j1 Gioboi B. Goodlander, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY M0KN1N0, 8EPT. U, I7. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR STATE TREASURER, DANIEL 0. BAItR, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Ruder. If von want to know what U loins oa In loo bualoeae world, uil read our JvertiiiO f olBmna, too Sptctat oolumn tn partlanlar. MAXIMS FOR THE DAV. Mo into worthy tn. oReo or Prvaldent ihoald bo willing to hold it If oounttd In, or plaeed there by any mud. J. o. ub..t. I oould n.v.r have boon reconciled to tho elo vatlB bv tho aioalleat aid of mlno of ft ponon, boworor reipeetabla In privat. lift, who muit forever .airy upon bit brow tho tsmp of fraud firat triumphant in America hiatory. No tub oquont aolion, fcow.ver msrltorloaa, oan welh nwny loo Jetton 01 met recora. Cram.bi F.abcib AnaMi. I would rnther hav. the endoreoment of aquar tor of ft million of tbo Amarioen people than that of the Louiaiana ReturninR Board, or of the Cum minion wbieh ozolnded tbe fact! and decided tbo quoitlon on . teobnioality. l'noa. A. HannRlrna. Under the formi of law, Rutherford B. llayel ba been declared Preildent of tho United Sialel. 11 il title reete npon dlafranAhiiemont of lawful Toterl, tbo falao eeruacalel 01 too retornina; om oera acting eorroptly, and the derlaioa of a com. tniaalon which baa refuted to bear evidence of al leged fraud. For tbe flrat tint are tho American people eon fronted with the fact of a freudulcotly. eleeted Preaitleat. Let it not bo understood that tbe fraud will bo ailently aoquleiced in by the eountry. Let no bour paaa In whioh tbo uaurpa. tion la forgotten. Addrrii op Dbkocratio M. C.'a. One hundred yearn of human depravity .oeo mutated and eonoontrated Into a climax of crime. Never again in flvo hundred yeara aball tbey bare an opportuniiy to repeat the wrong. DarirlW. voorbbkb. Road tho articlo on "Statu XiigliU," (band on our first puRO. ''The Yazoo Business" is attraoting Bomo attention just now. Sea first page. See for Yourself. Our first pngo this week is tho best in variety wo have put out for a long timo. Bob Ingorsoll on tbe Jews will be found on tho first payo, as well as Sockdolagers lor Sherman to answer. Food for All. A cataloguo of the Legislative bribery heroes will bo found on our first page Head the list ovor and remember thorn for future use "True as GosrKL." If a Dauphin county Jury convicts tho Legislative bribe-takers, that will convict Hon. Sarrtuel Butlor too ; beeauso by his vote, ho aaid that tho worst rooster in the flock was not guilty. Lookout now that tho iludical candidate does not catch himself on the fly I Judge Pearson, please don't convict Mr. But lor ! Oh, don't ! I The First Gun. The city of Wil mington, Delaware, always holds the first Fall election. Until last year, ever since tho negroes were enfranchised, tho city has been strongly Radical Last year tho Democrats carried tbo city by a majority of 210, and on Tuesday a wook tbe "cops" carried it by 394, Heretofore, tho Jiads have looked upon Wilmington as a political index board. How they will view it now, wo cannot conjooturo. JiE.UEMiiER I Democrats, rcmembor next Saturday, September 13th, is tho day fixed by our party rules to vote for delegates to represent tho interests of our party in tho approaching Coun ty Convention, and also to cast your ballot for Sheriff, District Attorney, and Jury Commissioner. It is hopod that ever- voter will cast his ballot fur the man whom bo considers the most compotcnt to fill the place his triond iB soliciting at tho hands of his party friends. How it Works. Tho littlo Radical Stato of Rhode Island requires a prop erty qualification. No man can voto for any office who docs not own at least 1134 worth of real estato. Thos. Davis was one of tho members of Con gross from that Stato in 1853 to 1855 mind you a Congressman I In 1873, he lost all his real estato, and bo has not been able to reach tho ballot-box Binco. Ho is an alien to tho Common wealth ho once represented in Con- gross. Thoro are thousands of similnr cases. Header, are such laws right ? , Turn Boldness. Judge Pearson's charge to the Grand Jury was a vigor ous ono. Tho juiy obeyed him and found truo bills against all the bribe takers on tho bill. But whon His Honor found that Judge Black, of Pennsylvania, Senator Carpenter, of Wisconsin, and other prominent coun , sel wore present to prosecuto the "roosters," ho lot tho cases go ovor until after the election, for four that if tho poople obtained an Inside view ol the doings of tho last Radical Legisla ture, the Itadi might suffer at the polls in Novo ra tor, for thoir rascality which would bo mado apparent daring tho progress of the trial. "A wiso Judge," "a most just Judge," somobody onco oxclaimod. Something Wrono. We think it was Artcmus Ward, when ho noticed a man rendering himself ridiculous, or acting out of order, or moro premature ly in any mattor, that he would pro nounce him to bo a damp-phool. If Artcmus were alive now, he would apply the same cpithot to those people who at this day nominate candidates for Presidont in thoir County Conven tions. This is not the work a year honco, and no man who has more re spect' for his party than for his own olfisbnoss, will inject any such non sense intoaCounly Convention in 1879. Mca of sense should know better. Solfl rattloe awfully In some people's bosom, and poor frail humanity sinks beneath all rule of propriety. SUER31AWS DKSP1CA BLE HIS J I OX EST . . A TRtASUUV CLKKK IMI'LOVED AT l'UU 11(1 rXI'KNSK IO COIXKCT HIB RENTS. The fin I of John Sherman, Hayes' Secretary of tho Treasury, having as sociated with Kliza Pinkstini unci Mrs. Jenks, for tho purposo of stculing the Presidency, no ono need bo surprised at anything ho can perpetrate on the people in tho shape of fraud. Ho cheutB bis workmen out of their wages and then pays bis clerks out pf the United States Treasury. Tho Washington Post devclopes tho would-be President in this way : ' About two years ago builders began the erection of a row of houses on each side ot F street northeast, between First and Second. Tho ground be longed to John Sherman, and it was understood be was putting up the buildings. Ho was tho first to dis claim this, and he did so to avoid pay ing tho men who were doing tho work, Beforo halt the houses were completed mc noy ran short, and the workingmcn including contractors, mechanics, and laborers, went unpaid. Somo ot them appealed to John Sherman, but he de clared that ho had no interest in tho buildings, and was not responsible for any of the cost thereof. Ono contrac tora reputable business man ot Wash ington who furnished the iron cor nice work, insisted tlftit Sherman should pay him the 2,000 due him The latter refused, whereupon the con tractor threatened to sue: "Do it if you daro,' said Sherman with indignation. "I've been disposed to sympathizo with you, but I warn you if you begin a fight with mo you will go to tho wall." IS'otwitbslunding this warning the man did sue Sherman, and if he prcBsi the suit be will get bis money. Al most as soon as the last houso wus completed, a gentleman drove iu a bandsomo coupe down to i Lie row and notified tho tonants that "Secretary Sherman had taken possession of the proporty and would thereafter collect tho rents." This gentleman introduced himsell a Mr. Thomson "without a p," and said ho had been authorized to collect tho rents and manage the business. "Do theso houses belong to Sccro tary Sherman ?" asked a tcuiilit ot Thomson. "Yes, Bir ; except a few that havo bocn Bold. Tbe properly belongs ex clusively to tbe Secretary." Sinco that timo thrco months ago Thomson has had charge of tho row as John Sherman's agent, no collects tho rents, superintends repairs, and in fact gives his personal attention to the business. Ho makes a first-class real estato agent, but ho has no right what ever to cngugo in that sort of work. The Post learned incidentally that ho held a position in tbo Treasury De partment, and procoedud to investi gate the matter. It was lound that A. G. Thomson, tbo identical man who is giving his attention to John Slier man's private business, is "chief com puter" in the offlco of the supervising architect of tho Treasury. For tho service ho was appointed to render be draws fl'.GO por day, which amounts to ovor $3,500 per year. To save, him Belt tbo expenso of an agent on tho porcentago that a regular real estate agent would charge, John Sherman details this man, who is well paid by tho people of this country for a specific purposo, to attend to his privato busi ness. Ho bIbo provided Thomson with a