THE MANSION HOUSE. Co roar of fleeond and Market Street!, tl.EABPlKLU. PA. THIS old ud tommodlone UoUl ku. durloi Ut pttl yr talarjed to doable iu former eapaelty for the entertainment of itren gere m4 faeiU. The whole bnildlBg ha been refu rail bed, In proprietor will apart bo palne ,tt render hti g ueilt aomfortablt while tlaylng with him. i-The 'Muiloa Homo Omalbni rant to ud from tbt Dopot on tht arrival and depertart af tah train. W. 0. CARDON, July Proprittor jLLEGnENT HOTEL. Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa. Wm. B. Bradley, foraorly proprietor of tbo Leonard lionet, baring fenced tbo Allegheny Hotel, olieita a ahara of public patronage, Tbt noon nu neen .norour,My repaired ana newiy fornlihtd, aud isuti will find it a nleaient atop ping place. The Ublo will bo eupplitd witb tbt neat of everything In tbo market At the bar will n found tbt beat wlnee and llqoort. Good naming eueened. n H. o. nitALUBx, May 17, '76. Proprietor. s HAW HOUSB, (Oor. of Market A Pnnt atreeta,) CLBARFIBLD, FA. Th. nnderrlg nod baring Uka oharge of thU Hotel, would reepectfully solieit nablie patronage. tel, woul ftbj,'78. Jt. AIH IUII bUAYt rpEMPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WA8HIN0T0N, PA. H. D. R08B, . PnoraisroR, . If U. in. Man and hem orer eight, $1 AS. , Man and two horna orar night, Tb. bait of aommeiodaUooB for Baa tad Wail, Oet. Mlt-tf. TTTASHINGTON HOUSE, T T NEW WABIIINUTON, PA. Tbla new and well furnUbad boon baa baan takaa bj tba anderelgnod. 11a fmle eontdent of being abla to raadar atiaraoUoa to tbaaa wbo may laror bid wnn a aati. Ala , 1S71. fl. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Slraat, , PHIL1PSBUKG, PENN'A. Table aljti loppllad with the bait the market afurda. The trareliag publio le InTlted to till. Jaa.l,'7t. ROBERT LOYD. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la MabodIb Building, one door north of 0. D. Weleon'e Drag Store. Paaiage Tieketi to and from Liverpool, Queene town, Olalgow, London, Parle and Copenhagen. Alee, Drafts for eale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prel't. W. H. SFIAW, Cathler. janl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No, 34 Bouth Third Street, Philadelphia BACKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reeoirt prompt ttten tlon, and all Information cheerfully furnlihed Orden aolioted. April 11-tf. r. B. ARXOLD. e. W. A MOID. J. . ARKOLV F. K. ARNOLD & CO., ItaukerN niid Ilrokera, Reynoldavllle, JefTeraon Co, Pa, Honor reoelrod on depoalt. Diaeonnta at mo derate ratee. Kastera and Foraigo Eiehange al- waye on nana and eollretione promptly maoa. Keynolderill Deo. la, 1874.-ly J L. R. HEICIIIIOLD, 'iDHIiEIH UENTIftT, Oradaate of the Poonrylranla College of Dental Borgery. Omoaiareaideaoeof Dr. Hille.opnoaiU the fiaaw lloaaa. mob 13, 71-11 DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OBot la Baak Ballding,) CurwanavUle, Clearfield Ca., Pa auh 11 (.tf. J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. ( la realdeaee, Seeoad atreet.) Nitroaa Oiida Oaf admialatered for the pala. ee oi traction af teeth. Clearfield, Pa., May 1, l77.1y. SHOENAKINOI bereb iaforn my pa troof, and mankind la genoril, tbat I bare rumored my ihoemaklng ebop to tbe room la Urabam'a row, over 8. 1. Snydor't Jewelry More, and tbatl am piepartd to do all kinda of work lo my line cheaper than any other abop la tow.. ' All work warranted aa good at ean ba dont any whero tlit. PotiUrtly tbil ! the eheaptit ahop in Clearneid. JUS, u. UKKHiflU Deo. 11, 1878-tf. MEAT MARKET. F. M, CABDOff&BBO., Oa UarWt St, one eW west of M anil on Hoaat, CLKARFIKLD. PA. Oar arrangamtnti art cf tbt moat eomplett tbarMtcr tor f urn t thing tbe pablle wltk Freeh Meata of all kind, and of tbe Tory ktat aaallty, We alio deal Ik all kinda of Acrianltaral Imple ment, wbieh wo keep oa exhibition for the bta- eflt or tee pabiio. Can aroand wboe u towa, and takt a look at tblnge, or addroaa aa F. H. CARDON A BRO. Clearfleld, Pa,, July 14, 1 876-If. New Marble Yard. The aadarilgnod would Inform the pabllt that He haa opened a new aiajnie i ara oa l ntre atreei, eppteite the Lutheran Cbireh, where he will ktep eoaetaotly on band a itoek of Tarloui kiada of maiblt. All tindi or TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Fot$ for Cemetery Lota, and all other work la bia lint will bt promptly executed ia a aoat and workmanlike manner, at reaionabte re-lee. Ilegnaraateeatatlifartory work and low prlota, Giro bim a eall. J. F LA H ARTY. ' Clearfield, Pa., March ft, 187t tf. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfleld, (at the Poet Aft.) THI anderflgned kega Icare to anaowaoa to tbe oHitena of Clearfleld and Tleiaity, tbat be bai fltud ap a room and baa Jut returned from the eity with a largt amoant of reading matter, ooniutlng la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aoooant aad Paaa Booka of trory do tertptloni P"P' and Bnyelepea, French p retted and plain Pen i and Penctle Blank Legal Patera. Deeda, Morttacoai Jadgmtat. Kitmp- tioa and Promiaary aotet) WhiU and Pareb meat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, aad Bill Cap, Sheet Mailt, fur either Plane, Plata or Violin, oaatantly ta hand. Any booka or atatloaary deaired that I may aot hart ta kaad.wlll bt ordered kr flret tanreet. aad aeld at wholeealt or remll to nit taatomera. I will alee ktep period wai itteratart, aata aa Jtagauata, nawipaptra, m: P.A. UAllLlS. Clearfleld. May T, IRAt-tf The Bell's Ban Woolf n Factorj Feaa tawaehla, Cleart.ld 0., Pa. BU ID O VTI at aot BUR NED U PI Theiahetrihera kato, at groat ptaaa,rtbwltta aelghborbood aoeaailty, la the ortotloa of a Iret tl ail Wool ta Manufactorr, with all tbt modern Improvement attached, and are prepared to at the all kinia