Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 25, 1879, Image 2

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    Gioaoi B. Gooblandib, Editor.
Beadsr, If 701 want to know what la going OB
la lb bnslnees world, lust road our advertising
aolamaa, the .Vvcetaf eolamB 1b partlonlar.
No Baa worthy tbo oflloo of Prooldoat should
bo willing to hold It If ooontod la, or placed tboro
Ijr any fraod. U. aaesr.
I ooald Barer have booa roooaellod to tbo alo
ratlea bv tbo smallest aid or mine of a paraoB,
howoror roopaetabla la prlralo llfo, wbo Baoot
fororor carry upob bio brow tho stamp of fraod
trot triumphant la Aaurloaa alalory. Mo enb
aoquoot oetloa, however merltorioBa, ean warn
away tbo letter! of tbat reoord.
Cbablbo Fbarcii Adamc
I woald ratbor have the aadoraoBioBt of a quar
ter of a ail lioo of tho Anorloaa people thao tbat
of tho Louisiana Retorninr Board, or of tbo Com-
tnissioa whiob eielnded tbo foot! and dooldod
tbo qttestioa ob a techBlcality.
Under Ibe forml of law, Rotherford 11. Il.yw
has booa doolared President of tbo I'oltod Slaloo.
Uls tltlo rests apoa disfreaehimnent of lawfol
f olera, too laioa eertiacaiei 01 ine warning urn
oort acting oorrnptly, and tho decision of a oom
mtssloa wbloh baa refused to boar orldeooo of al-
loKod fraod. For tho Brat tino aro tho Amorloao
naonlaaun fronted with tbo fact of a fraudulently-
alootod Prooideot. Let It aot bo oodorotood tbat
tha fraod will ba allentty acquiesced la by tbo
ooaotry. Lot ao boar pail IB wntca wo uearpe.
tloa U fergottoa.
AnpBBBS or DaaocaiTlo M. C. a.
Odo handrod yoaro of humen depravity eoou
vuleted Bad concentrated Into a olimaa of orime.
Noror azatB la tra hundred yean shall they haro
aa opportunity to repeat tbo wrong.
Diiibl W. Voobbbii.
Tbo Stale Democratic Conventioa will meet at
Harriiburg, oa WEDNESDAY, tho 16th day of
July, 1879, at sooa, for the purpose of oomiaat Ing
a eaadldata for State Treasurer, and traaaaotiog
loeh other basinesi al the Interests of the party
nay require.
Bt order nf the State Committee,
R. M. SPEER, Chairman.
II. t. DiarrBRBlCB, "I
P. J. Pibbcb, Secretarial.
P. C. Habhib, )
Tho Haiti more Gazette says Minister
Stoughton has ventured hack to this
country, notwithstanding the fact that
Hon. J ere. Black is still alive !
The nomination of two Union sol
diers by the Democracy of Ohio has
brought out a tremoodous "rebel yell"
from the Republican papers.
Dionitt. Mr. Blaine thinks it
would bo folly to compel Mr. Hayes to
"stand up beforo the whole country
and writo himself an ass." We agree
with Mr. Blaine that it would be a
work of supererogation.
The Stalwarts do it. Evon in the
Radical Statos of Blaino and Anthony
a crual statute bars tho way of any
Caucasion who would seek matrimonial
felicity by an alliance with a family
whose ancestors migrated hither from
Filled. Tho .Radical Legislature of
New Hampshire, on Tuesday of last
week, filled the vacancy in the U. S.
Senate from that Stato by the olection
of Henry V. Blair. He is a weak
partisan, like bis predecessors for many
years post, ,
The Lovino Process. The Louis
ville Courier gives terse expression to an
undoniable fact when it says thaf'many
of the cleverest Domocrata of the South
were old Whigs, and many ef the
meanest Radicals of tbo North wore
old Democrats." Honce equality of
Democratic statesmen is measurably
enhanced. '
A Sample Reformer. Brigham
Yeung, like some other reformers,
found improving tho world a profita
ble businos, sinco his estate, according
to the will just published in full, is
worth two millions and a half. At the
suit of one of his wives, the executors
have boon displaced and the property
put into the hands of receivers.
Throwing Bricks. Ben. Hill, In his
speech in the Senate the other day,
among other things, said : "Would to
God that Massachusetts would give
the country another Webster and a
Choate." A snob named Hoar, and a
granny named Dawes, now fill tha
aeats. These moa do doubt felt the
stinging remark of Hill.
A Striking Effect. An exchange
says : The Fall River spinners have
decided with practical unanimity to
go on a strike Tho Hemt of that city
says this means a loss of 1100,000 a
week in wages, or $1,000,000 in three
months, which is about tho average
duration of a great strike. If tho op
eratives succeed in gotting the highest
prices demanded tor work, it will take
years to mako op this loss.
Too Mocn Advance. Tha Wash
iuglon Post says : "Tho Chicago Ai-
txinrt, which pretends to be a religions
nowspaper, is out for Zach Chandler
for President, Doe the .Afi'tc sup
port Mr. Chandler because he is goner
ally drunk, or because ho is occasion
ally sober ? Or is it for him because
he is, of all the prominent members of
his party, one of the most brutal, vul
gar, coarso and immoral r Perbapi
ltowover. the Advance doesn't know
r ,Tke eeefrer thinks that a remedy might be
found against vtoioai end corrupt Legislation by
removing the Capiralfrom Ilarrlahurt to Phila
delphia. Irthe Legislature were aero e pressure
aaighl aa Broogni lo bear oa leglsletere WBieh
would keep them virtuous. The eg offer's argu
ments ts a very pretty cue but when we eonsl tor
hew mile effect tha pressure of public epiotoa
bee ubob City Cenaaua or Cite Dopartmeata, we
are aot encouraged to advoeate a removal of the
Capital ear loob reasons. Oa the contrary, we
are peiBBalad 11 ereald be better ror Philadelphia
ir ilarribBrg were farther away tkaa It la
failadslintta ffeeorel.
If the Philadelphia and Allegheny
delegations would only meet eome-
wbore else, the balance of the Legisla
ture would be a respectable body, and
the members would remain honest
when they leave the Capital as wbon
titer went there). But now it soems to
be impossible, Wauso the majority
became too corrupt to expel even Lboee
wbo hare earned the ponitcntiary.
We hope the Constitution of the Slate
iy be to amended as to allow Fhila--delphia
aid Allegheny oounty to hava
LegisUUre of thoir own, lo order
that the virtue of the rural portion of
its Bute nay be preserved. Siatemi! Uadical Con-
groBsmen cut toma qaeor IVoaki inre
the Uiiyoa volo lever tm set in. A
few dtiya t;o in u not Kjcoth in wbieh
h dcclitrud tliut bin i.irty friends did
not ubol military inturferente at the
election Garfield their leader
aid :
"WO Bill d BO Mil BOdoBkt BO TOtO that will
place ae roollr or apparently 1b aey atlitade lo
eoa.lstent witlk the old ood recognised principles
BBd traditions of English a&4 Americas liberty:
that elrll put mllilery furoo is Ibo bibb) safe
AntartoBa method or keeping peooo at tbo polio.
Tbat oo uibb may misunderstand no, lot mo put
tboeoMtbuit Suppose oomo odo obould otfor
the followttia for Ibis ooolioB t 'That tt obali bo
lawfol for tbo President of tbo (jailed Stetee to
uoo tbo artnT or aor portion of It aa a polioo furoo
to keep Ibo poaeo at tbo polls, at any olootioB
bold witbla any 6tete.' la tboro a moa la tbia
Hooio tbat would voto to aiako Utal a port at oar
law r"
That is good, sound Constitutional
doctrine, to which no Democrat can
object; but what followed : "The next
day Congressman Springer offered a
resolution declaring tbat it 'shall not
be lawful to bring or to employ at any
place where a general or special elec
tion is being held in a State any part
ol the army or navy of the United
States aa a police force to keep the
pcaco at tho polls, and barnold and
his colleagues voted against it.
For square lying, those Radical Con
gressmen beat Tom Pcppor, or any
other liar.
Dicoration Freaks. A contem
porary, who has made a memorandum
of many of tho breaches of otiquolte
on Decoration day, says:
"There baa boob more folly perpetrated, more
aoneonae ipoken and more bad feeliug engendered
tbia Hummer, under the pretenae of honoring tbo
memory of tboie who roll during the war, thao
woald lolHco for all reasonable demands for two
eeoturiei. We do ool think the dead are hoa
ored, and we are sure tbat Ibo living are aot bea-
efited, by raising political battle-oriee over tboir
mouldering bones. It is indecent to the last de
gree, onpalriotio and nnflbristlaa to stir op hatred
and strife on mob ocoaaiooi. If the people of
Ibis eountry aro to live in peaoe together, II too
re-untled States are to be member! or the same
barmonionl family, if Bur future la to bo what It
should be a career or unpreoodeotea prosperity
aad glory this aaaual howl of the demagogue
over the eoldieri' grsvee bad better be luppreised.
