Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 08, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
Tf ..aid ia il,itiM,or within tbree months... $3 00
" v" . Uf..- .1. . 4 in
If tltld
If paid after tbeeiplratlon of six DioobU... t 00
Ka-Mrsirs, B. M. PiTTRFnitf. A Co., Nwa-
piuTer AdvettlilDf Agents, 8 Park Row,
IlrVainsn Htretrt, ar oar duly aathoristd Agent
in Kw i ova
Methodist RpUcraiml thurcli Kct. J. 8.
t M i Rkav, Ft'f Herviec evsry rUl.biih
,l io A.M., end 7. P.M.
f.ftUath School at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting every WedneaJay, at M P. M.
Co inn union Kervie, flnl Babbatji of vry
nib, ftt 101 A. M.
Went llearlleld M. Ii. Churclw Ur.
W. t'coTT Wiuiob, Pastor. Preaching rry
alternato Pnmlay, at o'olonk, P. M, Sunday
School at 31, P. M. All ar Invited to alUod.
reibterlan Church-Hev. H. 8. Butlik.
Sabbath ervicas morning and evening Sab
bath School at P- M. Prayer Meeting Wednes
day erenlng.
II apt lit Churrh Iter. J. A. Aldkid, Pai
tor. i$ervio-s evtirv Bahhath morning and evening ,
alt-mating, et 104 o'clock A. M., and "i P. M.
Sabbat b School at g P. M. Prayer Meeting very
Wednesday veaing.
st. ITanrU ChurchCatholic Kev. P
J . fniimai. Divine servlee at 10 A. M. on
tha Brst, third and fourth Sunday of each month;
Vespers and benediction oftha Itleaacd Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School every Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Ccoond Monday of January,
third Monday of March.
Vtrit Monday af June,
l'ourih Monday of 8ptmbr.
tin or bold me cohmo rLaas.
Fifit Monday of June,
tenon J Monday of No vein bar.
rt'BLto orrioKki.
PmiJtml Jtdg Hon. Chartei A. Mayer, of
Lock HaTon,
Auittnnt Low JJo lion. John II. Orris, of
Aotfintt Judge Abram Ogden, Clearfield;
Vincent U. Holt, Clearfield.
VofAunofary -Eli Bloom.
Regitter and fstornVr L. J. Morgan.
Dittriet Attomty m. M. MoCullongh.
Trtnturr Philip Dott.
Shtriff Andrew Penti, Jr.
Ifepnty Sheriff Chriit. J. Keaggy, Cloaffleld.
County Surveyor Samuel F. McCloikey, Cnr
wensville County CommieefontrtC. W. Kyler, Ornhatn
tnn P. 0.; Etah Johnston, Grampian Fills P. U.;
Jultn Norrli, Hr., Curwrnsvllle.
Omnfy Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
field : Joseph Uillilsnd, Three Huns; J. ti. Hot
tit. Woodland.
County Coroner J. B. Naff, New Washington.
Jury Comaii ei on rri Dr. James P. B arch field,
Clenrficd, Jonrph Alexander, Madera.
Suptrinttvdemi Pmblit SckoottM. L. Mo
(Juown, Clearleld.
Seaforof WMtt JVaatarff Jfw W. Carlila,
olTire at l.atherburfc Pa.
Sotarif Pmblie John W. Wrlfrley, Win. Ra
debaujrh, Cyrua Gordon, Clmrfield j Jowph R.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwtnmlle; J. A. Living
stone, Dultoia City.
nar Special column la dacldwdly Interesting in
a local puint of view, nnd profitable reading to
outtidara who want U) save money.
"Will jou tttka wbcat, oata or oorn for tub
cription ?" Wa are often inquired of io th'n way
by littar from patronf who resido at a diitaoet
from Clearfield. Wa again ay yea. The receipt!
of a responsible mercbant or mill owner In tbo
vWnihr, will aniner u ju't as well as the flash.
To illluitrato : If any of our patrons will delifor
u a bng of grain at the mill of Joseph II. Hretb,
In Chest township, Iloraoe Patebln, in Bnrnildt,
Thomas H. Forcey, in Oruham, Wu. Porter or
Shaw's, in Lawreno, or Brown A Beyler's, at
Rocktun, t'nlun township, and forward their
receipts for th amount, wo will ere Ml them on
.their account for the aatoa. In tUi way all may
tioon py whnt they owp, tf tbey will porsua his
ilun's tttp-Bolo boota $2, at Moore's.
'Ilio water in the rivor at4bm plno
Is my low.
. e '
Communion services were held in
tba Ulbfun Churfh last Sabbath. Rar. R. H.
Flatolier officiated.
They are KatlierinR Autumn leaves
and SOU on tba mountain side now. Instead or
jhclls at tba itathora.
Rev. Mr. Hull, oOiew Washington,
win delWer a totnpranca laotnra In tba Court
Hoae this (Tuesday) evening.
Lot every body read tbo article on
ateond paga entitlad, "Farming and Fair ( !
tfpeolally IntareHing to farmers.
Report of tbo Comity Nat. Rank at
the oloaa of bnsineaa on tba 2d day of October is
published el is where In this paper.
Tbo thermometer lor the pant low
d. JI hu brn up lo Ik" Bin.ti.., wbicb In oar
opinion l ""01 ..llir for Oolob.r.
Tho Orphoim Cornet llnnd serenaded
Mr. Mitchell d brldt oo Fridijt .i.nlr.j. Mr.
SI. i , membrr of lbl or(
Tm T T
Tho oflleaniorClcarflold Lodfjo, No.
lis, I. O. O. Y., for Iht .o.olnf ml-inul term,
wrrt ln.i".i).J lut ""ir.laT r.niO(.
A Rood noaking rain would j;o ft
gnti w.j. i Bllol l pl."m furo. joiiiow.
ThA Willi, llrcti nd ro.di tr. fcBrful.
Thedor poiiionor in miid to be around,
mJ th "curpuro." of.everftl einioM qni.lljr ro
1m tl. ftlUfatod by waj. of our lwo.
w . -
An adjourned ale ol tho "rut."
f milh proporl, will lk Um lb. 41b of No
ttnibr nil, fit in mother column.
IhiiicI Tent, Kq.,ot thin place, in ad
r.rlnciit lo dolltM Temp.rnnno .ildrnt In Pot
UrO 11.11, Philiptborir. tt S.lnrdoj cv.nln(.
Thero wa a run ftt John Mo
Jo.j' i'oo.i on Mn4y of lotl wo.k for
mil Jti. Ho "'Id tony-two down o 'ht d.J--.
. iw 11
Our Horouuh Fathers held their
rtgutnr noothl, meeting on Mondn, renln Id
the Kiprc.l wlnoe. The, meet on lb. Cr.lMun-
4.J rotting in each month.
m . m -
Tho Administrator of tho lato Ar
thur MeeH will ofl.r lot of rilonblo rail est.te
poklle oa Bnlnriey, the let of Horembor
sett. For terml, Ac, MO poetoi., 63 8'l..
tiiemont la tliii pnpor.
m w.
W. A. Haaerty, Haq., K'v0 noti"'1'1
till ofpolntment Aidltor to dl.lrlbollon
nf lb, fundi remninlng In the b.nde of the Ad-
iniltr.torl of the o.teH of Thomnl V. flew
inf, late of Corwen.ville, doeeaied.
Tbo Ciliaona' Cornet Hand of this
pUc. ritltod tbo r.nll'ol t Corwenollle on Krl
dn, ironing lut. We le.rn Ibat lb. Corweni
ville II. nd net with good aucere., and the pro
rtdl of Ibe Peillnl d.riog the three er.ninil
wu unite eellifeotor, ab.m $.ia.
. m . ei -
Mrs. Murray.whosc death oceurred on
be I.I ie.l.oU ai her heme Inlliistd townih;p,(
nolle, of whlek eppear. In Ihla paper),
eree the naotber of Thorn" II. Murf.j, K., of
thil place, nod ll.ter lo Vincent D. Boll,
f Bradford Moeblp.oae of the pretont Aaio
(lieto Judgea of Mr Court.
October haa dawned, and tho aero
and yellow lent now grrele na whern n ihort lime
ago nil w.l i.idanleid fra.h looking. Nature
la rapidly duffing her gey nllire bnl there le
great l.enoly Mill, In tbo blanobed and
fxi.ted which dell iplrlla deew dreary,
Mil ad de..l, na they wlk h.neelh the
hranebea of Ibe tlooat lenll.ll (reel,
A. C. Tate, Administrator ol tbo
e. Uleof l.fdle Dowll.g, lele of Lawrenee town
ablp, deeeaeed, will .for nl pnUle
f runlict on Monday, tb. Itlh dey f Owtober, n pleeo of lecd fHnnlo in Bloow tow..hlp.
onlnlnlog orer ilileet nerea, nnd In gd
elau wf (.10. alien. Fof more apeelOe Informa
tion, we refer yoa lo lhe od.eitleewent In nnolber
emlunin uf thl. paper.
llavid Hcilhi un, of this plco, show
ed ne n palent elep ladder Ihe olher dey wWeh la
the l.urr.1 thing onl In Ih.l line, .1 le..t M tnr
a owr .b-r. mien .Hd- H "
twenty iMhoi inrn ntlaebed, npot which cot
V. pieced a ptil of woter, wblte-w., ot whet
ei.r the ooeneloa may mulrt, and at Iht anwt
IIh l act. a. a hrne. M Mfet Ihe Inddera II
wan be npeaed ntd tlowd. - u bt ordinary
hind, tallnt kla Variety Moe.a lairM atrte
and ect for eowreelfte.
