THE REPUBLICAN .tnKtHDAV MORNINQ. APRIL, t. IH. Trmi or Subscription. . . . within thre mthl. . M . I to l',,lf.".k..iDlr.tlotof six Bonhts . I 00 .."llslng Ajmu. It Park How, "V .. -I. mil. . aarnar Agent. HBLKilOUl IIOT1CE". , J.B r".r". .7 ..J II P. al. co union Berries, flnt Sbltk of urary . j.i..H.iil al. E. Church ... !.... DH..klna tatrsar ... . I at. ChMMhaalllf. A. H. BDT1.IM. JLm "!. -"'? "t "I?."- ttih sctool -- J,J,T.Bllf p.i. BP"" ."kk.ll. morale, and ..nil. SEufUhwI .1 1 P.M. Prayar Maall .Mr) rVedaesday MlD. . St. PrauelB' tiirtoi;iii"" j. 8iin"--""-"f - V - -, --',1- ike trlt, Ibinl BBO loana vLo.rl .oJ BeBCdlotlea of the rJleMedSatrUBtBt '. .lu... p. M.-Sunday Bohool tTtry iodii iluriM at o exi. OfFICIAI, DIRECTORY. rial or ioioih outarwi imui oot. toond Mosdsy of January. Third Monday af March. lrt Monday of June, fourth Mania, tl BepUBber. rial ot louisa cobb-os ruu, Flrit Monday of Juat. hm' MoBday of NortBber. rosue orriciu. Pruldm Mm Boa. Chirlaa A. Km, o Lock Unrtn. Annual Ian ndte Hoi. J oil ll. urtll, 0 Bsllsfcate. jHMatf JwtfM Abraa Ogdan, Clearnsld VI. g.ot B. licit, Cll.rB.ld. Valleaoieru- JEli HIOOB. SifitltraM rltearaV L. J. Morgan. Dittrt'ei Allen., Wr. II. MeCullough. Philip DottO. Skr. Andre. Pools, Jr. in m nLia. r m -m.ij o..rv f . McCloakor. Car- t.a.Tii1. ... n . r w vi n v. . n. ... d ii nun junuiDD. uruiiaiu n ma r. CbMiv 4M(iir wuiun v. wrifni, t;iar- . . l .iiiiii..! -ri . . r a m tvanff t romtr j . u. nan, nnr tt aanrnirion. . fi .- r ... t u vi kt.U CUarSad. Joaapi jviaxaaaar, aauarat. , PuUit BeltIt tl. L. II sl..t Wtiakti 4 JkaaMTM Jaiaa W.Crllla. ..... ...V I. D. SoUrim Ptli Joho W. Wriglaj, Wm. dabaali, uvroa uoraoo, uiairnaia: .loiena n. ... M I. Arnold. Cnrar.n.vill. : J. A. Llvlnr- nun uipui. Oar Rpteiat aotumn to daoidedlr InUraatiDC U a puint of riawt ud proflvablt mdiaf to aatfidarl irbo want to aaro mona;. "Wilt roa taka whoat, oata or aora for aub- Kriptioa f" Wa ara often Inquired of In thii waa j UUar frun patronl who raalda at I dlitaoaa from Clearoald. Wo afala aoj yaa. Tha raoalptf af a .potaibla Barobaot or mill oworr Id tha rlclaltr, will aniwer ua Juat aa Wrll aj tba oaaV To illlaltrata I If idj of oar fwtrooa will daltrar at a kaf of frail It tha Bill of Joaaph H. Brath, la Chut townahlp, Uuraoa Paaokior In Birnalda, Tboajai U. Foroay. In Graham, Wm. Portar or Sbaa'a, ll Lawranoa, or Browo A Sajlar'a, It RotktoB. Uoloi towoabip. ftnd forward tboir rMelpti far tba amount, wa will orodit tbam 01 tbalr aeaoaot for tha aano. To tbla way all maj mob paj what thay owa, if thoy will pnraao thla aoaraa. u. Our borough scbooli will oloaa tbla al, - . a. Stick to your flanneli until they stick la yoa. Got yonr egg ready for Kastor (Junvlay. tiood Friday on tht 11th hint., and IUr Baaday oa tha 11th. See tho now CarpoU at Flock 4 uo.i. apr-ai. Jtcad HotTor'a avWortisemcnt. He baijBit Iliad bia Itora foil of ill kiadl of fooda. mi Tlin l.timni.w In tha fTnrtin- -"'"ft ... - . litm aoauat akaaad iaally yoatarday aroaia. M a New cotton dress goods for Summer vaar, h riaal av uo.'a. apa-ai. Sunt. McOnnwn noblishoa an Irn- rvr.aa. amiioH ia nnn.r p. an in ww. una. ii a WANTED. A eilvor dollar, bearing lata af lloi, fcr which I will pay ia. Apply la Uarry Boydor, Claarleld Pa. a a. - Anbury W. Lee baa disposed of bii lalaraal ii tka lamharlol baalaaaa la Iowa City, !., ud laat waak ravarad to hbl Ctaarlald koava Our townsman Mr. A. B. Shaw, pur bawd a pair of laa bay horaaa, tba otbar day, far earrlaia parpoiaa. Thay ara HamblatoBlaa lock. A union Tomporunce prayer-meet- af au oald ll tho raataro room t too rraaoy larlai Ckara laat Friday aToiiag. Rar. i. B. Hektarray praaidad. a a Mr. Simon SIiIohs. encaged in the alathiaf baalaaaa la lb la plaoo for a yoar put, kaa aluad oat baalaaaa haro and ramorad hia (oodi ud faailly U PoUbtIIL, Pa. From the Altoona Tribune, we learn Ualtba Paaaaylaaiia RaUraad la ftaw dalaf a ach larfar boalaaH lhaa It did thla tlaaa laat jaar, hath la paoaaanar Hd fralfhl traalo. We direct the attention of oar read an to tba idaartiaaaaaot, ll thil liaaa, of tha Now W.ibloitoa Raraaal laititata, which will opal April Illh. For Urma, Ac, aaa . . Florid atnwberriei and green pea ara told La In. Maw York aad rhiladalplli. warkala la tba ajaath of Marah. Tha atrawbaniaa ara dlapaaaal af at fraaa l.aa U $1 a par .aart, - Soldiers who have been wounded or lajarad la awj way dwrlaf laa War, ahoald wriai M W. C. Barlafar A Ca., wha aaa finlah than ilk lha kaialla af tha Paialoi law. Baa adrar linwait la thla laaaa. Mr. Guiniburg informs the public byadoabla-aalaaaa adfartlaaaaaal ll tbla papar bat ba haa raaalaad kla Sprl. ataek af loaila ud la aaw ready ta aopply aloiblag aad casta' tarai.kaai aaadl af laa larval aad haal aarlaty aad at law aad raaeoaetle priors. Olrl him a all at hit Mara ll tha Old Waaler! Hotel build- "Ijowmisor the SpmiTri." .Sjhi rap tbalr iplrite p by po.rlaj aplrlta deal bat abaa lowoaat of tba apirlta arl.ea froaa ll a(tlioa, billia aalrsa, Hear coaaplalat or a.rroe. a'Haw, wa hlof lalhllj aaoal ta Ur. Peaaer'e Vload aad Liter Raaady ail Nam Toaia. U.a 'ii Cuaih Honey. Far aeta by Harlewieh A "la, Uro.ii.u, Ol.arSald. Pa. The Uollidaysburg Standard tbiuka It M batur aat u Bare asy Afrlaaliaral Falra "'a ta hara bona raala at tha Falra. Lai tha -'aaarw aaaSM SM gaaa U tea Blf paapaiae ( why Halt lha tiaaaaat aparw ud daalraa af I. fellaw a., f Tka Fain ara lalaoded U ahaw a apead af karaaa, aa wall la tho hra of oawa 'ba welibl af plCa. Thaw who da Bet wlah " " Ho raaaiand eat dale. Taoaa abe b.1 ' aaiay aa tha raaaH ahaw M ho paalahal. Re. W. 8. Wilson, ol the Cloarnold cnlt, retaraed froa Caafaraaoo aa Taaaday of wak, sad wu lira a rayal reaeptiaa by pamai M tho Wett Clearteld M.I. aawiraca. "- Ha wu aat it lha dat hi a deles ellol OMartad la lha Ch'irah Ii Watt Claarteld, un ibaat blily paraaaa sat dewa la aa oleaal "aer, prepare U4 tba aaaaaiaa. TbU WIU abe lbs ikird year that Mr. Wllsaa baa samel " af tha Claarteld Clrealt, aad far lha ra. ""ablp ulMlai katwan fUUf aad people, airy Mar U 'avail faalaUeaa Kha lha eaaarraaaa. It wm a a.aalin. bal plaaa. " aarprlaa a tha rararaad aaatleaaa. An onooooplod dwcllinir houaa k.. kBla la Mr. Joha Maooe, at Pblllpahara. wu lolally d.atrarad by Irs aa Taaaday aaoralBf of tbla waak. Tha tea. la fall, M,tni J imn. Kemombor that Lvtle la rn.,i Ataat far UnUlud'sTobaoatvaadaaa Ml Lhu at faaloryprleao. Thay ara tha hut tobaooaa 1, narlaL Try lhaa. T. A. Flock k Co '. r,. onn,i. ... bow srrlrioi, and thai ara too bne. tkl. t t up as adeetUroiaoat. Thay ara lot loo boay, BowaTar, to wait opoa euitomara wlBblng to as. talis foods ud prleea. Celt (a. Dicoration Day. We have been requuted to Blue Ibtt a Deelln will ba held at Col. Barren's oftoo oa Tbiriday otaolnaoil, tba 10th, for tba purport of aablag irraifa mania la properly talabrata DaeoratloB Da; ll Ible tiaialty. LlHt Of letter! remalnlnrr nnnl.;MJ ll lha Po.loffloa at Clearleld, for the wsak ending April t, IB7F r J. A. Bolt. Fradrlak Bora. J. I V. l w MulhollaBd, Mr I. Joela Nail, Laara I. Tbompaoi, iaau u. rue. p. a, 0atiLi, F. H To Kin Plant Lice. A Michigan lady writaa to Mr. Vlek, tba (oriel, that to hill toaeola aba oaea oh teupoonfnl of horoaeno to a (alloa of water, ud aprlokloa It oi Ibe pUoti win tana orooa. lldaatroya iraat die., oar rait worni ud other paala, ud wa. iied with. out Injury a faohlu,annlarat,sallu aid otbar plaita. KaraoBans oo aorl-aoba hong ot plna traas ara aaid to ha bed lor aaraolloa. lima School Commencement. We bare before aa tht progrtaat af Ibe third u nual Oolamenaemen! of tba Claarteld Uigb School, la be held la Pla'a Open Uoaae la-mor- row (Tbaraday)oaaulBg, tho elercl.aa to aora aaaos at ti o'clock. Thara ara eVana gradutu la lha alua of ISta, ,lt MI.b Liaaia Uartawlek, Mlaa Vlrglala Road, Mlas Martha Kanurd, Mlaa Mary Powell, Mias Dare Thompsoa, Misa Cyo thla Morgas, ud Meean. W. Clark Tata, Joba F. Short, Praatoa Wil.on, Aloaao P. McUod, W. Irrln Shaw. Towarda tho oloee of tba axarelBes Prof. Yoaogaai will prasaat tha diploau. Tba