THE REPUBLICAN. CliEARKIELI), TA. t ' WKUNKSDAY IIOKNINI., MAY. 14. 11711. . Terms of Subscription. If paid In edvauce,or within three 00 If paid after three . before Its Bnoalha... I 10 if paid after tbe eaplretloa of alt muuhi I to aaMossrs. P'TTiiraiLL e C., New. piper Adreltlshu Agento, H Park. .,. Beeknsn Stratt, ara our duly aatberla Axvala la New York Oit. BELIGIOU N OTIC KB. Methodlat Eplwopal Chares Rev. J. B. UiMobbat. Pastar. -fiervleeo rar Babbotb ,t li A.M., and', P. M. Babhelb School at I A. H. Prever aleelinf every Wedaeedey, at 7, P. M Couirounios Hervioo, flrat Habbath ef every oath, et ll a.m. Wet t'lnarlleld M. K, Church Rev. W, frorr WiLeou, Paitor. Preaahiog every alternate Sunduy, at I u'alook, P. M. Saaday Bfiboal at lii r M. All ara lama ia atuaa. Preoby terlaa ChurchRev. H. B. Botlb. JJebbath service moraiBg aaa evenicr n.u ball School at I P. M. Prayer Meetlne, Wedoes lay evening. Rantlat Cliurrh. Raw. J. A. Aldus, Pet. lor. Berries, every Babbatb morning aad areolae;, altaraating, at in, oolocn A. St., ana It r. m. Habbath School at I P.M. Prayer Maatlag arary .venlng. Ht. frauda' herch CBthallc Rev. P. J. Bbibipab Preaching at 10, o'elook, A. M ., oa tha flnt, third and loorta Saadayo of aaok month; Vsspsrs and Benediotlon of tha Blaaaad Baeraxtent at T a cleCB, r. . ouuuaj bshuvi raw; afuraooa at I o'olook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. naa or soLoiae qoabtsb imaaioai oaoar, fjoeoad Moadaj of January. Third Monday of March. First Moadaj af J aaa. oartk Monday af September. naa or souine oomhox rma. Pint Monday of Joaa. Second Monday of Wot am bar. rrauo orricaaa. Jurfoa Hob. Charlaa A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. Aisiilaal Law Juit Ilol. Joho B. Orril, of Urlleionle. Auetinu ..doe. Abruoa Ofden, Clearfield; Vlnoanl B. Holt, Cleareld. ProlhoHotanf Eli Bloom. RfiHraa recorder L.J. Morgaa. A.lriet Altoruay Was. At. MoCulloogb. TVenlorsv pblllp Holla. Shtrif Andrew Penta, Jr. l,yul) Shtrif Chriil. i. Kaaggy, OUartald. Canary awjfor Samuel F. MoCloakay, Car a.nrrllle. ' Covnty Cammifionif C. W. Kylar, Oraham tun P. 0-; Klah Johnalon, Uramplaa Hilia P. 0.; Jubn Norrll, Sr., Carwenivllla. Coaarr iUdllore Willlaol V. Wright, Clear old i Ju.eph Qillilaad, Tbrae Baal; J. B. Kor tr, Woodlaod. Coanl. Coroaer J. B. KafT, Naw Wathington. Jury Commiuiomr Dr. Jatnaa P. Burahlald, Clearaad, Joaaph Aleiander, Madera. aanlaoV.I o laAfio fleaooit M. L. Ho Qoown. Clearfield. A'aofaro rVngln Minnnt Jeiaa W.Carllla, uffipe at Lathertburg Pa. JVoloriaa PuHie Joba W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra debaugh, Cyraa Qordoa, Cleartiald: Joaeph R. Irwin, N. I. Arnold, CorwenaTillai J. A. Living .tone, Dultoia City. Oor Spttial oolumn In deeidedly iaUreatlng la a local point of view, aad profitable readiag to outaidera who waat to oara money. VE, OP COllHNE I "Will )ou take wheat, oata or oora for aab-M-r,plton ?" Wa are often Inquired of in tbia way by latter nm patruna who reaide at a diitaaoa fniin ClearOeliL Wa again aay yea. The raoolptl of a reiponaiMe mercbaut or mill owner ia the Tlrinity, will aniwer aa Juat aa wall aa the eaah. To illloatratei If any of our palrona will deliver u a bag of grain at tha mill of Joaapb H. Broth, in Cheat towaahlp, Horaeo Patohla, ia Bamaldo, Thomaa II. Porray, la llraham, Wm. Porter or Ehaw'i, in Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'o, at Roca'toa, Unloa towaabip, and forward thalr reeelpta for the otnount, wo will aradlt them ob their acoount for the lama. Ia thla way all may won pay what they owe, if they will purine thla Trout rods repaired at Uarder'i. 4-la at. ituad the account ul the JaukaoD furaUure robbery, found la our Spedial eolama. , a a A k'luitiliii line of ParaBoln ut Flock A Co a. ('nil at the nei Moiaop'a Store. ' furniture depot over April t'.M. Tho paat week ha had a ood crop ol dry aad froily dayl and night., now wa haae it dry and he!. Dry all the lime mult make a abort hay erop. George ii Tom Moore'a atore is the ' plane to go for Oeaaiae Mackinaw ILL, tho loeat that wal over brought to Clearfield. 01 o -o A Uad Aoint. C. C. ItouHton, late railroad agent at Cobora. Centre enunty, baa neon arretted la Kaoiaa, oa a charge of forgery oom milled oa a Uaioa eeuaty firm. Komcmbor that Lytlo is County Agent for Lorrlllard'i Tobaoeo, and caa aall them at faolary prioea. Thoy ara the bail lobaeoea la market Try them. m o ow - Andy Jaekaon is kept so busy in pecking of all aheap faraitaro that ba freqaeatly miieos hi' moalr. TJ koopa a fullltook, aad It ha docl not happea arLvl lllat yoa waat, he saa buy it far uheeper than yoa oaa ;ouraalf. The card of Dr. 11. F. Beam, of Cur- -waaaoilla. will ha found la tbeee aolamaa tbia week. Tho Doctor oomaa amoag aa well mom meaded far aaill aad lalegrUy, aad bolag aaer. gctie he ll bound to aaoaood la bis oalliag. Don't iorirot tho Circus to day. And wa waat tho ttreoB man to take a good look at their "Ad," la thla teiue, and If tbay oaa point to any bolter diiplay of type aad aalmals ia tha mouBlala regieni,laj them Berne Ibe aewipapor Caup-Mectino. The MoVeytown J,mf aaaa lha elaokkoldera of the Jealau Valler Cama-maaliag AHoaialloa mot al Hewloa Ilamlltoa aa Tbaraday laat aad decided to opea tha groeoda aa f eaday aad abarge aa admiasloa foea, ae had beea ooBtempleaetl. Goo. C. 4 Tom W. Mooro say they ara bow opealng about tba beet and ebeaport lot af boot! and aboaa for ladlra, genUem'u aaa aau dren together with goals' famishing goods 0 ot w brought Clear Hrld. Oa aad laat their ar city. ' ' o aa - - Fire in Glen Hope. We learn In- oldoalallj that tba dwelliag, alorcboaas end good, of John a. Ulaigow, ware all haraed up, aa hwl Moaday morning. This willprore a very ear I aal locate Mr. Slesgew, If be la witheut any laser. aaoa oa either goads aa building. ' !. ! O " - A Complete Statement. The ao- eounls af Deaatar towaahlp, for ID7I, wUI aa foand la fan ha thla Issue. The Aadllors giro everything In detail, ao lhal Ibe taxpayers eaa aaa where thalr moacf goal.'. Tali Is Jaet whet the Uglilalore aaaaal whaa It palled lha lew aapelling Ibe pobliiblog ol tkoao maaicipal aa ( aouut. '' m m m ' Still Tuet (io. We have again Veughl 4o oar aatme Ibe death af aaeoflho graaibMt old Indloa la tba eootbera metloo of the ounty, where she aad her ha.baad have reelded for arer fifty yeara. 6be woe very highly eater ia- , l -1 1 w. lth hae aerronally. W. allude ta "Aaut Kaly NHf," wha has peeeed home forever. m e How Sue Did It. At tho rceent wahy show a yoang mother waa ashed what aho did ta make her baby look aa kealtky, aad aba aid that whaa he ked a eeld aha always gave aim Dr. Ptaaer'l Cough Hoaey, la euroale nmgbs aaa Ma Blond aad Liver Remedy aad Norva Toaie alea. Prioe, U and e cool.. For sale l,y Herlswlok A Irvla, Clearfield, Pa. " - i i - liooM Hkiiit Hebe. We observe by I hi (frrnl's, thai Ibe Bargeuof Oaceela has glvea eollee the! all dilapidated tldowalke ia Ike kor aaaa. axaat ka repaired aa aw before the 14th InoL. .ikarwlaa. tba work wlH aa doaa by tka Mred roamlaeloaor at tka acet af Ibe owaor, with II ear aeat. extra added e the bill. Tkara Is a mighty goad eptaing here la Clearfield, far a Joker that hind. 1 0E ArTEB ANOTIIEE. But few Oil 'ismw af aer coejnly were so generally pereoaelly kaoua to ia many, for lha peat farty yeara ae Ileajimle lieatahore, wha dird at hi. Bome, e tho river haak-a tbart diataara Maw Ike traa br.d,. la e.rwoa.rlllr, OS Tkerai.y, May Stk, .I7. ia M tblb fear. H Always eajayed faad Asailk aatU A few waakl proeloaa at Ut Aealk. ' Jfa eaaaaa a ana aad many !.. to moura A new and elegant Inrolce of Car pell at riaak A Co'i. j,. i ai ladies' Linon Suit, Ulsters, and Baaal Iful Tlaa of ail grndai at flack A Co a. t. I Miai i - (iAIATiiXOITIMINT.Soa tha crowd gulag to aaa tha Uraat Amarloaa Ualr Cutting Heeblee, tha graataal lavoatloa of Ibe age, at Deberly's Ualr Draaalag Saloon, Urehaia'i How, Markat street, OlearaeM. Call aad try It. ' Prod Sackett ha just rocoived from Naw York, a Ina lot of ftihlag Taakla of superior quality, auok al hooka, saoodi, (iaa, linse, hall boxe, lak baskets, eut-llaei, which ka propoMa to aall very low for aaih. apMin. OuBois.