horse and coupo, belonging to tho Treasury, and which wero paid for, and ono maintained for at tho people's cost. So that it costB the tax payers of tho United States not less than (1,000 a year to manago John Sherman's real CBtnte in this city. A moro flagrant outrngo was never porpotralcd by any disbon est Radical official. Landaulet Will tarns' famous transaction sinks into in significance In comparison. Koo Harbor City Agricultural Fair. Tho Ninoteonth Annual Fair at Egg Harbor City, N. J., will be held in the now building and grounds on the 14th, 15tband 10th tf September There will be a fine display of native wines, grapes, etc Egg Harbor City is situated on tho lino of tho Camden and Atlantio Railroad, forty one miles from Philadelphia and eighteen miles from Atlantio City. It iB settled al most exclusively by Germans, (irnpo culture and wino making aro among its most important industries. It is tho contra of tho wine growing region ofNowJorsey. The avorago annual production of wino is about 150,000 gallons. A visit to this settlement is highly interesting. The whole coun try is dotted with vineyards, and evory furmor has his wino vaults. Tho Camden and Atlantic Railroad will run frequent trains to and from tho Fair, and will sell excursion tickets, Inelud ing tickets of admission to the Fail, at a very low rate, thorohy enabling every ono to run down for a day or two, at a very small cost. Tho Fair grounds aro but fifty yards from tho platform of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. The Egg Harbor City Fairs have boon growing in popularity evory year, and draw to thorn large numbors of visitors. The grape crop this year is very abundant, and the Herman wine growers are happy. Capital Frauds. Tho Washington Post says that millions upon millions of dollars have boon spent at the Fed- oral Capital to make tho Government buildings strong and fireproof, in tho last twenty years, but nothing of tho kind has been done. Tbe editor of Hi journal in question says : "We do not know of any place on earth where so much architectural folly has been por- pet rated as in this Capital. Tho Govern mcnt has wasted millions undor tbo diroction of architects not qualified to put up a barn or a cow house. Every important rcquisito of architecture safoty, ventilation, light, otc, has boon ignored. Millions have been expondod in trying to improve on previous Im provwments. We trust all this costly folly is at an end, and that the pooplo' representatives will aoe to it that not only necessary changes are made to increaso the safely of buildings already eroctod and in use, but that evory office and every branch of tho permanent publio sorvice shall be sheltered in good fire proof structures, bolonging to th people. Such an expenditure of pub- lie funds will be approved by all classes of cltiiens." DEMOCRA TIC PRIMARY ELECTION. To the Democratic Vota of Clearfield Oounty : In obedience to the rules governing tho Domocratio party of Clearfield county at the I't imury Election, the County Committee hereby gives notice that tho election lor delegates, and tor lio instruction ot sucb duleinitos. as to candidates for the several odlcea to he filled ut the approaching November electicn, wilt be held at tho hleelion House in the several boroughs and townships in said county, on SATUR DAY, TDK TllllO T.I'.NTII DAY OF SKPTEMPKK, A. D. 1879, begin- ning at 1 o clock r. SI., and continue open until 7 o does: v. M., ot said day luo election will bo tela by Ilia igi- lance Committee, who are the Election Board, under our rules, and aro con stituted as tollows: vioiLARcn coHMtrrrs run 1S79, Uurnalde Borough- C. Patrick, Wm. Cunnlng- bam, A. K. Long. Cloarfl.ld-W. B. Wallace. K, C, Johnaon. J. L. H. llaichhold. Curwenarilla Stephen (Iran, W. P. Chambere, W. II. Tuomneon. Hnutadale Uao. 11. Wooden, Jamea Ward, W. II. I'acerauo. Lumber City John B. llipua. liana llane. A. A. Kelly. Nawburg Iiaao Marble, B. niltebraad.Joabua Wood. New Washington Henry Naif, Thoa. Mahaf- fey, W. W. Barclay. Ulceola II. 11. v altera, li. A. II. Kroui.. 1'at- ri' k (lallahor. n allaoeton George W. Bmelgb, riaok Qoie, Thomaa Uoon. Beccarla Townihlp W. W. Mara, Jno. Dillon, John LiEhtner. Jr. Bell Ubriil fiatrtcker, Ha. alatiaRey, John II. Ureia. Illo.io O. P. Bloum, Geo. Korb, Adam Wea rer. Bogga Geo. Ditneling, Jaa, Uallaber, George Metrett. llrajrord W. I. Curley, Julio Wilion, Jacob Willi. ma. Brailr J. F. Oiwald, Rraftua Luther, Henry Ilartafe'lt, Jr. Durnrido Daniel Gorman, 1. M. Chapman, Gideon Nelf. Cheat L. Klllian, Daulul Flabet, Andrew Fralley. Covington Cbrlil Brown, J. J. Pleard, J. W. Picard. Decatur Adam Kepbart, Jeaeo Qoai, Andrew Baughmaa. Ferguaon R. 11. M -ore, L. B. Uile, Lewii McCrackon. Uirard Benj. Jury, George Grften, Wm. Mo Corkle, Br. Goahen George A. Morrlion, Gilbert fibaw, R. K. I leial. Graham T. H. Forcey. Jerry Kyler, A. O. Dale. Greenwood M. W. Johnaon, W. W. Rowlea, Newton Freeman. Gulich John S- Mi-Keirnno, d. Conrad, Hen ry Korman. llmten v. U. woodwird, Jr., A. H. Rolen- kranl, Warren A. Lamb. Joidan A. S. Craaiwell, Reuben Straw, J. W. Johnaon. Kartbaua D. B. Ualni, C. M. Ilertllne, Ed. McClolkey. hnoa r agan Howlee, Conrad Baker, Lewia U- Bloom. Lawrenoe A. Uuinphror, vVm. T. Spaokman, Lever Flegal. Mi.rrla J. w. llollenback, Wilaon Hoover, Clark Crowell. Peon John II. Rowlea, J. M. Rafferty. B. 0. Hepburn. Pike J. F. Rilter, Arnold Bloom, Samuel Ad- dleman. Bandr J. P.Taylor, J. B. ShafTer, J. Troiell. t'nion B. J. UeluetL Richard Laboard, Chriat Laboard, Jr. Woodward Thomaa Matbara. John Shanon, Auatm Kline. Evory Domocratio elector has tho right to voto for One pereon for RherlB, Ona pereon for Dialrict Attorney, One peraon for Jury Conimiaalonur, And for tho proper number of dele gates assignee! undor rulo 2d, to each election district, not less than two in overy case. The delegates will meet in tho Court oom in tjlearnolu, on lUbSLlAI, SEPTEMBER SIXTEENTH, at pre cisely one o'clock P. M.,and thoro and tbon proceed to nominate candidates lor tbe several omccs above named, and to select thrco Senatorial Conferees to meet like Conferees from the counties of Centre and Clinton, for tbe tbe pur pose of selecting a Senatorial delegate to tbo ntate Convention, and one per son as Representative delegate to tho same Convention, ana also to eloct a Chairman and nppoint a Standing Committee lor I88U, as well as any other matters pertaining to our party interests. It is tho desiro of tho County Com- miltco that tho members of the Vigi lance Committee, or Election Boards, bo at tbo Election House at tho timo appointed, and be prompt in the dis charge ot tho duties enjoined upon them. Israel l est, John W. Howe, Chairman. Secretary. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 20, 1879. A Public Outrage. Tho Philadel phia Record, in alluding to tho sco tional slanders put forth by newspa pers North and South, appropriately says : "Perhaps thoro is a moro miser able business than pandering to the bad passions which inflamo tho minds of men in different parts of the coun try, thus keeping it divided into hos tile sections; bat it thoro is, wo do not know what it may ho, Tako as a specimon tho following attack and re joinder: We ahould think that the Mifili.inol Valley Immigration Co. would be greatly ebeered and encouraged by th. Yaaoo murder. That orim. will tndieat. to men wbo aro aeek.ng new hone. wbat an eieredingly nice plan. Miaalaaippi ia to nr. ia.