A bealtby publie opinion should oondemn tl in en
seetlous, and demand tbat such aa abuse of a
laored and aolomo ooeaaiua iball oeeae."
It is "as true as the needle is to tbo
pole," tbat "there will be fools amidbt
Colleges and Schools." They are the
exception, of course; but give thetn
the opportunity for developing them
selves, and tboy will do it, and Decora
tion day is the best out nf tho three
hundred and sixty-five days in the
year for these fools aloresaid to express
thcinsclvos. Locality makes no dis
tinction, because they are found on
both sides of the Potomac.
Booth's lofamoul bowl, ai he leaped from the
boa In tbo Ibeatre, alter be had aesassinetea
Presldent Lincoln, ie Hewner Teraeiiis, was in
scribed on many banners carried la the prooes
sioa which marched to decorete the graves of
dead traitor! tn the Booth. 'tlarvnuy m.
This is one of many Radical howls
raised over the recent ceremonies at
Winchester, Va. Is tho Telegraph od
itor so ignorant aa not to know that
"Sic Semper Tyrannit" is tho motto of
the Stato of Virginia, inscribed on her
seal and her flag, or is ho boiling over
with pure dovilishness to such an ex
lent that he cannot refrain from bely
ing the people of a neighboring Stato ?
Suppose Booth had exclaimed "Virtue,
Liberty and Independence," ought
we to burn up the State flags of Penn
sylvania because thoy boar that legend?
As has frequently boen remarked, "the
fools are not all dead yet," neither
are the knavos. Chambersburg Spirit.
"Sic Semper Tyrannit" should be in
scribed on every flag in this country i
but It should be in English "DEATH
Well Said. The Springfield Re
publican, in an editorial on "Moral
Teaching in Public Schools," comments
upon the decline of the old-fashioned
academies, says : "Much of the char
acter forming of tbo best American
days, especially the best Now Kngland
days, was due to the admirablo rural
Acadomics, which the High Schools
have largely supplanted and ruined.
The Principals of those Academics had
long lcasos ol incumbency ofton for a
generation ; and the unity for spirit
thai was guaranteed, the clan fooling of
being under one chief, and he usually
a man of roal intellectual and moral
force, induced a pride and encouraged
a tone tbat wero not without salutary
effect upon tho life records of tho mom
bors. Tho present generation is taught
in a great many more directions than
its predecessors, but its teachers have
not half the opportunity ofton, alas !
not half the capacity or ambition of
thoir forerunners, to form the moral
character of the children."
Communists. This is their name in
France. In Germany, they are the
Socialists ; in Russia, Nihilists ; and in
tho Unitod Statos, they aro Kearney
ists. It will be observed that this class
of society baa a different name in dif
ferent countries ; but thoir principle!
are as unchangablo as tbo leopard's
spots, and as dangerous to Christianity
and civilisation aa the beast indicated.
It Is no wonder that the Czar of
Russia is restless and hauntod by an
evor present fear of assassination. '1 he
mischeivoue teachings oi the Nihilists
have so infected society tbat tho royal
palace is not free Iron) emissaries of
the society. A seditious publication
was recently found inside His Majes
ty's bed, and whilSIhe excitement oc
casioned by this was at the height a
Nihilist proclamation was discovered
posted up in tbe Ciar's cabinet
The Arme and Judiciary Bh.i.s.
The Philadelphia Timet says: "It
looks as though the sagacity of Wal
lace and McMahon, two of the coolest
heads and best equipped minds, legally
in the Democratio party, had put the
Judicial Bill into such shape that tho
malignity and ingenuity of the Stal
warts will be alike powerless, to justify
the President in veoting it The Leg
islative bill goos to the Wbito House
equally unobjectionable in form and
spirit. The Army Bill, as harmless as
tbo Declaration of Indcpondonco itself,
is hung up in tha Kunato, in order that
Conkling may spit hi venom upon it,
bat must be voted upon soon. The
President will bo without the shadow
of an excuse for vetoing either of these
bills. The sooner they are signed and
Con gross adjourns the bettor." .
Another Brick. An exchange aays
When Mr. Hayes was nominated by
the Republicans for the Presidency tho
Philadelphia Prat, in a gushing arti
cle about him, said: "He seems more
disposed to receive impressions from
others than to make them." Tho Lou hv
villa CeurierJowMl asys : Tbe esti
mate was a tra one; Hye bag boen
a lump of putty In the hands of the
Stalwart and thoy succeeded early in
impressing upon his oouulenance the
signifioantbrand, FRAUD.upon which
the New York Sua "sklned to brightly."
ScnaVor Conkling in outitlod to tho
thanks qf his advorMirion for un uncx-
ocled exhibition of vundur,
At the Republican caucus called to
determine tho course to bo pursued in
relerence to tno Army bill, uo spoke
as ioiiows :
'The Ropublloaa parly dooe aot want tha
Proeidrnt to oae the Army ai a pultee furoo to
paironne loeajiuee wntroeiootioni aro oeiog Beta
le inllmldote voter! and make it appear tbat thia
la a beyooot-riddoB oouotry ) It dooe aot aaeert
that he hal tbu tight; but It dool aiaort tbat ho
bai tbo right to quell rlou at tbo polla and pre
vent a rroo oloolluB from being doltroyed by rifle
olubi and otbw organisation, and it propoeoa to
do all It obb to keep him eeoure io tbo eiereleo
of II." . .
The inconsistency of the arguments
used by the President is preserved in
this extract from the speech of tho
New York Senator.
Wbilo totally disclaiming any intou
tiou on the part of the Republicans to
use tbo army as a police force at the
polls, he contends for the possession of
a right by me l'resiuont, wnicb could
not be exorcised without using tho
Army as a police force.
The inconsistency is inevitable from
the vory nature of tho claim setup, for
under our system ol government noln
ing is clearer than that merely local
disturbances of tho peace aro' to be
suppressed by the local authorities.
11 this wero not so there would be
no sense io the provision of the Con
stitution which authorizes tho inter
vention of Federal authority on appli
cation by tho Stato when tho resistance
to the lutter is too strong to bo over
come by the ordinary methods.
Tho implication is clear that tho
Stuto shall first exhaust its power to
ropress disorder. If a community were
to roly upon tho national authority to
proservo itsmombors and its property
from the consequences of a purely local
disturbance tboro would be no necessity
for incurring tho expense of a police
Senator Conkling is porfoctly well
awaro ol the force of those considera
tions, and therefore be pleads that it
is not tho will of his party that the
Army should be used to do the duty
usually devolvod upon policemen. But
his ploa is disingonious and ridiculous
when he declares, in tbo very next
breath, that the President, as Com
mander-in-Chief of tho military forces
of the National Government has tbo
right "to quell riots at the polls."
Pray what are riots at the polls but
such breaches of the peace as rendor
the institution ot local police regula
tions necessary f And in a State like
New York, with its thoroughly equip
pud Nationul Guard, of what use is that
guard if not to meet precisoly such
emergencies whon their proportions
surpass the control of the Sheriff or tho
tioard of 1'olice t
Mr. Conkling knows as well as any
other intelligent man that the doctrine
be sots up is refuted alike by the law
and the reason of tho case, and that be
advocates it simply because he consid
ors the powor arrogated by tho Presi
dont necessary to securo the euccoss of
the .Republican party at tho polls. Ho
sinks the statosman and the patriot in
the partisan, and consonts to be a dis
sembler lor a purpose that honost men
in all parties must despiso. We thank
him, nevertheless, for so frankly roveal
ing the utter unscrupulousness of the
Republican programme,and for present
ing it with such a sharp and intelligible
outline that no sophistry can save it
from popular condemnation Xcw
lor mar.
ItADiCAL Developments. It ap
pears by tbe testimony taken before
the W allaco committee that the last
four Congressional olections in tbe
Southern districta-of New York cost
the Governmont 1209,965, yet of tbe
six hundred arrests in November, 1873,
on the charge of holding fraudulent
naturalisation papers not a singlo roan
was convicted. The object of tbe Fed
oral election law sooms to be not to
punish men for illegal voting, but to
intimidate them from voting at all.
Radicalism has been a very expensive
luxury in this country, but still thre
are some tax payers who seem to love
the Radical loaders and foolishly vote
for them every time they come around
although that policy costs them tho
valuo of a horse overy year for stamps
Pointed Tho New York irorfd
says : One interesting peculiarity of
tho Ohio campaign is that tho only
party which boa not placed a Union
soldier at the head ol its tickot is the
Republican party, which so loudly in
sists that tbo Union is In danger and
must be saved again by the use of tho
Union soldiors at the polls. It would
appear that thoy are to be "used at
tho polls" in every capaoity oxoopting
that of tho candidates.
A Translation. The editor of the
Washington Post transforms the Rad
ical leador on the floor of tho House
into a beast after this manner : "Mr.
