Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 13, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
It paid is idranM.or w lib in three months...!.. 00
If paid eflrr tbr ud b(or s-onihs,., 1 60
If (.kid ftfw thxpirltoB of lx monbts... I 00
s-Mturf. 8. M. riTTiiLi A Co., News
AdwtUlog Agsnts, T Park Row, oornar
Weknan Slrwt, ar our duly authorised Agents
iB n York Olt.
Mftliodia Kpltoopal Church Ker. J, 8.
u, Mr'iiur, Pastor. -Service vr- Sabbath
U 10 A. M., and 74 P. M. School at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting every YVetlneija-, at Tl P. M.
CuioDUoioa tSrvle, first Bab bath ef very 104 A.M.
West t'leerflcM M. K ChurchHev.
W. Ccott Wilioh. Pattor. Preaching every
iltsrnet Sunday, at o'clock, P. M, Sunday
Bchool at 3, P. M. All er Invited to attend.
Preab)lerUa C hurchRev. H. B. Botlib.
8nbbata ssrvie morning Bad troBlnjf iSab-
. .L u.k.. B P U Pr.Mr Mull U.Jn..
3y veniDg. Church. Rev. J. A. Ati-air., Pu
tor. 8rv.eei every Sabbath morning and evening ,
Itornatinc, st I0 o'clock A. M., and 74 P. M
KeMiatb School at! P. M. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday evening.
J.Siiridan. Preacbiogat 104 o'eloek:, A. M.,on
the Arat, third and fourth Sunday of eeah month )
it 7 o'clock) P. M. tiunday Bobool ovary Sunday
tflarnooB at I o'clock.
Keound Monday of January.
Third Monday of Merob.
first Monday af June,
Fourth Monday of September.
First Monday of Jnn.
bMond Monday of November.
Prtiidf JidgoHom. Cberlss A. Mayor, of
Look liar an.
Anittant Lam Judgt Hob. John II. 0m l, of
Bellefonte. ' ' .
AiMetet Judgn Abram Ogden, Clearfield ;
Vinoent B. Hull, Uaarfiala.
ProtkoHotaiyHh Bloom.
Regiittramd RttordrL. J. Morgan.
IHttrUt AHont.y Win. M. MoCulIoagb.
Trtawtr Philip DolU.
VAdrrtaf Andrew Pents, Jr.
lirputy Sharif Chriit. J. Keaifjr.r, Clearfield.
Uounty ffuwyor oauuei c . mouiosiey, vur--nsville.
Count Commitonr$ C. W. Kyler, Oraham-
ton P. 0.; Elah Johnston, Grampian Hills P. O.;
Juhn Norria, 8r., Curwensvllle.
County Auditors William V. Wright, Clear-
flcld ; JonpB utmiana, inre nun ; i. o. nor
rii. Woodland.
Conmiv Coroner J. B. Neff, Naw Washington.
Jury Commtitriontr Dr. Jamet P. Ilurohfleld,
UlearDed, JOiepn Aiexanaer, neaera.
Suprintndnt of Public SchoolH. L. Mo
Quown, Clearfield.
StaUrof WtiykU& JeaiBraaJatH W.Carlila,
oftf at Lot hen burg Pa.
Aonr. Mi JohB W. Vrlgly, Wm. Ka
drbaugh, Cyrni Qordoo, Clearfield Joaeph K.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwooavillo ; J. A. Living
none, Dulloia City.
Our Sjteial flolumB ta d.eldMlly fntreiitlD( in
t lue.l point of vi.w, and pro&tabl. reading to
ouUidera who w.Dt to aar. money.
"Will ;nu take wheal, onta or eora tut aub.
icriptiun V Wa are often inquired or in thia way
a letter from patrona who reaida at diataooa
(rem Clearneld. Wa agalo aa.jf yea. Tbareeeipta
ef a rafponaitla narehant or mill owner la the
ricinity, will aniwer na Juat aj welt M the oaah.
To illluatrate: If aoy of oar patrona will d.lirer
at a ba of f raia at the mill of Joaeph II. Dreth,
ta Cheat townihip, Ilorao. Paiohil, in Jlurnaida,
Thomaa JI. Fortey, In Graham, Wm. Porter or
Shaw 'a, In Lawrenoa, or Brown k 8e;ler'a, al
Roekton. Union townahip, and forward their
receipt! for the amount, we will .redit them on
their account for the lame. In thia way all may
oon pay what they owe, If they will purau. thia
ourae. tf.
For a nobby suit for Fall and Win-
Irr, 0 to Wilioy'l .
Mr. Grath, of Mill Hall, wants our
readera to aand to him for a prio. Hit. 6c. bie
County Superintendent ilcQuown
itarted out on bii oiamination tour oa alouday,
eommaneing at Carwanif lllo.
- -- m
The vase and boquct tbut adorned
Iba labia In front of tho pulpit la the ('learned
Prefbytarlaa Charoh Lit Banday, waaan .bjeot
el beauty and admiration.
Before you k to camp mootinf? or
on another aiouriioa, go aat order a autt of
oloihea from II. H. illey, aait door to lb. .1
pren offioa, Clearfield, Pa. (
Jobn Whitehead has been appointed
aunt at Uoaa Hal elatioa, a new atatiou aatab
liihed on the Hon Bun branch of the Tyrone 1
Cloarleld Railroad.
Lowia Sebocb and William Kinder
man le notice In tula liaa. .f their appoiatm.nt
ai Kieautora .r th. aetata of John Bohcurloh, lata
of Urady townihip, deceaaod.
r t m e . '
Willcy haa removed bis tailor aliop
to Mr. Hbaem'a new building, on Market atraot,
one door woat af the eiproae offloa and two aoora
aait of th. poatomch Cloarleld, Pa. It.
No aorvicea will be hold in tho Cloar
leld II. at. Church neat Sabbath. The paator and
a largo aoeaber of the menabora are attending tho
Juniata Valley Camp-meatlog at Newton Hamil
ton. I O M -
Call and examine 11. A. Krutzer'a
Klmlra U00I1 al 12. M per P'r- A,H "o'' ud
Yontha' Boota at aatonlahlng low Bgurea. Ladlea
and Children'! Bboea of lb. rery beat qnallly.
Market atreet, Claarlald, Pa. aug t-'lt tU
e m
Lost a Hand. We loarn from tho
Pbilipiburg oantaf of Saturday, that Frank
Klear,aoonof Andrew Klaar, of Wallaeeton, am
pluyad el the Morgan Run aaw mill of Hooter,
llarrli k Co , Bit with a lerlom aooldant oa Tbun
day morning, eaaaing th. low of fcla right hand.
Lmt of lettora romainlng nnclaimod
in tho PoatoDle. at Claarlald, for the week .nding
Aoguat II, II?' r
Mr! Faille Barrett, Mill Mery Ilreial.r-(i),
Henry Farnaworth, Wm. Kaalaa.
. P. A. OAl'LIM, P. tl.
The County Coramiaeionors give
amice that they will a,oet at lb. Dear Cmt
bridge, th. tlh .r Bept.nib.r nit, to award to
Ike lowoat rarpoaalbla bidder th. (oatradl fur re
arorln, tb. drift ef lb. plor and abotma.t'. Be.
Miiea publlabed alaewkar In thia caper.
. a mi
Many ol our readera will, no doubt,
at ihle particular aeaaoa of tb. year, ejrre. with
Mark Twala that nothing laaaaa to a y
aa much aa to bo miatakon for a huckleberry, and
if ha eta be baked Into a oak. and palmed of
Ika nonary aa aeurraat, h. dioa happy. .
Jainea h. ScoReM, John S. Rado
kiak, and a aumbar of .then from Panleld
keaa namai wa did net leer a eaa over the moun
tain oa a lining tipedllloa .a Tueeday af la el
etk. They retarned home wllh about thirty
blaek baja aa the af Joarcey, whl.b
tkey hooked la lb. Baaqnehaana titer, near
"falton-! Dead Water."
W m. C. Lytic, bo n of John Lytic,
t , of IhU plae wb. haa hoaa "reagblag II" la
Califorola far a little .tar three rein, arritad al
owe leal laturday araal.g. BiU" rook. lib.
ka waa enjoying good health, and b. la heartily
'loomed baek home by hla former aaaoelalea
aad eooip.niena. II. la aatiaied with th. froaiiir
H'e for the preeaat, aad haa aoaa. W etaj .
m eei '"
(irmtnd wat broken on Monday last
I" the fonndalloa of a aaw brick building oa lb.
'potty ef Jeana B. Orahaaj, Benoad atroet,
hla and that af B. A. Bigler.
Tka Int loo, af lb. building la leleeded la be
"apud h a drag Hara by M. W. Srakaai, while
Ika a poet part of tha etractara w III be detoled I.
kaiiaeaa onleaa, Al. Al a kailnaaa llanl, thia
III be a deiirabla locetloa.
I'anicATKO. Tho dedication oi the
Ceikohe cknreb at lloatedalo leal Sunday wee a
find affair. Tb. turnout af peraana WM t
adoni, aad I be truapnratar. ef th. walh
" eiaetl; right lor tb. oeeaaion. Al th. lp.l.l
"III from tali aad .f th. Tyrone k Cl.arlald
""read, aad alia that from Ik. Tyroaa ad tt
,k Ha. arritad ea tha groaad, the paopla wan
by Iba Hoalaaaa. haae) aad anaorlad M tk.
Ckaroh. Tho Mrelaa. were ... dueled by Blehop
""Ilea ef Irli, Father Bherldaa af Clwrleld,
'Iber Hiker of .,. Maryn, F.lher D. ta Roga
Freaektllht, Father Lynch f Oacaol., aad
rket Mahir ef llcnti.lele.
