Av : . -i.'.i. Si 'A y - $i it .1 Mil ; ,f! ii ill! i ! 5 4 ; I ! II '13 I I.' : Hi 4 I' i! i u J 7 ; .- " ! I- 1 ... . sv li V ;- if A ll "1 SotrU. THr MANSION HOUSE. Conor of Seeood Bad Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. TBI) .Id aad .ommodloa. Hotel ku. during Ik. put Mr boob aalargod to doable iu former eaaMlty lot th. HtertalnnMat of I1IU gore aad gaaau. The whole bdildlag ku boob refaraiahed, u4 Iko proprietor will .para bo pala. .to reads. Ml fawls tomfertable wktlo taring with kirn. iSMr-Th. 'Huilii Honto" Oaialtiu. nil to and from tko D.pot ol th. arrival and d.partwn of oaoh train. W. 0. CARBON, Jaly ll-t7-tf Proprietor fLLEGHENY HOTEL. Market .trett, Clearfield, Fa. Wm. 8. Bradley, formerly proprietor of tko Looflard IlottM, having looted tho Allegheny Hotel, eolioita a shan of nubile patronage, - Tho Boon kao booa thoroagQ.y ropalrod and aowly furnished, and guest, will Aod it a pleaonot stop, plog plaoo. Too labia will bo supplied witk the beat of everything la tho markiL At tbo bar will bo fonad tho boat wlaoo aod llquen. Good lUbliDg attached. WM. S. BRADLEY, ley 17, -7. Propriotor. SHAW HOUSE, " , (Ooi. of Marks. Fnat atnaU,) . , - OaJUaVfillUi, PA... .-. - Tba anden Igood having takoa ekargo of tall Botol, would nspoetfully solieitnublio potroBago. fobM.'Tt. B. tiBWIOM 6UAW. rpEMPERANCE HOUSE, . . w .HIW WABBIHOTOH, PA. ' H. D, B06B, . PaoraiBTOB. Uaalo, 3Se. . Hob aad horoa orer Bight, tt Ot Mob aad two horooa ovor Bight, tl .ov. Tho boot of Beeoaaodailowo for bibb Bad kotol. Oot. 23,78-tr. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON. PA, Thii bow aad well faralihed hoaao ku boos tekoB hy tbo Bodertignod. Uo foolo ooafidoBt of boiag ablo to roodor atiifaotloa to thooo who may fevor him with a soli. Mo, , 1(71. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, M.ln Stroot, ' " PUILIPSBURU, PENN'A. Tablo alwo.i applied with tbo boot tho market affordi. Tko trareliag pablie ! iarttod toeolU Job.I,'7(. ROBERT LOYD, gaub. I Counly National Bank, OP OLIARFIRLD, PA. ROOM In Mooonlo Building, one door Borth of 0. D. WaUon'f Drug Store. Puiago Tiuketa to and from Liverpool, Quoene. town, Uloiri'W, London, Pari and Copenhagen. Aleo, DraU for tola oa the Royal Bank of Ireland aBd Imperial Bank of LondoB. JAMES T. LEONARD, Proi't W. M, 8nAW,,Caohier. . Jir.1,'77 DREXEL & CO., No. South Third Btreot, Philadelphia BjUTKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. ApptleatioB bj mall will reooiro prompt atun Mob, and all InformatlOB oheerfally furnlikod Ordora Mlioted. April 11-tf. i. aanoLD. . w. ibbolb. j. i. abol F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hanker and Brokers, i , ReynoldiTlllo, Jeleraoii Co., Pa, Mooey rooolTod OB depoalt. Dlieounti at mo derate ratea. Eaitern and Foroian Exchange al woto on hand aad oolleetlone promptly made. Kaynoldirllle, Deo. U, 1874.. ly I J L. R. HEICHUOLD, UKOEON UBNTIST, Graduate of the PennnylrenU Collero of Dental flargery. Ofiea In foeldoaoa of Dr. Jl ille, epnoeite tho Shaw Bobw. . bll, 7-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Ofloo la Beak Balldlag,) CurwanarUlo, ClcarleU Cav, Pa. ohW-tf. i -, t , J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA, (OBoo la reeidoBeo, Boooad itroat.) Nltrosi Oildo Ou admlBiitarod for the paia aw oxtractloa of tooth. Cloart.ld, Pa., May I, ltTMy. tlsrtUanrouj. SII0EMAK1NG-I hereby Inform my pa tront, and mankind In general, that I hare removed my hoemakiag loop to tho room In Qrahem'l row, over 8. 1. Snyder'e jewelry rtore, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of work , la my Uno ohoener than any other ahop In town. All work warranted ai good aa ean bo done any. wbaro olio. Positively tbil It the ebeapevt ihop in Clearlleld. JOS. H, DEERINO. Doe. 11, lS7l tf. "Wagons for salE. Tbo BBdonlgaed haa on hand, at klo ahop lo Clearnold, Two-horse Wagons, One-horse Wagons, ' Spring "Wftjons, nl Bugjrios, For lalo. Weetera waroai aa well Ba thooo made bora. Any of wbioB will ba Bold eboap for eaiB or approved aeourity. For further inform atioa, oall IB poraoB at my obop, or addreea mo by letter. , THOMAS BEILLY. Panrteld, Pa, April JJ, 187t-tf. The Bell's Ban Woolen Factor j Peaa towaihlp, Cloarlold Co., Pa. BURNED Olltl IT lot BURNED U PI ThnkMrilri tart, v4 gra upmN,rtbntlk MiKfatxirt.i BMMitjr,in lb trMlioM f trrt elui Wofln MwmfMtory.witii all U Bodvra ImprovtmanU uttMhwl, u. mn pipvrd to taivkt kll ktndi f Clcthi, CMsinar!, gkt.attu, BIu kita, FlAOBolt, Ao. Pltoty of goodf om bud to npply all oar old and a thovfaad new taitotatrt, wnom w aia m nbi aaa laatti omr noak, Tba batlaaM af CARDIN9 AND FULLINQ will raoalTa oar atpaelal atttatloa. Propar atTaUigamatita will b mad l raoalTa aad dalivar Wool, to tuit eaitenan. A II work warrantod aad ioao apoB tba ihorUit aotioa, and by itrlat attoa Uoa to baitaoM wo bopa to roallia a hboral ibara ai paaiio powaaafo. IO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTBDI Wa a)in pay tba btgbait sarbit prioa far Woo and Mil omr BMifavcturod gooda m low m liBillBr good oaa ba bought la tba aavaty, and wbOBtTar wa fall to raadar raaaoBAbla otitfaotioa wo aaa alwayt ba found at bona road to asaka propor aipiaoauoat, wiBor ia ponoo or ay Mttar. ' JAMBS J Oil SON SONS, HIMir Rowwr P. 0 JKMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would roepeetMly notify tbo publio goBoraDy thai ha haa remered bii ttroeery Sura from Sbaw'i Row, to tba bnildlag formerly ooanpWd by J. Miloa Kratier, on Seoond atreet, next door to Blgtor't bardwara l tore, wbere ha atentia haoftag a full tine of , , , . y ( OnOCEBIES. BAH8, DRIED BBlFaad LARD. BUQAR8 BBd 81RTJPB, of all grades. TBAB, Snob Bad Bleak. i , V f COFFEE, Routed aad Ones. FLOUB AND PROVISIONS, ' ' ' AU klndi 1b lie m.tk.t. PICKLES, la Jan ud barrau, ....... , , - 8PICES, la every form aad variety. FAMILY FLOUR, '? Alt anrif or n ACRBiti. ' BOAPB, ' ' " " i HATCIM, PRIED APPLES, ' DRIED PIACBII, DRIED CHIRIIM Coal Oil ' ml Lamp Zhteuutyu - - Ab4 a good aaaortaoBt of tkoM tklnga Broally kept la b gmary itoto, orktek ko wiu BiokaBgo for markatiag at ika SMrkot pritoa. WUI aal lfr aaak aj akoafly BJ Bay at Bar as. Ptoaat eaJt and aoo ku Kook aad judge for lIUHlf. . . k joU MoOAOeJHIT. CIsarioM, JaB. , ISTS, fttlsreUanfous. mT.U.r.VrUlul, He... 11 -.ill l-.mi'i-t.f - PNII ll Uv4Ml dlMk.fi -Uld lulu .nUr Mm fltwwn-amirBl4MMlltiurantr Ik 1 rbr)tb. Ib4 "lUif. my bVTwtA f m. lv"- fkn-oMtU. 0 "H t-oJ Wt kMirifiiB,vjrn. k jbmKm, m m m-, j. rr.. ii. a. r .tu.im m Fr Ml by 1. W. Grtvk.Bt. ClMi-lcld, Pa. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Betail Dealer in Groceries, TUB LARGEST and BEST 8RLICTB0 STOCK IN TUB COUNIV. COFFEE. TEA, bu6ab, SYRCP. HEATS, FI8II, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARB, Tl'BS aod BCCKFTH, . DRIfiD FRUITS, ' CABMKU GOODS, FLOUR, FEED. . County Agent for LORILLinii'S TOBACCOS, Thooo goodo bought for CA8B la largo lota, BB4 aold at almoit oit. pnooa. JAMES B. LYTL8, Cloarlold, Po, Jaaa 11, 1878-ly. PACKAQi vLliBAltii POLISH, JtLWAV READY FOB Ut. iirrbod,-R,HIit, it. KroM-rOMMlB-a tUmtf BOMkBBrB iMw.iarni.n. MhikMiii.tf?i mrC- FOLIBH Wnm Hwtm-OO aanua.as. HEHRTS. ZIEGLER, Sola Btnuftclurer, wv OM a Jka Blrl, PblltwtelMilB. REMOVAL ! James Xia Iieavyg liar In purebaeed the entire atoek of Fred Roekett, hereby givea notice t hot be baa mored Into tbo room lately oeenpled by Rood A Hagerty, on Seoond atrect, whore he ia prepared to offer to tba pablie COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of tba lattet tmprorad pattern, at low price. HOUSE FDENISHINQ GOODS, Gm Fiiturea and Tinware, Booing, SpoBllag, Plambiag, Oaa VlUing, Bad n.pairiBg rampa a apoeialty. au work warreated. Aaytkiat la my lia. will ko ordered neolal if doelrod. . JAS.L. LEAVT, Proprietor. FRED. BACK kTI. Ageat. Oleariod, Pa, J.aaary I, l.T.-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND 8TRERT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Bava aponod ap, 1b the atoro room lately ooeuplod by Weaver A Bette, ob Seoond elroot, a lorgo aod wall eelooted Itook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND BBOES, QUIBNSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARI, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dlepoae of at reaaonablo ratal for aaab, ar exchange for eoustry produea. QK0RO1 WEAVER m 00. Claarleld, Pa, Jan. t, 1871 U. FLOUll. FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, oobi No. , PteB Opwra Usu, ! CloarBeld, Pa. E Mp. eoaiUatly oa kMd BVSAB, . , coriEi, : TEAS, BODA, ' COAL OIL, BVBCP, tALT.I IPIOES, I0AP, OoBBod aad Dried frails, Tohaaoo, Clgan, Oaa- dtea. Older Tlaegar, Batter, Igga, As. ) ' IL80, EITRA BOMX-HADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Cora MmI, Chop, Feed, 4o,, AJ o wMok wll ko avid aheap far aaak or la JABBwamo BWf aoaatrr ajroduoa. JOBN I. KBAMIR. OlBBFtolf, of. II, llti-S. TRIAL MnT, Hit of hdmi tt Iovd for uneiD( Monday, My Htb, I HIV, ftnd wiiunu ln( two wwki i A. A. BitffUi Aania M. Irrln Joba Hbrr , f ia John M. Adtni, Ad mb lUgy. R. B. Viitiua. OwMolt Park Aitoolttlot A. Kup, un of Joba CooDory Wm. OaTonBugh a Hobort uowob i. J. 8. QAllagtr A J. HaCoy i. J. 8. OallaiieT. Tie Kiltaoniog Coal Co. TA. MotbABBUB L. A L. Co. T ft. BUndy A. Hoboriion H. MoIIcnJry at. a), ra. Jaidoi D. Anthony, Patrick Km to uaa va. Imao CaIiIwoII. Mitobai; Murray ra. J. B. A K. O. OiArbArt, dm ii, r. uoicar, tar. R. C. TV.-wr- t 1 va. J. W. Bell at b1. Kvpbart A Bailoy r. Tho M. L. A L. Co. Beyar, Ouyor A Co. D. J. Hoor A Co, Ti. . me loung oi, i, ti, Loror Flegol. vi. lUrld Dunn, va. LAfayctu H. Bloom, ua. M. Briibla John U. OUigow HUM M. Xuraar ELI BLOOM, ProtbonoUry. QOURT PROCLAMATION. w bbrbai. hob. u. a. aUAIKI.. rraiiaant Jadga of lha Ooart of Common Pleat of tba Twnty -fifth Judlofal Dlitriot, aompoied of tba oouBttaa ai viaarnaid, lentra and CUoton And lion. Abban Oodbm and Hon. Vihobht B. Bolt. Aiaoolato Jadgn of CUarfltld ooanty baTO laiuod tbalr praoapt,to ma dlroetod, for tba holding of a Ooort of Com moo Plana, OrphAot' Court, Court of Qoartar Vaaatona, Ooort of Oyar and Tarmlnar. and uoort or uanarai JaII DailT- arr. at tba Court Uouaa at Claarfiold. in and for tba oountT af uiaarnaia, eommtnetnc on too aecona nouaay, inn iviu any oi may. imiu, and to oonunua two waaaa. NOTICE IS, tbarafora, haraby glTaa, to tba Coronar, Jaauooa ortna foaoa, and Conitobioa in and for aaid aoanty of Claarnold, to Appar la tnair propar ptraooa, witn inotr Haeorda, noiu, Inquiamona, JCxAmUAtioni, and alborHomem- brAnooa, to do thoaa tblngi whiob to tbalr offleoa, nnd in tnetr bobAir, portoln to ba dona. By an Act or Aaaombiy, paaaed tba atb day or May, A. D. 18&4, It la made tbo duty of tho Jul- tieoi of tba Ponoo of tba aororal ouuntlta of thii Commonwoalth, to return to th Clark of tbo Court of U u art or uoaitona or tbo rcipoottra eountlea, all tbo rooogniiAncoa tnterotl Into befuro tbom by Any prfoa or poroona anargod with tbo oommiiaiuB oi Any unmo, axoepi auon oaaoa ai may bo ended nature a Jut lice or tne reaco. un der ox latlng latra, at loaat ten doya before the ooinmenoemunt or the aeiaton of tba Court to whiob they are made returnabloroapeotlroly,And in all OAiai whore any roeogniiADcoa are entered Into tbaji ten diiya before thaooQiiuencouieQt of the teil! on to which they are ida-U returoa bio, the aaid Juiitioea are to return the aauio in tbo anme maanor aa If aaid Act had not been pAeaed. GIVEN ander my hand at Cloarfiehl, tbta 2d day of April, in tho yeAr of our Lord, one tbouiand eight hundred and lOTonty-ntDO. ait. 2 to ANliKEW PKNTX, Jr., SDenff. H f AY IIIR Y 1.1 ST. A Hat of thenamcaof JJM. Orand and Trarerie Jurora drawn for term commencing on the aeeond Monday ( llib day) of Hay next, and to continue ror two weeki : onAKD junoni rtast wibk. aiaUMoAteer, Houti'ia, R H Moore, Brady, John Beiih, Bogga, ffm Oemmo), Uulioh, R Morgan, Woodward, IB McLarnm, Doeatar, Latimer Taylor, Uorrii,1 J L ThotnpFon, Law'oe, W O Powell, IIouttdAle.jA B Waahburu, Bogga, Henry Hamlin, Uoabon.iThoa Smith, Jordan, Jamea Art bun, Peon, jdeo W Verni, Newburg, Job Higgini. Woodward,1 John I MoKeo, Knox, S R Lobaugh, Brady, ;N H Miller, Oaceola, -Auguit Mignot, Uirmrd, John 8 U olden, Pike, Wm Q Kelly, Oseeolo, J Mfldarrey, Karthaui, jAibhAwney, Coviogt'n, RACampbell, OicooIa. TA ATI HUB JIBOMI 1 AT WBRX, 