gottK. THEllANSION HOUSE. Corner of Seeoadand Market Streets,. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS eld and eommodlow Hotel has. daring the past year, been enlarged to doable 1U forusr tipully for the eatertalnmenl of ttrsa e-ers and tussle. The whole buildioc hu esse rsfurnished, and fht proprietor will spare ao pains to render hit gaeste comfortable while Staying wltb his. VTbo 'Mansion Hone" Omalboi runs to end from th Depot tbo arrival ud departure 01 ihb train, w. v. VAnuun. July lMMf Proprietor - . r' -m LLEGIIENY HOTEL. , Market Street, Clurdeld, Pi. We. 8. Bradley, foraorl? proprietor of the Lecaard Hoeae, baalae Icaaed Ibe Allegheny Hotel, eoltelte e abare of publlo patrOBage, Tbe Hoaae be. beeB thoroughly repaired end aewlj farnlabed, and gaeate will Bad it e pleeaant etop piag place. The Ublt will be uppliod wllb tbe brat of oarylhlng la tbe market. At tba bar will be found tbe beat wloei and liqnora. Oood tehliog attached. WM. B. BRADLEY, May 17, TS. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front street,) CLEARFIELD. PA. Tbo undersigned boring Ukeo charge of tbli Hotel, would respectfully solicit public patronage. ISDIS, 19, A. fllw lun OH An IJIEMPERANCE HOUSE, - NEW WASHINGTON, PA. II. D. HOSE, , . . Psoraiana. Meela, &o. Mao and hone over Big lit, tl 00. Men end two boraea orer Bight, $1.60. The beet of eeeonaodatlooa for naa and beail Oct. H,'7f -IT. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NBW WAHIIINUTON. PA. Tbla bow end wall farniahed bouae baa been tah.n by tbe underaigoed. He feele eoBUdoot el being able to render acllafaetloa to tboae who may ttror oim Wltb a eail. Ma; I, 1071. 6. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOTD HOUSE, Mala Street, PHILIPSBURU. PENN'A. Table alwaye aupplled witb the beat the market aoorda. Tbe traveliag pabiio ia tattled to flail. Jan.lTt. KOHKHT LOYD. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaonlo Building, one door Borth el C. D. Wataon'a Drug Store. Paaaag. Tioketa to and from Liverpool, Quoena town, Olaagow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. Alao, Drafta for aal. on tbe Rojal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Prea't. W. M. SHAW, Caablar. Janl.'rt DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia n.t.rmns, And Dealers in Government Securities ApplieatloB be mall will receive prompt atteo Hon, and all informatloa cheerfully furniahed Oril.ra aolloted. April ll-tL r. a. iRaoLD. a. w. J. B. abrolb F. K.ARNOLD 4, CO., llnnkera and JSrokcra, Reynoldevllle, Jeireraon Co.. Pa, Money received ob deposit. Discounts at mo derate rates. Eastern and Foreign Kiohangeel wav on band and oolltotions promptly matte, KevnoIHsville, Dee. U, 1874.-17 fntistrj. J L. R. JIEICHITOLD, Graduate of tbe PDnTlranl Collero of Dmta) Surgery. Offioo in ropidaneo of Dr. llilli,oppoilto tbo Bftaw uouio. nebis, 'ifl-u. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Office la Bank Boildiog,) Curweuarllle, Clearfield Cot Pa. nob 12 T-tt x J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD. PA. (Offioo la rcildoBM. Booood itroot) Nitrooi Oildo Ou adniD.aterod for tbo pato M aitraotiott of teeth. Clearfteld, Pa., Msy 1, 17 My. SnoEMAKINfl. I hereby Inform my pa trons, aod so ana in d la general, that I bars removed my ehoemaiing shop to tbo room to tiraham's row, over 8. 1. Snyder's jowelry storo, and that I am prepared to do all kinds of work in my lino cheaper than any other shop in town. All work warranted as good as oan bo done any. where also. Positively this is tbo cheapest shop In Clearfield. JOS. H. DEKRINU. Deo. II, 1878 -If. WagOns for salK. The nnderalgBcd hal en head, at hit abep tn Claarleld, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Sjriaff Wagons, and Baggies, For ante. Weatara wegoni aa well aa thoee made bare. Any of which will be aold cheap for eaab er approved aeoarity. For further Inform atloa, eall 1b paraon at my anon, oraddraaa me by letter. 1 IIOH A J KKILLY. Cleerl.ld, Pa, April 13, l7l-tf. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Penn township, Cloarflold Co., Pa. BURNED OUTt HOT MOT BURNED UP1 ThosahsriborihaTO,at great sipenso.rebutlta nolgbborhood Booeaslty, In tbo oraatioa of a first olass Woolen Manufactory, with all tbo modem Improvements attached, and aro prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Oautmoros, Batinetts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods on band to apply all ovrold and a thousand newouatoours. tsoti wo msm w oomo aoo lanins oar siooa. Tho baslnoM of CARDI59 AND FULLING will rooolTo oor especial atteation. Proper arrangements will bo made to roceivo and deliver Wool, to salt eustomors. All work warranted and aoae upon tho shortest not loo, and by strict attoa tloa to business we hope to realise liberal share of public pauoujo. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will pay Ike highest asarket price lor Woo and cell oar manufactured goods as low as similar goods oaa be bought In tho county, and whenever we fall to render reasonable satisfaction we oaa always bo found at home ready to make proper explanation, eiticr in perton or oy letter. J A at EH J0MN8ON 60N8, wrllMftf Nnwov P. n JKMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respect fully notify the public generally thai he has removed Hie Uroeery ntore from Hbaw'e Row, to tbe building formerly occupies by J. Miles EraUer, an Beoond street, next door la Blgler! hardware a tore, where he iatends keeping a mil line of OllOCEIlIEfl. HAMS, DRIID BEf aad LARD. 8DOARB and SY RUPS, of all grade.. TEAS, Oreea aal Bleak. COFFBI, Beuted and Oreea. