$otr!l. THE MANSION HOUSE. OoraarW Sondead MukK 8trU, CLBAHPIULO.PA. mnileldaadaommodlo HoUl kM,4ariBi J. the peat year, ka Urged te doabi lu former eapaalty for the eaiertetameat of atxta gra ill f aiu. Th who I building bu rvfarniaaed, in4 th proprietor will a per a ptia te reader hla f aau tooderublt wall uriflff with hla. jW-Tk 'Maealoa Bona" Omnlbai rani le end from lb Depot the arrive) ud departure OMB train, W. V. lARUUfl, Jul lS-TT-tf Proprietor LLEGHBNY HOTEL. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Win. B. Bradley, formorly propritlor of the Leonard Houae, baring leeaed tbo Allegheny Hotel, eoUelti a eher of pabll patron eg, Tbo Boom hu boon thoroughly repaired and eewly faralabed. and ruHU will lad it pUeaaat alop- plog plaoe. Tbo Ublo will bo aapptied with tbo but of everything la tbo mr.kt. At the bar will bo fuand the beat winoa and liquor. Qood tabling attaehod. WX. b. UHAULfil, May IT, '7. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cur. of Market A Front itreett,) CLBAKF1BLD, PA. The un darraigned baring takes charge of tkU Bolol would roapeetfoJIy aolleitpnblla patronage. .020,-70, A.niniuA cuak rpEMPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. H. D. ROSE, . . Furanu M aala, Sia. Man ud karaa otor fbt, 11 OS. Uu and two borM. orar alght, $1.60. Tha bwt of aaaunmodatlona fur lu sad bout Oat. JV'l-tf. "lirASHlNGTON HOUSE, TT NEW WA8HINUT0N, PA. This now ud w.ll faralabad boaaa hu boon Ukaa by tbo andariignad. Ho fool. aonldant ol boing oblo to roodor aatiafaetion to tbooo who ma; taror Bin. with a oail. Ma; (, 1(71. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mali Straat, PHILIPSBURO. PENN'A. Tabla alwa;a auppliad with tbo boat tbo markot anoraa. ma travalmg publta ta invitaa to aaiL JnB.178. ROBERT LOYD. gauss. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaoaia Ballding, odo door aarth of 0. D. Wataoa'a Drug Storn. I'aaaaga Tiekota to aad from Llrarpool, Qaaana towa, Ulaagow, Londoa, Paria and Copanhagaa. Alao, Draft, for ala on tbo Royal Iluk of Ir.land ud Impartal Bank or London. JAME8 T. LEONARD, Proa't. W. It. SHAW, Caahiar. J.nl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will roeolre prompt attn Hon, and all in formation cheerfully furniihed Urder eolietod. April U-U. r. k. anioLD. a. w, a mold, j. a. aimolp F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ranker anil llroker, ReynoldiTUIe, Jefleraon Co.. Pa, Money reootrod on depoilL Dleeounta at mo aeraio raw, muni ana V ore iff Ktobange al ware on band and oollrotiom promptly made. KeynoldfTllle, Dee. 1. 1874.-1 j J L. R. HE1CIIHOLD, IUHGEON DENTIST, Graduate of the PennnlranU Collere of Dental Surgery. Ofio la reaideno of Dr. liilli, oppoiite in Daaw uonae. men is, 'ja-u. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Offlee la Bank Building,) CarweturUle, Clearfield Co Pa. ok S3 T-tt J. M. STEWART, 8URGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (Offioe la reaidenee, Beeoad itreot.) Nitroui Otlde Oaa admlaietered for the pain u axtraotiea of tooth. Clearfield. Pa., May 1, lftTT-ly. QIIOENAKING-I kereby Inform my pa- kj troni, ana maniind la general, that I hare removed my ahoemaking ahop to tbo room la Graham'a row, orer 8. 1. Snyder'a jewelry at ore, ana mat i am prepared le ao all Bind! of wort ta my Hoe eaeaper tbaa any other ebop la town All work warranted ai rood ae eaa be done ear where alee. PualUrely (hit ia the chaptt ahop in uiearueia. jus, a. vbvkkinu. Dea, 11, UTI-tf. Wagons for salE. Tba andonlfard bu aa hud, at bit ihap U CUaraold, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, For aala. Wartara w.jrona aa well aa tboaa aiada Bar. Any of wblrb will do Bold obrap for oaaa or approval aaeanty. ror farlbar infonaatloa, Ball la aoraoa at Biy abop, oraddraaa Bra by laftar. 1 HUM AS RE1LLY. Oanrlold. Pa, April 11, 187 tf. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Feaa townahip, Cleaxaald Co Pa. BURIED OUT! Bar hot BURNED UP1 The tub ecri bare kare, at great eipenet.rebalH a neighborhood aeooaalty, In the ereetioe of a Ireo laaa Woolea Maaafaetory.witk all tba modern improvement) attached, and are prepared to make ail ktnda or tjlotba, Ueeaimeree, batmetu, Blaa keta, Plaanele, Ao. Plenty of gooda ea band ta wpply all oar eld aad a tkoaaaad new raatenere, The bnaiaeaa or CARDIKO AND FULLING will reoelra tar eapeeial atUntloa. Proper arraagiimeata will be made to reee.ro aad deliver Wool, to eeit eaatomera. All work warraatod aad done apoa the aborteat notice, and by atrial atten tion to baeineee we hope ta realiet a liberal ahara i paaue patroaagw. IO.MM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED T We will pay tke hit beat market prioa for Woo aad eel) ear maaafaetared gooda aa low aa atmllar gooda eaa be beaght ia the oeanty, aad wbenerar we fail to reader reaaonable aatiafoctioa we eaa alwaya be fanad at homa ready to make proper upiiuuai, oi.oor in perron or oy letter. JAMBS JOHNSON A SONS, eiiriilAtr pJnwar P. 0. JKMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald roaatfally Botify tba pablla gaaarally that ba baa raoaovad bia Qrooary Sura fro. 8baw'a Raw, to tba balldiag foraiarly aooapiod by J. Miloa Kraaaar, a. Sowad atraoi, Boat daar to Bijl.r'a bardwara Mora, wbora ha latoad. kaaplai a fall Una of O 11 0 C E II I E H. HAMS, DRIED BEEP ud LARD. 6U0AR6 ud Bl ROPS, af all gradaa, TEAS, raoa ud Blaak. COPPER, Raaatod ud Oraaa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CU.r-EO MVtTB, AU klada I. tb. aiarbot PICK LIS, la Jan ud barrala. B PICES, U ararp forat ud rartaty. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL UXmOP CHACKRRaV BOAPS, , MATCBIS, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, , DRIED CHERRIES Coal Oil ud Xatap CHmaeyi. Aad . fawd asaartaaat of tbMs aklaga avaally kF ba a (raaary atora, .blab ba trill tnaaap lar BBBriMUai a tba Btarkat ,rtaaa. Wn aal Eat waak at ahaaaly aa aar otaar m. n mt Baa kit aaaak ud jajdaa fat JABIBT MMaan.ilww fraaraald, Ja& I, lm. aUsUanfou. .1 .1 l'Ml ABkad llaVIUUT'lfld fill ,-!