13TR. Henry Bile, Merrli, A B Luoore- Uuiton, Simon Weltr, Union, IHam'l Hill, Bradford. Wm Qulgley, Oieeola, 0 W Dickoy, Oreenwood T 0 lloyt, II in' on, K r Mebnlfey, Bell. J 11 Turner, Wallace ton, OhAi Brown, Union, Wm Radebaugh, Clfd, Abm Tati, LAwreaoe, Wm Custard, Oieeola, Jno llinduaa, Beeowria, J R M'Murry, Ilouttdali B Arm it rang, " J II Mors ao, Lawrenee, ! Reuben Miller. Boltm. Tboi Lord, Knoi, 11 U MoMaitera, Per'ioa J P Storer, Cleerfield, :B Q MoUendry, Brady, JaoShlelTer, ClearAeld, j K Pearoe, Bradford, G W LAmborn,Wood'rd, A V Uougberty, Morn I, IiniAh Uoover, Graham, iW B Breth, Oboit, C 0 Weill, Deaatnr, J I AleiAoder, Knox, II W llollopeter. Union, B Rounoy, Covington, OM Higley, tiullob, W Mr-Maitera, Cbeet, A B Aihton, Houtadnla,,J Q Williami, Firguaon, Tboi Mullen, Decoaria, ;0 F Hear hart, Decatur, J A Mattern, Decatur! Ij B Sunderlln, Bell, T Hertlioe, Karthaui, Kd Waring, Decatur, L Rouaiey, Covington, jHob't Lawihe, Oieeola, F Rumbargor, Brady, C H Uoodlaoder, Brady, Able 11 ale, Woodward, !B Spaokman, Urabam, TH1TBBII Jt'BOBI to WIRK, 19rfl. Joba W Horn, Brady, iImro Cildwoll, Pike, WilooB Hoover, Btorril, R K Shaw, Lawrenoe, Welly Norrie, Lawrenoe, J T Sooll. Burneide twp, Philip B.nehoof, Bogg., Cbri.t Browa, Covlng'n, S Brlnkiey, Ilurniide tp, Jaa UoLaughlin,Clear'd, Thomp'n Road, Uoibea, Ta Whitehead, Wood'rd, liow'd Capplei, Wood'rd Wm P Road, Lawrence, Jarod Fiiber, Urabam, I Uoderooffor, Bradford, Auatla UilloB, liorrla, John U Maya, Jerdao, Foroator Bloom, Pike, Reuk Roller, OovingtoB, Daniel Barger, Pike, Fraooie Leigey, Cov'g'n, Prod Rupert, Bell, Waah CBrley, Bradford. J Ligbtnor, jr. Beooario, u w Moore, Ctoarfield, 8 B Kllloger, Brady, Godfrey Weaver, Boll, Noel B Loo, Cltarlold, Jaa PFarwell, Lim Oity, n m rara.r, iiouuaaia, AI.B IrwiB, Boeearia. T M Mllcb.il, Born . Ip, A H Noweomer, Oroaa'd, Kobt fattoreoB, Jordao, S W Gear hart, boeeter, RECHTBRt, HOTICB. Nottee ia hereby given that the following aa oounto bava boon examined and paaaed by me, nnd remain filed of record in thii affioa for tba io ipeotion of boira, legatee!, eredlton, and All othen Intoraated, and will be p relented to tho next Or phAfii' Court of Clearfield county, to bo held at the Court Ilouea, In the borough of Clearfield, eom meneing on the Jd Monday (being tba 11th day) of May, A. D. 1876 i Final aeoount of Jamea Oallaher, Admioiitrntor of tba eitato of Hagb Riddle, Jr., late of tho bor ough of New Washington, Clearfluld eouuty, Pa., deoeaied. Final Account of Wm. PAtb, Guardian of Will lam Riddle, a minor heir of Hugh Riddle, lata of Burniide towmbip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deeeaaetl, ai filed by John P. FeAtb, Adminla. trator af Wm. Feath, dea d. Final aooonnt of Jamei T. LeonArd, Guardian af Miia Kato Moore, heir of Wm. L. Moore, lata of tba borough of Clearfield, Pa., deoeaaad. Guardian aeeounta of Henry Hart .felt, tiaar dian of Wa. Marihal, Maggie K. Marahal, Ma ry K. M An ha I, Loulia M. Marihal, and John Jacob Marihal, minor beirt of Henry S. Mar bAj, lata of Brady townihip, Crtarficld eounty, Pa., dooeajod. Aeeount of Edward Parrel, Qaardian of Thorn aa Levi Kaffeiiy, minor heir of Thorn aa Rafferty, lata af Pann townihip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deceaaed. Finnl neoount of Willim L. Bloom, guirdiin of Mary A. Bloom, now Mary A. Fink, one of tbo bein of David and Sarah Bloom, late of Horn lido townihip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deecaeed. Final aeeount of Chriitopbar Kratier, Guardian of Sarah J. Turner, formerly Sarah J. llaioaa, and Florence Hainea, minor beire of Samuel llaioee, lata of , Clearfield eounty, Fa., daaeaaeda Final aooonnt af Jacob Mock an 4 Jamea II. Sbimmel, Adminietrator of tho oatate of Will lam Sbimmol, lata of Morrii townihip, Clear field ooanty, Pa., deoeaied, Partial aeeoemt of Char lei Uelpler and Bridget Raflerty, Admtniltratora of tbeoeUto of Joba B. Rifferty, lata of Pons towaihlp. Clearfield aounty. Pa., dooaaaad. Final account of T. M. Foltoa, Adminlitrator af the aetata of Alexander Caldwell, lata of Pike townihip, ClwfieM eounty, p., deoeaied. Partial Aeeount of A. C. Tote, AdmlnlitrAtor af the eitota af Samuel Powell, late af Clearfield borough, deeeaaed. Partial aeeount of Lawla Erbard aad Jaoob Arn old, AdmtBialratora of tbo eitato of Samaol Starr, lata af Keen towaibip, Clearfield aounty, Pa., deoeaied. L. J.MOROAN, Register A Recorder, Clenrfleld, Pa., April 10th, 187V.M. CENTRAL Ntate Normal School. Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. A'. RAVBTAAt., Principal. Thia Sehool aa at pretest eouitltuted, offer, tbo very boot faollitioa tot ProfotaioBal Bad Claeloal Itarniag. Baildlnge apaetoua, iBvlting and oommodlone t oompletely hooted ky eteam, w.U v.ntilated, and farnlrkod witk a koBBtilol anpply of pure water, left aprirg water. Looalioa koallhfol and eery of aeeeea. Surroaading aeenery BBiurpaieod. Teaeberi oiporioaood, eBol.at, .ad ally, to tb.lr work. . DlMlpllna,armbolbiaiBBirimaBdlkopugk. . BvpBM0 moderate. - Pfty eoate . week dodaetlOB totkon pnparing lotoaok. ' ' BtadeoU admlUed .nr lima. Ooune. of itudy freorribod by tko Stele I I. Model School. If. Preparatory. III. Elomea tary. IV. tolaatita. BDJDBCT MDa.Bt L Aoademla. II. Commorolal. III. Matla. IV. Art. . Tko Elementary and BeiontlSe ooune are Pro. foMioaal, and tludeBte Kradoatlnr tkoroia roo.tr. State Diploma., oonferring tho following oorroa poBdlng degree, i Maeter of tbo SeioBooe. (Irad aatee la tho ether aoBroea rooolre Normal CortiS oatoe of thrlr atteinmonti, aignod by the Faeulty. .no rroioninai oeurioa are liberal, Bad are In thoroughaoee not inferior to thooo of obi boot oellrgoa. Tko Btate roaalrot B higher order of eltiieo. rklp. Tko tlmee domaad It. It la one of tbo RriBMObjeete of thU eohoolu kelp to eee.ro it by irai.biag Intelllgeat aod aftelout teaehwe for hor aokeelo. To thia oad It lollolu yoang par eoBO W good abUiiUa Bad good parpoooe thoaa wha daolro U Improve their time aad their tel ante, aa otadBBU. Ta all ah it promleoa aid IB developing their power! aad abuadaol opporla. Bitloe lor ! poid labor aftor leaving whool. For BatBlogv