JElotrlS. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second nnd Market Streets, tLKAKKIELI), PA. TIIISeM Md eommodloni HoUl bu. during Ik put year, beon enlarged to doable lu farmer capacity for tbo entertain mint of strao ftniiid a-aeete. Tti whole baUdlng baa been refurnished, and tbo proprietor will spore mo pains to roodor ill feiti omfortablo while urine with bin. Tbo 'Mention tloato" Omnibus rani to ud from tbo Dopot on tbo arrival ud departure of 1Kb train. W. 0. CARDON, July ll-TT-tf Proprietoi LLEGHENY HOTEL ' Market Street, Ciearfleld. Pa, Win. B. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tbo Loonard Hoose, bavin leased tho Alleghany lintel, solicits a iharo of public patronage, Tho llouae bai been thoroughly repaired and newly fu roll had, and guests will find It pleasant slop ping place. Tbo table will be supplied witb the beet of everything Id the market. At tbo bar will be found tbo best wines and liquors. Good tabling attached. WM. 8. BRADLEY, May 17, '78. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Oor. of Marks! Front streets,) CLEARFIBLD, PA. The anderaiffned baring takan eharge of this Hotsl, would respeetlullr solicit pabiie patronage.,78. B. NEWTON SHAW. rjJEMPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. H. D. ROSE, . . PoriiTO. UmIi, 1-o. Men sod bono orer oif ht, II 00. Nib sod two horses orr night, ll.e-O. To of aeeotntnodatlons fur iu tad beast. Oor. 21,71-1.. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NBW WASIIINUTON, PA. TUls now and wall furniihed boaae hu bB tak.a by tht ender.lgned. Ho feel, oontldoot ot being able to roader .ati.faetlon to tbooo wbo suae rarer Dim wit. a oa.ll. Mo; e, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOTD HOUSE, Milo 8troot, PMLIPSHUKO. PBNN'A. Table alwaye oappliod with tbo boot tbo market afford.. Tho traveling pablio le lnrited tooalL j.n.l.'Je. ROliKKT LOVD. Bants. County National Bank, . OP CLKAKFIKLD, PA. KOOM In Masonic Building, one door north of 0. D. Wataon'l Drug Store. Passage Tlokets to and from Liverpool, Queena town, Qlasgow, London, Parle and Copenhagen. . Alio, Draft for aale on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank nf London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prei't. W.-M. BIIAW, Caabter. janl.'TT DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street, PbUadelphln And Dealers in Government Securities. Applioatlon by mail will reooiro prompt atten Hon, and all information cheerfully furnished Order! eolioted. April ll-tf. V. K. ARIOLD. . W. ARNOLD. , B. ARNOLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Banker ami Itrokern, Iteynoldavllle, Jefleraon Co., Pn Mooey received on depoilt. Dlaoounti ot mo dern, rate.. Kaatern and Foreign wot. on band and oolleetiona promptly made. Reynoldarllle, Duo. Id, 1H74.-1J gfntistrjt. J L. R. nEICHHOLD, ITJKGEON dentist, Qradnate of tho Ponnaylrania Collese of Dental Surgery. Offioo in roaidonco of Dr. If ill, oppovite tho Shaw House, mob 13, '7-t(. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Offic. In Bank Building,) CarwenarUle, Ciearfleld Co., Pa. mob M '7-tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Offloo Is roildonoo, Soeond ftraot.) Kltroni Of Ido Gat administered for tbe peta ls extraction of teeth. Cloarn.ld, Pa., M.T t, 18TT-ly. SIIOF.HAKING-I borebjr Inform my pa tron., and mankind in general, tbat I bare removed my ahoemaking ebop to tb. room In Uraham'. row, over 8. 1. Snyder'. Jewelry More, and that I am prepared ta do all kinde of work in my lino eheaper than any other .hop in town. All work warranted a. good aa oan be done any where el... Positively ifai. la the ehape.t .hop In Cloerueld. JOS. II. DEEKINU. Doc 11, 1871-tf. Wagons for salE. Tbo nnder.lgntd hal on band, at bl. .bop In Cloarleld, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spring "Waoas, uid Buggioo, For .ale. We.tern w.gnnr ns well ae IhoN mado btro. Any of whtrb will bo .old eaeop for ea.h or approved eeeority. For further loformetioa, eall io pwaon at my .hop, or adtlree. me by letter. 1 HOMA4 HCILLY. Cleatteld. Pa., April 23, 1971-tf. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa, BURNED OUTI or not BURNED UPI Theanbiortberi baTO, at groat eipenee, rebuilt a neighborhood necessity, in tbe erection of a ftrst elaaa Woolen Manufaotory, with all tho modern Improvements attached, and are prepared to make nil kinds of Cloths, Caasimores, HatinetU, Blan ket!, flannels, Ao. Plenty of goodi on hand to supply all our eld and a thousand new easterners, whom wo ask to oomo and examine onr itook. Tho bnsinoss of CARDING) AND FULLINO will reee.TO onr ospeetal attention. Proper arrangenenti will bo mado to reecive and deliver Wool, to mil east omen. A II work warranted and done upon tbo shortest notion, and by striot atten- , uon io Dullness wo nopo 10 roaiito n iioorai snare of pnblia patronage. IO,04H POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will pay tho highest market prioo for Woo and sell onr manufactured goods as low as similar goods oan b bought in the county, nnd whenever we fall to render reatonable at it faction wo eaa always bo found at homo ready to make proper explanation, either tn person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, .tri'ttr . ) p. n JEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respectfully notify tho public generally that ho has removed bis Grocery Store (ram Bbaw's Row, to tbo building forsaorly occupied by J. Milea Kratier. on Second street, next door to Bt glare hardware store, where no intends keeping a full line of QllOCEItlE H. BAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUGARS 4 81 R UPS, of all grades. TEAS, Brm aad Blank. 00FFEI, Roaitod ud Oroen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cji.r.rr.B miits, All kind. In lb. market. PICKLES, la jars and barrels. SPICES, In every fena and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, A IX EINIM OP CRACKER. SOAPS. HATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES Ootf Oil a&d. Ltvmp CUmaoyi. And good aasortmMt f tboe. things Bamalty kept la a gr'oory tun, wbleb b. will oiobaasa nor maraauag as awa saaraoa prteaa. Wtl sal area oaab aa ab.aply aa nay otber ma Ptaaaa aall aad aae bit Maslt aad Jedge far jamnau. JOJIM McaAOOHET. OlaarwaM, Jam, , ItT. yU0ffUaufou5. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Cr.n.rlll., Jul. , 'Ta.lf. GEO. WEAVER & CO, SECOND STRKKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have oponod up. In tbo otoro room lately oeewpled bt Wearer A ll.lto, on Soeond street, a large ond woll Hlootod .took of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARB, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, RATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dispose of at reasonable ratal tor tun, or exchange tor oountry proauce. OHOROB WEAVER A CO, Ciearfleld. Pa., Jan. V. U n (!niMiitiiil "f tlit) viriucH ot narwn pari tin, utilliiiiii, iiKintlrnki, yt'llow tlnck, witli tlie Irnli'le i-f )kttuli ami iron, all powerful lltKni. inuktiifc. Iilmwi-i-l.'iuisitii:, ami liiiauaUiniiiR fili-nn-nt.. It U tho j.iircst. nafi'Mt, and in every way tlit iinwt fit'rHml nlterativn uieili ciiit known or nvailal-le to thu puldid. Tho (kk'iiici vf iiKMliriiiH ami clietiiitttry liav nwer pmilit.'l m viilunliln a remrtly, nnr Ollfl no rnf.'it tn eltrt' nil tlinetiHe rcHUltinR fn'in' blmxl. It cun-fi Sfrnfiilft, nml all Ht'roiiil.iiiH tllHCii'TH. Krylpeliia, Itose, or Ht. Atithotiy'n Mri'. I'iinpU'N nml l'rtrf-K'iila riittiilots ltlotclica, llolle, I'liiiKir', 'IV Iter, 1 1 union. Halt Itlipum, Hi'nl-l-lM'Htl, li'inirwnriii. I' leers, Hort'H, lfhruiui.tiiMi, Mi'rrnriitl llrais Nfil riilln, Kt'innlf citkiii'tsfA iintl Irrvgu li.rltit , sl.iii itillt-o, Ailertloiii of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Knincltitlon, biiiI Oeno.;.l iichllity. I!v ill Heiinliinr nml rlcuttnin- qimlit'i It hu'!:i-h it tin! foul 'ornii.iiii which cour.utiinui't tin MihmI, nml vtiun ili'miitfo-iii'-iti nml ilecav. It aiiniuliitt'M nnit rnlivens tlit1 vital imi'titms. It irnuioteH etiiT.jy and puri-iijitl.. It rMstores ttiul iufservew l.t alth. It lnlmttM new life nml vior tlinmtrlnmt tlm n l.oh- sytth-in. No auiTcriT frnin any (Miwiihp w!iii hiKl"H from ini.iirityof (lie ldootl need d-'K:-ir. nlio will give. A v Kit's HAKAfAKii,i.A n .hit I lint . Kt-mf mlwr, tliu eiuiirT Ih' trin!, t!i ! rt-eeiliiT tint run. lu TV, htw lmen fumMiPil t- pliynlrinni overv,vlitr-; antl thoy, riTonnizintr ita anjw. rlur ijurthii.-), ndiuiiiiiitor it in their practice. Ffr n.'ftrlv forty year Aykr's H abh ata ri t.LA hiw Iwen widely and it now jioa fteHMfa tho ronmleiire of million of jwoplo who liavo exiHsriwu-fnl twaotlta from iti nuu vcllou cm stive vlrtuea. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Traction, antl Analytical C herniate, Lowell, Mass. SOLO IT ALL DnVOOlST! BTBnrWttEBI. CENTRAL lfev-xVtiaiuil - fWllUVli Eighth format School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. N. RA UBt A, A!.t Principal Tbli School at at proientoonitltated, offers tbe very beat faoilitles for Froressioaal nnd Ulaiioal learn tog. Buiidingi specious, inviting and commodious t completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and !urnuneej witn n oouaumi wppiy oi par water, io!t spripg water. Looatton been bin I and easy or aoooai. Bumnnding seen err nnierpaesed. Teaohers experieneed, efficient, and all re to tbtlr work. Discipline, Arm but kind, antform and thoroogb. Kipenies moderate. Ffiy cents a week dednotlan to tbonc preparing to leacn. Btudents admitted any time. Con net of study prescribed by tho State t I. Model hebooi. I'. Preparatory, ill. Mlemen- tary. iv. Boientino. APJOHCT COtTRHI t I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Musle. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific count are Pro feasional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplomas, conferring the following corns ponding degrees i Master of the tioleoeos. Orad' uales io the otoer courses receive normal Cart. 11 oates of their attainments, signed by the Faculty. The rrolosninal oourses arc liberal, and are In thorough ocas not Inferior to those of onr best ool leges. Tbe state requires a higher order of eitiien rb) p. The times demand it. It le one nf the prime objeeti of this school to help to oeenr It by lurnlintug intelligent ana emcieot uaoners lor her irbools. Io this end It solicits young per sons of good abilities and good purpose those wbo del ire to improve in air time and tnetr tah ante, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing Ibelr powers and abundant opportu nities for well paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address tb imnetpai, BOARD OF TRUSTEES! ITOCKHOLniRS' TRUIT1M. J. IT Barton. M. D., A. H. Beit, Jaonb Brown, R. M. Biekford. Samuel Christ, A. N. Kaub, R Cook, T. 0. Hippie, Raq., B. P. MeCormiek, Eq W. We nan a 10, juun a. liuoii. II in. A. 0. Curt to. Hon. II. L. Dleffenbiob, Geo. Jesse Merrill, Hon. Wm Bfgler. J. C. 0, Wbaley(0. Miliar HoOormick, Kq. President Hoard of Trnstoe . JKSriE MERRIL, Vice President, 8. MILLAR MeCORMIOK, ftecrewry. THOMAS YARDLIT, Treaierar, Look Him, Fob.,T9-l,aft. FidOVit. i i:i:d, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Roans No. 4, Pie's Opn Hotut, Claarflrld, Pa. Ksopiaoastaatly oa band SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, 8ALT.1 SPICES, SOAP, Oanaad a&d DrLad Fralta, Tobaaoa, Cigars, Caa- diea, Cider VI.eger, BatUr, Igga, Aa. ALSO, EXTRA ROMB-MADI Wheat and Buckahcat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, to., AS af wblob WIS bo said abea, for aasb at In aiaaaaaa toff aoeratry arodoea. Juim F. I1AHER. Claariald. Rot. la, HT.