Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 23, 1879, Image 2

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    Slit Htpulilitan.
GtoEOi B. Goodlandrb, Editor.
Rsadsr, If 701 wnt to know what Is golnf on
la thi builnsii world, Jutt read our advsrtlslnf
aolomna, tbo Spteial column lo particular.
No dub worthy tbo offieo of President Bbould
bo wllllns; to hold ll If counted In, or placed tbero
by nj fraud. U. 8. Our.
X eould never have been reoonollod to tbo ele
vation bv tho smallest aid of mlno of a porton,
kowaver respectable lo private llfo, who nut
forever carry upon nis orow too Biawp 01 iraou
lrt triumphant la American hlltory. No sub
sequent action, howortr meritorious, oau waah
away too loiters 01 h rscoru.
Cs.BLBl Fsaactl Anns.
T wonld rather bave tbo oadoraomont of aqaar-
tor of a bIIHob of tho Amerioaa people tbaa tbat
of tbo Louieiana Heturoloa: Board, or of tbo Com
mission wblob sjoluded. tho faoti and dooldad
tho nooatlon oa a technicality.
Taoo. A. Hannnicaa.
tlodar tbo form! of law, Rutherford B. lioyee
haa boon declared Preaideot of tbo United mates.
-H la' title roata apoa diafranohlaement of lawful
voters, the falaa oertiHoateB of tho returning obV
oora uotiof eorruptly, and tho daelaion of a aom
mlaaloa wbioh haa refused to boar arldanoo of al
leired fraud. For tho Irat tiaio an tbo American
nunnla enn hooted with tho faot of a fraudulently-
olaotod Proaldent. Lot it not bo nndaratood tbat
tbo fraud will bo silently aequlesood la by the
eountry. Lot 00 hour paaa la wnion tne usurps
tlott if forgotten.
Addbbsi or Dbbocbatio M. O.'s.
. One hundred tun of human depravity aoou-
mulcted and eonoontratod into.a olinaai of orime.
Never again in fire hundred yeare aball they hare
an opportunity to repeat tne wrong.
DaaiBL W. Vooaaaal.
Mr. Hayed nevor smokes bat ho will
cling to his jug of crab-apple cider.
"Probable future Victory." Laneatlir Jnltllt
ffcaetr. That i not a good aond-off for I
T. C. Hipplo, Esq., of Lock Haven,
was tho Senatorial dolegato who rep
resented us in tho late State Conven
tion. It was Abram Humphrey that was
our Representative delegate at the
Democratic Stato Convention, and not
Adam as all the papers had It.
Lack of Enterprise. We wonder
why some cnthuainslio Democrats did
not preparo "Barr's Record" for the
late Convention. We suppose thoy
lacked the snap. ,
Tui Tree Ring. The platform
adopted at Harrisburg, on the 16th
innt., Is an epitome of sound Domocra-
. oy and trood Enclish. How different
from the Altoona Greenback "rig
marole ?"
Read It. A communication from
John Howard, Jr., appears on our out
side, it is a little out oi uato, out mat
is our fault and not that of the writer.
The facts ho states are truo and worth
treasuring for futuro use by tho reader.
-" (Homi. Senator Wallace retnmed
home lrom his NorthwoBtern tour, on
Saturday evening, considerably recu
perated, and will in a short time call
' his Committee' togelhor for tho pur.
pose of interviewing the oloction Mar-
In Town Ex-Senator Dill, of Lew
tsburg, spent several days with us this
week whilo on a visit to his brother,
Rov. W; n. Dill. The ex-Senator Bays
Barr cannot be defeated if Philadel-
phia Democrats bohave themselves.
This is certainly a modest request.
The Platform Makers. It is an
nouncod, as by authority, that Mr.
onsel, of tho Lancaster Intelligencer,
and Cbanncy Black, Esq., were tit pro
jectors ol the' Democratio platform,
All right I "Lew" Cassidy was only
nsed as a figure head, we presume He
don't know much, anyhow.
Mr. George M. Brisbin, ot Osceola
Mills, was selected at tho State Con
vention last week as the member of
tho Stato Committee torthis (XXXI V.)
Senatorial district, composed of Centre,
Clearfiold and Clinton counties. Mr,
Brisbin will make an active and accept
able member of the Committee.
Attention Candidates. Our Pri
mary Election comes off on Saturday,
September the 13tb, and wo will begin
to announce candidates for office in
our issue of the 13th of August, thus
giving notice In five issues instead of
three, aa the rule requires. Those,
therefore, who want to appear in tbat
issue of the Republican, must lot us
know by tho Monday previous.
Read! Read! I Do not forgot to
road the spoech of Senator Voorhecs,
on the "Confederate Brigadiers," in
last woek's Republican, and thon won
dor why tbo Radical stalwart like
Cor.kling, Blaine; Chandler & Co. bo
came bo frightened whon one of these
Confederates turn up In the Senate or
House through tho popular suffrages
of the people, and not appointed by
Federal authority against the people
of thoir section.
locuM Bfbaks. Our member of
Congress allowed a session of Fedoral
Legislation to pass around without
opening his mouth. But it seems that
ho embraced the opportunity to doliv-
er himself at Altoona, the other day,
at the Greenback gathering. The
Bollelonte Watchman says :
"CoagToaiaiaa Toeuei, of Ibla plan, wat proa
oat at tho OoaroaUoa aad made a peers la whlek
ho oeadeanad hoik the Kepatllema aad Deao
Tlla pen tea of the eommea foe f aaliaoal we I
fere, and ooaloawed that If tho aatloaal party doee
ol lo tho fnal aod raaeoe too ooaalry (re
the aeSeriaga la wblob tho old partiee hare en
teral tea" It, eoiae other now party will, being aab
Jeelod t tho laluoaoa of aad eoa I rolled by gold."
.What ft speech I and what a revels
tor our Radical M. C. turns out to be 1 1
.WhosTef beard the like! I!
Daniel O. Burr, the Demoeratic nom
ineo for State Treasurer of Pennsyl
vania, wan bora in IiluirriviUo, Indiana
counly, iu 1 540, and is therefore
nearly 40 years old, just in the prime of
life, lie received his education at tho
common school of that place, His first
employment was in the store of Wm.
Maher, of that town. Mr. Philip Col
lion, of the Arm of P. & T. Collins, tho
railway contractors, gave him a posi
tion under them in the construction ol
the Indiana branch of tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad, and on the completion of
that work he learned telegraphing at
the Blairsville Intersection of the Indi
ana branch, and was stationed in charge
of the office at South Fork, on the
mountain division of the main line of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, in one
month aflor he had commenced tolearn.
Ho soon came under the observation
of Colonol Thomas A. Soott, who was
then tho Superintendent of the West
ern Division of that road, who sent
him to bis office in Pittsburgh as one of
the principal operators there. Upon
Mr. Scott's romoval from Pittsburgh
to Altoona as General Superintendent
of tho road, Mr. Barr accepted an ap
pointmont in the old Pittsburgh Trust
Company, now the First National
Bank of Pittsburgh, one of tho largest
and most admirably managed banking
institutions in tho Stato, which place
ho eutorod on tho 16th day of June,
1858, just twonty-one years ago, whero
he has remained ever sinco.
In 1869 ho was nominated by the
Democrats in the Legislature as tho
candidate for Stato Treasurer, as a
compliment to him for tho active part
he bad taken in tbat and previous cam
paigns, and again in 1870, while the
Stato Treasuror was still elected by tho
Legislature, ho was the regular caucus
nominee of the Democrats in tho Leg.
islatnre lor State Treasurer, but the
party was in tho minority both years
and Republican Treasurers were elec
ted. Two years ago his name was
presented to the Democratic State Con
vention for the nomination of State
Treasurer, and ior five ballots, in which
he sometimes led bis competitor, Col
Noyes, he contended lor the nomina
tion even when the position ot the con
tost was against him by the nomina
tion of Judge Trunkey from the West
We have no hesitation in saying to
every Democrat in Clearfield county.
that thoy are in duty bound as such to
vote for Daniel 0. Barr, because he
fills the old Joffersonian bill. He
honest and competent
Bi.EtDiNii Kansas. The residents
ot this nnlortunate territory has been
flooding the country ever since 1854 pnirauturupro vtiunuer. lntn me
godly document was labeled "Tho
.Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society,'
for which that celebrated divine, Hon
ry Ward Beecher, took up collections
in Sunday school for the purpose of
purchasing Sharpe's rides and putting
thorn into the bands oi godly persons,
who were willing to "go West" and
shoot "border ruffians" in order to
make Kansas ft free State. It still
bleeds! But those Puritans are as
full of philanthropy as any ordinary
dog is of fleas, and if one scheme or
imposition wears out, they immedi
ately cast about for another. Instead
of having the white man border ruf
fianson hands now, they have "the
gentleman from Africa," whom they
invited to their doors to help eat up
the fat of tho land. But once more
their philanthrophy has yielded too
large a percentage, remarkable as it
may so,om. They havo decoyed too
many lazy negroes from the Southern
States, and now they have conceived
the idea of blackmailing the innocent
people in the Eastern States, and have
orgamxeq "The Kansas Froedman'
Relief Association." Happy" thonght
That title alone will cause thousands
of cash to drop into their Treasury,
there is not ft oolony of negroos within
five hundred miles.