aad term, addrom the PriaelpBl. . V. BALL, Proaideat Board of Trail sea. , . C. IlIPPLt, . . , r a ' .4 TteorotBrf. i 1 , ' ( ' 'HOARD OF TRUBTKEfli l ' .' ' I OlintoB o(nly.o-a t. llo.ll. T. C. Blj.pt.. Dr. 3. H. Bartoa, A. it. Bart, Jaook Browa, WllaoB Kl.ler, A. N. Raub, W. W. Rankle, R. 0. Cook, Samuel Ckrlat, U. KlnulBtS. M. Biokfetd, U. L. Dtef wbook, A. 0. Noyaa, 5. R. Poole. . tootre li-Oov. A. II. Cartla. rioBrSeli Bl.Oeo. Wm. klglor. . tk.CkarlM R. arley. Look Haroa, Fob. t, 71. Ip THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. W1DXEHDAY MOHlflNQ, MAY. T, FViL-anowy " orphan." In casting about for an object npon hiih to exorcise that "torn publio pconomy which the disastrous condi tion of the Btato finances demand, tho logislator is confronted with the ao callod ''aoIdioriloi'(jarisviiciiooii''as a system ol paternal aid that has cor tainly outlived tho aim of the praotical and patriotio bonevolonce In the spirit of which it was founded. The original gift of 150,000 by tho Pennsylvania road, which laid the fonndation of this system, and its subsequent further ance and liberal support by tho State, were commendablo and mado Pennsyl vania's generosity and hor respect to her soldier dead and care lor their families monumental among tho Statos ot tho Union. In its original plan it was proposed to complote its work on tho 31st of May, 1879, and Superin tendent Wickemham, in his annual re port for 1875, referred to its close at that date as a thing from which "no great hardship can arise." A comparison of this dato with that of tho cIobo of tho war showed that it was not a likely thing that children undor lourtcon years of ngo, whose fathers had died prior to May, 18C5, would apply for admission to theso schools aftor Slay, 1879. Tho policy of their administration should have boon, in all reason, to being them to a gradual winding up about tho present dato, and tho number of scholars and schools, as well as tlio expense of main taining thuiu, should have gradually decroused according to the original aim of their establishment. Hut meantime theso schools had bo como a matter of lucrativo private speculation. It is notorious that in iK-vcral parts of the State thoso operat ing them bad a fat thing of it; places have boon afforded for ofllco holdors in the maintenance of thorn, and numer ous interests combined to securo an enlargement ot their scopo ; so that an act was passed in 1874 under which the children of disabled soldiers, not deceased, wore taken in, and another in 1875 by virtuo of which children of: disabled or deceased soldiers, though born since tho war, were admitted to tbo benefits of support' and education by the Slate. By such extension of tho system, and by nrulifiu abusoB of oven theso liberal enlargements of its' charity, tho schools havo been largely increased,' and we believe tho fact is that they aro more nuniorous, better filled and cost moro now than over thoy did. At the time when, under the implied agroemcnt with which former appropriations wero made, thoir work should cense, they are in full bloom, and it is oven proposed in the present Legislature to pass a new bill under which a living ex. soldier, in perfectly sound health, run send his so-called "orphans," boru a dozen years or moro after tbo war, to bo maintain ed and educated at the public expense. ' Thoso enlargements from timo to time are an abuse of patriotism and charity, engineered by a class of peo ple who would transfer to the State their obligations to clothe, support and educate their children, and by speco lators who are running tho schools to profit, and by office-holders who draw salaries for overseeing them. It has been but a short time since a most im pudent job was sought to be forced npon tho Stato by one of tho clerks of this depertmont, who got up a history of the schools and tried to get the Stato to buy thousands of copies of his trash at a largo expense. Vie aro told, too, that a member of the State Sonate has an interest iu prolonging the system to the extent of owning tour or five of tho schools sought to bo per petuated at the public expense. With such influencos bohind them, proposi tions to keep the "soldiors' orphan schools" in operation will be forthcom ing as often as thero is any danger that the supply of "orphans" will be come exbanstcd. Soon thero will be prbvision asked to bo mado for grand children and tho sisters, aunts and cousins ot everybody who had a rela tive in the army. If it is proposed that the Commonwealth shall clothe, feed and instruct all tho children with in its borders, let that design bo mado to fully appear, but It is ridicu lous to any longer koep up any dis tinction between "soldiors' orphans" and others. As a Republican con temporary, whoso loyalty will not be questioned, remarks : "The children who wero entitled to this special boun ty of tho Commonwealth have receiv ed it, and are now in a position to earn their own living, with advantages fur boyond tho avorago of those enjoyed by tho boys and girls ol Pennsylvania genorally." "And tiro sooner the sal aries and tho dividends of tho soldiers' orphan schools are brought to an end, the bettor it will be for the interests of the Stale." Lancaiter Jntrttignuer. lit Will Puobablt Not hi so " Funny " Nxxr Time. Republicans nominated to fodoral oftlcos and desir ing to be confirmed will n,ot fool under obligations to Senator Anthony. At the close of the session on the 28th ult., the Republicans desired to go into oxoculive session, and Mr. Anthony made a motion to that offoct, but out ol a desire to make a choap reputation lor wit pref'acod it with the remark that "if the chairman of the various Domocralio caucus and aub-canctis committoos had no business to attend to or speechos to make he would move that the Senat. go into executive session." To Anthony's disgust Kor nan presently rose and quietly movod toadjourn,saying that while tho Demo crats wore willing to help confirm good nominations thoy would not do so when the motion for an exocutive session was mado with a brooch of good manners. The Republicans in some consternation got Mr. Anthony to ask to withdrew bis remarks, but