XHE REPUBLICAN. ciiKARKIELD, TA. fHiXISDAT M)KMtJU.JTI.V H, II7I. Termi of Subscription. unit i J"00'" "' M'fc-.1 M 11.14 eftertheetplrellua of III Boebli... I 00 ' . ..i..,tli n. Afente. ar ran now. .orner klkejen Street, ere '7 IlioriwJ Af.nta HUMblOUai NOTICE. u.ihndi.n:nl.iPl Church rt. J. 8. aYMiaeiT, Peater. rlerelee) eeery tiabnatk It, A.M., ea7r M. fieeeelb Seaool at I A. M. . ... Meatier, ererj Wedneidnr, at II P. M Cemniunloe berrlee, Iret Bebnutk af ererj aeatn, al li'l u .t I'l.artluM M. E. Cliarrh. Ree. Scotf H'ilior, Paitor. Preacking arary iluraeU Bunder, al I u'eloek, P. M. guaitaj Staeel al II, P. All ata laritrd to attend. prteb)Mrlaa Church Rar. H. 8. Boti.ii. .Sebbatk lerriee) ttornins aod araatnjcSab kuk Sekoel at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea. , erealnf. nantlit tlturch. Rer. J. A. ALiinan. Pea. Ur. Hereiee) eeerr riebheth uorning and evening K elteraeun), ei i"i . . ., u ,v r. m. .Stbbitb Scneolatl P.M. Prayer Meeting eeery urlaeedey erenlng. at. francla' Chorf U Catholic Rer. p. J.Saanin). Prenohln. at 101 eleck, A.M., on k. 4rit.tkird and fourth Hundayeuf eaek moatk: Vrtperi and Benediction of tba Illeeeed Seerament et 7 a eleca, r. duuuj wauvi every ouauey efteraooe at l o'eiooi. OrFICIAL DIRECTORY. tiaa or holms, quartrh irmior) court. Second Monduy of January. Third Monday of March. Um Monday af Juna, losrth Monday of September. Tint or loLDina'comioR FLnaa. fini Hoodayaf Ja. -geeend Mondey af Noranbar. roibio orncnfc Prtsidnl -erfae Hon. Cbarlaa A. Mayar, of Look JJaran. Jin'riant law W,e Bon. Jobs. H. Orel), of illofonto. Airedale Judo.. Abreni Of dan, Clearfield j rinoent H. Holt, cieerneia. Protaoeoiaru Kli Bloom, feeterrr Heeorder L. J. Morgan. VitUiil illoraiy Wa. M. MoCullougb. IVeaierer Philip DotU. Bktrif Andraw Paula. Jr. Dtpui Sktif Cnrlat. i. Koa((y, Cl.arHald. C'oMHiy jfawyor Darauai r. juouioasay, tir aaalTillo. Cot CowimUiiontri C. W. Rylar, nraham ton P. 0.; Klah Johnaton, urataplaD It ilia r U.; juha Norril, Sr., Corwenirllla. Ooaaly aJilara William V. Wrlht, Clwr Id J: Jo.apb Uillllaod, Ihraa Run.j J. 6. Nor ril, Woodland. CW.ty ihromtr J. B. Naff, Naw Waoblnrton. Jmrf Oommiaimm Dr. Jamaa P. Burobfiald, Claarsad. Joaaph Alaxandar, Madera. Apan'atnalral a PnUit 8ekool1t. L. Mo Qaown, CloarDold. Smlnnf H.toala Mvinrt Jaiaa W. Carllla, office at Luthertbarg Pa. A'otdrtw Pu6C'e John W. WrtRley, Wra. Ra. abaaclt, Cyrna OordoR, Clearfield; Joaepb R. Irwin, N. I. Arnold, CarweoaTillej J. A. Living Hone, Dulloia City. Our Syttial oolutna la decidedly Intareiting in a local point of view, and profitable reading to auteidora who want to tare money. yi:h, Of touitsu I "Will you lake wheat, aata or wore for aub leription V We are often In'0lra4 of in thia way ky letter from patrona who reaide at a diataoce from Clearfield. We again fay yea. The receipt! of a rerponaihte merchant or mill owner In tba ricinity, will anlwer na Ju.t u well aj tha oaab. To illluitrata: If any of oor patrona will deliver at a beg of grain at the mill of Joieph U. Bretb, ia Chtit townihtp, Horace Paiebin, In Burnaide, Tbomal IT. Poroay. in Orahaia. Wn. Porter or Sbnw'i, In Lnwronee, or Brown A Seyler'e, Rt Rockton, Union townihip. and forward their reeeipla for the amount, wa will eredlt them or Ibelr acconnt for tha lama. In thia way all may leoa pay what they owe. If they will purine thli eeurae. tf. ' The Trial Lint for Septomtier Term ef Court le publiehed thli week. . . Tho com and potato crop promiRcrj at preient to bo an abundant one. Cherried, both woot and BOtir, wcro ..Min An ih. ri.Mti nf Hrankville and Clarion laal week aa low aa two oenta R qoart. A band of frypnien ban beon in camp for the paalfaw dayi Ir the grata or tba bilreail af Iowa, Rear tha antraaea to tba cemetery. Sheriff Fentii occupies a portion ol Ike Rirttat.icAR thli week ai a real aitatt bulla- a. gale lo lake place en Friday, Aug oil Ith. There wore no services in the Prcs- bylerioR Church Ir thli place laat Sabbath, the paitcr being abaant at DuBola, Raelatlog Rev. W. M. Bur.bH.ld Ir the admtolitratloR ef tbe l.ord'i Sapper. ew A reception party was eiven by Mr. and Mra. B. Arnold, Ir Curwenavilla, Friday araa iar, iheiTIb alt, In honor of Mr. Herman Haupl ad bVlda. About irieen eoiple from Clearfield were preaeRl. The iroldeD eraiD il now beintr irath- ired by the knibendmeR lbrouhout Cleerteld eonaty. A large tgaaollty af wheat waa outiait week, and If tha weather le favorable Ibla week, the wheat harvael will be tnlihed. On the rivers at and near Pittnburih there la an Immenae ooal loot awaiting a rlee in the Ohio rlvar. It II eatlmated, counting eight bargee to an aera, that there are one hundred and fifty aeraa af coal la the boale, ready for tha lower markete. The Philadelphia k Krie It. 11. Com pany bava Mveral eerpe of aoginaere at work lo aatlag R road from the P. A R. road to Internet the Lew Grade Railroad. A eorpi of anglnoere are Row at work In Iba vicinity of Falle Creek and DuBola. Rot. Dr. Geo. P. Hays, Prenitlont ot Washington and JcfferroR College, and Col. J. P. Smford, of March alltowR, Iowa, will be the prin cipal "headlighta" at tba aait Teaohera' 1 n.tituie Ir thia nlaeo. Botb tbeaa geRllemen an wltboat rlT.li In tba lecture field. 1 . a A. A. Carlisle, K.n., (brmerly tlovil la thli oHae, and recently connected with Ibe er.il at BroehTllle, kai takea oditorial charge of Ibe Clarion Jf.jahe,vlce W. R. John a, reilgn ed. Mr. Johm will Uka charge of a new paper to be Marled al Feiburg, Clnrlon aonnty, about the lit of Anguat. A coids of enifinecrs commenced on Monday of laat week to locale the line for a rail road between Royooldeville and Ponleutawaey, la the Internet of Ihe A. V. It. R. Company. Thia branch will traveree a loope of country, rlob la coal and ether mlaorala, and will afford a val uable "feeier" le tba Law Grade Railroad. See a woman on horsohack in another tjemn, riding Rear Bpear'a Vlnejardi, with a beaeb of Oraeoa Cram which Bpear'a Tort urape Wine la made, that II aa highly deemed by Ihe aredlcRlproreeiloa for Ihe an of iavalldi, weakly paiaeni and tha aged. Sold by I. W. U robin , Uraggiit, Clearfield, Pa. J'J ' J t'- i e Dr. T. J. Hover has removed his ee rate more eommodloui aad comforleWe Varterin the anth eld.ef Market etreet, three doen out af hli former loeatlos. Pcnoni d.ilr 1d to eae him on profeoilonat ar other be.leeie wit find him be Iho office formerly oenpled by J. Blake Walton, Rat)., and later by A. A. Ilraham, ' ' . t WlNR AND CAKI rOR KvRNINOS. Alfred Spear of New Jeraey, M ehenld ho known, t one ef Ihe meet eitonaive prodncen and deal- i ia Pure Wlaea aad Braadlei Ir tha Vailed Slalce. Ha makco a laparlor Port Wiaa, which leek Ibe blgbeet premlam a4 the Ceateeelel, kaewn aa Sponr'i Pert flrapo Wine. It la Mid by f W.tJraham, Clearfield, Pa. Tin Turner Cas. The Lock Haven lemerrwt af laat week aaya r "A ipeelal adjoamad Coort, May Term, wlH Mmmaoon Ibe lalMoadap la September. Or ilmenerad Mendey, Ike lib, a term ef Oyer and TermlRer ill cemmeajco far tba trial af lha Turaar murder Hie af Clearfield, Rlaly Jurora bava hee drawn rem nkiek to eoleet tw.l.e ta Ir; tho awe. It la "peeled that Ike trial will eon.eme two wedii." u ..MM ur. t. . . Immvi rev "',ia ee e i , n ,. , v ' - - - fiecrlfd ta Mate that the member) af tha Meeeiek'e Church, at fylertowt, propoia to hold R grove BMk. .L- I - I - . M f V (bet "liege, commenelag na Wedneidey, Aagart lib, .... ... w ,--L "e w eealiane for Sea dya. Ilov. ae. u. or aad Rev. L. Oiler, of Rhode I.laad, Rod Iher elergymea will be free eat to epwak to tho rrle. A II eiMlipue4 poraoaa are la'lted u altead lha mertlag. Dr. II. F. Room m. Phv.lel.e r .7 vurumo lllscafie , ...,., ra. J-tu-tr. Wbowt TbelhormoinetUr"reKUlor. region for a fa. day. p.., bu . d.blllt.ll,, hot or bumaally a. e.,u,cbJ llnmi, Stop and look atTjohn A. Stock's ebow wlndowe, and eea cm. r . J. K. Bouorl.' fr""Ju'jJ yj .f JhKron,K'-ocory"and po'anut firm of Cunkl. A UcCullough have oloeed out buii., l thlivl.ee, T,h.v .book the Cl.ficld du.t off thel, leet la.l Monday, etd v.mooacd for a mora eongeuiul dime. Remember that Lytle is County Agent for Lorilll.rd'i Totaoco, ud can .11 thei. ...,,ory price). They ara