THE MANSION HOUSE. , GornaroiBoooaouaalartaiStmla, CLEARFIELD. PA. THIS (Id ul sommodlo. Hotel ka., darini lk pMl, kaai nlar(.d t doobl. lu v..r iifHur tor Of .tTU- HaHH, JB wSOlt BsildtBf bu I raforal.bad, aad tb proprietor will .pan F. . "-I"".',' " "" oIrtM U1. ttayiof witb kin. r-Tho 'Maa.ioa Bout" Omalbai ran. lo " Dopol oi iko mini ud dopanan ---- w. u. iAniiun, "-ii-M Proprli LLEGHENY HOTEL. Market atreet. Clearfield, P., wm. d. Bradlay, formortv nronriator Looaard Rohm. k.l i f .,, i lln.-l .u;,! "7 -"".7 " . i pudiio pairoDaga, I D UoBNhu mw thorouRhly rapairad ud aawl i. 8. Brad la, formorl ltPonritAv tt tha kud ,tb. publio patro frnlb.d, aod f aula will tod ll a plaaaul Mop Th. flog plo. It,, ubl. .ill bo oppllod witb lot Mot of orarytbiaf la iko marbaL At tbo bar win oo ruBoa tbo bolt wlnoa aod liqoon. Qood taoiiof altaohad. WM. S. BRADLEY, Mayl'i 'I. Proprietor. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market a Front ttnata,) . . CLEARPIILD. PI Tho ea J.r.lgoed kaalnf ukaa akarfa of Ikli -- , . " --a --. wumtgw wi tnia Hotel, wonld re.pntfBllyolloitpnblie patrooage. n.iiiniua .Haw. rpEHPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WA8HINUT0N, PA. H. D. BOSS, . . Paoraiiroa lioali, lio. Man aad bono oror alf ht, II M klaa and two borioi oror niaht. Sl.&n. !if f "medatloDf for aiaa and boait TITASHINGTON TTnnsn IB WDUr KianmAHH .. . Thli aaw aad wall rorai.hed boo., baa boon Ukea by tba andar.lo.d. He fail, oonldoal ol bolof abla to raader aallifaotloa lo tboio wbo may May , 1(171. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala fitroot. PITTT-tDIIUITUii nnvTHii Table alwayi .applied with tbo boil tba markat ,. uv U-BT0I1OB DBDI10 II IBTltad In a. I. ra Jao.l.Ta. ROBKKT LOYD. Santa. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD. PA. 00M In Maaonio Bulldlog, oao door aortk of I 1 fl. n W . t.nn 1 1 ... uu Puna. Tlokata to and from Liverpool, Qoaoaa- wuuuuo, rana ana uopanoatan. AlK, Draft! for lain on tba Royal Bank of Inland uiiaria nana oi Ljonoon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Praa't W. M. SHAW, Caahlar. Janltt ' DREXEL & cbT" Wo, 34 South Third Street, Philadelphia BACKERS, And Dealers In Government Semriiioo Applloatloa by nail will roeolro prompt atlon tlon, and all laformatloa oboarfolly furnithod "Qwa. . t April n-tf. f. 1BM0LD. B7. aaROLD. . B. ARNOLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO.. Bankera and Broker, KcyaoidaTUIe, Jrfleraon Co., Pa, Unnay roealrad on dopoilt. DlioonnU at mo- u.raui raua. taiiorn and roraiga Eiobania al waya on band and oollretlona promptly mada. Kaynoldirllla, Dao. IS, 187d.-ly J L. R .HEICimOLD, URGEON IIESTIIT, Sraduata of tba Pennrylranla. Colleira of Dantal Sarjary. OOooiaroaidanooofDr. Hllli.oppofito tba Bhaw Hooaa. mohU, li-O. DR. E. M. THOMPSON,- (Offlo. la Baok Batldlof,) Carwonarllle, CUarBoid Cu, Pa. nob JI T ' - IHisffllanrous. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP. OtwI.M9,M hot mr ifiiiwi IMMNDK . .--... w.aa. bb bbi ini nii"i pnn COI UH, rOLUN, ( Hlll r, ktid all THIIIt at -V ...x n.l ii lara-ii in uav nir t(j a cntut-y. Jkr. ton ixomnittKl It. J, R. Tikhai, l.nag P.O., Ill J": "It -i Iwocritlilfni (run thti irraM." A. 1. Simmcim. of fialtunorfl, Md., Alu : rU will rut. Ua.l rr.urK lm-t:,,,!..'. Tk U utUvrl Prlo, SS wnrt, M oenU. knd 0t.M per LoUln. M. K. UJLXOCRJp A prft, ritlAtmrtk, Fr J b B. W. Onban, C It r lie Id, Pa. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale it Retail Dealer in GrocerioS, THK LARQEHTaod BEST KEI.ECTEU DTOCK in ini lUUAI I, ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. OorweMvllla, Jan. , 1.lf. WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED SHI.YGLES, ln8,' a?ln,bu'' Orooary Stora, F.oond itro.t, Claartl.ld, Pa. jQ. W .,, ' COFFEE. TEA, su6ar. SYRUP, MEATS, PIRIl SALT, OlLh, QUEENSWARE, Tl'BO anj UUUKBTM, DRIED FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, PEBD. County Agent for LORILLRD'S TOBACCOS, ThM aTfarvIa hnuvtil fm f I all I. I . I... " - J -" vnuw ,m laarV IUIJ JAMK8 H. LYTLE, bivsrutiia, ri, wool 12, 1 WJETPASTB.A LWr niaev re vk. fnrrka-r ft. .r, b..-r-luii..., n umt. . Mvry Writ -R mm . 4a li. r.k-a M11 Pahaa,. a-C POLISH Ww. Hunt-V BEHRTS. IIECLEB, Solt Muiufaclurer. j m Mm, niVtMatakk, REMOVAL ! James L. Leavy. llavln t.n.,..l .1. . ' jr mat ain uu UlUTtKI ... a au. .uui i .1.17 oecnniea by Kxk1 4 Hairertj, wuerfj n ii prepared lo oner th publio CM J.M.STEWART, SURGEON DENTI8T, CLEARPTBLD, pa (Ofloo la roaldaaoa. Soaoad atrari.l Nitron. Oildo Oaa admlalMtrod for th. pain- Cloarttld, Pa., May I, lirMy. ?iUisffUaatous, OHneHaKlvn r w i. O mn., and mankind In (anaral, that I ban rcmorod my ahoomakioK bop to tbo room In omia i row, oror o. 1. Dnyd.r'. J.wolry atoro, and tbal I am piaparod U do all bind, of work ... ' in ouoapar maa any otnor .Bop la town. All work w.rr.n lrl . mnnA - ... k. .1 haro olio. tbla I. tba eb.apnt .bop UWt, , IO0'U. Wagons for salE. Tba nndanlfBNl ka. .. band, at hto akop In ITlaiatrltaaM Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Sprlay Wagons, ud Buff ries, Por Bala. Waatarn bimh