Garfield will go down in history asth
great political kangaroo. He not on
ly jumps from sido to side with
great alacrity and no particular pur
pose, but, like the kangaroo, his intol-
loctual strength Booms to reside in that
portion of bis body which is tho anli
podo of his boad,"
A Fat Tare. A exchangi
Joka Ratlell Yoaag receives $5,Bot annual
salary and exponas! paid, from the New York
Htrmtd, forkis services as correspondent during
bil trip aroand the world wltk Uoncral Qrant.
The expenses, however, don'tamount
to much. Grant and his whole retinue
aro riding and feeding at tho expense
of tho United Sutos Treasury. Tin
vessel belongs to tho Government and
furnishes the rations.
Toe Trade Dollar. Alexander
Stephens' bill to oxchango tho trade
dollar for the standard dollar was pass
ed by the House, after a short debate,
on the 19th inst Mr. Stephens, wh
in Chairman of the Coinage Commit
tee, made the closing speech. He ar
gued that the Government would be
benefited by tho exchange, as it would
recoivo a dollar containing 420 grains
of nlvor for ono containing but 412)
Captain Hart, the llanlingdoa Penllenllary
nmrrvierT, uvmve tno oiory wai an Baa reiired
from toe HopubltcaB oenlesi Tor state Ttroeeursr.
anil says that he is greatly encouraged In his aspl
rations. Lemon nod Rotter ere eleo eneonraard
aad how many mora hare been given the word of
promlee from beaitqnarlers that sheers the eaadk-
Sata a heart 1 avacAaefe.
Well, these gentlemen may as well
tie up now as hereafter, because they
will all be 5ur.odout Qf tho Treasury
AN Amed Clerk. George Kent,
brother of the veritable Ex-Governor
Rent, for whom "Maine went hell
bent," is an employe of the Treasury
Department at Washington. He is S3
years old.
Zach Cbandlor carrioa such a full
bead of steam that he could not help
bursting il be hadn't the rebollion for
a safety-valve.
Won't ion) patriot in Congress give
Jeff Davis anotlisr kick soon1 The
Oonfreuloruli Jlecori it gelling to b-
dull reading.
Tbu death ol Princo Louia Nupoloon
dashes to the irrotiiiil the long cherish
ed hopes of tho Imperial party of
France. From tho lull-ol Sedan they
have looked forward to tho limo when
the sou of Louis Napoleon would us
cond the throne ol his father. To this
end all llieir intrigues against the Re
public wero directed. In order that
Lis name might be kept before the
public tho Princo was persuaded to
join tho expedition against tho ZuIub
in Smith Africa, at whose hands ho hits
met with a miserable death. His
grandlather begun his career as a
soldier of fortune and ended it in exile.
ll'm fulhor closed a life of adventure
some of which was far from credible in
isuster and defeat. Tho lust ot thirl
line of imperial adventures begins and
ends his career in tho wilds of South
Africa. Thoro is a tragic similarity in
the fate of all throe ot them,
Tho olUeial accont of Prince Nupo-
Jeon's death says : "The I'rinoo, with
LieutenantCaruy,ot thetlsthregimont,
six men, and one friendly Zulu, loll tho
camp at Hlolisi Mountain, sovon miles
beyond lilack river, on the lstol June,
for a rcconnoisancc. Tho parlyhaltcd
and unsaddled when ton miles from
camp. Just as the Princo save the
order to remount, a volloy was fired
from an anibusb in long iiruss. Lieu
tenant Curov and fourtrooporsroturn
ed to tho camp and roportod that the
t'rinee ana two troopers wero missing.
From tboir statomenU thoro could bo
no doubt that tho Princo was killed
A party ot the 17th Lancers, with an
ambulance, startod on the 2d mst., to
recover tbo body of the Prince, which
was found and brought in on the same
day." ,
A special dispateli to tuo Lionuoii
Times says : "At duybreak a cavalry
patrol undei General Marshal left to
search for the Princo and went to the
kraals, ten miles furtheron. The body
was discovered among tho long grass,
300 yards from a kara. There was no
bullet wound, but seventeen assegai
wounds wore in tho front of tho body.
The clothes had boen taken, but round
tho neck -was a chain with a locket A
stretcher ol lancos was formod, and the
body borne by General Marshall and
Ofliccrs Drury, Lowo and Stewart, of
tbo Seventeenth Lancers, to moot the
ambulance, by which It was tbon
brought hither with an escort. There
was a funoral parade in the afternoon."
Km dwti$emtata.
li faervby gio thM Lai ton of Atiiolaiatr.
Uou VwnTe9taiHtmio Anntxo od the tiUUof JOHN
KKirKH, lt ofCoTingUa towoihiji, Clearfield
count. PennV, denMMd. hadns been duly
gran led lo tha undersigned, all persona indebted
to rata estate will pieu make immediate pay
ment, andtaosa having claim or demands will
present them proper! authenticated for settlement
without delay. J. W. POTTBK, . .
Administrators 0. T. A.
Karthans, Pa.t June lb, 187V dt.
A UDITOH'H NOriCI'..-Z. McNanl and
J. I. Fkuat, Kiecutora, r. J. E. A J. 0
kratier. In the Court of (Jumiaon neat of Clear
field aountr. Ft. Fa., Ho. 88 June Term.
The undersicned Auditor, appointed by the
Court to distritiite the proceeds amine from tha
HberifT's aala of tha detendanti' real estate, gives
Botloe mat ba will attend to uie douea oi mi ap
potntmett at hli office in Clear-new, on Mil DAY
JULV 2o, lH7y, between tha hours of 9 oVock A.
M., and 8 o'clock V. M. whan and whrre all par
ties interested may attend.
V Al. Al. MCUUI'l-'UL'UIl. Auuuor.
ClearMJ, JunaSth, 1870-41
Ulliabeth (lore, )
Common fleas ot Clear
field county.
oy ner next iriend,
ts No. 1B4 March Term, 187D.
William Oore. j DiTorot.
Tha underaigbad, appointed Commissioner to
take teetimooy in tha abora stated ease, hereby
gives notice that ha will attend to the dnttei of
said appointment, at tbe office of Israel Tret, tn
Ulearflald, oa TUKSDAj, JULY Z2d, l7f, at
10 o'clock A, U.t when and where all parties in
tereited can attend.
FRANK A. FLEMING, Commissioner.
Clearfield, June 1ST9.-SI.
CAfTTIONeAll parsons ire hereby warned
against purchasing or In any way meddling
with tha following property now in the possession
of C. 0. Kb off, of Woodward township, rin One
bay horse, and 4 setts of harneas, 1 roan ooatt, 4
cows, A head of young cattle, S bead of sheep, 8
hogs, 1 two horse wagon, 1 pair of bob-sleds, 1
timber sled. S plows, 1 harrow, I four horse
threshing machine, 1 windmill. 14 acres of oats
In tha ground, 14 acres of corn In tha ground, 6
acres af ryt in tbe ground, A acres of wheat in tha
ground, and nil the household and kitchen furnl
lure consisting of storee dirties ate. Tbe forego
Ing property waa purchased by at prlvata
sale on the 4th day of June, and Is allowed to re
miin lo the poaaeislon of said 0.0. Bboff, on loan
only, aubjeot U my order at any time.
Madam, June Hlh, 137-3t.
Tha second Term of this Institute will open an
Monday, July 18, 1879, to continue far a term ol
ail weeks. The success with which tha present
terra Is meeting, baa indued tha undersigned
instructors to continue It, One evening of each
week will ba devoted to dlscuaelnns on topics re
lating to Theory and Practioa of Teaching, thus
making It especially advantageous to those who
expect to be applloauts for Teachers' Certificates.
Mode) School fl ttl
Common II ranches , t.u6
Common H ranches (with Theory) I AO
Higher fir ana he .0b
Good Boarding Can bt accural, at 92 per week.
The Theory elass will ba examined overy two
waeka by tha County (Superintendent.
I.. R. VYKBKK, Winolpl.
MATT. KAVAOB, Assistant.
New Washington, Pa., June 11, lSTtf-tt.
Public Sale
Valuable Real Estate l
Tha nnderlgned will offer at PaMIe Sale, at
tha Coajrt House, in tba borough ef Clearfield, on
FRIDAY, JULY 11 Til, 1879,
at t o'clock P. M., tbo following described valu
able property, via t
Ho. X. Tha o qui tided half of tha atom and
dwelling houaa on Senond street, In tha borough
Of Clearfield, known aa tbo McUeorge storo bouse.
No. S. tioeta and lot in Jiontaville, being tha
tame property built and occupied by Pater
Modeorge aa a store house.
Me . A small farm In Lawrence tawn shin.
containing 18 oerea, adjoining lands of Lever
a-isgai ana otuers, mostly cleared, with n
New Frame House
Thereon erected, formerly owned nod occupied
by Pater MeOeorge.
