Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 17, 1879, Image 3

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" ""cXkarkield, pa.
Terms of Subscription.
, ,aianeo,or wllbie lbre noatbe...ll 60
tt id sftrr tbree sad before el ttoolhe... 2 60
tYW.Iw Mpinlloi of toonhle... I 00
"'IrM'u"' 8- '"""i Co.,'Nm
Adv.itiin AjenU, 17 Perk Row, eomer
eskajso 0I" '"'J """"'d Anu
,oV Vr
ni:i.ii;imn NOTICE.
M,i,mill Uplaeepal Church Rev. J. g.
. ,, p.slor. Servloea everjr Sabbath
,k!.ilk Snhool l A. M.
. Meetioe. over, wl"e" 'T. et 71 P. M.
Conin onion Herrloe, Urat gebbeth of overjr
..Mb, ot 1" A. U.
nrIt Clearfield M. li. Church. Her.
frolT Wilson, Pulor. PreooUioa; ever,
.li'.rnele SaO'taV, ' o'ulonk, P. H. BuortuT
kool l J. I"- M- A" ''"4 10 ttUni-
u...htrrlH Church Rer.n. 8. Butlik.
abblh servitel oaornin, and oreoing Hob
k.ih fiobool at V- M.-l'r)ror Ueaiiof
llintlit Church. Rev. J. A. Auae, Pos
w HrnuM ever, Seblielb morniof ond tain .
aLoatlol. at I". '" A- M ond 7, P. M.
s.l,heiboVboolaU P.M. Prayer Meetinaover,
KrlniiJav evenlr.,.
at Vrnnclo' Church Catholic Rot. P
l iHin.--Preocbinaet 10, o'olock, A.M., on
Ihe Int. tkird ond loorlbSondavaof each month;
Vespers aod lleaeaiel loo onoe uicsaea Docromoai
To'eloek, P. M. SuodaT bebool ever, bundev
efirreooo ot S o'clock.
Ofr'I'lt'lAL 1)111 ECTOR Y.
,iai or loioioo otuavaa aaseioas oodbt.
nd Modoj of Jeooery.
Villi Mundey of March.
1'iiilMondoJ ef Juno,
Foorlk Moode, of September,
Tioi or loLoma cohhoi plbai.
Tint Modev of Jont.
Second Mondir of November.
ri'lLic orrlcouH.
Pruidtal Jtitat UuD. Charles A. Mayor, of
Lock Hbvbd.
-mfanl tow Jmdyt Hon. Jobn U. Urvla, or
.iMeceeJe Jwiioes Abrom Ogden, CloerveUj
t'larerl 11. Holt. Clearfield.
ProthiiMtarg Km Bloom.
Hrjitttr and Ocordrr L. J. More-an.
llitiriot AltorniyM'm. Al. HcCullough.
JVeo.erer Philip Holts.
Stttrif Andrew Penli, Jr.
;i,pij ."Men Chrlel. J., Hearfield.
fA,..!, tforeeeor Semael V. UoCioeke,, Car-
rwie f7iiNifoeri C. W. Kyler, Grohom-
tne P 0.; Eleh Johntlon, Oroinpien I'ille P. O.)
Julin Xorril, Kr., Curwemvtlle.
t'oBNfy Auditor Williom V. Wrlrbt, Clear
,M: Joh UllliUnd, Three Runi) J. B. Nor
ri., Woodlend.
t'oM-fe Ooronfr J. 1). nen, rew rt oininirion.
Jurt nommiuionen Dr. Jemee P. Burcbfleld,
Clrerflrd, Alexondor, Modero.
Sup trim ttndtut of Ptilie Sckoali M. L. Mo
Quown. Cleerfleld.
Stahr nf Writkit f .IfeotNrei Jem W . Corlile,
offirr at Lutheri-lmrg P.
P.Uii-John W. Wrlilee, Win. He-
drbxuith, Cyrul Oordon, Cleirfield j Joseph R.
Ireis.N. Arnold, vurweoirtne , e. A. ..itiug
,!!)., Uulloii City.
Our Social column is deeiile'lly Interesting in
i kt.l point of view, ond profitable reeding to
OLtei'len woo went to love money.
M, OH I'lllIHIP. 1
Will yon teke wheel, oota or ewm fur lub-
Krljilion V Wo ore often inquired of in thii way
b; letter from patrone who reside at a distance
from Clearfield. Wo again say yes. The reoelptl
f i rsiponaible merchant or nilU owner In the
ricioily, will answer us jut as well aa tbo eaab.
To illloitrale: If any of our patrons will dollror
v lag of giain at the mill of Joseph U. Broth,
In Cheat lowD.hip, Horace Patchin, In fiarnsido,
TUmae H. Forcey, in Urehain, Wm. Porlr or
ghae'r, In Lawrent-e, or Brown k Brylcr's, al
Hocktoo, I'nion townaliip, and forward their
rtcrlpti for the amount, we will credit them on
Ihtlr account for the some. In this way oil rosy
mod pay whel they owe, If they will pursno this
coarse. w.
I'tice blank books rcJuccd at Stock's.
Did you oo Hurry Snydor'o Indian?
Isw, bawl
m ewi
Call and oeo llio now carpets at II.
A. Krotier's. ,
Kitrly Tariutioa ol the Almanso for
1 "SO .re ripe.
e. -
The man with a Htraw hut on has
beca called in.
The Uuntinirdon Monitor has enter
ed upoo its sevenleeolb year.
m m
Tlio buckwheat barvunts about over.
The crop is said to bo a fair one.
aw -
W. J. Ileifl'ur and brido returnod
bame from their wedding toor lost Batnrday .
mm mm i -
A three weeks term ot Court will
commence in this piece on Monday of next week.
The pay ear paused over the T. 4 C.
Railroad last Thur.d ay, on ilt regular monthly
The Mountain ilcuxe al Crcttson
closed for the present season yesterday, after a
acerssfal rau.
Our borouirh schools opened last
Monday, for a Urns of sll mootha, with a vtoa
Hnn during tbo holidays.
mm e qi - - -
The schoolgirls and schoolboys ro-
fumed on Monday morning, at the soood ofthat
old familiar boll."
mm e - - -
Wo are informed that frost was
noticeable loploeeaon bigb ground la this county,
during (ho onol mornings of lest week.
The testimony on the sido of the
Commonwealth in the Turnor-Waple ose, at
Lvrk llareo, closed on Friday evening last.
Wo learn from the Dubois Courier
that seventy-two ears of coal werorecoatly chipped
from the Rochester mines, near that plaoo, la one
Hot. K. WcMinn, ot Philadelphia,
ill preach In the CloaiBols Baptiel Chorob on
Friday evening aext, at 7 o'olock. All oro In
The Curwonsvillo Cornet Hand lias
employed Profeiaor McDonald to loltroet them
in "the art of oomblolng oouode In a manner to
please tbo oar,"
David lloilhrun started on Monday
last for Pblladalpbia ond New York en lee for o
lie supply of Yaakeo Notions for bis rive cent
elore on 8eeond street.
An easy and accurate way to rockon
in. rut at per cent, la lo mnlllply by the sua-
bet of days of Interest desired) separate the
ifbt hand Ogore, and divide by six.
Miss Fannie D. James, who taught
a luhicriptloo acbool tl this plooe tbo peat Bum.
r, la now presidlog orer Ibe primary depert-
nit of tbo Union Bobool at Bedford. She also
vrs lottrootloa la annate.
Fred. Sackott visited I'hiladclphia
hit week and porcbaaed a slock of oloeee for
the winter earn paigo beatlng.parlor and eookia g
steeaa, besides other ouppllH aeoally kept la a
r-t dais stove and tln-waro establisk moot.
II. Fry Hinder, lonnerly twenty-five
yean editor and publiaher ol ino oven"""
r'. fhaocral, has disposed of hie Interest la
"it paper to D. L. Sollenberger.of Bnnbory. lr,
'ryiinicr. II le sold, will oooa toko ohargo of a
himecretio paper at Cheater, Delaware Co., Pa'
The toleraph operators of the Mid-
bivlaion, Penaaylvaola Railroad, will hold
tbelr leeood anoual picnic al Moydevllle, feaa
''ioeoenly, to morrow (Tbareday). The opera-
along tbe Tyrone A Cleorleld Branch an is-
ledid, and all who can possibly attend will do
s. of courie.
To those who are so l'ortunato as to
become premetareli (ray. wboae kolr oxbibits
' tetdsney ta fall of. we roeommeod a trial ot
lis Hair Reoowet. Wo do to with Ike almost
oldrnee beeaoee It Is owry where received with
srbrd rer, and bas belli apoa ill own merits
'b a sore foandatloa Ibal It le kaooa aad ased
ell civilised oootrles. Addln (AT. Y.) Ad-
We acknowlodRe the receipt of the
't ana bee el tbe Are. (crtletea V.Wfewver, a
paper oslahllehad at Hew Bethlehem , Clorloi
""'y,on ibe Low Ornde Railroad, by Harry
ll.itln... of Puaxautawaer. aad Harry L.
Nio(,of Brookvilla,lke letter Mleg a krothor
" JoHa M. Il.oll f this koroagk. Theee
"I maa are kotk praatloal prlours, as won
falhsrs before tkem, tad a wiei loom
"Fomato comulainta" am tl... .....ii
of imi
ipuroblood. l'ae"Llndaey'q Blood Searcher."
TrimminimilkH antinu .
c. end botL..." . ' ' . ,nn5-
H. A. KkAvxKa'a.
lingor & Kouk are addinif ,ery
to thoir ahoady g, tM, J
i, Doy'a and Chlldrea't olotbing. It
loso subject to eoHlivenesn should
at ooeo
B"i.r Silver rillS." Toenlv.a
boa. Bold by ell drugglile.
ilund Uysort Curtin, fourth son of
tbo late
- vumn, onrj nepnew or tlov. Car-
id at B.'l.fool. ou the Slh lnn.,.i ... .1 ej
tin, dl
T months end 2! days.
