THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Seeoud oad HirkM Stneta, CLBAUKIELD, PA. TBI! all aad eosmodloan Hotel bee. darlag tbe put year, beea ealarged t. double iu fore.r, for tbo CBterUiBBest of otraa gero Bad g aeoto. Tbe wbole balldiBg bu bM refuraiebed, mad tb. proprietor will apare ae peine ,ta reader bio gueol. Mrafortable wbiU auyi.r. wltb biai. Tht 'Meaiioa Houeo" Oaialbai mm ! aad from tba Depot a Ibo arrival aad dtpartan of .aeb treia. W. 0. CARDON, Jaly 11-f Proprietor ALLEGHENY HOTEL. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Wa. 8. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tbe Leonard Hears, baring leaned the Allegheny Hotel, soltelU a share of publio petroaage. The Boom hat baas thoroaghly repaired aad aewly foraiabed, and gaeats will lad it a pleaaaat stop- Eing ptM. Tli table will ba ropptied with the est of everything is tbo mar it. At tbe ber will ba fuead the beet wines aad llqnon. Good (tabling attached. WM. 8. BHADLKT, Mi; IT, '76. Proprietor. QHAW HOUSE, KJ (Oor. of liarbot A Pront itreete,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tb. audorilgned boring takea ohargo of ibla Hotel, would reipeotlully eollclt publio petronag e. f.bH,78. a. KKWION SUAW. (J1EMPERANCE HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. 11. D. ROSE, . . Faoraiana. Jdeeli, S&o. Man aad boraa over Bight, It 00. Mas aod tao bora, over Bigbt, f 1.60. Tba bait of accommodation! for aiaa aad beaal. Oat. 9,'7)-tf. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WASHINGTON. PA Thla aow aad wall turuiabed boaaa baa aaaa tabaa bjr tba andaraifrBad. Ha faala aoBfldaot af BaiBg abla to raodar aatl.faetloa to tboaa wbo Bay lavor alia wito a oau. Ma; 8, 1071. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Maio Stroet. PHILII'BBUKO. PENN'A. ' Tabla alwayi aoppllad wltb tba baat tba narkat anord. rna traranng pablio t. laritad to aaiu ).n.l,'7. ROBKRT LOYD. County National Bank, OP CLEARPIBLD, PA. K00M In Maaonlo BBtlding. ona door Bortb of 0. D. Wataoa'a Drug Stora. Paaaaaa Tlsbat. to and from Liverpool, Qoaana lowa, Ulaagow, LoadoB, Parla aad Copenbaraa. Alao, Draft, for aala oo tho Rojal Bank of Ireland ana imperial Bantt r Loniinn. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pna't. W. H. SHAW, Caibier. JaBl,'7T DREXEL & CO., No. JO 8oath Tblrd dtraet, Philadelphia BOTHERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reeelro prompt attee tion, and all iBfonaatloa oheerfully furni.bed Ordrra aolleUd. April 11-11. r. r.. aaaoLB. a. w. abbolo. t. b. abxold F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Hanker and Itroker, Beynoldavtlte, JeiTerton Co Pa, Monr rMlrd n depoitt. Dluonnta at n darat rati. Kk.itrn aod Fort inn Kxohatngcal' wT on hud and eoltrtioni prumptly nadi. KeTnoldiTlll., Do. Ml, 1874.-1 J L. It. HEICIIIIOLD, 'UKOBOlf DENTIST, Qradaata of th PnaiTlTnl Colter of Dntal 8argr. Oflot InrMidoneaof Dr. HilU, opposite tDO DBaW II OHM. WMB1S, 'll-U. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Offlo la Bank Boildlog.) Curwcnntlla, Clearfield Ca Pa. oh St TS-tf. J.M.STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLBARFIXLD, PA. (Offloe la retldeaM, 8ooDd itrteL) Nitroui Oitde Oai admlBiatorad for the ptln tit tract loo of taetb. CUartild, Pa., May S, ISTT-ly. inisftllatifous. SHOENAKIMG T hereby Id form my pa Iroai, aad aanklDd ia gar.l, that I hare renered mj tboemaking inop to tae rooai it flrahaai't raw, or or 0. L SoTder't jewolrr it ore. aod that I am prepared ta do all kindt of work ib my iloe ebetptr tbaa aa outer eaop ib uwa All work warranted ai .rood at eaa be done bbt- whtre elM. PoeiUvely thie ft tbetheapert ihop la Claarbeld. JUS. u. UfiUHifiU. Dea, 11, 1878 tf. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON 4 BB0 Oa Market St., one door waft of Maaaloa Hoaaa, OLEAHriELD, PA. Oar arraBgamenta are of the morl ootnplate character for furBiablBg tba pnblie wltb Freeh MeaU of all kind, aad of tba Tar, baat quality. Wa alao deal ia all biada of Agricultural Itaple BB.Dli, whieb wa beep oo exhibition f.r tba bra aBt of tbo public. Call around wbea la lawa, aad take a look at thine;., or eddraee aa V. M. CARUOH ABRO. Claarleld, Pa., July 14, 1870-tf. New Marble Yard, The anderalgned would tnfona tbt pnbllt that ha hat opened a flew M table Yard oa Third ttreet, oppetite the LntberaB Church, where he will keep ooaateally ob head a ttoek of Tarioot kinds of Btatblt. AUkladtof TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Pot$ for Ctmttery Loli, and all ether work la hit line will be promptly aieeated la a aeat aad workmaalike manner, at reatoDable ratet. He gnaraateot mU .factory work aod low prioei. OUe bin a eall. J. 1- LA U ARTY. Clearfield, Pa.. March 17, 1978 tf. READING FOR ALL 1 1 B 0 0K3 A ST A TIONER T. Maract at., CMarleld, (at tba Paat Hta,) TRB UBderelgaed bega leave ta aanoaaoa to tba cltiaaaa af aaarOeld aad Tlelalty, that ba baa Otud av a rooai and baa )aat returaad front the city with a large amomat af reading attar, aoaalotuur ta Be Bibles and Miaoellaneona Books, Bleak, Aooeuat aad Paei Booba of evar, da aaribtioa Pener and Savalaaae. French nreeeed aad plain Peite aad Peaeilai Bleak Legal Papon, Deada, Mortgagee! Jodgmont, Examp tioa aad Promieary aotaet White and Pareh. meal Brier, Legal Cap, Record Dap, and Bill tap, Hheet Muiia. for either Piaao, Flata or Vtolla, Knataatly en baud. Any hooka ar atatloaary dulred that I may aol have oa baad.wlll be ordered by Oral eiprora, aad eeld at wholeeale or retail to ealt auatoaiare. I will alee keep periodical literature, auch aa alagaataee, newipapara, aa, CVwraeld. May t, 1000-tT The Bell's Run Woolen Factor; t eaa tawaihlp, Clearleld 0., Pa. BUB If ED OUT I BURNED U PI Tbeaabaariborahava,atgreatBipeaie,rebuirta aetghborbood Booeialty, la the erectiea afa Orot aac Weelea Maaafaotory, wltb all the atodva taaaravaeaeata attached, aad are preperad a. eaaha ail Binaa at uiotaa, uaeeiaieraa, Battaetia, ailea bBte, riaaaala, Plant, f goada oa haad t. carpal, all our aid