-ranaafj)Atei Aeeetef Jfejferi, Taking alt thing. Into oontideration. the men wbo aro leaking new home! would prefer Miaaia. aippi to Pennsylvania, where a murderoui mob in a tingle city destroyed $7,000,000 worth of property, and where deaperato trampaand roving baoda of banditti diiplay their agility at robbery and murder. The am igrationroai Pennsylvania baa been very large tbie year, aoeordiog to tbe papera of that Stale. Louiivill CWrie r-Journat. Tho Bulletin ia not justified in hold ing tho people of Mitwinslppi rcnpotiHi blo for tbo crimo or a ainglo citizon. Tho Courier-Journal knows bottorthan it docs in charging upon Pennsylvania tbe violence of her moba and murder er. This crimination and recrimina tion, we do believe, has lout the taste of novelty for men of sonso in all par- tics. Viola, jns of law in any part of the country should be matters of ro grot in every other part. Wo aro jus tified in believing that but lor tho po litical animosities which are fostered and kept alivo by such writing and speaking as wo complain of thoro would bo fewer mobs in Pcnuylvania and fewer murders in Mississippi. These things do grow by what thoy feed upon." OvmuoAiiD. Tho result of the Rad ical Stato Convention in New York, last week, shows that Conkling carries the 37 delegates for President in his breeches pocket, and can hand them over to Grant noxt year for a third term if ho sees fit. The Empire Kads have dealt harshly with Hayes, Kvarts and Shorman. Tho Sun shines on tbo transaction in this way: "We pro sent tho ccndolcnccs of tho season to Editor Curtis, Editor Roberts, and tbo other editorial apostles of reform within the party at tho expenso of the Hon. Mr. Conkling. As Bon Sutler onco remarked, this is a bad yoar for tho righteous." As) Awful Bcoimni. A contempo rary remarks: Twenty-ono thousand pooplo havo died in this country in tho last ten years from yellow fever, and of this number, two-thirds or fourtoen thousand died last year, Thoso figures alone ahould be sufllcioiit to causo the National Government to take what steps are necessary to eradicate from the cities subject to tho disease, every thing that will give any powor to the epidemic. The experience of this yoar goes to show that those cities will not take care of themsolvos. THE HISTORICAL FACTS. The editor of tho Butler 1 1, raid takes tho wind out of a refined (?) organ in this homespun and truthful manner: "When Jlarpcr's Weekly slates that the Slate rights party was tho party ofsluv cry and disunion, it simply status a false hood cut out of tho whole cloth. The Stato rights party had Its birth in New England, and it wus during tho war of 1812. It was thuii declared by the flow England pooplo, thut whenever the United States Government under took to do what wus aguiiisl'tlie best interests of tho States, or any ono of Ihcm, the uggrieved party had tho right either to secede or ignore tho action of the genornl Government This was tho serpent's egg, laid by New England, and which the South undortook to hutch out. Hud the serpent been killed helbro it laid tho egg, wo doubt if tbero had ever been a rebellion. The difference between New England and tho South on this question of Stato rights was, that tho former conceived the berosy but was too cowardly to bring it forth, while tho latter adopted the heresy and fought for it to the bitter end. A study of the political history ot tbo New England States during tho war of 1812, by tho editor ot Harper's Weekly might bo timo not injudiciously expended Nast might furnish an appropriate cartoon on tbe subject if be wus not too much of a Bavarian to bo hope lessly ignorant of what occurred ut that period." Frauds, All I Tho Ilnri ishurg Va triut chimes in on a brace of patent patriots in this way : "Chairman Hoot on's organ, tho West Chester, Record. disclaims for candidate Butler any in tontion to electioneer on his military record and denies that any claim has been set up for him on that score. The Record's momory is conveniently short. A hen Mr. Butler was nom nulcd, tbe Republican pupei-B all over tbo Stato, in announcing tho fact. stated that he had served in the Union army during 1802-3, and within a fort night after tbo nomination ho attend od a ro union of veteran soldiers at Eric, thus giving his own endorsement to tho falao pretenso. This fraudu lent claim was subsequently exploded by a West Cboslor correspondent of the Patriot who nave a correct his tory of Mr. Butler's milijary scrv ices, and sinco tbon thoso who at tempted to make capital out of his pretended military record havo been busily engaged in searching for an avenue of escupo from their unplcasan prcdicamont." Entitled to a Monument. An As sociation has been formed in Sav nab, Georgia, to erect a Monument to tho gallant Sergeant Jasper who lost his lilo in the battlo at that city just ono hundred years ago. It is propos ed to lay tho corner-stono of the Mon umcnt on October 9, 1879, tho conton ary of the day on which ho fell. Jas per was a truo hero and some ot his achievements aro most romantic. 11 gallantry in replacing tho flag which had been shot away at Fort Moultrio and his capture of a British guard of ton men and the release of twelve American prisoners aro matters of au thentic hiBtory. His sorvices through out wore beroio and disinterested. If there was in tho Revolution a pure pa triot, it was Jasper. He is, therefore, a man whoso memory Georgia should properly delight to honor. Jasper was of Irish birth, and Irishmen as well as Georgians aro invited to contribute to the Monument. Ia irWALtacB on Tll.nnB 'Several County Conventione in tbie Hate have recently deelarod far Tilden aa tbelr eaodtdato for th. Preiideney, and thla morning tho 'vaioleime that Pennayl vania ii "booming" for the Oratueroy Park aage. Tbie aRemoon, however, a itory ia oireulat.d to the eSrnt that Wallaea, wbo ia a candidate for the Vice Preaidoney, and il oppoied to Tilden, haa eaptared nearly the whole State, and that even Allegheny enunty, which waaauppoaed to be one of Tilden'a alrongboldi, haa beea eaptured. It ii aaid that the County ConvonUon aa mo hy Wal laee meo,aad that tba Chairman of tb. County Committee wa. appointed el tbelr dictation. It Ii aleo aaid that tbe Iroa City Tilden Club il fte dead aa a door nail, and that Henry Meyer, the Chairman, la n Walla.-e man, and therefore luke warm In lb. Tilden enuaa, Pinibryk Ltudtr 0 rntMjf, rae era leaf. "Now, isn't that awful!" as a sweet sixtcenist would remark, while adjust ing her "bang" in the parlr, upon learning that Miss Jones wasn't going to tho party, after telling her once that she teas going. Wo hope tho editors of tho Leader will render thonlselvos as happy as possible. This is tho first that wo knew this was their fight, and wo hope lliey will come out ot it "booming" too. Tho Lancaster Daily Intelligencer ontcrcd upon its sixteenth your on tbo 1st of Soptcmber, and signalizes tho event by arraying itself in a now typo graphical suit, and by other inoehani- cal and editorial improvements that will assure its friends beyond any doubt of its succcbs aa a journalistic enterprise. Tho Intelligencer ie an in dependent and straightforward ex. poncnt of Democrutio principles, pub lished by Messrs. Steinman Ii llensol. To any one wishing a good Democratic daily at $5 a year, we would recom mend tbein to send to the abovo named gentlomon at Lancaster, Pa. A IIkavtX'isoount. Wendell Phil lips says he has watched politics lor fifty years, and bis judgment is "that the fault of tho Republican party is one third ignorance and two-thirds knavory." V do not know of ono better qualified to speak on this sub ject, than Mr. Philips. 11 o certainly has contributed his full proportion to bis party a general collodion of polili oal ignoranee, and aa far aa wo aro in formed, has nevor refused to oondone both its ignoranco and knavery, by withholding bis voto from Us support. Out o Ord'.r. The Chicago Times man overy now and then ignores oven ring etiquette, and slrikos bolow the belt, as witness the following Instance : It la the remark of an Raarern parr that "when Senator Blainoaaya, l reel It in myhnai that we're going la owerplh. Slate,' It I. time legiva up all doubt about Main." Hut may not Senator rllaia. miitaka the feeling and ila aignifloane. 1 it may aw a remnant 01 ibbi aid eaaitroka. It is vory unfair to allude to a sun stroke at this late day. Mr. lllaino is entirely cured ot that sad visitation of Providence. Till Sskatob A 11 iad. The New York Republican State Convention was hold Wednesday, September 3d A. B. Cornoll was nominated for Gov ernor. Cornell was Conkling's man Tbe lattor's ru n out of Rhode Island just ahead nf a shot gun did not soein to injur him with tha stalwart of tho StaU of New York. A HAD JIEFORMER. The Lancaster Intelligencer, in allud ing to tho great tiauil, says: Wo heur from Washington that Hayes has written another civil service reform letter, in which ho says that he is surprised to hear that any federal otlice-holdurs have interfered in Repub lican county conventions, and he adds: 1 agree with vou thut tho intcifer unco of public officials with partisan politicul management ought to be stopped, and the order on that subject be onloreccl. The until is, tho less public olliccrs have to do with parlinni ohticul tnan;iL'euieiit. the belter it is or the public service und for their porty. A publio officer can best pro mote the inteteit of his party by ren dering faithful and cllloient service in porlurming the dudes ot bis oltico. II you will eeud mo the names of those you complain of, with a brief statement ot tho lucts alleged against theui, 1 will boo that the tact is looked into and justice done. "Theso aro fair woids, but not luiror than those which ho expressed beforo