public la iarltad to ba p recent oi lha tbora oo- tuloi, Venpoe. Kills have been printed at wis omea tor too lollowlog aalM Mlohae) Borst will offer for ulo at bla reaidenoa oi tha Joba W. Howe fara, la Bogga toWBibip, ob TburBday, April lOtb, two borBCB, farming tenaila, houaebold furuituro, a lot of boobwhut, ola. Bala to aoauenoo it 1 o'clock P. M. TboadmlnialrBloraoflkalala Henry Wllharow will affer for aala oo Ibe premises of Ibe deceased, lair tho rillago of AnaouTlHe, lo Jordu town ahlp, un Friday, April 18tb, two borser, twa afloh cows, young settle, farming ulelails, oata, ats. Alao t aat of bltokamlth tools. Bala to oOBBcnoe It 91 o'clock A. M. a . a Prof. Gardner, of Connecticut, with headquarters at preaaat In Altoona, dollrarad a lecture oi TeBparanoo lo Ibo Court Houh, la thla borough, lul Tuesdey craning, under tha auspioaa of tho C. T. Union of Cloarnold. The audieica wu quits large, tnd liatancd lo the gentleman for orar u hour with tba best order and attention possible. Mr. Qardner treated our oitluns to one of tba best addresses oa the eubjeol of Tcnper uoo that wa bare listened to for many yeara, being u orator of ao ordinary ability ud en queues. A aolleotloo wu taken up for the bcucnt of the speaker, wklcb amounted to 910.43. Wo sre autboriud ta annouDOO that there will be a Murphy Tempcrenoe moating held in the Court Houea noit Monday evuing, April lath. - aa "Last week tbe IIkpubmcan had 08 looele and local adTertleeaenlai Journal US, and tbe Ciriaea 182 !" t'tMsea. Yaa, and If there bad bean 08 mora, you would have arlbbad tbam all without credit. Tbe pro priety of that kind of eotcrpriH la llluatratad by tbo fact, that If a fellow gets hil to'.., potatoes and flbickens is a similar way, he lands either la jail or tba paaitaatiary. .Motel Wa bnow it la a ary budyr aa enterprising (7) (three-fourth. la Mew Yorh) editor to got hold of two or three food looal panera whose editors do their owa work and publish a few days la aaranoa of his lasur It's ao nice I Leaa cribbing and more credit hero after, or gel the whale thing put up la New York, aad tkeo pitck lata sorporatlona and publiabars who aaka a display of tbalr owa taterprlee. Palm Scndat. Latal Sunday was Pala Buldty, ud Is tha trst day of tba last wukr of Laat. It la dertred froa Ibo custoa o' branch bearing, which wu practiced at one of tba high fMtlrale of tbo Jew lab, church the "Feast of Tabernacle.", ud wu reminder to the l.rarl Itu of tbalr going forth ut of tho wllderaoss. Thay ware ooaelaided "Yo shall toko yon on tho Irst day tha houghs of goodly tree. , tranenu of pala tree., ud tha bougha of thick trees, ud wlllowa of tho brook ud yo shell rejoice colore tha Lord yoar Hod scran days." (Lerlllooe, iilil 30.) Ol Ibis ay lit lalBeraa, vne neieraeu the Iplaaopal ud tho Roaaa Catholic ohurches hjegla to Ml before bob tha eanTeriBgl ud dee in of Jaaus Christ, whlah la ooaUaplalad it lust in tbalr lltargiat ar forma of worship throughout tht entire weak. Coiiohs, Cold and Consumption. " A told la hat a slight thlog; I aarar uy medicine whta I bare a told." How often do wo bear this froa thlaklag people oroa, whoa we would giro tradit for Bortoutlol, If aat easea. A cold, io aatlor how alight, oaghl lot lo ho fleeted, for It will load to a cough, aad eosslut soughing ta- laaaBaaMu, whlok anally hat rapidly etetla lis way ta the lungs, ending la a rapid aoisiaptloi. I. K. Thompsol's Qlyaarolo Coagh Byrup hu hen before tbo public for yoara, aid taeasudl ttsllfy U Its good afaats it oaring eoagh ol loag studio f and deep aaatad, u well u tba most rocoat. Price, it sssts tnd tl .10 pat UUla.' ',. - . , Prtparad by E. It. ThOBpaoe. tltnriRe, Pa. For aalo by all drugglata (a Claarteld, aad by Jos. Baylor A Boa, Lalhoraburg. The Lutheran S. S. Jubilee. Ab wu anaoBBOed lut week, those eoBnected with tho ClaorSeld Lutharaa Babhath Sohool bad a rary pleaeant tlma oi Tburaday arraing laat. NotwUbalaodtog tbo loelcBaney of tbo weather tba BtteBdoBoa wu ralbar large, tnd the per formance, though quite brief, paaaad off rory pleaeant aad with great aatiafuttoi to all who were preeeal. Ths oaorelMO were e. followa t latino ha tha School. Berlptoro reading la aoooert....8up,t ood Bobool. Antboa muroa v-noir. 8alutalory... '' tow. Hea'a " Beaulirul Thioj." Kdltb Bareblcld. Bola (with chorea of girl.).... Mary Nhatfar. Keoltellon "Tbe New Boaaet" Clara Flaeb. Bola (wilb chorea af girl.) Mary Bnyder. Itec'B " They Ulda t inina ....rvoiy uureoneia. Anthem By Church Choir. Roe'B "Fito Miaataa Late"-Carrio KetUabargar. Uaaolagy. i i i.a.e Rcddin Death. The Altoona 2t- laac af Ibe lib, says i R. Clark Craig, Keq., died aaddanly of paralysis, at Rewtaa HamlltaB, MIMia souaty, March 18, 1871, aged 81 yean. Bo waa proprietor ud direct ot of tho little eteambaat that piled froa Ibo ebere plena to Blue Spring, a toyago of which so aaay af lha Juniata Valley camp Beating folks enjoyed the ploaaaro aad aotalty dariog tho laat twa years. Mr. Craig wu a member of tht Preabylarlu Cbsreh, a Muaa, aa Oddfellow, lad Justice af Ibe Peace. Ha wu la peitiaalar aeahaaia, hat a laurel geaias, tad aedelad ud ooaatrtctad tcTeral eaoal aad steaabuale, ud hy his uergy ud aklll aoMBulatad soBBldarabla property. Ua wu alto a great irafalar, bed la kla lifetime BMrly slrauBBarlgaled tka globa. la hia death Newtaa Heailtoa luea owe a he Boat aeeful aod repeated altlaaao. Chuecr Reception. Ret. R. E. Witsaa retaraed freB Caafercaaa aa Taaaday ecealag. A large part af his aaagregatloa act hia at the depot aad oaaorled hia to Ibo cbcreb when aa oioaadlagly ablo sad appropriate ad drsis of weleomo wes ede by Edward 8. Holy, Ira. Mr. Wilsoa srlaoad Bch atrprisa aed feeling, and la rrply said a life af raaewad effort far tba Mutef ahauld ba hit ratara for tbe ties boh af kla tuple aad Ika goodeoee af Ood Ret. J. A. Ron gaco tho labors aad resells al tht Ootaralftoa af Iaraatlgalloa, aad spake highly af tha Beaerlel. seal It Ibo Caafaraaat. A able eefertd with rafrtahaaalt wu sal al lha aad af ths reoa, ud, aflor t hlaatlag, Ml atrtus par. took, ud a guars! HBtlasat tf good cbear waat round. Meet of tho aaagr.gelloa ud auy ulsldara, u wall as aaabsrs af tthar tbarahat, wart pretewl. Tha Peater bight wall say their hladaaat wis lidallbly aluipad apoa hia hatrt," far tht atoea waa tf a abaraatar lot to Be saoe fargeltM hy uy no. What u answer la) talaaiy ud tele baerleg I Beret; tht whtll alud wu eaa af silt ar. Tha ladles of tht eon grogallM datartt tha hlghoot raise far tail sraad thay took la behalf af fit partes ,aJee far lha ta taralaaawt. ' Bstml dsacrre tpaoial aaitlu. asa rwtauaa. This roaettlaa Be; hero heaa all right, hat It wuld nara hwaa hatter far faaalM aaarallty, If aothlaf big bar, had Ut uaulta aarar I glrtrll.. ,e vj.,. t ; ; ,i, t, Notice. Tha beat satuortmont nf! drasa goods la town oaa ba bed al Flack A Ce.'s. apl-JI. White LTooda and embroideries. glona, aabrellu ud panaola, at Flock A Co's. spill. a a. Willoy, In Clearfield, is now ready to aaka fublonabls olotku In Boring atyleo. Call ud see hia samples. Mar. ID-la. c e aa.. At Ika Rnoiii.nIHn. I. k. to got your job work done. We ara fully prepared to deuythingju tha printing o'-na, will do. tt wau, ua aa uia rlgai lias al prleu. tL W11I..V ears iva nan rriva a IvAttAa A. .. j j n w - ' ' o and battar aatlsfastlon la slothing thu uy other tailor Ii tho tomty. Aa a cottar ho can't bo ex tolled, enar It. It Clearvield Coal Trade. State- aont of Coal tnd tthor freights sant oror tho Tyrut A Olaarlold Ulrlaloa, Paaaaylranla Rail road, for tho waak ondlng March Slat, 1879, ud tha Baas Una but year i - COAL. For tba weak , .., Bams tlmt laat yoar. Deoroue Prorlously during yoar Same tlma lut yoar Iaeroaso Total la 1879 Bame tlma lut yar.,m..., Iaoreue M.. ........ aritl paaioatt. Lumber... Mitccllaoaous freights 17,114 ..101 carl, ..ISO A Fatal Accident. Mr. Jamos Patrick, with s laabar of others, wu sngngad In pulling a raft off Ibe grtrel bar It tbo Baraiida bridge m Tuesday, tha 1st inat., when, from acme unknown oaoaa, ha fill upon tba stones of ths abut ment spMcblcss. Ha waa at obos earrled to the residence of hia sos, 0. R. Patrick, where ho expired in leaa than tea minutes tflsr hia fall. Medical aid waa al oles summoned, but he was dead before Ihs doctor errlred. Mr. Patrlak was born la Luoaator teanty, Pa., December 14th, 1807, ud died April lat, 1879, aged 71 year., S meatus aid 17 days. Ho came to CloarOeld oounl),lo 1841, and elnoe that tims hat by hia labora largely toatrlbutad to tho improTemeot of oar county. He u u lotirt aember of the Krungelloal Asaocistloa, and lired the life af an exemplary ohrlatiu. Ua learta a wife, thru sons, Ire daughtore, ud thirty grand children, who mourn his death. His re mains were interred in tha Cemetery at Cherry Tree. Those la btreirtmont htru tht eympetby of tbo entire community. ii -a aw A Praiuii FiRr Tho Beltofoiite Watckmtam pablitbH an MOttunt ol prklri Art, aear Llnoo)a Cvntrt, tba eoantj town of Linooln oouDtv, Kaaiaa, la which two men and a hoy wcrt burnatl to daatb. Tbta flra brekt out la Paan towoibtp, Linooto county, about two and one-half mllci north of tho roaldonoo of Col. W. W. Brown, formorl; of that plaoo, and wall known to many eltluni of Ctenrfleld, on tha 18th of Mtrcb, nod i Ion than Irminute4 It bad raaoh- ad hia plaoa, barning hli itabla, farming Im pla num tt, thirtoon band of hog i, noarly all hia obiok- ani, and doing irraparabl dauaga to bii yonog timber. Hii loir, at tho towcat flgnro, ta aitlmatod at $300.00. Ha had Juit gut nioaly atartad, bar- j lag purchased throo homi, harncsi, wagon and fulkj-plow'lMt fall. It wai only with tha graataat diffloaity that bo tared bit borm. Oaorga W. Boono, from Boonavlllt, and Samuol Ep galls. from Loganirlllr, Clinton county, tbli State, who raaldo on farmi adjoining Colonel Brown's, were alio hoary loiara. Mr, Boona loat Mi stable, ears, amok boaia, aod new agricultural Implt. menu, worth $300, bia whole loas being fully $360. Mr. EngeHs loat bia I table, all of bia bay and corn, hia oow and outhontoa, amuuoliog to $160. It waa a fearfal Ira, and leaves tboae gentlemen In a rery bad fix. - sTsTAWi The Bishop (.Simpson) is cloarty right and snitaiaa na in the riewa that wo bare alwara ezDreaaed that draokanneaa oan neror ba eared by legialatlro onaetmenu. CLnAnriiD Ha- pnaucAn. Pbraioians alwaya koak to Cod the eauie of tbe patient's iilneia and then apply lha remedies for tbe removal of tho oeoee. Medioine and moral auaaioa bare nerer removed or cured drunken neM stroeg drink. Prohibit both the manafao tnro and aale of sUoog drink and tha fonodelioa of the evil Is atrook at. With all the Republi can's moral suasion preaohlng It baan't preached tha gin miila out of Cloarnold ooanty, oraeriona- ly lessened uiu namoer, or onran UTtinaaanastv Almm IV-tVoMM.. - - Oor moral tnastoi views are not fee ted In and wholly devoted to aitarmlnato a of tbo many oolal wrongs wblab barn afflistod tba raoo, srsr slnos tba araatioo of man, aad alwaya will. It la Just as Imposaibla to prohibit tbe manufacture, isle aod ate of into aioat log drinks, aa It is to atop adultery and fornication. Mow, why make so Back fnaa orar tha one qneation and keep silent about tba otbar two f Wo mnit bar vigorous lawa bearing upon all those and otbar arils, aad locate tbam as beat wa oaa. Tba maa or woman who supposes that this Continent Is a pleos of Paradise la groaaly mtataksn, and tba looasrtbey migrate to " that better bud," tba happier they will ba of course. COUNTY NORMAL ffCHOOL isiUEIk TION VKCWUiK CLUdViniLD, Pa., April I tb, 1179, Borroa or RaroiMCAn XW i Will you pleats allow ma apaeo la yonr aolamos to giro ta my oonstltaeaU a reseat doslsioa of tbo Staas Soforlatvaeatv wltk regard to County Normal Schools nador County Buperlnteadenta t HAaaisnoaa. Pam April Ind, 1879. M. L. VcQdowh, Ksi tiuftof VlaTfitld Oomnly : aOMft9iri My opintca la that uader all the lawa relating to tbo anbjsci, a County Superin tendent ought not to bo ooonootod with a Normal School In bia count j, or with any other kind of a school wbaterer, where bia County forma a part of a Normal Bohool Diatrlet in which a Slate Normal School la la operation. Snob a eoaoeo tloa Is barely alluwabla when there Is ao State School for tho training of toacbera within bil dlatriot. Vourt reipaotfolly, J. P.WlCKinSHAM. Bop'l of Public Iaatruetieo. Tho Lock Ilaran Normal School dlatriot takes In our County, aad, la accordance with tba above, X shall retlga the Prlaoipalsbip of tba Sohool at New Waiblogton nod ssrro only as aa Ixamla Ing oDser. It will ba continued, howerer, by those who wars to asatst ma. (See adrertlsement laaaotbar eolumn). X hava decided to rsiae the atanderd of quail float I oaa tha coming year to meat tba reqairsmsaU of oar schools, and hope all who contemplate teaching will attend some school. To thla and wo havs good private scbooli located li ovary section of tbe ooanty, which we command to the favor of all. Respectfully inhmttted, M.L. McQfown, . County Bapt of Schoola. i m COMMUNICATEE Lioffian Guadbd Scnoot, April 5, 1979. Ma. Koitou t Will yoa allow al, who bare gotten nearly all tba ' education " we ever had bad, aad who eipeet to.aaeh get a N afaeaa akin " at tha Leoaard Oradad School, a little epaeela yoar aolumaa ta defend tbe aid Directors. BliUr, la bia CrtlMof tba Id iaitant, aayai "If the aid Sohool Directors hadn't been such blockheads aa to pay $409 to the Atlas Company tbe scholars af tba Leonard Graded School Would not no obliged ta soil set subscriptions for ths earn menoemaat on tba 10th. " Bislar, that Is poor reasoning. Toa hava either been mlstafermad, or yoa ara tryiag ta mis- rawrssoat tbe old Sohool Board. Ia either evaat yon are very badly miatakea. Tba old Board did not pay $309 to tba Atlsa Company. They agreed to pay Ibe Atlaa Oompany $109, oa the ltd day ol October, 1189, for Wbleh tbey got a fall page view at tba St boa I baildlng, together with tfty extra views and three ooples of tbe Atlas. Tba Atlasca an of tba district ; aad any gradanta af tba school pfoeurlog a frame and glaaa to preaarvaa view, aaa get oaa, and thus be enabled fa fatora life and la diitaot slimes to point posterity with pride to a view of the Leoa ard Qraded School let Id lag. Oar Cbarebet, oar Court Ilouee aad our Prlsoa, have ell prominent plaees la tbe County A list. TVoa, why efaal the best Com men Sohool baildlag la eeatral Poaniyl vaala not hava a page there toa f la there any thlag wroag 1st the iBTettssent t Is that tho vaaeoa why tba gvaduatiag class goes bogging on the street t ta defray oi pen tea of cammeaeemeat P Before tbe $109 note falls due, tbe Ivc aew mam ben af the preeeal aeoaemieal Board will all be eat af atace aaJ many of them forgettoa by tba pupils of tbo Looaard Qraded fehoel. Some of the eld Board paid, as Bohcol aad Baud lag tai, $IM, 1a 1978, aad oaa af tbam donated la eash to tha Boraagh Schoola, la August, 1879, that which to-day amounts, with latonst, to tha saugiacrtll,4U9, aad thereby each led aa aa to raseava a eel leg late adueaUaa at aoato. SbaB saeh maa be called bieekbeads by taeoc be saver eoatribatad hy tai ar other wlM one dollar to tha Leoaard Graded School la tabetr lives t Shall wu, lha studoata, allow each ealcreprescbtotloae to ass wilb out aetlee ? 1 Wo lai aol t ' Out baada an aver ready ta defend taem, nasi white memory laata. tba tsolaatloe) of maa kind aad norews aeto af at leoct CtM af the eWd 0rvi thall have a place deep dewa la the aula! icaaisei of car hearts BlaUr's toiwrwsabU boreatc kU bettor stkah la tba tVwtab, Tcwra, to two totoraat af tote gv. erathnt, , Bcwdct peri, toib. .... !o,184 11,188 ... 1.0V9 .... 1"7,IHI ... im,34( ... 38,113 ... 