Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 18, 1879, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
II pail l wltkln thrM BoBtkl ..$1 to
,,,.,!, fur three cad before lit months... I 66
Jf paid .ftsf tke eiplrellna .f ill moohla... I 00
aarM.uri. I. M. PatrtMiLi A Co., Kewt
...Ail.ertlilnt Afents, IT Park Row. mm
FK'ksan Street, ara IB 4nlj aalk.riM4 4fe.ts
!, k.w rare mi,.
Mrihodlft RpiiaopftI tharct R.t. J.
UrMtmuT, Ptor. HtrrUrt trtry Batbath
rtl A.M., ud 7J P. M.
Sabbath Snbool it f A. M.
PftTtr MtiBf .tr- Widn tt f 4 P. II
CoMB'tiBioo Htrvle. trit Babbitt. f t?try
oath, ftt lot A. h.
weit Clearfleld M. E. CLurch R,T.
W. FroTT W I Lion, Paator. PraaehlDf tvtr
ttursi BuDday, at fl'dofitr, P. At. Panda jr
School at it, r. . jiii ara ibtiim to aiianc,
Pribterlaii Church Ho. II. ft. Bdtlh.
.-Sabbath Mrvieoi norning and tvM.BowAab
bBtb School at I P. M. Prajar Moating Wodaaf-
jij trail of.
Biptlrt Church Rar. J. A. Aldiid, Pae
tor. Bart te wry Sabbath BornlDf and tvanlng
.lurmtmi. at 101 o'clock A. M., and 74 P. U
ablwibtkbaolatS P.M. PwarMaaliagtMry
Vrlaoidi; trtniog.
t. Krancli' Church Catholic Rt. P
J. BaiaiBA'-Prtaoblng at 10 o'clock, A. M., on
tnt Ant, third and fourth Sunday a of h month
Vwpon and Rtaodlelion of tb filaiaod Saoramaat
t r o elOfli, r. o-naaT 000001 awry oaaaay
afternoon at i o'otooK.
tmi or aoLDiat quabtu tawioM com?.
tSooood Monda of January. .- .
Third Monday of Marsh. . - i . . .
Pint Monday af Jam.
Vonrth Monday of SapUmbor.
tim or lotDiaa mm mo rvkm.
Pint Monday of Jono.
Soooad Monday of Novomta. -roBue
Frnidtnl Wa Hon. Charloo A. Mayor, of
Look Hiroa .
Attiitant Low JudgrUot.. John II. Orrta, of
iMet'f Jwfjta- Abram Ogdaa, Cloarflald
Vlneani b,mqiu uioanioia.
Pro(konotaiyt Bloom.
Rtguttt ni Rordrh. 3. Morgan.
IHttfiot i Wt. M. MoCuUongh.
Trtaiuur Philip DotU.
Sheriff- Kuifw Pants, Jr.
Papaly Sharif Cbriit. J. Kiagfry, ClaafflalJ.
Cowtf a?nror fiamutl F. MoOJoikoy, Cur
atnirilla. Conn ComminionTtC. W. Kylar, Graham
toa P. 0.; Klah Johaitoa, Orampittn Willi P. O.j
jubn Norril, Sr., Carwenflrllla.
Commit Auditor William V. Wright, Clear,
lolrj ; Joiaph Qillilaad, Tbroo Rant f J. S. Nor
ri, Woodland.
CNNt CorvmtrJ. B. Koff, Now Washington.
Jury Committiomart Dr. Jamoa P. Burt b field,
ClearAed, Jopoph Alexander, Madera.
8upritndnl PmMfa cAW M. L. Mo
Quown, Cloarseld.
Sfoitro WiickfAt Vtotitr Jim W.Carlilo,
effip at Lnthoribflrg Pa.
Notari f'wblie John W. Wrigley, Wm. Ra
dtbangb, Cyraa Gordon, Cloarfloldt Jowph H.
Irani, N. B. Arnold, CnrwtniTilla j J. A. Liring
itooo, Dalioia City.
Oar Spttial oolumn ia dooldodly Intoroitlng tn
alocilpulntof view, and profitable reading to
owuidari who want to aavo money.
"M ill j oo uko wheat, oata or corn for tub
aerlpiioa f" Wo art often inquired of In thii way
by It tier from patrona who raaldo at a diataneo
from Clear field. Wo again any yaa. The rooo'lpta
of a rcr-ponaiblo atrcbant or mill owner la tht
Tieinity, will anawor Jot aa well a tho oaeh.
To tllluatratt: If any of our patron will doliror
at a bag of grain at tho ulll of Joaoph U. Brath.
ta Chttt townihipy Horaeo Patebii, to Barnaido,
Thomas H. Foreoy, in Graham, Wm. Portor or
Bbaw'i, in Lawronoo, or Brown A Seyler'i, at
Rock toa, Uaion lownihip, and forward their
receipt! for tha amount, wa will orodit thorn oa
thtir aeeonot for tho famo. In thi way all may
ooa pay what they owo, tf tboy will puraao tbia
toaraa. tf.
Tho fnrmera in tha Cumberland
V.lla, .re makiB, ka, Ihl. WMk.
Gaorga W. Rheotn, Express Agont,
i. aioap,la, hi. aew oSm.
' Tba Mountain House at Croaaon,
IU opaa far tba Bammw .a Ik. SOtb. .
Tba Sheridan Band, of Tyrone, will
hold . ple.i. oa tk. Foarlk of Jul,.
The pay car passed over the Tyrone
A Clearfield kraoeh OB da, I..I wmbv ,
June rosea and red clovor bloaaoma
.re Ik. fioral kaaulU. that aow atlratt Ika a,
ia erer, dlreioa.
Several lownthip statements appear
fcr lb. ItH time tbia wk. Karlhaa. aad Kaoi
ara am.a, the Basbrt. i t
The Musical Convention at Cur
w.oiille,le e.maeaM .a the totk ia.1., proai
llii to a. aa iBIrraitln, affair. '
The people ot Clearfield will not
Ware It ,o awa, from homa oa Ik. Poartk f
Jal, I. wilaoM a graad aalebratioa.
: Wa nrideraUnd that efforU are being
made to nenlil a oompeoj of asillll. is tki. pl.M
for Ik. K. 0. f Pinoirlrioi..
M. M. Wilier, of tbia place, baa re-
eelred . rentraet for ai.kiat .olforal for the
DaBola Cit, Baad, hiiimi ia aumber.
,Iiev. Mr. McMinn, ot Philadelphia,
Madaeted the eseroiffM al a Baada, Honoel Los
Tiolioa la tk. Preab,Urlaa Ckurek la.t
altaraowB. ' if
The Premium Lint for tba Fair tbia
Pall i. publiih.d la tki. paper, and aa, laf.rm.
ti.B waawd caa b. kad b, (Wing It proper
TheCommenoemBnt exorciaea at the Bist. College, ia Contra Bount,
lllb.le e. Bunds,, Jua. J2J, aod tloao to
Mr John MeUaiiL'hev and bride re to ibelr koma ia ikii pltM oa W.daeada,
tf U.t WMk.aad Ike, kart.iaMkwa lb. r.
Ilpi.etl ef .er.oadel from eereral band..
Hurxthal W. Smith, Ksq , ia having
tba Uand.lioa d.(, Bad ht. a porlioa el tae ma.
terial oa Ike (rMBd, for Ike oreatioa of a bow
Misa Effle Arnold, dauirhter of Mr.
B.B..I Arnold, .( Carweaeeill., aod Mr. Seorge
M. H. Cood, .1 Oieeel. Mill., grad.aled al Ike
Mraalaia,, Birmiajbam, Pa,. a Ik.
,Uh 'ait. t
Our esteemed townaman, Ex Gov
traor Bigltr, kit beet akeiea Prnideat af tbe
Board af Tr.MBM of Ibt Ceatral BUM n
BohMl at LMk H.rta. He will B.b. a good
.iM.Ur. bAmt.
Dr. W. i. Biabop, denliet of Jtoy
teldlflae, wiU ht fouad at Ika M.lal,
Utker.b.r.. Me.daJ. Jus. lid, BBlil
T.arad.,, the itlh. TkM la mmi .1 kit pr.
(Miictal lerriee will ple.M .all allhal lltta.
Bov. Kmelioa W. Smith, Roctor of
lb. IplMOB.ICk.rok at ril.kbsrg, Matlub.ietll
BeUled .1 Bt. Andrew'. Ipleeopal,
bel B.kbalk. He U eliltl.g kU fcikor, Jo.lek
W. e.itb, K, aad Mbot Mend, tl tb. boat if
kllTMl. -
Tba twenly-aixtb annual aaaaion of
Ik. Bread Led,. M riBBa,ir.aiB,a.uoep.e..
Order ef Seod T.mpUra, wat bald al Raadla,
hut WMk. Tk. .lieod.oM wh quits Ur,e.
LMk Haeaa wm .bmm st tbt pitta tor
Ike a. it BBBaal Mt.Ua af Ik. Ursad Udgw.
William Porter. Km., ia adding new
mteklnw, tt kit B.W grist mill, a Ibert dietaaM
a, tk. rivtr from towa, aad k. hat bsw a irai
lam mill la aeer, re.pMl. Tk. ioar laraod .al
from tk.lMtabli.baml will lerlf, IblalltuatBl.
Be it alM paulng ia faraaMt trr la. parpoM af
arjlag grata.
The liat of Jurora lor the SopUmbar
term sf Cesrt la a lee, Mr and BM Bow .Be
tr absad la glrs IBM. awBlUaoa wbu.
