Sheep and Wool. Best back. .H $4 00 Btftewe ....m 8 00 Best lamb 1 00 BM fleece wooL 00 Class 10 Swine. Beet boar t4 00. Beeond bast 1 to Beat sow and piga H.H 1 00 Beet pig nnder 4 months old . S Heaviest ffcl bog H 8 00 Second beat 1 00 Class 11 Poultry. Beat coop 4 spring ebickana $ 00 Beat display af ehiekeaa, not leas than It... S 00 BestS tar key a lader aa year I 00 Class 12 Plows, rollers, drills, harrows and cultivators. Beat plow for t abb lea or award it 10 Beeteab-aell plow g n Beet clod eruaber aad roller combined 8 00 Best grain drill M no Beit tbraablng maehiae fl Best aom planter Hp. Bret borea-rake i oo Meat bay pttebiog machine H BeatorlgineJiavealioaafag'Umplimaat... I 00 Best barrow H i oo Beit fanning nill 00 Best cultiTe or. m u...u" 1 00 Beat corn shelter , H 1 qo All artioiea la this elasa not manufactured In theeoanty, will bo awarded ae moneyed premi ums, bnt may receive a diploma. Class lZltisceltancous Fuming Im plements. Beat beehive M $ Q0 Best grain eredle ...,.... M I 00 Beet lot of garden toot H j oe Beet display of farming ateaatlf owned by exhibitor M 00 This alas tabjeot to the rale ia Class IS. Class 14 Cereal Grains. Bast t acres af wlatar bat...H..,.H,M.,4iO 00 Bart barbel of winter wheat ... o Beat t acre of rye ... a an Beat beebel af rya..w........M...- S Beet t aero ei hU H n e BeMteraaebwhaiMHM.MMMMd.H..M. ft 0 Beet 8 aoraa af eon M.. .,mH 8 00 Beet I aoreef otevar al..m... ..... 4 () Bvet I amabel of peUtoee ,... 1 00 Best i baaaal of liaoUj aea4..HM...MH... 1 N Orowa Mng aqaaj, nreferens will be giraa U llm; arfrtistiufntfl. tbose tbat yield tb largest net profit. Htatementa to be furnished by the exhibitor. Thay muat be ma eeured or a fin bed, aod a sample furnished at'elr. Apphee ia fur premiuma muat furnish the aommittee aiih a statement signet by them selves, under plrdnrof veraeily, of the ifualny of grain raised oo the gmund entered for a premium, and mu't itate aa oomully as be oan the kind and aundiitoa of the previous crops, the kind and quantity of need sown, and tue time and mode of pulling it in tbe ground. Persona enter tug field orope tor exhibition, or Intending to d ao, may giv notio to the Executive 0 did ml tie at any time, and bav tbe-tie id measured and ex amined by the oorainittae wblla growing. Class 15 Bread and Cereal Food. Beat loaf or wheat bread H 3 60 Brat loaf ofrye bread. &" Best loaf of corn bread 60 Best sponge waktv , Dip. Heat jt-lly oak Dip. Beet pound eak H Dip. Uest Iruit cake M Dip. Heat coffee cake M Dip. Heat lady cake Dip Heat oake of any kind . &0 Hast preserves b" Best jelly SO Boat display of preserves and Jelly 1 nil Best toe cream iVu Class If! Butter and Cheese. Beit 10 pounds or more of firkin butter, at least 8 month old 2 Of Beat 5 pounds or more of butter 1 00 Best oboese made by exhibitor..... S 00 The exhibitor to give a statement of tbe man nor of preparing the firkin butter, and of making the chef se. Class 17 Flour. Best 100 pounds wheat floor 1 00 Bust H'O poande bwfcwh.t Hour 1 00 Heat 60 pounda com meal 60 Bvat 60 pounds rya Hour 60 Class 18 Domestic Articles. Beat boi, or jar of honey $1 00 Beat peaches put up air-tight 60 Best tumatoea put up air-iigbt 60 Beat blackberries air tight 60 Beat fanny jar of pickle 6" Beit cured baa M Bert dried beet, with mode of curing 60 Class 19 Domestic Manufactures, Rest 10 yards of flannel S 00 Best 10 yards or aatinet 1 00 Beat 16 yarda woolen oarpet t (10 Beat 10 yards cloth I CO Best 10 yards rag carpet (woolen ohaio)...- 3 0(1 Best pair blanket 1 Oft Bast wool fringed mitt 60 Beat woolro coverlet 1 00 Beat special n of knotting, knittingr or needle-work by Mis under II year old.. 1 00 Best pound stocking yarn ... 6U Best foot mat 60 Beat tidy mat 60 Class 20 Seedk, hell, waxwork, etc. Rest specimen of needlo-work 60 lieat aLeoimen ot aewiog oa machine Beat spec i men of fioweia tn worsted 60 Best specimen of embroidery ia won teal,... 60 Beat specimen of embroidery In lac 60 Best specimen of leather work 60 Best specimen of wax flowers 60 Best specimen of feather work 60 Best specimen ol ornamental work 60 Bolt shirt made by Mine under 12 yeara., ..