! .1 I J t. :i l j ; 1 I, ;- I I i 5 M ! S ' THE. MANSION HOUSE. Cora-rof Rwndand Market Stmta, trF.ABFlEM, PA. TtllS aid Bad aoamodioaa Hotol feat, daring tha pael yoar. Bl"Kd t doablatu fornar eapaolty for tht nteruiomanl of atrar,. n aai aTuoata. Tht wbolo but I ding ku bota roforolabed, and th proprietor will apara peiaa to render an guetta aomiortabia lull ataylng with bias. 9-The 'Manetoa Houia" Omaibai rami to and from tha DapolOB tfaa arrival ud departure of Mh IrnlB, W. a CARbON, July 11-77-tf Proprietor LLEGIIENY HOTEL. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, TTn. 8. Bradley, forrnorW proprietor of the Leonard llnusa, baring letied the Allegheny Hotel, ao licit a ahore of public patronage, Tbt Hoom ba beta thoroughly npairad and atwly furnlibed, and gueiu will And it pleaaanl atop- ping plaot, lot table wiu be auppuea wiin ine belt of over thin ia th At tht bar will bt found tht Mat wlnta and llquora, Quod tabling at tanned. WM. 8. BRADLEY, Proprietor. Way 17, i0. SHAW TJ.OTJSE, (Cor. of Market t tract llreell,) ' CLEARFIELD, PA, Tbt onderelgnod herlng Ukan oharge of tblt Houl, would rMpMtfull; lollolt nubiio p.tronag.. tel, would f.blt.'ti. A. DkVIUfl DIIAI. rjEilPERANCE HOUSE, KEW WASUISOTON, PA. II. D. ROSE, . . PioriiTo. Hlil, S&0. Mao ond bono or.r eight, $1 00. Uoa ood two boriei or.r Bight, ll.oO. Th. boit of oooBinodUoDl fur mtn tod brail. Oot. L'3,78.(f. T7"A SUING TON HOUSE, TT NKW WA81IINUT0S, PA. Tbil Bow and well furDiih.d hour. ha. bMB takon by th. uod.r.lgn.d. li. f.la oonfidont ot boiog abl. to rendor latkifaotloo to thoi. who maj favor bim with a oall. M.j , nil. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOTD HOUSE, Main Strmt, PHILIP8BUKU. PKNS'A. Tabl. always nppli.d with th. bait tb markrt anurur. lu. traroling publte la invited tooail. Jan 1, '70. HOBKRT I.OV 1). County National Bank, OF CLEAHFIKLD, PA. I b 00M In Maaonie naildlng, ona door north ol J V O, U. Watoon a Urug blora. Taafat;. Tioketa to and Iron Llvarpoot, Queona town. Illaisuw, London, Pnrli and Conanhagan. Alao, brafta for aal. on th. Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prel't. f. M. SHAW, Cathier. . Jinl,'77 DREXEL & CO., Kv. 34 Buuth Third Street, Pblladelphla And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will rtoairt prompt attto tloo, and all information cheerfully furniihtd Ordtra toileted. April U-tf. P. K. ARKOLD. 9. W. ARHOLD. J. B. ARNOLD F. K. ARNOLD & CO ISnnker and brokers, Reynoldavllle, Jefferaon Co Pa, Maney rtoalved on dfpmlt. lieonnti at too- dtrata rtt. Kaite baittifWaul rortijcn Kxehangtal- waya on hand am tnd t)tonti promptly mailt. HtynoMavilli e, uoo. in, i , 1B74.-Iy j l. u. nEicnnoLD, 'lURGEON DENTIST, Qradnatt of tbt PannnrlTani Colleire of Dtnttl 8urf(Ty, Offioc in reiidenot of Dr. Hilli.oppoaUt me Dam noun. mooia, 'it-ti. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Offiot In Bank Building.) CnrireniTllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. mob II '70 tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIKLD, PA (Offloa Id rtaidtBtt, Staood atrttt.) Kltrona Oxldt Gat admlaiattrtd for tbt pala tal titraotioo of ttttb. Cle.rfl.ld. Pa., Mar 1, 18H-1 y. rillOF.MAKINC.-I hereby Inform my pa- O troni, and mankind in gtotral, that I hart rr moved my aboemaking ihop to tbt room la (1 rah an a row, over o. I. snydor'a jewelry alort, aod that I am prepared to do all kindt of work my lint ebeaptr than any other annp tn town. All work warraottd at rood aa tan be dona any' whert tit. Puailirtty toil ta tht chFapett abop la uiaarutid. jus. u. unKniriu Dto. 11, 1878 -If. Wagons for salK. Tbt vndcrtlgard baa as hand, at bli ahtp la Clftrlltld, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, Spri&g Wagons. &ni Suggios, For aalt. Waitern wagnna aa well aa thorn madt Bert. Any ol which will bt told cheap for oath or approred aeourity. For farther Informatioo, tall ia paraon at my ihop, oraddreta ma by tetter. J HUM A3 l.blbl.1. Oltarltld. Pa., April J3, l3Ti-tf. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory "v Ptaa Uwnthlp, Clear field Co., Pa, BURNED OUT1 1VT HOT BURNED UPI Tht aubierlbtrt hart, at great aspen at, rebuilt a Btlghborhood neeeeeity, ia tht erection of a firaU ttaaa Woolen Manufactory, with all tht modern improvement, tttaobed, and art prepared to matt all bin da of Clotba, CaJiimarte. Hatinttta, Blajo keti, Fiannala, Ao. Plenty of gooda oa band ta apply all oar old and a thonaand aaw tattontara. whom we aak to eomt and aiamlnt tar atotk. Tho bnilaeea of CAKDINQ AND FULLING will rtwtirt oar tapaolal attentloa. Proper arrangement will bt madt to rtotWt and deliver Wool, to aalt tnatomera. All work warranted and done apoa tht ahorttat aotlet, and by atritt atttn- tloa to baalaeaa wt hopt to real I it a liberal aaara at paont patroDagt. 