Too Thin. Thu orirun -in h,l,..n
of vi
and morality" got ol a nrett. ...u
bit ruui
laal work. We edvlao Ibe editor to keep
n door looked, so that hii .ln... .1....1.
be imaded by looae people.
Mars. Dean A Hurley, log jobber,
m vm av.w:. nun, m IlUltOll tOWDIblp,
of tb flnt look In litmi of I.r. k.
lhrt ll ia lbcouair. Thn win tamn
til Ol
bm ll 7 for iuipllM for tbf ctcp.
II ItlUHT Man V H..n.n titt.
porjr wbiob 1171 tbal CoU Jubu M. Bowman,
' of Krartll Prut. ) a rouA nr.i,iin.
7 t'rioUr'- Anouiation ! a dtivrvad tribute.
LaNUI.UKDS AM)Srimrk-fri.riw
bai an arrangement with an Km lira ciinr
aotory tu tbat b oao Mil cliin br Ibe box or
uaand t bottom fluurti. Jr. ihi, -i-.
trill. tt
Wanted. By N. K. Arnold, Cur
eoD.viiu, SOltREL Huksu piinv
weijfhiDK fovea hundred pound, and Ibat will
i.b iiDgie or aoubi. white laoeso objection.
Jeopaudy. Some things woknow
some tbiogi don't know. Our Imp lait
; fi read iiuim our tabU aouik at ik (n..i
ibei of Cunourd crioei we ever darouraJ
bftrioe; no vinoe of bit vwa, we OttuDut eun-
jeolore who rolled them.
A Lovely Dihplay. liouii llow .
of Ihn borbugb. covcrud our tall, tbe ulber Any,
rubbiib and all, wlih tbo fluent ipeuimeDa of
grapei vr looked upon. The varleliei eon
iited of Uogeri Hybrid No. 4, Ba.em, Cuoaord,
and CaUwua. Tbe aroma wai deliolom.
"On tho Winir," by Coun'tv Sunt.
MuQuown bai facta ouitud thii week on account
of out having room. Hii oKamltiatioa toor will
be ooualuded tu aeit week'l UcrtigLiciM. Here
after the "Eduetttiotial Columt" will appear in
iti proper plaoo on the flnt puge.
Lots toe Salk. It willboobberved
bj an airert))euiat elnwbtro tbat tbe Uoard of
Sobuol Dirrctori propoeo to lull the Academy
loll on Saturday, the 1 1 th dy of October neit.
Tbore lot , from tbe If locution, are Ihe mo it do-
Irible propirtjr ia tbii borough nototborwtio
That Call Ljnohkd. ThoAltoona
Democratic Cnll bai eg In changed heudi, oircu
Ian loibat iffeot hiring been UjusJ lonounalog
tbat Aloznndcr A Iterr, attoraeji-it-Uw, will
htrftfler be tbe renponilble bet ii wf tbe eenoera.
It U luiied ai an Independent ihcet under the
new mDngeii.
M e
Another. It will bo noticed by our
death record tbat tho aouthern lection wf our
county, hailoit one of in old fit an i rupcetod eltl
icdi fn tbe per"o if Jacob NelT, who died lo tho
borough of New Weibiogtoo, on the 9th tnitant,
aged nearly eighty-five yean. He leavai a large
oirele of relative! to mourn bli demlie.
Lmt of letters remuininir anolaimod
i n the Poi toftioo at Clearfield, for the weak ond ing
Sfptrtnber 16, 1379
Mils Matile Andcrictji, IUnry Crtnnwell, Jtbo
S. CreMwell, Fill luao, Mn. Willitra Direai,
Simlo MoCracken. Mill Linle Wat.
P. A. Oac'liu, P. H.
The i'rouiium Lint ol tbo thirteenth
annnit exhibition of tbe Cloarflcld County Agrl
oullural Society ti publlxbcd in tbii iiiuc. Note
the dato, and between low and the week of tbo
Fair, leterery eitlien of iboeouniy man, woman
and child talk about It. think about tt, and
work Tor It. Make it tho beit Fair tfir held in
ClrarAeld coonty.
How IB This? The local manofthe
Bellefonte Watchman, In alluding to our picnic,
pat In a growl of thii kind : "Hereafter, when a
let of priii ten agree to 0Tree, or rather to ar
range for a picnic, let them Ho 10 In a manner
becoming the profpiitoa." He talki like a man.
Ho moat ba glren a pmition the nest Haie io
tbat tbo fair thing will ba done.
Dave lluilbrun, of the Vm iety Store,
iw. it. tt'Him Hotel buildinr. il now In Philadel
phia and New Yurk, and will return tbo latter
pirt or tbii week with very law "ion or
... Intern art laid, finer coodi.tnyi, no felt lei. nick-
a ark i, eandlei, null, fruiU, and, fn fact, a little
of everything, the low prioei of whlab will ai
too lib orerybody. Uall and bo oonvincoa.
A Tbaud I Bixler put us off last
week with a one-foortb iheet of tho Now York
CK.'sW. He Ii evidently mad about lomething
probably Pbllipibura:, or Houtidile. However,
he gar our 'Squirei aad Cjaiabli a g od loo
ture at to their dutiei. Hetijuitlbo fellow to
.in l hflAmtiie ha ii a wan of as and oiporienaa,
and hai bran enough to dlotato to ororybudy.
He Ii a piy. indeed I
Pretty Dmp. Th it. Alftry's Oa-
tt; of Uit woek layit "The teit welt if down
4011 r.i ni ihitd iaod wai not ilruek. Tbo
hole ii ieourely plugged bolow thi talt wUr eln,
u.d tho well li now at a itand tin- " '
hai been located vn Leonard Wittman'i farm, nvo
milei north of well No. 1, on the Powen' Kun
waten. Mr. Green ll buey getting owt llmbori
for tho rig, and by next week eipeta t ftt tho
drill in motion.
mm m
Sudiien Dkath. Ueorgo Jackson,
an old and well-known oiliaen of Huntingdon,
died Tory luddeoly io that place on Saturday
a week. Ho bad ilopt laief than usual lo tht
morning, and ai ho wai taking bro.ikfaft be m ihe faat that ha wai not feollnic ai wall ai
Oiual. When be roe ftom the ttle ho fill
over and elinoit imturdiately eipired. Mr. Jack
eon wai 78 yean of ego and wai unmarried. He
had for a longtime ben connected with polltici.
being a prominent, iemoerai ana narmg ubiq
Mveial important eoonty officii. At tho time of
hii death ho wai tht oandldato of tho Democracy
for Jury Commluioner.
An Kxtknhivi Purchase or Tim
an Wo learn from tbe Hoatidala Vi-i, of lait
week, that Me Mr I. Hoover, Harrii A Co., of Pbil
ipiburg, have lately pure batted alt tbo timber oa
tho Reading, Richey A Wallace Iraof, formerly
known l Ibe Hagarty Undl, cud taming between
1,40ft aud l,&t)0 aorei or tho mutt Taiueble pine,
oak andAbomlock in the region, and they Intend
at onoe erecting a largo eteam law mill ta North
UuaiiJelo, which will be put in immediate op
eration aiaoon ai completed. A branch railroad
will nonneot with Ihe Uom Run road, and tbe
varlooi tracU of land will eenneet with tbe mill
by tramroadi, upon which probably email engine!
will be run, similar to tbat now la neo In eoaneo
tlon with Ramey A Co.'i mill in ttulloh town
,h,, . , w
Tin Tannirt. -Now wo are going
to bare the big taonery lotated bore. u.
Hoyt A Co., of New York, have ordered tho work
It go ahead, on the land recently procured from
A. H fcbaw, aloag tbe rlverjuit below town,
comprising about eighteen acres. A large foroe of
work weo.aader the super la tendency of ei-8 her 16
McPaenon,bave been at work the past weaker tea
dare clearing off tho ground aad grading for tbe
main building. Tbe weigh eaaloe are oa band
end will toon be pieced ia position, wbm bark
In oa limited e;uaaittici will be rt eel red. Ibe
work of putting ap Ihe belMtngs will bo pushed
forward ai rapidly as possible, to tbat before tbe
weather becomes eold aad diiagreaable they will
be noder roof. This establishment will he one of
the largnt tee aerie In the (jilted States, equal
(e. If not grealir la capacity than Ihe oae now In
operation at Wilcoi, Klh eooiiy.
Both on Record. LrhI week we
pabllihed the nerd of Mr. Alexander Head, in
relation to his marrlsge. This weak we publish
one from Rs. 8. . Moore, D. lS Tbeeo gen
tlemen both complain, and charge 01 with treat
ing Ib.m nafelrly. Hid they both followed the
rate laid down In the Tea uomaaamonu, nc.w
or of weald be anaeyed at this ilme. We are
willing to go before aoy twelte, or mora, of our
fllow flUMoi, and eftsr submitting the letten
we have ia ear posiesiioi on thii aobjrci, and
allow then, decide to whoa, "tor groat injue-
tloa 'hee been dona. Tbe words ereelly" and
validity-are tea Ino a dlsiiBctiow,and ptoooi the
fodder ee high la tho gorpei reel tui lamoe n
at reach Bheald it become fteoesiary aero
afUr fr ai to ask elergymea whether or net certain
parlies were a-errled by them, wo want them t
limply fay I " FACT w '"
qolred anor; bat we were net answered In that
Farmers, take your grain and pro
dune to Merkle'iitore.nodeiobaoge tt for cheap
and fresh groceries. len-lT-St.
a Of ,) aw,
Cold weather ia comintr. and the in.
qoiry arises, "Where oaa I buy lb cheapest Win
ter suits and overcoats r Answer, "At U irllnger
noot'i." j.
