Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 17, 1879, Image 1

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Tba largeet ClrcalaUoa ifuji Newspaper
In North Central Pennaylvaala.
Termi of SubBoription.
i ptld la adTaaee, or wllblo I months....?, oo
paid after I ud before ninth! e, so
If fud tbo eiplrattoa of months... U
Eatei oi Advertising.
Transient ndTertlssments, per eqnaroof 10 lines or
less, Sllmesorles 1 SO
Pnreaeb aubseqnenttneortlon.. SO
jtlminlstretors'and Bieontore'notloea. I 00
Aadiiora' oollees .. .... I 60
C.utloni ud E.treys I 00
niaeolntlon notices i 00
Prolesslonnl Cards, 6 Hum or le.i.1 year.... t 00
Local aotiees, per Hno SO
uiara. I i oolamn.. ....ISO 00
MuarWM 1 00 1 i oolomoMM TO 00
lu I I '
J Hot oeetly exoeated at thla ofioe.
Clearfield, Pa.
i'hollNKY -AT - LAW,
1:18 Phlllpabarg, Centre Co.. Pa. j:pd
CBrweBsrille, Clear8eld oonaty, Pa.
oat. 0, '7B-tf.
0-OOco In the Opera Hoaia. oet, '78. tf.
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
clearfield, pa.
January SO, 1871.
Clearfield, Pa.
ae-OBice la tha Coort Boon, Jyll,'8
(oaTnao f . 0.)
ron rrll TowMsmr.
GOV fa Malonla building, tecood atraat, op
po.He Iba Court llouae. Je28,'78-tf.
! Clcarlald County, Pcnn'e. 7y
OSoa la Opara Hoaia. ap 26,17.17
pbalbb ia
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
Office lo Pie's Opara Booaa.
June 28, IHi
RAaar r. wallaob. jobm w. wbiblbt.
(Baioeaaora to Wallaoo Flaldlag,)
Jaal'77 Clerfiol4, Pa.
All legal ha.lnaaa promptly attended to. Ofllea
la Urabama Row rooms formerly oenoplod by
II. B. Bwoopa,
Jnlylt, '78 tr.
frank Fialdlaf .. W. D. Biglar....R. V. Wileoa.
T-0oe In Pie's Opara Bon.e.
eraoB aoanoii.
CrOBea la Pla'a Opera Uoaee. Maood floor.
loaarn l. a'tHUl. babibl it. b'cobbt.
Clearfield, Pa.
pm Legal basiaeaa attended to promptly with)
Odelity. umoe oa neeooa streec, booto me eire.
National Bank. jan:i.i
Heal Batata aad Collection Agent,
Wilt promptly auand to all legal business aa
trusted to bis oara.
fSF-Olleo ia Pie's Opera Iloaee. Jaanfl.
All legal baslaeea mtra.ted te his aare will re.
eeive Dtomnt BttealloB.
OHao apposite Coart House, ia Haaools Building,
sr. ;'-
OSoa la rostdeBoo ob First at.
April S4, lift. JClearfield, Pa.
Will attend profeasloaal aalla promptly. aaglOt
Odea oa Market Street, Clearlal. Pa.
Jstr-OBoe hoars: I lo IS a. aa., aad 1 to I t-jm
a0oe adjelalng tha roeldaaeo of James
rigley, Kea,., an Beooae na vieeree...,
Jnly8l,';8 tf.
rudoe ta reeMoBoa. euneette Shaw Beaaa.
AMU rinn sinaaia.
fm- ORea hoars From IS to I t. U.
May IS, 1876.
Late Sargaoa af Ike 6li R.glmeat. Peaa.ylf aela
Velaateara, ha.lag retaraed (ram the Army,
oflers hla profeaaiaaal sereiees te taeeltiaeea
of Olearteld eeaaty. , . A
Proreealoai aalla prompdy a Headed te.
0ee ea kesead street, lotmerlyeeeapied ey
Dr. Wort.. .aprVee-t,
GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ' . TEBMS-$2 per annum in Advance.
- .
Wa ban printed a large aambar of tba aee
FEB BILL, and will on tba roealpt of twenty.
8v aeuto. mall a eonv to any addreea. met
or rai Pbacb an Scbitbbbb, LUMBER
CITY. Colloetiona made and moooy promptly
paid oaer. Artlolal o( agreement and daadi ol
eoaToyanoo neatly aiaaulad aad warranted or
raet or Bo abarfa. Sajy'71
Jostleo of tha Paaaa and Scrtr.n.r,
Curwenavllle, Pi.
toeA-Colleotioos made and money promptly
paid ovor. fehmitf
dealer In
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
10'TS Clearfield, Pa,
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Peuu'a.
feawWUl execute Jobs la hie line promptly and
In a workmanlike wanuar. ar r4,67
BAKER, Market St., Claartold, Pa.
Freak Bread, Ru.k, Rolls, Piea and Cakea
oa band or made to order. A general aaaortment
of Confeetionariea, Fruit, aad Nata In atook.
Ice Cream and Oy.tarl In aeaaon. Saloon nearly
opposite tha PosloBioe. Prioea moderate.
March l-"Tft.
Real Esta.e, Square Timber, Saw Legs,
jtrGffio on Botnd treat, ii rnvr of atunt
moid of Uojorge WtftTflr A Co. ( JftoD, '78- tf.
Ittcatur Toutmhlp,
Oieeola Mill. P. O.
II official bn.lnar entreated to him will be
promptly attended tt. mohZv, '78,
llirl Real Eatate Agent, Cloarde Id, Pa.
Offlea oa Third street, tet.uBerrye wainot,
jnay-Reapeotfally offera bla aareleei la aelllng
and buylag landa In Clearfield and adjoining
ooontlaa and with an ezporloneeot oear twenty
y.ara aa a surveyor, flattera himself that he ean
renter aausleeuon. 1'ao. ao:i'o:u.
Haw IsOkh aud Ijumber,
Office ia Graham's Row. 1:16:71
L Market bttreet, Clearfield, Pa.,
Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
Horse-turnuhmg Uoods.
jaay-AII klads of repairing promptly attended
. rtaddlors' Hardware. Hone Bra.bea, Carry
Oemba, Ae., always on band and for aale at tha
lowest aash price. March 10, 1870.
meyPampa always on hand and made to order
on short aotieo. Pipes bored on reasonable term a.
All worh warranted to render aattstaetion, ana
dellTered If desired. myl6:lypd
Iilvcry Stable.
THE andaralgned begs Icere to Imorm th. pub
lic that he ia bow fully prepared to aeeommo-
aate all la toe wayoi luraiauing n.aew. uuKg,.
tfaddlaa and Harness, oa the abortest aotice aad
aa reasonable terms. Reaideaoo ob Loouat street,
betweoa Third and Foarth.