tf Cloth. C eat. mere, 8a4iaottt. Vlaa ket. Flaaatla, Aa. Plenty tf geoda ea kaatd at apply all tar eld aad a thoaiaod sow eaitomera. whoa wt aaa it otmo aaa eiaaatao ear teetau Tkt kaalaeee of ... AUDI HQ AND FULLIHw will roootee ear oepeelal atttertloa. Proper aaraagwrntau will ho made to roooifw aad dallror Weel, U eait eueteeiera. AUwerk warraaUd aad dowamoa tha aherteat aottta, aad by eulol attoa Uoa to hatlaee wt kept to real tee a literal a hare ei paaiM peuvaaft. lOJMkO POUND! WOOL WANTED I Wt will pay tkt klgkott market priot for Woo aad ctV oar maaaraotarod goede aa low at ttaellar foodt taa bt boacht la tkt eeanty, aad whoaerar wa fail to reader riaiiaabte totUfattloa wt taa aiwayi he foaad at heeao ready to make proper ewpiaaameeii wmpt -w-m r wj fewer. lawae tivmMova auniL aprnifltf ewer P. 0. mti-iui.Vuchiu, Tirn.. i a., n.iu, M fulmll(. fftrHIMlltIUt.r 1 l eriitailk. .e4 - li t mm l Os-pvT- gkl.--J. J- faowaowlto. O Jl t a. -eSfT i fMUii.tMiji"-rt. iir. i' m rii-v't, TiHAorch, r. Waa f iVff4 -S W& WiMiawJ Fat ! by M. W. Urabun, ClearSeld, fa. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale 4 Betail Sealer in CrocorieS, Till LARGEST and BK8T SELECTED STOCK IN THKCOUNTV, COFFEE, QCEENSWARE, TUBS and BUCKETS, DKI (CD FRUITS CANNBD 000 DS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FKKD. TKA, SUGAR, 8YRUP. MEATS, FISH, SALT, OILS, County Agent for LOMLIIHDa TOBACCOS, Then gofrda bought for CASH In large lots, and aald at alnoat eity prieaa. JAMES If. LYTLK, Clearfield, Pa, Juae II, lfTS-ly. m mm PACKAGE JETFASTE. ALWAVt IIIADV FOR UtC BX7TW41--TM It. a-yWatj areatwaia) II. Eih;Mj1 aUaal rahavar. WO. POUH WatM Nut1l NO aatxriMO, DUBT. RUIT, WAtTK. HEARTS. ZIEGLER, Sole Manufacturer, Mi, eee a aitMt, euMtaM. REMOVAL ! James ! Leavy, Having pBrehaeed tbt entire itoek of Fro Saokett, bereby glvoi notlee tbat be hat morod Into tbt room lately ooeebitd by Reed A Uacertr, on Booond ttrtet. wbtro he ii prepared to offer to me puniio COOK ST0ES. UEjtTljrtl .. PARLOR STOVES, of tbt let it lroprortd patterni, at tow prloti. HOUSE FDRNISHINQ GOODS, Gaa Fixtorea and Tinware. Roeflng, Spotting, Plamblog, Qaa Pitting, and Uejiairkag rampi fpeeialty. All work warraatcd. Aaytblag la mj list will be ordered opeolal If otairoa. 4 AO. u. LKA V I , Proprittor. - FRID. 8AOKSTT, AgeaL CI riled, Pa., January I, ISTl-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO, SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Bart opened ud. la tkt atort room lately oteanltd by Weaver A Betta, oa Seooad itreet, a largo and wtn ttletted itook of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, WOOD k WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Whlek they will diipoaa of at maoaaMe rates lor aaaa, ar .leaeng. tor ooaBiTy yrv.w fllOROE WEAVER CO. Claerteld, Pa., Jaa. I, lT-K. NEW flo int. fi:i:i, AND GROCEHY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Raaaa. a. a , PI. a Opera Hoaiae, ClearSeli, Pa. KHpeaaaitaatly aa head srjOAR, COFFEE, HAS, ODA, COAL on BTEUP, ALT, SPICES, SOiP, Oaaaed aad Dried Fralta, T, Clf ata, Oa. Slat, Older Vinegar, latter, Kgga, Aa. ALSO, EXTRA HOME-MADE Wheat and Boekwheat Flonr, Corn Mfttl, Chop, Food, fro,, AD ef vklab wll W. eald ekaap fat enea at JOB I. tlAMlaV OaaaMeM, Net. II, lT4.-aI. THE REPUBLICAN. irS3E7 -Sail CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO, APRIL. , II7. GARFIELD ON REVOLUTION. The Hook of RopreuenUtivM, we are advised, was quite excited on recently over A speech made by Mr. Garfield, thorocognined leadorof thoRo pitbliean $xt to that body, deputised especially on this ocaaion to inform what that party calls "the car ol the country," why it makes opposition to the proposed repeal by the Democracy 1 of oor tain obnoxious features of tbe lederal election laws, devised and ex ercised by the Republican party to prevent free and fuir elections and to keep it in power after tbe unfuttored will ot tbo people would dislodge it. As Mr. Garfield was warmly congrat ulated by bis party colleagues, and as the committee of his political laith ordered 100,000 copies ot bis speech for circulation, no loss than by reason ol bis position as a party leader and his present special commission, it may be assumed thattho case which he under took to argue could not be more strongly put than be put it, especially as be did not assu me to speak on the question pending, but on tbo entire is- suo presented by tbo Democratic atti tude. Tbe points which he makes are not addressed to the propriety or im propriety of tbe laws which the Dem ocracy sock to repeal. Mr. Garfield wisely avoids that question. It is the proposed manner of their repeal that shocks him and offends the moral sense of bis party of great moral ideas, Mr. Garfield, to slate what he lays in a nutshell, wants the country to beliovo that the proposed course of the Dem ocracy is revolutionary, unprecedented and traitorous ; that it would coerce a co ordinate branch ol the government, practice a system of legislation hitherto unheard of, and, as tbe rebellion of '61 sought to shoot the government to death, a rebellion is now being foment ed to starve it to doath. Mr. Garfield may bo the biggest man in his party and His speech may be the strongest possible presentation of its caso ; but we would think very poorly of tbo Democrats in tbe Iloiise if tbe meanest among them is not able to unhorse Mr. Garfield by marshalling against him plain facts to prove that the Democratic programme is orderly, identical with Republican precedents and aimed at results which secure only tbo highest constitutional rights; that the manner of repeal of the obnoxious federal election laws is such that Mr. Hayes baa no right to question it with out incurring the odium ol