THE REPUBLICAN. CLKABKIKLD, VA. WKUNKSDAY MORNI.NQ, JULY , l7. Termi of Subscription. Hull a adranea.or within tbren Booth... .11 M If ld efter tad bafara ' "onini... : 60 if . .id tlu tbo eaplralloB g( ill monhta... I 110 .-Uea.rl. 8. hi. PBTTBBOII.I. A Co.. Newt- ..ITr drerlleln Aente, Park Row, eoroer feeeeaea B"'. ' "If I. New York City. ' aalhorited Ageala Dr. H. F. Beam. Chmnin ni..... PbyaleleB, CnrweaiTllle, Pa. ly-r if. New oods tbia week at H;riin.j. Tin Brady Statement. ft will l.n abeervad ky lb. Auditor', report that Ida aj,re. .eie ateumoni nl Brady lawualB (sola op nearly olbleea thootaad dollere-poor. road aid Kbool. . . . A Fact. It it Bind that many of Ilia fatm.r. of Leblih aounty bava to pleat blf appla orchard!, and eay they .ill pay ballar than any albar part ol Ihe 'era., cieept la ee. eaelonal bad yaara. RBLKilOtia NOTICE-. H.ihndlit Knlioopal Charch Rer. J, R u.-MtmBtr, Paator. tterrloea eYerjr Babbeth aA 1 OA A. M., and 7J r. M. nebbelh nonool at A. M. D....r Moetinl etery WedneaJay, at ft P. M Communion Berrien, Ural Babbath of eaary aionlh, at 11 A. M. Wait ClearBeld M. E. Church. Re V tfwTT Wilbob, Paator. Preaching avary alternate Sunday, at I o'olook, P. M. Sunday febool at SJ, P. M. All ara In.ltod to atlaad. Preabyterlal B. Butlbb. 8abbatb eeraieel morning and evening Bab oatk Sehool at I P. M. Prayar Maattai Wadnaa 4a; oiaalD. Ilapllit Church. Rev. J. A. ALnnan, Paa tor Bervieee every Banhath morning and evening, alienation, at 10) o'olook A. M., and 7, P. M. Sabbath School at I P. M . Prayar Mooting every It'edBetday aveolag. tit. Krincla Church CatholleRev. p. J.BBBBioan. Preaching at 10) o'olook, A.M., on k. ar.t. third and fourth Sunday! of oaeh month: Vaipan and Baaadiatioa oftha Bleaaed fiaeranient at 7 eloet, r. nu.u. du.wi j afternooa at I o'olook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Tiaa or louiae goaavta aauioiri oodbt. Snood Monday of January. Third Monday of Meroh. Pint Monday of J una. Fourth Monday of September. - tins or lot laa oovaoa plbab. Pirtl Monday of Juno. BeooeJ Monday of November. runuo orrioBBa. Adya Hon. Charloa A. alayer, of Look Haran. Anttfaal taw Jodf Hon. John B. Orrll, of Bellefooto. A.eeeiole Judf Ahram 0dau, Clearfield Vlnaant B. Holt, Claarnald. Prolaeaatary ll Bloom. teauler aad tfeeerdar L. J. M or ran. Bt'lrial M- MoCullougb. JVaaanrer Philip Dalle. . o...- lirfna Panto. Jr. hniiy .ci ChHat. J. KoaKiy, Oloartlald. C'o..fy Smiyor (Jamual F. MoCloikay, Cur- aanoTllla. 0mmU'Ut'C. W. Kylar, Oraham. Ion P. O.I Hah John. Ion, Grampian llilla P. O. John Norrll, Sr., Carwamrllla. Omit il.d.'loi-Wllllam V. Wrljbt, Clear, (aid I Joaopb Qllliland, Thraa Rum J. 8, Nor- (?o..l (bnri. B. Naff, Naw Waiblnlon. Jury Coamwrionara Dr. Jamao P. BarobOald, oi...a.j Junk Alaxandar. Madora. Sm.tnid a ""'"a &Ala-M. L. Mo. nn. PU.HI.ld. Aaafar Hrij at Jftuorai Jaioa W . Carlllo, olflao at Luthariburj Pa. A'oloriai alia John VT. Wrlrlay, Wa. R dabaufh, Cyrua Uordon, Claarllaldj Joaeph R. Irwia, N. . Arnold, Curwauuilla J. A. Urin- atona, Sulloii City. THoar Boys. Mr. (Jeorfjo W. Cbilda, Proprietor of lha Philadelphia Mgir, .va all tbo nowa boya of that olty a po'illo dianor, at lha Parmanant Klhlbillon Uulldlnf, on the tlb of July. Altar liulo Iba InUrlor or tho bulMlnj for about two boon, ill hundred and llity t.o noyt aaalad Ihemialraa around Mr. Child.' sell ipraad labia, aad of oouno, all anoyed thomielrf bufely. Nobmai, Class atCentiie. A Nor mal clan will open at Centre oa Monday, July 11, 1S79, and continue alt woeka. Tnetruetion gtrea la tbo oommoB branoboi, Algebra, tieoina try, Phlloiopby, I'hyaloal Geography, Clrll Uor arnnient, and Theory of Taaehlng. Termi: Modal Department, tl it ; Normal Department. tS.OO. VY. A. AMBROSE, Teaober. Claarleld, July Via, UTH-lie List of lutivra ronminini; unolaiinoil in tba Poatoffloa at Clearlleld. for the week andlnf July .Id, 187W: William Keller, L.J. Leonaid, Frank Lawnar, U l.l Kllaa MeClloaey, (1)! lit.. Mo... M Laughlin, A. N. Ogdan, J. M. Ogden, Mra. Fannie K. Rogen, John Slatrr, U. B. Walker, Mra. J el A. Wright. r. A. UAUL1M, 1'. il. n.r aolnma It decidedly Interoattng In a local point of elew, and prollable reading to out.ldara who want w Bare mooej. Vli, OF t'OUHNE I "Will joo take wheat, oata or oorn for lub icrlptlon f Wa ara often Inquired of in tbll way by letur from patrona who realdo at a diiiauoa from ClearBeld. Wa again aay yea. The receipt! r . ...t.nil,le merchant or mill uwoer In tbo tlolnlly, will aniwer ua Ju.t aa well a. the oaib. To illluitrata ! If any of oor patron! will delirar u a beg of grain at the mill of Joieph H. Broth, In Cheat town.hlp, Horace PatohlB, la Burnlldo, Tbomal II. Forcey, la Oraham, Wm. Porter or Shew'!, la Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'l, at Kockton, Union townahip, and forward their receipt! for the amount, wa will tradlt them on their account for the tamo. In tbli way all may atoa pay what Ibay owe, If thay will puriua tbli tf. To Bei mii'iRS. Bee Uivea, of the ery boil pattera, for eala aheap, by Dr. A. M. tlilla. Je-18-lL Sad Accident. Tbo littlo daughter of J. 11. Uaarbart, rciidlng near Woodland, who fell off a ehorry tree, lume tea daya ago and broke her arm, died from tho effecta of Iba fraetu.-a. Xvuruombor that Lytle ia Couniy Agent for Ijorrillard'e Tobacco, and oaa aell them at factory prioef. They are the beat tobacoea in marheu Try them. tf. At the Uruni.iOAN nlliee ia the jilace llaV voa.r l.b work dona. Wa ara fully prepared to do anything In tho printing litre, will ud wall, and at the rlubt kind of prioea. tf. m m To Landlords and Storkkeepkhs. Lytlo baa an arrangement with an Kaatern Cigar Factory eo that be can lell oigarl by the box or thouiand at bottom figurea. Olra their elgara one trial. tf- Clearpiild Coal Trad. Stato- ieat of Coal and other frolghta Hat orer tba Tyrone A Claarleld Dlrliioa, Peaaiyliaala Hail- road, for tho week ending Jana 14, 17, aad the aama time but year i COAL. For the week Same tluieleat year Inoreaaa during year.. Same time iaat year Iooreaeo Total lo 1S7 Bama time laet year roaa. M,ol8 .... Ji.sol r.osn .... e,5J0 .... 67;i,7 .... 108,911.1 .... tl,0M .... outlet Klection House. Strange as it may :m, tha oltiieaa of Beeoaria lownebip hara not hada legal election boaie, lioeetho Union Hotel la Ulen Hope waa burned about two yaara ago. Tha Court two weeki ago daiignatad the School Houto la Ulea Hope aa tha properplioe for hold ing oleatlooa herealter. The neat eleotion held a that townahip will therefore be a legally am. bolllehtd one, If not bold la tbo wood! louie- where. m - - A Narrow Escape. On the night pielonl to Iba Fourth the anril brigade and eoma partial who ware wending tbelr way to the bill eaat of towa, where the oannona were firing aalutea, they obaeried a eery blight light ia the reeldenoe of Mr. Celdwell, employed in tha Fire Biiok Work!, and repairing thither they diaoor- arad that a aoal oil lamp had eiplodcd and let tha houee on fire, which they aoon aueeoeded in putting out. Tho pareota wire abioot and five children ware ap Btaira In bed. Bui for tba pret ence of tbo anil! brigade they would have peri.b ad and the homo wonld be In aihea. Keeder, think of III An Heir-loom. Among tho vulnu- dea taken from my rraldence recently waa a Sil ver Walcb. ir the party ia uoeeeaeloa of It ail) rotura tba aama to me, there will ba 00 queitloaa aakrd. Aeoi'HV W. Lta. A Little Girl Wantkj). A ro. Oeclable family ul.h to obtain a little girl aged about eight or ten yean, which tbey propo.e to laiac, eduoato end adopt. For further particular! addrcaa Ihe editor of the RartiBUtjaal. .11. A Fact. An udvoi'tisumoiitlnsorted la tba Republican will rraon mora rcadera thao If publiihcd la alt the other papers la tha coun ty, nnd ooat the advertliet leal than one-balf la othor wordi, an adrertlermrot published In our Jcuroal il aorth double tho prioe of that charged by any other publiiber ia tba eounty. II li a fact." tf. 110,676 ....148 can. ....121 Kor cheap auiU go to