HaS fcl A?- -1Aftw'"l of Branara-
tlon tho t.l,Mn bai at t f iMfJ publicity u i,,
bo..ud aipo.Bra .f lb. Bo(i. w'b.oh g0l.rnld
tho Hchoo DUtrlot ,f Clasr (laid borough A
ni. d ba.,,,, Mk lb, o W
SV!l-S."fc!!,,,l,Bta 10 "d tb '! f
? ''' "f
.erpiiiara of toe t ik- nM . , ..
dirty iouodoe and groundkaa boob.biIom.
'rMly ,,cd, 10 b defended
gainit BBlragroui attack of Ibia klad, made
rl 1 ar.d nothing la her.' known.
buw ctgnt7 yrara oi age, and
bene li D(t only una of tha ol.ieil, but ii aUo
f.tber o..a. to .hi, r-gm n 104. Hb.n tb.
7.V5" TT-1-il.aBll tho aarly aettlara,
iba family bad loandura hardship, and pdr.ilona
or wfairh the prei.nt generation faa-a 00 oonoap.
tion. In .a,.!! etblBi fourttlta
many yaara wera turned, potatoea baing tbair
main depaaileneo for food. On ona oooaalon,
whan tha ground wm ao bard (rotan that tbay
eould not be dug out, parehod oorn wai re .or ted
to nod furBlsbad tha food wbioh kept then. .lit..
Iba bard atrugglea of hi. aarlUr lifa, and tha
farara labor whioh ha nedormed aa a
umbermao on would hare abut
the month of any daceot man from bfratmg bim
beoaoaa later in bit career, Ibrougb Induitry Bod
aooBomy, ha beeama tba poaioaaor of larga wealth,
Inch baa txciled tba covetomoaM of tboat who
ar advocating tba BKraiian and oomtnunittio
tueon.. of fluauoial .UioB.riaa, nod which doubt
IcB.pnderliea thia !e onslaught.
Tba Cititrm Iriei to rnka a p-tnt out of tha
Taot that tha oonaidaration BBtaad la Iba deed ia
only ona dollar, but ha doa not kaep in riew
tba important fact that Jndga Leonard wm not
Iba lot H wa giving ilmway, and thia
consideration w.a put in for the purpo.a of mak
ing a formal legal trantTer. Tba anta of $500,
wbtoh Iba Judgo bid al tb ShertB'i aala, doea
ttol rvpreianl iba full amount of money which ft
actually ooit bim, and tha porioo who furonbed
that information knew full wall, ir ha knew any
thing at all about the matter, that tboie flguree
.)o not indicate what Judge Leonard baa iaveated
in It. Tha aiinple faet it, and the aitertion could
be verified If deemed neccuary. that iba ground
occupied for ichool purpoiet ooat him nearer Jit
tkomnnd dollars than $3,4u0.
Tba furniture quettion uoed. vary little ex
planation. Krery intelligent oiliieo of tba town
knots that It was purchased aa low, eoniiderlng
tha quality, as any firm vunld hare furnished it
for. This la, however, begging tb question, for of
bat possible interest ean it be to iba taxpayers
bow much It cost when Judge Leonard for
il with kit own Money Bod tbea gav it to (he
School District for nothing ( The Inrniture nevar
lias and, unless it needs repairing, never will cost
our eitiseas ona sent-
Tb organ, to which reference !, U In
th sohool building la potaetaiou of tha Hoard.
For tba exceedingly smart manner in whieb
they, through iheir Treasurer, got possession el
$160 worth of the coupon, of bond, they are
prosecuted and will And II troublesome to explain
satisfactorily to a court and jury.
The Cyclopedia uBitituta no part la tbe set
tlement made between Jadge Leonard and tb
Board ef Directors. This fast the books show.
No blood relatives of Judge Leonard, with the
exoeption of one female taaobar, waa over an -
ployed, ana sue was chosen, as other teachers
wera, by a vote of tba Hoard of Directors. Tbe
low nature of this flint- marks it aa the emanation
of either an envious or a sadly distempered mind.
io job, Air. is j nor, aa answer to iba foul and
ground leu charges made against Judge Leonard
ly the Ctliitm, may seem needles', and I bave ao
doubt tb Judge will agrse with yoa. But there are
others who tbmk tbat sucn an untruthful and
libellous statement sbunld be refuted, ana having
dona ibis", U neidi only a brief addition of facta
to correct any raise impression taut may be enter
tained. Pur tbe arection of school bouse build
ing, furniture, Ac, Judge Leonnrd paid, out of
bis own private funds, $28,1 10. lie received in
bonds, proceeds of old building, orders, Ac.,
i:.,M4. This lelt a balance due him, on settling
with the Board, f oarieea thousand (Are Amm
drtd and two dollar, which sum be donated, as
well as tbe lota, tbe price of which Is Dot included
these amounts,
Thes are tbe f-cti, which the editor of the
CiliMn and bis prompters can't rub out if they
lie from now until doom's day, when, If not
sooner, tbey will experience the terrible faot tbat
"Ihey tbat plough Iniquity, and sow wickrdneis,
win roap ina same. a.
Editob Rnpi'BLiciii In th last two Issues
of your paper your readers bave been treated to
two lenttby article upon tbe "Cramming Pro
cess" in our public schools, in which tbe writer
attempts to aeiuue me people oy casting untruth
ful reflections uiiun the school otfieers and teach
ers of this oouoty. I am fra to admit that the
subject of these articles is admissible of argument,
but it is evident that th author only selected the
subject bs a subterfuge for a malicious attack
upon some who bav outstripped hiss la tha race
of human progress. Tb tnotiv tbat prompted
"Citisea" to express himself la tbe manner be
did, remind me oi tbe comparison so frequently
used to Illustrate human achievements, buppos
there is a great horse race, free te every horse in
the world, and free lo alt the mules, and all tbe
the donkeys. At tbe tap of the drum they oume
to the line, and Judges say "I. it a go ?" Let me
aak what does lbs blooded horse, rushing ahead,
drinking in the breath of his own swiftness, with
bis man Hying Ilk a banner of victory, with
bit vein, atandiog out all ovor bim as if a net of
life bad been caslaround him what doea be ear
how tuaoy.B-uloi an J doukej t run on that track 1
Uut watch Ihe serub animal, with his cbuckle
brad aad lop-ears, with hi tail full of cockle
burrs, jumping high and short, and digging in tba
ground when he feels th breath of the coming
lug eared mule, lie ia tbe chap that jump th
track, and lays, "I am down oa mule equality."
Ho it ia ia tb great race for higher attainments
ia these days of free schools, Ire thought and
free speech. Mr, Old Fogy aleps proudly on the
rao ooura,but is soon passed by tha earnest,
ambitious youlh a babe, perhaps, when the old
veteran reached ki m-jmy and than it is tbat
Old For v ories out, "i am down on free schools:"
Kpeoi.lly tb ''cramming" of boys, when it ena
bles tBm 10 outgeneral tueir venorouie sirea.
But to ooma to tbe subject mailer of ear article, I
desire briefly to defend tbe earnest workers ia on r
Common Schools from the malicious charge of
incompetency and nnfaithruinesa in the discharge
of duty. "Cititen" charges tbe Superintendent,
Teachers and Directors with infidelity. He charges
tbe Buparintendent with granting eerti flea tee to
those unqualified to teach, and from tb tenor of
his article it Is evident tbat be ha been a teacher
and dishonorably discharged, or perhaps, still
lingering on tbe threshold of departed greatness,
sighing for tb tim when the first keader and
Child's Primer will mak Bp tb sun total o( a
Common beboel eduealiow, tbat be may stand a
leader amonf the Kniirbie ef Modern Keform.
Tbat a Superintendent may mak mistakes In Is
suing eerlitloates, I am willing to adult j but tb
law give to aim a aieeretionary power, it is nis
busines to great a license to all who bave the
lawful attainments, and state tbe degree of pro
ficiency in fliur ranging from 1 1 6, th ferav
ersignifyiag "very good," the latter "very psor."
"Cittsen la bis last article ays mat tn taw
aaks a erti6oate running from I to 1 Incompe
tent and invalid, wherein be abowe his ignorance
of tbe law. He deells at some length upon tbe
whys" and "wherefores net being exacted of
those under examination. I know It for a cer
tainty tbat the public examinations are honest
andsearobing,aod mch more practise! than they
were some years ago f thai tnuae iiccnsea to teaon,
manifest mure teaching power, and accomplish
more tn on term than tbe ;! her of lea years
ago did to Ibrve.
In speaking of testing the ability of appli
cants and aioertaiog their attainments, I have a
faint recollection of a Superintendent who asked
bis teachers "bow bigb a blu uird built its nest, "
and "bow many bails a bone-shoe bad," and
"If tb man in th moon wa an old bachelor or
man of a family," and If lb Uaober tailed to
auswer these Intelligent (') Interrogations his li
cence was withheld ; aud what It more astonish
ing, It was a Kit per IB ten dent of Clearfield county
that did It. 'Hut w must remember that these
limes were In the palmy days of th systtn, bi
ter tbe "Cramming Process" was Introduced,
and wban tb ' wh;a" nd "wherefores were
made tbe sovereign ol power.
M.'iii.M-' mnade one or two statement that I
should like to see reconciled. He made a forcible
plea lor higher attainmente, l,pwrsone at Nasi
capable of teaching tb alphabet and multiplica
tion Uble), and gave th .Superintendent a bint
tbat he should be more rigid and drop from the
list of applicants all not louod deserving of No. 1.
Apropos to Inros apo tbe Slate Supertu-,
tendent and mattgnanllr refera to bis Botioe lo
HupetiatendsBt lo rejeot tb poorly qualified,
and pronounce II ao outrage ana a great in-,
justio to begioBers. Mr. Wtokerabam cxpros-
p.'enoy as Mr. "Citiaeo," yet bt deaouooet b
lormer at a dumagugue, but or course appl.oda
lb latter. A Dottier example of mule equality.