AY heat. outn. corn and tva nkn in
xeban; for goodi at Jlltlloftr A Rook's.
- mm i i i
Tlio Imnmoflt rcnulU l.
leod lbs taking of "SdIIwi Celebrated Liver
run." ptr boi.
The Kxocutivo Oommittoo of tho
Agricultural Society hare reeolrad to make tba
trot (Class la Praminm Hit) for apursa of $100,
Aet toaH. It was only for Coanty horaaa hare,
to lore. Owners of trottara take ootioa.
A hacking coupb. itching of the
noee, grinding of the teeth, itarttngor orying oat
when aalei-p, are oausrd by woruia. K. K. Thomp
son 'a Sweet Worm Powdar la a inra aura and
pleasant to tak-. o-8-2t
- m e ... . - -
Salt. Lytle haajunt received ear
load of Ana fait, large sanki. Alio, a oar load of
coarie and Am-rloao fine, full weljhta guaran-
Ireland will b o!rJ at lowest price In tha
efj.24, 7-lf.
ie regular monthly meeting of the
lal Chriftiaw TamM'n 1T.Ah r Uj.
land will ba held In tba Methodist Church In
that nlaca on Frlil. anla nii. iiiw .
7) o'clock. Ror. II. 8. Butler, of Clearfield, will
ueiiTRr an aaaresi. All are invitej.
- m mm
A TrMT f'U 1 nnr.lne..i.n.a...
lays that tha hiuiberuen of WillUinsport have
agreed to advance oomiaon grades two dollars
..r mouiiou, antj upper uraues rrom Ore to eight
dollara. Having taken Ibis action, tba only way
to maintain it, or to teat wbethir it can ba main
tained, Is Tor every dealer to stick to It In good
mm nwii -.
Court. Tho third and I a ftt woek of
September Term of Court commenced on Mon
day, October nth, with hii Honor Judge Orris
preaidlng, aniitad by Messrs. Ogdea and Holt.
Court convened at 3 o'clock P. M Harry
Hemphill and John Larri mar were appointed
Tij.naTu, after which tho list of oauiea was
called over and tha Court moved forward.
The latent, bent and cheapest fltock
of lisle thread and kid glovos, the Boast assort
mant of black and colored silk fringrs, the best
line of new silk and laoo ties, the hnndiomcit
broca l and two-tooed ribbt.ns, over brought to
CIcArSeld. All novel tie In ladies' goods are sura
to bt found at our store T. A. Fleck A Co.
Sept. 34-.1L
List of lettom romaining unclaimed
in tba PostoffloeatClcarfleld.fur the we;k and in g
October , 1879 :
John Cirus, Bernaroe Kittle, Louis l.ewif, Ar
thur Me Art bur, James Matbanary, Anna Oteren,
nenry Snydar, Mist Maggie Young.
P. A. Gataix, P. M.
A Fact. An advertisement imported
In the Rem aLtcaa will reach mora renders than
if published In all tha other papers in tha coun
ty, and eost tha advertise! Iei than one-half
In other words, an advertixment published In
our jrurna) Is worth double tba price of that
charged by any other publisher In tha county.
'It la a fact." tf.
. i
IIkiheht Prize 1'ort Wink. Tho
best wine in the country, that took the highest
premium at tha CaDtenlal, Is S peer's Port Grapa
Wipe, which has become so celebrated. This
wine and his P. J. Braaiy are now being used by
physicians everywhere, wlii rely opon tlietu a
being the purost and best sold by Druggist,
for aulo by E. W. Graham, Druggist, Cleardrld,
- - - imm m -
Jlov. itftvid Spencer, of rbiladul-
phla, Diatriet Secretary of the American Uaptiat
Missionary Union, will pnach in tha Clearfield
Baptist Church on Tuesday avening, Oct. lltb,
at74 o'clock, la the interest of Foreign Minion.
Mr. Spencer w ill Lava with bim a nw Misiiunary
map of tha world, idols thai have beau worshiped,
portrait of missionaries, Ao. Parent ara in
vite I to coma and bring their eblllren.
T. A. Fleck & Co., Market St.,
CbiaariBLD. Economy is wealth! Buy tba best
dress good in every style, muslins, sheeting, pil
low casing, shawls, ladies' coats, calicoes and
ginghams, ticking, shirting, and red and white
flannels, men's and boys' oasslmerDi, table linens
all style, cotton idea, maraolllus quilts, airpot,
oil cloths, ottomans, carpet chairs, new slcrk of
good of awry description. Sept, Sl-.1t.
Frex Lien re in the Opera House.
Tba Ire t tire announced to take place In tba
Clterflsld Catbollo Church last Friday evening
wa poslpo ned, and will b delivered by Egbert
Ft Cleave, in Pia's Optra Iluase, to-morrow
(Thursday) Sublet t "Why 1 beeam
a Catholic." No collection will be taken op. Ilia
discourse la free from anything calculated to give
ofleosa. Wo ara Informed that non-Catholic
art aordial'y invited.
Andt Tuacev liEHPiTED. Governor
Hoyt ba granted a reprieve to Andrew Traoey,
sentenced to ba eiecutcd at Snietbport, McKeaa
ounty, Oct. Slh, to November fl'.b, on tbo recom
mendation cf Judge William, and his Associates,
before whom tb case wa tried, and other strong
influence put forth In the interest of tba con
demned man. Tho time has been extended that
hie case may Le again presented before the Doard
or Pardon at their meeting next month.
Beautifcllt Sheared Tho Lock
Haven DtmMrat give thl a th last of the
case which occur annually among the verdant In
ul I section:
"8. G. Wilson, of Bald Eagle om time ago
bought or a stranger, claiming to represent a
Michigan Brm, tha right to aH in Clinton county
a pale t.t pruning shear, and gave his note for
Mm), and agreed to pay a certain amount for
each shear sold. No shear have been received
by him, but tba note was sold In Lock Haven
and the bolder i prelng payment. Wasn't Mr.
Wilson jolly green t"
A IiORS of Wheat. We take from
the Ballefoot Vemoerat, of last week, the follow
ing v
"Mr. William D. Faith, tie wcll-kiiowa and
popular miller of 1'oionvill sulTrred a eevera loa
last tialutday morning in tha deMrnctloo of a
Urge n,ufl(ity of wheat. Two granaries, one
just over tba other, hod noently been constructed
ib ci nofciii-o with fats mill, end were Hied with
wheat at tho time. A young man , etanding on
the third floor, had just emptied nine more buibele
iato the upper granary, and then 1'epped back,
when dowi, went the entire arlur, with about At
hundred buohels of wheat, into the tail-race be
low. Mont of this large amount of wheal wa
loat." .
Dihthehmno and Fatal Accident.
The Indiana Dtmoerat uf last week contain the
particulars of a distressing aaoident which oc
curred recently In Grant township, that county.
Mr. A. L. Buittrbaugb w.a engsgfd la boiling
eider, when tbrc of his little children wire in
terested spectators of the operation. Mr. B wa
endeavoring to raise the pole oo which the kettle
bang wba the support gave way and the boiling
content of tb kettle was precipitated over tho
tbreo children, who were sitting near, scalding
them in a fearful manner. Two or them died tb
next day after, suffering aueh untold agony, and
tb third one 1 not expected to recover. It is
truly a dlalresiiog affair and tha afltlated f-tolly
h the heartfelt sympathy of all.
J!un Off. Tho team attuchod to
Isaac M. Stage' meat wagon became frigate-nod
last Saturday afternoon and away. They
war running along tba alley near Kratsar'c briok
building, and when crossing Msrkat atreet, they
had torfo around a buggy atanding Marly la
front of Lytic' grocery. Their -peed we eo
great that tbey failed to enter th alley at tb
Apposite tde, on of the horao falling, and
tba vehlol ran Into tha Iron feno at
tbaar of the Court Iloui ground, throwing
dowo a portion of tb f'fo aad breaking It. No
other damage of any eonsequeooa wa done. A
rmall Uf wa in lb wagon, at tba time, and w
re told b bounced about like a pompkio, and
osceped worse oard ffaan hart.
rRonPEHiTY. The DuHoiH Couirr of
last woak atuil the fact i fallow! "DaBeis
City Is making rapid strides to become what the
last part of it appellation lndict-a city.
Since iba stnroaoh of Ppfing abootslity build-
fug have been erected la the town proper, beside
n aura her of iallr boase anoni bj anim.
