THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WKtlKKSOAV MORNWU.Jt'LY 30, 1879. Terms of Subscription. If raid le sdvenoe.or wttkln three moaths... II 00 if paid i" IkM Bad before III Bomb.... I it JfLijsfltrtbatipirKtlonor lis moahls... t 00 -M.iarl. S. If PlTTMOILI. A CO., NoWO- AdTail'ioing Agents, 17 Perk Row, torctr Bees man Street, aro our out aalhorlsed Agent. il K.w ion vy. REMCilOUB NOT1CKH. Methodist Eplseopal l'hurrhRev. J. 8. lIcMresAr, Pastor. Sorvloes every Sebbeth J 10) A. M., end Ii ' M. g.btialh Bekool at A. M. Prayer Mulloi every WedoesJey, ot H P. M. Comnioalon Servloe, trot Sebbeth of otorjr month, .1 101 A. M. Wert Ctenrtlela' M. E. Church R.v. W. Fwrr Wilson, Pastor. Preaotaing every altereats Sunday, kt I o'olonk, P. M. Sunday gehool it '1. . M. All on Invited to attend. preib)terlaa ChrcbRr. U. B.BorLaa. Sabbath eerrieee morning and evealng Seb latk Sokool ot I P. M. Prayer lientlng Wednes day OVOOiog. lliptlil Church. Rev. J. A. Aldooo, P... tor oervleea every Sabbath morning and evening, alternating, t mi o'clock A. H., nd 7t P. M. 8sblelh School ot I P. M. Prayer Melting .very R'edssiJay evening. lit. fraacle Church Cetholle Rev. p. J, SnsstoA Preaching at 10, e'oloek, A. M., on Ike tret, third nod loartb Suadeys of onob month; Veiosn nod Beoedlolion of tbt lilessod Baeramont at 7 o'clock, P. M. Bundny Bobool every Sunday afuraooo nt I o'elook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tino of aoLoino gOABTOB IBSBtOBS COURT. Second Mondsy of January. Tblrd Monday of March. First Mondsy of June, Fourth Monday of Boptombor. TIMl Or SOLDINO COBBO Ft-BAS. Flnt Mondsy of Jano. ' Second Mondsy of November. rciuo opncnnn. fruUm Jd,s Hon. Cbnrlu A. lioyw, of Lark Moron. jtMirlaul Lew Judge Hon. John H. Orvls, of 8sllefonte. Aiiecfers Judgti Abrsa Ogdeo, Clearfield j Vincent B. Holt, Clonrfiild. Volaeaelery Eli Bloom. .,i.i.r A'.ocrd.rL. J. Morgea. Diilriel Aliom.y Wm. M. McCullough. Treasurer Pbiiip DotU. Sktrif Andrew Penis, Jr. Hrpfif Slav, Cbrlil. J. KT, Clsarlsld. County ATareayor Bamual F. MoOtoakey, Our eeneville. Co.efy fa.MftWonfa C. W. Kyler, Crabem ton P. O-i Hah Johnaton, Grampian Ullla P. 0. John Norrle, Br., Curweneville. County iUditore William V. Wright, Clear, laid : Joaepb Ullliland, Throo Runo ; J. t. Nor ria, Woodlaod. Count CortHtr J. B. Naff, Now Waabinjrton. Jnry Caaa'attaira Dr. Jamaa P. Burobfiald, Clearfled, Joaapb Aloinndar, Madam. AiiriaMdal a Pmblf IhkooUV. L. Ho. Qoowa, Claarlatd. .Waro bVaiV at Afaataraa Joaao W.Carlila, affra at Utheraburg Pa. Xolaria PuUii John W. Wrlglay, Wm. Ka debaugb, Cjrua Oordun, ClaarAald : Joaenh R. Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Curwanarillo ( J. A. Liring ilona. lloHoia City. Oar Spteial eolutnn to dooidedly intoreitlng in a lueal point of view, aod proflublo reading to eotiideri who want to lore money. Yi:l, OF COURHGl "Will you Uki wheat, oati or corn for lub Krlptloa V W aro often inquired of in thil way by letter from patroni who reiido nt a diataneo from Clearfield. Wo again lay yea. Thereeelpti of a rtiponiible merchant or mill owner In the vicinity, will anawor m Juit aa well ai tho eab. To illluitrate i If any of our patrona will dolivor ai a bag of graia at the mill of Joaeph H. Broth, ta Chut townihlp, Hornet Patch In, In Barniide, Thorn ii H. Forcey, lp Graham, Wm. Porter or Shaw'i. In Lawronoa, or Brown A Beyler'a, nt Rockton, Unlun tuwnihip, and forward their reeelpta for the amount, wo will o rod It them on their iceonnt for tho iam. In thli way all may hob pay what they owe, If they will purine thli euarae. tf. A new Presbyterian par8onge will loot be erceted at Cuiwonavlllo. The iarmers in this county are busy harvesting their oaU erop this week. . nan 0otTAna Kev. J. A. A Id red will preach at Centre, nett Sabbath afternoon, (D. V.J.' W. W. Cole's Circus and Menagoiie. which travail by rail, exhiblu nt Huntingdon, August fitb. aaaaaBaae-0 What is considered fit st-class corn weather ii now being experienced, and this oereal 1 making rapid progreeo. There will be preaching in theClcar Irld Beptiit Church nut Sabbath ironing, foljeet: "The Judgment" - - i im - The oitir.ens ot Newburg and vicinity parpoie having a liar rait Homo at that village eit Saturday, Angnat Ind. m i Dnniol W. McCurdy, Ksq., baa been eonlnod to kll roaldoaoo tho paat woak with a aarora attnok of tho dlphlharla. iluHBrs. lloover, llama 4 Co., of Pbillprburg, aro buildlog fourloon honaaa for tho Cambrln Iron Company, nt Johnatowa. The Fair of Iho Jefferson County Agrlaallnrnl Soototy will opoa at BrookillU oa tbo 7th of Ootokor aatt, aod aontlno four daya. 1, envy 'a team hauled a large aafe, walghlng forty odd bondrad ponoda from thla plnoo toCorwanirilla,on Monday, for Jdoaari. liopklnl IrTl- Prof. Frankentleld, who for ome lima paat baa boaa loilrnotlog tho Corwonatillo band, loft for kit homo lo Pblladalphla laat Friday moroiog. By an invitution from Mr. James L. aounald, aropnotor or too rannaio noiai, ma ur- phaoa Cornat Hand of thla laoo will P.nlrld on Thuradoy. M . Tbo manaKorsol'thoLooimrd Library Ataoolation roquaata alt paraona baring booka out of tho Library to rolora tbo anmo nt tha moatlog next Friday oroalng. The heavy rains of laat Friday and Saturday eauaad qolta a flood In tbo rlror oad othar itreoma la thta aalghborhood. Soma twdra or Ifl.aa rolta paoaad CloarSald on Babbatb. a aw The body of Arthur Hcone, who uomlttod ouieldo by banging Inat Thuraday araing, flu burlod la Dnoutur lownaklp, Banr fhllipabnrg . Tba Tonaral took plnoo on Batur day morning. Frank G. Harris, Eq., announces in thla iaauo Ibnt bo baa boon nppolntad Auditor to aodll and adjual tbo aoooaauof tba Admialatra- Vn of Iho oatato of Bamool, lata of Cloar- Id, doooaaad. Miss Porter and Miss Webster, teach- wioftha pnbllaaobiKillnt Cad I a, Ohio, aro apond log tba Bnmmar raealloa ataltiog ralatiraa and fri.nda la Cloarlold aad tlotaity. Tbo tret. .fd la a aatiro of thla ooaaly. Mrs. Kate Bansom. wife of Frank laatom, Jnnior odllor o' tbo Indiana Dimotml, I.J, of oonaumptlon, oa tho 14th Init., ngad J'i, 7 montba ond il daia. Bba liara. a bua. baad aad twa ahildrta u moora hor obaanoo. Dtillefuitle had a sensation laet week bleb tbo trot familioo " onjayad aogoly. Bomo lrlnori wero marriad tbero In tha pmoneo of foraigo alargymtn, with nbout tbo aamo aum br.f a.lirti. Prom tho doaorlplloa la tbapaparo, l aa aa awful higb-toaool affair. Judiro MoKnaily bas been appointed lob. laatimony In tba atoopttnoa M agalaet aaoouat of tba .lioosloro of Riobard Bbaw. . drt'd. Ha f Iraa aotloo of a mooting lo bo K on tbo loth of Aagual, whaa aad wboro all nntaitad oaa attaad II tbay doam II aaooaaary a a .ii Tbo two jury rooms in the) Court 'aa bara boaa wainaoottod, aporod aad grata 1. daring tka paat wook, aad lha Jadgoo' ma ,u hoaapalotad aad fnparod. Tbaaa Improoo "U .ra mock aaodod, aad tkoao aha will ooeaaloa ta oooapy raid oaulmonU la lha 'ta aw baartlly npprooinla tbaobango. Owing to the dearth of festivals and Main,., id. harder of tbo prlallag oBoo, llko k ai.tkw HabUrd'a owpboard, hoe beoa oaliroly of oaba aad dalatloo for noma time paat. "-oik tba ganeroalty and klndneoo of Mro -'V W. Onlltk. of thla aoroogh, tho aokiog 'Id Ua. h.i.n. . m j . i .l. M,aa lypoo oindo glad, aaa day Inat wook, by a Npply of dalkaloal oako. Onr Imp (who "I tho awat ,f , nll aaa ban aaloa o ol.wopormHtod him,) lo ekoe.0 ombaeoador dw iho thaahi of all-wande la tkla oBoo ta for Iblt trotl. Meki Theii.-The County Comiulg. .lonar. .HI b. In ...alo. fo, ,,"",' nftor Monday p,rM11, hlsf to iranaaat wllhih.m knd bailor nltand ot that llmo To Landlord- and Storekkperb I-yilo ba. an wnngomant wllb nn Knatara Clgw FaaUry io lh ka ona Hi I algara by tka box or tbouaand m bottom (gurw. Ulr, ,,,,, . onn trial, ( Tho lIarri.burK fire Brick Work. rocol.o a part of tbalr olar from ikl. bl.pln, It u, bmnob by way of Tjton.'