a.ll ,v.u ..j. kara, Aoy of wklok will bo .old obaap for aaab -pp,w.M vi,ritj. ror rartaar lalormatloB! all ia paraon al my akop, or addr... ma by laltar. iiivanaaauiLi naarleld, Pa, April II, 187-U. The Bell's Ran Woolen Factory Paaa Uwa.hlp, ClaarSald Oo, Pa. BURNED OUT! BBT lot BURNED UPI Tbo.BbMHbar. hava. al m.i ..h.... ... .ri.,rDaiiia aalhborbood aanxlty, la Ibo oraotioa of a IraU alaaa Woalaa kuilUn. lik . ' . ImproTamanta attaebad, and aro proparad lo maka . Z ' . ' auaatu, aiaa. w, m iMoaia, aia. r laaty or food, oa haad ta apply all oar old aad a thou land BBWoartomon, Tbo kTn of "" ' CARDIHQ AND FDLLINO III raeolTB oar oapaoial altaatloa. Propor " -. " raooiro aaa iillrar Wool, to nit oa.tomora. All work warraatad aad dona apOB tbo akortoat aotioa, aad by atrial altaa tloa to boaln... w. bopo to roallu a liboral aaara I f-" ""HW- 1UJNK) POUNDS WOOL WKTlm Wa will pay th. hlba.t markat prloo for Woo and nil oar ataanfaotorod food. a. low a. ilmllar food, oin bo boBf bt la th. ooanty, and wk.nnor wo fall lo roadar raaaoaabio aatlifaotioa wa oaa alway. bo foaad at komo toady to maka propar 1""..., in j . r n ur oy wttor. JAMES J0UN8ON A SONS, 't"4""" ll.wor P. I JKMOVALI JOHN. McGAUGHEY aotlfy Iko pabll. fOBaially tbal ka baa ramoaod bi. Orooary Sioro from Shaw'. Raw, to tba bolldlnf formarly ooaaplod .R.w. . aMiim swrt. wun n lAtonia nping mil tint ! GIIOCEBIEM. HAMS, PRIED BRErand LARD. SDOARS aad SI RCPS, of aU fradaa. TEAS, Ona aad Blank. ' COPPER, Roaiud aad Sraaa FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, C4JrA"EB FR I' 1TB, AU kind, la ti. markat. ' ' 1 PICKLES, la Jan aad barrala. SPICKS, la arary tona aad rariaty, ( ' FAMILY FLOUR, 00K STOVES. UEjTijra .. PARLOR STOVES, of Ibo lalaot Improrod pattorn., al low prion. HOUSE FDRNEHINQ GOODS Oaa Fiitureg and Tinware. Rooflnf, BpouttDf, WnmblDf, Ou T.UInl( aaj .-.r-a. upi m -pveiaiij. Ai work warraiUd. atDTlblDm Id DiW Ufa. waltl ka, I . i i-J ' 1 - - PpwaiKI U I Offlirvo. JAR. L ME AW FRED. BACKKTT, Olwrlttl, Pt,. Juury 1, 187t-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO. 1)HOPERTV KIR I1E1VT. , Mr.,Joiia B-Ratfarty, of Pana towa.blp, oOar. for not a dwalllof boon aad .ton room, ituauln tba.ill.g. of Pennvlllo. Por fortb.r loloriuation apply to, or addraaa, !n. J. 11. UAKFKHTV oot. JJntf. . Uramplaa 11111. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOKNINd. JUNK, II, II7J. THE DEMOCRATIC OUTLOOK. A TALK Wim HORATIO DtVMOUR WHY III POSITIVELY DECLINES 0FKICI. F lOR SALE. Tha iiJmImuJ .III , --- a " at pnTaia aaia all tbat traol or parool of land ailaata la Dooatar ' - - " 7 , a., wiuiin a anon di.tanoa or tha Tint., a m a.u n n . . it , , . -i""-" 'ma'i n. n., ana adjoiolof I aad. of Robart llud.on and otoon, " mo rfaooo if. uaaraart lot. Tha aaia not ooouinlnf til aono mora or I..., witb IWO Tain, of valn.KI. u.l ,1 I. .7... aon. olaarad, and 1. tba koy to a laraa body of ooal about boinf da.alopod. Will bo Mid low and r"1 aa.y karni.. ror partloolari, apply to DAVID L. KKKBS. Claarlald, Pa., July ti, 1876. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. That nnrf ! Haul I a. r . . . ... Mm of 01rflld, and tha public ffeovrallv, that - - - u-i-upui ui rurniiara, urh ai Walnut, Cbettnat and -Wain ted Chanibw , - j.n-iniiuj ana Aitao.lon Chain, Ladiar and OenU' Ka.y Chain, tba Par foral.d Dlnlnf and Parlor Chain, Can. Stat, and Wlndior Chair., Cloth.. Ban, Stop and Kitan lon Ladd.n, Hal Raoka, Bombblng Bnl.he., A. uuLiiiiiii abb riUTURE PRAMES, ookin Hwhm PkHu a. ki-k ,. nluhl. for Holiday praunta. JOHN TROUTMAN, TIN &SHEET-JRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Htam nil an awl laa a knll.lU. .!. . . j r wa nun .img ua nra. rnrwii on old Wettarn Hotel lot, oppoilta tilt Court ...... ,H u.-luvlu,B j.ig tRa nnoai-iroi nanu- faetoPV and RlAM aahau .lllk. f l-a-M.l a full Una of house riTEKisniiTa goods, Stoves, Hardware, Etc. HoaM Spouting and all kind, of job work, repair in (t, Ao., dona oa abort notiea .nH .i rmtM, Also, agent for tha Singer Sewing Machine. A ID n (til' tit ManhU.a ami a I. W Jl. .1 waja on hand. vmu vi cuuuir crouooa. A oanoi paironaga folidtad. U. B. AI EH HELL, Claarflold, April !5, 1877-tf. 8uperiBtMldnt ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt wnitantlj oa band. STOVE AXD EAETHE-WAR OP EVERY DESCRIPTION t CROCKS I POTSI CROCKS! Dealing Plaher'B Fatant AlrtLxht Salf RTTTTVB nunuj n, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS. KPIH . PTTTTVD ft I. at n tr tt PLOWER POTS, Pig DISHES, Aad a fnat many othar thinga' too aamarou la " w ao Baa a. FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. aafS Ooraar of Cbarry aid Third Stmta, SECOND STREET. . CLEARFIELD, PA., Hara attamaul in ... . . . u, r -r. w "vrw room ia.017 OOOUDiaa by Wmtit A Botu, oa Saeond itraat. a lar( and Dry u Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUKEIfSWARK, WOOD t WILLOW WARE, HATS AND .CAPS, Flour, feed, salt, &c. Wbloh Ibay will dUpon of al raaaoaaU. rala. --, wmvumugw ivw awHBiry proo.OB. , . . OE0R0B WEAVER A CO. Claartald, Pa., Jaa. 1. 