The Standard Liar. As we sup
posed at the time it made its appear
ance in the Philadelphia Frtss, the
statement that Judge Warren J. Wood
ward, of the Supreme Court, had pri
vately censured the action of the Dcra
ocratio members of Congress, and de
clared tbat he could ho longer actwith
the Democratic party, is without found
ation. For weeks ft severe illness has
prevented Judge Woodward from hear
ing ol or reading the proceedings of
Congress or of passing political events.
His most intimate friends, inoluding
bis son, flatly contradict the statement
of the Preu, but with the usual dis
honesty of the stalwart Republican
organs, who have paraded the false
hood in their columns, no retraction
will be mado. The Philadelphia Preu
is proverbial for square flat lies since
ex-Clerk McPherson has assumed con
Irol of its columns.
"LovELr Woman ?" We see it stat
ed that the late Mrs. Sarah Dorsey, of
Miss., who died recontly in New 0
loans, left ft will, giving her estate, in
eluding two large plantations in Mis
sissippi and fine residence at Beau
view, on the sea cost, to Mr. Jefferson
Davis. It is further said that in mak
ing this bequcet Mrs. Dorsey refers to
the services and sacrifices ot Mr. Davis
on behalf of tho South, and reproves
his countrymen lor what she regardi
as their failure in gratitude and appre
ciation for such services, and regrets
the small contribution which she
able to make for his relief.
Lovblt. Senator Conkling declines
to assist his brethren in the Ohio can-
vass, on the grounds that it will re
quire all his time to prevent New
York from deserting from the Repuh
lican column. But Mr. Cnnkling'i par
ticular business just now is pushing
Senator Windom as ft candidate for tbe
Prosidoncy. Conkling's love for Win
dom i marked case of gratitude,
The Pittsburgh iW say Windom
the only man in the United States
Senate who has not called Conkling
The Baltimore (laiette, requests thut
"the hearty sympathies of the public
will be extendod to tho Ancient Mari
ner Thompson in his sad attempt to
found a branch training school for boys
on board tbo war vessel "Wachusott "
The Mariner hadluid out his plans woll
to hoave tho "Wachusott" plow up the
Mississippi as fur as St. Louis, where
sho was to drop anchor and sound thol
gong for the boys to coino on board
and enlist. Meanwhile the Ine lull
in the river came. This was not down
in the chart and tho Mariner had to
have to Ln bis privato office and con
sult the hooks. If the "Waschusott,"
in that reckloss spirit which animates
the American Navy, should push for
ward, ber port-holes would probably
be closed with a fine quantity of Mis
sissippi river sand. To go back would
bring disgrace on that important arm
of the service, ln this quandary the
bold Mariner soiled doubt by the fore
lock and manfully ordered tho " Wa-
chusetls" to coal up and remain perfect
ly still while he triod to ponetrate the
WeBtorn prairies by anothor cbannol.
Ho sent directions to have ft hull and
boiler built around the mast of the
old stoamor "Michigan," now lying on
the shelf in Lake Erie. This done, the
revived "Michigan" will procoed nndor
orders to Chicago, touching along the
lakes to pick np the boys. If this plan
Bucceeds, Chicago holies will secure the
naval opaulota for dress parade and St
Louis will declare war. We appre
hend trouble and possibly bloodshed
Hayes' Secretary of the Navy wbb
born on the prairies of Northern Indi
ana, and knows about as much of sea
going vessels and the Navy of tho
Unitod Statos as a Hottentot does of
the fifth chapter of St. Matthews ; and,
yet, this Indiana "sucker," who never
saw a ship, until after Hayes made
bim Secretary of the Navy, now pro
poses to run that branch ol the Gov.
ernment. Could impertinence and
knavery go further? Why, evon
blacksmith shop could not be run on
such a plan of sublime ignorance. But,
it would Boom as though Ilayos pre
sumed that any smart fellow was fit
for a Cabinet position with him. In
the aggregate, the fraud is undoubted-
ly right
In accordance witb the announce
ment of the Chairman, Hon. Milton
R. Sneer, tho mombers ot the State
Democnttio Convention assembled at
tbe Grand Opera House in the city of
Harrisburg, on vveanosaay, jury in
After tho roll was called, and
quorum of the delegates found to be
present, on motion oi Ubairman bpeer,
Hon. Robert E. James, ot Northamp
ton county, was elected temporary
Chairman, togother with a number of
temporary Secretaries.
Alter some skirmishing, commenced
by some malcontents, and sucb legiti
mate preliminary proceedings usual
on such occasions, the Committee on
organization reported the name ol
Man. Alexander a. uorrrotb, ot Bom
erset, aa permanent Chairman, with a
long string ot names lor Vice rrosi
dents and Secretaries, all ot whom
wrowe alcwterl tn tKaiw MortAAtivai tvwL
tions. (.Congressman Uonroth is the
gentloman who "w honored a Camp.
Den congressman in tne ttedtord-Uam
bria district last rail).
Soon alter tne permanent organiza
tion was anected, Hon. iewlB U. I as
sidy, of Philadelphia, Chairman of tbe
Committee, reported tbo following
resolutions, viz :
First. That we, tho DeBoeratio party of Fona
aylTaBia, in OoOToatioa aatenbled. ronow oar
Towa of fldolity to tbe fundamental prlaetplee
preelalmod and practiced by tbe llluatnoua men
wno tattled our loatitutloaaaod toundod tbo uem-
eoratie party to protect them.
Second. That the Jaat nowera of tho Federal
Colon, tho rlihts of tbo Suite and tbe llbertlea
of tbe people, are vital parta of one harmonioua
ayaiem f ana to save oaon part la Its whose eon-
emotional rigor is to "save tne uro of mo aa
Third. Tbat the Domooratio party nalntalna,
aa it over haa aaiatalaed, that tbo military are,
ana ovgni to no, in ail tntaaa auooratnato to tbe
oiril autborltlea. It deniee,aa it ever hae denied.
the right of tho Federal admtniatratioa to keep
oa toot at tae general ozponee a staoaiaf army
to invade tae fits lee tor political parpoeoa with
out regard to Coaatilatloaal roatrlotioaa, to eoo-
trot tbo people at the polls, to protect aad ea
oourage fraudulent eounla of the roteo, or to In
augurato osndldatoa rejected by tho majority.
Fourth. That the right to a free ballot is tb
rlgbt proterratlro or all righta, the only mesas
of peacefully redrosalng grieraneos and reform
ing abuses. 1 ho preaeooo at tbo polla or a regu
lar military loroe aad or a host ol hlreltat
oiala, claiming tbo power to arrest aod Impriaoa
oiiieeoe witnout wurraat or aeanog, aoetroya all
rroodom oi oleetioas aad aptoraa tba Tory foaad-
atloa of solf-gevoramoBt. Wo sail apoa all good
eltlaeae to aid aa ta areeorvina our iaetltutlone
from deatrurtioa by these imperial methoda of
suporrisiag tao rigat or aaarareaad oooreini tb
popular will ; In heaping tbe way to tbo ballot
box opaw aod fret, ae it was to oar falhera i li
rumoring tho army to a safe diataaoo wboa the
people aessmble to oxproes their sovoreica pleae-
aro at tbo polls, aad In aeoarlBg obodioooe to
iboir will wnea legally ospreaaed by their rotes.
Fifth. Tbat Rutherford B. Hsyee luring been
placed 1b power against tho woll-kaowa and
legally expressed will of tee poopla. Is tho repro
sestatiro ol a eoaaplrsey oaly, aod his olaim a
rtsht to aarround tbe ballot boxes witb troop
and Depaty Marshale ta latimidato aad obetraot
the elec tore, aad his aapreeedeatod Baa of tbo
rets to matalata tbla amcoaetitulloBal aad dee
potie power, are aa Ineult aad a meaaoa ta thi
Sixth. Tbat Iba Dsmoorstie party, aa af aid
farors a eenatilationa! oarrency of gold and Bil-
ror, aaa oi paper ooBrortioio late ooia.