Ilcarteld. Feb. 4. 1874.
TUB Bndaraltnsd, baring leassd thl eona
m odious ll.itel, la Iba Tillage of Olen Hope,
Is now prepared to aeoommodate all who may
call. My table end bar shall be supplied with
the beat tha market affords. '
ti KOKif K w. ourrd, Jr.
Olcn Hope, Pa , March 10, lM7f tf.
AIm. vittniir nd dealtr la Bquar
TtutMr and fiftwad Lnmbarof all kiDdi,
j6rtTOrderi ftloltd and all billi promptly
lad. n"
aad manafactnrera of
fmVlche, Clocks and Jewelry,
trVwaaaa's Jfeei, MmrhU AVeal,
All hinds of repairing la aiy line pmmplly am
ended to. April I, 17.
Clearfield Nursery.
THE eaeoralgned, harlng aetebllrhed a NaT
nry ea the 'Pise, aboat kalf way belwaaa
Clearteld and CorwensTllle, h prepared te fur
nish all blade of FRI'lT TREES, (standard aad
. - U.iu Vle.a.
awnn,; a.Trra;r". --- '
Ueonberry, Lawloa Blackberry, Strawberry,
aad Raspberry Vlaea. Also. Blberlaa Crab Trees,
Uaince, and early eoerwt Rhabarh, Aa. OH are
promptly alleedee re. Aaoreee,
sepM 8. barweasTlllo, Pa.
F. M. CAKD05 a BB0.,
Oa Market It, eao doer went of Maaaloa Hoeua,
Oar arraagemeats are rf the moat eomplete
character tor faralehlng tha pahlla with
m, . a i Ati fciaAa . A arlanltaral Imnle-
meats, which we heap oa eihlbltloa for the hea
aOt of the pahlla. Call aroaad whea ta hewa.
Clearflald, Pa., Jaly 14, isT-tf.
VtmrM Inturn Jftnty.
jabu aaaa. cabboli, h. ataaU.
JKCJtlt H BIBDtK, Jftml:
Rcpraaaat tha fcllowlng ud ether Iret-eJaae Ce's
AB-lsfAtL Aaraa"lf1.
LltTUadtMl A t.h.-O. R. Wl.l.
Kisn. B.eea. now
LTOnmieg r :',,,,
Vk.l.. of Harlferd. Oooa . S.814,088
laeeraaeo Co. of North America I.48S.S74
Bulah Cemseretal-U. I. Braaeh... 7f,le4
eVetaatewa M..M......HM.H Tot .810
watareew. ....... a.mi.aM
Traeefere i a. .. -.
OReo oa Market 8t, epp. Oeart Heaee, Ceaf.
sel, ra.
MENTS, &0.
Mina Susan E. Dickinson has been
Oiuking a visit to tho hospital for the
insane at Danville, and she writes as
lollows to tho Press concerning the in
stitution and what she saw :
1 wonder if any ono over approaches
an insano rolrout without a luelinir of
oppression, almost of dread, a sense of
unutterable sadness, a question as to
what ono shall see and find to shock
and terrify them. At my own first
viitriW frotng liiKHigh the oflloea in
the centre building, part ot the kitch
ens and the grounds, I found courage
only for poing into ono of tho quieter
wards. But on another day, deter
mined to take no ono vise's account, I
went back and vimtcd the oniiro build
ing. On the first evening, as we walk
ed through tho grounds, the screaming
from ono of the excited wards, coming
down to our ears through the open
windows, gave mo a shrinking feeling
of pandemonium being near at hand to
Paradise. Allurward. when, walking
through that very ward, one ot the
patients began screaming as sho sat
rocking to and fro, apparently from
tho Bimple necessity of giving relief to
some overwrought nerve tension, while
ono or two others joined in tho chorus
and the rest, apparently, took no
notice, the intense leeling produced by
bearing this without seeing tho suffer
ers, was quitcd down at onco. There
wero tho broud, wcll venlilittcd corri
dors, their walls covered with prints,
engraving"., water colors with thoir
ends ono immenxo window, command-
ingall tho beauty ol tho out-door scene,
with tho quieter patients scarci'ly look
ing up, some of them busily intent on
a paper or a bit of needle work. There
wero tho ncullv kept rooms on cither
side, nearly all them singlo dormitories,
where with a woman s and a house
keeper's naluro instinct, I had boen
prying into tho condition of bedsteads,
mattresses, bedding, as well as into the
condition of ventilation, and light and
heat. Into several scores of .these, in
to washing and bath rooms, clothing
closets, steam heatod drying closets,
into ward pantnps and dining rooms
at meal times into the rooms lor tem
porary confinement ol the most dan
gerous patients at most dangerous times
I wont that day. JNot to gratily
any more curiosity of my own or of
others. But it is tho most natural and
reasonable desiro on tho part of the
public lo know how all institutions are
really conducted. And to thoso of us
who have seen, who know any thing of
the way in which, in oven the best or.
dorcd county almshouses, the insane
aro kept, it is a point recognized to be
of tbo gravest importance that thoso
untortunulo wards of the Slate shall
not be left to the tender meroies of
almshouse insane accommodations.
The consigning tucm to such accom
modations in the majority of cases is
to consign them to lifelong misery,
ilhout hope of core or alleviation ol
their disease. The State will have a
bettor right to call, itself civilization
and Christian when it shall by law
prevent absolutely the confining of the
insane poor in any but tho proper hos
pitals provided by tho Stato tor their
care ana possible euro.
Knowing that the poor directors of
somo ol tbo districts very near my
home ol tha last three years have, on
the plea of economy, taken from this
very Danville hospital the insane poor
lor whom tliey are rosponsioie, my ex
plorations wero the more minute in
every possible point. Not least so was
this in the matter ol expenso so strong
ly nrged. The prico of board for
every publio patient is three dollars
per week, including all expensos, ex
cept that of clothing and the replacing
of bedding or othor property destroy
ed bv the patient. There is the possi
bility ol euro in a largo proportion of
cases tbo almost absoluto certainty
of alleviation in all the securing ol
all possiblo comfort for even the worst
incurable. All of these things are lost
bv the shtittine Ibein np in the places
which each oounty can provido for its
poor. And even where there is no
stinting of lood, no physical maltreat
ment in tbo almshouse, it is a disgrace
10 every community which permits its
insane poor to be shut out from every
possibility that can bo atlainod for
restoration or rvitei.
Let mo try now to give a littlo fuller
picture of tha scene and buildings
which havo grown tairly familliar to
my own eyo. Tho long building laces
about 20 oVgrocs to the south ol west.