1171-tf. JkTEW FIdOVIt. FEED, AND GROCERY a STORE. BOOTSdE SHOES HATS, CAPS, AND k: Furnishing ' kk Wiliamsport BootSi , Elmira Boots, PERKINS' Driving Boots and Shoes, Clallin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, flino Boots VjB.'-aa Stoga Boot s Wltk a fanaral rariaty of Ladla.', Mlia.r' ahd vuiiuraa a oooia, enoM ana UalMr., RI'RRRR onnna RUBBER GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS. n p VT3' wnanronTioi iaa... GENTS' PURNUUINQ 000DS.' Gov. Suvmntir'a ntltintinn wna rullpil to the recent corrosnoodunoe In rein,. tion to himeeir, mid also to llio aulion ol tho conruronco winch mot in Now 1 ork to urge Ii is nomlnution M Gov. Robinson's aucoossor. Ho snid : "1 am ut a Iohr to uniloratand tho moan ot this talk, and of tkeeo proceedings. 1 found The Sun't loiter conicd into tho Rochostor Union, of which Mr l'urccll is editor, and I And that hia namo figure iu tho Now York oonfor- onoo. JNow be knows my position perfectly well. 1 wrote him an cm phatio lutter when this dincutision Drat boi-un. tollinc him franklv'that nndnr no conceivable circumstances would I consont to tho uso ol my namo lor any office wbatHoevor. L&Lolr 1 hava tub-on occasion to writo bibi again to tho same effect, but with evon creator em- phasig. I have said before that it was unpleasant to BO about declininir nfflcea - a 1 oni i am lorcod by tbo persistency of my unwise friends to do aomothino- atill moro unpleasant to proclaim mv physical infirmitios. My health is in a very precarious slate. It is an cmntv oompumeni to ton mo that 1 look well 1 Know, unlortunatoly, that I do not feel well. 1 am wholly inclinable of protracted exertion of any sort. An ammatod conversation will sometimes Bush my faco and givo mo, perhaps, me appearanco ol streni'lh : but that is usually followed by a reaction, under winch 1 am often obliged to keep my room for diivs toirotkor. I nnnni writo, except at rare Intervals and for snou periods. . Jt is unspeakably die tasteful to mo to advertiso mv sink ness, but it seems necessary in order that some of mv friends mav nmlnr. . j . stand what I mean when I say that I coma not accept an office under anv circumstances. It would bo an act of immortality for mo to run for Governor for 1 am not capable of discharging mo auuos, ana Iboellurt would hasten my death. After this frank avowal, I hope to be relieved from the importuni ties of over-zcalous friends.'' The Govornor was reminded that in 1868, when he was tho Democratic candidate for President, he seomoti lo gathor strength from the excitement oi the campaign, and that alvruva in earlier life ho appeared to enjoy him- sen most during tho aotivity of a po litical canvass. IIo mused a moment and said : "I am now as I was then. A rlrr.,.n or twenty years sometimes add a great weigui 10 a man's lite. Aly health was not broken then. But as it wa. 1 ran for office much oftoner than was wiso. I nover loved the oxoroise of power. never cared particularly for publio places, but I alwavs liked nnlitina anil what is more, 1 like politicians. Tbey aro a much-abused class. It is the fashion to sneer at them, but I think they are better men a a ruin than merchants and bankers and other ran. resentativos of what is called respect ability. They make moro sacrifices and do mora unselBsh work for others than buSinoss men over think of doinir, They cultivate a oortain chivalrio sense ot honor. Evon tome who aro naturally corrupt will refuse the mnat tempting bribes whon the integrity of toeir pany is involved. I have snen enough of political lifo to satisfy mo affections of tho party which We should not othorwiso have had." Ho was roininded that lonif before mat no bad been Speaker of tho As sembly and Governor of Now York, and a statesman of recognized Influ ence. Ho" anuworod : "In thoso early days 1 was not a leader but one of the youni; men on whom the leaders bo- stowed some marks of their favor. The caucus which named me for Spoakur of tho Assembly was very closely divided between the and Barnburners. Tho JIunkors adopt- oa me Decauso I was the only one of inoir uunioerin tbeAoscn.bly who had any legislative experience. I received throe or four moro votes than the can. didalo of the other faction, and, as wo bad all agreed to abide by tho result, that settled it. When I was nominated for Governor In 1850, it was not my triumph but the triumph of lluw and Beardslcy, and Brcnson, and their friends. Thoy fought for the control of the Convention and when they gained it thoy thought it would be good policy to put a comparatively unknown man at tho head of the tickot, and they happonod lo select mo. This lud tn my renominalion In 1852, when I was eiociod. During my term the prohibi tion legislation canie up, and Ibo ex citement which that engondered com. polled me to mnko another canvass in 185-t. But by that timo new changes naa occurred and my old friends Beardslcy and Bronsoo wore against mo. 1 boy differed from mo on tho question of nominating William 1, o ... Maroy fur President in 1852. But if Mr. Miircy had been tho nhoico nf il, Democratic Convention, tho civil war would have been everted. II would not have gone lo the extremes that Pierce went ; he would have built tip a belter fooling between the North and South. Marcy was a statesman." Gov. Seymours devtjtion to Gov. Marcy's famo and memory ia note worthy. It was as a member of Gov. Marcy's staff that Iforalio Sev mour. then a young man, first appeared in publio lifo. To the end of Murcv'a life tho friendship and affoction bo- iwocn mom nover cooled ordiminished. This is tho reason, porliaps. wbv Gov. Seymour treasures and often repeats one of the last remarks that Marcv made to hirti :"Tho most difficult dutv that a politician has to norform is to retire gracefully from the stage of pub lic uie when ho is too old to be ot any further use." Gov. Sovmour nd,l. 