Ubm ipm tkerela aaplt epsen.Bir, i. ar
na,. ibek baeiasM melien aad get lk.a laiaeb
ua). to is tor lira wltk kkeif boia, prMest
at th. Hum
Maaar,0. K. k W. Barrett, (or
Ike eretiuee sf Pstaf MeUMrg., adrtrliM
neral araaMtiss sf ssseWorabto ealsa toksai
Bat mow la tk. RarwauelB tkU wm. Tkm
epert, aUl a. efiered Bl psblU Islt at tk. Car.
lUt hi tklt ksMwk, aa Prlds,, Jslf I Ilk, al
I e'eUek, P. M. Per dbwrtptiM sf prspr BaA
"!, w. retta ,a la pMun, aad idwtl
ocnooi KtroRi.-Tbe flrat annual
'":b - mi. .r.bu ......
- kanta, nUiH. ud lb., w?8.
Wll... .ill 4.ll..l.lMl.,.llll.4..g,w
. A,l.u Hl...r,, lh. Co,rt ,, arrai.g JbIj 10,,,
Tnt CnAHocJ-Th". ParkHouw i,
Ik. .... that !b. Il.u H..M.I. WIIII..pL
wllla.k..l,kft. P.i.r'i iur k.rlo.
pri.r. .m.W 11 imm to bli..rJ.
al. B.B...4,iK..twtl uifc
T) . ' -
'"r' uimo. Royalty of
..... ,.,. , B ,fllllt Mftr Mvi
.nd B.r.ou.dl.-.m. but Dr. ?.'. Ul.o. ,Dd
Llr.r, ai.4 N.rr. Taal. ..... l M bl.
Coo,k Hon r.i all ,Mh, ,od 0ol4 ,.,
f.r,1. ..a . p,lt. r hf rll
Uk 4 Ittl., draul.ii, ClwO.IJ, p..
"Wiihn TTn"8i.l8enator John A.
Log.i did a.l .puk at Pklllpibarf, C.otr. C,
a.r did llrar, W.rd B.k.r al CU.rl.ld, a
D.oor.llo. D., Drmtrtl If,., .,.
klag r.a .r L.fu..d BMcb.r,all riihl. But
If ;o. to ridl.aU o.r patriot!. .. .p
Ikli waj, ,o. kid katt.r dr, ap I
"KoRitttT." Tba Altoona Call aaya
lb. tlm. fr .InnM pl.alo., Bid d., loibo
blu., bi. .11.,,, ni lM:M r..m,.lr.wb.rr,, k.rbuua,, whll. piau, hj
aiaoallfhl .Una, walar ai.loB,, tin, BOiqallMl, to.da, tpldtra, BBd lardan
track framllj, U at kaad.
List of lettors remaining nnclaimod
la Ika Poil.HlM.tCU.ra.ld, for tk.m.k .ndlni
Jon. lilb, l7S:
Mra. Ma.da D.rriok.Ulii Mill,, Fr.lio, Wa.
A. J.baaaa, Ulu Ljdla A. Kl.p'.r, W. A. Ma-
DM.Id, Hl Alloa N.ldir, Pilar Rtonar.
i P. A. UAliLIN, P. If..
What otber preparation, fail to do,
Hall'. Ualr R.n.w.r aur.1, ao.ompli.ha.. It r.
a.i lb. kalr aod .p..l.ll, mlor. It. lor
wk.B ,r, aod fad.d. A. a dratiln, II I.
pallid, atahio, tha hair B.ltt, toft .ad (lou,.
Th. noit Moaaaiinl prapartl.a arar offir.d,
It. .ffieU raiaal. a loo, Una, aod tkoaa who
kara .Bo. mad. a trial of il (ill aoj
Olhar. AJmrdur aad fa(o, truinia, K, Y,
Tbe rccnlrir meetins of the Murnbv
Taaiparaae. I'aloa wa. k.ld ia tb. Carl lion.,
on Moadaj .t.bIb,. Mr. Joba I. Fatt.rion
aatad .. pro (., la th. .b.iooo o( Idr.
Ilarrla, Aa addr.1. wa. dcllrar.d hj Rar. 1. g.
MoMurraj, asd a faw ramark. war. aiad. b,
Rar. Mr. Bakar, of Sall.barj, Indiana aounlt,
Tho pulpits of the Clearflold HnntiM.
M.thodi.t and Pra.b,t.ri.a Choroha. war. anp
plltd.a Babbalh la.t bv aiiBl.l.r. from abroad,
who war. la atlaadaaoa al th. Cla.rfi.ld B.pti.t, I. Halloa at thla pl.M aa Frldaj
and Satarda, laat. Rav.Bamaal Milal, who la
bored ia th., witbla tha bandif Olaar-
flald aoaot, forlj-fir. ,Mr. .,0, prMohad la th.
Pra.b,t.ri.o Cfaoreb ia tb. .v.bIb,. 11. ia a.w
at.tlo.ed .1 N.w WaabiaittoB, la thi. wuotj.
Dkatm or Mrs. Graham. Mra. Jas.
B. Orabaa d.Darlad tbl. Ufa .1 b.r homa iBtblai
bor.u,h oa W.da.ada, of li.t waak, feflar a pr
traeted Ilia... af.rcra ,aar. Bh. wu bi,bl, b, .11 wh. war. .oqaaiotad with bar,
and ha. paned from c.rth U.riB, a food reeord.
Bb. w.a a Mo.lit.ot m.aib.r of Ik. Preibjt.ria.
Charah of Clearfield. A billhead and fir. bil
drea two d.a, htor. .nd thrM Nil, .11 ,rowo-ap
.r. Urt to moora bar daialM.
The flrst annual sexsion of tha Cum.
borland V.lle, fe'ohool A.Hmbj.t. an-
Booaood to be h.ld at Oakville, ob tk. lin. of tk.
CmbrrUaJ Valla, Railroad, aoatmancia, June
lOtb, and ending .b tb. .veBia, of Jul, 4lb.
Prom th. pro, luuwl, tbia will ha tba belt
Suada, School Aieetakl, bald la P.Baa,lvaniB
Ibla M.aoa, aaa boat of Ike beat 8nnda, Bohool
area bar. be.a I. t.k. a part. Pull par
ticular! eaa b bad he applying t. Ih. BeereUr,,
Rer. W. Haalia Pr,.lager, HarrUburf. P..
Another Goni. In tbe death of
Joka Roller, .f Coriogtoa towaahlp, Clearfield
MBBt, lot, oaa of It. rer, bell asi moat high),
rMpeeted U. wa. wid.l, kaawB b, ..r
ap-rirvr people. Ntarl, all tb. w.Hrm.B wh.
retoraod rrem the foot of tbe "rail.," far tba
part fort, ,Mra, Uar.d wker. Jeha Hr.d.
aad bMm. Boqaaiatod with him ta pra or
rapalatioB, all f whom will ragr a. Lara af bia
death, BotwitbataBding bia adraaMd age. He
iMrea a large ir.U of friend, to moara bl.
d.ath. Bui b. .Lop. well.
A Bold Bobbirt. The Indiana
Dtmirmt of tail WMk .,. : "Aa .Id fantUmaa
aamed D.rld Wkwl.r, r..idlng at DHkar. P.ial
ia thla Muat,, wa. robbed of a l.rg. aum of
moo., aa tb. Bl,kl of the 17th alt., e.lla).ld at
from tl.tM t. IJ.700. Mr. Wbnl.r aid wif.
aod aa old maa lived together la .a. 0a tb.
algbt apttkaa of, tk. kooM wat .Blared b,
a wiadaw, tb. .Id folk, laMa.ibl. b,
iab.ling ahloroform, wbilat ibetbliTM ranueked
tbe hoaM. Tb. mono, tarried or wa. tba ..t
laga af a long aad Uborioa. lift. II It aaid to
bar. bee a moatl, grMabuka, wilb a .mill por-
tioB of .pwi. N. ot. Tb. robber,
wu Ih. work, heworor, of par MB. who aBdcr
atMd tb. bouM .od th. lM.tioa of tb. trvaaur.."
KlLLKD BT Liohtniko. Mr. Per-
elial Kilia.B, n.idlng la TuMarar. Valla,,
Juniata eouol,, a brother sf jMok Ril.m.B,
Biq., of Om.ll Mill., Ibla sosal,, WH llrook b,
lifhtaiBg at bi. homo oa Thurad.,, th. filh in.t
ud died froa tba afr.oli of II tb. B.t.rde,
fellowlo,. Mr. tUtlosaa wu at Ik. 'ri at th.
tlm. th. norm wu nfiag, handling a pitobforb
ad wbea ke relied tb. forh the ileotrle atrraat
truak tbt tinea, abothiog Mr. R. Mf.r.1,, .ad,
pining down. Ml firs ta tb. maw aad alio killed
a bona ia tb. alehl. below Mr. itlitm.B wu
distursret b, ptraoal, wh saw tbe tmtko, and
tad with bob. difficult, the injured ana
wu remored Is lb. hoaM. The bara wu totall,
ooaauaad. Wa leant the .hot. from Ike
OtMOl. AiMifle ef Lit wuh.
Independence Liav at Nkw Wash
loro. Tbe .itinnrtr Now Wo.blo,loa and
elelnit, ara Baking all neorarar, arreugeaoott
tt hare an old luhioned Mlebratloa an tba eoin
lo. Fourth of Jul, b. ol tb. good old kiad,
Smilk V. Wllaoa, Krq , of Claatfield, kea beea
ob.MB la d.llrer Ik. .rati.o, and ha will h. fol be .ddriaio. from Kef. Mr. Jon., .nd
ther good .peehara. FlfiMB Babbalh bit. larlled I. be preieal. There will b
aaaMvento .f r.rioaa kifidi for tk. gr.llfi.alioa
of bolk ,oun, and sld, .erfMtl, karmlau is
Ibelr abaraater, inob aa a l,log korM, a mat.k
lame ef bare bell, a f.nlwlie pared, at I .'clock
ta tk. afl.raoon, aad a aagollMal diipla, of
Ir.-work. In Ike .renin,. The CoaailtM of Ar.
rugrmoal. ItMapoMd of Mmih. MeU.B.'.,.,
N. A. Arn.ld aad Our,. W. Deria, and a
Mrdlal larltalloa It tittad.d Is all a.l,hksn
and .IllMBa, wb. ea. paielbl, ds at, to b. prat
tat sod eajo, ob. 4a, sf fmati.g d pleatere.