818,847 ... IDO.OJJ Nev? Cwl.niercs, black and colored. Prices right, at rieek A Co.s. apl-lt. Millinery goods, bonnets and hats, ready made and to order, at Fleck A Cc's. ap2-Sk am-awxaaTaTsw- U Five hundred men wanted to pot tolls at Wlllcy's tailoring aaUbliabmcnt In Clear laid, mar 191m. Oar new Spring goodi will bo select ed with care. T. A. Ilici A Co, apS-Si. iVe have now on bard several thous and Irataelaas anvalopoa, which we wiii print or baslneaa men, or anybody else, at prleas that can not be rivalled. Call and aaa them. tf. To Landlords and Storekeepers. Lytic has aa arrangement witb an Kastera Cigar Factory ao that he oaa sell cigars fcy ths box ar thou tend at bottom figures, (lire their afgara one trial. tf. Dr. U. B. VanValr-ah, of this bor ough, hu removed bla ffloe from the Meeonio Building to bis rsatdooec, corner of First and Pine treete, when be eaa be found at all times whoa not professionally engaged. mar-lP -dk Fred Sackott has iust roceived from New York, a Ins lot of FUhing Tackle of superior quality, eueb as books, saoods, fltca, lines, bail boxei, flah baskets, out-1 iocs, do., vbioh hi propoisi to sell Tory low for cub. apt -Its, Wanted by a New York Grocery Ho use a live Salesman. One who oaa command a flrat-olasa and prompt paying oountry trade, Address, Grocer, P. 0. Box 97t, New York City, apl-Jt. . Willoy, the tailor, claims to be the beat cutter In Clear6ald county, and has now on hand a complete assortment of beautiful oloth for Spring and Summer suits for gentleman. No miarepraaantatioa ar deception practiced to af fect tales. All good i warranted as reprciooted. March 19-4L , Dental Notice. Dr. A. M. Hills would say to his friends and former patients that he has not retired from praclioc as has been so ladustrloualy circulated by some persons, but will continue to give bis personal attention to all who may deein It, or to assist Dr. Heiobhold when ever required. Nitrous Oxids Qas given for the pain lets extraction of teeth. April 14 -tf. A Fact. -An advertisement inserted In the RiruiLicAN will reach more readera than If published la all the other papere ia the coun ty, and ooit tbo adrerUsei leaa than one-half In other worda, an advertieatneat published In our Jcurnal Is worth double tbe prloc of tbat charged by any other pnbliibar in tbe county. 'It is a fact.' tf. Specials. A MihtakBc Some evil-minded persons have el roulated tbe report that the Irrln Bouse, at Look Haven, does not entertain ri far men. On the contrary, the Irvin House la eapeoially prepared or tbat purpose, and at reduoeu ratea. upx-xt. Bosons Foa Salh. R. Newton Sbaw keepa a full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform Wagona for aala. To be aeon at the Shaw House yard. Call oa or address him at CJearfleld Penn- aylvanla, may U-tf. Onn BiVDUD Pun Cant. Discount on Old Pn i ens. Sewing Mec blast oaa now bo purchased at H emirs tin and variety store, from 9a up' wards. All kinds of sewing machines npalred on tbe shortest notion. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. Wastid. 500,000 U-feet ahaved boons, detir- cred at the railroad, In car loads of 8,0(10, at all points on the Tyrone A Cloarfield, P. A E., liald Kagle Valley, and Penosylranie Railroads, for wbiun 1 will pay toe nignest market price. j. r. KRAMBU, Ootl, 1878-tf. Clearfield, Pa. W A iiTao. Delivered at tbe Rati Road. 100,000 16- Inch shaved thing let. 100,009 14-Inch sawed shingles. 100,009 foot of pine boards. 600,000 14-fcet shared hoops. 5,000 railroad ties. 60,000 feet of good hemlock boards. For which I will pay the faifheat market price. delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on tho Tyrone A Clearfield Keiiroad. J. r. Jt rah an. Clearfield, Pa Oct. 18, 1878-tf. The most nonnlar and frarrant Perfume of the day "UACKUKTACK" try it Bold by Herte- wiok lrvtn, and u. i, watson, uiearieia ra. Aug. 28 187S-9a pd. It la etranffo so many people will continue to eofier dav after dav with 1 it pep tie. Liver Cona- Elaint, Constipation, Sour Stomaoh, General De ility when they can proeurc at our store SIII LOll'S VITAL1ZER. free of cost If It doea not euro or relieve them. Price To etc. Bold by li arts wick a irwto and v. u. nation, uioarneid I WUh tfrervtodv to Know. Rev. Qeorre H. Tharer, an old oitisea of thle vicinity known to every one as a most Influential citlien, and Ohriatlaa Minister of tha M. X. Oburcb Juat this moment supped in our store to any. "I wish erery bdy to know that I consider that both myself and wife ewe our lives to, Shi Job 'a Consumption uure." it ia naving a tremeaaoaa sals over our counters ana is giving perieoi satis faction in all oases ot bung Uiseaeos, anon na nom ine alae baa done. Bourbon, ma. ssav i, 'is. Dra. Matchett A Fiance. Sold by Uartawlek A Irwin and 0. 1). Watson, CloarOeld, ra. WAtf VWf Kou Allow a cold to adraaee In roar system a ad thus encourage more tenon a maladies, such as pneumonia, hemorrhages and lung troubles when an immediate relief eaa be readily attained. Bosebee'a German Syrup bat gained the largest aale in the world for toe can oi vougns, voids, and tbe severest Lung Diseaaea. It Is Dr. Besebee'a famous German prescrlptio a, aad la Erepared wltb ua greatest care, ana no tear boos enter tai aed in adminitterinn It to the young est child, as per directions. Ths aalo of this msdlolnc ieaopreeedented. fiinoo first tatrodueed then hat been a constant Increasing demand, aad without a single report oa failure to do its work In any ease. Ask your druggist as to the trntb or these remarks, juerge cue i eis. sry Uaad be eon vi noes. . July i7, aJust llecelwctl! Just Rocoivod by ARNOLD, at CURWENSVILLE : Car Xx)ad Nova Scotia riastorl Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oata Chop I Car Jjoad U oak on Halt I Car Load of Choice Family Flonr I Car Load Dry.Goods, Groceries, Ao.! teahinttloe, Uark. it. iu iios and Gruin will be taken In exchange. Curwennville, May 1, 1878. Norvons Iebllltj. Vital Weakuaaa ar Oepreaalon i a weak uhauated feeline. ao eoerrv or eearajrei the re sult ot nsentni over-worn, inaiurrettous or xceaeoa, or some drain upon the svatem ta al waya cured by Humpbrey'a Homcrpathie Speciflc No. 18, It tones up and Invigorates the ay item, dispels tba gloom aod dcapoadeney, imtiaru strenatn ulu anersrv. atope toe a ram ana re- Juvenetee the en Mr man. Been used twenty rears with nerreot suooeea nv tnousaaos. soia or dealers. Price. $1 nor slnale f iaJ, or $ per package af Ire vials and $2 vial of powder. Seat by mail oa receipt or prioe. Auuress nuBinnir nowierpuinic Mcdlrlna Company, 0tt Foltoa Ht., N. Y. C. D. Watson. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. eept. 18, 1879-1y. Ian5ia and Tcxa. THE DIRECT ROUTE, It Is to the Interest of persons going to Kansas or Teiea to select one ot the direct routes by wblsh quick time tc made, through sari run, aod comfortable aooommofiatioua provided. Among these the "Paa-Haadle Route" stands pre-eminent. Following Is tims of Dally Bipress trains via ran Handle Haute i iioave ritiaoarg a:si a. 1:47 p. m.t arrivs at St. Louis T SO a. m., OsOO a. m.i arrlrc at Kansas City 10:16 u. m., 10:11 a. p. Ooaaeetions are naade la Union Depots at ladlanapolia, St. Lmts aad Kaaaas City for all potato West aad toetbwoot. To aeecmmodale families emigrating, arraaga meats hava booa aerfacted to raa a Through Ooacb Tuesdaj af each week frum Pittobarg to Kansas City, via "Pan Handle Roete," wilb but ana change, la Union Depat, Ht, Louis. Thla ear Is comfortablv upholatered, and will be run en regular a press traia, leaving uuieu svepo PilUburg, al 11:47 a. aa. every Tuesday. If you an unable to procure through tickets to points la Missouri, Arhaasas, Teias, K eases, Coloradc or Ibe Norlhweet, by the direct and popular "Pan-Handle Boutc at your nearest railroad stattoa, sail oa W. B. Bronnr, Agent, Union Denet. PiUtbun. Pa., or address W. L. O Bbirn, tieaeral Pasaeoger Agent "Paa-Haadle Rauta," Celumeuo, Ohle. feb.ta, 'U lrn At the reeideaee af tbe bride's mother, ca Thursday. Mere X7tb, l7, by nev. wm. as Bur)h8eld, Mr. e'oeoph Clarke, of DuBols, Clear leld county, aad Miae Sarah It-dlle. of sUehdale Mills, tleSersoa county. ta Dalai ttwaibip, al Ibendaj, Marrb Utb, ISTt, Borer, daatbltr tf Hemael M. aaa Mar,nrtl Mailaj, aged I aoalba aad II daa. Ia Baraelde toraacb, aa Taeadar. AtrU lit ISIS, dames Falriaa, aftd TI ysara, I aeilbs aad IT aas. Ia Irtdlerd,, aa Friday. Mtrob tlb, IITS, a-all vw, sr. Bfea si rears. ta Olsarwald, fa, ad Raturdar B.rala,. at t s aatak, Harr, ra aaa al data 1. ud Kaat M Kriflt, tfod II tjaalba. CLEARFIELD MARKETS, OMitrnLD, Pi., April 1, 1170. flour, par owt.. . TO Buobwbeat rlonj,porowt..MM. - awe Cora Ileal, par ewt .