TUB "CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN," mil CLEAKFIKLD, PA. BTAIILIHKD IN Ittil. The lorgMt Ctrculatiuu of any Ntmepepcr la North Central Peaiiaylvanla. Terms of Subscription. if paid in adYaaea, r wlthla I month..... IH) f f aid after I 'id bafor. monthe a go ( paid after tl eplration of I month.... 3 fro Bates ot Advertising, Tran.lent adTerttaomenU, per equal-, of 10 llneeor In.,, 3 tluiM or less 1 00 Vnr eerb eubaeqaent Inaertion. 60 .Iminl.tretora'and Kxecutora'notloei. I 60 AuJitorl' notice - 1 60 Cation, and K.lraj 1 60 D,i,olutin notloea i 00 Profaxlonal Cerde, 6 linoe or leaa.l Tear.... I 00 lal notice., Pr line 10 YEARLY ADVHRTI8BMBNT8. 1 ijuiro s 00 1 column $60 00 I .quam 1 00 l oolomn.. 70 00 laqiaro... .20 00 1 column.. 110 00 o. b. ooodlaVder, Publleher. tfarfls. ' 1(1 It PRINTING Of EVERT DKSCRIP lioa neatly executed at thla oflio.. TT W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ll:17l ( IrarBcM, Pa T J. LINGLE, jHOBNE T - AT - LAW, 1:16 PMllpuburff, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd pOMSI) D. SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curwro.rille, Clearfield enuntj. Pa. ocl. , 'ja-lf. QSCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. .f-ir-Omce In Ibe Opera Ilnuaa. oet9, 'T8-tr. Q J?, k W. BAKUETT, Attorneys and Counbf.loiis at Law, clearfield, pa. January 30. 187). T"STMT"T TifiO'V 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearlleld. Pa. .saj-Ofllee la tha Court Huu.e. Jyll.'ST HENRY BRETH, (onrrin r. o.) JL'S'HCE OF THE PEACE run brll Tow.temr. Hay I, IS78.y tm. jr. MccuLLouurr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ffl! . In Moronic building, Second atreet, op jiDnite the Court llouae. Je28,'7H-tf. y C. ARNOLD, LAW 4 COLLECTION OFFICE, CLRWENPVILLK, ,!n Clearfield CountT. Penn'a. 75y g T. BROCK BANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEjVRFIELD, pa. Office In Opera Hoaaa. ap 35,77-ly JAMES MITCHELL, DRAtiia ill Square Timber & Timber Lands, Jell'71 CLEARFIELD, PA. T K. SNYDER, ' a ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Onto tn IV Opera Houaa. Juna !, "TStr. WILLIAM A. WaLLACB. DATID L. BOBBS. babbt F. wallaob. jobs w. wbiolbt. WALLACE & KREBH, (Sutteaaon to Wallace A Fielding,) ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, Jnl'TT Clearfield, Pa. Frank Fielding.. W. D. Big!er....8. V. Wllaoa. YIELDING, 1UGLER4 AVILSON, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. d-OHIo lo Pla-a Opera Ilou.e. mohi-7. TARRY SNYDER, LI BARBER AND HAIRDREH6ER. Hhop oa Market St., appoalte Court Ilottaa. A oleaa towal for arery floatomer. Alao dealer la llrat llrauds of Tobareo aud Clgara. ru...M. Pa. ajar 10. IA. raoa. a. nubsat. ctnitb aoanoa. URRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Sr-Olno. la Pla'a Opera Houee, aeeond floor. :0'74 loaara a. a'aaALLT. danibl v. B'ctmnr. fcENALLY 4 McCURDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, t irartlfld, Pa. -aLagal baalnoee attended to promptly witbj Uitr. Office oa Second alraet, abote tba Firal National Bank. )an:l:76 O- K.UMER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Real Eetate and Collaetloa Agent, Cl.KARl'Ifcl.l). PA., Will promptly attend to all legal kailaaaa en traated to bia aara. -OBoe in Pla'a Opera Houaa. Janl'JO. J P. McKENRICR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All legal tn.el.ne. animated to hie ear will ra oaira prunapt attention. Ofllea eppoaita Cnart Home, la Maaonle Btflldlng, eceood floor. au.gl4,7S-l, JR. K. M. SCUEURER, IIOMlKOPATHIO PI1Y8ICIAN, Ofllea la reaideara oa Firat at. April 14, M7I. . ClaarflaR Pa. JR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN at SURGEON, DUBOIS CITY, PA. Will attend profeeelonal ealla promptly. auglOTO T. J. ItOYKR, fUYSICIAN ANDSUROKON, Ofllea oa Market Straal, Claarleld, Pa. Pt-Offloe koura: I to 11 a. ., and 1 to I p. at. jyt. J. KAY WRIGLEY, HOlirKPATHIO PHYSICIAN, -Ofllea adjoining Ibe rerldenoe af Jamaa Wnitlry, Kao,., oa &ad St., Clearfield, Pa. jlytl,'; If. 4 M. HILLS, i.a CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. hOliea in Heldenoa. eanaalla Shaar Haaae. J.I7H JR. II. B. VAN VALZAII, CLBARPIRLD, PEHN'A. OFFICE III RESIDENCE. CORNER OF FIRST AND PINE STREETS. OBoa boar From 11 U I P. M. May IS, 17I. I) r j. r. burchfield, bale Sargaaa ef tba IM Raglmeat, Paaaaylraiila Volintaara, baring retaraed fraai tba Araay, Hera kla profeaaleaal aarrieea U tkeelUaeaa l Clearfield eoaaty. r-ProfaaaloBal ealla promptly attaaiefl U. o-a oa Saeeid alraet, hraiarlyapl by K'Waodl. Iapr4,'-U CLEARFI GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor VOL 53-WHOLE NO. JUSTICE' CORHTA HLEK KEES) cm V P'" nambar of tba a. FEE BILL, and will on tha receipt of twenty. OMnta. mail a aonr ta any aridreaa. mTxa WILLIAM M. HENRY, Juhtici 'T" ,AirBiTaaa, LUMBER CITY. Colleetiona ruada and money promptly paid rr. Artieloaof aicraemaiit and dwda ol Miaroyanca neatly airrutod and oarrantad eor. reel or Bo eharirr. J;ijy'71l JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juatico of tba I'aaoa and Bcrtrener, CurwenaTllle, Pa. bCollentioBa made and monar promptly Pdoar: febanitf ' JAS. B. GRAHAM, daalar la- Beal Estate, Square Timber, Boards, BUINOLES, ATn, A PICKETS, :lt'7S Cloartald, P, REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, ClearUeld, Peun'a. felt Will ..H.I. Ink. tn til. I ln H.Mnit. ..J la a workmanlike manner. af r4,A7 JOUN A. 8TAPLEK, BAKER, Mirket St., ClutrfleM, P. Fruh Breid. Kuak, Rolls, Pics sod Cmkei 00 band or made to order. A gentra,) astortmrni of ConreotioDarici, Fruit and Nuts tn stock. Ic Cream and OyIers In season. Saloon nearly (posits the I'osldlTtro. l'ripos mode rata, UfiMwh lft'7i. WEAVER & BETTS, DCALRRS IK Real Esta'e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LUUURROF ALL WINDS. TJ-Offlce on Btjoond ilreet, in rsar of stnra rxjiiin of (Jiorga Weaver it Cti. ( jati9, TS-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE ron Itrcalur Toiriwhlp, Oaeaola Milla P. O. All official buaineaa antroaled to bim will ba promptly attended to. mcb'JD, '70. JAMES H. TURNER, - JtSTICE OF TUB PEACR, Uallaretun, Pa. baa prepared bimseir wltb all tba Deceit ary blauk furius under the I'eniiun and lloaotj laws, as well as It lank JJseili, ele. All Icftal matters entruitevi to his eare will receir prompt attention. May 71b, lH7tf.tr. JOUN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ud Real Katat A (ft nt, Clearfield, Pa, Office en Third strtet, bet.Chrrj A Walnut. 0Heiptetfullr offsrs bis serviess In stlllnt and buying lands la Glsarfleld and adjoining oountias f aad with aa experience ol over twenty years as a surrey or, flattars himself that be eaa render satisfaction. IFeb. UM:it, AMIXIBW I1ARWIOK. Market Htrret, Clcardeld, Pa., HANITACTURIR ARD D1AL1R II Ilarnm Bridlet, Satidles, Collars, and Horse-Furnishing Goods, rAII hinds of repairing promptly attended to. Haddlan' Hardware, llurse brushes. Curry Combs, tlo., always on hand and for sals at tba lowest eaih price. March 111, 1H70. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD. PKNN'A. j-vrPomps always on hand and mads to order on short notio. Pipes bored on reasonable tanas. All worh warranted to render satisfaction, and delirered if desired. myla.lypd I Avery Mtable. THE undersigned begs leave to Inform the pub lic that he is bow fully prepared to anoommo date all Id the way or furnishing fU.ses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, oa the shortest aotioe and sn reasonable terms. Hesidenee on lioeast street, between Third and Foarth. OKU. W. uKAKIIAKT. Olearfield, Feb. 4, 1874. WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLEN HOPE, PENN'A. rpuR anderaigned, baring leaaad tbi Mm X modiraa lintel, la tba village of Glaa Hope , ie bow prepared to aeeommodat. all wbo may oall. . My labia and bar aball bo -applied wilb tbe belt tha market effordr. OKOKdK W. DOTT3, Jr. Olen Hope, Pa , March It, lr tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, n ali a m GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ttRAHAMTON, Pa. Also, extensive manufacturer and dealer In Square Timber and Hewed Lumber ol all kinds. -Orders solicited and all bills promptly filled. ljj'TJ E, A. BIGLER &, CO., ALIBI III SQUARE TIMBER, asd maauraoturara of A 1.1. KIN I) OK HAWED I.UMHKH, I 771 CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. S. I. 8 N Y D E R, h-J ABB PBALBB IB aWtuheB, Clocks and Jewelry, OrnAtei'l torn, Marktt Araet, l.KARFIF.I.l), PA. All blnda of rcpeirinf In my line promptly at ended to. April IS, l74. Clearfield Nursery. 1CNCOUKAGR HOME INDUSTRY. CpTIB andertlcnsi), having established a Nur X sfrj on the 'Pike, about half way between Clrarfield and Curwensvllle, is prepared to fur aish all kinds of FRUIT TRKKS, (suadard and dwarf.) Krergreeas, nnmooery, urapa inn, Uoopaberry, Lswtea Blackberry, Htrawberry, ana neBpoeiTj t ww. nin,Diinivi.iiw, qninoe, and early scarlet Rhubarb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Addrsss, d. V. T IV I If II 1 , seo!0 CurwePMTllls, Pa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAED0N & BR0.( Oa Market 8t, one door wett ef Maaslna House, CLEARFIELD. PA. Oar arrangements are rf the aiosi aomplete eharmetAW tor furnishing the public with Freeh Meata of all kind, and ef Ibe very best quality. We also deal it all ktads ef Agricultural Implt meats, which we keep aa eihibiitoa far the batt el t ef the public. Call around whea la town, and lake a look at things, er address ae F id. CAKDON .ft BRO. Clearfield, Pa., Jaly 14, IH7ft tf. Clrar field ltnanrt 4fmry. jAHaa una. CAIKOlL l. UCDtB, Repraatat the (bllowln aad etbsr first class Ce'i Companies. Asseta. Liventool Loadoa A Olobt-U. 1. Br4,3fJ,s Lvcamiai ButaalAeash plaas.. ,tM),0ti 'bD.l,of Hanforw, Ceaa t.eli.OM iDsaraace Ce. ef N.rth Amerlea.....M .41174 North British A MareaaUle U. 8. Br.. l.lM.HM Beottifh Cenim.fcial t.B. Branch.... T,14 Watertawa - ...-.. Travelerl (Life A Aeeidcat) 4,k5,44 OtAre oa Market Bt., epp. Crrt lleaaa, Clear field, Pa. Ui,19it. & Proprietor. 2,611. OMM.hlMEH. Old (.rimes Is dead, that aod old soul, We ne'er shall see him more ! lie used to wear a long blue onat, All buttoned down Ulore. When a'er he heard the voice of pi la, Ills heart with pity burned. The large, round bead upon bU caue From Ivcry was turned. HI- neighbors ba did not abuse' Was aooiablo and Rev ile wore l-r go bookies on bis shoes. And changed them every day. He, modest merit Joy'd to find, And pay it lis desert) He wore no malinc In bis mind. Nor ru files on bis shirt. His heart was cheerful as tha, day) His friendship warm snd true, His hslr was some inclined to grey; He wore it in a cub. He freely lent to el the poor Berirvolent and kind A bat of bevsr far he wore, Tbe rim turnsi up behind. But poor old Grimes' Is now at rest, Nor fears mi-fortune's frown He wore a double breasUd rest The stripes ran up and down. lie never tried (he world to please, With alms si pored to view, His hose were gathered at the kneel ; His breeches they were blue. Ills breant wnuld alw.vs swell with grief At lijiht of human woes, With a Bandana handkerchief He used to wipe hit nose. He never caused bis friends to blush, By actions base or mean. He hud an irory-hnndled brush, Wltb which his teeth to clean. Good people all, I prav let fall, A tear for poor old Grimes, A doth hisnousln, Peter Small, Who did oompusa these rhvines. THE ZVL U D YXA STY. TlioZiilun "Zulu'1 in tho native Ian- rrUftL.fi Biirniiirit I'llnnvon" urn it.,. ncribmj Btillluicntly a to tlioir origin, l-IIIU-lu-luruHIL'H UIIU C'UBlOinB in lliCBO columns at tho breaking out of tho war Vritll Kntrlnnfl Knmn a..nin.f nf (I.a dynasty, tho lostltnd by no mouna tho ii'um uidiinriimucu moniocr 01 wnicn has jtint bocn captured by tho English, will bo of intoroHt. This is tho book of tho generations of King t'ctowngo . rrt'NOA. Uienaangaoona ; d. 1813. Dingaan; Umhlancane ; Chnka ; Panda : Ualng. d. I h 10 1. lfls. b. 17H7. d. 1S71. ojana. d. I85. I'mhulaai; Cetcwayot t'bamn. d. 1S59. Whether Jama was tho son oi Uma- keba or of Umbuzi, who woro bona of L punga, is not (imto certain, but tho wnight of ovidenco favors tho belief that ho ucseonded trom I makoba. Iloyond Vpunga tho royal lineogo ol Zululand cannot bo traced. Juma's son Usenzangacona-wns tbo chief of a petty sea coast tribo, near the Um volosi river, and lortl of soino thirty wive,' wbo boro him noarly two hun dred children. One ol l.to i wm Umnandi who, because ol his jealousy, had to fly to a neighboring tnbo, bear ing with her ber son Chaka. Tbo chief with whom they found refugo caused tho youth to bo educated in all tho accomplishments befitting an Afri can princo and warrior. Whilo still in his toons, (Jhaka happened to meet at St. Lucia Boy some shipwrecked tn glish sailors, who told him a great deal about the exploit and warlike famoof "Hones. ibe uoy listoned attentively, and made up his mind to bocomo tbo "Honey olAtrica. strange irony of tbo fato that tho first Wnpo Icon should inspire in the mind ol a Kaffir chief colossal schemos of war liko ontorpriso, and that tho fourth Napoleon, the son of tho Emperor's nephew, should fall in battlo with tho nephew ol his African admirer. When, in 1812, old Uecniangacona died, Usingojana succeeded hiai aa tbe son of tho "great wilo," tho spouso to whoso descendants a .ulu King, in ad vanced years, guarantees tho succes sion. Chaka, however, claimed the throne, and speedily ousted his half brother. Many ol the Cmtetwa, tho tribo among whom Chaka had boon brought op, followod him into the Zulu nation, and specially ho recognized his army and began a career of conquost. lie divided tbe warriors into rcgimonts, with subdivisions of battalions and companies and different uniforma, and revolutionized their arms and stylo of fighting. Tbo Zulus, liko othor Kaffir tribes, had previously fought with a sheaf of assegais. Chaka pitted