THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WKDNKHDAY UOKNINO, MAY. II, 1179. Terms of Subscription. fpldldrn, or within lhrmoithi...$l M If pftia ..u-. a r-UHri. fl. M. PirrmtiLL A 0.,Ntwt uMr A4Trtliit AfU, IT Prk Row, $Mrr U Nw Y RBLIGIOUfl NOTICES. Mftbodlit RplHopkl thirch Rt. J.g. Mr Mm" at. Ptttor. 8rloM twtrj 8bbtb it lot A. ., mo Tf r. n.,tb Robot)) -I 9 A. M. Prtfir MBttiiR nnr WiJbiJ1Ti tt Tl t, M CamwiniM Brvl. Irit Bbbtk of vry unto, i nl a. m. Hett Clearfield M. E. Ch.Kh.R ff. Pcott WiLiOM, P-itor. Pnuhiaff tvry tltenut Rud.Uj, tt I o'olgnk, P. M. y Sohool -t 21. P. M. All m it riled to ftttot..!. prcblerUn C'hurch-Rv. H. S.Bctli. -Sabhftth HrriMi momlnf tod Tlnf Bkb batb Bhool ftt I P. M. Prr MtiB Wtdaw Uj rDinf . Church. R. J. A. Aldmi., pM. tar. KsrviowirtrT euDntin aurotof ud renlni tuniKtloff. ftt 104 o'clock A. M.. and 74 P. U School tl P. H. Pryr Mootiag tvoty at. Francis' Chnrcli Cftthllc-RT. p. J.fltiiiDAii. Pmohinf ftt 101 o'clock, A. M.,ea th Orit. third tan loo rm aaadtvi or Moh aotth VeifMra ftnd Baawlletloa of tbo Blcutd Huruwl tt To'elook, P. M. Bundij Bofaool rorr HattUj liunwi at m eiooB. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY timi or loLDint qdaktu oooar. Pwotd Moaday of Jftoatrj. Third Mood of Mftroh. First Monday of Juno. Fourth. Mondfty of BopUmbor. TIMI Of 0LDIR9 001. Mo FLUI. Pint ModT of Jan. BteoDd Monday of NvrtiaW. ppilio orriciKi, Pr-idM JJy Hob. Chftrlo A. Hmyr, of took HftTOO. . AuUtant law titty Hoi. Joha H. OrTli, ( neiiaiuoM. .twaf Judgtt Abnn Ofdtn, Oloftrfloldf Protkonolmrj Bit Bloom. tfitr mnd Rovrdtr L. J. Morgan. Dftriot AttomfVfm. It. UeCnllouf h. 7rrr Philip DolU. Skirif Andrew Pontl, Jr. Hiy Cbrlit. J. KMfrgT, CUorAold. wniy atirwjror sanaoi r, MoUJoakoj, Cm- en rill. 6'oMnry CowmWiHoMr- C. W. Kyler, Orthftm ton P. 0.; Hfth JohiMon, drtaptfta Htlli P. 0.; Jahi Norrii, Br., CarwonirilU. County AuJiion Willi, V. Wrfffkt, Clow Be Id ; JoMpb UillllftBd, Tbrt Rubi ( J. 8. Nor fif, Woodland. Count Ooronor J. B. Ktff, Now Wftahfngton. Jury Uommiiontr$ Dr. Jtnu P. Bnrehflnld, Clvarncd, JoMph Aloiaadar, Madftra, SufriUdnt Publit SckooUiS. L. Uft (joown, Clearflald. Smhro Wigtt& i Jem W. Carl lift, office at Latberabarg Pa, oiariM Joba W. Wrlglor, Wdi. Ba- debaagh, Cyraa Gordon, CWarBeldi Jonopb K. Irwm, N. K. Arnold, CarwooiTillt J. A. Liriug tonft, UnBoia City. Oar Spotial oolatnn U dooldedly intoreiting la local poiut of tew, and proAubU ramdiag to euUideu who want to lava wonej. , VlSa), OP COLHMB1 "Will j on tako wheat, oati or eora for fob wription J" W are often Inquired of In tbli era bjr Uttar froB patroat vbo reiide at a dlitaoea from Clearfield. We agatn tay yea. Tbereoeipti of a rcponiibla astronaut or aiill owaer la the Ticiaity, will amwer oa Jut u wrll aa the aaeb. To ill lull rate: If any of our patron will deli Tar at a bag of grain at tba mill of Joaepk H. Broth, la Cheat township, Horaee Patobia, la Bornalde, Thomaa II. Pnreey, 1b 0 rah am, W a. Porter or! Shaw's, 1b Lawrence, or Brow a A Bey ler'a, at Rock ton, Ualoa townabip, and forward thtir rtcelpu for the amount, wt will orodit than oa their aeeonat for tbo tamo. la thla way all asay ooa pay what they owe, If they will punae thla eoarea. If, , A dow and olegant iDroioe of car peta at Flick A Co'a. Si. Sirawborriesand crvam at the Opera Unuio next weak. Whew I The CurweiiBville Times now sporta a patent inildo, priaUd ia New York. The firnt and finent strawberries of tbt ataaoa, at tbo Optra Uooao aott waok. Philipsburern are greatly annoyed by Saturday nigbt rowdyiim, awordiag to the Journal "Foreat fires" is what our exobangog hart had 11 for tbo poet two weoka yrtviewato Tboraday. L. W. Weld, who nswaulted Simon McKirland, laat wtok, li Poatmaater at t ubfille, Ikta aooaty. Don't forgot that the Citiconi' Band will hold a Strawberry Fcatiral in Pia'i Optra Hoaao atit wttk. Dr. John McCullongb, a prominent phyflfllan of Huntingdon, di.d la tkat borough aa UM Utk laal aged 7J yaara. The heavy rains of last week sub dnM the Area wbieh w.r. raging la tb.! on tb. aoaaUla aorth of Iowa. Constables' Appointed. M. F. O.IM waa appolatod CoaiUble for Cnrw.niTlll., and llaarj Krana for flrakaa townihip, Init weak. Pool Ovekheebs. The Court laat week appointed Bernanai Araitreng and Cbnrlea Bralten 0.ariera nf tb. Poor for Bocearie townihip. m . mi The Drug firm of Moasn. Means & Hayee, at4,atheribnrg, wu dlewlTed an th. Irat day of May, as the partanrt w.nt nil their aa aoanto nttlad witkaal delay. ' Prof. J. P. Rowbotham, of Philadel- pkin, wko iaitfwatod tha aeabera of tka Orpkea. Cornet Bead la tkla plana, Init Wl.t.r, U a.w la Phlllpiharg, glrlng toiioai In Ike String Band ef that nornngk. 1 e m Miaa Maesie McGoe, daiitrhter of ex CoBBiBieaw ki.Sea, diad raoaat'y at her h.a a la Bell townihip, tkla eoaaty. She waa aa an -enapHikea Joeug Indr, nnd wu highly aauaaM hy nil wko know her. m ae We bad a call on Tuesday morning froa Mr. Jaenk littler, ef Panimtnwnay, who t hire tkla week attondlng Carl ia tan aapaalty f a wltnee. lie la a nlMaaat nad ngraankla g ati.B.a, whoa 11 la n pwaanra In aaet. ' The Spirit etatoathatPuniaptawnoy ia afflietod with foatkfal depru?tly. Onn .aall koy naathel an tha highwa, end rana hi a, while twa aletyoang aaa kn.a keen nrraetod aad hnnd OT.r t. Court for general oroekedeeae, 80 we go. The mombera of the Curweoaville Cnraat Baad held a aa Frtdny nnd Bninr day aennlngi UiU Tha Orpnena boyi nf tkli plnoa aiiited tkea M tk. Irat aaaad eroning, nnd tka Cltluna B.nd paid tkelr nfHr to tkea en Sntardny a.nning. llarry Creeeey, an individual who hi nnt n rnry nn.inMe repniaii.n in inn ,. korkood, got to owning kil eoapnalooi oa Mon day aftornnon to eaA aa .Bleat, that he wa. t rt.d ud, aftor a kearlaf karern '8o,alre Kerr, ha wu pat in to nwnlt tk. dnelelea nf Ik. nonrt A laree crowd ot country folk ei.d town poopln kan-freatow BeUhell.r A Porto ' how m WHa.aday of ant woak.Tkli wu tka Ir at nf tka neaaoa, ud k Bight kara km hot to. aad eoald kara haw woraa. Tha toato wire pltehed In nlot nloag tan mined, a ehort diitoao kotow tka depot. An attache of the ahow, which ex klhited kara toil Wotaeedav, boldly Mapped hue Ika rMldeaot of Donate Sia.rletoaa.el Ma Qnawn, daring tka nooning nf th.l dny, nad .loin a eoaa belong lag la Mr.. MoQa.wa, whlak ka pawned. Be u bUowod to Pklllpibnrg, nf. mind ud l.df4 In toll at tali phue. John I. PatUnon, Chairman of tbo Ceaalttee u, dulraa laferaettoa ia re gard la tka gf' Baldtara tkrengkool tk. eaaty ant aarkod, aelknt taanetoaea ou k ee. .and frea Ika, u pro.idod ky aa not at CMgnaa, ud ka wlU attoad to rorwnrdlng the tofomultoa la tkt Doperlawnt aad kara tka hMdrtoaat Matt a. Mr. ntlerre wuta Ika aaaa tf tha d J, tkt atapany to wktok ka neleeged, BnaVn tf tkt, ud aft' Romember that T tmU t. n . i.iW VUU III V Aft for UriUlud'i Tabuw, ud iu ll ikta I fMl.ryprioM. Th.jr in Ik. kt t.Umi I. B.rk.u Trjr lk.u. Krod Su kott haa just rrcoioJ from N.w York, Im lot f f Ailf TMkl. of .V.,lo, ulll7, nuk u kwki, uwdi, iu, Hon, boi.i, l.k kalk.u, ol ll.u, ,hlok k, ra,.iu to nil ihj few for w.k. iJ.Ji.. List oflettor remtininir UDcluimcd Mf. Millury, Uwli Mink, Did., Biui. Liror,ood. , A.QAUUW, V. M. Hom Aoain. The much lumoiited P.l ll.rdlo, boH .bu.g. ku ka aioora.d for ur d.; by nodr? im.B,prun forlb. Pl J..r, ku k.d k kMlik n.tor.d tod ku r. tr..d to kl. hlulljr I. th.l ,h, b.,,no, of kU d;. lit otl wiJ, ,nj kl0B. iDf iw.tlk a ib. xorld u kmlafiir.. m n . Hkal Entirpbihe. The editor of u.uoii ...Hri.r ku aad.rl.ku two big tkla,., .In lb. .rKtlaa .r a...aal la Ik.l mllaa .f lb. BUto ud ga.r'..ln( Ib.t Ik. popul.llo. ol Ik. TllUj. .ujouaii in ,000 ru. I.Ik, .look .abl.i, luapMt ih.t k. nllu loo Ba.k upon tb. .radullljr of kl p.. Iroa.. W. M. Shoeninu, f Jordan town hl, eontoaiplalM rtootln, lo Mluoari Ik. orna lac Sprint, mad will ffr ku r m ..... .. .1 lot of p.non.1 pabll. ul. oa Ta.i- -iwhh. .a, j... r.r p.rtlal.ri tM had blll.. Anoac oik.r thin... . i-n nii.h oowi,jo.a ratllo, tboap, He , aad hranbold gUDQ.. Thi Nxbvu Niid Tonino Up. Slnpl; atlf;la and oluaiia, Ika blood ii aol ala.Tl .affltlrat, II a..dl arl.kla( and Ika atrrooi nmdf lonlng op, all of wklak ia aoaompllikad by Dr.'i Blood and Llnr Ramljr aad Narra Toaia. Vh kii C.ujo Honor ia all ooajbi. For lala kj ll.rtiwlok A Irln, Cl..rll.ld, Pa. ' - - - . A full boiiKO grooled the Or)ihous band boy 00 Tuoiday nigbl of last wask, oa tbo ooouioa of Ibo aril appoaraao. ia tbslr now anl form.. Kim j body aami to admlra Ik. a.w auita. Tb. aalforia la of lao dark bin. alotk, trimmad wllk gold oord, eut-.