, ' .:h .el 'IM'IJS : : , - a hi !. il 3 l''b iS 9 ;! 1! ft ! ' : I i it ' 1 I' in! 5 ' i w 8 ! 'tf i 't gUpubluan. Qioboi B. Goodlarois, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WBDNIBDAY HORNING, MAT f, lilt. lUadar, If job wool to know whal la sola, oa la tha bu!bm world, loot raad oar adrartUiBa; eolomaa, tho fipial oomibm la partloular. MAXIMS ton THE DAY. No ttia worthy tho offioo of Proaidaat ohoald be willing to Bold it it ooaatod la, or ploood thoro BJ but fraud. D. 8. Oim. I oeald oarer hare baaa raooBollad to tho olo TatlaB by tho amallaat aid of Balaa of o poraoa, howoTOr rarpeotablo la private Ufa, who aiatt fororor aarrr apoa ail brow tbo ttaaip of froad Irat trlnaipfaaat la Aaiarioaa aiatorr. No aub aoqueat atloa, boworer ajarltorioea, oaa waob awaj tho laltora of that rooord. Cbablbi Tbabcii Aaaae. I woald rathor bare tbo oadoroooaoat of aaaar- tor of a lllioa of tho Amorieaa pooplo thsa that af too Loaialaaa Rataralog Board, or of tho Cora. ailMioB ahtaa aieladod tho faoti aad doelded tho qaeatioa aa a teeholeality. Ibob. A. IIbbdbicbb. Cador Ibo forail of law, Ratbarferd B. Haraa baa oooa doolarod Protidoal of tho Ualted Slalaa. HIi titlo roala apoa diafraaebtaaraaBt of lawful Tottrf, too ralao oortioeataa or too rotaromf oori aotiof oorraptir, aad tho dooialoa of a ooaa aitaaioa whioh has rofafod to hoarorldoaeo of al. lactd fraad. For tho flrat Hbjo aro tho Amonoaa aooplo oonfrontod with tho fast of afraadalratlT- oleetod Pmldoot. Lot ll aot ba aadantood that tbo frand will bo lllcatly aeqnifrd la bj tha oooatry. Lot aa hoar pill ia whioh tbo aiarpa tioa la forgottoa. Aaaaaaa or fJaaooNATio M. C'l. Ono handrod yoart of baojaa deprarlt aeoa nolatod aad oonoontratod Into a ollmal of eriaa. Noror aaalB ta hnadrod yaars ihall thoy haro aa apportunii to repeat tbo wrong. Daaiai. W. Vooaaaii. BTATB DEMOCRATIC tOMMITTEK. Hubtibodoh, Pi., April 22, 1879. Tho mim bn al tha Stall Damooratio Coainittao aro heraaj aotilad to Boot at tha Bolton Hoato, la tha oltj of Ilarrlabarg, oa Wodnaaday, tha Tth da; at Ha, W, at It o'aloek A. M , for tbo parpoao of fixing tbo tlma and plaea of holding tha Stata CaaTantloa aad trMaaotlng otbar baaisaaa of importance. Ivory raeBbar of tbo Commtttoo ii oarnaitl argad to ba praaaaL R. If. Sfbbb, Chalrnaa. Carpet bag Conover wanted a foreign missioo, but managed to accommodate himself to lour-dollar-a-day clerkship. Bkappointio. Govornor Iloj-t hag re-appointed J. Montgomery Fointor, Insuranco CommiBflioner, for three years. Susan B. Anthony is locturing in Kansas towns, Last year, says the Cincinnati Enquirer, it was the graiw hoppors. Diad. Hon. C. Li. Cobb, who was a representative from North Carolina in tho Forty-first, Fcrty-socond and For ty-third Congress, died at Elizabeth City, N. C, on the 1st inst. Valor. The man who drawsTilden's salary bad the impudence to veto a bill taking soldiers from the election polls, passed by both Houses of Congress. Impertinence can go no further. lion. Ely 8. Shorter, a prominent member of the Thirty tonrth and Thir ty fifth Congresses, and an eminent lawyer and politician, died in Eufaula, Alabama, recently, oi Bright's disease of the kidneys, aged fifty six. C. A. Reese, who was sent to thu Western Penitontiary from Hunting. don connty about two years ago, for shooting his fathcr in-law, Dr. J. A Shade, has been pronounced insane and removed to the Dixmonl Asylum. Practical. The Bellcfonte 'faffA ma goes for Rutherford in this way : The idea ol a miserablo fraud like Hayes, attempting to dictate what laws Congress may or may not repeal. Wore he to be troated as he deserves, he would be taken out and his impu dence cooled in the waters of the Poto mac A Hit Both Wats. An exchange states the fact that the bill to inoiease the jurisdiction of Justices oi the Peaoe, which passed the lower House of the Legislature by a handsome majority, was negatived in the Senate Commit tee. The friends of the bill in the House think thore are too many law yers in the Senate, and tho lawyers in the Senate claim there are too many bad Justices ol the Peace to enlarge their power. That Moons no Mori. All fre quenters ol Uarrisburg, during the sit tings of the Legislature, will regret to learn that Samuol S. Moon, a well known citixen, died in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening, the 29th ult. He was for many years engaged in the pub lishing business in that city, and at the time or bis death was President ol the United States Railroad and Mining Register Company, which publishes the Jtaitunt World. Moon like ex State Treasurer Mackcy, had his place at the 8tat Capitol Both are gone. Unoodlt Conduct. The develop. ments now going on at Harriibarg, through the investigation of a corrup tion Committee, is a disgrace to civilis ation. The price of members of the House it seems ranged from 1500 to 1760 for s vote, in favor of the Pitta burg riot bill while mombers who made speeches in favor ot the bill command cd 11,000. Tha revelations are truly awful I. The present Legislature start ed oU bad the election of Carrfcron and it seems Iroro wbat is coming to light that its end will be worst even than the beginning. noLD on I It is very unfair to bring up the fact just now, that Gen. John A. Logan, ol Illinois, who is ono of the Radical Senators from that State, rais - ed a few regiments for the Confederate Army during the war. Postmaster General Key done far better than Lo gaa. He not only raised the rcgi ments on lbs Confederate aide, but be commanded them. Why puke over Logan and digest Keyf However, ander the surface, there is something not observed by the great public. In ur estimation, Logan was too ooward ly to carry out his scheme, and turned loyalist Key proseoutjod the war with Tiger rVocs tha aids k started In en, while Logan backed out Jl AYES' VETO. The threat of a veto, which Garfield and others in the House, and Conk ling and others in the Senate gave out for the purpose of controlling the leg islation of those tod ion, was tulrlllud by R. B. Hayes in returning the Army Appropriation bill to the House un signed. The menaced coercion ol Con gress has been accomplished by the fraudulent Executive. For the first time in the history of tha country the veto power baa been used to prevent the repeal of lawa whoso repeal was demanded by the people and the Slates through their representatives in Con' gress. The veto powor, which was dosignod to prevent the too hasty adoption of new laws, has now for the first time boon used to prevent the abo lition of bad laws whose existence has brought evil npon the country. And for what? What is it that the veto is used to uphold 7 The right of the Ex ecutive to employ troops at tbe polls. The right to compel every voter in the country to approach tbe ballot-box, over whioh stands a representative of the United States army with musket and bayonet It noeds no argument to show the ruin of civil institutions if this authority is to be maintained in the grasp of tbe Executive. Experi ence has shown that bayonets at the polls is tho precursor of military em pire. Our torefatbors in framing the Constitution guarded against this dan gor by providing that "no appropria tion ot money for tbe army should be for a longer term than two years." It intended that by this means the army could be abolished by simply refusing to vote moneys to keep it in existence whenever that army became danger ons to tbe preservation of liberty. The poople, through their representa tives in Congress, say that this tiino has arrived. Tbe claim of tho Execu tive to use the United Stales troops to overawe freemen in the exercise of the ballot is a claim inconsistent with the preservation of our Republican institu tions. The houses of Congress, there fore, in voting the necessary supplies for the army, conpled the appropria tion with conditions as to the purposes for which tho army should bo used. It voted generous supplies, but simply exacted that the armed soldiers should not be stationed at tho polls. This fraudulent Exocutive, whoowos his seat to tbe use of troops at the polls and at the count-in, calls an infringement of ol tbe authority of the President Tbo Queen of England is forbidden to have any body of troops within two miles of a voting place and to secure obedience to this, nnder the "Mutiny Act," the British army wonld cease to exist as soon aa the Uouso of