'Appreciating the truth of this rn. mark, I rosolvod to rotiro oariv : and considering my broken hoalth and ad vancing years,, my friends havo no right to find fault with this decision." As Horatio Seymour stood before mo, lull, graceful, erect, his dark oyes shining, his voice ringing and reso- imui, 1 couia easily understand whythe uomocrats of new York were so loth to relinquish his leadership. But from this decision thore is no appeal. Xew York Sun. REBEL CLAIMS AHD RADICAL FRAUD. TRUTH FOR ALL TIllXGS " When men vote, and when their chotm officeri meet to conduct the afain of thtir fotmcal Uovernmcnts. no toldier can in. terere. ThU limit to their antagonitm no political party can safely past." So said William M. Evarts, at a mass mooting of the poople of New York, a doaen years ago, whon as yet be had nover dreamed of linking his political lurtunos 01 the thon unknown man Hayes. "An armed force in the neialiharkml 0 the polls is almost of necessity a mm. ace 10 me itrd and an interference tcith their freedom and independence." 80 said George W. McCrary, in his Th. nnrl.l ...J .a. n , ... .. tlan af ii, i ibthb tna attaa r r - ooamy, o O.t r- nw atnb of tbo abon aamad food.. Coaatry pj , 'aaafa tor food.. . iu. tna iowa.t. MoOAUUHKT A SHOWERS. Rcaiarail It Wna au .ij B , . 01tBmU4dhlal Pat fu. A lata Ihftt. ila innn i. a .... So degrading. I would much rather UYT n e,ectio1". before be had lent tried by a jury of my political oppo- T' 1,0185,89" nonts who whore acknowledged politi- , berty ani a a'4' army for cians,than by a jury of respootablo . P. tlM P"" ner V business men who said that thev took " and n stand to- no particular intorest in politic hm ' usually voted the Republican ticket. . . Wi"itt,a u- 8"rJ, speak From llmm I aknnM . i- lnB 'th the same wholesome abhor. . a auuum VAllDUk irnnlH in. . rence of military intorforonca with tl, rf ,.vjUU,vv .uii iiuiea as in- I. ... . ritihta nf Ik. .:i:.A. .I.i.t. i. , ., tenso as my avowed political opponent . 7 " mcu ica me would display. The man who ,oandor,orourQov!rnnlonttooircum- a'causo, if it is not a nositivolv bad "onbe within mtowosI limiu both cause, is ennobled by the service. ir nKt nS lbe functions of tho rogu lnarna in lb . -,- n j lur army. miwh, a won an uoc-l . trinos, from a higher standpoint than . We "ow M0 UttJ'ea' '" Li" h moro porsonal selflshnoss. Honco I marclllnrl boyond tbat limit in party rapeat that I like politicians as well as m,,na,BTre "'"cb Mr. Evarts once de- polities, but I do not like offloe. olrod un,aft 10 Pas"i "'sistingon that "Thodutiosof theGovernorofNew "ht 01 nBin trooPt the polls which York," continued Mr. Sovmour. r Mr' McCrary declared to bo a menace ... " in.LA.J -.1 S. exceedingly onorous. In the mattor . "'""I""""" 01 votors ; and in of pardons, ha la r-li'k,l nk ...1... tending to make that use of a stand. ive powor to act, and he is compelled '.nK "rn,y Polioa wbi('1' a'- Seward constantly to liston to the most h.rL t,00lore to be .incompatible wiih tho ronding recitals, tbo most touching .n. ontinuance of liborty. pealsfrom tho innocent wivos, mothors J C,'io' B""""1 on "hich Hayes ana children or those who havo offend A rare opportunity was offemd the stalwurts in Congress a few days ago to givo the country a proof ol their sincerity in regard to Southern claims. r or years tho clamors of Republican oratorsand editors about "rebel claims" have filled the air. Columns of figures have been piled up in their newspapers to show the enormous amount the Confederates would take from the Treasury in payment of their claims on the advent of a Democratic majority In Congress. Throe thousand millions in theso claims constituted the lowost estimate of tho stalwart Tribune whose columns groaned for months preceding every election with Ihe dismal load. That Democratic ma jority in Congress has como and the ttrst step ol one of its members. Gen eral Bragg of Wisconsin, a brave Union soldier, was to move to abolish tho "Southern Claims Commission" as an umondmont to the civil appropria tion bill. Gen. Bratir's obioct. as ho declared in tho debato, was to close tho payment of fraudulent Southern claims through this commission and at the samo time to stop the loyal cry that the Domocrats designed to rob tbo Government Whon tho vote on this amendment was taUn the Republi cans of sho House under the !iad nl Gen. Garfield voted in the ncgativo, and the