the motion to adjourn was carried. The noxl oxocutivo session will be movod without preliminary flourishes. Stephen Longfullow, who recently married a mho) Mary Am Ifotmcsry at Jersey City, h nojdxw ol lUnry V. Longlellow, the poet." His brido is a pretty but poor young Irish girl of 10 and the match was a runaway one. It has created an awful fuss among the Longlellows down east 8TR0S0 GOVERNMENTS. During the oxcitementa and panics limit attended the strike riots of two Summers ago it was a common thing to hear laiut-hearted men and women talk in favor of a "strong govcrnmeu I" to keep down workingmen, Socialists, tramps and other "dangerous classes." Tboro was talk of a large standing army and the need of having a soldier at the head of affairs. Such people are invited now to contemplate the condition of two strong government in tho world Russia' and Gurmany. Sooialisin, so far Irom be repressed in theso governments, is fostered by them in spito ol themselves. Nowhere does the Socialistic spirit spread wider or sink deeper among tho people, or threaten more radical changes in laws, religious and social customs, than in the States that maintain the strongest standing armies and tho most ubiqui tous spy and police systems. I n Ger many, fortunately, tho Socialistic ro- volt against personal and military government is in the bunds of a high class of men. Philosophers, social and politioal economist, ablo writers and speakers, givo an elevated tendency to the blind impulses of tho lowor orders It has a representation in tho Reich stag that secures the respect of the Government and it is oven able to put something of a curb on Bismarck, as was shown in tho rejection of the Parliamentary Discipline bill. Tho German Government is alatmed at the progress that Socialism is making. It has a vast army, but who knows how many of the soldiers are Socialists and therefore, to what extent tho army could be relied on to suppress Social ism ? An army composed of men who sympnthixe with tho people is not very useful as a support to "strong govern ment" when at issue with tho people. It is this fact which unnerves oven Bismarck. Hut in liiissia'ijuiily be- causo the people have been less edu cated, partly because they have no share in tho government, partly be cause they have been so abominably misgoverned and purtly bocauso they aro so ground down beneath an army and police and spy system, tho Social istic or Nihilistic revolt has gone deeper and become- more passionate and despcralo. It disbelieves in law, in patriotism, in God and religion. Tho strongor mo government tho more radical is tbo Socialism. The more fiercely thoy burn for liberty the more reckless they aro of consequences in seeking to secure it. The conse quence is that Russia to day, tho very v beau-ideal cf strong government, is tho weakest in Europe. It trembles on tho brink of a revolution nioro dis astrous and destructive than tho French Revolution of ninety yours ago. Turn now from the "strong government" and look at Franco, the only Ropublic of any magnitude in Europe, ft is in the most splendid industrial and financial health and is moving rapidly toward the leading position in Europe. ller social und revolutionary troubles are nearly over. They ended with the "strong government" when the Im perial fraud of Louis Napoleon, with its imbecilo statesmen and cowardly army tumbled into dust. Turn also and look at thia Republic, whiob ot all in the world is freest from Socialistic dangers. Why freest 7 Because it does not seek to fight opinions with force. A groat part of Socialism ig norance and gasconade. Let it speak out in the open all that it has to say and it bocomeB harmless. The Social ists and Red Republicans held their Tompkins square mooting in New York at the timo of the greatest excitement of the tramp riots and lubor strikes, and nobody cared a rush. Half tho spirit was taken out of tho meeting when tbo Socialists found that nobody was afraid of them. Government which is freest is strongest, because thero is least to rebel againsU The poople who want "Grant and a strong government" are blind indoed if they do not seo the significance ol the pres ent condition of Europe. Baltimore IrlJJWfe. CONKLINQ'S SPEECH. .The furious attack upon tbo South oy senator uonming tn his speech a fow days ago, may bo strongly favor bio to tho waning fortunes t)f the Re publican party, but the introduction of Custom liouso figures, as showing the inferiority of tho Southern Statos was not only an unwiso move npon tho part of a Senator representing the largo importing interests of New York city, but calculated to injure the bet ter portion of bis constituents. The merchants of the South who havo been patronising tho imporlors ot New York will not care to havo the fact of the custom duties being paid in a Northern seaport flung in thoir faces as an evldenco of their (Southern) commercial and political inferiority, to tho merchants who enjoy their trado. The honorable statesman could with propnoty have mado tho samo charges against tho West, and it behooves the importers of tho Empire City to ro sent this gratuitous insult, if they do not desire to see thoir trado transferred to Charleston or Now Orleans. Sena tors Kornan and Wallace owo a duty to the merchant, ol their Slates to make a complote disavowal on behalf of Now York and Philadelphia of any sympathy with this foolish onslaught Tho South and West go to thoso cities for supplies of foreign goods without thought of politics, but it sucb deductions aro to be drawn from thoir dealings they will not hesitate to change lo Baltimore or other soaports wbcro their commercial transactions will hot bo quoted to their political disadvantage. Pittsburgh Critic. A iiio WmuiNd Major General W. S. Hancock's nloco, Almira Rnssel Hancock, was married' at Govomor's Island on the 21th ult., to Liutenant Eugene Griffin, who graduated from West Toint in 18711. The ceremony took place in the little ohapol of St. Cornollua. A large number of mili tary men of high rank, thirteen Gen erals for Instance, and tbeir wives, be sides the residents of tho Island were pro sent. CniN Music When the Republl can