TUB CLEABFIELI) BEPUBLICA!,," CLEARFIELD, PA. BtTABLIIUBD IN laJlM. Tbe largest ClrcitUtloD of any Mewariapei In North Ceutrai Penney I vaula. Terms of ffubsoription," if pel. I" edvaaee, or vltb.li I moatkl....t OO If paid after 1 and Mora t Booth g go I paid after too iptrelloa of o month.... a uo Bates ot Advertising, Tren.l.nt adverlleementa, per iqnareof 10 Itneior 1,11, 1 tlmel or lei t-1 40 Vnr eech eubaequenl insertion 60 ijnilnt.tralore' and Eieoatori' notice t 611 Auditor!' nntieee ....... S 60 Cation, end E.traya. 1 60 Dinolntlon notice! I 00 Profe.eionel Carde, 6 line! or lm,l JIM.... I 00 I,Kel aotteee, per Hoe 10 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. I inoer t uueroa. I iqaeree... ...to 00 I i column. tit 00 ..lb 00 i eolumo.. ......... 70 00 10 00 I 1 column. 110 00 O. B. OOODLANDER, Poblleher. Cards. tOB PRINTIJfO OF EVERY DE8CIUP ej tton neatly eleeated at tbll office. TT W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT- LAW, riearfielrl. Pa. J. J. LINGLE, ATTOBNBY-AT - LAW, l.ll Phlllpeburir, Contra Co., Pa. y:pd TJOLANDD.SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAVT, Car.navillo, Clearfteld county, Pa. Oct. , '7-lf. 0 SCAU MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. fir Om?t In Ibe Open Hume. oct9, '78 tf. G R. A W. BARRETT, Attornzys and Counselors at Law, clearfield, pa. January 30, 1878. JSRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. frO-lee In tbe Coort Home. Jyll.'OT HENRY BRETH, (OBTFUn P. 0.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE rod BRLL TOWNSHIP. Ma? , 1878-ly- w M. M. McCULLOtrGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Cffl-o In M.Mttle building, Second .trr.t, op polite Ibe Court Houae. Je2(l,'78 tf. y C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, Cl'RWBNRVIM.B, Cleaifleld Couotj, Penn'n. lij g T. BHOCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office In Opera House. ap 16,7707 JAMES MITCHELL, PBALBK IR Square Timber & Timber Lands, Jell'7 CLEARFIELD, PA. J. F. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office la Pie 'a Opera Ilouie. June 10, 7tf. WILLIAM A. WlLLACa. iarrt r. wallacb. DA VIP L. KRIRI. JOUM W. WRIOLBT. WALLACK & KREBS, (baieeeaore to Wallaee A Fi.ldloB,) ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, Janl'TT ClearHeld, Pa. Fr.ok Fi.ldin...W. D. Biler....S. V. Wlleoo. piELDINO, B1GLER& WILSON, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. -Oftoo la Plo'i Opera Hoe.e. mebt-7D. TARRY SNYDER, 1 BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. Hbop oa Market St., eppo.lte Court Home. A eleaa towel for oearj enetomer. AUo dealer In Hot IlramlB of Tobarco and Cigars. ri..r.ld. v. I. '' TBel. K, MUBBAT. CTBOI (OICOB. jJURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. . AT-OHloe In Ple'l Opera Houae, leeond floor. :30'74 JOSBPn B. n'allLLr. DABIBL W. M'CHBtiT. j-cENALLY & McCURDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. lrLeft'nl bB.lnea. attended to promptly with) S'lelity. Ofnce on Beeond Btreet, above loo rirat Nationl Bank. Jan:l:70 Y O. KltAMER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Real E.Uta and Collection Aent, CLBARKI 101.1), PA., Will promptly attend to all lefel online., aa trurted to hi. eare. . ptfOOM la Ple'e Opera Honee. Jaal 70. J F. MelCENRICR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All local bullae., eatra.ted to hi. oara will re Mi., prompt atleotlon. Office oppo.lte Coart Home, la Mmonle Bnlldlnf, ecood floor. oule,'75-ljr, D R. K. M. SCHEURER, IIOMIKOPATIIIO PIIY8ICIAN, Offlee In reeldenee oa Pint ft April 14, 1171. C,,'"!i rvll. W. A. MEANS, H1IYSICIAN A SU RGKON, DUBOIS CITY, PA. Will attend profoulonal ealle promptly. amlO'70 yt. T. J. BOl ER, rllYSICIAN AND SUROKON. Office oa Market Btreet, Clearleld. Pa. P4h0flee hoam I lo 11 a. m , and 1 to 0 p. JJR. J. KAY WRIOLKY, HOMOtPATniO PHYSICIAN, reJ-Ofllee ailjolnlnn the re.ldeace ef Jamee ariiley, K., on IWe'ioO Ol., viearor,.., -. Joljll,'7B If. Y II ILLS, 'orVn.lTlfK DKJTTIST, CLEARFIELD, 1'ENN A. MKIiee la re.ldenee, oppoilte Shew Iloaea. jyv.inrv-u D R. II. B. VAN VALZAH, tl.KAHPIEM), PENN'A. OfFICE IN ItERlDBNv'E, CORNER OF FIRST AND 1'INM STREETS. At OSoe koarf-From II la I P- Mar II, ml IVt i. P. BURCHFIKLD, . Sarieoi of the ISd .lm.at. P.oa.ylra.U V.laateera, herlai fetaraod from tka Army, n bl, profei,lonal tarvleea ts tke.lll.em 'Cl.irleldeeaat. . .. Pr.f.,,1,,.1 d.ll, prempllr atteade. . ' SeeoBd JirofW form.rl70j.aplo ay '-ed.. laprV CLEAR GEO. B. Q00DLANDEB, Editor VOL. 53-WHOLE NO. Cards. TlJHTICEiP CONoiTAHLCH PEES) We hare printed a largo number of tbe new FKL HILL, end wlU on the reoelpt of twenty nn'a. meil e.,nv lo any addreae. mats WILLIAM JI. HENRY, Justice OF T PB.0Bl0 8oniTB, LUMBER CITY. Cotleetiuno node and mono nromiitlv paid oror. Artlolerof agreement and deedi of conveyance neatly eaeeoted and warranted cor reel or no ohargo. SJy'7S JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juatle of tbe Peace and Scrivener, Curwenevllle, Pa. Esa-Colleelloni Bade and monev promptly paldover. labM'Tltf JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer la Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, SIIINOLES, LATH, A PICKETS, lilfTS Clearfield, Ta, REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Peiiu'a. fefL-Wlll execute lobe In hie line promptly end In a workmanlike manner. err4,B7 JOHN A. STABLER, BAKER, Market St., Clearflrld, Pa. Fro.h Bread. Ruik. Roll.. Piei and Coke. on band or made to order. A general auortoaent of Confectionariea, Fruit, and Nute in atock. Ice Cream and Oy.tera lo aeeeon. Saloon oearly oppoetta the Poatolnoe. Pricee moderate. Rlercn lo-"7n. WEAVER &, BETTS, DKALRRS IK Real Esta'.e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LUMUKR OF ALL KINDS. JMT-Offlea on Peonnt, treet, la rear of flnrt room of UcorRe Weaver A Co. ( Jani, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE rm Ofcatur Tounxhlpy Oaeeol Mi Hi P. O. All offioial bualneaa antra it ed to bun will bo promptly attended to, moh29, '7A. JAMES H. TURNER, JVSTICE OF TUB PEACE, tVallacetoli, Pa tfUn baa prepared bimaelf with all lb neeaatary blaok forma under lb Pernios and Bounty Uwa, aa well aa blank Deetli, ete. All IfrbI niattora entruated to hie oar will receirt prompt attention. May 7tb, lK7tf-tf, JOHN L. CUTTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. tn4 Reftl F,itat3 Aent, Clearfield, Pi. Offlfl ob Third atret, bet. Cherry A Walnut, lUepMtfally offer bit eerTleee In aelllnf and buying landa la Olearfleld and adjoining ooaattei j Bad with aa iperieneol orer twenty year a a inrrtyor, 0attrs bimaelf that he can render eatlafaotion. LKcb. I8;P3:tr, AKDRRW HARWICK. , Market Mtroet, ClearHeld, Pa., MAarrecTonaa abd dbalbh Harness, Bridlet, SadJIei, Collars, and Horse-furnishing Ooods. UTAH kind, of repairing promptly attendid Keilill.ra' Hardware, llurae Urnabea, Curry Comba, Ao., alweya on band and for aale at tbe loweat caab price. March IK, 17. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. ffaTPnmpe alwaei on hand and made to order en ihort notiee. Pipe, bored on reaeonable terma All work warranted to render latl.laeuon, aoa delivered If deilred. myUAjfi Litvcry Wtable. 'IMIB underlined bega leave lo Inlorm thepuo JL lie that he la now fully prepare to acoommo late all In tbe way of furni.hing IK...., Buggiea, daddlea and Harneea, on tho aborteat notiee and n reaeonable terme. Heaidenoe on 1,000.1 .treoi, between Third and Fourth. . OKO. w. UKAnitani. Ilearfleld, Feb. 4, 1074. WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLEN HOPE, PENN'A. rpllB nndrr.laned, having leaaad ml com X modioua Hotel, la tbo villago of Qlen Hope, la now preperrd 10 aeeommoueie u wuv tall. My telilo end sar anau oe euppueu wuu be beat the market elT'irde. OEOROE W. D0TT3, Jr. Ulen Hope, Pa, March 10, ISH-tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, tBALBB IB OENERAli MERCHANDISK, CRAII AMTON, Pa. Alao, elten.lve monufacturoeaind dealer In Square Timber and hawed Lumber 01 an aiaua. KtrOrdera solicited and all billa promptly fllled. I'jyis-jj E. A. BIGLER. .St. CO., PBALBRI IB SQUARE TIMBER, and Banulactiirere of Al l. KINDH OP HAW I.I) I.IIIHIIKR. T'Jl CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. 3. I. SNYDER, t PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AHD DBALBS IB Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 0rolo'e Jfoie, Jforcl Areet, Cl.EAHKlfcl.D, PA. All klnda of repairing la my line promptly at- oaded to. April u, l7i. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE JIOMK INDUSTRY. THE andoralgned, having eatebllahed a Nar eory ea the 'Pike, about half way between Clearteld and Corwenavllle, la prepared to far niab all blade of FRUIT TREES, (atandard aad dwarf,) Evcrgroena, Shrubbery, Urape Vlnaa, Uooaeberry, Lawloa Blockberry, Strawberry, and Haapberry Vlnee. Alao, Hiberiea Crab Treea, guinea, and early eearlet Rhubarb, Ao. Orderi promptly attended lo. Addre.., eoplO - Carweaavllle, Pa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BE0., Oa Market St, ana eW weet of Meaaloa Iloaea, CLEARFIELD, PA. . k hkmIi are rf lha moat complete character lor f.raieblng tba pal.Ha with Freak Meeta of all kind, ana 01 me very vmn We alao deal la all kinda of Agricultural lmpla- meatl, which we Beep oa eiammoo ior ett of the pobhe. Cell amend when la Iowa, id take a look at minga, or aairn .. r. M. CARDON A HRO. Cterfleld. Pa., Jaly 14, I87 lf. Clear lit Id inturanrt .Igtnrf- 1AM80 aaan. CA8BOI.L L. BIPDLBi HEItn H BWOl.K, rfrtnli. Repreeenl the rollowlnf aad elbar flnl-eleaa Co'a . .S0"!!."1."' j.. A m-he-D. B. Br.AA.5Iu't Ly-lag-oa .....I Aaneh pl..... J.OM.OM PU.IB, of ll.r.f.rd,C....... I.JM.M1 la.ar.aM Co. of North America........ M"'''4. L.i. u.i.l.a A alenaalllel .8. Br. I,T"I,MS (Votllik Cemmeraial-U. . Breach Traveiera (Life A Aeeideat)..,. .'" Walertowa.. ,.17 Pe JeaVviMr FIELD & Proprietor. 2,039. BEMEMBER THY MOTHER. Lra.l thj mother Unilerty Dowa lirVtiltop deolin - One ber mrta wi thy iuiport. Now ah leans on -bin. Br upon bar ang r Thoie deep linei of our i Think it mu br toll for the Left that rwiord then. N'er forgft her tlrelfN wtcb Krpt by dT and nistht, Taking from bar itep tho (rice, From ber th lighr, Cher tub well ber faithful heart W hiob ibrouich weary yn, Echoed with ita aynpalhy All amlloa acd teara. Thank Ood for thy mother', toy. d uard the price lm boon For the bitter patting hour Couie'h all Uo toon. Whn tby grateful tndmen Loave power to aave, Earth will hold no dearer tpot Than thy mother', grave 1 THE TRUE ISSUES, JIH)C;K tiiurman a tiir 1 HA'IOH OV A NEW Fdl.l ALf(,i; CY. Till BKNATOR'S GRAND CONSTITUTIONAL KPEECU AT COLUMI1U8 HOW THE DE MOCRACY STANDS ON THE I.I VE gUEO TION8 OF THE DAY SOME RADI CAL 8LANDEII8. Senator Tlmrman inurked his active entrance into tho Ohio campaign by opecch delivered at Cincinnati on tho Ctb inst., in tho presence ut an audience such as lew Ohio cilios, outsido of it could furnioh. The diBtinguiBhed Sen ator appeared to be In the host of health and spirits, liis speech was almost entirely a constitutional ori;u inent, and as u plea in defeiiBo of the Democrutio jiosititn on tho roigning issues ol tho day, was simply superb. Tho address was received with un bounded t'lithusiuBin. Tho Senator, after being Introduced to the largo au dience by lion. Fiank ilcKinney, Chuirnian ol tho Democrutio Execu tive Committee, spoko substantially as follows : Mil. President and Fellow-Citi zens: The persistont efforts of the Kadicul leaders to destroy tho plainest rights ot tho Slutes and of tho people. and thereby to overthrow local self government in tlie United Suites, will justify me in asking your attention to- mglu to some observations that have been repeated a thousand times, and hnvo therefoio no charm of novelty to recommend them, but which cannot bo repeated too frequently if wo would preserve our system of govern ment and the liberties of the people. Jow, my menus, let us consider lor a moment wbatisoursystom of govern ment ana men turiner consider wnut would be the result of overthrowing local Rolf-government and consolidat ing all power in tho hands of the gen oral Government. Wn hnvo in thie country two gufcrnmenls the red oral or National Govern meiit, which ever term you prefer, deriving all its powers from the Constitution of tho United States; and tho State Govern ments, deriving all their powers from the .Su to Constitutions. The naluro of this system was expressed with ad mirable brovity by Chief Justico Mar shall delivering the unanimous opinion ot the Supreme Court of the United States in McColloou vs. the State ot Maryland, 4 Wbeaton, 410. 11 0 said : "In America tho powers of sovereign ty aro divided between the bovern ment of the Union, and those of tbe States. Tbey aro each sovereign with respect to the objects committed to it, but neither sovereign with respect to tbo objects committed to the other." In tbe same opinion, page 4U0, speaK- ing ol the general Government, ho said : "This Government is acknowledged by nil to be one of enumerated pow ers. rno principle, mai n can exer cise only the powois granted to it, would seem too apparent to navo re quired to bo enforced by all those ar guments wmcn its enugntencu irienus, while it was depending betoro the peo ple, found it necessary to urge. The principle is now universally admitted. But the quostion respecting tho extent of tbe powers actually granted, is per petually arising, and will probably continue to arise, as long as our sys- tem shall exist." It Texas vs. W hito, 7 Wallace, 725, Chief Justico Chase, delivering the opinion ot tho Supreme Court, said : "But the perpetuity and indissolubility of tho Union by 110 means implies tho loss of distinct and individual exist- enco or of tho right of self government by the States. Under tbo articles of confederation, cat h Stato rolained its sovereignly, freedom and Independ ence, and every power, jurisdiction and right not cxprcBsly delegated to the United States. And we liave