. ... u...nai naai ta oomblnatloa with tho Oloar. Sold olny, It obtaload from tha Woodbrld.o alar rovaainitU. -r V J . W1 HI Tbo CurwonHville Cor not an opan air oonoart in that borough laat Tbnra. -.J .aning, on tbo groooda aorroundlng lha rld..o..f W. D. Irrl,. I, ... p..,., aa. anjoyaa by all. An nddro.i waa da. tlforea by Uanaral Pnlton. Any aoldior who aiohrf from lb Ut wr m pro our. "o.r Uflofttt f 4iMh.rfS" irhioh tt iiibaiaalitllj th. ' h? ktof ppllottitn to Iht AdjvUBt u,"r " Amy, War Dtp.rtm.ot, Wnblor ton, D. 0. It U sot tMiitry to opplr to o olaim aoot or toy prioi M, but mtk ippliottion OACRAMENTAL WlNB Snncr'a PnH u-i. or .a ii porej oBtntoxleiilng wlnt, from tho natUt growo Port Qnpo, MpreUII (or tho a of Cb i-li tin. Ohurohii, and guirontood fo rotaio it grateful floror tDti ottontiil quail vDimpiirin for id period. Muoh ind for wtnlDg portlti ood IdteHJi. For ilo br E. W Qrohom, DruggUt, Cloirfiold, P. of lettom remainincr nnpliiimnrf d tho PootoffleoatCloarSold.for tho wtik tod In JMiy jo, ibv J. II. OloTtr, 8onul DooU. Im Hiroei. O. HooTcr, Rtubto Deloiter H end trior.. Borob J. Lord, flsorgo Ltuotrd, Edw.rd Ronkto. Uri. Voroto epenoor, Elijah Walton. Mlu Mullio w'tr. P. A. 0AULIX. P. M Cliarpield County Hoys. Simon Flihor, of 81U Liok, and S. W. MoCtarroo. of won Daoolur, took prouiaont part lo tbo Com. Bonoomoat proooodings at tbo Control Normal hol.oo, t Look llavan, on TburnJny a week. It akoo no dlfftronoo wbero oar Cloarlold boy art put I hey generally oouooat right aido an if tbov bavt half a ohaDea. X. W. MoClarfen waa alio one of tbo graduetoi. Gbowlino. - Tho editor of tlie Itov noldiflllt Htrald Ii not ploaiad at tbo acbool ratoo fiied lj their Board. He romarku "Wb7 oofe a tai abould bo laid i a eayitiry U eerj bodj aad iboald be ozplaiood by the Board, at 18 milli upon tho dollar aeoma a tan to think of In onr drraai." Notcf mind. High-toned edn eat Ion taint bo paid for and there Ii no on of dreaming about IL A (iranoi Picnic Tho sixth an nualtrl-Stato picnic of the Patron of Huibandry and farmera of Soolhern Pennaylranie, Weetern Maryland and Wait Virginia, will be held at Williame'UroTe, near Meohanloeburg.on Wed net day, Thomday and Frida, Aoguit ITtb, 28th and Stub. From eiroolari reoeired, wo indie it 111 bo one of tbo largest and moit interesting eotiugi of the kind erer held In that looality. a e Qui Sad. The Johnstown Democrat, of laet week, lay 1 1 "some time ago we noticed the lllneit of the wife of Rer. D. Strayor, formerly of thli county, but now of Wallaooton, Clearfield oounty; and from a poital oard from there, dated tho 2Snd in it., we Irarn that, Mr i. Btrayerli grad ually growing weaker and that there it little hope of her recovery. Thli will be lad newi to tho many friendi and acquaintance! of the lady In Ibta eoonty. Mr. Kd. Guinzburs, who has been ongagad la tba boot aad ehoa bualneaa la thla plaoo for tha peat Ihraeyoara or mora, boxod np a lot of brogana and alippara, and lefl laat week to locate nl Ijanaooning, Md., where ho will opea a eloro. Ed., while bare, ooaduotod hlmaalf like gootleiaan, wbiob bo If, In orory aaoae of the word. Wo commend blm to Iho people of Lane. coning ond Orant eonnty ne aa obliging and op. right baelnaaa man: Tbo otory that in beinir circulated oxtenelrely by nowrpapero throughout tho State lo tho ofTeot tbot "William Wilaoa, of Clearfield ooaaty, killed bie twelre-year old bob la a It of anger a few daya elnoo, by etrikiog kirn oror the head with a boa," aod that Bald Wilaoa 1b In Claar Aald Jail, 1b falee lo every partleulnr. Wo hope the pnpere indiooted will diaploy tbo anmo amoont of onlerprlac lo correcting thla canard that they did In giving it publicity. a Mare Stolen. Homo scoundrel entered the bora of llenry lirotb. In Bell town ahlp, on Toeeday night, of Uat weak, July 2ld, and etolo a valuable marc, together with a oaddle nod heller. She waa n buy, with n white etrlpe dawn tbo noro. Mr. Broth tracked tho animal to near Curweaeville, and there loot all trace of her. A reword of i.0 will bo paid for tba recovery of tho marc and apprehanaloa of Iho thief, or a cet iafaetory reward will be paid for tbo mora. Mr. David lleilbrun bas given up the oebinet. making buaiaaee for tho proaeat, and embarked In mereaotlio pureuite. He baa opened oot a variety oad aovelty etoro la the old Woatera Hotel buildlog, oa 8eoed atroat, aod wo doubt not bo will let the people of Clearfield oounty know what bo baa to Ball through our ad varllalng oolomne or. long. If you want lo make Dnva kappy and baar n good load, hearty laugh, go aod boy Bomcthlog ot hia oatabliBhmBot. Fire Water. We see by the Belle- foato iVapulffoaa Ibnt by tho occidental overturn log of a ladlr, containing eovaral hundred pouodo of milled Iron nt the Howard Worka laat Tueaday a week, tke foondry building war Bet oa Are ond destroyed. Tbo Heme, oommuolooted to the bridge ond wheal bouoo attached to tbo furaaoo, and in epite of tho efforto of the mco, theee wore olao burned. Several of tho mon about the prem looo wero eeverely lojurod by Ibo molten iron, which apread rapidly over the floor ofter leering tke ledle. a. . m Picnic op the Printers at Crewon. Arrengftnenta nr. being parfcotcd for the pic nic of tbe Juniata Val!?y Editor.' end Priotero' AeeociatioD to ba bald nt Crctaon,on Saturday, Sept. Ith. Tha Traneportetlon Committee met at Altocna laat Saturday, and made aotiafactory or- rangrintntB in regard to railroad facllitleo, whloh will inclnde treuaportationover the brooch rondo. Tbe Committee vlaltad Crraaon In the anernooa for Ibo porpoee of arranging with tbe Buperia tendrnt of tho bolrl. A circular to tho craft will bo lamed in a few da-a, aaltlng lorlb nt length what baa been done oad requtatiog eatimatee nfl la the aumber of paopla that may be expected from tbe different oeotiooo From preaent Indioa- ttone we era led lo Infer that Clearleld eoonty will bo largely ropreeeoted. Mil " Darn Hurned. Wo learn from tbe Brookvillo AaaM, that tke large back bara of David Boir, aitaeled la (Jaeklll lowaihlp, Jeffer- too county, wae destroyed by Arc on tbe oight of tbo 4tb inat. "That it wae the work of oo In ooadiary Ikrro la ao qoeetloa, no two pravlaaa ottempta ked keen mndo lo act It oo arc. uoiy n few weojta before Mr. Blair dlacorered a bora lag candle la the feed box, arranged oe Ibot when It burned to a certain point It would ignite a quantity of abaviago aad nlbar oomhoallblo malarial. Tkle la Iho third barn that boa ueoa kurnad dowa duriag Ibo poet year wllhie a radial of oae mile. It la lo bo huped that Iba land may bo dieccrcrol nod 'nation mated oal to kirn. Mr. Balr'a loea la In tbe neighborhood of $1,600 Inearod for 1,00.H Paredlee mnat bo getting woren than when we wed lo paae Ihroogh II twenty yaere ago. ii aw Terrible Accident. Ilichard O, Jonec need nearly tweatyoa o yoare, of tbe Ilret ward, Johaatowa, met hia death la tba Rod Mill, oa Saturday morning, Jaly lb, In a tarrlblo maaaer. Ha wae employed aa "etleker la at Iho tnl.hing rolla nt tke Rod Mill, kla employ moot being lo ooteb tho cade of tbo wire rode no they came through tha roll and guide too b tho laat oaa heforo iboy won wound on Ibo aulndlo. Ho bed Jul pat tho tad or oao or Iho long rod hoi rode la tbo rolla, oad II became twlited aa la waj guided aloag Iba soar ny another employe. Tbo rolla wore running at lha rata of tour hoadrcd aad Any revolatiaae por miaatc. aad Ibo twlat canned the wire to form Ioodo aad carvoc la tbo air, oao of tbo loepa fall- law over oaai Joaao' body. Il draw him oa hia haeM with kla beck agalaal Ike rolla tkrougk wkick tbo win waa paaalng with wonderful velocity. John Ruwl.y quickly oeleed na aa and with aaa klcw severed the wire, hot II bad act aad baraod He woy thraagh Iba body of tbo victim. Tbo backbone waa all thai held the body together, the left ore. was oat tbrcagb between lha elbow oad shoalder, the right arm belwaoa tba elbet aad wrlet. Ilia bawela wore aal lata ironmeau aad fall out la a baaok oa Ike floor. Joba Dovlaa aad Pvadry carried his kody ta a wagon la wblek tba remalaa ware placed sad tekoe to Jamas' aadertaklaf akop sad praparod far burial. I was Ikoa pbvood la aa loo baa aad takes ta kla komo oa Market street, aad katerrod lg, same aeealofl. -rolaafoera weeror. Dr. II, F. Boam. Chronio Diaoaao Pbyclolaa, Curwcosvllls, Pa. Jyt lt tf. i.e. Komembor that Lvtle is Countv Agont for Lorrlllard't Tobaooo, aad caa tell them ol factory prlcee. They aro tho beat tobocoos la market. Try tkem. tf. an We have now on band several thous. and Sret olaae nt.loii.-, which wa will ptiol for bualoaoa men, or anybody olao, nt prices thni oaa not bo rivalled. Call and aaa them. If. At the Republican ofllco is the place togetyourjobwtffx 3nc. Weare fully prepared to do anything in tha printing Una, will do II well, and at tho right kind of prlcoa. tf. Seo a woman on horseback in another column, riding ooar 8iear's Viocynrds, wilk bunch of drupes from wblob Spoor's Port Grope V. loe la made, that la to highly eateomed by tbe modlcolprofaaaloo for tbo uacof lovalida, weakly paraona and tho nged. Bold by B. W. Uraham, Drugglat, Clearfield, Pe. Jiy-1 "7B tf. A Fact. An atlvorttsemont Inserted la tbo Rnrutucan will rrnch mora readers ibaa If puhliahcd In all tho other papora la tha a J coat tbo adrarliaci leas Ibaa oao- la other worde, aa ndvortlarmeat published In our Jcornal la worth doubls tbo price of that charged by any other publiaker la the county. 