- We loarn from the (Hurler that "Daring tha aaonth of April, John M. gin ail .hipped from Jaha DuBols' )ard, lie oara of lumbar, aaaraglng 10,001 foot eaab, aad making ia all ahoat 1,101,000." That looka Ilka bailaaia la lhal )ard. 1.08T. On Thuraday, May 11th, be Iwaea tha raaldaaoa of Mra. Carrlo Wilaoa, aa Uoual alraat aad tha Ipiaeopal Charob, oa Front atraat, a light gold aad Jot braoalet. Tbo fader will be aultallj rowardod by reluralag tha aamo to Mlti Paaraliao Wilaoa. Pock'gT-BooK Lobt. Lout ou the Mall Iraia, hatwaoa thla plaea aad Cnrwaaarllla, oa April SOth. A poakat book aoBtalalng about $18 la money, and a Bumber of papera of ao aaa to aay ooe bat the e'waor. The finder will ba liberally rewarded by learlog it at tbia efaee, or ramming il to tha owaer at Oleareold, Pa. Miaa Laaa Cobmmbbbxb. List of leltora remaining unclaimed la the Peetamee atCloarflold, tor the weak ending May 11th, H7: Harah J. Bloom, M. M. Bruoer, Mill Jane Oonklla, Daalal Ceplat, Daniel Laaay, J. P. Joaee, Mra. Caroliaa McLaughlla, Claraaeo Smith, Aonle Wllkea. P. A. UAI.'LIH, P. M. A Church Cokvinhoii. We notice that arraagesnoato bara beaa made for the beld- iag of a Charob Convention for tha Alloonadia triot, of the Central Poaasylvania Conforenee of Ibe M. B. Charok, at Tyrone, aa Tuesday, Wed aasday aad Tkarsday, May 17th, lath aad Kith. Tba programma la aa elaborate oaa, aabdlrldad iato Habbath school, davotlonal, aduoatloaal. BBaaoial aad aoolal dapartmaaU. Tba atillty of auok aa arraBgoment la beyead quettloa, If aot too oapoBslvr, A smaller Sold would ba iessoo, la tima aad money. Sad Indeed. On the 8th of January laat, wo anoeunoad tha marriage of Mr. Birr to Miaa Mary Smlley,of Cadia, Ohio, wblob eoeurred oa Deoember 31it, ll)7v. To-day, we are eom pellod to ebroBicle tbo daatb of the youag wife, whoaa aoblo aad hearty panonal appearaaee a few ootbl age aotokaeed Botbieg bat bag life. Yet, oa Tbandaj laat aha war a eorpae, and takea to her former Ohio home. It la a aad eaaa, aad the baabaad, wta'oeo grief eeaaot bo eompreheadad by tboae who bare aevor aadarwent a imllar mia fortaao kaa tha aadialdad lympetby of thii oom maalty, aad aapaelally on Ibe part of the priatara, a profetrloo, of whlah he la an bonorabla member. Stump Cruhk Oil. The Brookville Jrerioi'oa eaya : "B. E. Walleadurf A Oo. fura- iahod Mr. Joba Rider, Proalileat of the Btump Creek Oil Company, wilk about eerea hundred feet af eabla, yeilarday, to ba aiod by that com pany la tba further proeeoatloa of work oa the well la Ileadenoa towaiblp, whioh beebeea the Bualeua of hopaa and elpeotatwaa of the people la that Tielalty for the pail year. The rloliiltudel through which tbo company hae paaaai la III eearcb for oil baa beaa mora IbaB aufllplaat to teat tha moral ttatuo and hualneae aatoruriao of aay oommaoity. The preeent depth af tbo well le aald to ba la the aelghberhood of ooTOBteea buodred foot, wlih a good ahowiog of rod rook, act of drllliag loulawita a Ibouiand foot of cable aad a aal of Bib log tool, ara la the hole at the proaoat writing. A Suocess. Tbo exhibition given by tba laUy aaambora af ta M. I. Coagregatloa, ia PU'a Opera Hoaas, aa laat Friday aveaiag was a grand aeeoees, whaa we take Iato ooaatdor lioa the eaortaeea of Ike time, houaa cleaning eoesea, and all tka actor, kalag naw haada but they all performed their pans well. Tha rooalpta aggregated tM, and tba profits about 144, Wo are eware that aeme of the "atralgbl baoka" look apea tba edair as a theatre and wag their wise heeda ead eloea their eeleeaa ayai, exclaiming, "Ne more of It I " Well, where there Is ana ef the! alad af depreiied spirit, there are Iwealy af the other sort who ware highly plaaiad, aad aay It maal ao repeated. We Bay It ahoald ba repeat edly repealed. There ia ao boiler mode of calll vallag aad relalng the minds aal tastes of a muaitv tbaa by exhibltloas of tbia atad. They please tha yoaag greatly and doa I hart lha old aaa bit. The New Schedule. No railroad arraagemeat hal aver plaased aur community ae much ae that aaaoaaeing lha reitoretioa of the Kxpraaa train aa lha Tyrone and Clearfield road oa Monday morning. Pa.ieegeri eaa aaw leave Clearfield aad preeeeed as fir east a. Ilarriaborg aad Mara tha aamo day. The aew aehadale will appear la fall la ear aaxl laeae. Tha Isproea traia laavaa CarwoaevlUa at l:M, A. X. Clear- field at :4T A. M , aad arrives at Tyraaa at 7r4 A. M., makiag eeaaeelieaa wilk a traia weatat 1:11 A. M, aad traiaa east at i aad 1:51 A. M. Tka Mall traia leavee Oarwaasr Ilia at I N F' II, Olaaraald Bl.liM P.M., and arriree at Tyrone all P. M., la lima ta take trains waat at 4:31 P. M , aad 748 P. X., Bad east a:ol aaa a:ae P. M. Tha Mall traia wiU at-oaaaaa tea mlnetes I... time tbaa heretofore. The Iraia laavaa Carweaivllle and Clearfield ten mlaotai later than formerly aad arrives at Tyroae at P. M. t , . 1 House Cleanino Time. General raalam'aae.. Jiaary, Afeaaaaus, aad eoma CVsatV. Booaai whiok all beads af families ara familiar wltk, ara tkaa OraaJieolg pietered ky aa exekenge t "Spring beusa eleaalng ahoat this lima. Boa p. Bade. Tabs. Hot water. Siren. bing brarhee. Things taraed out or corners. Revolotlon In tho hitebeu. Revolution la the parlor. Oold luuek for dinner. Whltewnehlng. Strange remale acrubbera at ill ia tha moralng. Carpela up. DaBtlag. Beating. Hammering. Ne real for tha maa of lha houaa. No place for him. Chairs fall or crockery and carpal lacks. Bedroom rarolatlaalaed. Bed tamed aroaad Head tka ether aay. Caa'l Bleep for sovwral alghla. Bverytblag la tha boase that headed aorlk laat yaer to kead saalh this. Everything on ibe west aMo ar tka room mast coma oest Pantry !' dlaeeotad. Tblagl dragged ta lighl, Dead mouse oa high ebeir all laet wleter. Oaa aaaaage two maatha aid la rar eoro.r. Ureen, hard, abrivalled, axoaldy half loaf af bread for gotten laat Janaary. Half doaa of rkaberh aliahtlv Matured not of paper. Parchesod last December. Kemnaal of rice ditto. PergotUa meant of tea la Bepor I dilta sagar. Calire batch of matohaa, three boxes for five oeata, foaad la Jar also, oaa banana, rettea. Parebased and pal la l bora by maa af tha hoaaa laat November while tight. Remaaat af spill peas la paper. Oaa aleea aaaa. Pal tkara moalhe ago by maa af Ike I'aed for S holder while frying ml for himself. Castor aU aad eream af tartar remeeals. Dtepeeatea af a large aompaoy al eld ahaos. Kad ar Bide ar benoe. oerpot laeae. Maa'a atady oaptared. Doek aad paper pat le rtgbu. Beeey aa "Woaaea" mixed ep with "The Mlssloa ar Mea." llevar eaa gat 'am entangled age la. Wiadow Mrabaiag. Poarfal haUaelag of large woaea aa third story sills. Book views. Sorer af cede aa side-walk. Hot Bra nap I up. vorvtklng beillag. There ia aa plaaa Hha home a..... Serial aleaalat. Bath hrlek. Oaallo acid. Poleoal Brass rubbed. Bapolla. Haadla of bl froat doar poli.bed. P.ii.rl.a akoal. Talk, uabtla. iienerai waerlag or old elothoa aad hair la papera. S al ii .,...r wllh wblle wa.h. Hals late eofea. viuimhi r oldinl.lcr above eapaoara. via' i aaaldeat broomed alive. Maa af hoaaa ry ..ikl.M with laaact Only wealed le ba n aloao with dead file, dart aad dirt. Disturbance worse tkea dirt aay day. Hoaaa oat made very aeeeoafarteble. Drivea aat af kltckea. No place for kar eltket. Takaa ta tka at root aad bouomeo todlsereot, Or aalbe la tka eoedskad aad aaal-kla. Llaa dawa IB eoal daataa parpoaa. Illlea kaa a fit. Raas avar kltckea table. Breaks platee aad glasaea, Pta larae aa aakeag. Past at ages kraahed rram aaohe. Wkr dlstark deal t Twaald kava atald there at let aleae. Maa af hoaaa pal fool Ihreega m,..f wlfo-aaaat. .bod7 aa. kirn. K-P qaiaa. Lot damage lad Itself aat. Oead I Lively laqalry. Wha did tl f Fenway aaawa, uiei erackad. Maa goao aat la aaa a frtoad aroaad Ibe coieer. Daaplf grieved. Everybody aataaM aroaa Aama Saon aad walla. Dealers. I He P,Hs. Pille. IIIU. WIIU. Plrt batter tkaa aaaak ear day. Roauvk kg mea ef tka beam Spring Sanaa aMaatag af wawea r laaataakf Ilk Bhi mar .. 