$1 00 Beat bed quilt, eitlauted fer work 1 Ou Class 21 Millinery and Dressmaking. Best millinery work $1 00 Best dressmaking H. 1 00 Class 22 Artistic Work. Best photograph taken on the ground Dip. Best landiaape painting Dip. Best pt'n drawing Dip. Best architectural drawing Hip. Best oil painting Dip. Best portrait painting Dip Hest cattle painting Dip. Best p ninting in witter color .Dip Best ore a me tit .il paintlnguf any kind Dip. Best farming aoene Hip. Beat pc linen rustic work made by exhibitor. Dtp. Class 2ii Designs Best d'.lgn for farm house and stable $H 00 Best aeittfn for dairy home 1 Cil Best design fur fruit house 1 00 Class 24 Metallic Fabrics and Mac'ry. Beit cooking storing .$5 l0 Best parlor store 2 I'O Heit specimen of iron fence S & Best lot of tinware 1 00 Bestblarkimilbing 1 00 Best specimen or iron turning 1 00 Beat plate casting 1 00 Beat original invention in the county H 6 00 Best dirplay of American table and pocket eutleiy , 2 00 Best d if flay of edge tools 1 00 Boat specimen of gunsuitbing 1 00 Class 2 j Vehicles of all kinds. Best family carriage $3 00 Best buggy 2 00 Beat fatm wagon 2 00 Best sleigh . 2 00, Beat lumber sled 1 00 Heat horse ean . 1 6" Beat wheelbarrow M 1 00 Tha premium In thia el ana are intended on'y fer artioiea manufactured in the county by tha exhibitor. Diplomaa may be awarded to artioiea not made In tn county, if deremng or notice. This rule alao applies to Chute 2V and SO. Class 2ti Cabinet ware made in County. Beet drasaina; bra S3 00 Beat a tension table - 1 00 Beat variety of entire- 1 6 it Beatbeditead - 1 00 Bet washstand 60 Beat aatof parlor furniture 4 00 Beat aet ol ekaira I 00 Beat aofa . 3 00 Beet teat re table....,, I ito Beet lounge M 1 00 Beet offioe ebair H 60 Beat rutin ebair I no Class 27 Coopering, Carpentering, c. Bet pice ware tube, atanitl, Ao 2 00 Beat aet of grain meaauras ... 1 00 Beat window blind 2 0(1 Best tot of bucket 60 Host specimen of aaah 1 00 Beat panel door 3 n Beat pump of any kind..... 3 00 Class 28 Boots and Vegetables. Beat I boibel rutabaga..... 00 Beat I beabel oarrota H 1 00 Beat 12 i talks or aelary 60 Beat bair bushel aweet potaloea 1 00 Best 1 bushel table beet H 60 Beat 4 bead oabbage... 60 Beat variety or meloo 60 Best squaahe n 60 Bett pumpkin 60 Beat egg plant 60 It uuii be abown that alhegeiabka have been raised by tbe exhibitor. Class 29 Curriers, Saddlers and Shoe makers. Beat di'play of hoot a and shoes 12 00 Beat riding aad die for lady 3 00 Beat ridtLg bridle aod martingale 60 Bvat side Quia bed harness leather 1 00 Beat Heigh rube made by exhibitor 1 00 Best carriage harness 3 On Best single barnea . 2 On Best side hip leather 60 Beat side sole leather 60 Brat tug harness 3 00 Best gentleman' saddle H. 3 An Best traveling trunk 1 00 Best calf-kin 60 Best side upper leather - 60 Class 30 Tailors' rf - Upholsterers work. Beat suit of clothe mad by hand it 00 Best panta and veat made by a lady I 60 Beat bosk mattre S 00 Best straw mattre 1 V0 Bcsteoat mad by n iauv I CP Class 31 Printing in County. Bent newspaper tl 00 Beat blank 60 Best handbill H 60 Beateard - 6ft Beit specimen of ornamental printing H 3 00 Class 32Stonetcare. Best assortment and quality 3 00 Class 3.i Wood and Stone. Best 4rfd etona.. $2 00 Hest butter bowl 60 Best turned art tela 1 Oo Best floor board, worked 1 00 Beat washing machine 60 Best weather board, worked 1 00 Class 34 Natural Minerals, Best auit of uaefnl minerals of Clearfield County, Including eoal ft 00 Bert poller clay H 60 Best limestone I 00 Beat fir eiay 60 Class S6 Yttif. Beat dlrplay and greatest variety of grafted applea - 18 00 Best peck of bean a 1 00 Best peek ofquinoe 1 00 Bert bunbel apple 1 00 Beat 10 ponnda American grape m I 00 Bert 6 pound natural grapaa 1 OP Btt dometie grape win 60 Best currant wine M HH 40 111 back berry win o To be tba property of the Boclty. ' Class 36 Horsemanship. To the lady who manages her horse best and lite moat graeefally Dip. To tbe gentleman wbo manage bia borea bt aad ait aot gracefully . Dip. Brat driving on track by a lady H Dip. Heat braea band Dip. Beat band of martial maaio Dip. Class 37 -Nurseries, Best nursery containing tba greatest variety of fruit and brabe, ooitivated In the tnoit approved manner, tbe applicants to firniab written description, witb variety and mode of aultare ..tS 00 Discretionary premiums will be awarded for all articles of merit not embraced tn the above, and exhibited by median ica In nil tbo varioa bra cbe, and It is boned tbat a general exhibi tion will be made. Fer all improeemeot uaefal to h farmer, and having valuable pmpertie. altbouah not made la tbe eoaaty, pram I ami may ba awarded by tn ExeauUva Committee. Ia all ease of merit diploma will be awarded ta ai- manors reetaing out or iaa eonaty, aaa eca person a ara eord tally Invited te ottond tba Fair, and axbibil nay article tbey may choose. 