-lf. parsapai-illa Full Your Ntuiiips! FOR 8A1.B Hi TUB Co-Operative Agency, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. July 11th. 187 tf. TIN &SHEET-1R0N WARE. CANDIS MEIiRELL Hai opened, in a building on Market street, on tbo old Western Hotel lot, opposite tho Court House in uieartteid.a Tin and n beet-iron aiann factory and Store, whore will bo found at all times a full lino of HOUSE FTOKTSIII1TG GOODS, Strives. Hn.TflTjrfi.Tft Efft Home Spontlng and all kinds of job work, repair ing, Ac, dona on short ovtic and at reasonable rates. Aim, agent for tho Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machines, with Needles, Ac, al ways on band. terms, strictly cash or country produce. A share of patronage solicited. 0. B.MERRELL, Superintendent. Ciearfleld, April 25, 1977-lf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, T11K LAKUESTsnd BEST RELUCTED STOCK IN THE COUKTY. COFFEE, TKA, SUGAR. SYKUH. QUEENSWARE, TUBS and BUCKETS, DRlfcD FRUITS CANNKD GOODS, Sl'ICKS, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. MEATS, FISH, SaLT, OILS, County Agent for LOllll.l..1lll S TOBACCOS, Tbeae goods booebt for CASH la large lots, and told at almost eity prices. JAMivn it. l 1LH, Clearlltld, Pa., June 12, lh7S-ly. BOOTSiS SHOES HATS, CAPS, AND- t " GEO. C.&T.W.M0011E, are just opening a large and oarefully selected stock In their line, embracing LADIES' GAITERS, Kid, Clotb and Calf, In every style. LADIKS' SHOKS, . LADIES' SLIPPERS, nigb and Low. C1IILDREN8' SHOES, Bnltaned, Backled aad Laeed, Plain and Copper-toad. OENTLEMENS' BOOTS, tine aad Coaraa. OENTLEMENS' OAITERS, SHOES, BRO OANS, PLOW 8U0K8, SLIPPERS, Clotb or Lostbor. HATS, HATS, HATS. Th.v s.k sneoial attention to their ai.ortro.nt of II ATM embracing tha LATKsT STYLES ror tsommsr wear. AMONG THEIR Gents' Furnishing Goods, will be found an assortment of GENTS' NECK-WEAR. seldom equalled either la styls, teal., sorvloo or price. All or any of wblob will be sold at astoaliblngly low Ignras, at ROOM NO. I, PIK'S OPERA HOUSE, 01 earlell, Pa. April IO-'7v-tf. sramrviB PORT GRAPE WINE Used In tbe principal Churches for Common! on purposes. Esojllont forLalioa aniWoiklj drorso&s ana us aoo. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE 1 FOVR I-K.f S OLB9. This Celebrated Native Wine Is made from the Juice of the oporto Qrape, raised In this Count. Ill Invaluable Tonio nnd Strengthening Proportion are anrarpisied by any ether Native Win. Do ing the pure Juice of ibe Urape, pmdnned nnd-r Mr. Bpeer'e own personal supervision, Its purity and geouinenen are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of it generous qualities, and tbo weakest invalid ate It t advantage. It Is partlralarly benelelal to tbe aged and debilita ted, and suited to tb various ailments that af frct the weaker let . tt Is la every respect A WIaNM TO BE BELIED ON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, Tb.P. I. SHERRY Is a Wlaa of Superior Cberaeter, and partakes of tha goldea qualities of tbe grape from wblob It Is mado. For Parity, Rkhaeas, Flavor aod Meditlaal Properties, It will bo baad aaoioalwd. Sl'EER'S P. J. BRANDY, This BRANDY etandaaarlvaled In this aoantry, being tar saperter far mediaal IT IS A PURE dlstlllatloa from Ibe grape aad aaataias valaebie saaaisal properties. It baa a delieele lever, similar te thai af Iks grapes from whleb It Is distilled, aad Is la great fever among Iret-eleas families. Res thai the elgaalar af ALFRED BPRRR, Paaeala N. J., la aver Iba eorh af eaeh boula, SOLS ST S. W. OnATTAV daly U, U7 ly. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, l'A. WEDNESDAY HOUNING.SKPC.JI, IH7II. 1WX. JEREMIA R S. BLA CK. Tliistliatinguialicd luwyorantl tate mull in A rocont lottur mldrossed to thoedilora of tho Lanciwtor Inlelligm vr, qrunplirnqnting tbcm for lliuir n- torprino and geul, takon ocuutiion to Bay aomo things for tbo bunvfit of llio many, lie proceeds in this way : "Tbat tlio lut ul olluirx ol a great county liko Lancaster aliottld be sub- joetud to ihomanuiemontyou describe, in molancboly enougu ; Out it ounht not to dishearten you; lor tbe complete restoration ol tho whole country to constitutional freedom, and llio conse quent reform of all corrupt abuHca, aro events rapidly approaching. Tbe American Demos, though not Without bis laults, in, nevertheless, a sensible personairo, ol good juujrmenl, opon to conviction, and a lover of fair filny. 110 in cot as jcaious oi uia pu itical agents as be ought to bo, nor us vigilant in guarding bis inherited riirhls : but be respects tho memory of his ancestors and has a duo regard for tho interests of his children. His blood and breeding will nover permit bim to bo a slave in tho household ol winch bo was born to bo master, lie is slow to angor oven against bis worst on pressors, and tho most atrocious fraud does not ruffle bis temper ; but in the fullness of time, quietly and without vindiclivoncss, bo rights bis wrongs. You need not be afraid that your ap peals lob is reason, bis conscience and his pride of race will bo made in vuin. If you aro doubtful ot this, think what tbo people nf the Union have lately achieved. Ten years ago the friends ot liberty, regulated by law had only seven Senators in Congress, and in the Lower House they were out numbered, more than two to ono. They had elected a President sworn to prcsorve, protect and defend tho constitution, for a compensation ot twenty, five thousand dollars per an num, but tho enemies of the constitu tion secured bim to their side by giv ing him, in the form of presents, moro than bis legal salary would amount to in four years. When the privato gifts ceased, Congress presented him with an equal amount out of tho public treasury, anil bo uis administration becamo an anti-constitutional job from beginning to end. Tho army and navy, and all tho executive departments, tho whole organized physical force, all tbo offices and all the money ot the jn anon, woro in hoBtilo bands. Evory atom of this mighty power was thrown against liberty and justice. Tbo Southern States wero wholly deprived of their autonomy, their govornmonts crushed out, their pcoplo placed under the ab solute domination of notorous thieves ; bile in tho commonwealths of the North, as well as in Congress, legislu tion was controlled by great rings or ganized to enrich