tha bell lobeeoe, In market. Try thein. f Wm. V. Sopor removed bis fumily from thli pl. t willl.,port a few we... Inee, where bo hai aeenred a lllo.tloa in tba l"er yerd of Reading. Emory A Co. Wo have now on hand several thous. and firat-alaii envelopce, which wa will print for bnelncaa men, or anybody alia, at price) thai ,w. Rot bo rivalled. Coll and eae them. if. List of lettors remaining unclaimed In the Poitoffioe at Clearfield, for the weeh ending July 14th, W8! B. U. Dugao, Clark Hubler, Mia Tillla Jury, Mln Llraie Murray, Mill Alice Nol.ler, John J. Read, Mr. F. Spear, Mln M. J. Tliomai, Mr). Anuic Walk. P. A. QA1IL1N, P. M. - m e ei Normal Class at Ckntue. A Nor- nit cUm will open ftt Ceatr o Mondiy, July 11, 187U, and oonlinuo ill wteki. ImlruntioB fliei ) the euminoa brDobei, Alftbr, Qom- try, PhtloioDhr. Phvilaal G '. h nun i... rnmtnt, ntt Thwry of Ttwobing. Trmi: Mugoi u.prtmut, l j Karmfti letmDtt 00. w. A. AMBKOSB, Toicber. Cletrfi.M, July tith, S79-lt "' From the Du Hois Courier wo learn thit a bira btloaglog to Mr. John Buwb.r(r, ntr that plaot, u totally daatroyed by Art ua Sundy a wtek. Lon Umm $801) to $l(0t0j la uraaeo $500. It it lupoied to bavo bicn tho wirk of aa lnceoillry. Ao attempt wai uad la tho 0Tenlo of lb day following to bora tho roildonco, but tho tiro which kindled lo tho wood ifaad, wm dlMorored aud oitingutihvd without doing any dataagt ! tm A Cheap 1iib. The officers of the Pennsylvania lUilron have arranged a grand eienrilun to tho ih ore to Ctpe May, Long Brartoh aod othor popular roiorti. The cheapoeii of. tho rtdo wilt tndaeo many wbo hive novor oca "old oocaa" to aiako the trip. It la 346 niloi froia Clctr field to Cpe lUy, and tho rail road agroei to ttrry a paneagot there and baoh 690 mllti for $rt.75, thao one coot per mllo. Tlckoti gojd from thli (Wodoeeday) morning for lx dayi. m rta.1 -- Among ThiIndians. During liis laat trip through tha nppor oountiea, Ht. R. Orlttindea, of tuli place, addreiied the Senoca Indlesi ta tha Corn planter Reierfntioo on tha Allfgbefiy river, In Warreo oounty.and orgtnUcd a Sunday tobool among then. A part of hie ad dreet waa repeated by an Interpreter in tbelodiea language. Deaaon Jauk Blaokiaake, a veritable oao-o, and Alfred llalftown iro among Ihe offiuors of the Solool. BtlltfnnH Watcmn. Comity Superintendent Mctrtuown puhliihea hii programme In tbla weak'a Kkpui li ct it for tho Pall axamlnnlioni, He atarti oat on the 2flth imt., at Congroaa Mill, la Oirard townahip, and cloaca on tho 1 2tb of Heptember, at McPberron'a aohoul bouea, In Cheat tawnebip. AH perasna dealriog to teaat in Claarflold ojua ty tha oou ing Fall and Winter, will And a groat deal of useful Infortnatton tn the advertisement to be found ateowaere la tbla Uaua. iltiNOvEtt byTheCarh, On Thurs day morniog laat. a young man named Ederard Ike, aged abont 11 yoara, while attempting to board a freight train at Uardnera atation, on the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad waa thrown under the train and bad hie right leg terribly mangled. Up to thia writing, he waa Buffering great pain and fean were entertained aa lo hie recovery. He waa employed aa track hand on the Division, Another warning ta persona who have a fashion of jumping on trains when In motion. Oictol RtitiUt. ea o) Hoimi Dubnei). Tliodwollini' honso oi the farm of Mr. Wilton Read, la Lawrence township, a few miles lautb of this borough, was destroyed by Are on Friday evening, the 17th ult., together with oearly all tho oontcnts. The fire occurred about T o'clock ia tha evening, and waa 11 ret diaoorared oa the roof, supposed to have eaugbt from the flue. Mra. Read and the obildren were alone at the time, Mr. Read being absent on bullosas, and by the time any aaalattooe arrived from the surround ing neighborhood the flamea bad gained aueb rapid headway that but very few of the household effects could be laved. Sad Acoidint at Tyrone. Joseph Lewis, of Tyrone, Monday afternoon, the 7th Inst., attempted to board a freight train at tfae upper and of the yard, with a view of going to Osceola, Clearfield eonaty. In doing so he missed bis footing and fell with hia left leg resting on the track. The wSeela of the ears passed over it, crushed it from the knee down, rendering amputation aeoaarary above the knee Jo int. He waa duiag aa well aa oou I J be expected yesterday;. Mr. Lewie (a yeang nil, married only about one month. He waa employed la tho foundry and miobiae shop of W. II. U. Nevling Co. up to tbelr auspeosioD, and waa at the time of tho ao eident oft hie way to Oeoeele, Where he bad se cured ep1oyaOTBt.-jfoni TWlttM. " IR R The Kotirth of July colebration at Clearfield ems off with telat, and waa voted a auooees in every respect, eieepting the dlaappoint mtnt ocoeiioned by Ihe nun -appearance of Rx (lov. Curtin, to make lha ade'reea, lor whiob the Ei-Qov.. la alone respoo'lble, fhilipihnrg Journal. 1 We object to the latter clause as premature. How do you know thaf'tbe Ki-Uovernor is alone responsible J" Who told you ao t RMolieottbat only one side of the correspondence has been poS lished. It ia atweya better fur the Squire, or a jury to wot render ibelr verdict until the evidence Il in on both sides. This Fourth of July ease, like all others, has two rides to it. Hove slow ! It is the best route. Important to Kailroad Manaoehh! Pattnt Ae. llO.Sie, V. S. Plt Vfirt.A Self Car Coupler that will eoopleeoeor one thousand oara as rapidly as they are brought to gether, without any perron to guide the link or pin. Tbla invention consists of the link and pin, the same aa now In um, and ia so simple, al though ao perfect in its construction, that It must recommend Itself lo every Intelligent railroad man. It can ata wry mall eipensebe applied to every oar now in use, aod in the construction of ew cars It will scaiorly add anything to ihe ea panse of building. Any Railroad Compmy wishing to teat the Coupler een have It applied le their oara, by ap plying to the undersigned, at Clearfield, Pa. Bnoana, Bloom A Botaa, Addreasatl letten to T. J. BoriM, Clearfield, Pennsylvania. We publish the announcements in our adveriiung commas jor pay, una nmui trooble oureelvee lo enquire aa (o the qualities or merits of tba warea advertised, further than to aa aaro oaraelvoe that they are legitimate and re speotabte. Hut when an article performs mlra elea la oar mldil, traasformlogtheold U young. la appearaaee al least, wa eenoot pass it a o noticed. Wa kaow of people wbo, years ago, were gray- headed and who sow wear dark and gloaay hair. How la tbla t It evldvatly la not colored, for It has a perfectly natural appearaoee instead of the harsh, dry, ate nag loek ef hair $ftt wtm altrale of oilver or olfaerrommoa hair dyec. No 1 U boa beca resferref lo 1U youlhrul eolor, luetro and vitality by the ana of that wonder of wonders, Hall'i Vegetable Sieiltaa Hair Rswewer. It kaa any Imitators, hul there le nothing like It. The test af year only laereaae lu fame, while Ita Im itators die aad ere forgotten. fieslw Daily 011. It it t v.. tir T.tfittTMiNti.