aad a tboaeaad aew eaetaaiera, wbeai wa aak to come aad oiaata. ear otMk. Tba baiiaooo af . CARDIRO AND FULLIWa will raoelve eer wpaolai alteatlea. Proper arraagweau will be aude la neelve aad ddlver Weot,teeaitattoeere. All warb warraalad aad ioae aa tba eborteel aetlee, aad by atrial atlaa Uaa to buitaaet we hope U nolle, a liberal chare f public patroaaga. P1KINDS WOOL WANTED I ' We will pay the big bwt Barbel price lor Woo eadeoa.oviaaacfaotandgooAcaaUwe.etaUlw geoda Ma ba bwaf at la ebe aaaaty, aad wboaovar wo fail ta reader raaawaabaa Mtnlaoelaa w. aaa alwara ba fwaae) at h.eaa road, to at aire prewar all i.Blll.a, adtaer ta pareia ar by lower. JAMS JOlMSvir tons, aprltHlf Sowar t. . IH.srrllant-oM. SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP i Oror I.eea.OOw hndiM . It LsliiOi mrmt rvin Ulir rnK-ilv f..r (-014JHH. oi,m, CHOI P. HOAMKrVKM, .hd ll THOAT .nd L( MJ iIUmim, JUs bo-en Ib wlur httfm century. Iuo lun rtLummti.d It. J h. Toivn, 1auk f.O., 111., mti: "IiMitdniT lo children from Ibo pram." A. I.. BiaJMUM, trf BavlUfUltf, H d.. avie : "Il will our tl wor.1 (njh raaiv' " Task M aUwrl prlro 90 cnt. ae ctuite, ami 01.00 it Mrtil. It w an li" cw)., iriiuiMUvk. r for sale bj H. W. Oreoo, CUibrtold, Pa, J. H. LYTLE, . Wholesale & Retail Dealer in CrocorioS, TnB LARGEST and BF8T SRLKCTKD STOCK IN THBCOUNTI. COFFEE, TBA, SUGAR. SYRDP. QU EENSWARE, irt'Im j U ITrtt WTO CRIED FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICES, BROOMS, FLOUR, FEED. MEATS, riRii. SALT, , OILS, County Agent for LORiLItRO'S TOBACCOS, Tbaao goada bought for CASH la large loll, aad tola at almoat olty pnoee. JAMKS H. Ll 1 La, Cl.arBeld, Pa., June 11, 1878-1,. m Htm TTT D 1 CTD iron ncwc JLllAQliio musH. Alwava aiaoT roil ult. a. i ri ii iara. un. ' DRUM. HENRY S. IIECLER. Sola anuftclurer, oaata. dm a i M- REMOVAL ! James L. Leavy, Ilarlna carehaMd the entire ttoek of Fred, Saokett, hereby glvca notiot that he hat morod Into tht room lately oocapkd by Reed A Hererty. oa Saeond ttreet, whore he U prepared to oStr to t pBDllt COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, of tho latttt Inprortd pitterat, at lew price. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Eitures and Tinware. Roofing, Spooling, Plambiog, Gaa Fitting, I Rcpairiflg Puoapa a apeeialt,. AU werb warranted. Aaytblag la ay liaa will ba ordered rpeelel If dealrad. JAB. L. LBAVY, Proprietor. FRED. 8ACKKTT, AgeaL Oloarled, Pa., January 1, 1870-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA. Have opened ap, Ib the atore rooai lately occupied by Weaver A Betta.oa Seeoad atreet, a large aad well eelee led atoet of Dry - Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SBOSS, QUEENSWARB, WOOD A WILLOW WAR1, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4c. Which the, wilt dltpoee of at reaaoaakle ratal for Maa, or eicBange tor country prouoo QRORAB WEAVER A 00. Clearfield, Pa., Jaa. 0, 1070-tf. FLOVIt, FEED, GROCEliY STORE. JOHN F. KRAMER, Kaena Me, 4, Pto'o Opwra Hoaaa, ClearSeld, Pa. Keepi eoaitaatly ea haad SUGAR, oorrss, TEAS, SODA. COAL OIL, SYRUP, SALT,' SPICES, SOAP, Oaaaad aad Dried1 Fralta, Tobacwo, Olgara, Caa Alee, Older Vinegar, Batter, lira, A a. ALSO, EXTRA nOME-MADS Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Con Meal, Chop, Feed, 4c, AS of whlea wil be eaU ekeef for eerb or I anohaagi tar aeuBir, areluee. jomn r. BtAiua. OUariell, Bat. 10, 10e.-f. aahMutMria.aira. aro bolih HMTm-aa it CLEAy SWEEP. IMUVALI IN O&IIIR. Conducted. obtuiDcJ in the ctuo. Tborefor all sections ol the Democratic party were willing to bavo n lnvosUgutlon to ob Uin tii. real facts. There wro Repub licans aa well as Democrats in the oou n iry who, it' the i'ncU ahoulil thorough ly eatablish the illepallity of tho title ol the present incumbent to the Presi dency, and if it should appear that the Supreme Court had authority to Inves tigate toe subject, were in levoraiaou inveatiinttion. Mr. Xi ill denied that the Democratic party bad ever an nounced revolutionary purpose look ing; to tbe expulsion ot the l'reaident. It had never been announced in JUeirirs- latures or in Congress. To tell the candid fact, be always believed that gentlemen raised the cry ot revolution to prevent investigation, lie said, in conclusion, tbe Senator from Mew York bad informed tbia body that, when be came bare, these oaU now occupied by Sontbern Senators were empty. I think we bavo heard this beiore. He also informed ua that these seats are now filled by Southern men. I tbink we know that already. We return tbom, and tbe revolution thus ends where tho departure began. 11 tbe departure brought war on tne country, tbe return brought peace and prosperity once more, iou raise tbe cry of revolution, so that you may bave eighteen yean more power, Dut your chances will not return, tea, these scats are nlleu by southern Jlep resontative men, and they will so re main ; that Is all. .bet then, the past go. tV e are opposed to revolutionary purposes and revolutionary schemes. We made nothing by revolution. Tbe (opublicnns nittdo oightoon years of power by it, and mat is tbe reason they are taming auout revolution. A LITTLE SPARRING. Mr. BLAINE. The resolution for the appointment of the Potter com mil tec, as construed by tbe Speaker of tbe uonse, was revolutionary. Air. UILIj. Will you say that the appointment ol a committee of inves tigation oy the House is revolutionary r Mr. UliAliNlS. J. be committee, as construed by the speaker was rovolu tionarv. Air. ililiij. la tbe appointment of a committoo revolutionary J Mr. JJliAUX Iv Don't be childish. Mr. HILL. Was your resolution for tbo appointment ol tbo Tellor com mlttoe revolutionary J Mr. BLA1JN K. So. We wanted to find ont how persons bad been depriv ed of their rights, I assume that the object of the electoral bill was tbat if &nv wrontr existed there mitrht be a judicial remedy. That contemplated only judicial action beiore tbe court. Tbe Democratic party and friends of Mr. Xildon never wanted tbe remedy, but organized