-w.r ooal, and h.lai.l kat wltk wblt. plum.. Tha boyi ju.t look "pwfMtly" A few days sinco, Kaincy & Co.'b Bill at Sprar. fl.l laracd aat 48,o00 f..l of lua- kar la oa. J) of lea koer, .Ilk oaly Iklrtoa bib. Tbli Ineladet all Ib. work nqulrid from tb. tin. tL. log. .r. rtBoT.d froB tba dam, till tha luBbar il regularly piled In tba yard r.dy for ibipaoat to foreign uarkat.. Tk. g.a.r.1 av.r.g. of tb. Bill il fruB R&,0(lo lo 4(1,000 par day. 0ol(a(. Arm, Cot'UT. Lut week's term was a T.ry abort one. ThrM-fourth. of Ik. auaa ap for trial war. Mtttal autiid., aad no.t of tko Jarora diicbarged ob Wwlneiday. The Coart wai aompell.d to kold baok M aa to allow Iba Qraod Jury toMBpl.1. Iu labor aad aak. a re port. II very icldoB that Ika Coart g.t. aka al tk. tiraad Inquait, but look wa tha oaaa lart weak. Molt of tha aa.l w.n T.ry dirty oner, and it I. a pily Ikat oar high toood elviliaalloB don't redua. tbe BuBber. A Lucky Althrnati. Wo learn flea Ika St. klary'i Oaatu ih.t Wia ner, oldeit Ma of Ilea. S. Wlaa.r, of tb.t bor ougb, la ord.r vd to appear at Wait Puint on the 30th of Juno, for ex.Blu.iion lor ndBiailon to ik.t loititaltoa ai a Mdai. It will a. r.B.oib.r 4 b. war rooomuiend.d al aa alleraate, a young iaa froa Clinton county biiag Mr. M aek.y'i Irit flkoiM. It Mini btk nr. to b. .x.Bin.d at Wait Polat, and In eaia the flrat fall the alternate la ekoran.prorided he poneaiei tb. OMeeiary qaallD nation.. Without diipar.g.a.nt to the flnt eholoa, we wi.h Mr. Wlaasr a.y b. .aw.iful in renewing the apnointanat. A Compliment. Tbe editor of tho Hontadala Nim w.a In town lait w..k, and ka tat.a tka aau la tkla way 1 "Wa were kunared witk a I. tk. eooeert girao ky tka Orpkua Cornet Band en Tuead.y evening leal, in Ika Clearleld Court Homo. Al tkli wu tko Irit nppearanon f tkli ozoeliont kud la tkelr new BBiforai, tba large ball wu literally arowdod with a large aad mlaet udlaao., nil of whoa w.r. delighted witk tho norforaanee, and lo which wa will nt happy to refer at no diitaat data. Thn nniffrrBl nre tbe flnait wa have yet , nnd tha prololeney ef the B.ab.ra linvr- t.lnly f.r nhovo tb. Aftor th. ooooor e.vnal tf Ibt w.r. honored wltk a aire nnde,ud tbo evening palled off very enjoyably.' MrLadiea, who have any respect for tbeanlvM, will raaaia nt homato-nigbt." BUUr en Cireu daf. Tha laaa nnaher of kii jonrnnl oont.ined n keally of over keif a eoluaa oa tko proprieties aad proviBon nf tka newipopar kulnaia. Now, w. inipoot tkat Ikart were a auabor nf ladiaa at tha'Clrana, whn apart about u aneh "mepoot" u any wha raaalaed away. A fallow, wko aakea no anoh fun nvar Mr. Bnk, ikould not Ininlt foanlw. A a.wipnp.r li not tka told for anak vulgarity. Again 1 Ia tka aiat hunt k. torturei tkiaaoBBulty far not uoaaraglBg B gatl.Bnn, wko kad etartod la knalaaa kara noan tlae age. It Bay kava keen a atrtake tkat er town failed to da kla JoaUee." Sad AooiDiPiT and Death A'iffcd K'ti'l. flofn. Hum rem ;Camca. Thn faally aad frlanda or Mr. Joiepk DeUua, of Liberty towniklp, wert roddonly tkrown lain aad bereave- a.nt on Budny evumg by th. Ion of an inlor- .itiag danghtor. Tba yeung Indy nnd her brother kad attnd.d .rrnlng Hrviea In laglevillo nnd were oa thalr way koua, whan, ky neat meui, tkelr koree koeeae f;lghi.n.d nndnna.n.g.nhl .nd ru nwny, throwing both oeeupanti to tho ground. MIm Dellaai lutoln.d anoh mvaro in. J.rlei Ihnt ihe n.r.r Ip.k. nflor, nnd dlid hefara orning. Tha aoroly b.r.nv.d f.aily have tha ayapalhy of tbe entire eoaaunlly, a Mill Be ll... had n wld.,by whoa be wei Boub hvlovod and r.rpeeted. Vintrt oemf. A Joke on Oub Nehihbob. The fitllowing froa the Brookvillo Oropkit-Dtmocrmt will he appreel.tod hy nil thai, who have aver eea the alterable reranl of Boa. (loo. A Jenk. 'Sob. lint ilnoe 0. A. Jeoki wrote n letter to n parly In f raeport. It wrat to tho dealgnutfrd poet 0B0, hut thn poilaaitor th.r. eoeld not anka nut froa tka addreaa It wkoa It wu It- landed lo he delivered. A won tho end of the uvelepe w.. wrllt.n, 'If not dolivorad, rrlurn to A. J.uhe, Braokvllle, P..' Thli tk. po.t alitor eoald aot deeipher, hat aoelng th. Brook' vllle poet aurk, ka wrote oa Ike envelope, 'Re turned t. Brookvillo,' end Ika aall returned tko letter rafily, kea Poitaalter floott, reeognlalng tk. .klrogropky f ear .n.Congreeiann, knndod It ev.r lo I. B. Clark, Mr. Jenki' part Accident. We learn from the Phil ipabarg Jrmrnmt nf tka 17lh laat, thai M Moa day arevlona, al Mr. K. M. Stardevaet, wu ob hla way to Beerar Milla, riding In an inlky vtiak wu naddnly thrown ngaiait th. h.ree by enlby wkool, enaileg Ika nnlaal to kl.k, Milking Mr. glnrdnvut'i rlgkl lag a few laehei nhora thn ukln, euaoiuf a aoaponnd rraaturo, kotk konaa being kraku ky tka blew. Ho eon. tinned In the ud of kla Journey, diitont eoaa fur or iva Bilaa, ud wku Ika hut wu reaov froa tan Injured llak, tb. konn w.i found protruding through th. d..k. Unvlng to l.nd to Pbillpibnrg inr eargtiel nld, eoaa uaa eiapnn aurora Ika wound wu properly eared for. Dar in, tan day Mr. 8l.rd..MI true taken to hi. heae end U now getting along aj w.u u onn M aipeetod. Centaeaontto thekonK el thi. haiy nun .f tk. yur, wku a bailee- aaa'i per- oomI attenUu ll ae laportant to ala aperntlaa a.kM Ike Burn lodlenl Ik.n tl etharwlM weald an. The Lh'Enhe Question. In tbe II- eena ooatMU before the ooort of Blair oonaty, Jadge Ptaa aarrowod tht Usaa dowa to tho tot- kwltg polnu i " 1 ) Is tht bonM aeootMry for ao aootmmtdatlta of tht traveling publltf (t) Bat II tho mtoas af aooomnwdaUea u reqalrad by tho Uw r (I) leeo tba appticnat poswM tho aver sen al eharnetor demand tm tho keeper of a pablle howMl1 (4) Hu taaWtoal bend beet lied F If tho wgbt of tho or id com satltfiM at that Meh af lb at a are! toe) theald ht aaawerod ia the tali mall at, thea we oaaaol rtfoM tht II- eenoe. Oa the other head, If Ihe Wright or the ovldaaoe foils to a Arm either, tho UeoeM mutt ho related." Neorly every J edge hu given aa epltloa on tht lleeare ejaettloa, aad hardly aay two tgret u to what tho law l, or aador what rales tr peHcy tk "mom oppltomt thoald he granted or refuted. Thla ton rot lea ansae from the foot that tha twgltUtni la always Uekertag at this IIoobm totita, aad a eerie I a Act rtga- lotlag tht oeetlta 1 aot altewad to romala oa the ttatato hooh loag oaongh for Jtlgee ana taw yon to bsseass wo.eoialod wttk M. Ladioa' Tm.. ula in,, 1 Biaatirnl Tin of nil gradual Flock A Oo'l. Jt. Compobpino. Tliocm'Hiliitlmatea that wku th. Court nltendula of that village era akuat, tk. town la "nnuunlly qultt." w-. mm Save your cash for the Strawberry Fiellval, to be given for the or Ib. CHI tia'l Coroit Bead, eoaaeaelog on Tueed.y ud lo .ontlnu. during Ihn wuk. , Tbo annual sewsion of tho (irand Lodge or Odd Fallow,, of tbli Blata, Il now la eeulea al Barriiburg. Olourlleld Lodge, No, 191 II being repreiuted hy Jaooh 0. Bnoka. MoVINO FOB A Cuanue. The citi aona nf Ball townihip lied n petition ia Court lut wuk, looking in a okaage Is tka plaoa or holding tka aleotlona ia mid lowmklp, froa Robert M.haffey'l to Thoau A. MoUhte'l. ! O ,. Dtino Opk. Tbe WilliainHport Sun, la alluding to tbo recent dead Journal i, uyu i "Urttabftok paper art dying off, at tht ratt of at Itait ooa per moath la thtaountry. Tbiamait be diMhiuraglng to tbat grtat financial antorprlae. Tbo aoomltona, mnrtU advaooingbftok ward" Tiu T fit ncr Tnui. Tbo timu and pUoo Yor the acoond trial of tbt Turner can baa beeo died at laM, It comri off at Lock llavte, oa tht aaeuBd Uonday la flept.uuber, tht Sib, whart all partita I nle ranted will a Hand,. Wt un dtritand that tht Court will ba prttidi d ortr by both Judgca, Utytr and Orvlt. an 1 . ... . 