Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 17, 1879, Image 2

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SDhc gUpuMtf an.
Gcoboi B. GooDLANDtn, Editor.
Reader, it eon want to know what ll soing oa
Id the bustnass world, Juet rend our advertising
olomns, too .Vpeetal oolumn in pnriieuiar.
No man worth? tba offleo of Prooldont should
bo wlllinj to hold It tfoounted Id, or placed thorn
by noj fraud. v. a. uuiut.
X ooald neeer hare boon reeonoMod to tba .lo.
Tation by tba smallest aid of aioo of a pernon, reapeeleble In private Ufa, wbo mual
fororar onrrj upon bla brow tba stamp of fraud
tret trlumpnunt In Amarloan history. No aub
aaquont eetioa, however meritorious, ann waib
nwaj the letter, of that rooord.
CnaLa Faancia
I would rutbor hnre tha eodoreemnt ofaqaar
tar of a million of tho Amarloan paopla than that
of tba Louisiana Returning Board, or of tba Com
mlaaion which excluded tha feet, and daoided
tha question on a technicality.
Xnoa. A. Hnnonicna.
Hurler (no forma of law. Hulherford 1), Haves
baa baan daolarad President of tba United Stnlee.
)lla title reals upon disfrunehieement of lawful
TOtera, tba falee eertlncatea of the returning on
cere acting oorruptiv, and tha dooialon of a ooa
miaaion wblob baa refund to nenr evidence of nl
lefted fraud. For the flrat time are the American
people confronted with the fact of a fraudulently,
eleeled Preiident. Let It not bo understood that
tba fraud will be allenlly ncquleired in by the
eonntry. Let no hourpaaa In which the usurpa
tion U forgotten.
Anonnai op DanocaATio M. O.'l.
One hundred yeara of human depravity eoeu.
mulated and concentrated into n elimal of orlme.
Never ognin In Bra hundred yeara shall they hare
an opportunity to repeat tho wroog.
Haunt. W. Voonnnaa.
Tburman is Gonoral Joo Jolmson's
randidalo for the Presidency.
Radical platforms tbis year read like
burlesque declarations' of war.
Hon. A U. Stephens says he has re
ceived 835,000 royal on bis book, "Tho
War Belwoon tbo States."
Goneral Longstrect is proud bocauso
in his Georgia garden be has raisod a
turnip that weijjhs fourtoen pounds.
The Bollofonte Watchman, lost woek,
smoothed the hair down vory nicely
on Congressman Yocum's head. Qnoor
how we apples swim !
Don't fail to puruso our first and
lonrth pases this week. J. boy are
filled with excellent and varied in for
Homo ponplc are always in a hurry,
and yet, if you encounter ihein a year
hence tlicv are not far in advance uf
those who move (.lowly to (he front.
This m 'Dclnlly the iiiu in those
sociiona ol the Slulu whore I lie Demo
crats have been iioitiitiutln l'retfidents
in their respective county Convontiotis.
This Is purely a ring trick never con
templated by the regular voter. To
close out our views on this, point, we
adopt the tho theory of the editors of
tho Lansastor Intelligencer, wbo re.
mark: "The Presidential election of
of 1880, and even the nomination for.
it, aro yet a long way off. Many and
important events aro yot to occur
which may go fur to determine tho is
sues and tbo candidates lor that strug
gle. There aro important Slato elec
tions ponding, and thore is another
suasion of Conicross to intervene. It
is of much more importance that tbo
Democrats In all the doubtful States
combine their forces and bend all their
energies to carrying them, than that
they lose their Slates and weaken
their strength in quarreling over who
shall got the votes in tho Convention
and loso them in tho electoral college.
Tbo Democracy of that State which
shows itsell most competent this year
to aid tho election of a Democralio
nominee next year will bo most potent
in deciding wbo that nominee shall bo.
Tboro aro plenty ol fit and worthy
men in the Democratic party whose
nomination for President will bo tho
harbinger of success. There is no one
boso nomination is so desirable as
the certain election of tho nominee.
Thoro are dark horses in the politi
cal stable who bavo not yet been un-
blanketed. Tboro aro borsus exercis
ing on tbe track who will bo fugged
out before the word to start is given
Thero are horses entered under the
wrong namos and thero are horses be
ing groomed whose blanket bears somo
other horse's name
Keep cool. It is a great deal better
to be organizing Democralio clubs
than to be forming Tildon clubs, or
Bayard clubs, or Hancock clubs. News
papers can use their editorial spaco to
bettor sorvico than nailing funry tick
els to tho masthead."
A Bio House An oxebango says
that Governor Spraguo's mansion at
Cononchot contains 02 rooms. It's no
wonder be cannot find bis wife and
John Sherman, lluyes' Secretary of
the Treasury, having finished tump
ing tour in Maino, contrary to Hayes'
Civil Service order; is now tramping
over Ohio, in the same business gon
orally lying. Gen. Tom. Ewing, tho
Democratic nominee for Governor, It
seems is not to ho muddled by Seere
tary Sherman's system of mathematics
Ho hu badly demoraliied tho Sec
retary's financial campaign in Ohio
This is tho way ho unhorsed him in a
iftixl jfi,--ilJlr, Sherman claims
great credit for having successfully
tonnded 1817,000,000 of tho public
debt into five, lour-and a half and four
per cent, bonds since March 4, 1877
reducing tho interest paid by Govern
ment about (10,000,000 a year. It ap
pears, however, by tho financial report
that tho interest on tho puhlio debt
paid in 1877 was 197,121,000, and lust
year 1102,500,000, and this year (105
000,000. In other words, in 1S78 and
1879 over $13,000,000 more of interest
on the debt has been paid than when
Mr. Sherman took chargo of tho fund-
ingopoiation. Tha'. lurgeaum is whut
the operation cost. It is made up of
bonuses In the shape of public interest,
and of commissions paid to tbo syndi
cate. Meantimo Mr. Sherman has in
creased the principal ol the bonded
dobt $80,000,000. It will take tho
savings of interest by refunding for
eight or ten years to pay off this in.
creased bonded debt and tbe bonuses
and double interest and gut oven on
tho entire oporutio.i. Ilow is tbe
country benefitted by a nominal re
duction of ton millions of interest, when
tbo reduction has been accomplished
only by adding filty per cent, to tho
amount of Jabor or property which it
takes to pay it ?"
Senator Don Cameron and Mrs.
Cameron aro guests at the house of
Senator Blaine in Augusta, Me. Look
ing op Undo John's Presidential intor
eBU, "you bet."
A Trio. John Sherman, Jim Blaine,
Boscoe Conkling, et id genus omne, are
happy over tbo result in California and
Maine. Decency and honor and hon
esty seems to bo below par just now.
"The Cr'fuea la tha largest, beet and eheepest
newspaper in tha aoooty." BijtUr, .
You bad better not put us off with
a one fourth pattern, if you want us to
believe your standard lie. Eithor take
the foregoing paragraph out ot your
columns, or send us more than a quarter-sheet
Hoomino. Grant sailed from Yoko
hama on the 3d and is expected to
reach San Francisco on or about
tho 21st. Tbe quickost passage ever
made between those ports was that of
"Oceanic," in tourteen days and five
boura. The"quiotman"iscoininginthe
"Tokio." We may prepare now for tbe
big boom.
Home Again. Col. Thomas A.
Scott, President of tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, who baa beon in
Europe for somo time past, for the
purpose of rocuporating his health, re
turned to Philadelphia on tho 11th
inst., greatly improved physically, and
will soon bavo the harness on again
Good. Tho Washington Poi gives
several ex statesmen a black eyo in
tbia way : "Schoylcr. Colfax ought to
underjtanel by this time that his advo
cacy cannot holp any cause. He should
let the Darien canal business severely
alono if be wants to assist it. Ookes
Ames is dead, and thore isn't likoly to
bo another Credit Mobilier."
Parson Newman Boomino. Rev.
Dr. J. P. Newman, pastor of tho Met
ropolitan M. E. Church, Washington,
during the Grant reign, has been talk
ing unhesitatingly and at length in
regard to Grant and tho Grant boom.
He avers that ho does not prate idly,
knowing by moans of a personal corres
pondence just what nro tho desires and
ambitions of his patron. Ho says that
Grant has bad a fino timo of it abroad
and is wonderfully improved in knowl
edge. "In fact," said tho parson,
Grant will como homo the best posted
man ot the nation; but ho docs not
want a third term. What ho may do
f the Republicans insist on bis nomi
nation, why dear mo, 1 r-o-a 1 1-y
wouldu'tlike to say anyhow. He writes
to me that he don't want to be Presi
dent any more. That is tbe way he
talks. You see," parenthetically ob
served the parson, "I'm strong for
Washburne. He is the only man for
tbe party at present. Blaine has lost
ground, and tbo only Sherman with
even the slightest claim to tho Presi
dency is Tocumseh Sherman. Wash
burne is tho coming man, and he's
Grant'i friend, you know. He will
fill tho bill and can't bo defeated. With
other candidates the party will run
great risks. Too many of our men
are too well known by the people,
but I won't call namos. We can
elect Washburne, and Washburne it
must be."
Jot. The Commune victory in Cal
ilornia, at the recent election, furnishes
our .Radical exchanges with huge head
lines "Victory I" of oourso. It is tho
same kind of joy Mosby used to ex
press when bis guerillas reported to
bim that they bad laid ont twenty
Yankees during the last raid. He
would clasp all by the band, and In
quire: "Who slaughtered the most
bluo coats ?"
National Humiliation. Hayea
(the Great Fraud) has been stumping
Ohio the past week. It is true Eliza
Pinkston and Mrs. Jonks are not pres
ent in body, but they are represented
in tho peraon of General Sherman and
General Sheridan, who make it a point
to display themselves at every Radi
cal gathering on the saano plan adopt
ed by circus managers to show thoir
elephants and clowns, What a "moral
idea" spectacle t
Baik Am ad The Democratic
StateCommittee mot at Bolton's Ilotol,
Harrisburg, on Wednesday last. Tho
Patriot says that all parts of tbe Stat
were represented. Chairman Miller
waa present, and presidod over tbe de
liberation! of tli Comrollloe. Tbe
political aituation was carefully consid
erod, and measures were adopted to
porfoct the organisation of the party.