The blue slono ot which it is bunt, ana
wbicb is seen to advantage in the
smaller houses belonuinir to the hos
pital, is in tho asylum building itself
bidden oy outng rougn cani auu trim
med with Goldsboro brown stone. The
contra building is over 200 leet deep
by CO feet in width, and is four stories
high five stories in front ol the wing
connections. Thore aro long lateral
wings, and beyond IhcBO traverse
wings, all of these containing the dor
mitorios anil needful accommodations
for patients. Beyond tho farthest
transverse sections aro tho wards lor
excited patients, arranged on one side
only ol their respective cornaors, anu
bo nlaced that the milder patients can
not see nor be disturbed by thorn. The
ntintr bnildinhT is reserved for tho exe-
on live offices, dwelling rooms of the
Superintendent, l'nysicians, mewara
and Matron, reception rooms, dispen
satories, chapel and on tho lower or
basement floor, tbo kitchens, store
rooms for canned fruit and vegetables
and other necessary provisions which
mav be suitably kept in the main
buildings. In the boilor and engine
house, which is situated some 150 feet
to the rear of this main building, thore
is placed also the bakery and laundry,
a vegetable collar and a twenty-foot
Ian connected by an arched under
ground air duct with each half of the
nentre buildino! and eaob wing. Wo
found all of tbo arrangements lor ven
tilatlnn throughout tho hospital, from
tho deep cellar to tho topmost floor,
perfect in kind and In operation, and
wiohod, with a sigh, tbat.tbe designers
of our churches and publio balls would
come hither and lake a lesson. On a
natural olsvation, about two -hundred
and fllty yards from the rear of the
main building, are the two great rossr
roirs which supply the hospital with
water Irom the river. Each of them
is over a hall a million gallons in ca
pacity. OIT to the right, aa yon look
lo the reservoirs, are the conservato
ries. To ibe loft, aa one goes down to
the barn and atabloe, you pass the Bur
aery, whew, at the present time, are
one thousand young trooe designed to
be act out In different parts oi the
grounds. We passed also what may
bo called a current and berry planta
tion rather than a fruit garden, vege
table gardens to match, and then in
vestigated barns and stables, chickory
and piggery saw them cut up and
move by machinery into the ice bouses,
the daily supply of boef and mutton,
all of which is raised upon the farm.
Thero is a daily oveuing service in
the chapel, and one on Sunday after
noons. Tbo chapel is supplied with
an organ and a Wober grand piano,
and frequent musical entertainments
are given to tbe patients in it, and also
storoopticoa and magio lantern exhi
bitions, occasional lectures, etc. Dur
ing tho summer picnics in the woods
are frequently given, and so fur they
have been free from all mishaps. Illus
trated and other papers, and books
from the library are furnished to all
who will avail themselves ot them, and
not a lew of the women were busy
with pluin or fancy needle-work. Aa
already spoken of, every ward is well
supplied with pictures, thoso In the
wards lor tbo most excited patients
being bung too high for demolition
Even in these wards tliey are always
useful ; and in all coses it would be
wise to placo every humanizing and
softening influcneo in reach ot the at
tachments tur tbo sake of Indirect done
til to those under their cure, oven were
thoso last wholly incapable ol receiv
ing direct good, for in going through
these wards it is impossible not to re
ceive a constantly deepening impres
sion of how trying to the moral and
mentul nature ol tbe strongest must
be the constant cnlorccd companion
ship of tho insane.' Upon the attend
ants rests an obligation which cau only
bo fulfilled by bringing to bear upon
them also, continually, wholcsumo and
elevating influences, wbicb is ono of
ihe cumulative arguments against per
mitting tho Insane lo remain in poor
houses, whoro these things aro impossi
ble to secuio. Hero the attendants
are under constant supervision, and
yet, with tbo closest care that physi
cians cun exercise, they mid It one ol
their arduous duties to train assistants
and to secure thoso fitted by cheerful
ness, lorbcaranco, tact and sympathy,
firm will and uufuilingcontrol of tongue
and temper, to placo in immediate at
tendance upon their patients.
who has filled that position from the
beginning of the hospital plans and to
whoso executive ability every depart
ment ot tho immense institution bears
witness, gives testimony, as do tbo as '
sistant physicians, to this being the
gravest and most difiicult ot their
responsibilities. Alter many trials and
changes in his corps of attendants
be is comforting bimsell now with tbe
number ot faithful and compotent men
and woman he has secured In this
position although thero is no possi
bility in thia or any hospital for remit
ting a daily watchful care and super
vision. It was a pleasant thing to me to
note in the lists of gifts to the hospital,
of pictures, books, steroopticon slides,
etc., toe name 01 ones ajix occurring
time and again. And also to learu
that tbe ladies of Danville and tho
musical societies of that town are in
tbe habit of contributing by concerts
in the chapel, and muoio in wards, to
the entortainment and help of the
Just now that tbe State is finding it
absolutely necessary lo build yet other
asylums for tbe insane, and that tbe
publio attention is being more and
moro drawn to the statistics and tho
causes of insanity, the management of
the hospitals already in operation must
attract closer , inquiry and attention.
When the eornor stone of the Danville
asylum was laid, eleven years ago on
tbe 20th of August, most persons
thought its amplo accommodations
must bo sufficient for a much larger
district. Yet, with a very large pro
portion ef the insane in that very dis
trict ot twenty counties confined in
unfit almshouses with not a few of
the wealthier classesin private asylums
tho wards of tbe Danville State hos
pital are already filling to an extent
that shows that if all these should be
transferred to it there would soon bo
scant room for newcomors.
Tho new hospitals being provided
are coming nono too soon. Is thore
not something to be done by tbo com
munity in studying the way in which
we live in discovering whether the
stress and strain or our rushing, hur
rying modern life which does so much
lo increase the number of the mentally
diseased, cannot be lessoned ? This
hospital of wbicb 1 writo can accom
modate seven hundred and fifty pa
tients the term ol seven years from
its reception of its firl patient will not
be fulfilled until tbe 6th of November
next and yet, II it should to day re
ceive all in those twenty counties who
already need its care, no space would
be left for those who within the next
two or thrco years even aro likely to
need it no less.
NELS. Thore aro In the world about CSV
railroad tunnels; to'.sl length, 291
miles. They are divided as follows :
Great Ilrita'in, 140 tunnels and 87)
miles ; France, 2!i9 tunnels and 82 6 10
miles; Itolgiura 20 tunnels and 4 7 10
milos ; Germany and Austria, 270 tun
nels and 611 miles; Italy, 76 tunnels
and IBl miles ; Switcoiland, 5 tunnels
and 4 8-10 miles ; North America, 115
tnnnels and 33 miles ; South America,
72 lunnols and 9 mile. Ol Knglish
tunnels, tbe most noted lor magnitude
and difficulty of construction is tbe
Kilsby, on the Northwestern Railroad,
length 11 miles, cost (1,500,000, obiefly
from nearly a fifth ol lis length boing
in quicksand saturated with water.
