-.1: i '1: l- : i 1.5 1 v. i :; 1 h. I : i'' t I ill '.i IS' I1;'. I ? Hi 1 I ; s I r f 't ' ( ,' ji; ; 1 i ft 11 i ; THE MANSION HOUSE: Coraer of Soooed and Market BlreeU, LXBAHKIELD, PA. ' TWS alii end eommodlona Hotel haa. during Ihe pail year, eeea enlarged to double Ita furmer capaelty for tho entertaiumenl of etren an and gueats. The whole building baa been refuruiihod, and tha 'proprtatar will apara bo peine ,w render nui gneala eoauerteble while staying with bin. v-The 'Mention Honae" Omolbaa real to bod from tha Depot ai tha arrival aod departure o( aaob train. W. C. CARBON, Jul; ll-TI-tf Froprlelor LLRGHENY HOTEL. Market Street. Clcarfleld, Pa, fa. 6. Bradley, fonaorly proprietor of tha Leonard liooee, baring laaaad tba Allegheny Hotel, aolioita a abara of nubile patrooage, Tha Huuae baa been thoroughly repaired aod newly furnichod, aod gueete will nod it a pleeaant etop ping plaoa. Tha Ubla will ba aupplied with tha beat of everything in tba market. At tha bar will ba found tba baat wlnaa and liqaore. Good atabllog attached. Wat. 8. BRADLEY, M.j 17, 'It. Proprtatar. SHAW HOUSE, . , (Cor. of Market A Front itraali,) -CLEARFIELD, PA. f Tha aodoralgned baying taken eharge ef tkla llotal, would reapeotfuUy aollott public patronage. febJ,7o. R. NEWTON BliAW. rpElirERANCE HOUSE, NSW WA8IHN0T0N, PA. H. D. ROSE, . . ' Paoreieron. . M aali, S6a. Man aod barH erer night, It 01. Man and two horaea oror night, f i.60. Tha baat of eeoommodattoni fur man and bealt. Out. 21,'7(-tf. '. WASHINGTON HOUSB, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tnii new and wall forniahad houae baa baan takan by tba underale-ned. lia feala oonndant of Doing able to render aatiaraotion to thoaa who Bay tur mm who a oail. Hi, , nil. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PHILlPSliUKG. PBNN'A. Table alwa;a auppliad with tba baat tha markat' uurua. iui traTauog paoiio ii inTiiaa toeeiu Jan.1,'76. ROBKRT LOVD. gftttbl County National Bank. OF CLEARFIELD, PA. T) OOM In Maabnio Bnildlng, ono door north of JVC. 1. Wataoa'o Drug Storo. Patiaa Tioketi to aod from Llrorpobl, Qnoona town, Ulaagow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. Alio, Drafts for oalo on the Royal Bank of Ireland ana imperial want: oi lionaon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prot't W. M. BHAW, Caibior. janl.'TT DREXEL & CO., Nu. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Annlloatioa br mall will receive nromnt atten tion, and nil Information cheerfully furniihed uruen aollated. April 11-tf. Fa K. iniOLD, 01. W. ASH0LO. . F. K. ARNOLD &, CO., liitikorn and llrokerft, ReynoldaTllle, alelTeraon Co,, pa. Monoy rocelved on depoatt. Dlaoounta at mo derate ratei. Eaitem and Fortiga Eichangeai- wayi on nanri aod ooUfctionn promptly mauo, hernoliiivllie, Deo. 16, 1874.-ly gnttijstrif. J L. St. nEICIIHOLD, 'sUROEON DENTIST, OraJuato of tha Pennsylvania College of DenUl Surgery. Offloe In reiideooe of Dr. 11 ilia, oppoiito tie anew noo.ee. 0.0013, 70-11. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OBo. In Bank Building,) CarwauaaUle, ClearKald Ce Pa. mohJa'YMf. . : , J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLKARFISLD, FA. (OIBea la realdenea, Baoond atraat.) Nitroua Oilda Gaa adnlnUterad fbr tha paln aaa extraatloa of teeth; Clearleld, Pa.. Majr J, 1877-ly. ?HlsrfUatttou3. OIIIIEMAKING.-I barebr Inform it pa. O tronr, and mankind In general, that I bare remored inr aboemaking abop to tha room fa Uraham'a row, over S. I. Snyder'a jewetrr atore, and that I am prepared to do all kind, of work In my line ehaaper than au7 other ahop In town. All work warranted aa good aa aao ba dona any. where alee. Pualtirel tbia la tbeeheapeiit ahop in noarneia. due. u. ilfttfttinu. Iee. 11, 1871-lf. Wagons for salE. The ondarrlgned haa on hand, at bla ahop In Clearlold, , Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spriag "Waffons, and Saos, For tale. Waitern warana aawell aa tkeee made here. Any af which will ba aold ebeap for eaab or approved aaeorily. For further inform attoo, eall in perron at my abop, oraddreei ma by letter. THOMAS RK1LLY. Olearneld, Pa., April 23, 1SVI If. The Bell's Ban Woolen Factory Peon townablp, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURKED OUT. Of MOT BURNED UP1 Thoaubaorlbori bare, at groat oipenao, rebuilt a neighborhood neooaaity, in tha oreotlon of a flrtt elaaa Woolen Manufactory, with all tho modern tmproTomenU attaobod, and an prepared to make all klnda of Clothe, Caailmerei, Batinotta, Blaa keta, Flannola, Ac Plenty of goodi on hand to apply all oar old and a tbonaand now ouatomere, wnom we w oomo ana examine oor itooa. Tha baatnoea of CARDING AND FULLING will receive ear oepoolaJ attention. Proper arrangementa will bo made to reeoivo and deliver Wool,toanit oaatomoro. All work warranted and dono a poo the ahortoat notion, and by itriot attan tion to boalaeaa wo hopo to roaltao a liberal aharo oi pooito patronaga. lO.(MM POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will nay tho bigheat market prtoo fbr Woo and aell our manafaeturod gooda aa low aa aimilar goo da oan ba bought la the oowaty, and waoaovor wo rail to renter reasonable oatisraettoa wo oaa always bo found at homo ready to make proper oipianauoo, ouner in penou or ny letter. JAMES JOHNSON A SONS, uf.rllttr Bowar P. O JEMOVALI t JOHN McGAUGHEY , Would rtvapeotiaUy twtU tbewablie gaaerahy that bo haa removed bii Orooery Store from Hbaw'f Row, to tho building formerly oeeaptod by J. MHoe Kratiev, on Soooad atrwat, ott door to Btgler'g hardware More, whore ho uteada toping a run nao oi It O C E II I E H. liAUf, DRIED BEEF and LARD. BUGARS ,nd SIRUPS, af all gradaa. TIAS, Oraaa and Black. COFFEE, Routed and One. J FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cawed rnciTB, All klnda in tha market PICKLES, in Jan and barrel!. .j. SPICES, la erery form and Tnrlaty. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINrMnKCItACalGlta), soafs, . ; V MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES Goal Oil avni L&mp CUmnjTt, And a goad aaeortmaat of tkeaa tklnge anally kept la a granary atore, wkleh ha will uebance for marketing at the market prtaai. Will aal Ifer eaak aa eheaply aa aay albar aae. Pleeee eall aad awe kli eteak and jadga far yearaaK. ' JOHS Mc8AD8BET. Cleartald, Jaa. 1, 117a. IWljrtllanfouj. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP I Imu In um fbr luit a cwnMiv, 1mm lor. r.-. omti.fitd IL J. m sax, i . it : " li Mtt il in two rhildrcn frunt lb ftn." A. I Fiimon, r lUllimni-, Mil., klio : ''It will rur tbv w.artl (v.uuh imiiirrliBlfir." Twlt Mbrl Vrla. S rnU. M rauil.inil SI.M rr tM.iUn. B.C.IriJ.KMI Ay . P IUmi. W r uU bjr K. W. Urt.bm, CUarflcld, I'. Lumber City Normal Academy. Th ninth hhIoi of th tambar City Norm-vl AtmOfiay will epa April J8ih, 117V, n4 coa tinua liitMB wtaka, with a vaoaUloa. TEACHERS. 0. 0. Kmlgfa Prlatfllpal. Mill Wag.i MiteaaU H Atiiilut Mr. Kiaifh, fearing taagfat ar dirinf ttw prt 7r, ! alratulj kaowa. Mih MiUbctl Uara4 aaU tf tb But Normal School, at ladlaaa, Pa., and a lady of iaoaoooR.pliibaiDti. AH branaboi taugbt Iron too alibobt ( tho olMtiot. ' j CIIAB0I8 FOB THE TSRSf. (Obo foarta tt bo paid or on tori d tobool.) Primary oonrto $3 Ot lattnnodiotf ooarto I 00 EigHih oourao .. T W EnglUb oonno.with Algobra H I 00 U.bor breooboi t 00 TbU aohool haa praduood loot of tho twit taacheri la tho county. It baa tho boit lyiUn of ifrado poaoiMo. It coml acted by oxporUnood teachera. Lunbor City affbrdi oioolleal obonbeo; planty of food boarding at $S.0i) por waok boivutlful Canary ; opportuattloa for baaltbfal atnuaamenta, and a lira aingtog aobool, ooadqotod by Prof. Bloom. For full information call on or addraaa tha Principal, or F. 0. BULL, FraiiJ.at, D. L. KKK0U8ON, Boo. I). A. FETZEK. taaibaT City, Fa., Mar. 11, 1870-tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, 1MB LARGEST and BKST SELECTED STOCK IN TUB COUNTY. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, ' SYRUP. MEATS, FI81I, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARE, DRIED FRUITS, CANNKD GOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. County Agent for LOHILL.1RW8 TOBACCOS, Than goodi bougkt for CABIl'la large Iota, and told at almoat city prieaa. JAMES H. LYTLB, Claarnald, Pa.. June 11, H7-ly. REMOVAL ! James Zji Leavy. flavlng purehaaod the entire stock of Fred. Sack alt, hereby give aotlee that he haa moved into tho room lately eooapied by Reed A Hagerty, on Seeond street, where he la prepared to offer to id paoiio COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of the la teat Improved patterns, at low prleee. HOUSE FUEUISHNQ GOODS, Qua Fixtures and Tinware. Roeflng, Spouting, Plumbing, Oaa Fitting, aad nepairing rumpe a aplajty. ,Ail work warraatad. Anything la my liae wlU b ordered maolal If aaairaa. dAH. it. LKAvr, Proprietor. , ..... FRED. 8A0KKTT, f ? ' Agent. Olearned, Pa., Janaary 1, 187t tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., i , Hare opeaed ap, la tbe atore room lately ooeupted by Wearer A Betta,oa Saooad atraat, a large and wan aeiaatea atock of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QDEENSWARI, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, tic. Which they will dispose of at reasonable rates lor eaab, or eiobeago lor oountry produee. GEORGE WEAVER A 00. Clearfield, Pa., Jaa. . 1171-tf. NEW , : FJLOUIt, FEED, AND GROCERY ' STORE. . fij '.'IrJ1 JOHN F. KRAMER. Rneea Ma. t, Vle'a Open Hoaae, ClearBald, Pa. i Keep, eeoataatly aei head 1 i SUGAR, i ! ' 0OFFE1, - - : . . ' ' ' TEAS, ' ' ' BODA, ' ' COAL OIL, ' BTRtJP, v 1 ' i. 1ALT.I .; spicm, : r .r ;. ','A ... ur, ... , ,. Oaaml aod Dried FraHa, Tekaaoe, Clgart, Caa dial, Cider Vinegar, latter, Igga, in, ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, ao., An af wkUb wil be ald akaaa fcr eaab at la aaaga me naaui nailan. dOMN F. KRAMER. Cleartald, E.f. la, ltfe..tf. HiSfrUimfduj. ARNOLD WANTS Shinglo Bolts & Saw Logs. Curwaurllla, Jaa. V, 7l.f. WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED MI1GLLS, at 8. Guiaiburg'a Srooery Store, Second Itreet, v imth.io, ra. jaa. ir, '7W-tr. TaitoPKitTY inin near. X Mra, Jooo B. Ranarty, of PanV lownihlp, oliora for rent a dwelling bouaa aod atore room. ituate la tha village of Pennvilla. For further talormation apply to, or addre.., Mra. J. B. KAFFKRTY, oot. J37 J.tf. Uramplaa Hllli. OB SALE. The eadaraiamed will toll at nrlvata aala all that trwt or paroel of laod aitaalo In Dooator townahip, Clearfield eonaty, Pa within a abort distanoo or tba 1 7 rone Clear OeH R. R ud adjoining lands of Robert Hudson and etaors, and known aa the Jaoob B. Gear hart loL Tbo said treat eontalnlng 00 aereo mure or loss, with two veins of valuable eoal thereon, haa about to acres e leered, and is tbo key to a large body of vwm auvui oviug uovoiopea. mil 00 sola low ana upon easy terms, rot particulars, apply to DAVID L.KREBS. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1876. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN , FURNITURE, ?i iTTitrNsi:s, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8TREET, NEAR P. 0. Tho undersigned begs leave to Inform theoltl aona of Olearfleld, and the public generally, that bo baa ea hand a One assortment of Furniture, snob as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Extension Chairs, Ladies and Gents Easy Chairs, tbo Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane Seats and Windsor Chairs, Clothoi Bare, Step and Ex ten sion Ladders, Hat Racks, Scrubbing Brushes, Ao MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooklng Otasaee. Chromoa, Ao., which would suitable for Holiday presents. deet0'7l JOHN THOIITMAN. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Has opened. In a buildina on Market street, on tbe old Western Hotel lot, opposite tho Court uouse in uiearnota,a iia ana o beet-1 roe atanu factory aod Store, whore will be found at all limes a full lino of hotjse rroinsimTQ goods, Stoves, Hardware, Eto. House Spouting and all kinds of job work, recalr- log, Ao., done on short notion and at reasonable rates. Also, agent for tbe Singer Sewing Machine. A anpply of Uachlnei, with Needlei, Ac, el wayi on hand. Terma, atrletly oaah or country produoa. A hare of patronage eoliolted. 