two regiments aguinsl each other, ono arm ed with the weapons blunted, of course and the other having shields and a short stabbing assegai, thus un consciously imitating the Komaneqtiip mont. They skirmished for a while, and then Chaka look stock ol tho con tusions and inxtuntly ordorod tbo wholo army to adopt the now weapon. Fighting upon tba open plains, his bat talions advanced in massive columns, protected by tlioir hugo shields, rccoiv od the darts hurled by tho enemy with but trifling loss, and getting to closo quarters the instant the foemen's jave lins were expended routed them with tremendous slaughter. It was as great a revolution in African warfare aa that brought about in Buropo by tho introduction ot gnnpowdcr or tbe needle nun. Tribo alter tribo be over came, not to extirpate but to incorpor ate with his own pooplo copying Uouuparto again tho process ol dis tribution and amalgamation being very skillfully carried out. With nearly sixty tribes bo thus doalt during bis reign. He bad an Old (juard of 12, 000 or 15,000 warriors always prepar ed to march at a tnomont s notioo, ga in? filtv miles without aball and often travelinz ior thrco hours at the rato of eight miles an hour and "oat on what ever enemy presented himself, distrib uted provisions ana men in lortinea kraals all over tho country, and con quered and slaughtered and resigned till when, in iHza, ii r. Isaacs, a mis sionary visited bim and told him of tho extent oi me jrnio uominiunr and bow King tioorgo had overthrown llonaparte, ho could atlord to say com- nlaconlly: "Thoro are only two great chiefs in all the earth my brotbor, King (ioorgo, is king of all the whiles; I, Chaka, am king of all the blacks." As the Kronen Republicans bad done, so did Cbaka. An unsuccessful sol dier's fato was death. Till the men of a regiment had distinguished them selves in the Bold Ibey wore not allow ed lo marry, and if they (ailed in an ontorpriso their families as woll as them solves sufTercd. Mr. Isaacs saw 170 children slain, being beaten to dealh or having thoir nocks twistod, and Utn bulale ("the 1'lace ol Blaugblor") took its name from tho massacre thore of a defeated corps and the wives and chil dren or its members. In 1828 Chaka marched southwest against the Amapondos, routed tbem, ravaged the country to lbs borders ol Hrilish Protectorate nd marched borne with an immense spoil. Ibe British and colonial troops with native ELD CLEARFIELD, allies, started after him, but encoun torod tho Amadirwana tribo wilb 20. 000 cattle, flying from tho Zulus, and, mistaking thorn for Chaku's men, kill ed some hundreds of tbom and drovo off all thoir bords. Meanwhile, C'huka uaa roached Umvotl, bis capital, and sent his brothors Dingaan, Umhlan gano with an army lo tho North ugainHt L'soshengaiio, on tho shores ol Delagoa Buy. Tbo country was pes tilential, and two-thirds of thoir army perished from exposure, disoaso and hungor. Enraged at thoir ill success Chaka ordorod tho murder of 2,000 women, wives of tho defeated soldiora. Among tho victims slaughtered at tho ruto ot 200 or 300 a day, woro tho spou8ea of his brothors, who botwoen resontmcnt and fear woro moved to eonspiro against bis lifo. His body sorvunt, Uiubopa, joined in the plot, and having unsuspected accoss to Dha ka's prcsonco struck him dead Sep tomber 23,1828. Thusdiod atthoagoof forty-one the Zulu Aloxandor or Napo leon. Dingaan and Unhlangano dis puting tho succession fought a duel in tho royal kraal immediately altor Chaka's burial, when tha latter was slain. Dingaan was not a wurliko despot but a maehiavelinn tyrant. Thousands of his subjects flod to Natal, but after 18.35 ho negotiated a treaty with En gland in virtue of which tho desortors wore roturood to him to bo brained or impaled. In 18:18 Pietcr IJelief, a lloor, was eont to ask a grant ol Natal for tho Dutch immigrants, with a mis sionary, the liov. K. Owen. At Urn gungundlhovn ("tho place of tho trurpctir. cf the c!?phr,.?t") h found Dingaan in a neatly built palace 20 feet in diamotor, supported by 22 pil lars covered with beads, in tho buildin" standing in the centro of a kraal of 1, 700 huts, caclj largo enough for twon ty men. Six thousand soldiers wero paraded in a mock tight and a subso- quont war-dunce around thousands of beautiful cattle representing tho spoils ol tho combat ; all that tho Boers ask ed was granted them. On tho (1th of rcbruary, 18.18, they brcokfustod with Mr. Owen and snoko of Dinuaan's courtesy and good fuilh ; tbon went unarmed, Bnmo sovonty mon In all, to sit around tho King and sco tho furowoll dance. Closer and closer whirled tho dancers round the circle, till tbo Kin;t roso and cried ancrilv. Soir.o tbo accursed wizards I" when in an instant tho Dutchmen wero seiz ed and dragged away. "Toll Owen," said tbo King to a messenger, "that 1 am going to kill tho Boers, but ho need not bo Ingbtoncd. llo kept his word, for though l'iotcr Relief and his com panions were brained and speared be foro tho missionary's eyes, Mr. Owen and his family Buffered to depart in safety. Tho Zulus swarmed over tho country and literally exterminated tbo Boors. At a station on tho Bush man's liivor that still bears tho name of Wconon "Weeping" they found an tho agou ana tuobio, women and nhilrlmn. whnm with linir lpwlnr, ( lat Maritz, they slow 3Uti in all, besides 250 colored servants. Tbo names of 1'ieter Keliot and Gort Maritz aro jointly commemorated in that of tha town of 1'ioiormaritzburg. 1 bo Doers beyond tho Tugcla, howovor, rallied and helped by tho English fought through 18:i8 and 18.10, when they succeeded in corrupting Dingaan's brother Panda. Wilb 4,000 soldiers Panda rovoltcd early in 1810. Din gaan s lorco thus weakened was ao stroyod, and on the 10th of February Panda dethroned and Blow him, and ascended the tbrono. Panda reigned till 1872. Ho had agreed over to continuo tho loyal and devoted ally of bis whilo neighbors, and according to Sir Thoophilus Shep stone, his roign was "incomparably milder and moro merciful than that of his predocossor. llo consolidated the government and administration ol the country into a regular fabric, hav ing rulers in overy small district who led tho people in war and administer ed justice in poaco, owing feudal sub ordination to an Incnna, or provincial chicl, wbo belonged to tho King's Great Council. The laws affecting marriago and military scrvico were sovoroly administered, and the people suffered not a little from "witch find ing," tho wizard, wbo was promptly killed aftor forfeiting his proporty to thoCrown.being invariably a well-to-do subject or a man obnoxious lolho King On tho wholc.howovcr.tho regin of King Panda was quiet and prosperous, anil when ho died, October 18, 1872, he left tho reputation of a good neighbor both among tho Dutch and tho English. II is son Cotowaye pronounced Kotchwhyo succeeded him, boing du ly installed hy Sir then plain Mr. Thcnpholis Shcpstono. Chaka and Dingaan do not socm to