7fl ;K'i.f Y: i t I' il ! 'I M I : '.1 ! J if r t. !,!(: . ' ! 1 ' ni; J it 1 ft I i ' 1 '1 y Mi i Hi is'!... I.1 ' 1 (, Mi I 1 1 0 1 I She lUpnblian. Oioboi B. Gooolandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOHN1NO, A 10. IT, l?. DEMOCEATIO STATE TICKET. FOR STATI TREA8URIB, DANIEL 0. BARR, Or ALLintUNY COl'NTY. Ruder, If eon want to know what la going on la the boalneaa world, Juat reed our advertising eolaaoao, tno tyeeiaf oolamn tn panioatar. MAXIM FOR THE DAY. No nan worthy tht offioo of Preildant ibonld bo willing to hold it if ooontod In, or plaeod thtro by no fraud. U. 8. Gnaat. I oould oarer here boon rcoonoilod to tho ole. vatloa by tbo smelleat aid of mino of a noraon. kowiror roopootablo tn private life, who tnnat forever earrv upon hit brow tho ttamp of fraud Ant triumphant in American biitory. No tub loquent notion, boweror oaeritorioue, can waih away tbo letter! of that record. CaAM.ni Fa.wcii Anani. I would rather bare the endorsement of a quar ter of a million of tbo American people than that of the Louiiiana Returning Board, or of the Corn million wbioh excluded the faotf nod dooided . the queatloa on a tachnleality. Tnoi. A. llBHblMCKI. fane been declared Preiidrnt of the United Slatei. llll title reiti upon diifranchlirment of lawfoi voters, the lane eernnoaies oi me returning am eers acting eorruptly, and the deoisloo of a oom. million whioh baa rofuied to hear eridenoo of al leged fraud. For the Bret tine are the American Dcoole confronted with tbe fact Ufa fraudulently. elected 1'reildent. Let it not be understood that the fraud will be ailently acquietoed in by the country. Let no bour paaa in wtuob tbe usurpa- tion ia forgotten. Annntal or Dkmocratic M. C.'a. One hundred yeara of human depravity aoeo mulated and concentrated Into a climax of crime. Nerer again in lire hundred yeara shall they bare an opportunity lu repeat toe wrong. biniBL W. VooaaaKf. TIIUTtHOAY, HEPTEMBUH 4lh, re thr ust day Mrs. Uuneral Kcynoldii, whoso bus band was killed atGottyaburg, is visit. ing in York, Ibis Stato, and rides daily tbo homo that boro bor husband when bo tell." Governor Croswoll, of Michigan, a widower of fifly-6vo, who has grown up children, is about to marry Min Liiiio Muflgrove, of Charlotte, in that State, a rich and pretty woman still in her twenties. That Stalwart. Tho Kadical pa pers ol .New York, friendly to ltomco Conkling, express tho opinion that Sprague's shot gun didn't set him back any, so fur as bis control over tho .Re publican party in that Stuto is con cerned. To Whom it Mat Concirn. As several of tho candidates lor Sheriff aro not subscribers to tbe Kei-uhlican, it would bo well enough for some ol their neighbors who do take it, to in form them that their cards appear in this issuo. Democratic State Committee. There will bo a mooting of tbo Demo cratic Stato Committoo at Bolton's tlnfnl It ....-ia KM-. WnA.Anj, t.a 10th day ol Septombor, at 2 o'clock, P. M. A full attendance is requested. Geo. W. Miller, Chairman. Senatorial Relief. An exchange remarks : "Immediately after leaving Narragansctl Tier, Mr. Conkling pro ceeded to Now York and shut himself, up with a sand bag weighing 108 pounds tbe exact woight of ox Gov ornor Spraguo. Tho Bcduclive Sena tor practices on this sand-bag throo hours each day, witbont gloves. Goino up. This was " tho ofT-yonr" in Kentucky. Tho Democrats only expected from 30,000 to 40,000 majori ty, but it has run up to 44,000 already, with fifteen counties moro t hoar from, which will swell the majority considerably. Tho returns aro not bad lor an "off-year." All in As this issuo of tho lis publican is tho last ono in which the namos ol candidates for office can bo announced tho curront year, according to our party rules, tho votor can now make his choico lor each respective office, and on Primary Election day, cast his ballot for tho man who will fill tho office tbo best. This in tbo main is tho proper viow lor Democrats to take. "Tbohonost mon in the country." Chairman Smith't AdJreit. inis ngment ol sell-laudation was evidently cribbed from tbo true rec ords of tho Puritans, who lirsolvcd, Tbat nono but tho people ol God be elected to any public oflice. Jtetolwd, That we aro tho people of God, etc. Would it not be advisable when tbe Greenback County Commiltco moots again to adopt tho foregoing, or words to that effect. "Whon it was announced tbat Mel lie Grant Sartoris was doad, thore was deep and universal enof throughout the United States. Now that the re port of her death has been contradict ed, tbe rejoicing is both general and hearty. In both appears the profound regard felt for the daughter ol our great uaptain." 11'wtam.iwrt 1'ostn- jict, nee vuutun. If tbo editor of that high-toned "moral idea" journal will allow bis name to bo printed in an honorable position in tbe columns of tho Bulletin, wo may occasionally notice him, but we dotcst ambush work with a pen or gun. It is cowardly. No Boom Tuerk. Tho Kentucky Democrats have cast a deluge of cold wator ovor tho priming of a big gun which tho Ohio Republicans had labor lously loaded for campaign uso. Every one expected that, between Democratic apathy and Republican activity, Gov ernor Blackburn's majority would bo so greatly reduced that tbe Republi can orators could "point with pride" to the repudiation of Democracy by the Bute of Beck, Blackburn and Car lisle. The returns thus far indicate that tbe heaviest losses have boon ex perienced by the Republicans, from whom tb Ureenbackers have drawn most of their strength. Whilo in somo ninety counties Blackburn's vote only runs 2,700 behind tbat ol McCrcary in 1875, Evans' falls short by 10,600 ol tbe vote of Harlan. TlltlRHDAY, BEPTKMIIivR 1th, U the Inet day. Til E DEMOCRATIC 1'ltlMAIIY EI.EVTIOX. To the Democratic Vuteri of Clearfield County: 111 obodiencu to thu rules governing tho liemocrulic party ol I'leurfivld county at tbe I'rimary Klcelion, thu County Committoo hereby gives notice that the election tor delegates, and lor tho instruction of such dek'L'iiles, as to candidate!.' lor tho soverul ollicca to bo filled at the approaching November election, will be held At Ibo- Election llouso in the soveral boroutrhs and townships in said county, on HATUK- DAY, THE J tl IKTEKNTH DAY OF SEl'TEMPKR, A. D. 1879, begin- nine at 1 o clock if. M., and continue open until T o'clock P. M., of said day. Ibe oloction will be held by the igi lance Committee, wbo are the Election Hoard, under our rules, and aro con stituted as follows: riaiLARcn couHirrri ros 1879. Darnllde Borough C. Patriek, Vn. Canning- bam, A. K. Long. Clesrnold W. I. Wallace, E. C. Johnson, J. L. B. lleirbhold. Cnrwrnnille Stephen (Iran", W. F. Chambers, W. II. Thompson. lloutsdale Geo. H. Wooden, K. C. Ilo'we, W. H. Patrersnn. Lumber City Win. llipps, Xisao Haney, A. A. Eelly. Newburg Isaao Marble, E. Ililtebrand, Wood. New Washington Henry KolT, Thos. niabaf far. W. W. Barclar. Oiceola U. H. Wallers, H. A. D. Krouis, Pat rick Uallahor. Wallaoeton O. W. Emelgh, Frnnk Ooss. Ueeearia Township W.W.Maya, Jno. Dillon, John Llffhtner. Jr. Bell Unriit Kitticker, Wm. MahslTey, John II. Brelh. m..- o. P. all., a. K.rl., Alw We rer. Boygs Oeo. Dimeling, Jss Usllaher, (Jeorge Merrott. Bradford W. I. Curley, John Wilton, Jacob Williams. Brady J. F. Oawald, Eraitua Luther, Henry Uarisfvll, Jr. Burnsiile Daniel Ootman, I. M. Cbapi Oideon N. If. Cheit L. Killistl, Daniel Fiahel, Andrew Frailer. Corioglon Cbrlll Brown, J. J. Pioard, J. W. Plcard. Decatur Adam Eepbart, Jeaae Qoas, Andrew Baugbmsn. , Frrguson R. U. Moore, L. B. Hile, Lenii ftloL'raokon. Uirard BcnJ. Jury, Oeorge Green, Wm. Me Corkle, Sr. Uoihen George A. Urrrlion, Gilbert Bhaw, B. K. Flegal. Graham T. II. Foreey. Jerry Kyler, A. 0 Dale. Ureeowood M. W. Jobnioo, W. W. Rowlei, Newton Freeman. Uullcb John s. McKeirnan, d. Conrad, lion- re Knrman. Ifuiton w. u. wooawtra, Jr., a. ii. noseo- krans, Warren A. Lamb. Jordan A. K. Creiawell, Keubcnbtraw, J. w Johnson. Kartbaoa D. B. Maina, C. M. Ilertllne, lid MoCloakey. Knox Facan Rowlcs, Conrad Baker. Lawrrnoe A. Uumphrey, Wm. X. Spackman. Lever Fleffal. U.rria J. W. Hollenbaok, Wilson Uoorer, Clark Crowell, Penn-John II. Rowlcs, J. M. Halferty, 0. C. Ilenhurn. Pike J. F. Bitter, Arnold Bloom, Bamnel Ad- dloman. Ssndr J. P. Taylor. J. B. Shaffer, J. Troiell. Union 9. J. Gelnctt, Richard Luboard, Christ Lab.iard, Jr. Woolwerd Thomas fttathers, John Bbanoo. Austin Kline. Evory Democratic elector has tbo right to voto lor One person for RberilT, One person for District Attorney, One person for Jure Commissioner, And for tho proper number of dele gates assigned under rulo 2d, to each election district, not less than two in every case. luo delegates will meet in tno Louri room in Clearfield, on TulvsLiAi SEPTEMBER SIXTEENTH, at pre cisoly ono o'clock P. M., and thero and thon proceed to nominato candidates tor the several ottlccs above namod, and to select three Senatorial Conferees to meet like Conferees trom the counties of Centre and Clinton, lor tbe the pur pose ol selecting a senatorial delegate to the Stato Convention, and one per son ss Ronresrjntstivn deleeato to tho sumo Convention, and also to elect a Chairman and appoint a Standing committee lor ibu, as well as any other matters portaining to our party interests. It is the dcBiro of the County Com