1 If aaa about aetklag- A lot of Gent's French Costa Gloves at Fleck A Ca's. L The fluent line of Ladies' II one and Children'. Slocking, aver efiored la towa, at 1 look A Oa'a. It, lloiivy boots, shoos and brogans and plow ibooa, of the boat quality aad at tba rawest prioea, at O. C. A T. W. Moore's. It . aa Ladies, when yoa go in hunt ol eboea, try U. 0. A T. W. Moore. They claim to hava the boat aad aba. peat la tba aaaatj. It. Gentlemens' furnishing goods in great variety iaohdlar iit setekratod. Dollar Shirt, at 0. 0 AT. W. Moore's. aprll M-lt Ladies' andchildrens' shoes of every style, deaorlplloa and price, at U. 0. A T. w. aloara'a. Room Ho. 1, Plo'a Opera Boose. It . At the fUroBLioAN office is the place to get your Job work doae. We ara fully prepared to do anything la tba printing Una, will da It wall, and at tha right kind of prioea. If. We have now on hand several thous and rat-elaee envelopes, wklek wa will prlal for kaalaasB mea, or anybody else, at prices that oaa aot bo rivalled. Call and aaa thorn . tf. To Landlords and Storekeepers. Lytle kaa aa arrangement with aa Baslera Cigar Factory ao that ha oaa aall elgare by the box ar thoaeaad at bottom figures. Olva their eigars ooe trial. tf. Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills woald say to his frieads aad former patients that ha baa not retired from practice as has beaa ao ladustrtously circulated by soma peraoBS, hat will eoBttaue to giro his personal attaalioB to all who may desire II, or to BBslst Dr. Helobhold whom ever required. Nitrous Oxide Qaa girefl for tha palaleei extraction of teeth. April M-tf. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted In the RariraLirait will reach more readera than If pnbliihed la alt the other papers la tba ooaa ty,and eoit the advertise! laaa than oaa-half la other words, aa advertisement published in our Jf uroal la worth double tbo prioe of thai charged by any ether pablisher la Ibe eouatj. 'It la a fact. If. CLEARr-lELD COAL TRADE. Stato moat of Coal and other frelghta rent aver tha Tyrone A Clearfield Diviaioa, Poaaaylvaala Rail read, for the week aadiag Hay Id, lS7a,aad tba aame tine last year i COAL. for tho week Same time laat year roaa. 15,174 ll,a3I Increase Proviouity duriag yoarMH Same time lent year 1 no raaMu. .... Total lo 1179 Same lime laat year Inorreoe ' oraaa raaiaaraT - Lembcr n Miaoellancoua freigbts...m... 1,841 , 497,111 , 10.0,644 ..... tl.ies . 477,0 ..... 411,876 ... 05,110 .....145 ears. 144 " The New Justices. Below will bo found a list of the oamee af those person I wha were ele oted Joitieo or the Peace, and have lifted Ibelr eeuimi.ilooi, vis: JnboC. Mitchell Baraslda lownehip. Lewis Sohocb Brady township. i. 11. Uila Lumboe Clly borough. W. I. Curiey Bradford toweship. Joba W. Schroch Morris lowo.bip. Jsiaei H. Tarner Wallaeotoa borough. James Daly PenB lowaebip. Joecph P. Teylor Beady township. W. N. Protbero Bandy towaship. Aadrew Raokla Karthaaa towaahlp. James MeKee Knox townahlpt Joho B. MeUratu Hautadale boroagb. Challae Helper Peoa towaship. Jonathan P. Fry Chest township. The commissions for five others wore etlll la the posacssloB of Recorder Morgea oa Batarday, tho loth InM., vis : Iiaac Bloom Jordaa towaahlp. J. L. AlllaoB Bnrailde borough. John Heokett Huiton township. A. F. Bloom Pike towaahip. Z. T. Portor Houtsdale borough. We call tho alteelioa ar the public ta tha feel, that we beep a rail Hae af all blanks, lacludlog Marrisg Cartiloatec aad Poe.billt Bled by Jas tioao and Constebloa, aad aaa Had them by mall to any part af the eeunty. A True Index. As one of the "straws" wklck goes to show the drift of busiee.s, we learn that aur local taduttriee all feei a re vival. Tha Umber aad lag latere! Is, af eoeres tha greatest, aad all has beea disposed of at fa Ir prices. Next eemco oar eoal mines, Bow raaaiBg all they aaa got aeU The prioe Is sot ae vary re- luuarativ aa tba eompetltioa la vary great, aad bat for aur auperlor quality of eoal tha miaa mlxht ka dosed. Our Pin Brick Works oeme boil Wa BBderttaad that they ara Bauble ta ill their ardors, atthoagh raaalag day aad sight. Tba agoat at Woodland hat seat aa a compara tive Btalemeat of tke bualaem done at tha Wood land Fire Brick Company 'l Workiduriogthelret four maatbt of 1171 aad 1171. Duriag tha former year tha Company shipped l7 cars, aaa teinlug 566,904 Ira brick. Tha correal year. III car. ware loaded Bad 741,111 brick seal to market. This shows aa lueraaae of 41 oars had ever 175,- III kriek. This la a splendid lacraaaa for the past foar moaths aad il loohs aaw, from the Be llied orders aa hand, that lha aaxl foar moatha woald ba heller atill aad the Company la debatlag the rebelldleg of tha haral worhs. This Is cer tainly a healthful baalaaaa llga. Tha demand for fira brick akows tkat the Iran works are start lag up and tkla will give a healthy Impalua ta all ether baalaaea. W wiU aall aal to Woodland (aotthroagh lha Telephone) aome af tbaa days, la poraoa Bad take a look at the concern nad try I pereaede tha owaers to spread tbamselrea. It Is srldoat from the roe cat iaereeoe af ardors that tha hilat mast ba multiplied, aad la this way give employ- meat to a Jarre aamber of mea aad hoys aad brlag lha auilom ta ear aouaty, whiok mast kelp every body ia parse. A LUMBER CITY CRITIC. Loassa Civr. Pa, May Stb, 1171. BniTou RaroaLtCAB i Oar village le In Its as- aal coadltloa. The Aoademy, With fror, EmtgB Peieciuel. aad Miaa Hila ae la firm working order. The atlendanoe Is larger Ihea ever before, aotwithaUBdleg tha ImtAuf stalemaat so BBblasbiagly made by oortaia agcau and appendagea or wooid-ne rival oeaooia, teat ih. Aaadamv oroieet" had beea abaadoBed. I eaa exouee tho auiaoro oi inio aairaia, lor, havlno failed to riea to tho lerel of tba Acedemy, they wish to drag It dowa to their by aa meeas ele rated atanaera- Ia yoar laiae or Apni acta, laare eppoara aa la.tranlive and amuitng letter from tbo "alar- oorreenaBdeal" of Now Millport. There are a tan tlaa. He soys, "Basiaess starts os at a reaaeaaaio good rate." He aaaaas reasonably. Tha Henri. HeBard "ara rauning lha mill la Ita fall eapaeily, aad Ibey ara dolag a good baaloeaa." The letter Bert le euporiuoua. Agala, "Prof. A. J. Smith oaoaed a eeleot school." Tha eareaam la aeeesiery. "This," he leys, "hae eapplied a waat lena ainoa daalred." TBat H, IBoy declrea taa weal of a school. Tba "poetontae" eeatoaeos are the nereenilcetloa of error. There ara other VjitkAOt old. It ia mv obIbIob that aa ooe aaoaie Banal bis k oo ledge through tke public printe, who la not familiar with IBS rauimeats ei Mgnaa apoeea. arlllelsms are aot oa the "pataal plan. A ajORMAL LETrBII. Nmuil Bcbool. Leca Havaa. Pa. May lib lairoa RarVBLicaa sTear AVr t Thlahlag yoa umU Hha as hear from the normal school. whlah hi oilaeted ka yoar district, I toko my pea la write my fir teller la your paper. Mora shea aaa year aga I left the koaallfal ooaeta of Cloaraeld, ta aater aa a eladaat la Ibis ia.lltallaa, aad am glad t aay lhal alaoo that a mv liktaa tor taa aaaaoi aas no. raiueuu. Tka ackanl has BOOB OPOB BBtlWa yOBre Bad BOW hat a greSeeltng-eioss or loiriy, eau uu ewe aaoa of eaa hundred end eeveaty-tve, wllh lha espoolotloa that it will Bomber twe Baaaroa au rora tho oieoe of thla term, aa aaw ttadeats are Iaa olaiom Sal V. Tka uumatlea Ibat Is llvea aaaol ba axoellad by eay other acboal la the Blata, aa la aohaewl- adgoe Uy eiUOOata woo ooaav mmrw irva. w.a.. .. It. llaa. The faculty eoaslsta of five an all mra and three lad lea, aad all eederaUad the deparlmCBU aangned I them. Too arlnelaal a mea oa pieueaet uiapesuioa. llluaa uaoavere wlia taa ataeaalc at aay time whaa act eegegod la eataal datlae, and thai galaa the eeeOdoBce aaa raepaoa es an. me uotiavoe aa tka uaaOjf hiad ward IB rapraaf aad la Ihto way aiperteacas little trouble la taa ateaagomeel af the etaaoat. 