- - I Obop, rya, per owt ,........ 140 Cbop, BUod,porswt......-." 1 lo Bran, pat owt - 1 M Wheat, per bu.h.l........ - . I to R70, per buabel Oata, par buabel 0 IS lora, eere, par ouaaa.M., mm. Buokwbeat, par buabel Potatoes, or bnsbel Applea, per buabel llama, par pouud , 16 AO 1 O0 41 lo 100 10 T 11 8hoalder, par pound. ...... imeu rjeei, per pouna Cblobeue. rjor oair hi Butter, oor Douad..H.MM ' '. EsKa, par doaen II Belt, per sacb, lar,a ... Coal Oil, par (allun Lard, per pouud Dried Applea, per pound.... Dried Peacbea, per pound... Beans, per buabel I to IS 10 r 1 on PEODUCE MARKET REPORT. PniLAnnLrau, Aprlt T. Bread stuffs more slow ly, Ui(ll,c for middliDgs, Bark la nominal at $30 per ton for No, 1 Quer citron. beeda Oleversced ia dull and unchanged. Flaxseed ta warranted at $1.42. Time thy Is bald at $18(1.60. ' Flour and Meal Flour la dull but ateady. Baits of 1,400 barrels, Including Minnesota eitra family, at $4.69 for good, p to $4.97i(ao for fancy i Pennsylvania do. do. at $4.60 for medium, ud to $1 fnr fancv t western do., nt $) fir food. up $6.e0($s.t0 for fancy, and patent aad ether high grades at $8(7.60 Rye flour is steady at a2.7i (011.874. Cora meal is nominally unchanged. Uraiu Wheat Is Isss active and lower. Sales of M00 busbsls, Including Pennsylvania red. $l.U(a)l,. 16, and No. t western red, elevator, at $1,131. Rye ia unchanged. Corn ia In fair local demand at ateady nrieea. Salts of 8,090 bushels, including rejected, at 4041iej do. steamer, at eijszo ; aoutbarn yellow, at a... .(, ana sail, elevator, at 44c Oata arc Arm, but quiet. Saleaof 7,000 butbels, Including mixed, at dO(g, lie, and white at SitfrfjlSs. At tbe second call of the ope board, yestcr dav. 16.009 bushels ef Mai corn aold al AUn. Whisky Is unchanged. -4sa. of 69 barrels wcatern at $1.00. t ( CsuCdVQO, April tFlonr steady aaduoohaag sd. Wheat dull, lower j No. S Chicago spring, fresh, 92e lor regular) 8Vje for eash; 94(W4ie for April; VftiiVftto Tor May Wo. 9 do., tfOoj re jected, 68o. Corn dull ; shade lower ) frssb. Hie for regu lar: 81 o for cash; 86jo for May; Kfli for June. Oats quiet and waak j 21e for oath. J6ie fur may ; xoc lor June. Kye ateady and unchanged. Barley steady and unchanged. Railroads. PcnnHylvauIa Railroad TYRONE at CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and after Monday, NOV. 4, 1178, the Paaaenger Tralna will run dally (axcept Bun daya) betweea Tyronaand Citarfleld, ae follows CLKARPIBLD MAIL. W. B. Plcmhbb, Conductor. LRAVB SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH Ourwensrlllo,.. .1.10, r. Tyrone,.-.. Vaaacoyoa. I.00,1.SJ, 0.16, " 0 60. Oloarlcld,.. Leonard,.,. ,1.40. " Summit Barrett .1.14, " Koweltoa,.... Oaaaola,.... Bo atou, .... Btciner's 10.00, " Woodland,... Bigler,.. Wallaclou,. ,.4.01, .10.11," ,.10.17," .10.11," .4 OS, " .4.17. " Blue Kail, ttraham ,.4.J5, " Philipaburg,. Granam, Blue Ball, .10.16, 11.18, " ,10.17," 10.44. .4.31, " Philipaburg, Staincr'a, Boynton, Oeotoln. Powelton,. . .4.16, " .4.311, " 4.41, .4.61, " , 1.05, " Wallaoeton,.. BlRlcr Woadlaad,,.., Barrett, , Leonard Cl.ar8.ld .10.61, ' .10.60, " .11.07," .11.11," .11.10," ..U.401.W Summit, .1.16. Vnoeooyoe,. Tyrone, .6.16, " .1.00, " GtrwenaTille, CLEAHFIKLD ACCOMMODATION. wu. i,. BacADt, uontuotor. LBAVE SOUTH. LBAVB NORTH. Curwanatlllc. 1.40 A. H, Tyrone , .1.16 r. 1.6 " Clot'leld...... 7:lt " Vaoeooyoe,.... Summit Powelton Oacaola,- Boynton, Steiner'a, Philipaburg.. Orabam, Bute Hall,..-. Wallaoeton, .. Btglar, -. Woodland..... Leonard 7.16 " Barrett, T.I6 " WuodlBBd,.... " Bigler 1.07 " Wallaeeton,.- I ll " Blue Ball . " araham, 1.46 PblllpabargM. 1-00 " Bteioer's, 0.10 Boyatoa 9.16 " Osceola,- M " Powelton, 10 00 " Summit, 10.11 " Vaoaeoyoa, 1 1.17 Tyrone, -.11.60 " .l.oo " , .1.41 " .1.63 " .4.00 .4.35 " .4.40 - .4.66 .1.11 " ,IJ " .1.4. " Barrett,....-,.. .6.67 Leonard,.,. Oleartald,., ,..0-l .0.10 ," ,.7.00 Curwanarille,, PHILII'KIH'KU A IIOBHARNON BRANCHES uiti soon. LBtra IOBTB, At Mi P. W. P. . , 11:40 satTfosa. Morriadals, Philipaburg, Slainor's Boynton, Osoeola, MoahaanoB, Sterling, Houtadala, MoOauley, Kandrlcb'a, Ramoy. 1:00 1:16 7:15 l:l T:S8 1:14 7:14 1:10 1:10 7:51 1:44 1:66 l:0 1:61 1:60 1:11 1:57 8:45 I:1S 1:01 1:40 1:11 1:07 8:35 8:18 J:ll 1:31 1:16 11:16 4:11 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:11 10:10 11:04 4:10 11:16 11:61 1:67 10:41 11:46 1:60 10:48 11:40 1:46 10:11 11:11 1:40 10:68 11:30 1:36 11:11 11:16 1:10 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Ei. Mall. Mall. Eip. a. a, P. w. a. t. w. 7.11 1.30 loatoTyroaa arrive 4.1S T.ll 1.47 Bald Eagls 1.61 1.01 1.80 Jullaa-i lt 8.11 1.66 Mllaabarg 4.41 1.06 7.48 7, (HI t.43 8.33 613 1.31 10.06 Bellefonla 4.87 1.46 10.16 Milesburf 4.16 0.08 10.40 Howard 4.01 6.00 141 11.11 arrlrc h. Hnraa ' teara I II 1.16 TYRONB STATION aaarw&io. .waarwaBD. PaoiDe Eiprass 8:10 Uarrl.buri Aoo'm, 1:50 Pltleburgb Eip'ss, 1.60 Paollo Kiprosa, 6:1 p. a. Mall Trala, I: Atlantic Eipraaa. 6: Phi la. Elprass, 10: Way Paaaengsr, 1,16 Mail Traia, 1:34 Paat Line, ' 7:08 FARE FKVM Bcllefanta, Pa ...... i Loob Havaa 1 Willi, carport. I Hunfingrloa ..... 1 Lewla:owa- - t Maryarle.-.., d Cuweaa rills..-,. .... Osaeola HARRISBURO ... 4 CLEARFIELD, TO asiMlddletetm S 00 Marietta............ 166 Lancaster.. I 80 PHILADELPHIA TOO Altoona Johnstown.. Pbillpsbarg - Tyrone PITTSBURG 1 61 186 , II 1 11 111 Close eonatetloBS msdl brail Iralasat Tyrone and Lock liaron. B. I. BLAIR, nylT-tf. Saporlatandaat. STAGE LINES. A ataas leaves Curwoneville dally for Retaolds- vlllc, at 1 o'clock, p.m., arriving nt Reynoldsville at ft acloek, p. m. Hstumlng, leaves Reynolds- vi us dally, at t ceioea, a. av, amvtof u vur wensvilie at 12 o'clock, m. Vare, aaob way, $3. A stage leaves Curwentvllle dally, at 1 o'clock a. m.. fwr DuBols City, arrtrlur at DuBols City at I e'eloek, p. m. Returning, leaves DuBols at T o'clock, a.m., dally, arrlrinf at Curweasville at II e'eloek, m. rare, eseh-wayr Vi. - PENSIONS! Soldiers wounded ar Injared ia the aervlec, erea tf but elifhtlT disabled, can obuia pension from date ef discharge, aader the aew pension law, If aaplioetioa has beea made at one. Send stem p for blanks and new soldier circular. W. 0. BBH1NURR CO., aprw St. 1U Smitbfieldjtil., PltUburgh, Pa. KELATON PADI MONEY ayrlor ttbsj kMlfS trW-TfM. FAn- .rum bywpryib, In. flAiiiiiintiiiii In tlKHtriin b, PAD roro HLrunjaUsn., HimllarH, lltV'kiU lif .Nfrr. oiiilJ,-J,ifr,f.4c. I'rlif.ail. t'ymell.iioatrriiiit. on ix-ailj't (if riiti Hdiud 7 l,fTTVte"ri-nt, APMIlrTRA,TOR' ttOTCR.-Natlca la hereby giraw that betltrt af Admlnla ration oa tha aauu of 11KNHY WITHKRUVT, laUaf Jordaa townahlp, Clearleld Oc, Pa., dec 'd., baring area duly granted ta tba undersigned , all pereens Indebted la aaid aetata will please Bake fmmadiate peymeat, and thoao harlng cleima or dosModa ageiBst tba aams will praaant tbam properly authenticated for eettlement wltbenl delay. HOBKKT WITIIEKOW, Kew Millport, Pa., WARY M. WITUrlHwW, AnsonTilla, Pa., aprl-IL AdalBietratora. TBIAt I.tUT Mat of sauaaa aat down for trial at second wa, May Term, aoei meaolng.Hoaday, May lllb, 1871, aad eoutlnu lag two weeks I . . . A. A. fllsreas ts. Joha II. Ad tat. ta. Adam Hagy. at, R. B. Wigtosj. ri t)scote Park Assaclalloa ti ' " Aaais M. Jaba Rebrat A. Rat, ass af Joba Cupaery Wis. Ca.eaaagh Robert Oowew Ta.J.a.OaJlegertJ. McCoy - - ra. o. waiiaBar. T. R. Blaady ta. Klttaaalag Ooal 0o. A. Reberteea tt MoahaaBoa L. a. L Oo, M. MeHendry at. al. ts. James St. Allhouy, Patrlak Raras U Wat ft. latM Oaldwtll, Miltaall blurra, .4. 