Hirlir.gor i. Book'o. Persona who wish to Block up in good itallanary iboald go ta lha PoetoBae, Clear field, Pa. ' Stop and look at John A. Stock's ahow wiadowo, aad aee toma frame! for lale by J. K. Botlorl. "u" ' The Fourth of July with all its in numerable accident! throughout the'oouotry, ara among tha tblngi of Iba paau Mr- It f!. Calhoun, of Indiana, Pa-, will eend lornlp aeed lo any addreal oa receipt of Ihe oaib. Boo hla offer elaownere. Hon. John Palton, of Curwonsvillo, ... ... .loaUd aae of Ike Board of Dlroctora at the WilllameHrt Dlohineon Semtaary, for tho onouiag year. We have now on band several thous and trtl-elaaa aaealopea, which wa will print for baaiaaaa moa. or anybody alio, at prloaa iaat oaa act be llralled. CaU and too them. If. A (irand Birthday Party. The reiideaea of Mr. Roil Head, reeidlai In South Clearfield wal well filled on Ihe 4th of July, In honor of Iba tilth birthday of Mra. Read. Their reletiroj and friend! to the number of not lei. than one hundred repeired thither, coniiiling of cbildron, grand-children, ale During tha day Mra. Read waa prannlcd with a Coffee Mill by Wm. McCullough, Sr., In brhalfof i.r obiUreu, who ezpeot to have a eup of coffee oa their ler arel rielli home. The following are aoroe of ttia older pononl prelect : Hon Head, 78 I Ann. Riad, fiO Win. McCullough, 78 I Mn. Wm. M Culloogb, J ; John Norrll, I Mra. John Norrll, 8 Mri. Rebecca Merrill, 8) ; Mn. Ellen rig ley, 62 1 Mr. Jemea Thomplnn, 8J Jordan Head, 63. Our Schools. The School Board melon Monday, June 10 h, end eeltoted teachera far tho Fall and Winter term of whool In tbii borough. The icbooli will be opened on Monday, the 16th day of September neat, aad willouotinue for a term of all moiithl, ltk two weohl raca- lloa during lha holldaya. Tba taacnerl ara aa followa i Prlnoiuel Prof, B. C. Younginan, $126 par lOBtn. Pirat AiiLtnat-Frank 0. Herrli,IS. Second AniiUot Miee Ada M. Ale, (10. Priaelpal Primary Department Matt. Barege, .... ' Plrel AllieUnt Jllli llaliie ..oor., Second Anletant Mill Mabla MeOeorge, 30. Wm. Dorrlll waa elected Janitor at a eaiary of 1 1 J6 a year. i'. I.nva.T. It eoema that the taura dm tbara U aa Iba otreeti Iba faaui people drlrc, ta order to kick ap tha dual aa that tba, oBooa and ihopa of Ike may ba well filled with tba filth of lha ttroela. Mr. Tho. V. Cooper, an employe of tall eBee, aad who he. been epeadiag a fow week! la Buffalo, Niagara Falll, and aareral othor place!, returned homo laet week. He oayi the water fiowa aaer old Niagara la a ary Balneal way. The "burnt district" in Punxsutaw ay, la about ta bo rebuilt, aad maay pereoaa bare already ooatmeacad. Tha aaw 81. Blmo Hotel will bo a three-llory briak building, nad will ba of the moil modern deilgna aad oonrlaa. Resioned. Dafid Kason has resign althepoallioaaf Dapuly Colloclor of laleroal . .. i. in. T.entr third Pa. Dlilriol, torn- aaod af Clearald aad Jrfaraoa aouallet, kla roalgaallaa laklnf onoot amy .... the paeltlon alaco 1802-iarenlaea yaara-an hai picked tba bona alaan. ; A -Veteran. Dr. l'wia Ueck, a i.i aiiiaea af Daophla oooaly, and aa attire m.ra lambar dealer, eeer alnae 1841, paid aor aoaaly a rlall laet week. Tna uoetor i. ..ll. haowa la maay of oar lambarmea, wbi .in k. .11 ta lean af Hi f "'F lire ia reach a alill rlpor age la Ihe midal af ear- re.ndl.g oa).ymeala. t. v.wirw Ktmptcnb. The first n.nue af dlieaaa are oftea a Iota af appetite, .Ilk . lired. da) I. Ilitlael feeRng. Ibaa Dl. Fea , a Capital BilUra ara Juel Ike Ihlag Iba ayilem .irM,wltkhUBlaodtlf.lPHU. Dbll Ceagb naaoy la all aougba aa ! Capital Bil lon far appetite aad etreagi''. wick Irwin, Piaggllta. WaarMld. Pa. At the recent Commencement exer- ... . .a. Vllll.eaaaatt Dloklatoa Bemlaary, .u. .... .rlu. which wat aoatteled for by v. j .a. aahoal Bat ia tbagradaaliog alaaa waa awarded ta Mlee Oarrla Teat, daaghlar af laraol Tl, Baa , af Iklt karg. . pr .a. pmMU. by R- ' F. Cala, aad eo. tUUtf-Balgbfl Bialoryof Knglaad, firelumaa, a tory papalar wark. KitLED.-Charl Wolf ' "''(1n, tha flllaga af Hlaa Hep -at hilled at J.m.a P.i....'e bar. ralalog Friday, Juat ITtk. H. .at aba M f" 'I Le h. the falllal af a "bant.- aad died -..uo. ,.. wilkoal atterlag a ward. B a. a.- a araaaatiaaoat af bit fait. After agreeing la fa ta Iba rtl.l.g af kara, k. far ae.eral dayl la gel a tabtlluta, bat talkrd. Wkaa laa,.ld af wky k. dl aat aai U ga hlmaalf. ka alwayt ropllaa - afraid ec-.tbl.g W"' ba had bettor tot go. An oriental tmveller deacriboi this baey wat, wH4 k""" ' " laad .. a k-ak wblah WM U. par af Aelleee, wear, lha iipl o aa'U CkrlMla... Th ... -a tU - .J. u wharf. Tea pateeagert aad tb. a.n,b"4u war. pal -bora .tkt ra. ap tola lb. - '-' ""' witk their drlrttt, lay a. Ika b, ready la . .a. a. bala tha tolarlar, AtaaBg Ibt ...i.,.. imAmA arm baaaa marked 'Dr. .. a n.. I.-.IL Maaa.. V. - .' tkawlag L-. .v.. L.-1I .lalaoa ta wbeaoa Ikey aama. Tb with alber ffooda were bolato aa tbakaaka af a..oU,farlraMparUta.aia -...... ... ., ..,w. ariaaadt kaaklteraaaallel U k.l Iba auMh. ff, ?"41','!.a thoN Ear! ara Am, .a- r - Important to Railroad Manaoers ! PaUnt K: JI0.868. U. 8. Paml 0(ce. A Self Car Coupler that will ooupleoneor one thouiand oara al rapidly ai Ibey ara brought la- gather, without tny perron to guide the una or pla. Thlf laeaatlon ooBilite of the link and pin, tkt aama aa tow In ma, ana eo eimpi., though io perfect In In oonetruotion, that II mull recommend lleelf to oeery Intelligent railroad man. Il can al a aery amall aip.naa ba applied to ir. aar now in in, and la tho conittuction of new earl II will icaroely ad.l anything lo Ibt el- nonae of building. Any Railroad Company wlihiog lo leel tho Coupler can hare It applied le Ihclr oere, oy ap plying lo tho uBderilgnad, at Clearfield, Pa, ' 'finoBitt, Bloom 4 BorBn. Addreae all lettera lo T. J. Borna, Cleerdeld, PoOBlylTtnie. Our Fourth. Kxceotine the Con- teanlal dleplay In 187fi,tha park groundaand our borouih narer befoja pretentcd auoh a llrely ap- nearanoa OB our National holiday, notwithstand ing tha heal and the awful duet The contraat with laet year waa noticed by everybody, and Iradera aad men roallied handiomely by tho turnout. Bat for tbo effort! put forth by the ffieerl of the Cltlaana, Park Annotation, the th would hare beea aa dull la Clearfield aa tl wal lail year. It would be well enough for tho offfcera of the Airleultural Boclelr to Imltata their aoal. aad If tb.r do. Ikert will ba a grand turnout at our approaohlag Coaaty Fair. Tho leieoa Uught ua by Iba Park Aieoaletloa tan ba Improved upon by tbo Agricultural Sooiaty, II llapa ara . - lima, lo bring about a diiplay ol tna prouac . the eounty on tbo fair groandl ncxl Fall. . i Vm ik Fhenchvim.k. Sunday af- trrouoi w.i ft lorry p.riod forth, eiltimi of th. vllUft of MulwBburf, Corimto towmmp. Aro brok onl ! Ibo 4wtllin hotiw ol Henry ftyib but 4 o'tloflb, dMlrgylnj, all Ibt ftnildioii tMtwMB Mlwi Hotel oud L. M. CoudrUt'i wirehouM, o tb. crib ..J. of ib Lliiiogi wer. MtJ by lb. if iUnt.tTorti of im buoktl BluktU wer. tprM roofk of tb. wtr.b.uM txii tb. boui wa a.iug- with w.Ur, .nd Id tbii w.y tb. Br. wm wolli.. to lluib'i nd th..wid.w Bri.n r.ita.D, ih w.iob ibop of Mr. Coildrl.t, md th. blminn ihp f Job. 8- Bri.l. To tbo.. who know tb. ..Mitinlt- of th. b.iWini" ". " utooUbod thri tb. baildtngi oa lh .orth lid. of k. .t,..t .r. tot .11 deitroyed, wbn w. i.r. into ooBild.rMUa th .myiblog " powd.r bdJ wdy to init. Tb. Iw w. nt aot rlilD.d, bit It U b total lb. being io lDartiif ay of tb. proporty. Iieereaa. VtUK JliJiJIt. Lu tuber MiieeliMiiOui freight! eraj t) Halii D&IREKH CONKEKRKD. At til rCCt'llt BDUftl Commencement of DteklDMn College, Car- lle, tb. bunor.ry drgrc. of Doctor of Divinity wm conferred upon our worthy toTnimt,n Her. J 8. Mc. Mumy, piutor uf tb. hi. E. Church. Dr. MelMurrsy li fully entitled to toy hooori of tbii chirftoler that By bo beetowed upoo hi in. Bad bo Bill bear tbcm with ability and ChrUitian ex ample. Hli tntiuy friend and acquaintance! in Cloarfkld -.nd rtolnlly