Tanna or HALa. One -third cash at the time
of sale, end tbe balance tn two equal annual
payment a, with Interest, to be secured on tha
p ropery. U. K. A W. BAhKKTT,
Per creditors of P. MeUeorga.
Clearfield, Pa.. June 18, 1878 4t.
REPORT of tha condition of tbe COUNTY
NATIONAL RANK of Clearfield, at Clear-
Bld, In tho Rut ef Pennsylvania, at tha close
oi nustueas. June la, 1I7V.
Leans and discounts
.$lf .,081 til
.. 1,9V4 M
in, oo a oo
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation
Other stocks, bonds, and mortgagna...
Due from approved reserve agents.,,..
Due from other National Banks -
lne from State Banks and bankers...
Kal estate, furniture, and flitarei ..
Current expenses and taxea paid
Checks and ether cash items
Bills ef ether banks
Fractional currency .Including nickels
Specie, Including gold treasury ear-
It Routes
LejpU-lander note
18,111 11
3,(1 U 47
4,347 42
4,8ri8 T8
1,631 53
1,31.8 94
,.' 8N
411 00
97 Tl
1,470 93
1,305 00
Redemption fund with U. B. Trees
nrer, percent, of circulation,
... 11,871 10
Due from V. S. Treasurer, other than
per cent. Mem pi ion fund M
li ilium a.
Capital stock paid lfl. , ,.......,..
.tioo.oni oo
.. 8,000 00
9,481 80
Undivided profits
National Hank note untatanding
Individual deposit subject to check,
I'and cert ilea tec of doposit....MH
Tim oeiilfieate of deposit
Dn to otter National Banks ...
7, 00 9U
98,171 4X
II.T74 14
1,U 9.1
108 48 M
8t,t e Pwplnim, Clrlttd Omumlf, USt
I, tV. M. Shaw, Cashier of the above namctt
Bank, do aclemnly cwenr that the abora statement
U Uoo to the beat of my knowledge and belief,
fiubaaribedaadawern to berera potfclsllpt dav
of Juno, 1879. JOHN W. WRKH.EY, W. P.
Correct Attest : J. T. LKONAR J.
i. r. weaver
ftMj, 19ft. (OUyetore,
Sfw g.flrtlSfnifnt.
J) ). O. WIIITKII1I.L, Dlilriflt Treasurer of
Clearfield borough, la aecouul with Ibo Borough
rood lor IB7B.
To hsl. at fS dup. la heads of Collector
Mei.'ieiuo ......4 211 93
bal. or dup. 1S7S la heads of Collector
Powell , 18(1 IS
bal. or dup. 1177 la hands of Trees- 174 42
am't of dupltoale 1171 2,020 To
ain't reo'd for rem or market lot Ink (HI
ain't due Trsas. Whilehlll, bel. acc't. I.1B t
Tolal 2.SSS I
By balance due Treasurer
t 61 T
orders redeemed
oedere redeemed
ooupons redeemed
duplicate H7i in bauds ol Collsotor
Uct'lellao ..
tea on luans pnld Slate Trees
J. II. Whilehlll, eioneralloa
James A. Moore, exoneration
J. 0. Whitrblll, eionerallua ...
belanoa 17 dup. io haodi of 11. B.
Powell .
II. 11. Powell
bal. '78 dup. la hands of Collector J;
C. Wbltebill
6 per oent. abateineat la eu days ob
hal. IS77 dun. Ib haUs nf Wbltebill.
Collsctor'e It per cent. '71 duplicate,
on S3BB.I7
Cullcotor's 6 per cent, on la77 dupli
cate oa IIS7.So
Treasurer'a eooimlsiioa, a per cent,
on 174.81
Trees. S pel oeut com. on f l,U&tr.U9.
printing, atatiomry, Ac
1.D01 47
, 17 Ifl
423 U
Ui 81
ra si
Hi v
S 10
fie to
7 IV
.S7 6A
an 77
A 68
8 80
&A to
t 0
.....$2,868 HO
Now, April Mlh, 1T9, wr, the undersigned
Auditors ot CI card eld boreogh, hava audited and
aiaminad the foregoing account of J. C. "White
bill, Traofurer of said boroujfb, and flod it cor
real aa above stated ; and find balance dua said
Treasurer of f 136 AA ; balanoe due borough on '7ft
duplicate in bands of Culleotor Mo CM I an, 91
31 ; balanoe an duplioata of '78, in bands of Col
lector row ell, fJtt.lU j HUnce on duplioata of 77,
in bands of Colltctor Wkiuhill, $:1A.77 ; balanoe
on duplicate or 78, ia bands of Collector White
bill, 8413.00. U. W. SMITH,
Clearfield, Pa., June J.-', "7 2t. Auditors.
J. D, K. HevUIlAKUll, Dislrlot Treasurer of
I nioa townsbr, in account with tha same for
naii and rocr inous ior lain i
To amount ,' Road funds 12,330 6A
By butane tt former settlement 4 T 14
Uy orders relocated
S.',ll (17
IT (17
bf neroenteife on aao:t.67 at I per eenu.
By balance due township
To balance from former settlement -I IAS Tl
To amount frotn County Treasurer Avo IT
To work dooe oo roads by W, 1. Crick... 17 &0
1.115 .1
Dy orders redeemed $ S.'iS 6.4
By percentage on $X!e.6t et 3 per cent. T 17
By balanoe In Treesurer s bands
7411 67
tl.lli 38
ROAD Ft Nit.
S. M. BAILEY aad W. W. DI'NLAP, Orcneere
of tbe Poor. iB areoout with Union township!
To order for acre Ices Bailey
To order for rent to Bailry
To order for services Diiolap....,,
...II 0
... 24 (0
... 10 00
By servloee por 8, M. Uailsy.
rent to W. I. Uriah
servlcte per W. VY. Dunlap...
II) 00
..... : oo
.... io oo
IM 00
Supervisors, la account with Union township;
S. 8 Hotlopeter, Supervisor.
To amount of duplicate
orders on unsealed tel..
order on District Treainrcr
By wr.rk done by cltiieni ,
ex on era tions
percentage ,
orders on District Treasurer
bach tax
Superriftor'e wages
Stephen U. Wing, Soporrisor.
To amount of duplioata
orders en unseated tax
order on Dint riot Treasurer
... ts oi
...I1M M
,.. 478 01
,.. Til 48
By work dene by cttliant
orders on District Treasurer.....
Supervisor's wages
$181 98
........ 88
478 01
79 48
9740 81
Wc, the uadertlgntd Auditors ef Union town
ship, have examined the above accounts and find
them correct to tba best nf our k bow lodge nod
oeiici. rtHoeea our nanus ibis Mtb day ol Juno,
I"'. ij n. 1ni.snL.Kri,
Attest: B. F. 1IAKLKY, JR.
S. B. Wncrr, 0. D. LAltORD,
Clerk. Auditor!.
Reck ton, Pa,, June 35, IR7V-3t.
JACOB ARNOLD, District Treasurer of
Knox township, in account with said township
for Koad, School and. Poor for tbe year aiding
tiene au, io.f.
a r uool rt'tfos niiTuR.
T'j cah reo'd from Co. Treasurer I 231 83
To State arnrnrtation..
179 18
- 701 ar
. 901 60
To duplicate of 178 ,
To balance from last year
Total 81
By exonerations for 187.1-4 ft 18 fill
By error on duplicate of 1878, 18 71
By error on duplicate of 1878 H 14 42
By Treasurer's percentage 88 83
By ordtra redeemed.. , 1,098 6
uy amount oolieoted on dup Itig IJ
Hy whole amount to solicit on duplicate
from 1878 to If 7 H, TOO 94
....$2,11)6 1ft
noan rrxns mbtou.
To am't Supervisor P. Sloppy'a dup .18.18 76
To orders on Treasurer 148 Oil
Total h, H
By work done by tba lnbsbltanta ,
By exonerations
By ettiacoa' tax not worked cut
By Supervisors' work on roads
By plank ,
By per eentage
..ftflH8 81
roon rrnD kiirvn.
To amount of II. B. P lingerie' dup $3T 78
To order on Treasurer , ,H 2uT 19
Total s. H R
os no i tea. .
By work dona hy the Inhabitant. 4U 8T
By ail liens' -ft.rk ,. lib lb
By percentage ; 2f 24
By one day settling , 3 On
Total .ea. ft-itN 88
Jacob Arnold, In are't with Knox town-
ship Road fund, debtor
By orders redeemed
By eaah In Treasurer's hand...
fttM 88
38 80
. $7s 00
WILLIAM COX, Ovsrseer, In account with
Kuox township Poor funds.
To order ..,.,, .m...h 34 00
Mt Kit iron,
By services ,
11 00
OltEKKN WOOD BELL, Ovcr'eer, In no.
count with Knox township Poor fundi,
To order for J
To order for , , ,
..I 3T 88
.....9 tfi oo
a is
I 80
9 ft 88
lelpt of Ksq. Luther.........
t day acttling .,.....
