I t. I a t ' .5 -K t: t (a si :.'! j Ml : : t . J 'ill ,1 . , i Is . T?-r;;!! n : iiil ill ;;. jn r:v i.1 i ,1. hotels. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of tiaoondand Market (itmti, CLEARFIELD, PA. miII9ld and aomaodlont Bottl hu, durlni X PMl 7tr, baan nlarjrad to donbla iu (unar oapMlij for tht ntarUinmant of atran fen and gn$t. Tba wboU building haj boat rafitrnlahad. and tha proprietor will apart ao palna to render all gaeata aoufortabla whlla laying wltb bin.. -Tha 'Manalot Home" Omnlbai rani to and from the Depot on tbt arrlral and departure ei eaoa train. w. U. lAttuun, July l.-TT-tf Proprletoi LLEGHENY HOTEL. Market Street. CI far field, Pa, Win. 8. Bradley, fortnorly proprietor of the Leonard Honaa, baring leaied the Allegheny Hotel, nollttlta a abara of nubile patronaga, Tbe Iloaaa haa been thoroughly repaired and newly furniibed, and guaata will find it a pleaeaot etop. plug place. Tbe table will be inpplied witb the beet of everything Id tbe market At tbe bar will be fnund the beet winea and Ifquora. Good tabling altered. WM. 8. BHADLBY. May 17, '7 ft. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front etreeta,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbe andenigned baring taken ebarge of thli Hotel, would reipeotfully aoliott pubiie patronage, labia,'" K. UKWTQN ollAW. rjiEMPEBAKCK HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. H. D. ROSE, . . Pronubtoh. Meale, 3&e. Man and borte orer nigbt, it 00. Man nod two boraee over night, $1.60. Tbe beet of accommodation! for man and bead. Oct. 23,7 8-if. TT7ASHINGT0N HOUSE, TT NBW WASHINGTON, PA. Tble new and well furniehed houie haa been taken by tbe nnderalgned. He feela confident of being able to render eatiifeotlun to tboae wbo may faror him with a call, May 8, 1873. . 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPS BURG. PENN'A. Table alwaya eupplted wltb tbe beat tbe market uvrua. a uw wvuag puuuc ii inriiea io aaiu jnn.1,'7. ROUKKT LQYD. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaonie Building, one door north ol 0. D. Witaon'a Drug Store. Paaaage Ticketa to and from Llrerpool, Queena town. Glaagow. London, Parte and Copenhagen. Alio, Draft for aale on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland ana imperial Bank or London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prea't. W. M. BIIAW, Caihlar. Janl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia BXIKEIIS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reoelr. prompt ttn tlon, and all Information eb.erfully furni.hd Order. eolloUd. April U-tf. r. K. ARNOLD. 0.. W. ARltOLD. I. I. ARMOLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., ISniikora uimI ISrokers, Reynoldartlle, Jcfferaon Co Pa, Money reeolved on deposit. Dlacounta at mo derate ratea. Baitern and Foreign Exchange al wave on hand and eollretione promptly made. ReynoldiTtlle, Deo. 1ft, 1374-ly J L. R. HEICnilOLD, 'SURGEON UBlfTIBT, Graduate of the PennavlmnU Co)U of Dentnl Surgery. Office in residence of Dr. II ills, oppoaite tb. Shw Hobm. mchlS, '-s-tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OBm Id D.nk Boildlng,) Curwcn.rlllc, tlc.rfldd Co., Pt. mob II 'Tt-tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Offio. Id rrlidese Second itrMt.) Nilroaf Ozid. Qu ulmlnllterod for tb. ptln ,H .KtTMtiOD of teotbi ClmrHild, Pt. M.t I, lttt-lj. OIIOEMAKINOt b.rebr loform mr PR- O troDt, and m.Dliind Id BD.rilt that I hav. raiord mjr .hMmakinir ibop to tb. room to tirabam row. orer 8. 1. Sovd.r'i Uw.lr. mora. and that I am prepared w do all kind, of work lb mj lin. obaapor than any otbw ibop lo town. All work warranted a. good a. .an b don. may. wher. 1m. Potitirelj tbil ) tb. oheapo.t .bop in uivutifl, jua. it. Dm. II, 1878-tf. Wagons for salE. Tb. .ndartlgnrd bat on band, at hi. .hop In Claarl.ld, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spring "Wagons, and Buffpioe, For tal. W.il.rn wigoni i. well a. thoa. mad. oera. Any 01 wbieo will b. .old .heap for eaub vr approren aaooniy. ror farther tnlormatton, call in penon at .hop, or addrea. me br lett.r. THOMAS KE1LLV. Clearnell, Pa., April 33, ISTI lf. The Bell's Run Woolen Factor; Penn townabtp, Clearfleld Co., Pa, BURNED OUT! BURNED UPI Tbe eubeeribera hare, at t;reat etpenae, rebuilt a netgoborbood neoeiatty, tn the ereetion of a D rat elm Woolen MaDufaotorT.wlth all the mndttn. ImproremenU attached, and are prepared to make all kinda of Clothe, Caiiimerea, fiatinetu, filaa keta, Piannela, ne. Plenty of gooda on hand to tuppiy ait oar eia and a tbonaand new ooatomera, wbnm we aik to eome and examine our atook. Tbe baalneea of CARDING AND FULLING will reeeiTn onr eepeelal attention. Proper rranirementa will be made to reeelre and deliver wool, to au.t oaatomera. All work warranted and done noon the ehorteat notice, and b atriet alien. tlon to buaineia we hope to reallae a liberal ahare ei puoiio pairooage. 10,MK POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will nay tbehlrheit market nrtee for Woo and tell our manufactured good, aa low aa almilar good eaa be bought In the county, and whenever we fall te render reaaonabte aatlafaotloa we oan alwaya bo found at home ready to make proper vapiAaaaiiUa., unor in pvrioa or sy leiier. JAM KB JOHNSON k SONS. oHHitf Ttow.r P. O JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reapeotfully notify the pablie generaJTy mw ne aae remevea nta uroeery Btore Iron, tibaw'a Row. to tbe build in e formerlv oeauniad by J. Milea Krmtier, on Heeond etreet, next door to cigiera nardwaro a lore, wbere be Inteoda aeeping a lull una of GltOeERIEN. HAMS, DRIED BaRFand LARD. SUGARS and SIRUPS, of all gradM. TEAS, Qnn and filaok. COFFEE, Routed aad Onu. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, caiA'A-r.n rat its, All kind, ta tb. market. PICKLES, ta Jan and barnla. SPICES, In iwj form aad varlat. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS OP CRACKERS BOA PS, MATOBRfl, DRIBD APPLES. DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES Co&l Oil uil Lamp Chlin&eys. And a good Mtortment of thoea thing ataally kept in a groeery etere. wbleh be will ebange for marketing at the market prieec W1U Ml Itor eaak aa ebeaply aa any ether eaa. Plena aaH ftnd aa kbi ftook aad Jadge for poiraeIC ion MoQAnsniT. OUarneld, Jan. t, UTt. "ttisUanfous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curoeueville, Jan. t, '78-tf.- GEO. WEAVER & CO, SECOND 6TREKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., H.r. opa.d up, lo th itor. roofei Ul.lj OMupM W..Tr A U.tu, on HMD(1 UrMt, l.rg Dd w.ll Ml.ud .took at Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SIIOKS, QUEKNSWARK, WOOD A WILLOW WARE IIAT3 AND CAM, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dl.poM of l rruon.bl. r.l.l fur cuhf or .zebasg. for eountry produok GEOHOE WEAVER A CO. Cl.ut.lil. !'., J... 9. 187-If. CENTRAL Stale 3Tormnl School. (Eighth formal School District) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. iV. JIM Vh A. M.t Principal. Tbit School aa at preientoonatltuted, olfcrathe very boat faoilitiea for Proreaaiooal and Claaiaal learning. Ruildinga rpaeloua, inviting and oommodloua ; completely heated by atoam, well ventilated, and turnl-hed with a bountiful eupply ef pure water, ,oft apripg waur. Location bealtbful and euy of acoeia. Hurrouoding aoenery uninrpaiied. Teaohera eiperienoed, efflftcnt, and alive to their work. Discipline, Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpenaee moderate. Pfty oenta a week deduction to tbone preparing to teach. Student admitted any time. Co u net of atudy preacriled by the State) I miMiei rcDooi. 