- The II od- ford tVeveire,of rriday, aayat 'Mre. Jdalveraoo Clerk, residing near Mowry't Mills, (($ "" hip, waa hilled by a atroke of lightning oa July 4th, about $ o'clock, la the afteraoes.. Her mother, Mre. (tuft, aad lialer, Mre. Mock, and .kitdMB and her awa ebtld ated about two years, were a short distance from the house gath erlag eherrtee, wba a rata same p- Mre. Clark waa oa ho tree aad was prefaced apea by her mother H tviao dowa. She did ao, aeatlng her ef at lha tBt of (be tree, wiib aer iittio eaua emem k.r I.B. 8be u aahod by hef mother lo go to the bouse, hut oho remarked that aba waa "net afraid af a little ratB," aad ea proaeaeeieg thia t &e etraek dead. The tree hours ao mark, neither does the groend aoder tu Tha ay mark of the atreke was ea a eawar awean that aha Wft hang aa the tree, from whleh owe ftavo waa kaocked oat aad part af the hoop melted. The child was aot killed though badly hart. AH the other member, won very hadty shocked, bat Boaa, we hope, at thia writing, fetal." Frank K. Kmiik l.m ;mnmn,n hllpoperly atthleasteud of Maihet street, by building a largo covered porch lo font of bis roe idenoo. ' At the Rki-ubmoan oflire in tho pluco hogetyour Job work done. We are fully prered to do anything In the printing line, will do It well, aad at tha ia kind of prleoe. . tf. Prof. A. N. limib, Principal of tho State Normal Bcboet, at Loch Haven, had the degree of Ph. D. (Doctor of I'hlloeophy) confer, red on Mm lust weok by Lafayette CoHega. To Lanulokue and Sturekkeiehk! Lytlo baa an arrangement with an Kaatorn Cigar Factory so that be can a el I cigars hy the box or tbouaaad at bottom flgurea. dive their eigara one trial. (f 'J'ho Administrfttrix ot tho ontato of n m. H. Dickey, deceased, will offer a lot of vkln able praperty for le oa Friday, August let. For description and other Information, wa refer to tuo advertisement elsewhere lo this paper. . - n a mi ,. A hlTTLE (ilKL W'ANTKO. A re spectable family wish lo obtain a little girl aged bjut eight or tea years, which tfaey propose to raise, educate and adopt, tut furtUr nartloulara addresa the editor of tbo Riewm ir.w i A TeilHH'Pfllii, mMiilin.f iu n....n ed to be held lo tho Couvt IIoU-e aext Mpmlay evenlrg, July list. IUv. Mr. Aldred, of this place, will deliver ao addrtm, and some business in connection, with the AKicrUtion will he Inns- acted. Tho (Vntral Pennsylvania Dental Aaaooiatton m-eu In Clearflidd thia week for a two days' aession, commencing this (Weduedy) morning at 1 o'clock, and continuing until to morrow afternoon. We notioe that Dr. J. L. R. Heiohhold, of tbla place, will eipatlate on "Pathological Condition of the Dental Palp and Tre-.tmeaL' New Daily Stauc Line. James L, Leavy baa succeeded tn having a dally mall estab lished between Clearfield and Pcnnflold, and wilt hereafter run a dally atage between the two points. Illaeantraetbegaa with April 1st, and the stage will leave UearOeld every morning (eicept Sun day) at 8 o'clock, making connection a with all trains oa the Low Grade Railroad at Pen nil eld, re turning after the laal train the aatne evening. Passengers and freight will be oarrlod at low ratea. Orders tea tat any of tho hotola will be attended to. .CaprTiMf - nUl mm Rtude.nth' Contest. Quito a largo audience assembled in the M. E. Church at Mew Washington, on Friday evening, July 11th, to wltoeee the atudenta' outtteit in Reading, Essay, Oration, aad lteeltatioa. Tbo auoeeaaful contes tants were as follows: la Select Reading, Wm. Mott; Recitation, Mamie A. Irwin ; Essay, Wltda Barber ; Original Oratten, Edward Haley. The p rises in each olast were prcaented hy Min isters chosen for that purpose, and were very courteously received by the winners. A Series of resolutions were road and adopted by the atu denta, commendatory of the kind treat moot re ceived by the people of New Washington during tho term. In rsunae to thi , Riv. Satnusl Miles, oa behalf of the people, offered a resolu tion of thanks to tho teachers and County Super intendent, for the great goi they bad done that community lo conducting euoh a soooejsfji term of school. mm - A Ht'ItRlCANB. The storm last Friday afterneon was one of the most destructive that has paa'ed over our eouaty 1 no 1IH7. The ehiel damage consisted In the unroufiog of houses aud bams, while the loss of fruit trees and grain ia alio very heavy. n thia borough about one doien of our largest bade trees In different parte of tbo town were destroyed. Oae-half f the roof of Robert MeCorkleY dwelling house, on the hill east of town, wal badly damaged, and bad to be replaced by a aow one. Kugene GulioU'a stable waa totally demolished, and other damage of leas con ' aequence waa dune in thia neighborhood. With the destruction of some trees and a badly frightened ; eat af neighbors, our town escaped. It passed this place about 3:30 P. M. , We have heard of no lone ol lives iu the county except at Osceola, where a ten-year-old boy, I Walter Carothsrs, was kilted hy a tree falliag upon him and eniabing hia body to a jolly. A orother waa also hit on tho bead by a limb, but bo may recover. We fear when all tha facts are gatheied, that much timber has been torn do wa In different sections of tbo oonnty. Ml it) into wo, Joutala county, seems tu have autTered moat front tha effects of tbo torna do, wbioh visited that point about o'clock P.M. Tho Methodist and Presbyterian ohurohes were literally demolished and the Lutheran church badly damaged. A num1er of dwellings and stores -vera also injured, and trees and fences scattered ia every direction. Mre. Creswoll, aged aeventy-five, while escaping from her bouae, was struck oa the head by a flying rafter off the Presbyterian church, and instantly killed on the at r cat. Patterson, on the railroad, on the opposite side of the river, felt but little of the storm. It aeema to have bobbed up aod dowa dear aoroaa the state during the afternoon of Friday, doing a vaat a mono t ef damage in ear tain localities and miss ing others In tha same line. -i, , nwnnV mnm - - UlR HCHOOL FUNDS Economy is to he admired when properly direct ed i but we think our Hoard of School Directors jumped the fence when they sent to Allegheny eounty for blanks to poet the following Informal and illegal statement of our borough school funds for the oorrcnt year, which provei nothing that will satisfy a taxpayer, nor doei It comply with the law. What we say of our Board applies to every Board in tba eounty that baa followed aait la tbia matter t ANNUAL STATEMENT of Herclpta and F.ipendlturea of Clcarilold Hi rou (fl Hrliuol IHatrlrt, for Hie brlioti. Year EuiHho; tha llrat day of June, lt-T TAX BiTB, fix MIM.IO. THB 30Lt.AH OP VAI.Iti- tiob roe acttooL roapoaaa, and thrho hii.i.o rou Bini.niKa rvrosKf.. narsinn. From State appropriation 9 333 00 Balance on bend from last year.. Prom Collectors includiog tales of alt kinds.- Prom Loans. Prom Uooaty Treasurer, ; for unseated lands Prom allother eourceo, aa aalea of bouses or lands , Hqor.r Bnea, Ac, organ tlbtt, sfove l 0, tuition from olhir ViH.tUM. 4,iftS .17 Total i lpta I .'.,Sll Off nxraRDirtraaa. For purchasing groondt... for building and furnish ing honaea for repairina. 4.,m- - efurftneZ ntw fmmme$ t 441 For Teaohera' wagea. 1,8M o For ruel and contingrnftteai MM04.24,.7tiNiW,lls.. CO, wivtVi'M, 20.30 For fees of Co I lector, 91 66.. aadTraaswrvr,tll4.sl 2M IT For Salary ef Secretary.... .10 00 For Interest paid AftO 0 For other ei peases, includ ing ef orderi rtttmrd.. Total expenditures Cash on head- M I Amount doe Treaarer...l 41 H Horace. L Cash oa band . Amount due District from Total Resoareee I 4,AK4 45 i.uaiLinxa. j Amount duo Treasurer..... $ 41.45 Amount dae on uneettledj hi Mm emlmlandintl ttrdtriA LIS fO Amount borrowed and un paid, or debt or Diatrtet et.-.tereel "," Total llabillltoa. I Reacorcea la eiceaa of Lie hilltiea t.lthillt.M In el cess of Re toareet I ,7 ! WM. R- SHOWN, Q. L.RKRD. Seoroiary. Presideat. V ti.l. aertlfv that the above account was examined on the 12th day of Jone 1S?9,and found eorreci. tirBXTaai. r,, Pktb V. Wiuoa, Auditor. The foregoing form or statement Is aa lavea iira patealed hy the Stela Saperlnteadeat for the beaeftt af a "bally" of hl.ft who prlata about lfi,000 copies from this one form and charges the several Board at School Directors larac tWe mttniutnlUjm w-i& . It I a aquar frad op"t the taxpayer of the State haeaaea M doe net comply with tho law rcgalatJog the publica tion of account, nor with aomooaa him. The Item of oxpeaee and iwee.pt of but very few flehool dlatrleU are allka, aad Heoee a general form Ilk ihe foregoing 1 a frawd. Mora thaa this, the net ef AeeemMy reejelree the otaleaneete ta primttd or eeWirea,' wot partly priatod aad oartlv wrlitea, and tne-halftb Item left blank. We ahall have more to Bay aa thia labjeft ia the fetare. A Fact. An advortinomont Instirtod In the RarvBUcin will nftaih-vw readers than If publlahod In all tho other papers la tbo coun ty, aad oust the advert Isei leu than one-half In other word, an advertisement published la our Jcurnal la worth double the price of that ohargod hy any other publisher la the oounly. 