miltco that the members of tbo Vigi lance Committee, or Election Boards, be at the Election House at the time appointed, and be prompt in tbe dis charge of the duties enjoined upon them. Israel Test, John W. Howe, Chairman. Secretary. Clearfield, I'a., Aug. 20, 1879. Every Democratic voter In Clearfield county should bear la mind that THUKtj- 1A V, SKPTKHKKK 4. la the laat day for refruieriug lor the neit election. Tbe "Moral Idea" Candidate. More than twenty years ago the Rov, Isaao S. Kallocb, who was to tbe city ot Boston what Bcechcr has been to Brooklyn, was driven out of bis pul pit, out of respectable society, out of tho State of Massachusetts, by tbe force of public opinion. He bad affect od all tbo saintly qualities and put on all the airs of bolinoss. But acoident revealed that be was a vilo man. We will not go into tho details of tbe filthy scandal. It was infiuilcly disgusting Driven from tho East, Kallocb bas divided bis time between Kansas and California, and has not given evidence of rctorm. This man is now tho Kearney candidate, and nominoo for tho offico ol Mayor of Sun Francisco, and is tho latest important locrnit from tbe Republican party. If Kallocb Is elected Mayor, Hayes should send Beocber as Minister to England and Conkling should be assigned to Ply mouth Church. A "Bluff'' Man. The worst enemy ol tbe Democratic party now living is Wendell Philips, of Massachusetts. His batrod for our party Is notorious. Lately, howovor, bo boa taken to talk ing protty plainly about bis own party. In alluding to Hayes' administration he says: "While this administration ol corrupt bargain and salo a willing prostitute lusts, I blush to be an Ameiican citizen ;" and of the Re publican party itself be says : "No party in our history bas ever fallen from such a height, or to such depth of disgrace. I have watched politics for fifty years, and my judgmont is that the lault ot this party is ono-third ignorance and two thirds knavery." If that is not a clincher, we would liko to see one. The Nominees. The Democratic County Convention of Clinton county met on Tuesday of last week, mid af ter a harmonious session, renominated Goorgo W. Butchclcr, Esq., for Tro- thonolary, James W. Clark for Regis ter, and Dr. Mador lor Coroner. A. C. Chatham, ol Crawford township, was nominated for Jury Commissioner, and Col. W. A. Simpson was elected Chair man of the County Committee. Hon. U. Is. Dioffbnbach wm made Chair man ol the Convention. No BtiLL-DoiiNO, O no I Tbe Rhode Island aristocrat never whacks a man's head off with a hacksaw. Ho doosn't toll hi employe to "vote the Republi can ticket or get." Nothing so rough as that would be toloralod. But the blue-btoodod proprietor issues a polite oiicular in which each employs ia civil ly and even urbanely inlormod that Our interests imperatively demand harmony ot political action between os and our working people." THE LAST j.WHTMXO JtOD DODUE.. An oxi hango dilutes on this annual fraud in this wuy: ' Four or five hun dred yours hence, when the genera tions Hint come- alter us dig into our railroad embankments or explore the ruins ol our present habitations, among the moot m) atilying wonders to them will be tho uso to which we put the great coils of metal rod that lie buried beneath tho sod at the ends, sides and corners of hnuees and barns. Yo are not so sure but that thero are many good people nowadnys who could not oxpluin tbe thing if called upon. For their information, thon, let us say that it is tbe now lightning rod swindle, and the farmers in otbor sec tions may understand it, and be roady to sign tho first paper presented by a strungor promptly and without de taining him, we will give the modus swindloandi. First comes u smooth- talking chippor, dapper, genteel-look ing gent, who explains tbo danger from thunder-bolts in general and tho necessity of proving euro and rapid transit for tho subtle fluid. In ordor to protect tho house, thore should be a j rod bore and a point there, and all it would cost is the trifling matter ol 10 or 120, or something like it, 'very diffi cult to tell exactly until the work is dono.' A contract is signed, 'only a mere matter of form, yoa know,' and tbo sharper leaves. This Is tbo first act, and should he labelled, 'How and when I was struck by lightning.' In duo lime tbe otbor section of tho catustropho arrives, and begins work by erecting a bolo in the ground, and filling in up with coil alter coil ol rod. Perhaps the owner of tbo property protests against this apparent waste ol material, but as ho promises it all goes in for tho same price, ho quietly ac quiesces. Tho job finally finished, the pay time comes, and so does a con tract tbat looks bigger than a barn door, to our country friend, when ho fully comprehends its almost illimita ble proportions, lor it binds the party of tbo second part to pay forty-six and ono-half cents per loot for tho rod re quired, and five dollars for each vane. It Is vain for bim to kick, thoy won't come down a single rod, and rather tban invest in a lawsuit out comes tho wallet and tbe bill is paid. Some of tho (armors in tho northern part of Highland liuvo boon mulcted in sums ranging from $30 to $250, and still thoy bito." Every Democrntlc voter In Clearfield rountv ehould benr In mind that Til i KM. 1A V, SIvP I K.MI1LH 4. le the) innt day lor rerlnterltig lur xut unit electlou A Growl. Tho Bellcfonto Watch man ol last week remarks : "The Dem ocrat this week announces the appoint mcnt of a now Court Reporter, V. F. Rcbcr, Esq., v hicb, it says, was niado some timo ago. If this be truo, il is news to us and will be also to tho pres ent incumbent, Mr. J. II. Yosburg, who has received no notification that his services are to bo disponscd with, Wo have no objection to the new re porter and hope bo may make an efll ciont one, but common fairness ought to have induced the Court to havo given Mr. Yosburg timo to get ready e . ii l -..,ta... .( xr-.ll fonto, with a family to support and a rented house on his hands, and will now find himself out ol a position, if tbe Democrat's paragraph is correct How the Court could be so far forget ful of ordinary courtesy as to deprive Mr. Vosburg of his place, without rea sonable notification, is more than we can understand, and will surely meet with tbe censure of our citizens and the people gonerally." "Wo havo strong hopes oi electing a Sheriff this Fall, notwithstending tbe determination of the Republicans not to join in breaking up the corrupt ring tbat has controlled in Ibis county so many years. 1 ho multitudo ot candi dates seeking tbe Democratic nomina tion, some promised and others want ing promises, may be conducive to the augmentation of out strength when tho disappointed ones discover tho treachery of the ring. Tbe slate of the ring must bo broken and the peo ple must understand tbat thoy aro en titled to somothing more than a sell out each year. Break up tbe ring's power and givo tbe people an honest election. Keep your watch fires burning."- John Umith, Chairman Greenback County Committee. Sucb is a portion ot tho address of tbe side-show which exhibits in this county for tho benefit of the Radicals. The Domocral who is trail enough to bo raked into tho camp of tho enemy by such bait, deserves to be angled and cast upon tbo shoro for sustenance. Let everv llrmorrat In Clearfield rotmty us AT ItNCKtliet bin name bun tlie Hrg Utry. Closed his Career. Rcmco, tho largest trained elephant in this coun try, and perhaps known to almost all our readers, rnet a borriblo death at Boonovillo, Mo., on Tuesday of last week. Romeo and his nino giant com panions were allowed to roam at will through tho canvas (it being previous to tho allornoon performance), and in his peregrinations came across th engine driving tbo armature connect ed with the clectrio light. The en gine was making 250 revolutions i minute, and Romeo, with characters tic curiosity, began to investigate it, when bis trunk was caught in the re volving apparatus and torn out by the roots. Tho poor animal lived but a short time, and died in great agony. His owners, Cooper, Bailoy & Co., of the London Circus, valued him at $35,. 