Commons should withhold its supplies. Such is the law of monarchical England, which be lievos in tbe divine right of its Sover eign to reign. It would raise a tumult in England that would shako the throne to dust and ashes, if its Sover eign were to claim the prerogative which our anointed Fraud, R. Hayes, has just exercised. It matters not by what -adroit special pleading the ingenious Evarta may seok to jus tify this veto. Its shallow sophisms are intended only as a plausible pre text to support a party nocessity. The bill is vetoed because the troops will be noeded to count in tbe next Republi can President Tbe desperation of the Republican minority is wbat calls for the desperate resource of a veto which strikes tbe army out of exis tence. However, this is the issuo. R. B. Hayes has, by bis veto, cut off the sup plies which Congress voted for the army, and that army will ter minate its lawful existence on the 30th day of June. The one-man power has done this against tha will of the peoplo. Now, the duty of Con gress is as clear aa the noonday sun. It must pass the Legislative, Execu tive and Judicial bill with tbe same rider and receive the veto of tbat also (or the reasons of the veto apply equally to that. Then Congress must adjourn. It is the one-man power that blocks tbe wheels of Government, not tbey. Let nothing cloud tbe naked majosty of the Issue, "The one-man power against the peoplo I" "The free ballot-box against the standing army I" Upon that issue lot the Democracy oome before the country at the next election. The man who, having voted for the bill which has been vetoed, now quails before the Executive fraud and votes on the other side, will make himself infamous as a fos to constitu tional liberty, and will deserve the ex ecrnlion of all men who love our ooun- try and its institutions. The veto is a blunder, a folly of desperate party. It gives victory to the Democracy be yond all poradventure if they have the manhood to grasp it. It unites Demo crats in a bond of brotherhood closer than they have known for man long years. It hushes into silence all lesser questions: it stirs a splendid entbusi asm. All that is needed is the time to let the people speak out The re sult is doubtful. Baltimore Oazettt. Another Link Lost. Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, for many years editor of Oodey'i Lady't Boo, and well known to tha reading world, died on the SOlh nit, aged 91 years. The death of Mrs. Hale severs another link binding to gether three generations of people. The life long connection of this gifted woman with wbat is to-day and has been for a half a century one of the most widely known domestic and liter ary publications of tba country has made her name familiar in the house holds of the land, and after a useful career, abounding in good works, and extending far beyond the allotted apace of human life, she Is called to a more exalted sphere, and follows to an hon ored grave the life-long coadjutor whose decease not long since we wars called to mourn. Dead. Hon. B. Rush Clark, mem ber of Congress from Iowa City, Iowa, died in Washington on Monday, April 28th. On tha Saturday previous, be enjoyed good kealth and occupied his seat In tbe House ; but on Monday he was a corpse, HawasberntnSchells- burg, Bedford oounty, Pa., Oct 1st, 1834. Til DirrERiNci. Tha Chicago 7Yatfli baa noticed tbat whoo Senator Davis talks the SenaU listens. When Logan talks it seeks the aeclosion that tha cloak-room grants. And so does ita sisters and iu ooac'ni ad its aunts. Tnx Man on H aibaok I It ia pretty evident from the posters circula ted in this and Center county that the President ol the lalo Uoyt Club wants to be Pwtmaster at Fhilipnburg after 18S0, if be and Grant can ruin tbe United States. To show our readers that we are not merely conjecturing, or dreaming, we present them with tho following straw, which generally shows which way the wind is blowing, vis : HBPI'MLICANB I GRANT CLUB, for IMMi. At tho Monaat of rjrominant Raaablleana af Phllloabori aad Tloiallr. I aall a naatiat for tha pnrpoao of orgaaiaiBg a Uraat Club, ta aupport UEN. U. 8. GRANT, for PraaidaaL Wo roqaaat all Rapobliaaaa to oat la tha Araiarj of Ooaipaaa R, ata Ragi- ant, n. u. r., oa FRIDAY IVKNINO, APRIL lira, 1S, to parfaet aa orgaalaatloa. UIU. It. BBlUi.BR, Proil. Ilol Club. Phlllpabarg, April 21, int. Reader I remember that this moot ing is to be held at an ARMORY, a building used only by despots, and "Company E, Fifth Regiment" ia to be utilised to bring about military rule. Grant has been going to school among despots for over two years, and such tools as Zeigler, and those who prefer despotism to a republic are requested to wheel into line, and Inaugurate a re bellion. A bettor "sign ol the times" was never put bofore the public ; and the men engaged in this Grant scheme are oonspirators againt the Union and should be despised for their treason. This movement is brought about by unbounded egotism, or as a forerunner of despotism ; and people in this coun try should keep bouse without being 'cursed" by either. Or Cocrsi I Improved Philan thropy. The emigration of some of the negroes from the South has prompt ed John Brown, jun, the son of Old John, to volunteer as a guide and ad visor to those who want to seek homos in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, provided his expenses are assured him by tbe friends of the movement Mr. Brown's name should be entered on the salary list iu the books of the Na tional Republican Executive Commit tee just underneath that of Gorham, its able Secretary. Such services to tho party deserve prompt recognition. Modified Patriotism. An ex change remarks : "Tbe War Depart ment has decided that tbo claim of a discharged soldier for arrears of psy to the date of his actunl withdrawal from service should not bo disallowed mere ly because be bos been convicted of orime by tho civil authorities." Ac cording to this ruling of tbe War De partment, crime does not detract from theordinary rules of morality that havo beon taught for over 6,000 years. What a progressive poople we aro, any how I No oode of morals impedes our progress. Another Southern outrage is report ed from North Carolina but the porpo trator turns out to be a Federal em ployee, named W. C. Teague, a rev enue officer. A few days ago an inof fensivs negro named Anderson Denny was playing a banjo in the streets of Taylorsville, when Teague without warning or provocation, struck bim upon the head with a stick. As tbe banjo player rose to defond himself Teague drew a pistol and began firing. Two charges took effect in the negro's body, causing almost Instantaneous death. Future CosiroRT. The Houtzdalo News consoles some of the miscreants of that vicinity in this way : "Some miscreants started a train of empty mine cars from the new Penn drift on Monday evening, which, arriving near the weigh office alter a run ot over half a mile down grade, and coming in con tact with a number of loaded cars, caused quite a stir in tbe coal business. Wben tho new lockup is built, some of tbe codjors addicted to such practices, will got their bread and water gratia, with the full punishment thrown in. Good roa the Doctor. An exchange says: "Dr. Mary Walker has another proposition before Congress, this time in the shape of a petition that in all cases of jury trials in the ooarta of the District ot Columbia and the territo ries, where a woman is a defendant and non complainant, or vice versa, one- half of the jury should be composed of women, and that the jurors chosen shall be of the same sphere in life as parties to any suit, provided tbat both men and women jurors can be found whose general reputation is good." ScoimDRELlsM. The Radical mom bcrs ot Congress soem determined to rain the country if possiblo. The Now Constitution ot our State, which was adopted by one hundred and fifty thous and majority, adds to the old provision declaring all elections to be free, that "no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of tbe right of suffrage." Not withstanding this fact the Republican members of Congress from this State are laboring to have Federal troops at future elections in the State. Ths Elensbarg freeman man who knows how to got the critter posts bis neighbors Id this way : The Altoo ns tavern liceses expired Monday night at midnight. There will doubtless be exceedingly dry times down there for a week, nnless tbe proprietors of tbe drag stores be of an accommodating disposition and refrain from investiga ting too closely the character of the physicians' proscriptions tendered them. Stop Joama. Tbe editor of the Cin cinnati En juirtr says : "If oarold friend Simon Cameron hadn't been a 1 it -Ll wind-broken by his late encounter with Widow Oliver ha might have some ex. pectations In tbe Presidential lino. Pennsylvania is a groat State, and be longs, most of the time, to the Camer ona, father and son. But tha widow has the call on Simon too effectually to allow bim to play a bold band. Hates' Hypocrisy.