1 0 ara ara stedeata bare from tftoea aoaetlaa rapraeoaiiag tke difereal part af Poaetylraate, aad a few from earn af lha ether Bute. Oaa eaaaty le reprereolod ky eight, af whom aovea are taaebara, and all ar wall aleeaod wllh tha plaaa, Ike wheel, aaa iaa laetmatiaa roooivea. Oaaaeeled with tke oahoel ia a literary society with a saamaarskip af a oca aavaely-ive. Ho. avary membeis Irem aiBereal part i lao wmm hava beaa eieeiea aariag aaa paai jwmt, mmm ; auaai have beea received from the aama, .hik weal towards heyiag a library. Clearfield aaaaty stead ahead la thla dire oil ea, aa the lareoet laasllaa oeaae from a aeember elected froai eaa af aba toariabiag tawaa af lhal pmee. naa ta alee aaaaaaled wilk too cob eel .aaaom eealelutug akaat throe tkaaeaad taealogl eel epeeiaaaaa, collected eat aaly from Aaaarioa, hal alee from all ataar pert of la world tail H a, iha taaaeotloa af lha stoeoet. at all tlmee. fbar are maa etaar tatage to tatarenca to law al .klah I aatoht write, hal a IhM le my first arete I wW be brief, ead wUI. peehapl, arils aaaaatntog aase le la Ma; tk, 1171. A aa,tv Irupxi,, New Daily Staoe Line Jamos L. Leery baa aueoeoded in baring a dally mall eetaa- llakad hatwaaa Clearfield aad Paaaleld, and will hereafter raa a dally stage hatwaaa tho two polats. Ilia contract began with April 1st, and tha sUge wllllaara lloarleld avary moiBlBg (axoopt Baa- day) at I a'eloak, making eenaeetioaf wltk all tralas aa tka Low Orade Railroad at PeBBflold, re turning after tba last traia the aama evening. PaaeeageraaBd freight will be carried at lew rates. Orders left at aay ar lha hotels will ha attended ltaprre-tr m i an PROCEEDINGIOFTHH TEXT BOOK COMMITTEE. Tha Text Book Committees, eomooaed af five Jlreotore aad serea teeobera, mat lajolat eeaetoa, la tha oooo of J. P. McKonrlck, an May 11th, at I o'olook P. U., all the membare being preoeat. aad orgaalaed by the elootloa or Dr. J. w. Potter, af CorlngloB, aa Preeldant, aad A. U. Hoaea kraas, af Hastoa as Secretary. Alter eieoaseioa ae to taa propriety ar tea com Ittea raoommeadiag aay eerie, of haoke, at this moetlag tor edopttoa ia Ibe various distriets of tnia eoaaly, Mr. Hosael, ar Lumbar City, aSered the followiag roeolutiou, which was adopted. RaaoLvao, That we will BOt raoommend the adoption af anv books, prevloas lo tho lima of mahlag ear Saal report ta tba Coaaty Oobvob tioa, the current year. After tha adoption af thla reaolatloa, tha Oam mltteo proeeeded to a disoasslaa ar tba prioea af the verieas books preecated, aad a plan far eoear iag a reduelioB of ibe prioea of the hooka aow 1b a. After a protracted effort as tka part of tha Com mittee to secure lower rates for books, tha follow iag agraomeaU wore mada wilk ageals: Vie kereby aarao la famish ta tha Schools Boards of Cloerfield county, Ibe books published by as, bow IB aaa la aald Coaaly, far three meatba from tha opootag of each school, at tha Intro ductory prioee for aald hooka, laea tan par Beat. .loan t MAvaiAe, Agent far J. H. Bailer A Co. Bower. Potts A Co., hereby arree to famish tha books pabllshod by them , bow ia asa la Clearfield eoaaty, to tho eohoola of aald Cannty, far the Beat six meatus at latrodaetioe prioea, la., tea per aeat. aatt. Bowaa, Ports A Co. Per Jobb H. Hollxlngor, AgeaL The redactioBS secured by the above agraemoBts from estimates made, will cava ta the people af tha County, about throe thoaaaad dollars. After the dissuasion of aome bail Bess tbo Committo adjoaraod. A. H. Roar.aaaaxt, J. W. POTTER, Secretary. Prasideat. Bpcctml: Aaoraaa Bolb Robbbbt. A man named Jaekeoa broke lata tha eld factory aa tlk atraat, aad carried away a large quantity af aaaa and woed-eeet okalra, loaagea, mettresaes, eontr-ta-blea, arsdlas, abromoa, aagraviaga, pietura framee, wall piotareo. braebeta, aad other erlieleo.ead haa plaoed them la the room la tba weal and of tha Meaalea Hoaaa, where ha to railing them of at about aae-helf tbo asua! price. Doa't buy else- wnere notore givtag aim a aaii, or yoa wui twee oar gala. Clearfield, Pa., May 14th, li7Mm. Noticb vo Bou-naaa-I hereby giro aotioe that a Patent hat beea g raa lad by the I) ailed Stales to Robert a. and 0. U. Liadely of Hollidaysburg, for tba construction of beuaos or buildings built nl nartlv hrlek aad wood. Bad that I have the ex- sluslve right for Clearfield Bounty, Pblllpsburg and Hush towaahlp, Ueatr eownty. DAXiaa xtniib. Clearfield, April lfi:TI-lt. Oaa Hobdbbb Pbb Cbbt. Diioopxt ob Ota Pbicbs. Bowleg Maohlaoe oaa aow ba parchaeed at merrell's tin and variety store, from Sao up wards. All klads of aewlog machines repaireu OB tho ahorteil aotioe. Clearfield, Pa., July II, 1177. Boeaixa Fob Balb. R. Newtoa Shaw koepi a foil aupply of Frodoaia Buggloe and Platform Wagona for aal. To be aeon al tha Shaw Houaa yard. Call oa ar address him at Cleartald Poaa- lylvanta. may le-ii. Wabtbb. M0.0OI It feet .hated hoop., deliv ered at the railroad, la oar loada of a.OOO, at all Solata on the Tyraaa A Cloaraeld, P. A I., Bald lagle Valley, and Peunoylveniu Rnilroada, for which I WiU pay the bighoet marhet price. O. V. B.4..I, Ortll, 1171-ir. Cloarleld, Pa. Wautbo. Delivered at tha RaU Road. 100,001 lt-lnob shaved shingles. 100,001 14-ineh aawod shinglea. 100,000 feet of ploe hoards. 100,000 14-feet ebarad boope. a.voo rallroaa tlee. 00,11)0 feet of good hemlock boards. For which I will pay tka kigboet market prioe, delivered at Clearfield, ar at aay point aa the Tyroae A Cleartald Railroad. . r. aaaaaa. Clearfield, Pa, Oat It, 1171-11. Jut Itecelvetl! Just Reoiived by ARNOLD, at CCEWENSVILLE : Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster 1 Car Load pure Corn. Rye and Oats Chopl Car Lroad Deaken Ball I Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, G roceries, etc! learSbinKles, Bark. It. It. Ties and Grain will be taken In exchange. Curwensvilie, May l, 1878. NervoiM Debility. Vital Waakueaa ar Depraaatoa i a weak exhausted feeliag, Bo energy or eoarege; the re mit or mental ever-wora. soaiocreieona r exreeaea, or soma draia upon the aystsm is al ways eared by Hamphrey'a Hoaampathie Bpeeifie No. 10. It toaea ap and lavigaratee the system, dispels tha gloom aod dosposdoncy, Imparts atreBgth abd energy, stops tha draia aad ra- javenatee tba aattre maa. Been aeed tweoty years with par tact saooees ay tBoaaaaoa. noia oy dealers. Price, II per slogle vial, or 15 par package of five vials aad 11 vial af powder. Boat by mall aa receipt ef price. Addroea Hum phi-wye Heaarpethlc Medlrlu Compaay, 101 Paltoa St., 14. V. C. D. Walsoa, Agent, Clearfield, Pa. eept II, 1171-ly. For Lame Back. Side ar Chest ase SilILOH'8 POROUS PLASTER. Frio II els. Bold ky Hertawiek A Iraia aad 0. D. Watson, Olosrteld, Peaa'a. Ito I'aTM BtlUrt it. Thel In this town Ihsra ara eoorec of porsoos aasata ear atore arary day who live are made mlaarable by ladlgaetioa, ByBpapeia, Sour aad dialraaaed Stomach, Liver Complalat, Coaetipa- tioa, what for 76 etc. we will sell tnem eaiioa a Vltalisar, guaranteed to cure Ihem. Sold by HariawlcB a trviB, aaa v. ar. nawoa, vieerBoiu, Pcbo'b. We Chatltnt Ih Hrld. Whaa wa aav wa believe, wa have evldeana la prove that Sbiloh'a CooaamptlOB Cure is decidedly iha bait Lone Medicine made. Ib as maeh Be It will aare a common or Chronic Cough In ouu half tha tima aad rellera Asthma, BroaoBltls, w aoop iag Cuagh, Croap, aad show mora aaasa af Coa samplioa cured Ihaa all ethare. Il will aura where they loll, II le pleaaant ta take, barm lass lo the vounaast child and we anereBUe whet we aay rrte, to eta. so au. ana ... n rw uU, ara sera, Cheat or Back lame aaa Shilok's Pomes P aater. Hole by ttarUWICB a ima, u. v. n