W. wilb thai ear frleadi la Ibt Mother. Metloa or
ih. avsBir aa neliu a plsussi tla. .ad bar.
ample, M girlaf rent U Ibelr pa
tri.lUm. Bound, Gaooed and Bobbed. On
T.i.der B.ralng, Ird ln , an .iM.dl.,1, bald
robber, wu comm. tied la Joba.t.wa, lb. follow
ing p.rtleelerl .f wbleb w. Iwra fr.a Ik. TH
bane . Dapat, Colt.eter f Iatera.l Reeeaao, f.
B. Gilbert, .et to kit .Bm al all s'.Uok. lie
left tae ke, la Iks look ia Ike loe dMr .ad Ikea
opened kit ufa aad pat la bm sf tae drswert s
Uetker wallet MBtslalag hel..B II, 701 Bad
II, tM. Be tat sow. si kit de.h It work at kit
wnk i, .ad la abosl lea Bltotei b. bwrd Mm.
ta eomle, tp alaira. Ha tke.jhl II wet Ma.
krawert ak. wi.ked to pank.M ttoapt sad ke
did BSt Uek .round Belli lw. B.B satorad Ik.
.m aad mm bb kMld. bia'. fers a. wald
M, a ward, Mr. Gilbert wu Mleed b, lbs BM
asd a larg. tlolb f.ile. Ilfhtl, .rer hi. a.atb
aad lbs l.w.r pari f kit fiee. Hi. anal wm
Ibea tied torelber it tb. w.lela aad feat-
mmmd ..d.r hi. k.MI With . IB.II OOrd. Tk.
aaa thea weal U tkt .tls, pocketed tbe w.llel
aad weal sat, Uektag Iks den beklad tkna. Mr.
Ollbert wu eoable to bm sllkar heads sr fMl r
asksaa, ..tor,. Ut worked .lea, Iks fiosr
aalil ka got Is Ika door aad the. b. bagaa to
bltk It. B.r.r.1 perM.t hoar Ik. aelM, ast
tkB,kl II wu Mat ata al war, aaklag rapalrl
At laat a lekussnist wkt Wicked to ka, MM
ttoaat i.M u aad toaad kew a. tier. Iteod
aod Mr. Ollkort u Bl eeM releeMd. B. n,t
ks did BM ksew tkc tklMM. Oas si Ike wat
ef tMdi.a ktl,kl aad Ik. .tker Mt.rsl leebM
toller. Tke, klk wore eld dark sUtkiBg, ihsrt
a.. Mat! sad .loach k.ta, 1Mb at BMh.aiM sr
asrrsBtaw ml,l iter at their wet. Their beta pulled dawa taw S.W Uetr fambsBdl, sad
sub sf Ikea wars a do.kled kaadkinkuf mtm
kit fM., Iks Iswst m rsuktog kwrcw tk.
eb I., aad I s,u a., tUikl. Tk., did
aal efier Is Krlka kia, ud Uell IremlaeBt wu
s rnsgkar Ikaa "Iks airsaaelsatst Mqulrwd."
Oa keleaeie, kia ks.kt llBM Ike takkwr,, Mr.
attbsrl aada lata) alt Ua It tl,(M. Mssn Is
. - UATioau.
Tbt AlMclalloa met la the CLarleld Ch.rck for
Itt lhlrt,-thlrd bbbbbI Frlda,. lb.
Illk.f June at 10:10 A. M.
Tha Moderator, Rer. Bamu.l Ml lei, ulled lb.
BMtlag to srd, aad speoad with d.tetloo. t
Tks Rar. TkwJors lllldinoo, st Brookrllls,
piuekad Ih. latroduelor, aermoB froa Paala
LXXXVIIit. "Aad of Zion It aka.ll be ..Id, Thi.
and that mea wa. bora ta k.r." '
A .umber of del.,.te. war. p relent froa Ik.
carlo., ahur.h.1 af Ibi Auooiatioa. AIm Ih.
Tier. Tittittjet ud Sakir, biarin, fraternal
graatln,. froa tbl Clarion Itvxlalles, and Ih.
Rtr. Kldrldgc, dtlegata froro the Centra Ataooia
tloo. Rtr. Thomu,M, who hu Ihi nfflicted
for tome time, and unfitted for alnlitori.1 dut,,
wu b, DlrlB. to mut with
Ihe OBC. more, .nd encourage the
heart, of hla brethren.
Tb. cBcera wen elected for the en.ulng ,e.r,
u follow, i Rer. J. X. Dean, Moderator, and
Rt. W. B. Purd,, Beontir,.
Vi.ltlB, brethren were incited to l.k. a (cat la
Ika AMMistioa.
A aumherof Coma III.M wor. .ppeiated la tb.
a.ual fora
Bob. Chursb latter, were read.
Tbe report of Ibt (JotnaltUceo doeotlonnl ei-
erclie. end arran,arnl wc. oalled for, and
render.! u folio., i Mmi .1 ( o'.loeh A. M.,
or prayer and tonroraoM 9 A. M , bu.iB.M i
II A. MH prc.obln, ! .Jjoora 11 M. nut al
1 r.M., fo, baiiaeu praachlng at 4 P. M ad
Joara at P. M. Meet al 1 11 P. M., far preach
i'rio'o, j)leraootiifoa, Called to order b,
tn. Moderator.
CommittM n Reception of Couch, reported :
We rMommmd tlul Ihe McPherroa ud Seoood
Uout.dnle Baptlct Churchc. be admll'ed Into tbia
bod, t. mtmb.n tbereof, and to lb..njo,meBtof
ail in pnrllc,M. Tke right hand of fallowablp
wu encoded la behalf of the Aaioolalion h, Ihe
Moderator to the 'Meaacngera of aaid Churchca.
After lb. Ir.uaBctioa of aome bulloeu, the Al
eooiatioa lieloaed to a aermoa trccbed be tbe
nor. w. II. Kldrodre. of Pbllloibon. Sublet-
' The Worahip ef Ood," alter wbick the Atoooia-
tioa adjoarB.d.
rrid) i'e.,', Tb, Ke. Darid Suencer.
Diltrlct Becrel.r, ef th. American B.pll.t Mic-
lioncr, Union, preuhed a acrmon from Job
XVtl J- "The Rlghleoua alio .ball bold ob bia
ea,." Th. .ubjact of "Chrlitlai Conitanr, and
It. Ultimata RcwarJ" wa. rar, clear), and forcl
bl, pra.e&tl b, Ih. ipeaker. -
A collection waa lakes up for Foreign Miaalom,
nmouatiog to $8.83.
SaUrdof Jorotic, Auoolation oalled to or Jcr
b, tb. Moderator, and opened b, pra,cr.
The Commitua on time and place sf Boating,
Ac, fr aoxt ,e.r reported, that tb. plM. ef
aeellng b. Mount Uta.ant ; lime, Frida,, 10 A
a., preceding tba Ibitd Lord 'l dajp ia June, 18b0.
Tb. totroduetor, Mrmoa Jo bo preached i., tba
ate.. 4. A. Atdred, of Clearfield, Iter. Barouel
Milea alternate.
Tbe Rer.'. 11. 3. Boiler and J. S. MoMurra,,
being pruent, ware Invited to a east In tbe bod,
ud Is take part ia It. deliberation..
A MmmiltM wu appointed, eooaiatiog of
Brolberc J. A. Aldred and E McMinn toolauiae
Church Utter, and report if then wu northing
iwnlain.d in them lliat needed Ihe apMlal aitea
lion nf tha Ai.oei.tica.
After of otbar bu.ioreo, the Aicocia-
lion llitcoed to a aermoa froa tho Rer. 0. W.
Baker, A. M., sf BalMbur,, Pa. Tttt, Luke
X1V IS-!J. Subject: "The Sacrifice of Self la
Following Cbrlik"
lafardo, AlcmM.. Meeting oalled to order
b, tbe Moderator, .nd op.nod In Biual fora.
During tbli Mi.ion eoniidorabla builnea. wa.
transacted and a Bumber ol resolution, paaicd,
after which Ihe R.r. S.muel Mil.s, who bed bteo
appointed to write a klitir, of tk. Cle.rfifi As
coelation nad the aajn. before tbe bod,.
The Bianuieript wat referred to a commiltM
for publleatioB.
Tbe Committee to elamioe Church lettera re
port. J, and embodied 1b It, wu a queltioB from
tbe Mount Pleaaant Ckarcb, aa te Ike propria!,
of Cbiirck member., engaging ia woildl, amuM-
aeaU, auek aa earda, dancing, Ac.
Thi. report w.a raferred u .ootbw MmmiltM,
lo decid. whether th. Aiaoelallon bnd hatter deal
wltk the quallloa, and how.
Said tommillM reporUd, adrialag tha Aasoela-
Uoa to give eiprasiloB to IU views, which wu
doae, aad tbe qneitloa laid 00 theUble.
A nsotutiCB ef tbsnks wu passed for the hospi
tal!!, nad enlerUiamcot, fornirhed b, lb. Clear
field Church and frle&dt la tb. delegatM and
viiilort attending tba AsMcl.tisa.
Tb. Utter part .f tb. afternoon was oeoapted be
devotional Mrvlcea.
Sattrdaf eniM, Preuhing b, tb. Rer. E.
McMinn, Swntar, of the Baptist Publication
Boolal,. ' After tbe aermoa, aa effort wat made to
rain bobo, te aak. Rer. Baauel Milea b llf.
iber bat tbe decire w.s Bot weompliibed,
ud tb. aatlar wai put into tb. haadi of Ih. d.l
agate, bo nln the balanoe BMded froa their re-
oeo.(k Jomiac. Tho Intcreatt of the Bible
Sohool Conrontlon wu Mntldered.