Southern cluims commission is preserved through tho aid of a few straggling Democratic votes. Had the liepublicans voted in accordance with their professions tho commission would havo been abolished by an overwhelm- mg vote, as nearly all tho Democrats supported tho amendment of Gen Brairif. This Southern claims commission was created on tho lost day of the session of 18, 1, and rushed through uiigremi wunouv acnato, jt wn8 passed as a "rider" to tbo civil appro printion bill, that "revolutionary oro- ooss," as it is now styled by the stal warts, Tor coercing the Executive. The members ol this commission for de termining the validity of millions of claims were not selected lor their judicial acquirements and integrity but lor their partisan sorvices. Thev make their own rules of evidence and have powor to appoint "investicatinir agents," whoso function it is to go about and gathor up testimony in re gard to claims and tho loyal character 01 tho claimants. Upon the evidence presented by these detectives the valid. ity of the claims bus beon for the most part determined. A moro infamous machindry for tho encouragement ol fraud upon the Government was novor devised in tho highest flights of Radi- cal ingenuity. Under ila nniio not loss than 1 159:000.000 taken from the Treasury to oav South. ern claims, and tbo commission with its dotectives is busily engaged in grinding out moro. Whon a Demo cratio moiubor of Congress moved In arrest thisjvillanious agency of iraud ana robbory, ibis blot on the iurisorn donco of the ninoteonth century, the stalwarts with almost unanimous voico voted no. Thoy had a reason for their course. Thoy know that most nf h. wards 01 this commission are fraudu lent. With spies and informant mIIaH 'investigating agonts" to gather testi mony lor the commission, to am.b among carpet baggers and lreedmen for proof oi the loyalty of claimant and the validity of their claims, the awards in most instances could not help being fraudulent and corrupt. auiirom tbeawardaoi this commission has been drawn a large share of the Radical corruption fund, and this ac counts for tho affoction with which the stalwarts in Congress have .rallied to its support. 'Ibis commission afforded the largest portion of the sustenance of carpot bag rule in the South, elect ing carpet baggers to Comrraaa ami I State Legistures through its fraudulent awards, until carpet baggory broke down with the woight of iu own rot, tenness. The stalwarts in Conirres still insist that the commission shall ha maintained as long'as an Investigating agoni can discover a loyal claimant, but the Democrats have resolved that it must be swopt away with the bavn not election law. jurors' test oath Marshal Kerns'. ballot stuffing deputios, ana an the post of the mach narv for defeating the will of tho poople and plundering their Treasury. Genoral Bragg's amendment ia not vet Inal. -1 1 ainot. TROOPS I TROOPS! I The notorious Fraud in the Whilo House atill insists on sending troops into Pennsylvania for tho purpose ol controilinir olecliona. Thore is a clause jn our State Constitution like this: "No body of troop, la lb. army of th. ITaltod eraia. or oi 101. vommonwniiB, aaaii arpraami, atia.r Bi-ia.B or Haanaio, ar aay prao. 0 araonoa allaia rai. IMKNiMiii dar-iay Ik timt 0 aa.- nom. The editor of the iltillnr ILrahl in alluding to the Washington Fraud, ... 1 J v.- - - r v aays: --mails tne law oi ronnsyi. vaniit, passed too, by a Republican Loffislaluro In lHfi!) and Mr. Have wants to keep In operation United State law tn trtva liim a rliancfl to send hia milttarv aalrnna nver hern ounng elections on pretonce of koep ing peace at tbo pools I But tbo peo ple won't stand anv of his nonsense 1 no day bos cone by or that kind of work. The Status are alila to keen tho peace at their own election polls ana any interference bv tbe General Government will be resented. Mr. Haves and Blaine. Chandlnr and that whole crowd of ahiii. warriora may as won make up thoir mind to it now as again. Whon the pooolo of 1 this country become ao demoralized tbat united elates troops must be stationed at tho polls, the sooner our lorm ot government is changed the belter. No uso talking about liborly when we are no longer fit for it. Tus Casi Skttlid. Chief Justice Sharswood has just delivered a docision of considerable importance, relative to the siilo of liquors on election days. Since 1875 there has boon a law pro hibiting the sale of liquors on election days, hut it bhnn the ciiolom among tavern keepers to open their bars after the polls were closed. An inn-keeper ot Nomstowit was tried for violating tho act, in selling liquors after seven o clock in the evoning, and convicted tho Court holding that the "day" Bpoken of in tho act meant a day of twenty-four hours, beginning at mid night election morning, and ending at midnight eloction night Another question was raised in the Conrt below, to wit: tbat the jury were judges of the law and tho facts. The lower Court refused to affirm tho proposition that the jury wore judges of the law and tho case was carried up for review. l be (supremo Court say that tho Court below was right in its definition as to wnat constitutes an eloction day, but wrong oo tho second point, and il, juogmont is therefore reversed. ed against tbe laws. Sometimes, wbon I was Govornor, these pitopus crios wore irresistible, and I extended elnm. ency in certain cases whore strict jus- refuses to sign tho bill oniitl.,,1 An act to prohibit military interference at elections" is that it makes election day and tho place ol votinsr excentini.a to the genoral rule ol times and places Wheeler & Wilson Family Sewing vrTifn No. 8. 