11, rreparatory. in, Kiemen- iary. iv. ocientrno. iruunrt cocitaa : I. Academic. It. Commercial. III. Muilo, IV. Art, Tbe Elementary and Scientific eourre are Pro- feuionel, and atuileuta graduating therein receive State Diplomai, conferring the following oorree- ponaing uegreei : maaterol the boteooei. (Irad uatee in the other eouriea receive Normal Certifl oalee of tbetr attainmenta. aiirned hv tbe Faonltv. The Profesjlnal oouraea are lilieral, and are in thorougbneai not Inferior to tboie of our beat ouiicgea. The State require! a higher order of elthen rhip. The titnee domaod it. It ia one of the prime objeota of thii euhool to help to ae core It by furrriibiug Intelligent and efficient teaohera fur ber arboola. To this end It aulioita young per aona of good abilitleo and good purpoaea tboae wbo deaire to improve their time and their tal ent, ei aturienta. To all auoh it promiaea aid in ueveioping ineirpowera aod abundant opporlu nitiea lor well paid labor alter lerinir aohoul. Par oatalogue and terra, addreai tbe Principal, BOARD OK TRl'RTFK'; KTOf KHOLDIRl' TIlt'RTKKa. J. II. liar ton, M. D., A. II. Reit, Jacob Drown, B.H.bickfurd.SamuelChritt.A. N. Haub. R. Q Cook, T. C. Hi, .pie. Kq., K P. MeOormiok, Efq., ft . n. naniiu, cuun a, nuutf, STATH TRUOTIia. lion. A, 0. Cortin, Don. II. L. Dkffenbich, Oen. Jeiio Merrill, Hon. Wm. Digler, J. C. 0, nuaiey.B. miliar AJCUormtC, Ka. WILLIAM BlGLRR. Prerident Board of Trnateoe. JKS.SB MBKKIL, Viae Preiideot 8. MILLAR McCOHMICK, Secretary. TUOMAS VAKULLY, Treaaurer. Look Haven, rb.,7V-lj6, W. J. HOFFElt, R(H)M NO. TI1RF.B OPERA IIOUHE, Clearfield, Pa., PEAI.GR IN DllY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QIEEXSWARE, HARDWARE, TCTWAIIS, Cnrpcti, Oil CIoIIim, WALL PAPER. LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Which will be ml. atwbolnal. or null. WILL TAKE COUSTRY PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE FOR COOIrM AT MARKET PRllliM. llrarflrld. Pa., Kept. IS, IH18.tr. rLOi n, i j:i:i, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room No, i. Pit'. (ieri llonae, Clearfleld, Pi. KMpioooitaatly ol baad BCOAR, C0FFXI, TIA8, BODA, COAL OIL, BYRUP, SALT,' epioes, 80AP, Oaaud aad Drll fralu, TobaMO, Clfan, Cai- dlM, Old.r Vloigar, latter, gp, A.. AUO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Burkwlirat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, 4o., AH of wbM wl W. Mid bM for euh or la .i.baag. (br oontrj predate. JUIIB r. RBAMIR. Obwr.ld, H.T. II, llM.-tf. inigfdlaDfoua. Full Your Ntuiiipn! FOH SALE 11V TUB Co-Operative Agency, CLKAUK1KLD, PUNN'A. July Smb. I!7 tf. TIN &SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MEHRELL Ilaa opened, In n bulldina? on Market atreet, on the old Wee tern Hotel lot, nppoaite tht Court neuie in UiearOeld.a lin and eheet-lroa Menu factory and Store, where will bo found at ill timet n full line of house FTOinsnimTa goods, Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Home Spouting and all kinda of Job work, repair ing, Ac, done on abort notice aod t rea ton able ratea, Alao, agent fur the Singer Sewing Machine. A aupply of Meobioea, with Needlct, Ac, al wiiye on band. Tarmi, atrictly oaflh or country produce. A bare of patronage aoliclted. U. B.MKRRRLL, Superintendent. Clearfleld, April 35, 1 877-1 f. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, THE LA KG EST and IIKST SELECTED STOCK IN TIIKC0U.NTV. COFKEE, TEA, SUGAR, SYIIUI'. M KATS, fish, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARK, TUBS and I1HCKETH, 1)1(1 f-;D FJiUlTS, CANNED GOODS, si-ichS, BROOMS. FEED. County Agent for i.omi.i..iiiirs TOBACCOS, Th.r. good, bouffbt for CASH la l.rg. lot., and wld at almott oily prlr... JAMES II. LVTLK, Cl.art.ld, Pa., Juts, i:, 187S-lj. Boots shoes Hats, caps, -AND 5' 2. GEO.C&T.W. MOOHE, are juat opening n Urita aod carefully aetected atoob in their line, embracing LADIES' G A ITERS, Eld, Cloth and Calf, In .v.rjt iljrl.. LADIES' SUOKS, Rough and Prnooth. LADIES' B UPPERS, High and Low. OIILDKENS SIIOKS, Buttoned, fiockled aad Laeed, Plain a and Uopper-toed. GENTLEMEN S' BOOTS, 'ine and Coaree. QKNTLEMKNS UAITERS, BIIOES, BRO QANB, PLOW SHOES. SLIPPERS, Cloth at Leather. HATS, HATS, HATS. They MR iprolal attention to their aisorlinrnt of IIATH-mbraelnf 111. LATEST BTYLES tor aamouT wwr. AMONG TI1KIR Gouts' Furnishing Goods, will be found an afiortment of GENTS' NECK-WEAR leldon .qnalled cithar in ftjlc, tail., .rrrlo. or prlo. All or any of whloh wtllbaiold ataitontiblngly low lgnr.1, at ROOM NO. I, Plt'-B OPERA IIOUHK, 01 tarll.ld, Pa. April JO-'TO-lf. BrBEn'B PORT GRAPE WINE Used la the prinolpal Churehea for Commuulon pnrpoaea. Ezcollont forLaclioo anlWoakly A A.. A - - SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I rphla Celebrated FTatlre Wine It made from the X juieeof the Oporte Grant, reined In Ibla uonnty. iu invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are on mm Mind by any other NatWe Wine, tie, tna; the rorejuioeof the Urane. produced nnder mr. rpvera own peraonai aaperTliinn, tu parity end grnoineneM are a;aaranteed. The yoinireat cmiB nay pariaiie oi iu generoua qaeiiMea, and the weakest Inralid nao it to elrantare. It la particularly boneflcial to the aa;ed and debilita ted, aod auited to the variona ailmenta that af tfH the weaker ar. It la in trery reipaet A SrEER'S P. J. SHERRY, The P.J. RlIKRRt , a Wine ef flUr,.,Ur vnaranier, ana pane tea or me golden quaiitiet ot the (rape from wbioh It la tnate. For Parity, Rlehnaaa, Flavor and Medicinal Propartlea, it will be feund oneicelled. SI'EER'S . P. J. BRANDY, Tbl. BRANDYKand..ariralMllatM.aniil.. being lar aup.rier for medical parpom. IT IS A PURE dl.tlll.lloa tram tb. gran. and nnUlu eale.bl. medical properll.i. It bai a delleal. flaror. (Imllar to tbat of tbe fTtr.ee from whleb It It dlilllled, and I. In graat ar.r among lr.t-.laM famillM. Km tbat th. algnttar. of ALFRED SPKKR, Paaml. N. J., U orn-lb. eorh ofmurb bottle. SOLD ST . VT. OTIATTAW Xctjat (U'fi'tbcmcuts. SherilT's Sale. BY virtue of wrlti ol Pi. V, lamied out of tbe Court of Common pleaa of Clear field county, and to ne direeled, there will be eipoied to f Ulthtu bAI.K, at tbe Court Uuuae, in tlia borough of Clearfield, on Tlmrwluy, Neptenibrr lHlli. IHTil, At 1 o'clock, P. M-, the Mlonlng doaori'ted real eitaie, u wit : 1'be following real eitnte tltuate in Karthaui tonnablp, Ulverliela rounty, fa, bririnninir at a hickory uoravr, wituened by biokory anpliug and oak .tutnp j thence aoutb by land of Jaure 1'rlM about tU perohea to a pine marked for a corner ; menoe weet uy aaio i'rie a lend anil Inn.l or J t K. UHHIand pcrthea tJ J A 11. (itlliland'a line t ibtiioe north by eaid land about 60 percbe to line of land of llira'B Uuuiicardner ; tbenee b aid land and land of J.tnra t'aile peroh te biukor and placeof bfKinnlug, unntaininK 120 aorva, anu nting pern oi tt ttnaiila ftot. mil and b avion about 60 acroi oleared and un der improvement, end having thoreon erected a iratne Home, two atorlei high, barn, and other outbuilding, tioiied, tuken in exutim and lo be aold aa tbe property of John 11, Itliubaela. Alio, the following deaorlbed