The longest tunnel in England is three
miles. Tbe Nerthe tunnel in France
ie nearly three milos long, and cost
12,080,076; the Blaixy tunnel, 2
miles. The largest tunnels in Germany
aro betweon OfTonbergand Constance.
Thore aro in 15) miles 29 lu.inel of
various lengths, the longest 5,600 feet.
Tbo longest and most interesting tun
nol in Swilscrland is tbe Hanenstoin,
II miles' long. The one ol chief
interest in Italy is the Mount Conis, 7 1
miles in length. Tbe principal tunnel
in America is tbe Uoosao tunnel, which
is 4 miles in longtb. Tbe Mount Canis
tunnel ia tbe longost railroad tunnel
Mining tunnels There are many of
this class ol tunnels, some oi great
longtb and importanoe,as(in Germany)
the Freiberg, 24 miloe ; the George, at
Clausthal. 101 miles ; the Joseph 11
at Sobemniia, 9 ; Roblsebenberg
( Freiberg,) 8 miloe; Krnst Angust,
la miles; Victoria, England, and the
Sutra tnnnol In the Blale of .Nevada,
one of the great achievements in this
line or tbe century.
When a man is attacked by an an
gry goat the proper defence Is to offer
testimony in toe roouttai.
A correspondent who is summering
in our Russian possessions, and study.
ing the rearing of sealo, writes to the
Pittsburgh Critic as lollows :
Alaska, July 26, 1879.
In my last letter I commenced to
give you an account ol tbe various va
rieties of bouIs to be found in this ter
ritory. To give you a full his
tory of those would roqtilro more
time and patience than 1 possess. The
numbers ot fur seals which annually
visit the islands are fabulous, and those
who have not seen them tail hardly
form an idea of the numbers. It has
been estimatod that as many as 3,000,
000 breeding seals and their young
came upon -tha various rookeriea lost
year, and this aggregate is entirely
exclusive of the groat numbers of the
non-breeding seals, which aro nover
pormittcd to como upon the same
ground with tho females by ibe males
in charge. This olaa of reals, to
which the killing is confined, como up
to the land and sea-bcacb between the
rookeries, going to and from the sea
at irregular intervals during tho sea
son. II has no systematic, dennilo
method, like the breeding class, of fill
ing up to (orlain bounds and keeping
so for weeks at a time, and is, there
fore, beyond reach for ground upon
which to found calculation, and I can
only give an estimate bused upon my
closo observation with special refer
ence to this subject, and this is my con
clusion : Tbe non breeding seals, con
sisting of all tho males under six or
seven years, seem nearly equal in num
ber to Iho breeding seals, and 1 put
them dow n at 1,500,000, as a fuir esti
mate, and make the sum of the seal
lite on the Bybilur Islands at about
The seals alter leaving those islands
in tbo autumn and early winter, do
not again visit land until the time of
return, next April, May or June, to
iho grounds here, or thoso of tho Rus
sian "Uupper ana "licnng islands.
fbuy spread thcmsolvos out over tho
vast North Pacific, following schools
of fish, or frequenting shoals and hanks
whore an abundance of fishy lood is
found. Tbcy can sleep with tho great
est comfort and Bouniincss on the sur-
faco of tbe water, and in this state aro
often !iirpricd by tho natives of the
Northwest coast, all tho way up and
down from tho Columbia river to Bchr
ing Sea. My attention has frequently
been called by tbo natives to seals that
they woro skinning, in which buckshot
wero imbedded and encysted just un
der tho hido in tbo blubber. From
one animal fifteen shots wore taken,
and the holes which they made wore
entirely healed over so as not to leave
a scar. These bullets woro undoubt
edly received from tho natives of the
Northwest coast, anywhoro between
ibe Straits of Faco and the Aletian Is
lands, used by them in attempting tho
capture of these animals some season
or seasons previously. That these an
imals are preyed upon extensively by
whales, sharks and other foes un
known is at once evident; for wero
they not hold in check by some such
cause, thoy would quickly multiply to
so great an extent thai Behring Sea
could not contain them, and the pres
ent animal killing of one hundred
thousand out of a yearly surplus of
over a million males docs not, in any
appreciable degree, diminish tbe seal
life, or interfere in tho slightest with
its regular perpetuation on tho brood
ing grounds evory year. Wo may
properly look npon this number ol
lour or five millions ol fur seals as tbe
maximum limit of increase assigned by
natural laws.
It is plain that two-tbiids of all tbe
males that aro born (and thoy are
equal in number to tbu lemalus born)
aro never permitted by tbe remaining
third, strongest, by natural selection,
to land upon the same ground with
the females, which always herd to
gether en masse. Thorofore, this great
band of balcbelor seals, or "hollas
chickie," is compelled, when it visits
land, to live apait entirely, miles away
frequently from tbo breeding grounds.
The manner in which the natives
capture and drive tbe "holloscbickio"
up from the hauling grounds to tbo
slaughtering fluids near the villages
and elsowhero, cannot bo improved
upon, and is most satisfactory.
In tbo early part of Ibe season largo
bodies of the young bachelor seals do
not haul up on land very lar from tbo
wator, a few rods at the most, and tbe
men are obligod to approach slyly and
run quickly between tho doxing seals
and tha surf, bufore they take the
alarm and bolt into tbe sea, and in
this way a dozen A lets, running down
tbo long sand boacb ot English Bay,
will turn back from tho water thou
sands of seals. As tbo sleeping seals
aro first startled they arise, and seeing
men betweon tbera and the wator, im
mediately turn, lopo and scramble mp
idly back ovor the land ; the natives
then leisurly walk on tbe flanks and
in the rear of the drove thus secured,
and direct and drive tbem over to tbe
lling grounds.
A drove of seals, in cool, moist
wculber, may with safety be driven at
the rale ot half a mile an bour, and
when driven thus to tho killing
grounds, require but little urging;
thoy are permitted to frequently ball
and eool off, as beating them injures
tboir fur. They novor show fight any
moro than a flock ot sheep would do,
unless a fow old seals are mixed in,
wbicb usually get so weary that they
prefer to coma to a atsncl-Biiu ana
fight retbor than to move.