111 m a .
Geo. li. Hull, nf I.teWrcnun tnwrmir-
having resigned ai Pnildeut of the Cleerheld
County Agricultural Society, Juha Builth, of
Diootn towuship, has been choir a to All the vn
oaory. - Mr. Smith was a member flf Ihe Kxw
tiro Committee, and his place has been tilled by
n. w. Uavii.of Peon townib.p.
Ko Sir! "Loci." wo would liko to
puTjluh your arlk-le, but having ("or rot '.en to at
tach your proper name to It, we eanuot give it to
our reajen. Had you writlun your name on tbe
lower end of tbe page, so tbat we could have filed
It nway for future use, all would have been right.
Thuulore, a good moral will be lost unless yon
forward your name.
A Uiu Stork. Mr. William J. llof
for bas juit returned from tbo eautern eitlei with
the largest stock of gcnural merchandise ever
brought to this plaoo at one time. He baa all
yon want In the lino of groceries, dry gjodi, fan
cy goods, queeniwaro, hardware, boots and shoss.
and tinware. In fact, he bai everything in his
store that Is oeoded or uted la the vicinity, nod
he sells all bii goods as low as they can be pur
chased anywhere else.
StH'KDOLAGKRH. Wooro indebted to
tu Mr. Clark llrown, or Lawrence township, for a
bag ol tbe An fit Kambean apples we erer saw,
except on one oeoaiion, on the farm of Mr.
Anthony MoUarvey, in Cheat tcwaship, in 1BG5.
We were partly raised oa Htmbean apples ; bet
lirown sand Mctiarvey's orchard yield tbo largest
tn dlatnetur we ever law or devoured. May they
annually have lots of them on band. "For;
whatever ye shall sow that shall ye also reap."
Personal. We tuke tho following?!
from the Pbilipsburg Journal of last weak t "Our
genial friend Jack U:grly has pulled up stakes
aad left for his borne at Clear&cld but only
tro-porsrily, as be expects to locate lo Clarion,
Ae Jack If first class laletmm and book-keeper,
and withal, a One fellow, lotne other establish
ment end locality will be the giiner by our loss.
Our best wishes follow him to fall new field of
A Little Ahead. Kx-Sheriff Head
the other day dumped several do sen of applrs on j
our table, each apple weigMog from eleven to
fourteen aad ooe-half ounees. Our "Pippin, of
course, went under. His specimens were 01
eeedlngly fine, but he could not name the variety.
"Sheriff Read's big apples," is what we will
aame them; and we advise fruit raisers to secure
grafts from tbo tree tbat bears such immense
boulderi In the shape of fruit. It takes no more
time or territory to raise a fourteen-nuooo apple
than it does to grow a three-ounce one.
The County Fair. On our second
page will be found the Premium List of the
Clearfield County Agricultural Society, to which
we invite the attention of our farmer roadrrs in
particular. The premiums .are liberal, and Ibe
officers are making every effort to have a good
Fair, and it Is the duty of our farmers to warmly
second their eflorts. We earnestly urge our read
ers to take an interest in the matter, as 01 her
counties are having good Fairs, with premiums
of sbout half the value, and for the credit of our
county we should make ours a success. Then do
not fail to prepare, not only to attend in person,
but to put something on exhibition. There will
be amusements provided for tbe entertainment of
visitors, and ererylhine possible dine to make
toe r air attractive.
The Bell's Gap Kxtension. The
Altoona Sun, of Haturiay last, In alluding to thu
desirable Improvement In our county, says: On
Th nrsday st t'tabvtlle, Clearfield eoonty, a meet
ing of tbe projectors of the Deli's flap Hailroad
extension was held. Hon. John Boilly, R. O-
Ford, Kii., and others, in behalf of tbe Trustees
of the Bell (lap Railroad, were present and agroedi
m before, to lay the rails and put the rolling ito?k
on the road If tbe landowners along the proposed
route would furnish aod lay the ties and grade
the road. And therefore ll the "bitch." Anoth
er meeting was held at Glasgow settlement, Cam
bria county, yesterday, but we have been unable
to learn what was done. The terminal of the
road, when completed, will be at Coalport, Clear
field county, oa Clearfield creek, some eighteen
miles from Boll's Mills. Tbe extension is at
present at a stand still, but there Is no doubt of
its completion.
The Local Vote. Below will be
found the fell vote polled at our Primary Election
last Saturday, in thii borough and Lawrence
township, for Sheriff, District Attorney and Jury
Commissioner, as follows 1
cAMaiPATM roa siiSRirr. aon, twp,
Milton U. llrown U 00
Thorn a Smith - 8 6
James Mhflcy M U ( 3il
Lewis 1. uioom - e
Henry Rretb
Hooch . Uearbart H 11
John Hockeoberry If I3
Christ J. Keagy 35 13
R. Newtcn Shaw 75 108
It. D. OoodfeHow If 11
F. F. Courfriet, Jr 1
Frank C. Bowman I 1
nmairr aitorkit.
Aaron 0. K rimer. fH 111
H. W. Hmith 76 M
J. F. McKenrick 93 4a
Jubu L. CuUl 33 la
a. T, Brockbank 1
iuar coumsaioina.
Andrew J. Jacksoa I 13'
John 1). Thompson 43 HO
Tbe total Tote polled for Sheriff la the borough
was 1V4, and in the township 343.
The Cambria fntman of last week tells of a
romantic wedding which has become a sorrowful
one. About a month ago Miss Helen Reade, the
only daughter or George M. Beade, E'q ,of tbo
Cambria county bar, wai privately married to a
Mr. T. II. Stopbell, a rtsideot of Strongtowa,
Indiana eonnty, by Rev, Mr. Thomsi, pastor of
tho CamSrta township Congregational Church.
There had been a clandestine courtship going aa
for several months, and the marriage was kept
very quieten account of the known opposition of
Ilia bride's father to It. It appears that Ihe lady's
mother ii not living. Until last Saturday, the
bride lived at her father's house, her husbeud
having failed, from some reason or other, publicly
10 acknowledge ber as bis wife. Oa Batnrday
last, Mr. Stopbell arrived at Xbensburg, and put
up at tbe Hlair Hotel, and here his wife for tbe
first time joined hi. It was observed tbat the
bride was ia a state of great excitement, and the
repeated efforts of her husbaud aad frieads failed
ta calm her. Tho reason of her trepidatloa was
apparent to all when Mr. Mathiot Beade, her
only brother, niobed into tbe room with a heavily
loadedbright new revolver, and made for Mr.
Stopbell as if tbat gentleman was doomed to In
slant deslractioa. Mrs. Stopbell quickly placed
herself between her husband aad ber enraged
bt other and tbe revolver was wrested from him
by Mr. Stopbell and a sob of tbe landlord. This
exeitleg scsne, together with ether things of a
liko nature which bad happened before, proved
too much for the unhappy young brlie. She was
immediately taken to bed la the hotel, bat, in
stead of Improving, her condition became worse
end worse nniil the following Thorsdey, when
death relieved ber from all eartoly sorrow.
The Loch Haven Dtmmtrmt.( eeh, lo
alluding to this eaaa remarks t "The trial of Marlie
V. Tamer far the order of Maria J. Waple, la
Clearield eoaaty, November Id, 1876, commenced
ia Lack Haven on Tuesday morning. Fur tbe
Commonwealth, District Attorney Wa. M. Me
CeJIoagh f Olearleld, Thomas H. M array of
the aame plaoe, and U. T. Harrey, Bio, or book
Haven. For the defence, Hon. Wa, A. Wallace
and D. L. Krebi, Ksqs., of Clearfield, and Hoe.
8. R. Psale, of Look Havea. Tna Jury erei K.
O. Eebler, William Trailer, Frank Obi, George
VT. Sean, Michael Klrby, John N. Sheets. G. H
Ililler, M. W. Uarr, John M. 8tofwr,John Karon,
David flelswlte, JaaobGlossaer. Tercet U aa
marrled, thirty five years aid, aad was a section
boss en tbe Tyrone aad Clearfield Railroad. Mrs.
Waple was aboat forty, with children. Tbe bo dy
of Mrs. Waple wai fuuod aear Wallacetoa, Clear
field county ,oe November Ith, She had start-
td ta Tisltbersiiler-ia-lawontheSd. Saspiclon
turned apoa her former hasbaad.from whom sba
had been divorced, but It appearing that he wai
elsewhere at tbe time of the killing, It turned to
Turner, who had been eeea la tha vicinity about
the time of the murder, tt Is claimed tbat Turner
had been criminally iatimate with the woman ha
fore her huibaad went to the penitentiary, aad
tbat It vm toatiaaed after his leearceratlon. Me
denies tha charge ef aarder. Tbe evidence U
circumstantial, and his aoaasel foal very hopeful
of a favorable verdict. He was tried la Cleorleld
before Judge Orvii and convicted of murder In
the first degree, hat a writ ( error wai ewrrled
to Ibe ftopreeM Oeurt, aa some pelati of the
charge of the Judge, and the Coarl reverted. A p.
plication was Bade for a ehaage of venue, and
benee the reason for IU being triad la Clinton.
It took frorteew dayi fa try II before, and tl
thought aa muflh tin witt ha eeesemed now.
The eese Is creating aueh Interest, aad it flitined
ta by a large audloae."
Ladies, T. A. Flock & Co.'i black
oaihmerei oan't be equalled.
A beautiful line of brocado drees
goodi la all new shades, at T. A. Fleck A Oo.'e.
Fall goods are making their appear-
aooe, at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s.
Dr. II. F. Beum. Chronic Diwaso
Pbysleian, Curwenivllle, Pa. Jy9 U tf.