a committoo outside that bad no connection with it. The Dem ocrats had startling witnesses, and had been coaching them in order that the country might be treated to their rev- olationu, but it did not pan out well it ratber trussed fire, and, notwith standing tbo decision of tho Speaker as to the character of the resolution, which under his construction meant revolution, tho Democrats subsequent ly resolved that it did not mean any sucb thing. Mr. Wallace offered a resolution de claring John C. Burch elected Secre tary ol tbe benato. Mr.Conkling said that be would like to record a vote for the present competent, faithful and a ccomplished Secretary, and be thought tbat every Itepoblioao Senator would like to do so. He bad hoped that Senators not Itepublicans would be glad to do so, because some of them understood purity, efficiency and honesty in tbe civil service to mean what he meant, namely, the so lection of, not a scoundrel, but an bon est man ; not a fool, but a man of sense ; not a pretendor, a sniveler, but a man of efficiency; so that, when the bad brought ouch man into office, they should keep him there ; when thev had a man of tbis character he should not be removed to make place one of the tavoritea or party claimants. Id conclusion, be moved to strike ont from tbe resolution the name of John C. Burch and substitute that of George U. Uorham. Mr. Eaton said that the Senator could not be aware of tbe full scope of his language. Ho said tbat be wanted to vote for an honest man rather than a scoundrol. Tbat Mr. Gorham is com petent and a man of character they all agreed, but tbey did not want it to be inferred that, because tbey did not re elect Mr. Gorham, they selected a man who was a sooundrol and incompetent. Tbe resolution declaring Mr. Burcb elected Secretary was then adopted. Mr. Unrcn was then sworn into omee, tb Vice President administering the modified oath and also the oath tbat be would discharge bis duties to the best of bis knowledge and ability. Mr. Wallace offered a resolution de claring Richard J. Bright elected Ser geant atr Arms, which was adopted, al ter an amendment by Mr. Anthony to substitute the name of the incumbent, John It. French, had been rejectod Yeas, 23 : nays, dv, a party vote. Mr, Wallace then submitted a resolution declaring F. K. Sbober elected Chief Clerk ot tbe Senate. Mr. Anthony moved tbe substitu tion of tbe name of Wm. E. Spencer, the incumbent, which was rejected Yeas, 25 ; nays, 38, and tbe resolution was adapted. i Mr. Wallace then submitted a reso lution declaring Henry B. Peyton elected fcxeoutiva Clerk. Mr. Anthony moved tbe substitution of the name of the incumbent, James K. tonne, which was disagreed to leas, 2S nays, 3D, when the resolu tion was adopted. Mr. Wallace otlered a resolution de claring J. G. Bollock elected Chaplain. Mr. Anthony moved tbe substitu tion of the name of the inoumbent, iluv. Dr. Sunderland, which was re jectedTeas, 26: nays, 87, and the resolution was then adopted. Tbe Vice President informed the officers-elect that the oath of oflloe ould be administered to tbom in tbe Secretary's office. Tub Latest Doo Story. Tbore it a dog at Taupo, New Zealand, and also a young pig, and these two afford a curious example of animal instinct and confidence in the bona fide of each other. These animals live at the na tive cab on the onnooite oido ol Tanua- charura, and tbe dog discovered some nappy bunting grounds on tbe other side, and intormod tbe pig ; being only two months old, be informed tbe dog that be could not swim aoross the river, which at that spot dobouobet from the lake. Bnt that in time be boped to accompany his canine friend, The dog settled the difficulty. He went into the river, standing up in the water, and crouched down; the pig got on bis back, clasping his neck with his forelegs. The dog then swam across, thus carrying bis chum over, Regularly every morning tbe two would in this way go across and for- ago arouad Tapuacharura, returning to th pab at night; and il the dog was ready to go bom. Mlore tbe pig, be would wait till hit friend came down to be ferried over. The truth of this story is vouobed for by several wbo bave watched tbe movements of the pair. A beautiful example ot force of habit is to see disciple of Murphy fill his glase at lbs pump and dreamily blow tbe froth off the Innocent water before drinking. A bogus greenback Moek turtle. I WERB THE DISUyiOX lSTSSOUTU. . tTLArttORNt OK MISSISSIPPI WRITKO A riECE TO THE NIWORI.SANS PICAYUSX NORTUERN -MEN IN THE SOUTH. Tho proposed convention of North- orn men residing South to testily as to thoir social, political and business re lations with our people, is an exoellont suggestion, and should be carried out. Wo are and always bave been, proud of tbe many worthy, enterprising and ominor.t men alio' have cast thoir lot among us, and most of them will bear witness of the welcome they bave re ceived. My native Stato, Mississippi, bos the credit of being as Intensely Southern as any other, and has boon more than any other misrepresented at tbe North. Lot us see bow she has treated the young adventurers, who came from tbo North and East came, in evory instance, without money, fame or in fluence, and were at once adopted by a generous people. Let us sen how Mississippi treated them. We sent John Black, of Connecticut, John Hendorson, ot Now York, and Robert J. Walkor, of Pennsylvania, to the Senate of the United States. S. S. Prontiss and Volnoy E. How ard, of Maine, Franklin E. Flummer, of Massachusetts, U. T. Ellelt, of Dela ware, and John A. Quitman and John V. Freeman, of New York, to the House of Representatives of the United States. We made Tighlman G. Tucker, of Now York, Governor. Ho was a blacksmith originally, and was known by tbe Choctaws as old Til e-to ba. His competitor was D. 0. Shattuck, ot Ohio; originally stinker, then turned preacher at 1100 a year, then becumo lawyer and a judgo, and by sheer dint of impudence, talent and Yankee go ahoadativoness made himself th standard-bearer