will b. gUd to learn or thii honor conferred, and will bo glad to reg a lie him by hli new title. At th. twenty-ninth ebniui.noou.ent of tb Lew iiburg, (Pb.) Unlrenlly, held during tho w.ek ootumfneing Juno 23d, th. degree of Mai tor of Arte waa conferred upon Rer. A II. Scinbower, of Reading, I'a-.who U well-known In tbli Ticin ily and (Jurw.nerilte. Alio, at tho am. time and plac. the degree of Doctor of DlrLulty wm conferred npou Her. Georgo A. l'elti, of Jatnei town, N. Y., who It will b. remembered partici pated in the proceeding, of th. Sunday -School Conrention, held In tb. Clearfield M K. Church two year. ago. LOWER ENDKR ANBIVEHIil). CLBA.rieLD, IV, July i, Kditoh RiruBMCAR i Noticing In your paper out. time ago a eommunioation fnin 1'ine "ruve, and io your lata inue on. from Lower Kad. in both of which w. reoogniw the earn. p.nn. who wm .rldently fpoihng for a flRht, a bo wai unil qui fur th. Auditore to pobltib a eUtement of account; then when tlioy did, wai ready to pitch Into them, which bet ray i more tbau an anilely for tb. welfar of the town-hip. If this ii tbe way he ytrntlg aiks a queition , it would not be iaf. to b. around whin b. become! furioni. But "the mountain wai in travail and brought forth B mouit." Acknowledging the right of the cititem of Lawrence township to make all jurt orilioitmi ou tb. act. of their public eervanU, and making due allowance for tb. grieranooi of tbe tai-payeri, we would not unaennat? w www any wrong or oow up any fraud. Hut, ai Lower Knd'i innuindoai were particularly aimed at th. townihin Atiditon. we feel in duty bound to our- Mltei, to tho tax-payeri, and to th. township oflieen with whom we have hid interaouno in th. i.ttlem.nt of the towniblp account., to lay that we hav. oarefolly examined tb. account! ai pre ented to u, and find no apparent orookedneii. To lb. pure all is pure," but Lower fcna tecnie to be acquainted with loin, of th"wa;i that are dark and trick, that are mean," nnd if he knew of any irreguiarilici, it wm hie duty to Inform di when be wa. ao touch interested in the affaire of the townnbip. Now, ai to tho dutiei of town ahlp Auditon, w. do not aaileritand thut the law rtHjuirei m lu enumerate ev-rj iwio, -Uevo it would have been more eaUifautory if w. bad mide a plainer itatement, ibowing what wai teaeheri' talarioi, fuel, building, te. If the law inemi that every item should be put down, it metoi a great deal, taking into cuniidnration the number ot Road, Sohool and Poor order!, exon eration., .to., and would take at leait two eelumai of the Kari''AH to contain tbcm In Lawreno. townibip alone. It meant that all th. townahip Auditor! in Clearfield county lhit have publiihed taviamonra of aooouat bare violated the law, and are alike culpable with th. Auditor! of Lawrenue towmhip. VY. will jutt hero aay that "the other little wbit. Dome at raraiiiie ui miRmmo, u n--ttaf li.t it ill ou it when the law liaiib ia put oa in reifurd to the U. L. Norrii account, wi bare urnifiiieiJ ia oonneatioB with the town ihin bi.oki and find It ai HateJ. Th. .mount rhrar(t ta Diitrict Treasurer Owcni, M 8uporu- or'i wagei.ipikciand plank, tlJo.iiO iioharged to hnlanee hii account, on which be hai no rihl to .,...tnu... Tha charie wm nceenarily made M ha r.iHteil In each Huperviior'a leuerate ao- count wllh tbeir wage! ai wiy be lien, and then with thBawbol. amount of orderi redoemed, In eluding Bui.erviior'i wagel. It might have been ....t .httnrt.nLlv.aaT formitanoe: uy eap viior'a orderi, ipikei and plank tn3J..10. Hy baUno. of orderi redeemed v0o.8o. Th-n it 1. 1 l.avv been BfOCMarr to charg. Super-'i arderitotha Treaiurer. Neither ot tbe aeting Auditor, are graduate, of a Commtrolal College, 10 om. allowance mi(ht be made for awkwardnen, providing they d not oheat th. thin. Tha lneftl.maieouril.riDtr aHBiiruuui-- Lower Knd'." dreami, ii on. ot bit own imagkna- llooa. Turn to J. 1'ar. acooun. aou you wm 4A oenti for epike. and $1.84 to WHin Hoover Ord.rileftatanyof th. will b. attended f JJS!J" Uavea tba Bupervlior'i wagee ioapriv-u ,;j3,oo. WoiuppoM that an loieuigeni in pay- gLETTEH I;KOM I.EOM do with levying taaei for road, ichool or poor nurnoiei ana ean w .-- LuHiKR CltT, PA., June imb, 1879. The litriot Treasurer Is tna proper omcr oy law Koitob Ilifi'ei.icai : I hav. again mi u wed to receive all money, neionging ""'"'V tba roll of reporter. Ther. il nothing otipeoiai nd, if when no .nierv up. uTportanc. g.tng on Tb. Academy -tn- tftTt ,.h. hi. bond with two. ur. i m th. .um of dents hav. p.rat.d for vacation. They had a thirty lbou.and dollar, for tb. Iru. performance Dicnic at the oloie ol in. .emoo. ai.Ter, iw 0t nil aune, iay U wm opened, had the Academy been so grand a for ,y of hi. account., pay. o.r to hi. low-'" 11 r. ' r.... k... m.n, .h- beloDhf o( to t be townibip, tor. in th. rale for whooli will oom. from It. balli BOt much room for complaint. Th. Auditor, ar. w" . . j I . a. i iiii .law aaih fiir the Lime nea- tba fut.r. will iftow. usaung, uoiing. m. aiiowea uj - -- , - -- Ika aklnf anntll ell irtlallt. Tha dottti In MLt I. tl). tOWniBID BCOOUDH. VIU r : :":' a .... .,ii..k Af va . n.iFinti.m indue. - to uk. LumoairCity of Uading ipirlt. tniverially M( when a publio functionary, than B legal oom- aeiovei,B...uD.-er.., . P""""uu ' J .,,,1 ba can "tu ia. nf larvnka Ia he .dotit-d In ouriobooli .nDn tub offio.r to"ibowhii hand'' and If l attrutlng cttentloa. I think th. entire plan tDC townibip Auditor! hav. ao far violat.d th. o Deception I'ttd. It Is Strang ao many people will continue t suffer day after day with Dupopila, Liver Com- E taint, CoDitiptlicB, Hour Htouaoh, lieueral Do lllty when they ean procure at enr etor. 6111 LOU'B V1TALL2KK, free of eoet if It does not euro or relievo them. 1'rlo. 75 ots. Bold by llarlswlok Irwia and 0. li, Watson, Clearfield. 4 ak I'ouruelf Thene questions. Art yon a despondent lutTerer frum Sick Ilend ache, Coitlvcoeis, l'alpilatinn of the Heart r Hav yon Dimness of th. Head t Ii your Nervoua System dr tireswd F Doei your liluod circulate badly? Have you a Cough 1 Low Pplriti ? Coming up of the food alter eat ing fie., Ao. All of then, and much nor. are the direct rem Its of Dyipejuie, Liver Complaint and Indigeilivc- Uicfr.' Auguit flower Is now 1 ackuowlrdged by .11 DruggUli lo b a poriliv. ; euro. 1,4 UU, 000 bottles mt gusd away in tLe II. 8. through Druggists to th. people u a trial, j Two dosei will lalisty any person of its wonder ful quality Id curing all furiui of Indlgcition. I Sample bottles 10 oti. Regular lis. 76oli. Hold 1 positively by au nrsi-oia. ururgmi m m tnit.d States. july lT-'7-eow-ly. Oboans. I am dotorminod to put an loitrum.tit into erary townibip In tbe county. Tb. first organ sold In a townibip will be put in at eost. Partite desiring an organ for Churches, 8 ao day Schools, or for tbomselv.i, should .tu bmen this opportunity. P. A. Gaulim, Clearfield, Pa. -- et aaut- - Turnip Seed. 1 will sond to any addresi postage paid, Purple top atrapleaf turnip seed, on of the bctt for general crup of 1979, fresh and genuine. One pound sixty cents ; one- balfpoatid, thirty wots on fourth pound, twen ty scots ; oue oubc, irn tsnti. R. C. Calhour. Lidiaha, Pa., July 9th-2t beedamatl. LumukrCitt Academy. Tho Lum ber City Aoodemy wilt open for. Summer seisloa of eight weeks, oommenoing July 7th, 1879, Tbii flourishing Institution la patronised by i many ot tbe ablest students lu the county, Termi for aessloB, (Theory and Practice of Teaching a specialty) 13.39. ' Boarding, $2,00 per weok. Rooms for lalf-boarden to be had ebtap. Lumber City, June tub, ISTU-St . eaaTJ a - Gbovk Mektino. Wo have been requested to state that Meiilah'a Church wilt hold a grove matting at Waltaoetoa (D. V.) com mencing on Wednesday, July 16th, 1879, and will ooiitinue till tbe 2 1st. Service in the after noon aod evening, during th. week, and three meeiloga on Sabbath Her. L. M. Jackson and Rev. L. Oslir uf I'ruvideiic. Rhode Iland will conduct the meeting! all tbe loron of Jtius are cordially Invited tu attend. - uf e Yes? Vniier the now Postoflice regulation when a letter eomoi to our addre.i that la over weight tha P. M. alipl Into our box b eard engraved on It "a valuable letter, al1 at tb window delivery." W. repaired tbitber, tbe'olerk banded us a letter endinod "due lit cents" wheo we plunked down the eaih and ob tained our 'i alualle letter." It wai an anony mous oommunloitlon. Tbo P. M. now ornaments all such letters by afliiing a thro, or llx cent stamp and cancels It. We believe that Ibis new regulation will add very materially to lb. revenues of tb Poitoffio. Department. . . . , uf m - New Daily Staoe Line. Jamos L. Loavy bus succeeded in having a daily mall estab lished between Clearfield and Pennfleld, and will hereafter run a dally stage between the two points. III. oootract began with April 1st, and the stag. wlllleav. lloarfletd every morning (exorpt Bun day) at I o'clock, making connection, with all trains on th. Low Urad. Railroad at Pen n field, re turning after th. last train the same evening. Passenger i and freight will be carried at low rates. inrrlrfl. . r- rti...nM Pa . rati T..t...l .!..) 