The hoaie lately built are of a or ubtaatlal
character, aad speak af aoafidasa In th perma
nent growth of th plao. Bight larg a ior
have bona aided lo th hnslna of th towa, two
new Mbool hoaisr, of two eiorit ab, ona ae
chareh, oa marble working eat abl lib meat, new
grist pill, printing oBo, and other ladustrl,
two good dentist bar taken ap a rasldeaoa, In
wrap any with other profwaianel , and it ill
'thera'a more to follow.'
"At tb present Its aaor ba.iaeaa aaea ar
prospoetitig about town than at any prvlna
period, and ovary day thatldlogior It proapwity
la carded farther. Som branch of Wellness
ar about tiled, whll la etbari there ar la
opportunities It I probable that with a general
revival ihroughowt tb otlra uatrf DuBola
Cltj will next Ban' e a er prosperoa
ea.oa lhaa evr tvror. a bow amp fisl I fpokra of fr th DuBei farm
for ! " aaoa' plaaijag . Tb lattatlaa at
prts-at is I Mi Mt aboat three aoree f lobaiwa
plant oa tb botuma ? lb plank road. Thl"
bottom mack reMiable tboe of Indiaa where
larg cjuaalttle of Uboca ar rail ad annually,
nnd there i no rson t doU that It will resalt
Women's cood, solid Shoes only 00
oeatr, at Moora'a. leplt-St.
Tho oboapottt place to buy your cum
-noai tt at Soore'a. aaptzi-at,
A full lino ol (ionta' furniahinff iroods
jutt received at lllrlinger A Hook t.
. mm mm
The lurirest, bent and cheapest line
oi urfrcoats is at Ji it-linger uook i flora, uiear
Mi, Pa. .
IJoils, Pimples, and all blood disoasCH
are en red by "Dr. Lindwy a Blood Searcher,
Hold by all druggists
At the fUi'UBMCAN ofllco is tbo place
to get your job work done. Wa are fully prepared
to do anything in tba printing line, will dolt
wall, and at tba right kind of price. tf.
Sue a woman on horseback in another
autumn, riding near peer'a Vloevarda, with a
bunch of Grepea from which peer's Port Grape
Wlna Is made, that Is to highly titeemed by the
medical profession for tba use of io valid, weakly
persons and tha aged. Hold by K. W. Orahtrm,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-lS '79-tf.
Conference Appointiient8. The
rollowmg appointment war made at tbo rtaent
sessioa of tba Erie Conference of tha M. B.
Church, held at Mercer, Pa., for the Clarion di
B. F. Dtao, Presiding Elder, Clarion, Pa.
Uolleview II. M. Uura.
H rock port To e supplied.
U rook villa J. O'Neal.
li rack way villa J. W. Martin.
Celienibtirg B. M. Ktrntck. v
Clarington To be supplied.
Clarion 11. Henderson.
Corsica W. 8. Shipard.
Cranberry R. R. Knapp.
Curllsville C. C. Hunt.
DuUois Cyril Wilson.
East ltrady tt'. L. Riley.
KJenburg P. P. Pioney.
Kmencbsville J. 11. Laverty.
Lolheriborg W. M. Tavlor.
New Bethlehem 8. E, Winger.
Perry svilleR. Peate.
PreiidentTo ba supplied.
Punisutawney A. M- Lock wood,
Putneyville T. H. LSbcokler.
Reynoldsville U. C. Planoetie.
hicherditillo To b supplied.
Rtmertburg J. C, McDonald.
Rockland J. Uarnett.
8ateu R. C. Smith.
.Shippensville 0. M. Sackett.
Troy S. L. Wilkinson.
Waihingtiia -R. M. Pelt
Below wilt be found Ibe detaila of tb da
struotlve Are which Tlilted our up-river borough
neighbors last week. Wa copy from tb Timu
of (Saturday :
At a quarter to 3 o'clock Thursday mornina
tail tbo first alarm of fir sounded out on the
quiet air atari Ho g th sleeping population of th
town tuio activity, and causing a nnrrymg to and
fro of many people, soma carrying buckets, eoal
hods and tubs, some with their shoes in their
bands aod others with still ele-ping infanta.
Never in tb hiftory of the town has there been
such commotion and such agraat loaa of
tiik rtita
started in tb basement of the cigar factory,
formerly Thompson A Ce.'s old store, and rapidly
licked up the dry frame of the building bursting
forth In a tremendous bias from every window
and bole in the old structure. Tb building waa
an old one, built entirely of wood and dry aa
kindling wood. Ton minutes after the Bra was
discovered the entire building was a abeet of
livid flume licking Us forked tongue high above
the three story brick bank building which stood
adjoining to the west and immediately enveloped
the wooden building of J. S. Graff and Mrs.
Catharine Graff adjoining on tb east. Almost
at tba same time the cornice of tha bank waa
biasing and In half an hour the roof fell to the
third floor, dense volumes of smoke and flame
burst the French plate glass windows io the Odd
Fellows' mom and ia tha Carwenaville Reading
Room, both situated on the third Uor. A craib
gave notice that the third floor bad fallen down
lo the second floor In which were the offices of
Dr. Ream and tba elrgantly appointed offices of
Mr. R. D. tiwoope. Kvery window In the build
ing waa now emitting volume of cmoka and
flame and in a very short lima the iron safe lo
Kwoope'a office fell crashing through the ground
floor into the cellar, followed by loads of burning
cinder and wood, and the fluast banking building
in Western Pennsylvania wa in flame. The
elegant work of the interior, the French plate
glaaa front, all was devoured and ruined. During
ibis time Grail' restaurant building had bo
burned down and but one aide of Mr. Graft"
residence was feebly resisting th devouring ele
ment. And now came the tug af war between
lire and human flesh and ingenuity and water to
save Gen. Pat too' former resideno aod Iba
stay tha flames irom sweeping tba
ob ibe north and aoutb aide of Stat street. Man
worked like heroes and by almost superhuman
alforia tba building waa saved although badly
aoorcbed and several time la name, in ele
gant Brussels carpet aiad in theorboe of the bank
wa soakttd with water, carried upon tb boua
and thrown in lb face of tba Dawes, tbui saving
Lbc building, Mr. Dr. Thompson' and eight or
ten more relidenoea on the opposte aide of lb
etroet. It la a lucky thing that tb brick bank
stood just wher itdid, or probably Kittltbvrger'a,
Irwin's, Faust', Rorabaugb A Norrie,' n'prenk
el'a, Drauekcr House, aod Gate stor and
dwelling would have bean a ma of rain at
this writing. It waa alao a very lucky thing
that ibe morning air waa still.
THt build ram
were occupied a follow t Th hank building, on
th first floor by the Bask and Samuel Arnold'
"Bark ator" second floor by offices of R. D.
Swoop and Dr. Ream the third floor by the
Odd Fellows' Lodge and Ibe Curweosvilla Read
ing Room ; the second building adjoining by Jess
A hers' Tobbaoo factory and Wm- Bard' Furni
ture i lor ; the third building by J. S. Graff as a
Restaurant and Billiard ball, and the fourth by
Mrs. Graff as a residence. The origin of ibe Arc
is unknown, but it is said that the fire wai ignited
in the cellar under tb furniture room of Wm.
Bard, in which tbar had bees no Ire sine early
in the morning. A hundred theories bavo been
advanced but none seem to suit the care and the
origin of this disastrous conflagration will, proba
bly, remain a mystery. On thing 1 certain tbe
fire in this old rat-trap destroyed ona of tbe finest
brick block in this section of tbe State and in:
ourred a loss of at least $.10,0011,
Lota b a axd iMsunaKca.
The Iflsie and Insurance foot ap follow :
Mr. Catherine Graff' reidnc aod store build
ing, with part of contents, li.uUO, loeored on
building $2,00.1, on stock, a0, total SJ,UI ta
tbe Lycoming $l,:0, and Pennaylvanta $l,U0.
A part of the stock wa aavrd and nearly all the
furniture in tbe residence, but wai badly damsgrd
in removal.
Jeia AkerV Tobacco- factory, loss 92,000 In
stock; insured for 9I.U in th Rochester, of New
V,.rk. Ovrraloaof leaf tobacco, about 5.1.000
cigars and alt Ibe strict and fixtures of the stor
and factory were eonsumeu.
' Wm. Bard, furniture Hook, loi $1,000 ; no In
sursnc. Total loss, beside all his books, paper
and Justice' rtoordl. Mr. Hard tt cleaned out
lien. Patton, Bank building and Bank furni
ture, f 2 3,000 t insured in Fire Association $j,I'O0
and North British $5,080, tital $10,0110. Th
Curwensvill bank lose nothing as all tb book,
papers, records, A.,of tbe laslitulion were saved,
lien. Patton succeeded In saving his time loak
site, carpets and some other fixings. Tbe splen
did block ia a total rain.
Samuel Arnold, loss on stock $500; no insur
tnr. Nearlv all tba fooda in tb ator room
were ved, tbe lots being damsg in removal
and heavy goods In tb oeilar.
Belhesda Lodge, I. O. O. F , loaa on furniture,
(nothing aaved)$MU0 no insurance.