Tba meeting was entirely harmonious,
and the member! of tha Committee
seemed to be generally hopeful of Denv
oc ratio suacesa at tbe approaching
election. .
Fob Hancock. The editor of tho
Baltimore Gazette edges in on General
Hancock in this manner: "During tho
stay of ITon. Alexander II. Stephens
at Long Branch aa a member of one of
the House junketing Committees he
was soverely affected by tho moist,
clammy atmosphere and came near be
ing reduced to gelatine. While in this
condition a reporter BOized upon him
and drew from his bosom, tho odmis
sion that be favored Goneral Hancock
lis tho Democralio standard-bearer in
18S0. Mr. Stephens said that the cam
paign was likely to turn on the issues
of tbo extra session local self-government
and freedom of elections. Gen
oral Hancock bad shown much capaci
ty for civil adminiatation in Louisiana
and Texas and great respect for tho
laws of tho land and their supremacy
over the edicts of tbo military. He
thought the bost pledge the Democra
cy could give the country against tho
reactionary purposes charged by tho
Radical press and orators would be tho
nomination of a great soldier liko Han
cock, whose name and furao wero
donlified with tho rosults of the war.
Tbis gives tho Hancock movement,
which we started some weeks ago, a
powerful boost."
Those Buiqadiirs. Recent legisls
tion by Congress proves that thoDem
ocrats bave done more for tho aoldior
in the few years our party haa con
trolled Congress than the Radical par
ty ever bestowed on them. Tho Post
says : "The fact that 'the Confederate
Brigadiers' sinco they 'captured the
Capitol,' have shown much greater
legislative furors to the ex-soldiers of
the Union army than were over shown
by tbo Republicans during tboir long
poriod of uninterrupted rulo, and the
further fact that there aro more of
these ex-soldiers now on the pay-roll
as employes of tho two Houses than
any Republican Congress ever had,
will more than offset tbo silly bombast
cf Radical platforms, intended to arouse
the angor and alarm of the boys wbo
woro the bluo. So long as these pat
ent facts exist, the soldiers are not
likely to take stock in denunciation of
the ex-Confcdoratoa in Congress."
Properly Adjusted. In the econ
omy of the Creator of the Universe
there has been an antidote provided
for every moral and physical wrong
committed by tbe individual, or socie
ty ; but ignorance and bigotry ofton
discards them all. Hence, the misfor
tunes that befall tho race, the effects
of which are olten fatal. Bigots and
fools have committed more wronga in
the world aince Adam's day, than all
the other millions of the human fami
ly. Tho experience of thousands who
lead upright and successful lives is so
seldom inherited by thoir offspring
but they seem desirous and strike out
for new fiolda. Tbey find no new out
lots, and simply drop out of existence
Liout Ahead. The Harrisburg Pa
rnor.ofthe 1Kb, saya: "Tbe Demo.
oratie Slato Committee mot at Bolton's
Hotel, this city, yesterday. All parts
ol ths State wero represented. Chair
man Miller waa present and presided
over the deliberations of the Commit
tee. Tbe political situation was care
fully considered and measures wore
adopted to perfect tbe organization of
tbe party. The mooting was entirely
harmonious and tba members of the
Committee seemed to be generally
hopeful of Democratic success at tbe
approaching election."
Goneral Bob Toombs, ot Georgia,
tbe eloquent and prosperous lawyer,
wbo haa refused to oomo Into the Un
ion, is a tall, big old man, with great
brown eye ; and be likes to hear him
self loudly talk. In a qulot neighbor
hood h i worse than an accordoon.
His conversation baa dashoa in It. He
want Hendricks.
Da Land, Ike hasbaad of the ledy wha la atlied
np in the Rev. Thompson aoandaL waata to nor
row Oorernor 0pragwe's anwt-gun for n thin apaae.
There is no use In getting that gun ;
it wont go off! But it might frighten
lb preacher away, as It did Conkling.
Tbe Oldest A contemporary says i
The only survivor of the memorable
Senate of 1830 32, the ablest known
n the history of tbe country, embrac-
ng amoung its number tbo names of
Webstor,Clay,Calhoun, Bonton.lluyno,
Grundy, White, Jazowell and Silas
W right, is tbe Hon. Pelcg Spraguo,
wbo was Senator from Maine from
1829 to 1835, and though now eighty.
eight years of age, remembers and re.
latos distinctly tho events and scenes
that traspired during tbe eventful
years he was a member of that body,
Uo was also a representative from
Maine from 1825 to 1829, fifty-four
years age, which makes him the oldest
ex-member of Congress now living.
Soon after bis rotiremcntfiom tho Sen
ate ho took up bis residence in Boston,
and in 1841 was appointed jodgeof the
United District court of Massachusetts,
hieh position he held for more than
twenty years, until tbe infirmities of
age compelled his retirement, having
attained tho highest distinction as a
lawyer and jurist. Ho Is now suffer
ing from tbo outire loss of bis eyo
Sentimental Patriots. Tho Pitts.
burgh Pott "goes for" Foster, the Rod
icnl nominee for Governor of Ohio, In
this keen way : "The appointment of
the Rebel Colonol Roberts to codify tbe
army laws and regulations, demon
strates tbe sham of Republican pro
fession of devotion to Union soldiers,
just as the nomination of Foster over
a Union soldier did in Ohio. Foster
saw service in buying sheep pelts and
selling sixty cent calico in an Ohio
villngoJuring tho war. Ho got rich
enough out of homo service to start a
bank, while Ewing and Rico were
bravely at the front, where Rebel bull-
eta rained thickets; bullets, too, that
might have been directed by Colonel
Roberta of tbe C. S. A., or Hayes'
Postmaster General. Colonel Key. Of
all tbo shams of that pinobbaek party,
Republican professions of love for tho
Union soldier are the thinnest and
Altouna Trlbans, SeptrmWr gtb.
The pic nic of tbo Juniata Valley
Printers' Association at t.' lesson, on
Saturday, was in point of numbers a
success, and wtiile the arrangements
were in somo instances not as eomiilele
and satisfactory as they might have
been, taken altogether, considering the
crush and jam at particular points, il
is to be doubled if anybody else in ihe
several departments wun wliieu
good many persons aro inclined to find
fault could bavo (lono better. There
wero at tho least calculation seven
hundred Indies, gentlemen und children
of the legitimate excursionists, and this
number was swelled by tbe addition ol
many others who thought to gel into
good company, and embraced tho op
portunity to do so. Three hundred
people or more sat down to dinner ut
tuu Mountain House, anil a largo num
ber took supper. Mcl'ike's excursion
to Ebensburg was a feature of the day,
and waa very much enjoyed by all who
visited the town in tbe uiouiiluin tops.
Tbe magnificent scenery along tbo lino
ot tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, between
Alloona and Cresson, was a sourco of
surprise and wonder to many of the
younger members ot the lraternily
who had never beforo gone over that
portion ot the road, and was ol ilsell
worth to them as much as any purl ol
the trip. The grounds about tho hotel
at Cresson aro bo extensive that even
tbo hugo party appeared small in them,
and were scattered over bo much space
that it was difficult to get any consid
orubio party togolher when wantod
for any particular purpose. Ab before
slated, whilo there wus somo lault
finding, as would naturally be expected,
tbo great body of tbo excursionists on-
joyed themsolvcs well, and will long
remomuor tue day as one ot tho most
pleasant in the history ol pic nics and
excursions. Tho Alloona City Bund
furnished excellent music during the
day, and accompanied tho Ebonsburg
It had been agreed that a meeting
for businoss of tho members of the
Association should bo held at 1 P. M ,
but at that bour thero was not sulli
cicnt at hand to procoed with the rcg.
ular order, and alter tho appointment
ol a comtniltoo on KcBolutions, consist
ing ot A. J. Greer, J. W. Spoddy, W.
w. Trout, S. JS. Morning, James r,
Mickel and L. D. Woodruff, and a com
milloo to namo tbo permanent officers
of the Association as provided for in
tho Constitution, consisting of James
H. Irwin, E. Conrad, P. Willoughby,
Gcorgo Shrom and J. W. Spoddy, tho
meeting was ailjourned until d o clock.
At thai hour President Bowman opened
tbe proceedings and slated that the
object was to pcrmanenliy organize
the Juniata Valley Printers' Associa
tion by tho adnpiion of the Constitu
tion as submitted by the Committee on
Pornianont Organizalion.which drafted
the instrument on May 17lb last, at
Huntingdon. In tbe absunee of Mr.
Durburrow, tho Chuirman of iho Com
mittco, Mr. Georgo Shrom read tho
Constitution, and a resolution was
then passed that it be read and adopted
leriatim. Tbia was dotie, with an
amendment to Section 1 ot Article 1
that includes Indiana county hereafter,
and also an amendment to Section 1 ot
Article 2 that makes tho Executive
Committee consist of one member from
each county instead ot live members
only. The Constitution as umended,
alter a short preamble, is as follows:
Article 1 faction 1. This erianlietion shall
he known as '-The Assoaia'ion of Printers of tbe
Juniata Valley, ioeluding the oouoties of Bedford,
Blair, temhrla, Centre, ciearBelJ, lianttn(n,
Indiana, Juniata, liiffltn and Perry.