11 1ST0 l. t II al H.itW. Kiflnimn Itairlnff nf (lrrin townibip, Indiana Co., Pa., to Miss Km ma ttlneler, of Clearliold. On Thursday, July li J, l.i?9, at the roiidi-nce of Mr. James He, by the Rev. D. II. Campbell, Mr. Miles Uloomand Min H. Delia Ilea, dsusbter of Robert Rca. all of Jordsn townibiii, Clearfield oouuty, Pa. sua. Io Jordan townahip on , tS70, Har riet, daughter of Samuel and Annie McKeehan, aged t yoara aod 4 niontbi. Io Jordan township, on Sabbath, June 221, 1879, Robert L. Patiiriim, agod 2 yoare, 10 moDiba and 37 daya. Tb. deceased had a long aickneis, having suffer ed for almost two yean. At times hii sufferings wer. Intense almost more than flesh oould bear and yet by Divine grao. bo bore it submissively. II. was taken from us ta the very promise of life. But not unprepared. Ho rested by frith In Christ. This was bis hope In death, and is tbe great joy and comfort of bis friends. He was an active chri'tlsn and a continent member of tbe Fruit Hill Presbyterian Ohuroh. CLEARFIELD MABKETS. Cl! Flour, tinr cwt. Uuokwbeat Flour, peMwt. Corn Meal, par cwt Chop, rye, per cwt Chop, mixed, per cwt H ran, par cwt Wheat, per bun lie! Rye, per bushel Oats, per bushel Corn, ears, per buihol Buckwheat, per bnsbol Potatoes, per bushel Apples, per bushel Hams, per pound , Shoulder, per pound Dried D.of, per pound Chicken., per pair Putter, per pound... KiCff' Fer doscn Bait, per sack, large Coal Uil, per gallon Lard, per pound i Dried Apples, per pound., Dried Peaches, per pound lltaas, per bushel AnriKLD, Pa., July h 'fc79. , ' IS Od 2 60 1 1)0 1 AO 1 u 1 00 1 00 60 40 36 HO 1 00 40 to 100 II 7 15 40 . 12 121 3 uo lo in 6 6 S 0 M. HILLS, CLEARFIKI.D, PKNN'A. 4 Office In residence, opposite Shaw Iloaa jy9,l7W-tf HOUHFi Ftt-K KENT. A two-itory brick hous on Pin street, ait of tba Presby urian Clmrtb. Three rooms up and three duwa tain. A good stable, ice bouse, and garden at tached. For further particulars, apply to J. 11. IIHAIIAM, April 30, 1879 tf. Clearfield, Pa. C1,AI'TION. All p.rnni ar. hcrohy warned J agaimt purchasing or la any way meddling with tbe following property now in ibe possession uf Mn. Cjpheti and Wm. Cyphers, ol .ioelion towmhip, via i Oo eow and calf, 5 hogs, aod I oook stove, as tb. same was pumhucd by m. at private sal. on th loin day of May lait, and U left with them on loan only, .ubject t my order at any time. J, M. CYPHERS. Clearfield, Pa., July 9, 1879 3L CAUTION. All persons ar hereby warned gainit pure ban ing or in any way meddling with tbe following pem-ual property, now in the possession of Conrad Jlsrrett, ot Fergusua town hip, vii ; 1 eow, 2 pigs, 2 beds and bedding, 1 cook stove, and tho balance of tho kitchen furni ture. Tl (ongoing property was purchased by me at Collector's sale on tb ItMtb day of June, and is allowed to remain In tha pomes j loo uf nid Conra J Uarrett on loan only, subject to my order at any lime. 1SAA0 MUURK. Murroo, July 9tb, 1S79-5L. ("1 AUTION.-AII persons ar hereby warned J against meddling or In any way Interfer ing with tbo following personal property, now In poistaiioB of Oilbert Hoover, of Morris twp., vis t One two-hors wagon, and two mires oue b two-year old colt, black, or dark brown, and lha other dark bay. Tb. foregoing property belongs to me, and Is allowed to remain in th. posiession of said Oilbert Hoover on loan only, subject to my order at any time. JOHN J. HOOTER. Kylertown, Pa., July t, 1879-St . CAUTION. All per ion l ar hereby warned against purchasing or In any way meddling with the following property, now in the possess iou of Joiieb H. head, of Lawrence towmhip, vii : 1 timber wagon, 1 plow, 1 barrow, 1 cultivator, I log -iled and chaini, I two-hon wagon, 1 sleigh, 1 windmill, 1 feed cutter, grain cradle, two hones and harness, 1 set single harness, 1 saddle, 10 sheep, 2 cowl, 4 bead of young oattle, 1 bugf y, 5 acres of rye, 7 aorei of wheat, of 8 aerei of oorn, 18 acre, of cits, 12 acres of gran, 8,000 feet of Cine and oak square timber, and all the house old goodi. Th. foregoing proporty wai pur chaaied by m at Shertfl a .al. on th 30th day of June last, and ii allowed to remain in the poi session of .aid Josiah H. Head on loan only, sub ject to my order at any lime, WM.C. F0T.KY. Clearfield, Pa., Jul 9th. 1879-St. aureate. fioniiMyIvaaiiaKailroad TY HONE 4 CLKARFIKI.D BRANCH AN aod aftnr Mondny, MAY 12, 1879, the J Passenger Trains will rnn daily (excffU Sun day!) between Tyrone and uiearneio, as ioiiowi CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. S. Pluhubr, Conductor. LKAVB80UTH. Corw.nivllle.S.20, r.x Clearfield .40, Leonard S.4V, w, J54, " Woodlnd)....vJ.(lll " Bigler,.- 4 H. Wallaceton 4.17, " Blue Hall, 4 2b, Oraham 4. .11. " Philipiburg, ...4.i( " Steineri 4.3V, " Dwvnton 4.46, " Osceola, Powelton,. . Bummit,,.... Vaniooyoc,.. Tyrone, ....4.62, ...6.0i, IS. ...... 3 5, ....6.00, LKAVK NOKTn. ..,A.M. ,.. 9.25, ' ... 9.60, " ..lfl.on, " ,..10.12," ...10.17, " ...lta2, " ADMI NIKTH ATOIl'J NOTICC Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad UiiDiitration on the aslst of MARY HMILKY 11 A It H, late of Clearfield borough, Clearfield Co., P.. deceased, havius boon duly granted to th undersigned, all persons IndebUd to laid estate will please matt immeoiai payment, snu m baviug claims or demands against th sam will preient them properly authenticated for ifttle ment without delay. WM. A. BARH, Auminiiiraiur. Clearfield, Pa., July 9, 1879 fit. AlMllSIHTHATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on thoeitaleof FRKDKHICK FRAgV LKV, let. of Chest townibip, ClearBeld county, Pa., deceaied, having been duly granted to tb. undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and tboi having clnliui or demand! agninit the sam wi 11 preient them properly authenticated for settle Lot without delay. JONATHAN P. FRY, JOHN FRAILKY, Administrators. Wiltov.r, Pn.Jnly 9, 1879-6t DMINISTRATOHfV NOTIC E. Netlo v Is hereby siren that Letters ot Adoiinmra- 'Mtn 7Va(anteH(o Anxa on th eilato of J Oil N Tyrone Vmscoyoo, Kuminlt Puwolton,... Osoeola,... llojnton, ... Kleiner's, ... PbilipBburg.lO.Zb, ()ranm,, - lllue Ball, 10.X7, " Wallaoton,...10.44, " Bigler 10.92, " Woodland, I0.MJ, " Barrett, 11.07, " Leonard 11.12, " Clearfield 11. 1U." Curwenivtlll.11.40A.Mi CLEARFIELD EXPRKS8. , Conductor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Curwenivlll.. Clearfield..... (.47 Leonard, Barrett. Woodland,.., Bigler Wallaceton,. Bin Ball,... Oraham, Philipiburg. Bteiner'a Boynton, Osceola, Powelton,... Rommit, Vansooyoo, Tyrone, . r.7....k..i k..L. r...ii. in th trami. h.t the tax Davers ar materially in- OT IT in J VI WIIIHIIIU! .aa.v aw. llniyiit - : Uli.i, .a Why ibould wett tearh grammar and compoii- jured thereby, b oan oompel them to publish an . a.