1 hey . will reoeive every attention at ta bands ot tn officer. Aa earn eet appenl 1 mad tn ear people to make tbta tbe b-at Fair aver held In tbe eoaaty. j A glance at tba 1'remiam List, a published above, will show tbat thia Fair la strictly for lb benefit of the farmer af Claarflald ooanty, and It 1 hoped tbat tbey will give ae Ueir hraty ee-1 operation. rereona desirous er rautlag stalls, er getting the privilege of tba ground for refrerbmeat , tsada, em, will addrea er eall upon I aaa 14. Blag, Olearflald, Pa. Any Inquiries addreaaod te tbe RenraUry will roe It a prompt reply. JOHN BMITU, , Ala. ss. tlUW, Deeratary, maiden I. Clearflold, Pa, Sept. If, 1170-It. 1 THE REPUBLICAN., ja. WEDNESDAY MuRSINIl, OCT. . U!. A 11UMIUAT1SG SPKVTACI.K. Tho President and Secretary of the TreaMliry In lite Clutches or a Memberof the Louisiana Returning Board. CAfe.lNAVIi'tt Dl'.HANI) I'OH I AMI II AY KH AND SlIEItUAN DQl'lltM, UI'T AltE I'URCKD TO ITKNIflll THE KIIKKF.1.1 ANOTHER CHATTEIl IN THE EKIIIT TOSIVEN HlhToIlV. Cueunavo lurnilH"J llin following Htalomcntto tho ClmUKO Times: "When llii'so ii'iiiiiiiul irocct'tliiiK woro boL'im. Slonsrn. Antlcriton nnd Wells, Ruinxt wbem tlio proscpntion was puriiciiliiily and uHpeciully direct, ed, employed Moan". C'uilom and Cas tulliiiiox, atlnrtiers to doll'iid them. I assented to it upon assurance from Mr. Anderson, who showed mo a letter, which ho said wus from Wat.lmiL'Um, and, 1 supposed, written by Secretary Sherman, to the en"ecl that funds would he sent tn dufruv all tlio ex petisoa incurred lor our defense. After tho. trial, and I ho acquittal of Ander son, Mows. Cullom and Castellanos demanded their lee, and alter repealed efforts to collect it, they sued the boutd and cot jndj'niunt. Ihe other mem bers liuvit, r nulhing, my properly was seized and udvertieed lor sale by '.he Sheriff to pay tho amout. The jud mont wus originally 85,000, but S1.7U5 has noen paid, luavin a Imlanco ol .l,l.i. "Oo tlio other members ol the board refuse to pay this amount ?" " W oil, thev have failed to do it. "Are they not !ioldiii jrooil offices, in the .New Orleans Custom House?" "Vcr, Anderson, Wells and Keunor, and all their family connections, num bering not less that forty persons, are drawing money from the L'niled iStalcs government, besides the stealings, which, if what everybody says is true, amount every month to lis much as this udiimont. "How did you Imppcn to como here auout this matter r 1 should think tho other members, having such good places In the Custom House, would not cure to have this case brought to the attention ol tba Administration r "iielore coming hero I called upon Anderson and Kenner, who refused to pay anything. I went to Wells' office f requently to see him, but could never find him. He him been absent fromJ bis ofh'i'0 a long time, and it is difficult to find him. Seeing that I could get no assistance Irotn the other memhers, and being pressed continually for pay ment by the a'torney, who threatened to sell me out at Sheriff's sale, if 1 did not pay speedily, 1 thought 1 would como to Washington and seek relief Irom tboso I bail helped into the high and lucrative oflico they now hold. This is what brought mo hero. J could get nothing out of tho officers in Louisiana. Therefore, I camo to try those higher up, but no less tho crea tures of the Returning Hoard. I had great confidence in my mission here, remembering the ancient Spanish say ing that 'it is not mueh to give a leg to him who gave you tho fuwl.' " "How many appointments havo An derson, Wells uud Kenner of their family connections and friends in the .New Orleans Custom House?'' "Not less than lil'tv, including sons, sons-in law and lathers in law and their sons. "To illustrate : There is Anderson, Deputy Collector, salary 1 3,000 ; An derson's son, Clerk, salary f 1,400 ; Ben Hloomlleld (Anderson's son's father in law), Auditor, I2,00; (ieorgo ISIoom field (son of Hen, and brother-in-law of Anderson's son), Clerk, 11,200 ; J. Notilio, (friend of Anderson), salary, $1,460; Ijouia Demarais (friend ol Ar. denton), salary 12,500; William It. Johnson (friend ol Anderson), 81,600 ; and Louis K. Sullus, also a friend of Anderson, J2.000 per annum. Mr. Sallcs has charge of tlio dead bead and sinecuro roll which has