of the old Whigs of j Mississippi, the richest, proudest and most aristocratic party that ever dom- noercd in this country. In the con test between Tucker and Shattuck the lattor was known as Didapper Davy, but old Til-e-to-ba won tho race. Mississippi mado John A Quitman, of New York, Governor and Repre sentative in Congress ovor true and talented Southern born competitors every way bis equals. She made him Major General of her militia, and af terwards, when tbe wsr with Mexico camo on, by tho personal influenco of Hon. Wm. M. Gwin, thon of Missis sippi, he was appointed Brigadier Gen eral ot volunteers by President Polk. Lyman Harding, of Massachusetts, Richard Stockton, of New Jorsoy, and John D. Freeman, of Now York, were made our Attorney General. Josiah Simpson, of Now Jersey, and Wm. B. Shields, of Delaware, wore United States judges for tho District of Mississippi, appointed on therecom mendation of the bar. Peter B. Brain, of Now Jer.oy, and Nebomiah Tiltoo, of Delaware, wore onr first territorial judgos. P. R. tt. Pray, of Maine, John Black, of Connecticut, D. O. Shattuck, ol Ohio, and J. S. B. Tbacber, of Massa chusetts, were on tbe bench our High Court of Errors and Appeals. 8. S. Boyd, of Maine, George Win Chester, of Massachusetts, and Duncan S. Walker, of Pennsylvania, all of tbe Natchex bar, were tendered the same high position. Joshua G. Clarke, of Pennsylvania, Joshua Childress, of Massachusetts, Wm. A. Stone, of Connecticut, G. S. McMillen, of New York, and Hirara Cassidy, of Ohio, have all been chan cellors aud oircuit judges, and the lat ter whon a mere youth, was made Rpeakor of the House ot Represeta lives. Gen. Charles Clarke, of Ohio, so well known as bcro and statesman, come to Mississippi a poor young schoolmaster and becamo the idol of onr people All the distinguished mon whom 1 bave mentioned stood by Mississippi in her varying fortunes, not always ap proving ber policy but evory ready to vindicate ber motives and bor virtues, Many of them followed bor standard in our unhappy conflict, and. now lie in bloody graves, or came back with shivered lances and broken swords to share her adverse fortunes. A more loyal and patriotic people than the people of Mississippi never existed. Tboir devotion to tbe Union to the araountod to a passion. It re quired long years of training, argu ment, Instruction and appeal to teacb us the expediency of secession and civil war. Wbo were these educa tors of publio opinion f Tbe an swer must be northern Men I Men born under tbo influence of New En gland institutions, trained under your prescriptive Congregationalism or by your unrelenting Calvanistio doctors I Those were the men wbo came here, connected themselves with tbe press, and framed, directed and educated pnblio sentiment in Mississippi. Yon accuse ns, falsely, of repudiation. We never repudiated one dollar of a just and legal debt, and oar financial his tory and condition may be studied witb advantage by other States. Whether, however, our financial policy, or our course in national affairs, be approved or disapprovod, the young men from the North are largoly responsible for it. Wbo wore the men that for thirty years controlled the press of Mississippi, and organised and directed pablio opinion T Andrew MarscbalK, nl isew ion Peter Islor, of Pennsylvania ; Wm. P. Miller, of Connecticut ; L. A. Bosanoon, of New York ; U. V. U. Forbes, ol Massachusetts ; S. H. B. Black, ot Connecticut ; Giles M. Uilyer, of Massa- acbusotts; John D. Elliott, of New York ; A. B. Bacon, of Ohio ; Bain- bridge Howard, of Maine ; Simeon R. Adams, of Ohio all differing more or loss, on particular questions, but alt re sponsible for the pablio sentiment that influenced Mississippi. Tbis should, at least, teach our Northern friends the duty ol tolera tion. Oar most eminent divines have oome from the North. For example : Wil liam Winans, Rev. Dr. Stratton, Dr Zebulon Butler, Dr. Chase, Dr. Cham berlain, Dr. Potts, Dr. Crane, Dr. Par- nance. If 1 were at home, at Natchet, to oonsult my files, this list of Northern bora men, adopted sons of Mississippi, oonld be greatly exteodod. Tbe same oonld be done for Louisiana, Wa Intend to have the seaboard WHO counties of Mississippi represented by sucb men as Col. L. Kimball, wbo em igrated from Maine and bu boon for forty years a leading merchant and model citizen ot Hancock county ; Major Cbas. Cbadwick, of Iowa, a brave officer of tbe national army, our first shoriff after the war, who resign ed ratber than collect an arbitrary lax, and who could be elected to-morrow to any office in thsoounty; Hon. J. A. Ullman, of New York, our respected fellow-cilixen, tho pioneer of enterprise at Bay St Louis; Col. Wm. A. Champ- lin, of New York, long a resident of Pass Christian, and distinguished alike for bis ability and virtues, Harrison and ;Jackson counties have many in- fluontial citixens ot Northern birth. There is a general desire all along the coast tbat Mnjor D. B. Robinson and Messrs. Putnam and Ballentyne, of the New Orleans and Mobile Railroad, should be delegates for our soaboard in tbe oonvontion. Thoy are widely known, are universally esteemed, and their representatives would carry great weight. Yours, truly, J. F. 1L Clay born i, Bayou Cavat, Hancock Co., Jan. 22. THE ARMY AAD THE PEOPLE. The Albany Arnus pertinently din cusses this important question in this way: There are several things in the present political intorrognuni which one class of persons should be leurners by, and that class are the officers of the army ol tbe United States. The things tbey should learn aro that it does not pay for men educated at tbo expense of a peoplo wbo are free to show thomsolvos absolutoly indifferent to liberty. Tho army gols much praise from con tractor's and gold gambler's newspa pers and from the poncils of pictorial blackguards like Nasi and othors, but it is not getting very much praise just now from tbe people who elect tho majority of the Congress of the United States, and why it is not is