-. Hayes loves tbe Constitution with a tenderness scarcely excelled by Andy Jonnson in bis most affectionate days and yot tbs Constitution nowhere recognises the doctrine tbat tha Paesidency is a good thing even wben it is stolen. A Mattei or Taste. A social sen sation In Ohio is ths marriage of Pro fessor George Jackson, a white teacher in tba (James High School, to Jiiaa Virginnia Gordon, colored. It should be mentioned that tba young lady's (ai'oer is worth 1100,090. poor flOFss ten Tbe following act passed the Legis lature recently, boa been signed by the Governor and is now tbe law of the State : an act To authorise the Directors of the Poor Houses in the several counties of this Commonwealth to rebuild any- Poor Ilousos in the respective coun ties where said Poor Houses havo been or may hereafter be burnt down by tiro and to auluorito mo uouniy Commissioners in such counties to levy and collect the taxes necessary to pay the expenses of such rebuild ing. Suction 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and it is herebv enacted by authority of the tame, Tbat tho Poor House Directors of atiy county in this State wbere a Poor House has been or may hereafter be destroyed by fire are authorised and empowered and Italian be lawful for the said Poor House Directors to rebuild the building so destroyed by fire or to erect suitable buildings proper to accommodate both the sane and insane poor when a publio cuarge. Sxo. 2. The County Commission era of tho respective counties when such buildings have been or may berealier be destroyed bv nre sball have the power and it shall be their duty to assess, levy and colloct logoth er with the othor oounty rates and levies and on the same subjects or tax ation on estimates furnished by tbe Poor Uouso Directors an amount sut ficicnt to furnish the necessary funds to erect said buildings and furnish tbe same in connection with any sum or sums of money received by said Poor House Directors from insurance on said buildings so destroyed by fire or from any otber source. Sec. 8. Each of said Directors, in addition to the amount now allowed by law, shall be entitled to such further reasonable sum as the Court ot Quarter Sessions shall deem just and proper for tboir special responsibility and ex penBes in rebuilding, not, however, to exceed tbe sum ot two hundred dol lars to each Director for any one year. Sxo. 4. The plans and specifications lor any buildings authorized by this act to be eroctotl shall be hint sub- mitted to and approved by tbe County t;ominisBioners ol tbe county and an contract for the erection of such built ing or buildings niado by tbe Directors of the Poor with any contractor or contractors or lor lurnisbing tbe ne cossary materials for the same shall have the approval ot tbe County Com missioners of tho propor county before such contract or contracts become binding and operative. Sxo. 6. The Directors of the Poor before proceeding to exeroise the pow ers conferred by this act shall give bond to tbe county in such sum as tho Court of Quarter Sessions sball deem propor with sufficient security to be approved by said Court conditioned for tho faithful performance of the duties ol their office. Sec 6. Whenever the said buildings shall be finished and completed the said Directors shall notify the said Court, who shall thereupon appoint luree competent and u win lores U-u per sons viewers to view and thoroughly examine said buildings and report to tne court wbetber said contract or contracts have been faithfully and fully performed and oomplotod and until such report be so made final payment on said contract or contracts shall not be made and paid. The said viewers shall be entitled to three dollars per day lor eacb day necessarily engaged in too porlorniance ol their duties. at.? TRUE AS GOSPEL. The New York HVfil says ritb State-rights as defined by a Republican Supreme Court ; with a standing army relegated to its propor functions of gnarding the Irontier and keeping them among tho ludian tribes ; with Stale elections under tbetontrol ot ths sev eral States whose officers or represen tatives are to be chosen ; with a Na tional Government restricted again, as it was by its founders, from all inter- foronoe with those home matters of policy and social law which can only be safely managed by State supervision and authority, and with Washington expenditures reduced to a minimum, we shall preserve and enjoy the per sonal, civil, political and religious free dom which our forefathers brought with thorn from hngland, no matter who may be President But ii the tendency to a centralized imperialism at Washington, born of sectional strife, culminating in civil war, is to increase, it will matter little to those who aro to come after us whether Tilden or Grant or Voorhcos or Conkling or any- body else sits in the White House. To no human hands not oven to those of Washington or Jackson can safely be committed by tho peoplo of the Doited States the enormous powers which brant exercised and which Dem ocrats in Congress are now endeavor ing, in the spirt of tho Constitution, to tako away from tho Executive. Uayisism. Mr. Hayes insirts in his veto message that he does not wish to employ the bayonet at elections, even maintain the peace, and that there are not troops enough for the purpose if be were disposed to do so. Why then has he sought to attach so much im portance to a power which he admits is merely nominal r Like Mrs. Toodles, he does not want to aso the bayonet now but it would be so hsndy lo havo it ready when needed. A Good Name. Tbe New York Herald calls those who aro getting up the Crrant reception lor next summer, "bippodromo politicians," and believes they aro running tbe thing so far into tba ground that it will break off. Tbs Cincinnati Commercial, Republican, aays tbe Grant enthusiasm at Gov. Hoyt's reception, Philadelphia, was manufuc tared for the occasion, and did not bub ble up of its own accord. Btill HuNTiajo. The Now York Tribune has lost its head on the sub ject of the next Democratic candidate for the Presidency. It does nothing but bunt np obscure candidates. The Democrats will be able to nominate a man who will win without tho assist ance of a demented organ of the stal wart breed. Tboublisomi Job at .Tba roan who fill make troubls in tbs Republican National Convention ia John Sherman, of ths Treasury. Tba Grant organs bad better devote some of their time to bim instead of selecting candidates for ths Democrats. ' A gang of desperadoes near toma, Ariiona, bars bit upon the rightooua way of stealing. Tbey travel in a coach aad rob all ths highwaymen whom they meet. Henry McLaugblin, thirteen years old, while plsying base) ball recently, Philadelphia, waa struck In the stomach by th hall, causing bis death, We Second the Mution.st-.A cotem uorary remarks: "lly some singular and unexplained manipulation tbe New York Sun bos been induced to work up tbe Presidential claims af John M. Palmer, ot Illinois. Of course every camp ornament who aver wore a pair of epaulottes belonging to a General expects to be drafted into the Presi dency some time or other, but for our part we would like to see a plain, old fashioned, pleblan eitlien sitting in tho White House, occasionally sticking bis feet out ol the front window as he onjoys his cob pipo and fans bimsell with a straw bat on quiet summer evenings. We would like to soe tbe aristocratio and military sentiment of this country Insulted, humiliated and ubbed." An Odious Distinction When Mr. Ingalls' bill to appropriate money in aid of tho colored tourists to Kansas cornea up it will be in ordei to strike out the word "colored," so as to give tho whito gold bunlers at Lcadvllle a helping hand. If the African is to be