'It Is n foot." tf. Removal. Dr. T. J. Itoycr bas re- movro oia momoal omoo In tbo rooau recently ooeupica ay vara urabam, In Urn ham s row Ha makoc CHRONIO DISEASES a specialty, CHARQKS VERT LOW. Tka manufaoturera kavlng lowered pricea, ho la prepared to furnish STRICTLY PUKE MEDIOINES at greatly re ducod rates. Tho afflicted will bo benefited by giving him a call. JulyM, '7 tf. Tho second game of base ball be tween the Velioal Clulyif New Waablngtoa ond Punxautawoey Club waa played nt Puoxaulaw. nay on Saturday, tbo ltlh lost. Tbo laat nnmod Club came off victorious by a large ma jority, tho sours bciog 44 for the Panxs'y and IS for tbs rVew WeBhiogtnn boye. Tbo game wss urn plrud by W. B. W.iii, of Puoiautawney. The third game will eoon bo plnyed on neutral ground ond will decide tbo coolcet, eooh Club hnving won n game. bELF Murder. Arthur Jfooao, a well-to-do farmer, reiiding on tho Joahon Talc homeitcod, about two and ooo-hnlf mlleo Booth saat uf Ihie borough, committed suicide by hang ing himself in his barn, cn Thursday laat. An Inqueet wns held on tbe body by Eaqolrc Bono. On Friday tbe remelna of Reeac were lent to hie relatives la Decatur townihlp for burial. Domestic tronble ta ssalgood oaths caoea. no leaver a wife, Iwo children and a aumber of rctativea to mourn over this raih acL New Dailt StaoeLine. James L Lanvy has incoeeded in bnvlng a daily mail eatab liatied between Clearfield and Penn&eld, nod will hereafter run n dnity atagc between Ibe two points. Hia contract began with April let, and tha etege will leave (learflaid every morning (exoept Sun. day) at 8 o'oloek, making eonnectiona wilk nil trnins on the Low tirade Railroad at Penofleld, re turning nfter the tost train the sums sveniog. Paiecngariend fieigbt will bo carried at low rates, Onlora left at any of tbo holela will bo attended to. Upt7D tf - . m The New Branch. The Tyrone irnM, 1 alluding lo tho building of n now rail road from tbe T. A 0. branch at Sandy Kldge, aaye : "The Engineer Corps engaged In locating tha Sandy Ride and Hnmey Railroad Is now en camped on Root ron, ooeupyiog the lite of ao old homing shanty built In 18611, by J, W. Thomas, H. Burlev, II, T. Harphou, and otbera, of Tyrone. That point eeeme to bo oa tbe line of tho rood which will oroie the Moihannon a abort dietanoo above what la known us Winlsrs' onmp, na lands of J. M. Kill. A Bona." THE lOltli IIABkUT PICNIC. Ktiiron RariinLtcm aor Sir t Tha eltisena of Ibla and aurrounding vicinity propoae holding n basket picnic on the altcrnoon or Moodny Au guit 4tb, IK77, trom z to o o'ciooa, in toe grove aeartbe reaideaca of Mr. lninp loung, in nraa ford twp., about tbree-foorthe of n mile from tbe Stetion. la commemoration of tbo One Handrtm and fourth birlkdai of Mra. Mary Lookard. elding with Mra. icong, bcrdaugbtar, aod rbinp Young, bar grondaon, and to which all ore oordtally invited to pnrticipato In honoring (I think) tbo olit.nt parion iivtog la our county. aiinietere or tbo, canon, una ail siocriy people aro eipeololly lavltcd. nelneotrullr yourl, A. l. raxxMan, Wllliaiuigrovo, July 18, '7. Ch'a Committee. A finliing party, consisting of John W. Wrlgley, L. J. Morgan, Ed. A. Leavy, John Simmom, Geo. Weaver, AI. B. Reed, R. U. Show et nl., with Prof. Beaks Holmio, ns chief cook ond bottlo-weiher. startsd down Ihs rivor oa MooJny afteraooa, la a flat-boat covered with a oanvno rocf. They ore suppllsd with tcnta, pro vlaioa, oookiag alonalls, nnd oTorythlng noooaaary for camping out purposos. They will Alb daring tho day, aod camp-out at night oa Umjlrma. Tbey will proceed lo this snaaour lo Lock Ilovoo, oad retura komo ky rail. Should the weather prove favorable, there Is aorcasoa why Ihcy will oot bava a oleaaaot and enjoyable Irip. Ben eoyffge, gentlemen I No More Picnics. The Sunday Sohool Superintendents of Altoona held a mooting oa Bnnday afternoon, the 20th Inst., and formed an organisation, to bo known ai tho Sunday Bohool Superintendents' Association of Altoona. Officers wereehoaoa aa follow! : Prtiident,Tbeo. H.Wigtoni Secretary, W. Loo Woodcock) As slstant Becret ary, L. B. Raifsnydor. Monthly ee tings will ho held. Tbo following preamble and reeo lotion, which wo copy from tho Altoona Sue, worn adopted : WNRMaaa. Wa believe that no permanent good resells from Sunday school picnics, and believing I.a that nreneral nien lea I rem our city are oeinn ...lulnT-d in to eooh an extent ns to render them deleterioue to tho intereetaof our cltlsem and tho eauie of Christianity, therefore. n,ttiMii. Thtt ei. the is tiner niendontl oi ine Sunday sohool s of Altoona, hereby recommend that tba usual ptcolos no unpen sea wun tor present year. A Bubinkbs Card. Our polite Dis- trfot Treasurer, J. 0. Whitehlll, bas furnished ns with tbo following oard : Ci.iAHrtRLD, Pa., July 21 187. Un. O. B. UooiiLinnxR! Please toko notice that yourSrhoel tax, for tbe Bohool year ending June 30, l"sa, is as fellows: Valuation, $2,3flo ) Bcbool Tax, llO.Vfii Building Tax $7.10. By the provision! of tho Third Section of an Act of Aiiemeiy. apnroven ids via hh.i aum,, parties paying tbe aforsaid to me, at my resi dence, on or before the twenty-sixth dey of Au gust next, will be entitled to an abatement of per cent. Alter thai lime no aoaiemen wm el lowed. C. W ruTnmi.t, District Treasurer. We presume that he has complimented every taxpayer In thli borough with a similar document. and It would pro Sab It be well onongh, since Mr. Wblteb.ll has gone to thli trouble, for us all to remember that tbo SSifa day of August will soon be here. CLCARniLD Coal Trade. Stato- ent of Coal aod other freights cent over tho Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvnnla Rail road, for the woeh ending July iv, 1870, i the same time last year : OOAIa. For tho weeh Same time last year Decrease Previunsly during year ,. Same time laet year Total In 1879 Same time last year Increase. .M . ot nan rnaiaif. Lumber Miieetlaneoni freight! .U8 ears. 'MIHHTAKTI AL HEALTH.' Chrrkv Canxtc, V.T., Oct. U, 1878. Dn. M. M. Frimum, Fredenia, New York. Dear Sir : I was a great cuferer from In- riiatUn. Liver Oomalatnt. nervousness ana Constipation of the bowels. I have need your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic wllh lae effect of fostering me U robeit and substan tial beelta. Very truly, . m MM. vona WRinaan. Dr. Fanner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Teal saer well be nailed "The eeaqecrlag here" of the times. It Is the medical triumph of tbe age. Whoever has "the blow" should take it. for It regulates Md restores the dlserderei system that gives rise te them. Il nlwayi onreo Bill lose i and Mver .;ompieini, pep lie, Constipation, Headaches, Fever nnd Ague, Spleen Balargeaenta.Sorofula, Bryilpelai, Pimples, BleUhee and all shin Brnptleni and Blend Disorders I welled Limbs and Dropsy i 8leopleesaeii, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De bllity Reeteref lech aad strength when the iye teen Ic running down nt going into decline j cures Female Weakness and Ckrealc Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, aad nil Long and Throat diffienlllM. It does theee things by striking at the met of disease and re moving Its ceases Dr. Fanner'! Improved Cough Boncy will re lieve any eengh In one hear. Dr. Fanner's Gel den Relief en res any pain, ac Tonth none. Neuralgia, ColU r Headache to te It miaulecaad rendlly relieves Rheumatism, Kidney Cemnlelat. Diarrhoea, etc Dr. Veaaer'aBL ViteJ Dane Spec lis. One bottle nlwtyc dree tor sale y dealers- tt tow a. .. 