OfflMrs eleoted and Brrangeaenta made to bold
a seml-annanl Maveatloa In Jaauar,, 1880, at
Rav.M. Bpratl, D. ., 8cctsl.r, ef lb. Beptl.t
Eduoationnl Boclet,, preached from Mark XI :1
l "Q. ,eur we, 1.1. lb. village, over .gaiaat
,oo, ud aa cooa ,t bt entered into It, v. shall find
neolt tied whereon m.a Bcrer .at looM him and
brie, bia, aad if an, Baa n, anle,os, Wb, do
,etbltr Bo, ,e that tba Lord bath ind of bia."
Tbia wat a faltkfull, dalirered, poiated.od
earckiBg Mrmoa, ia wbioh tbrn iMdiog
thought! wars made promiaent. Pint, Kingibip t
S.oonJ, Diiciplclhlpi Third, Slewardihlp.
After tbe pnacbis, a ver, liberal collection wu
taken up ia aid of tke Educational Boole!,.
e.fioalk Aumxnt. A Babbalb Bchaol Han
Meetln, wu held ia ibePrribjterlec Chursb,css
dueled k, Ibo Rev. B. McMina, .nd la wkiofc a
aaaber of Suodn, Bohool workers took perl.
.aofci'i aTceeta,. Prcuklng k, tbe Rev. Lavl
0. Ileck, BMrelar, .1 the Peont, Baptiit
tlaneral Alsoelalloa. Teat, Matt. XI V. 16-21.
SobJ.ctt "Christ feeding tba fire thousand, wilb
tba fire loares aad Iba two fiibc."
After which aermon, Ibe want, of Ibe Soolet,
were preMBled, end a eollMtloa tehee is aid
1 be ipeokrr,la rcfetrlog to tbe condition of the
Baptltckurckr. in Panna,lvania, WH .vldcntl,
looking at the dark .id. of tbepltturt, aad while il
la true thai there an maa, poor and reoblo Bapli.t
ehotebM la l'eana,lvania, Il i. sq.all, trs. of
otber deaomiaalUaa. Aad e ore free lo onf.ts
Ih.t Ih. State sf Penns,lvaBia Is not a strong
Beptltl Stale, and that there are lomeeounlloa io
which there are ao Bcpllal eh.rcbcc, ,.t It should
h. ramoabered oa lb. otber hand that then ara
M Bapltot aberohu ia Peoni)linie,wilb a bob
boribip af 61,380. and tbatth.ra an M minicterc
connoted therewith esoagh Is iuppl, soar,
ebareb with a pulor, tbeujk some ekurchM ere, nsdrr Bbepberdt, and Mae mlaiateraare
iuppl, leg two or three ohurekM.
Tbe 8UU Sabbath School Statlitl. report 44,
MboUra, altendlng Baplllt Sabbath Scboolc, ud
a forao af 0,168 ofllcerc and uaohera. It Ic evident
froa the Italilliel that Ibo Biplltt. do Bot take
Ikeleera af Iks Suadi, School inltraitl,u Ike,
But pssr sad week st Ikt Bapllit t.ait 1.1a
tblc Stale, ,ct Ibe B.n.r.l Ainclation cipended
16,164 fit upon MlulM.r, worh la Pcans,lraaiB
last rear.
Tbeeh.nbet Bin aootrlbated ,8, Is Ihe
IduUloa Beeiet, leal ,om, tboagh skoal sen
half sf thai emoent tesae froa ... Aiiociatloo,
nad lb. .tba b.U frcatwctj-oBC Aeaoelatlon..
Tbe. tb. Perein Mlcdoaer, Bvclet,, ud lb.
PablUalioa loelelr, were .et altogether forjotte..
Tbu while IS li true thai m.o, ef ear .h.rehec
nre poor, II U In. Ma. .re wcellb,, .ad ac lb.
spaaher Hated la bit remerhe, "There U that
whl.b wlihh.ia.ih aura tbia It bmi, k.i It
If tke Paasiplvula B.ptleU w suM (Ira cue
Ms; a WMk daring (he ,aar, it would provide
a had of tal WI.ll fcr tha Master's MrvleM la
then various ebjeoli of ocoerolence, and ah. U
m pur that ks .raid art giv. tt. mbii a week,
wkiek WMld prsvids 1166,811.40.
I .vital U.i k.vl.g kMa glfwa t. tk. AmmIb-
llea ki Ik. paslwt rt Ike Preibjterlaa aad M
E. rharshM to nad alnliurr! to sesap, their
rerpeetltc p.lpltt n lbs BabbBtk, tbt following
Bmagcaeatl ware MHied col t
Pnsbvler.u Cbank, Rev. D. Bpeoeer, .f Pbll
tdclphk), la th. meraing i Rot. Bamsel MilM, sf
New WuhlaiUB, ia tb. .voelag.
M. I. Ckareb, Rev. B. McMlaa, mt Pklladel-
pMa, IBBvam.r6iMI .W. Bakar, sf Balls
kara. sa tba wealag.
Ikt prwetdlBgl tf Iks Ateoclalloa were ker-
a sbIou Ikreajhct act a dlsnrdut aele wai
krard ud Ika di legem reteroed koa. tt B
buss aa.tbar ,au, fe.ll Ik.t Ik. BMliag
k.d kma M. af uiojeaert aad profit.
D.rlna Ika assaa, Bratkm L. a. Bee ud
D. 6 pee .or piM.ked la CafwtslvlIU, ud Bra.
Breaker sin prsukwd at Iwatn m bsowbib a,e
To Bee keepers. Bee Hiree, of tbe
li homi ae aala akua. Br ut. a. a
aiua, , Js-H-H.
Boua, Bsaaa
"SwmI Juu. roMI r. Bdjt akm
Opening In lb. aornlng light,
Filled with bone,, (named with dew,
Eter, ahap. ud evw, kne
Pure wbiu roeee, whit. .. purls,
Fit t. .rows lb. aaida.'s .arlt(
Yellow roMS rich and ran,
Room, roitl v.r,wh.n I
Bemomboi that Lytle ia County
Ageat for Lorrllurd s Tobaoos, ud mi nil tkoa
at aaslor, priMa. Tbep an Ibe boat tob.coM la
market. Tr, Ikea. tf.
We have now on band several thous
and areA-.eleMeDV.loBu, wkUk, we will prist for
kuslBws mea, sr anjbod, sin, at prlue that eaa
not b rivalled. Call and cm Ibea. tf.
An Heir loom. Among tbo valua
ble o takaa from a, realdcaee roMotl, wu a Sil
ver Walak. If tba part, ia po.isioa of it Bill
return tba uni te m., tb.r. will b. bo quMtloBt
aiked. AtauBT W. Lib.
Notice. There will be a meeting of
use or aitreoiora st ins i,owef urlda. uo.
held at Ihe office of Wallace A Krabe, na Frida,
evening, Jnne 10, 1879, at 7 o'alook, for th. par
poM of elMtlng lw. aow Dlnetora.
B, order of tne Proildoel,
W. M.6da.,Sm. A Trees.
A Fact. An advertisement Inserted
in the RcroBLic.n will reach more rcadtrs than
If published la all tbe other papers la tha Mun-
t,,ud eott tht adrertiMi lea than en-b.lf
In other wordl, aa adrerliarment publiihed la
our jcnraal Is worth doubl. th. priM of that
charged b, u, ethor publisher ia tbe count,.
'It 11 a fact." if.
JN'ew Daily Stage Line. James L.
Let j hat UMMded la bavin, a dailv mall Mtab-
li.bed between Cleerfield and Peon field, ud will
bcreafttr rua s da II, slags between Ihe two points.
Ills eoutrael began with April 1st, and Ihe slage
will leave Ueerflald ever, aeinlng (eiotpt Sua.
da,) at 8 o'clock, Baking conoeolioni with all
trains .a tb. Lw Orad. Railroad u P.nnflcld, re
lorniog after th. last trala tbe taat evaalng.
PatMngeraeBd freight will baearrlcd .t low r.tM.
Ordan lift at an, of tba botoll will be atlended
Dr. Both well, of Ithaca, N.Y., stop.
pea at tne ooaw lionM, IB ibis plaM, over Moada,
aigbt, on bio rotuiB bomt frost tkt Tlclsit, ef Ibe
CberrjtrM, Indiana eouat,, where he wu lactra-
aenlal In f.rr.tlt, .ut . gang of deaperadoet, tbe
putleulan of whleh we will give sen la another
loose. Tbegcnllemaa above aentioned trend e
bone stolea fr.a bia som. d.,s ago lo tbe ngien
of Ihe C.mbrla oouot, lin., when b. IBund bis
own and stber preperl, supposed In hart bMB
stolea. Foar or five trrett wen aadr, and Ibo
prlMntri wen tahea ts lodinna forfutanuae.
Clearvield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and athar frelghu Met ever tbe
T,rono A Clearfield Division, Pcnna,lvenl. Rail
road, for tb. WMk .ndlng Jan. 7, 1679, ud
tb. aam. tim. Iut,eu i
Fur tho WMk
8am. tim. !.at,..r
Prariuuily durins ,ear
Same time lut ,aar
Total In 1879
Snme time lait ,ear
... 94,478
ovaaa rBaisBn.
Misocllaneoui freight!
The following rMolutlona were adapted b, the
Woman'! Foralga Mlwlooar, Sooiet, of tbe Fint
Prubjlerl.n Church ef Cadia, Ohio t
Watnaai, God, in Hi. Infinite wisdom end
love, has called unto Himself n aceful and loved
member of our Sooiet,, Mr.. Maav Smilby Babb;
feioMd, That with anfeigned aomw we bow
to the will or Him "who doelh all thingo well,"
aod while Mrrowing, reJolM that for her, death
kad no atlog.