'It la a fact." tf. mmman CKSI - - TtrtNip Skkd. 1 will Bond to any aajress postage paid, Turpi top atropleaf turnip seed, one of the Wat for general crop of 187V, fresh and genuine, One pound sixty oents j one half pound, thirty cents one-fourth pound, tacn- iy cents j one ounce, ten cents. R. C. Camioi n. Indiana, Pa., July Vth-3t Hecdeuaa, LuMiitu City Academy. Tho Lum ber City Academy will open fur a Bummer session of eight weeks, commencing July 7th, 1S79. Thia flourlibing Institution ia patronised hy many of the ablest students in the county. Terms for aexsion, (Theory and Praotloe of Teaching a specialty) .H S'J. Boarding, $2,00 par weok. Rooma fur aelf-boardere to ho bad ebrep. Lumber City, June ISth, 18 Til -3 1 Clearfield Coal Trade. Stuto- ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyruno A ClcarOeld Division, I'ennaylvanla Rail road, for the week ending July 6, 1679, and the aatne timu last year : COAL. VO-(i F.r the week Jfl.722 Sam time last yesr 22,6tll Ilenreuso Previouelt durlna yar , ..... l.tf.lli Tin.ofia ...H &W,488 ...M 11,76 73,7fl ..... 022,14V Smue time laat year Increase ,. , Total In 1879 Same time last ywtr ., Increase otbeb raaianri. Lumber ll4,A;tff ,.i:i4 cara. ,.112 Miaoellaneoua fraigbta , Brady. Fridnv'a Rtorm did eomo bad work lo thia township. The Inc. large barn on the Marshal homestead was struck by lightning aad Instantly consumed, with all ita oou tents. A number of poraoos had been at work In tha harvest Held. They returned to the house for safety, aud while there, the barn waa struck. They went to the front door to see whore tb lightning bad struck, and they say tho barn waa oa Ore all over et that moment. The roof wa takea off tbo barn on the adjoining farm. About two tlilrdo of tbo roof was taken off the barn on the Lines hemoatead, and Mr. Ell Linos wasaoveroly injured by being atruok with a portion of the root. Half the roof on the barn of Da old Good lander, on the Thompson homestead, was also blown off. The Injury to feooei, fruit, and to other property Is vory great. Illeitulal Exaraliiatluiieol Invalid Peiuion- era Discontinued. U. 8. Pkxxi91 Aur.-cr, 720 Sanaom St., ) I'ltn.ApaLPUiA, July 7, 1879, j To tkt Editor af Th Record: 1 inclose yoo a copy ol notice oi tuo repeat oi tactions 4,771, 4,7.3 and 4,773 of ttte lleviied Statutes, as follows t UUPARTUKXT OF HI IMTRIllOa, I'RKSloa Uf- rita.Waauiatitoa, D.C., July I, 1H79. lly Tlr- tue of an act of Congress, approved June list, 1H7 W, the biennial examinntion uf invalid pension ers is abolished from that date. The following ia the provision, to wit : "That fieri ions ferty.seveo hundred and seventy-one and forty-seven hundred and sevenly twe and forty-seven hundred end seventy-three, of lha Revised Statutes ef the United States, providing for biennial examinations af pension ers, are hereby repealed." (signed; J . a. iiRKTt.ar, 'Commissioner.' " The effect of the above is to dispense wiib the medics! examinations of pensioner that were heretofore required at the September payment of eaoh odd year, as 1877, 1A79, 18M, etc. Heretofore, the biennial examination has been the cause of much delay in the payment of pen sioners at such times, more especially those In the city, as thny were required to appear before the Board of burgeons here. This being: a matter ol Importance to many, i think It should be given publicity through the local columns of your peper. ery respect tuny, n. u. bh-kkl, tailed States Pensioa Agent. MIAIUTKfc.U. The following aot which baa for ita object the oncourjgemeat of tree planting atong roadsides, will be of interest to property owner and farm- ars generally : An a"t to eaoourage the planting of treea along the roadstdaslB tbla Uommonweaitn. Srctiob 1. lit it narttii, etc.. That any person liable to road tax wbo shall transplant to the side of the public highway on bis own premises any fruit, shade trees or forest treea of suitable site, shall be allowed by the Supervisor of roads where roada run through or adjoin cultivated fields in abatement of Lai, on dollar for ovary four treea aet out, but no row of elma ahall be pleeed nearer than aeventy feet, no row of maples or other forest tree nearer thaa fltty feet, eicept locust which may be set thirty feet apart, end no allowance aa before mentioned shall be made, un less aucb treea ahall have bean aet out the year previous to the demand for auoh abatemont of lax and are living and well protected from ani mals at the time of such demand. Bio. 1. Anv trees transplanted to tbo side of the highway aa aforeaaid, tn tho place of treea, whiob bava died ahall be allowed for In theaame manner and on the same oonditlon as la the pre ceding scot ion. 8ru. 8. No peraon ahall be allowed an abatement of hia highway tax a aforeaaid, more than one quarter of hia annual highway tax, and no one ahall receive an abatement of tax for tree planted prevlon t tbo paaaage of this aet. Hac. 4. Any person who ikail cat doiea, kilt or (jttr oNvieitta tree foaled at afortHttd, tkttll ptiy to thi Suptrvitort of rondt as aforttnid fifty Mid JOT eac MM WWWrj rw wm '", . vr nmovtd, to be cofsefeaf as lAer road laxs are now toUtettd. Approved May 1, 1K7V. l ETTI'lt FROM CHEST. Nrwihro. June IHh, 187 U. Mr. flootit.AiitRB Vrar Sir : Will you be so hind aa the let mo correct an error through the eolomne of your paper, that appeared in the Ciii ttn of Juno lUh, dated Newburg, May 2&tb, and signed "Klrangcr." I am perfectly aatlaOed that the author la a stranger and the article a bastard, for 1 cannot find any peraon tn the borough that ia willing to father it. The author must he either a knave or ao Idiot. I incline to tlnuk tho former, for by hia atrangn missive be tries to create or leave the Impression on the minda of tbo people that the aickoesa of our member of the Legisla ture, Dr. Uennett, wae a ruae to avoid investiga tion on the Kiot Act If auch be hia Intention, he la wholly wrong, and proves himself a stranger to tho truth, for the vocior was ceiore me com mittee, sworn and examinrd, and aaswered every question squarely, which Mr. Btranger oan see If he eiemines tbo proceedings of tbat vommitlee Impartially (I am no apologist for Vrs Bennett, lie is fully able to tske care of himself). Let it be raid to the credit of Dr. Uennett that his name waa at no time mentioned In connection with thwt disgraceful proceeding. I suppose it woold be very gratifying to the morbid appetite of Mr. Stranger if It had brcn ao. Whv should New burg be selected by Ptrenffer to indite his letter from? Is it btaause Dr. Kennel received nearly the unanimoua vote of this borough Imt Fall ; that the voters are deceived In him, and take this method ef letting the voters of the eounty know of ourdifpleasurof The writer has some sinister motive ta view. 1 am noi prepared 10 eey aeumi ly what it la. If he haa aught against Dr. Ben nett and wianea a controversy, (ei no ac in Doctor openly, sign his grievenoee with hia real wgnomen. The belter plan would bo to visit the DiMitar. and sret bis reaeone for elvln vote enn - Irarv to Btranger'o viewa, then, perhaps, he woul d go home a better aad a wiser man j for If he does aot get rciiei soon irora ims pan. -up i-uon, w M.ltl hint. "(). thou s h i r t !'' It Is aot Dr. Bennett, hat the lanaMtanta et Newbure 1 wish lo defend from complicity lo or with that strange letter containing the word 'strange" twenty-six or more limes in left mart that numb-r of Maes. We are bad enough, and are kept bnsy In attending to our own busloesa, and do not wish te he made a scape-goat to carry tba sins of outsiders. As bad aa we are, I do not think there Is a man amongst n that would pen so malignant a communication and have it pub lished to ereate a Iate impression against tne worst tramp In the country. Mr. Kditor, tbo more I study that strange letter the more I become convinced that the author wiabe to blacken tba ebaraetor af Dr. Bennett, and create a bad feeling between Ibe Doctor and hia Newburg neighbors. If that Is his eaicalelioa, I hope that he may be disappointed. It resembles pelty malice macbly. Would we not be a happy Seople, If we weigh ourselves In the scales of oar, truth and veracity, heifore we proceed to weigh out our neighthira' frailtiea. It would Itkely lenMia tba nrinlera' communications. I will close until Pi ranger comes around again, for tbe game in ouebeaaee Is seldom worm to powuer. We are all boay la corn, potatoeo, and hey. The weather la very wares and dry, with little prospect of rain. Truly yours, Special t. Cot-tRcrna', Wrrt). Wa liaea prepared a form, and bare oa bead a lire qu.nn;, of blenk "Uellector ) Betel, waica w... -r- prof.d by Iba bilhi.l letel antborlly In tae Coarte of Ihla county. At JVeeeiy (.'