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cjjtjtcd FHvrra, Ui klBde la tbe market. PICKLIS, ta jara and barrela. PIC8S,1b .eery form Bad variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OP CRACKER. SOAPS, MATcais, DRIID APPLES, DRIID PIACI11S, DRISD 0U1RRII8 Coal Oil aad Lamp Chimneys. Aad B ffeed aaaortmoat ef theee thlnte anallr kept la a groaary atere, whleh he UI elekaaga lor auraeuag at aae aaaraea pneea. Win awl aVr oaek aa abeeply u aay alber aae. Pleoee eall Bad Bee kil Meek Bad jadfe let JOBS McOADSHIT. Otaaraeld, Jan. I, lift. pisttUautous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. CorwoaarUle, Job. , t If. GEO. WEAVER & CO" SECOND STBKFT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hon opened op, la tbo store room lately occupied by Weaver A belts, on Seoond street, a largo ood wtu MIMtOO tool or Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SUOKS, qi'KEMSWABK, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4c. Which tbe will dlapoee of at reaabnable ratea for each, or eaobaage lor eouatry produce. GEOROB WEAVER A CO. Clearfield. Pa., Jan. , IS7S-I. CENTRAL State Normal Kcliool (Eighth JS'ormal School Di$trict.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. y. RAUB, A. M.t Principal Tbli School at at proxent eonitltututl, offon the very boet facilities for Profeaiiunal and Claiiaal learoing. Uuildtogi upauioui. laritlng and eommodloui eooplctely beaud by team, well rebtltated, and furoii-bed witb a bountiful lupply of pure voter, wit iprtpg water. Location healthful and eauy of aceeat. SurrouDdiDc teenerr nnsorpaited. Teaeheri oiperienoed. offlcloot, and aliro to tnelr work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform a&d thorough. EipeDfea muderato. Ffty cents a week deduction to tbono preparing to teaB. StadeaU admitted anr time. Co u net of study preionbed by tbo Btatej I Model Hobooi. n. freparatory. 111. Klmen tary. IV. firleotiDo. IDJCaCT COUR9I t I. Aoademlo. It. Commereial. lit. Music. IV. Art. Tbo Elementary and Helenttfle oourea are Pro fessional, and students graduating therein rfaolro State Diploma, conferring the following corres ponding degrees : master ot to sciences, uraa uatee in tbe other oourset rooelro Normal Certifi oatos of tbelr attainments, signod by tbo Faculty, Tbo Profeiflnal eoortea aro liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to tboio of our boat oollpgea. Tbo 8 1 rite require! a higher order of eitiien ship. Tbo timet demand it. It Is eno of the prime object of ibis school to help to secure it by furnishing intelligent and efficieut teachers for bor schools. To this sod it oolicita young per sons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improf o their time ami tbsir tal ents, aa students. To ail such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportu nities lor well paid labor alter let ring scnowl. i'or catalogue and terms address tbo Ptincipal DOAHD OF TKI'STEKSt STOCK RUI.D KM1 TltflTKES. J. II. BartoB, M. I) .. A. 11 . Best. Jacob lirowo, S. M. Biekford, Samuel Christ, A. N. Kaub, K. Cook, T. C. Hippie, Esq.. B. P. MflOormick. Eicj. w. n. nan am, juiixi a. nwuu. stti TBUsraas, lion. A. 0. Curtlo, Hoo. II. L. Dlrffenbieh, Geo. Jssm Merrill, Hoe. Wo. Biglor. J. C. C H baler, 8. Millar HoUonnick, Ksq. WILLIAM BIOLER. Presideat Board of Trustees JilbbB HKKKIL, Vice Presidsat. 8. MILLAR MeCORMICR. Becroury. TIluMAS TAKDLEY, Trossaror. Look IUtob. Feb.(7-lyio. W. al. IIOFFIt, ROOM NO. THREB OPERA HOimE Clearfleld, Pa., DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOE8, GROCERIES. QIEEXSWARE, HARDWARE, t arpetH, Oil C lotlis, WALL PAPER LEATHER, FISH, Etc, Which will be aelo atwboltaale er retail. WILL 1AKK COUNTRY PRODUCE IN EXCIUNCiK fOll tiOI AT MARKET PHICBH. Clrarfleld, Pa., BVpt. IM. larra-ir. NEW FiaOiJR. ri:t:i), GllOCEItY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Rsaaa Ne. 4, Pta. Opera llene. Cl.arfi.lal. Pa. E Mp a eoa tan try ea band SUSAN, COFFII, HAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRCP, ALT,! SPIOIS, SOAP, Oaaae. xA Dried fruit Tobaeea, Clgara, Caa lie., Ofda. Tlnefar, Belter, Sgga, Ae. ALSO, EXTRA HOMI.MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., At of vklek wll to sold ekeap fur ak er la leaaai. for ao entry areduee. JOHN f. K RAKER. Otaarteld, Nor. II, lir.-af. UisrrUatifous. Pull Your Ntuuiiin! FOR SALE II V TUB Co-Operative Agency, CLEARF1KLP, PKNN'A. July intla. 1870 tf. TIN & S H EET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL ! Uu opened, In n building on Market street, on tbe old Western Hotel lot, opposite tbe Court lie use In Clearfteld, a Tin and beet-Iron Nana factory and 8 tors, where will be found at all times a full lias or house FrainsimTa goods, Stovos, Hardwaro. Etc House Bpouting and all kinds of job work, repair tag, Ac, done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Also, agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Machines, with Needles. Ac. al ways on hand. Terms, strictly cash or country produee. A share of patronage solicited. U. D. UBKItlaLL, Superintendent. Clearfleld, April 25, 1 877-1 1 J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Eetail Dealer in CrocorieS, THE LARGEST and REST SRLBCTED STOCK IN TUB COUNT!. OOF FEU, TKA. QUEENSWARE, THUS and BUCKETS. SUGAR. DKIfcD FRUITS, SYRUP. CANNKD GOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. MEATS, FISH, SALT, OILS, County Agent for I.O II 1 1. L.I It It' 8 TOBACCOS, Theae gooda bought for CASH In large lota. and aold at almoat city prlrea. jamks u. LI ILK, CloarAeld, Pa., June 12, 1878-ly. BOOTS SHOES HATS, CAPS, AND- I 1 I It GEO.CSiT.W. MOORE, are just opening a large and carefully selected stock in their line, embracing LADIES' GAITERS, Kid, Cloth and Calf, lu erery alyle. LADIES' SHOES, Rough and Smooth. LADIES' 8 UPPERS, lllgb and Lew. CIIILDREXS' SHOES, Buttoned, Baekled ead Laeed, Pleia and Copper-toed GENTLEMENS' BOOTS, Fine and Coarse. GENTLEMENS' OAITER9, SHOES, BRO QANS, PLOW SHOES, SLIPPERS, Cloth or Leather. HATS, HATS, HATS, Tber sk special attention to their assnrtraent or n.i n tmbraeiug tbe LATtssT bi vles tor Hammer wear. AMONG THEIR Gents Furnishing Goods. will be found an assortment of GENTS' NECK-WEAR. aeldoBl equalled either 1b etyla, Uate, aerrlee or prloe. Alter any of wblek will be aold at aatoBlihingly lew aguret, at ROOM NO. I, PI 1 78 OPERA IIOIIOE. 