Have leu any sons at all. One report makes out that tliev killed their mulo children and pregnant wives "to keep down dun geronsqucHtionsoonnoctcd with thosuo eession j" another and moro probable version is that Dingaan killed oft all Chuka'B heirs and Panda all Dingaan's. Panda had several grown up sons in 1856, tho two most prominent of whom woro Cotowavo and Umbulaze, the former a warlike young man, tho lat ter a mild and peaceful princo, his ffithor'a favorite. Kuuh was allowed to form a separate establishment and collect rotainors to service "under tbe ticor's head" and naturally parties wero soon formed and civil war broke out. In a great battlo on the Tugela, Cotowayo defeated and slew hie brotb or and 3,000 wariiors, and early in Novomhor, 1857, was recognized by tho I neon as at a great council as heir apparent, it being understood that through tho Prime Minister Masipula be should exercise mo rogoncy tin nts lathor's death. As Panda was in his old ago bo fut that ho could not walk, and had to be liflod into and out of bis wagon by six men, tho active duties ol kingship bad dovolvod upon Cotowayo long before 1874, when at Panda's death Mr. Shcpstonocrowned him form ally. The ceremony took place at Umlambongwenya, with as much arti ficial solemnity and docorativosplondor aa Mr. Sbepstone's party oould furnish out of thoir portable stores. A tent was pitched In tho centre of the kraal, decked with flags, shawls and colored blankets; on a table was placed a mir ror and crown or can, while beside it was a chair of state with a scarlet and gold mantle. About 10,000 warriors woro present whogreoted with loud ac clamations tho appearance of the King in his robes and cap, a salute was nreo, the band struck op and tbe native soldiers rattled their knoDkerrios in thoir shields, while tho heralds pro claimed the new sovereign ol tbe Sons of Heaven. Wilb the story of lbs Transvaal dis putes and Kngland's interference, read era of the World are lamiliar. Wbon in October. 1870, tbe Knglisb Govern ment sent hint a warning concerning tbe killing of thoso wbo disobeyed tho marriage laws, Cetewayo returned a haughty reply. "Why,"saidhe,"doeB PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S, 1879. the Govurnor of Natal speak lo mo about my lawa ? Do 1 go to Nalnl and dictato to him about hia laws 1 I do kill ; my people will not listen un less Ibey aro killed. Tho Govornor of Natul and I are equal ; ho is Gov ornor of Natal and I am Governor boro." When he pleaded for permis sion to "wash hia spears," becauso it was tho custom of his country for a King upon bis accession lo ' flesh his maiden sword," it was refused him, and finally ho was bullied into tho wur in which bis power was brokon and his tbrono lost, not, howovor, till ho bad given conspicuous proof that in bravery and efficiency tho Zulu war machine had not deteriorated since the days of his great undo, Cbaka. A pictnro of C'etowavo shown in London this year indicated no traeo of luroeily the eicpwssion of the lace, indeed, was mild anrtalmost benignant, "An Old Colonist," Lowovcr, thus do scribes him : Ilia eyes wero exceptionally largo ana uriinunt, out bu lo-ohead, though broad for a Kaffir, was vory receding, whilo tha lowor part of hia face denot ed a determined and brutul nature. Ho was vory elaborately dressed. Over his shoulders was fastened a leopard skin kceroi or cloak reaching down to tho back of his knees; round his loins ho woro a handsome tmochy that is, a band of tiger-cat skins, with a deep fringo of stripes of tie snino skins hanging downward, lbs wrists and ankles woro decorate.! with rings of red, whito and black beads, and bis hair with several ostrich leathers. In tho slit in bis right cat (tho distin- oMiishinp; mark of tbo Zu.ua, who aro all so cut in the lobo of both ears in infancy) be curried a very ornamentul snuff box, made trom a peco of bam boo cano, caived and decorated with beads, and in the slit In his left car he enrried a comb. Tho Zulu comb is about six inches long, una is raado of ivory. Tbo top of tho handlo is ot tho shape of tho bowl of a spron, and with it they measure out Bnuif. Tho lowor part is elaborately earvod Tho tooth, of which thero aro only tlireo, aro fully four inches long, and resemblo tho prongs ot a fork. In his right hand Cetewayo carried n hunting assegai, and on his left arm his shield. N. Y. World. CARKLEHSNF.SK AS A SOVRCE OF VOVkRTY. It is amazing to consider the extent to which losses aro incurred on tho one hand, and sales and occupation at- lorded on tho other hand, by the Inex cusable carelessness of people who know bottor and ought to do better. Tbe fastening of a well bucket is de ranged, or a hoop is looso, but the thoughtless man or woman never no tices the trouble until tho bucket ie dropped in tbo well or tho bottom is out. Then timo is lost, the family is tnconvonienced, and perhaps a ncigh- fa"" j"t ol ) 1 1. - it Tho gato latch IB out of order; no at tention is paid to it; tho hogs or cows get in ; the yard is rooted up ; tho shrubbery ia destroyed ; tbo gardener is employed and the nurseryman has an order. A tiro is looso on tho wheel ; tho wood is rantdlv wcarinrr awav. a littlo caro would sol tho matter right; no pains aro taken ; away on the road a wheel ib crushed, and the wheelwright has somo employment. A Bhinglo is out of place on tho roof; ono nail would mend tho trouble; that nail isn't driven ; tho rain steala in, and soon the plastorcr is paid to uso trowel and brush. A briulo rein is weak ; a bit Ib worn ; nobody thinks of examin ing oilhor; a horso is drawn to ono side, or a horse runs away ; a vehicle is broken ; a curnauo niakor or black smith is profited, and perhaps a sur geon has a profitable professional en gagement The water of a well is impure ; thoso wbo uao it complain, and still no proper steps aro takon ; the family have sorious sickness; tho druggist sells his medicines, and the doctor gets his fees. In some way the cellar is foul; tbo mephitic gasscs escape thro' the floors ; tbo blood is poisoned ; tbe fover rages; somo suffer, some die; tho physician has a harvost, and oven tho undertaker and sexton find em ployment. A stovo chimney is in dan gerous condition ; pooplo, havo eyes to see, but they don't uso them ; tho fire soon docs its dreadful work, and cur- pentcrs and mechanics havo a good timo. oo ol many very many things. Aro vou innocent of such neglect f There are far bettor and cheaper ways to givo work and profit to others. Hy taking care of what yon have you may become ahlo to add othor and moro valuable things which you do- Biro. J hero is true economy in proper attention to small as well as great things. E UG EMITS roSSESSlOXS. LondoB Correapondeooa Philadelphia Tlmea. Tho ox-Empress of France ia said to be one of tbe richest widows in En gland. In addition to ber Hungarian estato, she has a castle in Spain and a nico tilaco in Switzerland. Hut bard cash is what comes most useful to