drawn from the Treasury Irom ll.fiOO to 13,000 for each month sinco Anderson and Wells have controlled the Now Orleans Cus tom House, and this fact must be well Known to tho Secretary of tho Treas ury. Then thoro are Louis M. Ken ner, Deputy Naval Officer, salary 12,500 ; a brother (Alexander Kenner), Clerk, I1,C00 ; anolbor brother (Dick Konner), 1600 per annum. '.Veils is Surveyor of tho Port at a salary and fees amounting tn upwaril of 13,000; his son (Alex. Wells), Deputy Sur veyor, at a salary ol 12.500 ; K. R. Rohinson (son in-law of Wells) salary $1,080, and other of tho family con nections." "Who have you seen ubout this matter or relieving yott from paying tuis juoginent r "I callod on tho President in com pany with General Kypher tho next day alter my arrival. Ho treated mo courteously, but mado no otter to re lieve mo and remarked tbat ho bad nothing to do with it. but advised mo to sco .Anderson, who ho thought would lottie it. ueneral Kypher sug gested to tho President that bo convey bis wishes in this regard to Genoral Anderson in authoritative form, which no doubt indtico Anderson to nav. but lor me (Ivanovo) in return to uouisiana with tho 1'resident s verbal mossago would bo useless. Tho I'resi dent took alarm at this suggestion and retreated behind tho Cabinot, which was about assembling. 1 also called on Secrotary McCrary, who expressed much sympathy Tor mo and said : 'II 1 was ablo I would pay this judgment myself, but I am a poor man and live entirely upon my salary. It should be paid at once 1 Of conrao I wns very grateful to thoSccretury for these kind expressions. I mxlsaw Messrs. Sheila barger and Wilson, to whom 1 ex plained my case. They advised mo to see Assistant Secrotary llawley, which I did in company with General Sypher. Mr. llawley relerred me to Mr. Shellahargcr, who, ho said, would attend to it. 1 saw ilessrs. Shellahar gcr and Wilson, who assured me, on a promiso of Mr. llawley, that tho money would bo raised on tho rot urn of Mr. Sherman, who wus thon in Maine and would ba home in a week. 1 wailed contentedly a week, believ ing it would be satisfactorily arranged. I called on Mr. Sherman on his return; he received mo very cordially. I stated my caso to him, explaining how my proporly was about tn bo sacrificed and showed him, explaining how my property was about to be sacrificed and showed bim a copy of tho Sheriff'! writ. Ilo answered tbat he knew nothing about It, and that he did not seo why Anderson did not settle this mat ter, but thut tho money ought to bo raised, and that bo would give 1 100, which he allcmpiod to take from his pocket, romarking at the same time, 'You go and soo some ot the leading Republicans and collect something Irom them.' My reply to him was : '1 have been to see the President and yourself, and I know no other loading l(epubli cans. Is that tbe boat you can do for mo, Mr. Secretary r Ho answered: 'That is all 1 can do. 1 am only bore on a salary, and I can't pay every thing.' "I tben took my hat, as 1 did so, saying : '1 thank you sir. That amount wouldnot pay my traveling expenses to Washington I' Tbon I left his office, being very much disappointed and de pressed at tha thought that I was go ing to be sacrificed and ruined whilo othora wore boing enriobod in the high offices Into which thoy bad climbed on the laddor I helped to set op. For the first time in my life 1 realised the force of the French aphorism, 'Serve a great man and you will know hut sorrow is.' 1 again sought tbo advice of Mnellabargc r, to whom 1 bud expressed my great disappointment at tho man. ner in bi(li 1 had- been, treated J'y Hit) Secretary aller having been ne sured upon the word ot Mr. llawley thut tho matter w ould bo arranged on the return of Mr. Sherman from Maine. In my excited feelings 1 said to Mr. Shellubarger that 1 would expose the whole mattor ot tho Koluriiing Hoard proceedings and go home, pocket the loss. He very kindly advised mo not to throw the handle alter tho pot, hut wrote a lottor setting lorin tne lacts in the caso and advised mo to await results fur a few days. 1 acted upon his advice nnd prepared a letter, a copy ol which 1 will you which I delivered to the President and a copy to Mr. Shermun. "In a few hours after tho delivery of this letter I was informed that 8300 had been sent to Collector Badgor at ow Orleans, to apply in payment of the judgment, and tbat moro would bo sent. The next day I wus told that $500 moro had been forwarded to be applied in tho saino manner, which 1 have since learned is not correct. "Tho second installment of $500 was not sent. On tho morning of the 13lh I received this dispatch Irom home ; "Nair Ori.iaki, l, , Auj. 2, I87 tl.C.a naro, Wa.tilDxtin, 1. C : The et.lile autl non-t.