Dr. H. F. Beam, on drugs and flio furoltor,
$2(10 total loss, bo insurance.
Curwenaville Library Aaioclatlon, in furniture,
books, Ac., i0 ; total loss, no inauranco. All
ih aift end books sent ia by patrons
of tb Association were consumed the valu of
which Is psrhaps three times the aoov amount.
R. D. Bwoopo, law office 'urntture property,
$.1,000 actual loss 60 i insured In the North
Amnicw .'.r All the rurnitnre, oarpets
and office fixings In one room were dertroy.d and
th elegant carpet, safe, detk and tb elegant
book ea belonging formerly tole rather, Hon.
H. B. Swoop waa burned. All valuable papers
aod tha lawous library, formerly tbo prsperty ol
hi deceased father, war saved.
Lois on Gen. Patton'i former residence 200.
Insured. Los to Mr. B. Kvaa-, removal of
boarding nous furottur, No nuraoo.
tnciaaniB or tub rift. '
Th walla of th Bank Ml In about fl o'clock
In tb morning lenvtog two olitry towers stand
Ing on lb eoulheaat and southwest corner, tba
i.;,.w nr.. nulled dwa on Thursday after
noon, tbo other la ttandiBg, tha only relle of a
co Uly building. '4 nieve repwi rmu
from good left Btandtng n tb sidewalk and
street. A barrel of sog-r and a barrel of hams
belonging lo Samuel Arnold wa pretty well
cleaned out during tbe ieiteaaonL One hundred
men worked faithfully and weij while five hun
,.,1 mtnnA h and looked on. Tha uaual excite
ment prevailed, and aa asual th looking glaases
wr 'thrown nut of Ihird-story window wbi I
feather beds were earelully earned wn stairs.
LUG boys dicB'ed the origin of Use lire beat
Hit Ona little fellow who arrived on the ground
an hoar alter tb firat alarm told with great
araeatness jut how It eeught and Bow ll waa
burning when ba flrt aw lu Tb women Mka
along lb Bo of danger buald lbmslr in
necking up clothing, dtiha aod other ataff. On
.... ..e.tad. carried eul box f valuable
jeoejrr and silverware and eet them down in the
middle ef theidewik. They were, Uckily, ro-
eo fared neat morning "r. WT ' i
work gathering ap shovels and pitchforks 1 his
kii. ih. nra waa rauldlT aurronoding bia
ledgers and tbr valuable booh t another man
carried way from the buroiBg building n doobl
b.ndful of fround pepper, while thousand of
dollars of valuable dreas goods ware ! Imminent
danger af dmeUon. Wa co.ld reword a hun
dred oiBr luaisrous ii3iii "
Tk. n.nb la at nrerant doloa business ta
Irwia'a Drug tore, bet will, probably, t day
Kia H H. T bom r -en's now building op
posite this efflo. Arnold Brt stor has been
moved Into 8. Arnold a stora. S. reff Is at
u.i i. ib. old War building. II will com-
mraco Ihe ereoilon of a temporary build. ag as
aaea as th ruin cool off. R. I. Hwoop is in lb
Id drug stora battling, win
aMbl'a atatw week, also Dr. Beam!
Wm. Bard and J. R. Akr' lobacea fUry aot
yat located.
' AcriaaiTa.
U B Ff and Albart Imitli warn overeemebv
fL.VJwb!-. atlh ir. 0. W. 01,
Frank Tbompews and Tral atfreri ww Inured
lightly Oaring in are.
At Moore's, they guarantoo yoa
tb worth ofyoar monyvry time. ep3t-iit.
-w mmi
Good black kid ploves 50 cents por
pair, at T. A. Flick A Cc.'s. Sapt, 14 JU
Tbo cheapest place to buy your
Hat I at Moora'a. ep24 It
Lad ies, did you ever? If yoa never
aw fleak'i Coata, for Lalias, yon shonld at
onoo, juat for tba surprise. ,
If you havo not examined tbe now
and now atyl ef Carpet at Fleck', yon ara
mining a treat.
, . - -
Tho chcupeflt placo to buy yonr
Boot aod Shoe i at Moore's, In tba Opera
House. - iep34-3t.
Tbo larent and bent lot of Sutebuls
for ladie nod gentlemen, at th lowt prie
vtr offered here or anywhere !, at Flaek'.
itcmember that Lytlo is County
Agent for Lorrillard's Tobacco, and can sell tbeu
at factory price. They a r tb beat tobacoea In
market. Try them, tf.
We have now on band several thous
and flrtt-class envelopes, which w will print for
buain mn, or anybody visa, nt price that an
oot be rivalled. Call and see thm. tf.
'Tis said
There is nothing In writing so bard a beginning,
And notbiog in life so easy a sinning.
But It's great deal iir ta step into Flwk's
and ace their new good.
Howard Kramer, for a number of
yeara past a oonipoaitor in tbe Rofttman s Journal
office, of this place, has laid up th " atick and
rule," and, acting apon tb adviee of tbe late
Horace Greeley, will "Go West," starting to day.
Removal. Dr. T. J. Uoyor has re
moved his medleej office ta th room recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, la Graham' row
He make CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty
CIIARGKS VERY LOW. Th manufacturers
having lowered prices, be I propared to furnish
duced rates. The afflicted will be benefited by
glv Ing blin n calL Ju1y33, 'TV-tf.
i em
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy ba succeeded In baying a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Pen n tie Id, and will
hereafter run a daily stage between tbe two points.
Iliseontraot bsgan with April 1st, and the stags
.vill leave Clearfield every morning (except Sun
day) at 8 o'clock, making conn ect ions with all
tmiaaon th Low Grad Railroad at Pennfiald, re
turning after the lait train the aam evening.
P.tsMngeraand freight will be carried at low rates.
Ordtraleftatany of tb hotels will be attended
to. 18apr7U-tf
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights aenl ovr th
Tyrot A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending September, 37, 1 878, and
th same time last year :
Forth week - 33,tf7
Sam tim last year - 3i,J68
..H 8,331
. l,CfUW3
... W;i,M6
... ICS, 537
. 1,133,1.40
Previously durl ng year
Same time last year ,
Total in 1879
Sftne time last ytar
OToxa rBKiearx.
Lumber ....,-....
Miscellaneous freight
.lfll ears.
...174 "
A. N. Col ia tb veteran editor of th Genesee
Valley Free Prats. He Is tbe man who Irit call
ed a convention In tbe State of New York to
form tbe Republican party, In 1864. He write :
w KLt.aviLLB, a. i ., Jan. 1 1, in.
Da. M. M. Fbbnbb, Fredonla. N. Y.,-Dear
Sir : Several members ol my family having use
of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve
Tonic, and satisfied as we are of It efficacy, I de
sire to purchase directly of you. I am intelli
gently convinced oi toe vaiua oi jour reopm
Remedies. Send me by eapresa one-half dosen
bottles of the Blood and Livr Remedy and Nerve
Tonic. Repeetfully Ac,
o-8 Jt A. N. C0LR.
Dr. Fenncr'a Blood and Lirer Remedy and
Nrr Toot may well ba called "Tbe conquer
ing hero" of the time. It la the medical triumph
of th ag. Whoever ha "the blue" should take
tt for it regulate and restore! th disordered
system that givee via U tb-ea. It always cures
BllloaincM and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimples, Blotch and all akin Eruptions and
Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy ;
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nervea and Nervous De
bility) Restore flesh and strength when thesys.
tern is ruLnlng down or going into decline f cures
Femal Weak net and Chroala Rheumatism, and
rellsvM Chronie Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficult!. It dots the things by strik
ing at tba root of dioeaa and removing its
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any cough la one hour.
Dr. Fenoer'a Goldaa Rellel our any pain, as
Tooth -ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in five
to thirty minutes, and reedil rliva Rheum.
Utm, Kidney Complaint, Diarboea, etc.
Dr. Fenner'e St. Vitus Dane Spselfie. One
bottle always cures.
Por sale by Hartiwlck A Irvlo, Druggists,
ClsarSeld, Pa. aug 37-tf.
- i
sbcobd wrbk. i
Court called oa Monday, 39th alt , with Hon. I
Hugh II. Cummin, President Judge of Lyeoming ,
county, and Associate Judges Ogilen and U olt on
ths beach.
Wm. M . McCullougb, Sr., Willi. ia Dorvltt and
Harry Hempbill were appointed TipsUvea.
OOMMoB tlbab.
Kenhart A Railer vs. Mothannon Land and
Lumlr Co. No. 89 March Term, 8d. Con
tinued on applicalioa and costs of Defendants,
and ordered lo be placed at Bead or DM at novem
her Term.
Jerse lines vs. David McKlnney. No. ZZI
Sept. Term, IHT I. Trespass. Verdict for Plaln
tiQ for $1.
George B. Goodlandcr ve. George Kramer, w m.
R. Uell. at al. No. 53 June T-nn. 1873. Tres
pass for cutting timber. Verdict for Plaintiff for
Samuel Gordon vs. KitUnnins Uoai L'o. no. ou
January Term, IS74. Assumpsit. Death of tha
Plaint I IT suggested ; name ot Administrator sug
gested, and case continued.