supported out of the public Treasury, why not spread a little on the Cauca sian's broad. Mr. Brooks, of Cameron, has intro duced a bill in tbe House at Harris burg to abolish the Middle Penilentiaiy Commission, pay expenses so far incur red and abandon the project. Fish er's olection to Congress being com paused thore Is do further political use for it. A City for Sale. The Attorney General has issued writs and levied up on Altoons, Lock Haven and Sunbury, which hare defaulted for over a year In payments to the Slato Treasury. Who wints to buy an inland city or two, or a small town ? The New Judoe. James B. Neal of Kiltanning, has been commissioned President Judge, by Governor Hoyt, until the 1st Monday of January noxt. This is to fill tho vacancy caused by the sudden death of Judge Boggs two weeks ago. Alarmino Indeed I An exchange remarks: " Real-estato owners in New York are in a frenzy of excitement be cause of a report that zoologists say in 25,00U years the city will be 200 feet nnder tbe sea. "I curse the hour we were married 1" exclaimed an enraged husband to bis better half. To which she mildly re plied, "Don't my dear, for that was tbo only happy hour we have ever seen." The consolation to be drawn out of the election in Cleveland is that tbo Democratic candidate for Mayor re ceived 4,000 more votes than did the Democratic candidate for Congress last yoar. Hub. H. O. Piihar haa born aalanlad aa tba nauliorof tho Repoblioaa Congraaaional Can paiga Oomnittao from Pennaylvania. Hunting. rfoo Gtoaa. He is tho right man in the right place.- Ho has a penitentiary to back him. In ths Uatun-Slanley court. martial at New York on the 21st ult., it was developed that Uazen and Sheridan each claimed to havo carried the hill at the battle of Missionary Ridge. The Shamokin Herald indignantly denies tho story afloat tbat at tbe lust election in that placo school directors were elected who can neither resd nor write. Geo. Gilford, of Buffalo, was suffo cated to death on a canal boat at Al bany ono night recently by gas from a coal stove in tho cabin whore he slept. Headquarlers-in-the-Saddlo Pope has been selected to deliver tbe annual ad dress lo the corps of cadets at West Point in June. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties Carwenartllo, Pa. Jan. t, 1t-U. WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED $MGLES( at 8. Galnabarg'a Grooarj Btoro, Soooad atroat, VMaraaia, ra. jaa. , ir. "IRGAM FOR AI.E Faraaaa daalroaa of Vparehaaini a SMITH AMKH1CAN OR(IAN will lid Itta tboir adnata. I aall al lha Viral nauooal bobk, whoro Mporuot larormaltoa oa ba obuiaod froa lha afidaralanad . Wal. It. DILL, April 10, mt Jra Cla.rn.ld, P.. TJOlmE lOR RENT. A Iwo-atory krl.k XX nouaa oa rmo airoat, a .at or tno mahj lonaa Cbaraa. Thraa rooraa aa and Ihroo dnwa ataira. A good alablo, ioo houaa, and Rardaa al- taraad. tor rurthar particular., apply to 1. B. HRAIIAM, April ID, 1871 If. Claartald, Pa. TITONBY TO LOAN.-0a rat alaaa Ii IX L pravod farra propartv, br lha Mutual Llla in.araaeo uompanv ot n.w lora, oa Int vjort saaa, la aaaia frora ll.atis ap. Tot fartk.r la- foiaiatloB apply to tha andaraiRnotl. H1HXTHAL W. SMITH. Claarlald Pa., Ma; 7tb, 1ST if. JAME8 H. TURNER, J18TICIOF TUB FKACI, Wallaaataa, Pa. .Mia aaa prepared hiaiaalf wita all tba aaoaaiary alaab fnrara aadar tbo Paailoa aad Bounty lawa, aa wall aa blaab Daaila, ato. All tajtal atattora oatrailad ta ala aara will roeotvo proaipl altoatloa. M ay lib, ll?-tf. 1AUTIOH About Ibo IrH af Marab laat a VV Joint aoto waa obtalnad frooj aa through tbo atiaroproaraulioB of oarlala laeto, oalllng fnr ita.M, aayablo to laoordar of M I KI, llt'HH, ainaty dara aftar dau at tha Ceaiily National Haab, Ckariald Pa. Taa pabtio lo kar.hr waraod againat argotiatiog for, or paying aald noip, aa wa aavo ooBelad.a aot to pay tt aa. eoapallod by low ta di aa. PHILIP DOTT, WILLIAM LIITIIKR. WILLIAM O IIAHKA. Ott Bora, Pa., May Itl., !; .7 Il. A Datiajl BTR ATO RH A L B.Thara V will aa aold at Dahlia oatory at tha lata roa- tdanao af Miloa Davla, dooaaaad, la Baooaria town.fetp, Vloarn.ld ooNntr. I'a, aa Saturday, tba t4th day of May, tha following proparty, via. opnag wogoa, pair iwia ataaa, oara-ahallor, two borao wagon, tbraohlngnaohlao, ataaip marhiao, barrow, wiad aalll, eultina-aflS, baraoM. alowa. graiB-oradla. and b nutnbar of othor artlaloa aot aoooaa.ry to raantioa. Sala lo eoraraonoa at oao ootooa, r. at. or aald day, wbaa tarraa will bo aaa aaowa ay tbo nndar.lfnait. JOHN S. M klKRXA. Adalaialraloo, O.T. A. Sailtb'a Milla, Pa , May lib, 17 It. PRIVATE SALE -or- Valuable Real Estate. am oiaaa rarai HtaatoS la woaaaa tawaablp CloarSald ooaaty, ft., ooatalalag I S aaraa I all tlllabla, with SI aoroa oharod, wal faaoad aad aador food at ata ot oaHlvatloa, with Uaiaor aowoghoa tba aaalaarod poKiaa lor all aalMlag parpaoaa, baaidaa aoRol.ot boailaak for aaa raft Of aaaara Uaiaar. aad bar n tkarooa oroatod food plaah aoaaa, foul foot, a log aara, a food aprleg-boaaa.aad aU ibo ala or aaooaoory oatbaild tBga, aaavor falling aarlag af food walar al tba boot aaa a fooa oaartag oreaara or obotoa fralt ll la altaalod wlthia Ira Bjlloa af ClaarSdd Iowa, la a food aattlaBaaal, aad aaady to aohool and aaaroa. it win baaald aa a wbola at la twa aop. aaa la lata aa aaa) aarabaaoro. Prioaa aodarau aad anaja aaay, far furlaar Sartonlert, aaaiti a.wawarwa, B Of- avnaaiari, arB. B. Tayaaa, Cloaraotd Pa. a lao praoiioaa. May tlb, lllf l. Stw JJflvfrttjfrafoM. New Marble Ynrd. tombst'onesTmondments, Potli for Cemetery Lot: A NKW MARDLR YAUn-Call at J. FLA RARTY'S Morula Worha. Choloa aorll and k arleaa. Ulractlr opiio.lla lha Lutheran Churoli, third alraot. Claarlald, Pa., March IT, lli If AIlMINIHTNATtlH'N NOTIl'li. Notion la bcr.br giroa lhat Laltoraof Ad ..i.,,u,. ih. ORlala of LEAH UI.OOU, lata or l'ika townihip, Clanrflald omintT, Pano'a, hkvlna baan UulT crnnlod lo tlia undaraignad, all paraoaa Intlabled to aaid aatalo will plomo nana immamaia pajuiom, ---. k..in Alklma or damanda aaainat lha aatna all) araaaut tham propnrlj aothrnllaalad for aatUoJ antallhoul dalaj. UL'O. II. HALL, Claartald, Pa., Mar. 26, 1S7 -St. 4 nwmrrRATORB noticr. n.u J it hereby gin that L-ctUri or Adratoiiir Uunoa ih.itUof MILES DAVIS, 1.1 of B. ..us hatrinsT ha a dill KflOtad tO tb Utlllr- mitrt...! ll i.dirMiii todablud lo tmii tad will nl.u nik iinmMliftl tUaVtMOl. tod Ibol bft fnr oU.im or denitviidt will pi-tiro t them proilj uibwOt.c4.ted fvriettlTDBt wlthnutdeiy. JOHN B. MoK iKriw tn, Admtftiilrfttor 0. T. A. Smith ' Mitli, P.., April l, I8IV 6f AUDITOR HOTICK.-la lb Court vT CoMBoa PlaM of Cliarfttld UouDty Pi., Vtmd. X. No. IDS. aSvt. Term, l7. Cnebrao liubb A Co. . JamM Pmioll. Tlia omicrnjo d Auditor appointed b? lha Coort to diltribut tba prooaeda artainir from tba aala af lb Heal Ki tale of Janea Pvaraol aaj tba partita Itgall? BtitUd tiicreto. barabr civet not tea tbat b will at land to tba duttoa of hit appoint me at at bii ettee, in Claarleld, oa Tburidar. the 8tb day of Alay, lBfV, at ooiooa r. wnea aaa wnera all purliat anureitcd way attend. al, r. ai nnnniur., Aaaiiur, Ciearflald, Pa., April 39, lSTfl-Jt, N OTIl'U TO PARKNTM. .Tba undar ain-nad wiahaa to lira aotioa tbat tba will uiiaa a acknol ia lha Looaard acboul buildiaa. ta tbia borough, on tbo Aral Uoodar la Maj oral tba ath to oaatlnuo tbrno atontba. KaiBll ehlldroa will bo taught bj Ilia Kiador aattca raatbod. Tarraa so par araoiar, to no pain on ma nrai daj of aahool. Furl rthor InforaialloB la ragard ta aludlaa aad taraia oaa bo had by calling on or addroaiing MlnS UATT1B MOOKK, Bbnw fioaia, Clearfield, Pa. Feb. 11, lSTf-lm. READING FOR ALL I BOOKS & STATIONERY Market U, Clearfield, (at the Poat Office.) TUB mndenlfDett bga laara to announea to tha aittaeaa of Clearfield and Tleiaity, tbat be baa fitted up a room aad bta Just returned from ina city wito larjra amoaoi oi niaini matter, aouaiitinf ta part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, niavnk. Aeooaat aad Paaa Book) of every da attription Paper and Envelope!, French preaaad and plaint Pern and Pencil. ; Ulank Legal Paper. Deedf, Mortgagea f Judgment, Kiamp Hon and Pmmiaarv Boteaj White and Parch, nant Itnef. Leta! Can. Record Can. and Bill Can, sheet Muue, for eitber Piano, Flata or Violin, eonataatly oa hand. Any booka or Utionexj deairetl tbat I may not have on band, will ba erdared b ft rat ax