The seals when Drought to tne Kitt
ing grounds are herded there nntil
cool and rested : then squads or "pods
of fifty lo two hundred are driven out
from the body of tbe drove, surround
ed and huddled up one against and
over tho other, by the natives, who
each carrr a long heavy club of bard
wood, with whlcn tbcy striae tne seais
down with a blow npon the bead ; a
single stroke, well delivered, will crusn
in the thin bones of a seal's skull. Af
ter thoy are killed tba natives then
drag tbe slain out from tbe heaps in
wbicb thoy bave laiien, ana epnu
tbe bodies oat ovor tbo ground, finish
ing tbe work of death by thrusting
into the chest of each sunned and
senseless seal a long, sharp knife,
which touohes tbe vitals and bleeds it
The work of killing as well aa skin
nlng is performed very rtpidly, 1 bave
been told, and don't doubt Its accura
cy, that Ibrty five men or natives bave
in loss than four working weeks driv
en, killed, skinned and salted down
tha nelts of 72.000 seals. Ths opera
tion of skinning fair ailed seal takes
the boat men a minute and a half, but
the average time on tbe ground is
about four minutes. Tbe skins are
taken from tbs field to the salt boose.
where they are laid out open, one on
another, "hair to fat," like so msny
sheets of paper, with salt prolnsely
spread on the fleshy aides, in "ksncbes"
or bins. After lying a week or two
salted in this style tboy are ready for
bundling and shinning. Two skins to
tbe bundle hnve an averago weight.
or twolve, fifteen and twenty two
pounds, when made up of two, three,
and four year old skins respectively.
Tbe company leasing the islands are
permitted to take ono hundred thou
sand and no more annually. The na
tives are paid about forty cents a skin
for the catch. The common or popu
lar notion regarding seal skins is that
tboy are worn by those animals just
as tbey appear wben onerea lor sale.
This is a very great mistake; low
skins are less attractive than ths seal
skin as it is taken from that creature.
Tbo fur is not visible, concealod en
tirely by a coat of stiff over-hair, dull-
gray, brown and grizzled. The best
of thoso raw skins are worth from five
to ten dollars, but after dressing they
bring from twenty-five to forty dol
lars, and it takes from tbroo to five of
tbem to make a lady s sack. I'nor to
tbo Alaska Commercial Company tak
ing tiowession of tho island, tbe in huts
or Bod-walled and dirt-rooted houses, or
bsrrabkies, wero partly under-ground
Most of those hots wero, and are damp,
dark, and exceedingly filthy. Since
then Ibe natives are being quite rapid
ly put into neat and habitable houses.
I don't know anything else I can tell
you of the seals unless I would go into
a graphic description ol norm, ine
man milliner of Paris, who convorts
them into five hundred dollar sacks,
worth filly dollars, but as that would
be infringing on tbe domain of somo of
your lady correspondents, who know
more ol Wortb and Dis wonuiosHness
than I do, 1 will say nothing about it.
Joe is determined to havo a seaUkin
overcoat this winter. 1 tried to provail
on bitn to havo a pair ot pantaloons
made out ol tbe same stun natr-sius
in, but be concluded that wouldn't look
the "genteel thing," and 1 guess be is
about right. There are few Polar
pickings up here, in fact I havo boon
oickinir around for some timo, but as
yet bave picked np nothing but a bad
cold, which still lingers, and I guess
will until 1 return to tbo city ol smoKO.
A day has been lost, 1 may say two
davs aro gono. I could stand tbo loss
of timo; but my old friend with whom
I have rowed races in tbo native boats
ol the Territory, with whom snd for
whom 1 nave lougbl tne seal on ois
native bealb. is tone, and the cook's
scullion aro all alono in our loneliness.
Yes, "Joseph" is gono, and possibly by
this time is smiling tho sooty air of
the Smoky City. "May bis shadow
novor grow loss." Tbo cook's scullion
and I have left the ship and will now
foot it across tbo country witboul a
compass. Where wo win lanu, ana
wben, is an enigma, so to speait, uul
we bave purchased a lot of carrier
pigeons, so that when wo leave the
haunts of civilization wo will be en
abled to give you a letter telling you
of our adventures. Wben "Joe" ar
rives treat him kindly, for while we
bod our bickerings' be was always
friendly in heart to yours truly,
A widow woman with nine children,
as sbo begins tbe day's toil, hardly
knowing how she is to find food for ten
hungry mouths, may De suppotua toieei
reasonably wretched. But the woman
who has time costly breakfast drosses
and lies awake for two hours bofore
rising, struggling iu her mind as to
which ef those nine dresses she had
better array herself in, is in a titrmnre
pitiubla plight. Tbu mother ot the
nine, hungry children has to work,
wbulber she wants to or not. Tbe
woman with the nine dresses has no
work lo do except work borself and
agitule her mind with troubles made
lo ordor. Tbu woman with the chil
dren does not make ber owu misery,
nor can she afford to spend much time
n worrying over it, tur H she does sbe
and tba mno may starve. Misery
loves company, and the miserable lady
with tbe dresses makes It ber first busi
ness of tbe day alter dressing hontell
to seek seme friend into whose ear
sbe may pour the sad lulu ot all bor
woes. Her woes are moro than ni no
fold ; a woo tor each costume and sev
eral lo spare. Her breakfast is a woe
to bersell and to tbnse who sit at meat
with ber and hear ber lament over it.
Then come ber woes over the misfits
of tbe dresses, wbicb, according lo ber
sorrowful statement, make her look
worse tban a fright, ibon lollows
tbe narration of her woes with tbo
dressmaker, caused by tbu unpardona
ble obstinacy and strange stupidity or
that worrisuiua creature. Next In
order are tho woes wrought by tho
servants, who happen to be the most
perversa persons evor brought lo tbo
aid of mortal woman. In duo course
are catalogued tho rest of tbe woes,
winding up with a list oi pnysicai ail
ments sufficient to put a regiment of
soldiers into a hospital. 1' urlbermore
tbis unhappy sufferer is in troublo not
merely because of the woes wbicb
have already overtaken ber, but on
account of the fear of countless bar
dens and ailments which are in ber
judgment suro to follow. These are
really Harder to near man any iron
the aotual weight of wbicb she has
been suflenng.
And so. witb grievous countenance
and witb a face every wrinkle of which
is an embodiment ot present and ex
pected calamity, does tbis boaror of
burdens seek in her misery tbe com
pany wbicb sbe may make as misera
ble as sbe is herself. She is a portable
disaster. Her coming is as the usher
ing of an undertaker. Her passing by
as ths driving of a hearse. II or re
marks as tbe hammoring of nails in
the lid of a coffin, Sbo seeks medical
relief) and tbe doctor attonds her at
high price, giving ber bread pills and
and sending in large bills. He knows
there is nothing the matter witb her
that medicaments will cure. Her case
ia chronic, as long as she chooses to
make it so. The highest art or ad
ministering doses of chemical will
never maks her belter.