1 .riH' U-I'rmn a- Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Running, t ALL UNDaor CRACKEI. SOAPS, .MATCHES, '. ',' . PRIED APPLES, ' . DRIED PEACHES, . .' DRIED CHERRIES Ootl OU tad Letup tihlmziyt. Aaa a good aanrtaaat of tkon iblnn aaaalla kaat la a aiaa.. ml Li-k k. for mvkaUa, at tha markat ,rW "f" n.oB.aaaaakMavataor m m aaa est awa aad jadf. m. JOHN F. KRAMER, Room No. 4, Pie's Opera Hun, (JloarBald, Pa. Xaap.Ma.taatly oa kaad SCOAR, , , 00PPEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT, SPICES', SOAP, Oaaawd aad Drlad Pmlta, Takaaoo, Olf an, Saw, Oldar Ytaafar, B.ttor, E(, A.. " ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Bar .wheat Floor, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed, do,, ' b. nld .ba Par oaah i, wbaaja fcr oowatry proa. CkoM, . ii, m4..5." 8 I Ma? J . 5. At the Paris Exposition. 1878. Wheeler Wilson received tbe only RmhiI , J a i ibw awnroeo lortfew Machines. Over 80 competitors. Report of the American Institute of Ifeie ivntmuicn neaer or i inos Machine . " Ws do not hesitate to denial ti THI BIST OIWINQ APFAftATfTB it World." Tha Wa. 1 anal KT. laf .n---i - . . - viiiii oar sriaraiBaa H. B.THOMPSON, aaoon tastofJJaiik, CURWFMRVII i c da WHEELEB & WILSON MT'O 00.. 1338 Ohtaitnnt St.. Philo.Ukl. ' ' BLrlCL Ilia. " iiauo. tice, perhaps, wonld have withheld it P" W tlie emPloynont of troops is But I could hear ih ;i::. .r ... Permitted to the Fodoral Government v.,.,,oil ui tui , t '" press (for I was hardened to thatl mn, " the"e exceptibns are mado, they are easily than I could the tears of women " P" 1 lb1 tbt PeoPle of England and children. And whon ' was obliged hlV8 onj0J'c(1 tb8 benefit for more than to refuse pardons (as I was. of course ""n"1 nd forty yoara. A statute in the great majority of casosl. I h.v r berge II., re-oiiactod nndor Vic- passed many a sleepless night contom- tor'' nd ln ftl" viBor "V1" " plating the misery which inelinmlon '''" te'mptod me to relieve, when duty for- "Sl0, Z- Ani ' " ""t Thst on oaue. ino uovernor's office is no sino- ' " "I'l""" lur nomiaa cure. io stand the wear and tear and "r ,ur lu0 coction, or ror taking worry of the place, a man wants lo bo ' " P" ,or tne eection of a member in lull mental and nlu-a;l a v "a," which I am not After some ful'thcP cnnveraniinx uov. Seymour, still speaking of him self (for he said he would expose him- or members to serve in the Commons House ol Parliament, no soldier within two miles of any citv. boronirh. ),- or placo where such nomination or election shnll be doclarcd or poll taken shall be allowed to go out of the bar- Our 9b SArrrtUrtwnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Irabllikad arary Wadaaaday by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLUAHKIELO, PA., lias tha Largeat llrculatloa of any paper la Northwoatera PeiwayivajilW. The largo and constantly iuoroasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business men as medium thro' which to roaeh tbe public. 12 00 2 50 it 00 self to the charge of .o-nti.m .k.. h there mll,i k . ' , "' or quarters in which he I. .n. ........ o luuuiir aiuunuor- I , . standing), continued : "The success of ione,'unl"rrt''epnrpe of mount- no particular man, the nomination of Ing or relieving guard, or for giving no particular candidate, is absolutely r1', ,!" ',"ch ,,cotion ni tt ossentlal to the welfare oi the party 1'' ,olJ,orlloo'l to go out lor any - vi.oj.w ui mo uariy. , . . - Consider, If you wish to. th. LnLrch .Purpo ""tbin tbe limit, afore Ulanniia nn. -.1.1.1. ,. . . Said Shall return to hia barrick or .... my inend and , ... 1 nninkkn. U. tr .. . tors With all COnven ant annml aa n. neighbor, Mr. Kernan, and "myself u his guard shall have been relieved came to prominence. It ... .. .f. J UBru hAn-lnir ,u i or vote tondered '-ft "Hv, luvav. WDflnnmalM, k. of the leaden deserted th. I).m. But that election days and went ovor to the other .M. rk. ' lnu" 001 mad d'Borent from other were Dix and Dickinson and Tr.m.i- day"' to restriollonr upon and s host of othors, who If they bad n1',. , Wuld Ttin ln stayed would 'have continued to act a 7""' free ll,n nder Mon- loadors. Hut lk!r A..r.,i . .. remcs. necessary to call on ns. While the leaders loll, tbe party did not dosort That Fraud. In Europe fora Kino- a . ... ana ms ooanfloilors to discusa matton e i ui . leiriaiflLion hii..r thDn . wuv before him in the regular way is considered tho very height of impropriety, In this conntrv Mr Hayes, as soon as legislation on anv subject is commenced in Congress, be gins io irmmo