1U.UOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will pay tht bigbtat market prlta forVoo and aall oar maaafaatarod gooda aa low aa tins liar gooda aaa bt bonght ia the ooaaty, and whantrtr wt fall to render rtaaonabit aatiBfaetioa wa tan alwayt at feand at homo ready tt maha proper axpiuatkon. aitntr tn paraoa or ny letter. JAMBS JOHNSON A SONS, a!? ' y P. O JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald rtaptttfally aotify the pablle generally tbat bt baa removed hia Grocery Store from flhaw'a Raw, to tbt baildiaa formerlv ooaaoied by J. Mi lee Kratter, oa Seeoad atrttt, aeit door a Rlgltr'a hardwnra atora, whert ht lattada ktaptng a fall line of ,G It O C E It I E IS. 'A MS, DRIED BKKF and LARD. 8D0ARS aad 81 EUPS, of aU (radae. TEAS, Onea and Blaok. COPPEE, Eoarted ud Ones. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CA.r.Yin truth, AU tiada lalbe ssarkat. PICKLES, la Jan aad barrala, , SPICES, la irarv Ibna aad rarl.ty. FAMILY FLOUR, - ' Att KIVDE OP CRACEERf. EOAPa, - MATCH, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CDEBRIES Cotl Oil ani lUmp CUmaoyt. Aftd B food aaaortaBMt of tboae thing, anally kevt t. a groeory etoro, whlrb he will etobaag. for aiarkMlag at the atrhat prloaa. WLM aal iter eaja as sbaasly aa any atbar an PteaM sail aaw Boa bli eueh sad Jadge tar inal afaAlnataw ' CWaa,J. E,lfB. $llsrtUantous. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUPi nrtrl,(MM,We)'(tliHi td. It ...theino-t nnp. Olar n-ni.-lv l"r HOI UUH, fOl.ltN, 4'MOt P. BltAIIWKl., fciiJ nil T II BOAT nd Lt Sii Jlrra HhmIm-u In um M A" V a . i-y. Hoe Ion wumnitlid II. - K. Tom., I.oki P.O., 111., itfi: " ll annf, hit twerhildrii fim lite for" A. L. BiMao, of ItaJliiinur, MJ., aIm a : "It wilt cur lb wort rniuli minriliJii ." TnkO etfcerl Prlrvd. SO rnta, At ccnia. and per lutUr. . K.aaxi;H a to -""V. a-iiiatwivh, r Far aalt by H. W. Graham, Clearfield, Fa. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, TUB LAR'IBST and BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE COL'MV. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR. 8YR0P. QCEESSWARE, TUBS and BUCKETH, BBIRD FKUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS. FLOUB, FEED. MEATS. P18II. SALT, UIU, County Agent for LORILLJRirS TOBACCOS, Th.r gooda bought for CASH ia large lota. and aold at Blraoat oity prieaa. ClaarDald, Pa., June H, 187-ly. m tutor TTTDl CTP me tAMOl uLliAollii polish. ALWATB BIIDT rod lilt' artfi. KLIBH Wnn Huw NO BVIXttfCK DU8T. RUBT. W ASTBL anuBM, HENRY S. ZIECLER, Sole Manufacturer, eai tee a aMt. paiutiau, REMOVAL ! James L. Xieavy, nrlng porahattd the tntlre ttoek of Fred Beckett, hereby givta aotlet tbat ht baa moved into the room lately o?enpld by Reed A Utterly, ta Steond atrtet, whert at ia prepared to offer to tbt publle COOK STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, of the lattat Itnprortd pattern a, at low priota. HOUSE FDENISHINO GOODS, Gas Fixtures aud Tinware, Roofing, flponting, Plumbing, Oat Pitting, and Repairing Pampa a apecitlty. All work warranted. Anything la my line will bt ordered apeetal If dtalrtd. JAB. L LEAVY, Proprietor. FRED. SACkLTT, AgaBt Olaarfled, Pa., January 1, 1879-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA, Hare opened op, In the atore room lately oaeupted by Weaver A B.IL,ob Sewnd atreet, B large and well aelaeted etook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SUOES, QUBENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WAKE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c. Whleh they will dlpoa of at reaion.bla ratal for Saab, or oacbange lor eouatry prouoee. OE0R0E WEAVER A CO. ClearSeM, Pa., Jan. . IST-tf. JbEW FlaOUK. FEED, GllOCEHY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Rool Na. 4, Pie's Opera Hnet, Clearfield, Pa. Keep. eoBllBBtly oa bead SUGAR, corrsE, TEAS, SODA, . COAL OIL, SIRUP, I SALT,' SPICM, SOAP, Oaaaad and Dried Prajta, Tebaewo, Clgan, Caa tie, Older Ttaagar, Ratur, Igga, A. A I JO, EXTRA BOHR. HADE Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, dto., IE ef whleh wIE be seld ehee tt eeA ar la aaBaag, let aewtry srwaaM. .vain w, & aa ..a vlaarlala, lew. II, UT4.