( trmrm RIMlii.bitiirtia- nf ht-a.il h. ,4 " II t.r.J aimii art?. .Io-J U J'fct. lykfUU; O '-ll r. 1 iV Cm. ll. a r ftEI.I LH It', l.vl 't. IMIU-. ft. Add If ltrit Per aala by K. W. Uraaaa, Cleartteld, Pa. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hart opaaad ap, la tbo atora room lataly oaanplad by Waavar A Uatta.oa Baooad atraat, a larta and wall aalaetad .took of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, II ATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which tbey will dlrpoae of at reasonable ratea or aaao, or oxooaege lor eouniry proauoa. OEORGR WEAVER A CO. Clearfleld, Pa., Jen. ft, U7S-tf. CENTRAL mtale formal iHckool. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. A RAUB, A. AI., Principal Thie School aa at preeeat oonitltgted, oflera the rery beat faoilittea tor Frofeeaiunal and Claaieal learning. Boildinga apaelona, Inrltiag and eomtnodioua j oomplttely heated by ataam, well Teotilated, and fornirbed witk a bountiful aupply of pure water, wn apnrg water. IdOeation healthful aad eaay of ecoeaa. Surroanding aeenery nnaurpaaaed. Teacbera axperienoed, efficient, and alive to their work. Diaejpliae, Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. E-ipvDM mouerkie. Ffty eeata a week deduction to thoie preparing 10 leacn. iS indent admitted any time. Courtet, of atudy preacribed br the Bute: I Model Hfhnol. If, Preparatory. 111. Klemen- Ury. IV. 8cientiSa- AiurjxcT ceoaaa : I. Aeademia. II. Commercial. IIL Maalc IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific eon ire are Pro- feaaional, and atmienta graduating therein rtceire btate Diploma, conferring the following eorrea poodiogilerreea: Maaterof tbe 8eiDoe. Urad- uatea in ihe other eoureea recelre Normal Certit- oalea of their attainment, algned by tbe Faoulty. The Profeaainal eon r tea are liberal, and are In thorough new not Inferior to thoie of onr beat eollegea. Tbe State require! a kicker order of eitiieo able. Tbe tiaiea demand it. It ia one of the prime object of thie eohool to help to semi re it by lurniiiang iBiemgeoi eaa emcient teacbera for ber achoola. To thie end U solicits roe or Mr auna of good abihtiea and food nurpoaea thoea who dei ire to improre their time and tbelr tal ents, aa etndente. To all inch It promisee aid la aeveioping tneirpowera ana abnudent opporta nitiea lor well paid labor alter leering school. For catalogue and terma add ret the Principal. WILLIAM BIULKK. President Board of Treaties. JKftbB MKKK1L, Viae Preaidant. B. MILLAR McCORMICR, Becretarr. BOARD OF TRi'bTKKH: Clinton county. 8. D. Ball, T. C. Hippie, Dr. J. H, Barton, A. H. Beat. Jacob Brown, B. P. MoCormiek, A. N. Baub, W. W. Rankio, R. M. Cook, Btmnel Cbriet, O. Kintitcg.S. M. Biekford. H. L. DtrlTflnbaeh, J. 0. C. Whelay, Jeaea Merrill, 8. Miliar MeuormioK. Centre Ba-Oor. A. 0. Cartia. Clearfield Bx-Oor. Wa. Bigler. Look Maren, Feb. Sa,TMy W. J. llOFFER, B04IM NO. THREE OPERA HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa., DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QIEEXSWABE, UABDWABE, Carpeti, Oil Cloths, TaTT H T T T Ta T7 T LEATHER, FISH, Etc, Whlak will ba Bala at wbolatala or rttalL WILL TAKE COINTRV PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE FOR COOIrR AT MARKET PRICED. Clrarflrld. Pa., ItopU IS, Ifrts tf. NEW FEOVR, FEED, AND GHOCEHY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER. Ram Ha. 4, Plea Optra Boat. CltarSald. Pa. KatpaaaattaBtly aa bud 808AR, COPPER, TEAS, I0DA, COAL OIL, STROP, ALT,! SPICES, OAP, Oaaaad aad Drtod Praita, Tebawt, Clfara, Ctm- dial, Oldar Tlaafar, Baltor, Ej,r, Aa. ALSO, EXTRA B0MB.MADB Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed, 4o., AI at bUk win ba aald dw Pat oath or k. BBaaHga fat aoamtry arada. ruflfl r. A.ABISIL Rat. It, llt4..Bf. 5aisrfllanfou0. lMill Your Stumps! TOR SALE liV THE Co-Operative Agency, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. July IDlh, 1879 If. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hu opened. In a building on Market a tree t, oa tke old Wet tern Hotel lot, opposite the Court Ueaae la Clearfleld, a Tin and ti beet-1 roe Mane factory and titora, where will be found at ail times a fell line of HOUSE FTOOTSEItfG GOODS, Storos, Hardvaro, Etc II onto Spouting M all kinds of Job work, repair ing, Ao., dune on abort notice and at reasonable rates, a no, ageni iur toe Singer Sewing Machine. A supply of Maohlnei, with Needles, Ac, al wars on hand. Terms, atrictly eauk or country produce. A ahara of patronage aoliolted. 0. B. MERRELL, Bopfrio ten dent, Clearfleld. April J5, ISTT-tf. J.H.LYTLE, Volesale & Eotail Dealer in GrocorioS, THE LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK IN XI1K COUNTV. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, 6YRUP, MEATS, P1KII, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARE, TUHS and Bl'CKETS, DRIKD FRUITS, CANNED OOOUS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. County Agent for I.ORILL.1RI'8 TOBACCOS, Thara gooda bootht for CASH la largo lota, and Bold at almoat aity prloet. JAMES U. LYTLE, ClaarSald, Pa., Juna It, l7a ly. Boots shoes HATS, CAPS, -AND- s GEO. C.