ae- a, Clearfield, Pa. Tin Death-rat of Our country to getting t be feurfully alarmlag, the average af life beiag IctaoBed every year, wllhoat any raasoaabla eaaee, doetb reeeltlag geaerally from lb moot laelgalfieaat arlgla. At that seaaoa of the yaer aepoalally, a acid la aaah a aommoa lhat la taa harry al every lay lira we are apt to overlook Ike dangers ntteualng It aad to efloa tad to lata, that a Favor or Lung trobble hat already aat ia. ThoaeaaOl laaa IBeir llvea this way every wiBter, while had Boonhee'l Qcrmaa Byrap beea takes, a care weald have re sulud. aad a karra bill from a doctor avoided. For all diaeaaoe of tha throat aad huge, 1000000 Gorman BrnsB ha prove 1 taa 1 1 to to the graat aal dlaoaverv af Ita hind la medicine. Rrery draggle! a tbia oaatry will tell yea of R won derful etoot. Over 150,000 bottles sold last year wllbeei a single failure aaowa. joiyii, le-eow-.y. Atsnef UA. What n truly beaattfnl world we lira la I Re- tare aires as iraadear af moaatalas. gieaa aad aeoaaa, aad tbouaanda of mean for enjoyment. We oaa dealre aa Batter whaa ia ear fact health I bat haw a flea do lac majority af people fool llhe giviag It up eianeaneeea, eiaeoaragea ana wor ried oat with diaeaee, when laare is aa eecactoa for lb ia fodlag, aa avary saflwrar eag aa.Hr ob- mlasattsfaatory praar taai ureaa aagam riaw. re will make tam a fro from diaaasa ae whoa bara. DvmoBeta aad Llvm Oomplelat la lha 41 raat aaaa. ef aavealy-tva par al af aaah Baal. mllea ae Blliiaaoaeee. pervoaa rroilratiaa, Ails slaom af the Head, Palpitation af Ike Hoaaa, aad other diotreeetog tympume. J arae aoaee at aa- gnat Flower will prove Its wonderful eueet. Sample bottles, 1 oeata. Try k. ' , . ,a '.a 1. a-aw-., mw w" Allow a aald ta advaaa ia foar ar rtam aad tbaa eoMoaraa laava aartaus maledlea, aaah aa auaaaeeaie. hamerrhaaraa aad maa trenMea whaa a tmmadlato relief aaa ba readily attained oaehea'a Sormoa Byrap ta galaa taa largeri mle la tka world tor ta ear af Ooaghe, Cold., and the saver.'. Lung aHaeeam. II u III. Beaeaee's faaaeaa tlarmaa proasrlptla a, aaa la arena-ad wilk the graalaet ara, aad a bar aaed be aalortalaad la admlalstortag II to Ik a young aat child, ae per di radioes. Tbo sal af this mediate laaaprsaadaalad. Blae first laired aaed tkara hae beaa a eoaotaat laereaataf demaad, aad wltkeal a alagle report aa failara to da Ha wark la aay eaaa. aaa year araggui ae to aaa truth af tkaaa raeaarha. Large aaa 7t eaa. Try It aad ba eMvlaeed. Jaly 17, UTaeew ly. SUrrUl la aasaaville, aa nfoa.ev, Mar , U7I, It tka raeidenM af Mr. Hear? Saltb, bvBov.ll. H. Campbell, Mr. Jaaaee P. Smltk, ef JarOaa lawa ablp aad Miss .eaala M. Meat, ef Sere.Ue lwa sbip, Clear JeH eawalr, Pa. Ia Utkerebari, aa Tanadar, Marob Hla, 1071. by Re. Joba Welbaee, Mr. Jeeb b. Waavnr end Mia Harriot a,. Lin in for, o II eelleo. eoaaly , Paaa.ilr a la ta Ibio Btaao, a Wadalay Map Stb, 1170, bp 0. Hew, Iaa., Mr. Joba wise aa4 Miss Mete P. fHfrp, f Ra twBsbB, (Uarlnk,, 21(1. Iatbla place, aa Tharaday, Hay lib, 1171, fttu both, relict ef Aadrew Croat, aged acarly 15 years. In this plaaa on Thursday morning, May lib, 1170, Mary Smiley Barr, wife of W. A. Berr, formerly af Oadia, Ohio, aged 11 years, t moaths aad I deye. Ia lha boroagb af New Waablnglaa, Clearfield county, May loth, 1870. Wn. Catharine Nen", wife of Jacob Net, Br., egej at years, I moalhs and 11 dayi. Ceatra eoaaty papors, please aopy.J CLEARFIELD MABKET3. Clbabxiblb, Pa, May 11, 7V. Tloar, per ewt.. i no Back ahoat irWaA Cora Meal, par awt Chop, rva, parewt Chop, mixed, per owl Braa, par cwt Wheal, par buihol Rye, per buahal... Oatl, per buahel Oora, aero, par buihel , Buokwhoat, per baihel Potatoes, per buahel Apples, per bushel H Hams, per pound Shoulder, per pound . . Dried Beet, per pound Chlobeaa, per pair.......H.... Butter, per pound Eggs, por dose Salt, per ouek, large............ Coal Oil, per gaUoa Lard, par poaad...... Dried Apples, per pound Dried Peaches, per pound Beans, par bashal..MH 1 (0 i to 1 40 l 15 1 00 1 10 to 40 15 01 I 00 do to loo 10 r 15 40 IP 10 1 00 15 10 t (1 I 0 Pennaylvanla Railroad TYRONE A CLKARFIELD BRANCH OIL nnd after Monday. NOV. 4. 1171. tba Paooeagar Trains will run dally (except Sun- oays) Between yrono and Ulearoota, as follows OLEARFIKLD MAIL. W. S. PLDanaa, COBdoetor. LRAVB SOUTH. LKAVB NORTH. 0arwansrllle,l.l, r. a OlearleloV 1.40, " Tyrone....... p.00ta.a, Vanaooyoo 0.25, " Summit, .1.10," PowelloB,......10.00, " Oaooola,- 10.11," Bojnton, .......10.17, ' Steiner's 10.21, Pbilipiborg,. 10.25," Oranam 10.10, Blue Ball 10.17, ' W.llacalon,... 10.41, Bigler 10.51, " Woodland 10.50, " Barrett ...11.07," Uonard, 11.12, " Clearfield 11.10, "! Carwinivilla,.11.40A. Leonard, ...I l, " Barrett, ........ 1. 54, " Woodland 4.01, " Blglar... ...... oa, - Wallaoeton,....4.17, " Blue Ball, 4.15, " Orabam 4.31, " Philip. burr, ...4.15, " 8taiBer'a,.....4.3il, " eoyatoa 4.10, " Oioaola, 4.51, " Powolloa,. .l.05, Summit, 1.15, " Vaneooyoc,.....5.35, Tyrone.........!. 00, " OLBARPIBLD ACCOMMODATION. Wb. L. Rboad, Conductor. LEAVE BOl'TH. LBAVB NORTH. Ourweasvlllo Cloalald.. LooBard, Barrett, Woodlead,.... Bigler, Wallacaloa,.. Blue BeU Qrahnm Pblllpaburg. Btelner'e, Boynton....... 1.41 A. 7:10 " 7.24 " T. " 7.51 " LIT " 1.11 l.ll - 1.45 1.00 " J Tyrone 1.11 r. a. aoMoyoo,....1.5a Summit, 1.00 Pow. lion, ...... .1.20 Oacools,. 3 45 Bojnton 1.53 Stainer'a, 4.00 Phllipsbur...4.35 Orabam 4.40 Blue Ball 4.51 Wallaeotoa, ...l.ll Bigler, I.2S Woodland, 1.45 Barrett, 5.57 Leonard t.0t Clearnald 1.20 Crwcnsville,.7.00 1.10 0.16 0.30 Oaoeola,. Powollon, 10 00 Summit, Vanaooyoo,...11.07 Tyrone, -1I.60 PHILIPSBl'RO A MOSIIANNON BRANCHES LBAVB SODTB. LBAVB BonTH. a, a. p. a. r, a.. 12:10 11:15 4:11 11:11 4.14 12:14 4:11 10:20 1 2:04 4:10 10:31 11:61 1:67 10:41 11:41 1:50 10:41 11:40 1:46 10:61 11:11 1:40 10:61 11:30 1:35 11:11 11:11 1:30 r. a. a. a. A. a. avATioxs. 1:00 Morrisdals, 1:11 7:55 Pbllipsbnrg, 1:10 Till Btelner'e 1:14 1:44 Boynton, 1:10 1:10 7:51 Osceola, 1:44 1:51 1:00 Mosbaanoa, 1:51 1:50 1:11 Sterling, 1:57 1:41 111 Hoattdale, 1:11 1:41 1:11 MeCauley, 1:07 1:15 1:11 Kendrlek'a, 1:11 1:11 1:14 Ramey. BALD IAOLI VALLET BRANCH. Ex. Mail. Mail, p. u. A. a. r. a. Ml 1.11 leave Tyrone arrlra 0.11 l.ll 1.47 Bald Ragle 1.61 Eip. A. a. 1.06 7.41 r.oo 43 (I.J.I 113 00 1.26 1.01 1.10 Julian 1.10 1.41 4.17 4.11 4.01 leave 1 11 1.14 t.16 l.ll 10.06 1.41 10.11 t.OI 10.40 Mllaaburg BallefoBla Miloabarg Howard 141 l.ll arrlra L. UaveB TYRONI STATION. A. a. WBBVWABP. A. Plttaburgb Bxp'as, 2.60 Paelllo KxpraBS, 1:10 r.a. Way Passenger, 1:16 Moil Train, 1:34 Fast Line, 7:00 Parifle Bxproee :10 Herriobarg Aoa'm, 1:50 r. a. 1:10 0:60 10:31 Aall Traia. Atlantic ExpreiB, Phila. Eipress, Close ooaoeetioaa aada by all tralas at Tyrone end Lock Havaa. , I. BLAIR, Superintendent. mylf-tf. BTAfll LINKS. A stage leaves Carweasvllla daUy for Reynolds- vllle. at I o'elook. v.m.,arrivlogatRcynnlditille Bt o'rlooh, p. m. Retaralog, leaves Reynolds- villa Sally, at 7 o'clock, a. m , arriving al vor wansvillo at 11 e'elock, m. Fere, each way, t2. A Btage leaves Carwensvlllo dally, at 1 e'elock p. m., for DuUeis Cily, arriving at ueuois vily at a'sloek. a. m. Retamiag, leavee DuBola at y a clock, a. m., ualiy, arriving ai varwoasiuic at II e'elock. m. rare, eeoa way, FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefoata, Pa .. 1IS Mlddlatowa ...16 00 Marietta I 16 Lancaater I 10 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Altaoaa 1 ! Johastowa.. 1 16 Look Havaa ........ Willie import. Haatiaguoa I 70 too 1 10 too d 50 10 6 Lewntowa. ......... Marysvlllo.. CaweasrlH.. Oseoela ARKI8BURO .. I'hllipibari II Tyrone 1 II PITTSBVRO I II 4 71 Allrgheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADE DIVISION. ON and after Moaday, Dec. 10th, 1177, the paeienger trains will run dally (except Sunday) between Red Bask and Driftwood, aa followa t EASTWARD Day Mall leaves Pittsburg 1:10 a. m.i Red Bank 1 1:61; Bligo Junction 12:08; New Bethlehem 1:07 p. m.i Mnysvillo 1:2(1 ; Troy 1:10 1 Brookville 1:00 ; Fuller'. 