Dross Ginghams in new styles, pur
posely for Fall A Winter wear, at T. A. Fleck A
T. A. Flock & (la. rwHtivful thoir
first invoice of Ladles Fall and Winter hats. Call
and see them.
Blank Books and all kinds of sta
tionery, the cbeepest at Jobn A. Stock's. Try
htm. sue 17-tf
Stationery bas at last been reduced
to fair prices. Call at Jobn A. Stock's and see
for yourselves. scp l tf
Fall and winter dry iroods,dress iroods,
flannels, blankets, shawls, skirts a new supply
received this week at H. A. KaATisa s.
Remember tbat Lyllo is County
Agent for Lorrillard'i Tobaooo, and oaa sell them
at factory prices. They aro the beet tobaooei in
market. Try them. tf.
We have now on band several thous
and first class envelopes, which wa will print for
business men, or anybody alio, at prioei that nan-
nut be rivalled. Call and see them. tf.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
In the Rkpuilicah will reach nor readers than
if published In all the other papers In the coun
ty, and cost the advertiset leu than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published in
our jruroal Is worth double the price of tbat
charged by any other publisher in the eoonty.
It ii a fact." tr.
Clearfield Coal Trade. State-
mentor Coal and other freights lent over the
Tyrone ft Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending September, A, 1870, and
the same time last year 1
... 2W.673
ea S,Tfl
m e. 144,391
. 0. 683,013
Fur the week -
Sometime last year
Previously durlns year
Same time last year
Total in 1879
Same time last year
Increase ,
ovum rnaianri.
.. 140,017
Lumber .
Miscellaneous freights ,
.1r0 cars.
..17fi "
T vaunt, Bi.aih Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1ST if.
Ma. UooiiLANDan Jy bnriir; You do me
very great injustice in your paper. The question
between you and me was not one of veracity,
but of ilia validity of the notice sent your office.
Said notice was written on a postal card, sent to
your olnuc from tbe t'otnce in UearBeld. it
was written in a trembling band, as if written
by n man of eielity W inters designedly, of
course, to diiguiae the handwriting. Alter pub-
lisning tbe notice wmcnyou accepted as genuine,
you sent the postal card to me, aiking me if 1 had
written It. 1 sent tbe reply back tbat 1 bad not ;
that it was a forgery, and a penitentiary offence.
More than this, 1 was not at liberty to say at the
time. The fact of the case was not denied, but I
only asserted that (lie notice was a plain forgery.
You will please Insert this in yoar paper. It is
due me, and your readers as well. 1 am so sorry
you felt yourself called upon te ue such epithets .
ro insult was intended, nor was mere any design
toooneeal any of tbe facts of ihe esse, beyond
what was honorable. Yourl truly,
S. M. Moons.
51 n. Kditob Dear Sir:W had a pleasant
meeting and Habbalh School In the Kgypt school
house, Hradford township, last Sunday afternoon.
There is "corn in Egypt" corn io Ike scripture
sense, as well as the sense temporal. Tbey have
never bad a better quality of wheat io tbat local
ity than they have tho present season. "The
bread or Lite is also perhaps more abundantly
supplied than ever before. Tbe Sabbath Bobool
there baa been euooeisful beyond any eipectalion,
and is still continued in well-doing. It was mora
than gratifying to bear the scholars repeat in
concert tbe 23d Psalm and Lord's prayer aod all
engaging heartily in other We had
also good time at Sbllob. The Pleasant Hill
school Is, of coursa, as nsual going forward
pleaaaotlv. W'e were only sorry tbat we could
net reach Ooshen, Mount Joy, and Paradise, on
the other side of the river.
Hoping to meet all at tbat latter place by aod
by, 1 am yours, working on tne way.
K. CatvrnnnBR.
September 10th, 1879.
AteLKanajiT B m dor, Pa., Sept fi, 187(1.
Dr. M. M. FatfftBR, Predooia, N. Y.,-W
Sirt My wife has eon a (Hie ted with Dyspepeia
and Liver Disease for a long time. Two bottles
of your Blood and Liver Ketnedy and Nerve
Tonte have made ber greatly better. I think she
will become perfectly sound. 1 have a large sale
oa your medic iocs and those ased in my family
havo paid me more tbao your whole bill. I take
pleasure in recommending them to tne world.
With much respeot, M. ii. K.NAPF, Merchant.
Dr. Fcnner'i Blood and Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonie may well be called "Tbe conquer
log hero" of the times. It U the medical triumph
of tbo age. Whoever baa "the blase" should take
it for It regulate! and restores tbe disordered
system tbat giree rise lo them. It always euros
biliousness and Liver Complaint, Jeondioe, Dye-
pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Sorofole, Erysipelas,
Pimples, Blotches and all ekla rap lions and
Blood Disorders) Swelled Limbs and Dropsy f
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De
bility j Restores flesh and strength when tbe sys
tem is ruining down or going into decline cures
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relieves Chronic Dronabitii, and all Lang and
Throat difficulties. It does these things by strik
ing at tbe root of disease and removing its causes.
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Hooey will re
lieve any cough in one hour.
Dr. Fenner'i Golden Relief cores any psin, as
Tooth -ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache la five
to thirty minutes, and read! I) relieves Rheum a
Usm, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhua, etc.
Dr. Fenner'i St, Vitus Danoe Specific Ooe
bottle always cores.
For sola by Uartswlck A Irvle, Dmcglvls,
Ulcer a eld, re. aug-u-u.
We take Ihe following particulars of a bold and
daring robbery from tbe Punisulawney Spirit of
Kept 11th i "One of the most bold and daring rob
beries Ibat was ever perpetrated in this psrt of the
Stat, wa committed on tbe premises of Miss
Hnnnth K I wood, an elderly maiden lady, living
in Canoe tonmbip, Indiana county, oa Tuesday
eveolog lest. For' yean Thomas aad Hannah
Elwaod, brother and sitter, had worked together
upon tbeir farm and had accumulated quite a
saug sum of money. Several yean ago the brother
died, aod since tbat time Henoch has lived an
the farm alone. Oa Tuesday evening about deik,
when she had finished milking the oows, her at
tention was attracted to two strange maa standing
near tbe home. Advancing la tbat direction,
she was met by tha men wbo asked for a drink.
She wee now aenviaeed of tbe purpose ef the
villeins, end eenoludtd to go le Ihe spring which
wai quite a distance off, for tbe ostensible pur
pose of getting them water, bit with the Inten
tion ef eseaplng to a user neighbor. The
thieves evidently suspected ber designs, for with
out forther eereaioay they caught her by the
arms and led her Into the bouse, remarking as
they reached tbe door, 'It's your money we want
aid woman.' Bbe was seated oa 4 ehalr aad a
eloth tied over her eyes, and mouth, and her
hands tied to the back of the chair. Oaa of Ibe
men then drew a halfe across her throat and
threateaed ta eat her throat from ear to ear aales s
she teld them where her money was. She refused
to divolge the hiding place of her treasures,
wberenpon the robbers two mere having beea
leereted about tbe house left one te watch,
while tbe remaining three proceeded ta ransack
the house. After a three boer'i search, daring
which they sec o red a large sum of money, tbe
wrcUhei procured a eord from oae of tbe bedi
and tied her securely In ft large reeking ehalr,
Tbo bot e wai agala brandished uncomfortably
close ta her each, and she was told If she mad
any noise after tbey left, tbey would est tbe hoove
en fire, 'ia fact,' aald one, 'we gaees well do It
anyway, for dead men tell ae tales,' With this
remark tbey left her, putting their lighted lantern
on the poreh. Tbe light was mistaken for Ira by
the aid lady, and her feeliagi eea ha belter
Imagined than desert bed. After a considerable
length ef Urn iheiaeeeeded la relearlag herself,
bat fearing tha villain! might ha areend the
hoase, ibe did net venture eat aatll after day
break, vhen ibe proceeded ta her nearest nelgh
bar and tolA her story. The 'tbereaghaeH' ef
the thieves' eiamlaaiiea eoald aat ha ear passed
Nothing that eoald contain money remained aa
turaad. Tbe beds, awraaaa, eleaeU aad e seats
roated, boodles ef alethlag, kerbs, needs, .
wsre rifled aad their eouleoli scattered aheat the
floor, the heart hi were tera ap aad every Wees
piooe ef aorta be wee a the legs of which the
hoase ll be ill, was remorse. They even took
the prevention le empty Jan ef preesrvee sad
hatter ta see if anything was leereted there ie.
Ai yet, wa believe then hai been ae elae tt the
parties discovered;, ,
At the Rjcpoblican office Is the place
10 get yoar job work none. are tuny prepared
to do anything fa tha printing Una. will do It
well, and at the right kind of prices. tf.
It ii acknowledged by all who over
dealt with him. tbat John A. Stock keens the baet
awortmcat of first -etas Tabaceai and Cigars In
tneeouaty. ssp -ir
T. A. Fleck & Co. have just opened
out a fine lot of all-wool colored eaihmsre, one
yard wide. Dark, rich shades, In dark and light
garnet wary and d-vrk h!tw?luj,.aeaji brown.
and buttle green. Ladies wlvblng to purchase a
serviceable dress abould sail to see them.
Seo a woman on IiorncKack in another
column, riding near Spier's Vineyards, with a
bunah of Urapcs from which Specr's Port Grape
Wine Is made, tbst is so highly esteemed by tbe
medical profession for the use of invalid, weakly
persons and Ibe aged. Sold hy R. W. U return,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. jly-lfi '
Hoots and Shoes, boots and Shoes,
Hmu and Shoos, Boot, and Shoes,
"The Best are the Cheapest !"
Hoots and Shoes, Boots and Shoes,
Boots and Shoes, Boots and Shoos,
Sold by II. A. K a at eh.