a fact the officers should carefully consider, The reason lor tho publio suspicion of the army is that its offlocrs let it be made the servile and decisive co efficient in the policy of strangling free elections and of installing in office those who were fraudulently declared chosen to it That in fourteen years after a victorious war, tho army should have become a national suspect is la mentable but not surprising, when the facts are borne in mind. Tbe men who put down tho rebellion bavo be come private citizens; ninetoon-twen-tioths of thoir commanders have done the same. Thoy would all like to be able to respect and look up to those wbo iiow form tbo army, not ono one bundreth ot whose personnol had any thing to do witb the rebellion. They have not boon ablo so to respect and look up to them, on account of the misrepresentittive conduct of leading army mon under Important circum stances, Whende Trobritnd seined tbe lawful Legislature ol Louisiana by forco (a crime ho was not even ordered to do), ho made every believer in tbe superiority of tbe civil to the military power realize tbat the army bad fur nished an instance in which it was the enemy of freedom and law in tbis country. When General Rnger ac cepted a mission of brutality and shame in Sooth Carolina, and mode himself and bis force the messengers and bullies for banded thieves there, be gravely in jared the status of the army among the people. When General Ord sent guards to cover tho carcasses of tbe knaves in the Florida and Louisiana returning boards, he made tbe crimes of those boards possible and himself a participant in thorn. When tbe army was massed or. Washington in 187G7-7, to over-awe tbo representatives of tbe pooplo, another cause was supplied which lowered the esteem in which it was held or oould possibly be bold. It does not raoet these casos to say tbat tbe officers must obey orders, whatever they are. Tbe officers can, at any time, resign rathor than obey infamous orders. . The officers are oit izens. Tbey know tbe laws. Tboy know their rights under the laws. Tbey know tboy have as much right to resign as to obey infamous order, and that in resigning tboy can lot thoir fellow-countrymen, know tbe reasons why thoy have resigned. There is no officer named wbo would not bave thrown up his commission in disgust, had be been required to moss witb sucb person a Chamberlain, McLin, Kellogg, Wells, Packard aod the rest; but when thoy were ordered to pro tect and progress them in their perjury and forgery, thoy did so, and showed avidity instead of disgust in doing it Tbe act of ono representative offioer saying to tbe uovernment : "1 send you my resignation, rathor than be made belp on tbe crimes against liber ty and honesty, yoa direct me to aid," would bave rehabilitated tbe army in the regard of tbe peoplo. No such act was done. No such word was spok en. The army was made the partner of crime and outrage and tbe people heard not a word of remonstrance from its officers. Tbat is tbe reason why the Congress of the people mean to starve tbe fraud ulent administration into auch a posl- tion as will prevent sucb misuse ol the army again or to starve tbe fraudulent administration to death. Tbat ia tbe reason why tbe Congress ot the people mesa to make laws so tbat tbe army shall no more chance to interfere with the elections of this country than witb tba tides of the sea. Tbat it lbs reason wby tbe Congress of the people mean to end for all the officers for all the future any such occupations at the Ordt and resorted to in Colum bia, New Orleans and Tallahassee in 1876-77. And tbis result will be ac complished no matter what it Involves in time and consequences. The next Presidential election will be made one in which the army will not be the right wing of a party nor tbo Inlimi- dator of oitizent nor tba protector of perjured tbievet. Tbe Presidency will not be stolon next time, nor will tb use of the army be predlcabl at an asset to belp tbo wbo may want to steal it Tbt amount of Injury the passive yielding to infamous ordors or tbe alort avidity to carry them out, on th part of leading oflloers,bas done tbe army, cannot be accurately calculated, But tb fact should be ooasidered, and it it a fact tbat needed to be aa plainly stated at it bu been. Tb people wiab and mean well by tb army, bnt they remember those who need tb army s remonstrance against oloclivo self government iu this couiflry, aud tbey intend to put it out of tho power of tho same classes to use the army in any such way again. A DAMXABLE RILL. There is a great deal of confusion in the public mind as to the Federal aw relating to elections, and there is particular misconception in regard to that portion of the Federal law which the Democrats in Congress bave been so anxious to repeal and tbe Republi cans so anxious to retain. As this dis pute has involved the country in the oxpense of an extra session ol Con gress, it Is well enough that 'll shall be more clearly understood. There has been no effort made to repeal that portion of tbo Federal law relating to tbe punishment of frauds. The obnoxious provisions are late inven tions, authorizing tbo appointment of Supervisors and Deputy Marshals to perform certain duties at citato elections. Tbo Supervisors are ap pointed by the Circuit Federal Judges and tbe Doputy Marshals by the United States Marshals. Tbe Super visors, ono of each party, can be ap pointed in cities of over twenty tbons and inhabitants, and their number is limited by the discretion of tho Marshal It will at bnce bo seen that whatever party may happen to have possession of the appointing power is provided with a dangorous power of control over the elections in cities. How this power was used In 1876 may be gath ered from tbo lollowing statement of tbo Attornoy General of the United Slates, sent to Congress, showing the number and expenso of Supervisors and Deputy Marshals for that year, which we copy from tho Now York World There were 4.803 Sop.rvl.ora, at a eolt of 111111,410, and 11,110 lleput, Marabalr, at a eoet of 0111,611 ; totel colt, including ocrtala Itea, IB lft'O, $270.1115. Tbii uen.y waa expended In tbe Mloeing gtateai New lork .inri.DZO Penuaylvaaia. 