000. "Hon, Samuel Butler was present at tno Jippubiican county meeting In West Chojter on Tuesday, and among other things said : ' There are no Stato issues to day.' "Philadelphia Press. That's a very convenient way fur Mr. Butler to place tbo canvass. "No Stuto issues" eh? Why, thero is the biggest kind of an issue, which Mr. Butler is too blind to sec. It is noth ing moro than this, whether we shall have "honest men in office.' Tho Re publican Convention repudiated this old-fogy idoa, and now it goes before the pooplo of the State for rejection or endorsement Doy'ettotcn Democrat, Righteously Disposed or. Wo learn that George W. Paxton, tho do faulting Registor of Chestor county, was sontenced on Monday to throe years in the penitonliary and a fine of 110,110, tbat being the amount of his embezzlement. Tbe man who robs his neighbor ia an insignificant thief, but the one that robs all bis neighbors is a compound scoundrel. TIIIHISDAV. HKPTEMllHltittl. llUlO last day. A LOYAL eOUMOSWKALTU. It Is a well known lact thut in the Republican State of Rhode Inland a foreign born citinon, ulthougli ho may have litithlully served bis country dur ing tho lute ar, und may now bo en gugod in an h -nest occupation, cunnot vote unless he owns real entutu to tho vuluu ol IK1I.00, while no such rustrie tion is imposed upon a iiutivo-born citir.cn, though be lie as poor as Lata run. Mr. Wallace's Investigation Coin miltco has iust held a session, lusting several days, at Providence, in that Stato, and several cititons who were allowed to fight, but wbo cannot voto because they don't own tho necessary real estate, wero examined bclbro il. Col. James Moran testified that ho was a soldier during the wur, but could not vote because bo held no real estuto. In his opinion, about ono third of tho foreign-born citir.ens wero disqualified from voting. Wm. 11. Joyce testified that bo bad served during tho war, but, liko Col. Moran, hold no real es tnto and could not voto. John M. Duffy stilted that he hud served through the wur, and that at one time ho own ed real enisle and was a votor, but ho lost his property and with it his right of suffrage, Dr. Gottscbulk said thut most ol the Uormuns in l roviuonce wero disqualified, and thut in bis belief nino or ten thousand naturulir.ed per sons in the State woro excluded from tho polls. Hon. Thomas Davis testi- ued that bo was of trisb nativity tlml ho hud lurinorly boon a Democratic member of Congress thai, failing in bis business, bo was compelled to muko an assignment that his title to his real osluto pussed from bim, and that bo lost bis right to voto. in 1HU4, a year before tbo close of the war, an amendment to tbo Constitution wus submitted to tbo voturs of tho Stale, which provided for suffrage to natur alized cilizons who hud served honor ably In tho war of tho rebellion, and permitting them to voto on tho same terms as native citizens, but the Re publicans voted it down. Party Compliments. Tho Demo crats of Clinton county, at their annual Convention, held last week, among olbers, unanimously adopted the iol lowing resolutions : Saolved, Tbat tho official action of Hon. William A. Wallace in tho Sonato of the United States reflects honor up on our good old Commonwealth, meets our beany approval, and justly excites our aumirulioii. llesolved, That while deeply icsrrel- ting tho apparent defeat of Governor Curtin, thu Democratic candidate for Congress in this district at the last electlou, and any cause for contest be fore Congress, the Democracy of Clin ton county demand a lull and fair in vestigation, thut thu seat shall be awarded to hint only after il shall be clearly established thut ho received a majority ol tho voles ol duly qualified doctors, and that in determining thu result all merely Icirul technicalities i ought to uo discarded. John's Caiid. Eliza Pinkston's man, John Sherman, Secretary of the Treus ury,lias "pulled up his stakos"in Maine, and bos found his way back to bis nativo Ohio, whore ho is ostensibly "booming for Foster," tho Radical uom- ineo for Governor; but in reality, ho is "booming" for himself for President. At evory meeting where bespeaks bis frionds havo large Hugs upon which is painted the likeness of the aforesaid John, and labeled "tho next President." John is so cute that ho never sees their loir until somo ono calls his attention to them, when his modesty overcomes him, and ho only alludes to the matter because his attention has been called to it (?). Modest man that bo iB I Let every Democrat In Clearfield comity are AT ONCI: that tils llama la on the Keg. latry. Mosur Utilized. Lilllo did le facto Hayes expect tbat when ho appointed tho " Guerrilla Mosby, " Consul to China, that bo would expose the crook edness of that Radical scoundrel Seward, who robbed the Treasury Of thousands of dollars, holding tho same position. An exchange says : "Moshy comes to the front from Hong Kong with the startling story that immigra tion foes to tho amount of 110,000 ro- ceived by his predecessors in the Con sulate thero have nover bocn reported to tbe Government. As Howard held that office once, and escaped tho clutch of Democrats during tho lost session of Congress on the charges of fraud, tho party will be ready to for give Guerilla Mosby tor going ovor to Grant, and thus getting a chanco to furnish further charges aguinst Sew ard." A Da unable Justice. A colempo rsrysays: Mr. Justice Miller, of tho Supremo Court ot the United States who wus a member ol tho eiglit by- sovon Electorul Commission, stated on Friday last, at Block Island, in the presence of several gentlumon well known to tho country (so says tho jY. F. .Suit) that "Tilden was elected in Louisiana ; thut is, ho got eight or ten thousand more actual voles thero than Hayes." But then, you know, Mr. Jus lice Miller's States rights views would not pel mil bim to look behind tho Louisiana returns. It was only when Oregon wasroached that he could bring himself to forget Stato sovereignty long enough to tako a peep behind tbo broad seal of tho Stuto, HonostMr, Juslico Miller I I'bovidence Plantation. No ter ritory ia the Union is being so vigor ously investigated as tho littlo Stato of Rhode Island. The Wallace Com mittce had scarcely got done invest! gating thore beforo Butler's Commit tee stepped In and began to Investi gate ; and beforo Butler had got time to go more than ono eye on it, Conk ling stepped off to investigate Spraguo'i mansion ; and he hadn't got half through before Spraguo began to in ostigato bim; and now Rhodo Island ia buzzing like on overturned boo hive, and ono-half of bor population is in vestigating the other bulf. Let evnry Ileaaorrat la Clearflelel reality ee as iris is mat nia aanae la ou llic lleir Islry. O, Yon Rudi Man I Tho editor of the Cincinnati Commercial, though usually a polilo man, has put a pair of long oars on one of New York's groat preachers. He doos il in this way : "Moody and Sankoy mado a genuinoicnsalion in tho British Islands and were altonded by multitudes. Thoy had some forco and variety, and wero enjoyed as a novelty, whiloTalmngo is a self evident ass at home and abroad.' Tho New York, Rhodo Island and Mississippi plan is all tlio rigs now, Conkling, Spraguo and Lamar. What was it, anyhow, that th latter said to tho former on tho floor of tho Senate recently ? YrOCtl TIC A I l E VICES. At a rel ent meeting of the Cabinet, Mr. Hayes delivered a lecture on civil service reform. JXo wunled il under stood thut bo would never consent to tho ro -organization of tlio Republican Stato association ; never. Ho would Insist to tho lust upon maintaining this small fragment of bis unco famous civil service older. The Guveritnienl clerks and attaches might, niter they hud performed their day,s work, read about or discuss polities, but they must not undertake to help run tho machine No man Who meddled in rolitics could servo the Government luilhfully. This was freely given Out to thu press by Hayes himself and bis Cabinet us tho substance of his remarks, it turns out tbat His Fruudtilency was playing bis favorito game of gamimjn. He wus foolish enough to imagine thai bo could deceive tho poonlo ireuorully. It was not intended thut the ro-orgumzation ol those associations should bo inter fered with. Tho Republican employes of tho Government understood this, and have right along been putting themselves in shapo forcumpaign work. Tho Now Yorkers organized Saturday night, and will co-operate with the Radical Congressional commiltco i) sonding voters home, and otherwise helping "tho party." Tho pld names of State associations are dropped, and something of a literary order adopted instead. Tlie.Sotirtite'a club will enfold all tho Republicans in tho departments, and will wiioop up assessments upon others, aid do whut they can to save their S:ale from tho Greenbucker's grip. Tho Now Yorkers havo not yet adopted any uamo; tho Nurragansett Fencibles has been suggested. Wash ington Post. Every Demorratlr voter In C'learlteld county ahoiiltl bear la mlnri that 1 HUH. DAV.Bl-.l'll-.MItUlt 4, Is the last day lur registering lur the urxl elrcliou. Hauii on Wii. Pknn's Folks. The oditor of tho Chicago Tribune should havo his loyal cars boxed for talking about us Pennsylvania people. He discounts too much. Read what ho soys : "A curious story, current in Wash ington, intimules llint Hannibal Ham li ii proposes to hand over his scut in the Senate to bis son, as old Cameron did in Pennsylvania. Ho will not be able to accomplish tho transfer, for Mr. Llitmlin does not own tlio party in Maine by as complelo u title as thut which Cameron holds it in his Stato. And if ho did, the attempt to make the Scnalorship hereditary would raise a commotion thai would leave lilllo ol tho party worth owning. Happily thero is but one Commonwealth in the Union Iho majority ol whose people are mean enough to bo willing to ac Knowledge thut themselves and their votes are I ho privulo proporty ol one Hutu, and liable to bo sold to whom he pleases." lli'MANK Folks. A eontomporuty remarks: "When a Boston man is found dead in his homo, and a largo quantity of silvcrwaro and jewelry gone from the safe, tbo lioston police think over tlio mutter for two days and then decide it isn't a case of sui cide, because it occurs sometimes even to a iloston policeman that oven a lios ton man might not be smart enough to murder himself and steal his own valuables afterward. In their Iiatao to como to this conclusion the polico havo actually overlooked all clues