&T.W. MOORE, are Just opening a large and earefally selected stock io weir line, ombraoing LADIES' GAITERS, Kid, Cloth and Calf, la ar.ry alyla. LADIES' SHOES, Rough and Smooth, LATHES' 8 UPFEns, High and Low. C1IILDHENS SHOES. Battened, Beck led and Laced, Plain and Cupper-toed. GENTLEMENS' BOOTS, Plna and Coarra, GENTLEMENS' GAITERS, SHOES, BKO GANS, PLOW SHOES, SLIPPERS, Clotb or Laathar. HATS, HATS, HATS, They ak apecial attention to tbelr aseortment or ai.i iw tnbraeing me LA l fis i biiiaba tor Dammer wear. AMONG THEIR Gents Furnishing Goods, will be found an aaaortmeat of GENTS' NECK-WEAR. aaldom aqnallad tithar la tlyla, taita, aerrlea orprloa. Allot Bay of whlok will ba Kid at aatoaliblBgly law Igaraa, at ROOM NO. I, PIT.' OPERA IIOl'ME, 01 aartald, Pa. April M-Ti lf. FORT GRAPE WINE Used la thopriaelpel Churches for Cemmaaloa perpoeea. Excollont for Lalies aniWObikly a At. a . versoos ouu. us Agoo. "Pi ZBa&LXmj&INF AJ SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE f roi n rtusRS om. T hit Celebrated TTatire Wiae la made from tke )ulee of the Oporto Grape, raised la thie uoaniy. lie invaiuaaie Tonic and Strengthening Properties are anearpaased ky aay etker Nallva Wlae. Be ing the pure Juice of tbe Urape, pmduoed under sir. rpeer a owe personal snperviainn, its purity and geaaiueeeee are gearanteed. Tbe youngest ehlla: may partake af its genemnf q'aahllea, and tba weaken laralld ate ll to adrautaga. It la pertlr-ularly benetelel to tbe aged aad debilita ted, aad salted to tbe rarioaa ailments that af reet tbe weaker Bt. It la la erefy respect A nina luna n b li is u u.i. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, Tba P. J. SHERRY la a Wlaa al Bonarlar vaaraatat. aaa aartaaaa ar taa goldaa Baalitiaa at taa graaa fro. wbiab It la aiada. Par Parity, Rlobaaaa, Plarat aad Hadlalaal ProBtrUaa, II .ill aa faaad aaaioollad. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDT. Till BRANDT rtaadaaarlralad ia Ibla aaaBlrr. balng lar taaariar for aradiaal paraoaaa. IT IS A PURE dlatlllalloa fraaa laairaaaaad aaalaial talaabla aradiaa! propaniaa. It baa a datlaaaa tator, tl.ilar aa that af tba grapaa fraat wbiab H la dlalillW. aad la la groat farar aaaoag Sratlaaa familial. Saa that tba tlgaatar. at ALPRED SPERR, Paaaait t.tft atar tba aork af aaak boula. SOLD ST 2. W. 0T.ATTAW Jalp IS, lart ly. - THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY UOKNI.Nll, Al'O. , WORSE Til AS THE FEVER. ANOTIII'.R BATt'll OK Vll.l.AIVOI N LOI IMANt I'M A L1 DM. UOW UAYEs' PHIEND RAIIKH IS Ut'NNINO THE REVENUE orPICE AT MW ORLEANS THE GOVERNMENT E01I1IF.D OUT Of UOU8E AND HOME OIN. DUVEN8' RASCALLY COURSE. About A year ajro .Morris Marks, wbo flgurud conspieuounly in the steul of tbe electoral volo of Louisiana lor Haves, was appointed Internal Reve nue Collector at Now Orleans. Tbo protests ot all the decent citizens of Louisiana against Iho appointment availed nothing; Marks' servioesasa Haves elector and aa a valuable tool of the Returning Board could not be overlooked by the Administration who profited by bis frauds. The appoint ment was severely criticised by even Republican papers, and those who knew Marks well predicted that the Government would not derive much revenue from this department. Marks, immediately upon getting into oQico, surrounded himself with congenial spirits, all ol whom had tukon a band in tbo crime of Bleating II ayes into the Presidency, and at onco began to provido for an era ot good stealing. The revenuosoi the Government were pockoted by this gang ol "civil ser vice" officers, but tho reputable people of JJow Oi lcans mado no fuss about it, because tbey bad expected nothing else. Marks' operations, however, Anally came into collision with the business interests of A citizen, and he did make a luss. Borne months ago Mr. Flores, a lead ing tobacco merchant of New Orleans, forwarded to tho Revenue Bureau in Washington an afllduvit setting forth in detail tho thieving operations of Marks and his gang, i Ins atmlavit staled that Murks had lormed a tobacco ring in New Orloans composed of many of thedcaluisand manulacturers there; that instead of pitying tbo revenue dulicB imposed by law to the Government in the regular way, tho money was all put into pool and divid ed among tbo ring. Mr. Flores com plained that this gavo the ring ad vantages over dealers who aro comply ing with the law, and tbut the latter would be forced oul of business unless Iho Revenno Bureau at Washington interposed to onlorco the law. Tho atliant olTercd to furnish evidence of tbe existence of tho ring, and insisted upon tho protection to which he, as a law-abiding citizen, was entitled. Tbo head of tho revenue bureau, in that spirit of leniency ho always exhibits towards good Republicans who helped to make tho fraudulent Adminislra trillion, informed Murks of the alliduvil and its contents and, it is said, even went so far as to send him the docu ment himself. Tho Collector immedi ately camo to Washington, and, of course, nothing was easier than for him to explain everything to H mini's satisfaction. Marks returned to Now Orleans, and resumed the collection of revenue lor nimsclt una pals, anu luo i lores allldavit was pigcon-nolcd. . Tho next exposure came trom tho tobacco dealers who belonged to tho ring. Marks having discovered that tbe fraudulent Administration was not disposed to interrupt him iu his fraud u lent course, made autocratic use of his power; he increased his assessments to such burdensome figures that the dealers could not afford to pay the amounts and continue business. J hey conferred together and concluded that honesty was tba bout policy ; that it was cheaper to pay tbe Government than to pay Marks, and decided to abandon the ring. There was but one course open to them : to make con- fession, proiniso compliance with the law lor too luture ana promise com promises for past offenses The course was pursued, and the revenue com mixsioner could not disregard the con fession ot the ring. Gen. Webster, one of tho most courageous and reliablo agenls in the revenue sorvico, wa. sent to New Or leans and the first thing lm met was a proposition to pay bim tUO.OOO if he would report that everything was all right, lie indignantly spurned the otter, and gave notice that he meant to perlorm Ilia dutv. soon allorwards an attempt was mado to assassinate bim, but