Removal. Dr. T. J. lioyer has re
moved his medical offloe to the rooms recently
oooupled by Buck A Graham, In Graham's row
He makes CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty.
C 11 A HOE 8 VERY LOW. Tha msnufaeturen
having lowered prioei, he Is prepared to furnish
duced rates. Tbe afflicted will be benefited by
giving hi in n call. July 7.1, '79-tf.
School Books. The Lawrence town
ship Sobool Directors bare adopted Copy Books,
sold by John A. Stock, Clearfield, Pa., owing to
their cheapness aod good ejailttles, enj we re
commend them to teachers and scholars through
out laid township.
Bah usx M. Rowlis, R. Buck,
William On ham, Milei Hkau.
L M. Welch, J. L. Co mum.
aug-27-tt Directors.
To Our Lady Customers. We call
their special attention to E. Buttertck Co.'s
Fashions, of which we are now keeping a com
plete ass't. to dress-makers and parties through
out tbe country, who wish to keep informed on
the change of dress, by lending us 16 centi, we
will forward a Spring and Fall eatalougs and the
lietropotita Journal f J'twAioM, which will
come monthly for one year. All orders by mall
promptly attended too. Address
T. A. Fleck k Co.,
iep-3-4t Clearfield, Pa.
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy hai succeeded In having a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Penn field, nnd will
hereafter run a daily stage between tbe two points.
Uiscontraot began with April 1st, and the stsge
will leave Clearfield every morning (eioept Sun
day) at 8 o'olock, making connections with all
trains on the Low Grade Railroad at PcnnOeld, re
turning after the last train the same evenlog.
Passengers and freight will bo carried at low rates.
Orders left at aoy of Ibe hotels will be attended
to. 10apr7Otf
Jacob NetT, Sr., whose feeble health has for
some time given his friends fears of approach
ing dirsolutioo, eiiiired nt V o'clock on Tuesday
morning, September tth, at the residence of his
son, Mr. Joieph L. NetT, in New Waehingtoo.
The deenased was born in Man helm township,
La nee ter county, Pennsylvania, January 7 th,
1715, and wai therefor at the time of bis death.
eighty-four years, eight months, and two days old.
When Mr. MeiTwaa two years of age, hii parent!
removed lo Bald Kaglc Valley, and settled In
what ia now hnowa as Howard townnhlo. Centre
county, where he remained until 1829, when be
emigrated to the wilds of Clearfield, aod cleared
op a farm within tha limits of what is now tbe
pleasant little borough of New Washington.
Mr. NetT, being one of the first seltleM in this
part ortbe eonnty, endured tot veers all trie nard
afaips incident to pioneer life. The nearest mill
at that time was at Cherry Tree, in Indiana oouo -
ty, at a distance often miles, where Mr. Men ear.
rlod his grain on tho back of an ex, through a
dense forest. On one occasion, on reaching Heav
er run, the stream was eo swollen from recent
rains that Mr. Neflr found it impossible to cross
with his ox, bot, with bis characteristic plook for
overcoming diffiaulties, be shouldered the bag of
grain and anor securing nts oi to a tree, wadea
the stream and packed bis load to the mill, a die
tanca of four milee, briefing back his floor in Ibe
same wey. Mr. Neff was married ia 1810 ta
Cstberine Harobart, a Tery estimable lady, wbo
died May fitb, 187V, nl tbe ripe old age of eighty,
four years.
In polities, Mr. Naff was an ardent Democrat
and earnest lo hll principles. He east hi first
vote in 1810, for Jamoe Monroe, end continued
voting tbe Democratic ticket the remainder 01 nil
life, never having missed a general election tn
siity-three years. In bis moral qualities, rigid In
tegrity and hearty liberality were superior traits.
lie died in the full persuasion of tbo troths of
tbe Christiao religion, which cheered him ia bis
last moments, by oalmnsss aod tranquility ol
mind. He will be remembered as a generous,
kind-hearted old centlemae. who bas act an ad
mirable example to tbe young, by the integrity of
bis conduct. '
New WASmnaroM, Sept. 11th, 1SY9.
CoLLicTon'i WimitAHTi. We have prepared
a form, and have on band a large quantity, of
blank "Uolleotori Hales," wniob aave oeen ap
proved fay the highest legal authority lit the
Courts of this county. At Ttnty 6'eals per
dosen we will mail any number to the uoneoior
ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to
advertise nrotMirtv. bust nost up not less than
three notices ia tho most public places la his
borough or townsoip. u.
0.n HcnnanD Pan Cut. Discount on Old
Pnicm. Sewing Machines ean now be purchased
at hi err til's tin and variety store, from $46 up
wards. All hinds of sewing machines repaired
on tbe shortest notice.
Clearfield, Fa., July IS, 1877.
Buaom Fon Balm. R. Newton Shaw keeps a
full suddIv of Fredonta Buggies nnd Platform
Wagons for sale. To be seen at the Shaw House
yard. Call on or address mm at viearneia roan
iy Ivan la. may U-tf.
WiiTin. 680,000 U-feet shaved hoops, dellv
ered at the railroad, tn ear loads of 8,01)0, at all
points on the Tyrone A Clear Held, P. A E., Bald
Eagle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for
which 1 will pay tne highest market price.
J. F. KnAMua,
Octlft, Clearfield. Pa.
, .Tfof Arr.f Griff,
Tbe pride of a Mother, the life and joy af a
home, are aer children, nenoe ner gnei wnen liei
neai enters and takes tbem away Take warning
iben, that you ere running n terrible risk, tl they
have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which
lead te Consumption, If yon de aot attend to It
uaranteed to cure them. Price 10 els., el ets
and II. 00. For lame liack, Side or Chest, use
Sbilob's Porous Plaster. Price 14 oents. Sold
by 0. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa. eepl7-eovr,
The MlfMt M Ettr Knew Of,
J. Q. Btsrkev. a Dmmlnent and Influential alt-
Isen of Iowa City, says 1 "t kave had tbe Dyi-
pepiia, and Liver Complaint lor several years,
aod have used every remedy I lould bear of,
without nnv mllef whatever, until I saw your
Hhiloh's Vitalise? advertised ia our paper, and
wai persuaded to try It. X am happy to state
that it baa entirely cored me. It te certainly the
best remedy I ever knew ef." Price 7 cents. For
sale by 0. D. Watson, Ulearfleid, fa.
ous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
aad Ilesdacbe. With each bottle la ea ingenious
nasal injeetor for the more successful treatment
of the ovplalot, without estre eharge, Price
60 sen is. For sale by 0. V. wetsoo, iicarnoia,
eepH7, l7Mm now.
Wabtid. Delivered at tbe Rail Road.
100,000 20. Inch ehaved shingles.
100,000 14-lneb cawed sbinglee.
100,000 feet of pine hoards.
Mii.OilO 14 feet ebnved hoopl.
ft.OOO railroad lies.
60,000 feet ef good bsmloob boards.
For which I will nav the highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, er at any point aa the
Tyroae Clearfield Retlreus.
J. F. Kaanna,
Clearfield. Pa., Oct. II, 17I tf.
lust Received
Just Revived by ARNOLD, At
Car .Load Nova Scoli riastorl
Car Load para Corn, Hy and Oats
Chop I
Car Load Deaken Salt 1
Car Load of Choice Family Floor 1
Car Load Dry tioodi,, Ao.l
M-Sh initios, Barx. it. j(. lies ana
Grain will be taken In sicharge.
Curwensville, May 1, 1878.
Nervou Debility.
Vital Weahneei ar Deprwaalea 1 a weah
esbaueted feel in, no energy or oeureffoi the re
tell of Mental over work, indlecretione tr
eireaoto, ar some drala aeon tha system te al
wayl cured by Humphrey's Hommpathie Specific
No. 18. It toot no and invlgevmiee tbe system,
dispell tbe gloom aad despondency, Imparte
streagta aa energy, stops wrviu -wveoatee
the entire maa. Boon used twenty
Ware with aerfewt sueeees by thousands. Sold by
daaiera. Price, l per einfla vial, ar $4 per
Mr k age af five vlali and II vial nf powder. Sent
ey maii w vwowip.oi pr
Addrees Mnaophiyw Heaisrpalhlc
MeAirlne t'eaapany, 100 fallow St, N. T.
C. l. Watsea, A pat, Olearaeia, ra,
1 sept. It, 1871-ly,
BALADA KNARR. On Sunday. August Sd.
I87W, by Rev. J. Wolbach, Mr. Jacob Salada, of
eVuUuis, ana Miss Lena no err, or urady township.
silt, II7V, ay Kev. j. Wolbach, Hr. iames Uop
penbaver, of Dubois, and Miss Haehel Kaarr, of
WALBURN-ZILMOX.-On Sunday, August
3 1 St. IK7V. by Ksv. J. Wolbach. Mr. Ilenrv Wai-
burn, or UuUols.aad Ulis Mary .UllM.oI llrady
SWOPK LAMimitN.-Al the loalJeneeof Ihe
bride's parents, on Wttdnerday, Aug. 27th, IITV,
Lawrence, Uinnria county, ana miss bin me v.
Lain burn, of Chest township, Cleartlold evuuty.
II U MMEL ROOT. in White township, Cam-
bria county, on Saturday, Aug. 30tb, U;V, by
Kqutre Patterson, Mr. Henry II. Hummel and
U s Clara Root, both of Clearfield county.
LOOMIS JOLLY. On Thursday, September
4th, IHTv. by Rev. Isaac Heokniati, of Warrior's
Mark, Pa., assisted by Kev. J. A. Woodcock, of
Osceola, r releasor Samuel W. Loom is, ol Clarion,
Pa., end Miss Mary W, Jolly, of Osceola Mills,
tbii eounty.