-at. . mMMM it. a.r,bwi,B.iu.M n .,.a, - Bv.rrMl, l..mH.i II. Br.r.dl. aUaf rha. ftMeaawnhwra arMu4Mria,Ma. gntcluiWr aud Jorls" THE CLIMAX REACHED AT LAST ! Veil it toTlie Woild ! That in view of the depressed state of the timcR, and that every man, woman and child may have an opportunity of seeing , the largest and best exhibition on this Continent, we have reduced the entrance fee from .... ... FIFTY CENTS to -TO- BATCHELiTjER & DORIS5 GREATEST RAILROAD SHOW. ON EARTH ! Will m at ClsarEsld, Wtinsiaj, May H, 73. MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, CIRCUS AS D CARAVAN. A TRAIN OF Forty Palace Animal Cars, Pasncngcr and Sleeping Coaches. 25o to bco ALL I VAST MENAGERIES! Containing all the most valuable and rare Representatives of the Zoological Kingdom. CONSOLIDATED MUSEUM I Roplote with Language, Gifted and Song COLOSSAL CIRCUS! Presenting tho most Brilliant Lights ol the Aronic and liymnaslio norm. "EMPRESS!" THE LARGEST ELEPHANT IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Most Thoroughly Trained and cost more than any 8 CENTRE TOLE TENTS. 8 Comfortably Beating 8,000 persons, presenting a Scene of Beauty 1111 I'llll .1 . and Urnnueur never execuea wnen ngnica Dy mo recently perfected ELECTRIC LIGHT! Twelve Hundred Elegantly Cush ioned Opera Chairs, TWETY-FIVECETS EXTRA. The Grand Animal AND ARENIC ENTRE AND REALISTIC MARDI-GRAS FESTIVAL! Preceded by a SUPERB MUSICAL BRIGADE OF THIRTY PIECES EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. !srnJ-';-W.!aB5J nonH Fail to see If, Don't Forget it. THIS SHOW II ITS ENTIRETY EXHIBITED FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ADMISSION IS ! 2 " Foiforaances - Doily. R AITsT OR SIinVTE t Doors Oj)cn at 1 and 7, Commence at 2 and 8, P. M. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE 1 CMIJIWElEMJAYlil WILL ALSO Tyrone, May 18th, Philipsburg, Cirrus IMvf rtUrmtut. Having within their spacious limits a com prehensive ant) exhaustive collection of Wonderful Curiosities, Auto inntic and Michanical. UFE-LIKE FIGURES ARE UN SURPASSED AND COMPLETE. Birds. Kovcr beforo has thero boen More than double the amount ol attraction and novel features are to be seen in this Mam mouth TentH Exhibition tbnn any other now Traveling. All For 25 Cents Admission. AND EXHIBITED TODEB isjrmbtyjjf A Mile of Gorgeously Ac coutred and Panoplied Retainers, Knights, Cavaliers, Beau tiful Lvdies, Chariots, Tableau Cars, Museum, Reposi tories, Vans, Cages, Herd Elephants, Cam els, Dromedaries, $c, SfC. EXHIBIT AT May 15tb, Bellefonte, May ICth. 'walBg,. jf. --""k'1-.B wat CawavT TMJIEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, TA. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO, MAY. 14, U7. BLAISE'S BLUNDER. RIB PALLIATION Of THI PBIHINCKor TROOPg AT TU POt.I.. Uluino's pitiful demagO;uoiam thut a law forbidding tho Pienidont lo sand troops lo the polls was absurd and revolii(iuf,if nuher a eontradlc lion hocuuxe there were hut tew troops available, bus suuurud for that ingenious Senator nothing but ridicule und denunciation. It was the lamest effort ot his life. The Philadelphia Timet has this to euy of Blaine's reus oning : "If a ainglo election poll or the election polls which mar control a county or a district, can be controlled by the bayonet, the axsuult upon the free government is as deadly as if an army were to overrun every debatable State. What would bo Senator Blaine's answer if a Democratic administration should inarch a singlo company of Fed eral troops to the several centres of his Congressional district which decide the election of a Congressman, aud exercise the arbitrary power of reconstruction days to arrest or intinii date voters so us to securo the defeat of the candidate ot his party T Would Senator Blaine appear beforo '.ho peo ple of this Stalo and answer: 'What have the nearly a million ol freemen ol Maino to fear from a few hundred Federal soldiers?'" In 18t8 a company of Federal urn rmes were marchuu to the polls in Philadelphia, under orders from the United States Marshal. Thero was no open resistance ; but that sini(le com- pnny of less than four score soldier with gleaming bayonets, moved Ike city from centre to circumference, and there was but ono voice that went tip to tho authority of the Slate in regard to it. Republicans and Democrats united as ono people to demand that bayonets and elections should he strangers to each other in Pennsylva nia. The Republican Governor form ally protested against the assault upon the freodom of elections, and a Repub lican Legislature and a Republican Constitutional