James A. Beany va. i noma a. nenry n.
McGhee. No. 373 March Term, 1874. Replevin.
Continued on application and eost of Plaintiff.
Geo. B. Gooulander vs. Geo. Kramer, Wm. B.
Bell, l el. No. 341 March Term, 1874. Tres
pass. Continued for eaos. I
John Co wen et al va, Stewart Co wen. No. th
Sept. Term, lo74. DUcsninHe4. j
Andrew Robertson vs. MosbanBon L- A L. Co. ;
No. 804 Sept. Term, 1874. Trespass. Judgment, i
by consent, in favor of Plain till for $?5, Plaintiff
to file no bill for witnesses at this Court.
Thomas Mitchell vs. Henry Kiiitfcolj m John
Dillon. No. 847 January Term, ;. Trpss.
Continued on application of Defendant. Caie
not to be continued again on aeount of the ab-
cenec el J. B. Waiters or A. C. Hopkins.
U. D. Uoodrellow to us vs. j. roresi ooa.
No. 43.1 January Tarm, 187. Asiumpslt. Amend
ment allowed, and case tried. Verdict for Plain
tiff for $:t88 7V.
M. Uubtrt vs. Jacob nrubsk-r Man. nouo-
peter. No. 29 June Term, IfT. veruiei lor
Plaintiff for $h94.S.
Geo. B. Good lender va. Geo. Kramer wm. H
Bell. No. 87 June Term, 1M7. Trespaas Con
tinued for causa.
M. liubart va. Jacob Brubaker A 8. S. Ilollo-
plr. No. 131 Sept. Term, 187. Debt. Ver
dict for Plaintiff fur $880 37.
John W. Patterson to aae vs. A. Kiaer. No.
538 January Term, 1870. D. 8. B. Judgment
opened, and Defendant let Into a defence. Con
tinued for aaaee.
R. O. Thompson et al vs. Jobn w. Hell ei al.
No. 113 Jaaaary Term, 1870. KJeBtmeal. Con
linued for mum.
Wm. Luiher vs. John M. Jordan el al. No. 1
March Term, 1870. Ejectment. Diwintinued. ,
Liverlght Llngl A Co. v. Whitcomh A Towu
end, Delendant. and Thomas II Stagier, Garal
sbee No. 303 March Tarm, Assumpsit.
C.nttnued for ranae.
John Booth vs. Morriedals Coal Company. No.
039 March Term, UfO. Assumpsit, t'onnatd
for i. ,
T. R. Blandy . Uverr ror n vwiur
township. No. 79 March Term, 1870. AppeeJ
from judgmaal af Jastlea. Oontinaed for eaaa.
Walker Brother v. Aaitia Karia No.
June Term, 1870. Sri. Fm.Sur. Mechanics Lien.
Vrdietfor Plaintiffs for $191.31.
Kiehaag Bank. Marletia, vs. Arnold A llarts
kora. N. 181 June Term, 1870. Aaaumpstt.
Judgment by eonsent. A mo at to he liquidated
by Preibonoiary.
r Uvnrlab. Mia., wa BDttctated Auditor
to diatrthut mny arising from khrif ' sale of
the property ar tf. r. vuoaar.
oaraAB' cntiBf.
Oscar Mitchell, I.q , wai appointed AndHerta
dislnbut money arising from tbe sale of the real
sit t ef William Sblmei.
Frank O. Ilarr is, Keaj., filed hi account as Aa
dltor la diHritml money in ibe hand af A. O,
Tela, Ad mint sir tor af annuel Powell, dwaasod,
v.H.niina aitviL
arrantael ta ehnw eans bv eonflnnBtloh
r ik AdMtailalratmr'a bacoubI af aetata of Jaeob
Wilbelm, dpaed, Bbeald aot be sUiehea off and
it.. tuMiii BDened for a review.
Order granted for tb sale af real estate of Ar-
tbar He se, mteoi bewrene eewaeaip, hw-m).!
r... mbi ml dabta.
Order granied Admlalatrator far aaleaf the real
estate of Lydia Dew I ing, for payment of debt.
Wm. A. Hagerty, Ksq., wa appetatad Auditor
to distribute belaaea ia tbe hand af X. McNeal
aad Jorrph B- Irvia, Ada.lnlstrator of Thomas
W. rifumg, decee!
A sailons accident hrpd on Tuesday last on
the log job of J. K. Putnam A Co., oa Laurel
run, four mile from here. Corneiius Connoly,
of Weedvill. Elk county, com me need hauling
logl in toe wooas tor me noove named arm on
the day of the accident. He appeared to have a
present men t of danger, and wa very loth to
to begin work. During the day, bia leg, from
Ihe knee downward, was bsdly crushed, and be
was carried to his hums ta vtaedvilla. Drs. 8. S.
Smith, of Driftwood, and J. H. Kline, of this
place, were summoaed, aod It was decided that
amputation was necessary to save Conooly's life.
Rev A. B. Hoover of this place, aisiited laths
operation. Mr. Hoover administered chloroform,
while Ibe other two doctors amputated Ibe leg
below the knee. Cannoly was doing well at last
reports. Uaaar.
1'aariXLD, Pa., October Sd, 1879.
A eorrpondoot lo alluding te Ihe recent con
flagration at Curwensrille lays :
About 3 o'clock, on Thursday morning, Octo
ber 3d. the ierpie of Curaensville were aroused
by tbe cry of fire, Tbe fire originated In a frame
building oo Ibe Buulb aid ef State atreet, (be
tween Thompson and Filbert street,) in a frame
building, known as tb "inompson btor prop
erty, which wa being uitd as a Tobacco and
Stationary store, and Cigar manufactory.
Tb following building and property war de
stroyed ;
Bsnk block llfi.OO'l $10,600
J. K. Aksrs'Tobaeoo ...... 3.000 l.fruO
Mrs O Ureff- 3,t)0 1,100
S.Graff - 3,008 1,500
S. Arnold 3U0 No insurance.
Odd Fellows... 800 No insurance.
R. D. Swoope M0 Imured.
Curwensville Lib'y Ass'a. l,rtt No Insurance.
II. 9. Beam 300 No insurance.
John Patton.. 0Q Insured.
ToUl $20 600 $14,100
Tbe $000 of Mr. Patton waa damage to bia old
residence, occupied by "Dick" Evans, which was
saved almost miraculously. Mr. Patton was also
the owner of the Bank block.
Tbe Bank is now located in tbe room of H. B.
Thompson, first floor, over which W. C. Arnold
has now his offices, he having vacated rooms at
oorner of StaU and Walaut street ta give roam
to bemual Arnold, who k moved the stock saved
from lower store. The Sank saved everything of
value to stockholders aod depositors, and tbeold
Bank itanda as the always tax, tale, sound aod
reliable and A NO 1.
Business now moves on and everything wilt be
replaced by more substantial buildinga. The
atbes will bring forth a modern Pbocnix.
p. S. One of Ibe employees ta the tobacco es
tablishment has been arrested, tharM with set
ting Are to Ihe building, and in default ef bail
has been sent to prison. What tie proofs againit
him are, I am unable to aay at this time.
Cl'BWBg villb, October 3d, 1879.
Walking Hones.
Two-horse team, to go In barness :
For fastest team $3.00
Second team... 3-00
Trot Open to Ml.
Class 6 has been changed to an OPEN FOR
ALL TROT by tbe Exscutive Committee, to wit:
Beit time, 3 la 8. In tingle haroeu,pur..$l00 00
First hone $T 00. Second hors 3. CO
Entrance fee, 10 per cent, of purse, and at Isast
seven entries mutt be made, and tve horses start.
The entrance must accompany the nomination.
Hones that win in this class eannot compete lo
class 1.
Walking Match.
Go-as-yon-please for fivs hours:
First prise- $15 00
Second p'li 8.00
Third prise 3.00
Ten entrances Foe, $1 00.
Shooting (ilass flails.
Ten balls each ; twenty-on yard rise, from
spring trip with screen. No cberge of shot to
contain more than 11 ounces. To shoot alter
nately in alphabetical order, ivvery man to fur-
aiih hi own amunidon:
First prise $&M
Second prlie 3.00
Entrance fee 60 cents.
Throtcing Moulder-Stone.
Standing First prise $1.00
Decona prise.
Three trials No entrano fee
Throwing Sledge.
Wltb on hand, forward, underhand swing :
First prise 1.00
grcond prise bO
Three trials No entrance fee,
Turning rote.
First prise ilM
Second pme. ., H .50
Three trials ft o entrance lee.
Sack Jiace.
One hundred yards and back. Must be mad
with tb aae of the leg only f hand must not be
used in forwarding the bo4y :
First oris
Second priae, &0
&very man to turn no nia own aeca. .
Greased Pole.
A areaaed nolo twelve feet high, with a Silver
Cup on top. Th firat In raaeh tb top get it.
Confined to boy under 18 yeara of age.
Tb following liat of amuaemnU will be inter
spersed between trot, or at time most suitable
to th order of tb day i j
Whcelborrow Race blindfolded.