JACOB ARNOLD, In account with Knot
township Poor funds.
To dor Urals ,infl 67
To dupllMl ef 1878 ..M,HHtMM 191 08
Te duplioate H I t'.)i...m, ,.... 88d 40
Total..... 998B
By ordera redeemed..
By percenUge
By one day ait1ln..
... tl"T 19
14 81
I 00
e. 12I 0
We, ibo padertigned
Auditera. hating ex-
amlned the eounts of Jacob Arnold, Treasurer
ef Knox township, find the. as above seated.
.uses em hands, this Id 4sy nf Jf no, 1879.
p. W. Surry, Atf 'M WALKRR,
Clerk. Rr)BTWlTMK0W.
Maw MUlpert, Jon 1, iy-2t. Auditors.
....fl4 1.9
.... 1 24
.... 0 It
.... US
.... 19 Vft
63 U
Sfiv g.t1rfrtlsfmfnts.
or th
Tuesday, Wednceday. Thuraday ck Friday,
October till, Hlh nth and loth. 1H79.
Ph!imt-1K01!(.B H.-HALL.
BareBTAurAl.. M. how.
THassunaBJoiiN McUaraHBr.
Hmitb, Isaac CaLDWBLl., Natkjbibl Hiauai.
an. LeaaoKB baaatao.
Faoilly Tlokett
...II OK
Si ii ale adintsilon Tickets
Children under ten years old when accom
panied by parent., or guardian, free, and
uuder tbat age not ad wit ted unlets accom
pinifd ly their parents or gutrdien
Kvery person wishing to be enrolled as a mem
ber ol tbe Society, upon tbe payment of onedol
lar to tha Treasurer, will receive n certificate of
tnr-inherrliip containing tbe name of the appli
cant. Krery person ao enrolled as a member, shall.
oo the premutation ol such eertifloele, receive a
tioKci wnicn win i iron nimscu, wire, anu cnu
dren under eighteen year of age, during the fair.
Life members of tha Society will receive a similar
All persons inuat be provided with tickets sign
ed by cither the Pre. dent or Chairman ef the
Executive Committee, to obtain admiMion. They
will be furnUhed by the Treasurer or Secretary,
or at tbe office on the ground. Pcrtons acting aa
judges arc expected to bfloomo members of tbe
Society. Peraona frotn other counties oan become
meinbcri by complying with above rules. Ladies
can become members by the payment of fifty
Exhibitor mutt hava their annimals and artl
olea entered on the Secretary's book on, or before
the aeoudd day of the Pair, at II o'olook, and all
animals and articles, except bursal for pleasure
and for the trotting premium, uiut b bmugbt
within tbe enclosure as early as 12 o'clock on
Wednesday morning. All parsons entering ani
mals and article for exhibition must procure cards
ffoio the Secretary with the number and class
upon it, attach tbe same to the animal or article
previous to being plaocd upon tha ground. Hay
and ttraw will be furnished gratis fur animals en
tered for premiums, aad grain will be furnished
at eost for those wbo desire to purchase.
No horse shall ' entered or allowed a premium
unlcfs he is tree irom atneii. Horses will be re
wived until noun on Thursday, but muttt have
been entered previously. All persons who intend
to exhibit horses, cattle, sheep or swine, or who
intend to offer stock for sale on the ground, are
requested t notify tbe oecre'ary of aucn tnien
i Urn on, or before tbe sixth day of October, and
leave with him n list and full dsicriptiun of tba
The number and olai, and the number In the
class, with the name ol' the article will appear on
tha oard attached, out the name of tbo exhibitor
will not aimeer.
Premiums and Diplomas will be paid on nod
aficr the firs'. Monday alter the Fair, and uatil
the first day In December, 1879, alter which all
moneyed premiums unclaimed will be considered
as a donation to tbe Society. The officers of tbe
Society and members oi the Committee of Ar
rnngemoaU must wear n badge designating their
office. A select police force will constant
attendance mr l no pretiervaiionoi oruar anu me
protection of property.
itie irottina fjourse ts level, well g reave una
one-half of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ment will be made for tba oooveoleno and com
fort of ri si tors.
Instructions to Judges No animal or article
on exhibition for a premium to receive an award
In more than one class. This does not embrace
horses entered for the trotting premiums. Judgoa
are expressly required not to award premiums to
ovcr-M animals. No premiums are lo be award
ed to bulls, cows or heifers, which shall appear
to have been tat ten d, only in the man of fat cat
tic ; the ob ect of the Society being te have su
perior ant in a li of this description for breeding.
rat tvHiie me juoges oo rat came win giro
particular attootion to tbe animals submitted for
examination. It Is believed all other things be
ion equal, tbe best cattle hare tbe greatest weight
overtime amallcit runerfices. Ibe judges will
require all this clsas lo be weighed, and will take
measures to gtra the superncts or seen and pub
lish the result with the report. They will also,
before awarding any premiums require the man
ner and cost of feeding, as required by tb regu
lations of tbe premium list.
If there Is but one exhibitor, and ha may shew
several cettlemone data, premiums will be award
ed In accordance with the merits of tb animal
Tb Superintendent will take every precaution
in his power for the safety of stock and articles
on exnibition. alter their arrival l arrange
ment en tbe ground, but tbe Society will not be
responsible for any lota or damage that may oc
cur. KiMbttors will be required to giro perso nal
attention te the animals aad article, nod at tbe
close of the Fair to attend to their removal.
Any attielenot enumerated in theelassei plac
ed oa exhibition, if worthy of not He, wtll be suit
bly rewarded.
All tbe articles may b entered free of ebarg,
except horses for pleasure, or for the trotting
Any information desired can ba obtained by
addressing any of the offioers.
pri:mium MKT.
Class I Open to all breeds and com
petitors. Best bull owned in county 8 90
Second best .ftl 00 Third best 2 fc)
Best now owned in oounty 8 00
Second best 4 00
Class 2Gradecattlc owned in county.
Best oow for milk and bolter ..88 00
Best heifer,! years old 8 0
Best he i for, 2 years old . 8 00
Best heifer, 1 year old 2 00
Best calf under ft months old - I 09
Class 3 Fat cattle.
Best fat bultook, oow or heifer
Class 4 Thorough bred horses,
to all.
Best stallion, any breed ,
Second beit H
, $8 98
....8 00
S 00
9 09
Best mare and colt ,
Class 5 Family, draught & farm horses.
Beit single family horse $3 00
Best welched carriage hones S 00
Best gelding or mare for work...... 4 00
Tho exhibitor will be required to produce n
statement from at least three responsible neigh
bort.aa te working qualities, of draught horses, to
entitle him to premiums In this elasa.
Beit 2-year old colt I 00
Best colt under 2 years 2 09
Best S-year old oolt - 4 00
Class C Trotting horses owned in county.
Best time, S U 8. In single harness, puraa..$100 00
First horse $78 00. Second bore ti 00
Entrance fee, 10 per cent of purse, and at least
seven entries must be made, and five horses start.
The antranoa must accompany tha nomination.
Horses that win In this class cannot compete in
class 7.
Class TTrotting horses owned and
raised in county.
Best 2 In 8. In harness, put 9-0 00
first hnraa 938 00
8eoond horse. 18 00
Third bora 19 09
Entrance fee, 1 0 per cent, of pur, and ot least
six entries must be made and four horses to start.
Entrance fee must accompany nomination.
Class 8 Trotting coltstnnt mm four
yctrs old owned in county.
Best 2 In 1, In harneas, parse $:i9 00
First horse 13 00
Seoond bono. 10 09
Third horse M 8 99
Bolmoee, 1 per eent. of pure, nnd at leant Ire
entries must le made and four boraes to starts
Ko trance fee must accompany nomination.
CIjssQ Sheep and Wool.
Best buck.. M
Best aw
Best lamb H ,
Beat fleoeo wool. ,. H
Class 10 Stoine.
Best boar 94 90. 6ond beat
Best sow and pigs
Best pig Under t months eld ,
..94 90
I 90
I 90
.. I 90
,e 2 00
J 09
Class 11 Poultry.
Best coop I spring chicken 91 00
Best diaplay of chickens, not less than 12. S 00
Beat 2 turkeys under one year 1 90
Class 2-Ptoes, rolterst drills, harrows
and cultivators.
Rest plow fat stub), let or award , 92 90
llett sub-loll plow , ,,. t 90
Beit elod-cruiharand roller combined M 3 OA
Beat train drill n.H w I 00
Bett Ureahlng machine.... 9 00
Best eorn planter Dip.
Beet hore-rah I 90
Ittiat bay pitching machine M
Best original Invention of afc'l ImpUmant... 5 00
Ilest harrow 00
Best fanning mill I 00
Beet cultlva'or , to
Beat com shelter I 90
All artleUa In tnt elaea not manufactured In
tbe oounty, will be awarded no moneyed premi
um, but may receive a diploma.