He makes lb bold and anlrutbfal atcernoa
that few, if any ef tb Uacbera employed ft v
veers ago r bow leeebiag In tb public sohool
it tb ounty i . W- '""V1
fm last tefsf. 1 bav takea tbe trouble to
lavestlgat Ibia, and lod tbat 60 per eot. of
those employe, nve yean . --
to i. a., t-hmaia at nreeeau lie alst at
tempt to ttartle the people by aanouneiog tbat
"lb system ia Bearer n lailure to-day than il baa
ever been." I need not attempt to prove tbe
niter lallacy ef ucb state-cent. It la Ik i of
apriBg of deception "d prejudice, lueeesBruliy
refuted by mparisont reason and eomma aso.
If tb MCitian" who ba made thoe arvlooa
revelations and awatradielory uumeal bad
been whewles) under lh 'rammiag" dipoo
tioB hi eqaivoeatioB and distrted condition
woald, of or, bw ttribBleble to tbe dir
resealative of "y ldw timea," aad eboolilull of
the cfM' r purity. Irulblaineee ao-
.atA i Puritaa like) have told "the truth, the
hoi truth ud nothing but th troth."
I w.nld ay, Mr. Kditor, betor lo. ng Ibl U tb wk
placet lb. f.. School I
. It .surflili-l-tll'IW
I aerroot T I m iibwis. Pw" . -Tr.i--soi.
Coo. tfebool ytem I- truPd "J"
1 . j k. rdwaLeiBM. ef bigotry, lul-
Bry 'and personal embilioB, Ihna Impairiog the
:;f.:rpa..d, pubi,
T " ": tm l... the imoreeeloB with
Maiov...... 7"- - - - - ,
..i. flf. ftnO IHaW lUW w -a e
Udl..and gentl-k.
areaelaa. l goU: wh.lly oaa.
t lattrwet v.a la tbe elementary brancbe. It
It wmlllgoUd ehge, d gre
(hcee wbe ariBee une
nrevemeBt t toeir bwiwiwwobi
' I our eouaty ha as drving chool
offer and teah.r a any ewwaiy tb. bum.
ud will make tnre, eowpeteo. -----
of th ekiidr pjac-d nndef
providing tho n.Blril trw Uem M aMnpttblt
...miii ,B noaiary and miirtiM
orlmit.l Curt, il .11 .0,,-, 1. u7
ef ealUvaUon. Let me 11 1 nitrate this, thea I an
done. On the hill yonder stands a sohool house,
and from Us doors emerge two young man, each
bearing a package of bo; hi. Tbey have reached
their majority, and Morammlng" with than, la at
tad. The one enjoys tbe her diUry iaflaeooe
of honesty, IbUgrity and stadtotu habits, 1 an.
dowed with tha qualities of a gentleman, and
honors the training of the horn circle. Hooa he
begins t Impress tbe history of his life in golden
doeda upon the hamaa heart, and before the
Winter or II T acts its piercing seal opon him, bis
-sine is registered in t- cji:, Uawi
greatness. Th other young man is of an oppo
site temperament lie has graduated ea ti'we, and
posseases none or th noble qualities of his asao
eiat. He too bear th Impress of hereditary
Iran so. listen. H reads not, ha thinks not, he
act not. In tbe midst of indolence, be seeks
tb balls of vioa and villainy, and when tba
Bummer of life passes away and tbe night time
of age ene loses him ta tbe pall af darkness, his
nam Is registered la tbe catalogue of public
Hire Mother N.tore gtva two subjects to th
redoing prooea of Common Bo boo Is the on of
a material susceptible of lb finest polish and
ttnUh roes out a livioc ornament lo aoeietv. nd
1b his great achievements bears tbe testimony of
in, vumj vi wcoooia IBB Olaer It B
composition of alloy, repugnant to th delicate
touch of Intelligence atd oullur, and b bears
no evidence of th treat boon of nonnlar aduca-
tloa, but revel In tba mists of arrogance aad lf
aorane. Tbe oae w.a banenttad, the other waa
not. "Crammiog" made a man of th one, It
made a brut of the other. Can the Common
Bcbool teacher make "bread of a atone J" M 1 bbjJ
tonra, In good faith,
Aniens Hi; hami J rural.
August Bib, 1B79.
Aa vottr are an annual product tn this county.
lthr on becoming twenty. on years uf age, or
by naUirallxatlon, loo much cannot be said to
direct all in th right and legal channel.
Th regular asteasmcot r registry lists for th
coming Pall election bavlrady been mad and
seat out by th Commissioner, end are now to
ba found polled at ths palling plao la tba va
rlons districts of th oouoty ns rq aired by law.
Undr tb Mew Constitution every person desiring
to vote at tho approaching November election
must hire rtalded for th period of (we month
tifty dues in th elect 1 1 dutriot where h offer
to vole, and if twenty-two year ef ag,
shall bav paid within two year a Stat or
Couoty tax, whioh shall bav been assessed at
leest two MoalAt, and paid at least ea awafJi be
fore the day of th lection. Mor t Tk eiiissn
who rvMee. from ont borough or tovnthiy lo
anolktr bttwoem tho Third of 8ptmbor and fa-
lien day ieece A is right to vote , beeaus h must
i wear, if challooged, tbat be has resided at lust
sixty day In the district wbar h offer to vot.
And if be ha resided but Ave, ten, or twenty
day then be cannot declare that h ba lived
sixty day therein. Tho is who wish t rot th
oming Fall bad better xamln tb list ef
voters now in tb band of tb Assessor (or th
obs to be found at tbe alsctlon bouse), and set If
their name ar nrollsd. If not on th list, in
form tbe Assessor of tb faot. Tb omission of
name produces mor eon fusion and trouble en
lection day thaa all defect put together, aad
yet, It is on of tb simplest duties enjoined upon
tho Assessor, aad it is equally simple if tb voter
doe net know tbat his nam la not oa lb Hat
until bs offers bis ticket tnd om on challenge
him. It beoomes tb duty of th oltlten from
this until the 3d ef September (aixty-d.ys before
th elooilon) to apply to tb Assessor tf h went
hi nam placed on tbe list. It la tb duty of
vary Assessor I remain at lh election bouse In
bie respect iv district on tb Bd and ib day of
September next, when tho not registered, can
find him and bave tbelr names put on the list ef
voters. Our Commirilooers bav furnished all
th Arses sort in th county with a number of
pesters, which are to be put up at tb most public
places, giving nolic when and wbar tb
Assessor ean be found. Under tb change mad
in our aUotioa laws an Assessor raodcr himself
liable tn tine of $100 nd three months Impris
onment for aircssiBg a tax againlt any person
after the tim specified in th law for closing bi
1. 0. op G. T. At the regular meet
log of Clearfield Lodge, Ne. 1344, of I. 0. or Good
Templars, on Thursday evening last, tbe fellow,
log officers were duly installed t
W. C. T. John B. Hardtr.
W. V. T Kditb A. Tate.
Secretary II. B. Powell.
Assistant Secretary Hose Ruff head.
V. Secretary A. A. Adam.
Treasurer Salll M. Cooper. Mitchell.
Chaplain Wm. A.Ogdeu.
Guard Li I lie M. Tate.
Kentlnel Charles Uullnh.
R. 11. 8. Lillio O. Ale Murray,
L. ii. S. Marie Moor.
D.M. Mary Powell.
After lh installation the regular business waa
dispensed with. Taking this meeting all through,
it waa oo of lh most pleasant nnd profitable
w have ever attended, and w hop tbat this
Order may long live to boar afloat it triple eotor
of M Faith, Hop and Charity." Persons desirous
of joining th Good Template will eall en, or ad
drsff Joan I. Dardbb, W. C. T.
Something Wbonq. We notice a
discrepency in tbe as i ass meat and valuation of
our bout aad lot that w ean not understand.
Tb 0vrr of tb Poor put our property down
nt$3,12. The Coll sc tor of Couoty tax fornlshas
n with a eard containing the lam
($2,123) j but tb Collector of School Ux drops
hi memento, aad h ba It 12,866, tbua rais
ing our valuation $241. Now, If tb School
Board has bled all our neighbors in tbe sins
way, It is probably right as a matter or equity,
but outside of that there Is no law for any such
work. There i something wroof somewhere.
We bav not been charged wllh eaongh County
and Poor tax, er its w are overcharged fer
Sohool. Thil Is a question fr the taxing au
thorities too look after. If we are te have $340
jumped en ur valustiua for school purposes, w
want oar neighbor to be treated tbe asm way,
Clkarkield Coal Trade. Stuto-
ment ef Coal and ether freight sent ever the
Tyrone A Clenrfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending Aug S, 1879, and
the game tim last year t
For the week -
Sams tim last year ... 2 VW
, Inoreas
Previously during year
Same time last year
Total In 1879
Same tim last y-ar ...
otbbb rnniaHT.
MiieelUneou freight
..141 ears.
Fhom Kr,v. A. J. Merchant, A. M. i
F'tdomia.X. Y.tMarth 1, 17. Dr. M. if. Va
ns-, Dear Sir i While residing In Tldioute, Pa.,
Mrs. Merchant suffered for several year from a
save re eougb, accompanied with sight iwisti,
billionsness, Impaired nerves end general debility.
Nothing brought relief until sbe began tbe use or
yonr Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Ton!.
Fonr bottles restored her te her usual health.
Yours truly. A.J. MBRCIIANT,
Pastor M. K- Church, Fred or. I..
Fr sale by Hem leh A Irvin, Drngglsts.Clear.
field, Pa.