party Las the power It appoints some distinguished colored man cus todian ol the House spittoons, but whon it hasn't any powor, it grows magnanimous and nominate, him for clerk or some other high poutlon they oannot give the gentloman from Africa. THOSE DEPUTY MARSHALS. If Senator Wallace was wilHrTg" to stop the investigation of the Philadel phia Deputy Marshals, the first man who should havo given a cordial assent to it is Marahal Eorns. It required no investigation by a Senate committoe to satisfy the publio of Philadelphia that the list of Deputy Marshals con tained such well-known names in crim inal circles as Dan Reading, Joe Sinex, James Brown, Rodney Stringfiuld, Frank MoNarrjo. Michael Plavin wd Philip Maddent and others who are known to be keepers of brothoU or gambling houses and yet many more who wore but drunken bullies at the polls ; and ol the nearly eight hundred deputies appointed by Marshal Kerns thero were fow names of citir-ens whoso intelligence and reputation gave any axsuranco of the protection ol the puri ty of the ballot And tho defense of fered by Marahal Kerns In the supple ment of an organ with a very small circle of readout, was wisely given as lit tie publicity as possiblo, as it proves nothing that is material beyond a gen eral confession of the uttor unfitness of tho appointments. Doubtloss tho par tisan evidence taken belore the Sunate oommittoo was erroneous in some of it. details, but the denial by convicts and rounders, oven under oatb, is not the best way to correct such error., if there aro any. If any repulnblo Depu ty Marshals have been fulsely accused, tlicro must bo known reputable citizens who oould and would promptly vindi cate them ; but Hint is done in the sin gle case of Mr. Stt ingfield. The pluin English of the whole busi ness is that the party lenders put npon Marshal Kerns the ungracious tusk of putting party rounders just where tho party needed rounders, and of taking euro ol all tho party bummers at tho cost of tho government, to secure their services for election day. The party choslnuls had to bo pulled out of the fire at tho risk ot gotting somebody's fingers badly singed, and as Marshal Korns bad the authority and bad great party expectations and party devotion nd great party elasticity and uncom mon party amiability, bo waa given the hot end of the party tongs to do the hot party work and tako the rackot after cloction. He was well assured that tho civil service reform policy of the civil servico reform administration wouldn't endanger bis office by such political variations, and the Sheriffs commission loomed up dimly in the misty distance as a possible crown of bis martyrdom. Uo was for the party, the party needed the rounders and crimi nals, he thought that be might need them himself at tho primaries ono of these days, and he amiably accepted tho hot ond of the party poker bocauso there was nobody else who wanted to burn his fingers for the sakool getting woll hammered allor ho had done it. Having done it, Marshal Kerns should devote himself to tho study of silence, and, if Wallace will drop out of the play, tho boat thing tho Marshal can do is to ring down tho curtain and lot it be understood that tho Deputy Marshal grocory is permanently closed. Phil adelphia Times. TALMA OE. Tho following article, which we copy from tho Uarrisburg Patriot, seems to show that tho great preachor Talmage is not so good as he ought to be. Ho is now boing tried by tho presbytery of Now York: "Evidence has boen produced on tho trial of the Rov. Dr. Talmago that puts his character for honesty in an ex tremely unfavorable light. His crafty manner of changing his newspaper re lations shows tho groat sensational di vine to bo no better than ono of tho wicked. It appears from the evidence that in the fall of 1870 wben retiring from the editorship of the Christian at Work be wont to the office of the paper at night and without tho knowledgo of the proprietors causod his valedictory to be inserted, which was an elaborate pnff ot the new paper,. tho Advance. llo then inserted an advertisement of tho Advance containing the announce ment of his transfer to that papor. The Christian next in pursuing bis stealthy work went to the press room and gave instructions that the presses should be run all night in order that tho edi tion of the paper might bo struck off boforo tho proporty was tnmpored with, Uo thon made arrangomonts that cop ies of tho paper, as originally made up, before ho changed it, should be placed on tho desks of tbo secretary and man aging editor in tho morning, by which unclerical trick they wero deceived in to the beliof that it was printed in its original and innocent form. In the meantimo an immense edition of tbo Christian at Work was porpotratcd for the mails with Talmage's puff and advertisement of himscll as editor ot the Advance. For this and other charges of a character moro or less grave tbo Christian at Work is on bis defenco beforo tho Presbytery in New York. It seoms that the charges con corning his night oporationsln tho Chris tian at Work should bave cognisance in an other tribunal, with a jury of twolve honest men to sit on the case." Talmago, as a Christian, oomos about as near being a failure as Boecher. NoT For Grant. This truism by the Nation almost throws Forney'i Progress into hysterics : "That is, while it Is true that thero is a largo body ol reaped table Repablioans amontt them, it ia also true that thero Is no Kcpubli ean whisky thief or corruption ist of any description, defraiidor of tho rev enue, bribe taker or bribe giver, worth less or lar.y custom bouse or other oftleBT, rascally blackmail editor, knav ish contractor or ring master ; do job ber in offices or perquisites; nodrnnkes loafer or gambler ; no onomy of Im proveinont in any branch of tho gov ernment, who is not a hearty and vo ciferous 'Grant man,' and who is not now rubbing his hands ovor the chance of seeing 'the old man' ..back in the White House." After Tin Nioro Bureauites. Senator liruce (colored) got his Inves tigating oommittoo, and promises thor ough search into the Frocdman s bank swindle. He bas a very prolific field of villainy