Bereath. That we are opposed to tbe system of
saooiaies oy tae geaeral goreramaat nader which,
during tho period of Republieaa aoooadaBoy, pa-
mteairiogo aaa aorporetioae proBtea at tae pi
ple'a oxpeaae, aad to aay sppronrtstion of I
pablie moaeya or tbe publle credit or aay oblost
bat tbo pablie Berries. Tba reforms aad aoone-
mloe enforced by tbo Democratio party eiaoe iu
adreat to power la the Lower lloaeo of Ooogroee
Bare teres to tbo people many milltoas of del
lore, aad wo Wlerc that a like retell would fol
low iu roektratloa lo power la tko Btato of Peaa
oylvaaia. Eighth. Tbst lbs Demoeretu party being the
aataral friend af tho workiogmaa aad karleg
tareagooat its aietory etooa ootweoa aim and ap
preeaioa renews lis sxpreealea af sympathy for
laoor aaa na promise oi proteeuca w Its righta.
niata. laei wo won wita alarm aaa appro
hoasioa apoa tho praunalona of the great treoa
porulioa oompaales to he abore the faadamea.
ul law of tbia Commoawoalth which gororaa all
also wlthia oar bordera, and aatil tbey accept tbe
vonauiBiioa oi inre ib goo a taita way eooaia re
main objeoU of tbo atmoat vigtleaoa ato. )aal-
eoay ny pots liOgialalaro aod people.
Teath. Tbat the roeeat attempt andar the per
soaal dlroctioa of raliag Republieaa loaders tb
debsach the Legislature by wboleealo bribery bb
eorrupllua and take from tbe Commoowoaltk foar
millions of dollars for wblcb Iu lisbtllty bad
Barer bora steerUiaed, Is a fresh aad alarming
evideaee af tbe aggreeairanecaof corporate power
etxicneo win pomiOBJ nsgu, Bad BBOUId fS
eeire tae aignai eoBdemaauoa of tbs people
tbe poll!.
Elereath. That tba protest eoadllloa af the
State Troasary, a bankrupt general faad. and
area schools Bad charities aaeble to get the
moaey ioag einea epproprialea ta their aappcrt,
a eanieteBt liiaeM-etioa el tae rrflBIOOS Baa
slal miamaasgemeat af tho Repabiiraa party.
The report of the Committee was
therefore unarnmooslv adopted.
The Convention then proceeded to
the nomination of a candidate for State
Hon. J. 1. Steele nominate-:! Hon
Daniel O. Barr, of Pittaburgh.
The Dominalioni closed with th
names of D. C. Dissingsr.of Northum
berland, and John W. Wish, of Lob-
Hon. Robert E. J antes, of Norlbamp.
ton, withdrew the name of Col. D. 6.
Dissinger, ex-Treasursr of Morlnum
berland, who bad been warmly pressed
uy uis i nanus tor ids nomination. Air.
Jams said substantially : "By bis own
request, lor the Bake or harmony and
unanimity, I now Withdraw the name
of Col. Dissingor. As one of the most
active, and efficient and snllriag work
era In the ranks of the Democracy of
ionirfti rennsyivama, kii name has
Wen presented by. nil nqtoerons friends,
but witb a devotion to tho cause of a
common Democracy, worthy of all
emulation, he has inatrueled me to
withdraw bis name and move tbat tbo
nomination of Daniel O. Barr ho mado
Hon. James Crawford, of Schuylkill,
seconded' Mr. Burr's nomination in a
short speech.
On motion ol ex Sneaker 1'altoraon,
of Allegheny, the nomination ol Daniel
O. Barr was mado by acclamation, and
thrco cheers wero given lor the candi
fi V MilL.H tl,,. miirml Hint the
nomirioo and permanent Chairman be
aiunorizou to select tne uainnuu ui
the State Central Committee.
W. Hayes Grier, of Lancastor, mov
ed to amend tbat the Convention pro
coed to the election of the Chairman.
The amondmont fell by a vote of 94
to 113.
The original resolution was then
Mr. Cassidy, from the Committee
on resolutions, offered tbo following :
Artoferd, Tbat la Daalel 0. Ban, this day
aominated for 8tala Treasurer, we protest a oaB
didau entitled to the coandeaoo of the people l
obo who, if elecUd, will keep tbe public moneys
safely, make kaowa his places of depotit, bold
his books and papers open lo inspootton sna pre
serre the Commonwealth from any repetitioa of
tba syetemB'la otnbctalcmenU of Intcreate and
other apoliatlona which marked the long and
scandalous oaratr of tho Republican fraaeury
Unon repeated culls, Mr. Barr was
tbon introduced and spoko as lollows :
Mr. President, and gentlemen of tlie
Convention: I thank you earnestly,
heartily, and cordially, for the honor,
tbe distinguished honor of being unan
imously chosen as your candidate for
tbo responsible position ol state lroas-
nrer, 1 can only say that should the
choice ot this Convention he connrmeu
by the pooplo at the polls, tho confi
dence will not be misplaced in so far
as it can be mot by a rigid compliance
ith tbe law, on my part, or a deter
mination to administer eolely in the
interest ol the Commonwealth and tax
payers. I again thank you."
state committee.
Tho names of the Slate Control Com
mittee wero thon announced, and aro
as follows :
2A. George 8. Purdy,
5. Jobfl M. Getnplioll,
d. Jef. J. Young,
t. Thoa. B. Usskill,
6. B. J. Lcnon,
7. J. Cstper Gill,
S. W. W. Lee,
. Menus M'Uinty,
7. Ueorge Uroaa,
IB. William Ilelttel,
19. Hob. J. B. Rollly,
90. J. I. Steele,
SI. A. a. Bomall,
33. II. J. Stable,
14. George M. Brlablo,
10. lion. II. Yorkcs,
us. D. rotter Lloyd,
II. A.T. C. Kener,
11. 8. B. IlelfeBitlae,
13. A. J. Btelnmsa.
14. F. R. Wbite,
16. B. M. Holer,
15. R. B. Writ ht, Jr.,
17. Harry Peifer,
-to. J. n. Uhl,
37. D. R. 8. Rutlodge,
J. Henry Coobran,
311. Hon. Edgar Cowan,
411. A.J. burling,
41. Fred Reiner,
. Y. D.Catey,
49. J. 0. Barr,
44. 8. F. Patlaraon,
IB. Ilsrid Koglstnsu,
19. Oeorce R. Gusa.
29. J.J. 0 Boyle,
11. lion. 1. B. Storm,
33. C. B. Fergoaon,
34. W. J. Buokslew,
to. M. 1. Tufts,
46. J. W. Pstteraon,
4. Oct. W. Miller,
48. H. D. Plummer,
4. BenJ. Wbitmaa,
After passing resolutions ol thanks
to all its oftloers, tbe Convention ad
journed sine die.
What would be thought of the Legialsturo of
thia Stato If it abollahed all SheriflY and Conata-
ble'a feea r Yet tbia ia proeiaely what the aortb
era Copperheada beaded by Seoetor Wallace and
a part of tbs more violent Brigadiera hare doae
with U. 8. Marahala, the provlaioa to pay them
for acrvloca or fees having been strioktB oat of
tbo Judicial blU. ttmilowm vaerife.
To this the editor of the Democrat ol
tbe same place replies: Theabovois
but another examplo of the Gazettc't
penchant for misrepresentation. Now,
what are the faots? Congross passed
a law conferring upon U- S. Marshals
all tho authority they ever possessod
from the foundation of tbe government
until the close of the rebellion, and ap
propriated all the moneys necessary to
pay mem. Ana wnnt did itin rrasl-
dont do? He insisted that the extra
ordinary powers, which a lew years
ago wore conferred upon the Marshals
by tho Republican party for the pur
pose of overawing voters and control!
ing elections, should also be continued
Unless tho Marshals should be allow.
ed to oxoreise the dangerous powers
referred to, ho (Hayos) was determin
ed to deprive them even of their foes
on legitimate servico I And he did so
Who, tbon, is to blame ? Who is i
that starves the Marshals T Not Sen
ator Wallace nor the Domocratio Con
groBS, but Rutherford B. Hayos, count
ed in by John Sherman, Mrs. Jenks k
A Government Contribution. 01
course the reader of current evonta
will recollect that in 1872, tho Radical
Commitleo brought that eminent Ger
man General Carl Schurg, then of Mis
souri, but now of Hayes' Cabinet, into
this State to make Grant speeches. He
camo and went. From recent state
ments made by such Christian States
men as the late Mackey, Wm. 11. Eom
ble, and othora of that school, wo learn
that tbe said reform statesman, horo
and philosopher Schurg charged the
Radical Slate Committee the equitable
sum of $500 fur each speech. That
was a plump sum for ft United States
Senator to charge bis party for arous
ing "tbe Dutch" only. But the Cab!
net Minister took it. The Washington
Pott, in hinging on these facts, says
Mr. Schars haB doeideddooootrlbuietha oqulv-
Blent of I'm lo tho Ohio oampaiga. He wUI pat
It iato a Bpeecb. Cltlsea Foster wanted Oari to
make foar Bpoeehea, bat tbat frugal functionary
said as auaid aot giro ae mash as II, JOB.
It will be observed from this that
the Radical nomination for Governor
in Ohio refuses to pay Schuri more than
1300, and only for one speech at that.
Carl belongs to the Hayes Reform
club and is ready for any dicker so
that there is cash in 1 1.