ureti. and aolrJ at wboleaala or retail to rait auitomen. I will alto keep periodical Hteretare, luoh ei Maretiaee, Newipapera, a. P. A. UAUL1N. Creerfieid, Hmj 7, ISOsVU Sheriffs Sale. TIT Tirtua of wrlti of Ft. ., Inued I 1 ant of the Court of Common Pleu cf Clear- Held oouoty. and to ma direeted, there will bo tpoaed to PUHLIO BALK, at tha Court House, in tbo sorooga 01 uiaarDeia, on Friday, May 10th, 1810. At 1 o'aloek P. M., the following described real eitalo, to wit: A eertala farm altuated la Bloom townaalp Clearfield ooanty, Penn 'a., and bounded oa the north by land of H. Place, eait by land of I. Thompson, aouth by land of Geo. Bhubert, and weot by laod ol L. n eber, containing ou acres, more or lew, aad having about 1ft acres cleared, ana a small plank bouse ttifreonaractea. oiesea. and taken in eieeution and to be sold as the prop. trty ei Hebert boeea. Taaaia or Bali. Tbo prtoo or mm at wbleh tho property shall bo atraok off must ho paid at tho tin of tale, or aueb ather arrugemoata made at will ho approved, otherwise the proper ty will be Immediately pat ap aad ootd agals at uo oxpeaoo aae ria or wo pertoe to whom it wai atriMk off, and who, m ease of deftetoeey at each ro-ealo, eball make good the same, aod la no tasieace will tbo Deed he presented la Uoort for ooaflrmatioa aalesa tho money la aotmally paid to tho Sheriff. A ISO HEW PtiNIZ, Jr. Haaurr s Urrira, I BbarUr. Clearfield, Pa.. April M, lire. J Wheeler 6c Wilson Family Sewing llac-bini No. 8. 4? tch MjrvEjrrioA Straight Needle, Silent, Easy Running. At (lie rarls Exposition, 1878, Wheolor A Wilson received tho only urana rrise awaraea inr sewing Machines. Over 80 com petilors. . Report of the A merican Institute of ji'ew i ork ontheW heeler e Wilson Machine : " We do not hesitate to declure It tiik beht Biwino Apparatus in Tiir World." Tho Ko. i and No. ? MaBuranliirinir MMainoi ara aanrfiiallr raanaiaiaoM for PIIUKklAKKRS' aad TAILORS' aro. H. B.THOMPSON, 3 doors East of Bank, CURWENSVILLE. PA. WHEELER dt WILSON M'F'Q CO., 1338 Uhestnat St., FMladelphia. April i, u; . B S, 00TS, SHOE Hals, Caps, &c, &c. GEO.G&T.W. MOORE, ara Jail apaalat a Wrra aad aar.fllr aalo. lad atoaa ta lartr liaa orabraaiai Ij A DIES' GAITEHS, (Id, OMk aad Calf, la arorj iljla LADIES' 8HOKS, RoBgk aad Saaaeta. LADIES' 8 LirPERS, Blfk aai Law CHILDREN 8' SHOES, alloBod, laealad aad Laaad, Plata aad Coppor-lood. GKMLKMENS BOOTS, flaa aad Caarra, (1BNTL1MRNS' OAITEU, 8II0KS, BR0 OANS, PLOW 8110(8, 8LIPPKRS, Clota or Laalkar. HATS, HATS, HATS. Th.y b.b aaoalal att.atlaa la Itialr aaiorlaianl af HAT) onaraelac laa LATK8T STYLKS or eaaiBior waar. AMONG THRU Gents' Furnishing Goods, m ba fonad aa aiaortraaai af GENTS' NECK-WEAR. aaldoai ao,aalUd ollhar la aljla, taita, aarrloa a, prto,. AH of aaa oi okiok alllboaold al aaloalaalalf law Ifaroa, al ROOM RO, a. ruvs OPBMA uirat, Claarlald. Pa. iarll l TI t(. ti ill -,rr' B Ilfiv S&itiU&tatM. TOWNXIIIP AliniTOHH' HKnmi. HAMI bl. IIA1IKRTK, Ul.lriot frooaoraf, al ... . .L- U.l mm.l B.oearla lowafO In, la arpiiuni who - -Poor fuada of aaid loaraahip rr Hit. HO AD FUNDS, aaaroa. T amount ol duplloaia for isra- 12,221 M To aamant af uuanuod tax rooalrad from County Traauror To aoaount of balanooto now aoouauk. 1 SV Tulal 0.1. una au caaniToa. Nr aauaomiloni oa duplloata I IS SI l.Ut J al an by lal paid br labor Ur taa unpaia on aujiiKuuo... Hr taa ordara radaantad Br Iroaauraia paraaauga ....... i.ti It IS TO Tulal '. POOR Kl'NDS. BBBTOB. Ta balaaoa unoullcati-d oa dupliaala of l;a l 0 To balanna oooullaotod oa duplloata or 1HTS HO To dupliaalo of 187S ' To oaaraled taa racoivod of C0U0I7 Traaaurar 131 do To bolaaoo duo loanahip from laat oattlauiaal m T T7 To balaaeo to aaw acoouot 10 ZS T..lal.. S 01 CBKMTOB. Br orrora and a.vaeratioaa for I87S.. $ T TS ll balanoo uuoolloatad oa duolkata Of 1070 on av Bv bolanoa aaoollaoUd oa duulloalt 01 ISJO h M Bv bnlonoa uooollootvd oa duvlioato of 1870 zav Bv auioaot paid lo Ovoraaor lor aorv- io to paupora BI7.M, parooauga for ooilooiii b duolieata S46 II. at- loading aollloraaal(l.i - M IS By Trtaaurara perotBtato aa tols.wa. IS 2 Br ordrra lodnomad ' T Tlal m - Wn tha andorilancd Audltura havo oxauinad (be abovo aooooota Bud And tliani aorroot aooord tha !u.al af our bnna-lailirr and boliaf. witooaa our bada loir ittn 007 01 nprii,. v. 1879. juun moi.ov, Allrat, OEO. V7 rlKX, Ku.i. wii.i.i..., 11. A.WKHiirr, Clark. Aui-lTuaa. Ulan llopo, April 3Klh, 1870-31 TTITBTON TOWNSHIP MTATEMKNT. XXvfiutB1nt r tn Aoditora of lluatoa Iowa tii) for ibeyrar ending Apnt te, imv i ROAD FUNDH. W. D. WOODff AK1 Sr.. and 8. BROWN, Jr. Guporvliora, ia aoaonnt with ml townihip, via DEaTOI. To ain't Ad lot on' ordari drawn on lHilriot Treaiurer . . I.JSB 18 To aat't Staled Hoad tax tot 181S I 1 on To am't Healed Koad tai for former Teat l2 , S7TM 82,BS 20 ttitmroB. Dyam'lpaid J.H.Vuirurd.at'y.l 2& 0 rata Aoauori ana iowb Clerk Paid Prothunotary fooa oa three road vlewi... S 71 Paid T hornet Hewitt for water truughi 1 yeara 00 Work on road aa perbilli audited S,l"9 in Built road wept of tunnel itl 10 Kxonoralioni oa Seated tai 7 J I'Beolloeted (seated Uioa Hi 66 Paid for road aorapor,.... T t0 lino from bup'aur Wood ward.. - M 31 $2,Mi 20 J. II. KOSKNKRANS, lii.tr lei Treaaaror, PBRTOB, To am 't roe'd from former Treaiurer...! 1 o I To am't reoeired fruau County Treaa- arer. IR78 O.flBI 0t $ 5,700 20 taKorroK Paid Road orden I t,m 4 Paid iateroat ltt.1 II Paid for blank boukf 1 10 Ooo-tbird or aalary for U7I aad 1978... 100 Oo Hat towaebip .. - 31 38 ,70ft SO LIABtUTIBI. Oatitaading ordera.,.H..H Interest eatimated , Aaitti ofer Jiabililie w. Total AaatTt. Uoeeated tax for 1878 817 V4 68 60 ..ft 1,432 S.1 Leaa aet off to Bandy tuwnihia. a boat , l,Mi aa Leaa for aoiamUaioa aad ox leratroa 111 l i.its n i.iiiii oo Dua frora Diatrlat TraalararH...m SI S3 Total .. ., MSI ..'1 Road lal larlod for 1871 10 aillli. POOR FUND. Aaiol llaralna, W. J. Klaa aad I. Blrd.Orar aaora Pear, la aaeoaai with aatd leaaakla t BBBTOa. Ordora drova b, Aaditora....R...H dl 00 Urdara drava ob iliatrtol Xroaauror by Oraraaoro H7 7 Caah bataaeo la kaada af W. J. (log, April, 17-...-.. ...... . it 41 I 611 II Cat EDITOR. Afiiitanca to Egaa Lafforty 13 0 Aiiiitanoa to Mrs. Dunn I(i lb Afiiilaooe to KiU Oirdn.,.H H. It Aiaiitanot to lira. Ualea 28 Dr. J. 11. Kliaeforattaad.ngMn.Duan. 14 M Kaping aoven I ram pi H. 4 f& hr. Hanfordfor altandiaf; Mr. Dana.... 8 08 Support of L Tarney and wife 181 tt Support of A re hi bald Lnoora..,..n M 54 11 Juillcalor orden to inpport ptupere..... 8 16 M array A Uordoa, at ton ay for tewnibin gaaerally, two yaare H . (.t) 00 Orarteart' itrrrioai and expanati H..K bh bb Aadttoraand Town Clerk 18 r Printing UUmeali , jg tiO Dim from U renter King , If I 811 12 J. 11. BOiSKNKRANS, Traainw, TOIL To balanoa fruai 18TT $ 14 & lo ant roeaivtfj Iros Co. Treasurer, April 14, 1878 1,108 87 To am't Stated tai H. 1 80 t 1.154 48 CMDITOlt. Paid ardra u One-third of lal try for tba year,, Dna froa Treaiurer V86 68 68 on 1UT 84 t 1.184 43 Paor tai lavlffor 1878 ...I nllli. We, tba narlgned Audllorf, have aiamlaod tho a bo re aoeounte and Ind Cheat aorroot aooord ing to lha beat af our hnowllge and belief. f. K. I1KWI1T, CHAB. R'lBACKRR, AtUi t A. II. ROSKNKKANH, L Bian, Town Clerk. Aod I tor Pen Ir Id, Pa, April 18, 187111. Sheriffs Sale. Ty virtue af wrlta of tUmr FrtWae, luiaed X 9 out of tba Court ar Coaoiea riaaa of CUar- eld aennty, and ta aaa dt reefed, there will ha eipoeed to pablle aalo, at tha Court Houie, In tha horough af CloarSald. an Friday. May ttth, lT, at 1 n'elook, f.mn lha following deaerlbed raal aeiato, MWttt A eertaln one and a-half etary build lag with plank frame ll foot long, 11 feet high aad 12 fao wide, boing n hitehen attaehod tj tbo maia building an the ooraer of Walnut and St. Joaiee etraeta, and tunnlogwaet M feet ta lot No IBS : tnottoe aouth 158 foot to Sugar allay : tboaao aaet 80 feet ta SU Jamoa etroot ; iheaaa north I&8 feat to plaea of beginning, aitaato ia the town af Star Ifnc In Wootlward townihip, OlearSeld eonntT Pa., and know a in ibe general plan af wid tewa of Sterling aa lot Na. Wt. Siud, tahei la action and to be aold aa the property af Chariot vitotoa ana mery k. vnoton. Alto, nil that eertala tract af lead altnato In Brady townihip, UJoarAeld aotaty, Pa., honnded aaa aanaou aa loiiown uagiamng at a post on lino of land of