to tho crime. unounremfnt. PrLnary Election, Saturday, Sept. 13. Fria. The feea ntt.it h paid Id advance, and will be a rollow : For hbrrilT, $12.50 ; for Dia I riot Altorner, 17 60 ; Tor Jury Commlaiioner, $3. Tbti will tndule 10,000 lick eta fur aaah eaodt. d-tt. aod the neeeMrj blank and election paper. SHERIFF." " V ar authnrlied to en no ut.ee (ha name of MILTON U. UROWN.of Clearfield, aa a candi date for (he offle of aiborilT, auliject lo the rulti governing th Democratic parij, l'oit office add ran, Clearfield, Pa. W are authorlted to announce th nam of THOMAS hHITH, of Jordan townabip, aa a can didet for tbe oIKo of Hheriif, aubjeet to thrnla governing th Democratic party. Foitoftic addreM, AdaodyII, Pa. We ar authorlted to a a noun c th nan of JAM Kb MAIiAPPKY, of Bell towmblp, aa a eaaaidat lor the offl.w of Bberilf, a abject to tb rule governing th Democratic party. roit office addren, Mahaflcy, Pa. We ar authorlted Co anoeuno tb nam of I.KWJH i. BLUUM, of Pike towoabip, aa Dan did. for tbe effio of Sheriff, tubjeet to th rule governing th Democratic party. FuatoOu) addrtaa, Curwenavill, Pa. W ar anihoriard lo announce the nam of 1IKNKY BUhTU, of Hell townthip. aa a candi dal lor the effice of P be r iff, mhjtet to tb rule go vera tog toe Urtnoeratio petty. Foatufto add rait, Ootend, Pa. We are authorlted to announo th nam of KNOUli U. UbAKIIAKT, of Decatur towmb Ip, aa a candidate tor tbe ulbee of BberifT, mbjeot to iu rum governing me t'uuiocraiie party. - Poatotlioe addreea, 1'bihpaburg, Pa, We ar authorised to announo tb ani ,( JOHN HOCK UK Kit Y, of Chuat townibip, a candidate fur tbe ofltiie of 6 bet iff, mbjeci to the ruiea governing the uemocratic party. PuitulBc ad are a, MuPaemon, Pi W are authorised to annooor-e th nam of C. J. KKAUY, of L'lrarflrld, aa a candidate for the pmce ot cherts, ffuljot lo the rule govern! ng the Dtmooratie party, PoMolhn, add rem, Clearfield. Pa. We are authorlted it announce tbe nam ot R. h KW TON K1IAW. or Clcarflel.,, aa a eaodt dnte tnr the office of Sheriff, auljrct to lh rulti governing (be Democratic pert. PoatofBce add ran, (IcarOeld, Pa. We are aothiriitd to anmairt th nam of U. V. UUUDV 'MaMiw, of Clearfield, aa a oan.ll riftt fur tb vfflc of flhariff, ujet to th rulea governing tno iifmiwetij parly. PeatuAoeaviltlrfaa, Clear field, Pa. We are authorlted an aMfteaw th nana of F. F iuu.ii.. ni, jr., or tovtnginn townibip, aa a candidal for th fifl.r.f (sheriff, euhject to th rplet govern HiK th tfeenMratic party. PoaUfice, ajlrai, Ftenebville, Pa. We are authorlted to announce th nam of FRANK O. IIOWMAftl.of lluiton townthip, a. a candidal for lb offl-e 6f Hbritf, auhjeot lo the raiea governing ine uewoeratie party. PoitohV addreea, Pen 6 eld, Pa, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We ar anthoriied tb announce th nam of AARON (J. KRAMER, of Clrarl.el.1, aa a eandl date for the office of DUlrlet Attorney, eohject to ine ruir governing tn pamnerahe party P oat o flit) addreaa, Clear 11 eld, Pa. Wa ar anlhortaed to announce the nam of II. W. SMITH, of Clearfield, aa a onndidat for th efflo of Dlalrict Attorney, ruhject to the rulea governing in uemneralin party. Foil n Bo addreaa, Clearfield, Pa, We ar antborliad to announce th name of J. F MeKKNKICK, of Clrarfle'd, aa a oandidat for lh oflice of Diitrtet Attorney, anl-Jrot te tb raiea governing the lltmiwene parly, PoatoBic addreM, Clearfield, Pa, Wa are author! led to annnnne th nam of JOHN I.. t'UTTLR. of Clearfield, a aaandidata for the offlc of Diitrtet A Horner, auljcct to the rulea governing the Oemfteretie party, Poaiofte addreaa, Clearfield, Pa. W are anthrld to annoooe tb nam of B.T IIKOt-k U 4. N K, of Clearfield, a a candidate for th offie of Dlatrlct Attorney, auliject to lh riea governing tn Uenticrat. part v. Poatufto addreaa. Clearfield, Pa JURY COMMISSIONER. W ar author) led tn aanoann lh nam of A.J. JACK HON, f Clearfield, a a candidal lor lh oiiotof Jury Cornea laiioeer, autjeet t h rule governing ihe Domneralie parly. Poatoffle addreaa, Clearfield, Pa. Wa ar anthnrlred to anfloone the ram of JOHN D. THOMSON, ef Curwenavllle. far the ofle of Jury Cainulnpf, nhjeet te lb rulea governing tit Democratic party. Port ffi oe addreaa, Carwenivtlle, Pa, tif gsflyrrttsfiufnta. ' JAMES H. TURNER, Jl STICK OF TUB PBACI, P all.rwloo. Pa. tt-Hs ksl re,aro4 b.ms.l with all Ike B.eesar7 bleak foima tm!er tlio WaaWq apd Hooolr lawo, aa wall aa klaak Deeds, oto. All legal asatror. entraiteel to kia ear. will reeelra renrit atloalloa. Mae tlk, HTll-lt. iSfiv dmHsfttunts. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwcovil!o, Jaa. 0, '78-tf. II AKHY RNYDKIl. UAKlllCn AND HAIUUKKSSKlt. Kbtip on Market St., otoillt Ouurt IIiAm A clem tuwtl for ovtsr eunUmer. Alio draltr in II e t llrindB of foiirco witl i'ffaria ' i.-H-I4 V. f 1U. 'T. TTOI.Mfc 1'OR RKNT.-Thi property XM. in noulticrn emi oi i be don on h.i of ('learn el if, known m Jf. J I K O MH.l.KH PHOpHHTY'iiVJJJ ground ttMhwt. Tto moil deiiia lie nroptrt In Iowa. Ttuii ej. Apply to UEOUUB Cj. MOO II K, Aug. 20 4. ClenrftelJ, P. yoTicn to com r.CTons ASO 1 TIII'.IR HllHI'.lli:x.-Ths Beard of Cuuinlsiioaers has ordered die BDilerslKoed to proreod and eullert tbe balsaoes due on all tbe old Duplicates. All oulluctitrs ufiuib Duplicate! who do not eume forward and par ap during the September Cmi't, will rte prooeuded against tea medially thereafter. Tlia old booha must bo sallied miLlf lions, 1'reaaurer. Au(. 17, 1K7 3t. NYw Jlnrble Yard. tombstonesTmonuments, 1'oslt for Crmeitrtj I.otf. A NEW MAHIlI.lt YARD Call al J. FLA 11 ARTY'S Marble Wurhs. Cboloo Untie and low prices. Directly opposite the Lutheran Cburcb, Third street. Clearlleld, Ha., Maroh 17, 1S7V tf Fr ami by K. W. UrDin, CluarOeld, F. MEADYILLE A thorough oourM In Book -heflptnf. Poo mm hip TfeKfphiog, DrBW.ig, K11 graving, Ao. Hen I for etraul.tr and ipeflimcni of Plfcia nd urohtneDtil renmftQiaip. fcocK'M til oeon ia Uu.f.1. AuMreai A. W. SMITH. Aug. 17 -U. MdTill. SALE. Th nntlrraigOMl will Mil at print at all that tract or parcel of laud lit Bill tn Decatur towmbip, CleariVId eotiDtj. Pa., within a hort diiUno of th T.rron A CIbiM K. K., and adjoining lands of Robert HudiuO aod otaeri, and knuwD aa the Jacob 11. liearhert lot. Th aid tract eontaining 60 acrea more or ), with two Tioa of valuatila ooal thereon, baa about SO acre oUarni, and ia th kej to a larje bod; of cunl aWut boitig developed. Will be mid low and upon aj term i. Fur particular, applj to DAVID L. Kit Kim. Cb-ar..eld, Pa., Julj 11, IttVfl. ERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire IJrick, kept oomt aptly on htid, STOXE AXD EARTUEX-WAHI OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! rOTS! CROCKS! flehar'a Patenl AlrtlRht Blf . Scaling rruit t ana i Bt'TTKR CROCKS, wllk 1 Ida. CKBAM CKOCKH, MI1.K CROCKS, ArrLE. lltl l l KH UHUt;tt( FICKLE CHOCKS, F LOWER POTS, PIE DIS11EB, el kw rui a, And a great nan otbor things too nnmorous to asentton, to bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZI NGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner t Cherry and Third Btreoti, CLKARF1KI.D, PA. aogS JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. The uoderalf ned bea-a leave to Inform the eltl- lena of Clearfield, and tb public generally, that b bu on hand a fine aaaortment of Furniture, auoh aa Walnut, Cbeetnut and Painted Chamber Suilea, Parlor Baltea, Reclining and Bitenaion Chain, T.adiea' and Oenta' Kaay Chair, tbe Per forated Dining and Parlor Chain, Can Seataaod Windaor Chaira, Clothea Hare, Htep and Kxtra ion Laddera, Hat Raeka, Scrubbing Bruebea, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURI FRAMES, ooking Olaaiee, Chremoa, Ac, whioh would v-ittable for Holiday preaenta. nee i era Jirnn tkiiutman. MARSIIAUS SALE! BY virtue of eertain writs of Keerfifioat T. poNtit, iraued out of tbe Circuit Court of Ihe tinned States for lh Western Diitrtet ef Peon sylvania, and lo me directed, I will expose at public sale, at th U. S. Marshal's Office, In Ihe city of Pittsburgh, oo t Tuesday, September 30, 1870, AT IO O'CLOCK A M., All (ha right, litis, interest, and claim of AN DREW F. BiUlM, with notice to Richard Ar thurs, bis Assignee In Bankruptcy, nf, in, and to th following deacribed Real Ksute, to wit : 1. All that eerlaia tract ef land alt aale la Clearlleld and Jefferson oountiea, Pennsylvania, and described aa fullowa : Beginning at a pin on the wett aid nf tract number two thouai.nd and nine (20K9) (hence south 20 degrees west (20 west) one hundred and eight perches to a pine i l hence north forty flvedrgrce weit (north 4i weal, three hundred and twenty perches to a birch i thenoe south sitty.fi ve degrees west rut h tb west, thirty. two (.12) perches to a pin ; theno auuaii seventy. two nerehe IS) to ft hem lock Ihrnceeoutheighty.AeedeKreeiweit (ioulh hi weal) on hundred (100) percbea to an aah ; thenoe north one hundred and sixty and sll teniht (100 0 perch as to b pine ; tbanes east thirty-three and eight -tenths (S3.8) perches to a maple theno oonh aixty-five degrees and fifteen minutes (north j 16' eaat) twu huodrel and eighty i wo (2H'i) perches u a aunar tree ( thenc suth flirty five and three fourths degrees eaat (aouth 44 44' eaat) sluy two p-rcbes ((12) to a maple ( thence sooth one degree fire minulee eaat (aouik lf' it) aiglit7-sovea perches (7) to ft hickory tbenos south thirl v-elithl degrees IftV minnto ee-l (aouth Ha bit') east two hundred and twenty aeveo (13T) perches W a plo el ihe plan of beginning. Containing five hundred and twenty on (511) acre, and baiog part of Warrant No. lit. I. Alao, all that certain tract of land situate In Ho it en and Brady townships, Clear A eld coun ty, Pennrylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, vis, Beginning al a beech corner of tract number three thousand fiv buudred and ninety -two (1.2)1 then soath eishty-nia and one fourth (BW 14') degree eaet four hundred and hirty-lwo and three-Until (432 S) percbea to a post corner ef tract number S6V2, 2S9S, I5H4. and 19-0 1 theno along line of tract number threw thousand lr hundred aod eighty-four (Xiftl) south tbroe-fooribt of a d-grea west (45') on hundred and seventy, two per. lo a post or nor t theno alnng lin of tract number two thou sand and nine (2t)U9) north eighty nlna degree wert (l) (our hundred and thirty-fear aad five tenth (484.6) perches to a post thence north one aod one hair (1 I)') degrees at n hundred and aeventy and one-tenih (170.1) perches to a beech and place ef beginning. Containing four hundred and sixty four and ai sly -eight one hun dred thi (404 A) acres, and known as Warrant number one thousand nine hundred and aighty tigUt (IW.HH). 