He's No Eiaup. A veto, when do
livored, is a good thing after all. Gov
ernor Jlobinson, the Democratio Ex
ecutlve of the "Empire State," has
far outstripped the fraud In the White
House, in the matter of votocs. Tbe
Legislature, which is largely Radical,
run wild In the matter of legislation,
conferring extraordinary power upon
corporation and rings. The Governor
votoed one hundred and eighty-three of
theso obnoxious bills. Soma of the
bills, he demonstrated, contained a den
of snakes, and others throwing vexa
tious obstacles and complications I
the exorcise of the elective fianohise at
which the people are subservient The
Governor Is for the people lha Fraud
is against thorn.
Unhappy Mortals. Some peopl
are never happy. It is only a short
lime tinco, that our Legislature ad
journed,' and the members are now
basking in tbo shade of their virtuous
homes. Yet, some discontented news
paper scribe raises this rather peril
nent inquiry : "Somo time since, tbe
House of Representatives of Pennsyl
vanift appointed a special Committee
to socure tbe pro(ecutioh of Wm. U.
Kemblo and others, found guilty by
tbe Wolf Committee of bribery and
corruption in the matter of tbe 'four
million steal. What haa become of
that Committee ? Are they laboring
in secret witb tbe AtrorneyVOeneral
or the District Attorney of ttauphln
connty V
Below will be found the names and
postolTlce address ol the guntleinen
composing the committee lor the cur
rent year. The Chairman will forward
to each member, during the week, a
circular requesting them to forward
tho names ot Domocrat as members
of the Vigilance Commitleo :
Boa's A Twr-'a. Nanus. P.O.Aihibbss.
Burntlds Boro'fb, Hheinherr Petriok, Buraiido.
Wm. B. Wallace, uiesrnoiii.
S."U ""
Lumber City
Johe Hlppt, Lumber City.
N. Waablng'n
Itaae Morale, Hurd.
Henry Ni-H. Jr., New Waah'a.
11. 11, Walur, Osceola Mills.
George Kuieigb, Wa'lseetoa.
Beeesria Towne'p, Wia. W. Mays, (Ilea Hope.
" Cbritl. BttrL'ter, New Wash's.
Bogta o
Gainer V. Uloom, roreel.
Geo. Dlineliog, Clear'd Bridge.
Wsih. I. Curley, Woodlsnd.
J.F. Oawsld, Lutbsnburg.
PsnislGormsn, N. Wetbing'n.
Lswrenos Killian.McPbertoB.
Chrltl. Brown, Ksrthaua.
Adam Kepbart, Otoeola Mills.
J. 8. Micbaela, Lumbar Olty.
Beuj. Jury, Loooote'e Mille.
Geo, A. Morriaca, Lick Hon.
Tboa. 11. Furoey, Grahamtoa.
M.W.Johhaoa, Bower.
J B.M'Kisrnsn, Smith's Millt
W. D. Woodward, Jr.,Psnsld
Dr. B. S.Craaawell, Autoovillo.
Edward I. Gilliland, H'lt l.lok.
Fsgsn Rowlca, New Millport.
Abrsm Humphrey, Clearbcld.
Wsrren Holleobuok, Kylert'a
J H. Rowlot. Uramplsn Ullla,
Jsecb F. Ritter, Ourwenflville
Joaepb P. Teylor, UuHole.
Bsmuel J. Gllnett, Rock ton.
J. K. HondersoB, Hoatsdale.
Bom ebody Disturbed. Kx- V ni-
ted States Senator Henderson, ot
Missouri, who has always beon "loyal
to tbo core, in a JtaJiciil sense, is
evidently disturbed. Ho made a 4th of
July oration at St. Louis, In which he
seems to havo taken a now departure,
and struck the Grant column right in
the centra. Ho said :
We laei Bled unon Southern reiircBenUtion and
when wo get It it sestua ws are aot aatUAed with
la it tba quantity or qusiity oi tola rcpreaea-
tatloa lo which we objactf If tbe former be tbe
objection tbo proper remedy, It occura to me, la
to elect more Itapuoncan meoiocra to uongreat.
If tba letter be the objection, 1 auggeat tbat we
t befora our doluded brethren of tbe south a
ictrer oxamnls. Brcralooo the war eloaod we
barebad is the Procidentia! eheiramiHtery man.
We bed ftencrsl Greet sight years and we bare
now had General tieyes tbreo yeara. liunag
tbat time Republican majorities of two to one in
both branches of Congress hero obanged into
large Democratic msjot nice and tbe popular ma
jority la tba nation lrom n hslf million Rcpubll
osn to a ausrter of a millioa Democratic. I:
these ha the laaltimate finite of miliUry rale what
aball wa expect from tba oootlnaatioa 7 Tbia hero-
worenip IS one 01 toe cm euects oi war mat aceut
ta no aupcraeaed oy Bettor political erecuB.
Such remarks sound rather Demo
cratic, and if tho ex-Senator continues
to inhalo similar views for a yoar long
or, he will come out a full-fledged
Another AgonyOvee. TboGreen
backers held their State Convention
at Altoona, on Tuesday tho, 15th, for
tbe purpose of manufacturing a new
platform, and nominating a candidalo
tor Stato Treasurer. Thoy did nomi
nato an excellent gentleman, Henry
Carey Baird, of Philadelphia, but he re
fused to accept the nominatun,kno wing
that a few vory smart fellows were af
ter his cash. His telegram was a dis.
appointmont to tho cash seeker, and
reform blowers. The broken forces
rallied and finally nominated Judgo
Sutton, of Indiana, who ia a very
wealthy retired farmer. After Do-
wees & Co. go through him witb thoi:
reform prooess bis rash account will
be shortor than it has been in twonty
years. The Greenback humbug may
Uaf. through this, campaign,, hut it ta
doubtful. The wrong men are shov
ing the buck, as the professional gamb
ler would romark. Tho larger portion
cannot help themselves, and of course
cannot help others.
A Live Man." That Philanthro
pist, Fete Herdic, was one of the
brightest lights at tho late Greenback
Convention, at Altoona on the 16th
inst., and on that samo day Governor
Hoyt granted a requisition from the
Governor of Now York and a warrant
in accordance therewith was iasuod to
the proper authorities of Lycoming
county. It Is charged tbat in 1876
Hordio borrowed $25,000 from a bank
in Klmira, N. Y., depositing as collat
eral security 1,000 shares of stock of
the Williamsport Gas Company and
395 shares ot stock of the Lycoming
Gas and Wator Company, of which he
claimed to be the owner ; and, it is al
leged that he "falwly represented the
amount of capital stock of theso com
panies, thereby giving to the shares
deposited as a security an appearance
of groat or value than they had, and
thus obtained tho loan of 125,000 un
der falso protenso."
Frauds Mountain Hiqu I Tbe ro
port of the Glovor Committee publish
ed in the New York Star, a few weeks
ago, shows the most astounding frauds
and thefts in the National Treasury
Department and Hint, which has ever
disgraced any oiviliaod nation. Those
thefts are directly chargeable to the
Republican party, as its most trusted
leaders aided in cavoring them up'fnr
years. By thorn tho tax payers have
been robbed of untold millions, the
true amount of wbioh will nover be
known until the people deoreo a change
in National Administration which will
overhaul tho accounts, and bring the
criminals, high andlow, to justice. We
propose to lay tbe feels before our
readers at an early day.
Tba DomlaioB Gorerament, In harboring Sll-
tiag Ball, has got sa "Alabama" oa its haada,
aa ia abelteriBg bim, ll becomoa retponalble for
hie asls. Onr War Ueparlmeat hae laiaed ae ar
dor la prereal Sittlag Bull from orottiag tho
Cansdiaa bordsrs into tbo territory of tbo Hal
ted States. Tho "Hitting Bull slelmt" may oe
oapy the attenUoa of Amorleaa aad Bogiith dip.
lematfl some day. aVeeano.
We hope our wooden nutmeg patri
ots will flguic the Sitting Bull dam
ages a little more accuratoly than they
did the "Alabama Claims." We ap
peared before the Arbitrators in that
case with a bill for forty-five million of
dollari (45,000,000). We were award,
ed thirty-three per cent. ($15,000,000),
ton years ago, and hall ot that British
gold is still not taken. It seems our
govsrnment agent can cheat poor
"Lo" at trfd, but John Bull don't hold
so ttill. ,
Manners. The Washinglon Pott
says: "Young men who are training
for ft political career, and have an eye
to the United States Senate as its tor
mina! point, should remember that
since 'plantation manners' went out of
style, it is of the first importance to
loam to be ft blackguard without being
compelled to apologiie or fight."