N EFF JOLLY. On Thursday, September 4th,
1870, by Hev. Isaac Heokmen, of Warrior's
Mark, Pa., assisted by Rer. J. A. Woodcock, of
Osceola, Mr. n. U. HaD an a Misi Uesste A. dolly,
both of Osceola Mills, Pa.
NEKF. Ia New Washington borough, 00 Tues
day, September 9tb, ISItf, Jacob Ncfl, aged 84
years, 8 months and 1 days.
Centre eounty papers please oopy.J
HOVER. In tbe Paradlseseitleuent, la Hen
derson township, Jeffersoo county, on Tuesday,
September Vtb, 187U, Mrs. Rebecca Uuyer, aged
82 years end 6 months.
FI.KOAL.-At Pblllusburc. Pa., on Saturday
morning, September ftlb, 187V, Mrs. Nancy Pie
gal, relict of Jobn Flegnl, formerly of Brady
township, this county, aged 77 years.
Tbe deceased was tbe mother of Lever Flegal,
Bq , of Lawrence township, iler remains were
taken le Lulbersburg for burial.
Clbahviild, Pa., Sept. lo, 187V.
Flour, per ewt.. II TO
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt 3 80
Corn Meal, per ewt - 80
Chop, rye, per cwt 1 40
Chop, mixed, per cwt - 1 10
ran, per owt vv
Wheat, per bushel 1 80
Rye, per bushel 80
Oate, per bushel 8ft
uom, ears, per nusnei,... ,.
Buckwheat, per bushel 88
Potatoes, per bushel '6
Apples, per bushel
Hams, per pound II
shoulder, per pound 1
Dried Reef, per pound ' 18
Chickens, per pair 40
Butter, per pound 16
Eggs, per dosen - . "
Salt, per sack, large I
Coal Oil, per gallon 16
Lard, per pound I1
Dried Apples, per pound 6
Dried Peaches, par pound 8
Deans, per bushel 1 00
Notice la hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of ARTHUR REESE,
Isle of Lawrence township, Clearfield county. Pa ,
deceased, having been duly granted to the
undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, nnd those
having claims or demands against me same win
present them, properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay. J. O.HC1IHYVER,
BlliAB nana .
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 8, 1879 fit.
A thorough course in Book keeping, Penman
sblo. Telegraphing. Drawing, Engraving, Ao.
Sent for circular and specimens of Plain and
Ornamental I'enmansblp. fcncioae sit cams tn
stsmpl. Address A. w.Mnim,
Aug. 17-41, Meed vine, ra.
Boom No. 4, Fis's Optra Sous,
rTlHK underalitaed kev, Jast opsaed a foil ,iaa
X of Urooorles. suob as
Flour, Feel snd Chop of all kia&s,
whleo we will aell at lowest prloso for easb, or
oxebaoge tot prodooo or gralo.
Cle.rH.ld, Pa.Sept. id, lr lf.
Personal Property!
r 1 11 & unaersirDia, Attorney ior me scire ana
X legalreproieutativesofBKNJAMlNUARTS.
nunn, isvs m ine porougu 01 virwiniinu,
Clearfield county, Fa., deceased, will sell at pub
lic aale, on tbe premise! in said borongb, on
Thursday, Sept. 20th, 1879,
The following personel property, belonging to
laid estate, consisting In part of 1 organ and
piano stool, 1 bureaus, 1 was hi lands, I sofas, 1
oentre table, 1 dining table, 1 side table, 1 ei
tenslnn table, 4 bedsteads and bedding, S cup
boards, 1 Singsr sewing machine, 1 cook and 1
parlor stoves, a lot or carpeting, looklng-glaases,
window-blinds, chairs, kettles, and a large amount
of household goods, aad all tbe kitchen fern i tare,
too numerous to catalogue. Also, a let of frame
timber and carpentering tools,
The sale will commence at TBN o'clock la tbe
forenoon of eaid day, when and where prompt at
tendance will be given by the subscriber.
Attorney for the Heirs.
Clearfield, l'a,, Sept Id, 170 it.
Allegheny Valley RaHrond.
nnd after Monday, Aegust 4th, 179,
J the passenrer trains will run dally (oioept
Sua day) between Red Bnnh and Driftwood, as
follows i
KAHTWARD. Day Hall leaves Pittsburg
9 it a. Bed Bank 11:16 ( Bligo Junction I IMS;
New Bethlehem 11:3ft p. m.; Meyeville H i j
Trov H2 i BrookviHe 15 i Fuller's l:9 i Key.
noldsvltle 1:11 1 DuBolsl:&0 Summit Tonne)
110 ; Penfleldl:41( Weedvtlle 4:0o Benesette
4:91 i arrives at unnwood at 6:It,
W EUTW AR IWDay Mall leaves Driftwood
1129 p. m.i BenesetU l;05j Weedville l:ltj
Pen field 1:48; Summit Tunnel 1:1 j DuBolsllfti
Reynoldsville 1:1 ; Puller's 1: Iflj Brook vi lie 1 3.1 ;
Troy 1:4( Maysville4:H) New Bethlehem 4 30 1
Sligo donation ft: 13 ; Hed Bank M9 arrivae at
Pittsbarg al 1:99 p. as.
P9- Tha ReynolJsville Accommodatloa loaves
Reyaoldsvllle dsily at 7:6 a. m.i and arrives at
Hed Bank at 10:60 a. m., Pittsburgh at 1:H9 p
Leaves Pittsbunh at l;l p. m i Red Beak at
e:66 p. m.) arriving at Key no Ids rills at 9M p. m.
Close connections made with trains aa P. A I
Railroad at Drift eood, and with trains oa tho
Allegheny Valley Hailroad at Red Bank.
A. A. Jauiiou, Bap't L. . Dtv.
Valuable Real Estate !
T") T virtue cf an order ef Ihe Orphans' Court ef
X3 Vlewrleia eeuaty, lw me airecteo, l acre win
be e i no sod to public sale, nt the Court iloaee. la
toekoroageet uiearaesa, oa
Thursday, ScpU 25, 1879,
The following deeerlbed two pieces of lead eituete
la LawrwoeeUwnsklp, within two miles from the
Venn House, una well adapted te agriculture t
No ! Boaoded north hy land of Ooe. f
Oulich aad ethers, east hy land of William 2V
Bigler, looih aad west hy ether land of F. 'TT
rasna e pniWi wvutBiaipn
Beiag well weleted aad oovered with valeable tim
Ha Bounded north by Ihe above deeerlbed
IjpA piece ef lead, east by Joba Powell at. a).,
fjjl eowtb hy the Sueuwehaaaa river, aad wee.
by tbe pablie road leading from the ttood fellow
bridge to Meraeraoa'i eaw mill, eoatataiag
IfM Acroi aad tf rarchaa,
and hating about five aeise eleared, ft small
dwelling boose and ft good new mlU ereetad
thereon, witheieelieeit water power for any hind
ef maautaeiaiiag pnrpeees, eaeepiiag aaa rw.
eervietf the rronnd aft which tbe bara etaads,
beanded by the two township reads, the raa
from the ember, us race nnd Creek,
laeue Una-third ai eeolrmeuen ef aale,
and tha balaaea iw two ecjoel aaaaal payment,
with Interest, leearea ay aoaa aaa mortgage.
Jdsa'r af F. Smith.
Clearfield, Fa-, Sept. 3d, 1S79 41.
ar SWHl miHHillJL.nK.M Wmvip A Ta
Oa want five thousand bushels of OATS, new,
wai win pay eaea ar pnxiuoe.
Ulearneij, l'a., Aug. ii, iBTV-ir.
I X boasa o
FOR It R NT, A iwo-story hrioh
n f iita siret, evst of the
the . ,
ther ' '
Cburvh. Three rooms
and three dowa stairs. A good stable.
house, and garden attached. Forfurth
particulars, apply lo J, B. ORAMAM,
Apru w, iotv u. UlearUeld, fa.
TAttM.JUilIXy FOR ftAI.K.l, linstea
J. and fine townships, ClserU'lJ county,
Uensonable timefiven lor part of purchase
money. Prieei fit 0t to II9.UQ per aere.f
Mloere's reserred. L. BIRD, Agent,
Panileld, Pa.
or Wallam A Kuans.
Sept 10, l7w-tr. Clearfield, Pa,
H nllaretou, Pa.
JMrHe has prepared himself with all the
neeestary blank forms under the Pension and
Bounty- laws, as well as blank Deeds, etc. All
legal matters entrusted ta bis care will receive
prompt attention. May 7 in, 187 U-tf.
Bhop oa Market St., opposite Court Honee.
A eleaa towel for every easterner.
Also dealer la
Bet Brauda of Tobnrco and L'lgnru
ru.ri4. Pa. may 19, tft.
11 Til tIR KUWfc:Tlii,Tbe Board nf
Uommlsiioneri has ordered the undersigned to
proceed and collect tbe balances due on all the
old Duplicates. All collectors ef snob Duplicates
who do not eome forward and pay np during tbe
September Court, will be proceeded against lm
medlatly thereafter. The old books must be
settled PHILIP DOTTS, Tnasarer.
Aug. 17, 171-31.
XFXUTOR'M MOTICE.-Not.ce Is here-
j by tlven that Letters Testamentarv on
the estate of ANGUS M. HILL, lata of Bradford
township., Clearfield county, Penn 'a., deo'd.,
having been duly granted to the undersigned, all
persons Indebted lo said estate will please make
mmeaiato payment, ana those baring claims ar
demands against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
delay. SAMUKL U. (JILL,
Wilfiamagrori, Pa., Sept. 10, 1979-fit.
li hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion on the estate of FREDERICK BHAPPEK,
late of Sandy township, Clearfield eounty, Peon'e,
decreased, having been uuly granted to tbe undes
igned, ell persons Indebted to said estate will
please make Immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims ar demands against Ihe same will
present tbem properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay. OEUlttiK C. KIRK,
Luthcrsburg, Pa., Sept. 8d, 1879 tit.