1. Alio, all that eerie In other traet of land alt uate tn Clearfield and Jr Hereon conn ilea, Feno'a, bounded and deicribed as follows, to wit i Be. ginning at a hf-mlock on th aorth-eest eorner of tract number four thousand thre hundred and ninety nine (4:iVU); thence aoulh 80 east 426 perches te maple theno aouth lt(K wail 294 perehi to a pin; thence north fi9 wt Hit per ches te poat i Ihrboe south 10' weit lJl6,s par ches lo a roit oo line of traet No 198ft i tbeae along said line north iV west SI 4 1 perches to a beech at a corner ef traet No. 19HR ibenee north 46' eael 212 perches I a post Ueao aorlh 18 21' east I OS perches to the place of beginning. Bring part of traet knuwn as Wen-sot Ne. 3t92, eoBiaiuing about o thousand acres, 4 Aljo, that eerlaia tbr tract f Isnd attest in Clear Or id coonty, Pa bounded oo the north by tract No. lVKI.oa the eaal by land ftow ar formerly of tfoha Dultola, ea the aouth by lead now ar formerly ef John Dubois, and ofl ihe west by tract No. it. Coatalaiag eighl head red and sixteen and thirty aoe-huadf edlha aires, it be Ing tbe eauj trait known a Warrant No. 10U9. I. Also, alt that portion of Irtol known a Warrant N. II, situate In Clearlleld eeaniv. Pa . hounded en tb west hy Ihe Clearfield county I la. oa lb north by tb extreme nertbera He ef i rent no. is, oa ta aat by tracts no, ivs ana 2tim, and ea the south by thai portion of traet No II heretft befon deeertbed. Bel sad aod take In see u tion aa tbe properly ef Andrew V. Beam, wrft nance t nieaerd Arthurs, bta Aaaigne in Baahruptcy, at th suit of C. B. Willie, for as, A. ' JOHN II ALL, U. 0. Marshal Marskal's Oft., Aug. il, Un II, jffr Jm?lV Itlimditi.-mo- V.'W t.i In -wi.uil. r Ar fiil)Hiwcis. INimIII.mmIii..ii'K'i... r tJTI uMi. aIHi. Rral " Ii iJ Kcr-r- tjjr fcl."-e. . r.. raiftnU. O. It tjrv.l .jST B vV.'iv rn'TiL1 . rti u M-. '(o.. 1 M "V. I iilwtur.li. t' M4 if DrufuU m-4 (.. saai'Ht.$fmfBts... Great Western Hotel, Noi. 1311. IJISand ISIS Market Street, (ircrty ejjeos.s H'aae.esr'e Crana Dpt.) riiiktlolpllia, rona'tt. Tox-xaiae, tB.OO per clety. Tils Hotel is Bear t!i now Puklle Buildings, new Msionio Temple, V H. Mint, and Aoadain of Kino Arls. T. W. TltAUCK, Hrop'r. OraR AM. niour I JylT,'7-l Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of aundrv writ of Lwi facia la- ued out er the Court of Cctmnnn Pleae of Clear fluid county, and to toe directed, iher will h eipoaed lo public aale, at tb Court llou, in tb borougo or Clearfield, on TUuriUay, Hfptembrr IHIh, (TO, At 1 o'clock P. M., th following deaorlWd real eitale, to wit : A certain two-atery frame building ward aa a hotel, aod known aa tbe "Arlintton Houae." the main bull 'ing being 60 feet front by 10 feet deep, with ft back building th abap ot an L attached, being about 1 feet aquare, wtib lot and eurti'ag appurlanatit thereto, iltuata tn the borough if llouisaai, uieerneia Bounty, re,, oounuea oorm by tlie Madera tirancu Hailroad, and Knwo in eencre.1 ulan of aaid borouah aa Lot No. JrtS. ieiaed, laken in execution, aud to be aotd aa the property of Frederick Wreie. Alio, a certain lot of ground and ill enrtilage, and a tfto-alory frame bouae.ailaate in tbo village of Para Hie, to Lawrence towuahip, CleartielJ county, Pcnu'a. fronting on th Erie turnpike, end said buuie bclnt twentv feet front and aii- tcen feet deep. Seiaed, taken in aiccutlon, arid to be aoid et lb uroDertr or Atirabam uurier aou Lewia Carter. Alao. all lhat oertalo piece or lot of gruuoi aiiuate In Decatur townihip, CleaiAeld eounty, Pen n 'a, bounded and dcecribed aa fullowa, to wit : .Winnlne at a poet on the north aide of town ibip road leadiug Iron) Oaceule to Jancavllle V4I feet ia a watern direction from a pnat in a run (helng a boundary lino between aaid borough and towuahip); thenoe along townihip road north 79 degree and ii minutea weit 4 2d feet to poat ; tbenca north Id degree! and 40 minutea eait 420 feettoapoit; thenoe eoulh 29 degree and 14 minutea eaat 420 feet to a Doit : tbenca aouth 10 degree and ii minutea weit 420 feet to place of beginning, containing lour area, more or lea, an eleared, witb a frame bouae ono and a nan aroriea biab aod outbuildiage thereon ereected. Seiifd, taken in execution, and to be aold aa th properly ol Janeil rraaier. Alao, all that certain lot or piece of ground altuate la North Iloutfdale, C lea i Held cuunty, Penn'a on Ibe northeaat corner of Scotia Avenue 71 feet, and runnina aouth AS degrcea it HO feet to Cedar Alley, known aa Lot No. 90 ia tbe gtneral plan of aaid town, and havlog Inereon erected a two itory frame bouae and oulbuildlnga. Baited, taken in execution, and to be aold aa the property uf Jetnee King. Alao. all tbat eerlaia piece or parcel of land itual ia Morrla townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aad deecribed aa follow t beginning at a auall hem looks throe north li degree eaat 135 percbea lo peat; thence aou lb 87 i degree eaat 14fl T-10 percbea to a poat theno aouth 14 derrem we-t 135 percbea to poet thaaj north 07 dearrea weal 146 7-10 percbea place of beginning, containing on hundred and twenty thrta (121) acrea and on haul red and twenty (120 percbea, rearm, however, tbut piece or parcel of land aold by Iiaao England in hia 1 1 ret line to tne Auveoi ;nuron. aou oaing about sixty arrea cleare.1, and a twn-atory dwell inc honae, barn and other outhuildinra thereon erected. Beiied, taken in ex cut I en, an 1 to he lo Id aa the property of John B. Hookenburry and D, lita bet U llockenuerry. Alao. all tbat oertilo lot or piece of ground alt uale ii the borough of Oeceola, bounded and de eeriked as fnllowi i On the north by lot No- 3M. on the eaat by Decatur alley, on the eoulh by lot No. 272, and on th weat by Hlancbard aire1 and known os lot No. 372 in lh general plan of aaid oorough, bctnr tne aave im conveym io John Mnaton hy the 1ohann'n Land and Lam her Compaoy.by Deed dated 19 Muroh, 1S7.I. and having thereon erected a twn story frunn bou liable, and other out-bnltdioga. fieii-w), taken in execution, and to he aold as tbe property ol Julie iUuiluu. Alio, a saw mill, situate In Brady townihip C earfle'4 county. Pa., bounded on all aides hy I i-ri da formerly owned by Kilhel now Reuben Moore eonta tnt np at oat ait and taree-tourtn eorei. the main building being abtut A)x30 feet, with a wing 40x14 feet, with another win to the eaat for a boiler and anvise room about 2Hi9 feet. Seised, taken in execu-tlon, and to be sold a the properly of Ira Dcwil, owner, or reputed owner and contractor. Alio, a eertain I w story frame dwelt in hote being 20 feet ia length and 21 feel in depth, with lot and eurtflaga appurtenant thereto, ai'.uat in the borough of Oaoeola. Clearfield oonnty. Pa., bounded aod deaoribed as follow i Beginning at a orner of property of famea Boras ; thence along Hale street 60 feel to aa alley thenoe along said alley tad reel t Hays alley j theno alone: said alley M feat to property of said Barna : thence along property of aaid Barna to place of beginaiog, and known io Int No. 80 in general plan of said borough. Seiaed, takrn in execution and to lr sold aa tbe property of Andrew rilUaa Tiauf of BaLi. Th prlc or ran at which Lh property shall b struck off must be paid at tb time of aale, or such i her arrangement made a will be approved, otherwise the property will a Immediately put up and sold again at the expense and risk of ibe peraon to whom it wa struck off, and who, m case of deficiency at sucb re-aale, shall mak good the same, aod In no In a lance will lh Deed be presented in Court lor conumation nnleas th money ta actually paw io u oneriB. abuhsjW rainjr4 Baaairr's Orrtcn, I tSborilf. Clearfield, Pa.. Aug 17, 19:1. J Sheriff's Sale. 1 Y virtu of sundry write of Pea. AV, issued I out of the Court ef Common Plena of Clear field Co., and lo me directed, tbere will be exposed to public sal, at tb Court HouM,in lh borough oi iicartieid, oa Thursday. Hcpu iHlb, INIO, At 1 o clock, P M , th following