1.1,846 t,7il i8 TTI.OM . m,m ,m 117.MI ,m eaa, set R. II. UNION 0. B. ASHOCIATION. An abstract of tbo tonth semi -annual anion of tho Bennett's Branch Sunday Bohool Assoeiatlon waa held at Benesetto, Elk oounty, Pa., July 18th id ivtn. ii.v, Tho iiromfnent feature of tho first session wae a children a mooting, la oharge ol hov. K. Critten den, the well-known and efflolent Sunday Sohool worker, ine topie, "Heepflnitbtittiea or the Prnt to tha Babbit h Bebool," waa opened by Rer. A. B. Hoot en, fallowed by Mr. L. Bird aad Rev. I Ureenly nnd Norerosi. An attentive audience fillets thoMhool house at the ovenlnc eeielun. A n addrosa of welcome waa delivered by Kev. W. H. Norerosi, followed by a responio by Ur. A. U. Roaenkrana. A very In- tereoting end praatioal .vature wae daliverod by Rev. W. M. Uurobfleld. oa tho euhieol "Uual ill- cat ions of .the Babbatb Bohool Teaeber." The ouoation boi oxerolao ea.led forth some animated dieouesloa. One of tho most intercstini features of tbo Sat urday session waa a Bible reading on the subject or "loamy, or U tar tin an Love, ' conducted by Kev. A. B. Hooven. Another intereitinc feature wae an address by 11 r. Frank Lenig, on the topio "Possibilities of the Future." Tbe speaker made a daring attnok on some of the present feature! of the Babbatb Bohool system. Report wero rcceivrd irom tno various acttoola indicating that tbe work In the Bennett'! Branch valley is progressing. An Into reeling exercise In the afternoon was a praise servioo, eon duo ted by Mr. U. W. Weaver. Considerable food n a tared excitement prevail ed during the election of officers. Mr. L. Bird waa elected President; Ur. J. M. Rngliih Vloo President f Uiis Lillian Robaoker Secretary, nnd Mra. David Winslow Treasurer. A motion to hold a Babbatb Bcbool Jubilee In tbo pino grove at Weedville, oa August 9ih, was carried amid great entnuatasm. Thanks aro duo to Ur. Q. W. Weaver for ably conducting the singing, and to Mi is Lillian llobaokar amd Nellie Bird for cheer folk presiding at the organ. Great eredit ta due to' the Presi dent, Ur. J. H, Kooker, for tbe prompt and -pii-iien mtnoer in wmcu n aiipatcned tno Dus iner! of tba Convention. Tho kind people of Beneaotta well lortained meir repuutma lor free-hearted, unbounded noipitaiity. Tbo toiiowing resolutions were adopted : RtiolKft, That tbe thanks are due to Rev. Norerosa and Mr. Lenig for efficient aerviooi as Committee on entertainment, and to the people of Beuotctle aod vicinity for their cordial and geserooa welcome and earn. Jitiotvtd, That the thanks of this Convention aro tendered to Mr. and Miss Uasoa for the music furnished by them at the different sessions. Rttotwd, That wa exhort tho oloera nnd teachers of all tha schools to continue faithful la tho work, and wo urge all ai far aa possible to aeep scneois open during trio winter, ir only a Bible olaoa. Rttolvid, That WO feel vrataful to all our brethren In tbe ministry who so klndlv assist In mo worn oi tne meeting!, and wo suggest that tbey preach especially nn Sabbath Bcbool work at leasi oooo or twioe a year. Rttolnd, That thla Association request Riv, R. Crittenden to lend to each school in oar dis trict n sample of fail printed preparation! for tha vacant Sundays oi tbe year. Tbe eleventh semi annual session will bo held at Miller s Bend, new Driftwood, on tht third rrluay and Saturday in January, 1880. Con. THE CRAMMING PROCKMH. Mr. Editor: We sec In almost every paper wa pice np, an aruoic condemning theorem ming process" In our schools, 1 read In your local columns come time ago, an article In wbioh tbis sentence occurs: "The whole system of mod' ern tsaohing leemi to look to the perfecting to the top of the pyramid the higher branches of learning, while tbe base, tbt primaries, upon wti.ct. the whole structure stands is apparently neglected. M We eafjitantly hear on the streets and on the farm, that children are reading In the Fifth Rftadftr, and eannot readily pronoinoe 'he wordi in tho Third ; in the advanced Spelling door, ana are unaoie to ipcu ine simple worm tn their reading lessons; in the Higher Arithmetic, and eannot solve intelligently tbe questions in the Elementary j In the advanced Grammar, and oannot toll when a verb is transitive or in st ran it tiva, or really the difference between a verb and a noun , in the Common Bchoel Ueograpby, and ao not inow nan wnat tne rrtmery contains. Tbero are five factors personally Interested In our school, vis i The Superintendent, Directors, Teachers, Parents and Scholars, and to suggest a remedy for the "cramming process," which Is robbing thousands of our children from their true education, we must eonildor each separately. The Superintendent's sphere of ectioa Is eel forth lo the act creatine the oflloe. The most im portant of his duties arc tbo examination of leacboro and visiting the schools. Tbe obieot or ex- emining teachers should bo to exclude such as do not possest tbe reimsite knowledge lo teaeb sue oesslully. In order to accomplish this tbe ox amlnation must bo thorough, and every teacher should bo required lo give tbe whys and where fores. If a teacher cannot giro a legioal reasoo for everything, how can bo impart to others that which bo does net know himself; If he cannot define the common words in the First, fieeond aod Third Readers, how can be expect his schol ars to do It j If he cannot read correctly tbe piece! in those Readers bow will be leach ethers to read them i If he cannot aolvo readily all problem! lo Arithmetic, and explain the princi ples (principles arc not derived from rales, bnt rules trom nriaelpUs). hew ta tbe Hue of bvevca can ho in struct ethers. Therefore, If this officer grant! certificates to those who aro not thorough ly qualified to teach either aa Elementary or aa Advanced School, he Is, more than any other factor in onr scboon responsible for tbe deception practiced, which bas proved so deleterious to all ot onr enuriren. it is tne auty oi the u oner. a Undent to look te tbe interests of the thousands of children in this eonnty and not to tneompc lent teachers. The grading of eartifloates has always been a m Tiiery. ic no. means perfect lo the common branches, and No. I perfect In tbe elementary branches, wbat do Mo. e I, 4 and k meaa r ebould say tbey mean entirely incompetent. If No. i I, S, I aad ere on tbe same certificate wbat does that mean t It might mean that the bolder was good in one braaeb. and entirely In competent In the balance, which would not entitle him to a school, as the lew requires that all me oemmon eranonea must ne taught, i ven ture the assertion, that not one person In a hun dred when they see a certificate hnow anything about It. There Should be a ttandard adopted and published in every paper tn the eonnty. If those things which interest everybody moat, are to be Kept forever tn the dark, it would seem sli ply a teat ot unfairness. The people demand en lifhtcnment upon this subject. School visitation, I should think, Is te promote ine cause oi education, to aid ta novating tne children to a higher standard of Intellectual and moral worta m tbe county t hence, the Bupertn tendent should be convinced that the children of eaoh school thoroughly understand eaoh branch passed over, and can give a correct reason for each new step, and if children are lo book! be yond their capacities he should publicly, In na address, in tbe evening make it known aa well aa point out all detects aod suggest rftnedies before leaving tbe township. We have bona humbugged. and It will take nerve aad energy te correct tbo evil. One suggestion la reference to our Couaty In stitute and 1 will clou. For some time, so far as tbs interest! of a large majority o( loach ere have been concerned it bas been below par. It Is true tbo last session we bad was far the largest in number! j but she instruction of many of our leacnere nae wot been broad nor deep, nor thor ough enough in impart knowledge to others; hence, there should be more class work, so that tbe subject taught, as well ai the manner of leach iag, abould be thoroughly understood. Tbe quell ty should be the aim. The Institute, therefore. to tome extent should be a model sohool, dividrd Into three divisions : No. I reciting Readingand (.rammer, No.'e I and 9 listening : Ho. I recti log Spelling and Arithmetic, and No.'e 1 and I littering ; Ao. I reoillng Mental and History. and Mo.'s 1 aad I listening, Ac. Such a course will enable teachers, In n measure, to prepare for tbe oxerciseo, and thus to realise tbe greatest amount of benefit, A Ciniag, BpccUill. CoLLiCTon'o WanATo. Wo have prepared a form, and bnvc on band a large quantity, ol blanh "Collretor'a Halea," which have been up- proved by tho higheat legal authority in tha Courto of this county. At Twaety C'ele per doaea wo will mall any aumber to tbo Collector ordering them. A Collector, when eomplld U advertieo property, aiuet poat up not leae than three notlceo In Iho mull puhlie pleoca lo hie borough or townibip. tf. Ona llcnnaao Poa Canr. Diioooar oa Otn Pnicaa. Hewing Macule, oaa bow b. pareheoed . Merrall a tie and varlatv etore, from HI up ward!. All hinda ef sawing maeblnea repaired oa tka ehorteet noliee. Clearleld, Pa., July 10, 1071. o.aina Von Sua. R. Newtea Shew keens o full oupply of Fredoaia Bugglcean Platform Hum for To be mm at lb. Shaw Hoaee card. Coll oa ar blm at Glaartald Pean. ' . - .. .. aytvaaia. Vi.,...tll.llll 14-fMtaheved boena, deliv ered at the ear loade ef 8,000, at all hAl.ia m th. Tvrone a VleereolO, r. ., DUiw Eagle Valley, and Peanaylvnnia Railroad., for which I will pay the highest market price. Octlt, 1878 If. ciearSeld, Pa. WA.inn. Delivered nt the Roll Road. 100.000 2t Inch ebeved eblogleo. 