Convention havo for bidden the prcsenco ol troops within rungo of elections. Our militia nro forbidden to paradu on election day or lo appear as military organisations witu or without arms, and any ofllcor commanding soldiers to parade on oleclion day is liable to fine and dis missal from office. Our new Consti tution, framed by a Republican body and adopted by ono hundred and filly thousand mujorily, added to tho old provision declaring all elections to be I'rco, that "no power, civil or military shall at any time interfero to prevent tho froo cxerciso ol tho right of suf frage.' It is in no degree a question of the number ol troops. Thero was less than a hundred in Philadelphia in 18G8, where one hundred and forty thousand voters could bave disregarded them with impunity or vanquished tbom with a breath, if necessary ; but tbo bayonot as the symbol of the mil itary power ol the Government made the wholo Commonwealth rise up as one man and dodaro the sovereignty, of tho State and the Ireedom of her citizens. STEIN MAN QUO WARRANTO. quo icarranto case ol the Common wealth rs. Rteinman was argued be fore Judge Dean Wednesday afternoon. Tbis is the well-known action brought by cx-Treasurer N. J. Friedhoff to tost the power of Mr. George B. Stein man to bo postmaster ol South Fork and at tho same time exercise the functions of a member of the board of County Auditors and is based on tho following provisions of the New Con stitution : ...... Amtiolb lit, SecriOR 1. Ho member of Cub greee from thia Stele, nor an poreo boldloa or eaereiiieg any ofnee or appointment of traet or profit ender ihe Hailed Dialer, obeli at the eatse time bold or oi.rviee aay efflre ia thia Slate ta wbioB a aalary rem or Bera,ulaitea .ball be altaoh Lengthy argument was heard by tho Court, beginning not long after the bell had been rung for tbo afternoon session, and lastingtill nearly 5 o'clock.. The relator was represented by Messrs. Johnston and Scanlon, with Messrs. Barker and Reado for Stoinman, and in the course of what "was said by these able disputants, pro and con, the full lacts were developed. This, In brief, was an action of a nature never before brought before a Court lor its decision within the limits of the State, or insido tho United Statos so fur as tho books go to show. Judge Dean, in his decision, set a precedent which will likely last ao long as our present Constitution is in existence, lie said, in substance, that a Government office, sucb as a postmastorship, ia clearly in compatible under the constitntion with the office ot County Auditor. The text of Articlo ill is plain in Its languago, and no legislation, such aa comes nnder the head ot "Incompati ble offices," as given in any publica tion, can vitiate it, the Constitution ranking higher than any possible legis lative body. Mr. Stoinman is un doubtedly very worthy gentleman, but be cannot, under tho Constitution serve two masters, lie must be post master without being Auditor, or be must rosign the former office and cling to the latter. Should be decide to va cato the postmastorship, tho Court, following the wishes of the people as expressed at the lasteloction will have no hesitancy In re appointing bim to the Auditorship which he in January lust filled without all his requirements coming up to the full letter of the law. An incidental question as to whether the relator in the caso, Mr. FroidhofT, who wa Treasurer of the county at the timo the writ ol quo warranto waa applied for and Is now a private cili aena was legally relator hr this Special caso, was held over by his Honor for further consideration. On the decision on the latter branch of the subject de pend the cost in the caso. But the question wholheror not Mr. Stein Was illegally a member of the board of Auditors at its last seuioD is deftnitel an forever determined. - . . ' Scott Lord, law partner of Senator Conkling, Is reported to have received 1110,000 as counsel lees in the Van dcrbilt case. Senator Jones, of Nevada, baa gone to Ieadville to see if ka oan DroAublr pnulyta.pi0n 0' tW ' """" 11 A YES AS A REVOLUTIONIST. Exlromoa moct when a dog bitos his ta.il, but hiK he'nng o t!i oiH! .log. Ho it is not contrary to rule or experi ence to find thoso two notuhlc Journal, tho Now. York llrraU (Grant organ) and liarper'l ll'n'y(anli-G'rautorgnn), both tenders tn tba Republican party, agreeing In their advlro to Mr. lluyos and in thair opinion as tn what ho ia bound to do with tho bills which the Durnocritliu Congress will put boftiro bim. These- two