01 eerlelj. Pa. April It.Tt-tf. BPBiin'B PORT GRAPE WINE Used la the principal Churches for Communion Excsllcmt for Laiioa ancfWoakly n a A a " SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE f FOVR YEAR OLO. This Colchratosl Native Wine Is made from the Jute of tho Oporto drape, raised In I his Ccnaty. Ita Inveleabte Tonio and Strengthening Proportloa are annrpassod by any ether Native Wine, Be ing the pare )etee of the Urape. prod need under Mr. Bpeer's own personal sapervislon. Its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. Tba youngoet chile may partake ef ite generous quantise, and tho weakest iavalid nee It to advantage. It is particularly beneficial to tbe aged and deblltta toJ, and suited to tbe various ailments that af fect the weaker cel. It is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. Tbe P. J. SHERRY Is a Wine of Superior Character, and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape from which It Is mads. For Parity, Rlcaaess, flavor and Medlciaet Proportloa, It will be feand aneioelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. Tbla BRANDT aUndaenrireUd la lilaaowntry, being tar eperier for naedloal purpoeaa. IT IS A PURI diatlllallea freea thegrepoaad eeBtaial ealuabie aiedioal proparllee. It baa a delleeae tetw, alailar to that ef Ike J rape, froaa wbloh It la dlaiillrd, Bad if la great afar eaaeag Bret..kaf faanilieo. Nee that the (igaatare ef ALPRID SPRRR, Paaeale N . J , ia orer the eerk of eaek kettle, SOLD ST 8. VT. OUATTAIff duly , THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAUFIEIjD, l'A. WKDNKSDAYMOKNINO.SKl', l7. AIlKOdAllOX OF STATUS. It la not ofton thut one fin Jm a frank udmiiwion of the u'm of the Rvimlili- cn Icailunt. Tuny uru aocutomed lo dinruiriu their uurpOMe. und aoconipliith their olijecU by indirection. Hut, n uble and eurnunt oxpntiini oi numcm ihiii in tbo .North went, In on biiiiohi benoinvnul upirit of lrunknuaa, thun ndit'uU'B tho object lowurd wliit h tho iurly has been working urur biiioo ll uttuined power in tbia country : "Uongicas can tlnu tno power under Iho Constitution to muku luwa under which United Stules uulhoriliea can arreot and puniah these asaaiwina ol the South, und compel order in Miiwi gippi. It might require a conaiderublu atietch of .National authority, but tho time has come to stretch that power to its utmost limit. Ho fur as the Post is concerned, it not only doaircg but uriros tho punish ment of crimen in all Stales and sec tions, and the preservation ot order in every locality. Ho journal baa urired this policy more persistently than wo have. Hut there is not an intelligent man in tbe United Males who will orclond to find in tbo Constitution any warrant for interference by Congress in tbe criminal atittira ol a Malo. 11 the goneral (iovernment may manage tbe criminal concerns of a Statu, it may, witb equal propriety, attend to a Stute's civil n (fairs, and thus ulirogute utterly all semblance ot local Govern ment. This proposition is so entirely soil-evident that it would bo folly to arguo it. We fiavo, then, a square declaration of a Radical orgun in luvor of tbe abro gation of Slate Government, for tho utterance abovo quoted amounts to that, and nothing else. If tho central authority can inlorfero with tho do mestio alluirs of .Mississippi, it can do tho same in llussuchusolls. As to (bo "stretching of Nulionul authority," there has boon quite enough of it, and tho peoplo will toleruto no more. In stead of further "stretching," tboro will bo" a relaxation of tho already too great tension, and a return to normal conditions to the safe lino of consti tutional duly. We suppose tboro is scarcely a Slate in the Union in which notorious urim- nnls do not walk tbo slreots with im punity, and no ono thinks of bringing them to punishment. Tboro are cor rupt judges, there are bribed prosecu tors, there aro cowardly grand juries, tbero aro packed petit juries, and tboro are many other means by which the worst ol criminnls escape tno prison or tho Bcaffold. lbeeo things, exist in many ot tho States north of Mason and Uixion's lino, and tho press ot those States will not undertake to deny tbeir existence. They are deplored by all who love order and justice, yet they are facts all tho same. Hut it it were proposed for Congress to enact a law authorizing United Stales Marshals to arrest those unpunished offenders against Stuto laws and brine lu triul, there would be a most empbulic protest against such modtlling with local concerns, and tbo protest would bo right, for the Constitution leaves the treatment ot ollenuors aguinst Slate laws to tbo authorities ol tho Slates. It is not dilllcult to account for those disturbances ot social order thut have occurred in somo portions ot the South Thoy aro Icgilimato fruits of Jiepubli can Legislation. The intelligence and manhood of the South, by general dis franchisement, were subordinate to tho ignorance and brutality of that section, supplemented by a good deul of cun ning and cupidity ol thoNoilh. Tho wonder is, not that there has been so much disturbance under SLcb conil lions, and during tho slow return to the natural order of things, but that there has been so general a prevalence ot tranquility. Southern society was overturned, the bottom was put on top, tbo people wore robbed and outraged Is it straniro that, in tbe process of yetting back to tbo natural domina tion ol basis, character, wealth and social influence, thrro have been occa sional disturbances and somo unpunish od crimes? Under