100,000 14-lncb nnt eblngle.. 100,000 faciei alee aearaa. MO.OUt 14-feet shaved hoops. a, One railroad Una. 40.100 fMt ef Rood hemlock aearde. For which I will pay lha aigeaai maram pri.., deliver.d at Uleerneid, or aa aay pew tke Tyroao A Clearleld Railroad. Clearfield, Pa, Oot, II, 1171 tf. ' lust lleclved Juat RotxiWeti br ARNOLD, at CURWENSVILLE i Car Load Nova Scotia Tlasler 1 Car Load pur Corn, Ry and OaU Chop I Car Load Draken Snllt Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, So.l aweT-Stainirles. Bark. K. R. Tie and Grain will be taken In exoliange. Curwensville, May 1, 1878. ! Je18 BtlitV tt. The! la tbU tewa there era an of pae.log Mr star, every dey wheee liveo are auda miserable by ladlgeellm,, Dyapepile, Bear aad dietroeeed BHmeeb, Compialat, Ooaetlpa tioa, whaa for 11 cts. we will sell theei Shlloh's Vltallaor, tuoruateed to euro them. Bold h; Hartswlek A Irvia, aad 9. D. W.taoa, Cleart.U, Peaaa; The most popular nnd fragrant Perfume ef the day HACKUKTACK try it- Sold by Harts wick A Irvia, aad 0. D. Watson, Clearfield Pa. Aug. zo S7h-om pa. ire Chaiienrt tht Norf. Wken cm cay we believe, we hnve evidence to prove that Shlloh's Consumption Cure li decidedly the best Lane Medicine made, in as much na it will aura a common or Chronic Cough la one half I the time aad relieve a noma, uronebitls, tt hoop log Cough, Croup, nnd show more cases of Con sumption cured tnan an others, it will cure where they Mil, It Is pleasant to take, harmless to the youngest child and we guarantee wbat we nay. Price, 10 ets, 10 cts. and $1.00. If your Lung are sere, Chest or Back lame use Shlloh's Porous Fleeter. Bold by iiartswiek A Irvin, 0. D. Wat son, Okirfield, Pa. why nn rou Allow a cold In advance in your system and thus encourage more serious maladies, such as pneumonia, hemorrhages aad long trouble when an immediate relief can be res J My attained. Boscheo'a German Syrup has gained tho largest sale in the world for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and the severest Lung Dieeaaea. It is Dr. Beso bee's famous German prescription, aad Is prepared with tbe greatest care, and no fear need be entortained In odminliteriog It tn the young est child, as per directions. The sale of this medlotne l! unprecedented, mnoe Drst introduced thorn bas been n constant Increasing demand, and without a single report oa failure to do Its work In any ease. Ask your druggist as to the truth of tbeae remarks. Large sisc 7 etc. Try It and he convinced. jnly 17, 187 eow-ly. Enjoy hife. What n truly beautiful world we lire in t Na ture gives us grandeur uf mountain!, glens and oceans, aod thousands uf means for enjoyment. Wo can desire ne better when In perfect health ; but bow often do the majority of people feel like giving It up disheartened, discouraged and wor ried out with disease, when there Is ao occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily ob tain satisfactory proof that U reeo 's August Flow re will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the di rect cause of seventy-five per oent of suoh mal adies as Billlousnoss, Nervous Prostration, Dis sineas of the Head, Pal pita tbo of the Heart, and other dletreeaing symptoms. Three doeee ef Au gust Flower will prove Its wonderful effect Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. -Jtly 17-'7lcow-ly. Xervous Hebillty. Vital Weakiiee or Depression i a weak exhausted feeling, no energy or cavraget the re sult of mental over-work, liidiecretlone or exressee, or some drain upon the system is al ways cured by Humphrey's Homvpathie Specific No. 28. It tones np nnd invigorates tbe system, dispels the gloom and despondency, lmpnrts strength atid energy, stops the drain and re juvenates the entire man. Been need twenty years with perfect success by thousands. Bold by dealers. Price. $1 per single vial, or fa per package of five vlala and $2 vial of pewdcr. Bent by mail on receipt oi price. Addreee llumphreya' Homcrpnthlc Medicine Company iu Fulton St., N. Y. C. D. Watson, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. sept 18, 1878-ly. On Sunday, July 2ftth, 1879, by (loo. 0. Kirk, Esq, Mr. Uanassah Johnson, of Greenwood township, and Miss Martha Howies, of Penn townihlp, Clearfield county, Pa. On Sunday , July 20lb, 1 879, by (leo. C. Kirk, Esq., Ur. Frainpton McCraekca and Miss Mary J. Bunsall, all of Penn towosbip, Clearfield county, Pa. In this borough, on Monday, July list, 1879, by James Ksrr, Esq., Mr. Edward Hunter aod Miss Margaret T. Williams, both of Pbilipsburg, Ceutre county, Pa. sua. At Btetsoa. Maine, on Tuesdsy, July 16tb, 1879, Maria, wire or Loreaio D. Eels, aged 40 yean, 1 month aod 12 days. Tbe deceased was a sistsr to Oeorge, Henry John, and Sheriff Andrew Penti, nnd was born and raised to womanhood In Brady township this county, from where shs, with her husband, ten years ago, removed to the State of Maine. She leavea a husband and three children. CLEARFIELD MARKETS, CLRAnniLD, Pa Jnly 29, 1S79. Flour, per cwt W Buckwheat Flour, per cwt 2 80 Corn Heal, per cwt - 1 8 Chop, rye, per cwt ..... t 40 unop, mixed, per ewt. .... Bran, per cwt 1 00 Wheat, per bushel M 60 Rye. per bushel ...,.,.. 60 Oats, per bushel tjorn, ears, per nusnei Buckwheat, par bushel 80 Potatoes, per bnsbe) 80 1 Apples, per bushel -. 40 to ltfu llams, per pound. .....h, . Shoulder, per pound '...... Dried Beef, per pound - Chickens, per pair..H.H...ta..a.. 40 Butter, per pound 1 Bggs, per dosen " : Bait, per sack, Inrge 2 0ft Coal Oil, per gallon .... 1& 1 Lard, per noond .. 10. Dried Apples, per pouod 6 Dried Peaches, per pound 6 Beans, per bushel I 00 i PRODUCE MAEKET BEPORT. PniL.not.wo.JulT to. Flour la dull, but wheat and corn, nndcr the Eogllih advices, nr. advaociog. Cotton la quiet ond arm at lltaytzic lor mta- dlings. Hark notntng aoing. . Flour and Mool The lour trade Is very qolet, bnt without change ne rcgerds values. Boise or 1,000 barrels, Including Minaeeota extra family, old clock and fancy nt $4.10(0,1.76 ; Penniylin nin do. do. nl H tufty .6 ; weetern do. do. at $o.M(oe aad pataal aad other high grade, at ib.miyl. Rja Soar le etcady at to.2tltijll.2i. Ii nominal at flloO f. 0. b. (Iroio Wheat le to higher for foturce. Batee of 1,000 koibele, including rejected nt 11.01(10 10S j new red and amber, at l.l2( i No. I red, elevator at 71.12,. At the open bootd, Ant call, tl. 11 wae bid for Joly, $1.1 U for Augueti $1,111 for 8eplomb.r, nnd $1,111 for October. Rye Nothing doing. Corn Is in fair demand nnd vary firm. Balei of 4,1011 boebcla, including mixed ond yellow nt 10c ; and anil, in elevator, at 41,0. At lha opea board, irat call, 21.000 buebcle 8eptembM eoid nl Okie I dite wae bid for July j 44ieror Auguat 41c for September, and 4lo for October. Oate ere dull; aalee of 4,000 buihola, mixed and wbllo nt 30fd)4OO. Whiekey la Irm. Balea of ill barrele weetero at $1,07,. Chicago, July 2B.Floureteady ood aarkanged. WhMt aneotttod. Opened atrong nnd klgbor, od aloaed at Iniida nricaa. No. 1 Cbicago, aprlng, Uo,1.00J foraaakt Ktc for caak vvic for Auguat Na. 1 do., for cask. 4ro for An gull OJli for B.ptemb.ri oalca, ol 41(a)o for Augueti V2tr,,Wo for September i rejected, 71o. Corn in demand and lower, .icio tor earn , Mi in, Its for Aoroali 4(l(u)4ltc forSeptemoer. Oats heavy, dull, weak and lower SAfe lor oaih 14ae for Aoguit j 211c lor September Hye Sriner, nt 12e Barley eteady nnd unchanged. Railroads. loiui)ylvanllti.Ilrond TY RON K k CLKABFIELD BRANCH ON aad after Monday, MAT II, I87t, tba Paaeaager Tralae will ran daily (except Bua dayc) between Tyronn nnd Clearleld, as follows . CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. 0. Pldmbob, Coadactor. LEAVE BOTJTH. LEAVE NORTH. Corwonevllle,..l.ll, a. a. Tjroaa, l.oo.A.a. Cloarteld, 1.40, " Vanseoyoe,.,,. 1.21," Sommlt 9 10, " Peweltoa,.... 