arc tho remnant of lb jurnala of tho country which have enough respect for Hayes lo try to atrcr him In the salt) track amid tho perils that he sails among. Widely as thny differ in their character, their single aim leads thorn to tho same con clusion in this mutter, alnco Jllioro is no other to be reachod in common honesty. , ' It would, as th'e Herald says, bo very absurd lor Mr. Hayes to veto a moasuro that ho approves, since the constitution says tbat if he approvos he shall sign it But it is not alto gether incredible, for although the oonslitution makes him judge only of tho propriety of a measure and not of the manner in which it is passed, Mr. Hayes' occupancy ot his present seat, and bis approval ol the means by which it wss stolen lor him, provo that ho does not scorn to set asido tho spirit ol the law which be has sworn to supKrl. Mr. Curtis admits that thero ample precedents for tho manner of legisla tion in which the Democracy are en gaged, and denounces tho demand ol tho Republicans, that Hayes shall veto it, because they say so, as "nonsonsi cal." Ah! Mr. Curtis, you are a "man milliner, your lauguago in that ol lh(W0 who Bre M on mik Iwt ,trI1(. mBttU Xhe riuht name for tho action that Is anked of Hayes by his party is to bo lound in the vocabulary of Buch stalwarts as Conkling and Garfield. it is Revolution (with a big li.), and ought to be printed in red lotters. For, did not Mr. Garfield on Friday say, in the dubuto on tho army bill, in relation to the political rider on It You have a riirlit, however unwise and Indecent it may bo as a matter of parliamentary practico, you havo perfect right to nut this rider on t bill and pass iu When you send it to the Senate that body has a perfect right to pa?s it. It is your constitu tional right and theirs lo puss it, for the froo consent of each body is tho oasis oi t ne law mailing power. And did not this same Garfield at the closo of the last session, and did not Mr, Hayes then and oft times since, ijecluro that in itself tho proposed re. peal was a righteous meneure? If then in itself it morits their approval an j against the manner of its passage thero is no valid objection, would not Mr. iluycs' veto of it be a bold altcmpt to coerce, if not to usurp, tho legisla tivo power of the government ; to de stroy the'freeconseul'ol both the bousos Congress, which Mr. Garfield basso of warmly eulogiied f Would not this bo Revolution T "Nonsensical" and "ab surd" are very mild terms to charac terise such a proceeding. UAYE8 SPEAKS A riECE. L'Sl'ariRS or INDIAN LANDS ORDERED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Wasuinoton, April 26. The lol low ing was issued tbis afternoon : By tbo Proaidont ot ' tba United States of America : A PROCLAMATION. "' Whereas, It has become known to me that certain evil disposed pontons nave wnnia me lerruory ana jurisdic tion ol the United Stales begun and sot on foot preparations for organized and forcible possession of and settle ment upon lands of what is known ae Indian territory, west of the State of Arkansas.which territory is designated. recognised and described by treaties and laws of tba United States and by txecutivo authorities as tbo Indian country, and as such in only sullied to occupation by Indian tribes, officers of tho Indian Department, military posts, and suoh persons as may be privileged resiae ana trade therein under in tercourse of tho laws of the United States: and, , , Hherraa, Tbcso laws provide for the removal oi all persons residing and trading therein without express per mission ot the Indian Department and agents, and also of all Demons whom such agonts may deem to be Improper .1.- T pi-iBuua w rvalue in tae luuian coun try. -Now, therefore, lor the purpose ol properly protecting tho interests ot Indian nations and tribes, as well asol the United States, in said Indian ter ritory, and of duly enforcing tho laws governing ijio saino, 1, Jtulherford B. Hayes, Prosident ol the United States, do admonish and warn all such por sona, so intending or preparing to re move upon said land or into said terri tory, without permission of the propor agent, oi ins inaian Department, against any attempt to so remove or seiu upon Buy 61 the lands or said Territory. 