Cbriitlan K orb. aad eoath-wsMt oarnar af land of Ueary Deatn ; tbanoa by land af ania ueary taani aautn i iHgroaa eatt 101 por onoa to poat f tbaaoa by roetdoe af lande af Jaoob Penti, (party hereto) aouth If dbgrooe watt 114 porohee tn a atoaa heap In n brook t tbanoa by laa tie of JnaMi B. Bagland aorth ft't waat 101 Pirahea In a port i thaaon by lande af Jacob ondy aad Chrlitlaa Korb north 24 degreea aait 1144 peroba to placo af beginning, eonuiniag 76 aeroe aad allowaaeo, with a boot 18 aerae oi oared. aaei annng inereon araoton two amaJl houeea and naaull etable. Soliod. taken la etorutlon and to bo eohd aa the proparty af Jaee T. llebal. Alto, nil that lot ar parfal of ground eltuata la tn fiHaga af Chovtor Hill, OlearSeld oouaty, Pa., oonnaen nan naannnoa at loitowe i vogtaniug at a torner af lot No. 61 and Laurel rtreot t tbenoo hr lot Na. ft! 176 tmi to Carer . thaaaa by Carer alley 88 IVot to earner af tot tin. 64 t thenoa by lot Ha. 4, 178 foot to baarol St. ; thenoa by Laarol etroot SO foot ta plaea of begin ning, being tha tatae let of ground whleh Wei. tfivldlaa, attorney In feat far the wid Hour p. Cutter, by bta aaid Dead dated lha Id day of April, ib?, eonreyon w tna eaia u. . vbeata herota, with a Urge two-etory frame hi liable, and otbar oa' bo tiding tharoon ereotod. Stieed, taken in Mention and ta bo aod aa the proparty of C. B. Sbaata. Tnnni er Iil. Tha pilot ar cum at which tba proparty aball bo itmek of aart be paid at tba time of aalo, ar mob atber arraagoeaaau ate aa trill ba apprwrod, otherwise tho proporty will bo In odtauly put ap and aold again at tbo oa ponw and riek af tha peraon to when, it waa rtrnaV off, and who, In eato of deSoraney al aaoh ro-oalo, aball aiaba goad tbo aaa, and ha n toetaaot will tha tieod be pnaaatod In Court for nonSmaa tion uaieoa tbe or ta actually paid ta tba Sheriff. ANbBIW PVNTX, ir., Auuuii-VaOortca, I Bbntift OaarSald, Ptv, Apr. IS. ltTf. NELATON PAD! MONEY m anrovl antt stovsirai w'trrm. (ir. Nt-llaP.IVKIta MiH iiniliypiii.lp-lUiiinaUitminthi-moniavi b, .-.rrf aVUil Aa'""', "t'' I'ntft. PAIfi niw Hhi-iimtinn, ,,,Ihl.ht.rli PtltJa l-arU-rUt 1 Ul.tl ixatl"1"1, on rrt.l l A 'ilu'iBriv 7 li'kfeVrrT"irAVnl, li..t.UatmitKl,rhi!A'a. at-uawa.wHakMn. AUhk'th Vl ANTKII. ORPHANS' COURT SALE I U V VLa. j .. .V 1 JBAi 4 Hi Of tW lk-Sfi ll Court of Clearfield oounty, Pa., Ibeie will b eAuaed ul)to tal. on lha premnea, oa Wodnotluy, May 7th, 1879. At I a'nltiek P. al . tha fulluwin deeHbe4 root etlate, late tbo proiiertjr of Will I ate Sbiiauiol, iaii bbiI. aUaalo la Morrie UwaaaiD. to Wll I ..untied on tbo North, Kaet aad W eat by lao a of MtirgaB, H ale Co., and oa tba bouth iJ laoda ol Uaritt Fiejai ana uaeatur veai won pany, aod Cotitaluliiff 139 Acrca a He. Allowauce balnn about 137 aeroa elearod and tbo balaoeo well tiBabored witn ptaeaDd oaa ttmoer, ana ot iti thereon e rooted a Urge frame dellife bouaa with eiht rooina, aod a largo bat.k barn with rtraw-ebad attached. A lao having thortoa a largo bearing orobard of good tru.it. laa rbile f rop ortjr U underlaid wtta two veiaa tf eoal tbe ai per one, a f cia of tbrao feat, ia opoa and wwked ; llio lower ftio ia ooaaidoraUf larcar. The prop arty to liluato in tho heart of tbo laoatvaonoa coal ban a, nod adjoint landi frvia whitih tual ia being abippod by railroad. i a ft a una w tro oaati at fooirmaitoa oi aalo t one-third ia ooe year, an J oua-tbird at death of wid'jar, tbo Utter two payiaenta, with ibeir intereat payabio aaaaatly, to bo Kcarvd by bond aod uortgago oa ibo pretatao. the laat named recogalianoe to aocoro the widow, to a taw have two approved aanliea. April 16 4t. K. A. JUIULKH. TruitOO. SherifT's Sale. BY rlrtao of aundry write of Vrm. Ex., Uaued out of tbo Court of Comtnea Pleaa of Clear Bold Co., and to me direeted, there will toeipoaed to publie aalo, at tha Coort IIoum.Iq the bnrougb of Clearfield, on FBIDAV, MAY 0, IHT9, At 1 o'olook P. M., the following deacrtbed real oetaU, to wit: All that certain tract of land tilaate ia Cheat townehip, Clearfield county, PenaiyWaaia, be ginning at hank of Cheat Crook running ""J do greej eait 240 percbea to a poit ; thenee north 2) dog. eait 104 perchel lo aa ash : thenoa north 87 i df greet wait 221 perehoa to Cbtat Creek thence up aaid area k to plaoe ol beginning , contain in 142 acrci and allowanca, with 66 acre cleared with frame borne 16x28 feet with kitubea attach ed 16x22 feet, wall flniahed, atora-buuM 18x26 feet, and largo hank barn 44x60 feet, imall or chard and other out-buildinga. Alio, a certain tract or plena of land (Una to ta Borntlde tow Bfhip, bounded and described aa fol low! i Beginning at a pine tree at a vomer of John Troxel'i land; theoco by land of Christo pher Rorebaugh aoutb $8 aod Ihree-fonrtb de gree eatt 64 pcrchet to a poat tbeaoo by other land or the e to re aet a jonn ana ionii ooyaer, north ono and one-ltHrth decreet oaat ninety. tbrno and ( wo- tooth perobea to a poat ; theooe by laod of Troxel the fear following courtea and dialaooca, to wit: South 7ii dcgreci weat 82 perrhea to poit j aonth .171 degrcea went ZT perch aa to a eheatnat tree, aonth IHJ decreet weat 21 percbH to a pine tree, aouth 27 degreea woai 0 ana nve tenin peronea to toe place oi otgioniDg, containing 2S acrea and 67 percbea and allow aooo, about far aerea olearod. and hating a lug booae lsx2u feet, and lug barn ix20 feet there oo erected. Alio, ono other pleee of land iltnate la Bnra tda towaahip, boon (led and dooeribod aa follow! : Urginaiog at a black oak tbenoe b other land of aforeaaid Snyder aouth li degreea weat 112 perchci more or leaa to a chcetuut; tbanoa north vi iicgreca wett 164 perohoF, more leu to a chcataut; Ibcnce north drgreeteaat 112 perohoa more or leal to a poat ; thenoa aouth GSi degreoe aal iU pcreaee to tbe niaoo al Btrinninc, eon lalning one bund rati and nine acrea and one bua drcd and twenty perebca mora or Im, haring tbrreon enetud a two-etory rraaie bouaa 20x24 fret, a log bswn, wagon abed, and otber out- bol)ding, about 60 acrea oloarod. with ft good orchard, Ac, Felted, taken ia execution, and to be ai'ld aa the property of Jonaa Snyder. Alo, a certain tract of land ailualt in Brady townihip, Clrarfleld econty, Pa., bounded oa tbo North and Weat by Cbarlea Preaeoti, Sooth by land of Duniap heir, and oa tho Eait by land af Heberlfng, containing il acrea, moro or len, with about &0 acrca cleared, aad having tbereoa orooted a log houaa aad log barn. Selud, taken in execution and to ho told aa tha property of William Peely. Alio, a eortalB lot of land iltnate In Kyleftown, Morrii townibin ClaarlPMl eonntT, Pa , bounded on th. ant by pal. md, m(b hy ai. aHy. lha Wtaart k a a arnrl taaao-lk itar I rat r Prail. , . , . -"- -j ipi, aoatalniaR about ena fovrth of an aara. aad naTinTf .avrra-aa oretnoa iwo-iiorj irania bosh and oBloa and iniail Habla. lud, taken in aseoutlon, and to bo aold ai tba property af Dr. Ai Thorn. I Aim a eertaln tract of land rituato In (Iran An j townihip, C lot r fleld eounty, Pa., bounded on tba , watt by Alei. Shleldi' land, aouth by Adam If oy er'e land, met ay J. B. Kylar'a land, and north by land of II. fteoorde. oonlaiaing 111 aeroa, more or leva, wit! aoout 70 aeroa aleared aad nn-1 der inprorenant, and baring tberoon aroetod a two-etorr houia. frame bank barn, and other nnt. buildtagi. Seiaad, lakin In axaoutloo.aod to bo mid at tha property af Mr. Mary Eiacahowar. j Alto, a eertaln trart.qf land altnato la Brad-1 ford tfiwnthip, Clearfield eonoty, Pa., bounded and droertbed ei followt t On the North by John j Woolridgennd Wm. Hoover. South br John Wool- ridge, 8r, nod Wm. Petora, Rant br Wool- riiigo, Jr., nod Uarid Foroey, W eat by John Wool ridge and Wm. Pelera, oonlaiaing about 109 aeroa In all, mora or leu, with about 88 aorta aleared, and baring erected tberoon a frame boo to anal good bam ; alio, a good orchard, eotoad, tekn to execution and to ba told aa tha proporty of Peter Lamborry. Alto, a certain tract of land Unite In Beeonxia townihip, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., bounded and deeeribed na followt : Beginning at a white ook ; thenoe by land af John Krbard North 41 degreea Weit 110 Mruhea to a poat ; thenoe Soeth 4i do greet WMt 7ft perehoeto a pootf thence South 44 degrfaw Inrt 1 18 porehet to a poat i tbeaoo North 46 degree! Eaat 78 prrebre, eontaiaing 60 arret, more er leu, with about 40 aerea eloared, and baring thiroon erected a bawd log houte and leg btrn.aad etboraatballdinga.. Oeed recorded for thin tra of land in Deed Bonk " CC," page 800, do , will wore fully afpoar. Selaed, uhon In elocution and to ba told aa tba property of Samuel Boyee. Ana, n eertaln lot af ground altnato la Howte dale borough. Clearfield oouaty, Pa-, honnded on the Bart by Spruee vlleuon tha Waat by Good ttreet, ca tha North by Tot No. 45, aad en tbo South by Bearer alloy, and known in plaa of aaid borough at lot No. 43, and haring tberoon erected a large frame houaa and noma outbuilding!