Arti.-le I Section 1. Tbe officers of the Aeso
iatloo shall eousiit of a Presidiat. First and Sec
ond Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer,
and an Esecutira Committee consisting of one
member from each county, all of whom sbsll be
elseted at the regular annual meeting of each
Article S Section 1. Tbe Preslient shall pro
side on all occasions, giro notice of all regular or
speeial meetkuKS, and do auoh other duties as
nsoallr devolve open a rresiding officer, or In
his ehsenoo tha Vioa Preaidrat ahall officiate in
Ihe order named.
fieetii.a S. H ehall ha the dute of the Secre
tary to keep the minutes, a roster of the membere,
conduct the correspondence and perform the
duiiea of tho Treasurer in tbe absence of auoh an
picture of their oRlce building to tbe book al
their owo eiprnse.
Ittnlnd, That Prof. A. L. tluss be Chairman
of a Cummitlee of sli members of the Association
to provide the weye and weans le secure the bind
log of the aalil bislory.
rVrtolreif, That no rawer then two oopl. of the
hiilory lor each otnoo be printed and bound.
At tho conclusion of these proceed
ings, the assemblage dispersed and en
joyed themselves about tho grounds
until 5:08 P. M., when many (icpnrleii
In order to make connections liir home.
The balance reinuintd for tho r-pccinl
train at hull' past six, when tieuily all
embarked for homo, only a lew stay
ing until tho Philadelphia K.iprcsx
pussed Cresson, and tho day's tun wus
ovor. -
A Pretty Railkii. An exchange
remarks: "Mr. Conkling spoke to his
friends al Saratoga in u mild way about
iho hull dozing in the H.uilli and the
denial of equal l ights. Any other man
in his place would have made some
reference to shot guns and shot-gun
policy, but Mr. Conkling never ulludes
to the shotgun in the presence of a
mixed crowd."
The Bulliuiuro Gazette imparls the
interesting information that the con
stitutionality of the United States elec
tion laws is about to ho tested in tho
Supreme Court. Application for writs
of habeai corpus has been made to tho
Supremo Court ol the United Suites
in beliulf of certain parties in Bulli
moro wbo aro undergoing imprison-1
nient under sentence of tho United
States Circuit Court for violation of
these election luws by Interfering with
Supervisors and Deputy Marshals. On
the bearing of the applications tho
constitutionality of these election laws
will ho determined by tbo Supremo
Court. In tbe lust session of Congress
tho Democrats contended thut tho
general Government baa uo power un
der tho Constitution to pass luws to
regulate tho elections in tbo several
States and to appoint officers to super
vise tho elections. They held that tbo
general Government had no right to
interfere with elections held by State
officers under Stato laws defined their
duties. It 'the Government at Wash
ington could thus Interfere through
Supervisors and Deputy Marshulswith
tho cloetions in tho States they could
regulate and control all the machinery
of tho elections for members of Con
gress and Presidential Electors. Be
lieving these Federal election laws to
be violations of the rights ot the Slates
as well as eubversivo of the freedom of
tbo ballot Congress at its lust session
passed bills to repeal them which fell
under the veto of Mr. lluyes. After
tho angry conflict in Congress is end
cd tbo question is now to bo submitted
to tho culm decision ol tho Supreme
CliTtLV Done A religious paper
gives this advice lor the opening ol the
fall campaign: "Folks are getting
borne from their sumuro; v.r ilioi), and
looking carefully to see if their cloth
ing, silverware and olhor vuluables aro
all where they hid them. If any laid
away for the time the irreligious habits
also, wo trust thoy will bunt thoin up
as carefully and hope that they may
find thorn uninjured." Owe jor Roboox. Wo are
enabled to score one for Senator Conk
ling not at Narrgunsett Pier, but in
Mississippi. Tho New J ork i'dirsuys :
Tho negro Senutor Brueo, ol Missis
sippi, has named his little pickaninny
uejcoe Conkling 'boom at Saratoga.
Jersey is going to have a first class
civil righlscaso. Acolorcd clergyman
with his daughters went into an ice
cream saloon in Jersey City the othor
day and tho proprietor refused to wait
upon bim. Tho clergyman will bring
suit for damages.
John B. Cough bus lelt Paris for
London, whenco ho will sail for the
United States in Octobor. Ho went
abroad for "total rest" and when he
concludes this European campaign will
have delivered 150 spoeches.
Sfw dwUsfmrnts.
$cu' fli-frtlsfutfttts.
Hrw Advertisements.
Ct AU TION. All persons nre hereby warned
J Bainst purchasing or ia any way meddling
wilh the following persona1 property, now in the
possession of A. W. Pate,orKArtbaustownsblp,vis:
Two cows and two calves. The furegoing prop
erty waa purchased by me at private sale on the
4th day of August, and is elhwed to remain in
tbe possession of ssid A. W. Page, on loen only,
subject to my order at any lime.
Kerthaos, Sept. ITth, 1ST It.
Provide eor Them at Onoe.
Hay os should at once appoint Goorge
William Curtia to the English Mission
and ex Governor Fcnton to Russia.
Thoy bavo neither home nor country
in Now York since they entered tho
Stat Convention to battle for tho ad
ministration against Conkling, and the
President shouldn't leavo hli wounded
behind him. As there aro none of the
heroes of the Loaisiana electoral frauds
unprovided lor, the administration can
now look after the wounded in Now
Drt Up. The nowspaper .vagrant
who presides over one-fourth of the
New York Citizen is wondorfully con
cerned about soms ol the votes cast by
Dr. Bonnott last Winter. As the Doc
tor is not a candidate at this timo, we
doom it unnecessary to reply to tho
skipper of the ona-fourth sheet, who,
like tha toad in tbe fable, wben he saw
the ox, "busted" while trying to swell
up the size of tho noble animal.
Rataer Severe. A colcmporary
suggests that Sonator Conkling and
Henry Ward Beecber ahould go to
Ohio and give "Calico" Foster a boost
It ia best often to travel in pairs. Both
those gentlemen bavo no doubt found
this to u the case. Conkling especial
ly oonld make another of the greatest
efforts of bia life in the Buckeye Stat,
providing that none show bim the
muzzle of Bhot-gnj).
beotlon S. Tbe duty of tha Eieeutlve Commit,
tea, in conjunction with tha other officers of tbe
Association, shall be to select ft plane and to ar
range for an annual renmon of all tbe members
of the Association not later than Beplember of
each year.
Article 4 Section 1. Afl persona who are ed
Itore, publishers, compositors, preastnen, or in any
way oonneeted with the fraternity of printers
wnbin tha territory above named, can become
membere of this Association upon the peymentof
an annua) fee of Slty cento.
Arlioln 6 tieetlon 1. Tbe Constitution may be
altered or amended at any regular annual meet
ing by a two-tbirda vote of the membere present
The Committco on Permanent Offi
cers then reported tbe following :
President, John H Bowman, Everett Trsee
First Vice President, II. U. Dern,Altoone Trainee,.
Hecond Vioo Preoideot. tfeoree B. Uoodlender
Clearfield KnrnaLiran i Secretsry, John M. f'ary,
Alloona Trikum t Treainrer, Prank Willouihov.
llnntingdou JVrwe Kieculive Cummittro. Jamce
P. Miekel, Bedtord Ueselte; Jamee II. Irwin,
Alloona radical I II. A. Morike, uembrta vev
man ; R. U. Poriter, Brlleloale Centre Jsstorrai ;
J. W. bcett, Osceola ffeeeitie Al Tvhorat, Hunt
int don Ulob ; J. B. baneom, Indiana Dtmotrat ;
John W. Hpeddy, Port Royel Tiwee ; Oeo rlbrom,
Newport sveoycr K. Conrad, MoVeytown Joamat
Tho report of the Committee was
read and adopted, and Mr, J'ury do.
dined the nomination for Socrelary,
1 be resignation was accepted, and Mr.
W. K. Buckingham, of tho Alloona
vail, was selected to till tho vacancy,
Tbe Committee on Resolutions re
ported tho lollowing, which wero
adopted as tbe sense of the Association
A.eoiW, Thai the Ibaoka of tbo Association
are due to tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
for tbe generous oonrtesy tbey bavo catended to
ns on Ibis oceaaion i for ibeearellentaccommoda-
tlons, and for the care and aitentloa they btvo
given to nor fouiiort and enjoyment, tbie com
pany ia deserving of our highest preiscand gratitude.
rVeeereel, That eopeeially la our grelitole die
to (ienerei Superintendent Piic,b i boperlntenden
or Motive Power nod Muchlnery, 1 hoodore N.
81 vi Superintendent of Transportation. H,m
John Heileyi Division Puperiniendenla Robert
flteaira, M. M. rrevoat, . s. rllair and P. r
Nmitb, and to Chief Clerk Tbemaa J. Maltland
of Altoona, for tbair efforts toward making this
annual reunion Ibe grand snscese it ia. Tbey ale
taithtui and emetont emoera end gentlemen, and
no honor to tho enmpeny.
Arsoera, That tha thanks of tho Aisociatton
are also due to Ueorae P. Uace. Sunerlntendent
of Ibe Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, for
similar favors enumerated above. He la worthy
of all praiee np being Ibe fight man tn tba right
rYeselevrf, That wa duly appreciate and will
hold In gratefal remombraaoa tbo hospitable re
oenllon eiteoded to us by B. J. Unger. Huperin
tendent of tbe Mountain House, nnd tbe freedom
of tba beautiful and eatensive grounds which
were given to us baa aided to make our rcanion
one ot uoueual enjoyment.
President Bowman then announoed
that, an all tbe business of tbo Assoc!
ation bad been transacted, be would
tntroduco to the audience Prof. A. L.