0. B. MERRELL, Superintendent. Clearleld, April ii, 1871-lf. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Btove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatantly on hand. STOVE AD EAET1IES W ARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! Fleuer'e Patent Airtight SeirteaUn( r roil b.aii BUTTER CROCKS, with lldt. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, arru. - ourian uauilD, nrnVf u .UAnvo FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES. STEW POTS. And a great many ether things tee Bumeroei to mention, to be had at , FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry aad Third Streets, augl BOOTStS SHOES HATS, CAPS, AND ' hi: k::hi 'kk Wiliamsporl Boots. Elmira Boots, PERKINS' ' Driving Boots and Shoes, Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, flino Boots s 1 Stoga Boot With a general rarlety of Ladlaa', Mliraa and Chlldran'i BooU, Shoea and Galtan. RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER (iOOlJB, nATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS. GENTS' FtlllNItmiNO 000 PS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Tha anderalgned raipaetfaliy Lerlte the atten tion of tha people of Clearleld eoaoty, to thelr- ow noea oi tne aoore aamad euoda. Produoa taken in oaebaoga for gooda. rncaa aa law aa tea lowatt. MetlAUGUKY A SHOWERS.. R.mo.ad to Wa. Raad'a old itaad, gaaond St. Cleartald, Pa Deo. a. Ktl-lav. Wheeler & Wilson Tuallj Swing llaoMm No. 8. a .. ' urrKAnojr. Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Runninr. At the farls Exposition, 1878, Whaelcr A Wilson received the only urana i-rni mwaraeu lor Bowing Machines. Over 80 com petitor. Report of the America Inttitute of JVeic X otkohim nuttier Wilton AJttchme ; We do not betltate to declare It the BtBT Riwino Apparatus in the World." The No. I aad ne. 1 Manufacturing Marklnai are eepeclallT reoammaadad for SHOEMAKERS d TAILORS' nee. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doori Last or liank, CURWEN9VILLE. PA. WHEELEB ft WILSON M'F'Q 00., iftu. uneiurai St., rtuiadelphia. April t, 1171-ta. IS UV P GT THE REPUBLICAN CI-EAKKIKLU, PA. WEDNKiJAY MORNING, J t'LY 1ft, 147W. NOTltlNt.. ''BlisseJ bo nothiug I"' an old woman said, At she aorubbed away for her daily broad. "I'm better oft than my neighbor, tha 'squire, He's afraid of robbers, afraid of fire, Afraid of flood to wreak bis mill, At raid of aotnelhlng to orois his will. I've nothlag to bum, and nothing to steal But a bit of pork and a barrel of meal. A house that only keeps oil tbo rain Ii eaay burn aud built again. 1)1 mm d be nothing ! 11 r heart is light i I ling at my wanking, and sleep all u igbt," "Blessed bo nothing 1" the young wan orlad, As be turned with a smile to faia s milling bride. "Banks are breaking and s looks nro down j There's dread and bltterneis all over town There are brokers groaning and bankers sad, And man whose losiea have made them mad There's slik aad aalto, but waotof bread. And many a woman would fain bo dead Whose littlo obi Urea sob end oliog For tbo daily joy ihe oannut bring. Blessed be nothing, for yoa end mo ! We have no riobos on wings to flee." Bleated be nothing 1 If man might ehnooo, For bo wbo both it hath naught to lose j Neth lo fear from flood or Are, All things to hops for and deslro j The dream that is bettor than waking days. The future that feeds the longing gate j Better, far better, than ought wo bold, As far aa mining oieoedeth gold, Or hope fruition in earth bluw, Or peaoo that la in us outward abow. Almost, whan worn by waary years, Tired wiib a pathway of thorns and leers. When kindred fail us, and lovo has fled. And we know the llviog leis than the dead, We think that the best of mortal good Is e painless, friendless solitude. Fur Ihe pangs ere mora than tbo peace they give w no mate our lives ao saa to live. T! lei led be nothing 1 It knows ao lass. Nor tbe sharpest nail of the Master's oross j No friend to deny us, of none bereft, And though we bare no one, yet Uud Is left. Yet, having nothing, tho whole la ours, No thorns ran pieroe us wbo hare no flowers. And Sure is tho promise of bis word, Thy poor are blessed io spirit, Lord! Whatever we lose of wealth or earn, Htill there if left us the breath of prayer That heavenly breath of a world so high, Borrow and sinning come not nigh Tbe sure and oartaio maroy of lllm Wbo eUleth between tbe cherubim, Yet cores for tbe lonely sparrows fall, And la ready and eager to help aa all. Rioh Is His bounty to all beneath ; To tbo poorest and saddest lie givetb death. THE EXTRA SESSIOX. Tbe vuluo of tho work porfurmod by a lei'iitlttUve body cannot be estimated by the tpaco which it occupies in tbe elalulo Dooka, Ihe number ol columns, pages, square inches or thousand ems, tilled with now enactment, is no index of tho amount of good accomplished Many of tho worst legislatures, Na tional and Stato, ever convened, have been tbe most prolifio of now laws. Under tbo mistaken notion that a stat ute can cure any ovil, legislative bodies nave launched a bo-it-enactcd at every wrong presented to their view, havo piled up monuments alike of their in dustry and folly, and have adjourned in tbe happy belief that their labors would be productive of tho most bene ficent and enduring results, when, aa a mutter of fact, thoy had dono nothing to promoto tbo morality, intelligence or prosperity of tho pooplo, or the saluly and stability of tho Stute. On tho other band, somo of the wisest and boat legislatures have ap plied thomselves dilligcntly to the re peal of injudicious and voxatious enact ments, and bavu earned publio grati tude, respect and confidunco, not by putting up now works, but by tearing down those which had been unwisely and needlessly erected. Thoy hare thus cut olT shackles from various in dustries and trades, have removed an noying restrictions that uselessly cir cumscribed the area of individual lib erty, have cleared off impediments that blocked the path of progress, and with out attempting any now measure