property of Wm, A. Head, aituate in Lawronoe towntbin. t'laarfiaid county, I'a., bounded and deieribed aa followa : Un Iho eait tiy l.nda ol hlisa Head at al. auntn by land of Wm. Hpackmen, weit by land of Wm. 8iackman and turnpike, north bv land of Mil. Hoad, eoutaining 62 acrai, more or Iraa, with aooui oa acre civareu, ana ntving thereon oreot ed a two-atory frame bouae with aitoboa attaoa ed, large frame bank barn, end other out build -log.. Alio, another piece of land rltuato ia Lawrence towmhip, Clt-adielit county, I'a., bounded and doaeribed aa followa: Ktat by land of Hobert Porter, euuth by land of Kragle A Mullen, weat y tana ol m. McUraokeu, north by lanJ ot Hubert Porter, containing 04 aorea, more or leva, unimproved, and bavins thereon ereotel a ia. Liilll and am a II dwelling bouae and ataole. tSeiaed f uiKcn in exeounon, auu io ue aoia aa the proper ty of Wm. A. Head. Alao, all that certain plt6o or tract of land ilt uate in Penn townnpip, Cloarfleld eoanty, Pa., bounded and deiotibed aa fullowai ltiir,iniiing at a auitar oorner of traot No. 6U61 and bVj'i, tbt-nce aoutb 1M perobea to a poet ; tneuee went 121 pcrcbei to a poat oornerof Uiubard IAnver, Jr.'a laud; thence by aaid Danvtr'a I md, north 14& five-tenth perohea to a poet on line of Vox A Huberta' land ; thence by an me east 121 perch ei to place ol beginning, containing lliacrca, more or leaf, with about U) aorea cleared, and bttving Ibereoo erected a email log hnuae, tbia being the Bame pieoe ol land which Wm. Higler and wife conveyed tu John Clark by Hood ova ring date the Hlit day of liecoiuber, ISTi, and reoordnd in lieed Uwk No. 9, mft Ml, Kciaed, ukt n In i xecution, and to be aold a the properly of John Clark. Alio, all the defendant' intret, being the un divided one hair, of tbat certain tract or piece of land situate In li nut y lownebip, Clearfield coun ty, Pa., bounded and drier ibei at ftrllow : Ha. ginning at a hemlock corner at line of traot No. 36 1 3, theDfe weat by an id tract almut 135 percbei to Henry Korb'a laud; tbeaco by aatne aoutb about l.iO percbei; thtnoe e-.it 1;I5 perches to a poil on line of traot No. WiU ; thence along aaid tract north about MO perchoi to ptaoe of begin ning, containing 121 acroi,raoreorlcii,with about (14 aorea olvared, aod having threoo ereou-d a frame house 1Hi28 feet, two atotiaa high, a log barn, and other out-building, this being ibe aainu land which Adam Wiiugnrbur eonreyeU to John Clark and William Clark by Deed bearing date tbe Sifib day of May, 171, and recorded in leed book No. 4, page 4. Belted, taken in execution, and to be aold as the pruperty of John Clark. Also, the following real estate situate in Cheit township, Clearfield county, Pa, bounded and described aa follona: lie-ginning at a white oak oorner (down), thence aoutb 57J degrees o.nt ttj perches to Clu-it ereek ; tbunae along aaid crcuk south dngreea wcit U ilx-tonth pordiea ; tbenoe south 61 dt grrei U perches ; tbenoe aouth degrees weat UN percbei f thenoe aoutb 3 do greee west 34 purebea ; thence aoutb 6 degrees 13 perohea; thencenortb 8T4j d eg reel wet li perobea to stone corner ; thence north 21 drgreea eait 1 02 perches to a while oak and pi toe ol beginning, containing 60 acrea Aid Md percbe). more or less, with about 4(1 aeret cliarel, anil having thoreon erected a frame house, two stories bigb, train a barn, and other out builiin-i. Sciaod, taken in execution, and In tie aold as liie iiroperty of Ldia Net! and J. HN-tf. Alio, the following rent estate situate in n,. . ing ton township, Clearfield aouuty, Pa , bounded and described as follows : On tbe east by land of rr-M cenrarrs, on I'at wo.t by Un.l or Kunuaus heirs, on tbo north by land of V. Pchnarrs, on me aouin ny turopme laajing to kartbnu. bridge. containing one acre, more or leai, all cleared, aud having therein erected a li storv fr.me huntt. blacksmith shop, stable, and other out huildiDgi. He i led, taken in execution, and to be aold as tbe property ot Ibomaa Maurer. Alan, tbe following described real estate of the deleoilant aituate to hnrlhaue townihin. Clear field county, Pa., bounded 00 tbe east by land of lUnline, south by public road, west by land of nenry niiier, norm ry land or Karthaui hairs, ton tain ing 10 aorea with about 7 aorea cleared. and having (hereon erected a 2, story frame Louae, a auiall frame atahle, and other out-bulM-inga. baiaed, taken la execution, and to bo told aa me property oi jonn eieuier. Also, the following real estate aituate In the 1 1 lave of Franklin, Hell townihin. Clearfield oounty, Pa.: Two town Iota fronting 111) feet on Hirer street, and running back 170 feet to land of H. MehaiToy, Luundud eaat by lliver it root, south by an alley, woat by land of K. Mohaflev, and north by land of H. Mehetly, and having thereon erected a two-story frame house, witb kitchen attached, well finished, frame stable and other ontbuildloga. Also, another piece of Innd aituate in Dell township, bounded e.at by Chest creek, north by Husqneheona river, west and aouth by land of P. R. ill Her, containing 6 aorea, more or leia, all cleared, and no buildings. Alao, the half Interest In tbe following desaribe J tract of land aituate in Bell township, on Laurel run, bounded on tbe east by land of Defendant, aouth b land ot K. and J tines Mehatfer. west bv land of K. L. Miller and others, north by land of Dell and Irvin, containing 480 acres, mure or Ires, an wooa iami. Alao, another tract of land aituate in Bell twn bounded aod described aa follows: Kast by land of H. 0. Thompson, aouth by land of McUee aod Mehaney, weat by land ul Logan and MeharTey, north by land of liell and lrvin, containing 400 acres, snore or leia, with about 7 it acres cleared and under improvement, the balanoa ia timber land with various kinda of Umber, having thereon erectod a log house and ft log stable. Helaed, taken in execution and to be aold aa the property ol David W, Lugan. Alio, tbe following real estate aituate In Chest township, U leartl eld eouoty, I'a., containing 231 acres, net measure, with about 20 acres eluarw, beundedeast by land of Jonathan P. Prr. aouth by land of James McEwen, west by land of Henry Westorer, north by land of Daniel Caraon and John Uippa, and having tbereoa erected a large frame bouae, two atoriea high, frome barn and other ontbuildinge. Heisad, taken in execution and to be told aa the property of Wm. Weft over. Also, the following described real estate alto. nie in woouward township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the en it and south by land of John V. llets, west by land or John M. Chase, and north by land of Jamei Alexander, contain- Ing 60 acrea, more or leia, with a lout 25 aorea cleared, and baring thereon erected a log house one aiory nign, ana ft log barn, rtetsod, take io execution, anil to be sold as tbe property or Ueorge Hockenbury, and David 0. Hunial terra tenant. Alao, a certain traot of land situati township, Clearfield county, Peso' to Jordan i. via: A 00 the ttajtl certain farm or traot of land bnunde by lands of Robert Hea and James ltoa, south by land of John and A ruby Witherow, on the west by lands eT llenry Wither, deceased, and on tbe north by land of Joseph Uifligan, including 108 acres and 78 perches, aa contained io Deed of nana oi noun Amenea to Kobert Jcbnjn, and also 14 acrea a Tier ward pure bated from tbe aame partiea adjoining tbe aame tract, eentaining