themselves by rob bing labor of tho bread It curned. Our usurping rulers, entrenched in power which they thought irresistible, assert ed that tho constitution had been shot to death in tbo war, that tho States consequently had no rights, and the people no liborties, which Federal au thority was bound to respect. Tboy claimed the power to suppress nows papers for publishing the truth, to Knock down juagos on lite nencu lor administering tbe law, to kidnap and imprison free citizens tor expressing their honest opinions. Pretending to leavo us the pnvilcgo of the Daunt, they used successfully every form of force and fraud to intimiilato voters. Io stille the expression ol the popular will, and to falsity election returns. Superadded to these indignities and outrages was tbe pressure of a public debt so heavy and public expenses bo scandalously extravagant that taxes absorbed all tho prolils of industry, whereby tbo rich became richer and the poor poorer : wealth accumulated and men decayed. Docs hietory lull ns ot any nation moro deplorably sit oatcd ? Tbo outlook of Prometheus, chained to the rock, with vultures gorging themselves upon all the lobea ot his liver, Boomed scarcely so hopo less. Some ot our best patriots despaired of the Republic and greatly teatcd that tbe institutions established by tbe fathers of the conntiy were ir recoverably lost by tho degeneracy of their sons. In theso most unfortunate circum stances how did tho great body of tho pooplebehavo? Tho mighty and puis sant Demoi he of the "invincible locks" what did be do ? lie took up the huge burden of bisdebland walk ed away liko Samson with tho gates ol Gaza UDon his shoulders, lie soil ed bis conscience with no thought of repudiation, but worked on with every limb stretched and every muscle swell ed, until he paid tho balfof all bo was bound fur and mado his scruritics fur tboothcr half aa good as gold. In the meantime lie looked after tbo corrupt combinations that were squandering the proceeds ot nil labor, and deter mined to bavo have a government that would pay some attention to his wishes, his interests, and his rights. In spito of fraud, falsehood, and bruto force the numbers of tho anti constitutional faction in the National Legislature do creased until they becamo a minority in both branches. At the last l rcsi dential election their candidate was defeated by an overwhelming tnainrily and oould only bo counted in by a most impudent fraud. Was not this much to bo accomplished in so short a time and under so many disadvantages? In similar circumstances tho Homan J'op uua would have been (as in lact it was) utterly dobauchod ; and tho spirit of tbo Atbcnian Demos would have been bro ken or excited to rash and ruinous instir roction, by half of what we endured It is something to bo proud of, that we alone ol all Democratic people restored our institutions after thoy wero not only wrecked but rotten. I bose peaceful victories, more re nowned than those ol war, have not only promoted in a general way the great cause in which they wero won, but thoir direct and immcdiato fruits have beon most beneficial. Innumera ble swindles bave been exposed and punished ; unlawful conitiinaliona have beon brokon up and many millions saved of the publio money. Tbo car-pet-thiovos are "on the run," or else overtaken by the laws, and sent to tho proper penitentiaries. This venal crow wbicb at ono time rioted in the pos session often State governments, and occupied the seats of sixty representa tives in Congress, with twelve ih tho Scnato, bave vanished from tho pnlili cal stago ; and many of their official abettors in tho North bavo beon scourg od back to tbo powerless obscurity from which they ought nover to have emerged. Our struggles for justice in tho courts, tbe reclamation of our rights through the proas, upon the hustings, and in the legislative assemblies of too States and the Nation, have produced striking moral effort on the minds of our adversaries tbomsolves. Thoy have not given up their dospotio fflfory of government, but thoir practice is in finitely less cruol titan it uscu to be. They still assert that they took ad- vanlago of tho military Inrce which the war gave them to kill tbe consti tution, and that they did actually put it to death ; but thoy have loft oft the habit of insulting iu memory. They continue to dony the rights of the Slates j but they have qnit holding them down to be plundered and trod den opon. They doclare with as much solemnity as ever tbat our gonoral Government is not the result of acorn pact between sovereign States, which bestowed upon it certain rights spe cifically enumerated, reserving all oth ers to tho States themselves and tbo people, but a self-oxislent nation with power uncreated, undefined, undele gated, and, thurelbre, unlimited. Hut thu brutality with which this claim of absolute authority was enforced dur ing tho dark years which followed tbe war was visibly tiiniinisheu under tue influence of tho popular protest and tbo decisions of tbo courts. We aru no longer reminded by the toad-eaters of tho oxecutivo that we bold lite, liborty and property at their morcy. Militury commissions and arbitrary arrests have been frowned out ol fashion. We do not know that the enemies of constitutional liberty bavo yet repent- ed of tbeii jpast misdeeds, but thoro aro only some remnants of their imperial system which Iheviiow openly adhere tn and expressly threaten to repeat. Tho object of ell theso is to cripple and obstruct the exercise of the elec tive franchise. Thoy insist upon the right of tho federal executive to be represented- at Sialo elections by the bayonets ot tho standing army ; tney will not relinquish tho power of their hireling agents to imprison vemooraws voters without a warrant, and thoy strenuously refuse to part with the pnvilcgo Ul trying lueir puuiiuai ponenw by juries packed to convict thorn, lho people and tne otaies in tbo present Cunuresa made a brave struggle to strike oft these shackles and tbo obstinate oxe'rtion of a frattdu lent administration to bold on prove that tho foul piny of 1H70 will be, if possible, repeated in 1881). At wnat time in tne iiuuro me mini defeat of the anti Democratic party will make an end of all its tyranny and corruption no ono can predict at present, jlorul forces work slowly when opposed by money ami arms j but on tho same day, not very distant, tbo orunnized enemies ol honest gov ernment will bo totally routed ; and when justice does overtake them tho weight of the iron hand will make full atonement for tho delay oi tho lenaon heel. In nil your exertions to bring about that consummation 1 sincerely sympa thine, for I am yours truly." j. s. u LACK.