. per dneea we will mall any number tn lha Collaeto, crderin, th.m. A Colleelor, when compelled le adrertiee propertr, R,nit port a, net leee lb three aetleee tn tlte moei pnunc piaov. . boron, h ar lownibip. 0n IlrnnnnR Pan Cnwt. Dlenotinr n Oun Pnirna. Hewlnf Maehlnee eaa new be pnrrbneed M.mll'e tin ntd enrtety etore, from tii np- werae. All klne f aewlns ejacbinaa repeired on tbe ihorteit notice. Clearleld, Pa., Jaly IS, 1177. naeinn Ion S.La R. Newloa Shew keep! a fall lupply of Fredoain Buiee and Platform Wanni for eele. Te be aeea at the Shaw Hone. ward. Cell aa ar addreea him al ClaarSeld 1'een ' . . - ia..t ayleanin. w....O.0H, 14 feetibaead boope.delie .red at Ibe rellroad.la or load! af ,000, al all polati or tbe Tyrone tlearnen, r. a... Ki,le Volley, and Peaniylenaia Railroad), far wnleR I will pny me wm r" J. f Keawna, OrtlS, l7l If. Clcarteld, Pa. Wabtbd. Delivered at the Rail Road. 100,000 20-Inch shaved ihlnglae. DiO.OOu 24-iuob eawed ahinglva. 1011,01)0 feet of pine boards. 6U0,m8 14-feet shared boopa, o.UDO railroad ties. 50,000 feet of good hemlock boards. For wbioh I will pay the highest market price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad. J. P. KuAMBB. Clearfield, Pa., Get. U, 1878 tf. Just Received Just Rocftivm! liy ARNOT,!), CUR W ENS V 1 LLK: at Cnr i.oad Novn Heotiti riaator! Car T.ond puro Corn, Ryo nnd Oats Cbop! Car Loud Denkon Bait ! Cnr Load of Choico Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry lioodH, Orocones. &. fcirSliHiirU'ti, Bark. li. R. Tics and (irttin will be takon in oxcliungo Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878. . The most popular and fragrant Perfume of the elm ee it II 1 L tkl L"l' A I1 le " i.H 1 L.. II . wiok A Irvin. and 0. l. W atson, Clearfield Pa. Aug. 2H lS7S-0m pd. ito I'oii MttUcve it. That In this town there aro icoros of persons pAJAlng our store every day whose Uvea are made mi-eralila by Indigestion, Iyipepsie, hour and distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, when for 76 cts. wo will sill them Shilob'a VltaMsar, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by llartawiuk A Irrin, and 0. U. WaUon, Clearfield, t'enn a. IIV I hall fuse the U'oritl. When we aay we believe, we bava evidence to prove that Sbiluh'a Consumption Cure ia decidedly the beat Lung Medicine made, in a much aa it will euro a common or Chronic Cough in one half the time and relieve Astbua, lironcbitia, n hoop ing touch, (Jroup, and snow more cases of Con sumption cured than all othera. It will eue where they tail, It ta pleasant to take, harmless to the youngest child end we guarantee what we eay. Price, loots. f0 eta. and fl.00. If your Lung- are sere, Cheat or Hack lamp ua Hiillob s 1'ornui Plaster. Bold by 11 art. wick A Irrin, C. D. Wat- sob, Clearfield, Pa. ir. trut low Allow a oold to advance in your ay stem and thua enoourage more serious maladies, such as pneumonia, hemorrhages and lung t roubles when an immediate relief can bo readily attained. Boschee'a Uertnen Syrup haa gained tbo largoat sale in too world tor tne euro ol uougtis, uolds, and the severest Lung Iiaeasas. It ia Dr, lieaobee'a famous Uertnao preeeriptio n, and is prepared with the greatest care, and no fear need be entertained in administering it to the young est child, aa per directions. The aale of tb'S medicine la unprecedented. Since first introduced there has been a oonsteot increasing demand, and without a single report oa failure to do it, rk in any case. Ask your druggtat aa to the truth of these remarks. Large site to cts. Try it and be convinced. July 17, 187tf eow-ly. . - Enjoy Life What a truly beauiitul world wo live In! Na ture glvea ua grandeur of mountain, glens and oceans, and thousands of means for enjoyment. He oan desire no natter wnea In ported health ; but how often do tbe majority of people feel like giving It up disheartened, discouraged and wor ried out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sutlerer oau easily ob tain satisfactory proof that Ureeu's August Flow re will make them as free from disease as wbeo born. Dyspepsia and Liver Coin plain is the di rect cause of seventy-five per cent of suoh mal adies as liiiliouinen, Nervous Prostration, Dus tiness of the Head, Palpitation of tbe Heart, and other diitressing symptoms. Three doses of Au gust Flower will prove Its wonderful effect bam pie bottks, 10 cents. Try it. July 17-'78 eow ly. Nervous Hcbllity. Vital WeakiieaB or Depression -. a weak exhausted feeling, no energy or courage; the re sult of mental over work, ttidiacretluue or exceaaee, or aome drain upon the system la al ways cured by Humphrey' Homivpalliic Specific No. 18, It tones up and invigorates the system, dispels the gloom and despondency, imparts strength aud energy, stops tho drain and re- juveaatea the entire man. Been used twenty yoara wiib perfect auocesa by thousands, ema oy dealer. Price, fl per ingte rial, or 5 pur package of five viala and $'i vial of powder. Sent by mail on receiptor price. Addresa Humphrey a Ilomrppathlc Meillrluc Company, ov Fulton Ht., N. V. C. D. Watson, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. sept. 1H, 1878-ly. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ci.aiariiLD, Pi., Jul, li, 1S7V. Flour, per ewt. .. 13 00 Buekwbeal Klonr, per cwt Corn Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, per cwt Chop, miied. per cwl... Ilran, per ewt , Wheat, per nuihel Kye, per buinel Oeti, per buibel Corn, can, per buihel buckwheat, per boihei.... Potetoee, per buihel , Applel, per buibol Ilemi, per pound Hhoulder, per pound Dried lleef, per pound Chlckene, per pair Butter, per pound Kkkc, per doien Belt, per lack, large .... Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Applea, per pound Dried l'vaohca, per pound lieeoc, per buibel 1 1 80 1 40 I .It I 00 I 00 to to Jo 1 no 40 to 100 II ' 7 15 40 m m I .0 15 10 t I 00 Ulnrrlrl At the reaidenoe of the bride's parents, on Tuesday, June 24th, 17, by Kev. W.B. Wilson, Mr. Williem Luta, of Bradford towuabip, aud, Miaa Lisaie Tate, of Uoshea townablp. On Tuesday, June Jllh, 1B79, by A. Hankla Kiq., Mr. Jules Jannol, of (lirard towoihip, and Miss Ada Migoot, of Covington township. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday evening, June loth, l7tf, by Kev. K. P. Poreaman, Mr. Justine McDowell end Miss Jennie, daughter of 8. l Wilson, Ksq., ol Brad ford township. At the residence of th bridt'a parents, near Olcn Hope, on Wednesday, July 2d, lb7U, by Hev. P. Adaxs, Mr. Benjamin P. Terioln, of llouta dale, and Mis Dora X. tiroom. On Thursday, Joly U 17, by Rev. O. W. Htroup, Mr, James II. Hunter and Miss Rosa Herthue, all of Karihaus, this oonnty. At tlieOtceola M. E. Parsonuge, on Thursday, July Si, 1879, by Kev. J. A. Woodcock, Mr. Joseph Turley and Mary J. Hill, both of Uoutadale, l'a. At the Osceola House, on Thursday, July Sd, 1JIJB, iy Kev. J. A. Woodcock, Mr. W. II. Moor bead and Miss Klitabetb Jordan, botb of Lumber City, this eounty. At Phtllpiimrg, July SI, by Kev. Wm. II . Kl dredge, Mr. Andrew C. fliaith, to Mlaa Maggie A. Woolaoater, both or Clearfield eounty. Pa. At the Lloyd House, Pbillpeburg, Pa., on Thureday July Jlrd , by Kev. W m. Jl. Hldredge, Mr. George A. Pershing, lo Miss Mar A. U at be gan, both of Jlouttdalu, Pa. At the residence of William Kimer, oo Thurs day, July 3d, I8;, by Jo-ph P. Taylor, Ksq,, Mr. 1..i.I1 MflLautrhlin. of KlngUoa, Kent eounty, N. B., and Miss Mary S. Horn, of Luth er burg, Pa, At the residence of Kit C ration, at Dii Station, on Friday, July 4th, Itlilr, by Her. L. W. Btahl, Mr. Thomas 11. Vaughn, ef Fowlrr. Centre noun, ty, and Mis Miriam Woomor, of 0.eeoIa, Clear field eonaty. At the ret ideeee ef tbe at ide'i pirentl, on Tuee- cir, Jul. th, IK70, by Her. Mr. Mangel, Mr. Kdward llelb, of Kbrewiturjr, i orn eeuntr, end Hlee Jennie lllihel, ef Ttoutrille, OleerOrid aoant,. On Wednr.dar. Julr lh, 1!!0, be Joiei.h P Taeler, Kiq , Mr. Jeremieh Clinton and Mi.i Jane Long, nil el Deuola, uieerneia counijt In Boil) tcwmbln, Jul, Ulb, 1878. by Jone llet.h. K.a.. Mr. Thvodorc Uloom. of Tike Iowa bip, and Mil) Fiend V. Uallaher, of Ilc,i towninip. Sit. In fllrn Urine, on Thursdav, June 17th, Mary J. Mullen, wife of Jamaa Nullea, la tba 30 tb year of her age. In DaBota. oa Friday, Jnne 2th, 1879, of diphtheria, Clara la, daughter of My run aud llatHe Haught, agea yean ana i momy . Tn Morris tewohlf. on Tuesday. June flib. 1S7V, Pa rah Jane Orowel, wire of William Laces, aged 19 years, 0 months and T days. In DuBola. oa Render. June J h. 1979, of diphtheria, llertie Kose, daughter ol Myron and tUttlt Itaugltl, agej ii ears, neuiB nu day a. X Dulloia. ea Thursday, July Jld. 11179, of diphtheria, Myron, Jr., eoa of Byron and Mettle liaugn., agea eyer, ' . In Coehranton, Crawford eounty. Pa , on Prl day, June SOlb, 1ST9, Mary, wife ef Williem II fr easier, agett at jeare, a nuaiue ana i aye. Mrs. Preesler wae born b llunttngdos eonaty and whan a child moved, with her p -real a, le Clearfield county. Her, when quite young, ahe rave bar heart to God and became a member of tbe United brethren Church. After some year aba eame with her parents te Crewferd county, and in November, 170, wae married to her now bereaved husband, and ailerwarda Became a n-nber of the M. B- Church in Cochran ton, la which she lived a consistent Christian until ahe waa called from suffering to real in H seven. She waa a faithful wife and a loviag mother. Inaoeenee end entieeai 5rt BaiMg rloa mtnimmnti at her character. The closing Men of her departure waa prewtoue la the eight of the Lord, fehe eoaecioBsly entered the valley aod Mid ell wba neeee. Her Beert-etr tehee BMtaad nd child, narents and brothers, stood around tbe the death bed and witnessed with tearful eyes her donertare for immortality ia the ekiee. Hay the holy spirit eomlort tbe heart ef the bereaved tnd kfln iBaiw to alrd o the armor anew, fight manfully to the end and rest with our dear sister when tbo victory I woe. J, F. Pbbht. Mr. Preesler wee a dangler of Andrew Uaugh man, of Deeetwr etiwashlp, and former! y resided where Waliscetoa la aow for ted. In Fergusoa township, oa Saturday, ejune Ifith, lftJO, of diphtheria. Khoda, daughter of B. U. and Alloc C. Me Masters, aged t years, I months ana to nay a. In Ferguson townablo. oa Mondar. June 10 lb 1879, of diphtheria, Nora A., daughter of B. U, aad Alice 0. MoM eaters, aged 4 year aod II uaja. Bad I mr heart and lonalv our home. For our dear little Nora and Kboda have beca laid to rest ia tbe tomb, To tbe Unevenly Father wbo gave them, Tbelr pur spirit have returned. Ah ! we did not think that so soon Death again would enter our home i lor it la but a few short weeks since their mother was laid in the tomb i Hut Ibe obildren with her now are happy. The aro singing around our Heavenly Falbsr'i tLron. Then weep not for them, fond father They have only gone before Where they with Ihe ones you loved so well Will wait to welcome thee when you reach the otuer suore i n Heaven you oan meet your loved ones, And never hart again. If you oould you would nut eall them Pack to thie world of pain Then ltt not thy heart be troubled, For thy Havlour is aver near ; And He will ever guide thee homo. Where to tbe blest in that land of rest, sorrow oannot eomo. For the children are more happy They aro safe ia their Heavenly home; Yea, aafe from tbe many temptationa That we know te ns ell must come Kre litVe toileome journey la o'eri And e rest in peace at heme. Then pause in thy grief and think, If It had been tby lleavealy Father' wilt. Tu have spared thy little ones and taken thee ram eartu to toy Heavenly Borne, Thy children would now be orpbaoa lo tbla cold worm atone. Yet, we know that our Father In Heaven Doetb all things well; And why be called both the little one, None here on earth eaa tell f But our Hviour loves tbe children Suffer them, be says, to come, And of such is His bright Kingdom. They are aafe with hiia at home, here you can go to meet tbem. Though to you they cannot come. K. A gnUroiKts. PeiiuNylvanlallailroad TYttONE t CLEARFIELD BRANCH and after Monday, MAY II, 187V, tbe 'aiienaer Traina will run daily (eloent Bun- daya) between Tyrone and Olear&eld, a) follow) CLEARFIELD HAIL. W. S. PLOMMnn, Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CurweRirilla,..t.30, p.h. Tyrone......... M0,a.M. Clearleld, 1.40, " vaneooyoo,.... V.I5, " Summit, 9.50, " Powelton 10.00, Oeoeola,.. 10.11, ' Bojnion 10.17, Stelner1! I0.IJ, Pbillpibnrf,-10.35, " Ureaem 10.18, Blue llell,....10.S7, '" n'alleccton,...10.44, " DiKler, 10.51, " Woodland, 10.5V, " Barrett 11.07," Leonerd 11.1, " Clearleld 11. IV, ' Curwenielllc,.ll.40i.I Leonard, I.4D, " Ilarrett ...!. 54, ' Woodland, 4.01, " UiKlor, 4 ox, Wallaceton, Bine U.ll... ....4.17, ...4.15, ...4.S1, ...4.S5, tlraham,.... 1'hilipihurg, Blelner I, ....4.9V, lloynton, 4.40, Osoeola 4.52, Powelton, ft. 05, Summit, ft. 15, Vnnecoyoe, 5.35, Tyrone .0.00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. , Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Curwensvllle.. 1.30 A. , ft.47 " tM " ft.57 " .0 6.0 Tyrone, 7.10 r. . Vaneooyoo 7.43 " Summit 0.06 " Powelton 8.17 " Oeeeole SIS " Boyatoo, 11.34 " Sleioer' 8.3V " Philipibur(...8.41 " Oraham 8.47 " Kluc 11.11 8.55 " Wellaeeton, ...V.01 ' Bigler 9.10 Woodland, 8.17 ' Barrett, t.15 " Leonard, 0.30 Clearfield, 1.38 " CntwenieUle 10.00 Clearfield....- Leonard, Barrett, Woodland,.... Higler, , Wallaceton,... t.b lu Ball,... . 0.21 Graham 6.2& Philipsburg.. 6.2f Steioer'a, A.33 Boynton, 6.87 Osceola t.41 Powelton, fi.&S Summit, 7.05 Vanacoyoo,.... 7-23 Tyrone T.45 PIIILII'SIU'Ra A MOSIIANNON BRANCHES lravr aourn, lhatr rortr. a. m. r. h. r. h. 11:10 11:15 4:10 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:l( 0:10 11:04 4 )1 8:55 11:51 :57 8:50 11:46 S:J0 8:45 11:40 1:45 8:10 Hill 8,40 8:8 11:30 1:30 8:90 11:15 1:10 A. w. a. i I. R. )TATtO). Morrlidele, 7:00 Philip. borg, 7:03 Kleiner I 1:00 1:15 1:1V 111 Boynton, Oioeole, lleihannon, Sterlinf, Houtedale, MeCeuley, Kendriok'e, Ramey. 1:30 10:10 T:I8 1:44 10:35 7:81 1:4 10:48 7:1V 1:61 10:48 7:45 1:57 10:63 7:5ft 8:07 10:58 8:01 1:11 11:03 1:0V BALD RAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Ki. Mall. r. m. a. m. Mail. Eip. r. h. T.08 8.30 leara Tyrone en-Ire (.18 MI 8.47 8.01 V.30 8.14 (.55 8.81 10.03 8.46 li.lt 08 10.40 Bald Katie 1.61 t la 4.45 4.11 4.11 4.01 le.ro 1.16 Julian Atileoburf Bellefonle Mileeburg Howard 41 11.18 arrlraL. Haren TYRONE STATION KABTwann. a.m. WRBTWABD. A. M Pllliburttb Eip'u, 1.61 Pacific Kxpreie, 8:18 Peeifle EipreM 8:00 Johaatown Expren 8:51 P.M. Dey Eipreu ll:60i P.M. 1:16 8:34 7:08 Mall Train, 1:10 Way Palienter Atlantic Kxprea), 8:61 Pblla. Eipreea. t it Mall Train, Pait Line, Oloae connection! aindc by all tralae at Tyrone and Lock Uaran. B. 8. BLAIR, myll-lf. Bnperintendent. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW QRADR DIVISION. ON nnd after Mondey, Deo. loth, 187T, the panenger tratm will run daily (except Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, aa fnllowa I ft AST W A R I) Dey Hell lenvaa Plttibnrg 1:10 a. m.i Red Bankll:MI; Sligo Junction U 0; New Retblehetn 1:07 p. m.i Mayivilla 1:10 i Troy 1: Urookville l:llt 'uller'e 1:JS Rey nnldiville l:eli DuBolil:$St Summit Tunnel S:4o l'enneld 4:06 Wee4ville 4:17 1 Benuette 4:eD arrive) at Driftwood at i ii. J W KKTW ARD-Dey Malllearai Dri.twood I 1Mb p. m.i llcneielte 1:011; Weedvllle 1:40 ; Penleld l tl: Summit Tunnel 1:07 1 Dullolil HO; Revnoldivllle 3:U: Puller') 1:7: Rrookvillel:l9: Troy 1:40) Ueyiville 4: 16; New Bethlehem 4:30 1 Sligo Junction 0:111 1 Red Bank 4:27 i arrlvei .1 l'ltliburg at 1:10 p. aa. The Reynoldeville Aeeommodatlon leayea Rrjnoldivllle deiiy at 7:o0 a. m. and nrrlvea at lied Banket 11:110 a. m., Piltaburgh al 1M p. m. lave) Piltaburgh at S:80 p. m ; Red Beak at :16 p. m.; arriving at Heynuldarilleat v:05 p. m. Cloeo eonnertlnna made with trein) on P. A K Railroad at Driftwood, and witk train) on the Allegheny Valley Rellroed at Red Benk. DAVID MrCARHO, Uen'l Sup't. A. A. Jiceloe, Sup't L. U. Die. STAOH LIN!. rLnanrmLC TO pnariRLn. Tba undeniened would inform th. puldie that he le now running n etege line between Clearfield and PonlieM, three time) a week. The elag e leave) Cleerfleld on Mondayl.Wedne). dey) end Friday), at I o'eleeh a. ne., arrivlag at fennel, at 12 o cleea m. neiurnmg eame daya. Leavee Penfield at 4 a'oluek p. m., arriv. Ing at Clearfield at fi a'elock p. m. Uonneetion ta mane wtta uaiae en me wv Orada H. R. at Penleld. Fare, each way, !,. OKO. IV. UKAHUAHT., Clearfield, P.., Feb. LI, 1878 STAOI LINKS. A itaee leave) C.rweneviila daily for Reynolde ville, at 1 o'eloek, n.mMarrieingat Reynoldivilie al o'clock, p. m. Reluming, kevea Reynold). ville daily, at 7 o'clock, a. , arrlvln at Cur. wenrllle al 11 o'clock, at. Fare, Mob w.y, A etae. le.vea Corweaavlll) dally, at 1 e'olook p. m., lor DuBola City, arriving at DuBola City at II o'clock, o. m. Returning, leave) DuBoi) at T o'eloek, R. m., dally, arriving at curweRivtlleat II o'clock, m. rare, eeon way, uu. FARE FHOM CLEARFIELD, TO BellafonU, P. ...... (ft Mlddletowa ........14 M Marialt..... ft t Laneeiter fi at PUILADILPHIA 110 A Iteenn. ............ I It Jobnaiewn.HHmMM I lo Lock HaveR..... , i 70 , I to , I to . I 10 , 4i Williem .pert..... Huntingdon Lewi)townM Maryevllle Cuwemville III IS I'billo.bure. ..... II Oieeela.. Tyrone . I II PITTSBURG t 11 HARRIHBURul ... 4 74 (i ACTION. All penrae are herehy eautloa J ad ualnat harborlag ar glvlRg Ray .radlt or avililanoe ta on. Mery A. Dele., n pauper ef Lewrenoe townlhip, except on her own reipoRH bility, aa the autborlllee tt laid diatrl)t hav a made proper arraagemeni tor ner euppore in maiateuance,and will pey na debt) areaUd hy her or lur her nee. aa ihe left her plaee ef board ing nnd tha dlitrlet without their permiaiLn, nnd agaiaet their exprea) .rderi. MATTIIIW RKAD, TAYLOR R0WLKS, Poor Overeeer) of Lewrenoe twp. Clearleld Pa, Joly 11, 1171-11. CAUTION All parooaa .re hereby warned ..elnit curche'le. or I. U) way meddling with tbe followln. nemonnl nroperty, .ew i. iU poeecilo. e( Dealil Leo gen, .1 Ulrard lewo.blp. vln One bay mare, I oae-here. wagon, I plaw, I herrowa, 1 enltlvatore, I eradle), one wind mill, f aeree of wheat, I aerea af hay, I aere. 1 eeta, 9 aena .1 eorn, I mm of hwakwhent, I M en net. af petetoee, I eewa, I helfera, I ileer.4 hoge, cnewler'i toele. and all tha hoeee fumilure. The foregoing property wee pureheeed by ma at t rival, eale en me lit. ay ei -,wed t. ramai. la the poeeeeeio. el eaid Del. I Loneln .a lean only, lahjeot to my ardar .1 aay Um." l.RVI LAIRD. LoaM'a MilU, July 1. 1170 It. M. II ILLS, OPERATIVE VE.rTIST, CLEARFIELD. PISN'A. f-Offle tn residanoe, oppoalte Shaw Uottaa. jyV,IB7V-U XTOTlCB.-A11 reraon ar herebv eaatloa- J.1 d against purchasing or negotiating throe eerie ia promtsory Botes, (aggregating f ino.uu) glvea on or about tho ttth day of hi ay, 18714, by Harouel ltoyoe to 11. Frank for a patent-right, ar payment on tne eame lur good, atfflcieot, and le gal reaaon win oe resisted. 6 A BAH S0VCR Hautadale, Pa., July 9, W9, 3t. CAUTION.! herehy notify all persom not to meddle with B team ot horse aad harneaa, and all the camp utenai's. aow in the Bands or, ana uen by Jortn innn. al bis Karfe Job below Loch Lomond saw mills. Centre eevoty. Fean 'a,, aa tho aam ar mine and are in his baode oa trust." DAVIIt- W. UULT. Pbilipabarg, Pa,, luly Hh, 1N70-St. - CAUTIOTfRAII persons are hereby warned against purchasing or in anv war meddline with tbe following property now in the poaseaiion of Mrs. Cyphers and Wm. Cypher, of Josben township, vi t One oow and calf. I bugs, aod I oeoh stove, aa Ihe same waa purchased by ma at private sale on tbe l&tn day ol May laat, and I left with tbem oa loan only, eubjeet te my order at any time. l. M. v 1 rllana. f learfi eld, Fa., July 9, St ptAUTItiM. All peraon are hereby warned J against pure basing or in any way meddling wun ine following personal property, now in the paeseaBioB oi vooraa Barrett, oi rergaaoa town ship, vis t 1 oow, I pigs, 1 beda and bedding. 1 oook atove, and the balaoee of the kitchen furnl- ur. Tho foregoiog property waa purchased bv me at Colleotor'a sale on the 28tb day of June, and Is allowed to remain in the possession of aatd Conrad Barrett oa loaa only, eubieot to my order at any time. ISAAC HoOKB, Harron, July Vtb, 1B7V 31., CADTIOrt All persona are hereby warned againat meddling or ia any way Interfer ing with tho follow lug personal property, now in poaeeaslon of Gilbert lioover, of Morria twp via One two-horse wagon, aod two mane one a two-yoar old oolt, black, or dark brown, and tbe other a dark bay. The forego! ug proirty belonge to me, and ta allowed to remaia in tbe poaeeaaion of said Gilbert Hoover on lean only. ubjoot to my order at any time. JU1IN j, uuOTJCn. Kylertown, Pa., Joly 9, lft7S-3t. CAUTION. All peraon ar hereby warned againat purchasing or In any way nioddlinr with the following property, now in the peaseaalon of Josiah ft. Head, of Lawrenoe township, via: 1 timber wagon, t plow, 1 barrow, 1 cultivator, 1 log-aled and obalna, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 sleigh, 1 windmill, 1 feed-cutter, grain eradle, two horses and harness, 1 set single harness, 1 aaddte, II abeep, i mow l, 4 bead of yoatig cattle, 1 bugf y, ft sores of rye T aeres of wheat, of 9 aorea of corn , 18 acres of oata, 11 aerea of grass, 3,000 feat of Eino and oaa square timber, and all tne noose, old good. Tbe foregoing property wa pur ohaaaed by me at Bneril 'a eale on tbe 30th day of June laat, and ta allowed to remain tn tbo poa aesaion of said Josiah H. Read on loan only, sub jeot to my order at any time. wm.u. rULsi. Clearlleld, Pa., Jul 9th, I (I7V- XL IIMIMTHATOII'H NOTICE. Noliee i) hereby e-iven the! Letter) of A,l- miniitration on the eiteua of MAKV SiMILKV BAHH, late of Clearlleld borooih, Clearleld Co., Pa., decoaeed, having been dole .rented to tbe nndenigned, all perioai Indebted to aald eelate will pleaee make immodlate payment, nnd thoee beving eleimi or deinendi againit tbe latna will preient tbem properly atubenliaal! for eetlle. menl without delay. WM. A. BAHH, Aummiitrator. Clearleld, Pa., July t, 1I7 6t. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE. Notiee la hereby given thet Letter! of Ad miniitretion ontheeiteleof FltSilEHICK PRAI Lh'iF, let. of Cheat townibip, ClearBeld enanty, Pa., deoeaied. having been duly granted to the nndenigned, all pereone Indebted to eaid eetate will pleaee make immediate payment, nnd Ihoie having elaima or demanda againat the lama will preeoot tbem properly aathenlleated for eettle. moot without delay. JONATHAN P. FRY, JOHN t'RAILSr, Admiaiitraton. Weelover, l'a , Joly , 1871 tk ADMINISTRATORS NOTK K.-N.tloe la herehy glean that Lei ten of Adminlatra lion fVe. TnlamtntB Aeeere on the oatato of JOHN HB1TKH, lata or Covington luwnahip. Clearlleld M.nty, Penn'a., deeeaeed, having been duly granted to the nndenigned, all pereoni indebted lo eaid aetata will plana, make Immediate pay ment, aadthoee having alaim) or demand) will praeent tbem properly authenticated for aettlement without doley. J. W. POTTBR, UUKlSTlAfl JHtUWn, Adeiii.tre4en O. T. A. Karthani, Pa, Jnne , lS7-t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Notioe la hereby give, that Lottoraoftd miniitralion on lha aetata of JOHN STEWART, late of Bradford toworhip, Clearfield eonnty, Pa., deoeaied, having been duly granted be the nndenigned, all Reno.) iRdebted to eaid aetata will pleaee make (mm.diet. payment, nnd thorn having elainu r dema.de againit tbe eame will preeent tbem properly atttheuttoated for eettle- ent witnout delay. UAntbl. st JlWAKl, Admlnlitrator. Woodland, Pa., Jnne 4, mMt AUDITOR'S NOTICE In Ihe Orphane Court tt Claarfield aountw, P.. Ia tbe metier ef tbo eetate of Wm. L. Moore, deo'd. Th. nndereirned Auditor, unpointed by the Court to leke testimony and diipoee of the ex oeptlom to tbn nooouot ef Jamee T. Lfctnard. Uuardlea of Kate Moore, glvea notioe that he will attend to the dutlei ef hit eppolntment on Satur day, Julv 19, 1870, between tbe noun or 9 o'clook A. al., nnd I o'clock P. 11 , when and where all partiee intereeted may attend. W. M. etoUl LLUUdll, Clearfield, Pa., Jeae 18, '18.4ta Auditor. AUDITOR'S Noril'P I. McNnul and D. react, laeautora, ee. J. K. A J. O Krelier. In tbe Court of Common Ploao ofClear field oonnty. Fi. Fa., No. June Term. The uadenigned Auditor, appelated hy Ihe Court te diitrii ate th. proceed! ertilag from Ihe Sberilf'e ule of the defendant e' reel eeute, glvM notice that he will attend te the dutlea of hli ap pointment at hie ofiloa In Clearleld, on PHI DAY, JULY IS, 17, between thehonn of o'clock A. M., and ft o'eloek P. M. when arid where all par tial intemtrrt may attend. WM. M. Mi ClTLLOUQll, Auditor. Cleerfild, June Uth. 18711-11 QONMIHKIONER'S NOTICE. Klliebeth flore, 1 Common Plea) ol Clear. hy her next friend, 1 field oounly. va no. 184 March Term, I87. Williem Oore. J Divorce. Tbe underlined, appointed Comtnleiloncr ea take teitimony In Ibe above iteted eeee, hereby give) notice that he will attend to the dutiee of reid onnointmenl, at tba office of Iireel Teit. 1. ueerneld, O. TIIKHUAV, JIILY Z2d, lelV, at iu o clock A. M.. when and where rll partiee In tereated cen nitend. FRANK A. FLKMTNU, Commliiioner. Cleerteld, June Jilb, 187H.