Oil Wasti. Tbe action of the Uni.
ted Pipe Lines in relusing to run oil
save for producers who have tankage
on tbe line ia the cause of great dis
tress among producers In the Bradford
field, as ft large number ol tanks are
running over and going to waste. It
ia estimated that (,000 barrels day
'are now running on the ground.
adelphia Record, ol tbe 10th, makes
the following pertinent inquiry : "Tho
publio will be curious lo know whether
the idea of a Native American Demo
cratic Association originated with Mr,
Vaux, Mr. Randall or Mr. TilJen."
More, the same journal remarks : "The
next movement announood by tho kid.
glove Democracy ia llie foiinaliuu of
an 'American Democratic Association.
Tho motto for its crest will be senlen
tious : 'No Irish and no Catholics need
apply.' Under this banner In 1851
marched a victorious party, before
whom Mr. Vaux went down in tho dust.
He will look woll walking under a like
banner iu 1879 80. A Know-Nothing
Democratio organization will bo a po
litical monstor the like of which baa
not heretofore been conceived. Tbank
Heaven I the day for religious proscrip
tion has passod away In the city of
Wo hope the Record is right. But it
would be well onough to not trust po
litical knaves and bigots too far.
Hold on, Colonel 1 Tbo Baltimore
Gazette, In alluding to tho speech made
by a Senate officer, remarks : "Colonel
Bright, the Sorgcant-at-Arnis of tho
Senate, had bettor shorten up bis gait
a little. He is going too last, in two
important matters ho has disregarded
tbo wishes of tho caucus that nomina
ted him. Hid decided the States which
receive J tho big offices should consider
themselves satisfied, but Col. Bright
has under bim no less than six im
portant appointees from his own State
ol Indiana. The caucus further do
cided that all crippled Union soldiers
in tbe Senate's employ should be re
tained, and ho has just dismissed a
doorkeeper, Sidney Wilson, who lost
both legs at Gettysburg. There was
a frog once who tried to blow himsoli
up to tho size of an ox. for further
particulars see .llaop."
Tni Unhappy Bdcreyes. For
party that has such trouble to koep
Ohio in the Ropublican column and
which sends to Washington for a oivil
service reform levy of $100,000 on tho
Government clorks, we muKt say the
Republicans of the Buckeye State are
a modest set. They already have tbe
occupant of the White House, the head
of tho Army and Treasury, the Chief
Justice ol the Supreme Court, tbe
Minister to France and the Republican
leader in the House. Not content
witb all this thoir man Sherman is us
ing all the powers at his command to
have himself nominated for President.
It recalls Lincoln's joke whon so many
distinguished people of Ohio visited
him at one time, that ho feared th
State would tilt up in their absence
from borne.
It is Queer. The advocates of the
Pittsburgh riot bill raise this kind of
an issue with over-aoalous advocates
ot outside prosecutions :
"Just why the Legislature voted to soreea lis
owb members from tbe judgment of the riot in.
reetlgating commitleo, and ordered the proaeoa
tloB of mcB ao more guilty tkaa the shislded per-
ty is one of the ourloua things which ae oao has
Btlempiea to expteia, it is a clear eeso of mak
ing '-dabofono anddeoh of aaothor.
The writer is no doubt aware that
the last Legislature was made up of
noma wwrr quoer flab. Tho election of
Don Cameron as United States Sonator
was condusive proof of that fact; and
it makes but very little difference what
that body did after that, because one
fraudulent aot usually brings about
another. The LONG-CAMERON
Legislature will be rememberod for
long time by the tax payors of the
Political Insurrection. The Phil
adelphia Record remarks: "Mr. Honry
Caroy Baird, at 3 F. M. on Tuesday,
the 15th inst , was unanimously nomi-
natod for State Treasurer by the
Grcenhackers. At 6 P. M. he sent
thorn back a unanimous declination.
Mr. Buird is a financior aftor his kind,
but he does not propose to he a martyr
to his financial principles. TheConven
Hon, thug flouted in Philadelphia, turn
ed ite eyes wostward and choso Peter
Sutton, of Indiana county, for it can
didate, and adjourned tine die before
Petor bad an opportunity to decline.'
Sound to the Core. Congressman
Coffroth, who was mado permanent
Chairman ol tho Stato Convention, up
on taking his seat, couched his spoech
in the follow ing true business languago
"No military Interference should be
toloruted by freemen, and no Deputy
or Special Marshal be appointed and
paid by the United States Govorn
mont. With theso sentiments as our
watchword, victory ia assured boyond
tho shadow of t doubt."
Tbo crowned head of all the Rus-
sias lives In tho midst of alarm. On
retiring to a bed ft few nights fto he
lound ft neatly -folded and addressed
package of Nihilist newspapers be
tween the shoots, and a few minutes
later, while o vory body was hurrying to
and fro in search of the daring emima
ry of the revolutionists, a Nihilistic
proclamation was tacked up in His
Imperial Majesty a dressing-room.
Pretty Bitter. The Shippensburg
Chronicle slyly says : "The duty on
quinine was removed by a Democratio
Congress. This was swoet charity
The Republicans will want a large
quantity of it next tall to stop the
shakes on them."
"Honry Ward Beecher has abandon
ed his flock and haa gone a-ftshing."
Exchange. We presume tbe men of
bis congregation all have key to the
Church, and are' allowod to frequent
the eelabliahment as in the palmy day
ot Theodore ft Co.
The New Clerk. Speaker Long
has appointed Wm. L. Cooper, of Har
risburg, Resident Clerk, in place of
John A. Smull, deceased. Cooper was
tbe Speaker's Clerk at tbe last session
of tbe Legislature, and haa boon edu
cated by Smull.
Secretary McCrary cannot don tbe
ormine before December next, Judge
Dillon having concluded not to retire
from the bench until that time. It is
now considered certain tbat the Setnato
will confirm Mr. McCrary.
The work of paoking ft solid Sher
man delegation from the South, in tho
Radical Convention of 1880, ia being
prosecuted with as much vigor as the
groat industry of fence-making.
The re-union of tbe Dodge family
began at Salem, Mass., on the 10th
instant. Over 400 Dodges were on
What a Falaoy. Home interesting
lucts in relation to labor have boon pro
por J by .Supvhntondonl n right, ol
tho Hussaciiusciis uureau oi nauur
Statistics. According to this expert
the number of convicts in 1878 in all
tbe Stale prisons of the Union was
29,197,01 whom 13,180 wore employ
ed In mechanical industries. Tho
greatest number was in New York
and tbe smallest in Rbodo Island, very
naturally, the one being tho largest and
the other about the smallest Stale in
the Uniou. At tbe rato of forty cciim
por day, which was the average, the.
wage-earnings of covicls tor the whole
year amounted to $1,021,515. At $2
per day, which is the averago price oi
similar labor outside of prisons, these
samo men would havo earned $8,122,
576, according to Mr. Wright. Tho
products of prison labor, it we take tlio
abor at vi por day, did not excoeu
$20,000,000 in 1878, while the pro
ducts of all the mcVhanical industries
of the United States amounted lo five
thousand millions. These fk'ures will
serve tbo advocates of tho abolition of
contract labor in tho prisons but il
must bo borne in mind tbat it is a
flairitioiis piece of reasoninir which as-
assumes that the 13,180 prisoners who
wore employed as producers in 1878
would have produced anything 11 they
nad Doon at large. As a rule, the gen-
tlemon who fill the prisons do not la-
nor at az per day or at any other
price when running at large. More:
The convicts in our county prisons
should Do made to earn their living ny
working on the publio streots and
roads, instead of lounging in jail and
living ot! tho lax-payers.
Good Advioi. The following whole
some advice is given by the Philadel
phia Inquirer, one of the Stalwart Rad
teal organs of tbat city. The editor
reminds his Radical brethren that
when they were ft majority in Con
gross "thoy put upon tbe appropria
tiou Dins legislation which it was
wrong to put Ihoro." Now tbat they
are in minority, it advises them to
"accept the inevitable, and as they can
not help themselvos, to endure as best
they can tbe situation. Could any
loyal man in the Union aay it any bet
ter? But will tboy heed it.
Lovely. We see it stated that Gov.
Hoyt has issued his warrant on a re.
quisilion from the Governor of Colora
do, for the removal of Jamos Cum-
mings and Mrs. Annio Love, an elop
ing party, from Pittsburg to Colorado.
Cummings, it seems, some time ago
was tho victim of an aggravated dis.
ease, and Mr. Love, a French Canadian
took care of him until bis health had
been restored. Cummings showed his
gratiti.te by running away witb Love's
wife, the eloping couple taking with
them $3,000 of Love's money and two
of his children.
Something Sensible. Some ot the
Southern negroes take a correct view of
the Kansas emigration scheme. At a
recent session of the Dallas (Texas)
Conference ot the African Methodist
ivpisoopal Church a resolution was
adopted declaring tbat the Conference
did not indorse the exodus scheme, nor
the Convention called to promote it
"by broken-down political tricksters."
The Conference advised the colored
people of Texas to "remain at home
attend to their crops, purchase homes
and educate their children."