already had oecusion to remark at this term that 'tbo pcoplo of each Stato compose a Stato having its own government, and endowed with all tho functions es sential to scparato and independent existence, and that 'without the Stales in Union, there could bo no such po litical body as the United Slates 1 biol only, tborefore can thero bo no loss of separate and independent autonomy to tho States through their union under tho Constitution, but it inny not bo un reasonably said that the preservation of tho Slutes, and the maintenance of their Governments, aro as much with in tho design and caro of the Constitu tion as the preservation 01 mo union and tbe matntennnce ol tho National Government. The Constitution in all its provisions, looks lo an indestructi ble Union composed of Indostriiclible Statos." You thus see. mv friends, that ao- conling to tho highest authority, the rights ol the stales aro as luaosinicu blo, if our system of Government be nrcsorved. as are tho rights of the Fed eral Government ; thai tho on is just as sacred as tbe other; and that he who as.iails the plain rigbta of the Slates is iust a much an enemy ol our system ol free institutions aa is he who assails the ust power 01 ine reuurai Government. Now. mark it. mv Iricnds, tho doo- trine of Slates riuhts. or. In ether words, local self-government, for which the Domocracv contend, is wholly dif ferent from tho doctrines of nullifica tion of scoession. Tbe Democracy of the North never believed in either of those doctrines. They never believed in tho right of nullification or of secos . sion. One great cause that endanger ed tho Union (slavery) haa ceased to exist. To re-establish it is a manifest impossibility. jNo man, North or Sonlh, imagines that it could bo re establish ed. Tbo Southorn people would be among lb first and the most earnest to oppoeo aucb a measure. Their po litical power is largely Inoreaacd by the emancipation ol tha negro, and thoy are fast coming to the conclusion that their material prosperity is like- I ' Improved by his mancipation. CLEARFIELD, PA., It is not thurofore, a fear of eccoanion, or of the ro-establishmont of slavery. that prompts the Radical leaders to degrade and dubase the States. Tbo causo lies fur doepor than that. It grows out of tho long and novor end ing effort of consolidated capital, seek ing spocial privileges by means of leg islation ; privileges that tho mass of tho people do not enjoy. Tho holder of Government bonds dosircs a Btrong National Government, in the belief that But h a Government would give greater security and value to his bonds. The mammoth railroad corporation, running through many Statos,, foils rostivo under what it considers the annoyances of Stato legislation. It would greatly prefer to State charters or State licuiiBoB, a Nalioiful charter rendering it independent of tho Slates. 1 no national bank interest, with its two thousand and odd banks, destined, if tho BVBteni continue, to bo tripled or quadrupled in number in no long poriod of limo, looks with complaconcy on the legislation of Congress that has destioyod tho banking institutions of the Slutos and given to tho National Bystom n monopoly of tbo issue and profits of bank paper money. The high tariff protectionists and the seek ers of subsidies alike dosiro a Govern ment of almost unlimited power to gratify their wishes and foster their schemes. In a word, almost or quite ovcry lorm ol concentrated wcullh, ex cept real estate, desires, by construc tion orothcrwiso, to add new powers to tho already tremcndoiiB powers pos sessed by tho National Government. THE ARMY AT THE POLLS. My friends, I have said that the purpose of the Radical leaders to over throw local self government is shown, among other things, by numerous acts ol Congress. To spealt of these acts in detail would require nolono speech, but many. 1 cannot, thoreforc, under take Unit task to night. But there aro somo laws to which 1 must ask your attention, not only because of their deep reaching effects, but also because they wore prominently brought under consideration at the Inst two sessions of Congress, and are among tho most prominent issues now before the people. And first let mo say a few words about the law enacted in Kcbruiiry, 1865, authorizing tho uso of the army of the United Suites to keep the peace at tho polls. When thut law was enacted, tho Government of too United States bad been in exist ence for moro than throe-quarters of a century. We had paBsod through two wars with foreign countries, and thro' a civil war of lour years duration, and almost unequaled in magnitude in tbo annals of mankind ; and yet, during all this period, nearly seventy-six years, neither in peace nor in war bad it been aocmcd proper, or even admis sible, by our law-makers, to use the standing army of tho United States to intorforo in any manner in tho elec tions of the people. But when, in 1865, 1- - t. J.n.l In. Jam. ....frs I rl In ftl-oi- throw tbe civil government in the South, and to divide that portion ot tbe Kepublio into military depart ments, to bo ruled by five Generals of tho arm)', and to permit no elections, unless sanctioned by thoso Generals and supervised by them, then this law authorizing the use of the army at the polls was first enacted. How it was executed is now a matter ot history. The only effects of the law is to ena- bio the President to overawo the peo ple who aro opposed to bis administra tion, it makes tue army an instru ment of party instead of being what it ought to bo, and what, Constitutional ly, it can only 00, me army 01 ine wholo United States. It is a law not only repugnant to liberty, but greatly injurious to luo army useii. 1 navo never heard an officer of the army speak of it except to dcploro its exist ence. Now. mv friends, the Democracy, at the last session of Congress, did all that was in their power to repeal the statutory provisions authorizing tbo use of tho army at the polls. For that purpose, wo passed bill after bill, but they wore successfully veioon oy mo President and thereby defeated. Tho Gonoral Appropriation bill for ihe sup port of tho army was thus vetoed, tho President, by defeating it, declaring in efToct, that ho would let tho aimy go without support, rather than loso mo right to uso it at tho times and places of elections. Thus thwarted, by an paralleled cxerciso of tho ono mon power, wo had nothing left for us lo do but lo withhold appropriations from the armv tcAen vsrd at the polls. But this remedy is, in its nature, but tem porary, and may bo too easily evaded by a hostile I'ixecutivo 10 do securely relied upon. Nothing short of a re neol of tho obnoxious provision will suffice, and tho question whether it shall be repealed is one of tho great questions to be decided by tho people. This issue is clearly mado ana snarpiy defined. Tho Republicans in Congress, as well as the President, aro opposed lo the repeal, as their speeches and rocorded votes amply show, The Dem ocrats and Nationals are to a man In favor of tho