Class 13 Miscellaneous Farming Im
plements BeetbreblT It 90
Rest grain arsdle. . 1 00
Beet Tot ol garden toot 1 00
Best display of farming utensil owned by
exhibitor.... m..m...m A 90
This alas sulijMi te tb rule In Class 13.
Class 14 Cereal Grains.
Best I acre of winter wheat ...H.,.. ,.,914 90
Best hu bel f wieur whai....w wm. t 00
Best 2 aero of rye , 00
Best bethel ofrye I 90
Rt 3 acroflof oat...,M..M , m..m.. 9 I"
Beet 2 acres hnekwhent.n..MH 9 90
Best 9 acre of corn ,
Beet 1 acre of clever seed
Meet baanel ofpnUtoo. ...m.m. 1 90
Best i bushel nf HaoUt sd.MHr...M.n.. 1 99
Crop being equal, preference will be given to
those that yield Ibe largest net profit. Statement
tn be fare i abed by tb eihibitors. They must be
m a tared or wetghod, and n sniapl furnished at
U fair. Applicant fr premfaai must furnish
gew gdifrttsrmfnts.
the eoumlttee wltk I etelemtnl sinned by tlirnv
selves, under f IrJae of vereeilv, or the ,i,.ll'7 d
(rain relsrd oo lUo ground entered for a premium,
and BiB.t etele as eorreolly es Be ran Mia kind
aod ecBdltloo ol Ike previous arops, the kind
and queotiiy or Bred sown, aod toe time and
mode ..t pulling It in the gtound. Fersons enter,
ins teld crops for elhibilion, or Inlendio to di
eo. msy give notice to the Baeeetlve Ooiansltiee
at aa? nine, ana nave too ni ,.--. - -atnloed
by the eonmitveo while frowinj.
Class 15 Bread and Cereal Fotxl.
Pest loaf of wheat bread -
Best loaf ofrye bread
Best loaf ol coro bread -
Best sponge cake . 1
Best jelly cake
Beet pound oaks-
Boat trait cake
Beat Coffee cake 1
Beat lady oak -
Best cake of any hind
Beat preserves
Best Jtlly
Best dif play of preserves nod Jelly....
Beat ioe cream .'
. Dip
, Dip
, Dip
I Oil I
Cluss IGfiutttr and Cheese.
Beet 10 pounds or more of firkin batter, at
least 8 months old 2 '
Beat I pounds or more of butter........ 1
Best cheer e made by exhibitor
Tha exhibitor to give a statement of Ibe ntn-
nor of preparing the firkin butler, and of making
tbo elites.
fffiM 17 Flour.
Best 100 pounds wheat floor
Best 100 pounds buckwheat flour...
Best M pounds corn meal
Best 60 pound rye flour
....ft o
.... 1 08
.... 80
VUm 1H Domestic Article.
Best box, or Jar of honey 91 00
Beat peaches put up air-light W
Best tomatoes put up air-tight &0
Best blackberries sir light H t"
Best faury jar or pickles. 80
Beit cured ham - -0
Best dried beef, with mode of caring 811
Clan 19 Domestic Manufacture.
Best 10 yards of flannel
Beat 10 yards of satinet.
Best 18 yards woolen carpet
Best 10 yards cloth
Best 10 yards rag carpet (woolen chain),
Best pair blanket.
W oo
1 ou
.... 1 0
.... I oo
J o
1 oo
.... I ft'
Sett wool fringed milts
Best woolen oovcrlet.
Best specimen of knotting, hoiuing o
needle work by Misr under 11 years old,
1 0(1
Best pound stocking yarn-
Best foot mat
Best tidy mat
Class 20Xeetlk, shell, traxtcork, eU
Best specimen of needlework
LI est specimen Ot sewing on idbubid
Beat specimen ef Aowtsln worsted
Best specimen of embroidery in worsted ...
Beat specimen of embroidery In lace
Best specimen of leeth.r work m
Bert specimen of wax flower.
Best specimen of feather work
Bait aneeimen ol ornamental work
Best shirt made by Miss under 13 years....$I 09
Best bed quilt, estimated fr work 1 00
Class 21 Millinery and Dressmaking.
Best millinery work -I 00
Best dressmaking 1 "
Class 22 Artistic Work.
Best photograph taken on the ground Dip.
Best landscape painting Dip.
Heat nen draw in ee Dip.
Beat architectural drawing Dtp-
Host oil painting .... DP
Best portrait paiuting Dip.
Best oallle painting Dip.
Bust paintiug in water colors Dip.
Best ornamental piloting of any kind Uip.
Best farming scene Dip.
Clots 2it Designs
Best d-lrn for farm house and stabl $1 00
Best ueaign for dairy bonse 1 tit
Best design for froit house 1 00
Class 24 Metallic Fabriesand Mac'ry.
Beit cooking stovlng $3 00
Best parlor store 1 0
Best specimen of iron fence 3 ou
Best lot of tinware 1 00
llr-t blarkimilbing 1 OO
Heat aneeimen of iron turning 1 00
Beat plat casting 1 00
But orixioal Invention in Ibe county - 8 00
Best display of American table and pocket
cutlery - 3 00
Best display of edge tools 1 00
Best specimen of cunamithing 1 00
Class 25 Vehicles of all kinds.
Best family carriage.,
Bast buggy ,
Best farm wagon
Best aieigh
Best lumber sled
Ilest horse cart
93 00
2 00
3 00
1 911
, 1 00
Best wheelbarrow
The premiums in this class are intended only
far article manufactured in tb county by tb
xhibitor. Diploma may b awarded lo articUa
not made in tn county, tl deaervtng or notion.
Tbi rul also applie to Class 39 and 80.
Class 20 Cabinetworc made in County.
Best dressing bureau M 00
Best extension table 1 00
Best variety of ehaira. I 0u
Beet bedstead 1 0
Best wash i land H AO
Beet set of parlor furniture , 4 00
Best act ol ooairc I 00
Beat sofa 3 00
licit centre table........ I 00
Best lounge ....., 1 00
Best office chair ri.......,...M 60
Bast rustic chair 1 00
Class 27 Coopering, Carpentering, d-c.
Beet plncwaro tubs, stand, Ac 93 00
Beit set of grain measures 1 00
TlH .. h'tcds. 2 10
Beit lot of buckets 80
Best specimen of sash 1 00
Best panel door 3 00
Best pump of any kind I 00
Class 28 Boots and Vegetables.
Rest 1 bushel rutabaga .41 00
Beet 1 bushel carrots 1 04
Best 12 stalks of celery od
Best half bushel swt potatoes 1 90
Best 1 bushel tbl beets 80
Beat 8 beads oabbaga .. 80
beet variety of meloas H, 50
Beat squashes - , ,.M 60
Best pumpkin..... 59
Best egg plant 80
It must b shown that all vegetables hav bn
raised by tb exhibitor.
Class 29 OwtiVps, Saddlers and Shoe
makers. Best dinplay of boot and shoe ....92 00
Ite.t riding saddle for lady...... 3 00
Best riditg bridle and martingale 60
Best side finished barnaa leather 1 09
Best sleigh rob mad by exhibitor 1 00
Best carriage harness MH 3 90
Best single harneas H 2 90
Best aide kip leather 8u
Beat side sol leather 50
Beat tug harness .MM 3 00
Best gentleman saddle. ... 1 On
Beat traveling trunk HM 1 00
Best ealfakin 80
Best aid upper leather 80
Class 30 Tailors d- Upholsterers work.
Best suit of clothes mad by hnnd 93 00
Beit pants and vest mode by a lady I 80
Beet bask mat tree -..... t 00
Best straw mattress H 1 09
Best coat made by a ladr 1 00
C&tm 31 Printing in County,
Beat newspaper w -9l 09
Best blank 80
Bst handbill 80
Best card 80
Bft specimen of ornamental printing 1 90
Class 32 Stoneware.
Beit assortment and qaalliy ..
..93 99
Class 33 IfW and Stone.
Best d resaed ston.... 93 00
Best butter bowl 80
Best turned orttclt I 00
Beet floor boards, worked M 1 90
Best washing machine..,, 80
Best weather boards, worked 1 90
Class 34 Natural Minerals.
Best ult of useful mloeraU of Clearfield
Ciranty, including Coal H M..91 00
Best potter' elay 80
Beat lime tone 1 00
Beat fir eiay m M 80
Class Fruit.
Beat dlapla and greatest variety of grafted
apples M . 98 90
Beet peck of beans 1 00
Best peak of quino,..H 1 00
Beat bushel apple I 90
Best Id pounds American grapes 1 09
Beet 8 pounds nature) grapOs 1 00
Best doineitto grape wine 80
Beat currant win . 80
Rest blackberry wine 8o
To be si property ef tb Society.
Class 30 Horsemanship.
To th lady who manage ber kors best
and sit most gracefully M
To the gentleman who manage hi horse
bt and sit most gralully .,. nM.
Best driving op track hy n lady
Beat bras hand
Best band of martial music n
Class 37Rurscries.