a veto. Iff docs not wait for the bill to come bolore him regularly ; ho gets a copy and then oommonoes to write out his oblm-tinn. Think of Washington, Adams, Jeffer son, Madison or Jackson oonaioVrino- questions of legislation before they were proporiy bcloro them I Why, moy wouia nave regarded such course as a violation of their individual manhood, as well as the dltrniiv kik Ll.. .. . . . .. - n ' suouiu attach lo the offlco of Prc.idnni But, then, when third rate men . placed in honorable positions,ospecially vf iraua, inoy generally carry with mem me py no moans honorab lo per sonal qualities which characterize them neiore their elevation. A bvpoorit. although dressed in the garb of an angoi, win be a hypocrite still. Sutler ticrma. , . State Robbers. On Monday night week, says tho Harrisburir Pntrinl wuan tho bill appropnatinir 1173 nnn to the Norristown Insano Asylum was oeioro me House, Messrs. Fonlon.Shcr wood and Hewitt onnosod it .trlik arguments that could not be answered by its friends. Mr. Hewitt's remark. were especially appropriate and con vincing, no declared that fCOO.OOO had already been appropriated for tho erwrion of this building, a sum suf flciontly largo "to comnluto nnir lum," and that the expenditures of the Commission had exceeded that E2nri . 000 for which not a single voucher had ooen mod to show whore tbe money I 1 W ... . - J uu gone. jir. llewitl ua il rnrw cally and forcibly that "if these Com. missions willfully violate the la wa lhav should not be encouraged by putting more monoy in their bands with which to experiment." It is a good sign wnen mono wbo shapo and control ugisiaiion sot their face against a ren. a.: - . o r nuon oi tbe lavish appropriations rruicu lormeny drained tbe treasury. ."Your candidate I .,.rw,i i. what Horatio Seymour aimin i effoot to the party of prominont Dem- ocrais wno Intorma v nominal k,m for lor Governor of New York. While exceedingly grateful for tha ment, he desires it distinctly under stood that under no circumstanoes will he again accept public office. -Miss Virginia Hicks, a young lady of Wyandotto, Indian territory, was thrown from her saddlo by her horse the other day. She struck n h.. head and a bigb tortoiso-ahnll ,k wnicu was in her hairwa driv.n ini the brain, causingalmost instant doath TtKus op Subscription : If paid in advance, . . If paid after three months, If paid alter six months. When papers are sent outside of the county payment must bo in advance, ADVERTISING : fen lines, or less, 3 times, ., . 1 50 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator Notices, , 2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 50 Auditors' Noticos, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, . . . 1 fio Dissolution Noticos, . . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, fi 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . , , Three squares, . . One fourth column, One half column, , JS 00 15 00 20 00 50 00 70 00 IWSHttanfous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE Curw.ii.vlll., p, JM- ,,s (f . avi-ica. a-n'ooaaL.. , , ' (.i nut. MctoRKi.R x FURNITURE ROOMS Market Htreet. l i. ...,. l W. wj.oufaotora all kind, of rmii.' . b.mbon, DIolaf Room., Llkrarla. 'Jl H i"B want Porolon..r ... "," N"1"- nam yoa na oar .took. -''" I k.f ' UkaaufiaAa; w u. k" .. Br .. UNDERTAKlXo In .11 I,. I.....I... - . . ... ... .., Pn,n,iiy atl.odad ta. OtHLOIl, MoOORKLE Ann ClaarSald, Pa., P.b. , TS. C0' READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOA'S rf- STATJOXEllY Market ., ClearSeld. (at the Port liar. i THE and.r.ifn.d btf. I..,, Mno tha aitina. of Claarl.ld and rloiaii. ,l.! ka baa Sttad op a room aod baa joit ur, from tb. .it, witk a l.. ,(ura,J matur, oon.i.tinf la part of 1 Bibles and Miscellaneous JWV. Blaak. and Pu, aub. .. . nription , Papar and Kn..l.,,, ynMi J7Jj ana plain rana and rndi, ; hl.nk Ural Pauari. Daila. Murio-aaa.. t...i Uoo aod Frotuiaarr tiil.i Whit, aud P1M. maat Bri.f, Laaal Cap, Haoord C.p, and BUI C I'laoo, Plata or Viulia, Sbaat fr ail,... I'l hd- A b"""' 'atloow, da.lrad that I may not bar. o. b.nd.wlll b. ord.rJ by lr.t aipnaa, aad M,ld at wbolaula or r.Ju to nil ou.tom.n. I wiU aba kaap poriod J HUntBn,.ueb a. Mafnin... N.w.p.plr. A, Cl..r.ld,M.y7,l8..,f''iUALUS- PSXaKP 'ft":-1 One column 120 00 W have always on hand a large stock of blanks oi all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBP(ENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac., Ao., io. WiiatHatib Wa uubhavvUIB burg coiTospondcnt says: An iron- viau carriage, surrounded bv 400 hor "en, is one oi the appliances used by the Emperor of Russia to protect him sell from bis beloved subjects. There u nothing so lovely as a "strong gov ernment." A bank official at is said to be a dcfanlu-r tit A A I an of 11,400. A few years ago he look it into his head to imnrov. hia h.A of pigs and paid $2,000 for an imported oeranire poar. lie now lays his dis grace to nis uniortunate hog specula tion. Democrats all over tha Slat. ..nli meetings, but they could not body to address them. So Mr. K.m. and I wentont and mado speeches