A Good Bridge La w. The majority
or the member of th last Lag islet are ere blamed
with having deae a goad meny ".rooked " thing
while in session. Bat the sop pi .meat (No. US,
P. id h let Lsws, page U$1) is an sxeallaat ad
dition tbe ( bridge or thl State. If th
County Commlseiwfi, Court ad Grand Jury
entry eat tho lav tf the letter, Boibrng mora
Multablacaa ha done, Bb4w tx-peyr,aad
tb puhll generally. ThW gatal Iw Is bssad
en tb:CIarfleld Ipealal At,PpTevwd th lfltn
of April, tS7l, (P. L , peg I,1M).
"We will vonture the aMertion tbat
threroBTth f the tai payers will say, far better
levy tax aad Bay off this debt a one, aad
tbea keep on tbe ether side ef tbe street when
eh barill wbi along agaia." Jno, Jtf
ttimhr, in lh Arw Yrr VUn.
Jbb. Raw, und sp I Bow meek wilt yen eon-
tribute toward llqaidetlag that $ Did
yon over pay ea at Bp t this daU toward
heaping np the Common School in tnis toiwaga
boos er teachers r If ye did, hew mesh T
Am war through yearself, or yoar Miub at your
Iclsar. Forewell I
Sad. We learn from the Koyoolds-
v 111 tfereld, that Tboma Dawson wa atcidaatly
killed at Uc beiter mlaea, De Dot City, ea Thurs
day arteraooB a weak, by a nil of eoal whioh he
wa alning. Tb deceased wa a aativ ef Ea
glaad wbar his wise and four ehlldren new r
sid. Hit rem ales were Interred at DuBcis, nnd
we are I a farmed that each mlaer la that pi
eubMrtbod $1 hlh will b forwarded ta the
family wh are tald to be In need, Push charita
) aetleae ar truly mmndbi.
HusTopf STiiKES. We loarn that
th Beheel llretrt ef Bo ten lewnablp kava
adopud an enttr sew sefle of boohs ler lb
seheor ef tbat township fer the aesi Ave years.
As we hwteag te that Ibh ef M fegles" whe
h.v leaned by ipriao that eAafee an
uitMys fwpusesisBls, w wha.ll act xpreas aa
plnloa aa this subject at tbU tim.
You can Ret good bargain
nit of cloth Bt Wllley1
In a
Dr. II. F. Beam, Chronic Disease
Physiol., Curweosvtli., P. JyV TV lf.
At tho Republican ofike is tbe plaoo
to get yonr Job work dun. W art fully prepared
to do anything lb the printing lin, will do U
well, and at tha right kind of price. tf.
a a
Uemembor that Lytle ia County
Agent for Lorrlllard' Tobaooo, and oaa sell them Tbey are thajat tohano.U
market. Try them. tf.
i J m
We have now on hand several thous
and flrst elass envelope, which w will print for
bustnea men, or anybody 1h, at price that in
not be rivalled. Call and ta thm . tf.
Whether tbe new tannery ia located
ai uiearoeio or nut, wiuey will oon tt one to lur
nlsb good flu and tbe latest style in gentlemen's
and youths' clothing. St.
To Landlords and Siorkkekpers.
Lytle has an arrangement with an Eastern Cigar
Factory so that he ean cell fllgars by th box or
thousand at bottdto figures. Glvo their elgars
on trial. tf.
The Wilkcs-Barre Union-Leader baa
been enlarged recently and Improved other wis,
and now it ia en of th neaUst and ablsit advo
cate f Democracy tbat visit our sanctum. We
welcome It weakly visits.
Willoy, tho tailor, i now ready in
bib new loom to wait upon an wno want nice rail
and Winter clothes. He keeps a good stock or
foreign aad domestic suitings on hand all th
Mm, and will mak them op to order, guarantee
Ing a good Bt and satisfactory prioet. St.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
la the RariiBLican will reach more readers than
if published In all tbe other papers in th coun
ty,and cost th advertise! less than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published in
our Jcurnal is worth doubl th price ef that
ohargod by any other publisher la tbe county.
It is a fact." tf,
Wink for Evening Entertain
a but. The Port Grape Win of Alfred Bpeer,
of Passaic, New Jersey, Is generally pronounced
th most reliable win to b obtained, and Is now
being used by thos fashionables and families
wbe ar tha most tb selection of wine
for velng entertainments. For sale by I. W,
Graham, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa.
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Lcavy has succeeded In baying a daily mall estab
llshed between Clearfield and Pennfield, and will
hereafter run a daily stag between th two point.
Ills oontraot began with April 1st, and the stag
will leave Uearflld every morning (except Sun
day) at 8 e'elock, making sonncctlons with all
trains ob tb Low Grade Railroad at Pennfield, re
turning, after th last train tb earn evening.
Passengers and freight will b carried at low rates.
Ordarsleftatanyof tb hotels will be attended
to. IflaprTO-tf
Mm, Rmroa: I want to post yon a little on
local affaire her. Saturday last was oa of tb
biggest days ever witnessed in IN ew burg (Mora
PestofDue). We bad a Sunday School celebration,
prayer meeting, preaching and a general feasting
eeasoB. Ibe, however, depsaded entirely
on what yon bad in your basket. Fiddling and
aaneiDg, Dying horses, base ball, marching and
eounter-marchiog of martial bands, fool-killen
on horseback and Are-oraoken all around wa tb
order of tbe day. And I believe everybody ea
Joyed tbe fun, except a half a doten old straight
jaokel who seldom enjoy anything, and get mad
when tbey see other people enjoy themselves.
Our town is not overrun with people like many
others, but then we can get up more fun on short
notice than anywberwelse lo proportion to num
bers. Candidatee ar just now giving us a goad
deal of al ten I ion, and of course as heretofore we
will treat tbem fairly, and the defeated ones must
submit to their fat. A Citiieh.
Huso, Aug. Tlh, 1879.
WlLUAHIOROVB, Aug. sth, 1 871.
Kditob Rbpublicaii Dmr Sir : Tb Basket
Pi-NI announced in last weak' Rbpoiucab,
in commemoration of the anniversary of tb on
hundred and fourth (104) birthday or Mr. Mary
Loekard, cam off yesterday, and wa a success
in every respect. There were about one hundred
persons present. Clearfield, Maryevill, Wood
land, U i (tier, and oradforu towa.nip ta general,
were well represented. Th name and ages of
sixteen of tbe eldest guest present were taken,
When tt wa found that Iheir combined age looted
np 1,136 years, and avrgd 71) 16-16 years, as
loiiowa i
Joha Dale, 63; Jobn hi. Katen, T6; G cor re
Bargcr, fib ; Roes Read, 73; Wm. McCullougb,Sr
70 t SimoB Thompson, oo f air. i.aosberry, oo I
Mrs. Katen, 71 ( Mrs. Geo. Ilarger, A3 j Mrs. Ross
Read, 6H t Mrs. Wm. MoCollougb, TOi Mrs. Adam
Gearhart,7S;Mrs.Miller,04; Mrs. Thompson, tb j
Mrs. Pearoe, 86 ) Mrs, Philip Young, daughter ef
Mrs. Loekard, 88.
All appeared to enjoy themselves hugely . The
afternoon was plrasantly, if not profitably, spent.
All parties seemed to outrival each other in the
number aad sis or baskets brought, ladaned with
tha cboieeat delicto., Th grov and tables
were well-arranged i and when tbe contents of
th many basket were displayed thereon, Rev.
Wm. M. MoCulleugh, Sr., delivered n short and
appropriate address, closing by soliciting thl
divine blessing en all present, after which they
surrounded tbe well-filled tables, and ample jus
tice wa don to tbe delicacies prepared with tbat
relish whioh pie-aieers iB tha wood know th ea
ioyutent ol.
Tb Chairman or lb Uommittee or Arraflge-
mcnt. Mr. Freeman, stated that Mrs. Loekard
was born in Montgomery county, Pa., ob tb 4th
day of August, 1776 j married David Loekard at
tb ag oi id, nor maiuea name oemg .Jonas.
Her husband wa killed July 4th, lull, si Doe
which tins (68 years) she has remained a widow.
Sbe is tbe mother ol four children, na nny-seven
grandchildren aad eleven great-grandchildren
ba lived In Clearfield county twenty-lbree years.
She is entirety blind and Is quite feeble.
After thanking ail lor their attendance, the
baskets war repacked ana tb party dispersed,
regretting bat one thing, tbat Grandmother Look-
bard bealtb would not permit ner to participate
in tbe social exercises in Ik grove. Hoe l quite
feeble, not having been out of her room stnoe No
vember last. A. L. F.
Bditob Rbpitblioir : It Is amusing to read
the various oommuoioetloas published in the Ka-
run Lie a eoneerntng the finanoea of our town
ahip. Having bad t eoatrlbute a little ever
'e'sawnrcca" cent to tee roaa iuna, i nave ne-
eame la levelled in tbe account, Tbe charges by
Lowr Rod," and th astounding explanation uf
the Auditors, constrain me to examine (he ftgnree.
1 don't know kow your "Pine Grvve and "Lower
Kad" orrespondants Ilk tbem, but I me they
are a profound en i gm la.
roe Audltore leu as -tna .oveDooy is epoii.