tho same circum stances, no peoplo on earth would bavo borne themselves bettor, and the Sou tn crn people to-day, as a rule, aro as well governed and orderly as tno peo plo of tho North. Thoy will take care of their own matters, and tbero will be no further "stretching" of the Cunsli tut ion In order to meddle witb them. Washington roM. THE It ADS FOR "JEFF." Tbo editor of tho Washington Pest tortures the Kauicals in this way : "Tho Republican party of Ibe North may as well bo given to understand at onoo that tho decision of tho question as to whether Jefferson Davis shall again take his scat in the United States Senate, is pretty much in their own hands. Al tno present writing Mr. Davis is not a oilizon ot this grrnt Republic. In older to satislactorily remove his political disabilities, several Radical votes are needed in both Houses of Congress, In addition to the solid Democratic vote, even in the highly improbablo event thut that could be obtained, to make tho neces sary two-thirds majority, as is also tho assent ot the Kepublican at facto Pros idonL, Now the Domocrnlio party doos not want Mr. Davis in the Senate, nor do tho people ot Mississippi, in which State he lives, and as far as both are concerned no immediato effort is likely to be made to placo him there Still, if tho solid Republican party ol the country should demand that Mr. 1'avis ho accorded a tinal 'vindication of the character mentioned, wo do not seo bow wo could well refuse to co-op erale in order to grainy them, if tor no other pnrnose than todisposo satis factorily of a long-slanding 'issue.' Tho Itepuulican brethren have the floor on this absorbing question. If anybody had bean meah eoitn.rn.d lett the DauphlB county grand Jury ahnuld Ignore the la dleim.nt la the riot bill preneutlona, It la hop.d that hla baa be,B fully raliefed. Inttead of Ignoring, the grand Jury retorn.d ererything true bill thai wea euagealed to Ibeaa. All tbe Diatrlot Attorney bad to do weotomeBtlnn a Bam. and an 1idtelat.Bt cane baea al oner, lngtb.r with tbe requeat that be alae ladiot M.aara. Woir, pnori and Bilf.rinoroe, wbobi ne aa. probably orerlooked Writ 6'arar.r fMeret. From this wo infer that tba guilt was vry apparent to tho jury. Now, why did not the Hon. Samuel Butler see things in the same light, when ho voted Against the expulsion ol some of these men r As Mr. butler is the Kad ical candidato for Stale Tmasuror, wo have the right to inquire who blunder. ed the Dauphin oounty jury, or the Mr. llullor, momhorol the Legislature? The latter, no doubt, bad more nroot belore him than the jury bad, and vol he voted "not guilty." We hope Mr. II. 's organ will give the publio some ngut on mil uarK quostion. That Color Lini The Cincinnati Enquirer says that Joseph II. Jtainoy, the colored man who served nine years in Congress Irom South Carolina, has boon appointed Special Agent of the J reasury Department by Secretary Sherman, Now that John Sherman is a candidate for President, it bas oo enrrod to him thill lbs colored man ought to ba recognised. Joe was a rampant Grant man three werka ago ; but we will bet ho is for John S. now I Statesmanship We notice that John Sherman baa patched it op with Colonel John U. Rrownlow, whom be removed Irom a revenue oflloe id Ion essee tba other day, by making him clork in the Treasury Department. WATTEliSOX Oy COX KL 1X0. ANll ON Till ALLOTMENT OP CRIMK. Ilrnry'a ulojk I.laud Laltar 1 beiieve her (Mi's. Spruguo) to be a vain, and lo have always beun a daring and imprudent woman, not a wanton, und I must say that tho provocation slio has hud Irom her husband, and the course which Mr. Conkling has pursued, together witb tho wretched plight which 1 know her now to be in, till mo with sympathy 1 never ex pected to feel tor her. Sbo ia the daughter ot one cf l) ifrrntoot ;nei. this country every produced, a woman in distress, uburud and brow beateu by her hut-band, betrayed nnd deserted by her lover, and tbnt is enough for me. Why, do you know that I uin crcdi bly informed thut Mr. Conkling was assured by the New York papers thut if ho would aiilhoriie a denial of the wbolo thing, on his honor as a man and A Senator, Lhcy would not only suppress tho details, but unito In an indorsement, and, if needed, a defense, and that Mr. Conkling rolused. God of the universe, I where are tho Bibles, where are tho stucksof Bibles, so high that tho meanest wretch would not mount them, as upon an altar, and light tho pile with his own bands, and, amid the Humes beneath, swear to Hie honor ot tho woman who hud trusted him, and who stood compromised by bis act, until his senses kit him r Mr. Conkling, with characteristic avoidunco ot contamination to bis gen lleinanbood, baa fled tbo field lie declines to appear in his own person He flrst invent, a must absurd state meut to the press. 11 o next prepares, not lor himself, but for Mrs. Spruguo lo sign, uu inconsistent, Illogical slule nienl to the public. In Hie lirst per son singular ho has never a word to uttor. Ji does not suy, ' l let my character go do whut jou will with it hut tbo woman is innocent. Ho does not huvo even ibe self possession or mo courage to muke a diversion upon Spruguo and to say to him, "Sir, you are a scoundrel who have attacked your own wile through mo, and 1 will hold you responsible. He does noth inir ol mo sort. Jim greatness ro strums hi in. Ho II ics buck to Ulica, lo tbo wilo he bus deserted, to the daughter he tries to humiliate, and, cowering behind theso good women, ho asks tbo country to belie to him guiltless, while it, in company with Sprugue, punishes tho daughter of the great Chief Justice. 1 wish 1 may bo harpooned and I am suro I don't wishlo bu burpooned it ever I heard of anything like it in my terusul ol wicked history from Claudius down to Henry Ward lieocher. 