in all 122 acres, more or less, and having erected there on a large frame house JHiSO f-t, two atoriea bigb, n Urge bank barn, wagon shed, oorn erib and otber outbuildings. About 15 acres ef the land la cleared and in a good lUte of cultivati-m , with a good bearing orchard I be re no. Also, one town lot In the vllaga of Aoaonvlllo, Jordan township, Cloarfleld onunty, Pennsylvania, bounded and doicribed aa fallows, to wit : Regio oing at the aoothwast eornrr or Henry and Cath arine atreeti; thence aouth 41 weat 200 feet lo an alley: tfaence by aaid alley 00 li to th. unro of lot No. 2i thence by the line of aaid lot norm au eaat to (,-fttharlne ttreet ; thence by Catharine street 80 feat to the place of beginning, being lot known aa No. 31 In the .dan of ih ii Isge of An eon villa, having thereon erected a large grain home, with Kairbaiika' soalea attached. Tne building is 2U33, frame, two itoriaa high, witb eoro aribs attached to iL . Alao-, one other lot of around In th uia r """"'""i v-i-rimia oouniy, ra., bonaded and ueroririen aa lottows : Uealnnlnt at the oornee n Henry aod Catharine street a In miA ii!. thenoe north 41 eait on Oatharloe street 2U0 icet io aa aney i ineoae ny said a lev north 40 wdn an feet to the oorner or lot Ne. 1 ; thence by the line Of aaid lot aoutb 40 weat 200 feet lo Henrv atnwi thence by aaid atreet to wiaee of beginning, being p'n ui ibiu viuaga, naving there on erected a two story frame bouse about 24x44 eet, witb kitchen attaobrd. a stable and otiia outbuilding!. Also. One Other lot In the vlllaffn at Anann.l )) Jordan townihin. ooontT and Hial .f,mamA bounded and deecrlbed aa followa : beginning at a... oviumr v, io wney ana uamanne street; thence along the alley to lot of Mane t.n . tnenee along the line of Kwan'a lot to line or i nomas oirang s land to t'atbarine street thenoa aiong ainarine street to tbe place or beginning, and having (hereon erected a frame stable. Helaed, taken in deration and to be aold aa tbe property ef John C. John eon and harid Johnaon. Alio, the following property situate In Harm. aide town-hip, Clvarfield noanty, Pa., bounded east by land of Tbomaa Mitchell, aoutb by land of Kiddle, wrat by lend of llargmao eat ate, north oy tana oi eieaae nation, eon la lo Ing 240 acres, more or leaa, with about 00 aorea cleared and under improvement, aod having l hereon erected a two-story frame, hoane livrce bank barn anrl other necesary outbuilding, with orchard and good well of water. Alao, another traot of land situate In Ilornaldo lownsbtp, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., bounded on the east by land of Defendant, aouth by land of Wm. h, a nta, weat by land ot Campbell, north by land ef Defendant, cootaialng 137 acres, more or less, with about 67 ieree cleared, and having a two-atory frame acute, log barn and outbuildings Ihereoa erected. Seised, taken In exeeition and te be told the property of Marrion H oc kee ker ry. Alao, the following described real estate situate la Barnald. aoro.ga, CL.td.ld malr, P.O. a, Jf roat jJidi'f rtlsr limits. renting 00 feet cm Main itrwet, aod running: back I HO tact to an alley, bounded north by lot or II. Pnttbia, aouth by lot of V. Tonkine, weat bj Main meet, east by aa alley, and having tlieraua creeled a two-.tory frame dwelling bouae and outbulidisgr. Alio, ao other lot fronting 7 feet en Pine atr.et aud running lack I fill feet to no alley, bounded eait by Pin street, wot by an alley, norih aud aoutb by land of V. Tonkins, and hav ing thereon erected an old atable and shad, known in general pUn of eaid borouifh of Burmids, aa lot No. 118. .Seised, takou in elocution end to be aoldaa the property of A. U- ShafTar. Alio, a certain I (it or pieae of ground In the villn ga or Lulberoburg, Urady loaoihip, Clear field eounty, Pa., bounded and described aa fol Iowa: Un the eat jjr land of Jem-La lnln(4n the wrat by a private a'h-y.ua tbe north by land of Wm K. Irvin, and on the aouth by public road, being flfl feel (runt on pubkia eoaj and run ning back 100 feet, and h tiring I hereon erected a Urge dwelling hxuae with i.Rivie atta-boj, a large Btablo, too faouie.and other outbuilding, being tbe same lot whi.-h K. I. Kirk and wife ei.nvcu'ii to W. A. Weane. by Deed dated March Uih, 1871, and recorded in Deed Hunk No. 1, page 40 del led, taken lo execution aad to be aild aa the property ol W. A. Means. Also, the following real at tale situate iu Ilonti' dale, Clearfield county, iv, frntiog 41 fet, more or lea, on llaunaa sUeet, aod running back loO feet to an alley, being part of lot No. ltl in general plan of said borouti, aad having therein erected a two-story frame bouse, used aa a hotel, alih stable, Ice bouae and coal bouse. Molted, taken in execution and to be sold aa the properly of M. W. Kluuk. Also, the following real estate situate In Kart hauatownbip,Clearfield county, Pa. .bounded aud described aa lollew : Kait by public ro.d, aouth by land of I. C. MoCio.ky, west by same, nurth by land or David Prion, eouuiumg. 26 acres, more or lets, alt cleared, aud haviug aereon ereuted a two-story frame house, frame bar a and out buildings. Seised, taken iu elocution and to be aold as the property of tijlotnon iStroup. Alao, a certain tract or pieoe or land la Bandy tow n lb i p, Clour Be Id couiiy. Peun'a, bounded on the ea4 by land fold to lieury b'barTer by tbe Defendant, on the wcit by l.md of Ubi Heber ling, oa tbe aouth by Iau4..f An lee w K.iiitb, and on the north partly by laod of Thoa. Wayne and partly by land aold by Deiendant, U David bharler, containing about lOOacroa, with ahoalAO aorea ok'ared,and having thereon ereote I a dwelling bouae, bj.ru,aiidotberoutbuildi(,j(4. HciaeJ, tak en ta execution, an 1 to ba aold ai tbe property of Jauiea A. Dixop, Also, the fiillowing real estate sit j te In Pike twp., Clearfield county, Ponn'a, bounded and de ieribed aa follows: Oa tbe eait by land of Win. Uloom, aouth by land of Al- M'lure, went by land of James Smith, and north by land of K. A. trvin, C'ntiilning 7tf acre, mora ur Imik, with about HO acres cleared and under Improvement, and having thoreon erected a leg burn and out buildings (dwolliug house burned). Also, another piece of land situate in the bor ouh of Curwensville, on tbe northwest side of Stale street, and known io tbe general plan of aaid . rugh aa Lot No. 07. No buildings. Also, another lot of ground l?uatd la Cur-1 weniville, Clearfield couuly, Penn'a, on the north wo t aide of hute atreet, and known in plan of; said borough aa Lot No. Co, and having thereon i erected a large two-story fruma dwelling house, j atablo, and other outbuildings. Soiled . taken in execution, and to bo aold aa the property of Yur-1 ace Clark. i Alio, tbe f.llrvlng decriln I ml estate situate in ilcrearia towtuhip, Clearfifll eouitr, Pa., and deieribed aa followa : Kill by land of llurke'a ei taie, west by Clearfield creek. I'.uth by land of Jacob Hpangle, north by Innd of J,jbn Ligbfner, reserving ail the oal and other minerals, with right to rem ire tba sirue. eon'ainmj M acres, mute or leia, witb about thirty acres cleared, and thereon creeled a frame h'ue two atones high, a barr, aud other out-buildiug4. Also, another pieoe of land situate in Il-jooaria township, Clviiriield county, I'a, described ai folli.ws: West by road lelni Irom (lien Hope to Ueccaria Mtlli, aouth by Urni of II . U. Wright, north by laud of