Tbe undersigned will sell at private sale all
that tract or paroel ef land sltaate in Decatur
township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., witbio a abort
distance or tbe Tyrone ft tisarneit n. n., ana
ndioinini lands of Robert Hudion and otners,
nnd hnown as the Jacob B. Uearbart lot. The
laid tract contain ine AO acres more or less, with
two veins of valuable coal thereon, has about 10
acres eleared, and Is the hey to a large body of
coal about being developed. Will be sold low and
upon easy terms, ror particulars, apply to
eVAViv it, anAoo,
Clearfield, Pa., July 11, 176.
TRIAL II T. List of eaneei set down for
trial at second and third weeks of Septem
ber Term, 1N7V t
sioonn wbik, bin noapAr (Ittrn ear) or sbft.
Kepfaart A Bailey vs. Moshannnn L A L Co-
Jesse Lines vs. David MrKlnney.
O. B. Uovdlander vs. Andrew Pents el. al,
Seiuuel liordoa vs. Klttanning Coal Cn.
James U. Beaty vs. T. A- A II. A. McKee.
O. B. Good lender vs. (leo. Kramer at. al.
John Cowen et. al. ve. Stewart Cowen.
Andrew K oner t son Tl Mosbannon L ft L Co.
Thomas Mitchell vs. Jobn Dillon et, al.
OoodfeilowA use vs, Jas. Forest A Son.
M. Hubert vs. Brnbaker A Hollo peter
ii, B. lioodlandor vs. lieo. Kramer et. al.
M. Hubert vs. Dm baker A Ho Hope tor
J.W. Pa'terson, to nee ve. W. U. HI ner.
R. C. Tbomneon st. al. ve. John W. Bell.
Wn. Luther vs. Jno. M. Jordan et al.
Liveright, Lingle A Co. vs. JudabWbitcome et ai.
Jobn Booth vs. Morried.le Coal Co.
T. R. Blandy ve. Overseers of Deoeturtp
Walker Brothers Tl. Austin Kerln.
BichangeU'k,MarietUvi, Arnold A Hartshorn.
mien wan, rust homdat (6ti pat) or act.
Beyer, Gayer A Co. re. Frederloh Ramey el al.
" ve. n LtirengDi ee. ns.
M ti. T R Blandy st. al.
Co. N. Bank. Clearfield vs. Samuel Conoway.
" t Hiram Woodward.
Andrew Gardner ti Curtis Reams et. al.
T. O. Helms ti. Daniel Neff et. at.
S. Wolf, Assignee, vs. James Rea
D. C. Hensel ti. Daniel Miller
J K F Hall ti. Henry Show alter
T B Allison re. R. D. Pullerton
Edmund Dale, Trustee vs. BenJ. Knepp
II U Shillinaford ti. Robert Hare Powell
T C Boon, Sco A Trees ti. Geo W Horn eL al.
Kli as Smiley vs. DuUoii A Fuller
Bain u el Snyder ts. Nutter, Davis A Co.
Frank, Bro'i A Co. Ta. Jae Kerr A Co.
Casper Lelpoldt ti. Christian Tubbe
Mays A Hamerly ve. Henry Wallace
J B Ellis ti. K Knots.
KU DL00M, Prothonatery.
T) KcT.lftTER'B NOTICB-Notice Is bere-
XV by given that tbo following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remaia
filed of record ia this offloe for the tnsp3tioa of
heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others interested
and will be presented to tbe aeit Orphans Court
of Clearfield eounty, to be held at tbe Court
House, ta tbe borough of Clearfield, eemmenoinf
on tho fourth Monday (being tbe lid day) of
Depiemoer, a. v. ib7 :
Account ef Joba 3. Pioard and Caroline Fioard,
Adm'rs ef tbe estate of Joba B. Pioard, late of
Covington, tieameia eounty, re., dec d.
The amount of John J. Pioard, Guardian of Chas.
J. Mignot, minor heir ef Millany Mignot, late
of uovtogtoa twp., uieernoia ve., fa., dec d.
Partial account of L. M. and 8. N. Condriet,
Adm'r ef estate ef Francis Condriet, lata of
Covington twp.. ciearoeid Co., fa., dee d.
The account ef Hen 7 II. Hurd, Executor of tbe
last will and testament of Ana West rail, lite of
uneet twp., tiearneid vo fa., dec d.
Tbe account of Carolina Blattenberger, Adm'z afl
tbe estate of j. a. HlnttenOerger, late of Useeola
aorongfi, uiiarneia ue,, fa., dec d.
Final account of Jeoob B. Brubaher, Adm'r of
the estate of James Nelson, late of Brady twp
Clearfield eonnty, Pa., dee'd.
Final account of Elijah Asbeofelter, Adm'r of
tbe estate ef Peter Asbeofelter, late of Brady
twp., tiearneid eoonty, dee d.
Final account ef Illjsh Ashenfelter, Adm'r ef the
estate of Herlah Ashsnfelter, late of llrady
twp Uieerfleld Uo., f a4 dec d.
The noeount of Jackson. Patoblo, Adm'r ef tbe
estate of Wm. B. StoulTer, late of Burns ids
twp, Clearfield eounty, Pa., dec U
Final eeeoaot of Henry Weaver and Henry ZiUloi,
Ki'rsof Godfrey Zilltoi, late ef Brady twp.,
Clearfield Co Pa , dee d.
Float account of Jacob Pearee, Quardlaa ef Rob'
ert Hell, minor heir ef Thomas Molt, late of
Bradford twp., Clearfield Co., Pa , dee'd.
Tbe account of Joeeph H. Breth, Adm'r of the
estate of K. P. MeMastere, lata of Cheat twp
Clearfield Co.. Pa., dee'd.
Final account ef Abraham Baitey, Kieeutor ef
tbe fart will and testament erwm. H.laughry,
late ef Clearfield Co., l'a., dee'd.
Final aceonnt ef Abraham Pea roe, Adm'r ef the
estate of Jonathan Wiser, late of Bradford twp
Clearfield Co., Pa dee d.
Final account of Jamas B. Graham, Guardian of
Blisabeth Rioer, (new Jury), minor heir or Wa.
Kiaer, dee'd.
Tbe account of Joba MeGaugbey, Quardlaa ef
Koiannn Uden, (now Knepp), miner aeir er
ugden, late af I'learne'd, Co., fa., dee'd .
Account af Joba I. hf oKlernan. inardiaa ef Wi
Pulkersoa. mtaor beir of Kdmoad re Hereon,
late of Ualieb twp., Clearfield Co., Pa., dea d,
Acceuet of Joba 8. MeKieraaa, guardian af
bemuel M. Henderson, sniuor neir ar Baaaaei
D. Henderson, leto ef Woelward twp Olear
field Co., Pa., dee d.
Second partial aoeonat of From p ton Bell aad L.
L. Hoover, Adminlstreior et toe estate ei n m.
B.II, late ef . twp, Clearfield Co., Pa,
Flftftl aeewuat ef Wm. B. Whiteside, Administra
tor ef tbe eetatc af Wm. Mellea, let ef Wood
ward twp, Clearfield Oa, Pa, dee'd.
Partial aoeount ef Samuel Hagarty, Administra
tor of tbe estate ef Tbosaea Cewaa, late af Hoc
aria twp, Clearfield Oa, Pa., dee d.
Quardlaa accounts ef John H. Folferd, guardlea
af Cyras P. Cerr, Wm. B. Carr, Mary S. Cerr,
aad Joba A. Carr, minor heirs of Beat. F. Carr,
late ef twp, Clearfield Co, Pa., dee d,
ae Ikd by Mn. M. B. Folferd, Admiai Ureter
of John U. Falferd, dee d.
Theaeeeaatar W. L. Rtshel, Administrator ef
tbe ee tare of Lydla Dewiiag, laU af Lawrence
twp., Cleerleid ue, ra. dee a, as aiea oy a.
C. Tata, af Wm. L. RUael dee'd.
Final aoeauat of X. MsMaal and Joe. R. Irvln,
Administraleri C. T. A. ef the estate of Thee
W. Flemming, late af Curweasvilie, Clearfield
Co, Fa, dee d.
Flaal asoouat af Jeees Lines, Adm'r et Ihe estais
of Samuel Peoples, leu el Brady twp, Clear
field County, Pa dee d.
Partial .teeoeat ef Daniel Faast, Adm'r af the
estate of Wm. MeBride,Sr late af tarweus
Tilie, Clearfield Co, Fa, dee'd.
Final eeoeunt ef Jasaas M. McKee aad J. Irvle
McKee, Adm'n al Isaac MeKee, bate ef Kaot
twp., ClearttoM Qa, rev, dec ft.
Pirst partial aeeenat af R. B. Stewart, Gaardlaa
af A. N. Q re be as, minor heir of James C. Gra
ham, nie ef Bradford tw.. viearaeia aoaatT)
Pa., deeeaeed.
lieet and final aenewat af R. S. BtewneL Owardl-
aa ef Henry II. Graham, mlaer heir ef Jamoe
0. Ore am, laU af Bradford twp, Ciearteld
eounty, Pa., dee'd.
Flaal aeeeant ef A. 0. Tats, Adm'r af tha eel ate
f lease Tbeeapeee, late ef Bleed township,
CloarfteM eoaaty, Pa, dee d.
LJ.MOROAN, Register.
Clearfield, Fa, Aug. It, lT-4t.
StfLa., T
lD 71
Clearfield, Fenn'a.