Wben a body haslbemieerablesthe
case is one lor monlal cure. 1 be gon
eral difficulty is a lack ol something
to do. The remedy Is a cheerful setting
lo work st snylhing that oners. With
determined resolution and joyful per
severance any ordinary rase of tbe
mlserables may be blown higher man
ten thousand kites and happinoas rush
as with a flood of sunshine into the
place left vacant by the departure of
llllBcjrjr.' A n.ttsiaca'niia A mw.
Pretty Tbinos. An exchange says:
At Loos Branch the ladiesdispori them.
selves along tbe sands in tbe most be
witching- costumes. Tbnse who bathe
vie witb each other in the matter of
serge and sari trimmings. Tha New
York ladies baths in blue ; Pennsylva
nia prefer red and white, while the
Southern nymphs are striped like pilot
Our ancestors in banding together
tbe original thirteen btates bad no
doubt great expectations and plans in
regard to tbo f uture size and power of
the United Colonies, but to oven Iho
livel'st imagination and tbe boldest
mind tbe majestic Mississippi river with
its vast volume ol water was most proo
ably considered to bo tbe extreme
western boundary ot the future Repub
lic To be sure some adventurous
spirit, who had reached the country
beyond the Ohio, had listened to Indian
stories of an Eldorado faraway toward
tho setting sun where tho vision had
no limit save a chain of distant snow
capped mountains which veiled from
tho gaze a country whoso rich valleys
wore beautified by a wondrous vego
tulion and whoso steep "rock-ribbed"
acclivities glittered with precious Blones
and golden pebbles ; but no one roaliz
ed the magnificence of the broad grass-
grown terlile plain wbicb stretches
from tbe Mississippi river to the Rocky
Mountain" or the richness of tbe
region boyond holding within its bosom
the ransom of a world.
Evon with our present facilities for
obtaining correct information respect
ing tbo extent of our country, few per
sons realize how small the Eastern
States are compared with tbe immense
territory beyond' the "Father of Wa
ters ;" so largo is it, and so generous
its division that four of tbe now Slates,
namely, Texas, California, Colorado,
and Nevada, contain nearly twice the
area of the original thirteen Siatos.
ow York and our own state, 1'onn-
svlvanis, seem like empires in them
selves yet the new States of Nevada
and Colorado would each moro than
hold both these witb Vermont thrown
California alone is as large as all
tbo New England and Middlo States
with two-thirds of West Virginia in
cluded. Texas, tho largest State ia
tbe Union, is nearly six limes as large
as Pennsylvania. Arkansas, one of
the smallest ot the Mates west ot the
Mississippi, is as largo as Pennsylvania,
Connecticut, and Rhode Island togeth
er witb Hi square miles to spare.
Kansas is greater in area than the
Slates of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
WOBt Virginia combined. Jur terri
tories are very great in area, tho three
smallest boing much larger tban Penn
sylvania ; Wyoming territory is over
twice as Isrija as our atuto, rtew Mex
ico noarly throe times as large, Mon
tana much ovor three timos as large,
while Dakota with its lov'JSS square
mileo of territory more tban equals in
size tbe combined sevon Stalosof Penn
sylvania, New York, Massachusetts,
New Uampshjre, Rhode Island, Con
necticut, and Maino.
Tbo eleven Westorn slates, namely,
California, Texas, Novada, Colorado,
Kansas, Oregon, Minnesota, IN obraska,
Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, contain a
greater amount of territory than the
otbei twenty-seven Stales of the Union.
Now although this portion ot our
country has so greatly tho advantage
in area, the strength in population is
just the reverse California is over
twenty-tour times the size ot Massa
chusetts yet the latter Stato according
to tbe census oi lsbl), contained over
thrco times as many inhabitants as the
former ; Texas over thirty-six timos ss
large as Massachusetts, contained, in j
1860, scarcely half as many people ;
Oregon more than twice as largo as
New Vork has only one forty
eighth as many inhabitants. Were
tbe eight large Western States, Texas,
California, Nevada), Colorado, Kansas,
Oregon, Minesola, and Nebraska, as
thickly settled as Massachusetts their
population would numbor over 180,-
000,000 or more than three and a hall
times the present population ot tbo
entire thirty-eight States and ten ter
ritories (exclusive ot Aiaaxa); and yet
this comparison with Massachusetts,
our most densely populated Slate, lades
nto Insignificance wben we use tbe
still more populous countries of tbe
Old World. England with au area ot
60,000 square miles has a population of
21,290,000, while tbe Stale ot Alabama
with a greater torritory of 60,722
square milos had only in I860, a popu
lation of 964,101. Had our country as
many people to the square milo as live
on that area in England, the State of
California would alono contain many
more than the present population of
tho United Siatos (j estimatod at ntty
millions), and the eight large Westorn
States above specified would hold with-
n their boundaries nearly two hun
dred millions ol inhabitants.
Our readers can from the above es
timates and comparisons find much
food for reflection. They show that
any fear ot our being overcrowded or
pushed out by toe line oi immigration
which has set steadily toward the Uni-
toa Slates is lor tne generations to
come a groundless rear. Among the
countries of the World our land stands
pre-eminent for extent and fertility of
territory and great natural resources ;
we bave many advantages not possess
ed by any other country; all, there
fore, thai is now neoded lo insure our
future prosperity is wise government
on tbe part of thoso who may bo bore
after Intrusted witb authority, and tbe
adoption by our people ot thoso Jetlur
soman principals embodied in our Fed
eral Constitution which make our Ro
publio "an indissoluble Union of indo
struotible States" and not a country
like Russia, merely a consolidated
Nation composed of subjoct provinces.
t or uaztuc.
Changing into a Town Girl. The
rapidity witb which females adapt
themselves to tbe circumstances with
which Ibey are surrounded, especially
the rasbious, is marvelous, un Mon
day of last week, a Uazlelon lady who
employs several domestics, got a new
table gin, frosb from Duller valley, a
bright-eyed, rosy -cheeked damsel, who
blushed whenever any ol the male
members of the family looked at her ;
a girl whose hair was combed smooth
ly back from off a tanned lorebead ;
whose dress bad sloeves to it, csmeup
to her throat and down to ber loot.
On Tuesday, ber hair went ap on top
ot her head and was coiled over a
something; on Wednesday, sbo cut
tbe sleeves off ber ber dross, turned It
in at tbe throat, pinned it back and
bumped it out behind ; and Delore the
week was out, she could look all tbe
men in the face without any bus of
modesty adding to tbe beauty ol her
face. Such 1s womsn's subjection to
what sho calls fashion. Hatleton Sen
A beggar rssiltlngateecrtein comer
with a placard on bis breast and a dog
tied to a atrlng. On tbe placard is
written, "Pity tbe Blind." A stranger
pansea bv'nd gives a Spanish silver
coin, wheronpon the beggar calls after
him : 1 say, this won t pass nere.