repeal. What say yon? If vou aro tired of freedom and wis!) tho ballot box to bo interlercd with by tho bayonet, voto"to keep the law upon tho Statute Book. But if you still choriBh your liberties, and whin to cast a free and nnlrammeiea vote, nnawea by military force, vole to repeal it. NATURALIZATION AND ELECTION LAWS. Under this caption, Senator Thur man then tirocccdod to speak. Ho bo- gan to givo a history of tha efforts of tho Domocratio parly, stnee Us organ nation, to conserve the rights of natn rained votors, and to resent Federalist and Radical attempts to overthrow them, tbo Alien and Sedition laws be- ins Quoted as an example. Ho then wont on to say : When the Republican party after the first election of President Oram had lha most absolute control of the Government that any party over pos sessed the President being a iiepuo lican. nearly all Iho Judges of the S11 prcmo and the other Federal courts being llepubiicans, more man aia sevenths of the Senator! being Repub licans and over two-thirds of the House of Representatives being of the same party lha Radical loidera coneoived it possible to once mora assail the rigbta of lbs naturalized citizen, This lima tha attack waa made under the guiso of preserving the parity of elec tions. The object was to bring all elecliona under tha control of Con o-rosaional law and Fedoral ofilcers, and to use tbe whole power of the Federal Gotornmont and ita Treasury, too, to maintain tha ascendancy of the IfVpoblican party. They began by tbe Introduction of a bill professedly tn enforce tbo provisions of tbe fif teenth article of amendmont to the Constitution and that bill, originally introdnoed in tba House, after being groatly amended and enlarged, was passed by both House and approved I .. 1 . b. t n.rt I. by tha rrettaeni on may 01, 1010, It PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1879. is entitled, "An act to enforce tho right ot citizens of the United States to volo in the suveral Slutes of this Union, and for other purposes;" and It contains no less than twenty-throo sections. 1 have no time to night tn speak ot this law in detail. I can only say in a gen eral way that It assumes to control the action ol the election ofilcers of tho States whon performing their duties under Stato laws and In punish them by indictment 111 tbo Federal courts and by numerous other penalties for any violation of the act, notwithstand ing the exiatonce ol State laws to pun ish thero for the same thing ; thus in flicting upon thorn a double punish mentone under the lawsot the State and the other under this Congressional act.' It creates a host of Federul oil!- cors and emp!iy.t(. he paid out of the treasury lor interfering In tbe elections of the States and it seeks to confer upon tho Circuit or DiBtrici Courts of tho United States a right to try contested elections in tho case of ovory office whatsoever, excojit that of elector of President or Vice Presi dent, Representative or delegate in Congress or membor of tho Slalo Leg. islutura. If this provision bo consti- tulional, tho right of your Govornor to his seat, of all your Judges, from tho mguest 10 tho lowest. In ll.eir ofliccs. of evory county and municipal ofllcor, might be drawn Into litigation before one ol tho Federal District Judges at Cincinnati and Cleveland. My princi pal object 10 referring to tho statute at all is to show the purpose of the nadicai leaders to Interfere by Con gressional laws and Federal officers in Iho elections of tbo Slates. Having passed this act, tho Radical leaders next turned their attention to tho sub ject of .naturalization. Tbey pasBod through tho llouseof Representatives, at the same session, a bill, No. 2,201 to amend the naturalization laws and to punish crime against tho same. Having lailed to destroy naturaliza tion by tbo bill to which 1 have refer red, thoy now seek, by a corrupt and tyrannical elocution of the eleclion laws, to throw ovory possiblo obstacle in the way of the naturalized citizen's right to vote. Tho purposo to thus uso election laws disclosed itself tho moment tbo substitute bill of which I havo spoken was defeated. That, as I have said, was proposed as an amend ment to the llouso bill. Aa soon as it was voted down, tho Senator who had thp bill tn charge, moved two addition al sections to it, one providing for supervisors of olections, and the the olbor providing as follows: "And be it further enacted, that in any city having upward of twenty thousand in habitants, it shall be lawful for the Marshal ot tho United States for tbo district where such city shall be, to appoint as many special deputies as may be nocessary to preserve order at any election at which Representatives n Congress are to be chosen : and said deputies aro hereby authorized to lire- order at such elections, anil to iui any oiietise 01 uicucil ol too pcoco committed in their view." The bill, thus Emended, passed both Houses, and was approved by tho Prcs ident J uly 14, 1876. This bill was tbe entering wedge- for the enaotmont of tho voluminous Congressional oloo lion lawa that have since boon passed. It introduced the United States Depu ty Marshals upon the scone under the pretense of preserving order at Iho elections, bat it stopped far short ot the powers conferred upon them by the subsequent acts to which I will Bhortly refer. At tho next session ot Congress tbo Radical leaders returned to the charge, and by tho act approved February 28, 1S7I, containing twenty soctions, sot up tho vast machinery of Federal in terference in the elections of the people that now exists. The tremendeous powors conferred by this law upon thoso officers Supervisors, Marshals and special deputies cannot bo under stood without a reference to tho entire statiilo and tho multitudo of offenses that it creates. It interferes with tho registration of voters and with the election, and undertalics to punish tho Stato Registrars and tho Si me Judges of election for numerous offenses de clared by tbe act, and in some instances to require them, under pains and pen alties, to disregard the Stato law they swear to support. And it places every one of these State officers at the mercy ot the irresponsible deputies ap pointed by tho Fedoral Marshals, and who, according to exporienco we havo Lad of tho act, have generally boen men of the basest and most degradod characters that could be found ; men who havo served teima in tho pen itentiary ; men who wore notorious thieves; men who kept bouses of in famous resort ; in a word, tho most dcspieablo characters that could bo raked up in the great cities of Now York and I'hiladelpbia, or elsewhere. To these wretches is given the powor to tear tho judges of election from their scats by an arrest without warrant, to arrest any, tho most respectablo voter in tbe city, and thcrcjiy prevent him from exercising his right ol suffiago, and to terrify wholo bodios of voters by threats or arrant etaid by outrigiil violence. This is no overdrawn pio inre. It is not drawn strongly enough. RESUMPTION. Tho