CoMiNU to Lira Aoain. Sinco ex-
Christian Stalosman Harlan was drag.
god from his political coffin to preside
over the Iowa Republican Convention.
and urodit MoDiiior fallerson was
voted for as candidate for United States
Senator in New Hampshire, no grave
yard of buried politicians scorns to be
aafo. An Indiana nowspaper actually
suggests Schuyler Colfax as Repuhli.
oan candidate for Uovornor in tbat
State. Is it not strange that these pub
lie robbers should still be tolerated
outside of a penitentiary f
Well Covered. Lucy Hoopor, writ
ing under date of Paris, June 26, to tbe
Evening Telegraph, myt: "Master Isaac
Roll, jr., the young iiephow of Mr.
James Gordon Bennett, of the Now
York Herald, is just five yoars old
Tbe day after the young gentleman's
advent, his nncle called lo see him, and
laid on bis cradlo 100 United Statos
bonds of $1,000 each as a christomflg
gift, or rather a gift of 'joyous arrival,'
according to tbo old mediaeval custom
at tho accession of a king."
That Fraud. It was roportad last
week in Washington that Mr. Hayes
had concluded to call an extra session
of Congress in tictobor next with a
view to impressing tbo country with
the belief tbat tho Democrats had left
the Government in a crippled and
helpless condition. Considerable time
will olaoee between this and October
and Mr. Hayes will havo several op
portunities to change his wonderful
A Fizzle Only lis, out of 251
dologatoa turned up at the late Green
back State Convention at Altoona,
July lfibh. Less than half of the
necessary reformers were present on
suoh ft vital oogasion. Liko the Ro
man Empire the thing must fall, how
ever great Its pretentions.
Extra Sesbionb. An exchange
says : A prominent Domocratio Con
grossman took his daughter to tank
the other evening because she pormit
tod her lover to stay after ten o'clock
"La, pa," said she, "we wore only hold
ing a little extra season." Tbe Con.
gressman willed,
An exchange remarks: "Suppose,
for instance, that Illinois should fur
nish both the candidates, Gran, and
Davis. Hero would be a combination
Davis secured the nomination of bia
law partner Lincoln when Grant was
ft pro-slavery Deorsxrat."
Tho bouse where Donedict Arnold
once lived in New Haven, Connecticut
is still standing, and ft number of aril.
cles which ho owned are still there. It
Is suggested that thoy bo sold for the
benefit of the Andre mouument.
Republican stalwarts will have a sigh
ol rebel when tbey loam that Jeffor
son Dhvti haa written a letter author
iiing ft friend to positively contradict
the statement that he is ft candidate
for the United Statos Senate,
During recent attack of the snakes
tbe gentle Ring of Burmah deprived
twelve of his female relatives of their
heads. Tbe reason assigned was that
488, mothers Inlaw ware enough to
minister to his want.'
a nap em e
, Judge Sutton, of Indiana, Is tho m$n
the Greenbackeri wi',1 go for this Sum
mor. Judge Mason was the victim
last yc-ar bankruptcy.
Goncral Robert Toombs, of Georgia,
Buys he never said that bo would live
to call the roll of his slaves at tbe foot
of Bunker Hill Monument, but says
"that was a fancy lie dtarted by Jack
Hale of New Hampshire."
gnu dmtlffrraftttJ.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of writs of Limrt Facia; leiued
oat of the Court of Commoa Pleas of Clesr
l.ld eouolv. and ta ma directed, there will
exposed to public isle,-at VW- Cvurs H'V
la tho borough of Clearfield, oa ,
Friday. August 81b, IH1U.
At I u'o'ook, P. M , the following described real
attste, to wilt
Alio, all the uadivlded foar.Snecnlhe af tho
following trsot of Isnd tituato la Brady township,
Clesrflcld oouuty, Penn's., bouodod and described
ae fullowa, to wlti Beginning at a poet in the
ditlriot line, the aoutbweat oornerof said tract or
landi tbenoe north!! degrees eaet Oil A-lll perches
to a noat. the aorthwett aoroer of tamo: tbenoe
eatt toSpercheitoapott; tbenoe oulh0 degrees
west 1 0I pctones to a BCWtooa ; luenoo eouta ov oe.
;ees east ls peronce to a pott j incaoe aouta or
iearees wtit 13 4-10 pervbes lo post : III coos
south SS degrees seat VI peroboa to a beesb i
thcaoa aortb so degreea oast bv percnea to pott
tbenoe south SO degreea oast 46 perobea to beech ;
tbenoe south KUf degreea eatt Wa perches to pott;
fuencc south IRS perches to pott; thence 811 do
greet west SO a-10 perches lo pott or msple';
thence south If dcgiees weat 146 pcrohca to n
rod osk tbenoe weat 124 perobes to pott t thence
south l degree! weat 117 S Si) perchea to a poat ;
tbenoe weat ok perchea ti poat; tbenoe eoulb U
degreea weat 86 S-10 parohee to a poat f thenoo
north 831 degreea as peronee to a augarf laenoe
aortb I i degrees out Oil porchet to a pine ; theoce
north SSI degreea weal 70 pcrchet to the piece of
beginning, containing l,lnt aoret, more or leu,
atriot mtiaiure. Alto, all the interett of raid
psrtles derived through Sarah Royoolda. Halted,
taken in execution aod to be sold as the prop
erty of Robert Otborn, Robert J. Nloholaon and
Nathan Carrier.
Tbbms op Bsi.r. Tha price or snm at which
the propsrtv aball be atruok off muel be paid et ibe
time of aale, or auoh other arrangemente mails ss
will be approved, otherwise tbe property will be
Immediately put up and toll again at tne etpente
and rltk of tbo person to whom It was struck off,
and who, In esse of deficiency at aueh re-asle,
shall maks good the same, aod in no loatanoa
will tba Dead bo presented la Court for confirma
tion unlet! tha money it actually paid to tho
Rhkriks's Orrica, 1 HhsriD.
Clt.nielJ, Pa., July 16, IK7v.
Valuable Property!
EHtaie of H'iii. S. IMrkty, Vtc'd,
BY firUflof an order liiued out of tin Orpbttni'
Court of CUfcrlUld couotj, P , tbor will t
xpoied to publio ul it th Court Houm, in tb
uorvuKBoi uiMrutsd, oa
Friday. I bo Ut day uf August, 1879,
Alt tho"ert.n trMit ud parottli of Und il tu
tu in Clearfield Munly, IV, bound, aad d
cribed folio wi. to wit
No. I. A pleco b Hand bounded oa tbo Eatt by
land of David Bear, on tbo Houtb by land of Mn.
0. Vatebio. on tba Wot b land of Henry Doltf
and a. W. CalJw.ll, nd on tbo North by land of
u. w. Caldwell,
JBM rr-TH'O wfCAta'S,
Mora or lew, and baTiag thereon a two-story
Dwelling House,
lH pprinf ruuning water noar by,
Ddnw earn,
4060 feet, w itb welt of wator, t.Keiber witb other
outbu il iiing! anl improvement1.
No. J. Beint a traot of laad ia Becoarta town-
hip. eituato on Winner ran, aad known aa tbo
J. VV. Smith lurvey, and adjoining land of gimp-
ton, Hopkini Co., containing
179 ACRES,
Mora or leu. and be ior underlaid with eareral
raluablo vein, of BITUMINOUS COAL, with
nemioek ana oiner timber tberoon.
No. S. Being tituato ia the of (ilea
II ope, Clearfield county, fronting on Main ttroet,
and running back to Clearfield oroek,oontaiaing
Three Toum hots.
More or leat, and baring tfaereon a frame liable,
ice bouia and blaekimUb tbop.
Ono-thlrd of price at which property it knocked
down on eonflrmatioa of aale, and the balaaoe in
one and two yeara, atcured by baud and mort
gage on the p rem i del, Pernona not complying
wun torini, me property win be re-advortieeo: at
their coat and expenee. M. A. DICKEY,
WaVLLACtt Kun, Administratrix
Glen Hope, Pa , July 18, 879-3t.
rpHIAL I.HT. Lut of eaaiea letdown for
A trial at teoond and third weokt of 8-ptem
bet Tom, WW i
ttCONB WBBK, 6TH hOSDAY (lVTlf AV) Of itPr.
Jetae Liana
n. Darid MrKianoy,
m, Andrew Penti ot. al.
Tt. Kittanning Coal Co.
B. GoodlanaVr
Saiaael ttortloa
J amen O. Heaty
i. li. tioodlander
John Cowan ot. al,
Andrew Hooertaon
ti. T. A. A H. A. MoKen.
ft. Geo. Kramer et. a),
rt, Btewart Cowea.
vn Moihannon L A L Co.
Tbomae Mitchell
to. John Dillon et. a).
GoodfellowAHon.touie tb, Jan. Poreat A Son.
M. M ubert vt. Bru baker A Hollo peter
tt. o. ummtsBaer re. ueo. nramer ol. at,
M. Hubert ri. Brubaker A Hollopater
n . r bv write a. to ute rt. a. timer.