Astonishment of stranger: "Wby.yoo
caa see. ean't vou f" "See I of coarse I
csn." "Teen wny are yoa pegging i
Why this placard r
Lie nlaMrlt f "Par fnv doer:
t B)
Us s ins niina one r
A social bore has been neatly de
nned to be a man who Insists on
talking to yon about himself when
you want to talk to bim about your
self. In tbe same way wben a man
wants to convince you ot Iho error ol
your ways and you keep on talking to
him about tba error ol Ins ways, you
become a bore ol an aggravated typo.
Tbis is the altitude of the Northern
and Southern papers just now. The
Southern papers, tired of being on the
defensive as to the shot-gun, want to
talk about the shot-gun policy in
Rhode Island. But the Conkling or
gans say "Ob, no ; tbat won't do stall ;
wo want to talk about tbe shot-gun in
the Yazoo section." The consequence
is that thoy mutually look upon each
othor as bores. The New York Tri
bune and tbe Herald say, in effect, that
'Keally tbe Kbode island affair must
not be talked about. It involves the
most sacred feelings ot several influen
tial families; it handles ruthlessly tbe
homo and the fireside ; in the interests
of respectability, morality, religion and
politics especially politics it must
not be discussed. It is a privato allair
and wo must considor the other hearts
that would ache. Hut tbo Yazoo caso,
yoa sec, is all different, so let's talk
about that." Well, the Yazoo incident
is different, but the differences aro not
to the disadvantage of Mississippi so.
cioty . In tbe first place tbe 1 azoo ep
isode docs not affect the highest politi
cul and social strata. Tbe man who
was killed was a bloody desperado,
who died tbo death that desperadoes
usually dio. He ought to have died
at tbo hands of the officers of the law
and his fate in the atreot brawl was
well earned. Secondly, tbo caso is al
ready in tbo hands of the law. Tho
murderer has beou arrested and will
bo tried for murder. No attonipt has
been mado to justify his crime, none to
gloss it ovor and keep back tho facts
Irom tho public. I hero has bocn no
German professor in tho case. Tho
man wbo bad murdered negroes bas
n turn been murdered end bis slayer
will bo triod for murder. It may be
true that political hatred led to the
personal encounter between Dixon and
liarkstlalo, but there is nothing strange
or unusual in that. Aaron Burr killed
Alexander Hamilton both Northern
men in a political quarrel, and De
Young, in San Francisco, bos just shed
tbe blood of Mr. Kalloch iu a frenzy
begotten in politics. J be murder ot
Dixon was an abominable crime and
ought to bo and will be punished by
law. lint tbe shot gun In Kbode Is
land, tho outstanding challenge and
the monaco ot murder bavo been ig
nored by tbo laws. Now, of course,
tha Conkling organs say tbat this-is a
very different thing, they won't evon
talk about it; tbey want to talk
about the Yazoo murder, considered aa
a typical Southern event, and as an
element in politics. We naturally re
gard Ibis as a bore and we admit that
thoy have tbe right to entertain the
same opinion of ns when we Insist on
talking about tbe typical New En
gland event. Nothing could be fairer
than Ibis. Baltimore Oasette.
A lifetime might be spent in invest!-
fating the mystorios hidden in a boo
ive, and half the secrets would bo
undiscovered. The formation of tbe
cell bas long been a celcbratod problem
for tbe mathematician, whilst the
changes wbicb the honey undergoes
offer at least an equal interest to the
chemist. Every ono knows what
honey frosb from the comb is like. It
is a clear yellow syrup, without a trace
of solid sugar in it. Upon straining,
bowovcr, it gradually assumes a crys
talline appearance; it candies, as tha
saying is, and ultimately becomes a
solid lump of sugar. It has not beon
suspected tbat this cbango was duo to
a pholcgraphio action ; that tbe Bamo
agent which alters the molecular ar
rangement of the iodine ot silver on
tbe excited collodisn plate, and deter
mines tbe formation of camphor and
iodine crystals in a bottlo, causes tho
syrup honoy to assume a crystalline
form. This, however, is tbe case, il
Scbeiblor bas enclosed honoy in stop
pered flasks, somo ol wbicb he has
kept in ported darkness, wbilo others
havo been exposed to the light. 1 be
invariable results bave been that tbe
sunned portion rapidly crystallized
wbilo that kept in the dark has re
msined perfectly liquid. We now see
whv bees work in Dcrfect darkness.
and why they are so careful to obscure
tne glass winuows wuieu are some
times placed in their hives. Tbe ex
istence ot their yonng depends upon
tbe liquidity of tbosacbarine food pre
sented to them ; and if light woro al
lowed access to the syrup, it would
gradually acquire a more or less solid
consistency ; it would seal up the cells,
and In all probability prove fatal to
tbe inmates ot tbe bive.
Dariita and Cannino Apples Wc
always dry our apples in tho oven of
tbe cooking stove as quickly as is pos
sible to do without cooking them ; and
when thev are sufficient V dry out
them into thick paper bags, tie ihem
up securely so that no insects can gain
access to them, snd bang tbem up lor
a while In the kitchen belore they are
put away in the store room. Fruit
dried in this way is nover wormy, as
tbe insect moths never got a chance lo
deposit their eggs. When apples are
likely lo be scarce in late winter ana
spring, and especially when apples are
keeping poorly, we nil our cans, that
bave been emptied since the canning
seasoa closed, with apples; if they are
sweet, we put a bsndtul of raisins to a
can to flavor them. Our pet way oi
putting up swoet apples is to pare and
then core tbem with an apple coror,
leaving them whole, stick two or three
cloves into each ono, and cook them
till soft in a syrup made in tbs pro nor
lion of a pint ot sharp vinegar lo a
quart of sugar. Wa prefer to keep
tbem In sir-light cans.
A Loao BaiDOE. The largest bridge
in Europe will be completed next year.
It will cross tbe Volga in tbe govern
ment of Samara, Russia, on the 81
berian railroad line. Tbs Volga, at
the point of the bridge, is about lour
miles wide In the spring, and in the
autumn is leet. Tbe Bridge win
be supported by twelve piers oi leet
high, at a distance of every 864 feet.
The ice cutlers sreoovsrea wan gran
its. The iron work is from Belgium
A temporary colony is eetabllsbed for
woikingmen employed on toe sriage
it occupies about 55 acres and baa 60
different buildings, insared at 100,000
rouble. Two tbomnd men are em
ployed, and among tbem are one ban
dred Italian masons. Three steamers
and seventy barks are ased constantly
forwarding wood, sloes, iron and other
materials. Tbs bridgs will cost about
Strange to say we are considerably
in advance of our forefathers in knowl
edge aud evsry visible accomplishment.