trying to coerce Congress ; that similar legisla tion has been effected by the Repub licans time and again ; and that in stead of being traitorous in its pur poses, the legislation sought by the Democracy has in view nothing but free elections, unawed by the military and nnspoiled by tho rounder. Mr. Garfield says that because Con gress will offer to Mr. Ilayea only the opportunity to sign the repeals with the appropriation bills, or to veto the appropriation bills with tbe repeals, therefore an attempt is made to coerce the executive at tbe peril of destroy ing the government. This talk about "destroying the government," about " revolution " and " utter annihilation" of the nation, because shrewd political management puts a fraudulent Presi dent into a " split stick," would be tbe veriest bosh, even if the position of Congress and Ilayes wore as Garfield states it, and he would be put down as a fool for thus ranting about it. But since it ia not thus, and ho is tborcforo oxompted from tbe cap and bells, be must be writton down a knave for at tempting to make it appear so, when tho simple truth is tbat tbo Democrats are perfectly willing to vote all tbe money necessary to carry on tbe gov ernment. They will pass th appro priation bills and add to tbom tho re peal of tbs obnoxious laws. Thon the responsibility will be with Hayes. If be seeks his party's profit above his country's good ; if he would rather " starve the government to death " than yield a point of partisan advantage; it he would undertake to coerce Con gress and to bulldoze it into making party capital for his friends, then be ill veto tbe appropriation bills. The responsibility and odium of the meas ure must rest with bim, and bim alone. If all the dolelul things happen that Garfield forotolls, be and no other will have brought them on, lie is to bave a fair chance. The supplies necessary to the government are to be voted bim If he cuts them off simply because bis party cannot got an advantage sought, it is be who seeks to overturn the free exorcise of that Independent power of legislation lodged by the constitution in the representatives of the poople. Morever, Mr. Ilayes is understood to havt no objection to tbe proposed re peals ; his party are trying to stiffen him to veto them only because of the manner of their adoption, whoreas it doos not become the exocutive to so interfere in the legislative branch's business as to question how it passes bills, when his sole business is to pi upon their propriety. Mr. Garfiold only characterises Mr. Itaye's own an ticipated action wben he talks about " an independent factor in the legisla tive power ol the government which ia to be coerced at the peril of the de struction of the government. We maintain tbat tbs Democratic programme is not without Republics! precedent. In innumerable instances that party has resorted to effecting general legislation in appropriation bills, Bometimos to gain time, some times to coerce tbs other boose, or put a pressure upon the executive. The Mew Tork JVafw concisely presents exactly such a case as Mr. Garfield and his party now makes hullabullo about i "In 1867, Congress .inserted in the army appropriation bill a sou- tion prohibiting tha President of the United States from issuing any order to any officer of the army except through tbe general ol tbe army at his boadquarters in Washington, pro hibiting him from ordering or assign ing the general or the army to duty elsewhere than In Washington, and prohibiting any officer inferior to tbe general from obeying any order of the 1 resident not transmitted through that channel, under penalty of Impris onment not less than two nor more I baa twenty year. A bolder attempt to usurp the constitutional functions of the -cxticulive uuuU .haiUiy bo con ceived. Yet it was successfully carried out" Had Andrew Johnson vetoed tbo bill ho would have suffered the odium of " starving iho army" and so be signed it under compulsion, " lost by withholding his signature the neces sary appropriation be defeated ; " now that the Republican ox is gored, their President can heal his wounds by tho same liniment that President Johnson had to use so reluctantly in 1867. Moreover in 1372 &Aruld himself led the Republican sido of tho House in favor of incorporating in tho appro priation bills the very legislation the Democrats now wish lb us to repeal. Neithor the spirit of the constitu tion, the examplo of precedent, oor the intrinsio merits of tho issue can successfully be cited to sustain the Re publican position in this slrugglo nor to impeach tbo oourse ot the Demo cratic party. After legislation foisted upon it and thecountry by these sharp practices sball be wiped out It will be time enough to talk about a return to tho regular order and to a more tern porate legislation. Meanwhile tho Re publicans may be expected to make wry faces over the dosce of their own compounding, but the Democrats aro not to be dissuaded from thoir position by the danger signals of falno prophets nor the misleading lights of dorua gogues. Lancaster Intelligencer. SOCUL ORGANIZATION. The most of tbe ovils and troubles of tbe present day arise from glaring imperfections in the organization of society. Theso deficiencies are radical and inherent, reaching to the very foundation, yet the remedies suggested and applied, are only the vaporings of quackery, which at best would afford momentary local reliof, leaving tho cause of the disease to work its way silontly, ready to break out anew and destroy its victim witb the groator certainty. What is really required is a govern ment based upon truth and morality. Rut tbe groat trouble in this case is, that no man is willing to admit tbat he is wrong, and bo proposes a remedy that will roach