and which ho has broken to the hope. Ho never enforced It and never pro posed to enforce it. His Cabinet min isters aro on the slump in violation ot it, and his Secretary is running him solf for President in tho face of it. Hayes himsclt is shown to havo given $1,000 for Casanavo's relief in violation of it, and tho Administration through out is boney-combcd with just tho sort of behavior that its head assumes to criticise. The civil service reform is a whiled sepulchre" Barr Will Win. Tho Allcntown Democrat, in alluding to tho canvass for the Stuto Treasurer, pays : "Th signs of the times are auspicious for the Democracy. There is ovory rea son for believing that Daniel O. Barr will bo elected tho next State Treas urer, This is so patent that the Re publicans are already paving the way to let themsolves down easy. Thoy aro even putting forth the idea that they are not anxious to carry the State. A Philadelphia correspondent writes thut there is a growing belief that tho leaders of the Republican parly in said city do not care the toss of a copper whether they carry tho Stuto this fall or not. It is admitted that Burr will beat theii candiduto (Butlur) outside ot Philadelphia, ami that tho city must give from fifteen to twenty thousand majority to savo Butler. Thut Phila delphia will do this is by no means certain. Somo of tho politicians thore aro hard against Butlor, Quay A Co., and think it would bo a clover thing to let tho Stuto go by default this your there is only ono office at stakes then go into tho next National Con vention with tho Macedonian cry that nobody can redeem Pennsylvania but Grant. A Tkaoedv. We learn from tho Pittsburg Telegraph, that Prol. Victor De Ham, a music teacher in tho PitU burg Fenuilo Collcgo, wu9 shot and killed on his grounds near Cutlo Shan non, on the nielli of thu 1st inst., while, together with his hired man, endeavor ing to frighten off trespassers who wero stealing his grapes. Later inves tigations seem to prove that the Prof. was shot by bis hired man, named Peter J. Bauer. ' Tho hired girl heard a noise among the grapevines, and in lormeti rotor oi tbe luct. tin took a shotgun and fired among tho vinos. This caused tho Professor, who had retired, to got up and pass among tho vines, when Peter, hearing a rust ing among tho vinos, fired agnin, and n a moment a cry of "Oh, Peto," came up from Mr. Do Hum, who bad fallen into a gully and wus dying. All hands lushod in tbo direction of tho cry, but only to find Mr. Do Uura dead. This caso approximates tho caBO of Slono- wall Jackson, at the battlo of tho Wil dernesskilled by a friend in tho dark. Oua SKNTisigNT8.Thc editor of tho Philadelphia Record, In alluding to tho bribory trial., says : Tho action of the Dauphin county (irund Jury in finding Representatives Wolfe, Silver thorn and Short guilty of "conspiring; to adviso and promoto corrupt solicitation ol tbo General Assembly of Pennsylva nia," is a specimen of strict construc tion which is somewhat remarkable. llow far one man may go without tur pitude in betraying confidence reposed ii him by a rascal in order to bring that rascal to justice is a debatable ques tion. We do not think any man with a nico sonso of honor ovor played the part of a detective, lint tho object sought to bo accomplished by tbe three Representatives who oxposod tho riot losses bribery was a most important ono. in the result the ends of justice woro undoubtedly subserved and blow Blruck at a monstrous evil. Il they violated the law tbey oxpectod to bo justified by the end in viow, and, "Te d. a great right, do a littl. wrong. y' are glad to notice many of oar old Rrnub llonn friende, who voted with tbe Ureeobnokere leet year, areooming baok Into the fold brartilv ick of tbe Greenback eraao. Tfacra ia no place like home. CWweaeruVe 0g. Tho Democrat who has perpetrated the samo vagary can learn a hint from this and go and do likewise. Before tbe nextolcction, every Radical Green backer will be back into his parly, and if tbe Democratic portion ol that organ isalion sco fit to asuist the Radicals in stead of their old friends, let them drift. . . RuuiNiHS. The Baltimore Gazette, remarks : Ohio la a good Slata for Praaldenti to noma froi but Kb. -da Inland la tba btate tor PrraideBla to "git bom. This is intended for a slur on Sena tor Conkling, that good man who left that histono Narragonsolt "Pier" un der tbo influenco of a shotgun. Again ho snyi : lira. Kata Cheie Rprago. want, to rent bar Washington reiideooe, "Kdgewood," for $200 a mnnlb. Mr. Conkling will aot go with the aetata aa ne la in no aonee an Inooiporaal hereditament. Roscoi A in ad. A Saratoga tele gram to tho Herald says : "Mr. Conk ling's victory at Saratoga on Wednes day, 3d inst., and not only bis success but the manner in which he secured it, undoubtedly place him at tho head of tha Now York Republicans, and if ho carries the Stale this fall his claim to the Presidential nomination next year will be irresistible." Uis liuLirto Passion. The Chicago r.m hits "the Government" in this way : And Hayes is going to take In the Springfield, Illinois, fair. There isn't any place whatever to which Mr. llayc will 'not follow the alluring pumpkin, and to see tho prigs mule In his nativo lair lis would cross a contl nent. All for Glory. On the 30th of August last, two negro murderers wero hung at Fort Smith, Arkansas, und as usual nowaduys, went straight to glory. A telegram suys: Al precisely 2:10 o'clock, tho prisoners left the jail, accompanied by the ministers end guurds, walked with u firm pace to tho sea lb i Id, and mounted it. Deputy Murshui Tom Humes read tho death warrant to tbein. Rev. Mr. Sample united with them in the Lord's prayer, and continued praying for them for somo nur.uUaf. Their' they stepped forward to tho trapdoor, mid Elliott addressed u low words to the assembled spectators. Ho only referred to tho crime committed by Buying that he killed Brown in self-defeliso, as he variably believed, and that God bad pardoned him fur all his sins. Stewart did not refer to the crime for which bo had been convicted, merely saying, through faith in Jesus Christ, ho be lieved his sins had been washed away; and grasping tho rope that bung beside bun, and giving it a jerk he added : "Thank God, that by such epoedy means as this I will know no suffering." That Fraud. Tbe traudulunt Vice President, Wheeler, has at lust been hoard from tor the first time sinco tho United Stales Senuto fell into the hands of tho "Confederate Brigadiers." Ho was selected a delegate to the Rad ical Stato Convention, which met at Syracuse, Now York, on tho 3-J inst., and was made permanent Chairman, mid Nurrugansett Pier Colliding was made temporary Chairman. These are both high-toned delegates, and it goes lo show that Wheeler has spliced teams with Conkling, for the purposo of giving lluyes, Sherman & Co. black oye, which they did effectually, Conk ling's man for Governor, (Cornoll,) re ceiving 231, and Hayes' man (Robert son,) 10C, with about 80 scattering. From this it is evident that tho Radi cal party in Now York is opposed to "the Government," which in former days was considered treasonable. Hayes & Co. should bavo gone to Syr acuse with shot gun in hand, tbon Roscoe would have lelt tho Convention by the back door, and "the Govern menl" would have had everything its own way. Home Aoain. Hon William II Armstrong, of Willmmsport, who last year camo very near attaining to the don t fill honor of tho Greenback nomi nation tor Governor, is Ibis year back in Republican harness, where ho bo longs, and has made one of bis strong speeches lately in behalf of Republican ascendency. Mr. A. is a sample G t een back Radical. They only help to rope green Democrats into tho Greenback fold, and when election day comes around, evcrV OIIO Ol that doss will be ; found voting tho old tickets with Arm strong, while theUreonhackersof Dem ocratie persuasions will be allowod to run a side show for tho benefit of the Radicals. ' Not Riconciud. It seems that tho Empress Eugenie is still in the same state of depression. She receives nobody, and dinos alone in her own apartment. She only leaves ber room to go to that of bor son. She had set her heart on being tho mother-in-law of tho Krench Empiro but tho wicked Zulus havo robbod her of the last hope of Empire, by murdering her only son. lliuin.T LiTgRAitr. The editor of tho Cincinnati Commercial, has found a partner for Murk Antony, in tho per son of ono of tbo New York Senators. Hear bim : Antony, who "threw a world away for the duaky daughter of the Pharaoha, will bo longer itand alone "to point a moral and adors a tale." uaounrrmrtita. Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 13, FitEi.Tht fp-u a nit h natd la .drrttifl. ni will b hi folluwn : Fur Sheriff, $11. 5; for Dlt. tnot Attorn-, VT.o ; lor Jury UomnuiloBttr, $3 Thli will includ 10,UUU tiokett for Mdh -ndi- dftt, and lh ntoeiarjr blanki and cite tion t,P,r,.'.a BiiEKirr. Vt are tulhorUrd te annoanot tb ntni of HILTON U. 11HOWN, of Clurfltjld. ai a oandt dato for th olDot of M her iff, alijact lo tho rolci gorr&.D( .no I'tnoerotio portj. roitunoo ddri, tiiorBild, H or outhnrtied to onnoooo tb aao of THOMAS HM1T1I, of JonUo townihip. a eaa didat for th offiso of Sbtrilf, ubjet to tbo ralo gorerolng tb Ucmooratie party. roiiomeo auartii, admbtiii. Fa Wo r onthorUH to innianeo tho atu of JAM EH MAilAVK KY. of Bell towoabtn. a twnoiafti ior in omo oi bdoi-ilt, ubjol to th rulei goTtrnlng tb llcmooratie ptrty. roitome d droit, UfthkRVj', ra. W or iulborittd to oBneonoo tho Bono of L IE WIN 1. BLOOM, of Pik townihip. aa a eon dtdat fur th one of KhvilT, ubjeot to th roUi gororning tb uBooratte porty. ruitomoo loarcai, uurweoif til, ra. W ro oothorin-d to anBoanoo tho Bam of HENRY BKKT1I, of 1111 townbip. a eaadl dtto lor th afflooof Sheriff, iiibjcct to th rnlct govfrouit; th Utmoaratie party. r one me add ran, uitoDd, ra. Wo ar antborlwd to annoaoeo tho natno of ENOCH O. UKARUAKT, of Dooatur lowmhtD, aa a oan did it tor th offio of tibsriff, inbjeot to too roia governing to uetnooraue party. I'oiiomo aoarota, rbiiipaburg. Pa. W aro authoritod to aonoaneo th oatao of JOHN HOCKKNIIKKKY, or Cbtit towoibip, a candidate for tb oAoo of Bhrriff, aobjoot to tb roiea govern. me uaniooratie party. Foatoffio addra, Hul'nerooo, Fa. Wo ar authorlied to annoaooo th nam of 0. J. KKAOY, of Clrarnelti, aa a oandidat for iha otTie of KlianfT, rabjot to th rnla governing low 'uaucr.ai c parij, I'vitufllo addr. Clear field 1, W ar aatboriied to an Boon e tb Bam of K. K KH TUN HIAW, of Clearfield, aa a eaodl dato lor tba offio f Sheriff, aohjtet te th roUi governing tb Demneralie partr. PoitoSe addro, Clearfield, Pa. W or authorlied to an boh no tho bubo of 0. D. GOODFKLLOW, of Clearfield, aa a eaodl dato for th offlo of Sheriff, mbjeet te tb ralei governing to Hemorilii party. Poatoflle addr, Clearfield, Pa, We are inthflrlaed to aoBooaee tba oaaio of P. V C00DR1ET, Jr., of Covington townihip, aa a oandidat for tb office of KboHff, mbjeet to tb role go virni T.g th lmorallo party. Peitofle addraia, froarhvillo, Pa, W ara nuthnrlied to an noose tho nan of FRANK C. HOW MAN, of Hotlon towaihip. at a candidate for tbo offio of Sheriff, tuhjeot to th ml! giivtrnlng to Homoeratte party. 1'oiloffio addroaa, Pti field, Pa. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Wa ar authorltf-d to annoone th nam o AARON O. KRAMKR, of Cloerfifld. aa a oandl dato for lb offle of Dtxtrlet Attorney, lubjeet to th rvjtee governing tn u-fttnoerati party Poatoffloo addr, CUarflald, Pa. W ar aothorlird to bbbobboo tba aeao of U. W. KM ITil. of Clearfield, a a candidate for the el-Bee of IMitrfrt Attorney, lubjeot to th roloa governing lb uomoorau party. PoatoAo addroaa, Clear! tie. Pa. Wa ar authritd te an a nemo th Ban of J. t. McKKNHlCK, of ClaarftVd, a adldat for tho off. of Dlttriot Attorney, thjel to tb ratea governing tn uvmnormtto priy. Pottoffioe eddrata. Clear! aid, Pa. We ore authorlied to annooBoo the bobio ef JOHN L. CUTTLE, of Clearfield, aa aeandldal for lb oAe of Plitriet Attorney, tibjeat Ie th rniea governing in urmneratie party. PoitoBce addrtfo, Cliarfield, Fa. W are authorlifd t annonBee the nam of B.T. I1KOCKI1A NK, of Clearfield, aa candidate fur tho offloe of Diitriot Attorney, aubjeot to tbe rule governing tb Uinueratt party. Poototlo addreea, Clearfield, Pa JURT COMMISSIONER. W or aethottaed te annoenoe .bo naai ef A. J. JACKSON, r Clarfleld, aa ft aandldal tor tb efl.ee ef Jnry Cnnaai laaloeer, anb)et te the roleo goverBingtn ntoioeraua party. Foitu.1 m addroaa, (,'karfield, Pa. W are ao thor I ted te annoBaoa th aaa of JOHN D. THOMPSON, efCBrwenavlllo. for the ottoa ef Jery ComaitoaloBor, Mbjaet to the role govoralBg tb iaioerotie party. PottoAe addrfH, CBrwtBitllle, Pa, gfw aawtlufrntnti?. . TTIIL'HB VOH BKNT.-A two-etory brlok I 1 houee on Pirn etreel, taet of tbe I'laehrterlan Cbnrcb. Tbrea roome up nod three dnwft alaira. A good aial.le. loe k,,UM. and earden allBA-hed. For furthiir partloulara, apply In J. B. GRAHAM, April III, l7 tf. Clearlleld, Pa. 1-a.AKM l.A NIH ftlH SALE. In Ilualon ad Pine lownabipa, Clearfield county, rt htaeonable ti me given lor part of purc)iae money. I'rlcea 00 to 110.00 per ftcre. Ull.t-ra reaerved. L. BIRD, Agent, Pendeld, Pa. rr WALLaca A Kkkbi. Fept. 10, l7 tf. ClearSald, Pa, JAMES M.-TCtlNER, Jl'STICE OP THE PKACB. Wallace."... Pa. -IN has prepare f bimatlf with all the art blktek fur mi uoder 111 IVbiIuo nd Uounlv Una. wall ai blank l-li, cte. AH legal mat tin enlrtuteti to bia cart tfill irctira prtiDfit alUnttun. Haj Tin, ioiv-.i. HARKY SNYDEIl, BARBKH AND HAIKDKE85KB Bbo jb Market St., oppoilti Court II oom. A olaaa, towel for ovary auttoMor. Alto dealer 1b Ilt Brand of Tubarro and Cigars TTtH'SW POR ttP.NTTh proporty I mo Bnuinern ona or tbo bor- outi of Clearfield, knowo aa tba . U. Mll.LKK fKUPKKTV." W for rant. Fruit treea and plenty or round attached. Tbo mint dealra- Ue property Id town. Tor in i eaay. Apply to OEOHUK C. MOOKK, Aug. tO it Clearfield. Ha TWTOTIt'R TO rOI.I.P.CTORH A NO l Til I I R HUH LKTIbM. The Board of UunitnUiioneri baa ordered tbo onderaijeoed to proceed and eollcet tbe balaneeo duo on ell tbo old Duplicate. All eolleetoreof auch Duplicate who do not eorae forward and pay up during the tfeDtembcr Ci.u't. will tie prooveded eeralnat tm- med.atlT thereafter. The old booke niuit be Httled PHILIP DOTT8, Treaeotor. Aug. IT, 1879-31, r Ji, iMMie rll'tfftaw Jiltl lo IU Wt.nd.-I.' rha-alth. "li i-rtrf-w a acntf- i nowt-ia. IHI-wt nitMMllilNfKuaraiiirii I."- M. avKat. rawntitt. U. "II fur." i tail, ef t'taiMla. "-.. Sm.luir, U' It Of 'ft, ri1tturTh, V. atWM Iff tMUffUU Per aale by K. W. Urabam, Clearfield, Pa. T?XECUTORH NOTICE. Notlee Ubert I J br it-en that lttera Teetanentare oa the citato of ANGUS M. GILL, lata of Bradford townihip., Clearfield oounty, reon dee d he vine been duly granted to tbo andenigned , al periona indebted lo laid aetata will nlaaio make I hi mediate par moot, and thoie having claim i or demands again at the lame will present Ibeta properly authenticated for itt lament without delay. 1 SAMUEL II. (.ILL. Executor WitllaQiffrore, Pa., Sept. 10, 1870 01. A I1 J la hereby giren that Letter of Admloitra tion oa tbe eiUte of PHKDKllICK SHAFKKH late of Sandy township. Clear fit Id e-mntT, Penn'e deoeased, bavins been duly iranled to the under' lined, ell persona indobud ti said estate will please make Immediate payment, end those hav ing claims or demands against tbe same wit present Item properly eotnentioated for ttle ueDtwitbuiit delay. UUUKUK U. KillK, Administrator. LutliTibarf. Pa.. Sept. nd, 1879-ot, F OR SALE.- Tha underaignaj will a.ll at private aal. all that traet or parcel of land attnal. in lleoatur townihip, Cliarfield Bounty, Pa., wilbia a abort dutanc. or tbe iyroo. A eiearuel-l It. It., and ndjoining Land! of Hubert Hudlon and otoera, and known aa tba Jaoob B. Ilearbart lot. The id lru.t flontaintn SO a.- enn or lata, with two voloa of valuable eoal thereon, haa about III acrea oieareu, ana ice acy to a large oouy oi ooal about being developed. Will ba Bold low an4 upon eaay urma. for parlteulara, apply to 1'AVIU li. hilKUS. ClearBold, Pa., July II, 17. NEW FIRM -AND- NEW GOODS! Boom No. 4, Pic's Opo Eouao, CLEARFIELD, PA TUB nndartijenad fatvt juat opened full lio of Urooirti, mob ti TEAS, COFFBK9.8UOAR9,PrUUP8, SPICKS, DRIBI) FRUIT, CANNRU FRUIT, ALSO, BMOKINO AND L'HKWIN- TOBACCO. CIUARN, QUKKNSWAKB, Ol.ASS WAHB, TINWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW- WARE. DnOOMB, ETC. Flour. Food and Chop of all kinds, which w will Mil at loweit prion fur oih, or xbiD( fur prod no r ra. M If. In A Al Jt A It K L. E. ClearfUld, Pav.Sopt. 3d, 18; tf. PUBLIC SALE 0F VALUAbLR lcrsonal l'roperfj! rnHB Bbdarilcned, Atteraev for tha heir and X IrgalreproieatativaaofUKNJAUlN HARTS- HUKH, late or toe borough or Uurwenartllc, Clearfield eoeoty, Pa., deeeaied, will aell at nub ile aal, on th pramli la aaid bvroegh, oa Tliursdny, Sept. 25th, 1879, The following peraon! property, belonging t aaid eitate, eonikitltig In part or 1 organ ana piano itool, 2 bereaBa, 1 waahitande, 2 aofaa. 