be yond such indispensable work as pro viding rovenuesand making necessary appropriations, have shown tho high est qualities of the most enlightened statesmanship. I Uo session ot Congress wnicb closed July 1st has added but few pages to tne laws ol the united States. Tbe majority had tho wisdom to recognize that the people of this country had been "governed too much," and re trained Irom indulging in experimental legislation to test now theories and air Utopian schemes. What tho dominant parly sought to do was tbo repoal of bad laws. It triod to give tho whole country Honest jurios, Dy repealing the infamous test oath provisions and pro viding a fair and equitable mode ol constituting juries in all the Fedoral courts, in this it was entirely suo- cossful. Tbe most infamous act that stained the National statu to was wiped out. justice was Bet up In place of iniquity, reason was Installed whore passion and prejudice bad reigned. ilorcaltor in all courts of tbo Unitod States it will be possible lor any ao cuscd parly to bo triod by an honest jury. Partisan judges and prosecuting prosecutors may still try to twiBt tho law and color tho evidence for the gratification of malice and spito. Such tninga bave been In the past, and aro not unimoiy to Do repeatod, for wo bave some of the most intonso parti sans on me ooncu aim tilling tbe posi tion of public prosecutor. Hut it will not bo possible for them, in future, to pack juries that will render such ver dicts, and such only, as thoy desire. Intelligence cannot bo barred from tho jury-box. Tbe men who do the think ing, wbo croato public opinion, who own most of tbo property, who monop olize sociul influenuo, cannot be shut out from juries in tho South, nor bo compelled to submit tbeir lives, their liberty or thoir property to juries pur posely packed to find a verdict against tbom. This is ono thing ono grand achievement for which all who lovo justice and desire equity will thank tne rorty sutn congress, wbilo hold ing in momory the long and bitter fight which the itadioals waged against its consummation. It was the hopo of tho Democracy when tbo sossion began to be ablo to ropcal all laws permitting the use of reuorai troops at tbe polls. It was a laudablo hope and a noblo purpose. Hy tbe Constitution of the United Slates the army is the creature of Con gress. That body can create or de stroy it: can decido upon its numbers its mode of organisation ; can increase or reduoe it at pleasure ; can assign it to anv field nf dtltv. In ahnrf. (Inn. gress hat entire control of tbo regular army, and without the authority of Congress the Executive cannot uso it lor any purpose whatever. He has power, under the Constitution, to call upon the militia of the sovoral States to aid In exocuting tbe laws, but as to the standing army he has no right or nowor Doyona wnat is given him by Congress. Truo, he is ex officio Cora mandor in Chiol of the army, butwhon so acting he is under tho control of t he acts oi congress. Congress tiion, hav ing tbe fullest, clearest right to mako all laws for the army and its duties and employment, desired to render it impossible fbr any Executive to use troops, as Grant bad used tbom. to control elections. W e nood not bore enlarge upon the dangers to free gov ernment oi naving aucn a powor In the hands of any man aa the authority to surround the polls with Fedoral bayonets. It is a dangor that all en. lightened governments In modorn times have carefully guarded against. uisiory is lull OI oloquont warning against putting such powor in the hands of any man or any set of men. The Republicans have snoorod at the anxiety ol the Democracy in this re gard because "tbe army it so small." but tho lHmocratio majority recog nitod tho fact that tbe principle in volved was tba aamo, whether tbe army was composed of ten thousand or a million men. If England, or any otber foreign power claiming a portion of our torritory, wore to send a single platoon ot soldiers to occupy it In tho namo of their government, the act would be just as much an act of war, and Just as promptly resented as if any army were sent. So a single sol dier detailed to watch over tbe citizen whilu discharging bis highest civil duties, it fell to be us pulpublu a wrong and as great an insult, as if a brigade or a division had been thus stationed. By unprecedented, unwarranted, de fiant and insolent use of tbo veto power. Air. Huyes baa prevented the neuiraiicitlion ot all sUUo ' au't&brity during this fiscal year, nor can ho pro vent its neutralization by tho same Congress for another Useul your. By that time the people will be heard from, and inasmuch as wo believe tbetn fitted lor self government, we havo no doubt they will elect a Con gress and a President in harmony with tho spirit that dictates the measures which Mr. liayes has vetoed. It is among tho chief benefits ot this sossion of Congress that it has educated the people up to a full conception ot tbe liadical designs. Not until the recent record of that party was mude, in tbe Senate and House, did any largo por. tion of tbo publio bolievo that it really and firmly intended to cling to the use of Federal troops as a regular police lorco, and as tho appropriate guardians of the bnllot-box. Now all this is un derstood. And if the session bad ac complished nothing else, it would have been a paying investment of time and money as an educating force, in show ing beyond question the dangerous designs of the liadical party, and tbeir purpose to perpetuate laws and cus toms inimical lo tba spirit of tho ago, inconsistent with free government and menacing tho perpetuity of Republican instituiious. The Forty-sixth Con gress is to be thanked for forcing cou iralized and centralizing despotism to show its band and thus insure its downfall. As with tho army at the polls, so with tho Jtadical electioneering corps called Deputy Marshals. Tho law per mitting tbeir appointment has been Baved from actual repeal by M r. Hayes' infamous uo of tho veto power. It is noodless for us to say to uny honest roader that there is no constitutional authority for