Veloipede Rac.
Stilt Race.
Foot Kill Match.
Fantastic, as Military Company,
All those takinar Dart in nny of tha above sports
and pMtimes, must be prepared to furnish the!
Com mi 'tea (A. W. Walters and John W. Howe)1
with th name of two persons (present) who will
certify that the parties are, and have been, oltl-
sens of Cleerfleld oouniy for six mouths last past.
Ab. M. KUtv, acereiary. ,
Spec la I $
Three Thousand Wanted.
I.imo Htiahclaof pood, clrali Wheat,
1,1 MM Ittiaiteia ol (joort, clean stye,
I.OGO Huauela ol guild, clean Oata,
To be delivered at Porter' mill, lu Lawrence
twnibip, for which lb highest oash price will be
paid by Wu. Portkb,
Clesrnc:d, l'a., Bspt. ., Iv
WABTan. 400.000 14-feet shaved hoopi, deliv
ered at tbe railroad, la car loads of 8,000, at all
points on the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A K., Bald
Heftie alley, ana rcnnvvivama naiiruau, ivr
hich 1 will pay the nigitast muraei price.
J. F. K it a a aa,
Octlfl, 1878-lf. Clearfield, Pa.
Omb lirBtBKD Pan Cbft. Disvonrr oa Oi.n
Pairaa. Hewine Machines can now be tiurrhased
at Merrell's tin and variety store, from $.14 up
wards. All kinds ef sawing machin repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, IB77.
Rnaeiaa Fob Salb. R. Newton Shaw keep a
full supply of Fredonta Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sal. To be seen at tbe Sbaw Houaa
yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania. ay U tf
Just llpreiverf
Just necived by ARNOLD,
Car Load Nova Seotia Hasleri
Car IiOnd pure Corn, Itye and OatH
Chop 1
Car Load UenKon miui
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Hoods, Urocories, &e.l
Irf-Sliiniflei, Hitrk. K. II. Tics and
Grain will be taken In exchange.
Curwonavillo, May 1, IsiK.
HVervoiM Ilebllily,
Vital vVeaknena or Denreaalon t a weak
eihaustml feeling, no energy or courage f the re-
suit of mental oier-wora, indiacretioita or
eareaaea, or some draia upon the system is al
ways cured by Humphrey's Hommpathic Specific
No. 38. It tone up and Invigorate th system,
dispels Ihe gloom and despondency, Imparts
st ran rib nnd enerey, steps th drain and re
juvenates tbe entire man. Been used twenty
year with perfect ueoas oy mousanus. doio, ojr
dealer. Price, $1 per single vial, or fa per
package of five vial and Si vial of powder. Bent
by mail on receipt of price.
Ad lire eauMimrcya" iiemiriiiim
Medlrliie Company, l 9 Faitnn St., H. V.
C, D. Watson, Agent. Clearfield, pa.
sept. 18,187$ ly.
tire Hundred Thou$and Sir our
In the rest few months there have been more
than $00,000 bottle of hi Ion's Cur sold ut
of th vest number of peoptf who have need II,
more tnaa 3,00 cases oi consumption uitd dnh
nral . All Conahs. Croon. Asthma, and Bron
chitis, yield at once, benee it is that every body
weak la tu Braise, to teoee wnv bit
u'd It. let as aay, if yoa bar a Cough, or your
hild the Croup, nd you yalue llf dun't fail to
tev li. Far Lame Back, side or Chest, ue
Shilob' Peroa Plaster. Fur sal by 0. D. Wet-
Bon, Clearfield, Pa. etp-10-eow flm.
A htranft people.
Do voa know that there ar Slrani peor-1 In
ear eemmonily, we ay strange because lby
a rem to prefer lo suffer nnd pass their days mis
erably, made e by Dtspepiis, and Liver Com
plaint, Indigratlen, Constipation, and General
I. . . aj 11 IIYIH 1 VIT1I I 7 la U I. aav.
venniiy, wueu nn o - '
anlerd to euro them. For sale by 0. D. Wataon,
Clearfield, Pa. aow Om.
W have a speedy aad positive Car for Ca
tarrh, Diphtharia.Caoker moelh, and Head Ache,
IB enlbUH UAlnnnn "
i.i-rMniiikiiii bmiu. 11m It If vea da-
. . . . . l . . a a ... E
Bire aeaita ana ewa. vr-eam. rriw in.
ale by C. D. WaUen, Cif at field, Pa.
' ep-lfi-taw-Om.
Cot-iBPToVfl W a br A ara. We have prepared
a form, and have on hand a larg eaealily, of
blank "Collector Sale," which have been ap
proved by Ihe highest legal authority In the
Court of this county. At fwcaty Cent per
down w will mall any number to the Collector
ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to
advertise property, must post up not lass than
three notice In th moat public pi In bis
borough or township. tf.
Wabtbd. Delivered at the Rail Road.
100,1100 38- Inch shaved shingles,
loil.iiiio 34-lnch sawed shingles.
100,000 feel of pine boards.
ni,iioa u-feet shaved hoop. .
M00 railroad lie.
&o,0u0 feet of good hemlock board.
For which I will pay th highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at aay point an tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
Clearfield, Pa., Get. Ift, 1873 tf.
MITCHELL JONES. In this borough, at
h residence of the brides uncle, Wm. Ride
baugh, Esq , on Thursday evening, October 3d,
la'9, by hev. Wm. H. Dill, Mr. Alfred Mitchell
and Mis Maggl Jonas, all of Clearflsld, Pa.
WILSON B VERS. At th residence or the
bride' parent in New Washington, on Thurs
day, Oriobcr 3J, 1879, by Rev. G. B. Ague, Mr.
J. R. Wilson, of Weodland, and Miss Tillie t).
Byors, of New Washington.
tern bar 22d, 1879, al the Catholic Co or oh, Uuula
dalc, by Rev. Father Meagher, Mr. John Garbcr,
of Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, and Miss
Elite McPhilips, of Barncltstown, Huntingdon
UOnilA PRIESTLY. Al tbe residence of
the bride's parents, on Thursday, September 3Mb,
I87U. by Rev. N. II. Miller, Mr. Joseph Hob ha
aod Mis Sarah J. Priestly, both of Osceola
Mills, l'a.
CONDON RINIKR. On Thursday. Septs
ber 18th, 1879, by John Pioard, Esq., Mr. James
Condon and Mm Martha Ktnier, both oi Uosttcn
township, Clearfield county, Pa.
M I'll RAY. On Wednesday morning. October
lit, 1879. Isabella Murray, wife of Aleieoder
Murray, of Girard lownimp, this county, aged
i9 years, 0 months and 8 days.
Tba deceased had been in declining health for
soma yeara, bat waa only oooflaed to her bed for
about two wecka before ber death. She waa the
daughter of Thomas Holt, Esq., late of Bradford
township. At the early age of eleven years she
professed religion nnd united with th
Epiacopal Church, and up to tha lime of bar death,
a period of over forty-eigbt years, ab continued
a consistent member of that ehuroh, and a faith
ful follower of Christ. She waa th flnt, and for
many yeara th only, Methodist at Congress Hill,
end her hems bad long been th home of the
preachers wbil ministering at that appointment.
She wa tb mother of ninoohilJrtn, 11 v of whom
are still living the others having gone before her.
Assiduoua In all tbe duties and cure which aucb
a large family Impose, she was bast known and
best appreciated at her home and by tbe circle of
friends of which that home wu the centre. Dur
ing her last illness h was sustained in su Ber
ingby tbe grace of God, and gave clear teitl
mouy that she was accepted of Uim. She did
her life Work well and now, "Life's fitful fever
over, she sleeps well." e e e
SOX MAN, Id Brady township, on Tuesday,
September 30tb, 1879, Emeline A., wife of Henry
Sox man, aged 47 years, 10 mouths nnd t dsys.
Tho deceased was a daughter of EHaa Rlshal,
one of the old settler of Brady township. She
was confined to her bed about a year, enduring
tho most intense suffering, caused by a eancer.
a a
KITCHEN In Bloom towmhip, an Monday,
September 3d, 18'W, Sarah, daughter of John
K italaeo, agea i years, a mourns anu o aaye.
Cliam-iil ri., Oi-I. li
Flour, per owl
Ilucn w heal Flonr, per owl
ti ai
1 40
I 10
1 to
1 00
- 40
3 On
1 to
Corn Meal, per ewt -
Chop, rye, per ewt
Chop, mixed, per ewt .........
llran, per ewt
Wheat, per baeliel M
Rre, per nu.hcl
Oata, per buehel
Cora, eara, per bn.hel
Buckwheat, per bn.nel
Potetoca, per bu.hel
Applea, per buehel
Heme, per pound
Shoulder, per pound
Dried Ueef, per pound
Cblcltena, per pnir
Butter, por pound
K,e.a, per doaen
8. It, per enck, larxe
Coal Oil, per gallon
l-ard, per ponad
Dried Applea, per pound
DrWd rVaonee, per pound. ........