3b, 600 California 10,200 Illinoll 0,740 NewJereey. 11.810 Muiaebuaettt 1,003 Eiponlo In Stater J:10,5II The World adds: It will be eeen that out of 0175.000 Ib 1870, all but S4S.0D0 waa ipent in the citiee of tbe North. In 1878 there were l.oov Supervii ori and 4,407 Drputy Manuel.. Coat of Hupor viiora Si 01,021 ! of Deputy Merahali, J,J"1. Total colt is 1878, adding fMi,0JUl,!l. aod tbe diitriotitiou among the State! waa much the lame aa ia 1070. Hut thla la aot all, for the Attorney Qeo.ral he., thli year, aikod Oongreia to appro priate SljO.OOO to cupply a deficiency of fuodc for tbie errrloe of Suporvieore aod Deputy Meribala. Aay ase wbo will examine tbeee expenditures will eee at oaoc tbat tb. a poo wbiob tbe Ho ae. iailiti le aot aa Afrioea queitioa. aa Mr. Blaine aod tba Anti-Mongolian Republicana would like to bav. tbe country believe that it ia. A relatively email amount of tba money baa been expended lo tbe South, aod tbe greater pert baa been givra I Renublicaa 4'bummera" ia the citleiofN.w York, Philadelphia aad Baa Fran eiaoo, a good deal going elao lo the citiee el New Jereey whteh lie near New York. Moot of the work of tbeae funeliooarloe, it will ba obierved, wee dooetn DeniooratlcBUtca, which aulhciently provea that tbe work waa done, aad waa meant to be done, In the pertiean interact of the Republi can aiachloe, aod not in tbe political intereot at all of fair aad IreeeleotioBC. Ceanot Demeoratle New York aad Republioaa Pbiladelphie, wbirb oondueted their eleotiona for aerenty yeero aod mere without the aid of aueb federal ofltoore, eonduot their election, agaia witaoat tbom r There is hardly a doubt that the Republican parly would readily join with its opponents in voting tor tbe repeal of those laws but for the ad vantage which il is ihougbt may ao oruo to it in the next Presidential election. . Tbey are of doubtful utility and of doubtful constitutionality. Tboir necessity in any of tbe Northern States cannot be urged with any show of reason and their operation in tbe South proved Ineffective. Tbe unotity of the ballot must be left to tho protec tion of the sevoral Statos. As the law stands, after striking out th new sys tem of Federal supervision, tbore is ovory adequate guarantee necessary for the discovery and punishment ot fraud. RAnD ALL'S COMPETITOR Mr. Blackburn made a gracoful re treat whon defeated for thcSpeakorahip Whon he moved to make the nomina tion ot bis suocessful competitor unan imous, ho said : , "I bad bopod that it might be the pleasure of tb House to have imposed the responsibilities and duties of its Speakership upon one from the section and tbe people with whom I am identified ; for I folt assured that had this boon its aotion ttie result would bave proved to tho peoplo ot tbis country tbat tbe South deserves not its mistrust, bat might safely be charged witb tbe formation of its com miltoes and tbe shaping of tbe legisla tion of tbe land." That was a manly deliverance from ono smarting nndor defeat in a contest of excopiional bit terness, and it presents Mr. Blackburn before the country in the attitude of a conservative and patriotic legislator He will bave ample opportunity to assort bis fidelity to bis professions on tbe floor of the House, u the loader of thoso wbo are ostoemed as likely to make a noedless issue with tbe Presi dont, and be can thua prove that the Southern leaden do nol merit tbe dis trust of the country. The Southern man wbo loads in tbe support of oon servativo measures, and wbo regards the tranquility and prosperity ot tbe oountry u paramount to the interests ot party, will not be among the dis trusted statesmen ot tbe luturo. rna- addphia Timet. A very smart darky. An ex change gets this off: "A negro in th Rhode Island State prison, who wu convicted in Nowport eleven yoars ago for an attomptod assault on a little girl, to fifteen years' imprisonment, is to be released and tent as a missionary to Liberia. During the whole tin be bu been incarcerated bis demeanor bu been irreproachable, and not only bu be never bad a singlo bad conduct mars: Dut n bu obtained a very ex cellent opinion from all the officials. Hoon after entering upon bia prison life 1'oters, who wu very Ignorant, took lo studying, and has steadily applied blmselt to the improvement ol bu mind ever since. Tb result it that be is to-day one ot the best scholar in the Stato, and as a linguist has few equals in the country, lie bu mastered French, German, Italian, Spanish, He brew, ureek, .Latin, euoaknt 1'ortu gnese and a number of other languages, lie bu frequently delivered orations beiore tbe other prisoners. If tbo Rogor Williamites allow this cut colored brother to be shipped to Libona, he will certainly spoil forwent oi ronneo associates, jaii mm stay in Itbode Island. Two CoNnatssMiM. Buckt county bu two representatives in i;ongreae, and in that respect may be considered the "boss" county in this or any other Stat. Thoy are Hon. R. K. Baohman, wbo lives in that portion embraced witbm lb limits of tbe Tenth Von jrressiooal didtriotiand Hon. William Godsobalk, of tha Sixth district. The former it a Democrat and th la tier Republican, to both political parti ar represented. PROPERTY TOR nKHT. Mre. Joha B. Raferty. af Pana towaabip, uOen for real a dwelling bouae aad etere rooia, plioate la tbe villi, at 1'eaavlll.. For further Inlormaliou apply w, or a'ldroaa, Mre, J. II. 11AKPERTT, Oct. SS.7S tf. Oretnplaa llllla. po K 8ALE. Tb. ouderalaned will eell el private aale all that tract or parcel of land aitaate ta Ueeetar towaabip, ClearSeld eoaaly, Pa, wllhia e eborl dietaaoe of tbe Trooe A Clearfield R. R-, aad adjoining laada of Robert Hudaou and oto.ra, aud known aa the Jaoob B. Uearharl lot, The eeld traol eoataloing 00 aoree more or leee, with At valuable eoel tbarooB. baa about 00 aeraa cleared, aad If tbe key to a large body of coal aboal being devoloBMl. Will be cold lew as. upon aaay tertea. For Bartlcalan. urol; to DAVID L. tREBS. Clearfield, Pa, Joly II, 107. Nona Setter. 