Nutter, Kouiery A Co., east by Clearlitjld creek, containing oua and one-Inurth acrea. Alio, a bit of ground lit-iate in Houtt I ale bor ough, Cleartield coubty, Pa , fr nting o0 feat oa Uond Unset and running bnok H.O feet to Pine alley, and known In plea of aaid bt.rojgh aa lot .o .idrt, and having thereon erected a frame huse onn and a bull story big'i, aid o titer out -buildiuga. All the defendant's in'ereit an property In aud to all tbo coal aud other minerals with rixot to remove tbe aame by an a: tide of agreement with Aaiufi Liv tu tb fuiivtting trait ui land aiiutte in Iteccaiia towoibip, Clearfield county, Peon'a., boumlfid en the em an 1 north by Ua I of tituap ion, llopkina A Wal'en, nulb bj laud of J. Sny der, wl-iU by land of Cbrirt Coon, CDotaining lit acrte and l'wnre. 1 Also, all the defundml's intereit and claim in and to atl tbe eo,.l and ether minerals witb right to remove the sains by article of agreement with Tbouiai Hopkins in the following tract of land idtuute in Ueccaria townihip, Ciearfield oounty, Pa. Hounded eaU by land of Jeiaa Ditlou, west by land of llevatly, north by land of Dillon, and south by land of Utuael Hegarty, containing acrea and allowanoea, fieiacd. taken in execu tloe, and to be Bold a. tbe property of W. W. Mayee. Taana or Pi,a. Tbe price or auin at which tbe property ahall be struck off must be paid at the time of aale, or aoeb other arrangement made aa will ba approved, otherwise the proper ty will be Immediately put up and Bold again at tbe expense and risk of the person to whom It waa atruck off, and wbo, in ease of deficiency at auoh re-sale, shall make good the aame, and la no Instance will tbe Deed be presented lo Court for oonttrtnatioQ unlets the money Is actually paid to the (Sheriff. AND KKVV PENTZ, Jr. Snantrr'a Owe a, 1 (Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa.. Aug. 27, 1S7M SherilT's Sale. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vr. Er Issued out of the Court of Common Plena of Clear field Co., and to me directed, there will beexposed to public aale, at the Court Home, in the borough of Clearfield, oa Tim red ay, Kept. lHUi, iHtl), At I o'clock, P. M., the following deacrlbad real estate, to wit :- A oertaln tract of land situate io Knox town-hip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., in the village of New Mill port, ono hoae two stories high, with kitchen aad two small simps on said lots, with small ata ble and othor out-buildinga. Hounded eat by an alley, west by Main street, and north by Fox, and on the aouth by lot of K 1, think. Belied, taken In execution, and to be sold ai the prop, crty of Christ Sloppy. Alie, a piece of Innd in Knox township, con taining 42 ertres,with about 19 acrea cleared and having thereon erected ft small I) story plank bouse, small stable, aod otber out-buildingi. Seised, taken In execution, and to bl aoid aa tbe property of D. W. Sloppy. Also, a oertaln tract of land litoato in Cheat twp., Clearfield Co , Pa., bounded and deieribed aa followa: Iteginning at bank of Cheat ereek, and running 874j degrees eaat 24fi percbea to poat ; thence north 2 degrees east 101 perches to aa ash tbenoe north b7i degrees west 2il perchoi to Cheat ereek ; thence np aaid creek to plaoe of beginning, containing 142 acre, and allowance, witb 6& aorea cleared, with Irame houie, llIx'J.4 feet, with kite boo attached lfiitf feet, well tin Ished store house, iXxStl fert,and largo bnok barn, 4x&0 feet, small orchard, and out-boildingi t hereon, (jeixed, taken inexeeution and to be fold as the property of Jonsa fcoyder. Also, a tract or piece of land situate In Burn tide township, bounded and described aa followa : Iteginning at a pine tree at a oorner or John Troxel'i land; tbence by land of Christopher Korabaugh aouth 8rt degree eait fit perches to a poit ; thence by other Ktid of the aforesaid John 1 and Jonaa Snyder north li degree east 03 2 10 perches to post ; tbenoe by land of Troxel tbe four following courses and dutances, to wit: ISouth 7H degreea west 32 perobea to post, South Sll degrees weat 27 perohea to a chcttnut tree, aoutb IM degreea weat 21 nerrhea to a idne tree, aouth i aegreea wen ou a io porches to place of be ginning, containing 23 acrea and 07 percbei and allowance, about 4 a" res olaarea. aad having a leg home, IBx20 feet, and log barn, ISxJO foot, inereoa creeieu. Al-o, one other piece of lend illnate in Durnslile twp., Mearneid eounty, I'enn a, bounded and de icrlbod as followa t beginning at a black oak ; thenoe by other landa of aforesaid Snyder aouth I i d-greea west 1 1 2 perches, more or leas, to a oh-at- nut; thenee north tut degreea west IAI perches, mora or ies, a oDeainnt I tuence norm U do- gre'i eait 1 1 2 perohea, more or leis, to a poat ii.vi.i7i anniu n-j aegreea oaai irjJ perenes to the place of beiinnin. contamin 100 aorra and lit. perrbea, more or leaa, having thereon a two-atory frame house, 20.24 feet, a log barn, wag"" -bed. and elber outbuildings, with about AO acres cleared and a good orobard on tbe aame, Hciaed, taken In execution ami to be sold aa the nronerlv of Jonae and John tiny der, Alao, oertaln tract of land situate In Cheit townihip, Clearfield eounty, pa, bounded and deBoribed m fallows: On the east by lands of Chariot Moore and Joe. Weitever, on tht aonlb by pablie mad, weal by Cheat creek, north by landa or Metre Loyd, detaining 50 acres, wltb 12 acrea cleared, and having tbereoa erected ft largo two-story b iuae, 2;i8 Teal, well fioiihed, large bam, .'iniMI feet, and nfflno, llUL'O feet, one story h Igh, and other outbmldina-n Belaed. taken ia deflation and lo be sold aa tbe property or Jjhn J.Bnyder. Alio, a certain tract or land allaate la Hurnslde twp., Cleartield eounty, Fa., bounded and Am scribed as fol lows : Ilegionlng at a poat, corner of uaurgv nivuinini ngg taeneo booio "f de grees east 18ft perehee, more or less ; thcaee by landa ot Israel Korabaugh south li degreea 10ft perehee, mora or leaa, to plaeo of beginning, con taining IA0 acre and 9ft perohea, more or leaa, ami having a frame house, 10 by 30 feet, log bara, 20 by 11) feet, spring bouae, Ae., thereon erected, with orchard I hereon, about 7 acrea being cleared and tinier good improvement. Beiiel, taken In nxaoutian and to bo aold as the properly of Jonaa and John Snyder, Alao, ft certain traot of land rltuate la Cheat township, Clearfleld eounty, Pa., containing 76 acrea, with about 20 acres clearer!, with frame bouae 10x30, and email log barn. Bounded tooth by lurael Hnyder, K.., nut by widow Irvin, berth by Frank Koepp, and west by Aaron Patch io. Belied, taken In azeenttfin. and to be old as the property of William I. Snyder, Alao, a certain tract of land tltuate In Cheat township, Clearfleld eounty. Panna . eontalmna about three oiajhlhe of an acre, with dwelling house, atore houie, aad other out Niildingl there on erected . Hounded eaat by Cbeit ereek, weat by Joseph Mo K wen, North by ao alley, end sooth by Keaon aod Joseph UcKwen. Heiaed, taken ia ex -cation, and to be sold as the property of Jaeob Rowland. Alao, all of Defendant's Interest In ft certain trart ol l.ad .lloal. la Bomrla Hwa.hlp, Cl.ar gfrjn! gulrrrtlsfmcnts. field county, Pa , obtaining 200 acres, more or less, known aa tbe John Hboff farm, or pruperty. lioundel on tho north by land of Lemual Hot. I, eaat by Muddy run, south by land ol Anirew KbnfT, weat by lands of riamual l(e.riyaa