deaetibed real state, A eertain traet of land altuate in Knot tnaehip Clearfield county, Pa., in the villawe of New Mill port, ono home two stories high, with kitchen aaj two small mops oo aatd lota, with small si a bla and other out-buildiags. Bounded eaal by an aitey, wast oy main street, and north by Fox aod on tbe soath by lot of EJ. Shank. Seised, taken tn execution, and to be told aa th prop crty vi vii rim oioppj. Ala, a piece of Isnd lo Knoi township, con taining 42 acres, with abrol IS acres eleared and having thereon erected n small 1 story nlank honae, small stable, and other out building. ocixeu, taacn in execution, and to tj aoid a tb property of D. W. Sloppy. Also, a certain tract of land aituat in Cheat tw p., Clearfield Co, Pa., bounded and derortbed as follows! Beginning at bank of Chest ereeh. anu running 9i degrees eaat X40 percbea to post ; theno north 21 decrees eaat t04 perches to aa aah i theno north 07 i degrees weit li perch ei to Chest creek thence up aaid creak to plan of beginning, eonttlning 142 acres and allowance, with i acre cleared, witb frame house, 1(1x20 feet, with kitchen attached lftx.'l feet, well fin ished stcre house, 18x20 fret, and larg bank barn, 4iA0 feet, small orchard, and our-bnildinga thereon. Seised, taken inexecotion and tub sold aa th properly of Jobs Snyder, Alao, a tract or piece of land situate in Bum fide township, bounded aod deacribed aa follows : Beginning at ft pin Ire ftt ft earner of John Troxel'a land; thence by land of Cbrlatopber noraonugo aoatn n( a agrees eail n pvrchrs io a poet ; thenc bv other land of tbi aforesaid John and Jonas Snydrr north 1J desreet east 93 2 10 perches tu post ; tbanee by land of Troxcl the four lollowlng courses and distances, lo witk South 7&I dereaa west SI perch to pirt, scoth S7i deereei west 27 perches to a eheotnut tree, aonth if degree west 21 perches to a pine tree, south I7i degrees went 60 1 11 percbea to place of be a Inolng, containing 23 aeias aod 17 perehee and allowance, annui aorea Cleared, and having a log hoeie, 10x30 feet, and log barn, I Hi JO ft, thereon erected. Also, one other pleet ef land situate la Burnxide twp , uiearleld county, Penn a, bounded and d tcribed lollawit Beginning al a black wak t tnenoe by other landa or aforaaald Snyder aouth 11 degrees west 1 12 perehsa.more or lest, to a chest nnt; tbene north HRf degrte weal lflt perches, mora or leaa, to a abeataut t theno aorta H da- greiait 112perebe, aairo or leas, ta a pest j thenc aonth s degree east 1A6 percbea to the, piae ai oegianing, containing lt? acre and per ooea, mr or laa, baviog thereoa a two -story frame hoate. 20x24 feat, a lo barn, waron shed. and other entbnlldlags.wllh aboat 00 acros cleared aad a good orchard oa tb earn. Seiaed, taken ia execution and to be cold aa th property of j on as ana onn onyaeri Also, a certain traot of land altaaU in Cht township, Cleaifield eooaty. Pa, boucded and described ft follows: On lh ast by lands nf vnariai moor ana jo, nesuver, on tbe tooth by public road, west by C'hst ereeh, north by land of Betra Lord, ointaininf 6V acres, with II acre cleared, and having thereon erected a larg two. story hous. ti8 fet. well fioisbed large barn, flOiJO feet, and efflee, 120 feet, one story h tgh, and other outhoildingi. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold aa th properly of am , ouyacr. Also, a certaio tract of Isnd sltaate la Burnalde twp., I leer Ac Id count v. Pa, bounded and de scribed a fol lows : Beginning at a post, earner of ".r(iiyniiiiii IIDS f toeooo SOU IB Fn - grees rail 106 perehee, mora or less Ibenee by lands of Israel Korabaugb aonth li degree 101 perenes, more ar less, to place or beginning, con taining Itu urn and 96 perches, mure or lesa, and having a frame bous. 29 by 10 feet, log bam, 20 by 10 Teat, aprlnghoas, Ac, thereon erected, with orchard thereon, about 57 teres being cleared and under good lmprormnt. Belsel, tskea la e a ecu t. en and I b sold ai lb property ef Jonas and John Snyder, Ala, a eertain trset of Isnd rltut la Chest townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., oaiaiaing 7 acraa, with about 10 acres cleared, with tram bow llx.10, and email log barn. Bounded south by I reel Snyder, KeqH oast by widow Irvla, north by Frank Kaepp, and weal by Aaron Patrbio. Bet sed, tehra in axeeution, aod lo be aold a the property ef William H. Snyder. AIm, a certain traet of land all eat la Cheat towashtp, Clearfield oooaly, Popoa , oontalaing about tbrce-elibtha of an a re. wlih dweUini knue, store bone, and other ant-buildings there on erected. Bounded eait by Chesl treak, west by Jesepb MclCwen, North by aa alley, and Booth by peaon and Jeteph AlcKwen. Seliad, la sen in execution, and lb bo aeld a tbe property of Jacob How land. f r Al, all of Dafea dent's latereet In a rtai tract t f 'and fltnal ip Beccari tuwaihtp, Clear- ft. Id enanlv, Pa , containing 800 acres, more or has. known as the John SU'df farm, or property. lUundel mi tbe north by Und ot imuo- neui, east by Muddy run. south by land of Andrew fihi.ff, west by lands of Hamuel Hegsrty a I John McCoy, and having about 00 acre, cleared, and h.ving thereon erected a two aorv frame bouae, ge bank barn, and otiierttui-nuiriin. taken in executloo. and to be sold as l'ie properg ty of John U. eh. iff. Alan. eertain treat of land situate 1 0 Bia ly towRKbip. Clearfield enqntv. Pa., bouiiiod oniha north and west by Charles Preecntt, houth by Und of Dunlep heirs, on tbe ast by land of Uab- rling, containing aS acres. b'm or ,Bf about 5j ms elesre t. au-l bariog inerwoe cycl ed s log bona and Ing larn. Seised, taken tn execution, and to be told as tb property of Wm. Feeley. Also, a certain tract of laud situate In Decatur township, Clearlleld county, Pe bounded and dree ri bed as follows t Ou the eaat and south by lands of Jacob Siriner, oo th weal by land of Enoch Uearharl, aod north by same, oontain ing 49 acres aM aleared and under cultivation, boinf underlaid with bitutninoua al, and hav ing thereon erected a well Auiihed dwelling hone two atari ei high, large bank barn, aod other out buildings. Also, one other piece of Und situate tn Boggi townabip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded oa th aal aud aoalh by Morgan A Hall, weil by lend of John 8 U earl tart, and north bv it me, contain ing 10" acres, more or leas, wilh 7$ acres eleared, the whole being underlaid with bituminous ooal and fire-clay, bearing orchard, and having thero an erected a log bouse two stories high, tog barn, and other cut-buildinga. Seised, taken io exe cution, and to be sold as th property of Jonas U. Peters. Alan, a certain lot of ground sitoiile In lluiton wniliin, C leu r ft eld eouuty, Pa . tn th village if Pen field, being part of lot No. 27 In tbe plot of said village, and part of lot donated by II. K. Hewitt, the whole being iun feet front and MV feet deep, fronting B south side of Woodward street- Bounded north by land of F. E. Hewitt, sua tb and west by Und of II. Woodward, and orth by land of ijnoric Woodward, and beving thereon ereclcl a frame building, known as the U. K. Church. Said church Is 4 j by BO feet, two stories bitfb. Seised, taken in execution, and to b sold aa Ue properly of tbe M, K. Church at Pen- nelii. Also, a orrUin tract of land situate in II tut on townrliip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows. On th ait by land of David Horn in a, oo tbe weal by land of (Jeorge n ilhaina, on the aouth by Uod of John DuHuii, aad on the north by land ot Woodward rmney, contain lot about two hundred an! nineteen aerea, more or letta, and having eout sixty aorea cleared and under cultivation, anj having ineraj n erected two two-ctory frame dwelling houiea, a frame barn, and other out-building. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold a lh property of John C. Tyler. Alao, a eertain tract of land siluatcio Ifuuttdale borough, Clearfield county, Penn'a, bounded on th east by Sprue Alley, on lb West by Good Street, on th North by lot No. 46, and on the South by Beaver A'lev, and koown in tbe plan of said borough aa iot No. 4ft, and having i hereon erected ft' a is frame house, and outbuildings. Strlaed, taken to execution, and to be aou aa toe property ot David C. lleoaal. Alao, throe certain pieces of land situate In Uo ihen and Mr bant towoablpa, Clearteld county, Penn'a, bounded aod deeeriued as follows i No 1 beinc 60 aorea of land ih Uoefaen townibip, boun ded on the eait by land of Benjamin Huackinan eit bv n tnnry and isaeu hylor, north by Ja cob U tllhvlm'f eatatc, south hy W. P. Smell, and navipg auuwJ, ii icr-i uuurr ouiiniuuii. nu. being three acres of land in "riihein township, be ing on suulh side of tho toad leading troin U re bam tun to Jacob Willbeim's.cotnuienoiag at aaid road running aouth to pine knob corner thence west to aaid road t ibcm down aaid road to place f beginning, land beiog a I under eultivation. rso. a brdng la ac as ot land to uransm ttWDHbip, bounded as follows i Beginning ait a poat on tbe run ; th nee west -t2perct.ee io a white oak ; thence sou:b 112 percbea to a white pine; tbenca eaat 2 perches to a poll ; thence north 21 drgreea eaat 119 6-10 pvr..