Republican speakers and Re publican pross aro crowing lustily about what they call the resumption ot spoeio payments. Behold, say thoy, wo are on tho eve of prosperity, re sumption brought this about and wo brought about resumption ; ergo, you should all support the Republican par ty. My Ilionos, it requires no great powers of analysis to explode this Bophistry. In the lint place, nave we specie payment T Do any of your debtors pay you in specie unless the debt bo So or less T Do the banks pay their creditors in snociof Try and see if thev do. Collect as many bank bills as von ean and assort them. Out of 110.000 von will have probably not over 1200 on the National banks of Columbus. Tho remaining $9,800 are ol hanks scattered all over tbe Kepublio. To nresent them at tbe banks thut is sued them would require yon to travol thousands of miles and incur hundreds ol dollars expense. To present them at ... . . ... . til ..l; the Treasury ueparimonun ussniiig ton would cost less, but yot would beon- erousand expensive. So yon have 1200 ot Columbos bills. Yon present thero at tba banks and demand specie. Do you get it 7 Not unless the banks see Ht to give It to you. men wnai wouiu yon do with tbe greenbacks, if yon wanted specie for them T Present them to any Federal officer in Columbus for redemption T If you did, ba would smile at yonr ignorance, and politely tell you that tha Government doea not redeem greenbacks in Columbus ; that if yoo want specie lor them, yoo most carry or send them io me city m new York and present mem to ma Assis tant Treasurer ol the Uoited Slates Our so-called apeela payments, there- lore, are no specie payments at an REPUBLICAN. Neither individuals, banks nor the Gov ornmcnt, muko paymcnta in specie. liut, while we have no specie pay ments, accurately speaking, I admit thut our paper money has been brought to a par wilh specie. Of tho sacrifices suffered by the peoplo in order lo bring this rosult about, of tho shrinkago of all values, tbo paralysis ot all nidus trios, tho thousands of Inborors thrown out ol employment, iho bankruptcies. amounting to hundreds of millions ol dollars, 1 shall not speuk to-night It there is any ono who thinks that wo havo not paid very dearly for tbe whistle, 1 will not, to-night attempt to disturb his belief. But when the Seo- rotary of the Treasury perambulates too country, boasting ot tbe achieve ment of bringing greenbacks to par with coin, it is not improper to point io mm iho graveyards through which wo have passed in our dreary march to this result. And whon ho claims that consummation was brought about by the resumption act, and his exocu Hon of it, it is eminently proper to show him how baseless is his claim, bow hollow is bis pretension. There are various causes that have operated to bring our papor money to a par with specie and umong them the resumption act is the least. Had that act never been passed, and had -Congress authorized what theSocrolary ol Iho Treasury, withoutauthorily of law, now permits, tbo receipt of greenbacks in payment of customs duty, thoy would have boen at par with specie a year at least before tho lime fixed for resumption by tho resumption act. When tho act was before the Senate, I moved an amendment providing for the receipt of greenbacks in paymont ot custom duties. Tbe Kupubiioans voted it down. I have said that had the resumption act never boon passed. greenbacks would havo reached a par with coin. It would have never been through great suffering aggravated by that act, but it certainly would have come. About every two years wo havo a commercial revulBion which, forbrov. ity's sake, wo call a panic ; when tho country wakes up to the fact that, ow ing to an important oxtension of credit or bad legislation, or both, it is not able to pay its debts on demand. A long period of suffering, generally fivo or six years, ensues, and then, having reached the bottom, any chango must necessarily be for tho better, and then business begins to rovivo. Specie pay ments are resumed, as it Is called, that is, paper money and specie come to par. Jl is not tbis resumption, bo call ed, that produces a revival ol business, but it is tho revival ot business that produces the resumption. But another cause has largely con tributed to our so-called resumption, and lor this cause our Republican rul ers can certainly claim no credit. Owing to bountiful crops in America aitd short crops in Europe for three years, the balance of trade, instead of ing shipped, in large amounts, to this country to pay for bread. Anolher cause that has facilitated tbe equalization of papor and coin, was the Democrutio measures ol romone lizing silvor, which Prestdent Hayes vetoed, but which we passed over his veto. Still another causo, was the Demo cratic bill that put an end to the de struction of tbe groenback. For with out tho groonback in existence, neither Secretary Sherman nor the National banks would bave tbe audacity to pre tend that thoy could maintain actual specie payments, in a word, my Inends, tbe claim ot the iladical lead ers, toyoursupporton the ground that tbey bave brought about prosperity to tho country by a resumption of specie payments, is a bold pretense, without any foundation in tact, and that can decoivo none but those who are ignorant or thoso who wish to be docoived. In conclusion, upon this sub oct, let me sav that thoy who chargo us with a purpose to undo what has boon dono, and to plunge the country into a wuu career of inflation, do us tbe greatest injustice. However much wo deplore tho suffering that bas oeon caused oy Radical measures, and especially by the contraction of tho currency, wo havo no purpose to embark upon a career of wild and sensoless specula tion. Thero novcr was a platform adopted by a political party in Amori ca that insisted so strongly upon a staple currency as doos the platform of the Uhio Uemocracy. lo mat plat form wo ean safely point for a complelo refutation of the false accusations of our enemies. RADICAL INVENTIONS. Mv friends, I havo but ono thing moro losay to yon to night, lor it is timo that 1 had brought my remarks to a close. 1 have been much amused by tbe inventive geniua of our oppo nents as I have seen it lately displayed in the press. One day 1 read of a horrible conspiracy of Thurman and his friends to deleat lowing, ana mo next aay oi an equally horrible plot ol iSwlng ana his frionds to destroy Thnrman. Fol low citizens, 1 pray yon not to be in the toast disturbed by these inventions. Gonoral Ewing is the regular nominee of the Democratic party for the office of Govornor. 