1:31 ; Rcy aoldsvilla 1:61 1 DaBolsl:3l Summit Tunnel 1:41 1 Penleld 4:05 Weedvllle 4:17 1 Bcnetelle 4:10 1 arrives at Driftwood al 4:56. W ESTW AR I Day Mall leavee Driftwood 11:16 p. m. BcBCBCtte 1:00; Weedvllle 1:40; Penleld l:46 Summit Tunnel 1:17 j DuBola 1:30; RevBoldevlllo 1:61 1 Paller'e 1:67; Brookville 1:11; Troy 1:40! Meysvills 4:15; New Bethlehem 4:10 ; Sllgo Janotlou 4:10 1 Red Bank 1:17 I arrives at Pltlcbarg at 0:10 p. m. JreT- Tke Reynoldsrllle Aoeommodetloa leavee Reyooldaville dally al 7:60 a. m. aad arrival at Red Baahet Hi a.m., Pitlahargh at 1:31 p.m. Lee Tel PillibBrgh al 1:10 p. m Red Beak at 1:15 p. a.; arriving at Reyaoldsville at 0:01 p. m. Cloee oaBctloas mada with tralas ob P. A I Railroad at Drifteood. aad with tralos oa the Alleghany Valley Railroad at Red Beak. DAVID McCARIlO, Qea'l Sup't. A. A. Jat'iaoB, Sap't L. U. Dir. STAGE LINK. cbaaariBLa va rsariBLa The BBdanlgaad woald laform the that ha la aaw ranaiag a etag llaa hetweca Clearierd aad Panteld, ihreo time a week. Tho otage leavee Clearfield oa Moadays, Wednes days nnd Fridays, at I a'eloak a m., arrlvleg al Peafiald at II e'elock m. Rsluralng seme deys. Leers Peafiald at 4 e'elock p. m., erriv iag at Cleartald al I a'aloek p. m. CoBBoellea la mode with tralBi ea the Low Grade R, R. at Pealeld. Fere, each way, II. 50. GEO. W. UEARHART. Claartald, Pa., Feb. 11, 1I7I ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. OarweBOvUla, Jaa. , Tl tf. iaAUTIONaaaAII weeBS ar aerebp w ara ad BfSlBSt parebaalag or IB aay way aeddllai wllh tbe fellowle nroporly aow la ibe peesssstan of Tbemas Oroul, af Karlkau towaebia, via I I art af waeat, aaa ar ef rye, and nil tna wares. rye, aatt, aad eora tkal will be raiaoa oa iaa iarm witbla twa ears, aad belt tba frail. Tba f.refe. Iaa aeaaarir eras Burebaeod bv bm al erireto eala, aad U allowod te paaala la tka Boasaaetoa af aald Tbaa. Ureal ea loon aal, saajset to my erarr at anytime, xuui si dba. Laooalel mila, May Ula, flAUTIOWaill Bareeas ar kereby waned i aaalasl sarokaalaa ar la aay way meddlia wllh tba fellowiaj property, aw la tke poaeoaeiea of Patrteh waiaroa aad Bis wus,et xreaaiar iwp., , Tbrea bad eloads aad tka baddies, eaa eoob stove, ooe BatlB elevo, all wmatoa, Bad two reablas okalro, Ibroe ublea,lw.kuru.euep. a i a ana meoa. .wa eowa aaa iw. vara, a faaaaala BrBvtv waa nuroheMd by m. eA pri- onto ssU. taa Ilk Say af May, aad Is aliened la reeeaia I aba ooai.nlsa af sal vriiaroa aaa kU win ea laaa aaly, leeieet le my order tt aay Uma. II.LRN LTON8, Dsoeol Jima, ataj tin, lair ai- Cfrjal g,AwUs,m.tifs. ADMINIdTR ATOR'SSALE-Tbara will be sold at publio outcry at the lata roe ideoce of Mllaa Davie, deccaaed, la Bacceria township, Clearfield ouoty, 1', oa Saturday, the lllh day of May, the following property, via . Spring wagoa, pair twla aleds. oorn-sheller, two ho roe wagoti, tkresbieg machine, stump machine, barrnw, wind-mill, cutting-box, harness, plows, graiu-crndle, and n number of other articles not necessary lo rnooUon. Bole to oonimonooat ana o'clock, P. M. of eaid day, whaa term will be made known by tbo nndersignod. JOHN 8. M'KIERNAN. Administrator, C. T. A. Smith's Mills, Pa , May 7lb, l701t. MAY JURY I.IST.A Hit of the names of Grand and Traversa Jurors drown for term ooiBiaoBoiBg 00 Ih serene! M"ulay filth day) of May next, and to eonlinuu for two weeks : thavbbsb ji'aoaa Id wbkk, lira. Jha W Horn, Brady, laaao Caldwell, Pike, Wilms Hoover, Morris, R KShaw, Lawrence, Wesly Norrls, Lawrenoe, 8 Brlcklay, Uurn.idetp, J T Soott, Burnaide twp, Jaa MoLaugblin.Claar'd, Philip Bcnaltoof, Boggi, Thiimp'o head, GolhcB, Cbrl.i Brown. Corlni'a. Tb Whilahaad. Wcod'rd, J Lightnor, Jr. Becoaria, How'd Cupp)ci,Wood'rd D W Mooro, t'leerlcld, Wm P Read, Lawreoco, 8 B Kllioger, Brady, iJarad Fiaher, Oranam, Uodfrey n carer, Bell, 1 1 Underooffer, Brauford, Noel B Lee, Clearfield, Dillon, Morris, Jus P Parwall, Lum Cily, John M Maya, Jordan, Wm Parker, Hoattdale, j Forester Bloom, l'ike, Alex IrwiB, Berearia, : Reub Rciter, CorlngloB, T M Mitchell, Burn tp,' Daniel Berger, Pike, A U Newcomer, Green'd, Frencla Leigey, Cov'g'o, Bobt Patleraon, Jordan, Fred Rupert, Bell, Q W Geurbart, Decatur, W..I. Curiey, Bradferd. THIAI. I.IHT. List of rautes sal down for trial at aeeond week, May Term, com mencing Monday, May 12th, 18,0, and continu ing two weeks : A. A. StovcBS Aanie M. Irvia Joaa Rehrer A. Kslep, uee of Joho Oonncry Wm. Cevenaugb Robert Cowcb vs. Joba M. Adamsj vs. Adam Hagy. vs. R. B. Wigloa. vs. Osceola Park Association vs. J. B. Oallager A J. McCoy " " ra. J. 9. uaiiahcr. T. R. Blaady ra. Kltlanaing Coal Oo, A. Robertson vs. Mosbannon L. A L. Co. M. Moliendry et. al. va. Jamas D. Anthony. Patrich Kerna to use va. Inaao Caldwell. Mitchell Murray va. J. B. A B. G. Oearbart, del'll, A F. Holier, gar. R. C. Thompson al al rs. J. W. Bell et. al. Krpbart A Bailey va. The M. L. A L. Oo. Beyer, liuyer A Co. vs. Jamas Young et. al. D. J. Hoar A Co. vs. Lever FlrgaL Goo. M. Briebla v.. David Dunn. John G. (lla.gow vs. Lafayette 11. Bloom, hills B. Turner vs. L. A M. Shimct KLI BLOOM, Prothonolary. DR. H. F. BEAM, cnnoNic dishabk Physician, CrRWKNSVILIsE, PKNN'A. I'trtlcuUr evtlAiitioB eItcd. la both tadr vi pimotitM, to tb trMtratDt of IboM obwarc, long ltnd(nf, or UDronio inai. reraooi ia Da of hit Mrrioei, wpteUlty tliote who bore doetored without beofito ad fuob at h.Ti doubtt m to wbat till tbitm, would do wall to giro bin o coll. Id ortrj eaaa tbt patient or frirada mmy rly ) on najtirtBir a eaodid opinion u tt wbat ean ba armmpHahad ia tho trata)nt. 11 will not uodortakt a cat) ualeii aaaara, by paat ax pert rnotv that ha aan euro or great I j bnoaOt tfiaia. I'erioni drafroui of viaitlng bin. ahauld do ao on Monday, Wadnaadajr or Batarday, aa theto daye aro davotad xeltiply to ojHs praetiet. Other day a ha nay bt abatnit riiitiiag patients at a ti leUiot, henoo atUotioa to tbia will pre rant dia appoiBinmnt. May U, '7ft. tf IOROUOII AI'DITORM RKPOKT. J) J. O. WUITialllCL, Diitrlct Trcaaurcr of tlatarflald borough in aw lid t with tbt Poor fund of aaid borough for 1H7V. rooa rciin nakToit. To bat. InTrrnJ hand! at laat aettla't $193 27 To rait, rao-l-ed froai Collar Head.... llii 41 To balaneo on Dup. of 1H77, io Collootor Raart'a handt M 224 flV ToUl M2 ST caa di to a. Ryordara paid 28T 35 Hy percentage on $2 :-5..14 at S par ornt.. 7 08 Br amount uncollected In bandi of Koaa Head, (Julleotor... 3.4 89 By amount to bailance to ncwaeoount...,. Tl 25 ToUl MJ 11 T&TBiiaNT or Till rt:Di. To caab M hand 78 36 To amount naoollaoted in handa of Koaa Read - 22 Total 2T 4 Wa tba uuderaigned Aadltora bara examined tba above aoeount, aud flad it aorraot. to tbo boat of our knowledge and belief. Wit aaaa our baa da tbia 14th day of April A. 0. 1S79. II. W. PMITH. JACKSON HAGERTY, 8MIIH V. WILSON. A'jtlttoif. ClearflelJ, Pa., May 14tb, 187B IU TUVVNXHIP AUDITOntV REPORT. ADAM KEPHA&T, Diatrlet Traaaurar of Dvoatur townihip, io aaeonnt with the aanaa for School, Road and Poor fandi of aaid towaabip for U78. BCBOOL n rfpf IiBIITOB. To balaaea at laat aettlamant $ K-3 S3 To aaaouot reoaiTed of Oo. Traaa., being uaaoated Sohool tai for 77-78 m To ata't ree'd of L. Uvea, Coll. for '77.... To am i ree d of W. A. Ream!, Coll. 78. To balaneo do Treasurer H cm tu Ton. By OTtieri paid : For taaeblog For fuel Poreleaoiag beoio HM For repair a, Ae Fur map For repair, taica, Ao.. ua lot Oaaooia For Stieretary'i salary For rent rf For ineidental eiprnaea , By p-r etnt. on $Mt.l, rae d By t per eant. on $1,720.79, paid out.. H,'i7 0 Boan ruaos no. Toamoaat af Road foeji 41,015 01 CXROITOB. Uv amount of erAero naid 41,7.11 M I,I0 40, raceUe.l... 00 07 By I per cent, oa $l,7;il..U, paid out.... .14 AS llv per center on Road Ccrtilcatc...... I 00 Bjr bal. doe louniblp ol IH fi.uir, oi rooa rtxos erarea. To amount uf Poor fundi..., 11,011 71 OBBDiroa. Fljt smouat of orlsrv p.i.1 007 00 Br I per oaat. ea MU , reoelred 4101 Bv x per eoal. oa, pain out I , yi Uy bel, due tewohl, 00 00 SI.04S 74 Lewis Fulton au'l Curtis Rsams, Oraraorrf ef Poor, lo aoaouat wllh Deeator townshlr,. oxaroa. To oab of Traasarer by Pultoo I 1:11 00 To poor lax for 1878, fullon 0 St To order al eeltlemost, Fultoa. IS 40 To eorriere aeOverseer, Fulton... 