-..a... ..t k.w L tnveiher .....rl ilalamm or IBJiOl lueiu im ""' they are pleaiant and eaiy. Why teaoh the leirnce of numbers in two distinct parli 1 H by teach blilory aa a valley of dry bones, when B little effort will make it interesting 1 Tb world changes and we obang. Laon, neanor In office. Special. Collector" WABHASTa.- nave a form, and hav on nana B urge queou.., . blank "Collector'! 8alei,w which have been ap proved by th legal authority in lb. Court of this county. At Tweafy Vm per dnten w will mail any number to th Co lct.r A folieeior, wneu "ip"" 4.57 , 6.03 , 6.09 , 6.1ft . 6.21 , 6.2& , 6.29 , 6.33 6.:i7 . 6.42 . 6 ft3 . 7.0i . T.Ji . T.45 : Tymoe 7.10 p. u. Vanacoyoo 7.43 Summit 8.05 " Powelion 8.17 u Oiceola, 0 28 " Royntoo, M - I Rteiner' 8.S9 Philipiburg. ..8.41 " (irabam 8 47 44 RluBall, 8.M " Wallaceton, ...9.02 M Bigler, 9.10 " Woodl-nd 917 11 Barrett, 9.2J Leonard 9.30 " Clarflld, 9.U " Curwensvill 10.00 M RK1TKH, late of Covington township, Clearfield county, Penn'a., deceased, having been duly granted to th undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate will piease maae in.iut-i. ment, andtkos having claims or demands will pren-nt thi-m properly authenlioalerl for lettlcmont withoutdelay. J. W. POTTER, CHRISTIAN BROWN, Adoiiniitraton C. T. A. Karthaui, Pa., Juno 25, 187V-t riv drtrtistrarutl QOURT PHOtXAMATION. WaBRRAi. Hon. 0. A. JUAT BR, 1 nildonl Judge of th. Court of Common Vm of th Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of th. countl.i of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton' and Hon. Abban Uonasi and Hob. Vmcrnt D.; Holt. Asaoeiat Jwdc.i cf Clearfield eounty hav. issued tbeir precept, to ni. dlr.otcd, for the holding of B Court of Common Plea., Orphans' I Court, Court of Quarter koisloni, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of Uenoral Jail Deliv-1 cry, at tb. Court Hons, at Clearfield, In and for th. county of Clearfield, commencing on the fourth Monday, llio via day ol ttont. i7U, and to continue thro weeks. NOTICH IA, therefor, hereby th Coroner, Justices ofth Peace, and ConsUbl.s, in T.d ff-.r said county of Clearfield, to appear In their proper persons, with their Records, Rolls, Inquisitions, Uxaminatlona, and othor Remem brances, to do those tblngi which to their office i, and In their behalf, pertain to bo done. By an Act of Assembly, pasted inc cm any oi May, A. D. 144, it is made the duty of tb Jus tices uf th Pone of tb evveral counties of tbii Commonwealth, to return to tho Clerk of the Court of Quarter Bexaloni or th. respective countli'S, all lb. recognisances entered into before them by any person or persons charged with tbe commission of any .rime, inept such case as may be ended belor a Juitio of th. Peao, un der existing laws, at least ten day be fore the commencement of th. session of th. Court to which tbey arc made returnable respectively ,snd in all eases where any rccogniiano .re entered Into less than ten days before tbe commencement of tbe session to which tbey ar made returna ble, tba laid Justices ara to return ti. same In tho same manner as if said act bad not been passed. GIVEN under my baad at Clearfield, this 9th day of July, in th. year of our Lord, on. thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. julyV-to ANDREW PKNTZ, Jr., Sheriff. SEPTEMBER JURY MNT.A Hit of the nam.i of Urand and Traverse Jurors drawn for September Term, A. D. 179, commen cing on tb fourth Monday, September 22d, and to con tin a for three consecutive weeks, vis : Fourth Monday, Sept. 22d ; fifth Monday, Sep tember 29th, and first Monday of Oot'r, tbe 6th ! OBAMD JUROR. VtllST WKRK, SEPT. 22u. Chas Brown, Covington, Wm Hawk, Bell, John F Weaver, Clear'd, D fi Shi.ldi. Handy, D fitray.r, Wallaceton, Ueorg Moral, .Decatur, Peter Br hard, Knox, Allen Hoover, Pike, Wm L Moore, Ferguson, II PTowni, llustou, L RMerrell, Clearfield, II E Lanieb, Lawrence, PIANOS and ORG ANS I Tho Largest and Cheapest House in Pennsylvania. ITuvinrr lnfrlv ncrcnU'd tho General Auuncy fur Central Penii- gylvanift (in addition to our old tcrritorv), witd Ijpiidquarti'rs nnd large store room at 1404 Eleventh Avenue, Altoonn, I'enna., in clinrgo of Mr. Georgo W. Good, and being desirous of extending our already immense sales of the most celebrated Pianos nnd Or gans, we have appointed dipt. 1. A. Cuuliu, of Clmr- liclri, our Agent, who will nave on imnu our Instruments in the P. 0. Building", oxjELaje.,'xi3XJC, where we liiviie an who uiu ui;niiuun ui yun.11ufi.15 u m.rviaa, PIANO or ORGAN are requested call. Wa Vll no iroods that wo cunnot fully warrant, aud being Vm Urat .Ipnlprs in the State, our prices are the lowest. Our house was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue. 1XSTRIMEMS SOLD OX SMALL M0XTI1LY PAYMENTS. Send lor illustrated catalogues and Jee hunter, Sr., JorUao, J W Hnodee, lluutadale, liaao Tbomaa, Uloom, iWrn 11 Cetera, boftK', Jno Klioger, Newburg, lllanrj B Darr, llaraiide, Jolin Sberick, llraily, 7.onoi llartihurn, fika, Jamei Arderv, Morrii, I John Peanoa, lMatur, Wm John., Woodward, H.nJ C Ueu, Uoatzdale. TRAvaaar; jinoaa Ibt wkbk, aai'T.-32D. M R 0(Jn, Clearleld, Vraak tip.i, Wallaeel'D. Wc.l.T Sblre;, Br.Jf'd, A B Tate, Ureeowood, T J Thompeon, UrMn'd, J L Kragle, ClearBeld, J U How la, Lawrence, Ell Llnee, Bradr, Wm. Smith, Woodward, Hamael MrUhae, Bell, Cam.field Rreoo, Bratlr, J 11 VanDniea, Uoota'd, AIUIINIHTIIATOn'UanMltf-'-wolio. ii hereby tlren that Lellara of Adinlnll ralion oa th. eitate of .WILLIAM L. KISI1KL, lata of Lawrenoe twp., Cleerdeld Co., Pa.,dao d., haelnl been duly granted to tba nndenigned , all nereona indebted lo eaia eiiaia win p,.. , immediate payment, and thoee baring o'alme or demand! agalnit lha lame will pre.eot them properly aulbenlieated lor leiuemen. wiiuuu. delay. AARON O. TATK, Admiaialrator. Clearleld, Pa., May 11, U79-.I. Joi. F Pie, Oaceola, Uaa. Sofawem, Brad), laeob O Smith, Brady, Matt. Modarray, Cheat, Sam'l Vaollorn.llreen'd, F H Birob, Jordan, Joe It MoClure, Pike, 0 P Bloom, llloom, Jui't PlQlell, Covin Rton , Herbert rjlooin, i,aw r. Wm Wllllami, Jordan, Prank Bu.a, lloirgi, Jonathan Walker, Knoa, D McCartney, Wood'4, T Frank HUhel, Brady,jai. bupmao, Burniide, Andrew Plegal, Morrii,; Murril Lancy, Houti'd, Wfaitmer Bloom, Cnr'i, Jaoob Potter, Morrii, Janei Lap.r, Burmide.jF Gormont, Covington, Aibiry I earhart,Mor'a,II P King, Cleerlield, Jeo (lulicb, Lawrence, jAlei Kall.ton, Morrii, Jno MoUaughey.Cle'fd, Alei Wlitteker, Pike, V W Logao, Bell, i Peter Beck, Burniide, Samuel Lee, lluilon, iA 11 Brady, Uulioh, Jai Cree, liecoaria, Oliver llubler, Ureham. Andrew Shoff, Beccaria, Frank Patera, Decatur. TaaTiR.B juitoaaSn weaa, earr. Ivrn. (Ico Toaer, Curwonir'le, 'Harry Snyder, Dceatui' Ueo A Kepbart, BtcaturF Wondcrly, Barearia, I C Whipple, Brady, iJ W Straw, Jordan, Ab'u Qoil, lioulidale, II W Park, Clearleld, Chai King. Burniide, il'hilip Arnold, Brady, Wm Brotbera, Burniide, Jnobhannoa,Wood'ard, Hieh'd Morrlaun, Chett, Lucion Bird, Iiuitun, Steph Fletcher, I.'n'.oa, Joie,h Seylcr, L'nlon, Wm Woolridge. Brad'd, 11 W Slitl, Woodward, Dan'l Hrhorr. Curw'ille, IHam'l Burge, Lawreuoe, Ueo C Moore, Clearleld,W llolling.worth, llut'e, J L Piarce. Uradlord. IBIdncy (oa. Uollco, (lilmor. tihirey, UoibcnJno SantrocK, Wood'anl, Kd Fan-ell, 1'cnn, M ,1 1Y ilion, uradlurd, Jamca Hairy, Burniide, jS K Kramer, Lawrence, Jamee McKrown, Peon, lAli'm 0 SholT, Beccaria, Andrew Kitcben. Cheit, iThol Barm, Decatur, Jnj Llring.ton, Clear'd,, Peter S Weber, Sandy. TUAVBRaK juaoas 3d wbrk, err. 0TU. Jno McCracken, Jordan,tC Shlrey, Bradford, o Heber. noodwaru. ipat Uuinn. uouliaaia. U C Jeukina, Cur'.viile, J S tlrerbart, Bugg., A II Irvin, " iRnoa Bloom, Knox, W Weitover, Burniide tp Daniel Beeman, Knox, Uenj rulkeraon, uullcb, .!. juclienury, uraiy. Jno Mcllendry, Brady lthamer Dale, Morrie, Wm Bigler, Clearleld, John Porter, Pike, A W Cowder, Bradford, Framp Bell, Mreooweoti, Silae Carr, Pike, Henry Trumb, Bradford, AIIMINIHTRATOII'8 KOTICE. Notloa la hereby glren that Utterl of Ad mioiitration on lha aetata of JOHN STEWART, lata of Bradford townibip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deceaied, haling been duly granted to Ihe n,l...i.nMl. .11 nereoni Indebted to eaid aetata will pleaea make immediate payment, and then haviug claim, or domaoda againit tba aama will preeent them properly authenticated 1"T eeltle- menlwitboul delay. iiAHinu bi ownn. , Adminlitrator. Woodland, Pa., June 4, lS'l-St P1IILIPSU1IHU HOSIIANNON BRANCIIS LBATB BOtlTa. advertiaa property, muel pa.1 up not leae than three notiMl In th. tno.1 publio pleaea la hi. i 1. .. ,...., ,n A LETTER FROM tOVIMOTOM TOWS. etHir. Mmi.iiDiiI. JuneSOtb. 