R. C. Thompaoa ot. al. T. John W. Bell.
Wa. Lather ri. Jno. M. Jordan oL al.
Lireright, Liogle A Co. Tt, JudahWhltoomo et. al.
fonn ttootn vi. MorrttdUo Coal Co
T. K. Blandy vt. Oreraoertof lieoatdr tp
traiaer oromere re. ADHtin Acrin.
ItchangeB'k, Marietta to. Arnold A Hartthora.
tbihd won, nasT hosdat (Uri da?) or ocr.
Beyer, Uuyor A Co. vt. Frederick Hamey ot al,
" " " va. H Lirorlght a, al.
" u M vt, T H Blandy ot. al.
Co, N. Bank, Clearfield va. flannel Cooowoy.
" - Tt Hiram Woodward.
Andrew Gardner " tb Curua Reami ot. al.
T. C. Ueimi' vt. lluiiel No If ot. nl.
B. Wolf, Aeiigoon, vt. Jamot Hea
D. C. Uentnl va. Baaial Miller
JKP Hall vt. Henry Bhowaitef
T B AlUton vt. K. 1). Fullirtoa
Edmund Dale, Tiuitee vi. Benj. Knepp
II H bbiilingford tb. Kbert Hare Powell
T 0 Beon, Sec A Treat vt. Ueo W Horn eL al.
ElieaButley vt. DuUoii A Pallor
Bamool Snyder va. Nultor, Dart. A C
Prank, Bro't A Co, vt. Jae Kerr A Co.
Caaper Loipoldt vt. Khrittian Tubbt
Mayt A Hatnorly va. Henry Wkllnot
J B Kllli va. B knot i.
KL1 BLUOU, ProtbonoiAfy .
O tbo atinei of Grand and TrarerM Jurore
drawn for September Term, A. D. 1879, oommtn
eing on tho fourth Monday, September 2 2d, aad
to continue for inreo oootocutlrn weeki, via
Fourth Mondny, Sept. Slid ; fifth Mwday, Sep
tea br 2ih, aod fir it Monday of Oct'r, tho fith
JBArTb JPBOait VfltNTWRBK, MIT. 32b.
v,uaa iimwn, voTingion,! retnr Krnard, Knoi,
Wm 11. wa. 11.11.
Allea Hoover. Pise.
Jcha f Weaver, Clear'd,
D B Shield.. H.cir,
D Straver, Wsllsoeton,
Georiro Mofflt, Dsoator,
Jas haBter, Br., Jordan,
Issac Tbemas, Bloom,
Joo Kliacr, Ncwbarf,
J oho Bh.rlok, Rntdv,
Jsmes Arderv, ItorrlB,
Wm Johe., Woodward,
Wm L Moore, Ferguson,
n r lowna, liaetoo,
L R Merrell, OlcarSelJ,
It R Laaleb, Lawreace,
J W Hbodee, Uoatsdalo
Wm II P.tars, loin.
Hear; B Dsrr, Burntids,
.eaoe Hartthora, Pika,
Jnba leareoa. Deoatar.
ilea; u Heat, II oaudala.
M R Of deB, Clearteld.
Jos, F P,ie, Otoeola, '
(lee. Bobwem, Brad),
Jaoob O Rmith. llradv.
PrSBk Uou, Wallacct'a,
Weelcv Bhlrej, Bradf'd,
A B Tata, Ureoawood,
T J Tbompeoa, tireea'd,
J L Kras.10, Cleartald,
J 11 Rowla, LawreDoe,
Rll Llaaa, Brady,
Wm. Bmllh, Woodward,
Bemael alrUbeo, 11.11,
OemtiAeld Braoa, Bradv,
1 U VaaUassa, lloata'd,
Jcnatbaa Walker, Kooa,
I Frank Rlthel, Brad;,
Aadrew rWfal. Ilcrrla,
Whltmer Bloom., Car'B)
Jamee Lsmsr, Baraaida,
A.barv Uearbart, Mor'e,
Use Uellcb, Lawreace,
Jaa MrUaa(b.j,Cls'rd,
D W Luisa, Bell,
Bamusl Let, Hattoa,
Jas Ovea, Bocoarie.
Matt. Mcarvov, Cbett.
Xaml V sallora, tireea'd,
r as niroa. J or!n
Jno R McCssra, Pike,
O P Bloom. Uloom.
Jos't Plabcll,OovlatUB,
icroart Bloom, t,aw r,
Wm Williams. Jordan,
Frank Bash, Boiga,
D McCariaev. Wood'd.
Jas. Cbapmaa, Bamtlde,
siorris iaboj, Hoeti d,
Jaoob Potter, Morris,
9 Uormoct,CoviarteB,
i . (.las;, viearaeiii,
Ales Ksll.lCB, Nor ri,
Alet Wblllsker, PlkJ,
Peter Beck, Baraelds,
A H Bradv, Uellcb,
Oliver Hebler, Qr.bam
Freak Pelsrt, Uaoalar.
Aadrew Ukul, Beeesria,
TBATlasl iuaoat-
ia wsaa, asrr. IDra.
Qco Tossr, Carweasv'lo.
tlarry Bevder, Dooator.
Ueo A Kepbart, Dicstar,
V Woaderlv, Beecarla,
J W Straw, Jordan,
II W Park, Clc.rll.ld,
Pbilip Arnold. Bradv.
1 u Whi.,l., Bran;,
Ab'm Boas, Hoattdsls,
Chat Kiev, Bornslde.
Wm Rrothera, Baraaida,
Rlcb'd Morrisoa, Cheil,
Jno Hbannoa, Wood'ard,
Laelaa Bird, ilottoa,
BiepB rie.eaor, t'B.OB,
Mm Woolrldae, Brad'd,
Daa'l Brborr, Corw'HIa,
Ueo 0 Moore, Cleertald,
J L Pearco, Bradford.
JoaepB Heeler. Unlen.
W Stilt, Woodward,
nam I uarts, U.ruu,
W Holllnciworth. Hot'..
Side. Foi, Qnllob,
iJaoHantrocs, Wood'aR),
bbOWllaoa, Bradrcrd.
tt R Kismer, Lawroaca,
Ab'm O Shot, Bacearla,
Tboa Baraa, Dacalar,
Gllmere Hhlrey, Uothto,
as rarreil, reaa,
Jameo Hal.y, Baraaida,
James MeKeawa, Pcob,
Aadrew Kll.ara, Cheat,
Jas LfviBfttoa, Clear'd,
reior bj wsaor, sjsadv.
vsATBSas jiisost lo WBSi,crr. ra.
Jaa McCrackoa, Jardaa,
Jna Rebor, Woodward,
a 0 Jeablas, Car'evllle,
A II Irvla,
W Wastovor, Baraaide tp
BeoJ ralkereoa, Uallob,
Jno Mellendrf, Brsdp
llbsmer Hale, Morrla,
Jeba Parlor, Pike,
A W Cowder, Bradford,
Fremp Ball Qnaawood,
aisjeCarr, Plba,
Mean Tr.mS. Brsdrorl.
0 Bblree. Bradford
Pat tloiaa, Uo.tedls,
J B Uearbart, Uo((i,
.no. ninem, B.BOS,
Daniel Beomaa, Kaol,
M McHcadrp, Bradv,
Frank Oroatt, Bloom, '
Ueo W Rei, Boocarla,
R J Walker, Osooola,
Harp. Ravder. Law'au.
J McKleraaa, Uallob.
Daa'l N.f, Oeoaola,
Jsa b Csrrv, L City,
Jno Unrmaa, Baratldo ta
rt a nnaoia, uraay
R O Hasallloa, L City.
0 J Wectever, Baraaiie,
A lloralaa, 8r., Ilaeloa,
Id Flood, Oorlagt oa,
rw n pe.u, 1'iearaeia,
J 0 Johaeloa, Jordaa,
J I War, wlrard,
purchasing a SMITH AMKRICA.V OKuai
purchasing a SMITH AMKRICA.V oauAl
find It lo their advaalage ta call si tbe first
be obteinod fioi
. . . ' ". " portaai taictaiatloa eaa
the nndeiitKond.
Apm M.m Clo.rl.ld, Pa
private risr
Valuable Real Estate ! '
Tho uf. derived, living Peaa twftOWi
tVeltT'oounty, Pa., offeri tbe following talnakl.
Real KtUU for tale t f
446 Acres of Land,
More or loot, ia Beooeria townthlp, I ting th
north aide of big Clearfield crook, and within one
mile of tho latno. Tbe above load U henviiv
covered with hem look, white oak, rook oat, and
04 her bard wood timber, and a quantity f
pine, laid to bo half a millioa or more feet.
The tame It heavily underlaid with bitumlneui
coal, tnd directly on tho lino or railroad leading
from HoulidaletoCoalport. Iti value I-unknown.