Guss, of Huntingdon, who would do
liver an historical address on the sub
jret of journalism in the valley of the
Juniata. ItwouldbeunfairtoMr.Gass
to give any portion of bis address at
this time, as bo had scarcely got started
wben the excursion from hbennburg,
accompanied by tho band, returned
and in the confusion and noise oonse
qncnl upon their arrival, the Professor
withdrew trom the platform. The ad
dross will, no doubt, soon be published
in full, ana a vast amount of most in
torcsling know led ire will thus be given
to tbe pooplo. With regard to the
matter, the following resolution! woro
afterward passed :
ItSBUAS, It ll of tha highest Importance tn
jnarnallem In Central rennoylvenlu that tha hlt
terr of the nreaa of the Junieln Valley Printers'
Aoeoetaleea, as prepared ta bn road by rrefessor
A. 1.. Ones, an this (the MS) day or September,
'87a, at Cresson, Cemhrlft eonnty, be presorrad
in noon form T inereioro oe it
IfreeW. That Profeenat A. ft. Ones be roqnret
eel tn give to tho respective n-wspaper affloes
wilhln tho limits of tha Aesoclatlon each vena
script no ratutae to uach ameo, wlih the reooeot
mm it no oorroeeea nnn proparen lor ntnnilention.
rteeefeeat. That each oJltor be requested to far.
nlsh tha Professor with cuh deln ns will enable
hint te add n brief blagrephieet ebeteh of each
nnd every aditnr ooojweolod with law press wlthla
tue limns at ue Asoootaiton, an taut a or let nor
aooui Btsury oi anew oauor may no preaerv
with tbe history of tha respective newsrapera.
sVaseleeat, Thai nil od lure wboohooaa te do an
ay add their own personal piclora, nnd p)i
Tbecolorod people of our sister Con
nionwcullu, Maryland, seem to bave
awakened to tbe fact that they have
been used lor the purposes of liudtcal
rupublicutiisin about al long as they
can afford to stand it. At an enthusi
astic und largely attended mass meet
ing held recently at Ingham Hull, Bul
tiinoro, presided over by Mr. Walter
Sowed, a memorial and resolutions
were adopted which forcibly illustrate
tue past enslavement ol the colored
people to tho rump of Radicalism, as it
exists in that State. Thoy set forth :
Thut tbo color line in politics bus
boon used dining the past 15 years to
fix and fasten the colored voters to tho
Republican party and no benefits bad
resulted to thorn whatever from it ex
cept being the useful parts of their
political machine. Ut tho 17,(100 re
publican voters m liallimoro 10,000
wero colored. There aro 800 office
holders, of which 10 are colored. Tho
Republican party in Maryland has
scarcely recognized its colored mem
bers, while tbo Democralio parly has
done all in its power to advnnco tbeir
interests, affording their children ed
ucational advantages and recognizing
tbo educational qualifications of colored
teachers by placing them in tho color
ed schools."
In view of this sweeping defection
from their ranks it is not surprising
that tho Fedorul office-holders com
prising the Radical party of Murylnnd
should hesilato and debate tho feasi
bility of nominating a State ticket.
With two thirds ot their voting force
in tho city ol Baltimore alone, negroes,
and this clement preparing to bolt in a
body, it must bo admitted that tho
out-look for Radical republicanism
down thero is hy no means nattering
Of course, all tbis is gratifying to well,
meaning and patriotic people, especial
ly as it develops tho political truism
that tbe moment tbe negro attuins
sufficient intelligence to lully compre
hend tho principles and duties of self-
government, ho necessarily becomes
a Democrat. ISetejonte nateHman,
X public sale or outcry, on
nt lo'elock P. M., tha Academy Lots, tituala in
tbe borough of Clearfleld.
Tanua. One-fourth cash in hand, and the bal
ance In three eiual annual paymeots, to be se
cured bv bond and mortgage on the premises.
By order of tbe Board ol School biroetore-
II. L. HKKU, president.
WM. R. BROWN, Secretary.
ClrarSeld. Pa., Sept. 17, 1S7 4t.
IITOIl NOTirK.Voliofl 1, here
by given th-t Lett-re TeiUmeoUrf ab tbe
eeialt ot JOHN bCifKl RICH, Ut of lira J 7
tut nib ip, Clrfijli C'lDiitjr, Pjnn'( deoeimtctl,
barii.g been duly granted lo (he uoderiiKnetl, ell
(irriuiii inrjobtfd to uij eatt will pleiae tutke
iiittitvdl.te payment, tad tboee h.T.Dg el hi mi or
demand, ag.iott the taine will fjreot them
properly .authenticated for frttlcinmt without
dclaj. iVKWIS Hl'lHK'H,
TroutTilK Pa,, Aug. 13, 1H79 8l
TO 11 Hotl.D AT
Every Word Trhi. This i whut
Daniol O. Barr, tho Democratic candi
date fur Stato Troanurcr, nayi in ft let
tor to tho LantuBter JnUltigrncer, and
e boj.o ovory Democrat in Clearfleld
cmuity will tako his words to heart
and try to carry them into practice ;
"It ia a buAinettt proposition that tho
proRa wilt be etloctivo, capable and in.
flucntinl, juia in proportion an it in lib
erally and juMly BUHtuiiied. Without
its active co operation, our political or
ganization would lose ita efficiency,
discipline and courage under defeat. As
wo have had eomotbing moro than our
ah aro of del eat a in 1'ennfiylvanin, tho
duty ol facing reverses with manliness
and determination has boon the touch
stone of fidelity to tbe party, and in
doing this, and in encouraging tho
Democracy to renewed exertions fur
tho can no, the Democralio press has
rendered its most conspicuous service.
Krpeoially in view of the great buttle
of next year should tho aolivo Demo
crats o( ovory county of the Htalo set
about the practical and important work
of getting a Democrutio journal into
every Democralio household of tbo
Commonwealth, as well as into tho
households of as many of our Republican
and National friends as they can ao
compl.Mh. It is the best mode of elec
tioneering, as it elevates all efforts in
that line to tho plane of reasoning and
Batiikr Hom antic A contempora
ry remarks: Captain Lewis Lawshe,
a scboolmato and playfellow of ex-Senator
Si mon Cameron and Colonel J antes
Cameron, died in Han Marco. Texas,
on tho8tb, at the ripe age of 90 years,
lio was born and raised in Lewisburg,
in this Htate, was a soldier in the war
of 1812, served under General Patter
son in the Florida Indian war, fought
with tho South in the early days of the
rebellion. While on the battle-field of
Manassas he saw, rccoKnlaed and abed
tears over the dead body of Colonel
Cameron. Captain Lawshe was one
of tho oldest Masons in the country,
having boen a member of the ordor for
sixty five years.
A Royal MaxTifin. The Russia
Caar and the Uerman Emperor wero
as friendly and afToctlonate at thoir
meeting, on the (Hb, as 11 they bad
nevor bad a difference In the world,
and wore entirely unaware of the
strenuous efforts which thoir respective
prime minisiors are at the present
time indulging in to bring about a con
flict botwoen the two countries. Many
sre tho anomalies in tho world of roy
alty. ThooldostofTicorin Iho French army
is an AlsacianUenoral named Schramm.
11 o is ninety Ave years of ago and has
worn the epaulettes of a General for
sixty-six years, lie was first uiado
a General on account of bra very on
tl.e field of Jyoipcig under the f irnt
Tue.MUy, WeancMUy, Thurtday A Frldsy,
October 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1879. .
psiudbkt-jobn eiimi.
BtcesTAMT Al. U Now.
Da Tie. I, ac Calowbll, Natbahibl Hibsbl
Bnn Lbindkb UBamati.
Pivmlly TiekeU ( M tl (is
ninile da.tuion Ttokete H 25
L lii Urea anuer ten TMreold whan atMon-
pa Died by parent or ffnaHiaD, free, and
Hnder inat ene sot ailmilteil mnWm accom
panied ljr tbeir fterante or guardian
Kferj perion wtlbiof to be carolled ae a mem
ber of tha 8 octet t, nnoD tha d arm ant of one dol
lar to tbe Treainrer. will reeciva a eert.6ca.te of
memberrhlp eootainitifj the namo of tba appli
cant. Kerry penon to enrolled aa a member. Khali.
on the prcicntation o euch certificate, receive a
ticket which will limit bimieir. wife, and chil
dren under eighteen years of age, during; tha 'air.
una member, ui we coclety will reoeiTt a eimilar
All peraoni must he nroTtded with tleletmirn
rd by cilber tba Preiident or Chairman of tbo
If i to libra Committee, to obtain atlmiuioa. The
will be fnrninheU hy tha Treuurer or Secretary,
or at tba office on the ground. Perioni actinr at
j'idgea ere ei pee ted to become member of the
Society. Peraxioi from ai her oonntla. oae beoomo
membere by eomplyina with above rulei. Lad
ean become member, by tho payment of Bfty
Kibibitore wxxtri have their atnimali an, artl
ol entered oa ibe Heoretary'i boot, on, or be for
the leeodtl day of the Pair, at IS o'clock, and all
animal and article. eiciit her for nlar
and for th trotting premium, unit b brought
within th neloaur a early a It o'clock oa
Wednetday morning . All Deriooi enter In ant
mala and article, for exhibition nail earda
from the Hecreiary with tba a urn bar uil elae
upon it, attach th me to th animal or article
pre ioui to being placed upon th ground. Hay
ana riraw win o lurmmca gram lor antmeli en
tered for pretniami, aad grain will ba furaiihcd
at eon for tbo wbo dealro to narchaaa.
No hort .hall t entered or allowed a premium
unlet h Ii fre Trom dlieiaa. Horace will b re
ceived until boob on Thar id ay, hat wait have
ben entered prarlouily. All pr ne wbo intend
to etbibit horaei, cattle, ihrep or iwine. or wbo
intend to offer Mock for ) on th ground, ar
roqueuea to onntr in Hecre-ary or euch in (ta
ttoo on, ar before tbo tiitb day of Oetobcr. and
leave with him a list and full deierlpttoB of th
lb number and sla, and th number tn the
ola, with th name of the artiel will appear on
th card attached, but tha name of th etbibitor
wll not appear.
frftnluuia and Dinlumaa Will b Dald on and
afier th flra Monday aiur tha Pair, and njttl
tb flrat day Ib D-wmber, I87S, after which all
moneyed premiama analeimed will be eon id red
ae a donation to tha Society. Tha officer of tha
Hociely and membere of tha Commit. of Ar-
run (tine nt maat wear a badg designating lhir
office. A Mleot polic fore will be in oonatant
attendance) for th praaarration.of arder and tha
iruircuim oi properiy.