1 shall do all in my nower to elcot him, and I trust that every Democrat in tbe State will do likewise, in view OI me consequences to rosult from our election this lull, 1 do most sincorely hope that there may bs no discord, no dissension, no bolting in our ranks. And I have evory reas on to believe that thero will be none From all auartors 1 bear that the par ty is harmonious, active and lull ot spirit Let us do Its duties maniuiiy ana earnestly, ana viciury win erowu ts labors snd its efforts. Judire Thurman's speech Is bound to have an immenseinfluenceon the cam paign, inasmuch as it is the key noU of a new Democratic policy. Tbe Sen ator bas wisely forseen that the issues made in Congress last winter and snrinir are the ones to bs brought into the Ohio canvaas to tbe exclusion of financial topics, and the course he took to-night will work a lasting chango in the Domocratio tactics. An Ennliah paper states that ab stemious and facetious are ths only two words in the English language where in the five vowels follow each other in their proper order. A Russian nhvsioian, atrack by ths commonness of near sight among liter ary men, proposes to print books with whits Ink on black paper as a remedy. "Do you drink f" asked a lady of a peddler. He dropped bis pack and re marked, "Veil, I shunt lief drink mit you as any odder mane.". To soma men a dims that bays a bunch of hairpins looks flay times as large as that which purchases two glasses ot bear. JiOIV TO PRESERVE CIDER. A pure, sweet cider is only attains ble from clean, sound fruit, and tho fruit should therefore bo carofully ex amined and wiped before grinding. In the pross uso hair cloth or gunny in piaco ot straw, as the ciaer runs Irom tho pross let it pass through a hair soive into a large open vessel that will hold as much juice as can bo ex pressed in one day. In one duy, or sometimes less the pomice will rise to tbo top, ana in a short time grow very thick. When little white bubblos break through It draw off tbe liquid through a very small spigot, placed about three Inches Irom the bottom so that the loss may be left behind. Tb( cider must be drawn off into vory clean sweet casks, preferably fresh liquor casks, and closely watched. The mo ment tho whito bubbles, before men tioned, are perceived rising at tbo bungbole, rock it again. It is usually necessary to repeat this three timos. Then fill up the cask with cider in evory respect like that originally con tained in it; add a tumbler ot warm sweet oil, and bung up tight For very fine cider it is customary to add at this stato of the process about half a pound of glucose (starch sugar), or a smaller portion of whito sugar. The cask should then bo allowed to remain in a cool place until the cider has acquired the desired flavor. In the meantime clean barrels for its reception Bhould be prepared as follows : Some clean stripes ol rages are dipped in melted sulphur, lighted and burned in tho bunghole, and tbo bung laid loosely on tbe end of tbe rag so as to retain the sulphur vapor within tbe barrel. Then tie up half a pound of mustard sued in a coarse muslin bag and put it in tbo barrel witb cidor, add about a quarlor ol a pound of isinglass, or flno gelatine dosolved in hot water. This is the old fushioned way, and will keep cider in tbo same condition as when it wont into the barrel, if kept in a cool place for a year. Professional cider makers are using calcium sulphite (sulphite of lime), in stead of mustard and sulphur vapor. It is mucb moro convenint ana ellec- tual. To use it, it is simply requisite to add one-oightb to one-quarter of an ounce of the eulphito to each gallon of cidor in tbo cask ; nrst mixing tbe powdor in about a quart of cidor, then pouring it back into tho cask and giv ing the latter a thorough shaking or routing. Aftor standing several days lo allow the sulphite to exert its lull action it may bo bottled off. The sulphite ot lime (wbicb should not bo mistaken for sulphato of limo), is a commercial article, costing about forty cents per pound by tbe barrel. It will preserve the swootnoss of cidoi perl oct ly, but unloss caro is taken not to add too much of it, it will impart a slight sulphurous taste to the cider. The bottles and corks used should be perfectly clean and corks wired down. cider in the bottle, together with a drachm or so of bicarbonate of soda at the moment of driving the stoppor. Tbis helps neutralize free acids, and renders the liquor effervescent when unstopped ; but if used in excess it may prejudicially affect tho taste. CHEAP FACTORY ICE. IT IS MADE IN OEonaiA AT A COST OF EIGHTY-FIVE CENTS A TON. The Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle says: "Tho Arctio ice Company aro now turning out between ten ana twelve thousand pounds of ice per day, which they aro under contract to de liver at hall a cent a pound. Tbe process employed by tho company is said to be tho cheapest known lo sci ence at tbo present day. X ba cost ol manufacturing ico hero is only oighty five cents a ton, or about four conls and a quarlor a hundred pounds. As it is sold in bulk at ten dollars a ton the margin ot profit ts nine dollars and fifteen cents on each two thousand pounds. This is ahead of California gold mining. The ice comes out in bugo blocks, thirty-two inches in length and twelve inches square. Tboro is space in tho frocting chest (so to speak) lor lour hundred and eigniy oi meso blocks, amounting in weight to thirty thousand pounds. As it requires seven ty-two hours, however, from the time the water is poured into ibo cans until it is turned out again in solid form, only one-third of the quantity is produced daily. It is tbe intcution ot tbe com pany to doublo tbo cspacity of tho works in a very short time. T no diocks tho new cbost will be only six inches thick, and as they will freeze much more rapidly than those of double tho thickness, the daily produc tion will be correspondingly great. Tho process by which the freezing is accomplished requires about fitly pounds of liquid ammonia to bo stored in a vory strong iron cylinder, and this is connected with a coil of pipes immersed in a tank ol strong brine; into this galvanised iron cans holding puro water aro placed, and those cans are ol me size oi ine oiocas oi ice which aro formed. The liquid ammo nia is allowed to flow through these coils, and it gradually becomes gase ous, and In becoming so, abstracts from the water ao much beat that it speedily freezes. A powerful steam pump forces ibe gaseous ammonia Daca into tho iron cylinder again, thus lib erating great heat, which is disposed ot by oold water dropping upon the coils of pips through which the am monia passes on its way to the con denser. Tbe process is a continuous one, and if tbe pumps and coils do not leak there is no loss, and the opera tions may go on so long aa tbe ma chinery lasts. awe I.ATnia Kablt. Ths Norrialown Herald slates that some genius baa in vented a lovor'a alarm clock. At 10 o'clock it strikes loudly, two little doors opened, and a little man with a dress ing sown and can on slides out, hold ing in his hand a card inscribed "Good night The young man is auppoma lo take tha bint and bis hat and leave. Wa assure lbs inventor that he can never count on ths youns men ol tbis neighborhood among his friends nntil bs changes ins alarm oi nis cioca, nd prevents lbs lulls man irom ap- nuarins with hia "good night" inscrip tion before 2 A. M. An alarm at 10 o'clock aa