-1U mieNlllP STATKMUNT X JOSEPH II. KIRK, Treeturer of Brady tuwnibip, In aoeount with the Rood, School an. Poor fundi for tbe year ending Jnne 2d, 1879 POOR FUND DR. To balance at laat aettlement -t 8V8 15 To amount of dup. for '79 1, 115 II To intereet on Hloom townihtp order... ft ft9 To amount from Conoty Treaaurer tfiT 1ft Total CRRDITOR. ,.,1I4 44 ..4I.S9I 05 ,. 141 II 174 19 By vonehera redeemed By beleno. due from Collector. ........ By helenc In hende of Trwiurer.,.. Total ......., ,.t,114 46 ROAD FUND-DR. To balance dne at laat eettlemoat ft I li Te full emoant ef duplloal. 4,917 IT To book tax from 1177.. 191 9i To back tax from 1171 ISO 17 To bill of damagee agaiaet A. Smilhe... Ill To Inlereet from David Reetni.... 0 90 To amount from Cu.ty Trcaarer 1,80. I) To balano. Ir Oeuty Trwaaary 991 IS ToUl.. 11,101 09 CRRDITOR. By work done by eltlieni. .... .4,lll 1.1 By exo.er.tloR) ., KM IT! By beck tu worked eat ........, lit 91 By amount Ir eitlieei' haa de. IM 10 By ToMhere redeexeed H a. Til IT By pereeatago e. 1149.11, at I per 1141 Bv amount la Cecmty Treaaary t4 1 By nmoant In haadi af Dill, freer ...... 1,184 II To(al..... ..... ,10T Of SCHOOL VUHD DR. T. aaih la Treeaary ........I too 19 To amoant la haada f Drunker M 161 IT Te amonat ia ha.da of Jlmeeon IM 16 To amea.t from CM.ty Treewurar 1,1)1 17 To Stele appropriation M 191 II T. when eiee.nl of depltoete ........... 1,411 II Total -. CRIDtTOR. By anrebaetag grvnnda By building nnd fur.iehl. hoMae.. By repeiring, renting, A. ... By teeehere' wagea.... By feel h4 eeeuegeeetee By TroMarer'o per oeatago By Seeretnry'e eelary aad poetego... By Aadilen' low for IITfiaad III. By Rbabemeai. to ettHoa).......... By amoa.1 fer hoehi . .tT,484 II By eieBerauoaa...... ........ By am'l .aa from Collector Dreweher By ea'taae from Jleieee. ...... . ByhelaRee 1. Treeery w TeUI.. ..U. .47.4M II We, the aad.rrlg.ed Aadltora, have oaamieed tbe above eeeeeeti aad fiod taea) mnel te the beet of ear haowledge aad belief. Wllawa, a hand) Ihla day .1 Jan, A. D. 1T. Alteel: J. HAMILTON, J.W.Coar, . D-OOODLANDXR,' Clerk. Andllen. lelher.h.rg, Pa , Jaly 9, 1179-lt, ..... 151 M 1,111 TO ..... Ill II .... I.loi 90 .... 10 01 ... 171 10 .... 41 II ,. il tn .... II , I 44 .. 171 II .. 401 11 ... Ill II ... 41t t FXA2TOS and OKGA1TS I Tho Largest and Pennsylvania. ' Having ktuly accepted tho ylvama (in auuition w our oui territory, with lieadqunrtcra and largo store room at 1401 Eleventli Avenue. Al toons, Penn'a., in charge of Mr. Goorgo W. Good, and being dusiroim of extending our already iiniueimo galeH of the tnont celebrated Pianos nnd Or gan., we huvo appointed Cnpt. P. A. (nlaulln, of SJIt?ar iield, our Agent, who will liavo on hnnd our Instruments in where we invite all who are deHirouu of purchasing a firnt.claHS PIANO or ORGAN are requested to call. We sell no goods that we cannot fully warrant, and being the largest dealers in the State, our prices are the lowest. Our house was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue. lXSTRlMEYTS SOLD OS SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send ibr illustrated catalogues and price lists. PIANOS. HAINES BROTIIERS, WEBER, NEWTON & CO. GEORGE W. GOOD, 1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALT00NA, PA. MELLOR & 79 Fifth Avenue, May 21, 3m. Look to your Interests IN BUYING YOUR S3PRX3XTG Having 1ml returned from tbo East, where we have been making our Spring purchasca, wo tttko thie opportunity of thanking cur customers for their liberal natronaire in the nasi, and beg to aieure tbem wo will do all wo oan to make it their intcroet to continue the tamo. Our store is literally crammed with all odds tho largest and best selected any one timo bv one firm. Uvor fifty CARPETS, ranging in price from 20 cents lo SI per yard. We will sell Carpets at cheap as ibe same quality oan be bought in Philadelphia or New York. Ladies' Dross Goods, Trimmings, Laces and Fringes, In the latest stylos. Sheetings, Shirtings and Cassimeres, togother with BOYS' WEAR ia all gradoi of goods. Our LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S' STOCKINGS are juit the prettiest TRIMMED HATS, always on hand.'.trimuied up by Miss Mallie Bohn, of Philadelphia, wbo will giro ladies wishing Hats trimmed to order, her best endeavors to please. Call and see ns before buying T. A. FLECK & CO. a" Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ol F I mM mm in -fknrl for niuatruti'd Circular and rrioaa. Liberal Term, to th. Tntde.Dex Don't buy until you have teen the lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, MIDDI.ETOWN, CONX, aael Mej, ll aad SOI Webath nue, CllltAU.., II.U GUINZBURG'S ONE PKICE T0JHE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: We give a hearty and cordial inflation to eome and examine our new Spring stook cl Cents' & B070' Clotlnng. We) hat selected for lb Spring season a magnificent aloclc of tbe most carefully made and stylish goods it ia possible to procure, and har. . . marked erery garment at tbe lowest possible prices. We know thafoar goods are of the highest char acter, and we heliere Inspection and comparison will prove that the pries are much lower than they have been heretofore. Take particular notice, our Spring Hock is all new. Plcnso give ns a rail. L. GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, April I, 1ST". ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties CanreaerilU, Fa. lea. t, TI-tT. JAME8 H. TURNER, justice or THI riAct. WrIUcUr, Pa. .T-Ha km tT" almaalf wlta all Ike eeeeiary klaak leme aader tee reaate. a.4 Beeelr la.e, a. well ee aleak Ueeee, ew. All leel autura eatrute. te kl) Mr. will reeelre areapt MUaUoa. Mar Itk, IIH-U. New Marble Yard. TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Posit fur Ctmtttrm) Lull. A WIW MARDI.I YARD Call al 1. FLA- RAETT'S MarkK Werke. One4ee eerk e4 te erVeea. IHreetlT en .elite Ike Latberaa Onarek, TRtr. etreet. viMiBaia, rk, eeaev. ai, ieie.H Vlijrrllanroni, Cheapest House In General Agency for Central Ponn- the P. 0. Building', ORGANS. PALACE, STERLING, MASON & HAMLIN. HENRICKS, Pittsburg, Penn'a. GOO goods just from tho manufacturers, by slock ever brought to this eounty at different pattern! and varieties of and best you ever saw. A lull line of elsewhere. iMPUciTYi oraionin ni OlMPUFiEDi O MAIHTAINE IMPUFIED O MAIHTAINEU Improvements September, 1878' naiTllia; rrrnii') )" prog rtwlT te, uow offr to tbt Wotlsl rrn mttiL Important Improvements. Kotarithataniling th. VICTOR hna lonR beoD Uie peer of rdv machin. iu th. market R fart Rtippnrted by a boat of YolnnterrwitneMfa w. now confidently rlaim for It fnater almplieitr, a nnrlcrful rrnluction of frictiou, aud allnr,cthrr ft Han Com llnllonqfJ)rjirriW Qimlillrl. ForanU hy Merchant, end otben. Clearfield, Pa. ARNOLD 11 A3 ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. 8IIAVKD AND SAWED. Canreatrllle, Jea. I, Tl U. Great Western Hotel, Mm. 1111, llll aa. till Market tint, 'tteeetff e.jiMf. IfeMaaeaker'a 0rmd iVpel.). Vurramt, 00.00 fper tm,y. Tkle HeM kMllaeeie rakll. BeU4lee. Raw Maenl. Teeeele, II. S. Mint, eel Aee4ea el riaa Arte. T. W. TRAUCK, Prep'r. Orae iu ri.rt I ,.'- js, HEW VICTOR e.