ovil perpetrated bv others. Tho laboring man feels that ho is wronged and oppressed, when be sees tbe fruits of bis earnings wasted by others in dobauohery, or used in devising moans to still further oppress him and make broader the distinction between be who earns and bo wbo spends tbo earnings. His remedies are strikes, and riots, with arson and mur der, or statutes eompolling the capital ist to divido with thoso who are not so prudent or so cunning. Tbo capitalist makes complaint of tbe laborer who will not tako what ho sees fit to give and be thankful. His remedy for tbe complaints of tho laborer which Gnd vent in etrikos and riots and more rigorous laws, a standing army and severe measures generally. iow the mero statement of the case blows that both parties aro right in their complaints and wrong in their proposed remedies. We might go on ith illuatrationsenough to fill volumes, but this one given above is sufficient for the purpose. Turkoy haa boon dis membered, mainly on account of the want of morality in tbo administra tion of tbe government, Russia Is en larged from similar causes. Every European Government is obnoxious to somo charge of oppression founded from a lack ot tbe observance of mor ality by its rulers. In this country the stigma of fraud and corruption in high and low places in the administra tion ot the Government, bave been too plainly fixed to admit the doubt of its existence. The laboring classes olaim that tho Legislative, the Executive and oven tho Judicial branches of the Gov ernment are corrupted by the money power capitalists again do not hesi tate to say that at least the Legisla tive and in a measure the Exocutive branches of Government are influenced by tbe fear laboring classes and tbe demagogues wbo control them who possess tho balance of voting power, in this case both are right with no qualifying exceptions. If morality and truth are the proper basis ol Governments, to ensure peace and happiness to its citizens, what con fidence can any class have, either in its laws or in tbe impartiality of their administration, when bribery is known and proven to exist and whore tbe Executive is believed by threo fourths of tbe poople to have obtained his soat through gross fraud T All this shows that the organization of society as it exists must undorgo a complete renovation in the near future and tbat the coming man must con vince tbe world tbat he is honest. TUB KE W PA TENT FLOUR. In order to make this understood ws have to state the usual process of mak ingthedifferontqualiliesofflQur. Tbs best qualities used to be made of winter wheat. Spring wheat yielded either much less in quantity, or else so much of the bran got into the flour in Ha man ufacture that its color was intolerably dark. , The wheat would bo ground and then bolted. In the refuse the bran and middlings would be Included a large proportion ot the weight of the Spring wheat, and this would sell more particularly as feed for horses. Now the best brands of flour, and the most expensive, are mads of this very refuse of the old-fashioned process. It all came from a discovery of a way todraw out bran. Undor the new process the wheat is ground out as before. The first result is an ordinary flour, sold for exportation; then tho remainder Is put upon great horizontal sioves, and while agitation is going on there, an ingenious system of draft is rushing up through and carries off ths bran. What is left is the glutinous portion of tbo wheat, tbe most nutritious snd the moat produc tive, and out of this, purified now by the drawing off of the bran, we gel our new-process flour. Tbo result of this invention has been to maka the poor spring wheat of Minnesota) and upper Wisconsin the most valuable kinds of grain. A French savant has said that ths Invontor of a new kind of food was greater than ths discoverer of anew star; wo indorse this fully ,and think ths invention here explained is of far more importance to mankind than tbs discovery of Neptune and Vulcan, with" the moons of Mara thrown in. Manufacturer ana Builder. A hypocrite) la a man wbo borrows a long fare to defraud his neighbor. DIE. The legislate power 0 tbe nation is now Democratic in both branches, and the Democracy must answer to the country for the legislation of the next two years. For four years post the Democrats bave controlled the House only, and thus thoy merely shared the responsibility of legislation with the Senate and tho Executive ; but now the Democrats can pass or defeat any measure as tbey stsl! dv cido, and the responsibility ia squarely on tuoir shoulders. True, tho Presi dent bos tho veto snd the appointing power, but he will not veto rashly, nor ia be likely to veto to serve violent partisan ends, and if the country sball bo convulsed and lis business paralyzed afroeb and it peace disturbed, there can be no divided accountability lo tho pooplo, Tbe Democrats havo tho field ; they aro to select the seed they sow, and as thoy sow they will be certain to reap. It would be well lot tho Democratic leaders to tako their laliludocarefu lly at tho outsot. , They aro not In power to-day because the people love them move, but becaLse they lovo demoral ized Republicanism less. Democracy has been tuken as an enielio by a sick Republicanism, and it Is largely dis trusted by thoso who aid it to power. Tbo nation is soundly Republican to day, as it has boon from the hour that secession appealed to the sword, and Democrats have boon recalled to the authority from which tbe iiatioujiis placed them bocauso Republicanism became faithless to itself. Half the present Democratic Senators and Rep resentatives from the South owe their scats to tbo corrupt and profligate Re publican rulo that reconstruction gave their section, sod