1 centre table, i dining table, J aUe table, l ex teniion table, 4 hediteada and bedding, 2 eup boardi, 1 Bin car eawing maohina, I eook and I parlor atovea, a lot of earned us, loohine-f laiaea, windowblindi.oheire. k el I let, and a larceamouat of boaiahold gooda, aad all the klkhaa fnrnttare, too numeroua to oatalogu. Alae, ft lot ef frame timber and aarptntering tool. The iale will eommenoo at TKN e'oluek In tb for noon of laid day, when and where prompt at. lenaanoe wm ne given oy tn lobicrtucr. HURXTUAL W. 8MITH. Attorney fur the Heir. Clearfield, Pa., S.pt. IJ, 1S7V 4U CLEARFIELD COUNTY Agricultural Pair! Change of Dale. Farm err, and other tntoreated, will tal notio that th time of holding the Thirteenth Annual Pair of tbe Clearfield County Agrioaltural Society at uearneid, haa been changed lo Oct. 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, 1879 New la th biilory of the 8nlty ware the proapaeta aaore eoeeuragiag for tba holding ef a good Fair than they aro tbla Fall, aad It will be tbe endeavor or tbe maaageaiaat to do everything la their power for tha comfort aad eoBveaieBoe of Iboe making eatma. Tbey levite eerreepead Bee from elbera. l'araona deairiog to have Iha privilege f th groenda during tbe rair ft theoindettieg or re fraihment atanda, ete , will add re a laae Stage, Clearfield, Pa. JOHN oMiTll, CrattOeeu AL. M. RoW.BearaUry. ORPHANS' COURT SALE or Valuable Heal Estate ! 1T vlrle of an order ef thaOrphan Court of IP viearneie county, to me e tree ten, there will be eipotei to publio eel, at the Court Houae, In bereugb oi uiearfleid, ea Thursday, Sept. 25, 1879, The follow in i deiertbed two Dteeoa of land lit oat a la Lawrenoe townahlp, within two mile from tha Uoert ItoiH, and well adapted te agrteultur i No, It Bounded north by land of Gee. Gnliob aad otkvri, eeit hy land of William Tf Bigler, eoulh and weit hy other land of P.-T Hmith'a aaltUat. aoalkinln mAm ONE HUNOHCU ACRftSS. Being wall watered and eevered with valuable tin ber. No 9. Bounded Berth by the above deierlbed sH P'M ef land, eaat by John Powell el. al., JLl euth by th Buaquehanaa river, and wi by iue publie road leading from the Coed fellow or to e t Horbrou'B eaw mill, oataialng Um Acres audi ST r ere he a, and having aboat five aena eleared, a a dwelling houee and ft good aaw milt eteotod tbereoe, with eieelleat water power for any kind oi maauiaoMting purpoaei, excepting mm re erviag th ground ea which th bar a itaadt, bounded by the two townihip read', tb ran from too area aro, tee rae and arcek. Tubmi. One. third at eeatrnettoa ef aale. and the ttaJaee t lee equal aaaaal payaaeu, wiu) laitraai, aeearea mj eoui aad Mortgage. AARON O. TAT ti, Adnt'r f p. gmlth. Clearfield, Pa, Sept. 3d, U7t 4t. Qii'tttltmnts. MARSHAL'S SALE! ")Y lrlua of eartaln writa of leoifntoof r J ) panai, tllued out uf the Circuit Court of lb tJ main tor in weiiern vwrvn , l-atiia, and tu ai dirretrd, 1 will iom ai buMio late, at the U. 9. Aiarinai unw, u eity of l'lttiburgb, on Tucstlay, September 30, 1879, AT IO O'CLOCK A. N., AM the right, title, in I erf it, and olaim of AN DREW F. BAUM, with notioe to Richard Ar thura, An Amgoeo in Hainkruiitoy, ol, in, and t tbo folloeing daicribod Real EiUte, to wit: 1. All that orrtala traot of land altaato in Cleartleld and Jetforaon eountlea, Pnna.vlvao la, end described ai fullowi i Beginning at a io on tb weil lid of tract nuuiber two tbouiand d nine iSliUtflt tbene aoutb SO deoreea weal (10 well) ono bo ad red and eight perohaa to a pine Ibono north forty fivdcgreei wait (north 4i" weit, tbrv hundred and twenty perohei lo a birch thence loQ'h aisty-flva dogreei weitlaouth fli wait, thirty-two (il) perobei lo a pine ; thenoe tuutb aeventr-twe dv rebel (Til to a beta- look thence aouth eighty-five degroiwl (aoutn 8i waft) una hundred (11)0) probaa to an aab; thenoe north one hundred and aiity end eis- lentha (16U.6) perch oa lo a pint) ibeno eaa t tbirty-lhro and eight -trntha A3.) perobei to ft tnapl ; tbeoeo north lixty-are dogreoa and fllteen minute (aortb fli Ii' oaat) two tt-indred aod eiably-two (2W) aerobe to a aucar true i thenoe uutb forty-five aod Ihroe-foartha degree eait (aoutb 44 4V oaat) ilaty two proba fill) to a maple ; thanca aouth on drgree five minute oaat (louth 1 &' eaat) aighty-iovee perobei (o7) to a biekory j tnenue aouin iMrty-eight dogreoa oiiv auinntei vait (aouth H8 40') eeit two hundred and twenty-icven (227) perohei to a ptn nt tb plae of beginning. Containing five hundred nd twenty one (421) aerci, aod balng part of warrant no. li. 2. Alio, alt that eerUin traot of land alt'iat In Huiton and Brady townihipi, ClearOeld eoun ly, Pennrylfania, bounded and deicribod fl- Iowa, via , beginning at a beech corner of tract Dumber three ibuuaaod gv bumlred aod ninety two (Wi) : thonoe ouib eichty.nlae and oa fourth (bv 14') degreva eait four hundred and 'birty two and three-tenthi (4.12.3) perohei to a noit toraer of traot Duoibon 34VZ, 6VZ, ibi. and 11 8 ; t hence aluog line of tract number three thoimnd fire hundred aod eighty-four (3484) auuth three-fourlhi of a degree weit (44') one hundred and levra-y-teu per. to a poll cor ner ; tlicno along line of tract number two tbou aand and nine (i-JUU) north eighty nine degreea went (Ml') (our bnndred and tbirty-fuur and live teuth (4.'1.4) percht-a to a puit ; t bonce north ooa and one half (1 30') degree eaK oua hundred and atve-niy aod ono-lenlb ( I7t. ' ) perobei to a beech and place of beginning. Containing four bunilred and aixty-four and lixty-eignt one bun dreJthi (464. 6) aorra, aod known aa Warrant number one tbouiaud oln hundred and cigbty ight (lt-8). I. Ato, all that certain other tract of land alt uat in ClearBold and Jefierion ooontiea, Penn'a bounded and drioribed aa follow i, to wit : Be ginning at a briii lock on the north-eait oorner of tract number four tbouaand three hundred and ninety nin (4:iUU); Ibenoe louth SU eait A'ib pe rebel to a maple; thenoe aouih HO' wit 24 perchei to a pin j thenoe north By0 weit 118 per obei to i putt ; tlirBce aoutb SO' weit 134.4 par ohaa to a poit on line of traot No. IV88 : tbonoe along aaid Una north 89 weit 314.2 perchei to a beocb at a corner of traet No. I US 8 ; thenc nerth 44' eaat 312 perchei to a poit ; tbeno north 0 24' rait 108 perchei to the plane of beginning, living part of traot known aa Warrant No. 34li, eootaming about one thotuand acre. 4. Alio, that certain other traet of laniltuato in Clrarfill county, Pa bounded on the north hy traot No. IV88, on the catt by Und Bow or formerly of John DuBoia, on the aooth by land now or formerly of John DnUoii.and on the weit by tract No. IS. Containing eight hundred end aixteon and thirty one-handredtha aerea, It be ing tbe aama lrat known ai Warrant No. ZQUtf. 4. Alio, all that portion of traot known aa Warrant No. 13, lituat in Clearfield eounty, Pa. bounded on 1 lie weit by tho Clearfield oounty line,. "B tnaj noria dj ine oaireine nonmrn line ti traot No. 13, on the eait hy tract! No. IVst and. 200V, and on the aoutb by that portion of tract No 13 herein brfure dmeribcd. beiiej anJ taken In execution n tbe property of Andrew K. UauiB, wi'b notion lo Richard Arthun, hii AMignoe to Dankruptoy,atthe iuit of C. B.Willie, for uia, Ao JUllN II ALL, U. 8. Manbal. Manhal'i Office, Aug. 27, 171. Si. SherifTs Sale. "1 Jy virtue of write of Venditioni Krponat limed II out of th Court oi Uornmon rleaa ol Clear field oounty, and to me directed, there will be eipoaed to publie aale, at the Court llouie, in tbe borough oi I'learBeid, oa Wfdnnday, Dept. 3llh, IK70, Al 1 oVock, P. V ,the following deaeribed real eetate, to wits- All thoie certain Iracti of land, rltuate tn Haa ton townihip, Clearfield oounty, Penniylvtnta, bounded and deicribed aa follow, via : Ona lot beginning at the north emit oorner of lot No. IS on tbe plan of fen Held, ia aaid townihip, deeded to L. Bird, May eth, 1673 ; thenoe aoutb 2 de greea wait V16 feet to a poet, aouth 38 degree eaet 304) feet to a poat, aouth ii degra weit 45 B io feet to oorner cf land deeded to U. A. Worth ; tbene north U degree weal 2vff feet te ft poat, north S3 degree eaat ISO feet to a poit, north 39 degree weit 70 4 perch ea to a poat, north &2 de greea a ail 42 Iff perob ea te a poat, aoutb 38 de- greer eait 701 perchei to a poat ; tbene aouth 52 degreea weit 41 feet, aouth .HI degreea eaat SOU feet to north line of Woodward alreet ; thenoe aouth 2 degree weat W feet te oorner of land deeded te L. Bird October, 1871 ; thenoe north 66 degree weit St feet lo aortb oorner of the aama thenoe aouth 88 degreea eait II feet to line of Woodward it reel : tbenee aonth 52 deereea weat 40 feet and north 111 degreea weit 