Best nursery containing th greatest rarlety
of fruit a and shrubs, eelltvated In tba
ost approved manner, tbe applicant to
furnish written description, witu variety
and mod of culture 93 (Mi
Discretionary premiums will be awarded for all
artlolo of merit not embraced in tb abure, and
exhibited by axeobaaie in nil lb various
brnahs, and It is hoped that a general exhibi
tion will bo made. Per all Improvemeats umIu)
to tb farmer, and hav tag valuable properties,
although not mad la the county, p rem i ems may
be awarded by the Kxtoutiv Commltte. U all
ease of merit diplomat will be awarded lo i
bibitor residing eat of tb oounty, and saek
persons ere oordtally lav i ted te etlead the Pair,
ood exhibit any article they mar eboeee. Tby
will rvotlvo very htlsDtia,!, t ib bands of th
An ruet appat mod to our peopl to
make this th bt Palrvve? held in th eonnty,
A glance at th Premium Lift, as punished above,
will show tbat Ihi Pair I strictly for th benefit
of ike farmer of Clearfield eonnty, and It
hoped thai ihep win live ns their hcerty
Any kaqulrlss nddrectwd to tb Secretary will
rteolwt n prompt reply. 0K0. H. HALL,
AL. H. tow, Sectary. tridn.
Clearfield, Pa, Jan (i. (87, It.
a run oh ' roticI'
lk the Contaon Pl Court of Clearfield
County, Pa- . .
Kdward R. Wtllelll.) No. 4il Sept. Term. 1171
)No. 48 1 Sf
Vend. fx.
T Itsara
Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by tb
Conrt, to distribute tba proceeds arising from the
ealc af Defendant! real estate, wl.l attend to hit
duties as such at hia office in Clearfield, en t RI
DAY JUNK lllth, 1879, at 10 o'clock A. U., when
and where all parties mar appear.
8. V. Wll-SOn, Alia nor.
ClcarfirlJ, June 4th, 1879 St.
8AM1KL IIKliAKTY, District Trnrer.of
BiAcerie township, in account with tb School
funds or anid district for 1879 !
Tn h.i. unool'd on Kinkead'a dunlicat..! 249 81
. Met a' duplicate. 869 18
Colwell duplicate.. l.tfA 89
" Ilegarty duplicate- Ml S3
To duplicate 1878 101V7 87
To unseated tax received from Co. Tree..
081 91
To on notadu School fund -
To balance to new accouot
10 v0
., 302 33
..ft:) 104 10
By balanoe from former account.
Hy exonerations on Colwell duplicate..
By par cent age on 13.28
By exonerations on duplicate of 17T.
By exooeratious uo duplicate of 1878 ,
By exonerations on Mays duplicate....,
By bal uncollected on Kinkead dap...,
Br bel. nnooilcctcd on Mays duplioate
31 8t
87 11
4 18
IS 18
30 70
41 24
M 78
tV.rt 4V
By bal. nncollectod on Colwell duplicate JHA 87
By orders redeemed Is8l 47
By percenUge on $3SA1.47 67
By lialancc uncol'd on duplioata ol D77.. 317 8i
!?;(.. TtiOTl
..$8104 10
We the undersigned Aalilrs have examined ibe
abore account, aod find it correct, according to
the best of our knowledge nnd belief. Witacit
our bands this t l dy nf June, A D. 179.
JoliS M'COV,
U. W. KKX,
Anest ; A-j dlttirs.
K. Wm.maus, Clerk.
UtabvilU, IV, Juue 11, 1879 :U.
i JUSKPH OWENS, District Treasurer of
l.awrenc townihip, for Kuad, School and Poor
fundi" from the first Monday of June, I&78, to tha
firat Mondty of June, 1879.
O0 ta r S.iil lt.,d tax ii'riMl tar 1878.
To am't of A. L. Xorris' duplicaie 8 6-'9 13
fo uui't of P. A. Oucns' duplicate P-t-i 80
To am't of Jmei llrown s duplicate... . 72U 7
To am't of J. R. Parks' duplicate 817 84
To t oaeated Rual tax frotn Co. Treas . i.WS 81
T Supervisors' orders, spikes i plank.. W
Total 74
Bv am't of work br O. L. Korris .9 9"! 41
By am'ttranefrrej to sucoasaor ... 64 81
B exoneration "
II y VJU davs' service 82 17
Ht are tot work by P. A. Owens oui vn
Bv onworkfd lax lo 2
Hy am t returned to lnt. lrtas. i
By xi)nerationa - 13 98
By 10.1 day' wage $ i - 308 00
By auTt of work by James Bruin 720 87
Bv 72 davs work ft, 92 144 00
Br am't of work bv J. R. Paiks 820 9.-
By exonerations 0 8V
Bv auiko - 48
Bt am't paid W. Hiover f-r plank - 1 84
Ity 4H davs wages (di 92 - 00
By balaoc at last settlement - 19 38
ltv De recti tae on ;i!0.70 fu 3 per ot . d 31
By percentage on (a) Zperet. 69 17
By orders rdrined I i43 1ft
By order to eueeeasor, X. Ogden 1,431 89
To balaar due at last settlement.,
ftrtOft 74
......5 70S li
To order nn Pine townihip
To am't Unabated rer'd from Co, Trees.
To am't rrr'd fr- N- Itishel
To am 'I ifo'd from A. L. Ogden, cost....
To sdi'I of duplicate for 178
.104 80
8H4 II
78 Bo
13 10
,180 88
Tntil 91.184 4
By orders redeemed 91,"9A 18
By percentage on $l,tll.l8 v 2 perrt. 88 91
By on Book for town "hip 60
By per eentage on 941" 71 (a 6 per ct... 23 4
Hy bal. do duplicate 177 8: .t3
By itercen lage ou duplicate 1878 ........ 17 V8
By Lalanoe on duplicate 1878 80 '53
By balance 49 81
..9.1, 1 44 84
To balance due last settlement 91,48 III
To amount ree'd from C. How 17 TS
To amount of duplicate 1879 1.719 31
To amount unseated lax, 1878-77 1,184 04
To am't ree'd from Rtshel Ang. 23, f.. 30 00
Te asa'l ree'd from Rtabel H BO 00
To an, 't ree'd from Hiahel April 8, '79. 10 48
Te am't ree'd ttom Riihet April 35,79.. i St
Te am't ree'd from J. H. NcKnally & 00
ToSiaUaopropriatlon 379 17
To Cash for stov jk 00
Tfeorder on District Treasurer 304 32
.J.S.204 13
By error In exoneration last year -..9 17 19
Hy orders redeemed. 8,lS9 80
uy percentage on u:,,vbu bo I per t. Hi 01
lly pcrceotag on 9673.43, a oolUctctL. 28 02
By exoneration on '78 duplioate 91 88
By 6 per oent. on Aia.7u, a eolleotod.
duplicate of 1879 J7 79
fly amouot uncollected, duplioate 78.... 74S 81
lly amount uncollected, dapiioat 79.... 1,183 44
Total 95.304 23
Amount due from Collector for School fund :
it. K label's duplicate, lf7fl . 9l,0i2 20
John Shaw' duplicate, 1877 &AT 88
Joaep Owens duplicate, 1878-0 1,89 9i
We, tha underined Auditors of Lawrence
lownabip, havinn ciamined th accounts of Jos
Owens, Treasurer of Lawrene townihip for the
tmw, nan invn a anore statea.
Attrat: R. J. CONKLIN,
W. T. Stack mar, tlKO. 11. BALL,
Clerk Auditor.
ClarfieldP., June II, I87W-3t.
lJ MKIMT. SAMUKL BELL, Treaaurar, in
unt with Lawrence (Ind ) School dlatrict to
inn tn, iN7b i
To amount of duplicate
To am't of Rlshet order
To am't of State appropriation
To am't of ei.ive pip
Total eei 41101 37
By teachers' a lariat
lly interest
By fnel and eontlogencie
By exonerations
By abatemrnt oo 9I&6.88
Hy Seeratary1 salary
By payment on boad ;.,..
By per oeatage
By balance ot Ma ton order
By balanoe of Rishel order uncollected..,
By balance in bands of Treasurer Bell..,
Total .....9M02 37
Wr, th nndrlgad Auditor of Lawrenee
lowsnip, navtng examined th account of Ham
Bell, Treasurer of Lawrene Independent School
evieiriD(, lortneyear i (tv, nnd it n above stated
' . U. HALL,
W. T. SrArxuau, Twp. C!rk. Auditors.
Clearflvld, Pn., June II, 1179-31.
Off n 1 Wet
j J A '1 "n,
V Ba. keoat a awnaiaat '
u. bj Us. pebllc
r twenty yeeu.,
seat ta Ike kat rrep.ra.tlo.
ever Lmtteal r.r BRDTOaV
I I.'
nppllsi. Ik. aaslesml
rood and eolor to Us. heJr
(taada relUsaat atalaUag Ui.
skin. II wlU laereaae. auesl
tblckam Un trawtk or th.
hair, p reveal It. blachla.