that was most un wisely sustuincdMn its debauchery by Republican administrations; and Con necticut, New York, Now Jersoy, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana are debatablo to-day, and at times elect Democratic tickets, solely because Re publican power has degenerated into tho struggles of mean smbition and grood. It was Republican perfidy and not Democratic patriotism thai en trusted Iho Democratic party witb theJ power lo legislate for tho country, and it will be bold to the sternest ac countability for overy short coming. Unless all signs are at fault, Presi dent Hayes means to moot tho Demo cratic Congress on high patriotic grounds. It is authoritatively declar ed that he discards the revolutionary counsels of the Chandlers and the GarfleMs of I be party, and that bo will sanction all proper measures looking to justice to all parties and all seo- tions. Unless he is misunderstood on this issue, there can bo no serious an tagonism between the executive and the legislative branches of tbo gov ernment, unless it shall be wontonly provoked by the Democratic leaders ; and if it shall be so provoked, tho country will seize the earliest possible opportunity to restore Republicanism to the supremacy it has lost. There are plenty of revolutionists among the Republican leaders, and tbey will mako exhaustive efforts to force the majority party into violent positions. They will sacrifice Iho business and peace of the country any hour if thereby they can provoke Democracy to commit politi cal suicide by accepting a renewed sectional strife. They will do it be cause it is the short cut to a Republi can restoration, and as they have no responsibility, aa a party, to the coun try for the actions of the present Con gress, they can play the reckless parti san with comparative impunity. If it was a mere contest between parties it would be of little consequence to the country, wbother or not Republican demagoguos succeed in making Dem ocratic fools defeat themselves; but wben the long prostrated and yet most sensitive business interest of the coun try must be advanced or rotarded in prosperity by harmony or strife in Washington, it is a matter of supreme moment to the wbolo country tbat Democratic power shall be wisely and patriotically exercised. Speaker Randall iagratefully remem bered by lbs bettur class of all parties for his manly stand in support of law and right wben tbe judgment of tbe Eleoloral Commission was about to bs entered, and ho can now perform an equally important service to tho coun try by taking tbe highest grounds In favor of harmony with tbe President on the issues which demand immediate consideration. It is known that Pres ident Hayes will gladly approve a bill restoring the Southern Courts to jus tice by tho repeal ol the test oath tor jurors, and that be will as willingly approve a bill repealing tho unconsti tutional statute authorizing the use of Federal troops at elections. It is known, also, that be will not approve bill unconditionally repealing the rederal election laws, and he who as sumes that the country will not bus lain tbe President in such a oontest, is the idlest of dreamers. If the Dem ocratic Congress shall precipitate such an issue with the Presidont, every dio tate to justice and patriotism will bs on tbe aids of the Executive, snd Dem ocratic power will be overthrown, as it should, bo. There is every reason to believe that the President will approve any just modification of the Federal election lawa, and ths moat dispassion ate men of both sides should promptly devote) tbemselvea to that work. The disgraceful Deputy Marshals should be wiped out along with tbe other sores of revolutionary reconstruction. -Philadelphia T.mct. The contract tor building lbs reser voir for the penitentiary at Hunting- don has been given up by Collon A Co, ot Philadelphia, to whom It was award ed at 15,165, and it has now been given to W. W. Morrison, of Lock Haven, at 15,300. Mrs. Wade, a widow in Dsle county, Alabama, haa been weddod lour times, being first Miss Wingate, thon Mrs. Wood, thon Mr. Walker, then Mrs. Wombles, then Mrs. Wade. Her spoons are all marked " W." There) are 14 ex-Governors In ths Senate Messrs. Anlhony,lioolh,liunv side, Coks, Garland, Grooms, Grover, Hamlin, Hampton, Harris, Houston, Kellogg, Kirk wood, Vaooe and Wbyts. Little Wolf and his band of Chevenns Indiana numbering thirty-five, lodges and two bandreei and fifty ponies have Does captured THE SUrEKVJSORS OP ELEC TION. . There will bo an extra session of Congress. This question baa been the source of much trouble to the country, not thai any interests suffer by a session of Congress, but because ol tho hue and cry of the press against ono. Tho question is at last settled in the affirmative by tho proclamation of Hayes, and oil March 18th., tbo members-elect of tbo forty -sixth Con roes ussomblcd in extra session at Washington. Among tho important measures that failed in the lost Con gress are several of tbe appropriation bills, and that one particularly that touches the pockets of the frauditos, wbo are now administering the affairs and drawing the sulanos of tbe offices that belong to Mr. Tildon and the Democrat io party. This appropria tion bill failed because of the great and unblushing affront offered the peo ple of tho country by asking a Demo cratic Congress to appropriate money for tbe purpose ot paying corrupt party claims of the Republican mana gers. Iu tho bill is charged 272,00.00 for the purpose of defraying tbe ex penses of only tixty-nine tupervisort, or an avorngo of about five thousand dol lar! to each of thete handsomely paid government officials, for but ono day's sorvico In preventing tho honest Bonti mont of the voters at the polls. This clause