t Jnhn McCoy, and having about 80 acre olearel, and having tnereou ereotel a two atorv Irame boui largo bank barn, and other out-baitdingj. Seiaed , taken in execution, and to beauld as tut proper ty uf John a. riboff. Alan, a certain tract of laod aituate la Brady township, utrarueid oounty, ra., bounded on ibe north and west by Charlea Preaoott, bouth by una oi uunip aeire, wo too oast ty land oi llob erhng, oontitiomg lh acres, mire or 1cm, hav log about iO aetui cleared, aod having theruv.i erect, d n log bouae and big larn. Heiaed, taneo in erecutiou, and to be aalJ aa the property of Wm. Keeley. Alio, a oertaln trail of laod iltutte in Djeatur townabip, Clearfield oounty, P., boundel and deaenbod as followa i Uu tbe east and aouth by lands of Jacob Kteiuor, on the wen by Ian 1 of KnoL-h Oearharl, an I nurth by utur, ontain ing if aores all cleared and under cultivation, being underlaid with bitumio'iua e ial, and hav ing thereon erected a well UuiihiJ dwelling house two stories nig li, large ban it Deri, and other out buildings. Also, one otber pieoe of Und altaita In D jg;a towuahln. Clearfield ojuoty, Pa- buuaded on too eai and aoutb by Morgan A Hall, west by lands of John a U ear hart, and north by aame, ooolam inx 100 aorea, more or leia, with 74 acrea cleared, tbe whole balug underlaid with bituminous coal and fire-olay, bearing orobard, and bavin there on erected a log bue two atoriea bigb, log barn, aad other tut-bnUdinga, Heiaed, taken in exe cution, and to be aaid aa tbe property of Jonaa u. ratera. Alio, ft oertaln lot of ground aituate la Haitoo townihip, Cleartield a anty, Pa, In tbe villaare of Pen field, being part of lot No. 27 In the plot of aaid village, and pan oi lot donated by II. K Hewitt, tbe whole being 103 foot front aad l4 feet deep, fronting in south aide of Woodward street. Uuunded uortb by land or P. . Hewitt, tooth and west by land or 11. Woodward, and north by land or lioorce Woodward, and having (hereon erected a frame building, known aa the M. K. Cbutub. tjaidoborob la 43 by 80 foeLtwi atorlei blh. Seiied, taken in executi n, and to be aold aa tbe property of tbe 1. Ij, Church at Pen field. Alio, a certain tract or land aituate io Hunt on townihip, ClearBold oounty, I'., bounded and de scribed ai follows: On tbe euct by land of David Horning, oa the west by land of (Joorge Williaioi, on tbe euuth by land of John DuB'jie, and on the nortb by Uud of Woodward A Finney, contain ing about two hundred aad nineteen acres, more or leas, and having a'joul tiity acrea cleared and under cultivation, aod having therei n erected two two-etory frame dwelling houiea, a frame baru, and othor out-building. Settud, taken In execution, and to be sold as tbe property of John 0. Tyler. Also, a cerlaln treat 4f land situate In Iloutidale borough, Clearfield county, Penii'a, bounded on the out by Spruce Alley, oa the Weat by Ootid street, on the North by lot No. 46, and oo tbe South by Deaver Alley, end known io tbe plan of a.id borougb aa Lot No. 4, and having thereon erected alargo frame h.iu-o, and outbuildings. Seitcd, taken In eieouuuo, an 1 to be sold as the property of David O. Henial. AUo, throe certain piece of land sjtnaie lo Go then and tlraham townships, CieaHeld oounty, Penn'e, bounded and described as fol Iowa t tin I being 60 acrsi of land in tiosben townihip, boun ded on the east by land of llr njatiiiii Suackwen, west by Wtnnery and Iiauc Kyler, north by J. cob Willbolm'i eetato, aoutb by W. P. Hmell. and having about 17 acrea under cultivation. No. 2 being ibrec acres of land in rabatn townabip, be ing on south side of tho road leading from Ure baintun to Jacob Willbehii'a.oninmeociog at aaid road ruuning aouth to pine knob oorner ; thence west to aaid road : theuuo down laid road to place of beginning, land being a I under cultivation. No. 8 beiog 16 ec:ei of land in Urabato townihip, bounded aa follows : Hen I no ing at a pott on tbe run ; tin nee west 42 perches to a white oak ; thence south 112 perehea to a white pine; thenoe eait 2 poiebef tu ft poit ; thence nortb 21 degrees east 1 1 V 5-10 pcrchcBto a pust and place of beginning, having about 8 acres cleared, aud having a frame boue, 17x30 fee', one and a ball aturiei high, a log barn, and other outbuildiotrs tbereoa ercted. ."uiitd, taken In execution, and lo be aold aa ttie property of W. 11. Wiiibelm. Alto, a certain tract ( f land situate in Deccarla township, C it or fltl I rounty, Penn'a, bounded and and di'-vribed as lullowi : il.gioniog at a white oa ; tbcuce by land of John Krbard nortb 44 de peees weat I 111 pctcliea to poat ; thence south 46 degrees west 7 perehea to a pout ; thence north tt degreea east 7t) perohea, containing &0 acrei, more or leas, with about 40 acre cleared, and having thereon erected a hewed lug home and log warn, und ootnuiuingi. Heiaed, taken ta exoou tion, Aiid t. bv lull iliu property uf Samuel oe . TnRnt or Silo. The price or sum at whleb the property aball be atruck off axuat be paid at me lime oi Bale, or each ether arrangement made aa will be approved, olberwiae tbe property will be immediately put up and sold again at Uie expeoae and risk of the person to wboi waa atruok off, and who, in oaae of defieieooy at aucn re-aale, ahall make good the aame, and in no instance will tbe Deed bo presented in Court for confirmation unleaa the money la actually patiu io ui ouerin. aaviie.. rr.AU, jr., bHunirr'a Orrim, I Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., Aug 27, 1879. J SherilT's Sale. Dy virtue of aundry wrltt of Ltvnri Facia tl- suetl out of toe Uourt or Commna Pleas of Clear field eounty, and lo oo directed, there will be axpoaed to public aale, at the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, on Thuraday, Bentembcr IHIh, 1879, At I o'clock P. M , tho following deoprlbrd real estate, to wit : A otrtatn two-atory frame bulldlof oied aa a hotel, and known aa the "Arlington House, the main buiMIng being 80 feet front by 2ft fral deep, with a back building the rfaane of ao L attached, being about IA feet suuare.nitb lot and cur li 'ate appurirnant thereto, aituate fi tbe borough of ii out ia ale, I'iearncia county, ra., bounded nortb by tho Madera Branch Kailroad, and known in general plan of said boronc h aa Lot No. 2(18. Soiled, taken In execution, aad to be aold aa the property of rredenok Wrote. Also, a certain lot of ground and ita eurtllaare, and a two-atory frame bouae,situate in the vi llage of Paradise, ta Lawrence township, Clearfleld eounty, Peon'a, fronting on the Krie turnpike, and aaid house being twenty feet front aod lix- teen feet deep. Seised, taken in ex ecu tion, and lo be sold aa the property of Abraham Carter ftftd lewie tarter. Also, all that certain pieoe or lot of ground siiuaie to uecaiur township, uieaintild aonoty, renn a, oonnueo ana aeaariood aa lotions, to wit Heginmng at a poet on the north aide of town ship road loading Upo. Oaoeola te Janesvllla fifil feel in ft western dirootioo from a poit in ft run (being a boundary line between aaid boron nb and township); thenoe along townabip road north 70 degroos and 16 minutes weat 420 feet to poit ) tbenre north li degreoa aod 40 minutes eait 420 feet to ft post tbenoe south 20 degrees aud 14 minatea east 420 feet to a post : thenee aouth 10 degreea and 4b minutes woat 420 ftet to plaoe of Beginning, containing lour arrea, more or leaa, all cleared, wita a frame