'Billy" Uotchkiks. There is no doubt that many of oar oltitont rtmtmber Mr. Wm. Uotobklif, when lit rtildod In thla borough about thirty yoan ago, aod afterward! re mo Ted to Blrmlnghan, la tht State ef OonneotiouU lit died at bit homa la tba abort aamed plaot, oa tbo 12th I tut., aftar aa llloaei or oat weak, aged 78 yaara. A goodly number will rtgrat tt learn of bla death, ftltbougb at thla ripe old age. HPECIAL NOTICE TO ROLOIIZRS. All aoldiaia of tha county art especially and earotatly Invited to participate lo tha otremunita la thla pliue, oa Dtooratloa Dty. Tbt tolditrt will be daalgaatod by aamall bow of rtd, white and blue ribbon oa Itl I laptluf tht ooaL Tbey art requtattd to proeurt then be fort hand. If eonTen lente but bow till be provided for all not hav ing tbtta on tbt morning of tbo day Ib qoeatloa. Wu. U.Shaw, J. B. BUIICUPIKLD, Bee rotary. Ch'n Com. Arraog'a. a m Clearfield Coal Trade. Stato- utol of Cual and othtr freight uot ortr tha Tyront A Clearfield DWUion, PtonaylTanla Rail road, for tht week ondlag May 10th( 18711, and tht aamt tint laat year i COIL. For tha wtek Sana tlutt laat year Inoreaat Praviu Italy during year 8bi time latt year v Inereaio Total la 1870 8amt time last year , (35,110 . 6n6,t'4 i 4.11,46- , TS.SOI Iucn oTBai raaioara. Lombtr ...u .27tf cart. Mieoellantout freight 132 " A Skrious Affray. An altercation octarred oa Monday of laat wttk, tho 12lh laat., between Lionel W. Weld, and Simon MoFarland, both of UtahviUa, thi a county, mulling la tht aeiioua, If not fatal, Injury of tba latter. A dlcpute baa been pending eomt time oror the lint bttwtoo tbalr proptrtlta. Cn Monde Weld had eomt mtn digging poat bolea for a fence, wlitn MoFar land stopped them. Weld returned, and learn ing tha taaet of tht otaiattoa of work, went to digftaff bitnieir, when MoFarland approached and prottattd against It. Weld answered by striking McFarlaod a heavy blow with a dlggiog Iron on tho back of tho head, knocking him down and leaving him la an aoeonaeloos ooaditloa A tht test will oonia before our court for final act tlement bttwttn tht partita, wt refrain from atat. log any of tho numtroaa atortoa all )t about lb i a Death on the Hail. On laatThurn- day evening, an aocideat occurod on tht railroad , juat abort Pallw'a atttioa, by which Pavid Haw thorn loathlf lift, lit bad been ooa viilt to hit aoa, who Htm aotnt dtttaact abort Fuller' mil), aad wu rttarntng home. Ht waa walking dow a tbo traok, and juit abovt tho tUUoa met tha RoBoldfrllo aooommoaauoa. int mm wt oa firt aad bnralag eloao ap to tbt track. Tt BTOld tht tralo ht tttpptd off oa ont fide, bat tttming to bo afraid of Ut Art, tttpptd back on tho track agaia. Jaat then tha tngina at ruck him, killing him almoat laitantly. Hie back waa broken, aad alt head badly cranked. Ut wat about Mronty year of ago aod Itarta a wtft and thraa grown ohlldroa. Ht wu well known to many of ou Brookrlllo people, having worked MToral year for Uriah MaUon. BrwtktilU Dtntft, May 14. i -- -aa a en ' 1 Fire in thi Woona. There never wu a more romarkablt Mason for firt than tht preeeat. Firt trery wbert. Tht Oaooola StUU, rooaarkj i "There never wu a ttmt la tht memo ry of that romarkablt pertonagt the oldtat In habitant, when tha Alttgbtny mountain wu at tboroagblylmmarodfa fire, u It hu beta during tbe prtMnt Muon. The forotta la tba aelghbor hood of Pbiltpaborg, OmmIb, Powtltoa, Sandy Ridge, aod Houtadale, have been UUrally oea nmtd. Tba nat moantaln Mopt tt retching from tbt Tyroat and Clear lie Id railroad to Ley Uit tilt, and far beyond, at one time prettnttd a conlla nona lint of firt aod olouda of amoke ti tend log thirty miles, or more, along tht moantaln treat Timber, tan baik, feacoa. bridges, buildings, tram -road a, aad everything eombuatiblt added to tho fury of lUrarosotis flames. In tome Itrtanoee, erta oattlt and hog perished Iq tho fiery wave, u tt aped along over tht tlmbtred tlopM of the mouateia. Wreaths of spiral lama trtwatd tht hill tops aad stretching downward, encircled bolts ef woodland la the timbered valleys." Strawbeert Fehtival. As provi- onsly announced, festival will ht held nett week, commencing Tuesday, tht 37th, In tbt Optra Utaso, for tht btntfit of the Citiens Cor net Band. It will be opto every afternoon and evening, oentlnitng through tht wtek. Tht rtfraehments wilt ooasist of tuffst, tandwiebis, loo crtam, strawberries, oak, lomoDids, At., Ac, inttriporMd with plenty of good music, veoal ftnd inttramoBtal. Visiting bands will be in at toadaaee stveTal tvenings daring tht weak- Tht generosity of oar people has been pat to a severe tatt tht pitt year In the way of Talrs aod festi val, bat this Is u worthy aa object as any that hu claimed their attention. It It a homo initl tatloa, eotnpottd of our owa yoang men and boys, who deairt to put their baad opto a per manent footing, and their effort should bt seconded by that spirit of liberality which hu always oharaottrlsodooroltlatot. Aoytblag that toads to cultivate tht tatta for music oaonot but be prodaotire of good aad shoald bt fostered and tntoaraged. When a boy Is learning, or oven listening, to a "harmony of sweet aoaads," he It ander aa tnflutnte that never load tht wrong way. A oommlttoo of young men will visit tht )all?t of tho tow a aad solicit otatrlbotloos. HONS TESTIMONY. Tbe jearaals pahllsbtd at tht Obit homt of tht lata Mra. Barr, rtfer to bar death u follows i Tbt Cadis (Ohio) SmtimH remarki : "Mrs. W. A. Barr, hotter haewa re this Mmmaalty u MIm Mary 8m May, dltd at hot laU restdtact, at Clear- StlJ, Pa., oa Tharsday kit, of aoasamptlta of the bowel, la her 14th year. Bho wu f. r tight -ears a teacher la tbeOaj4e Bebeols.wu at. aaaia ble aad aotompllshed lady, highly ea lee mad by all aad very musa beloved by htr aamsrout per- toaat aoqaalataatM la this community. Her death brings additional aadnMs from tht fact that It maktl tha fifth death la her family la tbrat short years father, mother, .titter and brother having pntttd frost aaerUllty to Immortality wltbla thai period tf time. Funeral services wtrt held la tht Fire Prothytorlan Charob to Batarday after a tea, he lag Madaettd hy Drs. Dram mend, Drokooa and W.J. Myers, Prlaelpal of tho Pablle teboois. Ia oommoa with this ta tlrt oommuaity, wo loader oar aympathy to tbt bereaved husband aad strvltlag member a of the family. Mrs. Barr was married oa the lut day of W7." Tht KtpuWfn pabllshtd at tbt stmt plato Myst "Mra. Mary SmlUy Barr, of Clearfield, Pa., died oa Thartvlay, ef lut week, after aa lltoooa of aboot two men tba. Her rtmalas wtrt hrtagbt to Cadli for laUrmeat, ths funtral being hold oa fiatarday afitmato frota the ruldoaooof Mr. U. Q. Pevktv. Mary fimltoy wu hem aad mltel la Cadis, aad wu vtry highly artttmod y alt oar people. She had beta a toubor la the pablle teheeto ai thla plant for eeverel yean pMt, aatll tho ofooo of last year't term. She wu married la Dtotmhor latt to Mr. Bart, af Cltarfittd, Pa., aad her friendt la Cadis vara Mrprltod aad pakted to hear of her oerlene UlotM, whlth hu tt suddenly roralttd la death. 