In for a fliht and Ditched into them tbat ibere
te no apparent crookedness that lb mountain
brought lorth a moat ; that we hare a right te
criticise thetr ecttoss) that they ar pur j tbat
It is not their duty t Itemise tbelr aoeoant ( that
the school statement- might been plainer
tbat it would take two of lb thirty six Inch col
umns af tbe RaruBLlCAB to ilemiaa tbat all tba
Auditor In tb eoaaty are law breakers i tkat
tb Utile white house has a lawyer'e mortgage on
It) that G. L. Worn account ia assisted
Whror ttatUwens bad bo riant to percentage
ob certain accounts that the A editors are not
graduates, aad de aot levy the tax i and that the
Treasurer is tbe proper part to leeeive an
What a wonderful aipl.aatlea I They bav II-
lumiaated ur minds with avengeaac. Truly
they bav labored long, aad did mot bring forth
even a mouis. Tb only thing explained in tbe
half column ef defence, la thai tbe $t36.Xt,
charged Treasurer Owens, we twice credited to
bim. l accept lh explanation, may ten us tne
Auditors ar allowed two dollar perdsy. Every
them, wttb tb wisdom l toeir leaoaers, son
bleed an not tell hew much they received lor
Auditing the Lawrence Road account.
Tbey did not attack tba aoeeaat or in 77, as
copied by "Lower Bad," bene I take It fer cor
rect, and, 1b eommon with "Lower Bod," aad
em tee tae aoeeaat for teem selves, leaergeiBat
ibere i "mppmml ormoMnooo" ta allowing Trees
urer Oweaa $IJ.U in the Netris aeeaani. Don't
tbat appear reeed f
Tbe recent aeceuat Shew eBeiBsiviy that
Treasnrer Owens la 1671 received from IhotJeuaty
Treenrer $1,868.81 or aaseated Hoed uul la easb.
What ram ef It? Whsgotltf How much did
the Auditor gelF They did not Ull as, aad I must
draw my ewneeaelesleas. Here they unreduced
to figure t
Treasurer Ogdeu received..., $1,411 88
Pereeatag allowed Owens- - 66 88
lupervisere, spikes aa plana tor ia,s.
Fraudalaat baiaaee ef lull allowed
Treasurer Oweaa... if 88
Bal.aeete Aediters.CUrkaadPriater. AI6 66
Total... ... $3,868 Al
Tbey appear to hav received only $816,86 for
auditing the road seeeuat. What did ihey get for
the Poor and Sebeol 7 Multiply I6.8ft by three,
and yon bave Itet.otly. Here It l,$i,460.66 for
auditlBg the three Seconal. Hew Is that for
ebeek t Hew muck did you get T Hew else did
tbey divide the spoils t Tbanh the Hapervlsors
there wa a tew e lewel aa tha read.
MyBeighbor. being somewhat ebaritabla, sog-
tesu tkat tbey did set get $8)6.86 fer aaditiag ibe
Uoed fond. H says tbey paid $46.71, lb ameuBt
of HuperviMr wag for 1877, aad only bad the
balaaee for twe years service which 11 true, re
deeelbe$fll6J6tetbe mereBlttaaeeef $:il.A4.
That ia cheep enough. "Taxpayers" and "bower
ad 'd net eomcLata, Threw umes ain.e is
$V84.61. Nebcdy piawm la at lb A edit re"
Clerk and printer got aoy mor iaaa bb.i,vs.
Had the Auditor added thirty lines to their ae-
onnt. Instead ef tie eetaa In th RnrnLicw,
ihy would bay saewa as in tbelr statement what
aeh Bupervieor, uveraeer, pauper, ana iter, uiera.
ar Bier, lawyer, leaeeers, ounaiag, Meretary, ate.
reeeived as th law direeta. In eenelasiea den't
eaaaldcr me as eemplaiBiag ef th A ad Iter, Clerk,
or priater 1 am act. t bob say that xjs.j is
to mech. Oh ael I am only explaining what
they Balled leaiplaln. I may he mistaken. These
are mv learee earWeily mad froer all the nets I
eenldgleaB from the eeeoants aad axplanatienaef
171 and 17 ai Aiawrenoe stoan iaaa,as pa
llshed by tbe Tewashlp Andlteen. Let the people
sxamlae theen. m ail Volonbu.
La was era Towiseir, Aag- Ath, 1679.
Do you want a coat, pair of panta,
vest, er a whole suit ef clothes t If so, go to
WUlsy'e tallcring ttabllshmsat aad see hi
goods and learn bis prloas. augfi-SL
See a woman on horseback in another
column, riding sear Speer's Vineyards, with a
bonoh of Grapes from which Bpeer's Port Grape
Win Is mads, that Is so highly iteemtd by th
medical profession for ths use of Invalids, weakly j
pr.'Hut da lk rr.- y E..vjf. oin.
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. jly-U.'79-tf.
nW i
Removal. Dr. T. J. Boyer has ro-
moroti bu medical omo tba rooas recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, In Graham's row
He makes CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty.
CUARGKS VERY LOW. Tb manufacturers
having lowered prises, he Is prepared to furnish
duced rates. Tbe a raided will bs benefited by
giving bim a oall. jnlySS, '70-lf.
Four IIorhe Thieves. We advise
those people who want lo follow horse stealing
for smusemsnt and profit, and want to avoid cap
ture and the penitentiary, to look out for eom
other field Four hones bav been stolen in our
county, within th past three weeks, and lb four
thlsves ar now in prtiou. Strang as it may
seem on of th four Is a female, and neither of
tbem were shot.
i -
Tat'i Enjoyment. Tho Borough
Park was beautifully illuminated with torches
and Chinese lanterns last Saturd-ty evening, It
being the occasion of the first anniversary cele
bration of the Orpheus Cornet Band. Th con
cert given by th boy wa enjoyed by all, and
although th svsnlng was quit oool for lo
cream, tb rwoeipts ef tb festival amounted to Th CKiseni' Band, through courtesy,
put In an appearance and helped to enliven the
Oar town ean now bout without fear of sue
esssful contradiction of two ai good bands as
ean bo scared up In tb oca Ire) part of Ihe Slate.
Precarious Education. If the edi
tor of the Htrmld tells th truth, Renoldeville
youth must hav adopted all tba Improvements
of tb past age. II says : "As we go ont upon
tb streets and see little boys, torn of tbem still
wearing dresses and aprons, throwing rooks at
passers by, letting out big oaths with every ether
breath and sauclog everybody that volunteers
any good and tlmsly advice, we no longer wonder
hy it is that there ar so many drunkards,
thieves and mnrdcrsri in th land, and hav to
pay sueb heavy taxes to keep up tbe poor bouses,
courts, Jails aad penitentiaries."
mm i m- ii
Dead. We learn irom our Belle
font xobangs that Dr. George L. Potter, n
prominent physician of tbat borough, died on tbe
Sd In it., aged 66 years. Tha Watchman says t
"Dr. Pottar first saw ths light at Spring Mills,
tolsconnty, In February, 1823, He was the son
of Gen. James Pottsr and great-grandson of Gen.
Jamas Potter, one of Washington's confidential
friends and a noted officer of th Revolution. His
mother wa a daughter of Geo. William Wilson,
of Cbilllsqaaqae Mills, in Northumberland coun
ty, but tb diedwbtn tbe subject of his notice was
only three year old. II was named after an
unole, George Latimer Potter, Eq., a lawyer of
Danville, who died In early life."
i s m
A L irr i.i Dog Barkb at the Moon.
Bixler of tbe Citiun, has a dirty attack on
Judge Jsmes T. Leonard, of Clearfield, for the
reason, If hi complaint means anything at all,
th Judge saw fit to donate the sum of $19,000 to
Clearfield School District Tho attack is entirely
unwarranted, and et mes with a poor grace from
a man who is a newcomer and has ne financial
standing himself, aad who evidently know noth
ing of tb early history of th many privations
he endured, of tbe hard labor be performed, of
the rigid economy he practiced to get a start in
th world, and of th number of people whom fa
ha befriended, and who will appreciate his worth
when b orosse Lh dark river, whioh hi great
age renders 'certain at no distant day. Bixler
ought to be ashamed of himself. It would bs
or to bis credit to do justice to this useful man,
than to dofstns his character, which needs no do
fence from th attacks of an In grate maligncr.
Osceola Rtotill.
m e -mm .
A Good Effort. Tho editor of tho
Clarion Rtpubiioa bu never paid much attention
psrsonals " and society gossip, until rontiy.
Basing It Is becoming fublonab! Kith a few
newspaper swells, he Indulges in the aam way,
follows I
N Miss Badi Jan Kafoetle, of Kafoosleum.wbo
ii visiting with her ma at Colonel Geewhttakor't,
cut her second stomach tooth yesterday.
Miss Bella Ake is suffering from a severe stone
bruise oa the south by southwest, bearing a littl
aortberly, oorner of ber heel.
Miss verrle Boput bu goo to Dqussnriu
Four Corners, where sh will most sum eon
genial companions.
Mist Carrie Gos-sip, we ar glad to say, has
gons to visit frlsods In Tattle town.
lot l about as welt ai w ean ao, out we
think It comes pretty nearly up to tbe standard.
Alter we become better acquainted, and get our
bead la on this kind of business, we will try to
do better."
This Is a pretty good start, except that ba Is a
llttl tee ooerse, and not high-toned enough. But
than, he Is smart, and no doubt will toon find hit
level and twim with tb olher swell.
An "Angel" in Prison. We learn
from tbe Osceola Rtniltt, tbat ob Saturday awn
ing, August Id, John Kevin, of Houtsdale, hired
a horse and buggy from George Wood in, for the
purpose of driving oat with a "lady," this urn
lady be lag ao other thaa the ealebrsted "swamp
angel," Mary Uockenbcrry, aged about "sweet
elxteea." Leaving tbe sultry city of Uouttdal,
th twain drov ont Into th country, end when
near Ameavlll, Mary told Johnny ah would
Ilk some apples from aa orchard Bear by, and
desiring to plea ber, Mr. Johnny bounced over
tb fence and hied away over tb hill for the
muoh dlrd fruit, but wban h returned, grant
was his surprise to find tbat ths "angel" had fled
with tbe horse and buggy.