and oultivated tha Said w laborers had relinquished, and tbat circumstance gay us a place in th Kit Carson, son of tha famous scout, and svory wiltv and intelllo-nnt Iporson, It Is reported ia making tem perance speeches. Justioe Miller says that ln tha hero. alta th prairie will prod an th. great law Judge. Juslio Miller Is from th prairies himself. Pirplexino The Now York K ening Post thinks that th uocisions of rongious bodies "are somoti plexlng the la mind," and refers lo mo lact that a l'res hvuri.n kt- i. J wvuy h New Jersey deposed clergyman for ueierouoxy, ana a Methodist body in Connecticut suspended a nreanliAp In. on yar on bis being found guilty 0f uiBDonesiyi tb Kiamhur n .k-. th Post seems to think tbat religions pouj.iu muai, noia nnsoundnoss in the faith to be wore than immnr.iu i. praolio. Both art bad enosgh, but wo .iiureuena inat rhrl.i I people admit that any aroou nt of sound ness in faith oould alone Cirdiab.nn.aiw In pracUc. Th truth Is, that tbe senoi which doe not mske Its possessor oonesi is not worth a m.h In th;. The Emperor of Austria ri . ana retires early, being unablo to at tend opera every nieht. a. 1,. nM like to do. Ho likes neither mon nor their literature, na... soft, musical voice, and is a fine dancor, a good horseman and a orack shot. Return ino. Homesickness is toll? ing on tho negroes who emigrated to Kansas, and a Sl. Louis stMmhn.1 oners to take them back to the Bonth froo of charge. Philanthropy t0 live opn sets as hard on th negro as the wuuv man. Lhi Last Joke. Wh n av main Is viloa another, ftt llarriiibn drink of liquor, i be says, "will you take a dispatch." and if th. party lakes the drink he says "It's an ajoks.',' Charles F. Kuhnla. Ru ,."....v-ulllUb Of th Luthornn flrr,k..' ft Philadelphia, has bean ans,.f,l ouiraeousiy whipping Mary Naglo, an inmate oi the Home. Down in West Vlra-inla. k.n . geta on the railroad track th engineer stop th train, gets off anil ik.. wno st tbe animal until .h .1 klM Ik. -I..I.. . iii. rigni or way. Every Alabama rnm, . . v..a. r,,aii wan - -""'ouenne soldier, but there, are m'gmy low Pennsylvania Congress men wno wore Ualn. uiri; w ... aaiasi oi Lome. General Hanraok ta aaM i v.. .L. - w ww uie ,,.,, ,,,,, wisest and brvst . JOB PRINTING. or . . w an prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCU AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Vo., lo.t IS TnE BUST STYLE, AND ON ' RBASONAllLE TERMS. i. ''i:n!ff."s! -.ifyrt.--' A NEW DEPARTURE IS LCTHERSBlTttC. ITaraaflor. mnnAm ,.. k .u r Mini or in eiflbaoiia for prodooa. No book, win L L aJ.D ttlfuh,r?' AU oli " - aatlM. Thoaa wbo eaDDot east, up, .ill ptBM hand ovar their notea aad CLOSE THE EECOED. I am data.rmlna.a1 a ..ll l. r - - kinv.., lar ooiuw tnal ar.r off.nd la tbi. Tldnity. Tb. diMooat I allow mr oo.tom.n, will m.katbam Hob la lwo.ty yni, tbay follow my adrin ud bay Ibalr food, from Ua. I nar ill a.ak l . . . , , - . r-v awu 'vi wshi, mu sail aiorar- DANIRL urifllil.iKnuD Lntbanhorn, Jaaaar 17, 1B77. HARTSWICK & IRWIN 8KC0SD STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OII, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PKRPPSfERT, PAKCT GOODS. I TOILET ARTICLES, OP ALL KINDS, PURE WWES ASP LIQUORS for modleiaaJ parpona. "aaa, iSapportan, Sobool tut. Ud Statloa ry, ud all atbar artl.1.. aiually b lira Store. , , ' iiarinf a l.rjr. a- Kloti. . " 1. O. HARTSWICK. . ,, oitM w. IRWIN. - ,..,, uaawilr IS, IST4. JJARD TIMES HAVI RO EPPECT IN FRENCHVILLEI ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ' WILL RECEIVE -PROMPT ATTENTION. - t o.n. Qaodlander, Clearleld, Clearfield Connly, Pa. I RaSi .tat..- a 1... .a. ... bard to T..- j . f"0". ; r - in a war taai iat omp lalot of ..ktti timaa" I. .41 alfb .airaraaL ft..-.. . BOW taai loaa laa .m??2 fnl '""'ly tba. "b.rd ti..." will not arJstni lk..U V. .1 , . . i .ai . J uw "v i-eir foouiiroai ma, "J ll T patro.. h.II rn, MtiUmi Bt0 Ut UOV TO AVOID JUKI) TIMES I alava afnOrla Skaa.L i. . .a. . . a . . ..... . m aw BBii,,r bju tut inaania tanu n tha ln - .L. I a a . .. !Ko"i . '"" fh"" -y "lb ilor. la MU1.80NBIJR1!, whara I ... alway, k. dy Ib wait .poo oallan ud .apply tbam wllk Dry Goods of all Kinds, H" . 5a., Canlmaraa, Ma.ll.. m "7 u"'"t, Callow., TrimmlB.a. ao.k... i ' 2?"?' Vi? h"' "rt" - U ard- ' """ """a, alltuaa, Laaaa, Rlbbaaa, A. OROCERIES OP Alt KINDS. Ooffaa, Tn, Boiar. Rio. u.l... a.u Pork. Llnaaad Oil. Ifiak 1 .11 t.-La. All Bardnn, (Jaaaaawan, Tlnwanl Caatlafi, Plaw. an. rh llua... u . . .. " ' ... . a-i opian, vom VBIII.B- tara, Cidar Prasaaa.a.d mil kl.A. -r a rommary, Palala, Varal.k, Olaa., aad a f.aanl -mami at etauoaary, GOOD FLOUR, Of diSbnal brand., alway. oa bud, ud will k. ponikia Bfaraa. . B, M.CWa'i ModlolBn, Ja...-. M.dlelaM M ul.l,. . . ... . , .... -. . mb bwjbh. . atiMn. Sea autiH.. , . . . . , L . ' waBioa ror wni.a too Uaal priaa will k maid. Cl..m...d oa kaad ... iwwmn maiaaa .naa. Ala. . ... ... :' "a- waraaoaaaiiio aad vanraaniw amklBf aluUaaa. A.0all ud m for yoanalrn. Ton will lad --L.,f aaaauy .pt . a rauU .tors. . . , . L. M. CODDRIET Fna.k.lii, p. o., A.fBii ll, lay.