The Trotting Conn ta levol, well (reded and
one-oair "i a mm ta eiranit. Ample arrange
mania will ba made for th eoavoaUnct and com
fort of via itore.
Iniirnotioni to Judge No animal or article
on exhibition tor a premium to receive an award
la more than one olaia. Tbia do not em brace
norn-e at'trred lortti trottinc nrrmiuma. Jutltrea
ar prMly required not lo award premiama to
over-ted animal. No premiume ar to be award
ad to bulla, eowa or b II are, which shall appaar
w wvn leiien-a, oaiy ib um eiaei of rat oat-
u tb eb ct or tb .Society being te bava
parlor an I in a In of tbia dcri niton for br1in.
Pat Cat lie The jadfti on fat Mitt will rive
particular attention to tb animate lubmltted for
lamination. It ia believed all other thin ba.
ing ual, th beet cattle have tbe f rataet weight
veribo email it a(rftoe. Th Judge will
rrqaira all uti elaiato be weighed, aad will taha
maaanrec to give th euperflc of aach and pub
lian tha re to It with tha report. They will elao.
hofor awarding any arvmiama roqulr th man
ner and roat of feeding, ai repaired by tb regu-
aiiona 01 ine p rem. at net-
If there ta but oae eihibttor. aod h ma an
aeveral cattle ia ona alua,prmlama nil) ba award
ad In accord oe with lb merit of th animal
Ibe ruperiatndnt will lake every brcoBBfina
In bia power fr th lafety of a took and r tic lee
n eiLsitmio, atier toeir arrival and arrant-
mem on tbe ground, bat tba Society will not be
rponalt a lor any loaa or damace that mat
car. Kihihltori will be required to nt nareonal
attention t tb animate and arliolee, and at tb
lot ol tb fair to attend ta tbeir removal,
Any artieleoo! enumerated in the claim plao
d on ibibitloB, If worthy of noli, will b eu It
aly reward.
All ib article may h entered fre ef charge,
xoepi no rat mr pieaaura, ar iwr tb trotting
Any information d.lrd can ba obtain! by
uareering anyai in BOre,
VUm 4 Thoroughbred horse.
to all
Ileal ataltfon, anv breed 0,1
hre..nd heat r - "
Heat uiaraaud volt 1 "
Climb Family, draught farm Honrs.
Ileal alngl family bora I- "it
Itrtt n airbed carriego bora - W
lint gelding or mere for work 4 u
Th llnbilor will Ii required lo produae a
lUUuieot ft ori at (Veal three rapeuaibl Ueili
working qualiilea, ol draught horeoi, lo
entitle biin lo pr.uiiuuis In thii olai.
.Wat J year old oolt H Bft
licit colt under 1 yeara 0,1
Beat 3-je.r oi l oolt 4 0U
VUm 0- Trotting horses owned in county.
Heat time, 3 In 6. In itnglr barneaa, pura..$!Ud ut)
1-irit horae ST 6 tiu. H-oood bun Xj l'
Kn trance fee, 10 per ent, of pune, and at leaat
erven en trie luu.t be made, and lit liorwia atart.
Tb nirano muat accompany lb nomination.
Horaea that win In thia claaa eannot compete In
olan 7.
VUiss 7 Trotting horses owned and
raited in county.
licit t in S. in barnH. turw
Pint bora f 00
Second bora 1&
Third bora 1 00
Kntrano f, 1 1 per cent, of purse, aod at lait
ilx etstnea muat bo mad and four horica to atari.
Eutrano fee muat aooompany nomination.
CUtss 8 Trotting alts, not over four
' years , oirnfti lr county.
Heat S in S, In barneaa, pune... 1.10 00
Kiruhorae I. 00
Keonnd bur.-. 10
Third bono t I"1
Entrance, 10 iter cent, cf pura, nnd at lea at lv
cntnei muat be mad aud four horaei lo alarU
Katraoce lis mual accompany nomination.
ClitssM Shcrp and Wool.
Beat buck U on
Heitew 00
Heat la ui I. 1 00
Beat lleee wouL 1 " I
Class 0 Swine.
Daatboar fl 00. BeoonJ beat 1 00
Heat anw and piga - 1 00 j
Ileal pig under 6 inontha old . 3 HO '
Class 11 Poultry.
Daat eoop fl aprlng cbickena $1 00
Heil dicplay of cliickeni, not leu than 12... 1 00
Ileal 3 turkoyi under one year 1 00
Class 12 Plows, rollers, drills, harrows
and cultivators.
neat plow fur atnhhlaa or award.. 92 00
Ileal aub aoil plow 1 00
Bull clod-eruaher aod roller combined 2 Oil
Heat grain drill 1 Oil
licet threahing machin Oil
Heat corn planter ''ip
lint horec-rak 0l
nat bay-pitching machin
Heat original Invention of ag'l iinplttnent. . 5 00
Heat barrow 1 00
Heat fanning mill . t 00
lieatrultiva or 1 00
licit corn ibellcr 1 CO
All art lcti lo thii elaea not manufactured in
the eounly, will be awarded no moneyed premi
um!, but may riceive a diplouatev.
Class 13 Miscellaneous Farming Im
plement s.
Ileit boa hire 4 "
Heat grain cradle- - 1 DO
Iit lot of garden toola 1 00
licit diap'ay of farming uioalla owned by
xbitsitor & CO
Tbia claaa aubjeot to th rule in Clan lit.
Class 14 Cereal Grains,
Kelt I ara of winter wheat... - $10 00
Heat I of wioltr wheat H S 01)
Boat 1 acre of rye . fl CO
Beat buabel of rve 1 00
Beat S aoreeofoala . 4 0'
Beat 3 acrea buckwheat 6 i0
Heal 3 acroa of corn 9 00
Beat 1 acr of clover aeed 4 L0
Heat I buahel of potatoea 1 00
Beat i boabel of timothy eeod, 1 00
Crop! being equal, preference will be given to
tnoa that yield ine lateen net prunt. bUuemenl
to be furoiabed by the exhibitor. They muat be
m aiured or weighed, and a aampl furoiahtd at
tii rair. Applioanta !or premium! muit furniab
tb atnniitte with a it ale meet aigned by tbein-
aclve. under l I'd ire of veracity, of the qualify of
grain raiaea 00 me grruna a&terea lor a prelum
and nuil a tat aa correctly at b ean tti kind
and condition of tb previous erupa, th kind
and quantity of aeed aown, and Itio tim and
mode of putting it to tb ground. Prraona outer- j
in -eld erupa lur ibibilion, or intending to dj
10, may giv notice to th Kxeculiv Ouiuinitle j
al any time, and hara tb Deld meaeared and ex- '
a mined by the otninitt while growing. j
Class 5Firead and Cereal Food, j
Beat loaf of wheat hrad $ 0
Beat loaf of rye bread f
Heat leaf of corn bread . i0
itet apnnge cake l)iu.
Beat Jelly oak Dip.
Bt pound eak . H Dip.
Beat trait cake Dip.
Heat uffc eak Dip.
Beat lady oak Dip.
Beat eak of any kind . 60
Beat prarVM - ., if
Bait Jelly- 60
Deal diiplay of preaerra nnd Jelly 1 00
Btat lo cream t0
Class 16 Jiutter and Cheese.
Beit 10 pound! or mure of Brkin batter, at
leeat montba old 12 00
Deit I ponnda or mora of batter 1 80
Beat ohaer mad by etbibitor 3 00
The exhibitor to five a ilaUtnant of the man-
nor of preparing the flrkin butter, an i of making
th ebet-ae.
Class 17 Flour.
Heat 100 ponnda wheat flour 00
Deat 100 pound! buckwheat ll ur I 00
Heat SO poundi corn meal bit
Beat ftO ponnda ry flour.... - 10
Class 18 Domestic Articles.
...M 00
.. 1 00
.. 1 ou
. I 00
.. t 00
... t 00
.. o
.. 4
.. 3 uo
... 1 oo
.. 1 00
.. 60
..13 00
. l 00
.. 60
t 00
.. 1 00
.. 60
.. I 00
1 00
t 00
, 1 00
1 00
Pri:mii;m I.imt.
Class 1 Open to all breeds and com
petit ors.
Beat ball earned hi oennty H J$S ,1
8oond bt 14 l Third treat 1 00
iicateow owned in aoaaly..., I
Beeood bait , ,., 4 of
Class, a Grade cattle owned in county.
Beit cow for milk and butter g oe
Peat Hirer, year eld fl
licit heifer, I yeara ld fl M
rtMhifr, I year W...ww. I to
Deal call nndw e aaoath ld.,,.MH.H,HH I II
Class 3 Kit cattU.
Bert fat Wlltvk, row or heifer- $6 fl
Heat hoi, or Jar of honey .....fll 00
Heat peachee pat up air-tight.... 61)
Bat tomatooa put up air-tight , 60
Heat blackberries air tight 60
Beat fancy Jar of pieklea 60
Heal eared ham 60
Brit dried beef, with mod of caring 60
Class 19 Domestic Manufactures.
Beat 10 yarda of flannel 00
Beat 10 yarda of aatinet 1 00
Beat 16 yanli woolen carpet , fl 00
Beat 10 yarda olntb I M
Beet 10 yard rag earpat (woolen hain).H fl 06
Beat pair blanket , 1 00
Beat wool fringed mill! 60
Beat woolen aorerlet I 00
Beat aparimen of kaoutng, knitting or
needle work by Mtie ander 11 year old- 1 00
Beat pound atocklng yarn- 61)
Beat fot mat 60
Beat tidy mat...... 60
Class 2Q$cedle. shell, vaxwork, etc.
fteat pumpkin J"
Beat egg plant u
It enuelh abnwn alhrgfiablra bv been
raiaed by tb exhibitor.