1 can hnd nothing at all ukm to ilany whero, not oven in "plantation mun nors." Vet it is common to have it said that justly deserved cemuro of this man Ibis would be. representa tive ol tho munhonil, the manners and tho morula of tbo North springs either from rebel mnlico, or personal pique. It is common to see newspapers which discourse nimbly ot tho "pecu liar civilization" of tbe South extol the system in which, and in which only, such nllairs as this are possible, totally oblivious in their puriisun zeul and blinded by imaginary scenes of carnage a thousand miles awuy of tho domes tic tragedies lhcy duily Biiimble over ; tbu elopemnts, seductions, suicides ; tho enihczxlcinents, torgeries and breaches of trust, to suy nothing ot tho common quunium ot routine crime, such as murderuiiil burglary. Strange it is thai this is so, and thut tho men who preach e onesided a gonpcl should talk about disloj ulty and nation alism as though tbey monopolized both. There is an allotment of crime everywhere, and ono community ia not much worse or better at bottom than another. In tbo domain of exceptional or peculiar crime, it may be said that at tbe North tho idea ol personal safety predominates ; in the South it doesn't; in tho North the woman's honor, tho sanctity of the home, is subordinated to social order, and the courts are left to settlo it ; in tho South tbo woman and the household come first, and ho who violates tbe sacredness ot either is remanded to tho swill evolutions ot tho shotgun policy. In conscquonce, there are fewer scandals in the one section than in the other. At the North the genteel rasculs find a vent for their natures in practices in which tho luw only can reach ; at the South they tuko lo pursuits which are not so dangerous as fooling with oilier peo pie's wives and daughters. That is all tbero is in it. Rut in the Norlb, as in the South, the vast majority ol the peoplo aro honest and orderly, and there are many homes in Yankeeland as in Dixieland whose satoty is not do tonded by tho courts or the shotgun, out by the virtues ol tbo good men and woinun who dwell therein. BVLL Vozixu ix Massachu setts. Tho testimony tuken by the Wallace cnmmitteo at ISoston discloses the lad ihat in tho Stato of Massachusetts the Republican owners and superintend en is oi mo manuiacioriea resorted to a systematic intimidation of their opera tives at the last election. Tho Boston Globe publishes tbo testimony and comments thereon as follows: Tho Muncluing affair is a clear case of intimidation of tho meanest and most dangerous tort. Tho evidence shows conclusively that a Powerful manufacturing corporation sought to control directly tho votes of its wage people by threatening them with loss oi worn, ny relusing them tho use o tho town hull, by discharging from ils omploy men who votod against its wishes, by Booking to drivo such men from tho town, by forcing its employes to vote under ils own eyes, by supply ing vhom with Republican, ballot. ber iug private marks and placed in seal ed envelopes, by forcibly taking Rut ler ballots Irom the hands of lis cm- ployos, and by open threats and bri bery. i ,i i . ... in wuciscn mo evidence shows a case r.f nttomplod intimidation which was open and barefueud, and was fol lowod by the punishmont threatened the moment it beesmo known that tbo colored employe had not voted in ac cordanco Willi the command of bis em. ployer. In Gardner the evidenco shows lhal an agent was operating in thut town with plenty ol money, who open ly sought to buy votes, and asserted that bis money came from A national bank. In tho Plymouth case tho evidence shows an aclual occurrence, which la simply A disgruco to tho Stato of Mas snchusells. It Is proven by tho record of tbo court itself that a superior court n the State of Maasachuset' natural ized a native born citizen as a condition preccdont to voting, and that tbe au thorities of that town insisted upon such naturalization before thoy would permit A native-born citizon of Massa chusetts to cast A rote for General Butler. There is no possibility of dis proving this foot, It must stand as a iact, and shows a degree of Ignorance, or both, for which no exouse can be offered, and which, if generally prac ticed, would ntterly destroy the free dom of tbe ballot yrfrritSHrii Patriot. A Tuitvma Tiumviat. And still they are unhappy I The New York Star, In alluding to this vile band, remarks: "Anderson, Wolls and Kon noy, the triumvirate ot Returning Board thieves, have not less than fifty relations and friends in the Now Or-1 leans Custom House. 'This is A wick ed, wickod world, sadly remarks thiS President, as ba closes the Hayes lany ilv Bible and Invitaa the dearlr helnv. ed to join him In prayer." THE X AIL CL1XC1IED. The Washington Tost puts it in this plain way : "No amount of invective could in tensify the sbamo and disguat which every honorablo mind (cols when con templating the as facto President of tho United States, In paying $1,000 of hush-money to close the mouth or ono of tbe thieves who stolo for him the vote of Louisiana. This is one of Ihrmo scenes that are moat effective in Iboir naked simplicity. It will live forever in tho memory of mankind, and be ex ecrated by tho good men ol all coming generations. ''Hitherto the friends and apologists ot Mr. Hayes stoutly contended that ho was in no way implicated In tho crimes to which hootvon his incumbency nf tho Presidential nfllce, When he appointed ono after another of tho big and little title thieves to places undor the Government, until scores of them wore thus quartered on the pnblio ex chequer, and whon it was shown that many of these appointees wore disrop ulablo fellows, having no honest claims on any party, tho friends of Mr. Hayes still said that he was guiltless of any wrong; that thoso appointments had beon secured by political influence tn tbo customary