2Toat Cfcoapor. H Hell for tl.OO Strong, vigorous and wu grown jrianu, Roaaa. or 10 Garautama ar 10 Paebriee or 10 erbenaa or 10 Paoaiee ar 10 llncle Petunia, or 0 Baaket aud Bedding plento or 16 Volouo or II iollotoooee or 13 Uhrvaautaeuiuina ar 11 Glad- lolu. or 10 Double Tuberoee Bulbc for 11.00 or II Hlante A Bulba (I of each collection) tl-00 or ball tbia colleetioB 70 PlasuaBd Bolbe with New pure white egeraluai ( added SO.OO or the whole eollectioa of loO efauiea Bleats aad ulba with a plant ol Ageratuia Hlaoooo ar tne new fioariel Aow ueraoium intra, teyior; added t.1.00. W. guarantee aafe delivery by Ixpreci. ' Oar 1'rieted Ciroalar of riow-8ro'orvryoody"B6B.tfre, Harry Chaapel, FLORIST, 290 West 4th St., WilliamsPort.P a. .ob. 30, IC7V.H. JOHN TROUTMAN, DSALBR IN FURNITURE, iTTHi:SSKM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. f b ondr,rB4 b(t Ut to tnfom tb elti. udi of Cl.vr&ald, and tho pablio (ntrftlly, tktvl bo iu oa bond loo MMrtniDt of ruraiwo, neb M WiiDut, CbMlnnt bod Potato. CbMoboi flutUi, Porlor Buili, Hoeliaing on it Eitooiiob Cbotrt, Livdifli' ud OraU' Koijp Chain, tbo Ptr rormltxl Dining ond Porlor Choir, Oono SnUud WiDdior Cbiviri, Clotboa lUrs. Slop ond ExUo ioo Loader-, llot Rookt, fiorubbiag Brmboi, Aa MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES. ooking Glum, Chromo, tthlok wooltl il table for Holidoy protooti. i0MrRTl JUHIt TKUUTOAR. A NEW DEPARTURE IN L I Til E RSBl RG. Utrooftor, toodi will bo told for CASII onlr to oicbooco for proJao. No bookf will bo kpt ta tb futoro. All old oocoootf matt bo ettlod. ThoM who eon do! Mih op, will ploooo bond ortr tbsir noioi bad CLOSE THE EECORD. I am determined to aall my goodi at ceeb prioee, and at a diaoount far below that aver offered In tbia vieiBity. The dieoonat I allow my ouetomera, will make them rich la twenty yoara If the, follow m, edvloe aad buy their good! from l. 1 will pey oaab tor wbeat, oeto and elover- d. DAN I HI, UOODLAMDKR. Lutberiburg, January 17, 1877. . Agricultural Statistics. - To tht CM o VUurfitU Cbooijr t . Tbo odonirnod aotoo looa tppolatosl by tho DsjMiajtrt, mi Woafeloiftofl, artoclpol rir of um Agmoiioroi sHotiHios or uivtrooia ooanty, rofpMtfolly roqawti too oo-oporotioa ol oil to, by toadikg tbo raborirror oil Ibo lofortao tioa tboy ooa boonov opoa tao foUowiai ohm tioni, oo u to oooblo kim to noko m oorroet o itotonoat to tho Diporttnoot, oo poeiibto t How taoay bo root novo d.od la year boroaf b or lowa btp, oad of what diMOOo. Mow mmy oo oad eolvoo, oad of want dims. How moay oboop bovo yoa tort, nd of wbot dittoee; aw asony killed by dog. Hew a.nay bog hovo joa toot, oad of wbot dtioooo, Wbot ditooooe oMoofrt tbo pot. I try. 10 all ooot five lb roat edit ocod wbiob bavo boon foaod to bo oaotwjoo- fal, and ta all 1010 ta giro tbo oavib roloo of all look oi nearly m poealblo. By tho oo-oporatloa of onr ettittni ia goaorol apoa thtwo hoportoal portleoloro. tbo AgoionUarol roioorti will boootao oa onirolopodto of aovfnl taforantioa to tbo aob- lio, by ooobling tbo Doportaiool to publish tao dioooioi. tbo lottos, aad tbo romedloi mot atTo bota foaod mon Iwoooefol in eortota thfooooo . Any otbor Intormotioa tbot will bo oooitdered a pablio beneot, will bo thookfalh rooeivod. Addreu tho flubocrlbor ot Urnmplna II i lit, vIoarBtld Co., Po. BAMUEL WlUJtMlKIB. Moroh lo, 1878-tf. TIN A SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Bu otwQotL ta a batldiag oa Marbot itroot, oa tbo old Woitora Hotel lot, oppooito tbo Ueart 11 000 U Clearaold.o Tia ond Hboot-Iroo Moaa factory oad Biore, where will bo foaad at oil tlnoi a toll nae ot house ruEKisina C0022, Stores, nardwue, Etc. Houm Spooling and all kind of job work, repair ing, Ae., doao oa ebort aotioo oad ai roaooaablo a A loo, ogeat for tba Singer Sewing Machine. A nnply of Moehtaot. with Noodloo. Ao- ol wvri on bond. Termi, itrletly eoah or eonotry nrodooe. horo of potrooogo ollottod. Ue NaHKILla, Buptriatoadont Oloortold, April IS, 1877-tf. fERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, UAINGIINU VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick. kept eonitootly oo koad. ST0E HI) EARIHE! WARE OP IVIKY DI8CBIPTI0H I CHOCKS! POTS! CROCESI Fleher'a Patatit Airtight Self Sealing? Pre It ( a a. I BTJTTKP. CROCKS, wltb llda. CRRAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, Am.- buttbr urtovao, nin.i a .1 .... 1. 1, fLOWIR POTS, PII DIB DUB, tnvb.D, Taw rUTB, Aod a groat many other Ulage too aaMoroai to aaauoa, ta bo aad al FRED'K. LEpTZINGER'S STONE-WARE POTTERY, Conor of Cherry and Tblrd Btmto, tvlobiA HfIjoLD, IA. Bags PRIVATE SALE at Valuable Real Estate Tho aodertinod. Hrlat la Poaa twa.. Cteor- leld ooanty, Po., oneri tbo follow tag reliable neoi a.ieieror taio: 446 Acres of Land, Oaoro or leu. la Beooorla lownohip, lying oa tho north tide of big Oloorflold creak, aad within oao Ho af tbo ooato, Tbo ebero load lo booTily ooforod wltb bo seek, watte ook, fok aa., aad otbor hard wooa I in bor, aad a qMutlty or wbtto nine, aold to bo half a million or more foot. Tbo letae It heavily aadoriald with bltatalooao eoal, and d trolly oa tao hoe or nilraaa teodlog from Hooladoto to Coolport. Ill valao le aakaowa. aro, alvo, other rolooblo atioerali oa tbo name. Tbo aboTO toad Ilea aboot twa aad a-half alloo below tao vllla-go of titoa Hta, adietatag laada of George Urooai ond othoro, oa wbot le koowa a Portor't raa. Tbo laiproTOB.ootooa tbonroo erty aro a good geared eawa.HI, ta raaalag order, a biga daM, hobo broaet, Bade ta tbo beat ooaa- oor, at lor alsaoet aavaioebioory. There la, alao. o largo frame dwelling booee aad froeoo baak bara taot'eoa. aad aboat lofty or in aorot, ai lose, of too load to olaatod. Aay a wliblng to Ureal ta property af ihti htad wtu do well to oiamlao tale propty. I will oa tbo whole or tho aadMded half Itrteeert, oa may tatt tbo