nothing daunted he pressed right lorwaru and procured evidenco enough to convict Marks and every oflicer under bim. don. Webster came back to Washington, and reported to Raura that Marks and his asHislnnU were "an internal set of scoundrels ; tho worst be had ever met in the whole course of his official experience." lie recom mended the immediate dismissal ot Collector Marks and every man under him, and the prosocution ol tho ontire lot lor robbing the tioverinnent. Jn tbe hope that a different character ol a report might be obtained, ono favora ble to Marks, an agent of the Depart ment ot Justice was sent to fvow Or leans to investigate. Gen. Rsuin was not satisfied to act upon Gun. Webster's report. Iho second agent, alter in vestigation, reported tbo same rascally condition of affairs that Gen. Webster bad discovered. It seems that Web ster himself did not have too much confidence in the integrity of the Rovenue Bureau ; be was not willing to rely upon it. action, but took pains to lay the evidence no aiscovereu ue fore tb. Unitod Slates grand jury in New Orleans. Horn wasadilcmma the ring crowd bad not anticipated. Marks bad been directing bis entire iiifioenco towards the Rovenue Bureau. Ho at onco annealed to tho United States Dialnot Attorney Leonard, wbo, no doubt, was a aliarer in the spoils, and h. ordered the grand jury to summar ily adjourn. The jury refused to obey tho order, and Leonard bronght them before tho Court and awked Judgo llil lings to issue an order directing them to disband. Billing, tho willing tool of all the rings, promptly issued tho order, which brought Gen. Kirby, fore man ot the jury, to his leet. lie in formed the Court that evidence of tho most damning character bad been laid before the jury Against certain bieh Federal official, and if the jury was ordered to disband, the Uourtmust as sume the en tiro responsibility. Billings said that, under the circumstances, he would withhold tho order, and the grand jury resumed its labors. But that very afternoon a telegram was re ceived from Attorney-General Devens, ordering the grand jury to disband. This order had to be obeyed, and Devens, Marks and bis pals escaped prosocution. Gen. Webster, since bis return to Washingtnn, bas spoken bis mind freely, lie has openly denounced the frauds in Now Orleans, and said that he would go to New Orleans next Winter and prosecute Marks npon his own book, it the Uovernment allowed bim to escapo. Just about the time of tbs enforced adjournment ol the grand jury, tele grams were sent Irom Now Orleans and from Washingtnn to the press, stating that the revenue agents or officials had discovered extensive Irauds among the tobaoco dealers in New Orleans that would result in saving the Government largo sums of money. This was part ol a scheme to cover up what was being done to save Marks and bis officials from the consequences or their roliDenoa, and to direct public attention to the wrongs of the tobacco dealers, as if they were alone in their frauds. I A f.w days belor th adjournment of t'onroKH a very prominent lawyer who was indirectly nitorvatvd in learn mil the facts cunnocted willi Mnrka' macally 0iuruliuui), called upon Ucn. . j -r... . - snid to him : "1 understand that Gen. Webster submitted to you a written report in regard to the tobacco ring of Now Orleans f" "lie has not submitted any written report," replied Ruura. "But Wubstur haa made statements about that ring ever since his return here. Has be made thorn to you. Asked the lawyer. "1 decline to tell you anything about the caso," said Ruuin. "You aro not a Revenue olliccr." "But I'm an Amorican citusen," ro torted tho lawyer with determination, "and 1 am entitled to information which concerns a mutter of great frauds. You refuse to givo it to mo, but I givo you notice now, I'll get it." "How are you to got it?" asked Kan in eagerly. "1 shall go to a Senate commiltco and request them to demand this in formation of you. I've got the influ ence to do this, and you know it." Mr. Ruuin camo down from bis high bono at ibis announcement, and said to tbe lawyer, heaving a sigh at tbe samo time, "Well, what do you want to know T" Tbe Attorney said he wanted to know the fuels, and Raum admitted that Webster had verbally reported to him tho fuels as given above ; that be bad not submitted any written icport, but had given in detail all the evidence ho procured. This Attorney subse quently ascertained that Kellogg in terposed his influence to save Murks. The Webster roport, together with tho confessions of ihe ring, and othor con clusive oviJeuce, all got belbre tbe Commissicnor while ilr. Kellogg wos wrestling with his investigation. It was a critical timo for Kellogg, and be at once vent to John Sherman and in sisted that Murks must not bo disturb ed; that the wholo mutter should bo allowed to remain as quiet as.it could possibly be kept, ll would certainly ruin bin, urged Kellogg, to hare all these dumning facts made puhho just at that timo; "and," snid he, "if you remove Marks it will look as if 1 bad no influence hero in Washington, and a whole pack ot hounds from Louisi iana will jcome burking at my heels and insist testifying against me." John Sherman promised to protect Kellogg, and in pursuance of this prom my Murks was permitted to con tinue in otfico, and he still holds forth as Internal Revenue Collector and pockets all moneys belonging to the Government that come his way. Through his influence over John Sherman, Kellogg was enabled to bridgo over the dilllculty, and tho ad ministration spread its protecting pow er over another lot of thieves. THAT EXODUS. A correspondent f tho Now Y'ork Hfra.d recently interviewed Colonel Hooker, Democratic Congressman from Mississippi, who was before and during tho war one of tho largestslave holders in the South, and as numbers of ex-slaves are