Class Curriers, Saddlers and Shot-makers.
Ural dl't'Uy of boola and aboel
Heat riding aa-ldle lor lady
li-at ridiLg bridle and uiartiotfal...
Meat 1 Ida Itniabed hriiaa leather...
Heat ilrigh r b luade by exhibitor..
beat oarrlagt, barncM ,
Beat lingl lianmaa
Beat aldu kip leather
Beat aid aula U ether
Beat tug barn
Brat getallrwan aaddl
Heat traveling trunk
Ural calf'klu
Beat aid u 11 per loathir
Class 30 Tailors d-Upholsterers' work.
Beat iuit of oliilhaa mad by hand tl 00
Beat paiila and vo.t wade by a lady I s0
Beat huak niattrcai 1 00
Beat Itraw mail real 1
Boat ooat made by a lady I 00
CrVfjw 111 Printing in County.
Beat newapaptf '. M Of
Best blank "
Beat handbill u 60
Blerd 6,1
Pent apaelmenuf ornamental printing - 3 0
Class 32 Stoneware.
Beat aaaorluiout and quality
Class 33 Wood and Stone.
Beat droned atone
Beat butler bowl
Beat turned article
Beat floor board, worked
Beat waahing machine
Beat waalher board, worked
Class Si-$atural Minerals,
BceteuU of naclul mineral! of Clearfleld
County, Including coal M 0(1 potter clay
Hi 1 liuicitono , I Oil
Beit Are riay - 0
( 35 Fruit
Seat diiplay nnd grea'eet variety of grafted
Btat puck ol' bean a
Beat pevk of quinct-i
Beat buahel apfll
Beat 10 pound! American Krape
Btat 6 puundi natural graei
Bat douietle grape Wiuc ;.. ..
Beat currant win
Beat b ackborry wine;
To b tli property of tbo 8city.
Class ZGIurxemanship.
To Hie lady wbo tuanag,! liir hurt teat
and att moat ffracefully
To tb gentleman wbo manage bia bora
beit and lit moat gracelully.
But driving un track by a lady
Ili-at bra band
Beat baud of martial uualu lip
Class 37 Nurseries.
Beat tiurnery containing lbegraleat variety
ol'fruila and abruba, cultivated In the
tnoit approwd manner, tbe anplicanta to
furniab written dcacrlptiun, with variety
and mod of culture 13 00
Diaorellonary premium! will b awarded for all
artiolea of merit not embraced In lb abur, aud
exhibited by mcchainoa iu all th varioua
branchaa, and ll 1 b'ped that a general exbibt
Hon will be made. For all imiiroveiuenta netul
tn tb farmer, end Laving valuahle propertiee,
although not biade to tbe county, premium may
be awarded by the Uxecutive Ci.wuiitle. In all
caaea of mrnt diplotnee will be awarded to . ex
hibitor raiding out of lb county, and euch
ptraona nre ourdially Invited to tieud th Fair,
and exhibit any arliolee tbey may cbuoao. Tbey
will receive every attention, at tb band of tbo
An aarncat appeal ta toad to our people to
inke tbia tb bt at Pair ever held in tb county.
A glanco at tb I'r-mium Lilt, aa publiohed above,
will ihow tbat thia Pair ii atriclly for Ihe benefit
of th lamore of Clearfleld oouoty, and It ii
hoped tbat they wilt give ui their b warty co
operation. Fortune dieiroua uf renting atalli, or getting
tba privilege of the ground, fur refreshment
atanla, ic., will addrvaa or call umn Iibm M.
titage, Clearfield, Fa.
Any inquirief addreaad to tha B-cretry will
rriv a prompt reply. JOHN bMlTIl,
Ah, M. HOW, Hecretnry. Frcaidtnl.
Clearfleld, 1', Hept. 17, 1879 3.
SherifTs Sale
By virtue of write of Vomditioni Espaw iaiued
out of th Court of Common Flea of Clear
field county, nnd to m directed, tber will
be xpoed to public aala, at tb Court Uuuee,
in tbe borough of Clearfield, on
vVediifaday, ffept. Sltli, IH7.
At I u'olock, P. M , the following dctcribed real
tdate, ta wit:
All tboie certain tracta of land, fitua' In llua
ton town ah ip, Clenrneld county, Fcnneylrania,
houndod and deioribed aa follow, vti t One lot
beginning at tbe nnrtheaat corner of lot No. 1.1
n tba plan of Fen field, in aaid towmhip, deeded
te L. Bird, May 8th, 1873 ; tjienc eouth 63 da
great weat IliA fot to a poit, aouth M degrooa
t 300 feet to a poit, aouth 63 degree weit 4V6
0-10 fact to corner (f land dreded to tl. A. Worth ;
then re north 18 degree weat 300 fret te a poit,
north 63 degree f aat ISO feet to port, north it
degree went 0i perchei lo a poet, north 63 de
grade at 41 fl-10 percbea to a poit, aouth IS de
gree att 70i percbea to a poat f tbenc south 63
dvgre weat 43 ft, lootk 38 degreei aaat 30U
feet to north line of Woodward street t thenc
aouth 63 degrees weat V4 fret to corner of land
deeded tn L. Bird October, I87fl ( thenc north 68
degree! weit 86 feet to north corner of the aame ;
tbeaee south 3f degree eait 81 feet to line of
Woodward atreet i thence tonlh 53 drgrrea weat
40 feet and north 39 degrees weat 21.0 loot lo the
place of beginning, containing 31 acres, tnor or
let a, uemg iota hutuberea 11, 12 ami l4,on tb
plan of Ptnfield, upon which are areeted two
frame dwelling!, three frame barn, one log dwell
ing, end outhouita (all under cultivation and well
improved generally, reserving one lot, 00 by 160
fiet, sold to Andrew Handing 1,
A 10, on equal undivided half In tercet in the
following I'd, bounded aouth ty Woodward atrecL
weat by land deeded to Kpackman and behwetn,
north and eaet by other landa of said Woodward.
having n front of 30 fet on Woodward ureat.
deplb or HU I ret, containing blf
39rur dvrrttormcnts.
property, however, excepting and reaervlng tbra
from t Firal, on lot on aouth aide of Woodward
aireet, adloinipg lnd f I? H, H-wlU, herrUJj..
deeiiei 10 in rennaia m. n 1 nurch, bavin r a
trout en Woodward Ureal of 108 leet, and drptk
of IU4 feet, being lot Nn. 37 on th plau of n.
ia. neoiton. neginniof in ine wail libs at
Clrarflald atreet at Ibe loutheaat eorner or l..i
df le I lo It C. Vraeland,iben aouth 63 daereei
auat I j0 lui't to a lot deeded to Oeorge C. Hiukar
t Ik 11 re aoutH grt degree! ait 174 leet ) thenc
imth 7.7 degraea waai it leet, anb 18 dgt,u
neat 3od fact 10 corner Frerbytrrian par-onar
lot: thenc aouth 63 dcgra weat 3:iV fuel, am in
!!H degree, weat 374 fuel to the aouth line o
Woodward alreet; tbenee north 63 deereea a.n
along Woodward itreet lln3 a. id two lea tha (,
toeaatera ooruvr of lot deeded In H'il McKay
Juue 4U, 1874 ; th.oa snutti a deitreea aat
feel to n tkn tltano mu(ii0J dea-reo! weit 6.0
Slid fuur teii'ba feet to tba weat line of ClcarOald
atreet t tlieno auuth an 4gree t 14 feel to
I laoe of bogtoniiig, being luta No, .12, .1.1,31,36,
.l.6,H7.:iH,;n', 41.W, .'.ft, Tand ;.ft, on the plan or
I'oiifield. Third, bvgiuoiug at the iutlir.t e.r
liar ut lot No. !! oa tUuplmi of Pun flu Id, deeded to
L. Bird, Iheno aouth 63 drtireee weat 741 aud
ei;bt-teiitha feetu. th aautli weat corner of land of
0, A. Worth) theoo north HH degreei wait loo
feat, north i3 degieea eait L'40 feel, north S8 da
gruca wat "0i percbea, Berth 60 degreei eait 4)
and aix-tntl.i perehee, aouth degreei ait!0
parobea, north 62 degree eat 827 and four tentha
tact, south degraea eaat lot feat to tbe north tin
uf Woo iward atreet j theno aouth 63 degrees weit
bVt tec 1 to the place of beginning, being lut Ha.
10, II, 13, M, 14, Ib, 16, and IT, ou Ibeplaaof
I'e title id. Fourth, on lot l'd off and 1 id aa a
vtuetny. Fifth, on lot north of Wm.tward
iltttt, mlj loitig land of Frederick i-ikfleld, bar
inK a front of 10V leet oa Woodward atret, and a
depth of 200 feet, being hit No. I on th plan of
Ftn Held. KiXlb, one lot I2III2II0 feet, near th
railroad, deeded to Q. A. Worth. Th laid de
trribed tract of laud containing, bcaidn aatd ra
frrvationa,.1i48a(irea,ni(.rorlcia, upon which ax id
lit 1 in and piemiiaa iaarectti J a frame building used
aa a carpenter akop, and baviog thereou an
orrtiardand about one hundred acr. of laad being
rleared. Thia aale being subject lo th contract
dnted th 11th day of November, iNJlf, bet ween
lliratn Woodward and Won Fnilijt and olherr,
raeurded In wiaceltantuua iJeeket page 78,
eto., and under which contract varl'tna tot Bava
on ti ao d, upon which balaocei ol purehaie money
are aue, ae lyimw j
Ut No. 3. H B IVanol, balane nSoat.e.fllOll DO
Lot No. V, ri. F-Jxhna, balance about 120 00
1,'it No. IM, C. II. Coryell, balaacti about - tMt UO
Ut No. II, A. H. Wit ton, balance about. 218 HO
Lot No. 20 A HI, J. . Hitober, bat. about. 8.0 DO
Lot No. 4i, IJ. F. Towna, balance about ... 37i U
Lot No. bit, Lewia Hioka, balance about.... 41M U
Lot No. 6;i, U. IShonalter, balance about.- 4"U UO
Lot No 6t, A. J. Ilerab, baUuo about-.,, lUO ul
Lot N-j. 81, Win. Lonig, balaaoc about. 3fi0 Oil
Lut No 6b, J Mi Kernan, balance about.,, 340 l0
LutNo.oi, H W. Chamben, bal. about... Jfii Oa
Lot No. ft, C A- Hollo, balance about. - lM 00
Two acn.-a, James Whit, balance about ... II U 00
Aad the following lota weraaold tber under aud
the pure hiiae money fully paid :
Lot No. fl, J A. Paranl , ..t No. 4. William 0.