He returned to llsutsdale and officer Jo Hig
gles was put upon tb trail of tb fleeing "she
as I e" thief. At Gurwcnsvlll he wa rewarded
by hearing th first tidings of tb runaway Mary,
wb had stopped at a hotel for refreihrnent nnd
to feed th hungry hors. From that town, hs
was traced te DuBcis, when Joe found her fist
asleep, at a hotel.
Th horse, buggy, and prisoner were secured
and brought back, and now, Hockecberry is "do
ing th grand" wllh Shsrlff Pants, tn Clearfield
jail, whe re she will await tb action of the court.
Gullet, towaship Is tbe only district In the
county that ba not forwarded tbelr annual re
port for 1879.
The Johnstown Dtmoorut and B rook v III imo-
orat hav each established " Kduoauonai
Column." Prof. George W, Mareden contribute
largely to th former, aad W. A. Keller, So par
te tea deal of Jefferson county, edits tbe latter.
The Behool Board ef Qweole met on Monday
cv ening, August 4th, and etteted Mr. Jolly, Mrs.
Christ, Miss Maggis Force? "d Miu Dabble
Read teaeber for tbelr school tb coming Win
terlerm. Th Frlnolpslship has not yet been
Ai scores of teachers will be cbeiea during the
present month la this eonnty, Director should
bear Ib mled tbsl ao tearher Is legally employed
a a lee b er she receives fear aflrmatlv votes at
a regular meeting ef tbe Board, such vote to bo
recorded apoa the miaatss by tbe Secret aty
A correspondent from Kansas informs as that
M. L. Edwards, 0. R. Mokel aad Barton Marshall,
formerly teach is In this couBty, are bow attend
ing ths Normal Inslitate at Trey la that State.
Tbey have all beea above to good positions In
tbe "prairie land" fer tbe eom Ing Winter. Tbey
are deserving young men and lueeessfol teachers,
At a regular meeting f tb School Beard or
Huston township, e Selarday, August Sd, tbe
following sppelat meats f teachers wie made
Pen fie id High School G. W. Weaver.
Grammar School A. H. Rounkrant.
Hickory Beboel-C. M. Rafleabcrgr.
W later bara School W.A. Ambrose.
Mill Ran Behool-Wm.
Laurel Ran Beboel-H. H. Sawyer.
Tbe Board decided te thing tbe text. books,
ad adopted, for Ir )frs, Monroe's Reedtra,
Readlag Charts, and Ppelkr, th Mod! Copy
bsokB, published by D. Apple to A Co.. tut. Ter-
briAcr'i Drawing, pabllshed by Jeaee Brother.
RtroRT or Uomb Caar ScneoL. The Rammer
term ef tb Berne Camp Beboel, ia Caloa towa
ship, taught by If Its Alice Betsey, elod August
4th. Tb following Is a report ef attendees, Ac1
Of 16. the eat Ire umber of pupils enrolled during
term, 16 attended vry day, whose name ere as
fetlewtt Mary Bewertei, U trite Wing, Clara
Blewell, A sale Bewereoi. Maggie Bewcresg,
Beck to U Rock, Is Fletcher, Carrie Bailey,
Ella Laborde, A as I Leber d. Joka Btewall, Geo.
McDonald, Charlie Fletcher, Oeerg La Rock,
aad Harvey Laberde. Tbe a erne ef those wh
missed hut en ay er Anal Henry, Laura
Bard, AbbIb Herd, Cheaaey Henry, Guy Wing.
During th last month th pore ea Lags f attend
wa lew. Twe pupils. Jshn Blewell aad
Oeorg La Reek, attended every day daring the
Winter aad Bummer terms, sva moathi In all.
vagrant Fees. Under tho new
Vgraat Aol. Justices of th Peso and Consta-
blu are only entitled te twenty -five ats aaob
Tb latter officer however Is entitled to tb usual
fee for mileage. Who is to pay tbe fees, whether
tba tramp or th offloers, Is not sat forth la th
The Pennfiylvama Kail Road gave
tb tcond of tbtlr Hummer xoBrslont last oat-
ur4rj, ijh rouA wa to Rediv4 fringe Vvy
few from this region, so far as w ean learn,
availed tnem selves of the opportunity Tho fare
for th round trip from this plao was $3.30 . Ths
third excursion will be to Watklns' and Havana
Glens, and tbe time of starting will be annonooed
in duo time.
The Juniata Valley Camp-mooting
commenced at newton Hamilton yesterday ( lues
day). A number oT our ollliens took their de
parture for that plao oa Monday and Tuesday.
Among lh C If ir fielders that we know or who
bav tents there, ar Rev. Dr, McMurray, Rev. W
II. Dill, Q so. W. Rheem, James B. Watson, Mrs
Geo. B. Good lander and two lady friends, John
I.Patterson, Dr. A. U. Hills, all accompanied
by tbelr families. '
Tbe Game Lena for 1679 will be lent to any
address, post paid, on application lo
J. E. lUnnitn,
aug. 13-41. Clearfield, Pa.
CoLLicrori'a Wabrakts, We have prepared
a form, end bavs on band a large quantity, of
Blank "Collectors Dales, whioh bave been an
proved by lh high sit legal authority in tb
Court of this county. At J'twitfy Vtnt per
uosea we wm man any number to in uoiiector
ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to
advertise property, must post up not less than
three notices In the most publio places in bis
oorougn or townsnip. ii.
Onn UtiKDnan Paa Cbht. Disooi'ht on Olb
PniCBS. Bewing Machines can now be purchased
at Terrell's tin and variety store, from $36 up
wards. All kinds of sew lug machines repaired
on tne shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Buboibs For 8a lb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a
full supply of Frodonia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sal. To be seen at tb Shaw House
yard. Call on or address bim at Clearfield Penn
sylvania, may li-tf.
Waktbd. 500,000 14 feet shaved hoops, deliv
ered at tbe railroad, in car loads of f,0IO, at all
Eolnt on the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A E., Bald
agle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for
wuiob 1 will pay the highest market price.
J. f. A RAMBR,
Octlfl, 1878-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
Waptid. Delivered at the Rail Road.
100,000 26- Inch shaved shinglM.
1 '10,0110 24-lnch sawed shingles.
100,000 feet of pine boards.
60ll,UiiO 14-feet shaved hoops.
4,0110 railroad ties.
60,010 feet of good hemlock hoards.
For which I will pay the highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the
Tyrone A Clearflsld Railroad.
J. r. n RAM KB.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct 16, 187 8-tf.
eJust Received
Just Received by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia Plastor!
Car Loud pure Corn, Rye and Oats
Chop !
Car LoaU Deakon bait I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac!
ataSlnnt-lcB, Bark. It. J. Tios and
Grain will bo ink on in exchango.
CurwenHvillo, May 1, 1878.
Xervou Hcbility.
Vital Weakness or Depreaalou i a weak
exhausted feeling, no energy or courage i the re
sult of mental over-work, tndlrretlou or
exreaaea, or some drain upon the system is al
ways cured by Humphrey's Homccpatliie Specific
No. 38. It tones up and'lnvlgorates ths system,
dispels lbs gloom and despondency, Imparts
strength and energy, stops ths drain and re
juvenates th entire man. Been used twenty
years with perfect success by thousands. Bold by
dealers. Price, $1 per tingle vial, or $b per
paoksge or five vials and $2 vial of powder. Sent
by mail on receiptor price.
A 'I dress Humphrcyu llomtepathlc
Medicine Company, luu Fulton St., IS. Y,
C. D. Watson, Agent, CHearfleld, Pa.
sept 18, 1878-ly.
Ths most popular and fragrant Perfume of the
day "HACKMATACK" try it. Bold by Harts
wick A Irvin, and C. D. Watson, Clearfield Ps.
Aug. 38 1878-6m pd.
We Chailentre the World.
When we My we believe, w bar evidence to
prove that Hhiloh's Consumption Cure is decidedly
Ihe best Long Medicine made, in a much a it
will cure a eommon or Chronic Cough in on half
tb tim and relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whoop
ing Cough, Croup, and show more cases or ton
sumption cured than all others. It will cafe
where tbey tail, it it pleasant to take, harmless to
tbe youngest child and ws guarantee what we Bay.
Price, lo ots. 40 ts. and $1.00. If your Lung
are acre, Cbest or Hack lame uee Rhiloh'e Porous
Plaster. Hold by llarttwtok A Irvin, 0. D. Wat-
ton, Clearfield, Pa.
Why Will l"ou
Allow a cold to advance tn your system and
thus encourage more serious maladies, such as
pneumonia, hemorrhage aad lung trouble when
an Inimediet relief oan bo readily attained.
Boeehee'e Uetiuaa Syrup has gained th largest
sale 1b the world for th euro of Coughs, Colds,
and ths severest Lung Diseases. It is Dr.
Ueschss's famous German prescription, nnd is
prepared with Ibe greatest ear, and n fear need
be entertained 1b administering It to the young
eat child, as per directions. Tbe sal of ibis
medicine is unprecedented. 6inoc first Introduced
there haa been a constant Increasing demand,
and without a single report oa failure to de it
work In any eat. Ask your druggist at to tbe
truth of these remarks. Largs site 7ft els. Try
U and be convinced. July 17, 187tt eow-ly.
nJW M.ife.
What a truly beautiful world wc live In 1 Na
ture give us grandeur of mountains, gtcos and
oceans, and thousands of means for enjoyment.