1 do firrthor warn and notify any and all such pontons who luay so ouenu mat luoy will boapeedily and immediately removed therefrom by the agent, according to the laws maue anu provided j and it nooessary the aid and assistance of military forces of tbo United States will be in vokod to carry into proper eaecution the lawa of tho United Statos herein referred to. In testimony whereof 1 bave bore unto set my hand and oaused tbo acal or tbe United States tn be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, thia 2Clh day of April, iu the year ot our Lord, one thousand eight hun- area ana scvonty-nine, and of tbe Independence oi the United States ' the one hundred and third. (Signed) - By the President, ' . KuTiuuroRD B. Hates. Wm. M. EvaaTa, Sec, ol State. fnk RIVICALLEADEH. , An exchange says: "Mr, Garfield has other qualltloe than bis abilities which recommend him lor the leader ship of the Republican party in Con gress, to which by common consontbe seems to be assigned. It wilt be re numbered that in (he days of "rings tod things and Una array" at Wash ington, Mr, Uarleld reported to the House two appropriations, one of tCS, 050, for the use of the Shepherd board ol public, works, and advocated them in a speech in which he warmly eulo gised the honesty and efficiency of uoss ouoppara ana ma pals. Uy means of these appropriations the Shepherd - 4 ' ?onl" . - 1. 1 . .1 . . . Hie uicairo iirm oi ireuo vor at MO- Clollan for 160,000 yards ol worthless wooden pavement at wbat was after, wards shown tn be. over twioe Its proper prioe, and the same 6rra two monlhsallerwardspaid Uarflold $5,000 "for professional sorvicoa," though he bad rendered no legal assistance of any Kind t mem, and they bad had no legal business at Washington. That is wny .ne new iorE tfua calls aim "DeOolyer" Garfield. IWsftUautoM. TkHOPKDTV PH I1KNT. I Mr., John . Raff.rte, wf PBB townihlp, i.r for mt a dwelliag boaee and More r,em, llueU In th. village of Proarille. Fur further Inlurut.tl.iA ni.i.lv tn. or addreea. MM. i. H. IV A r r nn . OOl. JS.tit tf. Uramples llllll. pOK BALK. Th. naderilmeJ will aall at srleau aala all that treat or paroel at land etuwlo Is Deealiir townihlp, Clearleld aoanly, P.., within a abort anoe or the iyroae a Ciearoei-i n. n., aou nnlng land! of Hubert lludeoa and otaer.. and baowa aa the Jeeiia B. Uearharl lot. The laid tract ooataiaing .a aoree aa.-re ar iaee, Wlta ,n ..in. at v.lu.lil. aoai th.raoa. haa about 10 actei elearad. and li tba bey to a large body 01 aual about being der.luned. Will ho .uld lew and upon eeay lamia, for partieuiara, app'7 1IAV1U u. av aHEUg. ClaarBeld, I'.., July II, 1H76. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALEE IK FURNITURE, . JIATTIIESSES, AND -' ' ' Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STIIBKT, NEAR P. O. The BBderelgned base leave to Inform the wltt- eeoe of Olearflald, aad tba publla gaBerally, thai be baa on band a ftae eatortment of Foroltara, euab aa Walnut, Cheltna! and I'aintad Chamber eultea, Parlor bullea, Redlining and Kllemioa Chain, Lad In' and Oenta' Eaay Chalra, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Chalra, Cane Seat! aad Wlndanr Cbaira, Clothes Bera. Biro Bad Eitaa- aioa Laddara, Hat ftaeka, Sorwbbing Britrhei, ao MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooaing Olaaie, Chremoa, Ae., wbiob would a lilalde for Holiday preaenta. dwia'M JIUIN TROIlTMAIC, Boots shoes HATS, CAPS, AND- t I 5 1EJ Wiliamsport Boots. Elmira Boots, PERKINS' Driving Boots and Shoes Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, Pine Boots s 1 Stoga Boot With a foeral variety af Ladlee', Miiiaa sad Children'e Boota, Shoea and Qalterr. ri'bher ooods. Hi: II II EK UOOD8, BATS AND CAPO. HATS AND CAPS. OKNTS' FUBNISHINO flOODS. UENTJ' fURNltfUIKU OOODS. The ondenlgned ro.pefltfotly larite the attea tlon of tho people of Cleerfleld eonoty, to tbeir aew etoeh of the shore nemed goode. Conntry Produee taken in exchange for gooda. Price, ea low at the lowert. McdAI'IIHKT A SHOWERS. P. moved ta Wm. Rred'a old etaad, Second St., Clearfield. Pa.. Dee. 4, ll7S-lm. . Agricultural Statistics. To tk CVfUMt Cltmrjiild Comntp t Tba aadtrsignad aa-lag baaa appolaUd by tat DcpartDt-at, at WEibtngtoa, principal reporter af tha Arionllaral Stat i it lea f CUarflald aotiaty, rvBpctftillj r-qsoftB tba aa-oparativa af all U aaaut, hj Bending tba luWerthcr all tha lafurma tloa tbajr aaa bearing apoa tba follow tag ajuaa tiom, ao aa to aoabla fata to Btftko aa eorraet a tatMBBDt to tha Depart Brat, aa poaaiblai How anatiy aoraaa aara d.ad in yomr beraufh ar towa abip, and ef wbat diatafa. How aa mvi aad ealraa, aad of wbat dii-aca. Uow many abaep bara yoa loit, and af what dUtatat bow mmny ktlttd by dogl. Ha naay hoga bvTa yaa lost, aad af wbat dlaaaaa. What prevailing