de throned sovereigns who hopo lo re turn, and of this tho Empress baa long had abundance. It la estimated in Paris that she is worth at least a mill ion sterling. Only recently Bhe sold a largo block of house property in tho Rue d'Alba, in Paris, and M. Kouhor's house, a well known political centro, at the corner of the Ituo do rfiiyseo, was bora, in her own right, and was sold lust year lor 15,000. Tho death ol tho Prinoo adds to her property, sineo he left to her a considerable amount of land property in Italy, as woll as the Toulouse property, ocqucaineu to bim by the grisly uonoral wuo nao been cancrrv to the Princo when he toddled about tho corridors ol the Tuillcnea nearly throe foot high and weiuhted with the miniature uniform ot a Colonel in tbe Gent Garde. This vast property was no incumbrance to the Win press whilst yov sne naa a son to live and scheme for. It was drain ed pretty frocly by tho Bonapartisl orirans of tho nross in France. Tbe Ordt and the J'avl wore laviBhly sup ported by the Empress, and she also drew handsome checks in favor of the reduction ol Uavloit. Tbe need for keeping those fires warm ia now dead. The Kmpross is not likely to keep newspapers alivs to work for hor good cousin Jeromo ; she will not, however, find hor richos an emharrasamont aa long as the priest" have roady access to hor. A nowspaper supplies large out lets for superfluous cash, but 1 think on the whole tho church can bold Its own in rivalry of this character, and a good cburchwoman liko the Kmpross will not find occasion to distress ber solf lor means of disposing ot the in terest, and eventually the capital, of a million sterling. REPUBLICAN. TABLE OF ELEYA TIOXS IX PEXXSYLVAXU. Tho Yillnae Record clipnod an item from llio Ledger to tho effect that Pot tor county bud "tho highest land cast oi the Jtocky Mountains. And the Ledger took tho Record lo task in a vig orous denial. For Iho benefit of both journals wo desire to slato that Klk Hill, a short distanco from Carbondale, attains to tbo highest altitudo above tho sea levol in Pennsylvania. Scran ton Republican. Wo havo not been out with our tape nno to mcnatiro tueso elevations per sonally, nut wo havo culled tho follow ing altitudes from tbe table of eleva tion found in the report ol tho Geolog ical survey of Pennsylvania: Summit onoth of Wellaboro', Tioga Co., ISA, ft. Ilrail of Plana No. 6, above Carbondale. ltlilS It. Point between Tobybanne and Lehigh buuilnlt 19711 ft. Suiumtt of Carbon Hun, llradford Co 2041 ft. Summit aontb of (,'rawfurd, Bradford Co.. 2140 It. tirade at Summit of tunnel 8 milea from Couderaport, Poller Co 2329 ft. Hill, caatotLong Pond, North Mountain, bollivan oountj I3S3 ft. Creat of Allegheny Mountaina, Clearfield oonntr 7014 ft. We aro under tho impression that tbo highest altitudo in Pennsylvania is lound in Somerset county, near tbo southern lino of Iho Stuto. Negro Mountain is 2813 Icet, but its higbost point may bo a littlo south of tbe lino. tbo abovo aro the biuhest altitudes recorded near tho several points named. Iho lollowing may bo ol interest: Carbondale.. 1015 ft .... 1IHI3 ft. ... 7t n. .... an ft. ... is5 n. .... 7:8 ft. . 117! ft. !!.'.' iris it. ... Ulllft. lloneadaie Sorenton Tunkhannook Montroao Toaranda narolay neurveu, Tool t Head of Plane Wellaboro' Tho highest point east of tho Missis sippi river is Mt. Buckley, North Car olina, blii) leel. in l oiter county ib found ono of tho most remarkublo water eheds in tho world. Streams flow toward tho Gulf of Mexico, toward Ibo St. Lawrence, and toward tho Chesapcuko, all have tlioir sourcoB within a vory small area. A knowlcugo of this fact conveys to somo minds tho orroncous impression that tho highest land east of the Mississippi must necessarily bo lound hero. Seward Coal Journal. 11S T UR BAXCES IX J UP TER. According to a writor in in tho Ro chester Democrat and Chronicle, theio is trouble in tbe giant planot Jupiter, which is sinning so brilliantly theso cool nights. A great spot estimated to bo 18,000 miles in diameter, is con spicuous on the planet's disc. It has been visible lor two yoars, says AI. irouvelot, ol -tambritlgo, Mass., al though its appearance bos not been generally known until recently. It is probablo that on Iho first discovory of Ibo spot tho color was not strongly pronounced, or it would havo been moro generally observed. Dr. Swilt, of Rochester, saw tho spot for tho first umo oniy a lew weens ago. Iho onlv explanation, thus lar given, is tliut thero is a ront is the cloud covering of Jupiter, revealing Iho red hot body ol tho planet. Ibis explanation hardly explains, although it is now goneraliy conceded that Jupiter ia a glowing mass, and abinca partly by his own light. Many romarkable changes have recently tukon place in tho appear ance of Jupiter. Thoso wbo search for the red spot cannot fail to notice tho white, cloud liko spots botween tho groat eopper-colored equatorial belts, x he great central belt seems to be broken up into white cloud masses lying at intervals along the Jovian equator. Tho copper color ot the outor bells oxtonds in some places across tbe equatorial regions, usually occupied by a bright bolt of creamy while. North and South of tho great equatorial belts and about half way to the poles aro narrow, irregular salmon colored bolts that present a very beautiful appear ance, ibe blue coloring about the poles seems less pronounced than usual. It is moro than probable that in the mighty changes going on in Ju piter, adds the Chronicle, we are wit nessing the phenomena of world growth, and that tho giant planet is slowly undorgoing, under our vory eyes, iho moditicalionB necessary to fit it lor habitation. Queen Beks and now Tiieiii Va cancies are Supplied. In a paper read to tho (Juekott M ieroscopical Club, r. Hunter stales that a lerlilo queen hco will in four yenis lay a million eggs. 1 wenty one days aro required lor the production ol a worker bee ; "but the samo egg that produced tho worker in twenty ono days could, had the boos been so minded, bavo boon bred up in a queen in six days." "The bees, continues lr. Hunter, "only rear queons when necessity calls for them, cither from tho loss of thoir old monarch or apprehended swarming. II 1 remove tho queen H'om a hivo, the first of these contingencies occurs, and aftor a low hours' commotion, tho bees select cortain of Iho workei eggs, or oven young larva? two or three duys old. The cell is enlarged to five or six limes its ordinary capacity, a su perabundance of totally different lood is supplied, and thu result is mat, in five days less than would have been required lor a worker, a queen is hatched. The marvel is Inexplicable;. How a moro cbango and greater abund- anco of food snd a more roomy lodg ing should so transform the internal and oxternal organs of any living crea- turol The coso is without a parallcd in all tho animal creation. It is not a mere superficial chango that has been effected, but one that ponolratca far below form and structure, to tho very fountain oflilo itself It is a translor malion alike of function, or structure, and of Instinct." Reports from apiarians of various parts ot the country appoar lo be in favor of wlntoring bees in cellars, in stead of tho old method of leaving thorn upon the stands where they aro bent during the Summer. 