-ht?ii to a pnat and place ol bi-giboing, having a bout 0 acres cleared, and having a frame bouse, 17x310 fee', one and a hall atonea high, a log barn, and other oulbuildmga thereon ercted. Seiftd, taken in execution, and to bv aold a tbe pnpoil nf W. 11. Wilihelm Also, a certain tract cf lend eituate in litccatia townihip, CIvHrticM county, Penn'a, bounded aod and described as lolluwa : Beginning at a wbite oak ; thence ty !ti.d ul Jwbu kiiird worth 44 de grees west 110 purcb.ee to post; thsno south 44 degrees west 7 perches lo ft post ; I hence north 46 degrees east 70 peiches, containing 60 acre, more ur Us, witb abuut 40 acrea eiearvd, aud baviog thereon erected a hewed lg honie and lug barn, and uultiutldiugs. B vised, taken tu execu tion, and to be sold as lh property ol D. V. Den sal and Samuel Dujo. Taawa or SALa, lb price or sum at which th property sbaii be struck ofl oiual be paid at tlio tint of aai, or uco oiber arrabgeweuu wade aa will be appro ed, otberwia tn proper ty will bo immediately put np and aoi-1 again at Uie expense aud risk ol tbe person lu wowui it was siruot oil, aud who, tn ou tt delioieauy at auft re-anle, anail make good uie aawe, and tb aw inatane will th Deed be preeeulvd lu Court lor ewuuroaauuB ualee tne mwney is auiualiy paid l tue oueriff. AAittfcW ft'AA lit, Jr. fianurr'a urrica, I bunfi. C I ear h eta, Ifa., Aug. if, 1 67 V. Sheriffs Sale. virtu of writ ot V. '.. lamed IT.. out ol lb Court ol Common Pleas of Clear- utti tuumy, aud to m directed, mere will be exposed to fOlitlO BALI., at tbe Court Uouse, in tb buruugii ut Clear held, oa Tburwtay, September IMth, iH7t, At 1 o'clock, p. M., the following deicribed real estate, to wit. The following real ostat situate In Jordan township, Clearfield eooaty, Paso'a, via: A certaio farm or tract of land bounded on tha east by 'ande of Hubert Ilea and Jamea Hea, south by land of John and Arcky Wltherow, on the weat by lands of Henry Wit hem w, deceased, and on the north by land of Joseph Uilligao, Including let acres and 78 percbea, as contained ia Deed of Bank ef North Amenoa io Kobert Johnson, and alao 14 aero alter ward purobaied from tha aama panic adjolniog lh aatue tract, containing in all Vli acres, more or lea, and having erected there on n large tram houe IHxSO feet, two stories high, a large bank barn, wagon abed, orn onb and other outbuildings. About 86 acraa ef the land is eleared and io a good atata of fultiration, with ft good bearing orchard thereon. Alao, the following described property of W a. A. Head, siloata in tawrenoe townabip, Clearfield county, P., bounded aod described as follows : On tbe east by Und of Kliaa Bead eL al. soalb by land of Wm. S pack man, weat by land of Wm. Spaokman and turnpike, north by land of Milea Head, containing 82 aorea, moro or Iras, with about 06 aorea eleared, and having thereon erect ed a two-story fraui hous with aitcheu attaoh ed, larg frame bank barn, and other out-building. Also, another piece of laud situate ia Lawrene township, Civet A -ld county, Pa., bounded and deacribed a fulluwe: But by land of Robert Porter, south by land of K regie A Mullen, west by land of Wis. Mc Crack en, north by land of ltoberl Porter, containing 64 aerea, more or lets, unimproved, and having thereon erected a saw mill aod sm4ll dwelling house and sta'de. Ssiaed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the nroner- ty of Wm. A. Head. Also, all that certain pleae or trot of land eit uate tn Peon townapip, Clearfield county. Pa , bounded and dsKiiUed as follows: Beginning at a suaar corner of tract N. M1.-1 and 6V6J, thence south 160 perches to a post; ibenee west 121 percbea to a port corner of Kicturd Danver, Jr.'s land; thence by said Danrn'a Und, norib 146 five-tenth perohea to n poet on lino of Fox A iUberta' land ; thenoe by eume east 121 perchea lo pUoe ol begianing, containing U6aem, more or lcii, witb about I'O arrea cleared, and hiving thereon erected a anull log bouae, tbia being th n- piece ot land whiuh Wm fiigUr and wife convened tu John Clark by Deed bearing data the Slit day ot December, 1876, and reooidt d in Deed Book No. , pa.. loft. Seised, taken in execution, aud lo bo aul.l aa tb property of Julia Clark. 1 r ' Also, all tbe d ft-odanl'a Int-reit, being Ihe un divided one hair, of that eertain tract or piece of land situate lu Brady town-hip, Cloarfield coun ty, Pa., bounded and drMribed aa follows t Pa ginning at n hemlock eorner at tin of traet No. 301,1, tbenoo wst by aaid tract about 1.16 perches to Henry Korb'a land ; thenoe by earns -utb about 1.10 perches) tbioec eaC IU perch to a poat on line of tract No 6062; thenoe along aaid tract aorth about ISO percbea to place or begia ning, contain ng 121 acra,moro or lees, with about 06 acre cleared, and having theroon rotd a frame bouse 10x28 feet, two a to-lee high, a log barn, and other out buildings, this being the same land which Adam Wieegarbcr conveyed to John Clark and William Clark by Deed bearing dau tb IVtb day of May, 1071, aad recorded in Deed Booh Re. 4, page 4. Belied, taken tn execution, and to be aold aa tb proporty of John Clark. Alao, Ihe following real estate ait a at In Cheat township, Clearfield county, Pa , bounded and described a folloaat Beginning at a whitooak corner (down), thenc aouih 874 degree it )S prche to Cheat creek j thenc along aaid creek aouth 9 degree west 13 aix-tanth perohe ; thane aouth 01 degree ly perches; thence south 30 degrees west 18 perches ; theno aouth XI de grees west 86 perobes ( thenoe south degrees IS perches j thenoe north 874 degrees west 74 perchea te stone eorner ; theno north II degrees cast 1 01 perchea to a whit oak and plan or beginning containing f0 acres aad l;(S p Arches, more o lesa, with about 40 acres ftleared, and having thereoa erected a frame house, two stories high frame barn, and other cut buildings. Seised.' tkn In execution, and to boid a in property of Lydia N.fl aad J. U. Naff. prop.ny Alao, lh following real eat ate ail ate In Oor Ingtoa townabip, Clearfield oonnty, Pa , bounded and deicribed a follows t On the east by land of Fred Sohnarra, aa the weal by land of Karthaus b.ira, on iho north by land of F. Sohnarra, on Ihs sonth by turnpike leading to Karthaus bridge, containing on acre, mure or les, all oleared, aad having theroon erected ft I ft atory fraaa bouia blacksmith shap, stable, aad other out buildings! Seised, taken in execution, and lo b aold as the property of Thomas Maurer. Also, th following described ml ettate of tb defendant situate lu Karlhau township. Clar. field county, Pa , bounded on th east by land of H ml tne. soath bv Dahlia m. .... . i.j Heary Hitter, north by Und of Kartbaua heirs. oeotainlBg 10 acre w.ih about T acre a I. a red Bad naviag thereon erected ft 31 story frame mbn, a .mail rram .Uble, sod ther out-build-lags. Belsed, taken in ei.tu. ...i i u a the property efJvka Blamer. Also, the followlaw real ...... -i tlllftg. of Franklin: Ball towa.hi cwV.M eowty.Pa. Tw tow. lt frw.t0g 1101? on of , Meheley, bonndetf ast hy Hirer ttreaL i txc Aflvfrtljscmfnts. south by an alley, wct by land of It. Mehaffiy and north by land of K. Mebafoy, and bavi ' thereon rreotod a twa itory fiame hoae, milk kltclien altarhcd, writ finished, frame stab! j other outbuildings. ' Alan, another piece of Und sltuat in Bsll townchip, bounded iSt by Cheat creek, north by Susquehanna river, weat and soot h by land ef p U. Miller, oootiiaiug I acres, mora r leu, all cleared, aod no biildiugi, ' Also, the half interest in the following dooiribel travl of laud situate In Bell townihip, oq l.or,i rua, bouodid on the eait by Und uf Defendant aoutb b laud ol It. ftud Jaioes Malniffey, west by IBUU ." T" norm iy UnA Bll and Irvio, eoaleming 4H0 asres, more or Utr all wood Land. Also, another tract of land situate ia fun bounded and described as loll.iws : Ki! by Und' ol It. O. Tltowpsou, south bv land ol MM)e and nenaney, west oy tan i wi b.ituani Mebiffe? north by land of Bell and Imu, Cjattioinc 4l0 acre, mere or lata, wi;b about 76 earn elo-ired uud under imprwetueut the balance ia limber Und with various kindaof Uiurer, having thereoo eruoted a log bme and log atible. Svtsed, taken in executloo and to b sold aa the' property of David W, Logaa. Also, a eertain traot uf land situate In Karthaus township, Clearfield county, Pa , beginuma; at a biokury corner, witnessed by hickory sapling and ok stump ; thenc sonth by land ol Jauis PrLe abeul 60 perches lo a pine marked for a corner ; thenoe weat by said Price's land and land of J A. H. Uillilaud perches ti J. 4 H (iuliUnd's line; tbtno north by said laud about 60 perches to lino of land of Hiram Bumgardner ; ibeaee by said land and laud of James tsila - perchea t bickorjr and place of beginning, coataininx ll'O acres, and being part of Warranu Nos. luji an I .140-1, and having about 60 acres oleared aad un der improvement, ui having thereon ere Hod a frame bouse, twu stories high, barn, and other outbuildings. Seised, taken in execution sni to be sold as tbe property of John B. Michaels Alio, the following real citato situ in Chert towntbip. Clearfield county, Pa confining 221 srref, net measure, with abunt 20 sere ek-arvd. bounded eeit by land of Jonathan P. Fry, soath by laud of Jutvs McEwen, wert by land of Usury Wet lover, north by land of Daniel Carson and John Hlppa, and having tbereoa erected a larg frame bouse, two stories hih. ftome barn and other otitbui'dinga. Seisod, taken in execution and to be ald as