0bt Is tbo fifth avember of tha family that hu died within tho pact throe ytait hat parentt, a ilattt, aad a brother, all adott porta at, bar lag died wilhla that time COUNT PHOCBBUINUlo; riatv WIBK. Ceurt ton van ad to Monday, May 12th, 1879, at I o'aloek P. M. JoJgot Orvia, Ogdea aad Holt oa tbtliensb. Tht list of 'Irani Jurors having beta called, Rev, N. II. Millar wu appointed Foremat, Wm. M. MtCulleugh, Sr., M. N. Hloppy aad Harry Hemphill wert appointed Tipstaffs. COM HOI tletA. Andrew Rtibtton vs. Moshaooa Land aad Lam bar Company t. al., No. SU4 September Term, U74. Treapaai. Continued for cautt. Patrick k earns vs. ltut Caldwell, Nt. 89 at arch Term, 19T&, AsaumptU. Continued for causa. , R. 0. Thotapsoo al.a., vs. John W. Boll, Ne. lit January Ttrm, U7I. Ejtdtmtat. Con tinued foroaust. Kephart A Bailey vs. Mosbaoaoa Land nnd Lumbar Company, No. 8V Mrah Term, 1176. Debt, Coaliuuad fir causa aad peremptory ordtr midt for trial at stoood wtek of Bop Umber Term. Flora Hirah presented htr petition, la which she prayed to be granted tht benefit of tbt aot of Aistmbly of April 8d, 187ft, securing lo married wtmta their Mraings. Petitloa considered and prayer granted. William II, 1'riltarioo, Asalgneo for benefit of creditors of J. B. Bcnn,prtMnttd bis politlon for the appointment of Appraiwrs to appralat tht Mtata and tffetts of said Assignor whtrtupoa Frank Bolgtr aad Robtrt MoNmara wert ap. pointtd Appralstrs. Inrtntory and appraismtat filed. The members of tbt Orpheus Cornet Band prt sen ted their petition for a Charter of Incorpora tion, mi a torporatloo of tht Irst-olass, nnder tht act of 1174. Petition read aod considered, aad charter graatod. A 0. Kremar fllti bis rtptrt aa Auditor, dis tributing tht money arising from tht Sheriff's utt of the real estate of John B. Bsrgy. Con firmed tfi. 8i. KiotptioBt filed. inavHBNT Mir. JtmM Crawford vt. Swan A Straw. Fi, ., 314 March Ttrm, 1878. Rule to show cause. Discharged. In re liotnMof W. A. Staolty, DuBolt, Rale to show tauM why llcenM shoald not be revoked. Rait discharged. r obatgt of township lines Sttwttn Cor Ington nod Olrard townships, No. 11 March Ttrm, 1878, Report of vtowtrs tontlnuod for cause. In tbt matttr of tbt report of vltwtri to va cate and supply road In Qosbtn townabip. Re port ut aside, Ac. JamM T. Leonard vt. Cuptr Ltlpoldt, No. 1 ej Septtmbtr Ttrm, 1878, Rolt to ahow oaaot why judgment shoald not bt op one J, Ac Rale dis-, charged. James B. Qrahau vt. A. Scbtmerborn (. at. No. 4S7 January Term 1879. Rnlt to show eaust Ac Rule made absolute aad Judgment stricken 1 off at Plaintiff's oostt. Overseers of tht Poor of Hottsdalt borough I tb. Overseer of tbt Poor of Lawrence townabip, I No. SI Juoo Term, 1879. Appeal front order of removal of Mary A. Do tan. Rnlt continued for cause. Mftdora Rost tb. J. H. Swan, Nt. 407 Btpteia ber Term, 1873. Kola to show cause. Rule made absolute. Or or score of tbt Poor of Pikt township vs, Overseers of tht Poor of Kooi township, No. 27 Juat Term, 187)). Rule to show esuie continued for otuM. J. I. Bark it reiser vs. Oiceola Building and Loan Association, No. 411 January Term, 1879. Rule to show causa why Judgment should not bt entered for waat of euffleieat affidavit of defense. Rule discharged. oar HAM' 00 UOT. Ia tht matttr of tht tstato of Kbentaer Thomp son. Rult to set nsldt by Administrator. Rule made absolute upon payment of costs of sale by purchaser and tost of this Rult, aad aliu order of salt granted to Administrator. OtTAHTaa aattioR noan matter t, ac. Tbe petition of eltitens of Bolt township, pray ing that tbe place of holdlag eleclloas in taid township bo changed from the house of Robert MtbaOey to that of Thorn u A. MoQee. Petitloa read aod an election on tbe proposed obangt ordered, fifteen days notice of said tltotln to be posted up In tht mott public places lo said town ihip. Petition for public road to start near the do pot at DuBolt, to intersect a public road at the Jeffer son county lint. Viewers, JamM Mitchell, Free man Poller and John Rood. Petitloa for a public read from tbo Brie tarn- pike to paella road along the river at torn or of Tit. WMrt T.awrwiiA tawnehin. Ftt!-1 Ilea road, and JamM Mitchell, Jacob Uulieh and Jouph 8. Showers appolatod viewers. Report of vis wort laylog oat a private road leading from Loelea Bird's farm to tho Clearfield road, near John RadebaugVi, In Huston town ship. Confirmed absolutely. Report of viewer laying out a public road In Union township, from J. E. Dresiler'slo the public road loading from Roehtoa to tbe Summit Tunnel. Filed andoonfirmtd Ni. Si. i Report of viewers laying oat pablle roads from Wm. Hand's, la Bendy township, to public road near Ellas 6 mi ley's to Mid township. Filed and ooaflrmtd Ni.Si. Report of viewer laying oat a public road leading from tht end of Austin Carry's lone, to totersett public rood at or near the house ef Wm . Wagoner, In Chest township. Co ft firmed ebto lately. Report of vie wtrt laying out pablle road lead ing from S- T. Hsodersoa'i planing mill, In Wood ward township, to R a easy, la Oallth township. Confirmed obeolnttly. Report nf Tie we re laying ont a pablle road la Quitch township, leading from Welds' mill to a point en plank road atar Janet vllle. Filed. Report of vlewert laying ant a pablle road loading from Richard HngbM, In Decatur towa ship, on road trading to Dunbar, intersecting public road .radlng from Fish Towa to Osceola. Confirmed absolutely. Rtptrt of vlrNwsrt appraising damages oc cor ing tn John B. Osrrisea, In Pike township, by reason of haullag timber ortr his load. Confirm ed absolutely. Report of viewers laying on I public road lead tag from the eld State road from Cnrwtnsvlllt to Indiana, commencing al or atar tbo Rocky Spring, in Ball township. Filed aod eon firmed iVi. Si. Petition of It I seas of Graham townabip for the appointment of Oonstablt. Petition rood, tad lleory Uveas appolatod Coast able ef Graham townihip. , Petitloa of oUlsons f borough, for tht appointment of M. F. Owtna Conatablt of taid Borough. Patltloa read, and prayer of Petition! graatod. B. Armstrong and Charles Bratten wart ftp pointed Ovsrieers of tbt Poor, for Beeoartt township. PROGRAMME FOR DECORATION DAY. Decoration Jay la drawing near, and oa Friday a week, May Sfith, It Is expected that Clearfield will witness ont of tht most gala days la Baton ry of tbt dtoeaaed soldiers that wu over experienced by aay of oar people. Tht different Committee a mat together oa Mon day evening laat.and partially completed arrangt ments far tht eoremealM en tbt day la qu eat lot. Wt gl re a synopsis of tho preeeodlngsu follows i The oeremooiM prone ling the deoeratloa of graves will be held la front of tht Coart Htait at 1 o'tlMk P. M. Nothing definite It known ytt u to who tht t rat or of tht day will he, hat aa able speaker from abroad will bo pro sent. This U.aMarod beyond petedetatare. The on larttatioe a tend aa Urlta tloa to all Baaday Schools, Matont, Odd-Pellotrs, Oraagtra, Amorioaa M cento lea, and religious nad tlvte orgaaiiatloaa of OTtry hind la tblaeee tion are cordially invited aod tiptetod to atroad In body and tako part la tht dtoeratioa, aad to er re all tht fiowtrs possible for tbt osoasioa. Then will meet first la their rtrpoetlvo c burr he and lodge room Immediately aftor diaetr, when tbey will bo oondaotod to their pitta la the pro omsIob by a Deputy Marshal. The ladies art roqatatod to Monro and atvt all the loral deal got aad decoration i, aad to confer with JamM Kerr, Bsc,., Chairman of tha Flaral Committee, wha wlU ht glad to give any to Teresa tloa desired. All the lag aad beoatrt In town will he re qalrad oa thla owulon, and It I desired that all who have them will ling them to .the mmm on that dny and give tbe plaM aa a Uracil v a ap pearance. All the Information wealed tan be bad from John L PaUenoa, who It folly aootod, aad who hu hooa elected