- THE LAST OF Til H NA Ml AG AX SETTS. ALMOST A TRACIEDY. Act 1. Tho ex. Husband. Enter Messenger. Messemolk. He has been there, Io I these three days. Ex Husband (staring up) What, bo ! without I llnng my uoublo barrelled shot gun and load it well with tbtee balls. Act II. Knter ex-Husband with a double-barrelled gun. From opposite and ''ondenms as heresies both secos direction of tho German Tutor. sion and tho higher law, will) all their TiiTnn Sain, mine waives no not mid. Kx-IL Wairca I Wnircs ! at a time like ibis or any other limolinient aro no longer matters ot specu- r .. . l.: X- 1 - .-.j Uut ot my way leliow I G. T. (picking himself up) 1 writes to somepodies about dis. Act 111. Knter Stableman. What bol Who pays for pasturage ol theso colts and lilpes 7s Ex U.-Not 1. All. Nor I. German Tutor Who bays mo mine vagos,eh f Ex II.-Not I. All. Nor I. (Exenut omncs. Act 1 V. Tho ox-Husband confronts tho D. of D. P. (l)istarber of Domestic fence.) Ex. II. Ha I villain, we meet again. i,nok, thou' t,,, It ilown Ihn arrets of this shotgun. What seost thou 7 D. of D. P. See ? 1 seo three balls. Mo thinks I've seen tbat sign before I Ex-Il. Go, monster, go I 1 give tboo bve minutes. Wretch, I fly. Aot. V. Tbo monster goes, but pres ently returns. Biro, ono word. I've left my trunk. "X'is full of bonds, mortgages and challenges -to a Southern ricuaior, and and Ex-II A nd what olso hast thou in thy trunk f M. and D. of D. P. (Monster and Dis turber ol Homostie foaeej Prools, prools of my virtuo brandy brandy ink and and Ex-U. And what? Whatelsef D. ol D. P. Sparo mo further recital I Kx-il. Never. Nee, I'm pulling both triggers. Whatelsef D. of D. P. Curling tongs I Ex 11.--Hal hal 1 knew ill Twas with such machinery thou did'st her weak heart beguilo. Hal hal (fires both barrels at the Klato or Khodo Island and misses it.) Ciirfm'n. Discipline A Washington corres pondent of tho Tribune says: "Tho lato Gen. William F. Harry used to relate how at Fortress Monroe was fired tho first salulo after sundown such proceeding being contrary toarmy regulations. 1'resident Tyler had boon fishing in tho bat', and or bis way homo was displeased bocauso ho was not saluted by the fortress. Tho old commandant came down to moot him with deep respoct, but Mr. Tyler storn ly asked why ho had not fired a saluto io him. "Excttso me, sir," answered tho soldier, "but it is past sundown." "Sundown be banged," rejoined Tyler. "I am Commatider in Chief ol tho army and navy, and I order you to fire a salute to the President of the United Slates." Respectfully touch ing bis cap, tho old commandant with drew without another word, and com ing back where Harry stood, ho direct ed him to get. out tbu huttnry and superintend tho salute, then bo suid in pitiable, quivering tones : "I have boon in tho army for years, my boy, 1 never disobeyed the regulalionsbclure, and 1 am forced to do it now, and the man who commands it is President of! tho United States I" and withlhut tho veteran, who would gladly have faced death without flinching, burst into tears. Exactly. The editor of tho San Francisco Chronicle, the noxt morning alter ho shot tbe libertine, Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch, said: "If thcro is in this great city ono human being in tho shape of a man, and pretending to the dignity of man hood, who could tamely bave heard the mother who bore him assailed in language too vile to be repeated with out offense to modest ears, let that despicablo creaturo throw tbe first stone at the avenger of the grossest in. suit that was ever suffered to a woman venornblo in years and irreproachable in character. From tho moment mon become candidates for ofllco tboy be come propersubject ot criticism. They are public property ; but lot thoir house holds bo sacred. Lei those who aro disposod to indulge In harsh judgment in this case malto it their own and consider what they would bavo been impollod to do had thoir own mothers or sisters boon brutally insultod bofnre a vast assemblage." Kalloch, tbe night bofore, in a pub lio speech on tho City Hall steps said that tbo editor (DoYoung) was tbe son of a harlot. Hence, lbs shooting. A Moral Task. Robort llonnor seems to have undertaken to reform all tbo fast horses in the oountry. lie has Just secured another one, Jiarus, for 138,000. TUE FEDERAL JUDICIARY. .Tbo editor ol tho Philadelphia Re cord occasionally allows his pen to score some true Democratic doctrines, wkleh deserve to bo spread before the public for future consumption. Tlio follow ing is one ol his last cflWl : "Judicial interpretation has gonofar toward a conclusive hnd autliontalivo settlement of the different theories of constitutional construction which have roin time to time been advanced, as opposing views and interests have al vurious periods prevailed. Consider ing tho fact that our American polity, alike State and National, lias for its organic basis, not precedents and in atilutiotift.buliileas uud abstract princi ples, which our forefathers, with no historic lights to guido them, under took to reduto to practice, it is not strange that wild and visionary notions of tho relations ol tho Union and tbe Statesshould have occasionally become current and won an earnest advocacy Our political history is, therefore, as was natural, in good part tbe record ol a conflict ol great