Hfoltrd, That wewllleraroberlihlbe memory
of bcr men, eirluei. ber auttaggiog M.I in tbo
cauie ofaliiioaa aod tbe faithful pirformanee .1
her duly, which nt all timw formed tbe but. of
bar Bottom.
lYtMieed, That Ihe mtmben ef tble SMlety
hereby lender Ibcir ainaen ayapalhiu lo tbe
aorrowing frleuda in their Md afUicliua, and in
token of ear kind remembrenM, we order tknt
tbeM reMlutioB. be recorded i. lb. misulMSf
this Society, that B .op, ho .nt to tb. bereaved
family, .od th.t tbe, b. poblicbcd la Ih. C.dia
papcra ud th. 0L.auri.t.B R.rtTtLteaN.
Miu MinnlB B. DiCKtoa,
Mat. D. B. W.Lcn,
Mu. Ulivbb Clabk,
Foansr, Kauraaa Co Tax.B, )
June 7, 1179, J
Ma. Gat. B. Gmblbbsbb DtarSirt I drop
,oa a few liaca to Ut ,ou know kew tk. WMtker
and .ropa an IB ibis mooob ei ibo eouatry,
wbick may pnte interettieg to some of your
readen who waat lo Bove to Tesas.
Tbe wcatber U ver, dr,. Coltoa aod Mr. ar.
sufieriog very much for tbo want of rain f ia
fact, Ibey are ao! growing a parliole. Tbe grouod
Is m dry that there an sun-cracks from otahtMn
te twenty inoku dMp, and, la some eucs, four
iacbM across k. top. It kes bee. arts wMks
siae. tk. last r.i. fell here, aod still Iber. ire so
prospMis for reia. Tbe oatt crop Is a Mmplele
fallun with aa, you might ia,. Borne lew mowea
tkeir Bets and cured it like ka,, while a Urger
porlioa of the farmera turned their stock into lb.
Held on thea. Bert, wbet is barvMUd and
Buriv all out ia tbe ataeh. It will ael tura eat
mire thea eight ba.hels lo the acre. The kirda
worked tar, kard en itat first. The late wbMt U
some heller, it is IBs preralllo, epioion ID. I It
will average frem tea to twelve buibeli per son.
Moil of Ue former! late wheat
ed. W bet few bav. hot, are cutting M feat ai
the, eao.
Other kniincci II v.r, ll.ek. Cerpantera,
kl.ekemilbo, ud .tb.r mccbuica tn ncarl, nil
idle at nraMUt i but ibey all aspect a lirely lime
thla Pall,.od are pleated with Ibe proipeoto of
gettlfig a good priM lor MtloB. " w
PsnriaLB, Pe, June 9lb, 1879.
Eoitob Rbouimcab : I h.v. nad, with lator-
tl. lh. oommuhication from Lutberiburg, which
upp.arl In your lut itiue, ngned '!Juitiee,"sBd
diicuciing in. lexi-noon queiuou.
Tb. Teal-book CommiltM, in Mcnring lb. re
ductioo wbiah th.y did on Ibe prloec of book!
Bow ia art, art ccrlaluly anlliled lo tbe tbanke
of tba bcopIc of tb. au.nly. Wbiu rcdoettoB In
prioea hu beoB gotag oa for Mvoralyeara, ao on,
appear! to have thouxbt of tr,tng 10 redue. tbe
price! of Mhool bookc, end publliheri, egentl,
and dc.lere, h.t. BM. rc.piog rick harveot.
Now. wbil. "Joctlcc ' la uououbiedl, right IB
thi! part of hi! diaoutlloa, ht li laboring under
n grc.l mlltake when be aaya Ibat tbe Teat-book
CommiltM wu appointed aimply lo l.w.r
priMi on books now In uee. B, refcrenoc to tke
prooMdlngc of tbe Count, Cooronlion of Direc
tors, It will b. Men that Ihe CommiltM bftv. full
power t. reoe located . .k.nge .f Uat-aoe ;
.nd it Is I. h. koped Ik.t Ih. Commiltew, wk.n
ke, Boctngaia, will kaea tkeeoarege te men
end .1 Unit a ehMce IB Reeders, for Ih. Krad-
orc bow la bm .re ecrtsial, as poor s seriee, aad
probabl, the peoretl, to oiiiteot.
Now I. Ih. rold.a lime to sMare chup Mkool
books, keepieg I. view, ef eourse, Ike quectioa of
merit. Let them obteio me .en potcioi. os
ohaage and lelrodnatlea ratca, ud hi.d Ik. puk-
tihin. lor at ion, a ( m paiiiuw.
Th... let tha Board ef Directors i. oMb dlstrisl
ftppeiBI Some poreoa I. B.II Ik. kooks, Allowing
htea . aa.ll Mmmissle.. ud tk. .at.rttoB.le
Mtrag. ia Mkool keek pricM will k. s thing sf
thaput. awwvw.
Tk. aim ken ef tke CIiImbi' Park Asesolattos
will kold tkelr fire! .aaa4 S.aaw aMtiag at
tke CltiM.1' Ptrk, Clearfield, P., J.I, 4, 1179
W. p.blllk th. prograaB. u felUwi ,
riair aioal loauan Btanva.
Tkm Irata tkit da,, to ktgla at 1;8I A. M
Tkt folUwin, nn the timed t
Pant, 176. For korm In ,Mn eld sr under,
(sever Iretted tor llakM). 16 6 A. M. Mils
hc.U, beel two 1. three. Flv. MtrlM ar aura, to
elcM Jane 26, 1879. Fsrt, dolUrt Is first heCM
631 to Id, tod III U 64.
Pans, 1116. Far kortei cwsed la Ibe Mealy
nip, (m.H bsvs bcea la, 4a,l prior
to 4a, sf mm), aiU keen, kul Iwa ia Urea.
Fire ealrles. All tslrUl to b. mad. b, 1:16
A. M. ds, sf ibm. Flft, sellers Is 1st koree, f 16
to Id, 1 16 to Id, ud II to 4th,
Pane, III. Free for all, mile, keel
Ikree la Ire. Meet ks Ivs M mere eutrUe.
EotrlM It el cm k, J... II, 171. Oas kndnd.
dellert to anthem, I -I le Id, ud 126 Is M.
Al I P. M. Ikt OIm Clek will tls, tereral
MUetlMS, ud al li49, Oev. Cartla will .ddr.a
Ike BUtaU,.
Tbs kandt will ks la slltsduM all 4a,.
Daaei.g fna I s'.lMk, to MB li.M all aflMBMa.
A graad dlspU, f tn werkl la Ika svMiag.
Com u4 mU, Ik. 4cy. AAalielsa la all, II
Tkera will ke ea eikikitwa al luet lea Xaa-IMk,-krc4
k creel frem Ik. itoblMef Mr. Iresk-
Arraageeaoall kits keM maeie fa. Ei.araiM
llakrtl to be Mid fna T,reae ts OlewrSeld, sal
far BpMlal TrslM fna Pbillpebar, aad Car
er evil Ic Is ClMiltld. For Uformuu. appl,
to oiiaer sf Ika ElM.ilve OemalttM.
R. BiwToa Bbaw,
F. M. Caa.oe, BOVTBH.
todkf, kzervlv. OimmlllM
' CoLHtisal ITa.neeT!. TT. k.r. prcpanJ
a form, aod L.v. o. a large quanttt,, af
bluk "Collector'! Bale.," wkiek kara be.a ap
proted b, Ih. high Ml legal author!!, in tb.
Courts ef tbia Moaty. At rWcary Otale per
doua w. will u, auabor te Ihe ColUclor
ordering Ikea. A OelUelor, whoa seaMlUd to
UvuliM property, aset pool up act lut rbaa
thro, notleee ia lb. moot public pleMO la hit
boroagh or township. tf.
Oas BniBBBB Pas Cant. Duoourr oa Oaa
Pbicbi Sewing Mublnea can bow b. pure b.Md
at M.rr.11'1 li. ud vuiel, store, from tii up
ward.. All kinds f Mwlng aukinu npnlnd
OB tb. shorlMt aotiok '
CU.rfi.ld, Pe., Jul, 16, 1877.
Bceaias Fob Sclb. R. Nawtoa Shaw a
mil suppi, 01 iroauBi. nuKgieeua riallora
w.t-ons for ii u aeoa .t tbe hw Houm
yard. Call os or addreu kia it ClMrbeld Pea.,
ayivuia. me, 18-lf.
W Ativan. S60,00 14-fMtihaved koopi,dcliv-
crea si ma ratiroao,i. nr iomi oi .,uuo, .t .u
noinu on the Trrono A CUarfield. P. A B . B.ld
kagl. V.lle,, and Panoi,lvanl. Railroads, for
wuton l will p., tn. Bignait market prtu.
J. P. Knaaaa,
Ootlfi, 1878-lf. Clo.rfi.ld, P..
Wautan. Delivered al Ihe Rail Road.
100,6110 26 Inch .bared shlnglu.
1 110,000 Il-lnob sawed shingles
100,000 feet of pine knarda.
6011,0110 H feet cbaved koopt.
6.000 railroad tics.
60,000 fMl of good kemlock kouds.'
For wklok I will pa, th. higbeit a.rkct priM,
d.llvand at Clurfleld, or at an, point OB tbe
Tjrooe A ClearBcid Railroad.
J. F. Kuaaa.
Clearfield, Pa, Oct. It, 1878 tf.
eJuat Bcccivcd
Just Roonlved by ABNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Kcotia Plaster 1
Car Load pure Corn, live and Oats
Car Load Deaken Salt I
Car Load of Cboico Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocories,te.l
tcarShinales, Burk. B. B. Ties and
Grain will be takon in exchange.
Curwensville, May 1, 1878.
Nervous Debility.
Vital WeakiiesB sr Depresaloa t a wuk
sxbaultcd fMliog, BO .ocrgy or courage; tbe re
call of Mental arar-wurk, IndlacrDtlonB sr
aiccaMa, or come drain upon Ibe ejatcm le al
waya eurrd by Humphrey'. Ilomosp.thl. Specific
No. 18. It tonu up and InvigoratM tb. cyit.m,
diipclc th. gloom .od iHrij, iuit.
itranglh and energy, th. dr.ia aad re
Juvaaateo the entire man. liMn ascd iwcnly
yean with pcrfeot eoeoecc b, Ihouiands. 8ld b,
doaiara. Pric $1 par ciogle vial, or $6 per
packeg. of five vials and $2 rial of powder. But
by mail on reMipt of prion.