Thuua ; lota No. 6 and itf, K. C. Freelandj lot
No.8,Uavid Miller; lota No. 47 and 48, N. A. K.
Luiwj loi.N.i. 4V.L. Bird lot No. 3i, T. W. Letti ;
lot No. 02, J.U. Libbyi lotNtf.o:!, Feter U. oui
nard j lot No. Vi, two aerei te O, Hodge.
, 60
. 60
, 60
a 60
. 6Q
11 00
. 1 00
Beat apaelmen of needle work
Beat afccimtn of aewiag on machine
Beat apeclmen af flowaia In w orated
Beat 1 pec i men of mbroldry in worsted..
Beat apecimen of em broidery In Ine
Beit apecimen of leather work
Beat apecimen of wai flowers- ,
Heil apecimen of feather work
Beat 1 pec i men ol ornamental work
Boat ahirt mad by Miaa under 13 yean..
Beat bed quilt, ci tin ted for work
Class 21 Millinery and Dressmaking.
Beat millinery work tl 00
Beit dressmaking H, 1 00
Class 22 Artistic Work,
Best photograph taken en th groand Din.
Beit landscape painting Dip.
Dcai pen drawing uip.
Best architectural drawing Dip.
Beat oil painting Itp.
Best portrait painting Dip
Beet aattla painting Dip.
Beat painting in water aolora Dip.
Beat ornamental painting of any kind Hip.
Beat farming seen...,, , Dip
Class 23 Design
Beat dign for farm hn and etahl...fl8 10
Best oeaign for dairy bona. .., , tl)
Beat dcatgo for frnit hons...H H 1
Class 24 Metallic Fabrics and Mac'ry.
Beit cooking stoving...., , , .11 00
Best parlor ator 1 0
Heat apecimen of Iron fono .,. I 60
Beit lot of tinware 1 00
Beat epecim of iron tnrning 1 00
If eat plat oaating 1
Belt original invention in Ihe county H fl 00
tieet display at Amtrican table and pookt
fc mUwj .. t 00
liat dlaplay or edge tool!., H..H 1 qq
Beat apecimen of gu nam, thing , 00
Class 25 Vehicles of all kinds.
Beat family tarrisg 00
Beat buggy m . .0
Beat farm wagon t 00
Beat iktgh m ......,........,... I 00
Btit lambar alod .,.., 1 00
Beat bora sari M, 1 00
Beat wbaclbarrow M 1 00
Th tormims tn this claaa are Intended on I
for arttel m an d factored In tba oouaty by th
esuiouur. vipioma may no awarded lo articles
not made in tha county, If deaerving of a otic.
Thia ml alio applies to Clans 3tt and 80,
Ctass 2QCabinetwarc made in County.
Beat drasalng bnraan,,,,., , $$ qo
oei iinaioB labia
Beat variety f ahatra... 1 tR
Deatbedataad w. 1 00
reel Waabauad , &o
Beat aetof parlor fnrnilar .. , 4 90
oeti ai 01 enair ,
-... I Of
Beit eeatr Ubla..MM. , 1 it
DMtleanga M i aa
neat onoe halr...A. ., .,w (0
Boat matt ahatr ,. $q
0ass 27 Coopering, Carpentering, tfc.
Bt pi newer tuba, itaads, Ac $3 00
uei ei 01 grain meaaarei
Beat window klinda. .., vO
Drt tot l bucket ,,, 60
Bat spacimen ef aaak.....,.......M 00
Beet panel dor ,,... no
Bert pHnp ef any btna. I 00
Class 28 Roots and Vegetables.
Beat 1 hash! rwtabagaa 41
Kt I boa be) anrrote 1 a
Brt tl ruiks of try M. 60
Bt half waahol iwcl otaloaMM.M..n 1 CQ
Beat I bar.b! fcahl keti o
Bit fl hoadscahbaga...,. ... i9
variety f meloaa .,, tA
i 94nabl v
aad a
aero, more or I, being lot No. 10 on th plan of
Pen field, upon which 1 erected on two-storv
fram botal and outbaildinga.
Alio, on equal undivided half Intercut in the
following lot, bounded on th north by Woodward
1 treat, wnat by Und deeded to O. II. Ceryell, aouth
nnd weat by other land of said Wejodward, hav
ing n trout of 140 fact on Woodward llroet, and
a depth of 1W4 feet, containing one-third of an
acre, mora or lea, nnd being th wetter 1 part of
lot No. 37 on th plan of Fau field, upon wbieh ts
erected n frame barn.
Alio, one other lot bounded and deacribed as
follows, to wit : Beginning at a poat, tha corner
of Woodward street end Clearfleld atreet; thenc
north 63 degrees cnat along Woodward street II
feet to othrr lende of aaid Woodward; thence
south 641 degrees aat lit feet to corner of other
land of anid Woodward ; thenc eouth 1 drgrcea
weat 03 leet tn line of Clearfleld f treat r thenc
north St degreee weat along said atreet 108 Irel to
the place ol beginning, containing one -eighth of
an acre, nor or leas, upon which nr a two-atory
frame a tore building and a war home, and being
part of lot No. HI un lb plan of Fen held.
Also, on other lot boundrd and deioribed ai
follow 1 Bounded southerly by Woodward atreet,
watrly by land or laid Woodward and Charles
Brown, northerly nnd eaeterly by other landi of
aaid Woodward, having a front lut leet on Wood
ward atreet and a depth ol 2i'0 feet, containing
on half of an acr, more or leaa, and bing lot
No, 17 on th plan of Fanfleld, (well fenced and
undar cultivation).
Ala, all th right, title and Interest f aaid
Woodward in on othor tract of land bounded
and described as follow 1 Beginning al a pat on
tha south aide of Woodward stmt II leet saat
rly from th eorner ol Woodward and Clearfleld
street tbeacn north 63 degreei eat along Wood
ward atreet K'fl nnd 4 10 feet to corner ot land ot
said Woodward aad Charles Brown; tbenee
aouth IS degrees east along aaid land 191 feet to
a poat 1 than co south 61 degress weat &0 and 4
I ft feet to eorner of other land of aaid Wood
ward 1 thenc north 64 degree, west 101 feat to
th plan of beginning, eon lain ing one half an
acre, nor or leaa, being part of lot No. 7, aa tbe
plan of Fenlrld, upon which is erected a two
alory fntn building ana oalhouae. Tbe later
cat of defendant's purchase money anppoaed to b
about .(60 to $ U0.
Alio, all th right title and interest of laid
Woodward in on thr tract of laad bounded
and deeerlbed aa follows, to wit : Berinmna1 at a
poat in Ib eaat lino of Clarfleld atreet, ld8 feet
aonio iron n 00a ward meet ; tbeaee north 62 degree-
eaat AS feet to a poat; thenc south 64 and
nt-half dirta oast 00 feat to a noar 1 then
soath 61 degrees weat 9fl feet lo tb said tin of
Clearfleld street; thenc north 38 degree wast
II feet lo the plac of beginning, and oontaining
n-tioin m an acre, more or ls, upon wbioh
Is erected n black amilb and wagon shop, nnd be
ing part of lot No. IT on the plan of Fen field.
Tha interest of defendant being balanoc pnrchae
money of from $160 to $2u0.
AIm, all th right, title and Inletwst of Hiram
woodward in another tract f land In Huitnn
townabip, Clearfleld eonnty, Pa., bounded and
described na follow a, to wit; Beginning at a
white plne, tb southeast corner of warrant No.
476, tbrnc soma 08 degraea weat J nnd tv.
tenth nercFea I land of FreHerioh 1...R.M .
thenc north 12 degree wtat nlong th line of
m lann ue Dunurai ann 03 parobea to tbe pub
lie highway; Iheno north lu, degree weit 70
parchea, tfaenn north 33 degrees weat 143 and
tw-tnth parebal to tb north line of warrant
no. 7; maaoa north TO degra aaat 18 and
ail -tenth pero b-a to n pin; tkeao north JO de
gree. tet 6R perehee to a hamloek ; thenno north
70 degreva sil by llnaof warrant No. TO, 103 tnd
two-troth perch to a poat In line of land ar J
I. Hewitt ; Iheno by aaid Hn nath 21. degree a
L p perot-ew w poat m Malta line of warrant
n.. i ! inenoo aouib OS degree a weat 89 perches
to a noil 1 along landi of John hull.ii
south 0 dgreai eaalft l aod tna-tanlh proh. 1
thna nlong earn a aoath tl dgr ail 3J net .
che, to a post tn th north II . of w.rrBO No.
parehea to anostt iW north IT dagtwe weat
ILt? !. I U ' ""h ( tbeiso
north IJ degre. .H M. MrJ ,tt porch!
to tb plaea of laeginntag. ontnlnu.w 431 acre,
Tut r w' beJDB ihr " eaoveyed
to Hiram Woodward bv lam j.-j.
wit t Ob throf, Hart la nnd Reading, at. al' o
Woodward, dated IB Utear, I Hill, TLqM la
u. 7 r. "onge. rmm Hiram
WmrfwarJ to Jona O. RMdln,, Sua4 Ik. tl,
i.y .t Jmu., ISTa, rw,rdl . mW. C.