diiMMi amongat tba poultry. Ia all aaaaa gira tha raai. ediaa and which bava beta found to bo ioomm ful, and la all aaaaa to gira th eaxh ratne of all Btoah aa aaarly aa poMtbla. By tho oa eporatlon of oar aitisaa la ganiral apoa tboaa Important partlanUra, tha Agaieullural roporta will baooiM ao anayalopediaaf asffal iarormatloD to tba pab liot by vaabliag tha Dtpartnaat to pabliih tba diaaaaaa, tba loBaoa, aad tha raaMdtaa tbat bara bo a found Boat baneaaial la aorta i a diaaaaaa . Any othar Info rmavt ion thai will bo ooaaldarad a pablle btnaBt, will ba thankfall) roocived. Addma tba aalworlbtf at Uramplaa Tlilli, CleatfialdCa., Pa. bAMUBL WiUKallltB. Idaroh IS, ISTf-tf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERllELL II bj otenrL ta a building oa Uarkat atroot, oa tbo old W eat am Hotel lot, oppoaito tha Court Houaa la Clrflald,a Tia and 8haat-Iroa Manu factory aad tttora, wbort will ba found at all Hmoa a fall lioa of E0T7SE FTOITISimTa O00S3, Stovos, n&rdvaro, Etc lloaaa Bnoatrng aad all kindi of Job work, repair ing, sd., dona oo abort aotifla aad at roaaoaabla ratoa. Alao, agent for tba Singer Sewing Machine. A aupply of Machinal, with Naadlaa, le al wava oa band. Toraia, rtrtftly aaah ar aowBtry prod uoo. A bara of natron aga lollclttd. 0. VJERRRLL, HaprriDtoBdrat. Cloarfleld, April S5, 1077-11. f ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, UAWGIJJQ YA8KS, Ptove Lining and Fire Brick. kapt aoaataatly aa kaBd. STONE AD EAETIIE - WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS I POTS I CROCK8I Plaher's Patent AlrtlEht Self aeaiiBf STi-nlt Canal BUTTER CROCKS, wllh lid. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, Arrba- BUTTan CROCKB, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PlI DISHES, STEW POTS. Aad a great ateay other thlngo to. Bamam, b) . meatioB, to he had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERT, Cera.r el Cherry aad Third Slraeta, . CLKAKFIaLv, PA. BBgl PRIVATE SALE Of Valuable Real Estate I Tbe aadetalgaed, II. leg la Peaa two. Clear eld aoanly, Pa., altera the fellewlag valaabla Rati lotatefor aalai 44B Acres of Land, saeiw r leas, ba BaaawriB atwaeklB, lylag oa tbe ami eee e. wig mewrweifl ereoB, aaa witklB ene mil af lb aaate. Tbe aaara hud Is baavlly timt with Bommek, white oab, rank awl, aad BUM, bard weed timber, aad B twasllty af while nine, aald ta ba half s milllea ar mere fees. Tbo aatae la hearily aaderlaid with bltamlneaa onl, and dtreetly ea tb. Iln. ef twtlrewd leaSlag fVm HoatedalateOowlnori. Itaealae ta Bwhaeww. Thar an, alia, euW valaabla miBarwIa an ib, eame. Tba aware lead I tee abeat two and a-kalf mllea belrw tha rlllage af 8MB Maaa, BdyalBlBg btada af Oawrge Qroem and e there, ea what la kwawa as Porta.', res. Tba tmarmm.aie aa tka btdb orty are gaad gearad aaw mill, ImrmBlwg order, a high daea, atewo keual, made aa eh. bawl maa ar, at tor elm eel aayauehleary. Tkere le, alee, a largo frame dweUtag baww aad from bnmk barm IharaoB, and Bboejt Barty or fifty aaraa, snore ar Iaee, ef tka lewd .to eliaiad. Any B.r.ea wt.hlaglelaraMla Bias any of si la hind will aw wall to eternise abu yrefeny. I will aa Ike whale sr the waairlSed half Ineeaeet, aa may aalt Ike f wrakaeer. Tba abowetraat of lead wik make two ar Ikraemrme, wkiek wlllawmaara Sararakly wtlk tka areaear awn af ewr aawaty. Prlea Bad IBTtM Blade BwaWB t Bay ,w.ew wtabaag ! Bwr ekaea. Var Banket farU.el.m aaa lm airna or awawawe tka amSirelgaatl ae email taw Mute P 0, Claa.fiilda.Bwly, fa. BAM k WlbiaVBUaJE. Jam. a, II) a-tt Our 0a StKtttlitmtvU THE REPUBLICAN, rahliehW luif Wadaaaday by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLCAUI'IBLI), P-. Haa the Lergjeet Clrc.laUaa af aaf aaper la Xerthwoateni PelaBla. The large and constantly Increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business mea as a medium tbro' which lo reaob the public Terms of Subscription : If paid in advance, , . . 12 00 If paid after three montbs, . 1 60 If paid alter aiz months, . . 8 00 Wben papers are sent outside of tbe county paymeut mast be in advance. aVDYEBTISING i Ten linos, or loss, 8 times, . II 60 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, , .2 60 Executors' jtotioes, . . ... 2 60 Auditors' Notioes, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two squares 15 00 Three sqnares, . , . . . 