- Seitcd, Uka In execution and to he aold at tbe property of David C. Heneel. Alia, n oertaia tract of lead tltaata In Wood, ward townihip, ClearSeld eoanty, Pa., bounded and dMerlhod aa fo'lowa: Beginning at a port thretperefaee from n eager thenoa North 1 1 de greea Katt 88 perebet to a red oak i theooe South 70 degreea Beat 16 perehea to a atone t thenoa North 18 degreea Beit 70 perehea to a hem look j tbenet north 10 dfg. aait 10 per. to a hemlock ; Ibonaa North 8 dtgreei Weat 4Uperohai to a dog wood i thenoe South 84 degree! Eatt 46 pe rebel to a cucumber) tbenet South 28 d'greei Kurt 46 perehei to tbe lino t.f tha public road ; tbenet along lame to a linwood on the hank of lha ran 12 perchet; thenoe Houth M degreea Weit 10 pcr pe rebel t thence 28 degreea Weit IS peonea. theaee South HS degreet Weat 43 perchea ? thenoe Soth 88 di roea Weet 10 perehea i thenoe Sonth 41- drgrcea Wait 84 perebet M atone thenoe North 78 degreea Writ 64 perehea to aaid liawood i hence North SO degreea Wrat IS porobea to aau gar; thence too pott and place of beginning, con tsaiuiaf 81 acrea, more ar leia, aacopting and ra le rr tog ttamufl Shoff't heir aod aiiigai, all thore twenty nine lota, known In the plan or pint f Shot 'a addition ta Madera, at followt i Nuia bera I, 2, 3, 4, e, S, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 1?, 13 14, 16, IS, If, 18, 10, 28,11,2?, 28, 24, 26, 11, IT, IN, 30, 8, II, 35, alto leu No 'a 52, deeded to Jamoa Shoff br Albert, and 40 and 80 deeded to William C Hurt br Albert Phof ; alto, ill aeroa al tond lying North of the plank road deeded to Jamaa Corncaly by aaid Albert Shoff: all af aald Iota be ing Ii" fret in length by 10 feet in breadth, and ra taken from tbo within deeeribed tract af land, hariag about 40 aeroa altered, aad baring n eotl bank opea thereon and la working ardor. Alia, all that ear .a treat ur pleee of land ait uato ia Woodward towaihip, Ciearflald eownty, Pa., bounded nan deeeribed aa follow, to wit : Begianiag nt a atone earner on tbe bank al Clear. Said areek j thenee aoutb IT degreaa eatt SS foot to alonea ; thenoa earth 78 degreea toot 160 fee to rtonoa thenee 17 degreea weet 60 feet to it oaee ; ibeeee north TS degreea aart 168 foot to atowoa ; thene north IT degreea weat 60 feet to etenee; thenoa aonth T3 degreea weat 168 hot to n atone nd plaea of beginning, and knowa aa lot No. 14 ia the town plot of Alex ander aburg, and boring a Iwo-ttory plank houte I4t28 feet, plank etable, and otber eutbatldingi thereon. Seised, taken in exec at ton aad to be eeld na tba property nf at . berlShoff. v Alio, n eertaia traot of land altaata la Hontx. dale borough, ClearSeld eoanty, Pa., froating 68 fret oa 0ood rtreot aad rnnntog baeb ll fret to an alley. Bounded on tbo South by let of Matt. MtAttor, north by lot of Cerler, weet by Uood atreet, eaat by an alley .and baring thereon erect ed a frame houaa two itertea high.pertly It tubed. Seited, token In exatuOon, and to be aald at the property of Jamea MeCann and D. B. Otbben,trad Ing aad doing bnaineta aa bleCaan 4 Uibena. AUo, n eerie i a niece of land titan to la Oaoeela borough, ClearSeld eounty, Pa,, boanded and deraoribed aa lollowat A eertaia town tot en oor aer af Htane and Sarah ttreoto, being 60 toot front en Stone atrwat and running ntong Sarah etroot 160 feet to an allay, and known la general plaa of aaid boroagh at lot No. 67. No buildinwa an tbia let. Alee, another let and a-halfli Oeeeele boroagh. ssansnsifj ,m ,ww wm wnmvmmTm nrooi, nn running along Montgomery nlley 164 feat to aa alley, nod general plan ei tats aereugh at lot Na. 1S8, and halfef lot Na. INS, and bar ing thereon erected a twe-otory frame boeea, eH Sntibed, with hitebaa atUcbed, frame tlabto and other Outbuildiagi. Alee, anotber lot la Oieeela borough, hjntlng 68 feet en Blanchard atroot and runaing ajong Moalgomory alloy I6 foot to Deeaiar nilty, and anewa in tne generaj plan of aald boraugb a Be. 178, aad hariag tbereoa aroetod a two atory frame boaaa, well Satahod, aad atber aaeeaaary ontballdiaga. ' Alae, aaother half towa tot la Oeeeote beramarb. ti.aacaara atreet ana raevaiag hath to Deaarar allay laS foot, aad knew a ia tbe ff,WMral nkj) af atod hereagb aa tot Be. IIS, aad bat-iag theraaaj ereetod a twa-atory frame bewea, watt lalebed, a fraam atobto, aad ether eaaiti iaga. aeiaea, uaaa ta aieeali aa theareperty af W. Mayo. ui.iaa Hw 3Httfrtisrmrntu. A lao, tha folio wing real eeute af Joka llamerly, bounded and dceorlbed laiin.. . oerloln town lot aliaald In Oeeeola boroagh, fret ,vm - uiamBsni sua HtU rlw, fruntiag on Blaaehard rtreot fett and ruaai.-' along Kate Mroot IM feet to Decatur all Ja known ia general plan of aaid boroak u lot Me 178, and having ihereni erected a t Mor frame home, well Iniahed, a frame Habit and olbiT outbuildiagi. Alto, one ball or lot Ho. 178 la tha boron k f Oaetvla, and fronting H foot on tl...k.!. treat and ronning back to Decatur ell is frot, aod having tbereoa area ted Iwo-itort frema boitee, well floixhed, and aihar eitbuij. ing". Ale, another lot In Oieeola, fronting M oa ttlanoharw atroot and running hek IM f, to itenry ioy, aad knowa tn the general ain of aaid borough aa lot No. 214, and aavii tBoaaa-aai.t. ai raaa law 1 aa oarain laar akna Alao, another lot in Oeroole, fronting M fMt o bloae atroot and raaniag along Barak itrtMt IbO feet, and known la general pie f boroogh aa lot No. 2'il, and having no baild ingf tbereoa. Selxod, taken In xeeuiioB u4 lo bo to Id aa tho property of J no. W. lltatrlt. AUo, all tboae two oertaia Iota of ground. iiia. ale in Lawrenoe towaihip, Claarneld oouatf, pa. known la tba plaa of tbe town of Weit Clearfield aa Iota Noi. 99 and 01, bouudod ai fellosn oB tha aouth b Nichola a root, weit by lut ttreet, north by a 20 foot alley, oaat by a U font n,T' Baid louboiag M foot front oa NiehoU Mroet aad UO fee deep, aod being 9!t teet wide al the back, having tntrooa orootod a large fruM eborck baildiag. Heiaad, taken in exeutitn aad to bo aold aa tbe property of ibe M. K CAhgrega tion af Want Clearfield. A lao, a eertala tract cf land altamte la Dvttef townihip, bounded aa fellow : North by A. Kepbart, tooth by BoyntoB, weat by John M. ChafO o ilagerty'a estate, containing 4 tvret, more or loaf, vith 20 acrea cleared, wttk a two. atory plank hooao, 16x24 fee, tog bara and atbw? oatbotldioga. Helaoit. taken la exoeutii tit lo bo wld aa the properly of tu. W. Kcfhtrt By virtue of writ of VtmH. Ex.tni Vi. Fm., i aard ottt oi Ih Court (f Common P'a ol Clear field O-'OOty. and to toe directed, 1 will tlyitn the fuliowmg pr'rporiy a' the anir time aod pi ooe i All j, a crtia tract o laul aitnata in Bel) towofbip. Cleartield ouut. Pa , boun ted oa tbe eaat by bnndorlin entate aod Ttinaaa Suudvrtia, tooth by tSofquebanoa rivet, weit by Und of TboB. Sunderlia, aod aorth by laod of J. Ir. ooalaiaing 202 acrea, mure or lea, ariih tbout 40 acrea cleared, and baviog thereon erected a large two ttory plank huaeo, large bank batra anii qtber oot-buildingt. AUo, another piece of land aituato In iell twp., Clearfield county, Pa., bounded wet by land of J. B. tfandorlin, aouth by land or Thoa Bonder lln, tail by tame, aad aorth by Levi HunderliB, containing 16:t acrea, moit or leal, with about al acrea cleared, and tbereoa oree'ed a log boaio atory and ft half high, log barn, an t ulhar tot buildingi. Alio, another plooe of land bound J aod dttrcrib td at followt t Beginning at a white piae on tha oaat bank of Weat Branch of tbo Buiqaehanoa river ; thenoa by land of Janet Sunderlm, north 66 degreea oaat 200 perchea lo a poat) lhaact by land ol tho aaid J erne Sunderlin north Ti de gree! w.