on his plantation in Mississippi to-day, his views on tbe cause and effect of tho continued mi gration of the colored people from tho South will bo of interest. In response to a query, Colonel Hooker said : "Largo n umbers of colored people have kit my section of Iho Statu the sec Won ol the country which lies between Vicksburg and Juckson, the capital of Mississippi. Many of them havo been duped into going awav by circulars distributed among them. One of these circulars had printed on tho head "Show to no while man," and informed the recipient that tho Government would givo each immigrant to Kansas sixty acres of land and that plenty ot work could bo found on tbe railroads at SI 50 a day." "But tho colored peoplo complained ol their political treatment, and say tney aro denied educational advan tages tor their children and aro no Btitlicicntly remunerated lor their la bor, said the reporter. "That is a mistake," said Colonel Uookor. "Mississippi denies none ol her citizens tbeir full nolitical rights. As for schools, tho colored people have the samo advantages as the whites. They have nice school bouses all over tho Slate, and they are apportioned in scnooi moneys, not an amount in pro portion to the amount of tnxes thev pay, but in proportion to their num. bent, which in my district is about fif teen negroes to ono whito person. "What wages do thev receive?" "They are not paid wages, but lease lands; generally some six or eight club together. One ol my tenants leased a few acres, raised sixteen bales ot cotton and gave mo four. Tbo lund is rich and productive and the climate suits the negroes. They ran nover stand me cold climate ot the north west." "Why, then, if the negroes are so well to-do in Mississippi do they go away j "BccailBO thev have been dnned Many of them have sacrificed their little all for little or nothing to take tliem away. 11 all tho colored peoplo would go thoro tho South might obtain waiito labor. U lit they can t. i bey aro poor and havn't the means to emi grate. Tbo truth ol tho matter is that politicians are at the bottom of this thing. Tbey tell all sorts of stoiies about tho negroes condition lor pohti cal effect It's a nitty they will allow themselves to be deceived. The negro laborer in the South ia infinitely better oirtbitnin lvurope. He cannot pros por any whcio unless he prospers in the South. The best thing tho ncgroos can do is to accept th. advice of Fred Douuduss and reu.aiu where they are." "Who aro the Bouihorn'Dcmocrats talking in favor of for President 18t0?" asked the reporter. "Well, l'vo heard Thurman spoken of, also Bayard and Hancock. Kither of these gentlemen would be accenla bio, in my opinion, to the Southern people and receive thoir support. "How about Air. Tildon ? ' "Mr. lililcn It not much talked about In the South. He has lost caste. lie is not looked upon as favorably as no used to do. Nearly Bloody Work. A con temporary savs: "A special to tho New York World stale that Ex-Bena- tor Spragne, ol Rhode Island, on Sat urday, orderod Senator Conkling out of bia (apt-agues; bouse at Aarragun- sctt 1'ier, and enforced his command at the mouth of a pistol. It seems that Senator Conkling called upon the Sprague family during the absence of Mr. bprague and when tho latter re- turned borne he found the Hem York Senator in bis bouse. Thuro are dark hints in the dispatch as to the cause of Mr. Spragfie's anger and tbe incident ia the subject ol much gossip and com ment at xsarragannctl. Rude RrroRT. When Payno, the author of "Homo, Sweet Home," re turned to Uoelon after a long absence in Kurope, ne called upon a lady, an old schoolmate, who said : "Mr. Payne, don't yon find Boston much changed ?" "Yes, madam," ha answered, "very much I roceivod many invitations to attend church, and very few to din ner." When tho poor poet wont to assume his ofileo at Tunis, his luggage was at one. pathetic and amusing he had several trunks filled with books. and hardly any clothe Dr. Glenn, the Democratic candi date for Governor of California, owns the largest farm in the Unitod Slates. He employs four or five hundred hands every yeartooaltivat.it That e is 'not much of a communist about him. ' it is man TIME. It ia liiirli time," remark one of air. ai uvea niun nentiuB uruuiia, tuut i Mr. II uve' moil serious ori-ann, "tlint understand that an election is not .oiijy. -u. ... " f Vr7,,l,li,, mere contest of a fraud." Tho brief: rp.yocsel tbe iwy manl ot irablio i litl.ti-!iii--i. nin bodies a whole voli.mo of begotten in perjury and brought -I'orlh in fraud. Wo agree with the sentiment, but not with its intended application. It is high timo that the political managers who, by fraudulent pruclicus have kept this Government lor years under the domination of Hie minority, and who, hy tho samo tactics, have nulli fied tho lawfully declared will of the majority, "wore given to understand that an election is not a mero contest ot fraud," intended to bring tho defeat ed candidate in, as Mr. Hayes camo in, but a solemn declaration of tbe sover eign peoplo, to attempt to annul which ia revolution. It is biiru. time that tho political malingers who for years retained con trol ot the United Mules Senate by the fraudulent disfranchisement of whole States, who put into tbut body, and buld thuro, men who no more rep resented the peoplo in whose name they voted than JJonnis Koarnuy rep resents the "culture" of Bacon Hill and the aristocracy of Boston, were given to understand that their game is up and that an attempt to repeat It will be alarmingly ilungerous. It is high timo that tbe political munuier who stole the votes oz liuuiai. ana and Florida, wbo in so doing com mitted almost every felony known to the law, who disgraced llopublicanism in the eves of all nations, who debauch ed public opinion until thousands of tueir blind lollowcrs camo to