1879, aia. u. d. uw.m,'"-"- ... - -. aee ear oommunioatloni In your paper Trom tbia oraering .uio ...!.. ao I thouiht II would aot ba advertiaa prop ou of place lo lei jou know aomelhlng ol our ' aUl in in. wb.ra.Cl. and .bat ii oln, on bare. We borough ot townibip. have bad a very dry eeaiun. ane aay or.,P ,. ebort. Cora aad oati very poor, the out wormi and dry weelber hai almoit ruioea aur earn aropt. TUewBeataau ry. .r.p. a" v aoor Tbe iprlagi and well, ol water are alnioit r ' v . a ,k 'I'h. ... In tha earroanding woode baa done a great deal nf dam age ta timber Ao. The rain lhat fell for the pail fow dayi wlllrevlr. lha aropi of hay, aorn and oall. eoni(i.ru7. I .... Uer Sohoal Boara met oa ia.. d.,.., ...... . To ,. eeea at the Shaw lloaaa Mulionburg lehool boo., aad let oal tw. af aur i for a.ia. u c,rll,l( p.n. Oaa IIlrobbo Pa C.T. Ulioo ai " Paica.. Sewing Hachlnei oaa now o. pur.,... warde. All kinde of aewlng machinal repeired on the ehortoit notice. Clearleld, ra, July io, 11, oaial For 8al.B.-R. Newton Shew keepl a II . apply of Fredonia Bugglo. and Pl.torm t:lll 10:10 10:35 7:S1 10:43 t:9 lit 10:18 7:10 9:07 10:0 7:ii 1:07 IH:5I I:I1 .1:1! 11:03 1:00 BTATIOWS. Morrlidala, 7:00 Philipaburg, 7:0:1 Steiner'a Boynton, Oaooola, Mnibannoa, Htarllng, lloutadala, MoCauloy, Kendrick'a, Kamey. liavb BORTB. a. a a. p. a, 12:40 12:16 4 SO 12:21 4:21 12:14 4:10 1:10 12:04 4:01 8.00 11:01 til 1:00 11:40 3:00 8:40 11:40 1:40 III 11:30 1:40 8:30 1I:'I0 :30 8:30 11:20 8:30 BALD EAHLB VALLEY BRANCH. . Mall. Mail. Hap 1 IiniTflM'S NOTICE. In th. Orphan!1 t Court, of Clearlleld eountw. Pa. In Iba . h.i .an ..lata oi na, b. moor, ueo . Th. nnder.ian.d Auditor. ai.Boiotod by the Court to teke te.timony and dl.pore or tee ei nentloni to the aooount tf Jamea T. Leonard. Guardian of Kale Moore, give! notloa that he will .itnrf in th. dutiea of hii annolntmenl on natur- day, Jnlv 19, 1H7V, between the hoara of 9 o'clock A. M and I o'clock P. M , whan and where all partial lntereited mey attend. W. M. McCl'LI.OUOH, ClearlilJ, Pa., June 18, '79-41. Auditor. Frank Orcult, Bloom, Uh W Hex, Beccaria, H J Walker, Oaceola, Harry Soyder, Law'aoa, J 8 McKiernan, Uulioh, Dan'l Nell, Uaoeola, Jai L Carry, L City, N T Briibm, uraay Jno Gorman. Born. Ida tn!R C Hamilton. L City. W W Betta. Clearfield. U J vieltover. nuroaiaa, J O Johnitoa, Jordan, ; A Huruiog, Sr Unrtoa , J B Way, Ulrard, L Flood, vuvlngtoa. 7. OS 8.30 leave Tyrone arrlva 1.10 7.23 8.17 Bold Kagla O.Ot Bash Ball (iAMi. In nldilion to the general aelebratloa and eajoymeate of lh. foartk, Ibe elliaeaa af Rew Waehlagtaa wllneea el a rnatoh Ba" """ P""' eatawaey el.h.nd th. Vallaal .lab of New Wain legion, with a aaer. a. Mlowa t .o.a.uvAwaar. I vai.ia.v. Brawa, a. I. Cap!.. MarriMU, r. f.... Yoang, Id Uarhar, .. a. Campball, p . Greeae, Id a Stamp, I. f Wlee, lit. h.. I.itl.r, a. ... I Cempbell, p ... Ilflrady, a. a ... IliAke. let b ... Illlaley, Id, k ... 0 Zimmerman, Id . ... I llalleber, I. f ... llSavege, a. f. Capt. ... , Net, r. t .. I .. I . I .. 0 echool ba.ea la be repeired and dona op In a .i.u L. A. Laoiate gol tbe Frenobville boUI. .OU tne wnirmouo m., a" " k. I He OrlOCI 1 OIU OO. vii .'rft... .1 our fi.h aad bunliog law the ,JI. eiaa.ei ol mea era claying deer and ealch k... .h.h to be itoui'O.1. The oetlla di' aia hea killed a great many cattle in thie lielnity. The dogi have bien oommilllug deitruo- lion among the ibrep. We have daily viiiia from our oandidat.i fur j,rM.ulllM. at tha earning primary eleetv nf ,b. will act Iba othce. Mr. A. Uellle k .., r..nnd h,a loot aea tbat bae been mill ing eloee tbe Spring election. George Bumgard. her found him ia lb. neigbborkood of Ibe lied Link, below lh. mouth of tb. MoehanoB Creek, a, in wood in tbe river. He wee eered for by We falbar and barled in Ibe Celbollo A in I'r.nh.ill. lail Thor.d.r. Our a r . . .k.t .Hhai.l.J. hut aot oburca irouoie o ... , - ""wilere going to bava a three dayi' fa.llral el i u.i.... c.i ii. nonmaneina oa tha 4tb,foi Ibe beoelt of the Lutheran ';nuron at 1'uiet. I aapael a good time oi it. Tl.. I... at Mr. J. Keiter. Sr., one of our old' ret and b.ll aUieeaa baa eaet a gloom of larrjiw amongil bli frlende ana aoigooori. t ..,1 for thie time aud if yea tbink prop ar ta giro room b yoar eolumnl for thie broken letter you aaa expeoew " -. Your., Iroly RETRIBUTION. aylvania. may ll-lf. Wahtro. 400,000 14-foetihavad bonpr, deliv ered at the rellroad.ln car I""' '""" " polnu on the Tyrone a kiearae, ., r. - Kegla Valley, aud Prnn.yl.ania Railroad., lor which t will pay the highe.t market pr oe. 8.01 9. SO Julian 0.10 8.14 9.1.4 Mileebnrg 4.40 S.31 in. 03 Bellefonta 4.30 1.40 10.10 Mlleoburg 4.10 9H8 10.40 Howard 4.01 41 11.11 arrlreL. Haven leave 1.10 " TYRONE STATION. WXRTWAIin. A. H Pltt.hnrgh Kxp'ia, 1.03 Paelde Kipraea, 8:18 7.00 7.41 7.00 43 0.83 8!:l 8.00 0.20 AUDITOR') NOTICE. I. McNaul and D. Fault. Eieeutorl, . J. K. J- 0 Kratirr. In the Court of Common Ploae of Clear leld county. Fi. Fa., No. 80 Juna Term. Tbe undenigned Auditor, appointed by tbe Court to diltrilute the proceed, ariiing from the Sheriff'! lale of the defendant!' real eitate, give! aolloe that he will alien J lo the dutiea of hii ap nointmntt at hai oflioe la Clearleld, on FRI DAY, JULY 20. IH7B. between the boure ol vo'c'oox a. M and I o'olook P. M. when and where all par- tiea intereated may attend. IV M. M. MrCl'l.l.'Miutl, AUUItor. ClearMJ, Juna 1Mb, 1879-41. Oetll, 1178-ir. Clearleld, Pa. W . avan. Delivered at the Rail Road. 100,111,0 20-Inch ihaved ihingloe. 11,0,0110 14-lnoh rawed ihinglci. 100,0110 feet of plae boardl. illu.lllMl 14-feet ehaved hoopl. railroad lira. Ml.01,1 feel of good hrtnlooh boardl. For which I will pay lha bigheil market price, llearOeia, or a muj Total.... Il T.UI bcor bt laaiaaa I 11 III i i r i i Penxietawn.y.. Valiant... I I I I I I I I I I 1 l-l 11 at Clearleld. Tyrone k CMarOeld Kauro.a. ClearBeld, Pa, 0.1. II, 187I K. J. f. Knaaaa. RA.TWARII. A.M. Pacilla If xprell 1:00 Johnitowa Rtprail 8:01 p. a. n.. I? 511 r Mail Train, l:2olWay Paaieagn 110 ,!.,,. L.nreaa. 0:01 Mail Train. 0 34 I'hila. 9:24 Fail Line, 7:08 Oloee Qonneotloni made by all tralna at Tyrona and Lock Haven. ts. a. 11L.A i n, myl7-tf Saperintendent. lOMMIHSIOJIEH'a) NOTICE. c Klixabnth Gore, by her next friend, Umpire-Job. L. Br.lh, of Br.lh'a Mill.. Seorera-B.8eba.lef and A. Arnold. Time af game 1 hoar aaa . mia... 8uddn Diath. Wo lorn from the ta. ii.i.. r,'.a. thai Mra. Mary J. Aahmaa, lha .l.ku .ir. f Mr. Rlaharl A.hataa, af Thr.. a..i... eoaalr. Had vary luddenly .. Friday, Jnaa Mill. 8b. had walked awl la tba tardea ll aa af a.r aaognw aaeipaaladly .M Nlaed wlia par...... .. tha bead. Bha f.ll " groand aad lha daagh. tar aalled for and wlila oe .g a.rr... u. lha hoaa., aa Wrfor. a aayaMaa had arrived. eke died. Her de.lh waa a great anoaa a. ... aoaii.aally,aBdUi.aaaawMpraa4 .ry rapidly. So. waa .W aa.,ai forty year., and leave, a larg. family aaa a larg. a.