Addreea Humphreys Blomspathlc
Medicine Company, 1U9 FtltoB Ht., N. Y.
C. 0. WatMB, Agent, CUrleid, Pa.
Mpt. 18, 1976-1,.
For Lam. Back, Side or Chest BM SIIILOB'S
POROUS PLAKltK. Price 26 eu. Bold b,
Uartiwiok A Irwia and C. D. WaUon, OUerlleld,
Vo Dtcrption I'ttd.
It it ttrsngt to muy people will tontlnac B
culler day after day witk Diapeptia. Liv.r Com
plaint, CoBClipctioB, Sour Stomaok, Genera De
bility when the, can procure at our lion SUN
I.UIi'8 V1TAL1ZKK, frM of cost If it doM not
oon or relieve them. PriM fo eU. Bold by
iltrtswlok A Irwin ud C. D, Watson, Cle.rl.ld.
f With Everybody lo Know.
Rev. Georrc H. Tk.vcr. .a .Id .HIscb of this
vtoioity knowa to every one u a most Influentinl
oltisen, and Christian Mini.Ur of tb. M. B.
Church Just this momenl cteppea in our tiore w
s.,. "I wt.b .very body lo know tbet 1 constoor
that both m,MI! HI wile owo our iivm to,aauou o
Consumption Cur.." It is h.ving . tnmendone
sale over our count tn and la giring perfiet Mtic-
fution in all oomo of Lung Uimbmc, auch u noth
ing olio bu done. Bourbon, Ind. May lo, '78.
Dra. Melcbrtt A Fiance Sold by liuUwlek A
Irwin and C. D. W.Uon, CUarfield, Pa.
l'ourtelf Thru Qutiliont.
An von a despondsnl sufferer frem Sick Hoed
ache, Habitual Coetiveuol!, Palpitation of tbe
Heart t Have poo DiaaineM of Ike Head f lo
your JJorvooo 9yilcm deprMMd 7 Den your
lllood circulats badly 7 Have you a Cough 7
Low SplriU 7 Coming Bp of tho food after ect
iogf Ac, Ac. All of IboM and much mora nn
In. direct result! of P,spp.le, Liver Complaint
and IndigMtiun. Graen'a Auguat Flower il bow
acknowledged by all Druggim lo be a poiilive
euro. 2,400,000 kottlM were gives awa, la the
U. 8. through DruggiaU ta Ihe people u a trial.
Two doMi will lati.l, u, perMB ef tie woodor
ful qualil, la eurlng all forma ef IndigeilioB.
BampU bottlea 10 an. Kegalar alia 76 eta. Sold
pontively b, all flret-cluc Drurgiau ia Ihe
tailed Stalea. Jul, I7-'78-mw-I,.
The Itealh-rale of
Our ooBBlr, U getting to ht fMrfull, alarming,
tht average ef life being leaientd ever, ,Mr,
without soy reaMonble mum, death raaulting, from th. aoct Incignificut origin. At
IbU niiol of tbo year eipMi.ll,, a tuld li neb
a common that in tb. burr, of .ver, 4., lif. w.
are .pt lo overlook the dangerl tltondiog il ud
too otun find too Ut., the a Fever er Lung
Irobble hu already Mt la. Thouundc Iom their
lirec tbia wa, over, wiaur, whll. had BoMhee'e
tiertoaa B,rup been taken, a euro would kav. re
alied, .nd . Urge bill from a doctor .voided.
For .11 dli.UM of the throat aod luge, BoMhM'a
Germ u S,rup ku proven llielf to ta th. gre.t
eit dl Mover, of it. kind la medicta.. Eery
druggist iB Ibis Munlry will toll yoa of IU wob
derlul effect. Over 930,000 hollies Mid lut you
without n single f.ilun kno wa.
JulylT, fi-wow-ly.
I. Greenwood towotblp, M Frld.y morning,
.14:26, Ma, Id, 1879, of diphtheria, Lafayette,
isn sr G. M. and Catb.rins 1'uimore, aged T
,Mra, 9 mootha and 19 da,i.
In QrMnwood lownabip, on Fridn, .vealag,
at 11:66, May 2d, 1619, of diphtheria, Bdward
M., hb of U. M. ud I'atbuine Paecmen, aged
12 ycaro, 1 muatb ud 9 dc,e.
Ia Gulioh to.aikip, eo Suode,, June Ilk,
1179, William McUuiluugb, aged snout 90 jeart.
In Clearfleld, Pa., nn H'ednecda, noan, June
I lib, 1179, alter a lingering illoen, tin. Bliaa
belb Qrabam, wile sr Jatou B. Grskaa, aged
aoout 67 ,Mrs
Io Clurfleld Soreugb, en Tkunda, boob, Jans, 1879, el Inflcwallon wl Ibenowelc, Katie,
daogntor ul Fred, ud Bmm., .,. J 11
moalnl. 4J
In Coringtoa towoihip, on Moodty June 16th,
1879, Jubn Keller, tgd 9 yean, 6 month! aud
II dayi.
Ia IwrenM townibip, on Wsdncidiy, Jua.
41k, 1879, Jobs Uuller, aged about 68 yun.
Th. decc.Mdwu a aativa.f Iralud,.od wu
.a unuiuBln,, ciliua. Pcsm te to his
Dwrest huibud, Ihoa host Uft as.
And tb, Usi w. dMpI, ImI
But 'til God tbu bereft as,
He ea. all our sorrows hwl. '
CLBABriBLO, P Juno IT, 187.
Floor, p-r owt.
Hookwbfral Ftanr, porowi.
Corn Meal, par twt. .........
Chop, ryo. porowt
Chup, miiod, par twt ,
1 40
I ih
I 00
1 00
I no
41 lo 1M
Hraa, pmt owi
Wheat, per buibal ,,v.
Kjo, per butheU. .s
Oata, per buahel ,.v.i.
Cora, oara, par bnabel..r
B nek -boat, par boiboU....
Potatoea, per buabo)....6....
Applet, par bntBel
Ilamt, pr pound ..
Shonldor, par pound
Dried Beaf, par pound
Cblokena, par pair..
Butter, par pound i.
Buna. Pf deaoa
Bait, per iaek, large.
Coal Oil, per gallon ..
I-,rd, par pound
Dried Applta, per pound..
Dried Peaohoa, par pound,
Deaoa, par huabal....ta.s
3 v
Pan.ABBt.ratA, Jobs 16.-Flosr ud
The wheat lour ia eoUl with prUet 3ral,
tain4. Th. MlM footed 600 borrcll lnelediog
MinurMtn eatrn femily aedl.a ud fa..y, .1
64 0(4.II; Peanoyleenln do. do, .1 i(u)o,li
wealoro do. 4.. at6i 6()6, aad p.leal aaa el ber
bich gradea al Icujf.lti. Ky. fioar ia Cjalct .1
II 111 Corm I is aemlaal.
UrftlB Wheau It laeotiv. bbi ateaay. i cree wm Mid, via t PeaMylvuia
aad e.olb.ra red al 11.141 1 do. do. amWr at
l.l(oil.l7 so4 No. I red. .letetor, al ,1.16.
Al tho .pea hoerd, 6H Mil II. Hi wu bid ad
161 ashed far J... I 6.101 eweb.el.Jel, Mid U
6I.UI dMliae el t. Rye U stead, at 69(d)
64 e. Gore Is rather Iraer, BBl lb. mark. I ic
q.Ui. BalM sf 6,606 ksckels, B..te4
aaa rejMt .1 aetwe-ei mmmf
Molk.ra ,.llow Bl 64(0)414, sad Mil, el.t.tor,
at 41. At tk. ope. bo.rd, tnt call, 4ac wu
aid far J.aai 3le lor J.lf. 44ie for Augsct, nad
441c for September. 0.1! are Miter. SaUa ef
1,006, Lcludisg ailed Bt l(d)ilc,od
wkil. .141(446..
Pemleaa ku he mere active during Ik.
naawa . lUle wu MM SI I.e. UrUe re
man, firm a 7. la, whil. rtlaed la
NBMSil 19.
laa,-OloeM II e4 tf a MB. TlBotb,
relec firm elll.til" iwr kssksl. FI.SM.di.
Mare. Md Slllel.
Wbiiiey a ct.aJ,i II tamb wmImb Iroa
bo.od mUib at ll.oa.
CuiOA.e. J.M 16 Fleer cuadraed Ira.
Wkwd.llaa4.ika4.Uw.ri Me. I Cbleege
eprlBg, ll.64(I.B few ek M(g,99l. IWr
d.l, t tl. rer s.tww
Urt fslrl, selive sad s ekede higher 1 Ifija
Me ( sut II((li. fu J.I,, oiCj)lefe
1m l...e.
OeU d.ll, weak, kne, cad Uses al lit rVr
M.k t 86. Ur Jat, I Jt lu Aagua
K,. CMM, MS se.ages.
BuU, travel fie-lte.
Public Salo
Valuable Real Estate I
Tbo anderalgned will offer at Pub) la Sale, at
tbo Court Houm, im tha borough of Cloaraeld, oa
at t o'eloek P. M tha following detcribod raiu
abla property, via t
No. 1. Tbo undivided half of tho atoro aod
dwelling bouaa on Baoond ttroet, in tho borough
Of Clearfleld, known aa tha Metteorga atoro bouaa.
No. I. 11 onto nod lot In Uouisvilla, being tha
tamo pn party built aal oooupied by Peter
Metfeorgo aa a lie re bouaa.'
no 3. a tmau irta in jLawranoa townihip,
oontalnlng la aerea, adjoiniog lamia of Lever
r legal and otnora, mostly elearod, wit a
New Frame House
T hereon arte ted, formerly owned aod oooupied
oy reter acueorgo.