Uenna, per buehel
0! and after Monday, MAY 13, 1879, the
Paaaenser Trnina will run dalle (except Snn-
dnye) between Tyrone and Olearneld, na followa :
W. 8. PLOnnaa, Conductor.
Tyrone,... S.OA.a.m
Vaneeoyoe IMS, u
Rleereiew 8 SO, "
Clearield 1.40, '
Leonard I 4, "
Barren .S4,
Woodland, 4 01, '
Biler 4 01, " 4.17, "
Blue 11.11 4 2j, "
Ur.lilim 431, "
Philip. hurj, ...4. , "
Stelner' Ill, "
llojnlon 4.49, "
Coeole 4. a, "
Powclton, 6.05, "
Summit ft. 15, '
Vanecoyoe, S..U, '
Tyronr,. fl.wfl,
... II 0, "
....1 00, ' u. "
...10.17, "
....10.31, "
llo nton, .,
Philipaburk-,.10 3S,
llranain 10. 8.1, "
Blue B..II 10..17, "
Wallacoton,...10 .41, "
llielcr 10. SJ,
Woollan.1 10.60, "
llarri-tt 11.117, "
l.eonnnl 11.13, "
Ckarfmlil 11.10, -
Hifcrview 1 1,1ft, '
Curwen.ville,.! 1 .4H..M
, Conductor.
Curwenaellle. ft.10 a. I. Tyrone 7.10 . I
Rivereiew.... ' Vaneeoyoe,.... 7. 43 "
Cleareld.. t.47 " Summit, S OS. "
Leonard S " I'owclion, 8.17 "
Barrett .S7 " O.oila 38 "
Woodland,.... 0.08 " Boynton, 8..H4 "
Bljler, ."8 "'fc..... 8.3
Walleoetou,... 8.1. " Philipibur, ...8.41 '
Blua Ball ( 31 (Irabam 8.47
Oraham 8.3S ' Blue Ball t.SS
Philipabur,.. f it " allaoeUH, ...0.01
Bleiner a, 8 .13 " Biler 0.10
Boynton .:i7 " Woodl.nd 0.17
Oeeeoln, .l! " Bairttt 0.1S
Powellon 8S8 " Leonard 9:10
Summit 7.0S " OlenrAeld, 9.38 "
Vaneeoyoe 7.71 ' HI.ertiew, 9.48 l
Tyrone, 7.IS " Cnrweiujvllle 10.00 "
I.I.TI ,01'TI.
. i. A. I. a. a.
a, i. p. i. r. m
a is
J 34
7:00 Philipahurjr,
17:15 IM
11:31 4:31
13:14 4:18
7:08 Mlelner a
10 IS
9:11 13:04 4:01
f.SS 1IS1 1 ST
8:t0 1 1:45 I SO
I IS 11:40 l:4S
8:10 11:15 S:4S
h:8S 11:10 8::lo
1:30 H:3S 1.30
158 10:48
3:S7 10 SI
U:07 0:S8
1:13 11:08
Kl. Mail.
Mall. Eip.
r. m. a. m.
7 04 8.80 leav. Tyronn nrrlrt 8.18
1 38 1.17 Bald Ka.le 6.SJ
ft It
8.01 9..10 Julian
III lit Milcebari
8.83 10.0.1 Bellcfontt
8.41 10. Ift Mileebur,
4 4ft
4 IS
4 IS
4 01
l.a.e 8.3ft
v.un IV..U llowara
141 ll.lltrrlrel,. Ha. en
A. I.
wuarwann. a.
Pittlbnrih Rip'ae, l.ftl
PkIQo Kipreea, 8:18
Pscifl Biprssa 8:00
Johnstown Ksprtis 8 il
F. a.1
Day Bipreti 13:50
Mail Train, 1:38
Atlantic Hi press, 8:&l !
Phil, Kipresa, 9:34'
Way Paiaenner, 1:l&
Mall Trail, 8:34
Fail Lint, 7:08
Clos eonuections mad by all train al Tyrone
aad Look .Uvea.
my IT -if. 8 a peri a tea dent.
A elate leaves Curwensvilledatly for Reynold.
villa, at I o'clock, a. bs., arriving at Reynoldsville
at 8 o'clock, p. n. Returning, leave Hynoirt
vtll daily, at T a'oloch, a. ta , arHving at Cer
weasville at 13 o'clock, . Para, each way, ft 3.
A stag leave Cnrwenivlll dally, at 1 o'clock,
wa. tt. . far bull oia Cilv. arriviu at UuUois City
I a a'alock. b. aa. haturnina. leave DuBol at
T o'clock, a. sa., dally, arriving at Carwcasvill at
II o'clock, as. rare, aacB way. ai ee.
Bellefente, Pa ..... $3 IslMiddleUwa I
Lock Haven
t TtisiarlatU. a e
8 8lLaneaaler I
Hantingdon .
Lewistowa- ....
I 99
4 5
Alteon. ,
I'hilip.barg. .
I t
, I 88
. II
, 1 II
. I u
I nAttikllea . 10
Osceola. a
I HAhRIHBtiRG... 4 T
3Uip dwtiscnuutjJ.
mw IWlO nimilF.lJ&-vnne Wmvof A Ca.
09 want five thousand bushels of OATS, aow,
kjiu win pmj du wi jjrwiauno,
CWUeU, l'a, An,. II, 187 lf.
T)ljni.lC KAI.E. There will be offered al
X publlo aale or .ntery, on
6ATURD4Y, OCT. II, 1179,
al l.'eloek P. M., the Aoadomy LoU, aituale il
the borough of Olearlelil.
Tormb. One-fourth eneb In hand, anil Ibt be).
anoe In three equal annual payment!, lo be te
onred by bond nndmortgace oo the premlaes.
By order of tbe Board of bohnol bireclora.
(i. L. Illi Ell, Preaident.
WM. R. BROWN, Storetnry.
ClaarBeld, Pa., bopt. 17, 1879 4t.
lathe mailer of eatate of ) lu the OrpbaoiT Court
T. W. Kleiuln,, dee d, f of Clearlteld Co., Pa.
The nnder.lgoed Auditor, appoioled by eaid
Court, to muke di.lributioi or the balance re.
malnloir. In tbe band, of Z. McNaul and J. R.
Irvin, Admloialratura O. T. A. of Mid dcoeaaed.
auioii.the partiee legally entitled thereto, hereby
glee notice lhat he will eet for Ibepurpoee of hla
appointment, at menmee or McBnaliy at Alecnrdy,
In ClearO.ld, on TUKBDAY, the lsih DAY of
OtlOBKII. A. D. 18m, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Clenrllelil, P. . Oct. 8lh, 1879 31.
T) Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
X 9 t learn eld county, tha subscriber will sell at
Public Sale, on tb promises, at 3 o clock P. At.
Monday Oct. 27, 1879, '
A certain piec of land situate la Bloom town
shii, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded north by
ne turnpike, east by turnptke and (endorjona
Smith, south hy land of John Smith, and west by
land of 2. McNaul, containing
and allowance, being all cleared and under n good
state of cultivation, baring a good spring and
young orchard thereon.
TKR MS. One-third at confirmation of aale,
and the balance in two equal annual payments,
with interest, secured by bond and mortgage.
A. C. TAX If,
Adm'r D. B. N. of Lydia Bowling, Deo'd.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 8, UiU-eft.
T)EPORTof tb condition of the COUNTY
It NATIONAL BANKofC.earfleLd, at Clear-
held, in the State of Pennsylvania, at tbe olose
of business, October 3d, 1879.
Loans and discounts $17:1 .7.10 ft
OverdralU 3,-17(1 07
U. 6. Bonds to secure circulation Ti.OOO 00
Judgments 17,0'U II
U. S. Bonds on band 60 00
Other stocks, bonds, and mortgitges... 3,'iVt 47
Due from approved reeerre agents.... 17.UI3 00
Due frota other National Baoka H 3,'274 31
Due from State Banks and bankers,. 4.3H 34
Real estate, furniture, and fixture.,.. 83
Current cipens and taxea paid ' l.SSfl 38
Chock and atbor oash item 463 VT
Bills of other bank 0,1
Fractional currency, ineludiug nickels lo3 16
Specie, including gold treasury cr
litiRates 1,179 17
Logal-tender notes M 8,63i 00
Redemption fund with U. S. Tteea-
urer, a percent, of circulation 3,37 00
M14.H1.1 7fi
Capital slock paid In $100,000 00
Surplus fund 9,008 00
Undivided profits 6,703 .
National Bank notes outstanding tVl.VOO Oil
Individual deposits subject to check... 111,801 3;
Bemand ccrtiticates of deposit 33.237 li
1IA,4M 7
jfnre nf Ptnytpaim, Clwrft'hl County, SS :
I. W. M. Shaw, Cashier of tba above named
Bank, do solemnly swear Ibat the above statement
is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed aad sworn U before me this Oth day
of Oct, 1879. JUllN W. WKUII.KV, N. P.
Correct Attest: J. T. LEON A R ),
i . L. RRKI,
October 8, 1879. Ulterior.
Valuable Bral Estate!