200 leet to tbe place or beginning, containing SI eorea, more or leaa, being lota numbered II, IS and 14 on tbe plan of Prrifield, upon which are erected two frame dwelling!, three frame barm, one log dwell ing, and on thorn (all under cultivation and well improved generally, reiervlng ona lot, GO hy 160 feet, told to Andrew Heading i. Alio, one equal undivided half loterett ia tba following lot, bounded aouth ly Woodward itreet, weat by land deeded to Kpeekmaa and ttahwrm, north aod eait by ether landa of aaid Woodward. having a front ef SOI fet en Woodward itreet, aad a depth ef H O feet, tonlaiakng half an aere, mora or lew, being lot No. 16 en the plan of l'enflvld. upon wbioh ia erected en two-atorv frame total and outbuilding. Alio, ona tquahuudivided half In tare! In th following lot, bounded on th north by Woodward treet, weft by land deeded te C. 11. Coryell, aouth and weit by bthr land of aaid Woodward, hav ing a (runt of HII feet on W oodward itreet, and ft depth of 1V4 feet, containing one-third ef an aere, more ar leu, and being the welter i pert ef lot Me. 37 oa the Man of Pou field, upon whioh U erected ft frame bars. Alio, one other lot bounded and deicribed aa follow, to wit t Beginning at a poat, tbe corner of Woodward itreet and Clearfield atreat; tbenee north oS degreaa eait along Woodward itreet II feet to ether land of Mid Woodward; thanee aoutb 144 degree eaat IU feet to oorner ef other land of aaid Woodward ; thenoe aouth H degree well 83 leet te line of Clearfield ttreet t thenoe north SI degree! weat along aaid atreat 108 feet to tbe place ol beginning, containing one-eighth of an acre, more orleia, upon whieb are a two-atery frame it ore building and a ware bout, and being part ef lot No. If oa tha plea ef Fen field. Alio, ona other lot bouaded and deaeribed aa follow: Bounded southerly by Woodward itreet, westerly by land of aaid Woodward and Charles Brown, northerly and eaetarly by other landa ef aaid Woodward, baviog a front lull leet on Wood ward itreet and a depth of S0 fart, containing one half of an acre, more or leaa, and being lot No. 17 oa the plan of Penfield, (well fenced and under eultivation). Alee, all th right, title and laterert of laid Woodward in ona other traot of land bounded and deaeribed follow: Beginning at a pxat on the sou ih aide of Woodward atreat 31 feat east erly from the corner ol Woodward and Clearfield atreet thenoe north ol degree aat along Wood ward itreet I0S and 4-10 fwet to corner of land ol said Woodward and Charlea Brown; thenoe aouth 81 degreei eaat along aaid land 101 feet to a poit ( thenoe south 12 degrees west in and 4 10 foot to corner of other land of aaid Wood ward t tbeoce north &4f degreea, weat 304 fet to the plan of beginning, containing one-half an Bore, more or leu, being part of lot No. 17, ea the plan of Penfield, upo which ia erected a two tory frime building and outbooeea. The Inter est of defendant's purchase money suppeicd to be about A3h6tuMt. Also, all tb right title and loterett of said Woodward in on other traot of land bounded and deaeribed as follows, to wit: Beets nm i poat la the eait lino ef Clearfield alreet, Ut feet bum irom woo war a atraei j tbenee Berth IS de gree eait 63 feet te ft poit ; thenoe aouth 14 and one-half degree east M feet t a Boil : thuM aonth IS degrees west H feet te th aaid lino ef Clearfield street tbeaee aortb U degree weat ee iei to iao pi aoe ol begiaaiag, awd eoBtaiaing oae-eigbth of aa aere, more er leaa, epoa which ia eraeted blaehamtth and wage shop, aod be ing part of let No. 37 en the plan of Penfield. Tbe iatereat of defendant being balance purehaaa money of from II 60 te $200. Alee, all tha rlaht, title and laterert ef Hiram Woodward la another traot of land tn Huaton township, Clsarleld county, P., bound.! and deaeribed as follows, to wit t Beginning at a white pin, tbe sent beat I corner ef warrant No, w, .nenee soma n drgree we it S and Iv. tenth perches to land of Frederick LU field; tbenee north SS degrees weat along the line ef "we unurwn ana os perehei to th pub lio highway; thenoe north SO degreea west TO perobee; thene north SS degree west 143 and two-tun tb perebat te the north Hoe of warrant No. 476 tbenee north TO de frees eaat 81 and all-tenth perehaa te a pine tbenee Berth SO de greea weal bt perohei to a hemlock ( tbene north 70 degreea east by line of warrant No. TO, III aad two-tenth perohes te ft pest in Una ef land of J. I. Hewitt ( thenoe by aaid line loath 21- degrees eaat 321 perches to post in aoath Mao of warrant Ne. 19 tbenea aouth 01 degrees weal II perches 'J?ftVJUMt ''f of Jh" DdBolt south 30ft dgres east fit and two-tenth phe i thence along aam ath SI degrees east 221 per rea tea poit 1. tha north lloa of warraotNo, "ouew aiong aaid Warrant Ha weal M r: 7 " P""i "no aorta 17 degrees weat iLT. I 'to,lh hamlook ; thet.ee Borth 13 degrees west I3 and five-tenth prba te the place or bxlnnlng, ooatalniai 431 acres, IVu. r k W4" U Wes conveyed wit i On thereof, Bartlea aad Reedtag, at. al! to HZtVttFf " tob.Krwoord.diB n, ISM. Book "j - ,,,, ,00f ,,. ,tU wL.. aiT! ' ''.' fr" Hiram ,. rwDuruea in mortcaee booh "0,'b... UlasibBlm ihL aemfb., ike.!, lb. wh. .f MldTra-T o.Mil.11., ,., fnMi f.. .,7 ,b,TJ' Snif flrrrtismtots. . property , however, caoeptiog and reserving ihets. from i First, on lot en muth side of Woodwari treet, a djoining land of F. K. Iliwitt, her.t.if,,,, deedod to (ho I'eoflald M. K Chureh, bar In r . front nn Woodward atreat of 10 feet, aad a depth of U4 fret, being lot Nn. 27 oa the ptan of l,ft. oei-a wouhj, uwiKmniDK in ma wait ine f Clearfield street at tbe southeast eorunr f ia deed'! to R. C. F reel and, t hence south b direei weat 148 foot to a lot deeded to (liorge C. hioktr thtna anutS II dee; reel tail 1 7a tet : ihu outb 72 1 degrees west 2 leet, north 88 degreei west 2UA feet to oorner of Freilytrriaa parivnase lot; tbenee south 61 degrees weetl.iu feet,iOI(k :i8 degrees, wait 274 feel to tbe south lite uf Woodward street i tbenee aortb M degrsei eait along Woodward street 1113 a id two tenthi hat to estitsro oorner ff lot deed-d lo Wm. UcK.r -ti), 1 J?i T '''auoe south J degrees east feet to a post: llisnoe aouth 13 degree Wttt 6.1 and fuur-troths feot U the weH line of Clearfield treet ; tboooe South St drgreei east 140 feat te plaoe ol 0-rf inning, being iU No. .12, 33 3 ji i.fi.ST.ns.Xtf. 41.43, rn,Maod 58, on iha p,'n I'enfleld, Tblrd, h'ginnlng at the eulhee.i eor nar of lot No. 13 on l he plan of Peofield.deeded to L. Bird, tbenee south 13 degree wait 111 Btid eight-tenthi feet to the southwest corner ef land of U. A. Worth ; thenoe north 38 degrees wail v leet, north &1 degieea eait C40 feet, north 18 de grees wait TO-i pcrohea, Benb 60 digreei eait 4) nod aix-tentb perohes, south 38 degrees eait 701 parehrs, north 12 degrees si it 327 and four tea i hi teat, south 38 degreeaenat 200 feat to the aortb Una of Woo j ward street ; thenoe south il degrees west 5 2 It feet to the place of beginning, being luti 0 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and IT, the plan f l'snfield. Fourth, on lot la-doff endued as a oemetcry. Fifth, one lot north ef Woodward treet, adjoining land of Frederick Mi field, kir ing a fmui of loo feet oo Woodward itreet,'Dd a depth of 200 feat, being lot Ne I oa the plan or Penfield. Bisth, one lot I2ui200 feet, near the railroad, deeded lo ti. A. Worth. Tbo aaid ie err) ted traot of lead oontaiaiog, besides aaid ri. ervationi,3t8 acres, mora or lea., upon which Mid farm aod premiioa is ereete J a frame building uwt i a. oarpra.er snnp, ana uaviag ibereoa aa orchardandaboutjone hundred aerei of laud being cleared- Thli aale being mbjoot to the eontraet dated the lllh day of Novtuber, 1872, bstweea Hiram Woodward aod Wm. Pbilipi aod other, recorded in miieellaoeoui Docket "C," page 18 etc, aod under which contract various lots have oeeu sold, upon which lalaoci of pumbase mousy ere due, aslullows: Lot No. 3, II. U Peersol, balance a,ioul..,$tt)) i Lot fto. r. Jubna, balaow about Hi) tu Lot No. 18, C. H . Coryell, bilinci about - 0.10 flu Lot No. 10, A. H. Mlttoo, balanoe about.. 218 00 Lot No. 2VA2I.J. K. Uilcher, bal. about. 860 DO Lot No. 46, II. P. Town i, balance about ... 7i lo Lot No. 62, Lewis Hicks, balance about..,, 40.1 Ok Lot Ne. b'A, 11 . bbowaller, balance about.. 40 ljfl Lot No. &1, A. J. Ilersh, balaaoe about.... 2VQ oO Lot No. 61, n m. Lonig, balance about linl Iu LotNu.fiijJ McKeroan, balance about... StV CO Lot Nr. 81, R W. Chambers, bal. about... lili ga Lot No. fi, C A. Rolle, halaooa about ...tv, IM t)0 Two aorea, Jamea White, balaooa about ... 