to explore), and if he pur sues it with a vim he (nay benefit bis swindled race a wall aa inoover the most systomalio rubbery of llo age, perpetrated under th sanctity of re ligion and pretended philanthropy, Wisrrllanroui. PnopFHTr mn iif.jt. Mra, John B. Jl.ir.riy, of Pm tewn.hip, oir.rl fur rent a dwellln, houo. and vloro room, elluololB tbovtll.go 01 Pooavllle. For furlbar tuleim.lioa apply lo. or eddroo 1 oot. svtu-tr. Uraiupiaa II llli. JpOU SALE. Tb. Bnd.nlgood will eoll at private .ale all Ih.t treat or areol af land titBalo io Dooatur towaakip, Clearfield aoanty, Pa-, wilkia a ekort di.tanoo or taa lyrone uieoruoi i n. n., oou adjiiioiog landa of Robert llodaoB aad otoeri, and known Be the Jacob B. Uearhart lot. Tbo eoiJ tract containing AO aoroe moro or lote, with in nf v.luobl. eo.1 thereon, hoi about ID im, .u.miI. and la the kev to . iBrco body of ooal about being developed. Will bo oold low and uptm oaoy term.. For parlioulare, apply lo DAVllI L. kllKUS. Cl.artold, I'a., Jury 11, 1S71. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds. MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tbo undonlgned beta leave to Inform tba eltl- teni of Clearfield, and the publio generally, that ho bat on hnnd a Ane aiiortment of Furniture, nob ai Walnut, Chutnut and Painted Chamber tluitei, Parlor Suttee, Reclining and Extenaion Chain, Ladies and Ueati' Kaiy Chain, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Chain, Cana Ueati and Windior Chain, Clothei ban, 6trp and Kiian lion Ladderi, Hat Rmcxi, Scrubbing Bmiliei, Af MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, oliVIdb OIaiiok, t'bromi, Ac. wbifh would MilahU for Holiday pretenti. HtC'T.1! JOHN T.HI.1T.HA, BooTSts shoes HATS, CAPS, -AND- Of, Wiliamsporl Boots. Elmira Boots, PERKINS' Drivinu Boots and Shoes, Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, Fine Boots 0 Stosa BootU With a general variety of Ladiea', Miiier and Children i UooU, aboil and Uaiien. Rt'BnKR noons, RIDUKR UOODS, HATS AND CAPS, 11 ATB AND CAPS, QRNTfV FITHNIRMINO GOODS. UK NTS' PUUNlflllNiJ (iOuDH. The undent goed reipt-ctfutly Invito tho atten lion of the people of Clearfield county, to tbeir-n-w itook of the Above named gimdi. Country rrouuoe laaen in eieuange lur giKJU. Prieei aa low ai the lowtt. McUAUUUKY A SHOW EH 9, Removed to Wm. Rcod'i old itand, Second St.. Uleirflelrl, I'a.. Itwi. 4, lf.7H-.tm. Agricultural Statistics.' To til Oitiatn$ f Cltmrjitid Connlf . The underlined baring been appointed by the Department, at n aiulngton, principal reporter ot tbo AffrieulUral (SUtittiee af ClearAeld ooanty, rwpMlfaliy requeita tbo co-operation of all tu aunt, oy aeouing tne aubieritar all tbo tatTorma tlua thoy ean bearing upon tbo following ques tion, io aa to unable him to make aa correct i etatemeflt to tba Department, ai pouiblat llow many honei hare d-ed in your borough or town ihip, and of what diaoAM. How tunny eowi and CAlvea, And of what diieaia. Ilow many ibeep baro yeu loot, and af what diaeaief bow many killed by dgi. How many hugi have you loot, ana oi wnai uiaeaio. n nai pit ran trig aifeaaei Anion git the poultry. In All OAtei giro the ram' edioa need whiob bare been found to be lueoea ful, nnd in nil caeea to givo the eash value of all tool ai nearly ai pombie, tly tbo oo-operAtion or our emMM ia general upon tneio important particuUro, the Agaiaultural raparta wil beoome an onerilopodiaef uaeful information to the Dub lin, by enabling tbo Department to publinh the dtieaiei, tne louse , and lha romedleo that havo bean found moat boQeBalal In certain dliOAiei, Any other infonnation that will bo oouatdered a publio benefit, will bo thankful.) reoeived. Addnea tho lubeeriber at tirampiaa llilll. uiraiaeid io.. Fa. ba si u HL W lifi.uiliK. March IS, lSTB-tf. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERHELL Haa opened. In a buildina on .Market etreeL on the old W Mtera Hotel let, oppoiite the Court Home in Clenrfleld, a Tib and fSbeet-Iroa blanu- faetory and Store, whore wll) ba found at all Urnei a full line of notrss: FraircsimTG goods, Stoves, Hardware, Etc. Houae Spouting and all kinda of Job work, repair ing, Ao., doue on abort notice and at reaaonablo raU'i, Alio, Agrnt ror tbo Singer Sewing Machine. A aupply of Machinal, with Needle, io., a1- wava on band. Term, it He tly each or oounlrv c rod uoa. A ih are of patronage aolioited. U. B. MKKKKI.L, Super! o tea dent. Clearfleld, April 25, llTMf. JORA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oot) it an tly on band. STOXE AD EARTHED - WARE OF IVKRT DESCRIPTION! CB0CKS1 P0TS1 CHOCKS! Plahcr. Patent Airtight Self - wealing rren nail BFTTK H CROCKS, with llda, CP.KAM CMOCKH, MILK CROOKS, arriin - im' i i nn vnuuno, Btnei w r-unnva FLOWER POTS, PII DISHES. And k rant many other thlnga too umerout ta mention, to a naa a FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Ooraor el Cherry aad Third Streeta, CbBAItriKbU, tA. na PRIVATE SALE - - ' -or-' Valuable Real Estate I The underlined, IMng Is Peon Iwp,, Clear field county. Pa., offera tba following valuable new jtiie.eior aatoi 446 Aorea of Land, mora ar loaa. la Boeeoria lowaahip, lying as the aorta aide af big Cieerteld oraoh, .od withia nb mil. af Iho eamo. The ab.ro lead ia Beavilr oovored with hemlook. white aaa, rook oat, and olhot hard wood limber, aad a Baoality f whito ,iao, aaid t. bo holf a millioa or mora foot. , Th. nb. le heavily aadorlaid with BitamlBow. ooal, and dtroolly oa the Iibo of railroad ieedtnr from iloBtadala to Coftlport. lLvalu.!aaBkaowa. There are, alee, other velaabU miBorala oa abe earn.. Tbo above land Ho. about Iwo aod a-half mile, below the vllleoer ul" Uobo, adjoialai laad. of wootr. vroom bbb eiBora, ob wuat la known aa rertrr . ma. The Imarovemeau do the prop orty are eiooe geared aaw mill, ia ranatng order, . high d.m, atone breaot, aaade IB the beet aea- Bor, SI hi almoet aa, maohlnory. Tkor. It, ate., alargofraaMdwolliBg aoaioBad from. ImnaBojrB there.., aad about forty or an, aorea, mor. or I.e., of tbo hwd la ehoared. A.y poreoB wiihlBg U Ibvoh Ib property of able hind wiu do woll to eio4eloo thl. proporty. I will Mil the whole or tbo ..divided holf ialoaeotj a. may (alt tho parohaaor. Tbo above IraM of la)d WIU make two or thro, farme. whiob wiu mbibbow favorably with la. gioatar port of awr anaty. Priow Bad lermo moo aaawa to aa, ponea wtebutg to par obooo. For fwrtaet poWo.Un aatl la aim a 1 addrMo aha B.o.r.t.ood at aramolaa HUla P.O., Uaeraeldeeaaty, Pa. SAM L WILIallitm. Jaa. I, IITI-Bf. (Our Own 3flffrtKfmrt. THE REPUBLICAN, puhll.k.d .very Wodaeadoy by G. B. GOODLXNDER, t'tKAHl'IKI.I, PA.. Haa th Largest Cinulatloii of any paper In northwestern Peun.ylvaula. The large and constantly increasing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable to business men ud A medium thro' ' which to roach iho " ' V ,' publio. T ICR MS Of SUBHUUIPTIO t if paid in advanoe, . . . $2 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid alter six months, . . 