loud as a nitro glycerins ex plosion would not start the average lover not unloss it was followed by ths entrance of a rename man wear ng a club and a heavy pair oi doom. Sometimes ths old folks don't retire before that boor, and a lover always has some important secrets to whisper into his girl's ear when no one Is near and lbs gas is tnrned down low, ws'vs been told. "Prof. Ties." ssvsansxehangs,"prs- AUlm that tha holiest SDsll bv far la yet to corns." That U what our preacher says, too. TEEMS $2 per snntun la Adyanoe. NEW SERIES-V0L. 20, NO. 37. EDUCATIONAL. BY M. L McOWN! OZV THE II'VA'CV. On Monday morning September 8ih after driving a distance of eighteen miles wo reached Bower, the leading point ol interest in tirocnwooii town ship, and at which place we held the first examination of tho fifth week of our annual tour. Bower is an exam pie ol educational enterprise. Its peo ple having, a few years since, erected a model school bouse, adorning It with all modern improvements. Tbis house istboonly oneio theoonntyscated with individual desks and chairs something worthy of comment Ton applicants registered their names, some, however, having been previously examined, all of whom signified tbuir intention to toach if licensod. Pour valid ccrtin catcs wore issued. A groat interest was manifested in the examination by the people of the district, the house being fillod to overflowing during ibe attornoon. Tho full board of directors was present, but adjourned without making their appointments. Juestlay. Un Tuesday wo tilled our appointment for Boll township, at Trout Dale school house one of tho most pleasant places in tho count)'. Tho school and its interests seem to have a permanent place in the affec tions ot the people of this community, and the intelligence and culture of the society of this section aro evidences ol tbe utility ol education. Trout Dale is a romantic and an attractive place a splendid school house, beautifully lo cated and neatly furnished. On this occasion beautiful wreathes woro en twined about Ibe platfoim, and a rich boquet embellished the examiner s desk tbe gift of somo unknown bund. Tbe class was composed of filtoen young ladios and gentlemen, and in point ot attainments, was about tbe average, all bowevor did not receive a license to leach. Tbe biga onierlain ment provided for thoso present, by Ihe families of Henry and James Mo- Gee, is deserving of montion, the form er having provided a bountiful repast lor ovory weary hungry ono prosont. The school houBO was orowded upon tbis occasion, and at tbe close some re marks were made. A series of resolu tions were drawn up commendatory of the kind treatment received by tbe people, and asking tor an examination noxt year some place in tho township. The directors were all present during the day, but adjourned without ap pointing their toacbors, Wednesday. On Wednesday we ex amined applicants for tho schools ot Burnsido borough and township, at Burnside. We admitted fourteen per- sons to the class, and in the evening licensed all but one to teach in tbe county. An unusual interest was man- ltested in tbe proceedings by me peo ple from tho township and borough. Four directors Irom ths township and ancs during the day. An educational meeting waa held at the close ot me examination ; remarks being made by Mr. Boise, L. M. Milcboll and Prof. Lovelace. The districts for which this examination was held are advancing rapidly in eduoation. Tbe schools are managed by directors deeply interested in the welfare oi ths young. Tbey Eay good aalaries, and employ the ighoat order of talent in filling their schools. Tho following teachers wore omployed for the ensuing year: Burnsido borough Not supplied. Cash School Mrs. Matt Irwin. Cross Roads Kate Mitchell. Alfords School Mary Gallagher. Harmony School Ida NcfT. Shepherd School H. P. Howitt Pino Grovo R. N. Lovelace. Patchinville, Deer Run and East Ridge, to be supplied. Friday. Oa Thursday we tarried at Now 'Washington, but for some reas on we had no class. On Friday wo met tbe friends of education in Chest township, at Mcrhorron. The class numbered three. Tbe full board of directors wss present, and some spec tators. The following appointments wcro made for tbo coining term : llurd 8cbool-G. B. Curry. WoatoverSchool(Now) MissCurry. McPhorron School Tillio Foltwell. Four schools of tho township were not supplied on day of examination, butwill be filled at a subsequent meeting. Conclusion. Tbis closod a five wooks tour of tbe county. There aro many things connectod with thoBO examina tions that are pleasant, and which will linger in momory'a page for many days to come. Then again, there are things that aro unpleasant, but which fidelity to a reuponsibe position demands to be done. In our relation lo the people we havo endeavored to license only such porsons to mould tho tender and im neriBhahlo mindB of tho young, as in our opinion wore duly qualified both intel lectually ana moral ly. in aoing mis we feel that wo bavo tbo support and sympathies of all who dosiro to soo our Common Schools grow in usefulness, and excellonco. It bas become too common in our county lor very young persons who have neither ths requisite age, experience, or attainments, to seek Ihe responsible office of teacher. They ask tor a license to teach school, before they have spent one-half Ihe tune in nrvnerino-. that thov would be requir ed to spend to fit Ihflm lor any other honorable trade, or profession. X bis is why tbo Stats Board ot Education haa taken ths authority to fix tbs standard, and bas therelbra made it obligatory upon Superintendents every where, to drop Irom ths list oi appli cants, about one third of all who apply to oorlificatea. Durins tbe five weeks tbst ws tray. ailed ws issued two hundred and twen tr certificates. Last year ws issued two hundred and eighty-five, and we feel oonfident that the persons employ ed in ths schools of tbe eonnty this year, are persons entirely fitted for discharging lbs grave duties of tbs school room, and hence only remains for the patrons of oar schools to torn in making ths schools of ths county a snoeosa. Aid your toachere in every nossibls wsy. Send your children resnlarlosohool. Give them the bens- fit of rood horns training. Place be. fore them Incentives to dillisenoe, and rood deportment and we proTiiae that yoo shall rscsivs full recompense lor the sacrifice yon tnaks In thus support ins ths school. It haa been Indeed gratifying to aa loses ths ureal interest manifested on tbs part of Directors and parents in the public examinations this year. Oar not book shows mat en nunureo ana sixtr-on Directors and nin hundred and thirty-five parents attended the examinations. IM year one ounurwu and ten Directors and about seven hundred neranta ware present Tbis shows that tbs interest in sohool work is nol dsclfnins. far lha man courtesies and goner- ana hnanilalilv shown ns wbils travel ing among ths people, oar heartfelt Hunks are hereby .eauareu. TUB WIPE'S aONQ. Llsger sot long 1 Boaa ll