way. "Whon tho doors of the Executive Mansion, and of Mr. llayos' private consulting room, swung on pliant hinges to admit a more disreputable crowd than had gained admission there, even in tho palmiest days of tho "ora of good stouling;'' when theso creutnrcs, unknown to tho public for any other cause thun their direct connection with tho Presidential steal, were found to have the choice of available positions in the public service; when Mr. Hayes abandoned all his solemn pledges not to remove honest and Inilhtul otncials, and swung the docapitating axe right and left for no other purposo than to tuako vacancies wherein to quarter theso thieves and scoundrels on the pub lic, still bis partisans shut their eyes to the damning facts, rejected the inevita ble conclusions of reason and common sense, and declared that Mr. Hayes was innocent, and that tboro had been nothing unusual in tho distrihu'.ion of Kxocutivo patronage. "Rut this claim of innocence can bo made no longer. In tho light of cx isling facts no man who does not ex pect to be laughed at and despised as a loot or a liar, will say tbat 1(. c. Hayes is not lull y and unquestionably implicated in tbo great crime which set up his Administration outside ot tbo Constitution, and in violation of tho laws mado in pursuance thereof. The payment by Mr. Hayes of this $1,000 of hush-money did not entirely close tbo mouth of Cusanavo, but it will for ever silence the claim of his friends that ho is innocent ot guilty knowledge of the theft." The Citucim.E Tho actions of men olien speuk loudortbun words. Acaso in point is ono of several years stand ir.g, and tho editor of tho Sclinsgrovo iunrs inquires in this way : "Why is it that whenever any ol tho Louisiana Returning Hoarders get into trouble they rush lo ashinglon to see lluyes and Bliernmn r VI hat particular interest have these men in Hayes and Sherman ? or what particular interest huvo Huyes and Sherman in these Re turning Hoarders? Ibis mutual de pendence between these purlics speaks louder than words. It tells the tale. It tells plainer than language that theso Returning Boarders made a fraudulent return of the electoral vole of Louisiana in 187(1, and it tells equally plain that Huyes knows ell about, tho theft and recognizes the thieves and pays them bush money. No other men in the whole country could go to Washington nnd demand money Irom theso otllciala and get it. They claim this money for services rendered, and Hayes and Sherman pay it lo koep the rascals quiet. lis Conpessis. Casanave, tho negro member of the Louisiana Returning Hoard, which gave that State to Hayes, in 1878. although the Tildon electors had 8,000 majority, bas not been re warded with A high-priced ofilco by Hayes, Sherman k Co., and bo now turns up in Washington and demands A pile of rash. It leaked out tbat U ayes' boy paid him 11,000, and Shor man, Mrs. Jenks, and others, several thousand more. This did not satisfy the colorod gentleman. He demanded still more, and finally when Shorman, Jenks and Co. refused to come down he blowed on thorn. Hayes at first donied that ho gave Casanave a dol lar. But the Washington Post ol Fri day, says: "Mr. Hayes now admits that he personally contributed 1500 to the Casanave hush fund, but no more. Wo do not care to quibble about figures. The fact that tho bogus President dis bursed one solitary dollar for such an. object is proof sufficient ot bis guilty knowledge ot tho doods which went before." A Clincher. Tho Washington i'ojf, pertinently remarks: W bile Mr. Charles roster, the luidical candidate lor Gov ernor, is going through Ohio anathe matizing "rebel brigadiers," it might bo well for him to sit down in a back room occasionally, and reflect on the time whon bo met a number of "rebel brigadiers" at Worm ley's Hotol, in this city, and entered into certain arrange ments with them relalivo to tbe mus tering in of Mr. Hayes, and tbe mov ing out of Packard and Chamberlain. This is only a suggestion. It's A Mistake. It ia fashionable among statesmen of lofty aspirations lo consider the offlce of Vice President ol tho United Slates as beneath thorn solves a sort of tail to the Presiden tial kite. The Boston Herald reminds all such that the position has been fill est by no leaa eminent men than John Adums, Thomas Jefferson, Geo. Clin ton, Elbridge Gerry, Daniel D. Tomp. kins, John C. Calhoun and Marlin Van Duron, statesmen whose tamo is un dying. Siiotoum Force. The editor of one ot Conkling's organs gives tho follow, ing as tho Senator's excuse for his ah nipt dcpnriuro from Rhode Island re cently : I heard a Toloe yon could Bet bear, Which aald I matt not alay, I ne a gun you could act ace, Which beckoaad m. away. Rat allll'I might ha.e longer atald, Or act ae barely rea, Had I kaowa ealy rpragaa waa aeeked, And aol bia horrid gua. Genial Sodls. An exchange says: Gen. Moshy writes Irom Hong Kong, China, that Grant will run and will be elected, and this opinion, ho says, is based upon A 'good old talk witb tho ox President. How lovely theso two chiefs enjoy each other. "Jack" had betlor look out and not take on too much Grant, or John Sherman and Mrs. Pinkston will go a gunning for him. A Sad Afpair. The bouso of Na thaniel Davies, In Palmyra township, Pike county, Pa., waa burned Wednes day evening a week while Mr. And Mrs. Daviea wereabsent At a prayer meeting. Mr. Davies' mother, 85 years of age, attempted to save the youngest child, but caught her foot between two tim bora, and she and the child wore burn ed to death. , Becomino Usepol. We notice that tie elder Cameron' widow, Mrs. Mary A. Oliver, sometimes playfully called "lbs widow," And again, with 'mere re spect, tor mod "The Oliver," prrrposos to give A lecture al the jersey i-ity Opera House, on "The Working Classes," the proceeds to go to the yellow foyer sufferers In Memphis. HisffUanfouj. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SnAVED AND BAWKD. Carwea.ville, Jaa. , 'IS tf. New Murble Yard. tombstones7"monuments, I'otlM tor Cemetery lAtlt. k NKW MAKUI.I YARD Call at 1. FLA MARTY'S Marble Worka. Choice work and low prioaa. Directly opposite tbe Lutbrraa Church, Third alrrat. Ula.rll.ld, 1'a., Mrab IT, lain tf JOHN TROUTMAN, DKALIR IM FURNITURE, MATTKESSEM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8TRRET, NIAR P. 0. f be underalgoad bega leero to Inform the eltt aena of Clearfleld, and the publie generally, thai he baa ob band a flne aaaortment of Puralture euob aa Walaul, Channel and tainted Chamber Suitea, Parlor Suitea, Reclining and Biunaior. Chain, Ladiea and Oenla' Keay Cbalra, tbe Per forated Dining and Parlor Cbalra, Cane Seal, end Wlndaor cnaira, eiotnea vara, step anu eaten alon Laddere, Hat Raeka, Scrubbing Rruabea, A. MOULtUNO AND PICTURE FRAMKS. ooking (Jlaaaea, Chromoa, Ac, wbloh would a limbic for Holiday preacnU. dmlfl'TI JOHN TROI1TMAK. -pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, 11 ANU UN U VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept conataBtlyoa band. STOVE AM) EARTHED - WARE OF KVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS! Pleher't Patent Airtight Self Fruit CaUBl .Beating BUTTER CROCKS, with lldl. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTKR CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, FIE DIHHKS, 8TKW POTS, And a greet many other tblnga too aameroaf to mention, to be bad at FREO'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ol Cherry and Third Street., CLEAHFIKLD, PA. aogl REMOVAL ! James Lib Lseavy, If trine pnrehssed the entire stock of Frrd. Ssfkelt, hereby lires notice tbst be has morec loto the room lately oooanied br Rood lUtfertr oo Second siret, where be Is prepsred to offrr U ins public COOK STOVES. nt:. .f.7 PARLOR STOVES, of tbe Is test Improved patterns, at low prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Bp out in. Plumbing, Oas Fitting, and RepftlriBg Pumps a special'. All work warranted. Anything In mj line will be ordered tpeolal U dCSiretl. l An, 1. Lab a v i, Proprietor. FRRD. BACK LTT, A(tnt. Olearaed. Pa., Jsnusry 1, A7-tf. THE BEST REMEDY FOB Diseases ol tbe Throat and Um AY F! R-S nary organs aro ao prov- " rr .I.... futaal lhal m aale and rrliabl) rt-iuwiy lor tho in ia invaluable to every community. A tee's Ciikumv rao ' tohal ia such a remedy, anu no other so mi nently nwrita the oonfl di'nce of the public. It is a cinntlflc combini tlon ol the medicinal principles and curative t.-trtuM of the ftaeet imr urufttta CHJ(UtC4Aiiy uuiv LVVed. to tlw great. lt rt poMslUlc) etliciency anil unuornwj oi r mil to. winch croaDiea hrstrlaiw aa well aa invalids to uaa it with contMeuce. It la the moat reliable remedr for (lisenoea of the throat and tange tbat erj enre hoe nroduefd. It atrikea at Ilia foun dation of all pulmonary dieeaaoa, affording prompt and certain rolief, and ia adapt:! to pat lent a of any age or either aex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take It without difficulty. In the treatment of on llnarv Cugha, Colds, 8r Throat, Itronrfiltls, liifliienu, Clergyman's Horn Thi-out, Ac lb ran. Croup, nnd Ca tarrh, the effects of Aver CiiaiutY jVeo TtutAL are magical, and multitudes are an preserved from serions illness by ita tiinelv and faithful uw. It should ha 1 at bund in every houeehold, for the) pro tection It nffiirda In euddi-n attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no othnr miuody ao etnencwus, .toothing, ana aeipiui. The nmrvellmu cures which Ater I'm k kh v Pectoral hu effected, all orer tho world are a aufttoient guaranty that it will continue to prodixw the bout results. An Impartial trial will convince the most eoepti cjU of lu wonderful curative powers, an well at of lu superiority over all other prepara tions lor pulmonary complaints. Kmitient phfairlans In nil porta of country, knowing lu compuaition, reconv iiMiinl Avail's Ciiknnv ParroRALto Invaltda. anl privirrilie It in their practice. The teat of half a century haa proved lu ahaoluU certainty to cure all pulmonary complaints unt already beyond the reach ot bumun aw. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co Practical and Analytical Chemist. Lowell, Mass, aokn mv alu nmtMtora avanvwnaaa. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing U&ohlat No. 8. . jteiv i.rrejrrio.Y. Straight Needle, Silent) Easy Running. At the Paris Exposition, 1878, Wheeler k Wilson received tho only urana rrise awaraoa ior sewing Machines. Orer 80 com petitors. Report of the American institutt of Xew lorn on me IV heeler A n'dson Machint : " We do not hesitate to deolare It Till BAST RSWINO ArPASATCS IS) Till World." The Ve. I aa. Mo. 1 Meaafeetarlag Merblaea era especittly n and TAILOKi seeded far SHOXMAKIHS' H. B.THOMPSON, 8doonErtof Bank, CURWEN8VILLE, PA. WHEELEE 4 WILSON MT'O 00., 1338 Oheitnnt St., Philadelphia, April I, IITMa. CHERRY rLllUKiHa i fef!i bo 1 1'-." ft 5weav 0nr (Dtrn fiwUft-mrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllahed oyer? Wedneeday by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLBAKFIBLO, PA- Has tbe l.arg-cat Circulation ef auy paper la Mortuwotcra P.uaaylvanla. The large and constantly increasing circulation of the Republican, reodersitvaluable tobusinoss -men as A medium thro' which to reach the publio. Tckms or Subscription If paid Id advanoe, , , If paid aflor three months, 12 00 2 50 8 OO f paid after six months, When papors are sent outside of tbe county payment must be In advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . tl SO Each subsequent insertion, SO Administrator' Notices, . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 SO Cautions and Estrayi. . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notioes, . . . 