principles, each ot which was a valuable integral element in the governmental system, but cur ried alternately by their respective champions to an exaggerated extreme. In tho war of opinions tbe necessities of strong government were continually pitted aguiUHtthe ideals of pure Demo cracy. It was fortunato for tho country, in tho crudeness of its social Inline and in tho weakness nf its undeveloped en ergies, that that Federalist of tho Fed eralists, John Marshall, of V'irginia.was at tha bead of the judicial branch ot our tripartite system as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Stales. Stability and order were the paramount national needs during the strife of parlies which followed the adoption of tho Federal Constitution. Republicanism and liberty wero already secure beyond tbo possibility ol loss. Tho spirit of freedom permeated tho people, and was eager, enthusiastic and tiggroBsivo. Tho wunt of the hour was unity, solidarity, strength. Tho luminous and profound reasonings ol Hamilton and Juy bad "fotlifled tbe Constitution with a wall of adamant; and Madison, as a trusted leader of the liepublieans, bad done much to com mend it to popular acceptance. In the construction of the instrument, bow over, the Bt ti Io of opposing views was to be renowed. At litis critical junc ture, when everybody depended upon authentic and final judicial exposition, tbo selection of Judgo Marshall was most opportune. Although tho three departments ol national sovereignty are coordinate, the revisory power of the interpreta tion mukes the judiciary practically supremo. It corrects uhconstilulional j legislation and in effect repeals it. It is tho primacy which declares tho true i doctrines of the fundamental compact, outgrowth and concomitants. The relative rights and powers of tbo States and the general Govorn lalion. cHrly ever mootod point as between them has boon adjudicated by that august Bench ; and while tho na tional authority is amply guaranteed by its decisions, so, too, aro the resi duary sovereignty and coequal dig nity of tho several Slutes." TWO ALLEGATIONS COM- PaREV. Tho difference between the alleged Mississippi "plan" and the actual Rhode Island "plan" is only one of comparison. In the former state, ac cording to the statements ot unrelia ble Katlical journals, lho intimation practiced by tho dominant party aucatt.o. certain vuturs is ol the open and above-board species, and ot tbo brulo order. In the latter, according to the sworn testimony taken before a duly authorized Congressional Com mittee, tbe bull-dozing takes tbe form of domineering persuasion that cannot ho resisted. In tbe matter ol compar ison, the last named method lays over the other in the precise proportion that it is moro effeolivo in tbe end. The Republican newspapor organs wildly charge that tho Democratic managers in Mississippi are in tbe habit of marching up in a body te the expectant negroes and forcing them to vote as they deem proper, or refrain from exorcising the privilego of suf frage altogether, at tbe point ol the shot gun. The Democrats dignifiodly provo, through tbe medium ol a non partisan committee of investigation, that the Republican leaders of Ithodo Island aro annually accustomed to co erco those ot the voters among the workingmen ol the State whom thoy do not disfranchise altogether, into carrying lho llepublican tieketon eleo tion day, by providing as a penalty for disobedience of their orders immediate dischorgo from their menial positions. Calculating upon the basis of the ad- mission that both charges aro truo, oven, it is socn that tlio Republican crimo in libodo Island is much moro henious than tho Democratic illegality in Mississippi, In tout it is insidiously and secretly accomplished, and is ef fective ten times whore the other is oive. Of two evil molhods, the ono that is prepared and executed in tbe opon day is considered asol lesser con sequence than that which is conceived in secret and in secret accomplished. f rom their cbnsen standpoint, even tho Radical discussion of this two-sided question of intimidation is unlortunato. lint the Radical allegation tbat gross frauds, executed by means ot tbo bull dozing tactics mentioned, are practiced in Mississippi is groundless. Tho true character i f the whole despicable slan der, uttered directly against the peo ple of a sovereign Hlate and indirectly against tho Democratic voters ot Kholo section, was as well known to its authors, whon by way of desperate Kfrerirneni thoy first broached it, aa is now. Un the characteristic ground that a lie well stuck to is as effective as the truth in the long run, the Re publican newspaper scribblers and stump orators have adhered to the vil lainuus yarn, and by reason ol their persistency bavo educated Ibe massot their parly followers in tho North, ol tho more credulous sort, into the bolie that it ia founded upon fact. We rely opon no such disgracelul means to sub- Blantiato our part of the story. Tbe accusations which wa bave preferred against the Radical methods in Rhodo Island aro being amply sustained by tho testimony nf intelligent cilizons of that nlate, ol both parties, belore the Wallaeo-llutler investigating com mil too. The one charge rests upon the out comings of a distorted Imagination, ths other upon a solid basis ol Incontro verlthle tact. 1 hat Is all there is ol it, Washington Post. A Good Campaign. The Philadel- phia Times says: Mr. Charles Duffy, managorof the Stockton Hotel at Cape May, returned to the city yestorday morning, having closed the season last week, lie says this was the most auo cessful season ever known at Cape May, his house accommodating on an averago over eight hundred persons a day from the middlo of Juno up to a week ago. A Clerical Rinioadi. An ex change says: "Grant li announced to arrive In San Francisco on tbe 2.'ld of the present month. Ily tbat time Kal loch will have beon inaugurated as Mayor or tbe city, and on bim it will probably dovolve to make an address ol welcome. Judging by his recent eulogy on tb DoYoung family, b is well qaaliUoa to do Justice to hi bud joct." yttsfflliinfous. f OOO IIIINIIKI.N. tleorie Weaver A Ca. aj), want Ave Ibooi.nd bu.bel. of OATS, Dow, au'i will pay cab or prudura. C;e.raelJ, Pa. Aug. 11, 187tl-lf. ARNOLD IIAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWKD. Curwenavllle, J.a. 9, '71-tf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curwensville, Pa. Jan. 9, 7B-tf. New JInrble Yard. tombstonesTmonuments, i'oift for Vtmrlery Loll- A NEW MAItllt.B YARD-C.ll at 1. FLA. riAR'l'Y' Marble Works. Choice worh and Io. prices. Directly oppoailo ths Lntherea Church, Third stmt. Clearlield, !'