in tho bill was defeated by ibe Democrats, as the country's demands made It tho Imperative duty of tbe Houbo to guard well tbe Treasury, and cloi-o some of tho largo holes through which the money has boon leaking away undor tho care of the Republican party. Tbe Republicans would not accept tbo amendment, as their party debts must be paid, and tbo result ia just whnt tho country has rcaded, an extra session of Con gress, tho entire responsibility of which rosts with the fanatical leaders of tho Republicans in Congress. Tho act creating the office of super iors of election is ono ol tbe most tyrannical results of Republican party legislation that has ever been foisted pon tbe country. It is oppressive in ts workings, and is a measure that would only be resorted to in the hour of peril in tho most despotic government of the world. It de nies tho honest sentiment of tbe people at the pulls, and places the re- sult of an election in the bands of a few unscrupulous partisans of the ad ministration, who can arrest bonest voters right and lelt on the merest pretexts, and be comparatively safo from tbe strong arm of the law. It is nn act not alono applicable to tho elec tions in tho South, but to tho elections of tho whole country. At prosent but fourteen southern cities havo supervis ors of elections, while in northern cities the number of these officials is fifty-five, among whom are numbered somo of tho most corrupt Republican party leaders to bo found in tho coun try. In New York city it is estimated that at the lost general election over threo thousund voters were kept from expressing their sentiment at tho polls through tbe indcfattguable efforts of " little Johnny " Davenport, and his henchmen, who are paid handsomely lor Just such work by the United Slates Government. Is not such a law a disgrace to tbe country f Each State should make its own laws to guard tho purity of the ballot, and every State in tbe Union haa lawa of this nature upon tbeir statutes ; why then should tho United States interfere? Tbo prospects at present are, tbat this miserable, disgraceful law, tbat makes you and I, or any qualified voter a subjoot of arrest on tbe merest pretext or whim ol somo Republican hunger on will be wiped from the statutes of the country. May tho guardian angel of the Union speed the work, and may all such reforms in bo half of the liberties of the people, inaugurated in the last House, bo car ried to a glorious completion. ; The defeat of this intended wbolosale rob bory of tho United Slates Treasury, and ot some of the pot subsidy schemes of the Republican leaders, has alone rcsultod in this extra session of Con gress, and for which tho Republicans alone are to Diamo, and to be bold ac countable to the poople. RIUUT A (J A IN. The Baltimore Gazette says i ' For once tbe Democratic, party in Con gress, by its aggressiveness and de termination in behalf of the right, is n a position to command the respect of the country. It was resolved by tho Domoeratie House tbat henceforth elections in this country should be free from tho intervention of armed soldiers and tbat ballot-boxes should no longer be at the mercy of bands of Federal Supervisors seloctod to manufacture victories for the Republican party. In other words, it was agreed that the infamous political macbinory aet in operation by the Republican party to secure its own perpetuation should be swept . from the statutes. Clauses socking this end wore attached to two of ths most important Appropriation bills the Army and the Legislative, Exeeutivs and Judicial and a Repub lican Senate was asked to decide whether it would submit to tho wip ing out of its odious legislation or sacrifice ths appropriation bills. True to their instincts, tha Republican lead ers clung to tbeir political safeguards- knowing full well Ihoir value. Ths new Congress will moot and adjourn and when it adjourns thore will be no juror s test oatb, no soldiers to vex electors at ths polls and no voice of the Federal Supervisor, at five dollars a day, hoard in the land. Ot course the Republican organs will denounce as revolutionary the conduct of ths Congress just closed ; will predict dire ful results and will make a disagreea ble noise in tbs political wilderness but the fact will remain that ths Domo eratie party has been once mors unified and inspired with hope. Its reprosen tatives have shown aomothing of the spirit and firs whioh should actuate the leaders of a naturally brave and honest organisation. It has seen its old enemy bound and gagged In th halls of legislation. It will aoe in two or throe weeks the Republican party shorn ot lbs power which it cruelly sat up by tyrannical meant to divort tha will of the people and thus in spired and rejuvenated it will go into ths next battle with vim and ardor, la lact we may aay that th Demo eratia party feela to-jay like a pant relreebed wiia a quart or new wins iSf(lUnron. PR DP EH TV IIBNT. kite. John B. lUSottjr. af Pane town.hlp, offer fr rent a dwelling houee and flora room, Itoataln IboTlllag. of 1'onnvllle. For further laloreualioa ai-iil to, or .ildroee, aire. 4- 11. HAFFERTV, oot. !J,79 lf. . . Urenipiaa lUlle. JOK BALR. Tb. aaeorelgaed will sell at aala all that treat or parooi ef land altaata la Deator lownebip, Claerteld ouentr, i'a wltbta a abort di.Unoe of the Tyrone A Ctear&eli K. K., and adjoining lando of Robert lludeoa and otoere, and known a. the Jacob B. Uearhart lot Tbe aald traet oontaiaing SO nana eeorwar )aa., H'b tw. valne of valoebl. eoal tnareon, baa about 10 eeras oler od, aad ia tba kar lo a large body of ooal about being developed. Will be Bold low aad upoa eaai Urine. For partieulare, apply t. DAVID L. kREBS. Claerteld, Pa., Jul; II, 1871. l?o&e Bettor. 