2 SO Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . . . IS 00 Two squures 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth column, .... 60 00 One hall column 70 0C One column, .... . 120 01 I! LAN KM. We have always on hand a large stocs of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS. SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, 4c , 4c J JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds ol PRINTING POSTERS, PROGRAMMES. CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLRT8, CIRCULARS, 4c, Ao., IN TnE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II, Goodlander, Clearfleld, Clearfleld Count?, tlsrfllatuou5. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cerweejrllle, Fa., Jaa. , "71 If. MONEY Til I.O.c, ,.r,B , pro.eil Cm properly, br lee Muiu.l Llt tn.uraaoe Cuoupeay i,f New Yurk, ca Int Bbrt gage, ia auma Ircn tl.SOO ap. For fankw .'. foriuativB apply to th. aniteraif ned. UI K.V1HAL W.8MITIL CIcait.lA Pa., Mb; Tib, A Ba nk that Never Breaks. Try My Coal. The BndenlgBcd adupta tbla Bribed at l.rn.. log tbe oun.rwuB e-auBeie, Ibal bia eel h... ia act a Wiatcr arrangmeD! cal. bat tk.t u will be operated lo Ibe Summer at well aa Wia. ter. 1 elaiaa that 1 hare tbe Best Coal in the Market, will aell It tor eeab, or la eicbetig. for guvr , grooeriee, etc. Large eoalraole Bill be le et a eetl arnall proSt. For fall perticalera "i uraaeei a upper ho. re., or addrcaa ma throngfa tba Boat. nfllM. rr.lar. I.ft .. ik. uri.t. .11, , . pt attentlca. TH'IS. A. DUCKK IT arDeld, Pa., Jaa. a, 1 STU-tf. GILICII, McCORKLE it I'O.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa. Wat aaalufulaM .11 hta.J. f 17 . Ohsnber. Din ing Kooms, Libraries and tUils. a w r uru ii a re mi eoy una, aus ba ontil yon see car stock. UNIsEItTAKItfU IB all Ita brancbre, promptly encoded to. CllilLCII, McCORKLE A CO. ClcarSeld, Pa,, Ftb. t, '78. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATJOyERY Market St,, Clearfield, (at tho Pool Office.) THE nndersifned bogs leave to announce to tbe eitiseos of Clearfleld aod ricinity, lost bo kas ttted ap a room aod bas hist returned from tho city with a Urge emuotit of reediog oaatter, consisting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de teriptioo ! l'sp-r aod Hovel ones. French ur'esseJ 4nd f lain f fens and Pencils, Blank Lk1 Papers, Deeds, Mortgages) Judgiusnt, Eieiup tioo and Frfiiaissrr notes; Wbiio and Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Keeord Ctu. and fill Cap, Tiavasa musiD, mr arituajr r o, r IUIAJ r 110.10. wnstaotly on hand. Any books or ststlunery losired tUat I tnsy aot have on bsnd.oill bo ordered y flrst eapress, and sold al wholesale or retail -.0 suit oustouers. I will also keep period ma) literature, such as Magesines, Newspapers, Ac, r, a. ual Lin. Clearfleld. May T, 68-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IN LlITlIERSBtRG. Hereafter, goods will be sold for CASH only, . In arihanaek fnr hMrliisa K luuiba bIII ka tept in tbe futnrm. All old aeeooots must be settled. Those who eannot esib ep, will please aaad over their Botes and CLOSE THE EECOED. I am determined to sell mr foods at ease oriese, and at a diseoant far below that ever iBersd in this vicinity, Tbe diseoant I allow say ius torn era, will snake thorn rieh In twraty years If dkey follow my adrioe and buy their goods from ne. I will pay each for wheat, oats aod elovtr eed. DANIEL U00DLAN DKK. Lathorshurg, January 17, 1HTI. HARTS WICK. & IRWIN BKC0RD ITBIKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., ' DKALIRI PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PALM'S, Oll, DYE STUFF VARNIB1IK8, BRUSH AS, PKRIl'MIRY, VAKCY OO0BS. TOILET ARTICLKS, 01 ALL KIMP8, PURE WJXES A XV LIQUORS far atedlolBal pBrpoeea. Tru.aea, Bapportera, BeSeel Rooka aad fftatlna. rj, and all etber ertielca aauellv fuand la a Drag fitera. rHYSICIANS' PRKSCRIPTI0M8 CARI rtlLLY COHPOUNDKU. Hatiag a large ck perieeee Ib tbe bualBeec lbc. eea gira entire aau lafaetioa. J. 9. HARTSWICK, JOHN V. IRWIN. CUarSeld. TmmKn. la, 1.74 JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFPBCT IN FRENCHYILLEl I ant aware tbat tbero aro some persons a little bard lo please, aad 1 am also aware tbst Ibe eomplalat of "bard times" Is well aigb nnlvorsaL But I am so situated new that I oaa satisfy the farmer aad prove eoaelaslvely thai "hard times" will not effoet thoee who buy tbelr goods from me, aad all my patruas shall H initiated Into the se eretef HOW TO AVOID HARD T1MF.8 I bavo goods eaongb to sep).ly all tbe Inhabi tants la tbe tower end of tbe eonaty which 1 sJI at eaeeodlBg low rates from my mammoth store la M ULSONBURtt, whore I sea always be feend ready to wait epoa sailers aad supply tbem with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Baca aa Cletka, S.Ua.tle, Ceaalaieree, Ma.ll.a uelalBea, blase, Urlliaga, Calieeea, Trlaalaga, Rlbbeaa, Lace, Reedj-Bjede Clctbi.g, Boou aad Bkeea, Hata aad Cape all ef tbe beat materia! aad aiadc to erdar Bee., Bock a, Ulcrea, MltUraa, Laeee, Ribboaa, Aa OR0CRRIRS Or ALL KINDS. Oefee, Tea, Barer, Rice, Mcleaeee, Flab, Belt rea, Llaeeed Oil, Flab Oil, CereeB Ull. Bardwara, Qaeeaawara, Tlaware, Citing., Pick aad Flew Caatlaga, Malla, Bplkea, Oera CallUa eara, Cider Freeeea, aad all klada ef Aaaa. Parfaai.rj, PbIbU, Varul.k, Olaaa, aad a gaaerel BaaertaieBt el BUtleaerr, OOOD FLOUR, Of different Breada, alaayt ea Bead, aad will e Bi. al IB. pecalble Bgarwa. 1. a. HeClela'i HedlelBce,'a Medlclaa. Heatelter'B aad Ueelaad'a Blll.ra. toot poaada a( Weal wealed fer wblek lac klgbeet price will be paid. Clereraeed ee bead aad far Bale al tbe leweel Barbet price. Alee, Ageel far Btrettearille aad Carweaacllle Tbfaakiag MaekUes. Awa. ObH aad aee let r canal rea. Te. will laA cT.r;taiag aaaell; kept la a retail aerre. I. H. OOBPRIBt. rreB.btllla P. 0., afeal U, 1174.