Federal management of Slalo elections, it is needless lo in form any intelligent person that the solo purposo for which Iho Deputy Mursbal law wts originally enacted was to enablo tbo party in powor to keep itself in by overriding the major ity in closo districts. For this purpose the law was framed, and for this tho liadtculs in Congress and Mr. Hayes bavo defended it. Tho whole country has watched tho contest and seen proofs incontostiblo that Deputy Marshals havo beon appointed, com missioned, instructed, and paid, not to piotcct or promote Iho purity of elec tions, but to carry the elections tor tho party which oppsinted them. All this has been stopped by tbo Forty-sixth Congress, and tbe repoal of tho slat utes under which this iniquity has been lorpotrutcd has been rendered certain y tho truth elicited during the long debate. Nothing in the future is more cortain than popular repudiation of the party that proposes to bold on to power by the aid of a partisan electioneering corps holding commissions from the "Department ol J uslico," and instructed to work faithfully in tho interest of Administration candidates. When a fire is raging in town or city tbo authorities may take almost any liberties with impunity. Thoy may tear down or blow up buildings, and no ono can hold thorn responsible. So in the days ot our civil war, the party In powor was permitted to do as it pleased, regardloss of the Constitution. In State far away from the tccne of conflict as lar rviuole aa Vermont peaceable eat lens wore seized without warrant and shut up with felons. They were denied trial, and bold without indictment or commitment. Privato rights all over tho oountry were trampled in tho dust. and tho broad plea of "military nec essity" has been permitted to sbiold from punishment the authors of crimes innumerable, committed merely to gratily personal spite. It was the mis take of tho Hadical party that it would not recognize that tho fire had gono out, the war ended. It found power so sweet, and its tyrannical nso so hard to givo up, that it hold on to war power in lime of poaco, and sought to hold powor pcrpolually by such legislation as would enablo tbo minority to con trol oloctions. With the army at the polls, backed by an electioneering corps from the "Department of J uslico," it would not bo a difficult thing, so tbe Radical statesmen reasoned, to bold the majority at bay and keop tho mi nority on top. With partisan judges and packed juries, tho Foderal courts could be used ts an auxiliary to the other forces. That the Democrats in Congress, opposod by a large minority and an unscrupulous Executivo, havo beon able in a few weeks to destroy one of tbeir forts and disabio tbe otber two, is all that could reasonably be expoctod. And it is not loss a source of gratification that tho publio mind, all ovor tho country, has boon awak ened and enlightened, and tho way prepared for tho completion" of the groat work already bo far advanced. The govornmont will bo brought back within tbo propor soopo of tho Con stitution. 11 ate will bo banished from the statute books, the minority will submit to tho majority, tho civil powor will dominate Tbo perpetuity of our institutions and the property of tho people will bo assured. And tho first sossion of the Forty-sixth Congress will be credited by tho impartial chron icler with having made tho now de parture ovontuating in all this lasting good. Washington Post. It is Quern. The Lancaster Intel ligenctr, in alluding to tbe Geary mon ument businoss, pertinently remarks: Pennsylvania bas never been d latin guisbed by tbe pre-ominont excellence of her Govornors. She bas had some good ones and some that were very indifferent. Ot them all, tbo late Gov. Goary was not the most distinguished nor the most desorving. Ho was a weak man and not mnch of an official. Why be should have beon singled out of the whole lino by the Legislature, and a,ouo voted by it to erocl a mon ument for him, it is difficult to guess, nnlosa it is to beassumod that his fame was not likely to be perpetuated by any other means. Nobody took much interest in tho proposed monument ex cept the bidders tor tho work, though his widow, who has a second husband now, traveled to Uarrisburg to soloct the design, and tho pooplo of tho State will not oomplain that tho commission acceded to her taste and wishes in the choice of a modol. Three Democratic devotees of a froe ballot in Cincinnati bave beon convict ed by the United Stales Courts of tamponng with election rotums. Ono of them has boon sont to prison for a year and the other two have been fined. Such outrages as this against reform would not bo possible were tbe election lawt repealed. X. I'. 'IKbunt. We will alwari be able ta read of tha eonrle- tion af Demoer.tla artliti wbo temper w Itb elac. lloa retnroa while the Rcpablleaa partj rani tha Conrtt, tba Snperrlura and tba Maribala. If Ihe Democrat, eneld get bold of tbe mecbloer, for patting political opponeata In tba peaitee tlarr tha eoontrr would bo ahoeked to aae tha number of Rtpobllooni f alltr eaeh rear of violat ing tbe election lawa ilatiaiora Oamtu. The Baltimore man bad no business to counlor so heavily on his New York cotomporary, because tho reador ol current events, knows that the Tribune is a very bad political weathercock at best, and in thu particular case he proves to bo at moan a fraud at Hayes. Every young doctor must get on. if he only has pationts. A GOOD PARALLEL. Tho Louisville Courier-Journal draws tho following accurate and admirable parallel botwoon the charaetor of Sena tor Lamar, of Mississippi, and that of Senator Conkling, of Sew Yolk. .Mr. Coiikling'soll'eiisivu languugu und want ol decorum in the Senate and the manly cool sell-possession of Mr. Lamar have gained tor the latter commendations even from those politically opposed to him. The reply ol Mr. Lamur to Mr. Conkling that bo bad uppliod to tbo latter lbe.1 .".'.vv.'