Bad IklllBf orT, and Uiw.
f tl eaarea I
I teller. Crap.
Uhi atetd DeAdrBeT. Aa ft
BA1K DBKMIMa at Is awry
de.Jr.bto, (iTlaat Ik. katr a
alike, eeftaee. whlck all
Mealrvh It Map. Ik. hcas
aa. keetllhr. I dlM,
elewa, sweet m4 keetllhr.
eaeavaaa. Ua. haaarvl a. BKUWIt w
BLACK al dlaentacea. Ba ta mmm
swMpaawdtaBi II la aaaii. appllcKl, aaaal
y'aijel pirniim ca4.r that sill
eval evMh eeT.
9 878 97
a. 446 78
78 77
' T6
.9 348 00
. 3:tl 17
. 17 88
18 li
T 7V
19 ro
. 489 0t.
48 74
. 13 37
S 38
ruKrARui by
es, k el Dmi, U eaklae
In th Co.rt of Common Pieai of Cleat
field count?, H. Mo.-, Term, - , .
Thus. H. Koroey va. Ueorce Nareboei h-r x
ant. and W. Hobler, ten tenant.
Tb undersigned Auditor, appointed hv (k.
Court to distribute uy moarya ahiiog fro (k!
sale of Defvodaut's real estaU, will at (cad to his
duties as such at bit Aoe tn Clear Geld, en Fn
dr, the JOih day of Juno, 1K7, at lo o'clock A
." '" iuiiti inrereiled sitv
attend. S. Y.WILSON.
CleerQe.d, June 4, 1879 St
J i- hereby given tbat Letters of Adulau.
ration on the estate of WILLI AN L, RISHEL
lale of Lawrence twp., Clearfield Co., Pa., dee '4
having been duly granted te the undersigned , al)
persoo indebted io said estate will pltaie nuke
immediate payment, and those having etalaii if
demands against tha sera will present lht
properly authenticated for settlement witheat
delay. AARON C. TATR,
Clearfield, Pa., May 28, I879 (
Notice It brby glren that Letters or Ad.
mioiatratiou on tha estate of JOHN HI K WART
late of Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa '
dec rated, having been duly granted te the
undersigned, all person Indebted to said ettal
will plea make immediate payment, and that
having claim or demands against the as me will
present them properly authenticated for settle.
mentwltboul delay. UAMhL STKWART,
A dm i oi i ret or.
Woo Hand, Pa , Jan 4, 1879-flt
Clear field Insurance' Agency.
JstMU KKKU. rinnOLL L. tltiftLL
hi: tin ft it i on ie, iKfnt
Represent the following an I other first -l as Co's:
Companies. Assets.
Liverpool Londou A (Jlobs U. R. Br..8l..M),hv7
Lyooming m mutual A each pUm...M 8,0(l(i,0ii
Ibnnii, of Hartford, Coon 3,824,(JB3
Insurann Co. of North America A,433.AT4
North British A Mercantile U.S. Br. l,7fl,(lS
Scottish Cummerclal 1 . 0. Branch.... 87HPHJ
Watertuwn - 784,818
Travelers (Life A Accident) H 4,5V5,448
Office un Market St., opp. Omit House, ';iaar
ficlJJ Pa. Jaa 1,'79 tf.
Tbe Pin aod While Oak timber oi Warrant
8870,507 1 and 4785, and middle one third of 5673,
will he offered at public sale at 1) o'clock, p. m.,oa
at Pen field, Clearfield county, pa. Sufflr leal
security reiuired. Terms of pavmeot eaay. Con
ditions mod known on day of sale. Tins land
has been mostly cut orer for logs hy Ardell and
otfaeri. The remainder will be cut over in a simi.
lar manner. Possession given immediately on all
that Is logged over, and of tbe baleae in t
reasonable time. Por further particular inquire of
of th subscriber at Pee field
Msy 21, '79 5t L BIRD, Agent.
Clearfield Nureery.
TUB undersigned, baring established a Nur
sery on tb 'Pike, about half way between
Clearfield and Curwensville, is prepared to fur
nish all kinds of FRUIT TBKKa, (standard and
dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, tirap Via,
Gooseberry, Lawton Blackberry, Strawberry,
and Raspberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees,
Quince, nnd early acorlet Rhubarb, Ac Order
promptly attended te. Address,
sep30 dN-y CurwenavilU, Pa,
On Market St, on door went of Maneton Hons,
Our arrangement are rf the most complete
character tor furnishing th public with Fresh
Meat of nil kind, and of th very best quality.
Wi also deal in all kinds of Agricultural Impl.
mtnts, which w kp on exhibition fer the ben
efit of the public Call nround when ta town,
and take n look at things, of address us
Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1878-tf.
Great Western Hotel,
Mas. ISM, ISIS aad 1311 Market Street,
(Direct?, OBBoeie rTaaasiaier's Oracii iHst.)
riikdolphla, Pona'a.
T.rma, tB.OO id ear cl cay.
Tbls Hotel Is Bear toe aew Pablta Balldinica,
Bew Meeoni. Tcasple, V. fl. Miot, and Academy
of fiee Arte. 1. W. TRAt'CK, Prof r.
Oraa all biobt 1 JylTTa-lj
State Normal (School.
(Eighth Normal School District.)
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Ta.
A. X. RAUR, A. Al., Principal.
Tbia School as at p reseat eonstltetrd, offers tbe
v.rj beat facilities for l'rofesslon.l aod Clesieal
Batldto,s speeloas, tarititig and ciBmodioai f
ooni.letolj heated kj steam, well ventilated, cad
famished with a bouattfiil supply ef pure watsr,
wfl sprira; water.
Looatioa hewlthfal aad aaa, wracewsa.
Surrouodiog secaery aasarpaaeed.
Teachers aaperieooed, efficleat, aad alive ta
tbrlr work.
Diacipllae, arm but bied, aaifom aad thoreujk.
Kipeosee aaoderat..
fit; ceats a week dedaeliea tothaaspreparlol
tateaoh. era
Stadeats admitted aa, tlase.
Courses of study preeerluad b; Ib. Bute ; I.
Model ttchool. 1(. Preparatory. III. KleaseB
Ury. IV. gcleatlae.
I. Aaadeait.. II. Commercial. III. Malic.
IV. Art.
Tha Klrmaatarv and ScleaUtc Man. are Pre
fssslooal, aad atadeote (raJastinf therein neelv.
State Diplomaa, eonferrinf the following eorree.
poadieg degrees : Maeteraf the Bcleaaee. Ored
nalee in the ether eeureaa receive Ncrmal Oertll
oales of their attaintaaate. aigaad by tbe Faculty.
Tba Profeclaal eoarees are liberal, aad .re
la tboroughaeea aot Inferior t tboee af aw best
Tbe State requires a higher order af eltlsse
sbip. Tbe tiaae. demand it. It la ee. ef tba
prime objects of this school to help lo eeeare It by
furnishiog iatatli,oat Bad efficient teacher! for
ber arhoela. To tbia end it eoliciu yoaag per
sobs of good abilities and good pBrpsoe thoea
wbe deeire to improve their hose and their tat
eels, as stadeats. To all such it pre ra tee. aid aa
developing their powere aad abaadael epperta
aittee for well paid labor atter leaviag echeoi.
Kor catalogue and terms address tbe Priaeipel.
H. l. BALL,
Presideal Board af Traltee.
Clinton manly g. D. Bell, T O. Hippie, Br.
J. II. Barton, A. 11. Basl. Jacob Brewa, Wilsea
Kisler, A. N. Itaub, W. W. Reekie, E. It. Coca,
Samuel Cbri.t, U. Klatsing, 8. M. Bi.kf.rd, H. L,
UlcI.Bbach, A. C. Noyes, 3. K. Peaie.
CeotrKx-Oev. A. . Cartia.
I'learbeld Ka-Uoe. Wta. Bigler.
Klk-t.'t.ries R. Barley.
Leek llavaa. Feb. M.
0 0 T S. S II 0
Hals, CapSj&c&f.
GEO. C. & T. W. MOORE,
are Jo,t opening a lar re aad Bareally ee lee ted
biocb ta laeir ltBa,emara.lBg
KM, Ckttb Bad Calf, It every style.
Heaga aad 8meetb.
High aad Low.
Battoaed, Barklad BBd Laced, Plaia
aad Copper-teed.
Viae aad Coarse.
Cleib or Leather.
The. ak Sbeelal attratlo. to lb.l. aaeortm.nt
fur Hummer wear
Goiils' Furnishing Goo-Js,
will ba tof.d aa aeacrtae.)! at
..Mom equalled either la stylet, laeta, aerrlea
ee prieo
Allot ,ny ef which will be sold at eetealhie(l,
lea. lg.r,BROOM
it. I, riKm opera BoyiB,
OlsarSa'd. Pa.