1. B. I. U. Oaarbarl, def'la, A V. Bolgar, gat. R. r. Thorapeen at al ta J. W. Ball at. J. Kapaart Ballay re. The M. V. L. Oa. Beyer, llayar A Oa. ta. Jeataa Teamg sV ll. D. J. Hear Ca. ta. Urar Pmgak Oaa. M. BrleUB ta. Ilaaa. Joba a. aiotga at. lavfayatas R. BloaB, RUB B. Tana, ' as. Is. A M. Ibwaal ' RLI BLOOM, Prttuaaatar,. aa.wsal?BaHMaBk &dvtrtlsfttfttf. ' ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. CejrwsasTlils, Jet. I, TI If. CAUTIONAH persona ara hereby warned atalnat purchasing cr la any way meddling with tbe fallowing property, now in tbe peaieaaion of Bamuel B. Turner, of Wallaeeton, Tia 1 One ray boree, 1 bay horae, 1 aat duulde baraeaa, and two-boreo wagon, as lbs same was purchased by BS al prlrate aale, and la left wltb aaid Tur acr oa loan oaly, aubjoat to ml order at any time. J. TUKNKR. Wnllaotua, April 1, 1170-ltt AUDITOR'S NOTICK.-In tbe Orphans' Court of Clearleld County, Pa. In tha matter of tho estate of Jaoob Willbelm, lata sf iiraham townibip, dec d. Tha nndarslsned Auditor, sppolfltcl by tho Court to distribute the money la the baada of W. H. Wtlbelm, Administrator of said aetata, to and among tho partloa sntitled thereto, will attend to Bla amies as suoa at ma omoo, la viearueiu, oa Wedueeday, April 30, 1870, at 1 o'clock, p. a., whoa and where all parties mayatttnd, ar ha de barred foom turning to on tho fund. J. y. Moh,r.Niuurt, Claarflold, Pa., April t, 1870-31. Auditor. A Bank thatNcvcr Breaks. Try My Coal. Tha underlined adoDts this method of in fori In tho numoruue consumers, tbat bis ooal bank la not a Winter arrangement only, but tbat It wlU be operated to tbe Hummer as well as win' tor. I claim tbat X bare the Best Coal in the Market, and will asl) It for cash, or ta ozohaofe for flour, feed, groceries, sto. Large cootraots will be made at a very ml. all profit. For full particulars call oa me ta person, residing ia one of uranam a upper huutes, or address me through the post uflice. Orders left at the pottoffiae will renelre prortpt attention. Til OB. A. DUCKEIT. uiearneia, ra., Jan. o, ioiv-u. NEW WASHINQTON ' NORMAL INSTITUTE Opoiu April 23th, 1879. TERM ELKVKN WEEKS. Tha County Superintendent, having decided not to serve as rrtnetpai or any sonooi in tns county, tbit sohool will be soon tinned under tbe management of tbe undersigned. '1 be nutpcrintendeat a course of stud v. nra- gramme, elo., will be strictly adhered to, and every effort made to make the sohool strictly pro fessional. Theory of Teacblug and Mettled of lustructtou aapeclalty A good literary society and lecture course will be vuatained in connection with the school. The Normal Class will be examined monthly by tuc county rtuperiuienaeni. TUITION: Common branches,....... $4 00 Normal Class I 00 .Higher branohe. ft 00 Good boarding oan be bad for $1.00 par week, h. K. WKIIKH. Principal. MATT RAVAGE, Assistant. apr0-3t. QOURT PROCLAMATION. WnsriaA-, lion. 0. A. MAYER, Prsaidenl Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of ths Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed cf tbe counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and Hon. Aansa Unban and Hon. Viiobht B. lioLv, Aaaooiate Judges of Claarflold count have Issusd tbslr precept, tc me directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer and Terminer, aad Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court House at Clearfield, In and for the county of Clearfield, commencing on the second Monday, the I tttlt day af May , In TO. and to continue two weeks. NOTICE IB, therefore, hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices of the Pesos, and Constables in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in tneir proper persons, witn tnsir h coord a, nous, Inquisitions, Kzaminetlons, and other Rsmsm- braaces, to do tboss things which to their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done. By an Act of Assembly, passed the 8th day of May, A. D, 154, It ia made the duty of the Jus tloes of the Peace of the several counties of this Cummonwealtb, to return tc tbe Clerk of ths Court of Quarter Settions of the retpectlve counties, all the rooogniaanoea entered Into before them by any person ur persona ohargrd with the commission of any crime, except such eawei as may be ended before a Juailee of the Peace, un der eiittiog lews, at least ten daya before tbe commencement of the cession of ths Court to which they are mads rcturaablsrespeoUvely,and In all easea where any receniianoes ara entered Into less than tea daya before .he commencement of the aessioa to which tbey are made returna ble, the said Justlcce are to return tbe came la tbe tame manner as If said act aad not been paised. GI VI If under my hand at Citarfleld, this Id day of April, in the year of our Lord, one tbousand eignt nanarcd and seventy-nine, apr.l te ANDREW PKNTZ, jr., Sheriff. IkfAY JlTItY IJ8T.A list of the names of IT I Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for term ooinmeaciag on the second Monday (tttb day) of May neit, and to conn sue or two weeks ; Oftatnn JtrnoRM nasT wain. Matt MoAteer, Hoots'le, R H Moore, Brady, Jebn Beish, Boggs, iffm Oemmel, liuliob, R Morgan, Woodward, IMcItarren, Deoalor, Latimer Taylor, Morris, J L Thompson, Lew oe, W ti Powell, Houttdale, A B Washburn, Boggs, Henry Hansltn. tiothen, Thos Smith, Jordan. James Arthurs, Psan, Ueo W Veras, Newharg, jos mggins, vrooaweru, ejiinn i mo&ee, Knox, 8 R Lobsugb, Brady, ;N H Miller, O to so la, August Mignot, Uirard, jJohn 8 Jl olden, Piks, Wm U KelTv. Osceola, J Mcdarvev. Karthaus, Jaa Sbawaay, Oovingt'n, R A Campbell, Oaesola. rnsvansa jvngas 1st wiek, 12ra. H.nry Dale. Morris, A B Luoore Button, 8imon Welty, Union, Ssml QUI, Bradf.ird. Wm Uultley, Osotola, J W Iiokey,Ursenwood T C Hurl, lius'on, H r MehalTey, Bell, J H Turner, Wallaeeton, !Obas Brown. Union. Wm Radabauih, Clf'd, lAbm TnU. Lawreuca Wm Cu.tard, O.oaola, ,Jno llinduan, Brcc.ria, 1 It M Horry, Heatadala B Armstrong, " J H Morcan, Lawreace,:KcurHn Miller. Bofta. Xhoa Lord. Hnox, US McMaaters. Fer'aoo J f Hlarer, Ulearfleld, t, McUaBdry, grady, Jno Rblafler, Clearleld, (J K Peercs, Bradford, u w Lamborn, Wood rd,A V uoucherty, Harris, saiab Hooter, Orehm,,W B Ilrelb, Cbait, 0 O Wells, Droatur, J D Alexander, Knoi, H W HollopatcT. Union,, B Reuseey, OorlsstoB, Vm UIMj! H.IIU.i 1,, mDniH,,,,, VUNI, A B Asbiun, Iluuli.lalc. J O Wllllema, Pernaoi. Thoa Mullen, lteeearia, U r Haarharl, Uaoatur, J A Matters, Decatur, Ij B Ronderlin, Bell, T llartlina, Rartheaa, lUd Waring, liacalur, L Kouaaey, Corlnglon, Rob't Lawsbe. Osceola, t Rumbargrr, Brady, C H Ooodlander, Brady, aoia tiaia, n ooawaru, m spaoaman, urabam, tntTBisl ruioia lo wisk, lflri. John W Horn, Brady, llaaao Caldwoll, Pike, Wilson Jlooter, Morris, ,R B Bbaw, Lawranoa. Wealy Norrla, Lawrenaa, 8 Brlokley, HurnsidatD. J T Boott, Burnslde lap,' Jaa McLaughlin, Clear'd, Philip Bra.hoof, Bo,ga,,Tbomp'a Hand, (loehcn, Cbriat Brown, Coring'sTh Whitehead, Wcod'rd, J Llghtner, jr. neocene, now a supples, w ood rd D W Moore, Claarleld, Wa P Read. Lawrence. g B Klllnger, Bra.lj, Sodfrey Wc.T.r, Bell, Jnred Piahcr. Uraham. I llndercogcr, Bradford, Noel B Laa, Ulcarleld, Auatio union, Morria, Jus P Parwell, l,am City,! John M M.a, Jordan, Wm Parker, llouledaie, Poraater Bloom, Piha, Alci Irwin, Bccanria, - Kaub Hclter, Cerlngtoa, T M Mitchell, Burn'etnjDanlel Barter, Pibe. A II Newcomer, Qreen'd,; Prancia Leigey, Cor'g'n, noni ranerson, aoraea, rreu nupera, veil, l W Qearbarl, Deoatur,Waah Curley, Bradford. Vole Early and Often! -Fon- GE0.C.& T.W.M00RE. THEY yoa ts rail at their Blore la tha Opera Ilouee, CLBARPIKLD, PA., and sas the haal sad sbeapett stock of BOOTS AND 61I0K3, HATS AND CAPS, . Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ac, RVBR BROUUUT TO TKB 0ODNTT. Tbclr large and alcgsnt stock nf ,oo,ls constats all styles aad trices la LADISU,' MISMid' aad CUILDHKN'S f '.; ecf.40 HEAVr BHOK8, Which will aull all kinds of oatluaers. Also. GENTS' FINE BOOTS & SHOES. Tbla Is the enly place In Clearleld county where tbe celebrated PERKINS' Driving Boots and Shoes saw be sought BOYS' ind TOUTUB' BOOTS and BIIOKB ef all kinds. Alao, t carefully se lac tad easortasat of RUBBER GOODS 1 1 Rubber floods Air everybody, consisting af " PURS " 0UM BOOTS, booth, Also, a lew llrle af Laaberutaa'a Seas, being wa ahiivo wna eonq aolaae,vwatcB art toa. aidtrad I grtt bwaraBtat tn tba tld atyl,. aay Plttat call tod tlialie our gaada. OKORIIR 0. MOOB, ' tOM W. M.OORI, CltirlsM, ta., acrrssibtr I, IITl Im, PUKllarJUfU.. Fall and Winter Goods . ia great variety, are now opeu and ready for sale, at 1 PRICES THAT CANNOT BE COMPETED JOT,' (by small buyers), at tho widely and well 'known Dry Goods Store of ,r - - T. A. FLECK (Sc CO. . It is only necessary fur us to announce to tlie public that with tho constantly increasing demand, we are ever enlarging our stock, both in quantity and variety, so that any and everything 'needed in the most durable and fashionable lines of goods can bo had at our store at all times. Our goods have been selected in person by Mr. Fleck, mostly at tho manufacturers, and by buying in large quantities, we savo the lobbers profit, and VERY LOW FIGURES. We also have one of the very place, ready to trim in the very latest styles, and we guarantee that any work en trusted to Miss Gresty's care will be pleasingly executed. We know whereof we speak, that we will make it to the interest of all persons wishing to buy t)ry Goods of all descriptions, to call and examine our stock belore buying elsewhere. . ' - .x T. A. FLECK Sc CO. Graham's Building, - - - - - Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Sf h f'trV mfii II VlllO !1 S 13 Hal I i are.- .- ... " fl a O .iV. ii v win m iAw an vwav at-Soiid for rjluetrutMj Circular and rricot. Liberal Tonus to tbo Trade. -tii Don't buy until you have seen tbe lightest running machine in the World, the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR 8EWINC MACHINE COMPANY, KIDDLETOiTN, CONK., and Koa. IV and 01 VTabaabi Annua. CHICAOv, ILL. GUINZBURG'S OX-O'X'XXXXVCi S-X-03R.3t3, TO THE CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: AV giro A hinrty and cordial invitation to come and examins our mw opnng itocvt ct , Gents' & Boys' Clothing. We have selected for the Spring season a magnlficsnt Block of the molt r.. 1 1 anil t.Tllal, it ia nnnaihln tn nrnnnra anrl Lawa UNIUIUIIJ, uiauw an. " . J 1 1 "' ft - - - - ,- -, -- . marked every earment at tbe lowest possible pries. We know that oor goods are of tbe highest char acter, and we holieve inspection and comparison will provo tuat, tue prices are ntuctl mwur tuau tuo uavo ucch uwrwiuiuro. Take particular notice, our Siring ilock is all sew.; Tie aio give ua a call. L.GUINZBURG, Western Hotel Corner, - - Clearfield, Pa April I, 1171. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties CnrwensTllls, P. Ju. t, TS-tt t WANTED. 100,000 SHAVED SMXGLES, at S. Ouiniburg'a Orooery Store, Second street, Claarleld, Pa. JtB. I, It tf. The ninth ssnion of ths I.orabsr City Norm el Aiwiemj will open April Stitb, soil eon- tinue lix teen wseki, with & TsoMton. 'TEACHERS. C. C. Kmigh., ....... Hill MsKf(ie Lite bell AiallUot. Mr. Bmigh, bnTlng tsuht hers dtirlnn the pelt er, Is ftlreeiij known. Mlu Mitchell iiafred nste of the titete Norms) Hchool, nt InJlsnn, Pft., end s Iftdy of Bne sMompliihinents. All brsnohss taught from ths nlulwhet to ths claM-ioi. CUARORS FOR THE TKUM. (Ots fourth to be paid on snterlnf school.) Primsry eonris , -.13 00 In termed fste oourse i 00 fingllih ooares T W Knliib eoarie.wilb Alfebrs 8 00 iltfther brnnobeiM 9 00 Ttali eohoet bu prodaoed lome of ths best leer b in id the soanir. ii net tne neit it o tern oi frnils posstbls. It ! eonduetod bj osperisuoed icsoners. Lnmber CHr sffordi einsllent ohnrchei: plenty r good bonrdinR at $1.00 per week ; beaailful cenerj ( opportunities for heslthfal amaseincnti, and a lire linglng school, eonduoted by Prof. moon, jror lull information eelt on or addreii the Princintl, or P. 0. I1KI.L, Pre-ideot. V. L. PKHO I'SON, H. li. A. PKTZKH. Lumber City, Pa., Mar. II, lt79-tf. Boots shoes hats, caps, ' AND Wiliamsport Boots. Elmira Boots, PERIUNS' Driving Boots and Shoes, Claflin's Boots & Shoes, Boys' Boots & Shoes, s Stoga Boot Wltb a geosral rariety of Udtss', MIrms and tbiidrsa i Boots, Bhost and Usllsri, at Bca uoota. ..... , ) KlIfillKR OQO DH, HATfl ANB CAPS. HATI AND CAPfl, OKNTS' rURNIAIUNO aOODfl. UKNTd' f UllMf UINU MOOVri. Ths sndenlrnsd rospeetfullt latit the attea Uowof tb people ef uuarield stunts, lotlwir aew lee ( tha sJmto used fWMVk. Oauuy rroasee isaei m asensjige lor oue. rneee at WW as M iswesi. MetfAUUUflT 8 HOW EM, kesssesd U Wa. lUad s eld lUtxi, beeead ftu, Clesrlild. Pa., Pes. 4, 1 171 lea. Lumber City Normal Academy. Sttlsrrllanronj. are thus euableu to sell at best Milliners constantly at her - - IMPLIGi :iTYi euL?.;:-;:;iY t r.-i.L-a 10701 --Na Hnv':', rc-ra t"T u u uuiamoit 1 i)r. ;rp-tjvee. weuow offer t" Un T'i:rld j i if Tmt scTrsii. Important Improvements. KftwiUadimdiuej th VICTOH lias long bean 4t,.,rrr,r m.a n..irhii:a ia tlio market a foot stii'forUtl i y r lie, I i'f vHr.tC'ra-'niennpt wa uow c,.i,li,lrii(ly fla'.ni for it profiler simplicity, a tvomlcrfnl reduction of r"7V frictiou, inul nllopther a i,ars Com blnatfancf Desirable Qwlitits. For sals 1J BlorcbaiiU r.ud ciIjlts. Sheriffs Sale. TT Tlrtuo of writi of V. Fa., Ingsd 1 out of the Coort of Common Pleas of Clear- Held eountT, and to mo directed, there will no esposed to PUHLIO BA LB, at ths Coort llouis, la ths borough of Claarflold, on , Paturday, April Iflth, IHTil, At 1 o'clock P. U., the Wlowlnf deseribed real Mtats, ro witt All Defendant'! Intersil Id all that eertain treot of land lituate in Lawrenee townibip, Clear Held twunty.and 8 let of fennoyl-eaia, bounded and dssaribed mt follows i Benin iHng at a iciall pine on the publlo road; thenos Tfeit 33 perehei to a oheitnot; thinos North 24 perches to itonei; tbenee Ket 18 perch ei to a biokorr i thence North 20 perohei to a black oak ; tbenos West 19 pen nes u a poll thenoe tfoutb 1(1 perehei to a white ok; thenoe West 24 poroses to a hemlock; thenos North by land of R. Sliaa, 80 perehei to lonei ; thence Eait by lend of Solomon Kline, now John 0. Ktsd, 88 perobet to a black oak on tbs aforeiaid publta road ; tbenos along laid road .South 52 degree West 26 perehei toa until pine ; thanes along said road Sooth 31 degrees Weit 16 perehei to piece af beginning, eon U In In g 15 aorei and 80 perches, aod baring thereon eroded a two-story Iratne bouse, a itable, and other ouU bulldlngi alio, a large bearing orchard j the ume being underlaid witb soal. ALSO, One oilier piece of lend lituate In the townibip, eounty and Elate aforesaid, bounded end described as follown Ueglnninp at a hickory, corner of lot j thenoe North 20 porches to a black osk j thenos West 18 perohei toa poit ; thenoa Kooth 2v psrehes ta stcaes ; thsnos Eut 18 parches to pUee of begianlnr, aentelaiBk? 2 acrei and 40 perehei, the samo being underlaid with a four-foot rein of bitumlnoui ooal. Helled, takea in execution aud to be told as tbs property of Nitbaniel Hi.hcl. Taaas or 8 a lb. The prioe or sum at whisk ths property thall be itruek off muit ba naid at tha tins of ials, or such olbsr arrange menu mads as will be approved, othsrwiss ths proper ty will be Immediately pat up and told again at tha sxpeois and rlik of ths person to whom it wai itruek off, and who, lo eeie of deficiency at nib re-iale, thall make good tbs tarns, and la no IntUnes will ths Deed bs presented la Court for sonflrmttioa anleti tbs money t actus llr paid to tile Sheriff. ANDKKW PUN'IX, Jr. fiaaairr't Orrica, ) bhsriff. Clsarfield. Pa., April 2, 187., I W, J. JIOl'FEll," HtMIM N. TIIHKE IIPtHA IIOIIUB, Clearfield Pa., DI1Y GbODS, NOTIONS, " BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QIEEXSM'ARE, HARDWARE, Carpets Oil tiotlin, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Wbleb .ill be rtlo sl.bolcasla ar null. Ill 1AKK t'OU NTH FHODUCE IN EXCHAMGB eVOR CilNIDti . .. . ...... ' - a 1 ' AT NARKET PRICE, rirtrield, Pt flrpt. I, lT If. n K UfOn UfrnasroM. ApailNIHrRATOHH NOTICB. .. Notice la hereby glrea that LetUraof Ad. uiuiatratloa on Ibo estate of LEAH BLOOM, late of Pibe township, Clearleld ooaaty, Peua'a, deceased, bariag been duly granted ta tht undersigned, all paraaaa tadebted to aaid eatals will please lualte immediate