3 00 When papers are sent ontsido of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING i Ten lines or less, 8 times, . $160 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notioes, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notice", .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60 Profoenionsl Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Speoial notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: . One square, 10 lines, . . . $8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, ..... 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One-hall column, . . t , 70 00 One column, 120 00 III, t KS. ' have always on hand a large stock of blanks oi all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBP03NAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, ,. LEASES, BONDS, JEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, . &0., , io., . lo. JOB PRINTING. W. are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER II5ADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, . , " PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, 1 4o , Ao., nr tub best sttle, ' ' . AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL 1 FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK If HI", WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. 'I '.,!. CJeo". It. GodMllander, ClparHcld. ClrarflrM Cenbty, n Ittijallanrous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwenirllle, Pa., Jaa. C, 'Tl-tf, P. HUM. .. H'MBBLB. B. ,,, ItlLilll, HclM.LE & C0. S FURN1TUKE ROOMS -. ,u. ra, or. .11 hi.. J. .a B. " bmbmjui-i"w bbis iiuiii n r grille re fH Chamben, lialng Rooma, Librarlea and Hal), If you want furniture of any kind, don't ha until you aoo our itoek. ' VNDEltTAKIXQ IB an it. orenoooB, promptly attend to. OTILCH, HoCOKKLI AC0 Olasr(ald, Pa, Fob. , 18. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND BTBIKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINIS, Ol li?, DYE STI FF VAHrTISMBS, BRUBIIE8, PERFCMEhY, FANCY 9001 , TOILET AUTICL1S, OF ALL KIKDI-, PURE WINES AND LIQUOHS for medicinal puriooit-a Truaeait Sup port en, Sobool Buoka and StaM it. cry, and all other Artfelei uioaily fouad In a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PRKSCRIPTIONA CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Hiring a lare tk perleuee In tbo buaiuou tbey can give enttu lafaolion. J. 0. HA RTrWf'K JOHN . IH U- TN. Plrfel.L Dvit.v.r t, 1KT4 JJARD TIMES HAVI NO SFF1CT IN FRENCHVILLE I I am awai-e that there ao ioma perioni a little bard to pleaee, and X urn alao awera that the complaint of "hard tlmaa" ia !gb unWeml. ui 1 Am 10 aitBBtad ntr tAal I ean aatiify the former and prove oonoluoiraly that "bard timea" will not effect thoaa who buy their gooda from mi, and all my patron a ihall ho Initiated Into tba se cret of HOW TO AVOID HAKD TIMES t have good, eoourh to .uni.lv all th. InbMll- tanlo to the lowor ond of tho eoualy which I Kll at aieoeding low ratoe from my mammoth .tor. ia U ri.uuvui'U.i k r . . . L- , I rswiy to wait apoa .alien and lapply lham oil. Dry Goods of ill Kinds, Sank aa Cl.thi, S.tia.Ue, Cu.lm.r.1, Ifu.liil Uelalnoe, libob, Drilliaf., CalioMa, TrlmmiBga, Kibbon., Laoo, Ready-made Clothing, Boot, aad Shoos. II ou end Cope all of the boat material aad mad. to ord.i Hoee, Book., Ulovea, MittoBe, Laeoe, IlibboB., A. OR0CBRIF.8 OF ALL KINDS. Cofee, Tea, Bugw, Hloo, Vola.ua, Fiib, fell Cork, Liaeood Oil, Fiik OIL Carbon Oil. Hardwara, QuooBawara, Tinware. Cajtlnc. Plooi and Plow Ceilings, Nail., Spike., Corn Cultiva tor., Cider Prone., Bad all kind, of Am. Perfumery, Paint., Varnlih, Ole.s, BBd a grn.nl aosortmont 01 BUtlooery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand., alway. ob hand, aad will be 0,0 01 too lowon poniDie ngure.. J. 11. MoClaln'l ModlelBoe, Jivbo. ModUlao. no.Miior e bbb iiooaaM a tllttere. - --- v. wi w.r.m lor WOMB 100 k I .V. a at naJM -III ka ri. I I a aod for aala at tho towoek market prleo. AIm, Afoat for Stratteaville u.d CBrwen.vlllo Thraehlng Uaehiaaa. BB.CallBBdaoof.ryoBrMlvo.. Tea will lad overruling ui.olly kept la a null (tote. i. at. couuKisr. Fnnchvtlle P. 0., AaguU 1,1ST. William Powell, StCOiD ST CLKARriLLD, PA., Dealer in Htvavycnd Shelf HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARRIfiHES, QLABSANi) PUTTT K.ap. aoailantly oa hand lha Vest Cooklef, ucating aad Parlor Stoves and Ranges of all deeerlptleae. T.M. and Poahol C.tl.rr, Crpeator.' Toole, eoeh as Sawe, llatobeU, Fcaeres, B-ach Slopi, Pleaes aad i'laao IroBS, Cbi.oli, llnu. Ai.rs, Adi.i, Kiln, IIingeeofallblndi,Lrk., orew,, Se.h Cord, Pullpya, -ate., ato. Farming UIoiinIIsi, Plow., Cultivator , Double and single Shovel Plows, Cultivator Tooth, Oraia Cradles, Soylhoe, Snathes, He., Ferke, R.kea, Hay Fork., Farm Bolls, slo., eto, Hon. Baooa aad Horse Nalh, Ike but m.k. of Cross-l Saw. aae) ates, Oriadslenos and ariadaMBB Flit.rea, Bad wwilklog anally k'pl la a Inl iIoh Hardware glen. AUo, B full ""k House furnishing Goods, BRI8HI8, LAMPS, CBIMNITS, Ao. I All klBds af Tlawar. k.pt oa bead aad made a O'd.r. Ro1b( Bad Swaliag proa.tly l Uadod la. orWbmg aayBbkB tl m, loo. are la- vlud la aall aad aasaalM -took aod paloos . . . WILLIAM ftoWaXL. OhMrloM, Pa,, Jm t, UTI-if. SrimWilh-' B rf-ii-JTitil 1 Lliji h ft V"-i in 'f ay' BmCfi efeai jfcj bJ e-fMBBTi-aBi',,