parohaaorv Tbo above toaat at (toad will taako two or three forma, wbtob will oaoapora tooataMy witb tho greater port of oar aoaoty. Prtoo aad terma Bade baewa to aay aorooa wlehlag to oar- eh 000. Pot rai4aor porttoalara call to Woa ar addroM tba aoaaorrtgaad at Oramniaa HlUtP.O Cloartoldooemty.pfc lAM'L W1DBMU1. joa. 9, itrt-tr. Our wu &dvrrtUfmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Fabllihod aver, Wedaeeda, by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEARFIELD, PA Maa tb. Largeet Clrcalatloa af aa, paper la North waalera PanaaylvaaUu Tbe largo aud constantly inoreooing circulation of the Republican, renders it valuable lobuslness men as A medium thro' whiob to reaoh tbe publio. Thus or Subsoriptioii i If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid aftor three months, , 2 50 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 Whon papers are sent outside of the county payment must be in advance. ADTERTISING : ' Ten lines, or less, S times, . 1160 Each subsequent insertion, SO Admitiislrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 DO Cautions and Eolrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Noticos, ... 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticos, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One squsre, 10 lines, . . . f 8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One half oolumn, .... TO 00 One column, 120 00 nioANKN. We have always on hand a largs stock of blsnks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPffiNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONOS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ao , Ao. JOB PRINTIN6. We ar prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL BEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., etc., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL' KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. tie. B. Osodlsa.dor, ' Clearfield, Clearfleid County, Pa. IPlMrnatMoui. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curweuatille, Pa , Jan. I, Tt-tf. 0LICH. K. M'OOblLB. . ItLIOOR (ilLlCIl, McCORKLE CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS. Market Mrwvt, Clearfield, Pt, Wo m an u foot aro alt blade of Fanttnro fa Chambero, Dining Roomi, Mbrartee and UtvlU If yoa wool Jurat tare of any kind, don't bay aatil jam eee our a took. VloDEItTAKIXG I. .11 It. arMcbaa, praiaptly .tUB..41 ta, Ol'ILCU. UcCORKLS A CO. Olaartala, Pa, Feb. t, 70. ".t .'Tl"l" )6l,.iMir.ii m aiiwispiiiw v :oi ijt i HARTSWICK Sl IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA.. DEALERS III PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OI1.S, DYK STI FF VARNISHES, BRUEBE8, PERPDMEKY, PANCY 600I S, TOILKT AKTICLKS, Of ALL KINDS, PURE WinES AAD LIQUORS tar medio! nol paiutw. Trnjooo, Bop port ere, School Books and StetluO. ory, and all other artlolee aiaally found la a Drug Store, PHYfllCIANB' PRESCRIPTIONS CARB- PULLY COMPOUNDBD. Baring a largo ek porteaoo lo the buiiooee thay ooa giro entire eat. faction. J. O. HARTPWTCK, JOHN F. IK VI IN (HsmraeM. IWemhor la, 10T4 H ARD TIME8 HAVE MO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am aware that there aro oome poreoni a little hard to ploaoe, and I am alio aware thot the oom plaint of "hard timet" la well aigh aolTOraol. on i am to atootoa aow taat 1 eaa eotniy tbo former aod pro re ooaeloelvoly thot "bard timet" will not offeot thoao wbo bay their goode from me, aad oil ay potroae ohall bo Lattioto4 late tbe o orot of HOW TO AVOID BAUD TIMES I bore goode efcoefb to aupbly all tbe tababl tanta la tbo lower end of the eouoty which I eell at eieeeding low rotoa from my mammoth atore la MUL8UNUUR0, where I ooa always bo foand ready to watt apoa alien aad lopply tbom witb Dry Goods of all kinds. Book aa Cloth., Sntiaetta. Oaietaoroa, Mealta Dolalaoe, Llaoa, Drllllnge, Calieooe, Trlmatago, Ribboai, Laoa, Roadj-aadoClotbtag, Rooto aad Shoe, Hate and Oope all of tho boot aatartai aad aado to order Hooo, Soobe, Uloroa, Mittaaa, Loooo, Hibboaa, Ae GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Ooffoo, Tea, Sogar, Rioo, Molaeooo, Ftih, Btvll fork, Ltaeecd Oil, Fifb Oil, Certsea Oil. Hardware, Qaeeniwaro, Tinware, Caattorf. Plool and Plow Ceetiaga, Nolls, Hpikoo, Corn CalUva- -ore, utaer rroaaoa, and ail btaas or aiee. Porfaaerj, Palnto, Yaralsb, Olaas, aad a goaarat aaeerueeat or suuoaory, , GOOD FLOUR, Ot aifferaat braaSa, alwaya ea bead, aaS will b. cold at the teweat poaiible Igurea. J. U. McClala'a MaSMiaee, Jayae't Medleiaea U.iUtur'l aad Ueetaad'a Bitten. 0000 pnB4a .f Weol wanted for wbicb tb. bigbeet price will be pais. Clmreee. .a baa. aa. fee Bale at taa hwMt Btarbee ,riee. Alee, Ageat for Strsttaarille aad Carweaevllle Tbreeblag Macbluae. . Ifx-Call and eee for yoBrcalree. Yoa will Oad anrytbiag anally kept la a retail rtore. L. M. OOVDRIET. Preaebvllle P. O., Aagait II, 10T4. - William Powell, SICOSD ST, CLSARrillD, A Dealer in Heavy and Shelf HARDWARE. IRON, KAILS, PA1TITS, OILS, TARNISBES, ULAUOIIirVIII ' K.eui wnalaally aa Bead tbe beat Cooking, Beating and Parlor Stoves and Ranges el all deeerlBttoac. Table aad Pocket Cutlery, Cerpeaterl' Toole, eaeb aa Sawa, Hetebete, Sq.aree, Reaeb Slope, Ptaaee aad Plaae iroaa, OblMle, BltU,Aagere, Adeee, , PU.a,Ulngee.lallki.da,Uoka, . rScrewe, ileik Cord, Pulleye, ate., etc. Farming Utensill, Plowe, Cultlvetorc, Double Bad olugle Sbovel Plowa, Caltlvatar- Teetb, Urate lira. lee, Beytbee, Raalbee, tleee, Perbe, Rekea, Ua, Forki, i are. ilella, etc., ale. ere. tkoM aad eee Mella, Ike beet make of Cms eat Sawa aad aaoe, arieaaleaec wd Oriadeuaa Fiztarea, aad everytbiag aiually bt ta a tnt-elaaa Hardware Store. Alio, a (all otoek 1 House Furnishing Goods, BRUSHES, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, Ae. An klnda f Tinware kee4 ka.d ud Bed. te wder. KmIu aad Beealia. areaiBtlT Bi- mm 5iiry'Virra H il rnil reraea. wtabiag aaytbtaf la aiy Maa, an la. vleed Oa eaa aad axaailse aue aad artaee.t - - WILLIAM POWILL. Clesrteld, Pa., Jaae I, uio-ef.