paymaat, aod thoao bating claima or demanda againat tba aamt will praaeut tham properly authenticated for tettlt aeul without delay. U KG. II. U ALL, Adaiolstxator. . Clearleld, Pa., Mar. Id, 1171-tt. ADMldlBTR ATOH'BI NOTICK. Natist la bereby given that Letter, ef Admlnistru. tlon on tho eetale of BKNRY B1NKA1IINM, lata of tlulich township, Clearfield oaunty, Pa., dec'J, baring barn daly graalad to tba undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate will plaaae make lumadiata payment, and thoao baring elaima or demanda will present them properly authciticatad .for aauleueut without delay. Smith'a Mills, Marah I, !; It.' Admln'r. A DMINIriTRATtlR'a MITICE Notlee la bereby given that Letters of Adminislra Uuoob Ibo aetata uf DAVID A. CAT 11 OA KT, lets of Knot to.asblp, Claarleld souaty, Peaa'a., dce'd, bntlnf baco duly grnnud to tbe aader aiKned, nil persona Indebted to aaid eelale, .111 lease mate ImBedlate payBcnt, ana mote but. ot elainie or demanda .111 pretest them properly Butuenttoated for seltlsmont without deley. LEHIIKb O. BLOOM, Ne. Millport, March I, 1011 It.' Adain'r. CAI7Tlt!f.AU peraona ara hereby wsraed arnlnat nurehsslot or 10 any .ay BSddlinf aritb tba fullowins property, nu. la tha possec. of Napoleon 8. Coudrict, of Coriaaoa ttvoshit, rls One horse, I cava, S calrea, 1 plov, 1 bar ro., 1 t.o.boras .nfea, 0 bu.hala oats, I tcna Bay, l tona straw, 1 saddle and ortdle, l leuie, I hug., 80 bushels potatoes, I log ebnina, I aetts of ooubla aod ainsla traas, IS cbicbens, all tba faming utensils aod houaebold furniture, aa tba earn, .as purchased by at private aala oa tbo lath day of Septaabtr, lltl, tnd It It remain with bira ua loan only, subject to ay order at any time. ADOLPII PAHOAT. Krcncbville, Mar. 21, 1ST-St NOTICB TO PARF.NTtJ.The ander. signed .isbea to gira notice tbat she .IS open a school ia the Leonard school bollding, la this borough, oa tbo Irst Monday la May aext tbe &thto oentlnuo three montbs. Small children .III be taught by tbl Kinder gertn method. Tcraa 1.1 per scholar, to bs paid oa tha Irat day of school. Further Information In regard to atudles sol terms oan ba bad by ealliog on or addressing MIMS UATTIK MOOKK, Eha. llou.e, Clearleld, Pa. Feb. II, 187. 9a. I N THE i:TATE OP WILLIAM WALN, or nsit TSWSSBIF, tiic'l. Nodes ii hereby given to tho heirs of said ds cedent, that on Mirth ltfth, IT, upon tbe peti tion of FreeinaB J. Wain, a ml was granted oa tbo widow aad heirs lo thow eausa why there thould not ba tpeoifio performance of eontrart for tbs purcbesa of real aetata mede betweea Pros man J. W.lii and William Wain, tha decedent, and deed for ths same mads to Freeman J. Wain by the Hberiff, and Saturday, Mty 3d, 1819, al 10 o'clook a. m., before Frank G. Harris, Esq., Com minioaer, at the office of Murray A Uordon, ia Clearfield, Is flied as tha tlma aad plaoe of teking Uitimooy on laid rule. Ths taiUmony to be re- rorted to tbo Court oa the ftrst day of J una Term , H7it, when the Court wilt be aiked to make a deed to perfoot ths title to Freeman J. W1d, the petitioner. MURRAY A GOKDON, Att'yi for Freeman J. Wala. Clearfield, Pa., War. 26, 187-4t. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, Das. 10th, 1 877, the passenger train! will rua daily (eioopt Sunday) between Red Bank and Drlftaood. as fullowi : Diy Mall learas Pittibnrg 8r20 a. m.f Hed Uenk 11:5P; Sligo Junetlon 12 OH; New Detfalehem 1:07 p. ta.; Mayirltle 1:2A Troy 1:30 BroottTllle 2:09 : Fuller'! t.SS ; Key. Boldirtlla 2:52 ; DuBoli l:SS i Summit Tunnel 3:40; Psnfleld4:0o; Wesdrille 4:17 f Usneietts 4:6tf arrirei at Driftwood at W I JtTWAR IWDay Mail leavsi Driftwood 1 3:1 p. m.; Beneaetto 1:0V; Weedvill 1:40; Ponfield l:4i; Summit Tunnel 2:07 ; DuB )! 1 SOj Reynoldeville 1 51 ; Fuller'i 2:67; Brookrilla SrtS; Troy 11:40; Mayirills 4:16; New Betblebem 4:2V; Bligo Junotion 6:10; Ked liaak 1:27; arrives at Pittiburg at :10 p. m. ptr The ReynoldiTitls Accommodation leatea RejnoldiTille daily at 7:60 e. u. and arriees at Red Bank at 1 1:00 a. m., Pittsburgh at TM p. m. Leares Piltiborgh at 1:20 p. m ) Red Bank at 6:64 p. m.; arriving at ReyDoldirillaat9:06 p.m. Close eonaectloai mads with tralai on P. A B. Railroad at Driftwood, and with trains on tba Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCARGO, Gsn'l Sup't. A. A. Jack so a, Sup't L. ii. Dir. STAUtt LINK. ClaBSItriBLD to pRSriBLD, Tbs aadenigned would Inform tbe puhlls that hs U bow mnaiDg a sUga line betweea OlemrAeld and Pen ft eld, three times a week. Tbe stage leatesClearfleld oa MoDdayi.Wsdnes dayi and Fridayi, at 8 o'clock a. m., arriring at Ponfield at 12 o'clock m. Returaiag ieme deyi. LoaTas Pen 11 eld at 4 o'eloek p. m., arrir ing at Clearfield at 8 o'clock p. m. CounsetioD is made with traini an tha Low Qiada R, E. at, Paaaeld. Fare, aaeh wav, $1.60. GEO. W. GUARUART. Claarflold, Fa., Feb. li, 1878 JEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reipaotfully notify tha publle generally that hs bas removed hia Grocery Store froaa Rhaw'i Row, to tho building formerly occupied by J. Miles Kratier, on Hecoad atreet, &szt door to Big I srs hardware etors, when ha Intends kseping a full line of ii 11 O K It I E H. HAMS, DIUliD BEfif and LARD. SUGARS and STROPS, of all grades. ' TKA3, Green and Black. COFFEB, Roaatad aad Oraen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CajTA-KIi Ml ITS, All kinds la tht aarket. PICKI.KS, In Jan tnd barrels. SPICKS, la srary form and tarlaty. , . FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIKPSOP t HACkRRH. - SOAPS, MATCUKS, DRIED APPLIS, DRIED PKACUIS, DRIED CnURKIES Coal Oil aad Lamp CUsmeys. And a good assortment of toots things anally kept la a grocery store, .hlch be will atohanga for marketing at tbs market prices. Will stl Ifor cask as cheaply as any otter tat. Pleaaa call tad sat kit Block aad lad Ik. youraalf. JOHN atoSACSHIT. Claarleld, Jan. I, lift. CENTRAL Ntnte Normal Nchool. (Eighth Normal School Dutricl.) Luck Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. X. IIA UU, A. At., Principal. Thla School aa at nreieat Mniiliiiiavl nr... k. rerr beat facilities for ProfosiioaaJ end ciuL..i learning. Building! apaeloaa, laTltlng and som mod lews ; oompletely heatad by steam, well Teatilated, aad farnirbad with a bountiful supply af para water, toft oprlrg water. liOoattoB beait ft mi aad easy af aoasss. Parrouadlng sseaery uamrpaned, Teaehsrs eiperieoosd. sBoleat. aaJ ultM 1 their work. Dlseipllas, trm bat kind, uniform aad thorough. Kipeaaes moderate, Ffty eeata a weak deduct!. a to tbWBMbaile toteaeb. Stadeata admitted aa Urns. tyevseasal atady presented by tbe Mtetef 1. MoeVil 8ebol. If. Preparatory. Ill, Klemea tsry. IV. icient.le. Adjcxct caaaaat I. Aeadomls. IL Commsrelal. III. Muml. IV. Art. Tbe Kltmeatarr aad Seleatlfta aoaraa ara Pm. feiatoaal, and aludeau radaatin tbareia rostra State Diplomas, eoafening tha follow lag aorres poading degreea i Meeker ef tbe Heteuose, Urwd aates ia tbe other eewrses reeeire Normal Certil oatss of their attainments, aigaad hy tba Feet.)ty. in rroieatinai eonrtes ara iioeral, aad are In thorousbnesa not inferior ta I boss af v bus ao) leges. Tha Puts requires a hither order of si Urn. ahip. Tbe times demand It. It is aaa af tha Krtme objeots of this sehool to help to seears It bf irnleblng tatelligent and afleteei teaabars for bar aebosts. To this sad H aolteitt yawag par smia of geed abilities aad good parpoeee -thoee wba doeire la Imprvre their time and tbalr Ul eats, aa itadeats. Ta all lueb tl aromlsae aid ta developing their powers aad abaadawl apporl aUi tat well paid Utter alias laavlac sa4eL h'of satalogus aad tew address tba Prtwetoat. fc l BALL, rrasldeat Hoard af Trustees. 1. C.IIIPPL1, Bee rotary, BOARD OF TRUSTIES ( Cllatvn stunt. fl. D. UkII. T. ll (..!. n. 3. H. Barton. A. U . Best, Jaoeb Brwwa, Wilseei Killer, A. N. Rank W. W. Haakia, . 0. Oeek, lemael Cbriil, G. latalsa, b. M. Blakofd, U. UK lirneuoaSB. A. U. HQ, O. R. rSSttW. ... isotra ki-Hot. A. U. Curtis). f . rieerfleld Ei-Gr. Wm. BawWl. klk-Charlas R. Barley. Losk UlTEB, Pb.