In ancient limes, youth wss so well
tied to tbe maternal apron strings that
it bad to be In doors at a specified bour
of the night, not later than eight. -Even
wbun high up tho ladder ot
teens, it Irequontly felt the weight and
smart of tbe rod, and was aocuitomed
to cower under tho paternal frown.
But "Tempore muiandur et nut mulun
mur in iltit." Now lha youth is lather
to the man. Youth nowadays is pos
sessed ot a superfluity of liberty. It
can now haunt the street corners ul all
hours, and is even so bold as to brave
tho law. Tho necessary accomplish
ments to a reputation lor n.anhuo 1 at
the present time is to have had the
honor ol having auroral scuffles with
tbe police, or having beon in lbs peni
tenliary fur a time. It is antiquated,
nowadays, among youth, to cull a
parent liubor and mother. You must
use tbu nomenclature which it has es
tablished, such as "The Governor,"
'Old Mun," "Boss," olu. Youlh now
adays condescends lo go no further
than the church door and often uuiinut
comprehend lha utility of having
church ut all. It bas also established
a certain current of languuge that bids
lair lo supersede our present tongue ;
it is even now making tbe English
classics tremble at their base. This
now "patois" is not devoid ol many
rhetorical figures, and wo suppose it
is this tact which commends it to
imaginative young men. Indued, tboy
oftentimes speak entirely in figurative
language ; lor instance, man nowadays
"walk ofl'ou their ears," "Nip things
for all they're worlb," "Work things
to the Queen's taste," etc It was lite
style in our grandfathers' days fur tha
young lo havo a deep sealed respect
for old ago; but wbal do we see now
in tho rising generation? Disrespect
unpardonable and insults unmitigated
toward seniors are the order of our
day. Obedience was olden times a
virtue of wbicb few were not possessed.
is it tne reigning trait ol our young
nowadays Oh no I wo see, on the
contrary, tbat its presence is a ratity.
We bear of broken-hearted fathorsand
mothers, declining in years, in sorrow
and affliction, and brought, not unf're
quonlly, lo an untimely gravo by tbe
disobedience ot children who deserve
not tho mimo. Industry eoems lo be
wholly "below par" in tho estimation
of our young men. We never find
them liko their forefathers, by steady
industry and persororance striving lo
gain laurels and blessings ; but we
rather soe them cast on ibo ocean of
lifu as sbililoes snfl uncertain as a 1 1 nil
bark without a pilot, tossed by many
a tempesloua wave. As a confirmation
ot our assertion, look at tbo young
men of our great cities; aro tbey in
dustrious? See ihem idling their pre
cious moments, loiiering on the public
thoroughfares ; hear tha foul express
ions characteristic of the proiesaional
loafer. Lan they bo set before us as
models of anything that is good and
great f Far from it. So far have we
wandered Irom tbe pathot rectitude ot
our forefathers that we even attack
tho sanctity of the marriage lio. This
bov all others is a sigmiicant proof
ot the degeneracy of our age. What
kind of a generation are wa rearing if
such be the lumen table state of society f
We must rumombor tbut "tho youth is
I'ulbur to tba man, and it lha present
spirit ot our youlh ba sanctioned or
pasted unnoticed, we aro sowing tho
seeds of irreligion and its consequent
views, wbicb wbon developed will
stand as a mighty bulwark against Ihe
untainted dignity and honor ot our
country and will gnaw at tbo vory
lundainental principles ol our national
greatness. Pittsburgh Critic.
Wben you get to the Btation bunt
up tho agent and ask bim what timo
the next train goes. Never mind about
telling bim which way, Tor ba can ask
you that. It will show wbothor he is
laying sny attention to your question,
'ben ask bim what time all tbo other
trains come, just to see it he knows.
It you think ol it ask bim it tbey stop,
if tbey are freight or passenger, and
other little things yoa can think of.
r or yoa know be gets paid lor answer
ing questions.
ll doesn't matter wbothor you inteud
riding on tbe train or not. If you are
tired, go and sit down, but do not rest
longer than necessary, for you bavo
not inquired if tbe road is going to
change lime soon, and what lime the
train will be likely to get through on
the new schedule. Ask bim what time
tbe trains run by on this road, and how
much faslcrthatis than Chicago time,
for be knows, and if he does not toll
you, be is very uncivil. .Just us tha
train is coming, and tbe ticket agent is
closing his ticket window to go out to
tbe train, rush and tell bim yon want
ticket. Don t say anything about
where you want to go. See how near
bo can guess at it. Give him a f 10
bill, and after he has hurried up to get
out bis change box, if thore is any sil
ver among it, say to him: "Here, l
guess I have the change," for this is
tho way to fi id out his disposition,
then it is a good time to tell bim yon
have a trunk to check. The world
was not made in a day, and what's the
nse of being in a hurry, you know ?
Put your ticket in your pockel-booK,
and button two or three coata over
your pocket. Don't make a moro to
get It rondy lor the conauc or lor ne
may miss you, and yoa would no mat
much ahead. Then be has lota ot time
lo wait, and it he hasn't it's not your
During your trip ask lha conductor
all the questions you asked ths sgent,
lor perhaps tbe agent has lied lo you
about some ot them. If the conductor
answors voa short, in reply to any of
your questions, it is bocsuso be is mad
at your buying a ticket, no wantea
you to pay bim so be could knock
town the money lor thoy steal, J on
Another Scare. A Detroiter, ssys
the Fret Press, went homo to supper
tbo other night to find that his wife
had entered tbe house only a moment
before bim, and naturally inquired
where she had been :
"Richard." abs answered in a very .
sober way, "I bave boon to consult a
fortune teller I"
What!" be exclaimed, turning pale
in an instsnt snd staggering bacht
against the wall.
lea, l have been to consult a tor-
tune toller," she went on aa the tears
csme to ber eyos.
"Bosh I madam. Fortune-tellers are
humbugs swindlers liars."
"Kiobard, tbis li.rlne toller told
"I won't bear it 1 want none of
their nonsense I" be interrupted.
"Richard, it concerns you."
"1 tell you 1 won't hear any of her
balderdash I Bhs lies about me, of
course, and I'll mako ber take it, back
or go to prison I"
"Richard, won't yoa let me toll yoa
tbat she ssid yoa were gradually kill
ing yourself by too close attention to
business I'1
Did she ssy that T
'Lizzie, forgive my harsh words. 1
see thst tbey tell the truth and tbs
truth only. After supper I'll get R
carriage and we'll ride oat, and while
ws are down town yoa bad better gel
that new bonnet you spoke off
Wben a lady passes on horseback
A Frenchman exclaims: "What a
magnificent angel I" An englishman
cries oat I "Hy h'eys, what a aaperb
'ores I" An American ejaculates :
"That's R peeler of a saddle."