-nta are adv.ttlinl tn be eoM Saturday, Iftth 1 hut em 1 to do t V. Cahahavs. This alarmed mo very much, and I went ut once with tho dispatch to Messrs. Miellunitrger , W ilsou, and appealed to them to .Beo Secretury Miurman immediately, and get a definite answer whether relief would bo given me, and, if so, when, as the time lor tho sale was then only three days off; for if no relief was to he expected Irom tho administration, 1 would go homo ut onco and try to save my property. In a lew hours, u Hording time for a conference between Sherman and his attorneys, this dis patch was handed mo to send, and 1 did so at my own ex pen so : Wa.iiikotoi, D. C, Aug. l::th, IS7P Tu E. Nonril Cei.t.ln, Nr. Driven,, I..., Kxahan.;. Atl7, near Cu.tntn !lu.e .treat : Should we tend l.ouo more on K.turninf Hoard lydprnenl wdl joa give a rraionaule nine !r aianoe r bYHKI.I.AaAHGR A Wll.XoX. To which tho following is a reply shown mo by Mr. Shellabargor : Naw Orlrasx, Aug 13. 1ST9 MR.HiiH.6naL. LAnA.o.H A Wilhon, Waihiurlon, U. t'.t ll tou eend me I2.'.l) n-ore, making a total of I,7SU, and Caiaoare will give ecaurltjr not to dirpote ol ui, properly i win w.K nil January l.u K. Nuiitb Cullom. After reading this dispatch 1 said to Mr Shellabargor that I desired tbe matter definitely settled, ao that I could bo relieved and my property re leased Irom luo custody ot the sheriff, and that 1 could not give security for tho payment of tho balance of the judgment. Mr. Shellabargor wrote this substantially on tho buck of the telegram. inclosed it in an envelope, autl 1 carried it to Mr. Sherman. In about an hour after, 1 railed on Mr. Sheila burger to learn if ho bad received any answer. He said yes. Webb Hayes bad just been thero, and said that a detective roported that thero was fraud nnd collusion in this matter, and that the whole thing was dropped, and that I should go to sco tho I'resident. This statement overwhelmed mo with surprise. 1 wnscomplctoly dumb founded. I finally said that 1 would go to the President if Mr. Shellubarger would give mo a note saying that be desired to sec mo. Ho gave me this card : "I recorum.nd CnHenare to eall on tbe Preei dent t. gi.e him Ihe opportunity to .peak to Ce.- nnve ai'Out the Ir.ud toat in. d.tvoli. .put. about, provided the dreirea. 8. d." 1 called at tho White House, nnd learned that the President had gone for the day. This thing worried mo terribly, and I wont to my room think ing about Hayes charging mo with fraud and collusion. Fraud and oollu sioti for $3,000 1 And even that amount, il raised, would not bo paid to me I 1 might have mado (50,000 once if 1 had committed a fraud, and 1 think it would bavu been in the interest of tbo country and morals if 1 had taken the money, for not doing so 1 have been pronounced a fool. After sleeping on tbo matter, i concluded tbat if 1 did not want to lose my character, as well us my proporty, 1 had bettor quit tho company of Mr. Hayes and bis Secro tary of the Treasury. I may bo ablo to stand tbo loss of my property, but tu be charged with fraud and collusion by this administration ought to shame tho devil, I determined to roturn homo at onco, and mado preparations to do to, but befbro doing so I con cluded to call once more on Mr. Shol labargcr, who had been so kind tome. 1 did so and slated my grievanco again, Including tho fraud story, which I denounced as false and infamous. Ho went to the Secretary again, and in a liltlo while returned and banded mo this dispatch, which 1 signed and sent to Mr. Cullom : "WAHKiHaras, D. 0., Aug. II. H7VB. North Caflloia, Alley, New Orleane, l.a : Will aauee tl,0u0 to ba nailed to-d.y, provided yon will wait till January lor and atop lala to morrow. Aniwer Immediately. li. Cabasatr. "To which I received this reply: ' Naw Oai.RAsa, La. Aug. 15, 167J 0, Caea. nnre, Washington, D. O.i Iwillnnt. Sale got, OB. K. NtfRTK OoLLOM. "I banded the dispatch to Mr. Shel lubarger, who indorsed on the back as follows : "I telegraphed that 1 would send the $1,000 if tho sale would ho stopped and thu plaintiff wait for the balance until January. This is thu answer: What shall I do with tbo $1,000 1 To Secretary Sherman. "I delivered this to Mr. Sherman at tbo Cabinet meeting, through a mes senger. Ho returned il to Mr. Sheila, barger, written upon as follows: "You muy offer tho twelve hundred and filly dollars. "Upon receiving this I telegraphed Cullum as (oIIowb : (Mr. Sbcllabargnr wroto the telegraph.) "If stop aalo and wait for balance till January will send twelve hundred and filty to morrow and arrange the security you ask. "To which 1 received tho following reply, which 1 handed to Mr. Sholla burgor lute Friday evening : "New Ori.bahh, La., Aug. 15, 1870 O. Oaia hto, Waeuington, It. 0.1 Hee y telrgram ta boellaherger end WllsaB. 