'I be Decs, when protected from sevors cold, eat less and corns ont much stronger in the Spring. But it is quite important that the cellar in which tho bees are stored should be perfectly dry and well ventilated, for unless these conditions are secured the combs become moldy and the bees perisb. "Ton did not deign to nolico me yesterday," said a boanliful fair one to it gentleman at Atlanlio City. "I did not seo yon, iranKiy rosponaoa ine gentleman. "You could, II yon wonld have only turned your head." "My dear friend.' eallanllv responded the gontloman, "if I had done so, 1 feel sure it would not have been the first head your charms have turned. Friend to scientific authority "Doc tor, bow is a man to tell a mushroom from a toadstool I" Rclentifio author) tn "By eating it. If yon live it is a , mushroom ; if yon die it is a toadstool." A CURE FOR (1 OSS J P. .CULTURE THE ONLY SURE ANTIDOTE. Everybody must talk about somo thing. Tbe poor follow wbo was told not to tulk tor fear that tho poople would find out that ho was a fool, mado nothing by tbo experiment. He was considered a tool because be did not talk on somo subject or other. Everybody must bavo something to say, or give up society, ut course, the topics ot conversation will relate to subjects of knowledge. It a man is interested in science ho will talk about scionco, If ho is an enthusiast in art he will talk about art. If ho is famil iar with literature, and is an intelligent and persistent rcador, ho will natural ly bring forward litorary topics in his conversation. So with social and re ligious questions. "Out of tho abund ance of the hoart tho mouth spcakoth." luat ol which tho mind is lull, that with which it is furnished, will como out in expression. the very simple reason why the world is full of gossip is that those who indulgo in it have nothing else in them. They must interest thomsolvcs in Bomolhiug. Thoy know notbinz but what they learn from day to day in inlorconrso with, and observation of their neighbors. What theso neigh bors do, what thoy say, wbnt happens to thorn in their social and business affairs, what they were, tbeso become tho questions oi supremo intorcst. Tho personal and social I lo around tbom this is the book under constant peru sal, and out ot this comes that pestif erous conversation which wo call gos sip. Ibo world is lull ol it, and iu a million houses, all over tho country, nothing is talked of but tho personal affairs of neighbors. What is a euro lor gossip? Simply culture. Thoro is a great deal of gos sip that has no malignity in iU Good natured peoplo talk about their neigh bors because, and only becauso, they havo nothing clso to talk about. Gos sip is always a personal confession oitber of malico or imbecility, and tho young Bhould not only shun it, but by iho most thorough culture relieve themselves from all temptation to in dulgo in it. It Ib low, frivolous, and too oflon a dirty businexs. Thore are country neighborhoods in which it rages liko a pest. Churches are split in pieces by it. Neighbors ninko cno mioB by it for lifo. In many persona it dcgoneralcB into a chronic disease which is practically incurable. Let the young euro it while they may. TOO MUCH SLEEP. Tho effects ot too much sleep, says tho Golden Rule, are not less signal Iban those arising from privation. The whole nervous system becomes blunt ed, so that tho muscular onorgy ia en feebled, and tho sensations, tbe moral and intellectual manifestations are ob tunded. All the bad effects of inaction Knnnmn Hepplnnflrl thn 1nrtr.ftf.na oxorted wilh less enorgy ; the diges tion ia torpid, tho exertions are dimin ished, whilst, in some instances, the socrolions of fat accumulate to an in ordinate extent. The memory is im paired, tha powers of imagination are dormant, and the mind tails into a kind of habitude, chiefly bocaiiso the func tions of tbo intellect are not sufficiently exerted, when sleep is loo prolonged or loo often repeated. To sleep much is not necessary to be a good sleeper. Gonorally thoy aro the poorest Bloepors who remain longest in bed ; that ia thoy awaken lesa refreshed than if the time of arising woro earlier by an hour or two. While it is true that children and young poople require more sloop than their elders, yot it should be tbo caro of parents that over indulgence bo not permitted. Whero the habit is for children to lie in bed until eight or nine in the morning, tho last two hours, at least, do not bring sound dreamless sleep, whero tho hour for retiring is eight or nine P. M., but are spent in "dozing," and in fact, such excess cannot tail to insure harmful results described by the authority quoted. What is called "laziness" among children is, in very many cases, disease, and is largely duo to this, as well ns the othor causes mentionod that undormine the foundation of health. Balky Horses. A Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals rec ommends the following rules lor the treatment ol balky horses : 1. Pat tbo horse upon tbe neck, ex amine tbo harness carolully first on one side then on Iho other, speaking encouragingly whilo doing so; tbon jump into tbo wagon and give the word go; generally he will obey. 2. A teamster in Maine savs he can start tho worst balky horse by taking him out ot tbe shafts and making bim go round in a circle If tho first dance ot this kind doesn't cure him, the sec ond ono will be sure to do iu 3. To euro a balky horse, simply pluco your hand over the horso's nose and shut on mo wind tin no wants to go, then lot him go. 4. Tbe brains of horses seem lo on tertnin but ono idea at a time ; thus continued whipping only confirms his stubborn rosolvo, u you can ty any means give him a new subject to think of, vou will have no troublo in start ing him. A simple remedy is to take a couple ol turns ol stout twine around the lore leg, juat below the kneo, and tie in a bow-knot. At the firat chock he will go dancing off, and, after going a short distance, yon can got out and remove tho string to provont injury to tho tendon in your lurtuer drive. In locating an apiary thoro are sev eral points that should be considered, Perhaps water comes first, because it is something we cannot got along with out. Thoro is a great quantity used by the bees on a hot day to keep the combs from melting down, besides what is used in looding brood in the latter narto! tbe season. When the wind blows from the east, hot and dry, boos havo boon known to use a pound a day to the bive, allowing a sufficient quantity lor evaporation. A Deo s mo is irovornod, wo might say, by the work it docs, and if it has to fly a