Farm Sells,
Furniture of all kinds,
Knitting Machines, or any
other artiole manufac
tured can be fur
nished at short
Co-Opcratlve Agency,
" VS"K
j 'vy .aar eLoUsaw
arSeud for IlliutraUd Circular and rricoa. Liberal Terms to the Trade
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine In
the World, the Ever Reliable ''VICTOR."
MIDDLEIOWX, CONK, and Koa. and tol Tfabash Aiaaa CUICAOv, IU.
Look to your Interests
Having just returned from tho Kast, whero we have been milking our
Spring purchasea, we take this opportunity of thanking our customers for
tbeir liberal patronago in the past, and beg to aicurc them wo will do all mo
can to make it their interest to continue the same.
Our store is literally crammed with goods just from tho manufacturers, by
all odds tho largest and best solected slock ever brought to this county at
any ons time by one firm. Over fifty different patterns and varieties of
ranging in price from 20 cents to (1 per yard. Wo will fell Carpels at
cheap as the same quality can be bought in Philadelphia or New Voik.
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Laces and Fringes,
In tho !:tst stylos. Sheetings, Shirtings and Cassimores, together with
BOYS' WEAR in all grados of goods. Our LADIES' AND t'llILDBENB'
STOCKINGS are juit the prettiest and best yon ever saw. A lull lino of
always on hand, trimmed up by Miss Mntlie Rohn, of Philadelphia, who
will give ladies wishing Bate trimmed to order, hor best endeavors to
pleaxe. Call and soe us bciora buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
$trw fli'trtiscmfutJ.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Curweoavllle, Pa. Jao. , 'Tl-tf.
Borough :! hrzrh !
THAT well-known property Itaete os (he beak
of tbe Haeaaehenne river, in the boroeKh of
CurweniTllle. OleerflfiU twenty, Pe , noeupiid by
the hte BRNJAUIN HARTSHORN, deed, ii
ow offered for nle. It eoaUini eboet
Thirteen Acres,
Upoa which le ereeted m tne two-etor? frame
BTADLB, aad the aeeeeserr out
b.ilJief., aa4 also a KI.0W1NU
FulMAlNef par. SPRING WATKR. Tall
is a vere d.sireble aroperty for a private rest.
eVoee. Tk. preeetj la aow offered at PRIVATI
BALK, oa reeeoooblo toreea. Per fartkoe la
fermatiea la reletl.a la It. eall at lao preoeises,
or apple to Ibe aodorslirnel la pereoa .r by letter.
All.ra. for tbe Heirs.
CleerWa, Pa, Bopt id. 1071.
Valuable Real Estate I
Tbe aadefilfBed. IMag la Peaa twp., Clear
field eeaate, Pe,, effm tbe fbltewlag relaeble
Reftl letale fer eele l
446 Acres of Land,
ore er leee. la Beeearia towaialp, .jing ea tbe
aertb eide ef i( Cleerleid ereek, mmi witbta eee
lie ef ibe eaae. Tbe tbeve lead li beevilj
vered with beeslek, while eak, reeh eat. and
ether hard weed timber, aad a qaaatit? ef white
piae, aald le be half a illioa er Mere feet.
The eaeie le heaTjlr aaderleid with bftaatlaeef
eal, and dlreetly ea tbe liae ef railroad leading
free Heatedale te CeeJpert. Itiralae laaakaown.
Tbera are, alee, ether ralaable iaerale aa the
The ebore Uad Met aboat twe aa4 a-barf Ilea
below the ell) a(e af Olea Hope, adjoin ing laede
ef veerge OreeM and e there, ee what le hnowa
at Perter'e raa. The InpraveaeBte ea tbe prop
ertr are a good geared eaw III, la raaalag order,
a high da, rieae breaet, aede la tbe beet aaa
aer, it fer alaioel any aebtaery. There le, alee,
a large fraae dwelliag boaee aad freae baak bara
tbereea. and aboat forty ar I ft; aeroe, atere ar
leee. af the land to eleared. Amy aenea
wlthlag U taveet la property ef tbte klad will do
well ta eiavtee thie pnteriy. I will eeN tbe
whek or tha aadlridod half letoeeet, aa may eatt
tbeparebaeer. The abora traet of lead will nafee
twe er throe fame, which w.ileeapera faoarably
with tbe greater part ef ear eoeaty. Priaa aad
terse aude keewa ta any pereea wUblag ta par
ebaaa. For fertbor partieoiare eall la pereoa ar
eddreee the aadertlgaed at Oreaipiaa HiUe P.O.,
CLoarfteld oty, Pa. IAML W IDEM IRE.
Jaa.t, HTI tf. .
Chamlerlin Stump Fuller,
Watertown Spring Wagons,
Hampton Dish Waabors,
Pumps of all kinds.
Blanohard CLuru,
ETC., ETC., ETC.,' .
Anjoat IT, ISTU-lf.
implified; O maintaineU;
Improvements September, 1878'
l( BsTlng retrard for the demaod of r.
.aw . ptngresslro aye, we now offer to Uie World
vitk asraaaa
Important Improvements.
KotwiUistonding ihe VICTOR bu long boea
the pr of any machine iu tho market lack
supported hy a hot-t of voluutecr Tritneoaeo wa
now connUcQlly claim for it (rreatcr
simplicity, ft vondcrful roduction of
friction, un-1 allojcthcr a (ar. Com
himttioncf DrtirahU Oualitiei. ForiaU
l.w Merchanta and othera.
Sew avrrtUftufnts.
WaanBAe, Hob. 0. A. MATBR, Preiideot
Jndge of the Court ef Cotnnoa Pleai af
the TweDtj.flfth Judicial Dlatrlet, eonpoaad af
the eonatiea ef Clearfield, Centre and Clietoa
aod Hon. Abram Uaniv and Hna. Viaciar B.
Holt, Aeeoeiate Jvdgei of Clearfield eoaaty
bare luoed tbeir me direeud. for tha
holding of a Court of Com bob Plane, Orphan
Coart. Court of Quarter fleeeioai, Court ef Oyer
aad Terminer, and Court ef Ueneral Jail Deliv
ery, at the Court Uouee at Clearfield, la aad for tha
eounty of Clearfield, eommeneing oa the foarlh
Mouday, tha 'ta day el Dept., 1879, aad ta
continue three weeke,
KOTICB IS, therefore, hereby glrue.te the
Coroner, Jnetleoe af the Poaee, and Coaetablee,
ia aad for eaid eoaaty ef Clearfield, te appear la
tbelr proper pereoae, with tbeir Reeordt, Rolia,
InqalaiUone, Bxanjioatloae, aad ether Robom.
braoeei, ta de thoee thinri wbieh to their eBooa.
aad la their behalf, poruia te be done.
Hy aa Aet or Aaeembly, paaeed the Ith day of
May, A. D. me, U ie Bade tbe duty af the Jae
tieee of tbe Peaee ef the eeTeral eoaatiee of thle
CoBMoawealth, ta return ta the Clerk af tbo
Court ef Quarter Beuloae ef tha reipeettee
eoaatiee, all the reoogniianeee eaterod into before
tbeB hy any pereoa or pereoae charged with tbe
eomtaiuloa of may crime, except each eaeoe ae
ay be coded before a J oil loo of tbe Peaee, aa
der eiittiag lawe, at leaat tea dayi before tbe
eomBeaeoBent ef the eeailoa of the Court ta
which they are Bade reiaraablererpeetlely,aad
la all eaeee where any reoogniianoea are catered
lato leaa thaa tea dayi before tbeeaBBCBeaent
of the eeealoa ta wbioh tbey are Bade returna
ble, tbe eaid Justicee are to rotara the ease ia
tbe ecBe aiaaaer ae If eaid aot bad aot b)ea
01 Via aader y bead at CUarfi.ld, tbii tk
day af July, la the year of our Lord, CM
Uoueaad eight hundred and ereuty-alua.
julyeVta AUbfcKW P KM 7, jr., Sheriff.
CAUTIOW-All pereeoi art hereby warned
agaiaat purehaeing er in any way Boddllag
with the following property, bow 1b the poeearetoa
of Reubeej 11. Jordaa, ef Uatea fiowaahlp. Tin
Twe hereei and harneei, I buggy and haratae,
I two horea wagea, t ealrae, I cewe, t betferr,
4 hogi, i latereat ia a young Bare, lateroat
la a fodder eattor, I latereet ia a sowing Baehiae, '
lateroat la a itump Baehiee, tetereat ia a
threahlng Baehlne, latereet la a log eled.
latereat la a fanning mill. Tbla property wee
pureheeed by bc at Sheriff 'a aale ea the IfMh
deyef Aogutt laet, and le toft with aatd Jordaa
aa leaa aaly, ealijeet to By order at any time
Roektoa, Pa., Sept 1, 1179 Jl-
CAUTIm.--All pereoae are hereby waned
again at addling ar la aay way iaurfer
lag with tbe following perreatl property, bow la
the peieeMioa af W. It. Pile, redding ia ttaedy
towaihip, vlt i Three cloy pieka, I coal pieka,
1 crow bar, 1 atone haBBor, 1 eledro hem mar,
I cook it ore and ateaiOa, I ai, and a etoek ef
lime. The foregoing property oaa purebaeed by
bm at CoBtUhle'a eele ea tbe day ef Aagaat.
aad le allowed ta reataia ra noiaaetloa af eaid
W. D. Pile aa loaa only, iubjoet to ay order at
Latbarabarg, Pa., topt. Id, Ifi7 It,
1 U re, Joba B. R forty, af Peaa anreabbyf
oaen ror real a aweiiing acuee aaa Mora .
aad Mora
Peaa Title, f vTt
to, er ad. I'l'l
rooB, ettaato ta Ue rillega ef real
Per fart bar latefwetlaa apply to, i
droM, aire, J. B. RAPFIRTT,
art. IJ.TI tf. tiranpiaa Hilton.
"' ll this oew veelere.