Chief Marshal, with ptwtr In Mlett bis twa Aid. ' Wo treat that the a t kip allots or thow who are leoklag forward to a memorable day will aot ho disappointed, aad wa know that with fair weather all who perttolpato la tho txertltM ef that day will have matte to rojoleo. A Fact. AnadTortiaemontlnaorted la the Rarrairraa will reub Bore iwadera than If nhM.hed la aU la. rther npr. la lb. eoau- ty.aad wit the advertlm lonf thn ana-half ta .Iter w.rda, aa advartlnraBI pnailiaea in Mr yrmol lo worth duubl. the prl ef that Barge by aay ether nubllauur la tho eeeuty. "IllaafBal." commbm:emicnt" criticihm. Kpitob Rar-CBLiOAit t I have carefully read all tho orltioiami, or rather leineatatlona, (for, ol ormoiams tbero wtrt none), passed upon tbt re sent Commencement tsereiiM nf tbt Ltonard school, and nalltntly waited to aot If more would bo Mid but no one having touched upon tbe salient feature af the eutertalnmeot, I ask a por tion of yonr valual,'i spate, to girt yon my visws. I refer to the toot tffroniery with which the uatuniie portion ef the auuitnot wtrt Insulted by tbt tflueion of ont speaker, about tba bigotry, ignorance and auperstition of Catholic countries and Catboii tgssi the thrall dom from whioh Luther broke the massacre of bt. Bartholomew, and a lot or similar twaddlt, the exact strain of which I cannot bit upon, for I am noteuftolently familiar with a certain elaee of Polltico Kellgl ous Sunday-School hockt and pulpit renter. I shall Dot object to bla insulting tht Intalligtnet, By holding up tht Roger Willlams'parstouling-Wuaker-siashing-wltoh-barnlog Puritanical hlue laws or New Kngland u tho fountain. bead of ofvil nnd religious liberty, u puutsslng that liberality and eotnprebeoiivenesi of view "whioh en able e a man to have convictions of bis own, and yot bt willing Ibat elbcra are free to enjoy their ( and which, nor than any written con stitution, is tbe palladium of our liberty, which their whole history stamps them u so narrow aod Illiberal that they never yet entertained an opin ion, aucial, religious, or polltloal, which tbey did not endeavor to force upon others, and who, u far from aunrooialing the Icachioas of Christ, In their sub lime and comprehensive charity, have ever proven thttnsslvea incnpalilt of grasping ite principle ol our country t uomuruuon, though but tht product of bumau effort, which, in Head of beint what U!ii," man's noblest eflorl. to secure to a nation Us liber' Us lias ever been, when narrowed down lo suit their little capacity, a means of infllctine: upon this ration their own Illiberal views. Of tblt I will nut complain. If lha young man In q net t ion wishts to parade his Ignorance before the public, bt Is wilcomt to do so, tven though bt shocks oar Intelligence ; but I meet emphatically objwt to the prostitution of our publit tchool system, with It liberal, far- reaching oharity, by mating tt the goiter tnrougn whioh bigotry or teotariaa hatred shall flow aad Insult any portion of that school's supporters and outrage the aenM of justice of every right-feel log American. Tbt public tchool system, in Its prop er conception, la too Important n factor In our instuuuoas, too essentially neoesMry to too pur. Eetuity of our form of gOTaramtnt, for us to pus y without protest, any effort ou the part of big otry to jeopardise lit place in tht warmest affec tions of the people, t rtjoiot that mum for com plaint Is not frequent. Mott of thoM oonntctod with our schools appreciate the spirit of tbe in stitution and accordingly administer It) and in the instanct to which 1 refer, I would atoribe all to a lack of good breeding and a cheap and Il liberal oducatioa, darlrtd from some source other than tbe public school, nnd carelessly overlooked by hie teachers, wert it not that ha has beau un der tht tuttlagt of ont who haa nevtr yet ah own himself capable of appreciating American senti ment, who oannot tench history without infiictiag on bit scholars tht dirty outgrowth of hit sectarian bigotry, or geography without, in hit Motional hat rod. insulting Demuc ratio scholars who, were It not for tbe authority behind which bt bides, would show him bow cheap and contemptible both his Mntiment and eon d act are ; who could : not run a campaign for the Super in tendency without, ranting about Infldtl and Catholic combinations, attempting to excite wotarian bit- I ternosi, only attempted for the honor ef tht peo ple, the efljft recoiled upon his owa head ; who auvoontcs tlie ltlble in tbe putlic scnoois. and tonipuleorr education srlorloua combination to one who New Kngland-like would ierc hla convictions upon othen regard lets of thtir rights; who, In advocation the latter causes, makes speeches at Institutes, abounding In unfavorable comparison oi letboiio with Fro tenant coo nines, thereby Insulting hit fellow teachers, where tvtry effort should ht lo behalf of harmony and good will ; who tannot tven allow those who dif fer from him on tht Temperance qutstioa to es cape with ooly an onslaught of logic, but must vituperate land lords, and itrivt to bring obloquy upon tbt signers of lioeoM petitions. Consider ing all this, I incline to aicust tht young man who only followed in the footsteps of his pre ceptor, and will only further tuggut that those who have co long subjected our children to an influence that starts them ia lift thus warped and narrowed in their slews ; who have so long subjected them to such indignities became they i iviiow tne religious or political views ol their fathers, do, after those Indignations have culmi nated in tha swMping Insult to tvtry right feel ing oitisen which haa tailed oat this nrtiale, cer tify to the above list of qualities and Mnd It aod their posMsaor to tht meridian of Uermany, or, which is about tbe earns, so far as eogeniality and appreciation are concerned, to blue law Cjo neoticut or negro loving Massachusetts, whore he will soon find employment for his peculiar talents u leader of n Kama colonisation, or other equally benevolent scheme nnd in bis stead give ns 1'ennsy Iranians one whose con riot ions, we care not what tbey are, are so held as to be oompatlblt with tht tnjoyuentof others in Ibtira, and who appreciates (he fact that tbt Constitu tion of a country It bat tht mental mtkt-ap of Us people, and that far beyond any written guaranty of our liberties, it a spirit which bt will feel call ed npon to inculcate a spirit of liberty, equality aod justice. Ciruan. Clearfield, May 14th, 1879. - A beautiful line of ParaooU at Fleck A Co'a. St. A lot of Gent's French Costa Gloves at Flock A Co'a. St. trin ;nA , r T. dir."' tr a Children's Stockings ever offered In town, at 1 lock A Oo't. t At the Republican office is the place to got yoor Job work done. We art fatly prepared to do anything tn tbo printing line, will do It well, nnd at tho right kind of prioM. tf. We have now on band several thous and flrtt-elnM envelope, which wo will print for boiinMB mtn, or anybody tlat, at prices that naa aot be rivalled. Call and mo them. tf. To Landlobdi and Btorikeipikb. Lytle bna nn arrangement with an KMtoru Cigar faotory io that ha tn aall elgara by the box or Ihonund nl botloa IgnrM. Olva their algan one trial. If. Dkntal NoTicg. Dr. A. M. Halls would aay la hll frlandi nnd foraor patient, that he hu not retired froa predion n. hu been io Indnitrlonily circulated by aoma pirioni, but will oontlnuo tn give hla pmonnl nttentlon tn nil who any dottre It, or to nailil Dr. Halabheld when ever required. Mltroui Oilde Oee given for Ihe pninleii ostractlon of teeth. April 24-tf. Nw Dailt Staoc Lini. Jamea L. Lenvy bna lueooeded in buying n dally Ball elteb liihed between Clearlold and Pennlcld, nnd will here, fur man dally Mage hetwein the two point.. III. eontrael began with April lit, nnd tba llage will Lava (laarfl.ld every aotnlng ( Ban day) at 8 o'.lock, Baking oonneotioni with nil Irnlnl an tba Low Qmda Railroad nl Pennflald, re turning nfter tba laat train Iba aaaa arming. Pa.leag.ri. ad fralght will boarried al low ratal. Orderi left nt nny of tba hotell will ba attended to. lpr9 tf Sprclalt. Aaovnan Bolo Roaaant. A Ban nani Jackion broke into th. old fulory aa Ith atr..t, and .arrled away n large qaaatlty of eaoa and wood-ioot .b.iri, lonoffei, nittreMor, oeatr.u hlrt, eridleo, .hrono., .ngrnvlngl, pistur. fr.ra.a, wall picture, breaker., aad other arlicl.i,nnd hn. Ilaoed them In Ihe rooa tn the well md of tbe laniloa Uouia, wh.r. k. il Nlllng thea en" nt about an.