..h no good man do serves and no brave mail will wear ao excellent that it bids lair to become a provorbialism. Tbo parallel referred to is as loiiows : No man in America bas sweeter, gontler, more womanish naturo than Lamar, lip Is a dreamer, a poet. His hie bas boon passed among books, llo was long a Collego Professor. Just enough of active, practical experience, as a soldier aud as a traveler, be has had to give him somewhat of tbe knowlodge of a politician and a man of tbe world. But be makoa a poor nguro in eimer cuarucier : no is statesman and a philosopher a man of profound convictions and owes bis great place in popular esteem lo his genius, sustained by pbyBical and moral courage of so high an order Ibal bis enemies respect nim. All men, who know him at all, know him to bo incapable of premeditated discourtesy or ollense. Known to be a fearless man, bo never had a difficulty or alter cation in his life; and nothing short ot tbo intolerable insolenco ol Mr. Conk ling could have stung him into tbo kind of rejoinder which ho made. And wbo is Mr. Conkling? The country knows him chiefly through tho description of Mr, Blaine. But it is not so familiar with him as his col leaugues. Mr. Conkling is a brilliant actor. Tbo offspring of a duug bill. bo bas the cuteness of the borso-jockoy but, having the physiquo of a butcher and the voico of an oratorical vender of wart cures, bo set up for an olllco- scekor, and has, by hook and-crook educating himself as bo progressed come to bo, not merely a Senator, but a suprismgly good stage-player. Yul gar by nature and rapidly growing very coarse ana common in bis oxtor ior the result of habits which are no longer a secret at Washington he has for two or throo years attempted to make up his moral and intellectual losses by more swagger. Selecting for ino victims pi bis rage an entiro pco plo, instead of a single individual, he uas, like the poor coward that be is, strutted bis strut, exploded his miscel luneous vulgarity at long range, but curelully avoiding to tread upon ap proximate toes. This sort of thing generally comes to grid. Of course tho Republican press will tako another view of it. Yet, there is not a Kepublican editor, who has sense enough to carry him to Washington and back, who does not know that Conkling ig what wo havo represented nun. iuoro man this ; be is aa cor rupt a hound as ever Bat in Congrosa. for tbcro aro dozens of pooplo who have more than reason to suspect that be was willing to sell himself to tbe Democrats for a price in 76-7. DYIA'O OF THIRST IN THE DESERT. Sixteen survoyors in the employ of me government leu i nnidad, Colorado, a few wocka ago, for a tour eastward to tbe Indian lorntory fine. Major Meaary commanded the party, which wat composed ot educated young men. Stretching south from tho town of Trinidad aro sterile plaines. Wateron these pluines is very scarce, there be ing a few trickling streams that are far apart and made almost unfit lor one by tbe atrona; impregnation or al kali. The corps worked eastward, locating townshipt on the way until tho5thult. Thon a squad of five mon. commanded by Mr. Sbeobs, were aent from a point on Willow creek with or ders to run a transit eighteen miles duo north. The task having been per formed the five set out at nightfall for camp, in a lew hours tbey realized that tbey wore lost, with uothing but thirst and boundless sterility before thorn. On the morning of the Clh a consul tation showed that two of the party, Winchester and Johnson, of Baltimore, wanted to go one way and the other three another. Sheets, with two com panions, then left the Baltimore boys witb tne idea ol striking Cariso Spring. After six hours of constant labor, dur ing which thoy suffered tbe torments of the damned, no water passing their nps, tne tbroe arrivod at the spring. As soon as they could communicate with tho camp tbey did so, and men at onee sot out to find Winchester and Johnson. Tbo search was conducted with an excitement bordering on iron sy. On tbe 9th, about 2 o'clock in tbo atlornoon, poor Wincbestor was found lying on the open plain. He was still alive. A few drops of water wcro given bim. lie took tbom. and said in a weak voice : "Bless you bloss you ; toll mother ." He died within five minutes. Near by was a rock which towered straigbtly above ino plain, in a crevice ot tbo rock was lound a note lrom Yv indicator dated the 7tb, and tolling of their aim less wandoring. Six miles from the rock was found Johnson's canteen. The prairies was scoured for three days, and on the 12th Johnson's body was iouna. ah around tbe ground had beon clawed and tho brush torn in tho delirium ot his thirst. Within two months Winchester would bavo come into possession of 130,000 loll him in Baltimore. Radical iNOONsieTtKcr. A cotem porary pertinently remarks : Thoro is a singular inconsistency between tbe position assumed by tbe Kepublican party during tho electoral count and ita altitude now, when the quostion of tbe Fodoral supervision of eloclions ia nvolved In the refusal of Congroas to Sroviuo ior aupuiy marshals, it will e romombered that when it was asked that National authority should inquire into tne aiiegea irregularity and dis honesty of the elections held in certain Statei for Presidential elector, the Re publicans bold that even such oloctions wero purely matters of Stato concern with whioh Federal powers had not to do. Each State was to choose ita Con gressmen and it Presidential electors in lit own way, and to be responsible lor thoir choice and the manner of It. But now it is alleged that all such eloo tions are of a "National" character. subject to National direction and inter ference and it is upon thit theory that the system ot Deputy Marshals is nought to Do Justified a direct contra diction of tho argument upon which were aumiiieu the lraudulont votes that dotoatod the will of the pooplo and made fraud first triumphant, in tho person of the man who would discbarge his obligation to his party by enabling tbom to repeat the game ol which he is the beneficiary. The Kepublican organs bave been liberal in their abuso of a Democratic Uouse for putting Confederate briga diers on its military committoo. Now thoy will bav a chance to rake the Republican Secretary of War over tbe ooals for appointing a robel to revise ino army rules. Will Put. Senator Beck, oi Ken- lucky, wittily describes the groat stab wart Isadora of tht Senate, Chandler, Conkling and Blaine, "at citizen! in war and soldiers In poaoe, who got mad because the war ended and bave been getting madder evor since." The most perfect typ of sweet The bee hive. home- SBlrrUanrou. Jo 0 T S. S H 0 eJ Hats, Caps,&c, &c. GE0.C.