-it 22 percboa to a hemlock on tbe bank of Ibe Outquehanna rimt thence along tba bank of aaid river tba aevoral ooareea and dtitanooa ta tho place of beginning, containing 60 acrft, mora or le, with about la aorta cleared no build inga whioh piece of land waa deeded to J. A. Campbell on the 13th of January, 1874, aad re corded ia Deed Book No. page 248, Ac, will more fully appear. Heited, takeo ia execution and to he aold aa tbe proparty of J. W- Campbell. Tan m or 8a lb. The price or aum at which the property eta ell bo amok mt moel be paid at tho time of aalo, or inch othor arraogcmenU mad aa will be approved, othrrwtae tha property will bo immediately put up and told acaia al tbe ei. ponae and rik of the peraon to whom It wai atraak off, and who, ta oaee of deficiency al reek re -tale, aball make good tho aaine, aod ia no inttanee will the Deed be prweeatod ia Cenft lor oonlrmation aaleM tbe money ia actually pud to tho Sheriff. ANDHMV PKNTi., Jr, Sncairr's Orricl, Hheriff. Clearlelii. P. April II, tS7f. I Sheriff's Sale. By rlrtocof tanilrjr writf of firri Fmrim ii ued oit ( tht Court of CcmainB PImi tf Cletr fleld eonDty, ind to m dlrotd, Ihtrt will U jiimed l public ult, st tb Coart II ohm, iB bt oroBfb of Clckrilttld. Friday. May Oth, At 1 o'clock P. M., At Mlowiof dcitiM real ctatc. to wit No. 1. Bitatt in Pika townihip, ClMrfl-ld eouotj, Pa., about two Bitot from t'arwcnrillt, and deieribrd ii fullowi: Beji nain( at atonai ; IbonM north 14 degreaa WMt 67 ptrehea to a k lock ; thaaea north 8 d)rrf want liu pi-rr-bei u a hrmloakj thMea aorth 4 a(raot aait 91 par t?ht?i to a whito oak j tbDrt aoatk -14 dirrMi aaot tC varekta to a obcatnat, baian tba toatk eonm of what wai tba John icier aitata ; tbaaea aortk 4o drgraaa out SI pareboa to a ptt thtaot oath dvgroea aait 306 porobea to tba lawtr lino of wbat wai tha Anthony Krattar aitata; , ,h.ntJ 6 A , Mt 1 1 he(( mw w j ,M, t0 tb tinfji.,, aontalninf aboal SOU aorai i tea ainwanco, Ming pan oi a lanrar traet i nntti lB tb, KfckH A Oritk. k aown at Nn, 6031, being chiefly timber landi with a large quantity af valuable timber thereon, eon eiitmg of white pine, hemlock and otbar kmJi of timber in i table lor bearJt, ihinglea, and other lumber. No. I. Being all the intorert of tho delendtatiin that certain body of land joialogNo.l Juit dticrihed and lying euit of It in the aaid townehip of Pike, known aa tbo reaidne of tba rel eetate of Aatbonr Krattar, dee'd, aad dtoaribed aa followit Be ginning at a pott tba aortb-wott ooraer of tbe traot i thenee alonn tbe line of tha niece No. 1. jutt deeeribed, aouth 8 degreea eaat 801 percbei to n peat aa tne tower line of aaid A. Krattar a aetata, tbenoe eloeg aaid Una north 88 degree eaat about 114 perehea to ft poet) thenoa aouth 25 degreea eaat 130 perobea t thenoe north 37 do gre eo eatt 1 30 perobea to a poet j thenee north I degree wen no peronea io n white pi at earner ei land now nr formerly of Jo top b Speaoori thence by aaid land north lt degreea weat 149 S-IO percboa to aa oak eoratr thenoa ti ill by to id Speueer land ncrth 474; degreea weat 18 perchea to a port ; thenoe by laod ewaed formerly by Uee. Boaity north 44 degreea wart 2n percbei to a to a port earner of lead formerly of Theodore Kngltad t thenee by taid Kogland'a lead eoath 45 degreea wort 0 perehea to a eheatnat corner ; tbenoe itttl by land of aaid Kogland'a land north Co degreea wett 1 21 perobea to a maple en tbe line o what waa John Kigley'e eetate ; tktace by aaid line aouth 48 degreet weet a beat 2 perebet, moro or lean, to tho pott ooraer, tbe pleee of be. ginning, containing lot aoree, 127 perchea ftivd allowance, more or leu, being part of a tract eurreyed oa a warrant to Nioklin A Orlflltb, er Uriflib, and baring thereon n water aaw mill and a aleam ihingla mill, alto, n dwalliag bouae and outbuildiagi. About 40 acre-, more er leu, are cleared, baring tberoon aome fralt tree, with rarieua impr -remenU. Seiaed, takoa tn execu tion aad to bt aald at the preperty of J. B. A J. C. Kratier. Alto, tbat enrtala lot ar greoad with a two atory I rout dwelling houie, atobla and in pro re menU thereon, occupied by aaid J. . Krattar, in ibe borough of CnrweniTitle. deeeribed aa fol low! : Situate oa tbe tenth aide of Bute atreet, aad froating en aaid State etreet eom meneing at Mate atreet at a eoroer of lot formerly eeonpied by Jaa. 11. Fleming) theaee eoath ward by aaid lot 10 feet to Birch allay theaee weat ward by aaid alley SO toot to port, theaee northward 188 foot to Bute atreet ; theooe by Stata ttreet eatt ward SO foot to tbe place of be ginning. Beiaed, takoa ia nxeentioa and ta be aold aa tbe property or J. B. Krataer. Alee, a oerUin towa lot la tbe borough of Oioa ola, knowa at lot No. 123, bounded on tba North by lot No. 125, oa the Bart by Lumber alley, oa the Sonlb by Kate ttreet, and on tbe Wett by tinglt atreet, being Slty foot front en Lingle atreet aad one hundred and Sfty feet on kt.it treet,aad heriag tbereoa erected a two atory Irama dwelling huait, UxlO fee. Sela4, taken in eieeuil'.e and to be aold at the property af DaaleJ Yeleua. r r Alto, all that eertala tract A laud attaat la Brady townehip, bwnnded aad aeaeribed aa fol. Iowa : n Begianiag at a poet ooraer of land eoa- rayed to i Joha llaadi theaea ia line of lead of raid Joha Hand 20 perehea to a peat la the Jeff. errva ooun.y iiae; uenee nertn along lalj v non at amy lie St perehea to a bttwh f tbeuoe eatt partly by land ol Proreott, partly by lend of l-unltn't heira, nnd partly by land of Henry lleberliag, tOS perobea to ft white orb t tbenea aanth In hue of land of Jaoaaa CaUwra 81 pore boo to n port ai4 place of begianiag. uoatatoing 1 1 7 aerea, ba tbe tame more or Ute, with abosU 1 2 aeroa cleared and baring thereoa erected I frame houie 2 etoriot high, a amall ruble and other ootoutldinge. Tbia btiag tete aam pieoaof load aold to John Borgtvea and Joba Clark by Heary L I linger nad Wile, by Deed baariag date the 12th day or September, 1878, aad recorded la Deed Book Nr. II, page 80. Beiaed. token la at ecu ttoa aad tn ba told aa the property af Joba Bar. fooa and Joba Clark. Alto, a eertaia lot ar parent of genual hi tba Tillage uf New Salem, Brady townehip, boewded nad deMeribad aa followa t Oa tbo oaat by tot of Phebe Kriaor, aa tbe north by Bna turnpike, en the weat by aa alley, aad aa tbe aanth by tot of laaat Liaot, being SO root frwat en Brio tarwpiko and 100 feet deep, and hariag tbereoa aroetod a fraaae boaaa, 1 atoriet high, lMxrt foet, a email frame atsble and atber oathaildtag. Seiaed, takeu la eiotutloa aad to be aold at the property ei Peter llooror. Alio, two oertaia lata of ground m tbe rUUge of DaBoia, Sandy towaebip, ClearSeld ewwoty, ft., bounded and deeeribed aa (olkieai The Iret bounded ea tbo aatt by lot of 61. M. Clark, on tkt weet by otber let af defendant, aa tbe aorth br Coartney atreet, aad ea tbe eoein by let of 1. tiny, ao ImprereaNBta. Tbe atber let bounded ea Ibe eatt by lot jort deiiertbej, oa the weet by tot of Bitot Bailey, aa tba north br Cortay (treat, aad ea tha toe lb by let of L. Uny, aad barlag tbereoa aroetod a large two-etory fraaae building bred aa a aalooa, a large ruble, too houaa and other outbuilding. Boned, tab In e location nnd to bo told at tha properly of W. A. Kearney. r Alia, tba following deearibed real eetate eftaata ta tba rUiago af JaeaofUle, aUob lewai-hip, ClearSeld aeanty, Pa t a eertaia tot free ting to feet, morn ar leaa, ea Mala rtreel, nnd raaatng book along Chert oat rtreot 200 feet, more er lean, ' to an allay ; theaee etoeg eetd alley SO feet, more or leaa, to let of Mr. Moore t theaee along Mra. Moora'a lot H foot, aeerft ar Iota, to Maia atreet, aad kaown to geaeral plaa of aaid tiling ' Jaaoariila, at tot Ma. la, aad baring tbereoa reeled a large two-atory fraaae houte aad bltobea attaehod, email rraaae baildiag need aa a batcher hop and waih boaae, rtabto nnd otber eatbatld iaga. Seined, takoa ia osaemtie and to be aald aa tha property af Cbarlea U. Ilea eel. Tuaejo er I ata. The prtoo ar nam at which tba property aball be atrwob at matt be paid at aba time of aalo, artweb mber arraageeneata aaada aa will ba a peered, oiherwiee the property will b Immediately put aa aed told agsua at tbe eipeaee aad riek af aba pereea to wheal it waa airaaa ear, aa vbo, la eaee of deteieuey at tMeb re-aato, aball maae gee4 tme tome, tad la ) na iaataaaa wtli tU 6ee4 ba praaaated la Oeart . etafttmaUta oavtoea tba mower ta aetaeily paid to toe SbarUT. ANiBBW PKNTL r. Snaaurr'a Orwita, - 8 , - BaariC OtoaLrSaO. PS April 18, llTt 1 ! i