-h.lf th. uiual price. Von't buy elie wbere before giving bla n call, or you will lot. n b.rg.ln. Cl.aid.ld, Pa., May 14th, IS7I la. Oaa Ui'nnann Pan Cunt. Dtmornl nn Olb Pnicni.B.wing Maekine. .an now b.purohuid nt M.rr.11'1 tin nnd vari.ty itore, froa fit up ward.. All kind, of lowing machine! repelred on tho ihortelt notion. Clearleld, Pa., July II, 1177. Boanial ron n,u . ..,.. - full eupply af Fredoaia Buggloi nnd Plntfora Wagon, for I.I.. To be aeon nt tho Bhow Horn, ard. Oall aa or nddraai hla nt P..n- ' . i ayivaain. . ' Wanrnn. 510,000 11-fo.t.haved boopi,d.llv- . ... ...... j. a .nn .11 ered at me rBiiroea,ie " ' w - poinU oa the Tyrone A I'leernoin, r. a ., oaiu Kag1 Valley, and Penniylvnnin Railroada, for wnion a wiu pay " . " . J. t. Ka.ann, Oclld, lHl lf. Cliarl.ld, Pa. Wanrnn. Delivered at the Rail Road. 100,000 J- lech ahaved ihinilee. 100,000 4-lneh anwed ihiuglel. 100,000 feeler pine boerde. .00,000 ahaved hoopl. o,ono mllrond tie.. .0,0.0 feet of good btnlook boardl. For which I will pny lha higher! Barbel price, delivered nt Olonrteld, nr al nay polnl nn lha T.rona A Clearheld Railroad! J. P. Kunea. Clenrtidd, Pn, Oat. Id, lltl-tf. Jiifit Iteoelved Junt RooflivoJ by ARNOLD, at CURWENSV1LLE : Car Load Nora Scotia Tlaslor 1 Car Load pure Corn, Rja and Oala Chop I Car Ijoad ueaa-en nun i Car Load of Choica Family Flour 1 n.el.nnrf Drw Gooda. GrooariM. Ao.l terShinirlei, Bark. li. R. Tiea and Grain will be Ukon lo txenang. Curwanaville, May 1, 1878. TVervon ISeblllty. ' vital Weehwaua wT llvprwttalM : a weak aihaaaUd feeling, no oury or eonrar. I lha re sell of a.ntal avar-wora, IndlarratLnn or or noae drain npea tan lyeiea u et waya mni by Unaphrey'l Hoaopethte gpwin. No. Jl. It touee ap ana llvigorniee in., .iMt. the ilM ead deinondeeoy, lapnrt. M.M.ik ehd anerev. etepe tho draia and lavM.tee the aatlre aaa. Beea uiod lw.ety .MM i,k rMt neeoal b thoeiaadi. Bold by doalara. Prion, l per alagla .ia!, nr to per pnehagw nf In vlnll aad II vial of powder. Beat ay anil nn reeeipi p. Addrea Naaaphryn noBBBnthk MHIrln. t.apeT. lot r.itM at, n. i. U. D. Wntnon, Agent, OanrBold, Pa. , een4. II, 1171-ly Tht mon popular and fragrant Perfume ef th day "HACKMATACK" try it- Bold by Hart- wick irvin, ana u. u. wauon, viearBtid ft. Aug. 2ft 1878.m pd. V Deception Vued, It li Strang so many people will continue to euuer uay alter aay who uispepsta, liver lorn- E lain i, uonitiptuon, Boor otomaou, utntral ut iltty when they can procure at our store Bill- Lull 8 V1TALIZKK, free of eoat If it doM not cure or relieve tnem. Price ct. Bold by llarlswlck A Irwin and C. D, Watson, Clearfield. I H1A Everybody to Know. Rt. George II. Thayer, an old oitisen of this vicinity known to every ont as a most influential cii'.kHu, nod Chrii.diA Minister of tht M.9. Church lust this moment stepped in our store to say. 't wish tvtry body to know that I consider that both myself and wife owe our liru to, Shilob't Consumption Cure." It la having a trtmtndoat salt over our tounltrt and ts giving perfect satis faction in all oaae of Lung Diseases, such as noth ing tls hu dona. Boarbon, lod. May li, TS. Drs. Match ett A Fiance Suld by llarlswlck A irwin and U. V. Watson, oiearucld, fa. tfalc Youruelt That quealionM, Are von a despondent sufferer from Sick Head- aobr, Habitual Costlveneis, Palpitation tf the Heart t Hart yon Dltsiaesa of Ibt Heed f Is your Nsrvout System depressed t Dots your liloud circulate badly r Have you a Uough 1 Low Spirits 1 Coming up of tbt food after eat ing t Ac, do. All of tbeat and much morn art tht direct results of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and Iodigeslion. Oreen's August Flower Is now acknowledged by all Drnggials lo be a poiitiva oure. I, itiU,l)0lt bottles naro givi-n awty In the 1J. tj. through Druggiats to Ibt people u a trial. Two doiea will satiety any person of Its wonder ful quality in curing all forms of Indigestion. Sample bol Ilea 10 cU. Regular slst 7acts. Sold tosi lively by all first-class Drurglstt la tbt ni led (States. july 17-'7-eow-ly. The Death-rate of Our country la getting to bo fearfully alarming, the average of life being lesMncd t very y Mr, witoout toy reasonable eaust, dtatn resulting generally from tbt most Insignificant origin. At this season ef tht rear especially, a told le snob a oommon that tn tbt harry or trery day life wa art apt to overlook tba dangers attenaing tt and too often find too lale, that a Fever or Lung trobble has already set In. Thousands lose thtir lives this way tvnry winter, wbilt had Bosebtt'a ticrman Syrup been taken, a euro would hart re- rolled, nnd a largo bill from a dootor avoided. trot all dlMttM ol tha throat and longs, tioiebeo s Utrmaa Sirup has proven ttstll to te toe f rent- est di loo very of its kind In medicine. Every druggist la this oountry will tell lou of It won derful effect. Over 630,001) bottles sold last ysar witnout a single failure known. Julyl7, '78-oow-Iy. tfUrrM. Near New Washington, on Sunday, May Uthi I8r9. by Rev. J. II. Hall, Mr. Wm. B. Udell nnd Mies Harriet h. Sunderlia, both of 11 all towaibip, Liearneia county, fa. At th reaidanot of tht brldt't ntrents, on Tuesday, May 18th. 1879. by Rev. N. U. Miller. assisted by Rev. Wm. Oemmlll, Mr. J. Uareroft (JrabtrMand Mils Delia V, Joaes, both or Fbtl ipsburg, Pa. At Lutkeriburi .on Tueidav. May IStb.1879. by Rev. Wm. M. Birch field, assisted by J. T. (lied- hill, Mr. Joba Mcttaughey and Mrs. Amanda Owens, both or Clearfield, I'a. Oa Thursday, May Iftth, 1879, by B. Hilda brand, Sq , Mr. Robert Kepler, or Clinton county, ud Mist Nancy C. Pennington, of Chest townabip, Clearfield county, Pa At the reaidonct of tbt brlds's parent, ntar Ataoovuie, re., on in una ay, may iota, iniv, by Rev. D. H. Campbell, Mr. J. Milton Mays and Miss Kannlt W. Wilson, all of Jordan township, Clearfield oonnty, Pa. At tht residence of Ibe bride's ftthar, on Thurs day, May loth, 1879, by Her. R. U. Fletcher. Mr. George Bliss, of Huston township, and Miss Kate Rlshel, of Lawrence township, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a. In Bradford township, on Sato rday, May 19th, 179, J. D, Thomas, awed 40'venra, 8 months and 7 days. Ilia mother, Mra. Cross, died la this borough two days previous. " lne rtgateous beta nope la Bib dMtb, CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ciiinrini.D, Pa- M.vSl, 1S7. Flour, nor .wt.. 1 TO flour, porewt I Ooro M..I, p.r ewt 1 e Chop, rye, per owl 140 Chop, nixed, per owt 11a Bran, per ewt 1 ow Wheat, per buihel 1 00 Rye, per bn.h.l 60 O.U, per huihel i uorn, eara, per bmliel so fiuokwheat, perbuibol no 1 oo 40 le 100 10 r it rotatoN, par buihel Applet, per bnibel llnmi, per pound Shoulder, per pound Dried Beef, per pound Chicken., p.r . 