2Toa Cheaper. H Sell for ll.OO Strong, vigorous and veil grown Plants. 8 Roael, or 10 Uaranlume or 10 Fuob.iaa or It Verbenaa or It Pan.iee ar It fllngla Petoniae or It Ba.ket and Redding plant, or It or 13 Uelioloopee or IS Chryeanthemumi or II Olad lolue or 10 Doable Tuberoae Bulbe for SI On or II Plant. A Ualba (1 of meb oolleotlon) 11.00 or ball Ibi. eolleelion tt Pknuand Bulbe witb New pare white agaratam (klanohe) added St.OO or the whole eolleelion of loll ehotoa plante aad liulba with a plant of Ageratnm Blanche or tbe New Bear let Roae Ueraoion (Mr.. Taylor) added e.00. Wa guarantee aala delivery by Eiprcai. Cur Printed Circular of Floworttfor Everybody "lent'freo." Harry Chaapel, FLORIST, 290 West 4th St., Williamsport,F a. r. is, is.v.Qtt JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. O. fhe underi I if tied bega leave to Ihfora the eltt- teni of Olearfleld, and the public generally, tbat be baa on hand a line auortment of Furniture, nob aa Walnat, Choetnat and fainted Chamber ttaitee, Parlor finitta, Recite log aad E attention Chain, Ladier and Oaata' Kaey Cbaira, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Cbaira, Cant fieateand Windior Chain, Clotbta Sara, Step and Kiton lloa Laddara, Hat Raoka, Scrubbing Uraihei, Ac MOULDING AND PICT U KB FRAMES, ooklng GImmm., Chromoa, Ao., which would 'lit able for Holiday preeenti. deflr7a .MIH TKUI'TMAN. A. NEW DEPARTURE IS Ll'THERSDURG. Hereafter, goodi will ba told for CASH only, In eiebaneo for broduoo. No booat will be kept la the future. All old account! muit be ittied. Thoie who tannot eaaa up, will nil laadoTtr their notta and CLOSE THE RECORD. I aa d,trmlned to Ball my goodB at eaah priaee, and at a diaoount far below tbat aver offered in tkie viotaity. Tbe dieeonat I allow aty euetomere, will make then rieh ia twealy yearalf they follow my ad.ioe and buy their goode from 1 will pay wa for wbaat, oata and elorer- ea. UAftlKb HOOULANUKK. Lutboreborg, January 17, 18T7- Agricultural Statistics. T tit CVfiWi e ClmrUU Cntp t Tbo anderalrned havlna btea aapulntttj by the Ueaartaeeat, at waeaiatttoii, atiBoipat noortmt ot the AsrHmltev! Iksktiitiee ef OletMsltiM espsjety, reipeol felly requeati tbt eo-oporatitn of all to aiiiit, by tending the aubioribtr all the informa tion they ean beer in r upon the fullowinr anea- troni, tt aa to entble him to make at correct a atatament to tha bepartukaat, aa poieibltt How uany nonei nare diea in joor bereuca or le wa ll) ip, and of what diaeeet. How aaanv eowi and eel rea, aad of what dlieaat. How many ibeep bare you leet, and tf what d I leant, now Many hilled by dova. How otanj hoei havo TOU leet. and of what dlaeaie. What prevailing d ilea eee amount tne poultry, lo all eaeea tire the rem rdiee need wbieh havt been found to bt aueeeea- ful, and in all eaeea tt aire the eaah valae of all itoek aa nearly aa poaaiblt. By the ot-oparatloa of our eiilteoa la genera) upoa tbeae important partieulare, the A jr.. cultural report! will become aa entytlopsMliael uaeful information to the pub he, by enabling tbe ilepartment to paalna tbe (j.ietiei, tne loiiei, and tne rtmedtea tbat have been fvwnd moat beaefltial la oonaia dietaaet . Any other information that will aaeonildered a public benefit, will be thaakfulh motived. Addroaa tbe tabearibtr at ttratapten Hilla, Ulratlttd Je., P. BAMUJtb WIUKMiHK. Maroh IS, 1878-tf. TIN 4 SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Ilea opened. In a building oa Market itreet, oa tbe old Wealera flute) lot, oppoeitt tht uri iiituie in iiearneid.a tin and bnoet-iroa asaan factory and Store, where will be found at all timea a full liaa of house FTjmnsznTa aooas, Stores, Eariwro, Etc , Houeo Spouting and all kiada of job work, repair ing, Ae., done oa abort aottot and at reasonable ratea. Alio, agent for tht Singer Sewing Machine. A aapply of Machine, with Noodle. At- al- wavi on hand. forma, itrlctly eaih or country produce. A there of patronage aolieltod. U. M KivKWLlsa Buptria tea dent. Clearfield. April SS, 1877 tf. 'TERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING YABKS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oeaitaatly an aaad. STOVE AM) EARTHEN WARE or ivixY ciscEtmoRi CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! ruber's Fatent Airtight SJolf . Seallnf rralt lenei BtlTTKR CROCKS, wltk 114a. CRIAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APrtB - RITTTRIt CKOUAS, PICKLI CROCKS, fLOWlft POTS, PII DIBHIS, 8TKW POTS, Aad a great many other thinga Ue sememe te eauoa, to ne aaa e FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Comer .f Cherry .nd TblrS Strwta, . CLCAHriaku, r. eeS PRIVATE SALE - ar Valuable Real Estate I Tee ajndoroleaeel. Ilrlag la Peata twn Clear. Said ooenly. Pa., efari Ike follewleg rateable Keel Seute for Bala I 446 Aorea of Land, , aaera ar I mo, la Beeeeria tawaakip, lylaf a tbe aortk aid. af big CU.rt.ld weak, a. a wilkia aa. mil. .