ibe properly of Wm. Wettovcr. Also, tbo fallowing dcaorilJ real ait its sita ate in Woodward township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded on tbe enst and south hy land of John F. Beta, wait hy land f John M. Chase, and norib by land of Jamea Alexander, contain ing 60 aerea, more or leas, With about 2j acres cleared, and having tbereoa erected a log bouie juo stury high, and a log barn. SeUud, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the property of (ieorge flookcnbury, and David 0. Uen-al terra tenant. Also, one town lot In the vilage of Anminviile, Jordan townihip, Clearfield ooonty.PeaosjIvania, bounded and deicribed a follows, to wit : Basin ning at ibe southwest eorner of Henry and Cath erine street 1 1 thence south 41 weat 200 fet v an alley; ibenee by said alley 00 feet to ths comer of lot No. 2 1 theno by th lin of said lot north 40 asst to Catharine street; thence by Catharine street 00 fest to the place of beginning, being lot known aa No. 31 in the plan of the vil lage of Acannville, having thereon erected a large grai.i house, witb Pairbauks' scales attached. Th building is 21x33, frame, two stories high, with corn cribs attached to IL Alao, ono other lot of ground la th village of Aniot-.ville, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded aod described as follows: Beginning at the earner of Henry and Catharine at reel lo and vnlngs; thenc north 41 eaat on Catharine street 2)10 leet to an alley ; thence hy aaid alley north 4V west ftO feet to tbe comer of lot No. I; thence by the line of aaid lot sout b 40 west 200 feet to Henry street ; thenne bv said street to place nf beginning, being lot No, I la tbo plan of said village, having there on ere ted a two story frame bouse about 24t44 feet, with kitchen attar-bed, a stable and other outbuildings. Alia, one other lot In tbe village of Aninville , Jordan townabip, county sod Srete af reld. bounded aud described aa follows : Brgionlng at the corner of an alley and Catharine street; thence along Ihe alley to lot of Henry Swan; thence along the line ef Swan's lot to tin of Thomas Strang's land to Catharine street ; thenea abiec Csthaiine street to the plare nf beginning, and bavingtberenn erected a frame stable. Seised, taken tn execution and tn he mid as ibe property of John C. Johnson and David Johnson. Alio, the following property aitusts in Barn- :do town CKi field euuuly, I'a., bounded eait hy land of Thomas Miicheli, aoulh by Isnd of Riddle, wist by land of Burgman estate, north by Und or Jraie llutlon, containing 210 Bern, mme or Ifia, wiih about 90 aerea cleared and under improvement, and having ihereon erected a two-itory frame, home large hank barn and other neceiiary outbuildings, wilh orchard and good well of water. Also, another traet of land situate ia Burnside townihln, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on tb eaat by land of Defendant , aouth by land of Wm. Kuntx. weat by land of Campbell, north hy land of Defendant, oontalaing M7 acres, more or leas, witb about 87 acraa cleared, and having a two-story fram bmiia, log bare and outbuildings thrreon erected. Seised, taken In execution and io be sold as th property of Marrloa liocken berry. Mao, tbe following deacribed real eaUte altuate in Burnalde borough, Clearfield county, Penn'a, fronting 00 feet on Main atraet,and mooing biok 100 feet to an alley, bounded north by lot of Id. Pftlchin, aoutb by lot of V. Tonkins, weat by Male atret, eaat by an ftlly, and having thereon reeled a twotory fram dwelling bouse and outbuildings. Alia, another lot fronting "1 feet on Pin street and running I eei 10 feet to an alley, bouudfd east by Pin street, wett by an allay, north and south by UnJ of V. Tonkins, and hav ing thereon erected an old stable and abed, known in general plan of said borough of Burmide, as lot No. 118. Seiaed. taken In execution and to be sold as the property of A. II. Shatter. Alio, a oertatn lot or piece of ground in th village of Lutboraburg. Brady township, Clear field county, Pa., bounded and described aa fol lows: On tbe east hy land of Jerusla Irvio, on tbo weat by a private a'ley,oa tho aorth by lai.d of Wm K. Irvin, and on tha south hy public road, being AO feet front on publi road and ran ning bach 100 feet, and having thereon erected a large dwelling hous with otfia attached, a large stable, to hous, and other outbuildings, beiug the same lot which B. I. kirk and wife eunveved to W. A. Means, by Ded dated March I lib, 1871, and recorded in Deed Uook No. I, page 49. Seised, taken la oxeoutioa and to b sold a the property of W. A. Means. Ato, the following real atat situate In llouts dale, Clearfield oonnty. Pa,, fronting 41 feet, mora or leas, on Uannah street, and running back 160 feet to an alley, being part of lot No. 14 in general plan of said borough, aod having there erected a two-atory frama.boua, naed aa a hotel, with stable, lc house aod coal bouae. Seised, taken in execution and to bo sold as ibe property ef M. W. Kluuk. Alio, tho following real estate situate In Karl baus towubip,Cleerlield county, Pa .boanded and dcecribed aa follews ; Kast by public rod, aouth by land of I. 0. McClotky, wast by tame, north by land or David Price, oonUiomg 26 acros, moro or less, all cleared, and having thereon erected a two-story fram bouse, frame barn and out buildings. Seised, taken In execution and lo be sold as tb property of Solomon Stronp, Also, a certaio tmnt or piece of land in Bandy township, CI earn old county, Penn'a, b-iaodcd oa tbe eart by land sold to Henry Shaffer by the Defi-ndant, on the west by Und of Oabi Hohcr ling, on tha south by land or An Irew Smith, and no ib north p.irtly hy laid of Tb is. Wayne and partly by land aold by Deictidant, to Dvi I Shaffer, containing about 100ree, with aheut60 acres cleared, ad having i hereon erected a dwelling house, barn, and other outbuild. ae;.. Suited, Uk n In execntion, and to be aold aatbe property of Jamea A. Dixon. Alan, the following real ettate sit i ite In Pike twp., Cli-arficld eouatv, Penn'a, bounded and de-M-ribed aa Mtuwa : Oa the eaat hy land of Wm. Bloom, noiith hy land of M. Mo'' tnr, wert by land ef Jamei Smith, and north by Und of K. A. Irvin, containing 79 acres, mora or less, with about 00 acres eleared and under Improvement, and having thereon reeled a Ing barn and out building! (dnelltug home burned). Alao, another piece of land situate ift tbe bor ouirh of Curwenaville, ou Ibe nonhweat aide of Stat street, and ha wn tn the general plun of aaid bougb as Ut No. 17. No hhitdiaga. Also, another lot of ground tl'uated la Cur-wen-vllle,Ciearfield enunty, Penn'a, ea th north wert aids of Slats street, and koown In plan of said borough aa Lot No. M, and having thereon erected n large two-atory frame dwelling homo, stable, and other oulboildings. Seiaed, taken tu execution , and to b mid a i he property or Tor ac Clark. Alio, the following describe! real estate aituat lo Ueeearia township, Clearfield eonntr, Pa., and described as follows i Kast by land of Burk' . tele, weat by Clearfield creek, aouth by land of Jacob Npingle, north hy laod of John Ligbtnrr, recrving ail the enal and other minerals, wilh right to rem v lh same, ooataioing 69 acre, mure or less, with about thirty acres eleared, and thereoo erected a fram bona two stories high, a barn, and other out-buildlnga. Also, another piece of land aituat la Beeearia township, ClearAclJ oonnty, Pa, deeetihed a follow i West by road leading from tllen Hop to Itocoarla Mills, soath bv land of 11. B Wright, north by land of Nutter, Rom.ry A Co., east by Clearfield creek, containing on and oot-fuartft aerea. Also, a lot or gronnd situate In Mnnladale bor ough, Clearfield eouhly, Pa , fronting 60 feet oa "ood street and running back lbO feet t Pia alley, and known lo plan of said borough as lot No. 308, and having thereon erected ft tram bona one and n hall story high, aad other out buildings. All the defendant's Interest and proporty In aod lu all th enal and other minerals with rifOt I remove tbe earn by an a.-tiel of agreement with Aaron 1-jle in the following tract ol land situat ia Ueocaria lowaship, Clearfield county, penn'a. bounded en tha aat and north hy land of Simp aou, Hopkiti A Wallers, auuth by land of J. Sny der, west by laud of Christ Coon, eaaleintng 211 acres and ailowanc A Is, all the defendant's latarsit and claim Ib and to all tho ooal aad ether minerals wtth right to remove Ibe saw by article of agreement with Thomas li op kins ta tbe following traei of land iltoato in Beccaria township, ClrarfiHd eoualy, Pa. Bounded eaat by land of Jests billoe, wt by land or He-etly, north hy land or Dillon, and acuta by lead of Samuel Hegarty, eoateiaiag 9 acre and allowance. 8ild, takea ta tca tion, and to bo old aa th property of W. W. Mayes. Tanas op Rai.u -Tb prlc or mm at wbieh tha pmparty shall be atra k off must b paid at the time of aale, or such other arrangementa ad ai will bo approved, otherwise th property will be immediately pal up nnd aold acain at the oi poBa and riik of tho person to whom it stmek off, and who, In aas of deficiency at aah re eale, shall make rood lb tarn, and la Instance will tb Deed be prntd la Court ff eonfiraaetton uloai tb money U aotoaHy Pd -0 Ibe Sheriff. ANDKMT Pltm.Jr-, Baantrr'i Omen, I Sheriff Clearfield, Pa., Aeg. IT, l7ff. Y