There are, alto, otaer valuable mineral! oa tbe
Tbo abore land Hot about two and a-hfilf m1i
below tbo village of Glen Hope, adjulning Undt
of George Groom aad othort, on what te known
at Porter'i run. The Improvement ea theoro.
orty aro a good geared taw mill, in running order,
BlgD U BtUS, HVH1 ssaanaxa., BBBBstjv ID DOH ff B
ner, fit for a I in opt anymachtnory. There ii.alae
a large frame dwelling bouaoand frame bank barn
thtioun, tnd about forty or fifty arret, more or
leu, of the land la cleared. Any perion
witbiog to ill real in property of tbii kind will do
well to examine thia property. I will cell the
whole or tho undivided half lot emit, it may tuit
tbe purobeacr. Tbo above trnot of land will make
two or tbreo farm I, which wiU compare favorably
with tbo greater part of our oouuty. Price and
termi made known to any person wiihinc to nor
cbaHO, Por further particular! oall in perion or
addrctt the undersigned at Grampian Hilli P.O
Clearfield oouuty, I'a. SAM'L WIDKMIUB,
Jan. V, hln-tf.
W hihiaKi Hon. C. A. MiTKR. Preildenl
Judgo of tbo Court of Commoa Pleat of
tbo Twenty-fifth Judicial bittrlet, eompoeed of
tbo enuntiei of Clearfield, Centre and Clintea
and Hon. Abbah Oodkb and Hoa. V meant B.
Holt, A moo into Jvdjrei of Clearfield eonntv
havo latued their precept, to mo directed, for the
holding of a Court of Commoa Pleat, Orphanr
Court, Court of Quarter Betaloat, Court-of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv
ery, at the Court II onto at Clearfield, In nad for the
county of Cleorfield, commencing on the fourth
noiiaay, i tie wa aay oi mpt., mitt, and to
continue tbreo woeki.
NOTICE 19. therefore, barely ilven.toth)
Coroner, Jaiticoi of tho Peroo, and Conitablei,
in and tor tald eounty of Clearfield, to nppetr la
their proper peraont, with their Record I, Bella,
Inqultitlont, Kxamioatloni, and other Hemem.
brancea. to do tfaoao thlnga which to their offloot,
and In their behalf, pertain to bo done.
Uy an Act of Auombly, paaaed tbe Ith dav of
May, A. I). 1Kb 4, it it made tho duty of the Jut.
ticca uf the Peaoo of tho toveral oouetici of tbia
Commonwealth, to return to tba Clerk of tho
Court of Quarter Seailuna of the reapeetlvo
eouotict, all tbo recognitaneefl catered intobefora
tnem by any porton or poraoaa ebarnd with tbo
eommiaaloB of any crime, except mcb eatea aa
may bo ended before a Justice of the Peaet, aa
der oxiatlng lawi, at leaat tea .deyi before the
commencement of tho tetaton of the Court to
which tbey aro mado returnable repectivelj,and
In nil oaiei wbiro any rooognitaaeat are entered
Into lent than ton dayt before the commencement
of tha leiiloa to which they ore mado returna
ble, tbo taid Juaticet ore to return the tame la
the iBtni manner at If laid act had aot been
GIVEN undtr my hand at Clearfield, thlt ih
day of July, in tho year of our Lord, eat
thoutand eiglit hundred and leviaty-ntne.
julj V to ANDREW PKNTZ, Jr., Sheriff.
Teachere' Examinations.
The examination of tachera for Prorliioaal
Certificate! In and for Clearfield eounty, for the
Khool yoar U79, will bo bald at (ho following
timei and placet :
fltrard, at Congrcii Hill, Saturday, July 2Slb.
Pika, Pike Ind., and Curwcnarilla borough, at
Bloom ing ten, Monday, Augut 1 1 th.
Knox, at Now Millport, Toooday, Aug. lltk.
Jordan, at Aaaonvilla, Wednesday, Aug. 13th
Beccoria, at Glen Hope, Thuraday, Aug. Itth.
Gulich, at Janeavtlle, Friday, Aug. 1Mb.
Woodward, Houtidalo and Madtra lnd., at
Hofltzdale, Monday, Aug. IStb.
Decatur aod UtoewU, at Oioeola, Taonday, Aug.
Bgg and WAllaeatoa borough, at Blue Ball
tchool faouM, Wednunday, Aug. J(Mb.
Bradford and Bradford Ind., at Bigler, Thura.
day, Aug. Slu
Clearfield, Lawrenoo and Lawreneo lad., al
Clearfield, Friday, Aug. Ud.
Goifaen, at Phawivtlle, Saturday, Aug. ltd.
Hutton, at Pen field, Monday, Aug JSth.
Sandy, at DaBeit, Tuesday, Aug. 2fith.
Brady and Bloom, at Lutberaburg, Wednesday
Aug. 27th.
Penn, at Pennvlllc, Thuraday, Aug. 21Mb.
Lumber City aad Forgo eon, at Lumber City
Friday, Aug. 2t)th.
Vnion and Rook ton Ind., at Rocktoa, Monday,
Sept. lit.
Covington and Karthaui, at I'aloa aghoa
houao, Wednesday, Sept. Ad,
Morrit, at Kylertown, Thuraday, Sept. 4th.
Graham, at Falrvlow tchool ho oao, Friday,
Sept. 6th.
U roan wood, at Bower, Monday, Sept. Ith.
Bell, at Trout Dale aobool aouea, Tea-day ,
Sent. Vth.
Burnaide borough aad towaahim at Bura-ld.
Wednesday, Sopt, HUh.
New W aib log ton and Newburg borougbl, at
New Waahington, Thwraday, Kept, 1Kb.
Chert, at MoPherrott Khool hoate, Friday,
Sept. 12th.
An examination for adtltlonal braaebot to tho
Provisional Ccrtifloata, will ha hold in Clearfiold,
Saturday, Sept, SVlb.
No oao can bo admitted to tbo elate aftor tbt
opening of tho examination, wbioh will bo at I
A. M. each day. Applicant! mutt enter the elate
tho firat examination they attend, which mutt ho
In tbo dtatriet where they intend toachiag. It ll
U bo hoped that Direct or a wilt taiiiit apoa bar
ing thctr applicant examined la their preaeooo,
tad that they will arrange ta make their appoint
meat a oa day of oxamiaatlos. An educational
meeting wilt bo held at tbo float of each exam
ination. Patron, tnd Director! are cordially in
vited to bo preeeat. All who apply for a Certlfi
oato mutt praient a teetiroaiai of good, moral
character, aignad by a Mini ator of tka Goapoi
and two other reputable oitlaana. To belli (at
tho work of the examination, applicaata, aot
otherwiio provided, oaa tec ore from mo paaeik
tableta, already preparod, for oao dime, tiab-.
eriptiont to tbo 'NMyleawia aVdkeol JuhttmI at
club ratei, will bo taken, oa day af lamination,.
Prttervo thia notice. M. L. MctjUGWN,
fiup tof PabUo School..
Clearfield, Pa., July 10, U7S-4t.
Dead lo tba prlaclpsl Chureajes for Ooasmaalo,
Excellent forLnlie. u&TTtakly
Paraom uil tha Ajod.
vss a'i c
Tbla (Mebratod Matlva Wlaa la etaaa from law
juice of tbo Oporta lirapa, raiaadj ta tbla
Coonly. Iu IavaJaaale
Tonio and Strengthening Properties
are ansarpatiedl by any other Nstiv Wlaa. Be
lo tba para Jalca af Iba (area, ptodaoed aader
Mr. Spear a owa persoaal aaporvltiiiB, Iu parity
and geoaiaefloea are iruaraBtMit. i'h. yooafteet
child may partake of Iu (eaoroas qaelillea, aad
lbs wck.rt invalid ae. rt to advsauao. Il Is
p.BJIcularl; beoetslal ta Iba a(ed aad debit Itt
UJ7 aad Ballad U tae rerioas allmaau tbat af
reet lha weaker fi. It Is la avary reeueot A
The P. J. BltERRT Is a Wlaa af taperlor
Cberaclar, aad partakaa af tba foUeo ajealUtea
ol tbo (vspo frm akleb It la aaado. F Partly,
Rleboaaa, Flavor aad Modlolaal Fravorllaa, vt
will be feaad aaeacellad.
Tbla RArTtlTsUadsaarivaMUtbUooaatry,
bala tar superior far median! parpaaaa.
Il IS A Pl'Ri dlHIIIstkra tram ibrapoaad
oosulaa valaabU madlaal prspcailaa,
It bn a delleau tare., steal ear U tbat of Sb.
trapes from which It Is oUatlllooVaad a) la reM
lever arncai Irstlass famlliaa.
Rea tbat Iba Blraalara af ALFRED BPIKR,
Passalo N. J., is over Iba eorb af taab betUe,
B01X 8T X. W. QSeiSiJL
July 16,