"0,"W SOI, and kelnt Ihe Irel InrMTahM.
eaarln.. tneroln. Ihe wku .e 'T?
M',4 f,rai ,u ...'j J
Alao, all tbe right, title and internal of the tail
Woodward to one other tract of land, bounded
and described aa follow, to wit : Oa the t orth by
Woodward atreet, sa.t by land of B. 0. Bowua'i,
aouth by alley, and on tb wct by land of J. A.
Lal'ourhc, haring a front on Woodward atreet of
120 H-lu leet. and s depth of 1 V4 feci, and oon
taining one-half of nn acre, mora or lea, being
lot No. 41 on th general pi jo of Pen 1 eld, upon
which are creeled a two-atry frame store and a
war house, tb interest to be alt being balance
of (lurcbaa money.
Alio, all lb right, title and iuterent of tb lai 1
Woodward in on other lot of land, bjutided and
described aa loliowa: On tb north by Woodward
alretl, eaat by Und of Ueorge hi. Hobacker, aouth
by ottier land of laid Woodward, aud on tbe weat
by laud of C. 11. Cory. 1 1, containing one fourth
of an acre, more or lesa, being lot No. JMi on th
plan of Fin Held, upon which ia erected one ahoe
aliop, th iuteraat beii.g balaoc of pure hate
Alac, all th right, title and intoreat of Hiram
Woodward in another lot of land, hounded and da
cribed aa loliowa, to wit : un the north by
Woodward street, on thecal and aouth by otbur
landa ol aaid Woodward, Weat by land of (Jeorgs
It. ltubacker, oontaining one-Uurin of an acre,
more or leaa, being lut No. 84 00 tha plan oi Fen
nvld, upon which la erected a twe-atory frame
haruers ahop and duelling, tb intcreit to be Bold
being balauc of purchase money.
Alao, all the rigiit, title and Internal of ilic.ut
Woodward in one viher lot ef laud, hounded and
deeenbed aa follona, to wit: On tb north by
Woodward street, ty land dedel to William
McKay, south nnd weat by other laoda of aatd
Woodward, containing one lonrth of an acre,
more or le.r, being lot No. 3.1 on the plan of t'eo
Held, upon which is arecled a two-awry frame
dwelling and outboutos.
Also, on equal undivided half Interest in one
other treat tl land ia Huatun townabip sforeaaid,
bounded en th north by land of I). B. Taylor in
warrant No. 4U0Z, 00 ths eait by land of J. B.
Hewitt, on the south by warrant Nu. 216, aod on
the weat by lands of F. A. Brown, William B.
Hewitt a hd J. U. Heading 4 Company, contain
ing 2i0 acres, more or lea, and being a part of
warrant No. 4tlul.
Alio, on equal Undivided half lntrat In on
olber Uaet of land in lluaton townabip aforeauld,
boundrd north by lands of John tl. Heading aud
0. Wan dale, cast by warrant No. 216 aad 100,
south by warrant No. 300 and land of John Do
Boil, west by warrant No. 6(lfli, ooBtainiog 310
acrei, more or leia, and being a part af warrant
No. 600-1.
Alio, 00a thr tract of laud lu llustou town
ship aforeeaid, bouudod 00 the north by lan1
ofj. Q. Reading A Company, warrant No. 61MV,
eaat by land of lienry and Frederick Lixflcldaud
C. K. Karly, Booth by land of Jamison A Fiahi r,
and wat by land of K. I). Fatteraon and Win. D.
Woodward, Kr , containing 160 acres, mora or
lei, apou which ar erected two frame dwelling,
on lug and framadwelllng, two frame barn a. aud
other outbuildinga.and having I hereon an orchard
and etner fruit treea, anil about i"u acrea under
cultivatiob. being tbe same premis conveyed to
it 1 ram Woodward by eue separate deed, to wit :
Freeman Lamb and otheri, by deed dated tbe St
day of December, 180.1, reoorded Ib Deed Book
V, page .ii, wbicb laid pramiaes ar dosenbea
Ib th tnortgags fram 11 1 ram Woodward l John
U. Heading, daleo the 2Mb day of January, 1871,
recorded id Mortgage Book 'C,' pig 304, and being
the fourth and filth pieee deaonbad therein, tli
whole prmis aonatitutibg on property, and
known a ' Th Kossncrana Farm."
Alao, on other tract of land In llustou town-
abip aforesaid, begibaiog nt a poat on th lia
between th farm ol H. Woodward and Frederick
LUAeld 1 4-If perehee northerly from th centre
of a amall brook free, which aaid Woodward ear-
nee water to his residence, and about 04 4-10 par
chea aouth 32 degreei weat from the line of war
rants Ne. 476 and 60ff0 thence soath T4 degree
weit 11 0-10 perehe to post; thenc south 30 de
greea eaat 4 6 10 perobaa to a hemlock, tl.e aouth
wealern eorner thereof ; thenc north 8 degraea
aat fl 3-10 prrcbes to a post ; theno north 44
degrees cart 6 4-10 perchei to a poat on th farm
linejuet above named; thence north S3 degrees
went 3 4 10 perchei to tb place of beginning, eon
taming 47 iv ivv aquara perches, being tbo asm
premiaee conveyed to said Woodward by Freder
ick Ll field by deed dated October Wife, IH73,
and lait lot of land deaorihed ia mortgage from
aaid Woodward lo John U. Reading, dated tha
25th day of January, 1HT6, regarded in Mortgag
Book "C," page 304.
Belted, taken in sircutluB and to b Bold a
tb property of Hiram Woodward.
Alan, by virtu of a writ of VcndMemi Ksjibihi
iaaned to me, thero will be aold at tb same ttm
and place, tb following real estate, to wit t
A certain tract or piece of land situate in Beocarla
towmhip, Clearfield county, Fennylv'a, in Ulen
Uope, being Oil by I0i feet. With n large fram
botiae, two atorie high, small stable, and other
outbuildings Ibcroon erected, and bouaded oaat
ny an alloy, weat by Alaia strset, lSortb by Mr.
Uraea, and aouth by an alley.
Alao, n tract of land situate in Beecaria town
ship, Clearfleld eounly, Fenn'a, oontaining tVI
acrea, with fl acrea cleared, and a small log bouse
and log barn thereon erected, and bounded aaat
by r. rl 11 finer and 0, Edtniiton, south by land of
Ueorge Dotta, Br., wsat by land of Geo, (.room.
and north by land of IS. B. Dunlap.
Beistd, taken Itt aieoulion and ta b sold as th
prprty of W.lliam Dott.
Alao, by writ of Fifrt Facittt iaaued to me,
there will bo sold at the aame time and pi ace, the
following described real atatc, to wit: A cer
tain piece of land In lb village of Troutville, in
Brady twp., Clearfleld eonnty, Fa., boaaded and
described as loliowa: Beginning a post on Ik
Luthersburg and Funiaatawnuy turnpike ; theaca
aouth (My degrees eaat 7a perches to atoas ;
Iheno north 3 degrees lt 30 perehe to a poat f
thenae north 07 degr weat 43 prchea la a poat;
Iheac nort h 4" degrees eat 0 psrahas lo a poat )
thenc north 61 degrees waat I fl petwda tn a poit (
thtnoe aouth 4J degresa weat 31V porches along aaid
turnpike to tb plan of nog inning, ntaining lla
acre, mors or leas, all cleared aad having thereo
a large orchard of apple and othor frnit troei, and
having therwon retd a fram hoa, two-atorie
high, 1H by 33 fet,a abap, lJ atnrio high, II lay
IN feet, two fram stables, ob 10 by 30 (est, and,
other ontboildtagi.
Railed, taken In aiecntton and to b sold aa th
property of John M. Millar.
Alao, a ret Ulo lot or piec of ground la lb vil
lage of (Sterling, Woodward twp., Clearfleld 00 on
ly. Fa., hounded on th aaat hy Lat Na. 31, on th
west by Virgin alley, on th aoath by Fen atreei,
and on th Worth by lleinioek alley, and kaowa tn
plan of said v i Hag ai Lot No. 1 V.and having l here
to erected a traaae honaei, tw atoriea high, with
kitehea attacked, a small log liable, aad other
Belied, taken In aieeutlon and to Bold at tn
proparly or Thomas Duoa.
Also, by a writ of trrwrV ri iaad to an,
lhar will b Bold at th aame tint aad pl.e tb
following ml ealal. to wit 1 All that maag
or teaamnt aad pio af land ailnat la Ihs
horeagh of Oeceola. Clearfleld oouaty, Pwnaiylva.
nl, kunndwl aad described aa Mlowai Oa tb
north by Haraa atreot, on lb Salt by lot No. 366,
o the aouth Ly Moahaanon alley, and the wi
by lot No. 204, being 61 hy 160 feet, and known aa
lot Na 2(10 In tba geaeral plan af aaid boraagk,
aad having thereua exacted a two-ssory fram
bonsa, with kitohva sttachsJ, a fnsn lUbl aad,
othsr antbnildings.
Bolted. ukn In ex ecu lio and I b solo) as tha
property af Jam Moaion.
Tsana or Sii.n.Th prlc ar bum at whleh
the property ahall b iirack off mast he paid at lb
llm of eaas, ar auoh Mher arraagmts mad a
will b approved, otherwiae tat property anil h
immediately put np and aold again nt th einoe
and tlak or th parsoi ta whom It waa straek afl,
and who, la ae of doflelBcy at seah r sal,
shall nwka good th aame, and In n Insane
will Ik Dcwd ba prasentevd In Coart for eonllnaa
ttoa anlM tha mon-y la aetoally paid t th
hherif. ANDHKW FKNTI, Jr.,
Bbbhipf'b Orvics. ) Sketlfl.
Cfrflld. Pa., 0pt, fl, IflTO.