401, per doien Ball, per anoh, large Ooal Oil, per gallon Lord, per pound 1 DO li 10 t I 00 vriea Appioe, per pouna..M Drld P.aohei, per pound... Henna, per buihel,. PBODUCE MARKET REPORT. a, May 10.Flour 8rm, but wheat and oora are weak. Bark 1a aomioal at 830 per ton for Ne. 1 Quer citron. Cotton ll ie bl.lier, and aelli al 121 for mid dling upland and Uulf. jrionr nnd anl Moor li nrm, wirn n good do. maod. Balaa of 2,400 barrel!; including Minne aota extra family, at$1.60(ot.lll; Penniylvanl do. do., at $5fa, 6.16. Ohio and llliBoia da. do., at $6.60oj,6.76, and patent and other high grade! aa $C15(o,7.t0; alio 6,000 barrala JlrardCity, Oam dea Fraaklord, Progreii, Ml V.rnon aad Egypt on d. I. Rye flour i. firm nl $2,871(93 pr barrel. CorDmeal-nolhing doing. Grala Wheel li lower and Innollva. Sale! of 3,000, inoluding PMoaylvaaia nndaoutb .rn rod, nt $l.l6i(aI.IO,; do. do., ember, nt $l.ll,and No. 1 .l.vntor, at 81.15: al Ib. tr.l oall $l.l.l waa bid for May, a decline. Rye la quiet and nnultorod. Cora ll quiet and eaaier al.a of 6,000, locludiog rcjecud nl 38 (oi.Oo; itonmnnt 40(a:4I. 01,460; nnd .all. elevator, al 13.C; nl the Irat aall 431a waa Ihe beet bid; 10,000 bmheli Auguit, laat half, aold al 44o, e O.ta are ia fair dem.nd nnd firmlv held. Bale! of 7,000 buibeli, Including mixed, al $.id( 33,o . nnd while U34,(p 37o. Whiiky li firm; lalel of 80 barrel! wiitarn at $1.00. CaICAno, Uay It. Flour qulel but firm. Wbeat irrerular and unearned; epened atrong and higher end eloied at Imlda pricai; No. 2 Chicago ipring, 08c for caahl c lor June; 7c for July; lalee eltBKojI.Ol for June; I7(9tll,e for July; No. I do, 2i; rejected, 72(o721. Corn unwilled nut generally ww.rj osioyojio for .aib) 85,. bid for Jane; 304. for Jaly. Oati dull and a ihade lower; 27i (a,23o for; 27,. for June; I7te for July. Bye aleady aod uneneogou. Barley quiet but firm nt 86c. ata.dy w ith n good d.mnnd at $96 $1.30. At tba eloM wn.M nuieweu, oui aio..u ai nnehanged prtoel. Corn eeileri 35,. nio lor .une, enic iur .uiy. Oali anaier and fo lowr. Pork 8rm.r and lo higher. Lard caiier but net quoubly lower. gnilroatU. Pen nny 1 van la Railroad TYRONE t CLEARFIELD MtANCH OS and nfter Mondny, MAT 11, 1871, tbe in ... II. ... I. f riiMitr i wm ,.- r -dayi) batweea Tyron. and Cleerfleld, na follow! , CLEARFIELD MAIL. W. S. PLoaaaa, CoBd.clor. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Corweaartlla,. .1.10, f.n Tyreee... Vaaaeoyee,.,. Bnmmit Peweltoa, Oceeol....... O.OO.A.a. Oleerield...... 8.40, " .8 40, ., . 8 60, " ,10.00, .10.12," Leooard, Barrett. ..3.64, Woodland, ..4.01, Bllr. Wellaeeton,.. Blue Bell,.... Grahaa Phlllpiburg, ..4 00. Bejnton, loir. .4.17, ..415, ..4.81, ..4.34, " ...4.30, " .4.48, ..4.61, " ..106, Htelner'a,..,. Phlllpiharg,. .10.22," .18.18, " 10.28. " Urna.a,. Blue Bell, .11.37," Sleleer'l...... Wlaoeloa,... 10 44, -,18.11, " .18.60, " Boynten,.... Oweoln, Igler, Woeaiaad,.,.,.! Powelton,. ... Barrett Leonard,..., Clearileld, .... 11.07." Summit, ....... .8.16, t.S6, .11.11," .11.10," TaaaooyoL, Tyrone .... .8.08, OBrwaaavlUe,. 11.46... CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. , CoBdaear. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Ourwenevllw. 1.10 t. a Olr0.ld.... 8 47 " Lwinnrd, 8.61 " . 8.67 " Woodland,... 8.08 ". Buler, ...... 8 00 Welleeetea,.. $.16 " line Belt,.... 0 11 flrahaa 4 15 Pblllpeburg. $ 11 " Steina'a, $.82 " Boynton, 8.37 " t)Meoln,....H $ 41 " P.w.lton, 8 61 Suamlt, 1.05 " Veaeeeyoe, 1 ' Tyrone, - 1.41 " Tyrone,..... Veaeeoyee,., S.aimlt...... Powoliea ..1.11 p. a ..1.43 " ,.$.01 " ,.817 ..010 " ..8.34 .810 " ..8.41 ..147 " ,.8.t6 ..861 BeyatoB...... Steiaer'a, , Phlllpaharg. Orabaa, .... Blue Bell Walleeetoa,.. Blgler, - Weed lead,.. Barrett,..,... Leenerd, Clenrleld-... $.18 " .8-17 " 0.25 " i$88 " $ 18 " Cnrweniville 16.80 " PHILIP6BUROA MOSIIANNON BRANCHES LBAVB lOUVM. LBAVB noBTW, A. M. r. H. r. M, 12:40 12:2ft 4:80 12:22 4:24 12:14 4:16 9:11 12:04 4:91 S.ftft 11:62 8:57 1:60 1146 8:60 1:4ft 11:40 1:4ft 8:40 11:18 1:40 8:88 11:30 1:86 8:80 11:2ft 1:80 tTATIOBB. M orriidalt, Pbillpibnrg, Sttinsr't Boynton, ObmoIb, Moahannon, Sterling, II ou tidal, MoCauley, Kendriek'a, Kamay, J to 2:15 2:19 rot) 7:0a T:09 2:24 2 30 10 29 7:18 2:44 10 15 Til 2:47 10:48 T:8tf 2:61 10:48 7:4ft 147 18:61 7:65 1:07 10:68 8 UI 1:12 11. .3 8:0V BALD BAULK VALLEY BRANCH. E- Hall. Mall. Exp. r. P. W. A. W 7.08 1.30 lenva Tyron. arrive t.ll T.oo T. 1.47 Bald Eigle tM T.4I (.01 Julian i.lo r.ot 1.14 1.55 llileiburg d.4i .4 1.31 10.11 B.ll.fonta 4 15 (..13 0.40 Mlleaborg 4.15 0.2.H V.08 10.40 Howard 4.01 0.11(1 41 11.11 arrive L. llavea leeve l it 1.25 TYRONE STATION. BABTwian. A.'y.l wn.vwanii: I Paci0.liipr.ii 8:01) PlttiLurgh Kxp'ia, 1.08 Johnatcwn 1:51 1 1'.ellio Kxpr..i, 8:11 r.a. r. a. Day Expr.ll M:WWny Paaaengor, 1:10 Train, 8.-20 Mali Train, t::4 Atlentie tfxpre.a, 0:01 Fait Line, ?:"8 1'hiU. Kxpr.ii. :-t Cloie oonnootioua ny all iraiu. a Tyrone and boon itaron a. B. tlLAlit, . mylT-tl. ilup.rtiii.uiiit. BTAOB LINES. A alag.l..vei Cnrweniville dally for Keynoldi villo, al 1 o'elook, p. a., arriving ntReynoldiville nt 8 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leevea Reyoolde vllle dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m.. nrrlvina nt Cur- weniville at 11 e'alook, a. Pare, each wey, $1. A atago leave. Cnrweniville dnllr. nt 1 o'clock p. m., for DuBoli City, arriving nt DnUota City nt 8 o'olook, p. a. R.tnrnfng, loavea DuBoll al 7 o'elook, a. a., dally, arriving at CurwenavilM nl 18 o'olock, a. Fare, each way, 81.60. FARB FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pn ... Look llav.n William iport.... Huntingdon ...... Lewiitown. Maryivlll... Cuw.nivill. Oiooola .(3 05 Uiddletowa 15 00 Marietta. t 55 Lancaater.. 8 80 PHILADELPHIA T 00 Altoonn 1 0k 1 70 I 60 1 80 100 4 00 Johnilown.. S 81 20 05 I'hlllpiburg l Tyron. 1 21 HARHItiBURO ... 4 71 riTTNBUKU 8 It Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Deo. 10th, 1877, the naiingr traini will run dally (except Bundey) between Rod Iinnk nnd Driftwood, n. follow! t EASTWARD. Day Mall leevea Plttiburg 8:20 n. a. Red Bank 11:58) Bligo Junction 12 08j New Bethlahaa 1:07 p. a.) Mny.vill. 1:10) Troy l:su Brookvillo 1:0V t ruller'1 1:35 Boy. nold.vill. 1:51 ; DuBnii 8:33 t Snaait Tunnel 8:40 PinO.ld 4:05 Weadvlll. 4:17 1 Beneiette 4:50 arrive, at Driftwood nt 5:56. W ITW A HD. Diy Mail learn Driftwood 11:14 p. B. 1:00; Weedville 1:40; PenOeld 1 16; Bummit Tunn.l 1:07 1 DuBol.130; Koynoldivllle 2:62; Fuller! 2:57; Brookvill.3:3.1; Troy 8:40; Mnyivlll. 4:16; N.wB.thl.b.m4:M; Sligo Junotion 6:10; Had Bank 5:37 ; arrival nl Pitlibnrgnl 8:10 p. m. MB- Tb. Reynoldrvlll. Accommodotion leave. Rejnoldivillo diily nt 7:50 a. B. and nrrivel nt Rod Batik at 1 1:00 a. a., Pitteburgh at 2::l p. m. Loavea Pitteburgh nt 3:10 p. m ; Red Bank nt a: p. m.j nrnvlng nt K.ynoldirille nl t:06 p. a. Clone connection! Bade with train! on P. A E Rnllroad at Driftwood, and with Iralni on Ibe Alleghany Valley Railroad at Rod Benk. DAVID McCARUO,Uen'l Sup't. A. A. Jirx.oa, Bup't L. (I. Dir. STAGE LINE. vLnauriBLn to raarinLn. The undersigned would inform tho puUle that Be l. now running n itaee line between Claaroald and Penn.M, three timeaa woek. The Itae. leave! Cleerfleld oa Moadevi.WMlnci' daye and Pridaya, at 8 o'clock a- a., arriving nt PenQeld nt 12 n'olaek m. Returning latna aaya. ieavea reon.ia at e olool p. m., arriv ing nt Clearfield et 8 o'elook p. m. vonn.ction I. made wita traina on the Low Grade R. R. nt PenOeld. Far., each way, 81.60. UKO. W. UKAKUARI. Clearl.ld, Pa., Fab. 13, 1878 $ tit flvtrUsrmfnts. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SEATED AUD SAWED. Curweuivtlle, Jan. I, 71-lf. yONEY TO LOAN. On Int-ol.K Im iniurnnee Compuny oryew-Tork'.Vnm STVTTnibf gaga, Ib iubi from $1,000 np. For further In formotioo npply to the und.raign.d. Ul lAlllAL W. DMIT11. Cl.nrl.ld Pn, Mny 7th, 1870-tf. CATJTIO, Aboot th. Irat of March lent a joint note wea obtained from na through the miarepreoeatation of eerUia facta, oalling for $500.00, payable to the order of SA Ml' KL 11 1811, ninety daya after data at tha County National liana, Cleerfleld ru. Tbe publlo la Bereby wenned areinal Begoti.ting for, or paying aaid note, ee we hare ooaeladed oot lo pay It noleai compelled by lew t. do ia. riiibir irui in, WILLIAM LUTHRR. WILLIAM O'HAHRA. H. Horn, Pa., May lit., 187t-a-7-9t. AltNl N1STR ATOU'I NOTICE. Notice la bereby given Ibat Lotion of Ad Binillratioa on lb. aitata of LEAH BLOOM, l.le of Pik. towavbip, Clearfl.ld oounty, Pnnn'n, dooeeied, hering been duly granted t. the nndenlgned, nil pereoni Indobted te mid erlete will pleeM make Immediate payaent, nnd thea hnving or demand! egeinat tbe lame will preeeat thea properly aath.ntloeted for nettle" ont without delay. UAU. n. 11AI.I., Admlnletrator. Clenrleld, Pa., Mar. 10, 1170 61. AIlMINlaTRATORrV SOTICE.-N.tlo. ll h.reby givea that Latter, of Adminlitre twnon the MUteof MILKd DAVIS, let. of Bee- eerie townihip, CloerCid Ooboly, P.nn'a., d. oeajed, hnving been duly graatod to the aoder- signed, ell pereoni Indebted to nld eitaM will filooeo meho immedieto payment, nnd thoea hav. nn aiaima nr demand! will preient thea properly authenticated for aettUmcnt without delay. JOHN B. MeklKKNAN, Administrator C. T. A. Smith'! Mllli, Pn., April 18, 1870 81- AD VIINI T P. A TO R'H A L B. Thire will be eold al pubiio oulory nl tbe lata ref idanoa f Miki Devil, dooeaaod, la Beccerla townihip, Clearfield eounty, Pe., on Betnrday, taa I4ta day ol May, the loiiowing property, via. Spring wagon, pair tela aleda, eore-.hlior, two bore, wngon, threebieg meobioo, atump machine, barrow, wind-mill, cutting-box, barnaw, plowi,' gmin-erndln, nnd a number nf other artiolee not oeeeiiary to meotlon. Bele to eommenoe at one o'elook, P. M. of oeid dey, when harml will h. md. known by tbe undereigned. JOHN 8. M'KIERNAN, Admlnletrntor, 0. T. A. Smitb'l Mill!, Pa , Uay 7th, lBJt-81. Jo 0 T S, S H 0 E Hals, Caps,&c.,&c. GEO. C. & T. W. MOORE, are Jul! epinlng a large aad eartfatly aaleoted Ileal in taetr urn, eBnrnuing LADIES' GAITERS, Kid, Clath aad Calf, la every atyle. LADIES' SHOES, Rough aad eaootn, LADIES' S L1PPERS, mgn una Lew. CIIILDItENS' SHOES, Buttoned, Buckled nad Lewd, Plain aad copper-teed GENTLEMEN'S' BOOTS, Hn. .ad Coarie. OENTLEMENS' QAITRRS, SHOES, BRO CANS, PLOW SHOES, SLIPPERS, Cloth or Leather. HATS, IIATS, HATS They eA apeolel .tt.ntl.n te their naaortmant HATH-eahraaiai th. LA T BUT STYLES far Baaaar wear. AMOSO THEIt Gents' Furnishing Goods, will h. bead aa aieortauat a' GENT8' NECK-WEAR. Mld.a Mualled ltb la y, laeta, aervlee or prtre. Atar nny ef whlehwUlbaieUataiteal.blagly tewlgnran,atHluai Mil. 1. ril'.-B OPERA HOUBB, Cleart.U, Fa. April Mil tf. PIANOS and ORGANS I Tha Largest and Cheapest House In Pennsylvania. Having lately accepted the General Agency for Central Penn sylvania (in addition to our old territory), with lieadquartern and large Btore room at 1404 Eleventh Avenue, Altouna. IVnn'u., in charge of Mr; George VV. Good, and being desirous of extending our already immense Bales of the most celebrated Pianos nnd Or gans, we will exhibit for one week, commencing on DIONUAY, MAY SGtli, a fine election of Pianos ami Orjjunri in CI.KARFIEM), at PIE'S OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, on Market street where we invito tho public to call and examine our goods. We sell no goods that we cannot fully warrant, and being the largest dealers iu the State, our prices are the lowest. Our house was established in 1831, in Pittsburg, where we still con tinue at No. 79 Fifth Avenue. lSTIUMtTS SULD ON SMALL MOMllLY PAYMENTS. Satisfaction guaranteed Send price lists. PIANOS. HAINES BROTHERS, WEBER, NEWTON & CO. GEORGE-W. GOOD, 1404 Eleventh Avenue, ALT00NA, PA. MELLON & 79 Fifth Avenue, May 21, 3m. Look to your Interests IN BUYING YOUR &TJELXJXT-V GOODB Having jusl returned from tho Kost, where wo hav boon making our Spring purchases, wo take this opportunity of thanking our cuRtomera for their liberal patronago in the past, and beg to aoeure tbera wo will do all wo can to make it their intercut to continue the aamo. Our atoro is literally crammed with goods juat from the manufacturer, by all odda the largnit and beat aolcctetl Block ever brought to this county at any one lime by one 6rm. Over fifty different patterns and varieties of CARPETS, ranging in price from 20 cents to 11 per yard. We will tell Carpets aa cheap us the same quality can bo bought in Philadelphia or New York. Ladies' Dress Goods, I Trimrninffs. Laces and Fringes, In the latoot etylot. Sheetings, Shirtings and Casaimeres, together with BOYS' WEAR in all gradca of goods. Our LADIES' AND CUILDRENS' STOCKINGS are just the prettiest and best you ever aaw. A lull line of TRIMMED HATS, always on hand, trimmed up by Matlie Rohn, of Philadelphia, who will give ladies wishing Hats trimmed to order, hor best endeavors to please. Call and see us before buying elsewhere. ' T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. m unjiiuinn.' u.n'n.i i.ia. I i -x.ww fty-tni for niuitrated Circolnr and Price. . tiberal Tonna to th. Trade -ta Don't buy until you have teen the lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, H1DDLETOWN, CONN, a4 Km. IB lad 101 Wabvek inau, CKIGAOo, IU, GUINZBURG'S NE ritlCK TO THE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: Vi'm give a hearty and cordial invitation to come and examine our new Spring stock ol Cents' & Boys' Clothing. We have selected fur tbe Spring carelully tnado ana aiynon gooaa it it poeaiuie to procure, ana nave marked every garment at the lowest possible prices. We know that our goods are of tbe highest char acter, and we believe inspection and comparison will prove Ihnt the nricee are much lower than they have been heretofore. Take particular notice, our Spring stork is all new. Please give us a call. L. GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, April t, 1871. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Curweuevllle, Pn. Jen. jTS-tf. JAME8 H. TURNER, Jt'STlCI OP THE PEACE, Wallaretoa, Pa. aar-He hei prepared hlaaalf with all Ib. BMMiary bl.eb forai nader th. Peaeioa aad B.aaty lewi, na wall aa blaak Meed., ete. All legel Batten eatrad t. hll .are will aoalv. prompt attaetloa. May Ith, 1878-tf. New Marble YrU. tombstonesTmonumehts, !(( tmr Cttrntfr Lett. A NEW pfARBI.i TARB-OII at J.tlk BARTY'S Marble Werhl Oanlc wwrt Bad tow prieea. Dlreetly oppeotle th. Lwtherea Cbnreh, TkW otrw. JleertZd, Pm Mteh 17, 1I7I-K for illustrated catalogues and ORGANS. PALACE, STERLING, . MASON & HAMLIN. HENRICKS, Pittsburg, Penn'a. SIMPLICITY I QUPERIORITY fl I IMPLIFIED O MAINTAINED ! Improvements September, 1878' Btrloir ward far tht wu4 of r. prnajroMivaj it, w U4jt offer f tb Worltl VCTOR m Important Improvement. NotwithaUndiug tlio VICTOR hu long beea thotwerof any machine in the market a fact supported by a boat of volonloer witneaeee w now confidently claim for it giaalar simplicity, a wonderful reduction .t friction, and altotrether a Hart Com bination afDt'lrMt Quulftict. For Bala by Alercbanta and othen. soason a magnificent slock of tbe moot - - Clearfield, Pa. DR. H. F. BEAM. CHRONIC DISEASE. PHYSICIAN, 01-RWENSVILLt, PKNN'A. Part l.lor nlUnlioa given, la Both Itady aad pmotioe, a th. treatment ef laoea .h.enr., long otandlug, or Chrnnw lrieaaeae. Pwnnl ia seed of hie ewviM., aapeelelly thee. wh. have deelared withewl beneSt, nad n.1 a. have deuhu aa to what elk) them, woald d. well te give hla aall. Ia every oaae tha pat Wat ar friend! any rely up on reoelvlug a aaadld optatoa a. te what eea be eoaeapllehed ba the treelaewl. will awl eadertek. a aaaa aaaa neeared, hy peal aieeri enM, that be Ma Mr. et greatly hwowat thea. Poa. deetrmeo af vurillee hla. akMtd d. M M tali,, Wenwenda, or Satnraay, M then, daya daya h. aay bo eeent vlilu., pallMU ntll l renchaio. ntleatioa to nhll 'H trevenl 1 dU-. eppelalaoBA. May It, '78, t(