41 20 To eash of Treesures bv Reama 00 00 To order at eetUomont to Heema 18 81 To order for services to Reams 37 00 S..10I 07 oai n i rod. By aid glren te poor: Mra. jhcuooi Thtti. fittglbbuni John tlonoaon Wrt. Iavi Mn. Joieph Roy Mn. Muthertbaugb 0eore Da? k.., . , R. Ueenan Mrs. Miller Caih la anialler 99 09 II 00 tl tSO SO Ol) 4 10 IS 9 9ft 9 00 10 vs I 09 i do 10 CO 41 It) 17 00 By Uiea, Aa , en lot t Oweole ,., Bt Jaalieee terrloei, n. negbea....,.Ha ly aUoraeyfeea, 13. H. BarreU.... M By Fnlton'i lervicei ai 0etieer,,.H...., By Beami' tervloea n Overeeer , Jubn Kephart. Suberrlavir, lufcttoiwl wltn Da- eatar towaibip. To amount of dup Heat. 156 At To order on Treaaurer for a?erwork...M 41 99 To order en Treerer for eerTieea 49 IA To order ob Treainrer for aertieea 190 99 II 00 . cBrmvoa. By .mouot of work aa doplloate By exeaeralieas By balaaea aa daplieate-. By amoaal af evevworb-. By IS days ear Tirol . Sapar'r, M.. II 10 II IS S 10 41 0 140 00 I.1 00 W. A. Kams, Supervisor, ta aeaoBBt wilb Do- Star towaabip. BBirea. Taaanaatef duplloala 11,171 TO Ta erderaa Traaaarar roreorvlas.HMM 1300 Ta ardor ea Tree. arer lor earvteoa...... 01 00 To ardor aa Inaaarar for tolo, tt-... I 14 11,107 10 caxoivOB. By amoaat of work aa dapllaale tl.MI 01 By belenoel a axoaeratlons aa yet).... 101 17 R. laala. He n I 14 Br eerrleoe. ICI days, l,u fl p-r lay.., Ill II " " ... '. H.7 0 Wa, tho aodenlfaod Aadilars, bave eiaaiaad Ibe above aoooaau, and lad Ib.m wirrwt la aha boat af ear kBowledge aad belief. V7.0. Ill LL, JACOB MOCK, R. I. S1IOWALTIR, Aadilare, JUI1H MrMRRIM, TuwBsbla Olork, April 14,1111. V 814 HI 101 00 411 10 Jfw 5Irble Yarl. tombstonesTmonuments, Pott$ tar Cemetery .of. A NRW MARBLE YARD Call at J. FLA II ARTY 'it Marble Wore. Choice worh and low nricee. Directly oppoaite tho Lotbcrao Church, Third Ureal. Cleartald, Pa., March 17, 1070 If APMI NISTR ATOR'a notitr. Notion ll hereby given that Letters of Ail. ministration ou the estela of LEAH BLOOM, lata of Pile township, Cloarlsld county, Pcnn's, deceased, bavinf beea duly (treated to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to aaid eotele will please make immediate payment, aad the.e having claims or domanda against the aama will preeent them properly authenticated for Battle meniwitnout ueiay. unu. n. ual,u, Admiolatrator. Cl.arOelJ, Pa., Mar. 10, 1870 At. A DMINISTRATORH NOTK E.-Nlloe V. U hereby giroa that Letter a of Adminiatra tiun on tba eitateof UILEM DA V Id, late of Bao earia townahip, Clearfield eounly, Pens 'a., da eeaeed, having boan duly granted to tbo under algoed. all pereoni indabtd to raid eetato will filaaae nake immediate payment, and tboaa har og el alma or d em an da willpreaent tbeai properly authenticated for aettlement without delay. JUliN 8. MoKlKHNAN, Adminiatrator 0. T. A. Sultb'a Milla, Pa April IS, lH7v-Cf A I) 1)1 TOR'S HOTICEe-ln tha Court of 2 Comtnon Pleaa of Cleartiald Uonnty Pa., Vtmtt. Ex. No. IV8, Sept. Tern. 1S78. Coobraa Bubb A Co. Tf. Jamea Paaraoll. Tba underilgn ed Auditor appointed by the Conrt lo diatributt tba prooeeda ariaing from tha aala of tba Real Ka tata of Jamea Peareoll, any tbo partial legally entitled thereto, hereby gitaa notioo that ha will attend to the dutiea of bia appolnttnent at bia effloo, io Clearfield, on T bandar, tbo 8tb day of May, 187V, at 3 o'elook P. H., whaa and wbero all partiea anteroatod aaay attend. J. P. M'KKiVRICK, Auditor. Clearfield, Pa., Aprll SO, 1879-21. N OTIC 13 TO P A R G N TM.aThe under algned wlahea to give notioa that the wtll open a aobool In tha Leonard achool build I br, in tbia boroagb, on tba Aral Monday ia May next the Stb to oeatlnue three mootba. tiniall children will ba taught by tha Kinder gertca method. Term i 1,1 per icbolar, to ba paid on tb 4 rat day of aobool. Further information In regard to atudle aat. term oan be had by calling on or a ldr-ning MIri8 UATTIK MOOKK, fch.w JJouao, Clearfield, P. Feb. If, IM Sm. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS tfc STATIONERY Market Ht, Clearfield, (at 11. Post Ofllce.J Tim underalgned bega loare to announoa to the eitlaena of Clearfield and rloinity, that he haa fitted ap a room and baa juit returned trotn tna city wun a large amuuui oi reaaing natter, eonaiating in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Atmrant aad Paaa Booka of arary de- aeriptioni Papar and Knvelopea, French preaaed and plain Pen a and Poodle i lilauk ldgal Paperf, ueetia, Mongagea; .iuigmeni, bKeuip Uon and Promiaarr notna ; Whit and Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Can, and Hill Cap, Sheet Muiio, for either Piano, Flute or Violin, eonatantlr on hand. Anv booka or it at ion an deaired that I may not have on hand, will ba orderrd by firit expreee, and aold at wbolraale or retail to auit ouatomort. I will alao keep periodical literature, aucft aa Aiagaainea, Aew"pap-ra, o. p. A. uaIlin. Clearfield. May 7, 18tS-tf SheriflTs Sale. "V rlriua of write of Ft. F., In-ued J out of the Court of Common Pleaa cf Clear fiaJd eountv, and to me directed, there will be ezpoied to PUllMC 8AI.K, at lha Court Uouaa, in tba borough of Clearfield, on I'rlday, May ltUh, At 1 o'clock P. M., the following deerilJ roal eaute, to wit: A -rtin farm aittiated In Bloom tow nnhfp, Cloarflald tounty, Ptnn'a., and bounded on the north by land ot U. flace. eait oy land or l. T hemp ion, fnoth by land of Oeo, Bhabert, and weat by land of L. Weber, ooatalaisg fill aerea, mt-re or If, and having about 111 acraa ctearad. and a mall plank bone tnereon erected. Sieied, and taken In elocution aod lobe aold aa tho prop erty of Robert Loach. Tbrhs op Bali, Tba price or earn at which the property aball be atruck off muat b paid at toe ttme or aaia, or anon otner arrangeuienu made aa will bo appro? ad, otherwiae the proper ty will ba Immediately put up and told again at the expenaa and rlak of tha paraon to whom it waa a true k off, aad who. In eaaa of deficiency at aueh re-eale, ehall make good the aame, and ta uo tna tan oe will the Deed ba preeented In Court tor oonflrmation nnleai tba money ta actnally paid to tho Sheriff. AN li HEW PKNTZ.Jr. Banairr'a Orrtca, t Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa. April J. 1879. 1 Wheeler 6c Wilson Family Soviag Hacliino No. 8. Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Running. At (he rarls Eposilimi,1878, Wheelor & Wilson received tho only Grand Trine awarded for Sewing Machines. Over 80 com petitors. Report of the Amerietin Institute of A'ew Yorkon the Wheeler d- Wilson Machine : " Wo do not hesitate to declare It tiis bk8t sswinii arpabatus in tup World." The No. A and No. 7 Maniifaolnrinr Marhines are e.peH.llr reoommended for B1IUKJIAKKKS' and TAILORS' are. H.B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank, CURWENSVILLE, PA. WHEELEE II WILSON M'F'Q CO., 1338 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April t, 1071-Om. BOOTS, S II 0 E Hats, Caps, &c., &c. GE0.C.