long way for water, it cannot for bis lile bring tbe honoy to his owner that it could if the water was handy. Wet sand Is the best lor boos to suck wsler irom, tor than Done are drowned. An English paper relates that in farm bouse at Kirkcaldy, a tempting ham hunt- from the rafters, and a rat, witbj rare instinct, gnawed a hole through the woodwork directly over it, and descending, ate iuway into the interior of the sweet morsel. One day the house wife started to lake the bam down, whea ont bolted lb depredator and up through its hole. The bam was a perlect shell, skin and bona only remaining to show iu form, while the rat had began to build a aet in It TEBMS-S2 per annum in Advanoe. NEW SERIES-V0L. 20, NO. 39. THE ASCEXT OF AX ASIATIC MOUNTAIN. Two Englishmon, llonry K, Tozer and T. M. Crowdor, havo recently as condod Mount Argteus, tho highest mountain In Asia Minor alter Ararat. In tho account which they send to the Timet (London) thoy stuto that their nrsl tent was pitched on the mountain side 8,0110 leel above the sea. At two o'clock tbe next morning they started undor the brilliant light ot the full moon, and began a climb of 1,600 rest. which was a torrible hard piece of worn, as the ground was exlremolv sieop ana the lace ot the mountain was covored with looso stones, and masses of rock equally untrustworthy to tbo loot. When thov wero in the middle of this climb tbo first rays of me sun loll on the pornbvrr rocks uoove mora and produced a splendid effect by turning tbom to a bright crimson. At last, at anoul six o clock, they roacbod tbe ridge, wboro thoro was a long arete ot enow at tbo boat! of a vast snow-slope, which formed a conspicuous object on tbo north side when seen from Kaisorioh. Cutting a few steps in tho frozen snow, thoy reacbod a point some two hundred feet bighor, at tho base of tbe final peak, whicn rose about hlty loot abovo, and was perpendicular and wholly imprac ticable. This point bad been reached by Hamilton, tho Secretary ol tho London Geological Society, in 1837, and by Tchihaehoff, the Russian Sa vant, in 1848. Tho view was very ex tensive, including tbe long lino ol Anti-Taurus to tbe cast, the mountains that run down toward Lycaonia to the southwest, and to tho north tho vast undulating plains, or rather steppes, which occupy tho interior of tho country. But far tho most ro markable feature was tbo mountain itself, for the loftiest pinnacles of por phyry which rose around and beneath thorn, vertable aiguilles, were as won derful a sight as could be woll conceiv ed. It was strange, even in that land of Cappadocia, which, is full of ancient rock dwellings, to find tho rocks ex cavated close to the summit : and theso chambers were clearly artificial, for the marks ot tbe chisel wero evident along tho roof and walls, and thoro wore niches cut in the sides. D1CKEXS' DY1XO PRlSOXER. On a recont Saturday morning an aged man went into tho office attached to the iron foundry of Messrs. Adams & Story, in Philadelphia. While tbo attention of tbo clerk was attracted away from him he approached tho hro-proot sale, tbe onter door ot which was open, and unlocking the inner one with a false key, ho took therefrom two (5 biils and a check for (50, to gether with some documents which happened handy. Before be succeed ed in making off with his booty, how ovor, one of the employes happened to gaze In bis direction. "What aro you doing there?" asked the detector. tthmrr snatrererl the rletneten .htif employe was not to bo fooled by such a roply, aud upon making an ex amination he found what has boon re lated above. The aged piltorer was then nabbed and banded over to a po liceman, wbo was soon summoned, and who took bim to the Twelfth District station bouse, where he gave the name of David Suitor. On being subsequent ly conlrontcd by Ijioutei.ant Axo, be was identified as Charlus Lnnghcimor, tho man who was made famous by Charles Dickens. When Dickens saw bim he was im pressed wilh bis apparent sufliorings, and tbe novelist devoted soveral panes of his "American Notes" to a descrip tion oi tbe coll. and in particular of tbe 'dejected, Dcart broken appearance ot this criminal whose lifo has boon cru elly tortured out of him by the solita ry confinement system." Langheimer nau decorated his cell with colored drawings made with dyes extracted trom the yarns he was working with, and Iho cell is still shown to visitors as one of the cariosities ol the place. Ho had made a flowor bed in his yard, which Dickens described as "looking for all the world like a little grave." According to the great novelist, Laug heimer was to have died years sgo from tbo effects of bia imprisonment, but ho is still hale and hearty at the advanced age of sovonty -six years. V hen arrested be bad been out ot tbe penitentiary but two years. Pat having been sont by his master to the postorllce after tho letters, was asked on bis return : "Woll, Pat, what was thoro for me ?" "Two loiters and papor, sir," replied Pat. "Well,". said tho master, "hand them lo me ; that aro you standing there for? Indado, sir," said Pat, "you didn't tell me to bring them at all I" "What did yon go to the office for?" "You told me to go to the office, responded 1 at, "and see what was in -the box, and havn't I dono it sure ?" A firm dealing largely in coal had in their service an Irishman named Barney. One dny the head of the firm, irritated beyond endurance at one of Harney a blunders, told him to go to the ottlce and got hia pay, and added : "You aro so thick headed I can't teach you anything." "Bogorra," says Bar ney, "1 larnt wan thing since 1 ve Dccn wid ye I" "What's that," asked the employer. "That aivmtoen hundred make a ton. A fellow in a cattle show, where be made himself conspicuous by bis blui tor, cried out : "Call these prizo cat tle IWhy, tbey ain't nothing to what our folks raised I My father raised the bisrirest call ol any man round our parts. "No doubt oi it," said a by stander, "aud the noisiest." A man who lost his good character some time ago, was severely bsndled bv some of bis former friends. "1 know it, boys, I know my character's zone Inst entirely ; and, be added rather pointedly, "it's too conlounded bad ; for it was the only one in the place worth saving. lie who climbs above the cares of the world, and turns his lace lo bis God has found the sunny side or lite. The world's sido ol the hill is chilly and freezing to a spiritual mind, but the Lord s presence gives a warmth ol joy which turns wintor into summer. "Jane," said ho, "I think il you were to lift your feet away from the Are, we might have some heal in the room, And they hadn't been married two years, either. An exchange savs Mr. Bonner Is getting fleshy. "Is It horse float, f inquires the Chicago Tribune. A eoontrvmaa seeing the sign, "Hands off," innocently asked If tbey bad gone to a pie nio. Kve's first outfit was a Fall coat u us. EDUCATIONAL. BY 11. L. WeQDOWM. Clearflold county will have 223 sohoola