look tip on lorgory and perjury as justifiable when committed in tho interest of tho party, it it high timo that this gang wero brought to a bait by the infor mation that an election is not a farce, but tho solemn, irrevocable decision of tho highest tribunal tho court of lust resort. It is high timo that tbe acting Pres ident and those who have aided and abetted him in degrading that high ollico by bestowing places ot honor and emolument on the scoundrels who committed felonies in order to givo the Chief Magistracy to tho dclealod can didate, high tuna tba', all tho political managers who planned, executed and bavo helped to pay for those infamous crimes, were made to leel that, al though seemingly successful tor tho tiresent, their infamy is not forgotten, iut will livo io the memory of men when all their other acts shall have passed into oblivion. It is high time fur all concerned to comprehend the tact that the Irauds by which tho ltepublican party holds pow er in this country, and by virtue of which it controls 101,000 Federal offl cers wbo administer the atfairs of the rtation, wore the greatest crime against civil liberty that bus been com mitted in our day, and that in this light, ami in this light only, will they go into history. It is high time for tho political man agcrs of tho Radical lailh to begin to get it into tbeir heads that the niajori ty must and will rule; that neither the army at tho polls nor thousands of Mr. Davenports bulldozers will be permitted to annul the will of the ma jority ; that they havo wrested power trout the lawful victors tor tho last lime ; that their hypocritical cant does not disguiso their designs ; "that an eloclion is not a mere contest ol fraud," but a verdict that must and shall stand. iriim7(on Posf. CIRCULAR FROM THE AUDI TOR GENERAL,. Tho following circular is now being issued from tbe Department of the Auditor '.lencrul : X'eaboir: lo tho many inquiries mado ol this Department, relative to tho registration of corporations under section 1 ot tho actot June 7th, IbiU entitled "an act to provide revonue by taxation," tho followingaanswer is made : First. Blanks for registration nnder said act have been prepared ; they have been sent by mail to corpora- lions now on the books ol this Depart ment, and will bo lurnished to all cor. pora lions and limited partnerships on application. The registration is not attended with any expenso. Second. All incorporated companies and institutions organized under the laws of this Commonwealth er doing business in this Commonwealth includ ing banks, National and State, bank ing couiDanios, bridgo companies, build ing and loan associations, canal com panies, cemetery companies, iron com panies, improvement companies, insur ance companies, manufacturing com panies, mining companies, market companies, navigation companies, oil companies, plank road companies rail road companies, saving institutions, telegraph companies, transportation companies, turnpike road companies, water companies, and all other incor porated companies and institutions, excepting churches, and limited part nerships are required lo register, w ith out regard to the nature of their busi ness or their taxability. I am aware this requirement is sweeping, but the law having mado it incumbent on this Department to ascertain and deter mine what corporations aro taxable, there seome no way to detormino this but Irom the registry itself and the act ol registration being attended with but little tronbleand no expenso to the corporalions,will relieve manyjoi Uicm irom tuo payment ol tho penalty im posed by the act Ihird. A now registration of nil cor porations and limited partnerships cr imed under the laws ot this t-om- monwealtb, or doing business in this Commonwealth, on tbo 7th day of June, isi'J, is required, without regard to tormer registration, and this registry must be filed on or before tho 7th day of September, 187!), lo relieve such companies from a liability to the penally. fourth. Aa soon as the business ol the Department will permit, after the expiration of the time allowed for registration, by th. act of June 7th l;:i(to wit: September 7, 1870) a list ol registered corporations and limited partnerships will b published, and all companies not then registered and embraced in said list, will bo lia ble to the penally ol 1500, the collec tion of which as a mean of compelling all corporations and partnerships to register, mil do strictly enlorced. P ill h. Companies and partnerships claiming exemption irom taxation should accompany the registry with a statement, supported by sflldavit, show- ng the nature or tbeir businoss and grounds for exemption. As soon as possible aflor Seplombor 7th, acarclul examination of the registries will be mado, and those companies which this Department considers not liablo to taxation will be so notified. Very ro- -spoclfully your obedient servant, WILLIAM P.SCflELL, Auditor General. M inister Welsh suddenly resigns the English mission, and simultaneously rival delegations start from Philadel phia to rush Ilartranfl fas a matter of ooiirso) and tjuay for tbs vacancy. The appointment of cither would be a humiliation. No new party need apply. Tbs grand old Democratic party cams to us in good condition from onr fathers, and wt intend to transmit it unim paired to our children. I ,i . .i... . i UUimrtt'l I'CIIW mi inw uuiiui. mo enmu BitivuiiiiK, iuiiiiiiic 11 mv , ... , ,, tl.i. ha. !,.., i most nroiniiutiit. benefit ol a class, the Radical characteristic of Mr. 11 aye. and his has compelled tho payment 01 II, . i.::. .i ..... i $1.50 on every II. UU ot debt, am aiiliiiliiiniiuiiuii. diiiiu iiiu luttui vs an ALWAYS TRUE. An Mibanao remarks: "Tbo Dem- ocratiu party always baa been, and , .l' ,., ,r ', ! " VT ' V" . " party ,iU to and bus claimed to bo tbo only "honest money party" while