-bat " .oara h.r B-a. Thay hav. lha ay-pUby af th. whok. aa-atanltj la Ik to Tha waa a dereal atak f Ik. Matk.dirt .rek aad aa aanaat akrlatlaa lady. ia. wai a lahwakd ia Ika gahhalh aohaal work, aad labored very earaeelly , III aamraa. la ker .Mai, A lew yean eg. wbaa laa aaw A,k wm kalll, .k. ..atrlh.hwl II, IM. aad ka. u, liberal ha the eanaarl af Ika mleletty. Mra. Aahtaaa wa. a aa.gbur af Ik. Ula Dr. torala, a-ko realdel la Ula haraagk far maay yean aa Ik. prealeae low oocapled ky Judg. Just KocelvMl Juat Rccoivod liy AltNOLD, al CUUWEJSSVlIil-Bi Car lvc-iid Nova Mcolift J iuaion Car Load pure Corn, Kyi and Oata Ch"P' Q,., i ar jjoau vr.n d,i i r..T..,l nf I'linifii Kamllv Kloarl Cor Load Dry Oooda, Grocoriea, Ao.I larifHIiinirlei. Haric. . . Jica Gniin will be taken In exchange. Curwoniivillo, May I, ioib. The met popular and fragranl "' a' Ika day "1 ACKMhlAV" "j - wick A Irvin, and C. D. W.uon, Clearleld Pa. Aug. 18 1078-om pa. Back, Side or Ohe.l a SIIILOH S Pi, HI, I S PLAhTKR. Pr c 10 " B01a Harlillek I irwi ..d 0. D. W.Uaa, Cl.arl.ld, raariBLa, Pa., Jan. 18th, 1871. u.. C.ivoa i Tba oroverh tbal "Timemak, ail Iblnga even" appliea aa wall ta poliliaa aa to other eSeire. i ... i.,n. tha nenuhlieaaaefthia Oongrel. alenal Dlelriol made no nominal, oo for Coagra.l. u ,k. M.k and ai. of tba itartv were at lib erty lo abalaia from voting, nr la vote for .liber Seth H. Yoeam, Ihe llreenbaoa eaaotuaie,er na. drew G. Cartia, tba Demuerall. candidal.. Thie halo the oa... anwevariog derolloa le principle would bava praveatad Ibem from v.tiog at all. Bat lor Ihoaa who ooald qalel their e.,a aaieaea enough u vole, Ihe altarnativa waa iooam it. .ii.. Now lha Renanlioea parly eleima ta ba a bard mooey party, aod tbey fi, 1,1 it elrong on Penn'a. thai line. Varna- ... '",""' I"'"" "J r UH.h Kttrllbod V to KnOIC. ..u - r-T .or . R.v. Oeorg. H. Tk.ver, an old jl.iie. UI. Cam. repr-MBlS Ihe -adnata hard moa.y ,,0,.t, k.ow. to every ana aa a -oal Inluenlial v." M . .r- . k.. ... i.uUM..kliM. L... ..a nk.utiu Miniitar of lh. M. a. Idea. II aarw ,u.".u- otuw., - . ..,. ... ...Id "fa I la .bm. Oarlla ralher tha. Yoeam. L.,,rob j.rt Ihia -oeat .typed ''7 ' 7"a ia. ....U. uaoooaible aalf botwoaa ... ! wllh every Body to hnow thai I eonelder a, ,r ipl.a.,.l.kly Ibal kotk -y-lf aad "Ifeaw. (r r.ld.-l kr Ihe aae.lioa of expedmncy aad tb. CooI,mptl.a Care." It lo hav og a lr.-aad.aa hop. of parly game, and 7ia waa elected hy 0, aur aomtera and !" J'" aopa oi Ky a . n.alk... I i-.u .1 l.anaDlieaeea, each aa noth. Kepuhlieaa vote.. Bat alaa, lar n.o.v... an "-."""J ""rVVat li. "7. hooea. Tba Seleevaa I Journal oi m... ... ( aiaa aaa "T ..' ,..iak A a fall parly llokrt Ibii fall aad a ".tat- ,,. A Flaaaa. Bold by HarUwIak A warl" party Igbl, and palhelleally -aaraa av.r tb. fact Uat Iooam, aleeled by Repabliaaaa, eatea wllh lh. Democrele aa all l-pavtaal que. T.i lh. aaiea laa par., w.iww, la life la lu beeota, la aow Hinging w Irwia aad 0. D. WaU.n, Clearleld, Pa. J7I tUath-ratt of Oor oonalry la getting la be fearfally alarming, Ik. average af life being leeaenea ev..y ;, Hepeblloaaa ara alau-a ta ail aa. eo..... ...7 .,k", ,.abla eaa... death reaulilng EfSiS22 ?ES5S3SrS aoueal ld ahoald i.tarl.r. with dig... a .-- Urt la la ikarr. . ' ..a If Ib.v bed keaa abk. la nee eoove ia. ar. .p. .r' . w.. , 1..,,, I ..rl....hia. aad vole for Ibe -aa wkoaa to oltea aaa 100 ;-" " . a:ia J rte.0 aaa p,iM1b1. AHeglteny Yaney Railroad. LOW OHADK DIVISION. rS and after Monday, Dee. lOlh, 1877, V.I the pae.enger tralna will run daily (except Suhday) Utweea Rod Bank and Driftwood, aa followa 1 KAHTWARn. Day Mellleavee Pllliliorg 8 20 a. m.i Iled Bank 1 1:00 i Bligo Junction 12:08 1 New Bethlehem 1:07 p. - I Mayaviiie 1:10) Troy I 8O1 BrookriMa 1:09 1 Fallor'a 1:10 Ry .nld.vlll. 1:01 1 DuBoiel:83i Summit Tunnel l ie j Panleld 4:05 I Weedvllla 4:17 I Boneaett. 4:09 1 arrivaa al Driftwood at 1:40. W 1CT W A H I). Ua; Mall leavai 11:10 p. m.l Beoeiette 1:09 ! W eedvllla 1:41; Panleld 1 45: Summit Tunnel 1:07 DeBol.130; Rryaoldivllle 1:01 : Fuller1! 3:07i Rrnokville l:33 Troy 8:40 Mayavillo 4:IS New Bethlehem 4:29 ; Sligo Junction 0:10; Red Hank 1:27 arrivel at 1'lll.hargat I IOp. ta. ay- Tha Reyanldavllla Aoeommodatlon leave. Reynoldiville dally at 7:00 a. m. and arrival al lied Bank at 11:00 a. m., Pitlaburgh al 1:30 p. -. Leave. Pittsburgh at 8:80 p. m 1 Red Baok at 0:00 p. ra.; arriving at Reynoldiville al 9:00 p. . n... ..aBeclloai ade with tralaa on P. A B Railroad at Driftwood, and with tralna OB tha Allegheny Valley Kailroad at Ked aanx. DAVID McCARIlO, Uea'l Sup'l. A. A. Jacbiob, Sup'l L. U. Dir. BTAGH LINK. rL.ARriRLn to raaviBl.n. Tb. andcr.irned would infona lha public lhat be la now running a liege line between llearacia and Panleld, three time! a week. Th. aiaa. loevee Clearfield oa Mondaya,Wedneo daya and Friday., al I o'clock a. -., arrlvlag at Panleld al II o'clock -. Returaiag aama daya. L.avee PaoOeld at 4 a clock p. m., arriv 1 . fi...a.lil .1 ..'elnnh n. as. Oanneetloa la -ade witk train! aa lha tow Grade H. H. at Peateld. a are, aaea way, i GEO. W. UKAR1IAHT. Claarleld, Pa., Fck. IS, 1871 BTAllI LIS SB. ' A .i...l.avea Cnrweaevilledaily for R.yaol I. villa, at I o'alook, p.m., arriving at Rryaoldivllle at I o'clock, p. -. Relaralng, leavae neynoioo villa daily, el 7 a'eloek, a. , arnviag ai jar wanavilwalll.'.Mok, -. Fare, aaob way, II. a l.av.1 Curwaaaellla daily, at I a'eloek . 1.. UuUoia Cilv. arrlvlna al DuBola City ..' a .'.i.,.k a. -. kelarniai. leavae DuBuia at T a'eloek, a. -., dally, arriving at Oarweaaville at II a'aaaek, -. aara, aaea way, ai ... Coinmow Pteaa at Clear leld county. No.181 March Term, 1879. William Gore. Divorce. Tbe underairned. annotated Cotnmillloner lo take te.timonv in tbe ahove elated cala, hereby glvri notice that he will etlend to the dutiei of raid eppointment, at Ihe oflioe of Iirnel Tril, In Clearleld. on TUKSDAY, JULY lid, 179, at 10 o'clock A. M , when and where all panic! in levelled can ettend., FRANK A. PLUMING, Comiateiionrr. ClearCald, Jaae 20lh, 1879.-21. milVVNHIIIP HTATI'.MENT X JOSKI'U II. KIRK, Trraiurer of Brady I own. hip, in aceount wilb the Hoed, Hchool and Poor fuudi for the year ending June 2J, 1079 : POOR FIND DR. To balance at lait eettleraent - t H 0 Tu amount of dup. for 19 - I.I4J 16 To on Blitom town.hlo order... 0 09 107 in 9M0r.lli.UrOU.. SNisr.tlanfcni. Satisfaction guaranteed price lists. PIANOS. HAINES BROTHERS, WEBER, NEWTON & CO. ORGANS. PALACE, STERLING, MASON k HAMLIN. GEORGE W. GOOD, 1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALT00NA, PA. MELLOR & HENRICKS, 79 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn'a. May 21, 3in. ' Look to your Interests IN BUYING YOUR JS X3FtXlVi GOODS. Hnninir lull r'dlurncd irom tho Knot, whero wo hrtvo been making our RprinK purchaaoi, wo tuko tliii op)i)rtunity of thanking our customer, for their liberal patronaRO in tho past, and beg to oofurothcra wo will do nil wo con to mako it thoir IntcroBt to coiilinuo the snino. Oor loro is literally crammed with goods junt from tho manufacturer, by all odds tho largest and best nolfcted stock evor brought to thin county at any ono time by ono firm. Over fifty different patterns and varieties ol CARPETS, ranging in prico from 20 cents to 1 per yard. Wo will aell Tarpela at cheap as the oamo quality con bo bought in Philadelphia or Now lork. Ladies' Dress Goods, PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Real Estate I Th nrdcMirnod. llrloc lq Pmn tvp.. Clwr flflld eouDty, P.