sot home wltkeal the III deareat tokoni only make ale atoara Ok I let 11. memory, Ilka a ohela aboat thee, Uenlly compel aad Beaten tby relura. Uager sol loaf I Linger not long f Ikoogb erowdl.konld wo tby etaylog, Bithloh the eaa the Birth of frieada, though dear, Compenaele for the grief tby long delay Coet Ihe poor heart thatiiiaStobevetheederaf Linger not long I Linger not loagl bow abell I welch thy eomlng, A. evening ah.dow. .treiob o'er moor and fall, Wboa the wild bee bath eeeaed her weary bum ming, And aileac hange on all tbloge like a epell I Linger aol long I How eball I weleb fr tba whea fear growe alroager, Aa aigbt growl dark aad darker ea Ihe kill 7 Bow abell I weep whoa I ean waleb ao longer? Ob, artlboa abaenl, art tboa abaeal allllr Linger nut long I Yet I ihould grieve not, though tba eye that eeeetb me, Oaiath through lean Ibat mikai Ita aplendor doll, For ob, I eomotlnj.c fear, wbva tbne art witb ma. My cup ol boppineea la all loo full I Linger aot long f Haate he.te lliee home unle tby mnoBtaln dwelling, He.te a. a hir.1 enlo Ita pvac.lu! neat! Ha.le ea a ektfl, when tempe.1. wild are ewelllng I rile, lo tie neveu ol oecorort real I Linger not loog I THE DEPTH OF NIAGARA. EXPLORATION OP TUB CANON INTER ESTING EXPERIMENTS BY ENGINEERS. Correapondcneo of the Eyreeaa Standard. The canon of Niagara is far more mysterious than the Falls themsolvos. Within tho era of civilisation in Amer ica no ono was able to successfully pierce the fierce and terrible undercur rent to tbe bottom until, recently, tbe Government itself thought it necessa ry in behalf tf science to undertake tho task All the great schemes im agined to be strictly scientific wcro put in operation by bunglers to obtain tho depth of water beneath the Falls. liars ot railroad iron, pails of stones, and all unreasonable bulky and awk ward instruments were attached to long linos, and cast off the railway bridge and elsowhoro, but positively refused to sink. The very bulk of the instrument was sufficient, no matter what their weight, to givo the power ful undorcurrcnt a way to buoy thcra up upon tho BLrface or near it. Tho United Slates Corps of Engineers, however, with a small lead of only twelvo pounds weight attached to a slonder rope or sounding cord, easily oblainod the depth Irom the Falls to the lower bridge. As your correspond ent assisted in tho bydrographieul op erations, tho facts may be given as thoy presented themselves. Ono day we launched in a small boat not far bolow the Falls, and entered on a most exciting and perilous exploration of the canon. The old guide, long in charge of the miniature forry situated hero, accompanied the party. With groat difficulty we approached within a short distance of tbe American Falls, which darted great jets of wator on us, and far out into the stream. Tbe roar was so terrible that no voice ot human sound, however near wo wero to one another could be hoard. Tbo leads man cast tbe lino, which passed rapid ly down and told off eighty -three foot. This was quite noar the shore. Pass ing out ot tho friendly eddy which bad assisted us so near the Kails, we shot rapidly down stream. Tbe next cast of the lead told off one hundred feet, deepening to one hundred and ninety. two feet at the inclined railway. The average depth of tbe Swill Drift, where the nvor suddenly boc-omes nar row, with a velocity too groat to be measured, wad one hundred and filty- three feet. Just under the lower bridge tbe.wturlDOOl ramJsejjja.sud.Af.Kin- rise like ocean waves to the boight of twenty feet. At this point your cor respondent, at the timo of tho survey, computed tbe depth at two hundred and ten feet, which was accoptod as approximately correct. HANDLING SHEEP. There is a right way and a wrong way, a hard way and an easy way,' an awkward way and a skillful way, to catch and handle sheep. A great many men will catch the sheep by tbe wool on tho back witb both hands, and lilt the animal cloar from tbe ground by tho wool only. Barbarous I Lot some groat giant grasp you by tbo hair of yonr head and lift you from the ground by your hair only 1 Would you not struggle and squirm worse than tbe mute sheep docs when lifted by tho wool? And would there not bo a complaint of a sore bead tor a week or two? If yon do not believe it try tho experiment We have slaught ered a great many sheep in yoars past, and when removing the pelts ot such sheop as bad been handled by ths wool, we never failed to obsorvo that beneath the akin wherover the animal had boen caught by tho wool, blood had settled. In many instance, the skin had been separated from the body so that inflation was apparent We bave known proprietors of sheep to be so strict in regard to handling tbcm, that be would order a helper Irom the premises if he wore to catch a sheep by tbo wool on any part of tho body. Some owners ot sheep direct their helnorsthua: 'When about to catch a sheop, move carefully toward the one to bo taken, until you are suiucientiy near to spring quickly end seize the beast by the neck with both hands, then pass one band around tho body, grasp the brisket, and lift tho sheep clear from the ground. The wool must not be pulled. If tho sheep is a heavy one, let ono hand and wrist be put around tho neck and tho arm pressed against tho leg.' Wo have always handled sheep in the way alluded to. We never srnsn the wool, diners seize the sheep by the hind log, then throw one arm around the body and lake hold of the brisket wilh one band. lint ewes wilh lambs should never be caught by the bind logs, unless they are bandied wilh exlremecara. When sheep are handled roughly, especially il Ibeir wool is pulled, ths small bruises and injuries will render them mora weld and more difficult ti bandlo Maryland Farmer. , Married by Agent. Ths Platts- burgh Republican says : Ws bav heard of all sorts of waysol marrying by tolegranh and otherwise but it remains for Platuburgh to set ths ex amplo of marrying by an agent. On lbs morning of the Fourth of July a couple were seen anxiously inquiring for a certain clergyman, but were In formed that he was ont of town. Last Saturday, tbs gentleman, who resides in ths southern part ot town, was sgain seen upon our streets, when npon inquiry it waa learned that some oos had pretended to perform the marriage ceremony on tbe 4th, signing tbs mariiags csreificats with tbs name of tho clergyman and underneath some fictitious name as his agent. Ths poor lellow bavins lost bis certificate in bis exoitement, bis girl bas gons back on him and returned to ber maternal residence, refusing to live with him longer until tbs missing docomsnt was replaced. At last accounts bs bad sot sscceeded in finding the clergyman's agent. Ladies, says tbs Albany Journnt, an lika watches pretty enoogh to look at ; sweet face and dellicats bands, bst somewhat difficult to "regulate" after they are set going. Virginia is called tbs Mother of Presidents, bat Ohio contains ths si. tsrs and tba oonsina and ths aunts. A creaking she to is has no rnnsis in It sols.