thus robbing tho peoplo for the enrichment of a few. Now that the plot has been worked out, and the wrong is beyond remedy, It is high time for tho authors ol the robbery lo a-toip htistiin, ol their honesty. The Democracy of to day stands where tho Democracy ot tho Jackson era stood, in lavor of no paper that is not worth its inco in iuwiui money ; in i.vur oi sound currency of gold and silver, or it equivalent; in favor of treating all classes of publio creditors alike ; In lavor of tbo same dollar for the laborer as for tho millionaire. It ac cepts the wrong of the past because it is unrcinediuble, and proposes to do all that is "nominated in the bond." And it sets its faco against this needless agitation of ttttUd quostions, wholher ot nnanco or other issues growing out of the war. Tho great issue ol the hour is, whether the majority or the minority shall rule this Republic 1 That question is at tbe front, and must stay thero till it is finally determined. Tbe Radical loaders have set up minority rulo by fraud, and propose to maintain it under cover ol law. Tho Democratic party proposes to ro establish the fundamental principle ot tho Govern ment tho right of tho majority to rule. Tho Democratic Committeeat Wash- ington, which has chargo ol tho Ohio canvass, bas perfected a most thorougli organization, through which the Ohio voter is to be supplied with political speeches. F.very school district in the Stale has been canvassed, and the names of almost all the voters have boen forwarded totheeommitte. Tbey will bo supplied with "reading matter lor the times.' It was very wise in John Sherman to get as faraway from General Ewing as possible to rehearse bis financial fallacies and misrepresentations. lUtsrtlliinrous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curwanarllla, Jan. t, 78-lf. liTTi-i I arsauarilia x I a rnmjviiin-1 of tlio virtue of aarsapar.il a, atHlintriii, niaixlraki, yellow ilnrk. witli the Uxliile of iMtUtali ami iron, all powerful Mool uuikinir, LlMNl--lt'4iiiRintl, and lifust-Hining element. It ia tho tnin-nt. snfst, ami in every way the moat eflWtual alterative uinlU riim know u or availuhle to the imNie. The at ienct-a of lurtiirine ami cbemiHtrv have rjfvrr prixhictMl ao valuable a remtily nor one mi potent to rum nil diftHisHi rt'aultins from iimiin Mood. It curt rVrofiilA, aud all srrof uloua dlsfaw, KrylMlaa, Ito?. or Ht. Anthony l-'lrt. I'linplea ana Krtceffrul 1' ust ii lee. Itlotrhfs, Holla, Turn o its Tetter. I In mors. Halt IthPtim, tM'ftlil-hrail, ltins;worni. I'lrera, Korea, Khcuinativiii, .Mcmirlal IHaeuae, N?u ralala, i'tiiiAl XVtaiJkiiraap smd Irrrjrti InrUlce, .limntllre. Affection of the IJver, Iy.rpeiA, ttnacltttlon. sod (jenvral lx-lillity. By Ita eoftrrhinff and clean! hit qualitfrti It iursHi out ttf fottl rnrnivtioiia which contain mate tho lilooil. anil r-auae Urmnge mcnt ami ilorav. It atimulah ami nlivtna the vital fiini'tiona. it proinotea energy and atrrntrtli. It r.tore ami prraorvee health. It Infuae now lif ami rigor tlironghont the whole ayatm. No aurTeriTfrotm any diraA which anaca (mm impurity of the lilooil need di-Hjtair, who will give A vim's Kaiuaparimji a itur trial, ttcnmiiiber, the earlier tiie trial, the apeedier the cure. Tta wipe tins nwn furnished to physician everywhere; and they, recognizing ita aiie lior qitalitica, administer It in their practice. For nearly forty yean Atkr'h Bamapv bu, la ha been widely need, and It now poe eaae the confidence of million of people who have exnerleneed benefit irvvu it niar Tcliou curative virtue. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Practical an si A rial rt leal Chemlata, Lowell, Man. BOLD BY ALL DSCeOISTf ITKKTVRRS. Wheeler & Wilson Family Sowing Alachine No. 8. Stiaight Needle, Silent, Easy Running. Al the Purls Exposition, 1878, Wheeler & Wilson received tho only ui hiiu a i awarucg .or cewing Hue hi nos. Over 80 com petitors. Ilrpnrl of th A mrriean Inatitut of Ktw i ork on I he II heeler f Wilson MiicMne : " Wo do not hesitate to declare it Till BEST SSWIKU APPARATUS 1! THE W ORLD. Tba Na. S and No. f Maaafaatorlnt Marhlaai aratinaciallrraooBiaiaBSait for allOKMAKEKS aaa TAILORS ara. H. B.THOMPSON, 3 doors tast of Bank, CURWENSVILLE. PA. WHEELER & WILSON MT'O CO., iddt) UbestDOt HU, Ftnladelphia. April I, ISTI-Sbl REMOVAL I Tames Ii Licavya ll.Tlnt aarthaaad tba antira aloak af i flaatalt, Barak? il.aa Bottra that aa aaa Btaa tola tba rooai lalolt oaaanM br RaaS . Harartr. aa Saaoaa atraat, wbars aa ia pranarad to ofar la mi. p.iFiia COOK STOIES. dutij-o a.rn PARLOR STOVES, of aba laUat ImprarW Batlaraa, at law arlaaa. HOUSE FUBMSHIBQ GOODS, Qui Fiitnres and Tinware, Roadnt, Spaatlng, Planblct. Oaa flUlat, aad Rapatriag Panna a apaelaltj. All won warraata.. AarlblBg la mj Hat .III aa oHaraS bbmIbI tf .1 ai t AS. L. LKAVT, PrnpHatat. FRED. RACkETT, ITT, .fast. Claartad, Pa., Jaaaer I, Ilr I If. H3 (Our even di'frtKrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllabad taorr WadBasaar bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEABFIKLU, PA., Haa tb. Larfaat t'UlulatloB af any paper la NBrthw.ai.ra Paunaylranla. The large and oonstantly increasing circulation of tho Republican, rendorsitvaluable to businoss moo as A raodiuin thro' which to roach the publio. Terms or SubIchiption t If paid in advance, . . . f 3 00 If paid after throe mouths, . 2 60 If paid after six mouths, . . 