( tba aaaM. Tb. abra lead la baarlly oo.ered with hemloek, whit. .eJt, rook .at, and alher hard wood timber, aad a quantity or whim nine, aald ka be half a milliea men feaa, Tha earne ia keaetly nederlaid wltk bilumlaaaa ooal, and direelly oa the line of railroad leading from Hoatadaleto uoalpen. lteraiue unnkaewn. There an, alee, other vaJwabl. ml.arala ea the earne. The above land lie. .boat tw. and a half mllea below tho 'Tillage af Ulea Hop adjelniag laade of Onrga tiroom and atbere, .. what ia knawa aa Portev 'a na. Tka Impntemewte ea taw .roe- wlreraa goad gomd mw mill, ia naateg enUr, a kigh dam, atone braeet, made ia tbe beet m au la., tt for almoel aaymaekiaary. Tkere le, alee, a large frame dwelling boaee and frame baak bare lewraea, aad about fortp er I fly eeree, aeon ar laee. a lb. land le .learoel. Any MM, wl.hing lo ia.eet la aropart; ef Ihia kiad will ea wall ta aiamlae Ikl. property, t will aeU tb. whale er tbe eadl aided keif letaaeat, aa may Kit 0.. .arokaaar. Ta. ma ad lead wOlmeke Iwa ar tkra. ftvima, wkum mill amam bearably wilk tka graaur part af eer eeualy. Prtoe aad termi made koowa aa amy lime erlaktag ta par. aSanaa ana owooraigaeS of SaiaP O. ClemrtaM aaaaly, ra. aim ei w ItieaUU. Jan. a, lirt-IC (Our Owl .ivttmmtnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publl.hed ererj Waaaafda bjr G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEAMPIKaMJ, PA., Ilea tbe Larfeat Clreelatioe ef ujr paper ' la Nerthweetera Penney!, ail..' ' The large and constantly increasing circulation of the Rspublioah, renders it valuable to business men aa A medium thro' which lo reaob tbe , publio. Terms op Subscription If paid in advanoe, -. . . ti 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid after six montbs, . . S 00 When papera are aent oulside of the county payment must be in advance. , ADTERTISING: Ten lines, or less, 8 times, . II 50 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notioea, . . 2 50 Execators' Notices, . . , . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Eatrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 5 00 Special notices, par line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, ... IS 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 III, INK. We have always on band a largs stock of blsnks of all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBP03NAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES Ol' AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ko.t ko , ka. JOB PRIMING. Ws art prepared to do all kinds ef PRINTING eucu as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER IIEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION.; Geo. II. Goodlander, - - Clearfleld, aearflell Coutr, IV jH0tt. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. varwencTiiie, r., an, t 78tr. r. soiaica. a. a'ooaiLt. GILICU. MdORkI.E ttirrn FURNITURE ROOMS Market Stm. f-l.. -a.,., I , . , 1M, r( Wa Haanfaetnra all klnil. r Cbambare, Dialog Room., Librariae aad BNi eatll jroa M. ear Block. 1 1 " VNDERTAKIKQ an ii. w-ruvnr, promptly attendee ux Clearfleld, Pa., Pb. t, '71. ' HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STHEET, ' CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALKR8 IN PURE DRUGS! &a aatEacaLi rasas, CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OlUS, DYE STI FF VARNIBHBS, BRUSHES, Pk-KFIUBRY, PaNcv eoors, TOILET AKTICI-FS, OF -ALL KINDS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal perpoiee Troraea, Sap port ore, School Booki end Station, try, and all other article! atually found ia a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDKD. HaTing a large 01 atrleset ta tba btuinett tbey eaa give enure nu lafaction. J. O. HARTSWICK. JOHN F. IRWIN nrer, DssPoteWr I A, 1RT4 JJARD TIMES HAVI NO IPPKCT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am aware that thera ara tome pereona a little hard to pleaoa,and J am aleo aware tbat tha com plaint of "hard Umta" la well aif anitereal. But I am ao eituated now that I eaa aaliify the former and prove coneluelvely that "bard timei" will wot effect tboet wbo hoy their gooda from me, aad all aay patroai ahatl be laitiated lata the e cret ef . . HOW TO AVOID RAliD TIAJES I have goode aaua;'h to eapply aH tht lnhtb. tula ia the lower end or the county wbirh I tell at oieeedini low rate from my mammoth iturt la MULHONU17RQ, where I aaa alwaya bo hand ready to wait apoa tallera and aapply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Seek aa Clothe, Betlaatta, Caaalmerea, Maaliae weaaiaee, a,ia.a, urtlltage, CIIMea, Trlmmiage, Blbbaa., Lbm, Baadj-mada CWtblag. Beata aeS Sboaa. U.u aad Capa all af tba beat material aad made be order Hon, book., talma, tttteeaa, Imam, Ribhoai, Aa 0R0CKR1K8 OP ALL KINDS. CoSee, Tea, Sugar, Rlee, Molaaeee, Fieh, Sell fort, 1laea.a Oil, rt.h Oil, Carkea Oil. Hardware, Qanaeware, Tiawan, Caatlage, Plawl and Plow Caatiaga, Nail,, Spihaa, Cora CalUra tore, Cider Prune, aad all kiada af A a... Parfamary, Palate, Varalek, Qlaaa, aad a gm.rat eaeortmeet er Btetiew.ry, GOOD FLOUR, Of disarm brand., alwaya n kand, aaa) will be me at taa uanet rental. Igaraa. H. McClala'e atedlelaoa, Jayae'l Nedlelaot Ueetetwr'B aad HoaSead'a Blttara. eStS aoaada of Wool waatad for wkiek the klgheat prin will be pale. Olaaemad on kaad aad far aala at tka leweet market priee. AIM, Agnt for StrettwUle aad Oarweaerilla Tkneklag Mnchinee.., . .. .Call aad an for yeanelna. Toa wUl lad ererythini aanally kept la a null store. L. af. COIIDRIIT. French. HI. p. O., Aegaat II, 1IT4. William Powell. itCOSD ST, CLKitriSLD. H Dealer in Heavy end Shelf HARDYAH E. IRON, RAILS, PAINTS, OILS, TARNIFHIS, uuhko anil roTTr Knaa eoaiU.Hr a. hand tka aaat Oeekfaa. H.eUg .ad Parlor Stoves and" Ranges ef all denrlptloaa. Table aad Pnk.t Oetl.ry, uerpntore' Toole, n.k ea Sawa, Uetahela, Brjuena, Baaah Slope, Ple.n eaa Plea. Inoe, Oktnle, Bnla. Angara, Aden. . Fllea, tllagnfellklude,Ueke, Serawe,Baak Oard, PeUeye, ate., .ta. Farming UtensiIIs, Plowa, Cattle eton, Doable aad tingle Bheeel Pi. .a, Calllratn TeMk, Ureia tredlee, Bey ten, Saatbn. Hem, Forte, Rakes, , Uay Focal, Fuel Salle, rU. la. Rene Sena aad Bern Bella, tka Wat mat. ef Croat ml Sawa aad aaaa, arlaealaen ead tirladetoaa Fitlarm, aad e.erjthiog aeaally !! ia a tret-alam llardwan Slen. AIM, a lall etmkref House Furnishing Goods, " BRl'Snifs, LAMPS, caiHNKTS, Sa. AS tied, ef Tiawan kept ka kaad aad Bed, la ereer, aUvSag Bed SeMliag prenpOy et- etvtaMwf empaktat my maa, an bt eall end oaamlo. am. ewdprtao..- . Ji ...-.i ... ..1 . jyejiie. ( . ar tuwa-ai rv w no Pa, iaaa (, IS tint.