&T.W. M0011E are Just opening a targe and earofully selected took ta xir Jioe, embracing LADIES' GAITERS, Kid, Cloth and Calf, la et.rr aljrle, LADIES' SUOES, Rough and Smooth, LADIES' SLIPPERS, High and Low CHILDUENS' SHOES, Holloaed. Baoaled aad Laaad, Pled aad Copper-toed. OENTLEMENS' BOOTS, Una aad Coarae. OENTLEMENS' OAIIKIIS, SHOES, BRO QANS, PLOW SHOES. SLIPPERS, Cloth er Leather. HATS, HATS, HATS Thny ark ipoelal attentioa to their aaaorlmant of IIAlla ambraalng Ihe LATEST STVLKS ior Dummor wear. AMONG THEIR Gents' Furnishing: Goods, ill bo found ea assortmiat of GENTS NECK-WEAR. eldom equalled either In atrle, taete, icrr or price. All or any of which wlllbeaoldatajtonlihjngl low llgorai, at ROOM NO. 1, PIK'8 OPERA llllUNB, ClearBald, Pa. April ao.'7-lf. w. j. iiofjfi;u. ROOM NO. THREE OPERA HOUSE, Clearfield. Pa., DEALER IN DRY GOODS NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Ql'L'EXSWARE, HARDWARE, Carpet. Oil Cloth, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Eto., WhUh will be role el wboleeele er retell. WILL 1AKB COUNTRY PKODUC III EXCHANGE POR COOD AT MARKET PR I C EM. i:i.arbld. Pa., Kept. in. I8T8 tf. 1 '.at T larsatiarii 1 I. n roniNiitttl of tlm vlrtttea of aaraal narilla, aniniiiria, manilrnkn. vnllow dnrk, ith HMliiltt of ivttaali em! Iron, all nnw-nrful lilond miikliifr, blood-clmnalng. and life-auataining eloiuanta. It la tha jmn-at, aafat, and in evory way the lueot e fTWtual alturntlve Droll rliifl known or availahh. to th public. The erimii-oa of (nMirine and chflmlatrr have llevnr proihHwd ao valuable a rnniedy, nor one ao N)tnt to rur. all iliaonaM moulting from impure hlortil. It ritr, fcVrofnla, and all arrofiiloua illaeaM-a, Kryalnelaa, ltooe, or Nt. Ami tiro, I'lmplee and Pair-ft-mln, I'lmlnloa, Illnti-hoe, Bolla, Tuinora, IVttrr, lliimon. Halt Ithonm, HciiM-IiciwI, King-worm, Mrera, Horee, Hheilllmtieill. Men-Uriel Dlaenae, Nu rnlRln, l-'ptuiile VYeHRnoaae anil lrra;ii lurlllea, .IiioiiiIIi-o, Aflivtlnna of the jjvor, l.ppiiai, t.moiiuUou, and aiunoriu treoillly. Ry Ita wwrlilng anil rli-anaing qnalltlea it puwa tint the foul corruption, wlilrb rolitnininittH the lilootl. noil caiiao tlerange-iik-iiI ami iliH-ay. it atlinnlaUw anil onlivena llio unit ium:tiona. It promote, enuivy and atriMiiitli. It rratorca ami nn-acrvea health. It Infum tti-w Ufa ami vigor tlirouaiiotit tho winii,. n mi-in. r.11 aiinrrer Iroiu anv illacaae ulili-ii nriHoa (nun impurity ol the lilootl need ili-nimlr. who will give Avaa'a Bakmafarilla a fair trial. Knoiomlmr, the eerllor the ti iiu, um aNctllor tho iTtlrc. II. rti'lpa Iiiia Wn fiirnlahad to physicians cvury wln-rr.; anil they, rocognlaing ita anpa. nut iimuim-, auuiiniater 11 tn tnetr precuoa. For nenrtv forty .mm Aiii'i fl... RM.I.A haa boon wiiloly tiaod, anil It now poe aoaaoa the ronSilctico of milliona of people who have axparienml benefit, from It. mar vciioua curative virtue. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr fc Co., Fractical and Analytical deealate, Lowell, Matt. sold av.AU. Dammars ayaaTWaiaa. CENTRAL Mtate Normal School. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co Pa A. N. RA VB, A. Af, Principal. Tbia School aa at nrenat eenitlteteJ. hH.r. ik. tary oen meintiee lor rroleeaieeel aad Claeioel learning. all.tnga rpeeloaa. Inviting aad eomavedloaa mpletely heeled by Ream. waS yeetilatad. uj rarni-nve won a eonauial eappij er aere water, left aprlcg water. bocetlaa eealtbral aad ee.y tf ana.,. Serroaadlag ooeeery eerarpeMed. irncnere eioerieaoeo. am. ml . u their werk. Dlaalpllna, irm bat kind, aaiform aad thoreegb. Eipeoeae modarate. Fit eeota a week dedaetioa ta iLmM.... r-r a Stadeata admitted any time. voaraet el etodv ". of atody preaeribod by the Rule I I School. If. Preparatory. III. Elemea IV. acleatita. moaei tery. AtuiT.cy cennea: I. Aeademla. II. CommamUi. rrr u 1. IV. Art. Tbe Elementary and Salantla. faasicnal, and Undent! araiinailnn iki. i- State Dlplomea, eonf.rriag tha folbwing eorrea- 1 B . ' " mimmimw IO. 00100,000. UrM- aataa la tbe otber eaaroea renal.. Na.-.l ru. eatoa af their attelemaala. algaad by Ike Penally. ... um.n. era iiaeral, ana ere In thorouthoee. not inferior In Urn, mt k. . eoll.gea. Tba State ran, aire, a hhrher crier af eltlaea chip. Tha tlmea demand It. It ia eea of tba prime objeota of lb I. aeboel te help toeeeara It by famlihleg Intelligent aad aBnieal teachera for her eebeole. Ta tbia aad M eoltalte rant ner. eeee af pel abilllUa end good paraeeee-tkoa. wbo dailra te impreye their lima aad their tet ania, at itad.au. Te aU neb II aromlaaa aid in d.r.l 'flog tbeir powora aad abaadaal apporta rar well aaid labee afu. alllea Far aalalagaa aad teraaa eddraaa tba PrteoiaeL B. B. BALL, ,,.. . 'realdeat Board of Trulaea. T. 0. 1IIPPLE, BOARD OF TRUSTEES i Cllaloa eoaely.-S. D. BaU, I. C. Hippie, Dr. 1. H. Barton, A. B. Bait, jaoob Browa; Wileoa Klalar, A. N. It..., W. W. Raebla. R. il. Ceab Sameal Obrlet, V. Rlatalaf, B. M. Blekrera, bL U Dtacebeea. A. 0. Moea, B. R. Penan, Ceetre-Ei-Sor. A. A. Carlla. Cleartald Ii Ooy. Wa. Btgtar. Blk-Cbarlea R. Barley. Leek Betea, tab. IS, IMt ,v W .at I r -w. I K. 1 tTI e? ia Our Own gidi'frtliifmrnl. THE REPUBLICAN Publlibad erery Wedaoaday bj ' G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Haa the Large.! rirtvlattoa of any paper In Nsrthweetera Peunaylretila. The largo and oonatantly increasing circulation of the Bipublican, renders it valuable lobuainoss mon at a modlum thro' which to roaoh the publio. Terms or Subscription t If paid In advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 SO If paid after six months, . . 