3 00 When papers are sont outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 times, Each subsequent insertion Administrator' Jfoticcs, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . Cautions and Estrsys, . . Dissolution Notices, . . ft 60 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 1 60 2 60 Professional Curds, 5 lines, year, & 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: Ono square, 10 lines, . . . f 8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 Ono fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One hall column 70 00 Ono column, 120 00 III. A Mi N. We havo always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPtENAS, EXECDTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ao , Ac. JOB PRINTING. We art prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SCCU AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER II E ADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. CJeo. II. Goodlander, Clearfleld, Ctearfleld County, Fa ffllfftllantoui, ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Carwantripa Pa . Jan (,. tf. MOtbKV TO l.OA.0a ,.t.l,M -prorad 'arm propartr, br tba al.iaal Lu," Iu.uranaaafuaipaat ,f Kaw Vrk, aa IrM Bwt tana, la Baiaa Irota fl.Ol ap. fur farlaa, la foruiatloa applv lo tba anl.r.irnaa, III S.VTHALW SMITH. Olaattall Pa., Ha; fib, Islv If. A Bank that Never Brraks. Try IffjTConl. Tba ondartltnad adupn tbla aialbod af laforai. Ing tba aumaruaa ana.uaara, Ibat bia aoal aaak ll aot a Winlar arrant.mant oalf, bat that It will ba oparatad la Iba Suamar aa w.ll aa Wis lar. I claim liial I b.. tba Best Coal in the Market, and will tail ll for aaib, or la oiohanfa far Sour faad, groearlaa, ale. Larga aoalracla alii ba aiaiia al a tar; iioall prolt. For fall parttealara aall oa ait ia paraoa, roiniiag la oaa of Uraba.i uppar bouaaa, or addraai tua through tha Boat, ofiioo. Ordara laft at Iba pottuBtoa will rteaira prutnpl allanlloa. TllOH. A. Pl'CKEt't Clt arDald, Pa., Jan. I, ISfS-tf. 9. .eL.ca. a. M'ooat.B. 01 L1C II, McCOBKLE & ('O.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market fttrect. Clearfleld, Pa. Wa aeufaotara all kinda af Porn itur for Cbanbara, UIiiIbk Room, LtbrarWi sad Halla. If von want jYurnituro af svn kin.1 ...'t i natil joa a our a look. VKDEBTAKIHiti la all Ita branobat, proa.pt); attaadad to. OI'ILCII, MeCORKLE a CO. Claarlald, Pa., Fab. t, 78. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS & STATIONERY Market KU, CiW&eU, (at tha PtMt Office.) THE andaralfopd kp leara to annoaaee I Ilia eltlaena of Clvarflalil and rtemity, that b kaa lttd up a room and haa Jnit return 4 from th ait? witk a lar; amoant of raiding aaattar, aooaiatlng la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Paaa Booka of trny d Mriptloa; Vmpr and laveUpaa. Praarh proaaad and plain; Vana and Pattella lllaiilt Legal Papon, ida, Mortgiga; Ju.lririt, Kicup. Uua and Pruiaiaarv auteb ; Whit and Parea niaet Brief, Ltg Cap, Record Can. aad Bill Cap, Hboat Mime, for itbr Piano, Flat or Vioiia, oonataetly oa haad. Any booka ar atatlonar; daatrad that I may nut har on band, wilt ba ordrd by I rat ipraa, and aold at wfaolMala or null to aait aiutomarf. I will alao k?p periodic l MUratar, anob aa Maf taia, Nwapateri, io. P. A. UAULIN. Clsmrfl.ld, May T, IMS-IS A NEW DEPARTURE IK Ll'THERSROG. IIaraaf.f' ssrwulai Bill tu aula P1EII ul- or in i chaa ft for prod a. No book, will b BTfTll in that ffilHM 111 aaM kautM.a.t.1 B...I wttlod. Tbo wbo ii not aa ap, will pla ntvao orar ineir aotaa aaa CLOSE THE RECORD. I aaa determined ta aall my rood, at aaak prioaa, aod at a dtaooont far balow that aver oSrd la thia rieinity. Th diaooaat I allow my euatomora, will makthm rteb la twenty yaaralf tby follow my adrioa and bay tblr gooda from . 1 will pay awl for wboat, oU and oIotw- xt. DANIEL. UOOULANUKH. Latharahorx, Jaaaary 17, 1H7T. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! SXI EaLEnCU aV?UBS3 . CHEMICALS! PALM'S, OIIS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRVSNRR, PERFUMERY, FANCT SOOD8, TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WWES AAD LIQUORS far aiadielnal parpaaaa. Traaaaa, Sopponan, School Booba aad Slatloa ar;, and all othor artioloa eauall; foaad ia a Drag Stora. PHTRICIANR' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Hatiata larga Bk porioaeo la tba baaiaaaa tba; aa. giaa tatlrt aaa iafaaUoa. J. l. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IHWIN. OlaarSald. Daa.lr la. lata JJARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI 1 aa awara that tbart ara aaaia aataaaa a liltla bard aa plaaaa, and I aai alao awara that tba oonplalat of "bard tiaaaa" la wall aigb .Biraraal. oat .awH Hiaataa aaw taat 1 aaa aamr; taa foraitr and prota aaaalaaiaal; tau "bard Imaa" will aot oSaal tboaa wba bat IbairaoodafroaiBia. aad all ; patroaa aball ba laitialad lata tba ta rn! af HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bata gooda aaoogb to aappl; all tbt Inbabl bU la tha Vawar aad af tba aaaat? wbiak I aaU at atoaadiag low ratat tnm mf BiaBiaiatb atora ia i'L.iiuiaurtu, waara 1 aaa alwa;a aa foaaa road; ta wall apoa aallara aad tappl; tb. with Dry Goods or all Kinds, Saoh aa Clotba, Saliaatta, Ca.ilaj.raa, Maallaa Dalaiaaa, Llaaa, DrlSlaga, Caliaeaa, TriBiBilaga, Ribkoaa, Lata, Raadj-aiada CloUlag, Boota aad Sboaa, ItaU aad Capa all af tba baat ai atari a aad aiada ta ardat Haaa, Book a, Uloraa, alituaa, Lasaa, KibbaBa, Aa GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Oofaa, Taa, Sugar, Rlaa, Molaaaaa, Fiab, Salt Pork, Llaaaad Oil, Fub Oil, Carba. Oil. Hardwara, Qaaaaawara. Tiawara. Caitlatl. Plowt aad Plow Caatlnga, Nail,, Splk.i. Cara Calllta- ""i""a rraaaaa, a., ail blaat af A ia.. Parfaanr;, Palatt, Vamlib, Slaat, aad a gaaarat aa.onat.at af 8l.lla.ar;, QOOD FLOUR, Of dltaraat braada, alwa;t aa baad, aad will ba old BA tba lawaal aaaalbla Igaraa. J. H. MaClala'l Hadlalaaa, Ja;aa't af.dl.laaa naaiaaiart aa. tlaaflaad lliura. BO. aaaadt af Waal waalad la. arhlak taa klgbaat priaa will aa .aid. Clataraaad aa baad aad far aala U lb htwaat Barkat prlaa. Alaa, Agavt St ttnttaarina aad OarwaattlHa Taraakiag Maablaaa. aaVOaU aad aaa fat taarsatrat. To. aUI lad atar;talag ataall; ka.1 la a ratall atora. L. H. OOUDRIIT. FraaobTillo P. 0, Aagaat II, lift.