1 mnft have In band eerenioon anodrwd and ftfty dollara hy 10 A. li. to-morrow. If not aala will go oa. The aeeurlly yon offer ia aatl.faotory. B. Honrs Cui.lom. "On Saturday morning Mr. Sbolla- barger telegraphed Collector Badger to turn over the 1500 lor Cullom and dupositod $1,250 to Cullom's credit in Kiggs bank and he said Mr. Kiggs had telegraphed Cullom to draw for that amount. About two o clock 1 receiv ed this telegram from my brother : Naw, La., IS, 17 O. Caaanaer, Waablnitto, D. O.i All proeeedinge atopped HBlil January let. P. Cabasavb. "Hero ends the first chapfor." "Then, if 1 understand you corroct ly, tho administration has paid on this judgment against tho Returning Hoard, lor tbo payment ol which your prop erly was seixed by thcSheritf, $1,750." "Yes, sir. After pleading and beg ging lor seventy-five days I wormed out of tho ad ministration this amount." "How much will remain unpaid ?" "Tbo balance of the judgment un paid will be $1,375 besides the costs of Court and tbe Sheriffs costs, which Will amount to perhaps $1,000 more. "Who do you cxnoct will nay all of this?" "I can't tell ; but according to tho arrangements made with Mr. Cullom, who received the $1,700, 1 am expect ed to give security for its payment wnen 1 get uomo. "Yon seem to have been badly treat ed." "Yes, sir ; I bava boon. I have suf fered both aooiall and materially. For tnr eorvicea in 1872, 1 received Stale warrants, which I negotiated at a heavy discount. In 1870 I received I no compensation whatever but was ' .1 .l r . .n,l l.n.inn.. uiuguu iruiu my uo.uu ... ...ohv..b to Washington, and confined thirty tbiee days in the Capitol, and after wardlnearcoiatcd in the parish prison, in New Orleans, and when I was dis charged here, in company with others of thu Hoard, 1 went to the Sergeant-nl-Arms, John G. Thompson, to inquire what provision had been mado for do fraying our expenses, and to ascertain how we wore to get home, and wo wero politely iulormed by that dignitary that wo might walk homo. My pres ent visit is an additional expense. II a part of tho judgment fulls on mo, which is now probable, 1 do not know what tho wholoof'may outlay will be. Heretofore my standing and credit have been good, as any bonorablo man in New Orleans, who knows mo will certainly testily. My business was prosperous and profitable, but sinco my jniieclion with Wells and Anderson uud Returning Hoard mutters, 1 have been proscribed in various ways. "Havo you never receded unything in the way of compensation for your services or expenses from the adminis tration !"' "No; nothing whatever. Yos--I mistake. I did receive something. On tho 3d of March, 18715, when tho Returning Hoard members wore sel at liberty from tlioir imprisonment in the Capitol we called on Mr. Hayes, who was stopping nt Mr. Sherman's on Iv street. He received us with a gush and invited us to take a petite sandwich and a cup of cofl'oo. This is the extent of his fuvors to mo. My relations to this administration have been like tho tailor of Cnmpcllo 'who worked for nnthingand found thread. "Mr. Casanave. when do you expect to return to your home in Louisiana ( "I bono to shako the dust of Wash ington Irom my foot within tho next twenty-lour hours and not to roturn until Ibis administration, which be trayed tlio Republican party of my state, shall nave terminated Its mut inous existence. ItUscrllanrous. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curwaoirilla, fa. Jan. , '71-tf. Full Your Stumps! FOR EALK II v run Co-Operative Agency, CLEARF1KLT), PF.NN'A. July Iota. 18; if. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing; Hachino - No. 8. .f .re ir i.i'i'e'rro.t. Straight Needle, Silsnt, Easy Running, At the Paris Exposition, 1878, 'Wheeler & Wilson received tho only urana rnze awarded lor sowing Machines. Over 80 com petitors. Report of the American Institute of Kea lorkontht H Aorr H iMon Machine: " We do not hositato to doclure it Tin best Sswinci Apparatus in the World." Tba No. S and No. 7 Manufacturing Mecbiaei araeipeelellrreoemaiended for UIOhMAkKllS and TAILORS' ara. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank, CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELER 4 WILSON MT'O CO., 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, April 1, 1871-Vm. SPBlin'B F0RT6BAFE WINE Used (a the principal Churches for Cea.nBloa purpose!. Ssosllont forLaiios and Weakly SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I FOtn OM. rphls Celebrated Nttlrt Wie Is nude froa (be JL Juice of the Oporto flrepe, raised la tbts Voaoij. ju In r tunable Tonic and Strengthening Properties are ansBrpkiifd he but ether Natl re Wine. Be- trig the par Juioe of the tirepe, prodaeed mlfr Air. rprer owb personal apervttion, us parity end gen tout are guaranteed. The ynuojreit AD l id may partake or Its generous qealme, ana the weakest In rat id an it to advantage. It Is particularly beneficial to the aged and debilita ted, and suited to tho various ailments that af- fret the weaker r. ft Is ) erery respeet A SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, Tha P.J. 811 K URY la a Wine tt Buperlor Ch a nutter, and partaken of tha golden qualities ot tbe grape fro to which It la matte. For Parity, Rlfhness, Flavor and Medicinal Properties, It will be fenn4 aneirelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDT, Thia BfcANDY rtamfaanrlraled la tale wastry. being tar eanerlor for Medloal paraoeea. IT In A POM a-l.llUallon from tbegropaaod Mntalna valaabte awdtoal propMtlaa. II beaadMlMle Sa.or, .taller U thai m tha rape. Ine wnl.b It le aHatllles, ae. to in great faear among trat-elaae faenlllaa. Roe tbat lb. elgnatwr. af ALFRill RPKRR, Peeeele N. J., la arar tbe awrk af aeeb bottla, SOU) ST S. W. PRATT AM, laly (, urMr. 1 0 r -. - tt ill- I H . il iv 0nr (Oivn adurrtiffmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Habllan.d nery WadaaeiUy by G. B. GOODLANDER, ILKAHrlKI.II, PA., Haa the Largest Circulation ol aujr paper la Mortbwenlern Penuaylvanls. The lurgo and constantly increasing circulation of tho Republican, renders itvaluublo to business mon aa a modium thro' which to reach the public Terms oi Subscription : If paid in advance, . , . f 2 00 If paid after throe months, . 2 50 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 3 times, . fl 60 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Noticos, , .2 60 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, ... I 50 Diasolution Noticos, . . , 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 lines, yoar, 6 00 Special notices, por lino, ... 20 YKAIU.Y ADVKRTISEMKNTS : One square, lu lines, . . . f8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth column, .... 50 00 Ono half column, .... TO 00 One column, ... 120 00 11LANKN. We have always on band a lnrg atnek of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, STJBPtENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, oVo., Ao., ' &o. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING sticn as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, 40., A.O., IN THE BUST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS UY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE. PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II. doedlander, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa, Ittisttllanfous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cnrwenerllle, I'.., Jan. S, '78 tf. MOMCV TO I.OAK.-On t;l 0I. B. prored farm propeilr, by tbe Molaal Lite liuurenoe Cusipany of New York, on lr.t mort gage, In anme Irom ll.tue up. For furlbrr la foriaalioB apply tottie nnd.reigneil. HI K.XTHAI, W SMITH. Clearteld Pa., May 7tb, A Bank that Never Breaks. Try Jly .Coal. The utiderrigoed adopts this method of in fort. Ing tba nn to. nui consumers, tbat his iel biok Il not a Winter arraDgiment only, but that it will be operated in the tiutnmer as well as Win ter. I elaiai that I have tbe Beet Coal in the Market, and will sell it for easb, or in exchange for flour, feed, grooeriee, ete. Large eon tracts will be made at a very small profit. For full particulars eall on me ia person, residing in one of Urabam'i upper houses, or addrrss me through the poit office. Orders left at the pontoffiee will 'retire prutapt aiteotloii. TlhiH. A. Pl'CKKlT CUarheld, l'a., Jan. o, M7V-tf. a. m'curklb. d. kilbhur. tl Mill, Mt't'ORKLE & tO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, CI ear Held, Pt, Wa maBafaeture all kinds of Fumiinre for Cuambera, Dining Hooua, Libraries and Ualls. If joa want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you aaa our stock. IT N I E It TAKI S In all Iib branrbea, promptly attended tik OI'ILCII, MrCOKKLK A CO. Clearfield, l'a., Fen. It, '7. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & ST A TIOXEH Y Market lit., ClearCeld, (at the Poet ti(u e.) THE anderstgoed bege leave to announce to the eitiiens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be haa fitted op room nad has just returned from tbe city with a large amount of reading matter, oonsisting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneons Books, Blank. Aeooant aad Pan Boohs of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes, French pre teed end plain; Fens and Pencils blank Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages f Judgment, Eiemp tlon and Frousiiarv notes ( While aod Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Crp. end Bill Cap, Sheet Music, lor eitlier Piano, Flute or Violin, eonstantly on bend. Aay books or stationary desired tbat 1 may not have on bond, will be ordered by irst express, and sold at wholesale or re mil to euit eustomert. I will also keep periodioal literature, anob as Magaaiaes, Newappnrs, Ac. P. A. UAUL1N. Clearfield. May T, lft68-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IN L l T H E R S RU R (J . Hereafter, goods will be sold for CASH on It. or tn eioheoite for prodnoo. No boobs will be kept in the future. All old accounts must be settled. Those who cannot eak op, will please band over their notes and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to sell mv roods at easb priees, and at a discount far below tbat ever offered in this vleinity. The discount I allow my customers, w.ll maketfaem rich In twenty years If way if -now my eavioe ana nuy inetr goods inm ie. i win py earn ror wheat, oeta nnd clover ed. DANIKL OOODLANDKH. Luthemharg. Jnsuary 17. 1R7T. HARTSWICK & IRWIN , BICOND STRKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALRRg ID PURE DRUGS! C H E M I C AL 8 I PAINTS, OII5, DYE STUFF VARNIHHR8, BRU81IK8, PRRPUMKRY, - FANCY 800DS, TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND 11QUOR8 for Medietaal pirpoeee. Troisee, Supporter, Bohool Booka aad Station, ry, and all other artioiea aeaally found la a Drug Store, PHYSICIANS PP.RSCRIPTION8 CARB FULLY CUMPOUNDKD. Having Inrge ek perlenee la tba business they aaa give entire sel la fact km. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIV. CoHlold. DeetW Id. 1R74. JJARD TIMES 1IAVJ NO RPPKCT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am aware that thero are some peraona a little hard lo please, and I am also aware that tbt complaint of "hard timee" ) well alga nnivereaL. Uat I am so ei mated now that 1 ean satisfy tba former and prove conclusively thai "hard tinea" will not effect those who buy their ggode from ma, and all my putmna shall he initiated Into the at oret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t hare (ooda eaoo.a to .apply all the taato in the low.r and af the eowaly which I eell MULMONUIIRU, whar. I ean al..,. h. band rwdy to wall npnn aallere and supply them wltk Dry Goods of all Kind, Saoh m Clothe, Datlnetla, Caaelmeraa, Maellna IMalnaa, Lines, DrlUlafe, CalieoM, Trieamln(a, Rlhbone, Lao., Randj-made Clothlna. Boota and Rhone. Hate and Cape .11 of tha heat material ud aaada U order Uoe., Boota, Ulntae, Miluaa, Laoae, Rlhbone, Ao OROCKRIIS OF ALL KINDS. OofM, Tea, Rut-ar, kloa, llolaaeoe, Pl.h. Sale Pork, Llaaoed Oil, Vleh Oil, Cerhoa Oil. Hardwara, Qaoonawsra, Tinware, Ca.tlni, Plowe and Plow Oaatln(e, Nalla, Splkee, Corn Carrie a tre, Older Preeea,ud all klada af Al.a. Perfomery, Palau, Varnl.h, Olaaa, ud a fMerat OOOD FLOUJi, Of different krude, .Iwny, u hand, ud will h. awi. aa IM new BMaihl. If.rM. ). O. MeClala'a HadlelaM, Jeyne't Il.iutur'a ud Uoolud'. BllUre. I'O. nonnda af WmI w..ii a.. .M.k ih. hllhe.t aria. Will h. weld. Oleiwiri hand ud foi ttla al Ue lewul aaarkM prla. Ale., for ItrattasTlll. ud Carweaarill. IhMhia, llMkl.M. Ha, Cell ud aa. foe rneal.u Tnw will In. 0Torytla( wanally keyt Is s retail Mora. L. M. COUDRIRI. P-.en.h.llle P. 0., Aara.t II, llf.