8 00 When papers are tent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or less, 3 times, . $1 60 Each subsequent Insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 f0 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, . , . 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . , 2 50 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lirie, , . . 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 tines, . . . $8 00 Two squares 15 00 Three squurea, ...... 20 00 One fourth column, , ... 60 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One oolumn 120 00 BLANKS. We bave always on hand a large stock of blanks of all descriptions. SUMMONS, 8UBPOJNA8, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OK AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac., 4o, 4o. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, kc, Ao., IN TIIIC BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN HON. 0m. B. UooUlanriVr, Clearleld, Clearfield County, r. iniKcrUanroun. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE Rorwenarlllo, Pa., Jan. , iji y- MONEY TO LOAN0.7,u7u7 pro..d farm proparly, by tbe al,i il' In.uraaee Compeay of N.. Yorki .""I1 gaga, la auma from tl.llit .p. y, formaline apply to tha anderilgnid. HIJRXTHAL W guiT Clearleld Pa., Uay Tib, 1ST. if. M,Itt' A Bank that Never Breaks. Try My Coal. The anderi Igned adopta tbia a.iM ,( . . Ing tba numeroua ennaumora, that bii eoal 1-7. ii not a Winter arrangement oil,,,,, o. " will be operated In the Summer a. , wal tor. I alalia that I heroine "". Best Coal in tie Market, and will aall It for aeab, er la eiebaage far ... feed, groeeriee, etc. Large coatracla will kl made at a very .mall prolt. Far (.11 p.rtiM, " call aa ma ia peraoa. reaidlag ia inof B,.7 upper boum, or aodraia ma toraa.h tba iZ, oOioe. Ordora left at the poitoOiga prompt attentioa. THUS. . liUctntr Cleartald, Pa., Jan. J, 187 tf. Mt' r. ounce. a. a'louu. ,. ,,. CI LICII, Mcl'OEKLE iCOU FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, ClearOeld. p., Wa manufacture all klndl af Firnltam for Chamber., Dining Roomi, Llbrarlli aod Utlli If you want Furniture of aay kind, dua't ea. uatii you aao our itock. ' rSDEHIAKISG In all Ita braaebaa, promptly attaaiUd ta. OI'ILCH, IteCORKLE A CO Claarnald, Pa, Feb. t, '. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS tt STATIONERY. Market UU, Clearfield, (at the Peat noire.) THE andertiguod bage leave ta aanoaaoi te the oitiaeai of Cleartald aad Ticiaily, that ba haa tiled up n room nnd haa Ja.t retarned from the city with a large amoaat af readies matter, eonaliting la part of Bibles and MiBcellaneoni Books, Blanh, Aooount aad Paai Booki mt eariptioe Paper and Eoralepea, Preuoa pr.ua r ,u i onn roaeiio ; viana Leanl Paperi, Deeda, hf.rtnreai Judamant. k..-. Uon aad Pruaaieerr aolaa; White aad Parch, meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Sill Can, Sheet etu.io, for either Piano, Plate or Vieiia, oonatantly on hand. Any beoka er etallueerf deaired that 1 may not have on baad.wlll be erearoi oy oret eipreea, and aold at whoieeale ea reuil to anil enatotaera. I wiU alio keep perioawe! literature, aueb aa Uagaaiaeo, Nawipapen, ... r. a. UAiaw. Clearleld. Key I, ISM-tf ' A NEW DEPARTURE i LI T 11 E RS It I K(i. Hereaftar, gooda will ba aold for CASH aaly, la eichaae-e for produce. No book, will k. kept ia tha future. All eld aocoaati mart ba aattlad. Thoee who aeaoot each ap, will pleue hand over their eotee aad CLOSE THE RECORD, I en eVerainot. te ooll ood t tmA prteos, end ot t disco urn far holow thot ot-or aflored la this Tietalty. Tbo dioooeet X ollov uj rastomen, will eiokotboa rili io tent voorstf wj iviiow mj Mv.00 eae Day ustr goods m I will pojr eesb for whoet, oats and iIotot ee4. DANIEL U 001) LANDER. LntharsWg, Jeaaorjr 17, HIT. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PUKE DRUGS! eoa raaaacsa syo&aa, OHEMICAL8I PAINTS, 01US, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, - PEKFl'MERT, FANCT 800DS, TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, PfTRJl WINES AND LIQUORS for atadtalaal parpoaea Truaiea, Sapportara, Sckaol Booka aad Slatloa- ary, ana all ether artlolea anally foaad ia a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' nfnarPTTnwa nana. FULLY COMPOUNDED. HaTlag a large ea rloaoo la Ihe bealnaaa they eaa glr. aalire aat- J. O. HARTSWICK, '0HN IRWIN. Ctearlald. Deoemlun la, IIT4 JJARD TIME8 HAVl NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I m ewora tktvt ik e. . ti.tL. . - - - - una wv raaej purr wv B asaeeei hard to pleaaa, and I am alee aware that lee eemplelat of "herd tlmaa" U well alt k uelaenal. ut 1 am m altaated eew that I eaa eetlefy tka rormar and pro.e eonelaai.ely tkat "kard limal" will not otacl tkoaa wbo h. 11..1. - i.r. - and nil mj p.troal ahall be baltiated lata tka aa orel of HOW TO AVOID HAliD TIMES I have gooda eaeanh lo anni.1 all tb. lakakl. Unta la tba lower aad af tho .a,.k I mU at eireeding low ratoa from my mammoth Iter, la htllUONBURO, where I eaa elwayi bo foaad ready lo wall apoa aallera aad tnaply them with Drj Goods of all kinds, Beak aa Cloth., Batlaatla, Caaaimaroa, MuaUal aroiaiaae, viaea, Vrllllnga, Callaaaa, Trlmmlog., Ribboaa. Laea. Ready-made Clothing, Roott aad Skoaa, Rata aad O.pa all of tbo beat material aad made to order Haea, Beeka, UloTeo, Mlltaaa, Laeea, Rlbaeaa, Ae QR0CERIE8 OF ALL KINDS. OolTae, Tea, Sagar, Rica, Mclaaaae, Fl.k, Ball roru, i.iaaeoa Ull, Flab Oil, Carbon UU. Hardware. Quoonowaro. Tinware. Oaallaaa. Plewl aad Plow Ceatlaga, Nolle, Spikee, Oara Caltlya tere, Cider Preeeoa.aed all blade ef Aiaa. Fwrfamerj, PalaU, VaraUk, Slaaa, ead a geeerel aaaaruaaat ef BUtieaery, GOOD FLOUR, Or dlfareat kraada, always ea kaad, aad WiU bo eaia aa lae leweal poaaikla Igurae. 1. H. MeCleia'l Medlalaea, J.yaa-a HadtelaM noaieiiers aad Boeaaad a atllara. tMI aeaada ef Vu wanind lae wklab tka klgkari priae WUI be paid. Ctereimd ea bead aad for sale at tka leweat market priae. Alee, Agent for Straltoa? III. aad CarweaitiSi Tkreeklag Maakiaae. avOallaadaaereryewraalyaa. Toawltllad ererytkiag anally kept ta a retell Mere. L. U. COCDRIET. Fraa.kTille P. 0., Aagel !