Tbomi or Balu. Odi-third ouh at lie tlm a
of aalo, and tha balanoa ia two equal annual
payneota, with intorott, to bo aeoured on ibo
property. ( U. K. A W. BAH II KIT.
' For ereditora of P. McUeorge,
Clearfleld, Pa., Jnaa 18, 1879 4u
FitANK WH1TK, Diatrtet Treaiuror
Kartbaua to v. Bib ip, In aooount wilb tha tamo fur
ficbuol, Poor anil lload fuada lor 17:
To balance at laat Mttloment $ 4f0 84
To am't from Co. Troaaoror n 9bi 4k
To am't from D. Matoa, Col. 'To-7 6...... ltfi 4fi
To a par eout. oa, overpaid..... a 07
To auioaot for olootion hooeo n 1 00
To amount tnm Geo. Utwkendom 1.1
Io amount of DopliMtt lW-.......... 470 OA
Total II.80O flt
By am't paid for teb I o .,... $ 641 0
By am't for fuel, rf palre, Ao 110 bm
lly 2i per ooot. on $7bS.&, paid out... II W
By I par oent. on tlol 40, rol. aa dup 4 78
By I par oent. abatement, eltliona' taa.. 1 48
By oxonorntioni oa dap. 'T7-........ 21 17
By am t uncoiioota4 on dup. '77-5 - las zv
By balanea due townabip Mt 18
...$1,100 fll
no a a runa -Daaroa.
To balanoe nt last aet I lament 9 121 4V
To am't from Co. Treaiuror l.Otfl 41
To aeh paid on Ranob'tdupliato...a.M 4ft
.,..1.115 Si
By amount ordort paid $ 881 14
Hj 2t per oent. on fc.Sf.iM. oatd oat.... 9 60
By balanoe duo townibip 8.3 24
TENNYSON 1IKRTLEIN, ftuperrlior, ia aeooant
wiia tna lownaoip iur laa:
To amount of Road duplloato W,$.UT' 11
To amouotordera paid nit aorrioaa ...... M lua ?5
To amonut etritfloato overwork 78 87
,9401 H
By amouat of tni worked oa dup.....
By amount oartilieate overwork paid....
By exouoratt n on duplieato
By 64 day a' service aa Bupervlior, $2.
By balanoa duo towaihip......
..$111 74
. 13 87
.. 108 00
I 14
. t40l IS
JAMKS RAUCII, Boporrlior, la
t with
tha towoabip for 1S78:
To amount of Road dup) leaf e
To amount ordera paid bia terrioee, Aa.
To amount oortifleata ovarwark
..$176 14
.. 128 18
- 44 bl
..9348 82
By amount tai on dupUente 9161 1
By amount certificate .overwork paid 44 68
By amount tax paid on duplieato mM 7 28
By amouot exoneration on duplicate 1 AV
By amouot for plank, team work (aelf)... 27 64
By 871 Uya aa tiupervitor, at 114 60
...... 9346 88
rooa roaua naBToa.
To amount from Co. Troaanror m.$397 01
To amount from U. Vothera, Collector..,- 16 19
.... 9.113 26
By am't doe Troaa. from laat MttlemanL.9 $ $8
By amount ordera paid 229 77
By Ji p-r oent. on 6216.62, paid oat 6 81
By balanea duo townthipM..... Tl 68
am 20
DANIBL MAURKR, Ovartaor of tha Poor, la
acQount with tha townibip for 1878.
To amount from Diitrict Treaiuror....,
To amount order for hi aerviooa
Br aid givea poor ,
By nount aorvloaa aa Ovortoor..
.... 9180 12
..$180 12
Wo, tbo uodenitvnod Audltora. haro exam load
tho above aeoouota and 6od tbom aorraet to tha
beat of our k do ledge and belief. Wit Deal our
banda tbia day of June, A- D. 1879. V r. CO UT II FIT,
Join Qiluland, JOS. Q1LL1LAND,
Clark. Audit ora,
Kartbnua, Pa., Juna IS, 1S79-2L
JACOB ARNOLD, Diatriet Tmau rer of
Kuox townabip, In account with aaid townibip
for Koad, (School and Poor for tha your aadiog
June 2d, 1879.
bchooi. ptrana dbbtob.
To eab ree'd Iron Co. Traaaurtr.. 9 292 83
To State appMpnaliun H .HH I9 13
To duplicate of 1878 HH...... 708 2f
To balanoa from laat year 901 60
Total 9M06 18
By exoneration! for 1872-4 9 12 60
Uy error oa daplioato ol 1876 18 71
By error oo duplicate of lb76 M 14 42
lly Trotiurer'a percentage 66 82
By ordrra redeeucd.. 1,0118 61
Uy amount oo 1 1 acted on 1676 dup, US 17
By whule amount to collect on duplioato
from 1874 to 1878 - 706 24
97,106 18
To am't Sapervlaor P. Sloppy'i dup..
To ordera on Trraauror ...
By work dona by tha inhabitant!
..4636 76
... 146 06
.......$601 26
...... 18 It
m U 27
M 116 00
, - 6 00
...... 85 06 6i
Hy exoneration a ,
By ei listen ' tax not worked out ,
By Buperviiort' work on roadi
By plank
By par eenlage H
rooa rraa bbbtob.
To amount of H. B. Bbugorli dap........ -93'? 78
To ardor oa Troaaurar M 207 10
ToUl 9604 88
By work dona by tha lahabitaoti..
By el li tana' wort a
By percentage M -
By eno day tattling .
Jaeeb Arnold, la aee'l wltk Keel lewa-
Ikip Koad lead, debtor .1706 00
B, orders reJMed .'. -$A8I 69
B, M.k ia Tr rer a kaods....
ToUl ; -
WILLIAM COX. Overeeer, la aetnal wilk
Kb.b tewBikip pr reads.
I. .rd.r .........
m ................ I II 60
B, MrriMI
tl 90
onKKINWOOD BELL, OeertMr, la a
MB at wilk Kaos Uwaskip Pr roads
Te order for ..... I II 16
Te order for ... I 61
T.t el ..................... - 17 66
By MTTlMt m
By NMipt ts Bis,. Latber.H..H
B, eae 4a, Mill log HH
JACOB ARNOLD, Is MMaal with mi
lawB.kip Pr fu4a.
Te 4upllMU .... IIOI (t
To 4.Dll l. f 1178 I9 98
Ts af 1679 . 16 44
T.I.....m. ....m...-..- I96 10
By srdert ie4Mae4
B, M 4., Mtlll.g......
Tm.I JI 6
Ik. aa4Melmd AadiMrs. b.r lea .a
emioe, ike aosaU tt Jacob Ar14. Tru rsr
Kssi towaeblp, 1.4 Ik i m abet. Mu4.
WMaMt ewe kuas, tbl! 14 4., sf, 1171.
U. W.Swrrv, AB M WALBB61, .
Clerk. "'T WITMBROW,
Xew Millpari, Jaaa It, tt-H. AaAUsn.
..Ht 17
116 76
II 14
..... 1 l
M! 81
II 60
I 18
1 I 69
J TV 46
Srw flufrtisfrnfutu.
Prices of Shingles,
CsrWHirllls, Ju. , 11-U.
grVRGAE) FOR SAI.C Persons detlrao. of
wilt find il te their advantage to Mil st th. Fint
naiion.i nana, woer. important tarermnttofl su
be ebuinsd fna tks aodotaigned.
April 10, I67l-la CI.orl.ld, Pa.
TTOl'SE FOR BfeNT,-A twa-atory briok
1 1 booeo ea Pino ttreot, oaat of tbo Proaby
unnn Chnreh. Threo rooifaa oft asi iht dowa
laira. A good atonic, loo honae, and garden at'
t ached. For further particular, aoplr to
J.B. UK All AM,
April SO, 1871 if. Clearfield, Fa.
A UDITOH'S NOTICISa In tho Or p bam
C Court of Cloarflald oountw, Pn. tu tba
matter of tbo ea'ato of Win. L. Moore, dee'd.
Tho uodvraigned Auditor, appointed by tbe
Court to tako teatimony and diapoaa of tho ex
ception to tbo aooount tf Jamea T. Leonard,
Uuardiao or Kate Moora, givoa notion tbat he will
attend to tbo dutiea of bia appointment on tiatur
day, Julv 19, 1879, bott-en tbe houra of 9 o'clock
A. M., and A o'olook P. M , whan nod wboro all
partita io tart tad may attend.
W. 61. McCITb' OUOII,
ClearfleU, Pa-, Jua 18, '79-4t Auditor.
, ' GLBN HOPE, PKMN'A. i )
TUB underalgnad, having Ice tod thi aom
modioua lintel, la tha Tillage ( 9 lea Hope,
ie aow prepared ta accommodate nil who may
oall. My table and bar aball bo mpplitd with
me Mil uo marae- anoraa.
Oltn Hope, Pa., March 26, 1879-tf.
A BankthatNcvcr Breaks.
Try My Coal.
Tba under tigoed adopta thli method of Inform
ing tbo nomaroua oonaumara, that bit eooi bank
il aot a Winter arrangement only, but that it
will bo operated In tbo Bummor aa wall aa Win
ter. I claim that I have tho
Best Coal in the Market,
and wilt tali It for oath, or ia exchange for floor,
food, groooriea, etc. Large eon t ractt will be
made at a vorv email uruCt. For full sarticsJart
oall on mo ia partoo. roiiding in one of Qraham'a
upper boutot, or add rate mo through tbo poit
olliee. Onion loft at tho poatotB(o will receive
primpt attention. T1I'H. A. DUCKBfT. j
CWarfleld, Pa., Jan. 6, 1679-tf.
Tk. BBdmigned kereby girea ButiM to th. clt
ilena ur ri.,rg,d 00uoty. that be baa at bia
GHEEN HOUbk, in CH-.rj.ld. a Una ouantltr
of all kinds sf
which ho will toll at reasonable prtoea. lie haa
early nod lata Cabbage I'lanla, Tomato ei, Celery,
Cauliflower, Egg Plant a, Pepper Planta, Ao.