Ws oaa desire no better when in perfect health
but bow often do tbe majority ef people feel like
giving It up disheartened, discouraged and wor
ried ont with diseeee, when there Is no cession
for ibis feeling, aa every sufferer ean easily ob
tainsstisraetory proof that Orson's August Flow
re will make tbem as free from disease as when
born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ia th di
rect eaus of eeventv-flve nr cent of auuh mal
adies as Billiousnsss, Nervous Prostraiioa, Dit-
ainest of ths Head, Palpitation of tbe Heart, and
tber distressing aymptomt. Three doses of Au
gust P lower will prov Its wonderful effect
bain pie bottles, 10 cents. Try It.
juiy ii- oB-eow-iy,
Oo I'oti Hclieve If.
That in this town there are scores of persons
pasting our store every day whose lives ar mad
Iserable by indigestion, Dyspepsia, coar ant
distressed Btomacb, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, when for 7ft cte. we will eell them Sbiloh's
Vitalisar, guaranteed to core them. Sold by
Hartswlok A Irvia. and 0. D. Walion. Clearflsld,
At State Centra, Kansas, on Tuesdav, June 34,
1K70, by Rev. M. M. fitols, Mr. P. Newton Head
lander and Miss Amanda Lines, of Lotbereburg,
Clesrueld county, Pa.
At her heme la Pike towniMp.nearCarweni
ville,on Heturday, Angus! 3d, 179, ov eonsuuip
t low. Miss Panni K., daughter or M. L O. and
Elisabeth Evaasagrd 13 years, 1 month and 33
The funeral serf Ices were conducted by ber
paster, Rev. Oeorga Leldy, on tbe following Sab
bath afternoon, at 8 o'clock, and her remains were
followed lo tb grave hy a Urge eoaeenrse of sor
rowing frlsadi and sympathising acquaintance.
CLRanriBL., Pa.
Flour, per e-t :
Baekwbe.1 Plour, nor ewt.....
Cor. Meal, fr e.l
Chop, rte, p.rewl
Cbop, ailed, per ewt ...
Braa, par ewt H
Vboet, per na.bol
Rte, per bu.bel
Oate, per buabel
C.ra, Mra, par b.ib.I.... m.n.
Baekwbeat, par bnib.1.,...
Polataoa, per b.ibel
Applee, per baanel
Ilame, per pound
Sboalder.per aaaad ..
Dried Be.1, per pound...........
Cblnheai, per pair H
Batter, par pound
Rage, per doaea
Salt, par aaok, larga
Co Utl, per galloa......
lrd, per poao'd
Dried Apploa, per p..nd...HH.
VrU4 Peeebe., pr aoand.......
Aug. u,
01 01'
I 10
I 40
1 M
I 0.
Ueaaa, por aaatael
tw dwtlstratuts.
In the EsUte ef Semnel Powel, dee d.
In tne Court ef Common Plea ef Clear Be Id
MBBty, Peea'e.
Tbe BBderslgned Audlter, appelated by tbe
Ccart, to audit, settls aad ad jest tb aeeooats ef
A. 0. Tat, Admialstratof ef the estate ef Ssmnel
Pewell, deeeaeed, aad te report distrlbatioa af
f tbe balaaee in tbe haada ef the said Adminis
trator, herehy givee actio tbat he wtll aitead 'a
Ike duties ef bis appolBtmeat at kla office, in tb
bnrcngb et Clearfield, Pa, en FRIDAY, tbe
o'clock A. U., when and where ll parti later
eted may attend. FRANK O. HARRIS,
Cleeratld, Pa., July 38, 187t.) Auditor.
Pennsylvania Railroad
ON and after Monde,, MAY li, l"t, Ika
Peaeen,er Tralna will run dallj (eieept Haa
dal) oelweoa Ttron. and Cleartild, aa followa,
W. 8. PLUuuia, Conduolor.
Curwenar!ll,..l.10, r.H,
Ol.arleld 1.40,
Ttron.,... ..OO.a.a.
Vanaoo,oo,.. .IS, "
Bommlt ,.otf, M
Powaltoa 10.00, "
Oiooola, 10.11,"
Bo)nton, "
Blelnor'l 10.21, -
Phillpiburf, 10.,l, i
Oranem 10.10,
Hue Ball, 10.17,"
Walleoetoa,...10.44, "
Bigler 10.01, "
Barrett, ...11.07, "
Leonard, "
Leonard, 1 1, "
Barrett J.M,
Bigler 4 Oa, "
Wallaeeton 4.17.
Blue Ilall, 4.15,
( 4.31, "
Pnilliiaburf. ...4.8t. '
Stalner'a 4.3V, "
iiutnton 4.4..
Oic.ola, 4.11, "
1'owoiion a.uo, -
Nutnuilt, 1.15,
Ttron. 1.00, "
, Conductor.
Cureruaatllla. A.JIt a.
Claarlald.... t.47 "
Tjrona, ...Ml .
Vaoeoo,oo,....7.43 "
Summit, 1.00 "
Powelton, 1.17
Oeeoola 131 "
Botnton 0.34
Bleiner'a, IS, "
Orah.m 0.47 "
Blue Ball, 8.00
Wallaoetoa, ...0.01 "
Bigler 0.10 "
Woodlnd,-...l.l7 "
Barrett, 1.30 "
Leonard 1.30
Claardeld .0I "
CurwumtUI. 10.01 "
Leonard 1. 01 "
Barrett 1.07 "
Woodland (.01 "
Bigler t.0, "
Wallaoetoa,.. 0.10 "
u. JJall 0.21
Graham 1.30 "
Pbilipiburg.. . "'a, 0.33 M
Botnton, 0.37 11
Oicole ,
, 1.43
, 7.00
. 7.31
Tyrone, M 7.40
LSAtl iouti.
. . a. m. a. a. atATioai.
-L.ara aoara.
a. a. p. ar. r. ,
H IS 4:30
11:11 4:34
3:00 Morriidala,
15 7:00 Philipeburx.
3:111 7:03 Stelner'a
3 34 7:01 Botnton.
13:14 4:10
3:30 10:20 7:11 Oiooola,
3:44 10 J5 7:31 Moibannon,
3:47 10:41 7:10 Sterling,
3:01 10:41 7:41 llontadalo,
3:07 10:01 7:00 MoCaulej,
1:07 111:01 1:01 Kendrieb'l,
.1:13 11:03 0.U0 Rome,.
1:10 13:04 4:11
8.01 11:61 1:6!
1:00 11:16 1:50
1:41 11:40 1:46
I: tO 11:16 1:40
1:36 11:30 1:30
1:30 11:36 1:30
Ka. Mall. lUuTi
P. M. A. ST. P. tf. . H.
7 0S Isave Tyrone arrive 1. 10 T.&5
T.33 8.4T Bald Kagle B.tVS f ,4X
.01 11.30 Julian 5-U .0t-
$. Mllesburg 4.4b fl.dS
8.33 10.03 Bellefonte 4.3ft t.33
Ma 10.1ft Milesborg 4.26 6 33
.08 10.40 Howard 4.03 M
9 43 1 1.18 arrive L. Haven leave 1.3ft b ib
Paelfls Express 8:00
Pittsburgh Ezp'ts, l.ftS
Johnstown Ki press $:ftl
Paoiti Kxprets, $:18
P. M.
Day Eipress 13:50
Hat I Train, 9:20
Atlantic Express, 6:61
Phils, Kiprsss, 9:24
Way Passenger,
Mail Train,
Past Line,
Close connections mad by all trains at Tyron
and Look llavsn.
mylT-tf. Supsrlntendent.
Bellefonte, Pa.
$1 tb
Middletown $6 00
Marietta a ftl
Lancaster . I 80
Altoona 1 8ft
Look Haven
3 70
1 00
1 80
3 VO
4 ft
4 7&
Huntingdon H
Johns town.-......... I 8ft
Phtlipsburg ftl
Tyrone 1 33
PITTtiBCUU $ 1ft
AllPghcny Valley Railroad.
ON and after liondar, Anguit 4th, 1171,
tba paaaenger tralna will run dall, (otoept
Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa
followa t
BART WARDDa, Mall leatea Plttakurg
1:30 a. m. Rod l).nkll:10 bligo Junouon ll:.a;
New Bethlehem 13:16 p. m.; Mayatllla 1:30;
Trot 1:13 : Brooktllle 1:16 : Foll.r'i 1 00 : Ret.
nolditlll. 3:33 1 DuBola 1:00 1 Summit Tunnel
1:I0 Penleldl:40 Weadtlll. 4:17 B.n.l.tu
4:0V g arrirea at Driftwood al 0:10.
Vf EHTW A II II Dat Mall leatai Driftwood
11:10 p. at.; BeneaetU 1:0; Weed.llle 1:40;
P.nleld 1:16; Summit Tunnel 3:07 1 DuBolil JO;
Retnolditllle 3:63 : Fuller'a 3:67; BrooktilUl:!!;
Trot 3:40; Majtatlll. 4:10; New Bethlehem 4:30;
8ligo Junotion 0:10 1 Red Bank 1:37 I arrtraa at
Pittaburg at 1:10 p. m.
r Th. Rejnoldatlll. Aoeommodation loataa
Retnoldatille deily at 7:00 a. m. andarritoa.t
Bed Bank at 1 1:00 a. m., Pittaburgh at 3:31 p. m.
Leatea Pittaburgh al 1:10 p. m.; Red Bank at
6:06 p. ai.; arrlting at Retnoldattll. at 9:06 p. ta.
Cloi. oonneetlone m.d. with traiaa on P. A I
Railroad at Drift.ood, and with tralna oa the
Allegheny Valla, Railroad at Red Bank.
DAVID MoCAROO, Oen'l Sup't.
A. A. Jlcxaoa, Sup't L. v. Die.
CMUurtui.BTO rnartlLa.
Tba underlined would inform tbe nubtio that
h la now running a ataga line between Clearfield
and rennol-l, tnre. tim.a a week.