10,00, Oseeola,, ' Boatoa 18.17, " Slelncr' 10 71, Pblllpaburg,. 18.28," Oraaam 10.18, Blue Ball 10.17, " Wallacetoa, 44, " ligler 10.12, Woedload,.....! it, Balett,.....ll.t7, Leooerd 11.12," Clears old 11.19," Oerw.ervill.,.11 4SA.B Leonurd,... sty, " Barrett, 1.14, Woodland,-.-..!!, " Biglcr,. 4 on, Wallaoeton,...4.l7, - Bin. Ball, 4 24, " Graham, 4.11, Pblllpebarg, ...4.11, " BUiner' 1.99, " Boynton 4.40, " Oeeaela, ...4.12, " Peweltoa, t.Oi, " irnll, t.ll, " Vaaacoyee,. 1.81, " Tyraae, t.M, " CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. 4h , Oondeceor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Tyroa T.ll r. a. Veaseeyee,....l.4l " 8emmlt,.....t.0i " PowelUa, " Oeceel.,. Ill " Boyatoa, ...... 1.14 m'a,.. t.ll Pbllipebarg...l.4l Graham 147 Blue Ball, " Willeeetea,..!.!! " Bigler t.ll " Woodl..d,...t If " .rmt,.......l 11 " Leeaerd,.....t.M " Clearleld Ill " Carweosvllle " Ourweasvlllo. Clearald 1.91 a. a, 1.47 " t.ll " t.17 " Leoaard, ...... Rsrrett Woedleed 1.01 " St Blgl. Wellaeelea,-. t.ll Blae Ball I ll Cjraham t.2l Phillpabarg.. t it StetBer's....... t.ll Boynton,..M.. t.27 Osceola, 1.42 .Ilea, I ll Summit, 7.01 VaaKoyee,M T.ll Tyroao - t tl PHILIPSBUROA M061IANNOII BRANCHES tBAva oeora. r. a. a. a. a. a, i.bavb aeara. a. a, p. a. r. t 11:41 OTAvtone. Morrlidele, I 11 1 II 124 1:11 2 44 147 TOO Phlllpibarg, 7:01 Suiner'o t:H Boynton, 1111 Ill 11:11 4 It 11:14 4:11 lilt II It 11:41 Ml Ml Ml 1:41 1:11 1104 4:11 III 11:11 1:17 Moahonnea, Slerllag, llealidele, MeCeaHiy, Kcodrick'a, Rsmoy. 1 11 ll:i 1:10 111 11:41 1:41 III 10 41 117 11:11 111 1:40 11:11 1:40 107 1:11 11:1 Ml III 11:11 1:91 11:01 lot I'll 11:11 HI Jinilroadsi. BALD IAOLI VALLSY BRANCH. Kl. Mall. Mall, p. a. a. a. r. a. f .08 $.30 leave Tyrono arrive 8.1$ Ixp. A. M. 1. 11 7.41 t.Oi 43 (.33 t.23 00 t.ll t.ll 1.17 Bold Eagle 1.01 1.30 Julian 1.10 t.24 Mileiburg 4.41 1.31 10.03 nellefonta 4.31 $.41 4.11 nt 10.40 Howard 4.01 9 42 11.18 arrlre L. Havea leaval.31 TYRONE STATION. naoTwAHn. A.a.F wnorwAnb. a. a t:OoPittaburgh Bxp'lt, 1.11 Johaatowa Express till j Pacific Express, tilt r.a.l Day Bipraaa 1S:10 r.H. Mall Train, I 3 W ,, Paaaengar 1 11 Atlantic Kxpreaa, Ml Ma Train, ' t:34 Pbile. Kxpreae, 0:ltait Lino, TjOI Close oonnMtloao mad. by all tralna at Tyroa. aad IiooK xtavaa g. I. BLAIR, mylf-tf. Superiol.nd.nt, Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. aTVN and after Monday. Dee. Iftth, I ITT, J the passenger trains will run dally (except Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, as follows I ' EASTWARD.-Day Mall leaves Pittsburg 1:20 a. Red Bank ll:t0 Bligo Junction fZ:0B, New Bethlehem 1:07 p. m. Mnysville 1:70 Trov 1:30 i Brookvillo 2:09 i Fuller's 2:36 i Key. noldsville 2:42 t Dullols 1:3.1 1 Summit Tunnel 1:4ft i Penfield 4:05 t Weedville 4:17 Bencactte 4: sit arrives at Driftwood at fr:66. vV EHTW A H D.Day Mail teavos Driftwood 12:U p. tn.; Benesette 1:0V ; Weedville 1:4ft, Penfield 1:4A) Summit Tonnol 2:07 ) DuBoIs 2:30; Rcynoldsvllle2:b2 Fuller's l:ft7: Brookvillo 3:33; Troy B:40i Maysvills 4:1ft: fiewifetblehem4:2y Bligo Junction 6:14 j Red Bank 4:27; arrive! at Pittsburg at 1:10 p. m. The Reynoldsvlllc Accommodation leavea Reynoldsville dally at 7:60 a.m.) and arrives at Red Bank at 11:00 a. u., Pittsburgh at 1:M p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 8:30 p. m f Red Bank at :65 p. m.) arriving at Reynoldsville nt 9:04 p. m. Close connections made with trains on P. A I Railroad nt Drift rood, nnd with trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Hod IJank. DAVID McCAROO, Gen'l Sup't A. A. Jackboh, Sup't L. U. Dlv. STAGS LINR. cLiotnriiLD to 1-Xrtrini.n. Thonndersigned would inform the public that ha is now running a stage line between Clearfield aad Penfield, three times a week. The stage leaves Clearfield on Mondays,Wednes days and Fridays, at 6 o'clock a. m., arriving at Penfield at 12 o'clock m. Returning same daya. Leaves Penfield at 4 o'elook p. ai.. arrir. lng at Clearfield at 8 o'clock p. m. Connection is made with trains on tbe Low Grade R. R. at Penfield. Fare, each way, $1.40. UEO. W. UEAKUAHT. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 13, 1878 BTAOI LINES. A stage leaves Curwensville daily for Reynolds ville, at 1 o'clock, p.m.,arrivingat Reynoldsville at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leaves Reynolds ville dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m , arriving at Cur wensville at 12 o'clock, m. Fare, each way, $2. A stage leavei Curwensville dally, at 1 o'oloek p. m., for DuBots City, arriving at DuBois City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leaves DuBoIs at T o'clock, a. m daily, arriving at Curwensville at II o'elook, m. rare, each way, AUDITOR'S NOTICE Estate of Rich ard Shaw, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, to dispose of the exorpiions to the account of tbe Eiacutors of Richard Shaw, will attend to tbe duties of his ap pointment at bii offioo io Clearfield, on WEDNES DAY, the 20TU day or AUOl'ST, A. D. 1679, at 9o'o'ook A.M., at which time and place all partial interested arc notified to appear with their wit nesses and cvidenoe reinecting the matter In diipatc. J. B. Mi KN ALLY, Auditor. Clearfeld, July 30th, 879. A1 UDITOR H NOTICE In the Estate of Bamuel Powel, dee'd. In the Court of Common Plena of Clearfield county, Penn'a. Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court, to audit, settle and adjust tbe accounts of A. C. Tate, Administrator of the estate of Bamuel Powell, deceased, nnd to report distribution ef of the balance in the hands of the said Adminis trator, hereby gives notice that be will attend to tbe duties of his appointment at bis office, in the borough of Clearfield, Pa, on FRIDAY, the FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1879, at 1 o'clock A. H., when and where all parties Inter ested may attend. FRANK 0. HA KRIS, Clearfield. Pa., July 10, 1879. Auditor. AIM I N IMTK ATOK'9 NOTICE. Notice i. hereby given that Letter, of Ad mlniatratine oa the eitela of MARY SMILEY RARR, Int. of borough, Clearleld Co., Pa deceased, having neon duly granted to tho nnderaigncd, nil peraona indebud to aaid aetata will pleeee make immedielo payment, nnd thoeo haviog elalme or demande ngainat the same will preaent them properly onthentteateil for eettla without d.lny. WM. A. BARK, Adminlatrntor. Clearleld, Pa., July t, 1179 t. ADMIMHTRATOnS- NOTICE. Netloo le hereby giveo that Lctlcre of Ad miniitration on theeilnleof FHBDKR1CK FRAI LEY, Into of Cheat townahip, Clearleld county, Pa., deeeaaod, having been duly grunted to tbe nnderaigncd, nil persona indebted t. eaid aetata will ploaie make immediate payment, and tkoae heving claime or demande agaimt the leuie wl II preaent Ibem properly authenticated for eettle meat without delay. JONATHAN P. FRY, JOHN FRAILEY, Adtnialelratori. W clover, Pa., Joly , 187f tt,a ADMINIHTRATORa- NOTICE-Nallo. la kerebv alven that Latum of Adminiatra- tioa CumTiitamtmtoAitmtrooB the colate of JOHN REITER, late of Covington townahip, Clearleld eountv, Penn a., deeeeeed, having Men duly graatwl le the undersigned, nil praone Indebud to raid eitnte will picuee maxa immeuinie pay ment, nndthoee having eleimi or demande will present them properly autbentleated for eottlement without delay. J. W. POTTER, (JllKtBllAfl DAUWfl, Adtninlitrators C. T. A. Knrtbsus, Pa., Jane Ii, 1870.81.0 ClAUTlOJi. All paraooe ore hereby caution J ed acainet harbnrin.: or airing nny credit or nrelstanee to one Mary A. Dolea, a panper ef Lawrence lownehln, except on her own responsi bility, no tbe oatLoritiec of eaid dietriet bar e made proper arrangement lor aer euppon ana melotenanoo, nnd will pay no debta created by her or lor her aaa, aa aba left b.r piece or board ing end the dialrict without their permierton, nnd egainet their ornera. MATTHEW RKAB, TAYLOR ROWI.Kr), Poor Ovcraecr. of Lenience twp. Clear H.ldl'a, July 10, 1070-11. CIAUTION. All peraona are hereby warned ncolnit nurohaiinc or in any way meddling with tha following pereonnl property, now in tbe nossaeiion of Deniol Longen, of tllrard townibip, vis i One bay mare, 1 ono-borae wagon, 1 plow, 2 barrows, 1 cultivston, 2 eradles, one wind mill, f scree of wheat, t acres of hey. I sores of oaU, 3, ocree of oorn, t aors of buokwheat, 1 of an aero of potatoes, 1 cows, 2 haifere, 1 auer. 4 huge, earnenter's toela, end all tho houae furniture, The foregoing property wu purehaeed by ms at nrivnu ists an tbe 1210 day et only, ana ta ai lowed to remain in tha poeaeiaion of aaid Daoie Longin on loan nnly, aubjeot to my order et any time. l.r.t l L.Ainir. Leeontie's M Ilia, July 18, 1870-ll.e Full Tour Mtumps! FOR SALE BY Till Co-Operative Agency, CLKARK1ELD, TKNN'A. Jaly loth, 1871 If. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Mail Dealer in Groceries, THE LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE COUNTV. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, QUEENSWARR, TUBS nnd BUCKETS, DRIKD FRUITS, CANNED (JOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. SYRUP. MEATS, FISH, SALT, 0IL6, County Agent for LORILMRD'M TOBACCOS, Theee goads bought for CASH la large lets, aad sold at almost oily arioei. JAMES R. LTTLI, Clssrlsld, Pa, Jaaa It, 1878-ly, a. PROPERTY FOR HE NT. Mra, John B. Rafferty, of poem towaahip, offers for rent a dwelling bouse and store room, situate In the village ef Ponnvillc For further Information apply to, or address, Mrs. J. B. RAFFRRTT. not 2S,'78-tf. Urampianilllls. XJ OtTKE FOH RBNTA two-story brick XX house on Pine street, east of the Presby terian Church. Three rooms up and three down stairs. A good stable, Ice house, aad garden at tached. For further particulars, apply to J. B. URAHAM, April 30, 1879-tf. Clearfield, Pa. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of sundry writs of Ittari facta Is sued outef the Court of Common Pleaaof Clear field county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House In tne borough of ticaraoid, on Friday, Auguat 15th, 1870, At 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wu : All that certain tract or piece of land situate in Chest townibip, Clearfield county, Penn'a., oounuea ana aeeonueu as follows, vis: Uegm niog at a hickory on the bank of Chest creek thence down said creek by the several courses and distaneee of the same, as follows j Bouth 4WJ degrees west AO perches; thence south 61 uegrtos west is -iv perenoi : thence north lev. enty degrees west 19 6-lf perches ; thenoe north degrees west B I II perches t thenoe north 34 i degrees west 1ft perches i thence north dc grses west 11 perches j thenoe north 22) degrees weal II perches; north 74) degreee west 9 7-HI percoes, eouu 03 degrees west 10 pero&es j Uenee north 271 degrees west 14 perches ; thenoe north 30 degreee oast 10 perches; thenoe north 00 degrees eaat o percnei; ueuoo south no degrees east 34 perches; thenoe north 69 degrees east 6 8-10 perches; thenoe north 23J degrees west 42 1-10 perches ; thenoe north 2i degrees west 16 porches; thenoe north II) degreee east IS perches; thenoe north 47fj degrees west 10 perches j thenoe north 87 degrees west 18 perches; thenoe north 81) degrees west 16 4-10 perches; thenoe north 64) degrees Test 16 perches; north 9) degrees east 22 6-10 perches thence north 4 degrees east 20 perches; thenoe north 14 degrees east 9 6-10 perches to a post; thence 81 degrees sett 142 perches to a white oak j thenoe south 40 degrees west 41 perojiea to a hickory and place of begin ning, containing 75 acres and 112 perches, and being part of a larger tract of land surveyed on n warrant granted to Thomas Gist, and the anmo premises which Armstrong Curry and wife, by deed dated tha JOlb day ef January, 1A. D. laid, sold end eonveyod the same to T. F. Donbar. The shove land has abont fifty cores cleared and under cultivation, and having thereon erectod a hewed log bouse, a large bank barn, and othar ontbuildings. Belsed, taken in execution and to be sold aa tbe property of T. I. Dunbar. Also, a certain lot or piece of land situate In n niton township, Clearfield county, Penn'a., bounded and described as follows I Beginning nt the northwest corner of lot deeded by David Horning and wife to John Vanbraben ; thenoe by tbe western line thereof, sou lb nineteen and three fourth degrees east thirty-four and nine-tenth perches to oentre of highway ; thenoe sooth thir. ty-three and three-fourth degress west 5j porches (95 feet) i thence north 38) deg. west 32 6-10 per., thence north 44 i degreee cast 16 4-10 perches to the place ef beginning, containing 2) acres, being the same premises conveyed to laid Sarah Horn ing from said David Horning aod wife, by deed dated 22d October, 1873, aod having thereon erected a dwelling house, two-star tes high, well finished, n large shop, or store honse, n stable, and ether outbuildings. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Sarah Horning and Amos Horning, her husband. Tan us or Bali. The price or sum at which tho property shall he struck off most be paid at tbe time of sale, or suoh ether arrangements made aa will be approved, otherwise the property will be Immediately put up nnd sold again at the expense and risk of the person to whom It was struck off, and who. in ease of deficiency at such ro-sale, shall make good the same, and In no fnstanoe will the Deed be presented In Court ror conn rotation nmess tbe money is actually pain to ine onerin. Anumavt rur-fTi. jr., SHRRirr's Orricn, i.l Sharif. Clearfield, Pa., July 33, 1879, SherilTs Sale. T virtue ef write of Fi. fa., lined out of the Court of Comraoa Pleas of Clear- Acid eoonty, nnd tn mo directed, there will be expoasd te PUBLIC BALE, at the Court Uooss, la ths borough of Clearleld, oa Friday, Auepiat 8th, 170, At 1 o'clock, P. M., tke following dcecrlbcd real eatate, to wit : All tke! certain lot of ground eltasU la the vlllsgs of Psnflsld, HusUn townibip, Clearfield oounty, Penn'a., beginning en the Southern boundary of the public road, twenty feet laeterly irom tbe raorlbeaeura corner of tbe let cold by Praok K. Hewitt to J. C. Kline ; thenoe North 11 degree. East 80 feet to a poat ; thence South 88 aegreee Beet iv loot to n poet ; mouse goata 11 degrcea Weal 80 feet to a poet thenoe North 194 reel to Ibe place el aeginnina, containing nbout one fourth uf aa acre, being the enmo lot deeded by r. K. Hewitt nnd wife to O. H. Coryell, ond haviog thereon erected a frame dwelling honrc. M.0I., Mid viber outbatiotnga. Holacd, tnhen In execution nnd to bo sold aa the property of Wm. McKay. Alao, tbe InUrect of W B. Hertahorn. eoe ef the defeedanU, being na uadlvided, half laUrcet in a eertaia tract ar piece of land aitaated ia Bloom towaahip, Clearleld eoonty, Penn'a.. eoa- Uinlng 14 aeree with one-half thereof cleared and baring meted tbercoa a email hoaee end barn, being Ibe aamo pramiaee purchased by John Pat- ton of Jneob Bilgcr.and hp him oeoveyed to Arnold Hartshorn, seised, taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of W, R. Bartshora. Also, a ecrtslo lot or pleee of aroond in the village of DuBois. Bendy lownshin. Clearleld oounty, Pcaa'a., bounded as follows: Beginning at a post at the comer of Jelfcrson street nnd Orsnge alley; thence in line of Juffsrson strset 10 feet to rents Hun t tbenoe In line of snid rents Run Itv feet to a Post at land of James Fsy ; thence in line of lead of Jamee Fey ISO feet to a past at Orange alley t thence la Una of said Orange alley 120 feet, and having thereon erected a two-elory frame house, 18x24 feet, wllb hitchen nttsohed, And n frame stable, b.tah.r heuM and othar out buildings. HeiBed, taken la exeoutioa and to be sold as ths property of Mioheel Hanlin. Also, nil the following desoribed real eolaU of the defendant, aitnat. in Karthaua townahip, clearBeld Co. Pa., bounded oa tbo eeat by land of Joba KeiUr, deoeaOMl, eoatb by land of Herthana beira, weet by lend of A. Rankin, north by land of John Hotter, deceased, containing 72 neree, mere or lose, with about 41 ecrce cleared, end having thereon erecud a twe-etory frame hoeie and log bora, nnd olh.r ent-buildingi. Beiaed. tnken ia exeeutioa and to be Bold aa tbo property of Ma mies aloes. Tanas or Sals, The price or mm at which ths propsrty shall bs struck ef must ke paid at tbe time of Bale, or snob other arrangomonU made as will be approved, otherwise tbe proper ty will be Immedieuly pat Bp aad sold agaia at the cxpenee nnd risk of tke person to whom It was struck on, nnd who, in ease or deficiency nt Bush re.sele, shall make good tbe same, aod la ne insunoe will tbe Oeed be presented In Court lor eonnrmation unless ins money IS nolnalty ,sld to the Sheriff. ANDREW PENTZ.,Jr. ennmrr'e ornca, l Hherts. Clearleld, Pa.. July 18, 1879.1 Sheriff's Sale. T)Y lrln of sundry writs of fit. Sr., Issued J) out of tbt Court of Common I'lsas of Clear field Co., and tomedirMtffd, tbers will bostposed to pud ho .la, at tbs Court lloasa, la tba borong a of Clearfield, on Friday, August