&T. W.M00RE, re Jo it opening ft large aad refill ly aeleflted teeit in tneir line, embracing LA I) IKS' GAITEHS, Kid, Cloth and Calf, Is avary ilrle. LADIKS' SUOHS, nough anJ Btatvitb, LAWKS' SI.IPI'ERS, Illgh and Low. t'lIILPKENS' SHOES, BattoBrn, Darkled and Laare', Plain and Copper-toed OENTLKMKNS' BOOTS, I'loe and Coana. OENTLKaGKH' UAITKRg, BRORS, BRO UANS, PLOW BI10K8, SLIPPERS, Cloib or Laalbrr. HATS, HATS, HATS They ak rneelal etlealloB ta their aaaortraen! tf IIATM ..anal., tba LATEST SIVLtB lor samarar wear. AMONU TULIR bents' Furnishing Goods, will be fowwd aa aitortraPBt of GENT8 NECKWEAR. H-ldoa sqoslM rltbor la otyle, tasla, aervlet otprlsa. All or any of wblob will bw eeld at BiloBliblaly law trs, at ROOM His. I, PI ICI OPERA HUUaK, Olrtrlald, Pa. aril le'TO-tf. i,.no oo H - f n 41 00 H pgfT. y . ---rf..ea. - BJ oi 4o " ;ILHbT m ' " 211 h III lsF P Look to your Interests IN BUYING YOUR X3VCLV Having Just retarnotl from tho East, whore we have been making our Spring purchases, we tuko this opportunity of thanking cur customers for tlicir liberal patronago in the past, and beg to ssiure Ihem we will do all wo can to make it their interost to continue the same. Our stor is literally crammed with goods just from the manufacturers, by II odds tho largnot and best selected stock ever brought to this count at any one time by one firm. Over fifty different patterns and varieties of CARPETS, ranging In prico from 20 cents to II per yard. We will sell Carpets as cheap as the aamo quality can be bought in Philadelphia or New fork. Ladies' Dreso Goods, I Trimmings, Laces and Fringes, in the latest stylus. Sheetings, Shirtings and Caooimeres, together with BOYS' WKAR In all grades of goods. Our LADIES' AND CIIILDREN3' STOCKINGS are just the prettiest and best yoa ever saw. A tall line of TRIMMED HATS, always on hand, trimmed up by Miss MaUie Rohn, of Philadelphia, who will eive lodioi wishinir Hats trimmed to order, her best endeavors to plcano. Call and see us before buying T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. fUiJiiii . Jt; --.y M airnnl wS II nVM 1 ..i, imz&Y- flend for ninitrnted Circular aj.d Prlcea, Liberal Tenui to the Trade. S Don't buy until you hava seen the lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable .jVJCTOR.,, VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY.' MIDDLfciOWN, CON 5 and Noa. Itfl and Ol M'lbua A vena, CUICAUu, ILU GUINZBURG'S -OSfE l - TO THE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: We elvo a lienrlv nnd cordial invitation to eomo and examine nnr naor Spring stock cf Cents' & Boys' Clothing. We have selected for the Spring season a magnificent stock of the most carefully mode and stylion goods it is possible to procure, and hare marked every garment at the lovroot possible prices. We know that oar goods are of the highest char acter, and wo believo inopcotion and comparison will prove that the prices are much lowor than they have been heretofore. Take particular notice, our Spring stock is all new. rieaso give us a call. L. GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, - - Clearfield. Pa. April 0, IC70. ARN'OU) 1IAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SUATED AND SAWED. Curwensrlllr, Jaa. 9, '71-lf. Lumber City Normal Academy. Tb ninth oM'o or th ..ntnlrfr Cilt N'Aruml Afa-lfmf will ojen April Sntb, 1873, md aoq. lino liitiNpn wreki, with riion. TKACIIKRsS. V. V.m Prlnflml. Mi- .MuFntit Mitrhfll ApitntROt. Mr. Km i lib, bnwtn tauclit bnr itarint 1h ial jer, !p alrentiy knowo. Mln Milvbrll Uinrful us(f of the Hiute Norintl School, tl In Jinn, Pn., tnd K Udj of ftnf?toiTiplitbTjvtit. All brnobii ttiupbt (rntn tin ftlihnlpft lo lha rtliiMlcf. C1IAHORS 0K TUK TKKM. (Oat fourth to b ptiJ on t.trlng rbiil.) rluftrr unurie .f .1 00 IntirmlirU oours 6 00 Knffliih eourM 7 00 Kt.glif.h courtr, with Algebra, H t SA Higher branchei 9 00 Tlii vrhnol haa riroduceJ lowe of the boat teacher lo the ooaniy. It hai the beil tjHtea of $rhdv potulbla. It ia rood ue tod bj eiperienoed tearhtri. L ii tuber Clly atTurd excellent chnrchet) plenty of Rood boarding at $I.Ui) per week beautiful aeenery ; opportunities fur health fa) aruaetnenle, and a lire tinging aobool, eon duo ted by Prof. Illoom. ror fall Inrornatton eall on or adrtreM be l'rinHp, or V. C. HKI.L, President. I). A. FK I.KK. Lumber City. I'a., Mar. 12, lh7 W if. A NEW DEPARTURE LIITHER8BVUG. J Hereafter, soods will be sold for CASU only. or la exebaoxe for produce. No booka will bo kept lo the future. All old aoeouBlo mast a settled. Those who eannol earb ap, will please aaaa over laeir Boies aaa CLOSE THE RECORD. I au determloed Ut Mil my rood at eaab pri., and at a dieosoaot far below that aver offered In tan rielnitj. The dlaooeot I allow bt faRtonera, will aiake them Hob in twenty yeara If taij it.. low mjr advtna and buy taelr gooda irooa ie. 1 will pay eah for wbeat, oat and eloTer ed. DANIKL UOODLANDKli. Latberiharn, Jaaoary IT, 1HTT. JRPHANS' COURT SALJ Boal EaUtt of Waa, Soli, deo'd. Bt Tlrttie of an erder laoed out af tha Orpbaaa' Coart ef Clearfield aoaatv, l bare will bo eipoaed te rowie naieai iae uotm uevea. ia tna aowtgb oi viearnaia, oa MONDAY, MAT 11, 1170, at 1 o'eloeb . ib., tbe followiag raal atat afl W. Bell, dM'd, lo wilt A eerlata fart altaale ia Orttawoad towa-blp, ! Clearffeld eoanty , Pa., hoanded aad cWMrlbed! aa lei to we i Oa ibeaortb by tbewettbraaehaf the, Hupqatr-anna river, on tbo aoalb hy othr land owned by tald Wa. B"ll, dee d, aad aa tba aait by lead or BteJ b vwaa, analatatag two ban dred aad eighteen aeree, abet I altty aerea af wbieh la cleared aad aadef gwd oaltiratloa, bat tugtberee ereoted a gaud leg dwelling boan, a large new baoh bara and at bet aatbaildlagf, aad a bearing orchard, lb ere la aba aw tha premleet a valaabla to ill leet, aad aaa.dtrabU oak, ttiae aad bewilooh tlmoar. Teaae or Sata. Oae-talrd aaah a aanlnaa lloi af aale, aad lha balaaea la aaa aad twa yean with letereat marod oa tba pre !, fHAMPTUN BMLIat I. L. HOOVtk, Atelalatraiota,. . Bevor, , AarU 11, U79 li. iniscrllanfOBi. GOG elsewhere. OIMPUCITYI O-PEMTYIl! 1 SIMPLIFIED i U HAINTAINEIi a Improvements September, 1878' HaTirtf itrartS tr tha lmaed ot t. pr-xrMira ag, va bow oor to tot wofi tba WITH aiTBSaU, Important Improvement, KotwitLstunding lha VICTOR ho long bean the peer of any machine ia tbo market foci Bppm-terd by a host of TolnntwwttneHes we bow confidently chim for It greattr aimplicitv, a wonderful redaction of ... friction, nnl ultopaher a Jiart Com llnaiionitf DtsltaliU Qualitit. For Htle T.y llerCaiajitB rind otbera. ItlCE - A Bank tliat Never Breaks. Try My Coal. Tbe undorMiaed adopts tbls metbod af laforBi ing tbe aumeroas consumer, tbet bis eoal bank is not a Winter arrangement only, but Ibat It will be operated in the Summer ae well aa Win ter. I slaiai that I have tha Best Coal in the Market, aod will sell It for aaah, or In oxehaufe for OW, feed, froorries, .lo. Larir. eootraou will be mele at a very email proll. Por full nartioUaro call on me in parson, residing ia one of Urahem'e upper bio, or address mo throash tbe noil, nfiioa. Onlera left et tbe poetoffiee will rraile prompt allenllon. TIIOS. A. Dl LKKT T. ClearlrM, Pa., Jan. i, 1070 lf. NEW WiVSHINQTOS NORMAL INSTITUTE 0pa. ApiiTTath, 1870. TKRM KLKVKNWXEKH. The County Superintendent, knvlng derided not te eerie aa Principal of any school la the eoaaty, this sobool will b. oouatlaaee) and.r lb nienegeraent of tbo nuderslyuod. The BuperiateBdenl's eoarsa ef studj, pre (ramma, etc, will be elriclly adhered to, aad every eSort mode lo make tbe school strictly pro. faeaional. Tlimry of Toarliluw Bad Method ol Instnirllon asprrlally. A irood hlorary and leetare eourae will bo ao.talned in connection wilb the eehool. The Normal ( laaa will be riaailurd staatbl)' by the Cotinty Kniierliilenaeut. Tl'ITIOH: CommoB branches 44 01 Normal Cla.s Mt Hiber brooches... "" " OO flood boardlni oan be had for It 00 nor week. L. K. RBKR. Principal. MATT BAVAUB,Aaalataal. aprOlt. W. J. IIOFFKlt, RtrON Mih THBfcR OpKSA HOIIwK, Clearfleld, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, B0OT8 AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QCEEVSWi&E, HARDWARE, xm w A7t.C, Carpeta, Oil Cloth-, WALL PAPER, LEATHER. FISH, Etc., Whlek will be sal al wbokasel ar retail. WILL lAkla KltTltV pauDUtai IN roll MMiina AT MAMIaKT ralCianV t IrnrBrld. J., l4aM aaTvUta. NEW VICTOR kit dcaj sr. ' " 1 ' '