., March 17, 1S7V If CAUTION. All persona are hereby warned purohsfingur la any way meddling with the lollowiug persona1 property, now in the pueeeaaiunof A- W. Pago.of Two cowa and two ealvoa. The foregoing prop erty was purchased by me at private sale on the 4th day of August, end ia allowud to remain in tbe poa....ion ul A. W. Page, on loan only, subject to my order at any time. g o. rA'l K. K.rthsu., Sept. 17th, 1979 It. P KCIITOH'U NOTICK. Nolle. I. h.r.- I J Lr given that l.rtter. Trataioentary on thoealateof ANdllS M. UILL, lata of Bradford town.hip , Ciearfleld eounty, l'enn'a-, dee'd , harltig bren duly granted to Ibe ond.raign.ri , all peraona indebted to eaid estate will pleaaa make immediate payment, nnd Ihoae hnvtog olaima or demands sgainat the .ana will praaonl th.m nruperly aulhontlc.led for aettlein.nt without delay. SAMtliL II. HILL, Kseeater WUMein.grore, Pa., Hopl. 10, 1871 01. NINTH A Tlllt'S NOTICK.- .Notice ie hereby given that Letter, of liouon Ibe eat.te or rttKUKlllUK. MlsrrnH late of K.ndy towoahip, Ciearfleld eouoty, Peon's, d.ceaaed, Bering beea iluly granted to tne under- algnej, all perauna indebted to said eatate will please make immediate payment, end those hav log elaiuie or detnanda against in. .awe will preaent them properly euihentlcnied for settle- moot wimout d.i.y, uKonun v. runs., Administrator. Lutheraburg, Pa., Sept. 3d, 18TB Si. F OK SALE. The underslirned will sell at private sale all that tract or parcel of land litnate In Ieeatnr township, Ciearfleld county, Pa., within a short duunoe or tbo irreoe 4 Clearflel l K. H., and adjoining landl of Hobert Hudson and otoers, and knuwn as the Jacob B. (Jeerbarl lot. Tbe seid tract eontalniDc 00 acres more or less, with two veins ol valuable eoal t Hereon, baa about 9 acres els a rod, aod Is tbe key to a Jarre bodv ot oual about being developed. Will be sold low and upon easy terms, ror particulars, apply W DAVID h. KKtiUS, Ciearfleld, Fa., July 12, 187ft. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, HATTIIEMMEM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET FTHKET, NEAR P. 0. The undersigned brgs leavo to Inform tbecltl- isns of Ciearfleld, and tbo public generally, tbat be haa on hand a fine assortment of Kurnilere, nob as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber suites, Parlor suites, Keclintbg and Attention Chairs, Ladies' and flouts' Easy Chairs, tha Per fore led Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane rets and Windsor Chairs, Clotbci Bare, Step and Kiten- ion Ladders, Hal Recks, Scrubbing Brushes, sic MOULDINO AND PICTl'KK FRAMES, ooklng UleiM. Chromes, 4c, which would S'lttable for Holiday presents. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonataoUy an baud. STOVE AM) EARTHEN -WARE OF SVKHY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTSI CHOCKS! Klsher'e Patent Airtight Self - Healing rrnii a ana I F.UTTBR CHOCKS, witb lid.. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CHOCKS, APrLR BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, Aod a great maaj other tbiags too nameroaa ta aosoUoB, te be bad at FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - 'WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, nogl REMOVAL ! James Xi. Lcavy, Having pnrchftsed the entire slock of Frd. flaokett, hereby gives notice tbat he has moved Into tbe room lately oconnied by Reed A !Uprrty, en Beonnd street, where he la prepared to offer to tbe public COOK ST0ES. tiE.4Ti.ra PARLOR STOVER of tbe latest Improved patterns, at low prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Qas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Oal Fitting, and Repairing Pumps n specialty. All work warranted. Anything in my lino will be ordered special U desired. JAB. L LEAVY Proprietor. FRRD. SACK1.TT, Agent. Cloarfled, Pa., January 1, 1879-tf. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing Maohins No. 8. Straight Needle, Silent, Eas-y Running, At the Paris Exposition, 1878, Wheeler A Wilson received the only Orand Prix awarded for Sewing Machines. Ovor B0 com petitors. Report of the American Institute of tt'tw York on the Wheeler t Wilson Machine: W do not hesitate to declare It ths ixst Siwmrj Apparatus in the World." The He. I aad He. f Maaafaelarlac MaealBoe sre espeei.llr reooai leaded f dUOEaf AKEKS' El aad 1 AIL0RS' are. H. B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Batik, CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELEB WILSON MT'O CO., 1338 Chestnnt St., Philadelphia, April I, I III te.. Sj 1 1 -f '4';' fM 3 2 Onr (Dun gidufrtUrmfut. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlabed every Wedaaaday by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLUAItflKLI), PA.. Hat tbe Largeat I'lrculatloa af any paper la Northwestern Peansylvaula. The large and constantly Increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable tobuoinoss men as a tnodium thro' which to reach the a public Tebhs of Subscription : If paid in advance, If paid after throe months, If paid after six months, 12 00 2 50 3 00 When papers are sent outaido of the oounty payment must bo in advance. ADVERTISING i Ten lines, or less, 3 times, . $150 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Noticos, . .2 60 Executors Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Noticos 2 60 Cautions and Eslrays, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Ono square, IH lines, . . . (8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Threo squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . , . 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 0b ItliAMiN. We bave always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUiiuovs, . .. SUBPtENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, 4o, Ac. . JOB PRINTING. W are prepared to do all kind of PRINTING POSTKR8, PROGRAMMES. CARDS, LETTER HEADS, 'ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. tieo. II. ftloodlauder, Ciearfleld, Clearfield County, Pa ITUMlJaufouj. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwanivtlle, Pa., Jan. I, 'TI tf. jOM:Y TO l.OAN.-0a Irst-olass im. xTi P"tpri7, 07 me nuiual Lite luiursnce Company of New York, on Irit Burt. gage, in sous trutn $ I, Olio op. jrur further in. ruruiali'iu applj to tbe uniprsigned. Ill haimal w. SMITH Clt-erAeld Pa., Me; Jib. 1B7V tf. ABanktliatNcvcr Breaks. Try My Coal. Tha. Hf.rUrilan.vt diinta ihta tnealhnri r.t ls,f.. ing the numerous eon turners, tbat his eoal beak is aot ft Winter erred grot tot only, but tbat tt will be operated in ibe bummer ns well as Win tar. 1 ciam mat a n uia Best Coal in the Market, and will sell it for easb, or In eiobaoge for flour, feud, groceries, etc. Large contracts will b made at a very small profit. For full particulars call on mo in person, residing in one of Uraham 'a upper nouaes, or address me through the post uBioe. Orders left at the pontufflce will receive prompt attention. TII'iH. A. DUCK E IT. Clrarfleld, Pa., Jan. A, 1 h 7 t f . b. n'coaiLi. D. BBILIRDI. GIL1CII, McCORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Ciearfleld, Pa. Wo manufacture all kinds of Puroitare for Chen bore, Dialog Rooms, Libraries aod Halls. If yon want Furnilart of any kind, don't boy until yon see our stock. lXJi: ItTAIil I A4 1b all its branches, protaptly attend! to. Ol'ILCH, Ml'COKKLK A CO. CleartelJ, Pa., Feb. , 7e. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY Market HU, Ciearfleld, (at the Poat f&i-e.) T1IK nndereigned begs leavo to announce to tlio oitiaena of Ciearfleld nnd vicinity, that ha has fitted op a room and baa Jort returned from the eity with large amonut of reading matter, constat ing Ul part of Bibles and Miscellaneous BookB, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de scription ; Paper and Envelopes, French pressed end plain j Pens and Pencils ; lltauk Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages) Judgment, Exemp tion and PiMmiiarv notes White and Parch ment brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Dill Cap, Sheet Music, for eittter Piano, Flate or Violin, constantly on band. A 07 books or stationary deeired tbat I luej nut have 00 hand, will be ordered by flrtl express, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit ouslomers. I will also keep periodical lite rat ore, sncb as Uagatioee, Newspapers, Ac. P. A. tiAULLN. Ciearfleld. .May T, 1808-tf A NEW DEPARTURE L II THE USB (ill 6. Hereafter, goods will bo aold for CASIi only, or in eichaoge for produce. No books will be kept in the fatore. All old accounts must be settled. Those who cannot each p, will pleaeo band over their notes and CLOSE THE RECOED. - I am determined to aell my goods at eaeh prices, and at a discount far below that over offered In this vicinity. Tho disoonnt I allow my ens turners, will make them rich in twenty years If they follow my ad rice and buy their goods from me. I will pay wbaat, eate J elovw ser-d. DANIKL UOODLANDKK. Lntberahnrg, January IT, 1877. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PUKE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OII.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERPTJMERT, FANCY OOO tif, TOILET ARTICLES, 0P ALL KINDS, PVREf WIXES AXD UQVOIIH for medicinal pnrpetaa. Tr oases, Supporters, School Uookc and Station ery, and all other articles usually found in a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY CUHPOUNLKD. llav.jga large Ok. perlte-f tn 'be bupir-eai tby eev give entire eaU is faction. J. O. n ART8WICK, JOHN V. IHW1N OUera.1r. TW . IA, 1T4 JJARD TIMES HAVE NO IPPECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I nm aware that there are tome persons n little bard to please, and I am also aware tbat tbo complaint of "hard timee" Is well nigh universal, lint 1 am so si ta at ad now tbat I can satisfy tba former and prove conclusively that 'bard timee" will not effect tboee wbo bay their goods from me, and all my patrons shall h initiated Into the eo eret of UOW TO AVOID 1IAKD TIJIF.8 T bavo goods enough to enpply all tbe Inhabi tants ia the lower end of the oonnty which I sell at low ratal from my mammoth Here In Ml'LHONBUKU, whero I nan always bo fonnd ready t wait opon lallen nod lupply then with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saab as Clotbs, Satlaslts, Caeelraeree, Maallas Delaines, Lima, I)rlln,a, Celteeeo, TrisaasiafS, Rlbboaa, Laaa, Raadj-aaads Cletblag, Baete aad Sboes, Heta aad Cape all of tbe beat anaterlal aad saade le ardor Hoaa, Sooba, UIotos, Mlttaaa, Laaas, Rlbboaa, Aa GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. Oofee, Tea, Soger, Rloa, Mola.aea, Flab, Sell Pork, Llaaaed 011, Piab Oil, Carboa Oil. Usrdvare, Qaooaerare, Tinware, Ceilings, Plewe and Plow Canines, Nails, Splbas, Cora Caltira tors, Cider Preeees, aad all blade of Aaaa. Perfamerj, Palais, Varal.b, Ola.., aad a faaaral aasartsaeal af Statlaaery, OQOD FLOUR, Or dtfereat breads, always aa baad, aad will be via a. ie. ..mi peeeioie aiaraa. J. O. MeClala'a Medlelaaa, Jerae'e Madtolaea He. tailor's aad UeaSaad'e Bitten. IM poanda af Waal wealed far wbleb Iba blehaat aria, will k. at.14 -- k..J aad for aale at Ua leweot Barbel arlee. Aleo, Agent for Stratloarllle aad Cwrweasrllle Tbreebia, Maeblaas. ,.s M.rn ..m.i.u v mi nerjlbla, aaaallr ka,t la a reuli sura. I). M. OODDRIIT. fTsoebTllle P. 0., Aafaet II, lf4. ' a- '. is-";' J.,A;u,, liaat., --f-tfS