bouae one and ft half atoriea high and ootbuildiags thereon ereeeted. Seised, taknn In execution, and to be soil aa tbe property oi tfaneue rraiiar. Alao, all that certain lot or pieoe of ground situate In North lloutadale, Clearfield county, Penn'a, on tbo northeast oorner of Soolie Avenue 71 feet, and running aouth b'A degreea est 160 feet to Cedar Alley, known aa hat No. 99 in the general plan or aaid town, and having tbereoa errcted a two-atorv frame houao and outbuild! n re. Seised, taken in execution, and to be aold ao tbe property of Jamea hiug. Also, all tbat oertaln nlene or parcel of land situate In Morris townihip, Clearfield ooonty, Pa., uounnea ana aeaeriDeq aa follows t Hrgianine at a ira all bemloak; thenoe north 1$ degrees east 135 perohea to post; thenee aouth 871 degrees h f-iu pernnee to a poat j tbenoe aouth 14 degrea we-t l!ls perches to poat; thenoe north B74 degreea weat I4(t 7-l Derchea place ol beginning, eonialotng one hundred and iweniy tnre (I'M aeraa an 1 ono hundred and twenty (120) perehea, reserving, however, that piece or parcel of land aold by Iiaao Bngland la uu i wen me to the Advent Uharob, and hwing about sixty fterea cleared, and a two-atory dwell ing house, bara end other ontbnlldlnge thereon erroted. Hoiaad, taken la exenntinn, and to be mid aa the property of John K. Hoc-kenbvrry and muoup iioeaenoerry. Also, all that certain lot or pieoe of ground ait uate in the borough of Oacoolo, bounded and de aerlbed aa follows i On the north by lot No. 29, on tne east oy ueoatur alley, on tbe aouth by lot No. 272, and on the west by Ulancbard street, and known oa lot No. 272 tn tbe general plan of miu ruuB, u oi'inar me aame mi conveyed to John Kl niton by tho Moihanoon Land and Lum ber Comnanv, br Deed dated IU Maroh. U7.1. mil having thereon erected a two atory framn bouae, auble, and otbrr out-bnlldings. Heiaed, takeo in execution, and to be Bold aa the property of John Moston. Alao, saw. mil), liiuale im Brady township, Clearfleld eounty, Pa., bounded on all eldco by landa formerly owned by Kiebcl bow Keneea Moore oontaloioar al ent six and 4broe-lourth acres, tbe main building being ab-t fiOxill feet. ttb ft wtnf 40x14 feet, with another wioo to the east for holler and encinereom abnat DlittfMt. Beiaed, Uken in exeeu-lioa, and to be told aa tbe property of Ira Dew it, owner, or reputed owoer and contractor. Alio, a oertaln two etort frame dwelllot houte . being 2ft feet in length and 10 feet in depth, with lot and cartilage appurtenant thereto, el'uate In tbe bomugh of Uieeola, Clearfleld eounty, Pa., ouunaea ana aesenoen na followa i Iteginning at a corner of property of Jamea Borne j thenoe along Hale atreet bO feat to an alley: thenoe ftliong Bald alley '& fret to Maya alley r thenee along aatd alley M feet to nrenertv of aaid Duma t thenoe along property of aaid Horns to plaoe of imar'noing, ana nnnwo as let no. sob in general plan ef aaid bnrongh. cMied, taken In execution and to bo told aa tbe property of Andrew Pilllan . Tnnnxep Sam -The nrice or mm at hih the property ahall be atrnok off muat be paid at ...v ..wm Ul ur iuco viner arrangements maue aa will be approved, other wise the property will be Immediately put up and told acain at the ex pense and rt-k or the person to whom it waa trunk off, and who, la ease of defieloooy at auoh re-aale, ahall make good tht aame, and la no in it an oo will the Deed be presented In Court for confirmation unices the money is actually paid to tbe Sheriff. ANDHaVW PKNTZ,Jr Hnamrr'i Orrica, Hheriff. Clearfleld, PaM Aug. 17, 1171. J IXRCUTOHIM MOTICK.NHn I. br.. J by fi.m thai lartt.r. lMcam.al.rT lh...tal. .r JOHN SOU KIIRICH, laU.(Brad? lown.hln., Cl.arfl.ld mboIt, Fmb'b,, aaa'd., having bf.n 4ay fraoud la tb. Bndrr.lanml , all .roiu ind.btwl I. .aid Mt.la will ,1m.. mak. Immnllal. p.yw.at, aad thai, ba.ion .lalmi .r d.maad. aitala.1 Ih. aau. will iiraml Ibna prop.rlj ..Ib.nlle.lfH for Mltltmrnt wllhaal d.l.. I.RWIN HCIKK1H, M. KINUKHMaN, Kttwator.. Troat.lll., P.., Au. 11, lr t' PisrrUntuoiu. A I.N OLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. Carwenarille, Jan. 9, Tt-tf. New Marble Yard. TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, rosin for Vtmelery l.of A NKW MARHLB YARD Call at J. FLA II AHTV'rt Marble Worka. Choice work and lo prieee. Directly oppoiite the Lutheran Church Third street. Cleartield, Pa., March 27, U1V If JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALE& IN FURNITURE, ii vivrni:ssi:M, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STKKRT, NEAR P.O. The undersigned bega leave to inform the oltl aona uf Clearfleld, and the publio generally, thai be hu on hand a fine assortment of Furniture an oh ai Walnut, Chen! out and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Huitea, Keclinlng and Kxtenitlot Chairs, Ladies' and dcota' Kaiy Chair a, tho Per fo rated Dining and Parlor Chaire, Cane Heata and Windsor Cbaira, Clotbea liars, btep and Kx ten aion Laddera, Hat Rack a, Bcrubhlng Ltruaboo, A MOITLDINQ AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooklng (1 leasee, Chromoa, Ac, whloh would lilalile for Holiday preaeota. ImI7I JOHN TROHTMAN. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonitantly on hand. STOVE AM) EARTHEN - WARE OF EVERY DKSCBIPTIONI CKOCKS! POTS! CHOCKS! Kl.lier'. Patent Airtight Self . Staling rruit i.anii BUTTRR C110CKH. wit. lid., CREAM CKOCKS, MILK CROCKS, A r r 1, K - D I'T TB K UKUUKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, PLovmi pots, rii disuks, STEW POTS, . Aod a ffreat many othar tbloit. too Bnm.ro ol u m.atloB, to b. bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Coroar ol Charrj and Third Str..U, CLKARflKLO, PA. augl REMOVAL ! James L. Lcavy, Having purchased the entire flock ef Fred Saokett, hereby givea notice that bo has movee into the room lately oeaupied by Heed A Haerty on Second atreet, where ne la prepand to offer t the publio COOK ST0ES, PAHLUU STOVES, of tbe la teat Improved patterns, at low prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Spouting, Plumbltig, Qaa Fitting, and Repairing 1'uoioa a apooiaitj. All work warranted. Anything in my line will be ordered special 11 deiired. JAH. L LRAVV, Proprietor. FRKD. HAChhTT, Agent. Clearfied, Pa., January 1, 1879 tf. TRENEWErVl -v. -y Hftft been In conatant by tbe pnbllo tor everr twenty yearn. end la tbe beat preparation ever Invented for BESTOlt 1NO ORAT HAIB TO IT" TOCTDFVL COLOR AND Lirr. i It turpi lea tbe natural fbod and color to the hair glanda wllhoot atalnlng the akin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent lift blanching and falling on, and that AVEUT BAXDNE8I), f It ennui Itrhlng, Erup- tlone and Dandrun. Ae ft B AIR UREMMlNClltlevary rlcaimhlfi, giving tlie hair a ailken aoftneaa which nil dmlre. It fcerpa the) head dean, oweot and healthy. WHISKERS will change the bear to a IlKOtVN or BLACK at dleoretlnm Being In one preparation It In eaally applied, and prodnrvft n pertuanent color that will not waeh otT. Mil I AHI I II V R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. told by all IWn ta alaaldiM. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing MacMno No. 8. .! i.rrE.rTiA . Straight Needle, Silant, Easy Running. At the Paris Exposition, 1078, Wheulor k Wilson rocoived the onlf n T, i . J ur.im i iibs nwnrafla rorcewing Macliinea. Over SO com potiior. Report of the American Institute of AVw lorKonxne n iwwrcf WUSOH Machine: W do no. hositnta to doclura It Till BKHT StWINO ArPARATUR lit Tilt Would." Tb. R.. aad Na. ? Maaofaotgrinr Manila., an .miwl.tlr rmmmmdtul for flllOKMAKBRa' aad TA1LDK8' an. H.B.THOMPSON, 3door, Ewt of Bank, CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELEB & WILSON MT'O CO., 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April I, l!1.m. ' nr Can Sittttrrtixrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabll.bad irar Wlaad, b, G. B. GOODLANDER, 1'LKAHKIEa.n, PA., Haa Ilia Lai-goat Clrculatlou ot all) paper III NorthwMtara Pann.yl.anla. Tlie largo and uouatuiitly Inoruuning cirouktion of ths Kepublioan, renders it v.luublo tobuine men ad a modlum thro' which to roach the publio. Terms oi Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . f 2 00 If paid after three months, . 2 50 If paid after six months, . , 8 00 When papers are sent outside of the county payment must be in advance, ADVERTISING i Ton linos, or less, 3 times, , Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Noticos, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . , Cautions and Estrays, . . Dissolution Notices, . . tl 60 &0 2 SO 2 50 2 60 1 SO 2 60 Professional Cards, & lines, yoar, fi 00 Special notices, par line, , 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One Mjuaru, 10 lines, , . , $8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth oolumn, . . . , 60 00 Ono half column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 ItLAKKK. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS. SUBP(ENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AG RE KM ENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, to., 4o, , Jfccj JOB PRINTING. We aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING B1ICII A8 POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL nEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, J,.; sc., Ao.,""' - . IN TUB BEST STYLE,,' AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDKits by mail FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. CJeo. II. ttoodlniatltr, Clearfleld, Clearfleld County, fa. lisrfUatuous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curw.nirlll., Pa., Jan. , 'J tf. MOHF.Y TO 1.OAM.-0. ir.t olau l. pro.ed farm prop.rly, by tb. Mutual L,i, lu.ur.no. Cuniftauy i,t N.w Yurk. oa tlr.t murt. .,., la .um. Irom tl.OUO up. Por furtbar la. futu.tiua apjtlj tu th. unft.riijtn.il, IU HXTIIAI, W. SMITH. Cleatt.ld Pa., Majr ttb, 1871111. A Bank that Never Breaks. Try Jly t'onl. Thu unlfrl)toiHl Rdpt thU mrlliod of Infom Ing tlit nuineroui otibiuinara, llial bit en-1 biuk ll not VYiultr arrHD(.'tntnt aiy, but that tl will It oirRtrd In I lie Hutu mar W wall Win tor. I olm that I turttlit Best Coal in the Market, .nd will Mil 11 for euh, or la eicbmft for fiuur, ImJ, groatrief, to. I.trg ooatriota will bt OifttU st very mtill profit. For full ptrtieultri oJI on tut ia praoa, reilding In oo of tirabtii'i upper hu-a. or tddreea tn tbruugb tb pott olW Onleri lft at tb- pit(IKo will rcriv prtinpt attontlon. TIIok. a. DIlCKKH CU a roe Id, !'., Jn.' 6, lMTV-lf. F. aULIt'H. ft. tf'coBKLI. , ailLtRDi GILICII, McCOBKLE & 10.S FURNITURE -ROOMS, Market Direct, Clcardeld, Pa. W. maaafaar. .11 hind, of Furattar. for Cbamban, Diuiaif Huoini, Librarl.a sad llalli. If yon want Furnitur. of any kind, dua't buy nolll yoa .e. our .took. UNIiKKTAKIXU la all ltl branohN, prcmutly attended to. OITI.C1I, MoCOKKLK d CO Cktrft.M, p.., F.b. t, '78. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS 4 STATIONERY Market BL, Ctearoeld, (at th Port Orllre.) THE nndmiitnrd bgi lar. u announn tu tb. .itiun. of Cl.arli.lil and ricinlly, that a. kai tttcd up a rvom and ba. it rturnd from tb. city with a lar. .mount f raadmi matter, wn,i,tinf ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blink, Account aod Pan Book, uf .v.ry do Mrlpttun ; Paper aud Eovlo., Frcuvb pr.Mcd nd plain pen. aud I'. nil.; Hl.uk Lcaal Paper., I).d., Mutlctge.i Juilnm.ut, Kieiup. Uun end Promi.arf nute.i Wbiu and Parch. m.al Brief, Ugul Cap, Hecord C.p. em! Bill C.p, Sheet Mu.ie, lor .ither Pi.uo, Flute or Violin, aonat.ntly on band. Any book, or atntiuukry 4..imd tbat 1 may out nave on band, will be orij.red by Im .xpr..., and .old at whole.., or rtuil to rait cuelomer.. I will alto k.rp periodic.l llUralur., .urb a. M.g.iluM, N.wiiiat.er., In. P. A. UAl'LIN. Cle.raeld. M.y , l.tf A NEW DEPARTURE LCTIIERSBl' EG. Haretftrr, roodi will ba aold for CAHII ..r.1. nt in atrbaoica for prodae. No booka will U krpt is tb futnr. All old accouata nual U aettled. Thota who oanoot eh up. will plaaaa bud ovat tbair nota tod CLOSE THE EECOED. I aui llrtfrtutnpd Ia mutt -i .L. pHaa, and at a diaaouot far Uluw that arar offerad in tbia vicinitj. Tba diaeouot I allow my Oaatomera. Will inihi lrim rink In tnnl. ..... it they follow my (wlvie and buy tbair guodi fruoi in", i win pay wa tor wheat, oata and eloTar- DANIKL UOODLANDKK. LutberaliiTt. Jaattarj 17, 1H77. HARTSWICK 4 . IRWIN SEC0KD STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALEHS IN PURE DRUGS! CHKMICALSI PAINTS, OIUS, DYE STUFF VAHNIBIIES, DHUE1IES, PERFUMERY, FANCY OOODR, TOILKT ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, rURR WlJVhS AUD I.1QCORS tor modlelaal pirpuaca. Trua4jj, Hup port ara. School Ilouka and 8tatl. rj, and all othar art idea aaaall; found in Drug tttora. PIIV8ICIAN8' PRRSCRIPTIOKM FAKI. Pl'LLY CUMPUUNUKll. UrTina-a lar av. parlvnaa In tba buainaaa tbav eaa tva an lira ia. tafarlloa. J. O. HART8WICK, JOHN P. IHWIN riMfUdiid. Dcrwmkw l, lam JJARD TIMES - IIAVI M0 EFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I t am aware that tber an mm. m.m.b. . tttii. bard to ple.M, and 1 am alu awar. Ikat Iba mplainl of "bard timu" I. w.ll ai(h aniorul. But 1 .m o ntu.ted aow that 1 ran eati.fy tb. formor and pnr. aonclu.lT.ly h.t "b.rd timer wilt not .ffeot tbo.. wbo buy tbetr load. from me, and all my palms. h.U h. talliaud Into tb. or.1 of UOW TO AVOID 1IAHD T1S1KS t h.r. nuoda eeou.h to .uiti.l 1l th Ink.kl. lant. in the lower .ad of Ibe eouaty which I wall at eteecdinii low rate, from my mammoth ttr ia MULHONBUHtl. wber. I .a. al.... k. hu..d ready lo wait apoa .alien aad eapply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snob Cloth., Betlnctt., r.ulm.r.1, Mu.lloi veiain.i, bin.., ltriRlnp, Caliao.., Trimmlae;., Ribbon., Lac, Ready-made Clotbln, BooU aad Show, IUt. aad O.pa ell of Ih. beet material and made t. order Uoee, (Mke, Ule.ee, fdllleaa, Leeee, U.kb..., A. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. ' Con.., Tea, Sugar, Rio, M.I .i.e., Firh, ft.ll rota, li.hu un r.b Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardware. Qo.en.ware. Tie... cti.e. Plow. and Plow Ce.Ua., Mall., Bplhe., Care Celtir. ton, Cld.r Pru..,, and all klad. of Al... Perf.ni.ty, Paiala, VereUh, Ola.., aad a f.n.t.l auortmonl ef at.lloaery, GOOD FLOUR, Ot dif.rant brand., alwaya oa bead, aad will be oio at ue, toweit poMlble iiaree. J. n. tdeClala'l Medlcl.ee. J.re.'i M.dlclae. U..tetl.r'i aad aloetaad'a Billere. . I00S aouad. ef Weal n.uj r. wki.b .b. blgh.at prioe will be paid. ClorereMd .a bead and for .ale al the lowed market prtee. AIM, Agent for fitr.ttoarllk aad Curw.nirlll. Tbreehl.g Mublaee. a.0.11 and mlta toareelrea. Toe will lad eterythlng aroelly hop! la a retail Here. L. M. COODRIIT. FreaebrllU P. 0., Aug.M II, 1IT4.