BY virtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Court of
ClaarBeld county, to me directed, there will
be ei posed to Public Sale, at the Court House, In
th borough of Cleerfleld, on
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1S79,
The following described two piece of land situate
In Lawrence township, within two mile from th
Court House, and wsll adapted te agriculture :
No, I. Bounded north by land of Geo.
e. ui.uia aaij wiudi wBiei VJ I ne u4 ui ve ia. ionta, 0r-ejUnW
Itigler, south and west by other land of
P. Smith's estate, containing
Beiog well watered and covered with valuabl
No Deunded north by tha abor described
piec of land, east by John Powell ot. al., aoutb
hy the Suaqucnanna river, and west by the pob
Iw road leading from tbe Uoodfellow bridge to
Mcl'lierson's saw mill, containing
I OH Acres and Tt Perches,
and having about flr acres cleared, n small
dwelling buute and a good saw mill erected
thereon, with esoelleot water power for any kind
of menu featuring purpenev excepting and re
serving tb ground on which the hern tands,
bounded by tbe two township roads, the run from
the orchard, thi race and creek.
TK H M N. One-third at eon Brm at ion of sal
and tbe I ale nee in two equal annual payments,
with interest, scoured by bond ud mnrtfrnge.
Adm'r of p. Smith.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. Sib, 1879 4t.
Uy virtue of an order Issued out of iht Or
phan' Cuurt f Clearfli-ld county, Pa., tbo under
innl Administrators f (he estate of A RTil ti R
RKKHK, late of Lawrence township, deceaa-d.
will srlt at public sale, at the Court Howe, lu
Clearfield, on
Halunlay, November lut, 1170,
that valuable farm and homestead, situated In
raid township, bounded aod described aa lollow :
Beginning at a post at corner of (in of George
Butler, thence north five degree west twelve pcr
ehc to a rod osk : thence north twenty-eight de
grees east forty -nine perches to a hem look near
the bank of Cleerfleld creek, and Bear mouih of
run t thenoe south thirty-two degree west forty
two perches to a white oak near the Clearfield
bridge road; thence north eighty-two degrees
west forty -seven perches lo n post in line el lane ;
thence soulh by lands of Samuel Tate's heir forty-seven
degrees west two hundred nd twenty,
even perches to a dead bent loch close by the aid
oftbepubiio road leading from Wm. A. Head's
aawmiii to Amos Read's blacksmith shop ; thence
bv lands of Aaron C. Tu, the court f said
road being aoutb, thirty dBiccs east I fry four
p etches tu a post, or stone in said road en line of
tbo 1'eler HailiB tract) the nee north Rlly-flv
and one-half degree east two hundred and I wen
ly-fonr and serea-tstth perches l lb plao of
Contalultif One Hundred Acres
and allowance.
Tbi Is oos of tba bt trnpto.nd farm in the
-j - cnunty. BlOHTY ACRKS are
ffJf cleared, fenced, and under a good
tll J f ,,4t ef eoltlvalion, having thereon
Lv Ei'Mered a large two-storr dwelling
CrJtktlind a large UA.K BARN, u
gel her with a prlng house, com-crib, and
the other necesNsry out-buildtngs, as wsll
as a large orchard of fruit trees ol all kinds, 3W4
aod a well of acelcnt water. 1
Teim and Cotidttioua.
One balf of tbo purchase money most be paid
oa ennflrmalion of sal, and th baJann ia two
equal annual pay mania, secured hy bond and mort
gage on Ihe premises. Por further Information
inquire on the promises, or ef John U. Sohrver,
nt OarBeld, or Sills Rests, Vhilip.bnrf .
Clearflsld, Pa., Oct. 8th, 171 4t.
Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
CANNKD 900118,
County Agent for
f ouiLMRira Ton.tcvQB,
laeee enode kon,nl (or OASR la lvH Uu
ana Mil it .IvoH elll prleea.
(Tlearleld, Fa., Jane II, HT.-lf.
Fall and Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
liltck nnd C'nlnrcil C'linliincri'H, Hriumln J)rcm (Jnoiln, l'lnin Vm (mhhIh,
New SIiiiwIk, J.ndii'n' Cmm, ttcil l'liiniifls.f.vuy Klunncli., Flaiil Flunnvlii,
Navy Jiluo UnniioU, WutorprooU it rid LHiliri' (.'luilis, all colors,
Canslmcrc", Men' ni Hoy' Wcur, Dri'M iiiif;riiiinii, Citlicooi anil
Miilin. Our ilock was never belter. Our Luilies' Skirls arc hcnuiil'iil.
Millinery Goods,
A CMiiile?te Stock at our bihiiu! renins.
t'lumoi, Klowor", WiiiK". Onlridi 'J'i).
Now lirocudo cl vein ana silks, atinn, Klaok and Colored hilks, tiiacK
nnd Colored Silk Velvot, Kid Glovon, I.islo Gloves, Silk Fringo,
Iluttons, Lnccs, Corsets, Kmbroiderios, Edging!, Insortings,
Linen Handkorcliiefs, Ladies' Tios, Itibbons, Gormantown Yarni, Zcpliyii
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Cliildron's Underwear, Ladies,'
Gent's and Children's lloso. Wo don't intend to have nny store in
Clearflold county bout us in anything stylo, prices, quantity,
quality, or soiling. Give us a call nnd see for yourself.
oil Cloths pAp PU"TC
Ottomans VjiAf J-j I O,'
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
I . ., " . .. .. ;
fV&cnd for niastratcJ Circular ami Pricea. Liberal Tenna lo the Trade.
Don't buy until you havo seen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MIPni.fcTOH N, COXX and No. lt4 nd Ol Wabaata Avenue, CslJVAU, IU.
All kinds of Caskots and Colli m kept on bund, aud (urnisbod to order on
short notico, including tho finoet as
iacturcd. uur
oonpss rnEBunvEn
Is tho best In uso, and will bo furnished when required. Funerals attended
in nny part of the county. Call, or
oct 1,79 lj.'
f lueWiY"4-
Clearfield, Penn'a.
Farm Bells,
Furniture of all kinds,
Knitting Machines, or an;
other aitiole manufac
tured can be fur
nished at short
HKjt nror tmct 1..1H.
Co-Opcrallvc Agcney,
t hnrllrld, Pa.
Jtfw giflMrtlstmtnti.
Mra, John B. Raffert, of Peni townahlp,
.Hera fiir rent a dwelling nonae nad .tore
rnom, eilnau In Inn eill.K. el Peilei
in. III., f TT
or ad XjLl
nplal Hill..
For furlheiinfominhon appl, to,
alma. Mra. J. B. RAFFRRTT
MLlI.TI If. (Irarnplal llllle.
of Curwensvillc !
11 HAT w1l tnowo jtmpertjr sltoalaoa the beak
. ef ta Rusaeehanaa river, ia the amatb ef
Curwunivlll. C'leerflrlJ eoantj. Pa, nwDpli. my
th let BKNJAMIN HAHTFHuKN, Jh'4, il
now offrl for aal. It evatalea aboat
Thirteen Acres,
CpuB which Is retcl tn two-story frsM
liiiill V FTAHLK, and Ik. leeeeeerr en I.
MUaal eliS'. and all. a FI.OW1NO
la a ver, de.tra.le properl, for a prl.ele reel
d.nee, Tie presort, la now offered it PK1VATR
MALI, ei lerose. For fnrlner fi.
fernialloi II reletiei lo II, enll at tbo,
or ipple to Ihe saderetvned In pereon or n, letter.
limXTIIAI. W. BnllTH,
Atlore.r for Ike Ualro.
Clearield, Pa , Sept. Id. Ilil-lf.
ll kintld o( Fancy Wing" anil llirtlp,
Clearfield, Pa.
e.pL 1,79 ij
Improvements September, 1878'
ITaTtTiff rrrd frtr ths demand ot ." .
prugraHiva u. wa uow offtr to tlio World
Important Improvements.
KotwithstMidicg tlia VICTOR lina long Wa
thepocrof any niachiri in tbo market a fact
gflpported by a host of volantcer witneeaca a
now confickutly clnim for it greater
limpl icily, a tromlcrful redaction of
friction, nn'l nlio;;ctlitr a Jlare Com
h'mat'ionof VeniraUr. QualUiet. For naif
ly Ucrchanta r.nd others.
well as Hit cheapest that can be manti-
send your orders to
J.3. li. Lr.fli i,
Cloarfiold, Pa.
ChamLerlin Stump Puller,
Watertown Spring Wagons,
Hampton Dish Washors,
Pumps of all kirnls.
Blancbard Ohurn, -ETC.,
Sftr 3dffrtlSfmrBl,
Boom ITo. 4, Pia's Opera ZXotlso,
TI1R nnderelsned kee. Je.ttpod s Ml III.
ef Qrooerlea, ewek
Hour, 7nd aal Ctop ef all kind,
wkli-w we will eeD at loweel prleot for oaah, ar
eiokaiae for arrjdoeo or f rain.
Cloartekl, P. .Sep. U lT9 if,.
Ill .-teiii I
ill .3n,rL J
jt, i?-ir,