( offen the followlof fAlnablt KmI Biutafor Mlt: 446 Acres of Land, mor oi leia, In Boeeartft townibip, lylnf en tho north lido of big ClMrfleltl ertok, Mil within one mil of tho unu. Tho nbovo Und it hoarily eoTored with hem took, whiU oak, rock oot, and othor bard wood timber, and a quantity of whito pine, Mid to be hai T a million or more foot. l no tame ii noaTiir wnaeriaui wun snaminoaa coal, and dlreotlj on the line of railroad loading from Houttdaloto Joal)ori. iiavame nnanowa. Thir aro, alto, other raluable mineral! on tbo mo. The aboTe land )! about two and a-balf mil below tho villeso of Ulen Hone, adieioinic lan il of fleorgo Uroom aod otbore, on what ii known aa Porler'i rnn. Tbe impr or omenta on the prop-1 erty are a good geared aaw mill, in running order, a nigb dam, none oraa(, maoe id in dvhi nio ner, it tor almoit an; machinery. There ta, alio, a large frame dwelling boueaand frame hank barn thereon, ana a ooat lony or nny acree, mora mr lent, of tbo land ! cleared. Any per on wiihlog to invoet la proporty of this kind will do well to e i amine tftu property, i win ecu inj whole or tbe undlridcd half lntwtt, al mar tuit thr purohaMr. The abore t not of land will make two or tnree lanna, wnion wm oompMi iTuriij with the greater part of our eounty. Prioe and termi mnde known to any person wishing to pur- ohaie. For further particular! oall in poreon or addreH the nndenigned at Ur em titan Hint r .u., Clearfield county, 1'a. BAML WlDKMIKit Jan. 9, U7B-tf. . Trimmings, Laces and Fringes, in th? latest stylos. Shootings, Shirting, and Cas :m,0s '"f?1,' "h. HOYS' WEAR in all grade, of goods. Our LADIES' AND CHILDREJiS' STOCKINGS aro just tbo protticst and best you ever saw. A mil line of TRIMMED HATS, . always on hand.'trimmod np by Miss Matlio Kohn, of Philadelphia, who will give Iodic, wishing Hots trimmed to order, her best ondeavor. to pleaso. Call and sco us before buying elsowhcro. T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, ----- Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. To amonnt from Connty Trennorsr.. Total - CRKUITOR. Fir vonaheri rplemed ... By haUnoo duo from Olltor Uy balance in nanui oi irtatumr... ... (.2,114 45 w'. onf tb. tor.-j.tol "J-"; to .a. ral. .( Ik. N-i. nnmt I "- """ "H.IMH,..., KARB FROM CLKARFIELD, TO Ballefanla. Fa .M H area 1 1 Willlamapart- Bnnliadaa.. 1 Lawlauaa. I . Maellla-...... CaneneTille 0 OM.M,la Se HARHLMBIRU.. 4 It MiadleUwa ..... Mulalta. a at Laneaater ft a PHlbAUKLFUIA 7 IS Alleoaa 1 SS Johnaaawa..M..a ' e Pklllpebara.. Trrnne 1'lTTSiURU.. 1 , il ..4,ls H ... 11 II , !,1II 46 Total ROAD fUND-im. Ta bal.n.'e dae al lail eetllerarat I I l i Tn fnll ameunmr dunlloala e,)!7 17 To bank Ui from 1877 To kae lal frnra 17S - I" ' To bill ol darnace. aialnat A. Smlia.... I II To latere.! Iron Uavitl lleataa... To amount from County Troeeurer To balance In Count y Treaenrjr - Tolal - -M.107 M CKSMTOR. By word done by aitllena liy aaonerallon . ...... By baok laa worked aul Hy amount in eltiaena' kande By aeuehere reaeentea Ily pereentaie oa 7I 31, al I per et By amount In Couniy Treaiary -. By amount In karnl. ( Dial. Tree. Total ,.,10t BCUOOL FUND DR. Toea.k la Treaanry - J To amoanl in hand. 01 Uraueaer eoi a To aaaoaot ta kanda ol Jlmeaon SIS So To aiaoanl from Uaanty Traaearer...... 1,5a. 7 To rJtele anpronrlatioa 6UI S- To nkole auauot af duplioala.......... 1,474 IS ,..11,1.11 5 tl ... 41T J Ui .0 7l IT II 4t IS 1,4 II Lumber City Normal Academy. T1i ninth loulon of th. Lnmbcr City yormal A-mlemy will oj.en April Hth. Wit, and eoa- tinue fix tern week, wilb a vaoaiton. TEACHKHR. 1 0. C. Kmlith Mif MaKgie Mitchell AniMant. Mr. Kmiah, having Uulit hero rlorlnic th. pmt y-ar, if alreaily knuirn. Mill Mificli nau of th. binto Nonual School, at Indlaaa, .ml lil of fin. aeeomn lin bar ate. All branch. taujht from tbo alphabet to th. e1aaiiea CUAKuKO fUH TJIK T K KM. (On. fourth to bo paid on .nteriag tchool.) Primary enuree Intermediate euarae - rinxlioh eunrM ,..,.,.,... f Kn)tlili eourie.wilb Algebra ft to libber breochM...... 00 Thii eehnol hai produced lorn, of th. beat teach ri In (ho ooonty. Il hai thtUieit lyitem of grade OMlhla. It U eonduotod by .ip.rienoad icaohere. ' Lotaher City afford! ioe1ln( oharch.; plenty of good boarding at ftl.Oit- per week hoanttfal K.nery t opportunitla. for healthful amniementi, and llr. .Inglof oehitoia. eon d no tod by Proi. llloom. For full Ufomatlon oall on or addrwi th. Frinelnal. or F. 0. HKI,L. Fr.iilent. D. L. FKHdCSON. Boo. D. A. FKTHKR. LuMbtr City, Pa., Mar. IS, UTfltf. I.' -"'-yak. Iv. o-jl - i . e't.r- n 4 ,S IMPLICITYB rftUPERlORITV rai iluPUFitOi y lilAINlAiiitlaf a Improvements September, 1878' Hilnt romrd for in. at-maon oi proKMMir ao, wo now ofler to Ue World tUe 3 It If OR u rin aavraat. Important Improvements. KottrithiitiuicUng tli VICTOft law long Wn llipjictrcf nny mncliiuo ia Uia tnarltct-. fnrt auiiportdl Vy n lioal "f vnlnnluT ilncasca a nnw coon.ii'nlly tlnmi M it grontcr Btraiilirily, a TroniVrful reduction cf friction, ami dlUii '.licr Cl Ran Cum. limlian of UcilrMt Quafilita. For aula ly Merchant t nil ntliora. .auF-Soud for nitutratr'd Circular and l'ricea. LiWl Term, lu tbo Trade -llf . Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machino in the World, tho Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, allDDLMOWN, COHH, aa4 Soa. 1 ana .01 Waba.1. A.enna. flllCAUo, ll.U - r- ToUI... 7,4II4 I. CREDITOR. By anrraaelnf .rnanda He balldinn and furnlanla. koaaaa 11; rerjelrtnn, reatin., Aa ...... ... Hy leaobare waaea - Ily rnel and eoallnreneie By Traararar'a par aaataga ........ Ily Haaratary'a eaiary and aoetK .... By aaoiiata leea lor leioaaw Uy ahateaieote ao aitlataa Hy aiaoant lor aooke...........".' Hy eaoneratloae Ily ara'l dae frera Colleeier Utaaokar Hy ara'l dna frnra Jlatoeoa By kalaaoo la traaaary - ... !! n ... i.ia. ro ... in 11 ,. I,9il to .. I"" l .. I7t la ,. 41 It II an ... 17 li. I ... 17. M ... 4'S ... l ... 4It .0 ,..17.4.14 I. ToUl... " Wa. lha aader.laned AaJilora, kaea eaaialaed the abuea aeaoaau aad .ad thena aorraol to laa neat af aar kaowlede. and belief. Wttaaae, aar baade tbia day el Jana, A. I. a,a,rt. J. HAMILTON, J, W Coan, II.UOUULANDBIl, Clerk. . Aadllort. Ltlherahari, Pa, Jala I, l7 ll. ORPHANS'; COURT SALE I KSTATr! Or DKO. BMEAt., DtCIABKD. BT Tlrtaa of aa order laaaad eat af lha Ornkene' Coart af Clearleld eoaaty, Pa. there Kill ha eapoaad la BnHle eala, aa tbe Bnaaiae., la Pike (owntbia , Olaarlald aaaaty, aa Snturday, July 12th, 187a, At O'Clack P. M.. Thai aertaln farm and traet of land aitaala la Plka teoaeble,, Cleert eld aanaly, l a, aeraa(ir( ealala of Uentra ftraral, deeeaeed, hoanried na Ika Baal aad North hy aaaa ol Joanna aaiiey, oa Ike Bomb and Sonthweet br hand ol Anrebeej H.ll.w. on the North he land of Lota Fnllioetoa. and oa Iba Waal by land af Jenathaa Uartahors, aontaintng 16U Aunts, Mara or le., baeln. ahonl ttOHTT ACriKfl CLBARRD tbaeana, aad la a .aad ttaea af ealtl. ratloa, Iba reeidae belef well aoeerad wllh Pine, Heraloek and Oak liher, whleh haa aeet beea FRAME HOUSE, AMU LARIII Frame Bank-Barn With Mhat aatballdlnaa. Tbara It alaa a od bearing artherd aa II. TKRMB Of IALI t Oaa-thlrd oa.b at Una af eala, and lha kalaaaa i. . aaaaal aaralaate, alth lataeaat, ta ha .aoarad by band tad ettaa, or )e,eal " U. L U. I" A, Barrrataf laeaaier, CorweBirllle, Pa., Jaaa 11, 1.H-41. GUINZBURG'S unk nuci: TO THE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: W frivo r honrty Rtid' rlordlol In-llation to como nnd cxmin our new Spring .lock of Cents' A Boys' Clotliing. We ' elected for tb HprUiJ oon mnRnincBn. .tuta w. . - marked every garmeat at the lowe.t poe.tbl. price We know tht oor good, are of the highe.t chr !tor, end we believe innpaolion end comp.rinon will prove are much lower than they been heretofore. Tko portit uliir notice, our Spring .lock i. .11 new. Homo give u. R cull. L. GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, - - Ciearueia, fa. April 1,1(1. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Ca 'enaTllla, Pa. Jaa. 71-lf. JAMES H. TURNER, JIWTICIOr THR PEACH, Wallaeeton, Pa. ar-IIe bu arenarad blaaaalf alth all Iba aaeaetary blank lorrae aader Iba Peaeloa and Boaaly aaaa, at -all aa bleak Deede, ela. All l.,kl aaalure aatra.Wd ta hie eara will "ealea aroaipl aiunlioa. May "'''. New Marble Yard. TOMBSTOHlakOIfUMENTS, r't f for Crmtlrry Vuto. a www alARBLR TARD-Call al J. PLA NA RTY'B blarbla Watka. Cbaka week aad law arlaae. Dlreatly eppoelte tha Lnlberaa Chare, Third tt. Ceawtaht, Pa., Mar It, H7. U AUNOIiD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. CarweaJftlle, Jaa. , T.-tf. ' Great Western Hotel, Rot. 1111, Ullaal IIII Market Strati, (f.reell aaoeia aVaaaaia hr'l frane! Dipl.) riiiUdolplilaV, lenn'k. Xaarra, atB.OO jper Say. Tkla blolal ia near Ika aew PablU Ratldtnta, aea kl.eeole Tataple, U. B. Mlat, aad Aeade.y afPtaaArta. T. W. TKAUCK, Prop r, Orea akt atoat I jyl7,'7Hy aama.'- r.'aaVaf ( Tl.) . ol.y. '