this winter. The Clearflold School Board holds semi-monthly meetings. ... In McKcan, Bradlord county, teach ors will be paid tl.00 a dny mon and women aliko. Dr. A. D. Bennett will plouso accopt thanks for valuable educational docu men ts left in our ofllco. West Clearfield hcIkmiI mu.mitl nn Monday lust with A. E. Woolridgu as teacher. Salary, $10 per month. Two Indians, from Hampton, N. V., aro to sorvo as teachers for tho 250 young Indian pupils in the now indus trial school at Carlisle, 1'enn a. D. E. Bottorf, for many rears a live member of tbo teacher's profession in this county, is now a medical student at Ann Arbor University, Michigan. Tho Directors of Williamsport are all under arrest for violating tbe "Civil Rights Hill" by refusing colored chil dren admittance to tho publio schools. The seer and tho "yollow leaf," the crimson tinted foliage, so abundant every where, will be valuablo to teach ors wilh which to ornamont and adorn thoir school rooms. CUPID CLAIMS ANOTUEM. Thu principal event of tho past week, was the marriage of Mr. J. R. Wilson, Bradford township's leadintr educator. to Miss Tillio flyers, of Now Wash ington. Tbe marriago took place at tho residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday last, and was witnessed by a large company of friends of both bride and groom. Thoir many friends in the column of teachers will all join in extending tho usual congratulations. And whilo one by one our teachers go, wo will remember that Old Time's great eloek, that Barer slope, Nor runa too feet nor alow, lloog op amid tb. worlda of epaea, M hera whetting planaU glow. Ita dial-plate the arbil raj', Where whirla dame enpid'a darta, Baa puehad ita pointor round again, And joined two loring heart!. INSTITUTE FAIR. Next week we will publish tho names of throo persons in each town ship to serve as a committee to secure school exhibits lor the Institute Fair. Wo desiro to bavo each township's dis play separately, and hope every teacher will put lorth an effort to bavo bis or ber school represented in tho exhibi tion. Tho display will consist of pu pils' penmanship, (in autograph hooks) drawing, mottoes, geological collec tions, compositions, industrial work of all kinds, etc. And for tbo teachers' department wo will have drawings, (industrial and map drawing) outlines of Jtudy on the brunches taught, school room programmes, course of study, chart, and bost kept report books. A premium list will be arrang ed in order to give every inducement to teachers and scholars to onter some thing for exhibition. PETITIONS. It has become too common in our county for teachers to secure a peti tion irom ine people oi school districts asking the Directors to grant certain pttitioneri such and such school. This s a custom tbnt should be abandoned at ence, and Directors would do woll to repudiate such a thing hy discard ing all petitions handed tbem. Al most any person or sociable and affa- hia domA.nnr r.n nn ... j:,.... ... . ,uv u-iuv. uriiuarty an tuw constituents, and at the same time may not be one-balf as deserving or as capable of conducting the school as others wbo applied to tbe Directors and not to the people. In such cases Directors must either lorteit their au thority by rejecting the host and fa voring the weak applicant who bad to be balustcd up with a long petition from the pooplo. 1 have noticed this matter, and have discovered this fact: tbat the competent and experienced class of teachers apply to Directors and never think oi strengthening their claims wuo a long petition irom tue pooplo, while on tho othor hand, the weakor class poorly qualified, and not able to compote with the better class of teachers, apend daya in getting thoir petition. It settles itself down to two things, that Directors must eithor reject the bost class oi teachers lo honor tbeso petitions, or reject these petitions to honor talent, ability, and exporionce. Directors are chosen to manage and control the schools of thoir district, and if they dosire to do their work zealously, and maintain their authority and dicnity, let them discard this evil that is creeping into our school work. TEACHERS SALARIES. The most important question tnat sooms to agitate the minds of our school workers, (and ono worthy the careful consideration of evory one interested in tho success of our schools) is tho question of salarirs. ror tbe benefit ot all such I lake the liberty to submit tho salaries paid teachers in 1873, and thoso of 1879. Tho comparison shows that some dis tricts bavo been very considerate in tboir reduction, while others havo gone to the farthest extreme. The statemont gives the average lalaria of males and females for the period statod. We have gone to considerable trouble to glean thoso facts, and we trust they will rocoive a careful porusal at the hsnds ot Directors and others: 1S7I. 1871. U.1-. r.iB.t W.tM Ftnllil. Burnaldr Borough ..t:t. OH :i IS f .4.tll 121.80 Clearteld " .... SIM St 00 Sill JJ HI Curwanarlll. " .. . to 09 40 "0 II 70 47 bO llentadale " ...t 4 00 IS IS 00 M M Lambw Oil, " ... 00 00 4e 00 40 00 H.O0 N.Waabing'a " .... 45 00 10 00 Oeeeal. " 4..00 01.07 (OSS II. CO Walleaetoa " .... 40 00 II SO BeMSri.Tow.abi,.. M.ll 3104 IS.0S IS 00 n.H .... is oo ta.M oo oao Bloea " .... 4 0 00 1 4 OS I0.N It.OS Bogga " .... 41 00 40.OS IT 00 11,00 Bralford .... 40.00 40.00 M00 K.00 Bradfard Ind." .... 3100 II 10 Rradr " .... 4141 II It 10 OS Cheat " ..... 10.00 ISKO 11.00 11.13 Coelagtoa .... 41 00 40 00 10.00 10 00 Demur " .... 40 00 40.00 II. SO II 00 Forgiiooa " .... M 00 10.00 il 00 17.00 Uirard " .... 40 OS 40.00 10 00 10 .00 Ooehea " .... 48 04 17.11 14.00 14 04 Urabaa " .... 41 10 40 00 13.00 10 It Dnliob " .... 4a.OO 10 00 II 00 II 40 Hnetoa " .... 41 14 00.00 43 10 10 04 Jordaa " II 01 11.00 1100 14.10 Kartheu " .... IS 04 .00 17.00 17 00 Kaaa " .... 10.31 ISM 14.00 II.0S LawtMea " .... 43 01 44.01 10.00 M M Lawraaee lad " .... 4t.M IS H Morrlt " .... 0117 41.01 10 70 M M Paa .... 41 04 41 00 10 M IS 00 Pika ... 40 00 11.00 11.41 18 OS Pik.Iad. " .... I0.M 10 00 Colon 40 OS I4.M Woodward .. M.M IS. 10 00 M M Madera was organised io 1875, at which lime its teacher was paid 140 per month. In 1879, 130 per month. Union Independent was organised ia IStt. in that year H paid a salary oi 1.15 per month, la 1879, the salary was 125 60. Hreenwooa townsnip was formed in 1876, and paid its mala teachers 127.50; lemalos 122 97. In 1879, it employed all lemales at IZ4.ZB per month, iiornside borough bold its nrsl school in jbio, paying iw teacher 145 per month. In 1879, a alary of 140 dollars was paid. New. burg borough was organized in !, and has paid an average salary of 130 per month ever since. 1 would sug gest tbat Directors cut thai statement out and preserve it until yon asset to fix salaries In 1880, and il you Ind by comparison tbat your teachers' aala rit bars been rednoed below other labor, you should pat tbem on a par at least with everything suvs.