Tha atwe leatee Clearfield on Moadeia.Wodnee-
daya and Kridaya, at 8 o'olook a. m., arrlting
at fenneld at IX ooloek m. Ketnrntng aama
d.ya. L.atee Ponfield at 4 o'eloek p. ea., arrlt
ing at Clearfield at I o'eloek p. m.
connection la made wttb tralna on tba l.ow R. R. at Peolleld. Pare, eaeh war, II 10.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 13, 1071
A ataaa leatee Cnrwenatille dally for Reynolda-
ttlle, at 1 o'eloek, p.m., arrlting at Reynolditille
at o'eioea, p. aa. luturmng, leatee neynoioa-
tille dally, at 7 o'eloek, a. m., arrlting at Cur.
wenitille at 13 o'olook, m. Pare, aaob way, $3.
A atage leatea Cnrweaatllle dally, at I o'olook
p. m., for DuBola City, arrlting at Dnaoli I'lty
at 0 o'eloek. p. aa. Returning, leatea DuBola at
7 o'olook, a. m d.ily, .rririug.t Cutw.aeriileat
II o'elook. m. Para, aMh way, $1 .00.
K olios Is hereby given that Letter of Ad
ministration en th eitat of ARTHUR RKESE,
Iste of Lawrence township, Clearfield oountv. Pa
deceaied, having been duly granted to the
undersigned, all person Indebted to said estate
will pleas mak immediate payment, and thoe
having claims or demands against tbe sam wtll
present them properly authenticated for ttl-
msntwitbout delay. i. u.huukivkk.
Clearflsld, Pa., Ang. 8, 187$ fit.
Notice it beretiy given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the eataleof PH KDEHICK PR A I
LEV, late ef Chest township, Clear acid county,
Pa., defeased, having been duly granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted u said estate
will please make tm mediate payment, aad thes
having claims or demands agaiast ths same will
present them properly authenticated for sell le
nient without delay. JONATHAN P. PRV,
juun rnAiuBT,
A dm la Iterators.
Westovsr, Pa , July t, lHTMt.
Is hereby glvea that Letters of A dm In 1st ra-
lion (Sim Tm ( re An on the estate of JOHN
RK1TEH, lale ef Covington towaship, Clear l.ld
eeanlv. Penn'a.. defeased, havlag beea duly
granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted
lo rain estate will pleas mas immeaieie pay
meat, and these having claim er demands wtll
prssent tbem properly authenticated for aoitleaent
without ueiay. rui inn,
Admtaistraters C. T. A.
her ths si, Pe., Jane SI, 117 V Bt
Personal Property I
Th. followln. antirll will e ae!4 al Ike re. .f Aribur Roeeo, (f.raee,l, tba Joakaa
Tat. h.m.Hoadl, In Lawrwa. towaihip.aa
Th. fallowing prsparty, t. wit t TkrM hMd af
mlleh eowa, I two-year olda, I Aldentey ball. I
aprlog ealrae, 4 hoga,
Three Sheep,
Twe heraee and harness, a large leek of twrkeyi
aad chickens, I wagoa, I Imp roved Wood Newer
aad rake, plow, barrow, whlvateve, shovels.
forks, rake, grata eradlee, as y tees, hem, chain e.
earpMter tool, grlndstan. 18 acre af eoc
acres baekwbeat. and a large let of potato la
the greuae, aaeet IS Busooi wnai Ban vv
bushels eel and rye, 1ft tea bey.
A Large Orchard
of w.ll eeleeled .nul.e. reecho, aal peer., la
gethor With lh. boankola fnraitar., wok lie to,
brda aad heddlag, akalra.laMM, e,aad a large
Hrt .1 .Iber gooda ea. aemeroue ia meauea. aaie
I. at o'clock. 1 i apm.
1. 0. SCHRf VIR,
n. I -tl. node Ukoa ..HI eel tied tor.
Chwrl.ld, Pa, Ang. , lOIO ll.
The Largest and Cheapest House in
Having lately accepted tbe General Agency for Central Penn
sylvania (in addition to our old territory), with headquarters and
large storo room nt 1404 Eleventh Avenue, Altooim, Penn's., in
charge of Mr. George W. Good, and being desirous of extending
our already immense sales of the most celebrated Pianos and Or
gans, we have appointed C'apt. 1. A. tiaulln, of Clear
field, our Agent, who will have on hand our
Instruments in the P. O. 61111
where we invite all who are desirous of purchasing a first-class
PIANO or ORGAN are requested to call.
We sell no goods that we cannot fully warrant, and being
the largest dealers in the State, our prices are the lowest. Our
houflo was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con
tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue.
Satisfaction guaranteed
price lists.
1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALTOONA, PA.
79 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn'a.
May 21, Sm.
Look to your Interests
Having lust roturned from tlio East, where we have been making ocr
Spring purchases, we take this opportunity of thanking our customers, for
their liberal patronage in the past, and beg to assure them we will do all wo
can to make it their interest to continue the lame.
Our store is literally crammed with goods just from tbe manufacture, by
all odds the largeit and beat selected stock ever brought to this county at
any one time by one firm. Ovor fifty different patterns and varieties of
rann-ino- in Dries from 20 cents to 11
cheap as the same quality can bo bought in Philadelphia or New fork.
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Trimmings, Laces and Fringes,
In the latost styloi. Sheetings, Shirtings and Cassimeres, together with
BOYS' WBAR in all grades of goods. Our LADIES' AND C1IILDKENS'
STOCKINGS are just tbe prettiest and best yoa ever saw. A toll line of
always on hand,!trimmed up by Itiss MatUe Bohn, of Philadelphia, who
will give ladies wishing Hats trimmed to order, bor host endeavors to
please. Call and lee ui before buying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, r - - Market Street,
rl w. -. T:l
,au-Bcnd for nioitntUd Circular and Price liberal Terml to th. Trade. -f.
Doo't buy until you have leen the lightest running machine in
the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR."
MIUDLBTOWH, COMIC, aad Mow. It a4 ! Wabash, CHIVAOu, IU,
Prices of Shingles,
Curw.oi.lll., Jan. I, Tl If.
WallaeaUa, T. '
ar-B. kaa areeared klmaelf wlU all tk.
neeeerar, blaak forma aadar Ik. Paaoloa aad lawa, .1 well a. klaak llaada, ee. All
legal aaeltere ntrailad 0. kie ear. will rweolt.
frompt attention. Ma, Ilk, 1170-tf.
New Marble. Yard.
Pott i for CtwutOTi toll.
A NSW HARBf.l YARD Call al J. FLA-
B ARTY'S Markw Worke. Okole. work nnd low
riMO. DlreeUr opuoeila tb. Lulberaa Ok.rek,
klrd atroet. CUarleM, Pa, Marek IT, 1I tf
Tk. aedmliaed will eell at erirete aal. all
Ik.t tract ar aarod af lead eluele la Doeolar
tewaabi,, Cuerleld Kill;, Pa Wltkla a akert
ditaaae ef tk. Troo. k ClHrl.14 R. R., aad
adjoiaing bade of Robert Haaaoa and,
aad kaewa aa Ihe Jaoob B. Uoarhart let. The
aaid traM oaatalaing M aera. aaora or Oaea, wllk
twe t.t.l af t.l.abla Mai tkareen, ha. about 10
ear, emarad, a.4 ia tb. k.t ta a larg. aod, af
Ml about being tili,id. Will k. wM lew aad
aaaa mtj barma. for aartnalw, aaplt u
Char! eld. Pa, Jal It, 1171.
Great Western Hotel,
No. Ill I, Ull aad 111! Market Sire,
(Dfreoll, itrNi'i Vaaama Wa ffraaal DeaM.), riaa'aV.
Tariaiat, OSUOO B3r c.ay.
Tkla N.t.1 la Bar lh. tow P.Hie alldlag.,
ae Maewal. Temple, 0. 1. Mint, and 4.7
WfieeArte. T. V. TRAl'CK, Prop'r.
Or., att I JjlI.'U ly
for illustrated catalogues and
ner yard. We will sell Carpels at
Improvements September, 1878'
Bsvlnff regard iw too mma otttj
progreeilve age, we new ofer o the WoelA
Important Improvements.
Notwithstanding tb. VICTOR haa long boa
thefiMT of any marliin. in lh. market a (act
gupparted by a boat of Tolnnlecrwitnaaaea w
now eonfidcully claim for It greater
simplieitr, a wonderful reduction of
friction, and altogether a Ran Com.
biMrtionoZltiiraMe Quolillei. For aal.
by Merchant, and othen.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
CurwearrltW, Pa. Jaa. 1, Tl-H
Stove Lining and Fire Brick,
kept Maataatl, aa bud.
or ivirt DKscRirriovi
Kla bar'. PaUul Airtight talf.
. awing
amit laaet
BUTTKR CROCKS, with tide,
aPPLi - buttbR crookb,
stiw roTS,
Aal a gnat ataa, etker t'alaga ta. nawiu ta
meaU.a, t be baa at
Ccraer .1 Ckerrr and Third Slrweta,
Improved Spring Beds,
Tba aadarrigaW a., I laata la taferm Ik. rill.
MM tl Obaaraald, aad oka public geawall,, thai
be bee ea kmad a Aaa e Paraliara,
aiah M W.laut. Cbaalaat aad Palaled Ohaaabw
SaMaa, PmIc BailM, Rartlwlag aad aaaaaaloai
Obaln, LadM aad Oaa' (aa, Chair, tha rar
foratad Die lag aad Parkw Chal-a, Cw teala aa4
Wladwr Chaire, CletbM lar, BMa aad lataa
liM Lad d. re, Hal lull, Sanbblag Rrukaa, A.
aaklag OlaaaM, Ohramea, Aa, wklok would .
oaitabl. far Hauaar n Mute.