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One hall column 70 00 One column 120 00 III, INK We have always on band a large stock ol blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, - 8TJBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONbS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ko., ; 4o , . , Ilo. L JOB'PRntTING. Wa are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING . dUCH Al POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ' ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, . .CIRCULARS, , ., . e .... v - BVa.,Ao., .... . IN THE BEST STYLE, - AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENHON. . Geo. H. Goodlnnder. Ourf eld, . aeaiiUCaaal-,ra, ' ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. uarwaaiTiiia, Fa., Jan. 1, 71 if. r. aoi-ica. . 'cobklb. . tLiari. G I LIC 11, llcCOUkLE & lO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Raid, p.. Marka ttretrt, CUarflaU. Wa BaaafMtara aH kioda of Faraitara (W Cbaaiaaraj iMaiDg Kooona, LibrarlM aad H4., If fou want Vaniitura af an- aiod, doa't ' bbUI job aa war stock. ' UMH:ilTAKIX(j la all Hf branahea, promptly attendd to. OTILCn, MeCORKLE A CO Clearleld, Pa, Feb. , 7S. M;'auii;''fiHiina:jii Ta 11 ;i lali HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PALM'S, Oll, DYE STI FF VARNISHES, BRl'PIIRS, PEKFl!MEKV, FANCY flOOH, IOILKT AKTICl.rS, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for adlelaal parpoaao. Traaaoa, Bopportora, School Booki and 0 tot Ion. ary, aad all othor artlelei aaaally fouad Ib a Drag Stora. PHYSrciANS' PRKSCRIPTIOX8 CARB PULLY COMPOUNDKD. Having a large a,. aort-noa la tha baaiaaaa tby aaa giva antirt t UfaotioB. J. tt. HARTNWirK, JOHN f. IRWIN, "tort!.. lWfUa , UT4 JJARD TIMES BAVE MO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLE I I aaa awara that tharo ara mm porwaa a llttla hard la ploaao, aad I an alao awara that tba ooBBplaiat of hard timaa" la wall aigh uniToraal. But I aaa aa attaatod bow that I eaa aatiafy tba rortnar and pror ooaelualvoly that "hard tiaaa" will not affoat thoaa who buy their gooda from at, aad all my patroai aball ba Inltiatod lata tba ao rat of EOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES 1 bava gooda enough to aapf.ly all th Inhabi taaU la tha lowar aad of tho eouaty whiah I aell atoiedtsMiindf low ratdw froaa aiy BBBoaaoth atora ia Ml'L80NUl'K(l, wbora I eaa alwaya bo found raady to wait apoa aall art aad tapply tbaaa with Dry Goods of all finds, Saab Be Clotkl, BatlaotU, Cauimerae, bla.lla. Delete, Llaea, DrilHagt, Calleoaa, Trimmiaga, Bibbaaa, Laea, Raady-mada OlotblBg, Boota Bad Shoee, Beta and Capooil of the boat material aad made to order Boee, Booba, Ulerea, Mitteal, Laeee, Ribbon., Ae eROCRRIEB OF ALL KINDS. Cofee, Tea, Bagar, Rloa, Molaaaae, Fiik, Salt Pork, Liaaeod Oil, Flak Oil, Carbea Oil. Bardwarw, Qneeaaware, Tinware, Caetiaga, Plowl aad Plow CaaUaga, Nalla, Spikai, Cora CmlUra tore, Cider Preaiea, aad all kind, af Axea. Perfmmery, Paeata, Varaiak, Olaei, Bad a gaB.nl aeaerlmeal ef Statieaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of dtfferaat braada, alwaya oa band, and will ba eels Bt tha loweet wooelble figaraa. II. MeClala'l HedielBei, Jeyae'l Uedlelaea Heatetter', and liaolaBd'e Bitten. Ififit poaada af Wool wanted for whleh the klgkeat artea wlU ka amid. Cb.nn.ed aa kaad aad fee aala at tka loweat starket artea. Also, A rent fa, BtralleartlU aad CarweBerllle Tbraebiag Maehlaea. BB.Callamdaeoarywraelraa. Tea will lad ararytbiag aaaally kepi ia a retail .ten. L. M. COUDRIET. FreeohrilU P. 0., Aaga.t It, ISK. William Powell. tlCOKD ST., CLKAKriKLD, FA., Dealer in Heavy tnd Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, RAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, 8LABSAHD POTTT Keen. aoBiUally aa kaad tb. beat Ceelleg, fleatlag sad Parlor Stoves and Ranges al all deMrlptieai. Table Bad Peelot CaUery, Carneatera' Toole, eaeb aa Bawa, Helehela, Bqearee, Beaeb Sleee, Plaaee aad Pmae Irone, ChlHle, Buu.Aet.re, Adeaa, ril.e, lliageeefallkinde,Loeka, Berewa, Saab Cord, Palleya, ala eta. Farniins; Utrnallw, Plow., Cahlraten, Boable Bad tlagla Shore! Plewa, Caltlrater Teelk, Orel a Vradioe, kwytkM, Saalhae. Ueee. Ferhe, Roeee, Hay Farka, Farm Bella, ate., ate. Boree Skea. aad Bare. Rail., the beH make af Oreaa eat Bawa aad a tea, rladoteao. aad SrladeeaBa FlatBraa, aad ararytbiag a.aally kyt IB b finl elaaa Hardwan Btore, AUa, a fall etoek a House Furnishing Goods, BRCSREa, LA 3d PS, tBIMKETS, A a. I AH hiad. af Tlaware lt ee bead aad made taadadta n Kewattag ynmylly at- aa wlaklaw aaytbwg la my Baa, an la- Ma at aaa aad aawamme eeaak aad arlaee j , ILA.lAat ivWILL. WtsmlBis, r, jm a, ura-tt, aaa r