210 00 Aod tbe following lot were sold thereunder and tbe purchase money fully paid : Lot No.l.J. A. Pearaol : lot No. 4. William G. Thomae ; lots No. 6 mad Ml, H. U. Preelandi lot No.H,l'avid Miller; Ion No. 47and48,N.A. K. Luce ; lot No. 40, L. Bird ; lot No. 22, T. W. Lett ; lot No- 02, J. U. Libby : lot No. 03. Vetor U. t.ui- oard lot No. VS, two acres to 0. bodge. Also, all tba riaht, title and loterett of tha iaid Woodward in one other traet of land, bounded and deicribed as follows, to wit : Ou the north by Woodward street, east by land ef B. 0. Bowman. south by alley, and on tha well by land of J. A. La louche, bavtng a front on Woodward street of 120 8.10 leet, and a depth of 104 feat, aod can. taining one-half of an acre, more or las, being lot No. 41 on tbo general plaa of Peufield, upon which are erected a two-atory frame store and a war bouse, the interest to he sold biine balance of purchase money. Also, all tba right, title and Interest of tbe laid Woodward ia one other lot of lend, bounded and deicribed as follows : On the north by Woodward street, east by land of tleorge K. Robaokar, south by other land ot aai n uodward, and oo tbe west by land of C. 11. Coryell, containing one fourth of ao acre, more er loas, being lot No. 31 on tha plan ol rvntiaitl. upon wbicb is erected one shoe hop, tba Interest being balance of pure bate money. Also, all the right, title and inter it of Hiram Woodward ia another lot of land, bounded and de icribed ai follows, to wit: ua tbe north by Woodward itreet, on tbe eait aod aouth by other landa of laid Woodward, weit by land of Ueorge K. Robacker, containing ons-Uurtb of an acre, tnor or Ion, )eing lot No. 34 on the plan ol Pen field, upon which is erected a twe-story frame he mere ihp and dwelling, the intereit to be ielj being beiauoe of purchase money. Also, al) tha right, title and Intereit of Hiram Woodward in one other lot f land, bounded and described aa follows, to wit: On the Berth by Woodward atreet, oust by land deeded te William McKay, south and west by other lands af said Woodward, containing one fourth of aa acre, more or leu, heiog lot No. 33 on the plan of Pan field, upon wbioh ia erected a two-story frame dwalliog and -outhouses. Also, one equal ubdivided half in (trait la eaa other treat cf land in Hustvn township aforesaid, bounded on tbe north by laod ol il. B. Taylor ia warrant No. 4VU2, oo tb eait by land ol J. B. Hewitt, on tbe aoutb by warrant No. 316, aadoa the west by lands of F. A. Brown, William li. Hewitt aiid J. U. Heeding A Company, eoataia iog 260 acre, mora or kit, aod being a part of warrant No. aOu. Also, ooa equal undivided half Interest la ooa other treat of land in Huston townihip aforesaid, bounded north by landa of John U. Reading au 0. Weodale, east by warrant No. 211 and 880, south by warrant Ne, 800 aod land ef Joba Da Bois, west by warrant No. 6002, containing 811 aorea, more or lees, and being a part ef warrant No. 6003. Also, ona ether tract of land l llaatou town, ah in aforesaid, hounded on the north by laod of J. U. Reading A Company, warrant No, 608)1, east by land of Henry and Frederick Lixfiold aud It. fiarly, aoutn by laod of Jamtaoa ft ruber, aod weat by land of R. I. Patteraoa and Wm. li. Woodward, or, eoo'aiatog 16B aere. more er leas, upon whioh arc erected two frame dwelling!, one log and frame dwelling, twe frame barni, aud other onibuildings, aad having thereon ao orchard and other frail trees, aod about MO acres under cultivation, being the aama premises conveyed to ll tram woodward by one separate deed, to wit: rreemaa lamh aod other a, bv deed dated the 2d day of December, 1863, recorded la Used Book V, page 37, which raid premiees are described in th mortgage from Hi rata Woodward to John U. Keadiog, datea lb 2Mb day of January, 1876, recorded in Mortgage Book 'C,' page 304, aad being the fourth aud fifth pieeea described Ik nle, the whole premise eeoetitatlng one prsperty, and known as " Tb Roaeaeraea Farm. Also, oa other tract of land la nastou town. ship aforesaid, beginning at a post ea the line between the farm of H. Woodward and Frederiak Lixfisld 1 4-10 perohei northerly from the eeatra of a small brook from which said Woodward ear riea water to his residence, aod about 04 4-10 per ches aouth 22 degrees west from the line of war rants He. 476 and 6on j tfteae south T4 degrees weat 1 1 e-1 Q perebea te poat : tbenee aonth SO de greea eaat 4 I 10 perches to a hsmlock.ahe aonth. western enroer thereof ; thane north 10 degree! eaat 0 2-10 ptrebea t ft peat j tbenee north 44 degrees eest 6 4-10 perobee to a poit oa tbe farm Hoe Juat above named ; thenoe north 22 degrees west 2 4-10 perebea te the place f begin ing, con taining 47 zv-iuv aquare perebea, being tbe same premise conveyed to said Woodward by Freder ic LI i Held by deed detod October 14th, 1871, and last lot ef land described ia mortgage from eld Woodward lo John O. Read ine, dated the Sith day of January, 18T5, recorded in Mortgage uoon "U, page .1U4. Seised, taken In oieeution and to b aeld as the property ef Hiram Woodward. Also, by vlrtoe of a writ of Vsaditiuai Kspomt Issued to me, there will be aeld at the same lima and place, tbe following real eatate, te wilt A oertein tract or piece ef land situate ia Beeearie townihip, CtMrooid county, Penmylv'a, in Ole Hope, being AD hy Itti feel, with a large frame house, two stories high, small stable, and ether outbuildings thereon erected, and bouaded east by an alley, west by Main atreet, Nerth by Mr, Ureen, and aoutb hy an alley. Also, a tract of lead situate In Beeearie town hip, Clearfield couatr, Peain'a, containing 101 acres, with I acres cleared, aad a small log home aad lor barn thereon erected, and boundei eait by P. Ru finer and B. Idmtetoa, south by land of ueorge ioui, nr., weat by land of Use. Uroom, and north hy land of B. B. Dunlap. Seised, tasen In execution and te be sold aa tha property nf William Dolta. Also, hy writs of Firi facta Issued te me, there will be sold at the same time and plaee,iha following deaeribed real eatate, to wit i A eer tain piece of land In Iba village of Troutville, ia Brady twp., Clearfield oounty, Pa,, bouaded and deaeribed aa follows : Begiaaiag a past ea tb Lutberil'urg aod Puuxsetawney turnpike ; thanee aouth 634 degreea eaat 71 perches lo ft atone; thence north S degree east 3c perches te a post tbenee north 67 degrees weat 43 perebea te a post tbenee uonh 48- degree east I prhes te a pest ; thence north 41 degree west U perches to a post , thenoe south 46 d agree west Be perebea along aaid turnpike to tha plao of beginning, eoatelniug 10 neree, more or lets, all eleered and haviwg thereon a large orchard or apple and other fruit tree, and having thereon erected a frame houi,lw.ilrtea high, 18 by 32 feet, a ahep, 1, stories hgh, 18 by 10 feet, twe frame atahles, aoh 30 by 30 feet, aad at ber outbuild. gt. ftelaad, taken In oxecntlon d to be Mid a th property ef Joba M. Miller. Alee,aeertaB Mar piece nf groaad la ike vil li g of Hterling, Woodward twp., Clearfield aeon ly. Pa., bounded on the eaat by Let No. II, ea tbe west by Virgia alley, on tbe aoutu by Pean itreet, and oa the north by Hemlock alley, aod haown ia plaa of said village aa Lot No. 30, and having there on erected a frame house, two iter.ee kifk, with kitchen attached, a aaull lug atsbie, aad ether outbuilding. Relied, taken tn eaecutio) aad t aeld aa the property of Thomas Diiob. Alto, ly ft writ ef ier4 faim tesued to e, there will he ld a th same time and plica th following reel estate, te wit t All that amiuage ot tennement and pice nf lead si teal ia the bereugh er OseeoU, Clearfield ooaaty, Peaasylva. nla, hounded and deeortbed as fullowi t Oa Ih Berth hy Harah street, ea I be east by let Ne. t, ea the aouth by Moihsaeoa alley, end ea ths wet by lot No. 184, be log It hy 1 60 root, aud knswn a tot No. 180 In the general plaa of said borough, aad having thereon erected two-story fre-m houae, with kltehenattaabsd, a frame stable aad other ul building. Reiaed, lahea la eieeutloa and te hi told as Ih property af Jtvoes Meeten, Tanas or lit,.-Tbe price ar at which th propeny ehell be streak off must be paid at the time of aale, or such other arrangements mads a will h approved, otherwise the property mil Immediately put up and sold again al the eipsaio asul rlak of th person to whom II waa atraek aad who, la eaa oa deOstee-sy at neh ra aale, shall make good the earns, aad in a lastaaea win tne Usee be preaented la Vourt lor eoar- tlen unless th money la actually paid te th aaenn. anikkw ran ik. ftainirr'a Orrion. I Sharif. Clearfitld. Pa Spt, Sf llTO.f