94 .00 per 1 ,000 or fl fly oentt par hundred.
VASES, .re., mck mt
AiioHod Beliatropel, Binglt A Double Petonlai,
cranio mi, 6aget Puchaia. Panaici, Agora
tum, Coleua, Dahliaa, Verlenai, Cipboa,
Cannaa, Contauren and Cineraria,
Brgoniaa, Brovalia, M ignonatta,
Pinka, Phlox, Ac., Ac.
I will send on. dosen, itrong ud vlgoroui. well
branched flower plentc of soy ooleetion. Where
Ihe MIMtioa is leu to Be, I will sucrentM satis
faction. EKNUsT BOCK.
Clearfleld, Pa., Ma, 18, 1879.
Lumber City
Normal Academy.
Tbo ninth oettloo f the Timber City Normal
A-demy will open April 28th, 1B7B, and ooa
tinoo aixtaeo waaka, with a vacation.
0. 0. Xmigh Prtnalpal.
Mi at Maggie Mitchell ..............Aiiiatani.
Mr. Emich, having tanght hero during tho paat
year, la already knowa. MlM Mitchell ia a grad
uate of tba but Normal School, at Indiana, Pa.,
and a lady of Anoaceompliabmonta.
All branohoa taught from tha alphabet to tbo
(Oao fourth to bo paid on ooterlog acbool.)
Primary eonraa H--J8 06
Iaterxnediate oourae nMM 6 00
Engliah oouraa f 00
Kngliaa oourto, with Algebra,...,,. 8 00
Higher brancbea ..., 9 00
Thii agbool haa produced aonie of Ibo boat
laaobore in tho county. It haa tha boat ayitom of
grade powible. It ia conducted by oapariaaood
tone here.
Luaabor City afford a excellent cboreheat alenty
of good boarding at 92.00 per week beautiful
acenary opportunitiea forhoaltbful amoaementa,
and a lire ainging aohool, oonduoted by Prof.
iiioom. roriuu iniormatioa call on or aadroaa
tbo Principal, or P. O. BKLL, ProaidenU
, V. Id. rivKUt'SUfl, BOO.
Lumber City, Pa., Mar. 12, 1879-tf. : J
Valuable Real Estate I
Tbo an detained. Ilvina la Peon two., Cloar-
field county, Pa., offer tho following valuable
Heal JEitatafor aaloi
446 Acres of Land,
mora or loot. In Bvcoaria townabip, lying on tha
north tide of big Clearfleld crock, and within eno
mile of tha tame. Tbe above land la heavily
oovorod with hemlock, white oak, rook oat, and
other bard wood limber, and a quantity af white
pino, aaid to bo half a million or more feat
Tbo aamo la heavily underlaid with bitumiaoua
tool, and dtrvctly on the line of railroad (trading
from lloattdalatoCoalport. Ita value li unknown.
Tbero ara, alao, other valuable mineral! on tha
Tha above land liat about two and a-half milea
below tba village of Uleo Jlopa, adjoining landa
or Hoorgo Uroom and otnora, on what ta known
na Portor'a run. Tbo Imnrovomento on tba prop
arty are a good geared aaw mill, ia running order,
a high dam, atone brraat, made in the beat man
ner, Bt for aimoat any machinery, mere la, alto,
a large frame dwelling bouaoand frame bank bara
thereon, and about forty or fifty aorei. mora or
lata, of tba land la cleared. Any partes
wiahtng to tavoat m property or thio kind will do
well to examine thii property. I will toll tba
whole or tbo undivided half inttaeat, aa may in it
tha purchaaer. Tha above tract of land will make
two or tnroo larma, wntcn win compare tavoraniy
with tho greater part of our oounty. Price and
tarma made known to any peraoo wiahina to pur.
ohaao. Per further particular! call in peraoo or
addreaa tha nndcrtlgaad at Grampian llilla P.O.,
Clearfleld oounty, fa. BAM L n IHaAIlHB,
aa. f, 1HT6-U.
m m m STORE.
Clearfleld, Pa.,
CarpctM, Oil Clot In,
Wkiek win k. Ml. Bl wk.kMM M null.
AT MARKKT r Bit Bat,
CUarS.14. r- Raai. M. Iknavtt
The Largest and Cheapest House in
Having lately ncccpted the General Agency for Central Penn
sylvania (iu addition to our old territory), with headquarters and
large store room at 1404 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Penn'a., in
charge of Mr. George W. Good, and being desirous of extending
our already immense sales of the most celebrated Pianos and Or
gans, we linvu appointed 'apt. P. A. CJaulln, of Wear
field, our Agent, who will have on hand our
Inslrumenls in the P. 0. Building1,
C 3T J3 All JT3C 33X,13, TEA.,
where wo invito all who are desirous of purchasing a first-clas
PIANO or ORGAN are requested to call.
We sell no goods that we cannot fully warrant, and being
the largest dealers in the State, our prices are the lowest. Our
house was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con
tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for illustrated catalogue! and
price lists.
1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALTOONA, PA.
79 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn'a.
May 21, 3m.
Look to your Intorosto
Having just roturned from tbo Eaat, wbert wa bar boon making ocf
Spring purebasofi, we take this opportunity of thanking car cuttomtra for
their liberal patronago in the paat, aod beg to aaiore them we will do all wo
can to mako it their intercut to continue the lime.
Our store Ie literally crammed with goode juat from tbe manafaolarera, by
all oddfi tbe largoet and beat selected atock ever broogbt to tbis count 9 at
any one time by one firm. Over fifty different patterns aod verietiee of
ranging in price from 20 cents to II per yard. Wo will sell Carpets as
cheap aa the aame quality can be bought in Philadelphia or New fork.
Ladies' Dross Goods,
Trimmings, Laces and Fringes,
in the latest stylos. Sheetings, Shirtings and Caaaimeree, together wltk
BOYS' WEAR in all grados of goods. Our LADIES' AND CHILDRHJC8'
STOCKINGS are jmt tbe prettieat aod beat yoa ever saw. A till lioo of
always on hand, 'trimmed op by Hits Maltie Hohn, of Philadelphia, who
will give ladies withing Hats trimmed to order, ber best endeavors to
pleane. Call And see os before baying elsewhere.
Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street,
tT-Send for niacin Ud Cireolar kul Frleea. Liberal Tarma te tha TrU.-Bi
Don't buy until you have teen tha lightest running machina in
the World, the Ever Raliabla "VICTOR."
MIDDLXTOWM, COMX tad Hot. IBB aad e Wakwak traiaa. CBIVAteu, UX
Wo civs a hearty and cordial lavitetioa lo oomo aad exaaaiaeoar low
Spring stock ol
Cents' & Boys' Clotlusag.
We have eeleoted for tbe Spring
carefully made and stylish goods it is passible to, aod fcro
markrd every garment at the Inweat voaeible prieta.
W, know that oor goode are of tbe highest ekar
acter, and we believe inapeetiea aid eeanpariteo will prove
that tha nrieee ara nech lower thaa they have keea hereteforo.
Take particular notice, ear Spring stotk Is all aew, Fleaso give as a oalL.
Western Hotel Corner,
April 9, 1679.
5,000 Rail Road Ties
Csrw.asv1IVe, f. Je. I, TS-tt
Wallasetso, Pa.
OMI. ka. prepared klmaclf wilk tB Ik.
.MMe.r, kissk brat aader tk. reacted M4
Beat, saws, M wall as klaak tee., etc. ail
lcci meltcrc entTMled Is kit Mrs will vwasivt
,rva,l atlMtisa. Ms, Ilk, 1679-lf.
New Marble Yard.
Pott tt Ctmtrtery Lot.
k aaw iiiiBLI YARD CU al I. til
,tiMC. DicMlIf e,MelM Ika Lalwesea Ckscek,
(kiswetlMt. OcMrSsM, Fa, atacsk II, 1679-tf
SiMPunrnr i quperioritt n i
impufied; O maintaineU;
Inproremsntt Septenbar, 1878'
Its saga. fbr t ttM Wataal
Important lmprovementf.
KotwithataBdint the VICTOR haa loa beta
th. peer sf any machine in tha market. fMl
supporUd by a boat ef volontMrwitasastt wa
aow eonfiilewtly alaua for II fraaua
aimplleitr, a woailtrfttl rwdottiom ef
africlioa, aad altogether a Jfara Ckaa.
Umatle tt DaaaraUa OuaHliM. la aala
bv Utnhaate and othwa.
season a wikgaiBteat steak of III MM-
Clearfleld, Pa.
caaonio piiiasi
eCBWinrviLLi, rina'a.
raHwakaf ailMtlcai aivwa, la twak HsAv sm4
,nwtiM, 6. Ike treat a Ml ml ak..., teeag
aUBdi.t, M Okrweb. stiasassa Paaacas la .ted
ef kt. MrviMS. .e,iticJrj lata wks ktic SssssssS
wllkwal ksssSI, m4 Mek M ksew awskw M as
wksi sik tawa, mn ea oaa ar alee aaa a mil
Is svwr, mm Ik. , i Hint ce kaatw aa, aary sja
m rMcrvtet a sm4i4 MfcsUa ee it wks, eew (a
saMtBBllakaA ka aVs MisMewl. Ba trul atai
saalertaks a cats bbbmb, BJ BM st aarU
eawe, Ikal ka eaa aaea ee aeeaarv ksasfit Iksaa.
rartsat ef tie ana, ham, aknat Be ee ea
ata eWealaa MituBik) a ai
4.71 k. a7 ke akwl vtceen, , ill aati el a al
tasms, Bmm atlajvtisB M skis wiB sec I Ml 4W-.
aftllstaaask M$ M, la, 6
wtvw awvasut.
Iks IdaatlV al Ika Iklsne ku ,M k.
laraksM) la ibla jaatbsi.