Bill, IM.U, At 1 o'elaek, F. II , ths following dofcrtbsd real tststa, to will All tbat certain tract of land ill a a to la Knot township, Clearfield eonnty, Penn'a, bounded and described as follows : Bast by pnblis road, south by lands of Jamas Cathoart, west by lands of John R. Dunlap, containing on and a half acres of land, mors or lass, and having thoropa ererttd ft Churah, hnowa as the Mount Zion M. E. Church, being 40 by 60 feet la sts, painted and well AnUhcd. Belied, taken la eieeution and tn be sold as tha property of the Mouat Zloa M. K. Chunk. Also, ths following real estate aad gara aotloo of Inquisition, bounded and desoribed as follows i Hustle la Hoggs towaihip, Clearfield oounty, Pt-an'a.. bounded oa the west by lands of Wilsoa Graft, on the aeit by lands ef EsossjBrMr, on, the west by Tnos. f arks ana ueo. j urner, and sontn by load of Uoorge Uallabor, aoatalning lei sores with sua) alio wane , and having SO aerea oleared and under en It i ratten, aad thereon areoted a two story frame bouse and large log bara, and other neeratary out buildings, boisej, taken tn eieeej tton and to ba sold as lha property of Thomas ricklot. Also, aeortaln traoi ef lend situate la Chest township, Clearfield eonnty, Peaa'a., 'bounded aad described as follows l Hast by land of Austin Curry, south by land of Julia Irvia s estate, west b lead of John Ktteben, ooataiatog ao aorw, mere or less, with about li aeres oleared, aad thereon oreeUd aa old frame ruble. 8s I taken la eieeailo aad to bo sold as tbe property or Bamuel M. ft tunc nyai v. ftitenea. Also, aoertala lot of lead situate la Osoeola Boroatth, Clearfield ooaaty, Pona'a bounded and deeoribtMl ae follows, tIsi Oa tbe eaat by Stone street H feat, oa the south by Curt in street M feet , and running bank 21 foot by tvae huadred foot ta aa alley, beiog part ef lot No. lei la tbe general plaa af said Uoreugn, and bavlagereoiet thsreoa a two-sterv noise, need as a sum -room and d we'll of bouse, and other oat-bulldlngs. Seised, Uhen ia eieeution aad u oe soia as we property ef R. O. Way. Also, a eertaia traoi ef land si teste la township, Clearfield eonnty, Pean'a. Bounded oa tho oast by lead of John Irrla A Bre'e,, south by lead al Writrht Uoeso. west br land of Atmstraai Carry aad Aero a PoUkea, and wast by land of same, ooauimagoaohaodrod aeres, more et was, Also, one other certain lot of ground sllasto In New Wevhinatoa Borootk. bounded en tbo oouth be land ef O. Nef. deoeaaesl, oast by land of Fred, timmormaa. aad west by publta road, eon Uinlng abont one aero, aad having therein erod ed a small iramt dwelling stove aaa etner eui build logs. A1x, o oerUka lot lo tbe Borough of New Washington, bouaded twutb by lot of ft. urouoy, oast b Load of II. Nef, Sr., west by nubile Md, aad north b an alley. eoaUlalag abont owe aero aad a half. Oeised. Ukea In eteeuttoa aad to sold as the property of f rank Naff. Tanas a Bali.-The nrVoe or sum at wblob tbo property shall be struck off mast ka paid at tbo time of sale, or toeb other arrongoeaonU made as will bo approved, etktrwue tM property wm bo ImaMdioUiy put up and oom acaia at toe ei- poneo tad risk of tbe poroon W whom It was struok off, aad who, la oaee of defieiosMy at oneb re sale, si all make good the aamo, and la no liituM will tbo Dood bo n rosea ted la Court ft eestlrmatloa untoes tbe moaey Is artually atwd to tbe Sheriff. ANDHMW In r, Jr, Bnaatrv'i Ornca, I Iktrif. Clotrlola, Pa4 July It, 1ITI. IWisr.IIaufom. PIA1TOS and OKC ANSI Tho Largest and Cheapest House in Pennsylvania. Having lately accepted the General Agency for Central Penn sylvania (in addition to our old territory), with headquarters and largo store room at 1404 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Penn'a., in charge of Mr. George W. Good, and being desirous of extending our already immense sales of the most celebrated Pianos and Or gans, we have appointed ('apt. 1. A. (olnullii, of Clear field, our Agent, who will have on hand our Instruments in the P.O. Building', where we invite all who are desirous of purchasing a first-class PIANO or ORGAN are requested to call. We sell no goods that we cannot fully warrant, aud being the largest dealers in the State, our prices are the lowest. Our house was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue. ' IST1UMETS SOLD 0Y SMALL MOMIILY PAYMEMS. Satisfaction guaranteed price lists. PIANOS. HAINES BROTHERS, WEBER, Send NEWTON & CO. GEORGE W. GOOD, 1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALTOONA, PA. MELLOR & 79 Fifth Avenue, May 21, 3m. Look to your Interests IN BUYING YOUR S DF JEX. XXV Gr HaviniT in at ruturncd from tho East, whore we have been making our Rnrino nurplinRfta. wa take thia ornortunitv of thankinrf our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and bta to aiture them we will do all wo can to make it their interest to continue lite same. Our store is literally crammed with goods just from tbo manufacturers, by all odds the largest and best solected etock ever brought to tbis county at ny ona time by one firm. Over fifty CARPETS, ranging in price from 20 cents to II per yard. We will sell Carpels at cheap aa the same quality can be bought in Philadelphia or New York. Ladies' Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces and Fringes, In the latest stylos. Sheetings, Shirtings and Cassimeres, together with BOYS' WEAR in all grados of goods. Our LADIES' AND ClIILDRENS' STOCKINGS are just the prettiest TRIMMED HATS, always on handtrimmcd up by Miss Ma tlie Rohn, of l'hiladelpbia, who will give ladiet wishing Hate trimmed to order, her best endeavors to please. Call and see us before buying eliowhere. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building; h i " " Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Hi T.jg- 5. 1 1 I -44TTgw ill I 4aiS2v OF-Scnd for ninstratcd Circular and IMcee. Libcrnl Term, to tho Trade.-; Don't buy until you have leen the lightest running machine In the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, MIDUI-KTOWN. CONM, "ae. ! and SOI vTabwak Arawaa. CUICAUu. IU. GUINZBURG'S ONE PRICE CrJtOX"3E3CX3Vi STORE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: Vf five a hearty and cordial invitation to come and examine our new Spring slock ct Gents' & Boys' Clothing. Wa bava aolocted for tht Spring carefully made and atylisb gooos It is pesstoie to procure, ana nave narked every larraont at tbe lowest possible pricos. We know that our goods are of tbe highest char- . ' anler, and we believe inspection and comparison will prove tbat the nrices are much lowor than tbey bave been heretofore. Take particular notice, our Spring L. GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, April I, 1119. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Carweacvin., Fa. Jaa. t, II -If. JAME8 H. TURNER, Jt'STIOB OF THE PEACE, Wallacetea, Pa. ar-He kea preyaid klmeelf wilk all tke aeeeeaary bleak ferme nndcr Ike Peaeloa and Beaaly laws, aa weal aa break Deede, eve. All legal a at ton setrasvsd to kis Mr. will receive prompt alteatioB. May tlk, IITI-tf. New Marble Yard. TOMMTONEtllONUMENTS, . rtl fur Vtmrtti g tU. A MEW MARBLE TAED-Oail at 1. FLA- ARTI'B Mar 01. Works. Ckotee ererh oad Ue arleeo. IHreetly eaweeit. ta. Letaeraa Cbarsh, Third street. Vicaraoie, ra marea ar, i.i.-u SWlsrrUanfODS. for illustrated catalogues and ORGANS. PALACE, STERLING, MASON & HAMLIN. HENRICKS, Pittsburg, Penn'a. G-OCj different patterns and varieties ol and best you ever saw. A lull line of SIMPLICITY! QUPERIORITT Wl I implifiedI O maintaineU; Itr.proyements September, 1878' Hsvlna rerarel ror tne remaau m ' nrofrMaive w. now off.r to th. woaat tbo WITU naTXBAb Important Improvement. KolwitbitAndicg lha VICTOR baa long beesi the peer of any machine in llio market a fact gnriportcd ky a boat of Toluntrwilooaaea a now conGilontly claim for it (reetor oimplicitr, a ironilcrfiil rciinctioa of VICTOR lssB!s Wtiou, ami altogctlier a iWe Com I ,?L . . n...--.i.u n...r;r:.. Var il. by Uercbaitta and othere. aeason a magnificent stock of tba most slock is all new. Tleato give na a call. - - Clearfield. Pa. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWKD. Carweaeellls, Jea. I, Tl-tl Great Western Hotel, Dee. till, III! aad lilt Morkot Street, (Direct', aawaafc tfeeemaaWs Qrmi Peaew.) Trua.m, tfl.OO jpear Amy. Tkls Metel te Bear tbe Bow FokUo BaUdlafO. aew Meeeala T.mple. U. B. Mist, aad Aeademj ef Fiae Arte. T. W. TRAUCK, Pre,'r. Orss all ntonr I jyl.'Tt-l